Randolph-Macon Academy


Randolph-Macon Academy
The Crisis Management Plan
Randolph-Macon Academy
July 2010
Table of Contents
Intent and Definition of Crisis Management
Crisis Management Team Purpose/Members
Emergency Calling Procedures
First Responder Actions/ First Aid /Responding to Emergencies/Illness/Injury
Severe Weather
Suicide/Death of Student or Employee
Serious injury/Accidental Death
Building security
Terrorism Actions or Threats/ Terrorist Activity
Chemical and Biological Terrorism Events and Responses
Bomb Threats
Hostage Situations
Chemical or Hazardous Spill
Intruders and Trespassers
Power Outage
Student AWOL on Trips Away From Campus
Appendix I - Sample Announcement of the Death of a Student or Faculty Member
Appendix II – Randolph-Macon Academy Middle School Severe Weather Procedures
(Tornado, Hurricane, Blizzard, etc.)
Appendix III – Randolph-Macon Academy Middle School
Fire Evacuation and Drill Procedure
Appendix IV – Pandemic Checklist
Building Fire Escape Plans
Boggs Chapel
Crow Hall
Melton Gym
Fulton Band Hall
Stan Fulton Hall
Middle School
Randolph-Macon Academy
Crisis Management Plan
Intent and Definition of Crisis Management
Crisis Management is a central component of comprehensive School Safety. The most important
consideration in both Crisis Management and Safe Schools efforts is the health, safety and welfare of the
students and staff. A comprehensive Safe Schools Plan places a strong emphasis on prevention using
strategies which range from building design to discipline policies and programs which improve school
Preparation and planning are keys to responding to an emergency before it becomes a crisis. This plan is
designed to provide general guidance to the Randolph-Macon Academy faculty and staff to help them
respond quickly and responsibly to an emergency or crisis situation. By their very nature not all emergencies
can be planned for, but this plan attempts to address actions that need to be taken during emergency or crisis
The Crisis Management Plan provides guidelines, structure, and a process in dealing with a range of crisis
situations, which may interrupt the normal operation of Randolph-Macon Academy during normal school
hours and throughout the remainder of times that students may be housed on the campus. These guidelines
provide a process to deal with situations that may occur and that have the potential to result in physical injury
to students, faculty, staff, or community members who may be on the campus. Faculty and Staff members
should be familiar with the contents of this plan in order to properly react to emergency situations that could
occur at
Crisis Management is that part of a school‘s approach to school safety which focuses on a time-limited,
problem-focused intervention to identify, confront and resolve the crisis, restore equilibrium, and support
appropriate adaptive responses. If left unmanaged, an emergency can quickly develop into a crisis, and a
crisis can quickly evolve from an isolated event to a full-blown uncontrollable situation with possibly tragic
“Crises” shall include but not be limited to situations involving the death of a student, staff member,
or a member of a student‘s immediate family by suicide, substance abuse, illness, or accident. The
Academy President or his designated representative shall have the authority to determine what is a
crisis incident and to convene the Crisis Management Team.
“Critical incidents” shall include situations involving threats of harm to students, personnel, or
facilities. Critical incidents include but are not limited to natural disasters, fire, use of
weapons/explosives, and the taking of hostages. Such incidents require an interagency response
involving law enforcement and/or emergency services agencies.
The individual school “Crisis Management Plan” shall be a written plan with explicit intent to
protect and sustain life, reduce emotional trauma, assist in emotional recovery from trauma, and
minimize personal injury and/or damage to the facility.
Randolph-Macon Academy
Crisis Management Plan
Crisis Management Team
The Randolph-Macon Academy Crisis Management Team (CMT) consists of the following personnel: The
Academy President, Director of Support Services, Commandant, Academic Dean, Middle School Principal,
and the Chief Financial Officer. The following personnel should be immediately available to be included on
the CMT as necessary: Vice-President for Development, Director of AFJROTC, Director of Residential Life,
Director of Student Services, and the Technology Operations Manager, the Director of Human Resources ,
The Director of Public Affairs, and the Chief of Medical Services. The CMT will assemble in the Map
Room of Sonner-Payne Hall when convened due to a crisis or emergency situation. The President will
designate another location of the campus if necessary depending on the situation. In the event it is necessary
to move from the R-MA campus, the CMT will meet in the conference room at the offices of Lawson and
Silek, P.L.C. at 128 N. Royal Ave, Front Royal, VA. Upon notification of a crisis situation, the President or
his designated representative is responsible for:
Determining the scope of the event
Determining a course of action
Deciding to contact parents
Providing public information
Decisions on other matters requiring resolution
Discussion with the Chairman and R-MA Board of Trustees
The Director of Public Relations will be the principal point of contact with the media. In the event of a
disaster or other crisis, appropriate personnel will be designated to respond to telephone inquiries under the
direction of the Director of Public Relations. Television and other camera crews and reporters who arrive on
campus will be directed to a central location to meet with school authorities. Notification of parents will be
determined by the CMT and official statements will be prepared by the Director of Public Relations, in
coordination with the President. The Director of Public Relations will be the official spokesperson and
provide information for the Academy regarding crises related issues.
The Director of Public Relations will also be responsible for disseminating information on the web site and
via social media networks, and for monitoring the internet for constituent reactions/responses to the crisis.
The Director of Support Services and the Chief Financial Officer are responsible for resolution of issues
regarding the physical plant and grounds of the Academy, providing transportation for students, all voice and
data communications, as well as the food service functions that may be affected during emergency situations.
The Maintenance Supervisor will direct those activities requiring construction and repair to facilities and
grounds as a result of damage during a crisis situation.
The Commandant is responsible for cadet activities, transportation arrangements, housing, and student
medical services, and will direct activities to ensure continuity of cadet life and control and accountability of
cadets during and after a crisis or emergency situation.
The Academic Dean/Middle School Principal is responsible for student academic activities and will direct
the faculty and academic staff to ensure that continuity of the academic program is maintained in the
response to a crisis or emergency situation.
The Director of Medical Services will coordinate student medical services and activities with the
Commandant and the Academic Dean/Middle School Principal ensure proper and adequate care and
treatment of students is accomplished as required by the emergency. The Director of Medical Services will
also coordinate with local medical authorities and rescue personnel as required for treatment of students. In
addition, The Director of Medical Services will ensure that plans are developed to provide prescription
medicines required by students each day, should evacuation of the campus by the student body be required in
a disaster situation.
The Chief Financial Officer will ensure that plans are developed to provide appropriate amounts of
emergency cash to accompany chaperones of students should evacuation of the campus by the student body
be required under a disaster situation.
In emergency situations requiring immediate assistance, including:
A medical emergency – loss of life or limb
If fire or smoke is seen
Life or property is in danger
A crime is being committed
Call 911 and tell the dispatcher:
Your location
What is happening
Any other requested information
Then call Student Services or the Officer inCharge at (540) 636-5208 or the Middle School Main Office at
(540) 636-5480 and provide the following information:
Your name
Your location
What is happening
Whether 911 has been called
What help is needed
If Student Services or someone in the Middle School Office cannot be reached, enlist the help of other adults:
Notify an administrator (see Emergency Contact Numbers at the back of this book).
Send a responsible person to the front roadway to direct emergency responders to the scene.
Urgent situation not requiring emergency assistance:
If during the school day, call:
Student Services, ext.5208
Middle School, Operations ext. 5480
Commandant of Cadets ext. 5203
The Director of Support Services 5346
Upper School Academic Office, ext. 5204
Head of School, ext. 5201
The following interim procedures will be used until a campus-wide alert and communication system is in
place. Estimated completion date for the new system is SY 2010/2011 at which time this procedure will be
For an intruder alert: Follow the Emergency Calling Procedures previously discussed. Student Services
personnel or Middle School Office will notify the Senior Staff normally through the Director of Support
Services who will direct warning information through the Academic Dean and Middle School Principal.
For a Weather-Related Event: NOAA emergency radios have been placed at numerous locations on campus.
Anyone monitoring a radio should notify the Director of Support Services or the senior person on campus
when a weather-related threat has been transmitted. The Director of Support Services will direct warning
information through the Academic Dean and Middle School Principal.
Check Conditions
Survey the scene to determine what has happened and whether it is safe for you to proceed. Look for
dangerous situations such as downed power lines, escaping gas, or a structure that has been weakened due to
earthquake damage. If you determine the scene is safe, check the injured or ill person for consciousness and
life-threatening conditions.
Call for Help
In any of the following situations, call 911 and follow the Emergency Calling Procedures in this manual on
page 4:
Absence of breathing and/or pulse
Severe bleeding
Breathing difficulty
An allergic reaction requiring intervention
Chest pain
Head injury
Potential fracture of leg, hip, knee or pelvis, limb deformity or bone protrusion
Penetrating/crushing injury
Neck or back injury
Serious or extensive burns
Chemical burn of the eye or penetrating eye injury
Poisoning or potential drug overdose
Change in mental status or decreased level of consciousness
In situations involving less-serious injury or illness, call the Clinic, Student Services, or the Middle School
Procedures for fire evacuation of all buildings on the R-MA campus are posted on the walls in the hallways
of all buildings.
In the event of an actual fire:
1. The first person to detect the fire should activate the alarm, call 911 and use fire extinguishers if
2. Occupants should evacuate the building according to published instructions and assemble in the
designated area for an accounting.
3. Notify Student Services or the Middle School Office, who will in turn notify the Academy President or
other members of the CMT, if the President is not available. (See the telephone directory in Appendix I.)
4. The Duty Officer-in-Charge will manage the situation as necessary pending arrival of emergency
personnel and the CMT. Faculty and duty team personnel will support the Duty Officer-in-Charge in
responding to the emergency situation as necessary.
5. Once the nature and extent of the fire damage is determined, the CMT determine the necessary course of
action to be followed.
Severe Weather (Thunderstorms, Tornado, Hurricane, Snow Storms, Etc.)
1. When severe weather is predicted or expected in the Front Royal area, The President
or designee will inform faculty, staff and students that these procedures may go into
2. Upon designation of a tornado warning, the Director of Support Services or the CMT may order students
and staff to go into interior areas of the buildings without windows during periods of severe
thunderstorms/tornado activity. Once the severe weather passes students and staff may be released to
return to normal activities. All faculty and staff are responsible for ensuring that students remain inside
buildings during periods of thunderstorm and high wind activity due to the danger from lightning and
falling limbs. The following areas
should be considered as shelter areas during times of severe thunderstorm and tornado activity:
In the event of a tornado warning (4 rings), take your role book and escort your students to the nearest
a. Stan Fulton Hall – North end of basement near Photo Lab
b. Crow Hall – East end of basement near ROTC storage rooms
c. Sonner-Payne Hall – South end of basement between Bookstore and Uniform Sales
d. Turner Hall – basement
e. Melton Gymnasium – Locker rooms and basement hallways
f. Chapel - East and west interior hallways
g. Fulton Fine Arts and Maintenance Building – The band room away from the windows
h. Athletic Fields – Seek shelter in the closest of the above buildings
i. Mast Hall—restrooms
j. Middle School Recreation Building—locker rooms and restrooms, as well as the pantry and dish
room in the Dining Hall
k. Middle School Dormitory—congregate at the top of each hall and in the restrooms
3. During periods of heavy snow and ice storms, classes will normally continue as scheduled.
Faculty and staff are expected to make every reasonable effort to get to the campus; however, if this is
impossible, they will notify the Academic Dean/Middle School Principal (faculty) or their Immediate
Supervisor (staff). In some cases, arrangements can be made for school transportation in the immediate
Front Royal area for faculty as required. If blizzard conditions or excessive ice prevents day students
from leaving campus in the evening, the Commandant or Middle School Principal will arrange for them
to be housed and fed in the dormitories and cafeteria as necessary. Snow removal will occur under the
direction of the Director of Support Services or the Director of Maintenance as soon as maintenance
personnel can begin work. Field trips and athletic trips will be reviewed by the Academic Dean/Middle
School Principal and the Athletic Director to ensure that it is safe and prudent to continue the scheduled
activity. The Academic Dean/Middle School Principal with the advice of the Athletic Director, will
determine whether trips away from the campus will be cancelled due to hazardous weather.
Suicide (Death of a student or employee)
Upon discovery, immediately notify the President or designee through any means available. Seal off the area
and await arrival of authorities. R-MA authorities will call 911. The CMT will be convened to begin dealing
with issues involving the incident. The efforts of school personnel following a suicide will be toward taking
care of the survivors. This means insuring their physical and mental well being to the greatest degree that the
school can. Providing a caring environment while keeping a degree of structure and predictability will be
beneficial to most students. Some students may be deeply affected, while others will not be, but all must be
accommodated. In the event of a suicide (or death of a student or employee) the CMT should take the
following actions:
1. The CMT must decide when to contact parents of affected students.
2. A prepared announcement should be read to students and faculty assembled in the Chapel (or other
location if necessary) at a designated time as soon as possible. Refer to the example message in
Appendix II.
3. The Chaplain, faculty, staff and other professionals should be in attendance at the Chapel meeting or
Assembly when the announcement is read by the President or his designee.
4. Designated locations should be provided and staffed by counselors for those students who need them.
5. The class and student schedule should proceed as normal as possible.
6. A list of students more affected by the crisis, including close friends of the deceased, and a secondary
group of students who may experience great difficulty in dealing with the death, should be identified.
Teachers and students should be contacted and encouraged to participate in a grief support group to help
them cope with the crisis.
7. Students should be allowed to attend the funeral only with parent permission. They should be
encouraged to attend the funeral with their families when possible.
8. A memorial service may be held in the Chapel.
9. It is important that suicide not be portrayed as a means of gaining attention or sympathy from others.
10. Memorials should be directed by the Director of Support Services.
11. The CMT should make plans to contact outside agencies about the situation and determine what degree
and kind of external assistance might be needed.
12. A staff meeting should be held as soon as possible after the CMT meets to cover the following:
a. An update with the latest information relating to the suicide.
b. What specifically the students can be told about the situation.
c. Expected student responses should be discussed, along with what skills are needed in dealing with
distressed students and identifying high-risk individuals.
d. Ask staff members to identify students who they feel may be at risk and who are not on the list
prepared by the CMT.
e. Schedule changes for the next few days should be presented including teacher and staff
(1) Dormitory monitoring assignments
(2) Procedures for getting assistance to students.
13. Meetings with parents of affected students may be planned if needed.
Serious Injury/Accidental Death
In the event of a serious injury or accidental death on campus, the first action is to get help by notifying the
Officer-in-Charge or Student Services. Clear the area of students. Phone 911 if unable to reach school
authorities. CMT meets in the Sonner-Payne Map Room. Follow procedures outlined above in Suicide
Building Security
Building custodial personnel will lock the outside doors of all buildings (except Sonner-Payne and Turner
Halls) necessary for student entrance at the close of the academic day, normally 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday.
Doors to the gymnasium may remain unlocked as directed by the Athletic Director, in order to accommodate
sports activities and practice schedules. The Security Officerwill double check all doors in the evening.
Terrorism Actions and Threats
Procedures for reaction to terrorist actions and threats are meant to serve as a guide for those in authority
over students, faculty and staff personnel at Randolph-Macon Academy, to assist them in responding to the
vast array of potential threats and actions that may accompany terrorist activity. It is difficult to anticipate in
detail the types of terrorist situations that could be launched against the Academy and its personnel in
advance. Swift notification of authorities is the first response. In any response to terrorist situations,
protection and safety of students, faculty and staff is paramount.
Terrorist Activity
Upon discovery or notification of a terrorist act directed against the school, the students, faculty or staff, the
following applies:
1. The first person to become aware of a situation should notify Student Services or the Middle School
Office who in turn will notify appropriate authorities by calling 911, the Academy President or other
members of the CMT, if the President is not available. (See the telephone directory in Appendix I.)
a. The order of notification in response to an action or threat is:
(1) Emergency Services – 911
(2) Student Services/Middle School Office – 540 -622-7906 , ext. 5208, 5426, 5495/5417, 5480,
(3) The Academy President – ext. 5201 or 5498
(4) The Chief of Services – ext. 5346
(5) The Commandant – ext. 5203
(6) The Chief Financial Officer – ext. 5205
(7) The Academic Dean – ext. 5204
(8) The Vice-President for Development – ext. 5206
2. Depending on the situation, restrict the movement of students on campus until appropriate authorities
have arrived on scene or the CMT has taken control of the situation. This includes keeping students in
whatever classroom or building in which they are located until told to move to another location. If
students are outside, quickly move them to the nearest building for shelter until the appropriate
authorities have determined a course of action. Evacuate areas that are in imminent danger by directing
students and staff members away from the threatened area to the nearest appropriate shelter. Take
measures that are appropriate to maintain a calming atmosphere with the students. Await further
guidance from Emergency Officials or the CMT.
Chemical and Biological Terrorism Events and Responses
Upon discovery of something that could signal a chemical or biological terrorism strike at R-MA the
following will apply:
1. Immediately identify personnel exposed and isolate them to await emergency response personnel.
2. Secure the immediate area to await the arrival of emergency response personnel.
3. Notify Student Services (ext. 5208) after normal business hours, nights and weekends. (See telephone
directory Atch I) Student Services will immediately call 911 and then notify the Academy President
and/or the CMT.
4. Insure that all students and other personnel remain well clear of the affected area until the arrival of
emergency response personnel.
5. The CMT will be convened to take charge of the situation as warranted.
6. Upon a decision to close down the campus, the CMT will direct that all students are to remain confined
until further notice and windows are to remain closed and locked. Upper School day students report to
Student Services to await decisions regarding their release to parents or guardians. Middle school day
students report to the Middle School cafeteria to await further instructions. Under conditions where
confinement to dormitory or classrooms is not advised, students will report to the Student Services and
basement hallway of Sonner-Payne Hall (Upper School) and the Middle School cafeteria/gymnasium
area for further instructions.
7. Evacuation of the R-MA campus: Evacuation of students from R-MA will be the last in the range of
options available to the CMT. Upon a decision to evacuate the R-MA campus and the Front Royal area,
R-MA busses will be used to transport students. Busses will load students at the best location, as
determined by the CMT, normally at the west side of Sonner-Payne Hall to allow for the shortest distance
from the basement entrance/exit. Busses for the Middle School will report to the location directed by the
CMT to load students. The Commandant and the Middle School Principal will direct the loading of
busses for their respective schools and designate faculty and staff chaperones to accompany the students.
8. Destinations for evacuated students will be dependent upon the situation and the decision of the CMT.
Busses will be in communication with the CMT during an evacuation, or the CMT will accompany the
evacuation. Time permitting, parents of day students will pick up their students by reporting to Student
Services or the Middle School office as necessary to sign out their students. Those parents unable to
respond to the emergency to safely pick up their students should expect their students to accompany the
boarding students on busses.
9. The CMT will, after consideration of the circumstances, direct the return of students or continue
evacuation procedures.
Bomb Threats
Faculty, staff, and students should report any unusual circumstances and suspicious articles observed on the
campus. If a bomb threat is phoned in to the school, attempt to delay the caller and obtain as much
information about the location of the bomb as possible. DO NOT HANG UP THE TELEPHONE. Instruct
another person to call 911 from a second line so the call can be traced. Arrange for notification of the
President, Director of Support Services, Commandant or Academic Dean/Middle School Principal. They
will arrange for evacuation of the affected building by sounding the fire alarm in accordance with fire
evacuation procedures. Wait near the telephone to be debriefed by security personnel upon arrival.
Hostage Situations
1. If a faculty or staff member or a student hears gun shots or sees someone with a weapon in a building or
on campus:
a. Do not investigate the matter – CALL Student Service or the Middle School Office and inform
that person of the situation.
b. Students Services or the Middle School Office will notify the members of the CMT and will call
911 at the direction of the senior CMT member on campus.
c. If in a classroom, lock the door and keep students away from the door and windows. REMAIN
d. Wait for a school official or law enforcement officer to assist you – do not respond to knocks on
the door until released by an official or a call on the school phone or loudspeaker notification.
e. It is important for faculty and staff to remain a calming influence over students involved in the
f. If possible, isolate the area and await law enforcement officials.
h. Remain at your location until an announcement is made by the CMT or designee.
2. If an armed individual comes into the classroom:
a. Do as the gunman demands.
(1) Do not make sudden moves which could frighten the subject. (Ask permission to move)
(2) Never argue
(3) Take your time
(4) Keep your students as calm as possible
(5) Physical force should not be used unless someone‘s life is in imminent danger.
b. Talk to the gunman.
(1) Learn as much as you can about the gunman.
(2) Keep the gunman‘s attention on you, not on your students.
c. Be observant.
(1) Mentally record a detailed description of the individual and the weapon.
(2) Identify a distinctive feature and continue to concentrate on that one item.
(3) Remember what objects the intruder touches and preserve them for Law Enforcement.
(4) It is critically important to preserve the crime scene and never touch or move or disturb any
possible evidence or objects at that site.
d. If the gunman starts shooting:
(1) Tell students to get down and lie on the floor.
(2) Take cover on the floor and/or behind equipment.
Chemical or Hazardous Substance Spill
Call 911 or notify the R-MA Switchboard by dialing ‗0‘ or the Officer-in-Charge. If location is in Crow
Hall, the building should be evacuated and students should form up into classes for roll call on the roadway
immediately west of the building near Riddick Field to await emergency personnel. If the location is other
than in Crow Hall, students should be evacuated from the area, upwind if outside, and await assistance from
EMT personnel. Further evacuation orders will be given by the President through the CMT.
Intruders and Trespassers
OF DAY THEY ARRIVE. If someone is on campus that is unknown or appears threatening, contact the
Officer-in-Charge or Director of Student Services. Staff and faculty members should:
1. Offer to assist the individual(s) in any way as a means to ascertaining their purpose for being on campus.
2. If they are not welcome or on official business, remind them that R-MA is private property and the roads
are not city streets.
3. Write down the vehicle license number and give it to the Office of the Commandant.
4. Notify the Officer-in-Charge or Director of Student Services immediately of any hostility or if the
person(s) appear to be intoxicated.
5. Try not to appear confrontational.
In the event of an intruder (5 rings), insure rooms are locked and keep students away from windows. If able,
send email to <absentee@rma.edu> and report your situation as ―Red‖ – imminent danger or ―Green‖ – no
visible threat. If a report is not received, it will be assumed you are in danger. Protect students as much as
possible and follow directions of law enforcement personnel.
Power Outage
Notify the Director of Support Services and the Director of Maintenance through Student Services or the
Middle School Office of the outage. All CLSs/SLSs should have operable flashlights.
Student AWOL on Trips Away From Campus
While away from R-MA on an official school sanctioned field trip, parade trip, or athletic trip, continuous
accountability of students is imperative. If it is discovered that a student is missing from the group for such a
time period that it is apparent that the student is AWOL, immediately notify the Officer-in-Charge. During
normal business hours this will be the Commandant or Middle School Principal and after normal business
hours the Officer-in-Charge in Student Services or the Director of Residential Life at the Middle School.
Once the school has been notified, and communications have been established, continue to search any known
area in an attempt to find the student. Find out from others in the group if there are any clues as to where the
student may have gone. If there is no clue as to the whereabouts of the student, and after discussions with
school authorities, the Commandant, Middle School Principal or Officer-in-Charge should notify the missing
student‘s parents to attempt to locate the student.
Depending on where the incident has occurred, and after discussions with school authorities, local police
officials should be notified to help with the search. Once this has occurred, the group should return to the
campus, except for long distance parade unit trips.
Once the above actions have been completed, the responsibility for the missing student reverts to school
officials on campus, led by the Commandant‘s Office or Middle School Principal.
Pandemic ( see Appendix lV)
In the event of an influenza pandemic, boarding schools like Randolph-Macon Academy will play an integral
role in protecting the health and safety of students, employees and their families. The school, using data from
the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) has developed the attached checklist as a framework or response to an influenza pandemic.
CDC recommends maintaining the enhanced surveillance efforts practiced currently by state and local health
departments, hospitals, and clinicians to identify patients at increased risk for avian influenza A (H5N1).
The CMT along with the Chief of Medical Services will be responsible for developing and executing the RMA pandemic flu operations plan:
1. Determine R-MA ―at-risk‖ population
2. Develop checklist of symptoms to monitor for in the ―at-risk‖ population
3. Chief of Nursing Services will monitor local, national and global influenza activity and inform school
coordinator immediately of any emerging problems.
4. At the first sign of Pandemic symptom, isolate affected individual and refer to local medical facility for
testing as prescribed by CDC.
5. Report.
6. Parent notification.
1. Management
a. If student or staff member presents with flu symptoms, such as an increased temperature of over 100
degrees Fahrenheit and/or an acute onset of respiratory symptoms, give them a mask to wear while
further evaluation is being performed. Obtain a nasal ―quick vue‖ test that is available in clinic.
Have them wear the mask and isolate them in the clinic ward room labeled ―female infirmary.‖
b. Nasal swab cultures will be performed on at risk students or students demonstrating flu-like
c. If after 10 minutes the quick test is positive call the 24-hour Virginia Department of Health (VDH)
number: 1-540-665-8611. They will provide instructions on further testing and arrange pick up of
specimens to send to CDC locations for confirmation of a pandemic flu.
d. Evaluation of possible exposure and recent contacts will be determined immediately by the
Department of Health Care Services.
e. If the student or staff member can go home, have them wear mask and do so. If the student can be
driven, the parent or guardian should be contacted to pick the student up. Again, the student should
be wearing a mask to prevent spread of illness. No public transportation will be used.
f. The Chief of Medical Services or designated caregiver and/or staff person will monitor the CDC
website to update the CAT on precautions to take while recovering.
g. The sick person should not return to school for seven days.
h. All supplies used to evaluate a patient with flu-like symptoms will be disposed of in a red hazardous
waste container.
2. Roommate Management
a. Roommates of students who demonstrate flu-like symptoms will be evaluated by the staff of the
infirmary to determine level of exposure and possible transmission.
b. If the roommateexposure is limited, and the roommate demonstrates no unusual symptoms of illness,
he or she will be temporarily placed in a separate room, required to wear a facial mask (when in the
presence of others) and remain at a distance of at least three feet from others for a period of at least 24
hours or more until deemed non-contagious.
c. If the roommate demonstrates similar symptoms, both students will be confined to the clinic ward
1. Estimated patient capacity in isolation ward is 25.
2. Housekeeping will disinfect all touched surfaces.
3. Consider cancellation of classes, sporting events and/or other public events including closure of campus,
student housing, and/or public transportation (FRAT).
4. Contingency plans for students who depend on student housing and food services (e.g., international
students or students who live too far away to travel home);
5. Stockpile non-perishable food and equipment that may be needed in the case of an influenza pandemic.
a. Care of Confined Students
i. If the student needs to be isolated in the health clinic due to the inability to go home, the R-MA
Medical Staff will ensure scheduling to provide 24-hour presence. Nursing staff will provide
comfort care and evaluation for worsening of symptoms. Front Royal Family practice will be
called for prescriptions for antiviral drugs.
ii. Monitor Clinic Access—Security will post ―NO ENTRY‖ signs.
iii. All nurses entering the rooms of persons demonstrating flu-like symptoms will be required to
wear a facial mask, goggles, gloves and a protective gown.
iv. Disposal of protective equipment worn during room visits will occur immediately outside of the
room, and all disposable items will be placed in a hazardous waste container, which will be
provided by the infirmary.
v. Collection of hazardous waste materials will be performed by R-MA staff only.
i. Any confirmed cases of pandemic influenza virus will be immediately reported to the VDH and
procedures will continue based on the VDH protocol.
ii. Meals will be delivered to the medical clinic for students and staff.
b. Internal Outbreak
i. Should an internal outbreak occur, the Director of Medical Services will contact the Virginia
Department of Health (VDH), report recommendations to the CMT, and follow protocol
according the both CMT Safety Manual and the VDH recommendations.
ii. Staff members who become ill with flu-like symptoms will be asked to remain at home until
deemed non-contagious and no longer a threat to others.
c. External Outbreak
i. Should an external outbreak occur, the R-MA staff will follow the recommendations of the CMT
and the VDH.
d. Internal and/or External Outbreak
ii. Should an internal and/or external outbreak occur, all persons entering and leaving the Clinic will
be required to don a facial mask and remain at least three feet apart, unless medically necessary to
have physical contact.
1. Public Relations will:
Establish an emergency communication plan and revise regularly. This plan should identify key contacts
with local and state public health officials as well as the state's higher education officials (including backups) and the chain of communications, including alternate mechanisms.
a. Internal-employees, families, students, board.
b. External-newspaper, radio, TV, internet, school telephone notification service.
1. Education/Prevention
a. The Director of Medical Services will ensure all staff/students are briefed on flu prevention. (Inservice, orientation, town hall meetings.)
b. All students, faculty and staff will be encouraged to receive the influenza vaccination when available.
c. Current information and updates will be forwarded from Health Care Services to faculty, staff, public
relations and CMT response team should an outbreak occur within the local community.
1. The Director of Medical Services will develop a plan for delivery and administration of vaccine.
a. Priority will be based on HHS guidance.
b. The Director of Medical Services will develop guidelines for the return to work of personnel after
having pandemic flu.
c. The CMT will develop and adjust a strategy for housing as required.
1. Payroll, security, maintenance, communication with families, students, employees, housekeeping, food
2. Housing of essential personnel.
3. Establish threshold for continuity of instruction.
4. Plans for housing students who cannot leave.
5. Communications plans, hotlines, web sites, telephone notification service.
6. Transportation.
Appendix I
Sample Announcement of the Death of a Student or Faculty Member
I have a very important but sad announcement to the students of Randolph-Macon
Academy. A member of our student body (or faculty), (Name) was pronounced dead at
_______(AM – PM, last night/this morning). (The cause of death should be omitted
unless there is certainty about the means.) At this time, we have these details about the
time and place of the funeral (or visitation)______________. (If details about the
funeral time and place are not available, state that and tell the students/staff that this
information will be provided as soon as it is known.) We would also like to ask you to
respect (name of student)‘s family by not spreading rumors or gossiping about this
incident. They and we thank you for this.
We are aware of the tremendous sadness that this event may bring some of
Because some of you will need some time of comfort, we have established a comfort
room which is located ____________, to help you with your grief. It is important to
understand that people grieve differently.
Some of you may feel sad, some may feel
angry, some may not be as affected by the incident as others. We, as your teachers and
staff will help you in any way we can. If you wish to go to the comfort room, you may
your teacher.
Classes will proceed on schedule. However, if you need any help with your
let any staff person know.
1. When severe weather is predicted/expected in the Front Royal area, the Principal or designee will inform
students and staff that these procedures may go into effect.
2. The Principal, designee, dorm counselors, or night officer in charge, as appropriate, may order students
and staff to go into interior areas of buildings without windows during periods of high
winds/tornadoes/hurricanes, etc.
These interior areas are as follows:
a. Dormitory –, dormitory bathrooms.
b. School building – boys‘ and girls‘ bathrooms across from rooms 3 and 5, men‘s and women‘s
faculty bathrooms across from the media center.
c. Gymnasium/dining hall building – This building should be evacuated entirely if time permits. If
time or circumstances do not permit evacuation of this building, students and staff should go to
the athletic office, boys‘ and girls‘ bathrooms in the hallway near the dining hall entrance, boy‘s
and girl‘s locker rooms, or the laundry room.
3. The principal or designee may order the middle school campus to be evacuated and to have students and
staff moved to upper school basements if time permits prior to severe weather reaching the Front Royal
4. Classes will normally be held as scheduled during blizzard conditions and periods of heavy rains and
flooding. If blizzard conditions or flooding prevents some faculty members from arriving at school,
classes will be combined and/or other arrangements will be made to continue with classes as scheduled.
Faculty and staff members are expected to make every reasonable effort to get to campus. However, if
conditions prevent a faculty or staff member from being present for duties, he or she
should notify the principal as soon as possible. If blizzard conditions or flooding prevents day students
from leaving campus in the evening, they will be housed in the dormitory with the boarding students.
Fire Evacuation and Drill Procedure
1. Routine fire drills will be conducted at different times during the day at a minimum of once a month
while school is in session.
2. Drills will be timed to track their duration and comments will be made about the effectiveness of the
3. Accountability will be taken for students by class during academic time, by mentoring groups during
non-class times, and by hallway during residential time and after 4:00 PM.
4. Evacuation maps with primary routes and alternate routes are posted in the classrooms and on bulletin
boards in the buildings/dormitory.
5. Faculty and staff will be accounted for by the Principal during academic time and by the dorm designate
during residential time.
6. The Administrative Assistant is responsible for providing rosters at all drill activities.
General Information:
1. When the fire alarm sounds, all students and staff should exit the building quietly, in single file lines.
Staff members should be the last to leave the room and should ensure that all students are safely out of
the room. Classroom doors and other doors should be closed as time permits.
2. In the case of a real emergency, the administrative assistant or one of the dorm counselors will call 911 to
report the fire. If this is not possible, a runner will be sent to the Upper School to place the call.
3. During class time, students will line up at the flag pole in the quadrangle by class so that teachers can
take a visual/verbal roll call. When all students are accounted for, the students may be instructed to move
to one of the other designated locations.
4. If the primary routes are blocked, students and staff should use the alternate routes.
5. During residential time and after 4:00 PM, students will line up by hallway at the flagpole for
Appendix IV
Pandemic Planning and Coordination Checklist
Not Started In Progress Completed
Identify a pandemic coordinator and response team
(including campus health services and mental health staff,
student housing personnel, security, communications staff,
physical plant staff, food services director, academic staff and
student representatives) with defined roles and responsibilities
for preparedness, response, and recovery planning.
Delineate accountability and responsibility as well as
resources for key stakeholders engaged in planning and
executing specific components of the operational plan. Assure
that the plan includes timelines, deliverables, and performance
Incorporate into the pandemic plan scenarios that
address the school functioning based upon having various
levels of illness in students and employees and different types
of community containment interventions. Plan for different
outbreak scenarios including variations in severity of illness,
mode of transmission, and rates of infection in the community.
Issues to consider include:
cancellation of classes, sporting events and/or
other public events;
closure of campus, student housing, and/or
public transportation;
assessment of the suitability of student housing
for quarantine of exposed and/or ill students (See
contingency plans for students who depend on
student housing and food services (e.g., international students
or students who live too far away to travel home);
contingency plans for maintaining research
laboratories, particularly those using animals; and
stockpiling non-perishable food and equipment
that may be needed in the case of an influenza pandemic.
Work with state and local public health and other local
authorities to identify legal authority, decision makers, trigger
points, and thresholds to institute community containment
measures such as closing (and re-opening) the school. Identify
and review the school's legal responsibilities and authorities for
executing infection control measures, including case
identification, reporting information about ill students and
employees, isolation, movement restriction, and provision of
healthcare on campus.
Ensure that pandemic influenza planning is consistent
with any existing school emergency operations plan, and is
coordinated with the pandemic plan of the community and of
the state higher education agency.
Work with the local health department to discuss an
operational plan for surge capacity for healthcare and other
mental health and social services to meet the needs of the
school and community during and after a pandemic.
Establish an emergency communication plan and revise
regularly. This plan should identify key contacts with local and
state public health officials as well as the state's higher
education officials (including back-ups) and the chain of
communications, including alternate mechanisms.
Test the linkages between the school's Incident
Command System and the Incident Command Systems of the
local and/or state health department and the state's higher
education agency.
Implement an exercise/drill to test your plan, and revise
it regularly.
Participate in exercises of the community's pandemic
Develop a recovery plan to deal with consequences of
the pandemic (e.g., loss of students, loss of staff, financial and
operational disruption).
Share what you have learned from developing your
preparedness and response plan with other
colleges/universities to improve community response efforts.
top of page
2. Continuity of Student Learning and Operations:
Not Started In Progress Completed
Develop and disseminate alternative procedures to
assure continuity of instruction (e.g., web-based distance
instruction, telephone trees, mailed lessons and assignments,
instruction via local radio or television stations) in the event of
school closures.
Develop a continuity of operations plan for maintaining
the essential operations of the school including payroll; ongoing
communication with employees, students and families;
security; maintenance; as well as housekeeping and food
service for student housing.
top of page
3. Infection Control Policies and Procedures:
Not Started In Progress Completed
Implement infection control policies and procedures that
help limit the spread of influenza on campus (e.g. promotion of
hand hygiene, cough/sneeze etiquette). (See Infection Control
www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic/healthprofessional.htm). Make
good hygiene a habit now in order to help protect employees
and students from many infectious diseases such as influenza.
Encourage students and staff to get annual influenza vaccine
Procure, store and provide sufficient and accessible
infection prevention supplies (e.g., soap, alcohol-based hand
hygiene products, tissues and receptacles for their disposal).
Establish policies for employee and student sick leave
absences unique to pandemic influenza (e.g., non-punitive,
liberal leave).
Establish sick leave policies for employees and students
suspected to be ill or who become ill on campus. Employees
and students with known or suspected pandemic influenza
should not remain on campus and should return only after their
symptoms resolve and they are physically ready to return to
Establish a pandemic plan for campus-based healthcare
facilities that addresses issues unique to healthcare settings
(See www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic/healthprofessional.htm).
Ensure health services and clinics have identified critical
supplies needed to support a surge in demand and take steps
to have those supplies on hand.
Adopt CDC travel recommendations
(www.cdc.gov/travel/) during an influenza pandemic and be
able to support voluntary and mandatory movement
restrictions. Recommendations may include restricting travel to
and from affected domestic and international areas, recalling
nonessential employees working in or near an affected area
when an outbreak begins, and distributing health information
to persons who are returning from affected areas.
top of page
4. Communications Planning:
Not Started In Progress Completed
Assess readiness to meet communications needs in
preparation for an influenza pandemic, including regular
review, testing, and updating of communications plans that link
with public health authorities and other key stakeholders (See
Develop a dissemination plan for communication with
employees, students, and families, including lead
spokespersons and links to other communication networks.
Ensure language, culture and reading level appropriateness in
Develop and test platforms (e.g., hotlines, telephone
trees, dedicated websites, local radio or television) for
communicating school response and actions to employees,
students, and families.
Assure the provision of redundant communication
systems/channels that allow for the expedited transmission and
receipt of information
Advise employees and students where to find up-to-date
and reliable pandemic information from federal, state and local
public health sources.
Disseminate information about the school's pandemic
preparedness and response plan. This should include the
potential impact of a pandemic on student housing closure, and
the contingency plans for students who depend on student
housing and campus food service, including how student safety
will be maintained for those who remain in student housing.
Disseminate information from public health sources
covering routine infection control (e.g., hand hygiene, coughing
/sneezing etiquette), pandemic influenza fundamentals (e.g.,
signs and symptoms of influenza, modes of transmission),
personal and family protection and response strategies
(including the HHS Pandemic Influenza Planning Guide for
Individuals and Families at
www.pandemicflu.gov/plan/tab3.html), and the at-home care
of ill students or employees and their family members.
Anticipate and plan communications to address the
potential fear and anxiety of employees, students and families
that may result from rumors or misinformation.
Stan Fulton Hall
R-MA Senior Staff
1 Copy Each
R-MA Directors
1 Copy Each
R-MA Faculty
1 Copy Each
R-MA Staff
1 Copy Each