June/July 2009 - Congregation Beth Ami


June/July 2009 - Congregation Beth Ami
Sivan/Tammuz/ Av 5769
June/July 2009
In this issue...
Rabbi’s Remarks Announcements
June & July Calendars
President's Page
Israel from the Left Coast
Mazal Tov to our B'nai Mitzvah
SCUSY Stuff School: Religious & Nursery
Sisterhood Invitation
Stories of Our Matriarchs
Literary Lines
Mitzvah Moments
Generous Contributions
Anniversaries & Birthdays
Jewish Community Events
Event RSVP Form
June & July Services
page 3
page 4
page 5 & 6
page 7
page 7
page 8
page 8
page 9
page 9
page 10
page 11
page 11
page 12
page 13
page 14
page 15
pages 16-19
page 19
back page
An old man was planting a sapling by the side of the road when a stranger
stopped and asked, “Why are you planting a tree at your age? It will be
many years before it provides fruit and shade. You may not
live to enjoy it.” The man replied, “All my life I have enjoyed
food and shade provided by those who came before me. As
my ancestors planted for me, I plant now for my children and
my children’s children.” - The Talmud
Beth Ami
is pleased
KGO's Len Tillem, Attorney-at-Law
Thursday, June 18 at 2:30 p.m. - FREE
KGO’s Len Tillem
An informative and very entertaining Estate Planning Seminar
and Very Entertaining
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FREE Estate Planning Seminar
Len Tillem Esq.
Host of KGO’s
& Cons
of aHowever,
no charge
for this event.
like to plan for your attendance.
office @bethamisr.org
Protection Trusts
• Using IRA’s to create a legacy for your heirs
Congregation Beth Ami
4676 Mayette Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Telephone: (707) 360-3000
(707) 360-3003
office@BethAmiSR.org Website: www.BethAmiSR.org
Hours of Operation
Beth Ami Main Office
Monday-Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Open by appointment only in June and July.
Please call Ruth Rosenberg, 707/544-2919 for an appointment.
Gift Shop
Open by appointment only in June and July.
Please call the office for an appointment.
Officers and Board of Directors
President, Patty Bernstein, basberyl@sonic.net
VP Administration, Al Batzdorff, abatz@sonic.net
VP Facilities, David Ballo, david_ballo@agilent.com
VP Facilities, Bonnie Boren, bonniegboren@gmail.com
VP Youth and Education, Jane Rogan,
Treasurer, Henry Cohn, henry.cohn@rocketmail.com
Secretary, Mark Rosen, (860) 202-8953
Library Committee, Susanne Batzdorff, sbatz@sonic.net
Membership Committee, Richard Kahn, earthin@sonic.net
Nursery School Liaison, Birgit Sacher,
Religious Practices Committee, Susan Miller,
Nancy Daniels, contact@sonic.net
Fredrika Gross, fredrika@pacbell.net
Barbara McGee, barbara.mcgee@ffic.com
Past President, Andy Fleming, andyflem@gmail.com
Rabbi George Schlesinger,
Member Ex Officio, rabbi@bethamisr.org
Melissa Bloom,
Member Ex Officio, execdirec@bethamisr.org
Rabbi George Schlesinger 360-3004
Melissa Bloom, Executive Director 360-3011
Caroline Calvert & Robin Fisher-Tauchet
Nursery School Co-Directors
Rick Concoff, Chaverim Director
Karen Gould, Newsletter
Jennifer Hayes, Religious School Assistant 360-3000
Elizabeth Jarlsberg, Adminstrative Support 360-3000
Sharon Kruschen, USY Advisor478-2663
Gabor Por, Librarian
Susy Raful & Helen Margolese, Gift Shop
Ruth Turner, Friedman Center Director
Call the office at 360-3000 to leave a message for:
`` Leanne Schy, Torah/Haftarah Readings
`` Andrea Nett, Catering Director
`` Francie Rogovin, Kitchen Manager
Congregation Beth Ami Mission Statement
Deadline for August issue: Wednesday, July 15
Congregation Beth Ami Vision
All editorial submissions must be received in the Shofar box in the
Beth Ami office or via email on or before the deadline. All submissions are subject to editing for clarity, brevity and content.
Please submit articles as Microsoft Word documents via email attachments. Contact Karen Gould, Editor, at 360-3000 or at newsletter@bethamisr.org with corrections, concerns or questions.
The Shofar is a periodical issued monthly except for a combined
June & July issue. It is published by Congregation Beth Ami, 4676
Mayette Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95405. All members in good standing
receive the periodical free. Yearly subscriptions are $25.00.
Through celebration, learning, prayer and community,
we seek to enrich our lives, transform our hearts,
help heal the world and sustain our Jewish heritage.
A vibrant, growing campus for Jewish living where
the joys of Jewish values and rituals are made accessible and
relevant to the everyday lives of our members.
A flourishing, prospering congregation enjoying the
wholehearted support, commitment and involvement of all
our members.
This month’s issue is: Volume 14, Issue 9
Issue Date: June 1, 2009
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 2
Rabbi’s Remarks
Rabbi George Schlesinger
also undeniably true that 1) our youth programs are among
In the May 15 issue of the j. Weekly, we found an article
this country’s strongest, 2) our approach to Jewish life
by Matthew Wagner reporting that, in a Jerusalem Post
is arguably the most authentic, 3) our synagogues are
interview, Rabbi Norman Lamm, the chancellor of
places of learning and vibrant living, 4) our day school
Yeshiva University in New York said, “With a heavy
movement educates thousands of students who will
heart, we will soon say Kaddish on the Reform and
become the leaders of the next generation, 5) our
Conservative movement. The Conservatives are in
by the
seminaries ordain rabbis and cantors of the very highest
a mood of despondency and pessimism. They are
caliber, and 6) our approach to both the ritual and
closing schools and in general shrinking.” I have
ethical demands of our heritage are without parallel
been asked by several people how I respond to his
in the Jewish world.
to learn
Conservative Judaism is yet a long way from its
I can’t speak for, or formulate a response from
death-bed, for in my career, I have found the members of
the Reform Movement to these comments, but I want
our synagogues and of our movement to be serious about
to share with you the response from one source…a
their Jewish lives. Whether through ritual observance,
loud and clear rebuttal to Rabbi Lamm from within
loyalty to our cultural heritage, fulfillment of our prophetic
the Conservative Movement. (Rabbi Julie Schonfeld's
mission or some combination of these components, I believe
response appears below.) I applaud Rabbi Schoenfeld in
that Conservative Jews can be leaders on the path to a vibrant,
her bold defense of the vitality of the Conservative Movement,
exciting Jewish future. I challenge each of you to be part of
for while it is true that in sheer numbers there may be fewer
that leadership and by your actions and your commitments
synagogues affiliated with the USCJ (United Synagogue of
to vital Jewish living. prove Rabbi Lamm to be wrong in his
Conservative Judaism) than in its heyday during the 60s, it is
A Response to Rabbi Norman Lamm
By Rabbi Julie Schonfeld
Incoming executive vice president of the Rabbinical Assembly
New York, NY (May 13, 2009) – One week ago today, I returned
from the AIPAC conference in Washington, DC energized not only
by the thrilling program but by the realization that out of the 200-plus
rabbis in attendance, more than half were my colleagues, ordained by
the Conservative movement and now standing at the helms of the
leading Jewish communal organizations of the day. They came with
delegations of committed Conservative Jews from their congregations and institutions.
During my time in our nation’s capital I also met with the Conservative rabbis who were heading up our new Office of Public Policy
and Office of Israel Advocacy, respectively. These initiatives are part
of a five-platform agenda of the Rabbinical Assembly which includes
Social Justice Partnerships, Interfaith Work and Hekhsher Tzedek
– a star project of the Conservative movement which is focused on
creating an ethical certification process for kosher foods.
The enormous popularity and success of Hekhsher Tzedek,
which has captured the interest of the Jewish community at large,
including many of Rabbi Lamm’s Orthodox constituents who are
in agreement with my colleague, Rabbi Morris Allen’s call, that we
take ethical mitzvot as seriously as ritual ones in the preparation of
kosher food. The message we are hearing loud and clear is that the
American Jewish community is quite literally hungry to lead lives
where the ritual is bound up in the ethical underpinning.
This contribution and others, however, have sadly eluded the
notice of Rabbi Norman Lamm, chancellor of Yeshiva University,
who felt moved to publicly declare the need to recite Kaddish for our
allegedly-dying movement in a recent Jerusalem Post interview.
It seems that Rabbi Lamm has been so busy making funeral
arrangements that he has missed the news of our movement’s great
and global vitality. Our seminaries are respected houses of religious
learning and pastoral training, drawing new and committed students
to the rabbinate. There are exciting congregational developments
around the world, especially in Israel and Europe. Our presence
in Latin America is critical. Our warm and welcoming synagogues
throughout the United States and Canada offer proof that our movement occupies the very heart of Jewish life in North America.
And our camping and school system could not be stronger and
more in demand. If any of our schools are feeling the pinch, it is
an indication of the nation’s economic crisis as a whole… not our
movement’s failure.
As I prepare to assume my post as executive vice president of
the Rabbinical Assembly this summer, I am excited and optimistic at
this very moment of transition into new leadership. With Chancellor
Arnold Eisen directing the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Rabbi
Steven Wernick heading The United Synagogue of Conservative
Judaism, we are prepared to energetically bring the Conservative
Movement forward into the new century. My advice to Rabbi Lamm is -- save your Kaddish. The imminent
demise of Conservative Judaism is a tired and false mantra. Instead, I
would suggest that you direct your attention to working cooperatively
within the Orthodox community to build for the Jewish future. This,
and not eulogizing the institutions where Jews live their lives, ought
to be the work in which we jointly and cooperatively engage.
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 3
Mazal tov to:
Tish Levee on becoming a great great aunt for
the first time. She recently welcomed Sierra
Ann-Marie Whitmore, who is her niece’s first
Michael Nathan, son of Asher and Lyla Nathan, on his
selection to the 2009 U.S. Open Men’s Maccabi Soccer Team. The 18th Maccabiah Games will be held in Israel from July
13-23. Michael and the team will arrive in Israel at the end of
June and spend two weeks training in Haifa until the start of
the games. The opening ceremonies will be on July 13 at the
Ramat Gan Stadium. More than 7000 Jewish athletes from
more than 60 countries will participate in the games, making
the Maccabiah Games the third largest sports event in the world. It is a great honor for
Michael to represent
the U.S. in the games. Yashir Koach!
Welcome to our new members:
Julia Pollack and Ahuva Simon-Sa'ar
Directory update:
Julie Feingold
1990 Grosse Ave
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
The 26th Annual Book Discussion
Series, June 1
We are almost at the end of our 26th season.
On June 1 we will discuss Dalia Sofer’s first
novel, The Septembers of Shiraz. Susanne
Batzdorff will lead the discussion. On July 1
we will conclude the season with a discussion
of Geraldine Brooks’s novel, People of the Book, and our
traditional potluck at the home of Alfred and Susanne Batzdorff,
3051 Las Mesitas Court, Santa Rosa.
We will meet in August to plan the 2009-2010 season.
Bring your suggestions of titles along, or send them to Susanne,
~Susanne Batzdorff
Ongoing programs at Beth Ami
♦Israeli Folk Dancing, Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., NO dancing
on June 23 and August 4. Friedman Center. For more info
contact Leanne Schy at 528-4874 or Leanne@sonic.net.
♦Bible Study with Rabbi Schlesinger,
2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 10 a.m. No classes in July.
♦Torah & Talmud Study with Rabbi Schlesinger,
Thursdays, 7 p.m. Friedman Center Board Room. No classes
in July.
Beth Ami offers sincere condolences to:
Charlene and Art Bornstein and their family on the death
of Sheldon Bornstein, brother of Art Bornstein.
5th Benny Friedman Award Dinner Committee
Meeting, Sunday, June 14 at 4:15 p.m. right after
the final Absolute Music concert in the Friedman Center
courtyard. Come help plan our biggest annual fundraiser!
Funds available for Jewish education
eScrip Report:
We Need You and Your friends!
For the first three months of 2009 (latest dated
reported), eScrip supporters have collectively contributed
We currently have 136 friends and families of CBA
participating. Here’s our challenge: let’s get this to 150
by Rosh Hashana! The more supporters we have, the
greater our contribution to the CBA balance sheet. How
can you help?
If you are not a Beth Ami eScrip supporter, join
If you need help to sign up or have any eScrip questions,
contact Nancy Sherman at 538-9388 or enshermn@
The Children’s Jewish Education Endowment Fund (CJEEF)
has funds available to distribute as stipends to provide students
and faculty with Jewish educational opportunities.
Requests for financial assistance during the 2009-2010
congregational school year can be submitted to the synagogue
office until Erev Rosh Hashanah (September 17, 2009).
Please include:
♦Information about the desired program
♦Its cost
♦The benefit of attending
♦The amount requested ($300-$500)
You can submit a one-page letter with the above information
or call the office and request a Dedicated Fund Request Form.
Recipients will be notified by Erev Hoshana Rabbah
(October 08, 2009).
Please consider furthering your child’s Jewish education,
or your own, if a Jewish educator.
~Mark Rosen, CJEEF Coordinator
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 4
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 5
4 p m - Benny Bash Mtg.
2 p m - Absolute Music
1 1 a m - Sisterhood Brunch @
Social Hall
4 p m - Benny Bash Kick-off
event @ Friedman
CBA - Public
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Closed
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-4 pm
1 0 a m - Book Discussion
10:30am - Conv. Hebrew Beg.
7:30pm - Israeli Dancing @
The Friedman
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Closed
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-6pm
10:30am - Conv. Hebrew Beg.
7:30pm - NO Israeli Dancing
@ The Friedman
Office Open 10am-6pm
10:30am - Conv. Hebrew Beg.
7:30pm - Israeli Dancing @
The Friedman
Office Closed
7:30pm - Israeli Dancing @
The Friedman
10:30am - Conv. Hebrew Beg.
7 p m - Israeli Dancing
1 0 a m - Book Discussion
10:30am - Conv. Hebrew Beg.
7 p m - Executive Committee
7:30pm - Israeli Dancing @
The Friedman
Office Open 10am-6pm
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-6pm
10:30am - Conv.Hebrew Inter.
Office Open 10am - 4pm
10:30am - Conv.Hebrew Inter.
7 p m - Talmud Study
Office Open 10am - 4pm
7 p m - Community Organizing
Meeting @ Multipurpose room
7 p m - Bible Study
10:30am - Conv.Hebrew Inter.
2:30pm - Len Tillem
Office Closed
10:30am - Conv.Hebrew Inter.
5:30pm - Annual Meeting BBQ
7 p m - Talmud Study
Office Open 10am - 4pm
10:30am - Conv.Hebrew Inter.
7 p m - Bible Study
Office Open 10am - 4pm
7:30pm - Erev Shabbat
8:30pm - Oneg
6 p m - Shabbat Dinner
Office Open 10am-4 pm
7:30pm - Erev Shabbat
8:30pm - Oneg
Office Open 10am-4 pm
7:30pm - Erev Shabbat
8:30pm - Oneg
Office Closed
7:30pm - Erev Shabbat
8:30pm - Oneg
Office Open 10am-4 pm
7:30pm - Erev Shabbat
8:30pm - Oneg
6 p m - Shabbat Dinner
Office Open 10am-4 pm
1 2 p m - Potluck Luncheon
9:30am - Shabbat Services
1 2 p m - Potluck Luncheon
9:30am - Shabbat Services
9:30am - Bat Mitzvah of
Marisa Jones
1 2 p m - Hosted Kiddush
9:30am - Bar Mitzvah of
Dylan Wardwell
1 2 p m - Hosted Kiddush
1 2 p m - Potluck Luncheon
9:30am - Shabbat Services
Jun 2009 (Pacific Time)
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 6
CBA - Public
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-4 pm
8 p m - Tisha B'Av services
10:30am - Conv. Hebrew Beg.
7:30pm - Israeli Dancing @
The Friedman
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-6pm
10:30am - Conv. Hebrew Beg.
7:30pm - Israeli Dancing @
The Friedman
Office Open 10am-6pm
10:30am - Conv. Hebrew Beg.
7:30pm - Israeli Dancing @
The Friedman
Office Open 10am-6pm
10:30am - Conv. Hebrew Beg.
7 p m - Executive Committee
7:30pm - Israeli Dancing @
The Friedman
1 0 a m - Book Discussion
10:30am - Conv. Hebrew Beg.
7:30pm - Israeli Dancing @
The Friedman
Office Open 10am-6pm
Office Open 10am-4 pm
Office Open 10am-6pm
10:30am - Conv.Hebrew Inter.
Office Open 10am - 4pm
10:30am - Conv.Hebrew Inter.
Office Open 10am - 4pm
10:30am - Conv.Hebrew Inter.
Office Open 10am - 4pm
10:30am - Conv.Hebrew Inter.
Office Open 10am - 4pm
10:30am - Conv.Hebrew Inter.
Office Open 10am - 4pm
7:30pm - Erev Shabbat
8:30pm - Oneg
Office Open 10am-4 pm
7:30pm - Erev Shabbat
8:30pm - Oneg
Office Open 10am-4 pm
7:30pm - Erev Shabbat
8:30pm - Oneg
Office Open 10am-4 pm
7:30pm - Erev Shabbat
8:30pm - Oneg
Office Open 10am-4 pm
7:30pm - Erev Shabbat
8:30pm - Oneg
6 p m - Shabbat Dinner
Office Open 10am-4 pm
1 2 p m - Potluck Luncheon
9:30am - Shabbat Services
1 2 p m - Potluck Luncheon
9:30am - Shabbat Services
1 2 p m - Potluck Luncheon
9:30am - Shabbat Services
1 2 p m - Potluck Luncheon
9:30am - Shabbat Services
1 2 p m - Potluck Luncheon
9:30am - Shabbat Services
Jul 2009 (Pacific Time)
President’s Page
Patty Bernstein, President
Israel from
Bob Raful
Where shall we go from here?
Composing these monthly articles is not the easiest part of the
president’s job for me. And this month I’ve written three drafts
with completely different themes … searching for the one that
really conveys my thoughts and concerns at this time of the
year—and my hopes for what this next year might look like
for us.
Engaging in the CBA budget building/deficit avoidance
process, sharing your anger about California’s budget turmoil,
and seeing fellow congregants suffer significant hits to livelihood
and lifestyle, I pray for a quick solution to the problems that
plague us. At the same time, I recall that old joke whose punchline is G-d saying to someone who’s sitting on his roof during
a flood, “I sent a boat, I sent a helicopter. Why’d you tell your
rescuers you didn’t need them, saying G-d will provide?”
Our current CBA financial difficulties are ones that we must
deal with, ones that your board of directors has wrestled with and
engaged in lively debates over, ones that have brought selfless
congregants to the forefront to help find solutions. We’re looking
at an unplanned deficit for this current year. The termites were
an unforeseen plague that cost us mightily—negating the savings
we’d banked on when we decided not to hire directors for either
Religious School or Nursery School. How lucky we were to have
Melissa Bloom step up to the plate and oversee the operation of
our Religious School, with no pay. And we’ve been blessed with
dedicated Nursery School teacher leaders who have collaborated
to revitalize BACNS—and a parent committee who’s already
planning next year’s events.
There’s so much going on at Beth Ami—but we need your
help to choose our path for the future and weigh in on the tough
decisions. And we need your energy to continue to make Beth
Ami our center for prayer, for study and education, for social
and charitable work, and a social center. We’ll need to call on
more volunteers to see us through these lean years.
Do you have some ideas about making Beth Ami a more
vibrant congregation? About growing membership? Would you
like to help? Please share your thoughts with me. I look forward
to working with you all to enhance the
Beth Ami Jewish community we love.
Eilat timeshare for sale at a very
negotiable price. It is usually available
the 4th week of January. However, this
year it is available for 7 days, from
Sunday-Sunday, 10/25/09 - 11/01/09. It sleeps 6 and has 2
bedrooms, kitchen, bath, sitting room. If one wishes to buy, one
can also take membership thru RCI, or Interval International and
exchange the week anywhere in the world....If interested to
rent and/or buy, please contact me via tildatamar@gmail.com Thank you.
~Therese Becraft
The high profile exposure of almost everything “Israeli”
continues apace in the world media. So, the international
political focus and multiple hundreds of media representatives,
many looking for any new sensation, continue to assail us with
conflicting accounts about every Israel story.
We learned much more about all this during the last
week in April, when we celebrated Yom Ha'Atzmaut, Israel
Independence Day. A few of us spent part of that day with Joe
Hyams, the young C.E.O. of a major Israeli non-profit, Honest
Reporting, which is dedicated to searching for and counteracting
media bias in reporting about Israel. It was an important day
of discussion and learning how to recognize media bias and
respond. Please learn more by looking at their web site:http://
The flip side of the “bias rant” is the number of Israel stories,
largely ignored by the Western media. Here are two, not earth
shaking, but worth much more exposure than they received.
First, a story that gives the lie to the current canard that Israel
was founded only after Jewish suffering in the Shoah—“Tel
Aviv at 100.”
“On a warm, windy day in April 1909, 66 families gathered
on the sand dunes on the Mediterranean seashore, just north
of Jaffa, to draw lots for the plots of land that would form the
first city in modern history with a Jewish majority….now a
metropolis with nearly 400,000, spread over 20 square miles….”
(The Jerusalem Report, May 25, 2009).
We frequently drive Road 1, the main route up to Jerusalem.
I have often wondered about the “Dog Kennel” sign near the
beginning of the long climb. Now I see the key connection in
another story—“The Smooth Collie Shows the Way.”
“Keshet (a Smooth Collie) is one of only four dogs
known to have been successfully trained anywhere in the
world as assistance dogs for people suffering from early-onset
Alzheimer’s. Although a wide range of breeds have been trained
as service dogs for the blind and the handicapped, as well as
companions for the mentally challenged and the elderly, training
Alzheimer’s guides had never succeeded in the past—until three
Israelis, a veteran service-dog trainer, a well-known dog breeder
(the lady from the Road 1 Kennel); and a geriatric social worker,
teamed up to develop a solution…” (The Jerusalem Report,
May 11, 2009).
You can find these stories in our Library’s copies of the
magazine. It is unlikely that you read them in a major American
newspaper or saw them on CNN. So, don’t believe everything
you read and watch in the mainstream media.
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 7
Mazal Tov
Our B'nai Mitzvah
Dylan Wardwell
June 13, 2009
21 Sivan 5769
Hi I’m Dylan, I’m 13 and I
go to Kenilworth Junior High
School. I’ve been going to
Beth Ami since fourth grade. I live in Petaluma so I have to
travel extra to get there. I’m
being called to the Torah on
June 13 and I’m so excited. In
my spare time I like to hang out with my friends. I am a black
belt in martial arts and like to play different instruments like
piano, fiddle, and trumpet. For my Tzedakah Project I have
been collecting food for the Petaluma Soup Kitchen. I chose
this project because I thought it was important at this time.
I have been practicing for my Bar Mitzvah for a long time,
mostly with Marcia. Thank you all.
Enthusiatic USYer's on their way to the May Convention
Haley Pleasant, Regional Communications VP, and Ethan
Sherman, Regional Membership/Kadima VP, were elected
to New Frontier’s Regional Board on May 24, 2009. We are
very proud of our USY leaders from Beth Ami!
Congregation Beth Ami
Judaica Gift Shop
Marisa Jones
June 20, 2009
28 Sivan 5769
Shalom, my name is
Marisa Jones. As of
May 30, I am 13 years
old. For all of those
13 years, I’ve come
to CBA, and loved it!
I’m a seventh grader at
Windsor Middle School, but that year is almost over. Since
I was about three or four years old, my hobby has been
ballet. Just semi-recently, though, my life has become circled
around drama. Although, yes, I do have plenty of middle
school drama, my true calling is the theatre type of drama!
I don’t get stage fright (often), although reading Torah may
be a bit nerve-wracking. Oh, and I have a 4.0 grade point
average! But, although I can be serious and dramatic, I can
also take on challenges. Becoming a Bat Mitzvah directly
means “Daughter of the Commandments.” I am taking on
that challenge with courage and honor, and cheer too. Please
watch me take this step to Jewish adulthood when I become
at Bat Mitzvah on June 20. I hope to see you there!
20% Discount on Books
30% on Most Other Items
By Appointment
Call the Office, 360-3000
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 8
Religious School Wrap Up Nursery School News
Melissa Bloom,
Interim RS Director
It is great seeing our children so happy learning and studying
each week. I would like to thank all our teachers and madrichim
for all their hard work and dedication in teaching our children.
Thank you to: Nicole Nett, Barbara McGee, P’nina Loeb,
Idan Amran, Melissa Bloom, Eliana Haiman, Zack Haiman,
Josh Zaret, Ethan Sherman, and Haley Pleasant. In addition,
I would like to thank Marcia Gladstone and Haley Pleasant
for tutoring and preparing our 14 B’nai Mitzvah students this
year. Thank you to Ilana Stoelting for teaching our students
Israeli dance, and to Gabor Por for reading and teaching the
students how to use our library.
We are looking forward to another fantastic school year
next year.
Melissa Bloom
Executive Director
Caroline Calvert and Robyn Fisher-Tauchet stepped up as
co-directors. With their leadership and the help of the teaching
staff, open class spaces were filled and things ran smoothly.
Thank you to our Nursery School staff for getting us
through yet another (30 years of them to be exact) wonderful
year of Nursery School. Thank you to Caroline Calvert, Robyn
Fisher-Tauchet, Anne Varco, Barbara Whitaker, Sara
Chavez, Michelle Blanc, Jill Tager, Lauren Kalmanson,
Debby Barbose, and Connie Williams. In addition this year
we hired a wonderful assistant to help keep the transition
smooth and organized. Thank you to Jennifer Hayes for all
her wonderful assistance in the office.
A Poem For Rabbi Schlesinger
On every Friday
Right at Noon
The kids will say
He’s coming soon….
Out comes the Rabbi
Guitar in hand
Telling stories
Of Israel Land
Our dedicated Nursery School teaching staff.
Not pictured: Caroline Calvert and
Connie Williams
Calling all Ladies!
Sisterhood is returning to
Beth Ami!
Come to a free brunch Sunday, June 7
at 11 a.m. in the Social Hall.
Bring a friend, bring an appetite, bring ideas!
RSVP to Mieneke Drake at 707/542-1765 or
Robin Rose at 707/523-1363
or robinandroy@earthlink.net.
Making music with our children
The Rabbi does so well
Shabbat Shalom and Bim Bam
And stories that they tell
Our children now know music
We never thought they’d know
And sharing all the challah
Is a lesson that helps them grow!
So Rabbi, the parents thank you
For all the things you do
And this Visa Gift Card
Will certainly prove it to you.
We want you to buy a dreidel
Or something for your bike
Just think about the children
And buy something that you like
So kids let’s clap for the Rabbi
And give a great big cheer
Because we know Rabbi Schlesinger
Will be back for next school year!
By the Parents of Beth Ami Community Nursery School
May 15, 2009
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 9
The Stories
Our Matriarchs
Evey Abramowitz
Being part of Beth Ami keeps
Evey feeling always connected
with her faith and her community. She believes that if you
have a sense of humor you can
get through any situation.
We light a candle in honor of the importance of community
that Evey Abramowitz reminds us of.
Evey Abramowitz was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, on October
14, 1918 at the end of World War I. She was one of nine children
and Evey says that “as a child, life was great,” even though
Evey was the middle child and spent a lot of time crying. She
liked to roller skate, play jacks and wore mostly hand-me-down
Evey was raised in a strictly kosher house and observed all
the rules. When she was small her family observed Shabbat by
not writing, working or using electricity. She attended synagogue
on all holidays and Shabbat. Evey proudly loves being Jewish,
loves Jewish songs, and would never deny her heritage.
Evey met Lou, the love of her life, in 1938. They were
married December 21, 1941 and had 66 glorious years together.
They had three beautiful children, who they always lovingly
thought of as their three million dollars. Today Evey has four
grandchildren and one great grandchild, Lydia.
Evey came to California in 1995 after having lived many
years in New Jersey. The first thing that she and her husband did
was to join Congregation Beth Ami. When she first joined Beth
Ami, people started to call her “Mom,” and she loved it. Evey
has volunteered in many different ways, such as helping in the
gift shop, helping Ruth Turner in the Friedman Center office,
mailing the Shofar, and working with Andrea in the kitchen,
which she truly loves to do whenever possible. Being part of
Beth Ami keeps Evey feeling always connected with her faith
and her community. She attends Friday night service every week
and finds the service very meaningful.
Evey has written an autobiography for her children about
her life and experiences. She keeps many photographs around
her so that she can look upon her family and cherish all her
wonderful memories. Evey believes that if you have a sense of
humor you can get through any situation. And with that sense
of humor, you can stay out of trouble and enjoy life more.
Woman of Valor
More precious than rubies
Passing her knowledge from generation to generation
~Proverbs 31
Natalie Friedman
Natalie is who she is today because
she learned to be tough when
obstacles come her way. This skill of
perseverance affects every aspect of
Natalie's life.
We light a candle in honor of the
perseverance of Natalie Friedman.
Natalie Friedman was born in Brooklyn, New York on December
24, 1918. She recalls that she was never poor or rich in her entire
childhood. Natalie had an older brother and a younger sister.
She graduated high school at 17 and went to Hunter College
in New York until at age 18 she got married to her boyfriend
before he went off to be a medic overseas in World War II. She worked in the war effort as a civilian employee doing
stenographic work for the Navy until her husband returned to
her about five years later. They raised two daughters. The family
moved to Los Angeles in 1954 to “stop shoveling snow.” Both
daughters now live in Berkeley, and Natalie is proud of her four
adult grandchildren.
One thing that helped Natalie to become who she is today
is her ability to be tough about whatever obstacles come her
way. This skill of perseverance affects every aspect of Natalie’s
life. After her husband had a heart attack in 1959, she went
back to work for the state of California in the legal department
of the Workers Compensation Board. After being widowed in
1983, she moved to a condo in Northridge. She had to relocate
because of damage caused by the 1994 earthquake. Encouraged
by her daughters, she moved to Northern California and took a
drive to look for a smaller community in the Bay Area. Natalie
found her condo in Santa Rosa and looked in the yellow pages
to find Congregation Beth Ami in May of 1994. She reports
that everyone helped her feel at home here.
Judaism has a huge role in Natalie’s life today. She joined
Hadassah and Friendship Circle and currently works in the Gift
Shop at Beth Ami. She loves attending the Bible class with
Rabbi Schlesinger. All of Natalie’s time at Beth Ami has been
memorable to her and she is very glad to be part of the community.
Each issue of the Shofar features several biographies (space permitting) of the Matriarchs who were honored at the Rosh
Chodesh Chai Tea held on November 23, 2008. The biographies, written by Rosh Chodesh members, USYer's and Religious
School students, were originally printed in the event program. Paula Schlesinger wrote the introduction to each honoree.
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 10
Mitzvah Moments
Literary Lines
Tish Levee
Susanne Batzdorff
The Religious School Year has come to an end, and summer is
coming. During the summer months the library will be open only
by appointment. We are happy to serve you, if you call Ruth
Rosenberg at 707/544-2919 for an appointment. You may return
library books to the Beth Ami Office any time during office
hours. We appreciate the return of some long overdue books
and we encourage all of you who have overdue books out to
return them as soon as you can. Late fees will not be charged
during June and July, though donations to the library are
always gratefully accepted.
If you are planning to travel this summer, here are some
suggestions for reading to inspire or direct your roaming.
One Year Off; Leaving it all Behind for a Round-the-World
Journey with Our Children, by David E. Cohen. A family
decides to sell their home and cars and embark on a journey
around the world, starting out in Marin County and visiting
all the continents of the world. Their adventures and the way
they learned to live together as a family 24/7 tell a story worth
For those of you who may be planning a trip to New York,
here is a handy little guide to the Lower East Side, where many
of our ancestors from Eastern Europe got their first introduction
to America.
The Lower East Side Guide, by Oscar Israelowitz. This
practical illustrated guide contains maps, directions for
getting there by public transport or by car, lists of restaurants,
synagogues, Yiddish theatres, various historical sites and finally,
for those avid shoppers among you, an extensive shopping
If you are less enterprising and would rather read about
travels than do your own traveling, here is a tale that takes you
back to the 13th century and a Jewish merchant who explored
China four years before Marco Polo. Hidden for more than
seven centuries, this account first came to light in 1990 and was
translated into English from the original Italian in 1997. The City
of Light; the Hidden Journal of the Man who Entered China
Four Years Before Marco Polo, by Jacob D’Ancona.
Finally, for young readers who dream of a trip into space,
here is the story of Ilan Ramon, Israeli astronaut, who took a
little Torah with him on his space flight. Reach for the Stars, a
Little Torah’s Journey, by Sylvia Rouss.
Enjoy your summer and keep on reading. It’s fun!
Our catalog and blog
are online at
Tzedakah and tikkun olam in tough times––
Our tradition teaches that we’re obligated to help those with
less, no matter how little we have ourselves. But that’s not
easy in these tough times. Here are a few suggestions:
`` Instead of giving nothing, try giving ½ or ¼ of what you’ve
given previously.
`` When you’re shopping, pick up one extra item of food for
the Redwood Empire Food Bank’s barrel in the lounge. They
especially need food this summer!
`` If you’re job-hunting, volunteer––it’ll help others, lift your
spirits and boost your self-esteem.
`` No cash and no time? Donate blood––give the gift of life.
`` Help out online. Generate donations for your favorite
charity when you search the Web using http://www.
goodsearch.com/. Support various non-profits by shopping at
http://www.cmarket.com/auction/BiddingForGood.action. Be
an online virtual volunteer at http://www.onlinevolunteering.
org/en/index.html. Go to http:/www.greatergood.com/ and
click on any of their sites to send free email cards. Click each
site daily to help six charities in less than 30 seconds. Take a
break at http://www.freerice.com/; playing this game helped
feed two million people last year.
`` Help Beth Ami––sign up for and use eScrip. Contact Nancy
Sherman at 538-9388 or enshermn@pacbell, if you need help
signing up.
Use the new phone book––
`` AT&T’s The Real Yellow Pages® has an A to Z (well, actually,
W) recycling directory. Check there before sending something
to the landfill. It can probably be recycled, e.g. wine corks are
recycled into flooring, shoe soles, bulletin boards, and fishing
rod handles.
`` Learn what NOT to recycle, too––pizza boxes, wet paper,
napkins, and paper towels.
`` Rigid plastic bottle caps also aren’t recyclable curbside.
However, Aveda, a manufacturer of salon products, recently
started recycling them. Collect your shampoo, laundry detergent,
ketchup, juice or soda caps. Take them to one of three locations
in our area to be turned into new products. Find out more at
Making vacation plans?
`` Check out the Green Hotels Association®­­. Concerned with
saving energy, water, and reducing waste, Green Hotels offer the
option of reusing towels and sheets, saving billions of gallons
of water. Go to http://www.greenhotels.com/ for more green
travel tips.
`` It doesn’t cost much to offset your trip’s greenhouse gas
emissions. Calculate your CO2 emissions and buy carbon offsets
at http://www.terrapass.com/. For instance, offset a flight to Los
Angeles for $6––one to Puerto Vallarta for $12.
© Copyright Tish Levee, 2009. All rights reserved.
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 11
Generous Contributions to our Congregation
The next time you are looking for a meaningful way to celebrate a joyous occasion, remember a loved one,
or comfort a mourner, please consider a donation to Congregation Beth Ami. When you make a gift,
a card is send to the honoree or the family and your donation is proudly acknowledged in the Shofar.
The minimum donation for each occasion is $7.50. Congregation Beth Ami truly appreciates your support.
General Fund
In honor of receiving the third aliyah on
the 1st day of Pesach
Ed Brosbe
In memory of my brother, Yefim Friedland
Sheyna Bakman
In honor of Edith Newman’s birthday
In honor of Evelyn Gurevitch’s birthday
Happy Birthday to Elizabeth Jarlsberg
Happy Anniversary to Susan Miller &
Jerry Lakins
Mazal Tov to Jon & Rose Batzdorff on the
birth of their granddaughter, Aliza
A heartfelt thank you to all my friends.
You know who you are.
Mazal Tov to Ellen & Mike Mundell on
becoming grandparents
Sylvia Sucher
In memory of Richard Kahn’s father,
Edward Kahn
In memory of Joan Lubar
The Sherman Family
In memory of Richard Kahn’s father,
Edward Kahn
Robin Rose
In memory of Richard Kahn’s dad, Edward
Carol Newman & Barry Sovel
In memory of Blanche Burjaski
Roy & Helene Cohen
In honor of David Sutter’s Bar Mitzvah
Leanne Schy & Mark Stoelting
In memory of Richard Kahn’s dad, Edward
In honor of the Mundell’s new grandson
In appreciation for the hard work of
Elizabeth Jarlsberg
In appreciation of Melissa Bloom’s work
In appreciation of Rabbi Schlesinger your wisdom and all you do
In memory of Art Bornstein’s brother
Sheldon Bornstein
Speedy recovery to Joelle Burnette
Quick recovery to Tyler Rogovin
Susan Miller
In memory of my mother, Frances
Dee Trichter
In loving memory of Isaac Monoson
Rosalie Schweit
In memory of my husband Maurice Smith
Edythe Smith
In memory of my very dear father, Albert
Shirley Rosaler
Thank you to Paula Schlesinger for putting
together the breakfast after my father’s
Shiva Minyan
Richard Kahn
In memory of Bill’s mother, Rosemary
Bill & Suzie Friedman
In appreciation of everyone who purchased
a Shalach Manot basket for me at Purim
Whitey Sterman
A generous donation
Darrell Watkins
In honor of Whitey Sterman’s 80th
Edith Newman
In memory of Edward Isadore Kahn, father
of Richard Kahn
Debby, Tony, Rebecca, and Jake Smyth
In memory of Richard Kahn’s father,
Edward Kahn
Continuing better health to Howard Moss
Speedy recovery to Tyler Rogovin
Mazal Tov to Caroline, Dylan, Amanda, &
Lauren Kolman on their B’nai Mitzvah
Speedy recovery to Joelle Burnette
Mazal Tov to grandparents, Ellen & Mike
Mundell on Gertrude’s birth
The Ballo Family
In memory of my father, Abe Shapiro
Raynore Paule
In honor of Whitey Sterman’s birthday
Helen Dresser
Get well to Abe Gerstein
Edith Newman
In memory of Jane’s brother, Robert Paul
and Jane’s father, Nathan Paul
In appreciation of Nicole Nett for teaching
In appreciation of Melissa Bloom’s and
Marcia Gladstone’s help with Marisa’s Bat
Ross Jones & Jane Paul
In appreciation of Bob & Susy Raful’s
assistance with David's Bar Mitzvah
In appreciation of Melissa Bloom’s
assistance with David's Bar Mitzvah
Mark & Jacqueline Sutter
In memory of Morris Trichter, Julie’s
Julie Trichter
Gift of Israel Fund
Mazal Tov to Avi Ballo, winner of the
2009 Susy Raful essay contest
The Sherman Family
Harris Fund
In memory of Jerry Zenick
In memory of David Matzner’s
grandfather, Mickey Brambir
The Sherman Family
In memory of Eli’s father, Ruben Miller
Eli & Yona Miller
In appreciation of Mark Rosen and all you
do for CBA’s teens
Blair & Dan Pleasant
A generous donation
The Ballo Family
Malk Fund
In honor of the birth of Ava Michelle
Phyllis Shapiro
In honor of Barry’s graduation Phi Beta
Edith Newman
Nursery School Fund
In memory of Greg Sacher’s grandfather,
Arthur Schmaman
The Sherman Family
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
In memory of Jill Goldberg’s father,
Daniel Rubenfeld
The Sherman Family
In memory of Garrett H. Rosenberg
Ira & Ruth Rosenberg
Thank you to Paula Schlesinger for putting
together the breakfast after my father’s
Shiva Minyan
Richard Kahn
In memory of my father, Saul Meltzer
Allan Meltzer
In honor of Rabbi Schlesinger and his
assistance with David’s Bar Mitzvah
Mark & Jacqueline Sutter
Religious School Fund
Mazal Tov to the Fichtelberg family and
welcome Oren to our CBA family
The Sherman Family
A generous donation
Darrell Watkins
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 12
June & July Yahrzeits
Secular dates correspond to Hebrew date of death
Observance of yahrzeit begins at sundown the previous day
All yahrzeits observed at Beth Ami
Announced on June 5th and June 6th
June 6
Abe Shapiro
Father of Raynore Paule
June 7
Joel Brodsky
Brother of Karen Brodsky
June 7
Bertha Schy
Mother of Stuart Schy
June 8
Molly Leavy
Sister of Evey Abramowitz
June 9
Albert Hirschman
Grandfather of Abraham Alexander
June 9
Bessie Tsipan
Mother-in-Law of Malvina Tsipan
June 11
Herman Metz
Father of John Metz
June 12
Thomas Cordill
Father of Kim Cordell
June 12
Louis Stein
Uncle of Robert Raful
Announced on June 12th and June 13th
June 13
Hyman Golemb
Father of Sherrill Golemb
June 13 Myer Zitten
Father of Charlene Bornstein
June 14
Bluma Rudnitskaya
Sister of Iosif Voulfson
June 15
Mies Rijnveldt
Mother of Hermina Drake
June 16
Lillian Graff
Mother of Joe Graff
Wife of Max Graff
June 18
Tom Fleming
Brother of Andy Fleming
June 19
Stephen Bernstein
Brother of Marc Bernstein
June 19
Irving Streitfeld
Father-in-Law of Rick Streitfeld
June 19
Mary Umanskay
Mother of Sofya Pekker
Announced on June 19th and June 20th June 22
Benjamin Tannenbaum
Father of Pat Thomas
June 23
Steven Freistadt
Cousin of Jane Rogan
June 24
Irving Peretz
Brother of Evey Abramowitz
June 25
Hannah Brisgel
Mother of Celia Berman
Announced on June 26th and June 27th
June 27 Benny Friedman
Husband of Irene Friedman
June 30 Pearl Dove
Sister of Betty Franks
June 30 Golda Nemchenko
Sister of Sarah Tyutinman
July 1 Mae Stolbov
Mother of Bruce Stolbov
July 2 Lillian Brosbe
Mother of Herb Brosbe
Announced on July 3rd and July 4th
July 4
Mildred Loew
Mother of Danella Lubar
July 4
William Schiffman
Brother of Elsie Rich
July 5
Fanny Blau
Mother of Shari Kafton
July 5
Lillian Cohen
Mother of Leonard Cohen
July 6
Bella Levine
Former Mother-in-Law of Gussie Levine
July 8
Barney Abrams
Father of Patty Bernstein
July 8
Wilbur Solomon
Father of Lawrence Solomon
July 9
Samuel Weiss
Father of Mort Weiss
July 10
Esther Morse
Sister-in-Law of Myrna Morse
July 10 Joseph Robinson
Father of Myrna Morse
Announced on July 10th and July 11th
July 11Harry Schor
Father of Sylvia Boorstein
July 12Lipa Boorstein
Grandfather of Seymour Boorstein
July 12Valya Boorstein
Grandmother of Seymour Boorstein
July 16Stanley Friedman
Husband of Natalie Friedman
July 16Sophie Sisenwein
Mother of Shirley Rosaler
July 17Morton Goldstein
Father of Marilyn Diamond
Announced on July 17th and July 18th
July 21 Lee Blau
Sister of Shari Kafton
July 22 Louis Shapiro
Father of Everett Shapiro
July 23 Louis Estrin
Grandfather of Charlene Bornstein
July 23 Ronda Heard
Sister of Stanley Feingold
July 23 Ben Rubin
Father of Dave Rubin
July 24 Edwin Dudley
Father of Ruth Wilson
July 24 Marion Dudley
Mother of Ruth Wilson
Announced on July 24th and July 25th
July 25 Saul Gordon
Father-in-Law of Marjorie Gordon
July 25 Irvin Lubar
Father of Harvey Lubar
July 26 Amelia Olchovy
Mother of Verne Paule
July 27 Netka Taubner
Mother of Susy Raful
July 28 Abraham Olchovy
Father of Verne Paule
July 28 Zalman Taubinsky
Husband of Dora Taubinsky
July 31 Lotte Batzdorf
Mother of Alfred Batzdorff
July 31 Florence Friedman
Mother of Robin Rose
Announced on July 31st and August 1st
August 1 James Mattson
Son of Tish Levee
August 2 Israel Gerstein
Father of Abe Gerstein
August 3 Irving Marder
Husband of Dorothy Marder
Father of Val Kreger
August 3 Herbert Newman
Husband of Edith Newman
Father of Carol & Michael Newman
August 6 Sylvia Goldman
Mother of Ben Goldman
August 7 Chaim Taubinsky
Father-in-Law of Dora Taubinsky
August 7 Beckie Trichter
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 13
June Birthdays
Chelsie Berdux
Della Littwin
Elliot Morrison
Andrea Goodman
Michelle Zygielbaum
David Matzner
Albert Eskenazi
Ruth Rosenberg
Norma O’Brien
Joslyn Metzger
Charlene Bornstein
Myrna Morse
Esther Baruch
Harry Hankin
Marjorie Gordon
Lillian Shelan
Ellen Watson
Shirley Klapow
Ira Rosenberg
Helen Dresser
Jane Paul
July Birthdays
Paul Zygielbaum
Rad Sommer
Lauren Newman
Barbara Greensweig
Sylvia Sucher
Dolores Trichter
Hila Fichtelberg
Mark Burnette
Henry Cohn
Andrea Nett
Terry Gurevitch
Michael Mundell
Connie Goldman
Marilyn Diamond
Rhonda Rosenbach
Verne Paule
Jessica Ruork
Sylvia Boorstein
Susan Milstein
Patty Bernstein
Susy Raful
Simcha Board
Honor thy mother...also thy aunt, uncle, cousin,
child, best friend, teacher with an engraved leaf
on our Simcha Board commemorating any joyous
occasion, bestowal of an honor,
or cause for thanksgiving.
We gratefully acknowledge the newest leaf:
In celebration of Harry Friedman’s
80th birthday
Love, Bill & Suzie Friedman and family
Leaf $360
Small Stone $1000
Large Stone $2500
We also provide the opportunity for you to
memorialize loved ones on our Yahrzeit Board.
plaque is
June Anniversaries
Harold & Barbara Boren
Seymour & Sylvia Boorstein
Alan Krubiner & Jane Meyer
Staci & John Leipsic
Larry & Shirley Klapow
David Root & Marilyn Wolf
Randy & Sherri Weinstein
Robin Winning & Geoff Waterhouse
Sherrill & Elaine Golemb
Bob & Susy Raful
Elliot Morrison & Susan Milstein
Art & Charlene Bornstein
Robert & Alisa Haley
Joe Graff & Barbara Corinblit
July Anniversaries
Gabor & Anya Por
Daniel Pickar & Miriam Wald
Andrew & Susan Brown
Michael & Rayme Shapiro
Randy & Candice Mann
The Friedman Center
Special rates for all
Beth Ami members.
Call Ruth for a quote.
Ruth Turner, Director
Mon-Thu, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Fri, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 14
Jewish Community Events
Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County
JCC Friendship Circle events:
June 8
Karen Quest and her Cowgirl Tricks Show
June 22Challenging Conversations & Collaborative Law with Jane Iddings, J.D., M.S.W.
June 25JCC Annual Meeting, Congregation Beth Ami Social Hall at 6:30 pm
July 13 Luncheon w/Rabbi Ted Feldman, CST
July 17James Sokol Opera Program, Osher Marin JCC
July 28 Luncheon and Entertainment, Oakmont Gardens
JCC Summer Day Camp
Art and Music Camp: July 6 - July 9
Tennis/Swim Camp: July 13 - 17
Camp Chai
Session 1: July 20-24, Celebrating Jewish Heroes
Session 2: July 27-31, Fun with Jewish Festivals
Call the JCC office at 528-4222 or go to www.jccsoco.
org for more information on Friendship Circle and all that
the JCC has to offer. The JCC is located at 170 Farmer's
Lane, Suite 5, Santa Rosa, CA 95405.
Earnings Devoted to Philanthropy
Program to be Announced
Sunday, June 14
2-4 p.m.
Concert admission: $18
Students free
Mail Orders:
Absolute Music
3051 Las Mesitas Court,
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
For information or to place orders:
Contact 707/538-9731 or abmu@sonic.
Sinai Memorial Chapel
Chevra Kadisha
1501 Divisadero Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 921-3636
FD 262
3415 Mt. Diablo Blvd.
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 962-3636
FD 1523
pre-need funeral arrangements available
Gene B. Kaufman, Executive Director
Jewish Community Contacts
Hadassah......................................................................................... .Rose Ann Premi, 537-9208
Hillel............................................................................................... .David Rubinstein, 795-5464
Jewish Community Federation........................................................ .Kirsten Miller, 568-6207
JNF-Trees in Israel............................................................................ .Shevi Posman, 292-7438
Jewish Community Free Clinic......................................................... .Donna Waldman, 585-7780
Jewish Community Info & Referral.................................................. .Judy Musante, 877/777-5247
Jewish Community Relations Council.............................................. .Suzan Berns, 415/957-1551
Jewish Family & Children’s Services ................................................ .Diana Klein, 571-8131
Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County.................................... .Beth Goodman, 528-4222
(all area codes are 707 unless indicated otherwise)
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 15
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June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 16
SAT/ACT Prep & Review
SAT/ACT Prep & Review
SAT/ACT Prep & Review
Test Dates 2009
May 2
SAT & Subject Tests
May 4-15
AP Exam Week
June 6
SAT & Subject Tests
June 13
Please call to schedule for a FREE SAT Diagnostic Test.
Global Academy offers the best exam prep for
students seeking to improve scores beyond their
potential. We provide individualized tutoring in SAT I/
II, Critical Reading, Writing, English, Math and Science,
Test-taking strategies, and AP Exam prep at flexible time
schedules and affordable rates.
Offering free face painting at Simcha Sunday 2009 compliments of Beth Ami.
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Richard Kahn June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 17
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Experienced and competent clinicians
Intake Information – 542-8979
1421 Guerneville Road, Suite 114
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 18
Congregation Beth Ami Event RSVP Form
Shabbat Dinner
Friday, June 5, 6 p.m.
Friday, July 3, 6 p.m.
Member Adult:
Registration and Payment
I/We would like to make a contribution to the following
for someone who would otherwise be unable to attend in
the amount of $_________________________________
#_____@ $14=____
Non member Adult #_____@ $18=____
I will pay by credit card_______ check__________
#_____@ $7=____
Total enclosed or to charge:_____________________
Names of all attendees:________________________
Youth: (ages 5-12)
Welcome Shabbat with a delicious catered
Shabbat dinner, evening services, live music
with Zim Zum and folk-dancing!
(please check one)
Credit Card Information: Circle one: Visa MasterCard
Cardholder’s Name: __________________________
Acct # _________________________________________
Please RSVP by the Wednesday prior.
Reservations accepted after the
deadline will have a fee of $5 added.
Expiration date: _____/_____Security
Mail, fax or bring this form with payment to:
Congregation Beth Ami
4676 Mayette Avenue • Santa Rosa, CA • 95405
June/July 2009 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 19
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 185
Santa Rosa, CA
See page 4 for more information.
Schedule of Services for June & July
Friday Evening, June 5
(Candle Lighting 8:13pm)
6:00 pm Family Shabbat Dinner
7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Services
Saturday, June 6 • 14 Sivan
9:30 am Shabbat Naso Services
Potluck lunch following services
(Saturday Havdalah: 9:13 pm)
Friday Evening, June 12
(Candle Lighting: 8:16 pm)
7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Services.
Saturday, June 13 • 21 Sivan
9:30 am Shabbat B’ha’alot-cha
Dylan Wardwell, son of Carol Newman
and Brad Wardwell, will be called to the
Torah as a Bar Mitzvah.
(Saturday Havdalah: 9:17 pm)
Friday Evening, June 26
(Candle Lighting: 8:20 pm)
7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Services
Friday Evening, July 17
(Candle Lighting 8:15 pm)
7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Services
Saturday, June 27 • 5 Tammuz
9:30 am Shabbat Korach Services
Potluck lunch following services
(Saturday Havdalah: 9:20 pm)
Saturday, July 18 • 26 Tammuz
9:30 am Shabbat Mattot-Mase
Potluck lunch following services
(Saturday Havdalah: 9:14 pm)
Friday Evening, July 3
(Candle Lighting 8:20 pm)
6:00 pm Family Shabbat Dinner
7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Services
Saturday, July 4 • 12 Tammuz
9:30 am Shabbat Chukat-Balak
Potluck lunch following services
(Saturday Havdalah: 9:20 pm)
Friday Evening, June 19
(Candle Lighting: 8:19 pm)
7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Services
Friday Evening, July 10
(Candle Lighting 8:18 pm)
7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Services
Saturday, June 20 • 28 Sivan 9:30 am Shabbat Shelach Lecha
Marisa, daughter of Jane Paul and Ross
Jones, will be called to the Torah as a
Bat Mitzvah.
(Saturday Havdalah: 9:19 pm)
Saturday, July 11 • 19 Tammuz
9:30 am Shabbat Pinchas Services
Potluck lunch following services
(Saturday Havdalah: 9:18 pm)
Friday Evening, July 24
(Candle Lighting 8:10 pm)
7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Services
Saturday, July 25 • 4 Av
9:30 am Shabbat Hazon-Devarim
Potluck lunch following services
(Saturday Havdalah: 9:09 pm)
Wednesday Evening, July 29
(Candle Lighting 8:06 pm)
8:00 pm Tisha B’av Services
Friday Evening, July 31
(Candle Lighting 8:04 pm)
7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Services