Randolph-Macon Academy Parent and Student Summer School


Randolph-Macon Academy Parent and Student Summer School
Randolph-Macon Academy
Parent and Student Summer
School Guidebook
Summer 2011
Maj Gen Henry M. Hobgood (USAF-Retired)
Donald Williams
Summer School Director
Col. Gary Sadler
Kenesa Haffer
Academic Coordinator
Christine Bennett
Academic Coordinator
Welcome................................................................................................................................................. 5
Academic Office.................................................................................................................................. 5
Commandant’s Office ......................................................................................................................... 5
Student Services ................................................................................................................................. 5
Academic Program and Policies ............................................................................................................. 6
Curriculum .......................................................................................................................................... 6
NetClassroom ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Honor Code......................................................................................................................................... 6
Attendance Policy ............................................................................................................................... 6
Classes ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Study Hall............................................................................................................................................ 7
Campus Life ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Dress Code .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Visitors ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Building and Grounds ......................................................................................................................... 9
Off-Limits Area.................................................................................................................................... 9
Sales .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Damage and/or Vandalism ............................................................................................................... 10
Food and/or Drinks........................................................................................................................... 11
Gymnasium....................................................................................................................................... 11
Swimming ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Dormitories....................................................................................................................................... 11
Dining Hall ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Laundry ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Prohibited Items: Do Not Bring to Campus ...................................................................................... 14
Leave Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Motor Vehicles ................................................................................................................................. 15
Telephones and Cell Phones............................................................................................................. 16
Fire Drill Procedure........................................................................................................................... 16
Emergencies ..................................................................................................................................... 17
General Conduct and Behavior ............................................................................................................ 17
Minor Disciplinary Infractions .......................................................................................................... 17
Demerits and Detention ................................................................................................................... 18
Misconduct ................................................................................................................................... 19
Restriction .................................................................................................................................... 20
Appendices ......................................................................................................................................... 222
APPENDIX A Organizational Structure ............................................................................................ 222
APPENDIX B Daily Schedule ............................................................................................................ 233
APPENDIX C R-MA Summer School Contacts ................................................................................. 244
APPENDIX D Campus Map .............................................................................................................. 255
Randolph-Macon Academy
200 Academy Drive
Front Royal VA 22630
Randolph-Macon Academy (R-MA), founded in 1892, is a nationally recognized school of excellence.
R-MA is the oldest co-ed college preparatory boarding school offering an award-winning Air Force Junior
Reserve Officer Training Corps during the regular session. R-MA is dually accredited by the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools and the Virginia Association of Independent Schools. The Academy is
70 miles west of Washington D.C. on a 135-acre campus overlooking Front Royal, VA. Randolph-Macon
Academy offers a unique flight-training program where students learn to fly in school-owned aircraft.
The summer school program mission is for students to realize their potential and develop better
academic and organizational skills.
Academic Office
For a successful educational program, all aspects must work together.
The office consists of the Summer School Director and Academic
Coordinators. The R-MA Academic Office is the center of the Summer
School program and supports the students, parents and faculty. The office
is responsible for student schedules, grades, and records.
The Academic Office is located in on the second floor of Stan Fulton
Hall. Office hours are 8:00am-4:30pm Monday through Friday and 8:00am12:00pm on Saturday.
Commandant’s Office
The Commandant and his staff oversee the non-academic portion of the student’s day, including
residential life and weekend activities. The staff includes the Commandant, Student Life Supervisors and
the Restriction Officer.
The Commandant and the Restriction Officer manage discipline matters and consequences of
behavior with corrective measures. These consequences include tours and/or restriction.
The Student Life Supervisors reside with students in the dorms and are responsible for student
activities outside the classroom. They function as dorm parents and assist students with academic, social
and emotional well-being. The SLS staff expects cooperation and adherence to rules specific to a
boarding environment.
The Commandant’s Office is located on the second floor of Sonner-Payne Hall.
Student Services
Student Services provides support and accountability for the student body. The staff consists of the
Director of Student Services and the Weeknight and Weekend Activities Coordinators. All students are
expected to sign in upon arrival and sign out upon departure in Student Services. It also serves as a
lounge area for student relaxation.
Student Services is located in the basement of Sonner-Payne Hall.
Academic Program and Policies
The curriculum of summer school mirrors the college preparatory courses used by Randolph-Macon
Academy’s regular academic program. Adherence to the established curriculum for credit courses is
important so that credits are transferrable to public school districts in Virginia and beyond. Courses that
are being repeated must provide 70 hours of instruction and courses that are being taken for the first
time must provide 140 hours of instruction. These requirements are what determine the daily schedule
times for the four week session. Much of the curriculum reflects the Standards of Learning (SOL) as
published by the Virginia Department of Education. Many students will return to their public schools
where they will be required to take SOL examinations. While the curriculum aligns closely to these
standards, the Academy does not spend time preparing students for SOL testing.
Marking System
59% and below
N no grade due to
insufficient attendance
W withdrawal
NC noncredit course
For the Upper school, parents and students will have access to online grades at any time. Faculty
is expected to maintain updates on a weekly basis. Information is provided at registration.
Honor Code
Randolph-Macon Academy students pledge they will not lie, cheat, steal nor
tolerate those who do. All students who attend the Academy sign a pledge
indicating he/she understands the code and will abide by its principles.
Academic infractions of the honor code include cheating, acts of plagiarism,
and tolerating those who do. All suspected honor code infractions occurring in
the classroom are reported to the Academic Office and outside the classroom to
the Commandant’s Office. Students found guilty of an honor code violation may face disciplinary
action that could result in restriction or dismissal.
Attendance Policy
Our compacted four-week schedule allows for only one day’s absence to still be able to fulfill the
class hours mandated by the state of Virginia necessary to receive credit. Students with unexcused
absences will not be permitted to make up work for a grade on the day of that absence. Students
with an excused absence will have one day to turn in their work.
1. Personal illness or a death in the immediate family will be recognized as the only excused
absences. Other absences will be unexcused and result in a zero for the day(s) missed.
2. In the event of illness, students will be directed to the Whitworth Clinic for evaluation. Only
nurses have the authority to confine a student to the Clinic ward.
3. Excuses for day students must be in writing and signed by the parent or guardian and should
include a telephone number where a parent or guardian may be reached.
Since missing a day of summer school is equivalent to missing a week during the regular school
year, attendance is important. Two or more absences may result in the student being required
to drop the course without credit.
Academic classes are conducted Monday through Saturday, with a fifteen minute break in
between classes. All classes are located in Stan Fulton Hall or Crow Hall. Students are to use this
time to visit the restroom, bookstore or take care of any other business. Students will not be
permitted to return to the dorms during the Academic day.
Each morning, students must take necessary books and supplies to attend the morning class
and during lunch period exchange books for afternoon classes. On Saturdays, students should carry
books, homework, and supplies for all classes. Students will move promptly and quietly from one
class to another.
Day students are expected to remain on campus for lunch Monday through Friday as
announcements will be made at this time. If day students are taking one morning class, they are
expected to leave campus immediately following lunch. Please ensure that any summer
employment does not conflict with these requirements.
If it becomes necessary to remove a student from a class for a disciplinary reason, the
Summer School Director will determine the appropriate disciplinary action and refer to the
Commandant if necessary.
Study Hall
Study hall will be held Monday through Thursday in the dorms and the following policies will
1. Students are to remain in their rooms for the study hall period.
2. Permission to use the library or computer lab must be given by faculty or the Academic
3. Computers and Internet will be used for school-related work only. Abuse could result in
suspension of computer privileges and confiscation.
4. Dorm supervisors and summer school faculty will supervise students.
5. Any student who consistently abuses study hall rules will be required to study in the
restriction study hall.
6. Day school parents will be notified if their student is not completing class work or
If a student requires closer supervision to complete homework he/she will
be assigned to Study Hall in a classroom and will be monitored by a faculty
member. Teachers, mentors or parents may request assignment to Study Hall for
students who fail to complete assignments on a daily basis or who need extra
assistance or time. Faculty proctoring the study hall will oversee the completion of
assignments, and work with students individually on organization, study skills, and
mastery of the material.
Campus Life
Dress Code
Daily Uniform
All Summer School uniforms, except for girl’s capri pants must be purchased from the R-MA
uniform store. Khakis or Khaki shorts purchased elsewhere will be confiscated.
Although the summer program is non-military, there is a dress code and policies that all
students must observe.
Summer school uniforms will be worn at all times.
Dorm supervisors will conduct uniform inspections.
Students must check in and out of the Academy in uniform.
The summer school uniform consists of the following:
a. R-MA blue logo shirt, short-sleeve. Each student is recommended to have
five polo shirts.
b. Cotton khaki (tan) trousers or shorts. Shorts must be at least at or just
above the knee. Under no circumstances can cargo style pants or shorts be worn.
Capri pants are acceptable for females and must be purchased off campus.
Recommended two pairs of shorts and two pairs of trousers.
Cargo shorts, denim or khaki must go
home with parents or be turned in to
the dorm supervisor.
Please obtain a receipt from Student
Services for pick up at the end of
summer school.
Athletic shoes with white socks. Sandals, flip-flops or slippers are not permitted. Shoes must
have closed toe and heel.
A standard belt with a buckle or a blue military belt with a silver- colored military buckle
must be worn. No dangles or chains are permitted.
Athletic clothing is also required for athletics and the swimming pool. Athletic clothing
consists of shorts, T-shirts, and bathing suits (one-piece bathing suits only).
Inappropriate and immodest clothing is not allowed. Two-piece bathing suits are included in
this category.
Any clothing that displays images or slogans regarding sex, violence, foul language, drugs
and/or alcohol will be confiscated and returned at the end of summer school.
Hair length is not strictly regulated; however, students are expected to maintain their hair in
a neat, clean, conventional haircut. Facial hair is not permitted.
Jewelry is permitted as follows:
a. One religious necklace, one bracelet, a watch.
b. Females may wear small spherical, matching conservative earrings. Earrings may
only be clear stones, pearl, gold or silver. Only one set of earrings are permitted. If
the student has multiple holes, earrings must be worn in the lower earlobe. Earrings
should fit tightly without extending below the earlobe.
c. Hoops or jewelry in other visible piercings is not permitted on any part of the head
or body.
d. Piercing or wearing of jewelry in pierced area(s) that are visible, other than
earlobes, is prohibited.
e. Male students are not permitted to wear earrings.
f. Randolph-Macon Academy students are prohibited from performing any form of
body piercing, tattooing or branding of themselves or other students while enrolled
at R-MA or the Town of Front Royal. Performing any of these acts is a major school
violation and may render the person guilty of the practice and subject to dismissal.
h. Do not bring head coverings. R-MA hats and visors are part of the school uniform.
i. Civilian clothes (non-RMA) are NOT necessary, do not bring them.
j. Students are cautioned not to bring anything of value with them to school unless it is
absolutely necessary.
Randolph-Macon Academy is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items.
Visitors are welcome at R-MA. Anyone visiting the school must first register at
the Student Services Office. When departing the campus, the visitor must return to
Student Services and sign out.
Visitors are not allowed in the dormitories except on registration day and on
the last day of school. Parents of the same sex as the student may visit their child’s
dormitory room after receiving permission from the Student Services office or the
student life supervisor. Any unescorted stranger on the Academy grounds or in the
buildings will be approached by R-MA personnel to determine their identity and
reason for being on campus. If and when this occurs, the visitor will be treated courteously and
escorted to the appropriate officer in charge (OC).
Building and Grounds
Each student shares in the responsibility for keeping the appearance of the buildings and
grounds of the Academy in immaculate condition. Students are not to drop papers or rubbish in
corridors, classrooms, out of windows, or elsewhere on campus. Put trash in receptacles provided.
Any student who willfully damages or defaces school property will be charged for that damage.
Further disciplinary action may be taken as deemed necessary by the Summer School Director and
the Commandant.
Off-Limits Area
The following areas and locations are off-limits to students, unless specific
permission has been granted.
1. On Campus:
a. Gymnasium, boiler room, electrical room, stage and athletic offices.
b. Dining hall, kitchen and food storage rooms.
c. Turner Hall common area bathrooms are off-limits to ALL students
prior to meals until the entire student body is in the dining hall. Additionally, the
bathrooms in Turner Hall are off-limits to all students between 9:30 p.m. and 7:00
a.m. daily.
d. Roof and gutters of any R-MA building, including the dome.
e. Sonner-Payne Hall visitor’s lounge unless with adult visitors.
f. Any facility or administrative office when not in use for the purpose properly
prescribed and supervised by a faculty/staff member.
g. The walkways, stairwells, and dormitory areas of the opposite sex.
h. Any faculty/staff residence, unless there is an emergency or the student has a
written invitation approved by the President, Summer School Director, or
i. After dark, all areas outside the street surrounding Sonner-Payne and Fulton Hall
(this restriction also includes the steps and lobby of Turner Hall) and any dark area
hidden from a supervisor’s view within these areas.
j. Swimming pool, when closed.
k. All wooded areas on campus.
l. Any unoccupied dorm room.
m. Any automobile unless departing or arriving on an approved pass.
n. Except when visiting the Wentworth Clinic, Fulton Hall is off limits 5:00pm-7:30am
Monday thru Friday to all students not accompanied by a faculty or staff member.
o. On weekends the Clinic is the only authorized entrance for students.
2. Off campus:
a. Royal Phoenix property located on the western border of campus.
b. Railroad tracks.
c. The river.
d. The bridges on 522 north and beyond the established business boundaries of Front
Royal, except when riding the FRAT bus to the Crooked Run or Riverton Commons
Shopping Centers.
e. Any business establishments designated by the Commandant or Academy President.
f. Any tattoo parlor.
g. Pool halls or other establishments (other than restaurants) that serve alcohol.
h. All motels unless on an approved pass with your parents/guardian.
i. Unless accompanied by a guardian or R-MA faculty or staff member, any area east of
Commerce Avenue is considered “Off-Limits” for R-MA boarding cadets. This includes
the railroad tracks, Bing Crosby Field and the adjacent parks. The Food Lion Shopping
Center on Commerce and John Marshall Highway is the only exception to this policy.
j. The area behind Martin’s Grocery and K-Mart Shopping center is off limits to all R-MA
cadets. This includes the basketball courts and park adjacent to the rear of the shopping
k. R-MA students are forbidden from walking through the neighborhoods between Main
Street and South Street. Main Avenue, Royal Avenue or Commerce Street are the only
approved routes to reach McDonald’s, Martin’s Plaza or Burger King. Cadets are
prohibited from walking on High Street, Blue Ridge Ave., Mosby Lane, Front, Osage,
Stonewall, Prospect, Church, Pine, Barton, Pullen, Ritenour or Cloud Streets.
Students will not sell any services or merchandise on the campus unless in conjunction with the
Interact Community Service Program.
Damage and/or Vandalism
1. Any student who willfully damages or defaces school property will be charged a damage
2. Further disciplinary action may be taken as deemed necessary by the summer school
3. Vandalism to common areas of campus that cannot be attributed to one or a group of
students will be prorated and charged to all students.
Food and/or Drinks
1. Food and/or drinks may not be taken into or consumed in the library, gym, swimming
pool, chapel, or in any classroom or hallway in any academic or athletic building.
2. Food and/or drinks may be taken into and consumed in the activity room and in the
3. Food in dorm rooms: While encouraging a healthy lifestyle at R-MA, it is imperative that
students keep their personal food items properly stored. All food items in dormitory
rooms must be stored in air tight sealable plastic containers or bins. Foot lockers and
desk drawers are not acceptable storage. Any food items not in proper storage will be
removed and not returned, including leftover food items delivered to campus. Cadets
violating this policy will risk losing the privilege of food in dormitory rooms.
Street shoes may not be worn while playing on the main gymnasium floor.
1. Students may enter the swimming pool only during a scheduled
swimming period when a lifeguard is present.
2. Students must wear a shirt or robe and some type of shoes to the pool
and back to the dormitory.
3. Food, drinks, bottles, or anything made of glass are not permitted in
the pool area.
4. No “horseplay” is permitted in the swimming pool area.
5. Students must enter the swimming pool through the outside (south) entrance.
1. Room assignments will be made upon enrollment. Requests for room changes can be
made at Student Services.
2. Upon arrival, students will register the serial number, make and model
of all electronic equipment brought into the R-MA dormitories. This
includes all iPods, MP3s, PCs/laptops, and cell phones. Additionally, all
students will surrender their computer passwords to their Student Life
Supervisor(SLS). Failure to provide the SLS with the correct password
will result in confiscation of laptop or PC until password information is
3. There will be a daily inspection of quarters. Students must keep dormitory rooms in neat
order. The bed should be made and kept clear of all articles, clothing hung in the closets,
and no trash of any kind should be left on the floor. Wastebaskets must be emptied
every morning before going to class.
4. Students will not move dormitory furniture from room to room and will not alter the
room arrangement.
5. A student will never enter another student’s room unless invited by one of the regular
occupants of the room who is also present. Violation of this privacy is breaking and
6. No more than five students are allowed in any room at one time.
7. Fathers of male students and mothers of female students are permitted, with Student
Services or SLS permission, to visit the respective dormitories at any time. Mothers or
fathers are permitted in the dormitories of the opposite sex only on the opening and
closing day of school. No other visitors of the opposite sex are permitted in the
dormitories at any time. Other visitors are not permitted in dormitories at any time
without permission of the Commandant, or his designated representative.
8. Faculty and staff members are permitted to enter a same sex student’s room at any
9. Students are not permitted in the dormitories at any time other than scheduled times
when a faculty/staff member is present. Specifically, students must obtain permission
from their teachers and Student Services to return to the dorms during class or
scheduled activities times and must be escorted by an adult or an approved student.
10. Extension cords are generally prohibited for use with computers, unless
they have an internal circuit breaker. No extension cords will exceed 12
feet in length. Wiring of any nature between dorm rooms is prohibited.
11. Students must turn off the lights when leaving the room.
12. Students may not cover the window glass in their door at any time
13. Two wall posters are allowed, using two-sided tape or sticky tack.
Inappropriate material will not be posted. This includes posters with sexual overtones
or posters that promote alcohol or other addictive drugs or substances, or that may be
derogatory toward ethnic or religious groups.
14. Marring of furniture in study hall, classrooms, and dormitories is a serious offense and
may result in dismissal as well as charges for replacement or repair.
15. External speakers for computers or stereos are not permitted. Students must use
headphones or earbuds.
16. Student names must be displayed on the room door at all times on a label approved by
the SLS.
17. No medication or prescriptions of any kind are permitted in the dorm rooms. These
must be in the possession of the nurse or dorm counselor, who will dispense them as
18. SLS’s inspect all students’ rooms every morning. The criteria for passing inspection are:
a. The bed is made without wrinkles using two sheets and one blanket. The pillow
is centered at the head of the bed and enclosed in a pillowcase.
b. All clothing is hung neatly in the closet or folded in the drawers. Shoes are
placed neatly in the floor of the closet.
c. All dirty clothes are to be kept in the laundry bag.
d. The floor is swept clean. Only foot lockers and suitcases may be stored under
the bed.
e. The desk and drawers are neat and orderly. Drawers
should be neat at all times.
19. Required cleaning supplies: bottled Windex, Comet or any other
powdered sink/bathtub cleaner, a dust mop or broom, and a
sponge. These items will be stored and used for dorm room
20. Students should mark all of their belongings including radios,
calculators, clocks, all items of clothing, bedding, towels, etc.
21. Electronic locks are on all dormitory doors in Sonner-Payne Hall
and Turner Hall. The lock engages when the door closes on entry or exit. It is a major
school rule violation to tamper with or disable the automatic locking feature of the
22. Dormitory rooms are shared domain, with roommates sharing responsibility for
personal belongings of each other. Anytime one roommate is absent and the other has
guests in the room, he/she is responsible for the behavior of all non-occupants in the
room. If an item of the absent occupant is missing after the visit, the roommate who
was in the room with non-occupants is accountable for the missing item. Single rooms
are available for an additional fee; please contact Student Services at 540-636-5208 for
more information.
23. Any student who loses or misplaces his/her room key card must immediately go to
Student Services and have a new key made. The student must return to his or her room
to verify the key code is active, and then return to Student Services. Student Services
will then locate the roommate and have that person exchange his/her key for the new
one. At no time will any staff member open a dormitory room for a student while
Student Services is manned, unless it is an absolute emergency. This includes weekdays,
evenings, or weekends. If Student Services is not manned, a staff member may open
the student’s door for overnight access. The following morning, the student must report
to Student Services immediately and follow the procedures mentioned above. Students
requiring access to the dorm during the academic day must check in and out with
Student Services, which will maintain a log of students granted access. Students failing
to follow this procedure or who are found in the dorm and not on the log will face
disciplinary action.
24. Any package received for a student will be opened in the presence of a Student Services
staff member. Any prohibited items discovered will immediately be
confiscated and the parents of the student notified. Weekend duty
supervisors are also authorized to inspect any packages of students returning
from weekend pass or town leave.
Dining Hall
1. Students must enter the dining hall in an orderly manner and remain standing until
grace is offered.
2. Proper etiquette is expected and will be observed at all times.
3. Be on time to meals. Announcements will be made at the
beginning of the meal. Full attention must be given to the
4. No food or drink may be taken into or from the dining hall.
5. Students will remain in the dining hall until excused.
Laundry service is available on campus.
1. Laundry for boarding male students is picked up in the cross hall on the Student
Services level of Sonner-Payne Hall.
2. Laundry for boarding female students is picked up inside the dormitory stairwell
doorway leading to the foyer of the dining hall.
3. When using laundry services complete a ticket from Student Services and put all
laundry in one bag.
Laundry Schedule
Preparing Laundry for pick-up
1. Obtain a laundry slip from the dorm staff or from Student Services.
2. Fill it out completely. Include your name and an accurate count of articles being sent out.
3. Be sure you are only sending out your own laundry and that your clothes are correctly
4. Put the laundry slip inside the bag and tie the bag securely.
5. Bring the laundry bag to the designated spot.
6. Save your copy of the laundry slip until your cleaned clothing returns. This is your claim
ticket in the event of lost laundry.
Prohibited Items: Do Not Bring to Campus
Television sets
Web cams (cameras)
Hot pots/plates/ heating devices
Air conditioners
Laser pointers
Weapons including knives
Potted plants or flowers
Aerosol products (except shaving
Desk lamps and nightlights
Skateboards, skates, and bicycles
Drugs, alcohol, tobacco products of any
kind and related paraphernalia to
include matches, cigarette lighters
Lighted signs, black lights and strobe
lights, etc.
Electronic cigarettes, nicotine gum, etc.
R Rated video games or movies/DVD/music
Racially or ethnically offensive materials
Coffee pots
Weights or exercise equipment
Tools and tool kits
Hair cutting equipment
Pets and fish
Lacrosse sticks
Paintball guns
External computer hard drives
External speakers
Any stand-alone game system: such as “XBox,” Sony Playstation, or Nintendo
Note: All Medication(to include over-thecounter medicines and vitamins) must be
kept by the school nurse
Any product that is marketed to boost energy or as energy drink is banned from the RandolphMacon Academy campus.
Students who are found with these products will receive appropriate consequences and the
items will be confiscated and disposed of. The Commandant of the Upper School and Principal of the
Middle School will be the final authority on what constitutes an ‘energy drink.’
Leave Policy
1. A student may leave with his or her parents any weekend after classes on Saturday,
providing that the student is not on restriction.
2. Students traveling with adults other than their own parents must have written
permission with parent signature on file with Student Services, authorizing such travel.
The best way to accomplish this is by fax or a mailed letter that should be received by
the date of the student’s travel. Phone permissions are not acceptable.
3. A student visiting in a home other than one’s own must have a written invitation sent to
Student Services from the host family. A student must also have written permission
from his/her parents or legal guardian to visit another person or family.
4. Students on weekend leave must return to R-MA by 7:30 p.m. on Sunday.
5. All students who have not checked out on weekend leave by the time the field trip
departs are required to go on the trip.
6. Students may ride with parents or R-MA faculty or staff, or use the Front Royal Trolley
bus to travel to and from town. Students will not use any other form of transportation
to and from town.
Motor Vehicles
Boarding Students
Boarding students are required to register all vehicles at
Student Services.
Vehicles will be parked and locked in an area provided
especially for this purpose.
Boarding students may not park at any other location in
Front Royal or Warren County.
All keys are to be turned in to Student Services. Keys are released after classes on
Saturday provided that written permission is on file from the parent or guardian.
Day Students
1. Day students must park their vehicles in the parking area south of Crow Hall (between
Crow Hall and faculty housing).
2. Day students are not to go to their vehicles between classes, during breaks, or during
3. Day students who have morning and afternoon classes are not to leave campus during
lunch and are expected to be at lunch in the R-MA dining hall.
4. Day students must register their vehicles with Student Services.
5. Day students’ keys are to be turned in to Student Services upon arrival at R-MA and may
be picked up after the last class each day.
Failure to comply with these or any other rules or laws governing the operation of a motor
vehicle in the community or on campus will subject the student to loss of driving privileges while in
attendance at R-MA Summer School.
Telephones and Cell Phones
1. Cell phones must remain in the dorm room AT ALL TIMES unless
checking out. Day students must leave cell phones locked in their
private automobile or with Student Services.
2. The following are the only authorized use times for internet and
phones of any type for Summer School students.
Failure to comply with the above policy will be considered a major breech of discipline and will
result in the following disciplinary actions:
a. First offense: Three detention study halls and confiscation of cell phone for one week.
b. Repeat offense: Five detention study halls to restriction and confiscation of cell phone
for the remainder of the summer school.
Fire Drill Procedure
1. Routine fire drills will be conducted a minimum of once during the summer session.
2. Drills will be timed to track their duration, and comments of effectiveness will be
3. Evacuation maps with primary routines and alternate routes are posted in the
classrooms and on bulletin boards in the buildings/dorm.
4. The Student Life Supervisor or Student Services personnel are responsible for providing
rosters at all drill activities.
General Information:
1. When the fire alarm sounds, all students and staff should exit the building quietly in
single file lines. Staff members should be last to leave the room and should ensure that
all students are safely out of the room. Classroom doors and other doors should be
closed as time permits.
2. In case of a real emergency, the administrative assistant or one of the dorm supervisors
will call 911 to report the fire. If this is not possible, a runner will be sent to the Middle
School to place the call.
3. During class time the students will line up by class along the outer curve of the front
roadway in a single file line so that teachers can take a visual/verbal roll call. When all
students are accounted for, the students may be instructed to move, and the teachers
will notify the Summer School Director and the Director of Student Services.
4. During residential time students will line up by floor in the parking lot of Melton
5. Dorm supervisors will take a visual and verbal head count and report to the Studen
Services personnel on duty.
1. A continuous series of bells or the sounding of the fire alarm is an
emergency indication. All students and adults will immediately and
silently proceed to the designated emergency procedure area and await
further instructions. There is no distinction between a real emergency
and a drill; emergency signals are always treated as real emergencies.
2. Sounding a fire alarm as a prank is a serious offense that is subject
to severe disciplinary action by R-MA. This offense is also illegal and violations are
subject to prosecution by local law enforcement agencies.
General Conduct and Behavior
The mission of the Randolph-Macon Summer School Program is to enrich and
educate. R-MA will provide counseling, guidance and discipline to correct unacceptable
Students who commit major disciplinary infractions or show a pattern of chronic
misbehavior may be beyond the Academy’s ability to correct. When such students
adversely affect other students or the good order and discipline of the student body,
dismissal may result.
If a student is dismissed, no academic credit will be given, and no refund will be made.
No student will be dismissed without notice of violations(s), an explanation of the evidence on
support of those violations, and an opportunity to appear before the Disciplinary Review Committee
to present evidence to the contrary. Randolph-Macon Academy will exercise in loco parentis (in
place of the parent) for all boarding students when they enrolled in the school. This includes on
and off campus activities and any time the student is representing Randolph-Macon Academy.
Only the President of the Academy has final dismissal authority.
The Summer School Director has dismissal authority in the absence of the President.
Minor Disciplinary Infractions
Guidance and warnings are given for minor infractions that can be quickly and easily remedied.
Depending on the disciplinary issue, guidance and warnings do not necessarily have to be issued
before other disciplinary actions are taken.
The first level is on-the-spot corrective action.
The second level of corrective action will be assigned detention hall.
The third level of corrective action is restriction
Demerits are issued for minor infractions. These infractions will be determined by the
Commandant, faculty and staff. Generally, these infractions will include (but are not limited
to) the following:
1. Minor Uniform Infractions (to include meeting basic hygiene requirements)
2. Failure of Room Standards (not gross)
3. “Continued” failure to turn in homework
4. Any other infractions considered minor by the Summer School Director,
Commandant or Restriction Officer
For every five demerits earned in a 24-hour period (noon to noon), a student will be placed on
evening detention. Students who differ with these write-ups will see the individual adult who wrote
them up to discuss their demerits by 4:00 p.m. that day or they will be considered accepted.
If a demerit is “excused” by the individual who submitted it, that individual will notify Student
Services via e-mail at studentservices@rma.edu no later than 4:00 p.m. the day of the alleged
Students with four or fewer demerits at publication time will revert to zero demerits.
At lunch the names of students who have been assigned tours will be read at lunchtime and the
list will be posted in Student Services and on each dormitory hallway.
During lunch each student who has been assigned tours will be told what rule(s) they violated,
and how many tours they have been assigned, by Student Services.
More serious infractions (i.e. late for class, defiance and/or disrespect to faculty or staff not
considered “gross” in nature, gross failure of room standards or gross violation of uniform
standards) will still result in immediate detention. Gross defiance or disrespect to faculty or staff
may - depending on the nature of the offense - result in immediate restriction.
1. Detention will be carried out Monday-Friday during the evening activity period.
2. Students will report to detention in the library at 6:30pm in Activity Uniform with books
and materials to study.
3. If a student is given Detention Study Hall, his/her cell phone, IPod, video games and lap
top will be confiscated for a minimum of one day
4. A faculty member will be assigned by the Summer School Director to monitor detention
study hall.
Major Disciplinary Infractions
Randolph-Macon Academy does not tolerate the actions listed below. Students found guilty of
any of these major disciplinary infractions may be subject to immediate dismissal.
1. Randolph-Macon Academy declares a zero tolerance policy regarding the possession and/or
use of illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia. This policy extends to illegal drugs, alcohol use,
possession or use of over-the-counter medications solely for mind-altering purposes
including, but not limited to bath salts, K2, Spice, Black Rooster or any synthetic
cannabinoids. Possession includes being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on or
off campus, testing positive for illegal drugs or unauthorized drugs, possession of drug
paraphernalia, or refusing to take drug test. This policy applies to students while “signed in”
to the Academy (e.g. on campus, in the local community, or off campus on school sponsored
events or trips). Students in violation of this policy will be given due process through the
Disciplinary Review Committee, and if found guilty, will be dismissed from R-MA.
2. Possession or manufacturing of any weapon. This includes but is not limited to firearms
knives, fireworks, weapons of any description made of any common item with the intent to
harm another person, explosives, or any type of device capable of causing physical injury.
3. Sexual misconduct to include sexual contact (either heterosexual or homosexual), including
being in a restroom or dormitory room with a member of the opposite sex.
4. Hazing of any kind is absolutely prohibited. Intimidating or threatening anyone or
demanding or even requesting personal services by another student or intentionally
depriving another student of rights or privileges is prohibited. Forming a subgroup that is
not related to R-MA’s program and/or initiating members into that subgroup is also
prohibited. Hazing is also the practice whereby racial, ethnic, national, or other cultural
groups exercise control, punishment, or intimidation over its own members; this is
prohibited. Control, punishment or intimidation over outsiders to such a group is also
prohibited under the category that includes racism. Any student found guilty of hazing at
R-MA may be subject to dismissal.
Depending on the circumstances, the following actions are considered acts of misconduct.
A first offense involving an act of misconduct will result in a minimum three-day restriction, or
possible dismissal.
Misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
1. Possession and/or use of tobacco products and paraphernalia. This includes lighters,
matches, pipes, and the sale of tobacco products.
2. Threatening or violent behavior.
a. Fighting or dangerous horseplay.
b. Use of offensive, inflammatory language to demean another individual, including
comments manifesting prejudice or bias to race, religion, national origin, sex,
physical or mental attributes.
c. Disrespect toward faculty/staff.
d. Failure to report activities of other students who are involved in behavior that could
result in bodily harm to themselves or others.
e. Possession of materials encouraging witchcraft or anarchy.
f. Gang membership or gang-like behavior, forming or belonging to any subgroup not
recognized as part of any R-MA program.
g. Causing intentional, unprovoked physical harm to other cadets, faculty, or school
personnel. Randolph-Macon Academy declares a zero tolerance regarding bullying
in any form, whether emotional, verbal, physical, in person or via electronic
communication devices. This includes, but not limited to, IMs, texting, e-mails or
through social networking like Facebook or MySpace. This policy applies to students
while “signed in” to the Academy or off campus.
3. Violation of the Honor Code. Students must report these incidents for the overall
well-being of the students at the Academy.
a. Lying, cheating, stealing, plagiarism, or other dishonest acts.
b. Condoning these acts by others.
c. Entering another student’s room/hall unless invited by the regular occupant of that
d. Possession of a dormitory key other than to the room you have been assigned.
e. Possession of a second set of vehicle keys.
f. Unauthorized use of a phone card or access codes.
g. Submitting a false statement such as parental permission e-mails, fax, phone calls,
and letters.
h. Possession of another student’s property.
i. Borrowing without permission.
Defacement or willful destruction of property.
Possession, use and/or sale of alcoholic beverages, including low-alcohol and
nonalcoholic beer.
Turning on a false fire alarm.
Sexual harassment, including any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors, suggestive comments, jokes, gestures and pornography.
Possession, use or creation of pornography.
Public display of affection (PDA): Students are not allowed to walk arm-in-arm, hold
hands, hug or kiss in any manner.
Entering, without authorization, a room or other area intended solely for the opposite sex.
Blatant disregard for the rules and standards of deportment at R-MA.
a. Tampering with locks on any doors on the school campus.
b. Entering an off-limits area with evident intent to break school rules.
c. Absent from campus without permission for more than 24 hours or with obvious
intention of not returning.
Intentionally embarrassing the reputation of Randolph-Macon Academy by misconduct
while in Front Royal, while representing the school at Academy sponsored events, or by
demeaning and slandering the Academy in any form of media, including by not limited to
Facebook, broadcast or print media. NOTE: The Academy has the right to discipline cadets
for off campus conduct that violates rules or which is deemed detrimental to the Academy’s
interests, reputation, or goals and objectives.
Any student determined as not participating constructively in all aspects of the R-MA program
may be dismissed.
Restriction is assigned for major disciplinary infractions, misconduct or multiple infractions or
multiple occasions of disrespect.
1. If the DRC determines that the student is guilty of the offense, he/she will be assigned
restriction consistent with the offense and historically assigned for similar offenses. The
Commandant will notify the faculty, parents, and the mentor that the student has been
placed on restriction.
2. The minimum length of restriction is two days.
3. The following conditions will apply when on restriction: 1. Day students will be required
to move into the dorm to serve restriction days and will have mandatory Study Hall
during the restriction time period. 2. No participation in any activities while serving
restriction. 3. All personal electronics will be turned in to the Commandant for the
restriction time period. If a student on restriction is discovered using or borrowing
electronic devises, one day of restriction will be added and the restriction week will be
extended to Sunday. 4. Students will go to Detention Study Hall each day of assigned
restriction. Any demerits earned during the restriction period will be served in
Detention Study Hall beginning the day after the final restriction day Detention Study
Hall is served. 5. No leaving campus for any reason.
4. They may not participate in weekday activities and they will be with their Student Life
Supervisor during free time. Students will be restricted to their room after 9:30 p.m.
NOTE: A twenty-five dollar a day charge is levied on a student’s account for the additional
services this program entails.
APPENDIX A Organizational Structure
Randolph-Macon Academy Summer School Program
Maj. Gen. Henry M. Hobgood
Student LIfe Supervisors
LIsa Coleman
Col. Gary Sadler
Donald Williams
Director of Summer School
Student LIfe Supervisors
Jim Payne
Jumanah Khader
Aimiee Connors
Kenesa Haffer
Clay Clinedinst
L. Barr
Robert Locklear
Academic Coordinator
Blake Hollinger
Dani Steele
Laura Abraham
Frank Moxie
Brian Barbour
Bob Davies
Christa Nathe
Tara Orichowskyj
Thomas Chin
Anton Pav
Dakota Cronin
Bill Curl
Stephanie Portillo
Betty Rogers
Mary Gamache
Andrew Harriman
Liz Rogers
Eliseo Vallejo
Ryan Koch
Bryan McCabe
Kimberley Waite
Michael Williams
Students and Faculty Support Services
SGT Tony Cerella
Phyllis Cerella
Karen Moxie
Weeknight OC/Weekend
Director of Student Services
Steve Jenkins
Susan Carden
Tara Housden
Technology Department
Richard Donak
Robert Helms
Director of Maintenance
Charlie Brooks
APPENDIX B Daily Schedule
Daily schedule
Monday, Wednesday,
Tuesday , Friday
Wake up
Day student sign in
First period
First period (cont)
Second period
Wake up
Day student sign in
First period
First period (cont)
Second period (cont)
Day students sign out
Study hall
Activity period
Dorm time
Lights out
Second period
Second period
Day student sign out
Study hall (TUE)
Free Time (FRI)
Activity period
Dorm Time
Lights out
Activities Schedule Students will wear appropriate sports attire for weekend trips.
Monday/Wednesday 7:30pm-9:30pm
•Study Hall
Tuesday 7:00pm-9:30pm
•Front Royal Theatres
Thursday 6:30-9:30
•Front Royal 4H Center Swimming Pool or
•Bowling - Front Royal Lanes
Saturday 12:30pm-9:00pm, Midnight for Theme parks
• Asian Outing - Manassas, VA
• Kings Dominion Ashland, VA
• Hershey Park Hershey, PA
Wake up
Breakfast/ Day
student sign in
First period
Second period
Lunch/Day student
sign out
Theme parks
Dorm time
Lights out
Dinner (optional)
All students return to
Study hall
Dorm time
Lights out
Final Day
Wake up
Day student sign in
First period
Second period
Lunch/Check out
Optional Church Services in Town
Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Roman
Catholic, Episcopal and several others are
within walking distance. Transportation to
other local churches, please notify student
APPENDIX C R-MA Summer School Contacts
Donald Williams
Christine Bennett
Kenesa Haffer
Commandant’s Office
COL Gary Sadler
Student Services
Karen Moxie
TSgt Tony Cerella
Phyllis Cerella
Richard Donak
Steve Jenkins
Whitworth Clinic
Susan Carden
Tara Housden
Ext 3815
Ext 5485
Ext 5215
Ext 5203
Ext 5495
Ext 5208
Ext 5495
Ext 3808
Ext 3825
Ext 5210
Ext 5210
Last name
First name
Crow B-12
Classroom # E-mail
Ext. 5492
Fulton 118
Fulton 220
Fulton 108
Fulton 211
Fulton 109
Crow 18
Fulton 117
Crow B-12
Fulton 106
Fulton 104
Fulton 116
Fulton 105
Fulton 107
Fulton 219
Crow 21
Fulton 210
Fulton 201
Fulton 119
Ext. 8621
Ext. 8210
Ext. 8617
Ext. 8203
Ext. 8616
Ext. 8619
Ext. 5492
Ext. 8613
Ext. 8620
Ext. 8200
Ext. 8638
Ext. 8201
Ext. 8618