the power to achieve your vision
the power to achieve your vision
THE POWER TO ACHIEVE YOUR VISION NEXT GEN ready “CryENGINE is, for my money, the best looking and most full-featured engine currently available. Its photorealistic rendering style is perfect for Star Citizen, and the ease of use and real-time tools mean we can build something as ambitious as Star Citizen a lot quicker than if we built everything from the ground up. This way we can focus our resources on features, content and effects that will make Star Citizen truly unique, rather than spending a lot of time and resources duplicating functionality. The fact that CryENGINE’s roots are PC is an added bonus as the technology is built for our target platform and scales incredibly well to what is coming down the pipe over the next few years. I think people are going to be blown away by what CryENGINE is letting us achieve.” CryENGINE® 3 - Chris Roberts, CEO, Cloud Imperium Games THE COMPLETE GAME DEVELOPMENT SOLUTION READY FOR THE NEXT GENERATION CryENGINE® 3 is the first PC, PlayStation®3, and Xbox 360™ all-in-one game development solution that is next-gen ready with scalable computation and graphics technologies. Using CryENGINE® 3, you can start the development of your next generation games today. CryENGINE® 3 is the only game engine that provides multi-award winning graphics, state-of-the-art lighting, realistic physics, intuitive visual scripting, high fidelity audio, designer friendly AI and much more straight out of the box. The famous CryENGINE® 3 Sandbox™ editor is a production proven, third-generation real-time tool suite designed and built by AAA developers. CryENGINE® ’s powerful real-time renderer is now even better! DirectX 11 (DX11) support significantly enhances the capabilities of the renderer within CryENGINE® 3, allowing for some of the best visuals ever seen. CryENGINE® 3 HDR FILMIC TONE MAPPING TESSELLATION The latest version of our tone mapper introduces a user-controlled HDR curve with many properties set per time of day to better mimic the behavior of filmic tone reproduction. These new settings allow lighting artists to precisely adjust the slope at the tip and base of the curve, adjusting bright and dark values. It also allows for the adjustment of the linearity of the curve, which modifies the grey values. It even allows for a variable white point, which will be mapped as pure white in the final tone mapped image. Contrast, saturation and color balance can be set. The addition of this feature allows for a wider tonal range, with the ability to improve definition on the dark tones, light tones and mid tones in a straightforward way. It also provides better control for the lighting artist on the exposure of the scene. CryENGINE® 3 now supports DX11 hardware accelerated tessellation on all meshes, including animated characters. Artists can now easily enable tessellation in real-time! CryENGINE® 3 supports three different types of tessellation, the first two tessellation methods are designed for mesh refinement, taking a coarse low-poly model and using tessellation to create a higher-fidelity and much smoother, realistic looking mesh. The third and most obvious type of tessellation is displacement mapping. With displacement mapping CryENGINE® 3 can now represent silhouettes and complex geometric shapes, previously impossible with current generation bump mapping. All of these methods are editable in real-time in CryENGINE® 3 SandboxTM, which means artists can easily decide which assets should use such features, finding an ideal compromise between visual fidelity and performance. PIXEL ACCURATE DISPLACEMENT MAPPING (PADM) A new and unique method for displacement mapping has been specifically engineered for Crysis® 3 and CryENGINE® 3. This novel technique known as Pixel Accurate Displacement Mapping gives CryENGINE® 3 the ability to render massively detailed geometry with no visible polygon edges on the silhouette of the displacement – without NEXT GENERATION GRAPHICS the need for tessellation. This feature can be applied to any asset and has been designed to be accessible to the artists who simply need to set a displacement texture. It is a flexible system as users can adjust the effects parameters on a per material basis and in real-time – parameters such as the step size, number of steps, displacement height and even self-shadowing. Displacement ON Displacement OFF 05 NEXT GENERATION GRAPHICS Area Lights ON AREA LIGHTS CHARACTER TECHNOLOGY CryENGINE ® 3 unites the most scalable, technically-advanced animation and rendering systems to deliver astonishingly realistic characters for games in real-time. Creating believable, lifelike characters requires special effects and advanced NEXT GENERATION GRAPHICS shading features, including screen-space sub-surface scattering for all supported platforms, lifelike iris parallax mapping for truly realistic eye representation and new unified shaders for character shadows and hair. Area lights use physically-based lighting techniques. Light sources in videogames are usually simulated analytically via an infinitely small point light source or directional light source. For this and previous generations, this is a fairly good approximation for most cases, but in the real world light can come from anywhere and has a volume - this impacts shadows and light reflection appearance. For example, your monitor casts light from a rectangular shaped volume. Area lights allow artists and designers to approximate such cases and to give a much more physically plausible look to the lighting of any environment. Area Lights OFF VOLUMETRIC FOG & PARTICLE SHADOWS CryENGINE® 3 now uses a new technique for global fog and cloud shadows. This further enhances the atmosphere of densely fogged areas. This feature is extremely powerful as it renders shadows from objects and clouds within the volumetric fog itself! This system is fully dynamic and operates with the already robust time of day system. Volumetric Fog & Particle Shadows 07 NEXT GENERATION GRAPHICS OCEAN AND WATER RENDERING 3D HDR Lens Flare ON 3D HDR LENS FLARES To achieve a stylized look within Crysis 3, a system called Composite 3D Lens Flares is used, which is able to produce stylized flares similar to film in a simple and intuitive way. ® Real-time Dynamic Caustics REAL-TIME DYNAMIC CAUSTICS Water Volumes, rivers and the ocean now support a unified caustics approach. These capture 1:1 caustics of the water surface. This includes water ripples generated from objects interacting with the water surface like the player, AI, dynamic objects and more. Using the flare editor you can load presets with 1-click and try out many different looks for the flares. You can add to or remove elements to get the perfect look. The editor is designed to provide instant visual feedback when editing a lens flare and when loading presets. You can even combine multiple presets to create the ultimate lens flare. You can also make as many lens flare presets as you want and easily save and organize them in a simple database for quick retrieval. 3D HDR Lens Flare OFF REAL-TIME LOCAL REFLECTIONS (RLR) Reflections are one of the biggest challenges in real-time rendering, particularly for deferred rendering and lighting engines. Before DX11, only reflections for surfaces such as water - or environment probe reflections - were possible. CryENGINE® 3 now introduces a new method: Real-time Local Reflections (RLR). RLR approximates ray-traced HDR reflections local to objects. This technique allows for any kind of curved surface in the scene to reflect the nearby surroundings efficiently in real time. This includes immensely complex objects with self-reflections, which are not feasible with cube-map or planar reflections. CryENGINE® 3’s trademark, benchmarksetting water rendering just got better! All water volumes can now use DX11 hardware tessellation. Mesh geometry is dynamically tessellated, varying by the distance from the camera. This allows for a very high amount of geometry detail close to the camera and eliminates geometry aliasing. Shading has also been updated and now supports sub-surface scattering and wave crest foam approximation. CryENGINE® 3 water also offers a more accurate surface normal computation, even allowing shader-based ripples to interact with the CryENGINE® physics system. Composite lens flares can be applied to any light in a level, as well as being set up on the sun. 08 NEXT GENERATION GRAPHICS NEXT GENERATION GRAPHICS REALISTIC VEGETATION RENDERING & SIMULATION SMAA MSAA FXAA TXAA ANTI-ALIASING MODES The latest engine iteration introduces the richest set of Anti-Aliasing options and modes ever available to CryENGINE® users. Anti-Aliasing, and its perceived effectiveness, can vary from user to user as some may prefer a very sharp image, whilst others prefer a blurrier, softer image. Our technology gives developers and their players all of the most effective and technically sophisticated modes to suit their preferences. Each mode has very different implications in terms of overall 10 NEXT GENERATION GRAPHICS performance, quality and sharpness. CryENGINE® now supports the following anti-aliasing techniques with user controlled settings for number of samples and overall quality on a per mode basis: •Subpixel Morphological Anti-Aliasing (SMAA) •Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA) •Nvidia’s Temporal Anti-Aliasing Solution (TXAA) •Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) Crysis® 3 requires the use of a mix of urban and ruined environments interspersed with overgrown vegetation and thus demanded even further improvements to an already robust vegetation system. Some of the small improvements were to allow artists to easily place and modify vegetation on terrain as well as geometry, such as rocks and buildings. Stereoscopic 3D STEREOSCOPIC 3D WITHOUT COMPROMISE Crytek has developed an inventive solution to the challenges of rendering high quality S-3D without significant performance impact or compromise on graphical quality. This feature is now included as standard in CryENGINE ® 3 across all supported platforms and is 100% real-time. For the first time, developers can work with tools and technology that allow the creation of games in full S-3D, regardless of the utilized display technology, to deliver the most immersive games ever created. Furthermore, the improved vegetation allows for massive amounts of vegetation to move and simulate based on physical forces within the world. This new technique can even simulate individual blades of grass interacting with the player, AI, objects and even explosions and wind. This feature adds an immense amount of life to usually static scenes. As the systems within CryENGINE® are all developed internally we are able to take advantage of possible opportunities to interconnect systems – which in this case was in rendering and physics operating together to form a novel technique. NEXT GENERATION GRAPHICS THE ULTIMATE MULTI-PLATFORM TOOLSET CryENGINE® 3 Sandbox™ gives developers full control over their multi-platform creations in real-time. It features many improved efficiency tools that enable the fastest development of game worlds and gameplay available on PlayStation®3, Xbox 360™ and PC. All features of CryENGINE ® 3 games can be produced, edited and played immediately with the “What You See Is What You Play” (WYSIWYP) system. CryENGINE® 3 also introduces CryENGINE® 3 Live Create™. This allows developers to work with a single editor, but see and play the results in real-time on all platforms networked to their development PC. The engine deals with the instant conversion and optimization of assets in real-time, enabling cross-platform changes to all elements of game creation, increasing the speed and quality of development, while significantly reducing the risk of creating multi-platform games. “Building around Crytek’s editor and engine for BRB’s workflow allows our level design team to rapidly pre-visualize and prototype complex, dynamic gameplay setups. In other words, it’s totally awesome and we can “play” to get to the “fun” faster than ever! Imagine it and make it... just one of the many benefits of CryENGINE. I’ve been game designing going on 20 years now, and this is by far the quickest from idea to screen.” - Christian G. Senn, Lead Environment Game Designer, Big Red Button Entertainment, Inc. CryENGINE® 3 SANDBOXTM CryENGINE® 3 SANDBOXTM BUILD GAMES FASTER, WITH HIGHER QUALITY CryENGINE® 3 INTEGRATED SUBSYSTEMS TRACK VIEW EDITOR 3D ENGINE RENDERER AI ANIMATION NETWORK SCRIPTING SHADERS FMOD SOUND SCALEFORM PHYSICS SANDBOX The Track View Editor is the embedded SandboxTM cutscene editing tool for making interactive movie sequences with timedependent control over objects and events in CryENGINE® 3. Creating cinematic cutscenes and scripted events are both possible, allowing you to sequence objects, animations, and sounds in a scene that can be triggered in the game, and played either as a detached cutscene from the third person view, or from the first person perspective of the player in-game. Dedicated Vehicle Editor DEDICATED VEHICLE EDITOR DEDICATED ROAD & RIVER TOOLS The CryENGINE 3 vehicle toolset allows easy creation of any vehicle type, with intuitive control over all its characteristics. These include vehicle-specific special effects, component damage and damage effects, weapon hard-points and turrets, passenger positions and functions, and even engine and physics parameters. All worlds have a network of paths, roads and rivers, so CryENGINE ® 3 features a dedicated toolset to enable instantaneous smoothing and leveling of terrain, as well as the application of materials based on the placement of both road and river systems. ® Track View Editor Road & River Tools The time of day can dynamically change during a game mission to reflect the position of the sun and moon, as well as lighting and atmospheric conditions over any predefined day/night cycle; from a foggy morning sunrise to a fiery sunset or a clear moonlit night. Create visually rich time-of-day simulation for your game world or its locations and achieve the most realistic or surreal settings. FLOW GRAPH CryENGINE® 3’s simple yet powerful visual editing system gives designers intuitive interfaces to create and control events, triggers and game logic. This lets them build gameplay systems and complex levels without needing to write a single script. Time of Day Morning 14 NEXT GENERATION TOOLS CryENGINE® 3 features the only real-time terrain toolset that enables the creation of stunning concave environmental features. This lets designers place over-hanging cliffs, caves or tunnels seamlessly in each level. FULLY FLEXIBLE TIME OF DAY SYSTEM Flare Editor Flow Graph ADVANCED TERRAIN SYSTEM WITH INTEGRATED VOXEL OBJECT TECHNOLOGY Noon Night 15 NEXT GENERATION TOOLS CREATE INTERACTIVE AUDIO ALL-IN-ONE TECHNOLOGY INTERACTIVE & DESTRUCTIBLE ENVIRONMENTS All environments in CryENGINE 3 can be dynamically physicalized, regardless of their nature (wood, steel, concrete, natural vegetation, cloth and soft body physics). This allows procedural destruction and deformation of as much of the environment as the game requires. All broken objects and parts can be interactive, with realistic properties such as mass or buoyancy applied to all kinds of debris. ® STREAMING UBER-SHADER TECHNOLOGY Game levels rarely fit into the memory of most hardware platforms, so streaming content is of ten required. With the CryENGINE® 3 scalable streaming solution, data is clustered for fast access, platformspecific features are utilized and data content is prepared and compressed for optimal streaming. CryENGINE ® 3 uses multiple CPUs and schedules access based on dynamic priorities to deliver an efficient and scalable multi-platform streaming solution. CryENGINE® 3 shaders are written once in a high-level language, then compiled automatically to each platform. The shader output is optimized based on the artist’s settings and the 3D environment in which the shader is used. This creates unique, high-performance effects, such as “cloaking” or wet, muddy and frozen surfaces, which can be layered together and combined with other shaders such as metal, glass and a full range of similar visual effects. CryENGINE ® 3 supports real-t ime per- pixel light ing, bumpy reflections, refractions, volumetric glow effects and animated textures to simulate effects including windows, bullet holes and shiny surfaces. It also takes advantage of the unified shader architecture of current and next-gen hardware. The combination of deferred lighting and this technology lets CryENGINE ® 3 avoid the traditional shortcomings of solely using uber shaders. MULTI-CORE SUPPORT In-game Mixing IN-GAME MIXING & PROFILING Integrated editor functionality and advanced sound-specification and profiling tools ensure the WYSIWYP method. Turnaround times of only a few seconds make for a well-mixed game in every development stage. Reviewing and polishing the game audio through network auditioning, and then profiling it on any target platform is both possible and easy, at any time. With the easy-to-use Audio File Cache Manager, the process of optimizing your audio elements is better than ever. Dynamic Sounds DYNAMIC SOUNDS & INTERACTIVE MUSIC With minimal coding effort, sounds can automatically react in a complex manner to parameters such as distance, time of day or battle noise using real-time DSP effects. This technique provides non-repetitive and responsive audio feedback in an interactive and physicalized game world. The customizable music system reacts to any desired game event through a fully designer-controlled flow graph, giving the player a movie-like emotional experience. To get the most out of modern multi-core processor architectures, CPU-intensive sub-systems of CryENGINE ® 3 such as graphics, physics, AI, networking and sound have been optimized to support multiple processors, including innovative support for PlayStation®3 SPU. SOUND MOODS Audio mixes can be defined to match any gameplay situation. Sound designers can not only control volume and pitch, but also add DSP effects such as filters and equalizers. In -game, the audio mix blends into the predef ined sound moods in real-time and mimics the current environmental effect such as driving inside a tank. Interactive & Destructible Environments 16 NEXT GENERATION TOOLS 17 NEXT GENERATION TOOLS CREATE CONVINCING, LIFELIKE CHARACTERS MULTI-LAYER NAVIGATION MESH High-end IK Solutions CHARACTER INDIVIDUALIZATION SYSTEM CryENGINE® 3 uses an innovative attachment system that lets skinned, animated, or physicalized elements be attached to the skeleton or mesh of a character. With this system, it’s even possible to replace entire body parts such as heads, hands or the upper and lower body in real-time. A multi-platform, hardwarebased, shape-deformation system also NEXT GENERATION TOOLS allows flexible variation of the character meshes, supporting manual and procedural generation to ensure a small memory footprint. An additional variation system based on shaders can be used for dirt and decals for clothes, as well as warpaint, tattoos and camouflage for skin. PARAMETRIC SKELETAL ANIMATION PROCEDURAL MOTION WARPING & HIGH-END IK SOLUTIONS By blending example motions based on user-defined parameters, CryENGINE® 3 delivers responsive and interactive control over game characters, with a focus on believability. Characters in CryENGINE® 3 can follow paths where motion direction and speed can change smoothly or suddenly, move up or downhill and react to changing scenarios on the fly, blending animations to create realistic representation of movement which can still be dynamic and game-controlled. Procedural algorithms such as CCD-IK, analytic IK, example-based IK or physical simulations are used to augment pre-authored animations to avoid the typical computer generated look – which is often seen when combining artificial and captured animations. The Multi-Layer Navigation Mesh (MNM), is an enhanced dynamic navigation data structure used by AI Agents to path-find through levels. This system is integrated in CryENGINE ® 3 Sandbox TM, meaning designers can simply use the tools to define areas where the navigation mesh should be generated and let the CryENGINE® 3 MNM do the rest! MNM also supports real-time dynamic updates in-game, so that when an area changes, the navigation mesh updates without delay. Multi-layer Navigation Mesh The CryENGINE® 3 scalable, cross-platform warping technique preserves the style and the content of the base motion, whilst taking full account of the transformations complying with game-driven constraints. 19 NEXT GENERATION TOOLS “It’s safe to say we literally could not have done this game with any other engine without a drastic reduction in the scope of our project. The size of our maps, the level of detail. We set out to make a world that was breathtaking to look at, and that’s what you see in-game. It’s a relationship we hope to grow in the future with more games!” - Turtle Rock Studios Achieved with “CryENGINE 3 is well known for its amazing graphical qualities and efficiency, but in the 28 months we’ve spent developing our first CryENGINE game – Battlefield of Honor – we have also received extraordinary support from Crytek that goes beyond the terms of our contract. This level of customer care has ensured smooth and successful development, and we’re confident that we chose the right partner in Crytek!” - Yongjun Fei, Vice President, Giant © 2013 Crytek GmbH. Crytek and CryENGINE are registered trademarks or trademarks of Crytek GmbH in the EU, the US and other countries. Giant Interactive Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Achieved with “CryENGINE is in a class by itself, and is the perfect technology on which to build our future gaming world and business. Not only are the graphics unquestionably the best available, but the unprecedented ability it offers to physically interact with the environment will allow us to create entirely new modes of gameplay, which up to now we could only dream of implementing.” - Jake Song, CEO, XLGames © 2013 Crytek GmbH. Crytek and CryENGINE are registered trademarks or trademarks of Crytek GmbH in the EU, the US and other countries. XLGAMES Inc. All rights reserved. Achieved with PANZAR is a multiplayer action game with RPG elements and outstanding graphics. CryENGINE 3, the foundation of PANZAR, allows for rich, realistic visuals with a high level of detail. Achieved with Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 © 2013 City Interactive S.A., all rights reserved. Published and developed by City Interactive S.A. is a trademark of City Interactive S.A. Portions of this software are included under license © 2004-2013 Crytek GmbH. “PlayStation” and the “PS” Family logo are registered trademarks and “PS3” and the PlayStation Network logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. “Blu-ray Disc” and “BD” are trademarks. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft. ©2013 Valve Corporation. Steamworks and the Steamworks logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. The NVIDIA logo and the “The Way It’s Meant To Be Played” logo are registered trademarks, of NVIDIA Corporation. Copyright © 1997-2013 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. NVIDIA Corporation, 2701 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA. CI GAMES is a brand of City Interactive S.A. © 2013 Crytek GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Crytek and CryENGINE are trademarks or registered trademarks of Crytek GmbH in the EU, the USA and other countries. MAXIMUM SUPPORT & DEALS FOR ALL DEVELOPERS Crytek has set the benchmark for engine support, delivering the best experience to developers in order to match the player’s experience of a CryENGINE® 3 game! Crytek has a number of attractive licensing options for developers looking to use the CryENGINE® 3. FOR ALL LICENSING ENQUIRIES, PLEASE VISIT: WWW.MYCRYENGINE.COM REAL DEVELOPERS, REAL SUPPORT LOCAL SUPPORT INNOVATIVE SUPPORT PORTAL CryENGINE 3 FREE SDK COMMERCIAL LICENSES CryENGINE 3 support is delivered by our dedicated support team, which is staffed by experienced Crytek game and R&D developers. The support team also develops technology and assets for CryENGINE® 3, ensuring they maintain their expertise in CryENGINE® 3 and game development. Crytek has established local support facilities in major territories worldwide, in addition to our HQ support center in Frankfurt, Germany. We have facilities in the US, UK, China and Korea. Crytek support staff speak over a dozen European and Asian languages, allowing easy rapport between licensees and our CryENGINE® staff. The Crytek Knowledge Network is available to licensees via In 2011 Crytek launched our community portal for CryENGINE® 3 at hosts a wealth of supplementary support information for CryENGINE® developers and will be expanded with more features in the future. Everyone can now download a full version of the best all-in-one, real-time game development engine for free and use it without charge for non-commercial game development. The free SDK has over 4.5 Million downloads and has a community of more than 400K registered users. Crytek offers commercial developers full source licensing for larger and longer term projects that benefit from a real partnership with Crytek. Our staff are always happy to get back to you about your project and how CryENGINE® can help you achieve your vision. EXTENSIVE DOCUMENTATION & TUTORIALS CryENGINE® 3 is used free of charge in more than 400 universities and colleges around the world. ® Crytek constantly updates its documentation with the latest information to support developers making new products in CryENGINE® 3. Recently, Crytek established a relationship with Eat3D, who have produced video tutorials for CryENGINE® 3. These can be streamed free of charge by any CryENGINE® licensee! 26 LICENSING OPPORTUNITIES ® ROYALTY ONLY FREE SDK LICENSE The CryENGINE® free SDK can be used to make games for digital release. For such games, Crytek require a royalty of only 20% from revenue earned by the game. Platinum Support packages are also available, with dedicated support staff, increased on-site presence and even co-development of features that interest our licensees. Contact us via, or your local CryENGINE® Team: US - Christopher Ziliotto - CHINA - Areil Cai - EU - Erla Arnadottir - APAC - Wayne Choi - Crytek GmbH Grüneburgweg 16-18 60322 Frankfurt am Main Germany German Computer Game Awards 2012 BEST GERMAN GAME (Crysis 2) Game Informer E3 Awards 2012 BEST OF SHOW (Crysis 2) PC Gamer E3 Awards 2012 MOST VALUABLE GAME (Crytek) Russian Game Developers Conference 2012 BEST GAME (Warface) Russian Game Developers Conference 2012 BEST GRAPHICS (Warface) Game Rant Video Game Awards 2011 BEST TECHNICAL DESIGN (Crysis 2) German Developer Award 2011 BEST TECHNOLOGY (CryENGINE 3) 3D World CG Award 2011 BEST VIDEOGAME GRAPHICS (Crysis 2) Gamescom Award 2010 BEST PC GAME (Crysis 2) Gamespy E3 Awards 2010 BEST 3D EXPERIENCE (Crysis 2) Gamespy E3 Awards 2010 BEST GRAPHICS (CryENGINE 2 /Crysis) Play3 Gamescom Awards 2012 BEST PS3 GAME (Crysis 2) Voodoo Extreme E3 Awards 2012 BEST OF E3 (Crysis 2) Imagina 2010 BEST SIMULATION IN REAL TIME (CryENGINE 3) For more information, please visit or contact us at Crytek GmbH • Grüneburgweg 16-18 • 60322 Frankfurt am Main • Germany • Carl Jones • Director of Global Business Development • Areil Cai • Director of Global Business Development CryENGINE • Christopher H. Ziliotto • U.S. Sales Operations Manager CryENGINE • Erla Arnadottir • Account Manager EMEA CryENGINE • © 2013 Crytek GmbH. Crytek, CryENGINE, CryENGINE Sandbox, Crysis and Warface are registered trademarks or trademarks of Crytek GmbH in the EU, the US and other countries. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.