July 2014 Senior Center Newsletter
July 2014 Senior Center Newsletter
July 2014 {ZITimae ~{lniorC'{lnf{lr Merrimac Council on Aging 100 East Main St., Merrimac, MA 01860 978-346-9549- www.merrimac01860.info Thfl Cflntflrpiflefl Member of MCOA "At the Center Of It All" IIDirector's VOLUME 34 ISSUE 7 Special Events in J 12 noon- Ice Cream Social sponsor-Amesbury Village Notes: Remember to Hydrate-drink plenty of water! 8 9:00am- Wii Bowling Center for Health &Clinic who Diabetic is who! Shoe Tournament-Merrimac vs.picture sponsored Who?-Bring in aRehab. baby by Country Bureau Ireland Trip Slide Show & we'll see ifPresentation we can guess until August Amesbury at Merrimac 16 9:30-12:00-Noon 10:30am-Collette23 Summer Bash Lunch 11:OOam-Better Business 17 6:30pmLGBT Social Dinner 14 30 Baby Picture Scramble: Guess 16 12-Noon12:45 Movie Birthday ofthe Month Lunch. complain17 11 Dr Connolly -NO office hours After the long, cold winter I promised myself I wouldn't about the heat when summer arrived ...that lasted all of one day. I know that the reason probably goes back to the year I was 9 and thought I would help my mother out by mowing the lawn with a push mower in 90 degree weather. I finished mowing the 1/2 acre but made it only to the front door before I collapsed (actually passed out) with sunstroke and what I suspect was dehydration. I have since learned my lesson to hydrate-hydrate-hyd rate. Even when you may not feel thirsty, in the summer months you must drink plenty of water! Merrimac Travel Club On September 25th we will be having a pizza party for all who have travelled with us in the past, and any that may be interested in future trips! Come join us at 10:30-11 :30, followed by pizza, salad and dessert. All who have travelled with us and any who sign up for a future trip will receive a special gift (please sign up in advance). Diabetic Shoe ClinicWednesday, July, 16 9:30am -12:00PM Attention, Adults with Diabetes! Is Medicare your Primary Insurance? If so, you are eligible to receive a pair ' of diabetic shoes and inserts at little or no cost to you! Wednesday July 16, 9:30am Sign up for your 10-Minute appointment at the front desk! You must bring your Medicare information, your supplemental insurance information (if you have any), your doctor's name and phone number, and a completed doctor's form (available at the front desk) with you to your appointment. Friends of the COA Plan Re-organization Please join the Friends of the COA on Thursday, August 7th at 2 pm to make plans for the coming year! Your ideas are needed. ooking Ahead: In September we celebrate National Senior Center Month! This year the theme is: Sen- ior Centers: Experts at Living Well...Discover Challenge, Play, Create. We will be hosting a Health Fair on Tuesday, September 30th, Falls Prevention Day, Chiefs Breakfast resumes at the Fire Station, September 25 Patriot Day and much more. The Centerpiece Page 2 IIJulY Menu-Page 8 II All meals: $3.50 Meals include bread and dessert. You must sign up by Thursday of preceding week. No refunds. • NEET is a network of volunteer drivers who fill this need for the elderly. r i 0 ts for Am e r i can Vet era ns II Pat II A local organization, Patriots for American Veterans, wants to provide support to veteran families in the following ways: • They give door to door rides to seniors to medical appointments, essential shopping, and social Interaction. Drivers • Use their own vehicles. • Are reimbursed at $.43 a mile. Moving help - Errands Emergency carpentry/painting services. Contact the Veterans Services Office: • Are provided with Supplemental Insurance. Kevin Hunt, Veterans Agent for Merrimac at 978-465-4419, for help with these matters. Fix -I t II Mr. Northern Essex Elder Transport (NEET) Volunteer Drivers Needed Are given an Emergency Procedures Course instructing them on what to do "if' an emergency arises. Want to become a driver? Just call the Merrimac COA at 978-346-9549 and ask for Nick Fiorello. ~ • Do you have SMALL appliances that need a little work? • Do you have SMALL fix-it jobs around the house? Assisted Living Center -- Salisbury Do you have a lamp that needs a new pull? • Are your smoke alarm batteries in need of replacement? • Call the Senior Center for Mr. Fix-It. You only pay for the parts if any are needed. Are you "handy" and interested in becoming a Mr. or Mrs. Fix-It? Volunteers are needed to help with the little jobs. Please contact the Senior Center with your request. If you would like to join this latest volunteer group, please call Sandy at 978-346-9549. An Affordable Solution to Your Assisted Living Needs • IICOA Van and NEET Rides • When you are seeking a safe alternative to living at home alone, turn to the Assisted Living Center - Salisbury. • When you are looking for a socially stimulating environment, turn to the Assisted Living Center - Salisbury. • When you are searching for an all inclusive, affordable senior residential alternative, with your own private unit & bath, turn to the Assisted Living Center - Salisbury. II The COA Van is available 5 days a (Please call 48 hours ahead an appointment for a ride). Call 978-346- week. As~isted Living Center - Salisbury Where you Can Have it All Where YQU Can Afford it All 9549. In addition to the van, we have NEET drivers- volunteers who use their own vehicles to bring clients to appointments. If you need a ride call the Senior Center for more info. Donation request varies depending on destination. Senior News Publications - PO Box 411 - Hampstea Ask about our: Medicaid Programs Veteran's Programs 19 Beach Rd .• Salisbury, MA 01952 www.assistedlivingcenter.org 9:30-Exercise 12-3-Gift Shop I Lunch 6:30LBGT Social 9:30-Exercise 1-Sal's Poker Mon Wed Tue Thu 12-3·Gift Shop Food Sat 5:30-Yoga VOLUME 34 ISSUE Neighbors' 72 Food Table 12:30·Blood 1-45's 1-Sal's Poker 10:30 1·Sal's 12:30Blood 9:30·Exercise Pro 1 112:30-Blood 9:30-Exercise BBB-Scams Slide Pro Show Table 1210:30 Indoor Tai 1·45's Picnic Chi 9:30-Exercise 99 9:30·Exercise 9:30 9:30·Line :30·Exercise Pool· ·Cross Wii Stitch Stitch 12:30-Blood -45's 10:30 Low Vision 1-Crochet & Knit 9-Pool 9:30·Cross Our 9:30-Line :30-Exercise 9-Pool Dance 11:30-"Lunch Club" 9:30-Cross Stitch Readers Club 9:30-11 10Creative :309·12-Rug Hooking Center Closed I11 10·2·Gift 9-Pool, 9·Pool, ·Fri Pool, Wii 6:00-Yoga 6:00·Yoga 10·2·Gift 6:00·Yoga 10·2-Gift 11-lreland Shop Shop Trip Pantry 6pm-Barre Merri-Village 1·Bridge 1-Chair 1·Quilting Yoga 10·2-Gift Shop 1-Quilting 10-2-Gift I I 6pm-Barre 1-Bridge Pressure@ 5:30-Yoga 4-Yoga 4·Yoga 10-2·Gift 10-Men's Merri·Village 9-Bowling 10-Mystery Group Book 1-Chair 4-Yoga 5:30·Yoga Neighbors' 9·Pool, Cribbage DIGITAL HEARING 9-Cribbage 1-Blood Pressure @ 9:30·9:3010-2-Gift 12:30-Blood Pro 2324 26 25 Support 1Movie Shop 16 19 17 Independence Day 9:30-Cross Stitch 5 4 3 22 3031 9 8 10 18 128 29 15 9Pool, Wii Merri4-Yoga 5:30·Yoga 1-Bridge [7 1·Chair Yoga Merri-Village 1·Chair Yoga Yoga 10·2-Gift Writing 10-2-Gift Shop 1·Watercolor Class 114 I 1·Quilting Lunch 121 Aug August 2Wii 1 130 s 6 13 12 1 Village 5:30-Yoga 11-45's Village 9:30- 10:303 10:30 Page July 2014 The Centerpiece Page 4 ought You Would Like to Know ... that as usual, samething always paps up far me to. write abaut when it's calumn writing time again. This time it was in an email that I usually delete because their praducts are taa castly. But this time samething in bald print caught my eye and made me read further. What I saw was this: "Nearly half of the population (45%), or' more than 133 million individuals, has at least one chronic disease ... these chronic diseases include heart disease, asthma, cancer, diabetes and athers, causes seven aut af 10 deaths in the US every year, accarding to. the Centers far Disease Cantral & Preventian." Naw if that daesn't get yaur attentian, I dan't knaw what will! I samehaw must categarize myself into. the "athers" graup with arthritis also. being a chronic disease that can be very debilitating. What we do. knaw is that many, if nat mast af the chranic canditians, are preventable with sensible lifestyles that include gaad eating habits, being physically active an a regular basis and nat smaking. I knaw, yau may think that it's taa late far yau to. start but it's never taa late to. make changes for the better. As examples af what may and can happen to. aur preciaus badies, we are living specimens far the yaunger generatians to. view as role madels far the resultsaf decades af market and industry driven profit pramatians. I knaw that same time ago., I wrate abaut the term "precautianary principle". It's samething that all decisians impacting human life shauld include but aften daesn't! Cast generally is what drives all decisians-Iess is better regardless af any harm it cauld cause. The classic example is when samething less expensive was used in Washingtan, DC far water purificatian. The new product caused the lead to. leach aut af the aid lead water pipes resulting in a sudden rise in human lead paisaning cases-even in the Hauses af Cangress. And this happened in the middle af the 20th century!! Far decades much af the faad and eating guidance fram the United States Department af Agriculture has been driven by aur faad industry. Remember haw bad butter was far yau? Naw it's safer than all the chemically based substitutes with maderatian still being the key! There is a watch-dag group called the Enviranmental Warking Group (EWG) that I jained back when I was taking Environmental Health, that is in the farefrant af making bath industry and aur faad - -producers bath transparent and hanest abaut their praducts and haw they are marketed to. the public. I still get weekly messages fram them abaut their latest campaigns to. make aur warld safer. So. when yau hear samething abaut EWG an the news, pay attentian and listen. The tapics aften are af seasanal interest-like the sun-blackers that are the mast ar least effective! Since mast af yau reading this calumn are probably aver the age af 65, there's an FYI that I want to. share with yau that I just faund. CMS atherwise knawn as Medicare has been busy tightening up requirements and elements far reimbursement far care. Many fall under the preventative services categary (a gaad thing) and naw includes a "mini-mental" exam as part af the annual visit. A cantroversy has arisen as why it is necessary far sameane having no. symptams at the time. The "mini-mental" exam is a screening taal far early detectian af the dreaded Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's also. falls under the chronic disease categary and a part af this manth's tapic. Alzheimer's is a devastating blaw to. an entire family structure and deserves having same advance warning so. preparatians and early treatment can be put in place. But the "mini-mental" can also. raise red flags far ather cancerns abaut physical issues and/ar passible adverse reactians to. medicatians. So. dan't be surprised when yau are asked "wha's the president?" ar "what's yaur date af birth?". That's all part af the drill! This wauldn't be camplete if I didn't end up with samething abaut anather chronic disease. Lyme disease has finally at last snuck into. being cansidered a chronic canditian as thase who. have it will attest. It never tatally gaes away. So. remember that tick check daily far bath yau and yaur pets! Be Well! Stay Safe and Be Wise!! Charlatte E. Stepanian, MSN, RN-BC Merrimac Public Health Nurse VOLUME 34 ISSUE 7 Page 5 Low Vision Support Group Merrimac Senior Center The Merrimac Senior Center sponsors a Low Vision Support Group once a month. This group is open to all who deal with low vision, no matter the cause. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, and feature topics of interest for low vision attendees. Please join us for information, sharing, a field trip or two, and guest speakers. Next meeting: Tuesday. July 8.2014 10:30 a.m. Please call the senior center to sign up for this program. If you wish to have lunch following the meeting, please call the senior center one week in advance to reserve your lunch. Any questions, please call Gerry Morenski at the Senior Center: (978) 346-9549 Blood Pressure Clinics Wed. MerriVillage at 1pm Tues. Senior Center at 12:30 pm Foot Care with Dr. John Connolly: First Friday of Month, 10 -12 (by appt) Medicare Questions Answered By SHINE Counselor at the Merrimac Senior Center with MEDICARE Counselor: Marcia Miller. Every Wednesday by appointment. Call: 978-346-9549 Prescription Advantage Prescription Advantage is a statesponsored prescription drug insurance plan for Massachusetts seniors & disabled residents who meet eligibility requirements. Make an appt. with our SHINE counselor for more info. The Centerpiece page 6 & Groups Classes Health and offered at the Merrimac Wellness Exercise Classes 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM on Monday, Wed. and Thurs. The cost is $3 per class. Line Dance Classes With Gerry Mullen. $3. per class Fri f 9:30-11am Tai Chi Classes Thursday's at 10:30 With Petra Horgan -An ancient form of Chinese exercise, this class is good for everyone. $3 Classes July 2, 10,24 only Wii Bowlina-the Game: Merrimac vs. Amesbury On the second Monday or Tuesday of every month, Merrimac and Amesbury seniors have Wii Tournaments. They alternate at each of the Senior Centers. The Wii Bowling will be in Merrimac on Tuesday, July 8, at 9:00 AM. Yoaa With: Chair Floor Classes Mary Van Abs Yoaa classes-Wednesdays at 1:00 PM. $3 Yoaa: Wed. at 4:00 PM. $5 Zumba-Barre-Yoaa-Summer Schedule 978-314-1993 susantribble@comcast.net Sunday, 6 pm Barre Monday, 6 pm - Pilates, 7pm-Zumba (Regular) Tuesday, 5:30 pm-Yoga ($8.00 drop-in, $25.00 punch card - 5 classes) Thursday 6 pm Barre, 7 pm - Zumba Friday, 6 pm-Yoga rts and Creativity Creative Writina With: Laura Dillingham Mailman Classes July 18.-10:00 AM Class will meet on the third Friday of each month. Free Drawina and Paintina Classes With: Beverly Mitchell Classes will begin again in September. Dates to be announced. "Go PotSY with Gina" (No Classes in July or Aug.) Next Class Thursday, September 18 Come paint a decorative clay pot that can be used for a centerpiece, plants, holding candy, gift and many other possibilities! Paint, brushes, pots, and all supplies will be provided. Senior Center: "Greetina Card Class" with Marilyn Dutton & Jean Conroy Monday, July 21 10:00am-11 :30am Rua Hookina With: Gail Majauckas Mon. 9:00 am - 12 pm (no evenings this Summer) Showcase Crafters Crafters meet the first Wednesday of the month in the library at 10:00 AM. Coordinate the Gift Shop, Showcase, and plan the Holiday Craft Fair. Volunteers/Crafters are welcome! Quiltina Join us for a Quilting afternoon. Bring your current or old projects. Wednesdays 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm "You Can Paint This" With: Bill Duke July 14 at 1 to 4 PM ($20) Ten lucky people will learn how to paint a watercolor scene. No previous painting experience is necessary. Come and join us! Sign up at the office. Watercolor Instruction by W.E. Duke of W.E. Duke Art Studio, Newburyport, MA. Iisocial 45's- II Tuesday's 1:00-4:00pm Binao - Mondays 1-3 PM 1-3 PM, 3-9 cards for $1 or $2. We also have additional prizes, and light refreshments at no charge. Bridae- Tuesday's 1:00-4:00pm LGBT Dinner-Social Dinner on the third Thursday of every month July 17 at 6:30pm Luncheon Club Our next luncheon will be on Friday, July 25,2014 at Michael's Harborside, Newburyport (Van Transport) Make reservations by Friday, July 23 Pool-Monday through Friday beginning at 9;00am. "Sal's Poker" - If you like to play poker, do we have the game for you! Thursday, 1:00-4:00 PM Movie- The third Wednesday of each month at 1:OOpm This months movie is on July 16 VOLUME Travel 34 ISSUE 7 with the Friends Page 7 of C.O.A., "The Merri-Macs" *Please park in the rear of the parkinq/ot* Refunds Policv: Refunds are based on emergency illness & the policy of the company providing trip. Reservations: Your seat is NOTconfirmed until payment is made. Groups, Inc. A Brandywine Valley Spectacular Summer Adventure Friday, July 18-Monday, July 21 Price: $539 DO, $679. SO.-AII Collette Classic Christmas Markets Featuring markets in Munich, Innsbruck, Wurzburg, Nuremberg & Strasbourg, visit the Black Forest Neuschwanstein Castle, & more. November 28 - December 6,2014 Book Now & Save $250.00 per person: Double $2,799; Single $2,999; Triple $2,769 Reg. Rate: Double $3,049; Single $3,249; Triple $3,019(if confirmed by May 28, 2014) Tours of Distinction inclusive (Iv. 7: 15am, est. from Senior Center) Tour includes: Roundtrip deluxe motor coach, 3 nights including Breakfast, 2 dinners, 1 lunch, 4 tours including Fountain of Fireworks & Gratuities Groups, Inc. Touring to the Boston Harbor Islands National Park Service Location Visiting George's Island Saturday, July 26, Price: $79. (Iv. 9:30 am, est. return 5:30 pm) Tour includes: Roundtrip deluxe motor coach, Roundtrip boat from Boston Harbor, Long Warf to George's Island, Deluxe box lunch upon our arrival at George's Island, time to explore the Island or enjoy a tour of the Island with the park rangers. Gratuities included Tours of Distinction Boston StronQ: Red Sox September 8, Price: $155 (Iv. 10 a.m. est. return 12 a.m.) Duck Tour * Sam Adams * Boston Red Sox Come & enjoy a day filled with Boston & its people a strong community that comes together & makes everything work. Tours of Distinction NiaQara Falls FinQer Lakes Tour October 21-24,2014 Pricing: Sgl. $943pp, Dbl. $683pp Package includes: Round trip motor coach, 4 days 3 nights, Included: All gratuities, Day 1 Finger Lakes, Trip on Erie Canal & Winery with Wine Tasting, Spend the night at Turning Stone Casino, Day 2 Travel to Niagara Falls, staying at Marriott Courtyard, Dinner at Betty's, Day 3 Bus tour of Niagara Falls, Dinner at the "Skylon" Revolving Tower, Day 4 return home. Hawaii Cruise Tour January 22 - February 1, 2015 Starting at $4199.pp Double Occupancy Package includes: Roundtrip Airport transfer, Roundtrip Airfare, Transfers in Honolulu, 2 Pre-nights at the Marriott Waikiki Beach, 7shore excursions, 7 night cruise on NCL's Pride of America, All meals & nightly Entertainment onboard ship, 2 Cocktail Parties onboard ship, port charges & taxes, Tours of Distinction Tour Escort, Gratuities all inclusive Avalon Tulips of Northern Holland April 22-30, 2015, Price: $4603 pp double Arrive in Amsterdam & transfer to your river cruise in Haarlem. Visit Edam, discover North Holland where tulip fields abound. Sail across the Ijsselmerr to Friesland. Visit Hoorn, Batavia Shipyard in Lelystad. Choose between fists of the Kroller-Muller Museum or Museum Hartenstein. Rotterdam visit Keukenhof Gardens then a cruise around Amsterdam's canals. Package includes: Airfare & Transfers, land/cruise, port charges meals & accommodations, sightseeing & professional Cruise director. ~ , .~~ ~\~-# Upcoming Collette Tours Tours in 2015-2016 Shades of Ireland, Apri/16th - 25th for $2949 Slide Show of Ireland Trip-July 31 at 11 am TRAVEL CLUB-Seminar- September 25th beginning Pizza Party at 11AM Ireland, April 16th - 25th Pacific Northwest, August 16th - August 23rd Sunny Portugal, October 23rd - November 1st Discover Scotland, April 11th - April 20th 2016 Israel, September/October 2016 .-----------. ~ MOBILITY & MORE I ;,l~ ~ .,,:,:.x. '." '.W , . ,p I~ I Traditions of the past, services of the future, .. Independent 1.:" "At The Time and Temperature Sign" 8 West Main 81., Merrimac, MA 01860 - Commitment Ceremonies ~ Weddings ~ Funerals ~ Celebration of Life ii SPACE FOR SALE CALL 603-329-8203 www.iourneav.com (978) 346·8761 978-270-7019 Merrimac celestia Icerem onies. n et Email: seniomewsletter@aol.com OR WRITE Celebrating and Honoring Life's Milestones NEWS PUBLICATIONS ~Savings PO BOX411, Bank Traditions of the past, services of the future .., 978-346·8661 603·382·1311 NH 03841 www.menimacbank.com TOM/MIKE Alterations for C,omfort and safety Ok2 Phone: 978-346-8961 21 BROAD STREET Fax: 978-346-4430 MElUUMAC MI.. 01860 www.slobanautobody@aol.com Yo [J r _iI'lit fi r s t cJtij1 family owned healthcare has provided premier rehabilitation services that incorporate rAmily VA",PC intn riAily , practice. For extensive rehabilitation services that put you first. choose Whittier! INPATIENT, OUTPATIENT AND HOME HEALTHCARE SERVICES Member-Whittier Heahh Networlc _WHITTIER ,~ .at ( Rehabilitation ~ Hospital) @', (978) 371-8000 • www.wh/ttiemealth.com 145 Ward Hill Avenue, Bradford. MA 01835 Referrals & Admls£ions pleaSE call (100) 442-1717 • Comf»rehenslve Rehab Services • PT/OT1T_RJ~cb. • Complex Wound Care • Vent Weaning • Stroke/Brain Injury Program • 5 Bed Dlolysis Suite • Aquatic Therapy • Day Rehab Pragram • Memory Clinic • Pulmonary Progrom • Orthotics/Prosthetics • Pet Assisted Therapy • Pediatric TheroflV -· Stnirtifts \vheet Chair for Seniors r-.llnp~ -Walkin ~ho\,,-eritub Safety Grab (l(lfS Homel1c · WW\~'_uk.2H~ealhomc.ctim r ell!! b j} it ad [) fJ Since 1982. this organization Discount Contracting A ge Excellence In Eye Care 617-590-2 t44 -Cataract Surgery -Glaucoma Management -Diabetic Retinopathy n_agement -Macular Degeneration Management -Low Vision Service www.tallmaneye.com/srnews Amesbury, Haverhill, Lawrence, No AndoveJ,t}Salem,NH 1"' I I I l!:3t~at~n !!,ith..,!hi!.ad.!.,. JOURNEAYINSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Ordained Interfaith Minister nichols-village. com 978·463·3640 www.mobilityandmore.com Rev. Nancy McNeely Nichols Village One Nichols Way Groveland, MA 01834 Call: 978-372-3930 HAMPSTEAD, J"" I J1~.O!.O~ • SENIOR 01950 I in Mind I Newburyport, MA I " ~ .. Designed with Your Comfort I J Ceiling Lifts -Ramps I 65 Parker Street I I www.merrimacbankcom • " r. 978·346-8661 603·382·1311 Senior Living -Stairway Lifts - Vertical Lifts ,- # .t" f'" MAC & CHEESE Dessert Thu Sat Fri BAKED Wed Dessert Tossed Salad 19 26 12 15 Dessert Dessert Dessert 9 16 11 CHICKEN CHEFS 32_:=>-~ SALAD MARSALA 4 FISH SALMON Potato A LA RITZ ON Dessert Dessert DessertCenter Dessert LEMON 24 23 25 Tossed L1NGUINE Salad NOODLES Roll Beef Roll Chili Cheese Caesar & Broccoli Salad SPAGHETTI PORK CHICKEN CHOP WI17 18 1 0 SUMMER SALISBURY BASH PARMwPASTA SWEET ISEARED 1714 21Vegetable 28 ITALIAN LOADED STUFFED Onions POTATO BL Caesar TURKEY CHICKEN 31 30 SAUCE T AMERICAN RAVIOLI CHOP STUFFING SANDWICH TUNA on BAKED Salad With WI a CLUB SUEY WI & MELT Sub CENTER Roll Roll Roll CLOSED MEATBALLS Sliced Wild Garlic CHICKEN BROCCOLI Tossed Tossed Garlic Caesar SAUSAGE Macaroni Baked Greens Tomatoes Dessert Bread Bread Salad Salad Tomato Salad Salad Roll Salad OR Dessert Tossed Chicken on Oven Dessert a STEAK Roll Crescent Salad Baked Fries HONEY 22 29 MUSTARD Cucumber Salad, Roll, 8 15 Green Beans, $5-Choice of Lobster Rice Pilaf, Roasted Vegetable, Peppers &I:Merrimac Beans, Chips Mixed Pilaf, Vegetable Corn Roll, Potato Salad, Roll, Dessert Fruit Salad, Roll, Dessert WI Ham, Turkey Italian Chips, Aug Wedding 1Pickle Pickle Soup Whipped Fruit Cup Potato Boiled Soup Vegetable, WI of Egg Gravy the Day Salad Roll, Cupcakes Senior Ju{y 2014 :Menu ItRice Tue Mon~~1 .~'$: Dessert The Centerpiece page 10 Hurry Back Nita-We'll Miss You! I came to Merrimac on February 7, 2014 by train from Denver to visit my oldest daughter Tracy Melody and her, husband and two boys Cam and Garrett. Cam is a Senior at Pentucket High. Garrett a sophomore at Whittier Tech. I have visited Merrimac before and visited the Senior Center on past trips. I was very much interested in coming to the Senior Center again to make new friends. My daughter Melody's friend gave me a "Centerpiece" with the list of activities. I saw Crochet and Knit at 1 -3pm on Tuesdays. I had brought my knitting and crocheting needles with me in hopes of getting with a group of women with yarn to share. My son in law was laid off at the time, so he was at home with me. I got to know him so much better. He took me to the Nursery on Valentines Day and bought me an African Violet, candle and candy! We all had a nice Valentines Day. When he was free he brought me to the Senior Center for the Tuesday group! Edie was coming in with several boxes of thread to put in the closet upstairs. They let me pick out some yarn to use!! Happy Day! So I joined Edie, Bea, Pauline, & Jean in the Sunroom! Sandy came and gave me an application to fill out to get my little card to use each time I come to the center. Such a welcome! Also, Sandy would pick me up next week and bring me to the center at 9. I could come to cross stitch, stay for lunch and go to the crochet and knit group ... so I did. That's when I met Barbara and Pauline, who were just arriving at the Center! Sandy asked Barbara to take me home after group! Wow-all that friendship in so little time. So I have been coming to the center since February 25th. Nita Walker, 63454 Vogt Road, Bend OR 97701, Cell 313-521-7823, nitawalker47@yahoo.com II Chi e f' s B rea k f as t - May 29 II II B a a n a II S c h 001 C h 0 r us - The next Breakfast will be held at the Fire Station on Thursday, September 25th at 8:30am. We hope to see you there for some great food, conversation and information. Carol MacLeod, Laura Dillingham Mailman J un e 5 t h VOLUME ~Men's 34 ISSUE 7 Group The Men's Group has started up again! The Group will be meeting on the 2nd and Tuesdays of the month at 10:00 am. 4th July 9th and 23th For more information call: Arthur Yarranton at 978-346-4749. !congratulations to the our July Volunteer of the Month. Graduate 2014 Graduate with Honors Northern Essex Community College Gerry is an active member of the Merrimac Senior Center and a valued volunteer NEET driver for the COA. He will be continuing on to earn his Bachelors Degree from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. Merrimac COA Mystery Book Readers' Club Friday, July 25, 2014 10 a.m. - 11: a.m. in the Library Book: Alpine For You Author: Maddy Hunter The monthly meeting of the Merrimac Senior Center Book Club will be held on Friday, June 27, 2014 in the Library at the Merrimac Sen ior Center. Books will be available at the Merrimac Public Library. Stop by and mention that you are reading with the Merrimac Senior Center Book Club! The Centerpiece Page 12 Thanks to All for the Donations to the & Food Senior Center Pantry in May Recipe SUMMER SQUASH WITH PEPPERS Ingredients: 2 pounds zucchini or yellow summer squash, bite size chunks 1 green sweet pepper, cut into strips 2 tablespoons olive oil 1% teaspoons Greek-style seasoning blend % black pepper Directions: In a large shallow roasting pan combine squash pieces and sweet pepper strips. Drizzle with oil and sprinkle with seasoning blend & pepper; toss to coat. Roast, uncovered, in a 4250 oven about 15 minutes or just until tender, stirring once. Friends of the Council on Aging, Sandra Chute, Merrimac Savings Bank, Mary Alsterlund, Richard Dam, Marjorie Barry, Robert Lattimore, Dick and Betty Emery, The New Old Oak, Claire Labbe, Emma Andrews, Sal's Poker, Rachel Carey, Norma Labbe, Richard Coburn, Ruth Lipkind, Louise Lutts, Dorothy Lumsden, Jack, Cryan, Muriel Levesque, Gennett McDunphy, Theresa Cormier, Thelma Gibbs. Veterans Northeast Outreach Center Inc. SSVF Fact Sheet Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program Veterans Northeast Outreach Center will provide supportive services to very low-income Veteran families in or transitioning to permanent housing within Essex and Middlesex Counties. Funds will assist very low-income Veteran families by providing a range of supportive services designed to promote housing stability. Supportive Services: Through the SSVF Program, VA aims to improve very low-income Veteran families' housing stability. VNOC will provide eligible Veteran families with outreach, case management, and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include: *~*:;, • *~~. *:*r · \* ~. Daily living services Health care services Transportation Personal financial services planning services • • • • Fiduciary and payee services Legal service referrals Child care services Housing counseling services In addition, VNOC may also provide time-limited payments to third parties (e.g., landlords, utility companies, moving companies, and licensed child care providers) if these payments help Veterans' families stay in or acquire permanent housing on a sustainable basis. Veteran eligibility Criteria: DD214 "under Honorable conditions" If unsure of eligibility please contact us at 978-891-4949 Provide one of the following • • documents: • DD214 (Department of Defense Discharge certificate) Veteran Information Solution (VIS) or Hospital Inquiry System (HINQ) from local VAMC eligibility section VHA ID Card (ID card issued from VA Health Care Facility) • • VBA letter verifying award of a service connected disability benefit (any percentage) VISTA Print Outs If you are homeless or in imminent risk of homelessness Please call Adam Smith, Case Manager: 978-891-7378 www.northeastveterans.ora Other Services please call: 978-342-3626 VOLUME Ilwe 34 ISSUE 7 Want Page 13 to Better Serve You! II Is your contact information up to date? Do we have your cell phone and email address Emergency contact information? Are you new to the center? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please complete the form below and bring it to the Senior Center Outreach Coordinator, Gerry so that we may update your information and better serve you. Or email us at: coa@townofmerrimac.com or call 978 346 9549 CONTACT INFORMATION NAME NICKNAME~ DATE OF BIRTH _ _ ---------- -------------ADDRESS --------------------HOME PHONE EMAIL: CELL DO YOU LIVE ALONE? PLEASE NOTE Health concerns and/or use of mobility aides: HEARING VISION __ SPECIAL INTERESTS: MOBILITY __ ALLERGIES ----------------------- _ The Centerpiece Page 14 Birthday & Anniversary Calendar Fundraiser Many of you have expressed your desire to have the listing of birthdays and anniversaries returned to the newsletter. The difficulty for the staff ---------------------------------------, Senior Center Birthday & Anniversary Calendar Booklet Fundraiser Birthday: 1. Name: birthday listed and who doesn't. (First) (Last) In order to provide this for those who Month is are in knowing interested, opportunity who wants their we are offering to add your name an Birthday: or 2. Name: anniversary to a calendar for a $5.00 donation. The money will be used to help pay for programs and activities at the Senior Center. This booklet will be available January 2015. in participating, following and Merrimac Senior If you are interested please fill out the return it to the Center, 100 E Main St., MA. Merrimac, your request than October Are You Please return and donation no later 15th. Thank you! In The Merrimac Town _ _ Day (First) (Last) _ _ _ Month Day _ Anniversary: Names: --------------Month Year (optional) $5 Donation per family Day _ _ paid All requests must be made by October 15th ---------------------------------------~ Telephone Directory? Published by, Merrimacport United Methodist Church For several years, the Merrimacport United Methodist Church has published a Merrimac Town Telephone Directory, which has been delivered free to every household in town. Many residents have found this directory to be extremely useful, and it also provides our local merchants with an opportunity to advertise to a large population at a very low cost. In the past, the primary source of the telephone listing information for this book has been the Verizon telephone directory. In the last few years, a great many people have changed telephone service providers or converted to using cell phones exclusively. As a result, only about 20% of the town's residents are now listed in the Verizon directory. We have found that most of the people who have switched to a different telephone service provider have not changed their telephone numbers. For this reason, we have continued to list in our directory anyone that we do not know for certain is deceased, moved out of town or changed their telephone number, even though they may no longer be listed by Verizon. Even so, there probably are many listings in our book that are no longer valid. You can help us to make our directory as accurate as possible, and to make it easier for people to locate your phone number. Please check your listing in our 2013-2014 directory. (If you don't have one you can get one at the Senior Center) If it is correct, and you still wish to be listed, you do not need to do anything. If it is incorrect in any way or if you do not want to be listed, or if you are not listed and you want to be, please let us know. The best way to contact us is by email to i1bachelder@verizon.net. Alternatively, you can call "Len" at 978-346-8419, leaving a very clear message on the answering machine if nobody answers. Finally, you can also reach us by postal mail addressed to the church at P.O. Box 214, Merrimac MA 01860, and marked Attn: Len Bachelder. VOLUME 34 ISSUE 7 mmunity Page 15 Profile-Mimi Brile By Thelma Gibbs. Now here is a lady that has only lived in Merrimac 1% years. In that short time many of you have crossed paths with Mimi. Read on to learn more. Let's go back to July 8, 1944 in Abington, PA when Virginia Dreby gave birth to our Marion, that's right. Her Father Ed and her mother Virginia thought Marion sounded too dignified for a baby, thus it became Mimi. She grew up with one older brother and 3 younger sisters. She attended Germantown Friends School in Philadelphia for 12 years, graduating in 1962 with 62 other graduates. Mimi loved sports and played Field Hockey, Tennis, Basketball and Softball. She also belonged to the Chorus. She traveled with the School Chorus to England, France, Germany, Holland and Belgium for one month during her Senior year. (Whoa!). Oh, but that's not all. When Mimi was 12 she attended the Children's International Summer Village. She was one of four from her class chosen to represent her country, along with 15 other countries in Sweden to gather without prejudice. She worked at the YMCA Camp in the Arts and Crafts for the Senior Camp away from the City. She attended the University of Rochester NY to study nursing and graduated in 1966. Then she was off to Boston Children's Hospital, caring for toddler and infants for 2% years, then she was back in Philadelphia to St Christopher Hospital for Children. Now in 1972 Mimi was introduce to Christopher Brile through one of her friends. Bingo! They hit it off and in February 1973 they were married at the Philadelphia Congregational Church. They took a 1 day honeymoon to Wyeth Museum returning to Philadelphia for another year and then to FL. In 1975 Mimi gave birth to a son Matthew and then in 1976 they were welcoming the birth of their daughter Monica. Then in 1977 another change was to take place as Chris was transferred to Chicago. After Matthew and Monica entered kindergarten Mimi went to work as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner for home for 12% years and eventually became Director of Nursing. She loved working with the Seniors. Six years later, while singing in a community chorus, Mimi met Frank who also had a great interest in music. They became good friends and did a lot of traveling, some of it was overseas with the Elder Hostel where they learned a lot about the countries. While all good things eventually come to an end Frank went his way and Mimi hers. That didn't slow our Mimi down. It's now 2012 and time to open some new doors. It seems her Monica was living in Amesbury so why not move near her so she could also be close to her two grandchildren Finnegan and Grayson. Mimi moved into Merrimac Commons and joined the Church Choir in Newburyport. Nothing is keeping Mimi down. She took up volunteering at 10 Thousand Village on Congress Street in Portsmouth. Just as she gets settled into a routine fate threw her another curve. Her daughter and family move to Washington DC. Does that slow Mimi down? No Sir-eel She just picks up and makes another life for herself. Lucky for us she turned to the Senior Center. Joined the wobbling league, plays bridge, comes to the exercise classes and sometimes joins us for lunch. She is also a member of the Garden Club. Friends "Lynn English High School" "Class of 1959" the Health Dept. Chris went to work in the Computer Industry ending with solar energy. Then in 1982 things went from bad to worst. An automobile accident took both Chris and Mathew and to add insult to injury Chris's mother also died that same year. Mimi now had a job working in a nursing Sarah Sweeney O'Connor, Gerry Conway Morenski, Maryann Connolly Mikson Leo's Super Bowl-Merrimac Seniors 90's Club Senior Center Staff: Member: Members: Dave Vance, Muriel Natalie Vice McNair Christie, Chairman David Dutton, David Herb C. Sandra Eileen Sayers, Hall, Stepanian, Nick Senior Fiorello, Volunteer Aide, MSN, Van RNC-BC Coordinator Drivers Jones, Winnie Ray Culver, Ferrari, Betty Thelma Allen (Staff: Gibbs, Nick Betty Fiorello) Laine, Dot James Food Sue Geraldine Bonnie Spinney, Ranshaw, Pantry Murphy, JBlanchet, Kitsakos, Morenski, Coordinator Kitchen Secretary Lucy Food Outreach St. Manager Pierre, & Nutrition Coordinator Alternate Director (Staff: Ginny Douglass Laura Betty Elliott, Thelma Gibbs & Ann) Ann Betty Eileen Nancy Murphy, Elliott, Murray, Bachelder, Sue Administrative Head Ranshaw, Food Cook Pantry Dorothy Assistant Coordinator Lumsden, Editing & Contributors: Nat Christie, The Centerpiece & Betty Shirley Collating Colleen Ranshaw-Fiorello, Chairwoman Laura Dillingham-Mailman, Exec. Director Council onMailing: Aging Volunteers: BoardWaterhouse, of Directors "Merrimac Seniors 90's Club" stay active by bowling every Friday morning at Leo's Super Bowl in Amesbury. Pictured: Jim Murphy; Mary Alsterlund; Virginia McMahon; Winnie Hill; Bob Eastman. IlwiSh List for Senior Center II GET WELL CARDS, Soft Scrub, Fantastic, Kleenex, Dinner Napkins, Scott Bathroom Tissues, hard candy, Decaf coffee, large and small take-out containers, Styrofoam coffee cups, small Styrofoam bowls, Zip-lock sandwich bags, paper towel rolls, liquid cleanser, Mini Moos (individual) BOOKS (not more than 1-year old). Cash or check donations are always welcome-Merrimac COA Gift Account. ekend Meals for Residents of MerriVillage The 2nd & 4th weekend we will be serving meals at MerriVillage. Sign-up clipboard will be in the Common Room. Please sign up by Tuesday prior to weekend meals. Cost $3.00. July Dates: Sat. & Sun., July 12 & 13 and July 26 & 27. THE CENTERPIECE Merrimac Senior Center Published Monthly Mailing made possible in part through a grant from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs Iisenior Discount Charlie Cards Attention Seniors: Take advantage of the reduced fare benefit by getting your Senior CharlieCard. You can pick yours up at the' MVTA at the Washington Square Transit Station, 12 Washington Sq., Haverhill, Ma. For more information call 978 469 6878 or 978 521 3900. PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO.3 II