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YO U R V I S I O N . UNLEASHED. 1 4 BECOME THE BENCHMARK 6 20 7 24 8 AUD I O G EOME TRY P RO C E D U RAL Not all game engines are created Accessible. Affordable. From established studios to solo equal. CRYENGINE puts the kind All-in-One. enterprises, CRYENGINE levels C RYE N G IN E MOT IO N WARP IN G P HYS ICALLY RE AL- T IM E IM AG E SAN D BOX & HIG H- E N D IK BAS E D DYN AM IC BAS E D S O LU T IO N S RE N D E RIN G WAT E R CAU ST IC S LIG HT IN G 22 9 27 10 28 12 26 STATOS CO P E PH YS I CA L I Z E D D E S I G NE R CAC H E the playing field by offering of power you’ve always craved at your fingertips to ensure the ideas But with great power comes everyone access to its MOT IO N BLU R RE ALIST IC M U LT I- LAYE R C HARACT E R you dream up today become the great inaccessibility, right? Wrong. award-winning technologies. & D E PT H O F F IE LD V EG E TAT IO N N AV IG AT IO N T EC HN O LO GY benchmark for brilliance tomorrow. CRYENGINE offers unrivaled value, Work faster with the CRYENGINE A decade and a half of tech with zero royalties for indie Sandbox “What You See Is What evolution has kept CRYENGINE developers to pay once their You Play” toolset; work smarter and its users firmly on the cutting aspirations become a reality. And with the world’s most coveted edge; primed and ready to as part of the vibrant CRYENGINE renderer; and work players into redefine expectations of current community, you’ll be joining and upcoming platforms. thousands of fellow devs who C H A R ACTE R MESH C USTOMI Z ATI O N 14 29 16 30 17 36 18 a frenzy using the abundance PARAM E T RIC T RAC K V IE W E F F IC IE N T LIC E N S E E VO LU M E T RIC C RY E NG I NE 3D H D R of other features that put S KE LE TAL AN T I- ALIAS IN G S H OWCAS E FO G S HAD OW S S UB S C R I PTI O N L E NS have started from scratch and CRYENGINE in a class of its own. AN IM AT IO N mastered the ultimate ally Whatever your vision, unleash it in game creation. with CRYENGINE and brace yourself for greatness. 2 14 FLARES 36 19 27 20 28 25 C RYE N G IN E S C RE E N S PAC E ADVAN C E D RE AL- T IM E F LOWG RAP H L E V E L O F D E TA I L F U LL D IRECT IO N AL AI SYST E M LO CAL LIC E N S E O CC LU S IO N RE F LECT IO N S G E NE R ATO R CRYENGINE SANDBOX Go to work with the ultimate multiplatform toolset CRYENGINE Sandbox gives (WYSIWYP) system. CRYENGINE developers full control over their deals with the instant conversion multi-platform creations in and optimization of assets in real-time, featuring an array of real-time, enabling cross-platform efficient tools that enable the changes to all elements of game fastest iteration during creation. development of game worlds. This increases the speed and Features of a CRYENGINE game quality of development, while can be produced, edited and significantly reducing risk when played immediately with the creating multi-platform games. “What You See Is What You Play” 4 5 P H Y S I C A L LY BASED RENDERING Create realistic surfaces with CRYENGINE’s Capture the true character of surfaces powerful PBR material and lighting system to add startling authenticity to environments CRYENGINE’s Physically Based ultimately the result is greater Image Based Lighting (IBL) brings setup, IBL makes use of the Rendering model simulates the consistency. lighting and render consistency to specular reflectance and all materials. CRYENGINE’s shading roughness of materials to A benefit of applying physically model uses advanced Bidirectional return a more physically correct based models is that fewer Reflectance Distribution appearance. Hard specular Replicating how light behaves in parameters are required to Function values and normalization reflections become as simple as a reality leads to more natural and achieve effects, leading to a more of specular highlights to render single texture lookup, while blurry believable results and ensures that streamlined and approachable very complex lighting situations. reflections can be approximated materials look plausible, regardless content creation workflow. interaction between light and materials using real-world physics. of the current lighting conditions; 6 IMAGE BASED LIGHTING efficiently by adjusting the Different from a more traditional IBL on IBL off mipmap level during the lookup. 7 GEOMETRY CACHE REALISTIC V E G E TAT I O N Bring blockbuster moments to life as you’ve always imagined Fill your world with lush, lifelike vegetation which moves and reacts to them—from flags fluttering in the wind to destruction that every interaction—right down to the last blade of grass will have players running for cover CRYENGINE supports the storing geometry, with Lossy-to-Lossless and playback of complex compression, instancing support, Ryse and Crysis 3 both used simulated geometry using point streaming and buffered playback a mix of urban and natural caching techniques first all possible. environments, demanding more This technique can simulate down improvements to the already to individual blades of grass and developed for animated movies. This approach normally results in No engine-specific markup is robust vegetation system in interact with the player, AI, data of unmanageable size, but required, allowing developers to CRYENGINE. The improved dynamic objects, explosions and CRYENGINE technology reduces iterate faster and focus on the vegetation system allows for wind. Interactions such as these this to 10% of the original file size. quality of the art, rather than the massive amounts of vegetation to between rendering and physics process of getting the art into accurately reflect physical forces systems are only possible due to their game. within the world. This feature the unique all-in-one nature of introduces an immense amount of CRYENGINE. The interpreted ‘GeomCache’ renders as efficiently as static 8 life to usually static scenes. 9 CHARACTER TECHNOLOGY Determine every wrinkle of the skin and every hair on the head of your characters—whether they’re human or something else entirely CRYENGINE unites the most • Screen-space sub-surface scalable, technically-advanced scattering for all supported animation and rendering systems platforms to deliver astonishingly realistic characters for games in real-time. Creating believable, lifelike • Lifelike iris parallax mapping for a truly realistic eye representation characters requires special effects and advanced shading features including: 10 • New unified shaders for character shadows and hair 11 PHYSICALIZED CHARACTER C U S T O M I Z AT I O N An easier way to ensure the characters you create on paper come to life in your game We have simplified the process of character file. getting characters into your game by de-coupling the skinning detection. Using a projection Lozenges: 4 Numbers, 8 shapes skeleton from the animation 12 algorithm to handle all the collision technique consisting of four methods; Directed Rotational, skeleton. With the new Our new system for collision Directed Translational, Shortarc, Skel-Extension technology this detection is based on lozenges, Shortvec, CRYENGINE can handle means we can now have many simply represented by four any situation where a capsule more joints in the SKIN file that numbers (Radius, X, Y, Z). With sphere overlaps with a lozenge don’t even exist in the base lozenges we only need one and project it out safely. 13 PA R A M E T R I C S K E L E TA L A N I M AT I O N PROCEDURAL MOTION WA R P I N G Breathe a new level of life into your game by populating it with characters whose movements redefine realism 14 By blending example motions in CRYENGINE navigate the Procedural algorithms such as CC scalable, warping technique based on user-defined environment and react to changes D-IK, analytic IK, example-based IK preserves the style and the parameters, CRYENGINE delivers in motion, direction or speed on or physical simulations, are used to content of the base motion, responsive and interactive control the fly, blending between augment pre-authored animations whilst taking full account of the over game characters, with a animations to create a realistic to avoid the typical computer- transformations complying with focus on believability. Characters representation of movement. generated look. CRYENGINE’s game-driven constraints. 15 EFFICIENT ANTI-ALIASING VOLUMETRIC FO G S H A D O W S Stamp out rough edges by employing Harness the unique power to cast shadows into fog and add an multiple techniques designed to extra level of atmospheric authenticity to any environment make pixelation a thing of the past 16 Our latest iteration of anti-aliasing Pre-processing of roughness maps introduces a powerful set of ensures that specular aliasing techniques that minimize pixel is minimized, while an optional crawling and deliver a stable screen-space normal variance image. Battle-proven in Ryse, filter fixes flickering highlights on CRYENGINE uses an innovative extremely powerful as it renders CRYENGINE features a thin geometry. Additional technique for global fog and cloud shadows from objects and clouds sophisticated temporal anti- super-sampling is available for shadows to greatly enhance the into the volumetric fog itself; all aliasing solution that is efficient when the highest possible image atmospheric conditions within a in conjunction with the already enough to run on all platforms. fidelity is desired. foggy environment. This feature is robust Time of Day system. 17 3D HDR LENS FLARES S C R E E N S PA C E DIRECTIONAL OCCLUSION Orchestrate evocative moments by easily adding and editing lens flares that inspire awe and bring your creativity into focus Darkness and light bend to your will as you take detailed control of how shadows are cast 18 To achieve a stylized look within The editor is designed to provide CRYENGINE, a system called instant visual feedback using the Composite 3D Lens Flares is used, “WYSIWYP” method. Developers Crytek introduced Screen Space color of all lights to be taken into producing flares similar to those can even combine multiple presets Ambient Occlusion in real-time account. SSDO improves physical used in the film industry in a simple to create the ultimate lens flare. gaming and now enhances it with lighting accuracy and ultimately and intuitive way. Using the built-in Composite lens flares can be the technique of Screen Space allows contact shadows to be cast Flare Editor, it’s possible to load applied to any light source in Directional Occlusion (SSDO). from every single light source in presets with a single click, and to a level, including the sun. SSDO allows any number of lights the environment. add or remove elements for the to be included in the calculation perfect look. of Ambient Occlusion, and for the SSDO on SSDO off REAL-TIME LOCAL REFLECTIONS REAL-TIME DY N A M I C W AT E R C A U S T I C S Mirror reality and tap into tech that ensures the objects and surfaces in your world accurately cast and capture reflections 20 Reflections are one of the biggest RLR approximates ray-traced HDR CRYENGINE water volumes and which combine with water ripples challenges to render in real-time, reflections local to objects, which rivers support a unified caustics from objects interacting with the particularly for engines with allows for any kind of surface in approach. These capture 1:1 water to create an astonishingly deferred rendering. CRYENGINE the scene to reflect its nearby caustics from the water surface, believable effect. introduces a new method: surroundings efficiently in Real-Time Local Reflections (RLR). real-time. 21 MOTION BLUR & DEPTH OF FIELD Broaden players’ horizons and draw them deeper into the action with environmental effects that give more depth to your world 22 Motion blur can be applied both to within the Sandbox Editor. individual objects (object based) CRYENGINE now implements the and to the entire scene (screen- highest quality for these effects at based), while depth-of-field a low performance cost, across all effects can be defined easily supported platforms. 23 AUDIO L E V E L O F D E TA I L G E N E R AT O R Unleash the talent of audio artists and give them complete control over their creations Speed up your asset creation workflow by letting CRYENGINE do the hard work for you It has never been easier or more minimum functionality required management of pre-loading efficient to implement audio in for quick audio prototyping. So Soundbanks. CRYENGINE. if you prefer to implement your With the recent release of the own audio middleware it’s a strong Changes to connections update foundation to build on. in real time with audio instantly CRYENGINE Audio Translation 24 playing in the running level with no Layer, CRYENGINE agnostically The Sandbox Editor now includes reloading required. The ACB has a communicates with whichever the Audio Controls Browser (ACB), fully-featured search and filtering Take advantage of a built-in tool version of an asset’s mesh before audio middleware you prefer, which is a powerful tool that component, making it fast and that facilitates the generation the tool bakes down textures for such as Wwise, CRI, Fabric, or allows for fast, flexible, drag and simple to view and edit one-in-a- of geometry LODs, as well as the the LODs in-engine, so that each FMOD. In addition, we include a drop style creation and connection hundred-thousand audio events. associated materials and textures. LOD uses a uniquely mapped Simple DirectMedia Layer Mixer of: Events, Switches, States, and This two-step process allows the texture set. implementation that has the RTCPs, as well as granular user to create an optimized 25 DESIGNER A D VA N C E D AI SYSTEM M U LT I - L AY E R N AV I G AT I O N M E S H The powerful and intuitive built-in modeling tool Instill non-player characters with unparalleled levels of intelligence to make your game world feel more alive at every turn 26 The Designer tool provides an Designer also features a powerful easy-to-use interface for subdivision tool to create smooth manipulating geometry. Not only water-tight geometry. With the Realistic representation of with modular sensory systems Multi-Layer Navigation Mesh navigation mesh should be can it be used for prototyping semi-sharp crease function and animated characters requires such as hearing and sight, and (MNM) is an enhanced dynamic generated and let the CRYENGINE levels, but the user can also proper handling of edge state of the art AI systems to supports the requirements of the navigational data structure, used MNM do the rest. MNM also create complex shapes and boundaries it can easily create respond intelligently to the game locomotion system. The AI requires by the AI to path-find through supports real-time dynamic meshes which triangulate realistically smooth, organic-like environment and maintain the no additional middleware and is levels. This system is seamlessly updates in-game, so that when an automatically. Any static geometry surfaces. illusion of realism. CRYENGINE fully integrated within CRYENGINE. integrated into CRYENGINE area changes, the navigation mesh updates accordingly without delay. can be created in-engine without features powerful AI technology Sandbox, meaning designers the need for external DCC tools. that handles character behaviors simply define an area where the 27 S TAT O S C O P E FLOWGRAPH TRACKVIEW Pinpoint performance issues with a detailed overview Build gameplay systems and complex levels Bring cinematic magic to the small screen of exactly how your game is running without needing to write a single script with our simple but powerful cutscene editor CRYENGINE’s powerful in-house Either collect the data with a live CRYENGINE’s easy-to-use visual debugging, breakpoints and The Track View Editor is an Creating cinematic or scripted diagnostic tool is used to access feed directly from CRYENGINE into scripting system gives users an modules, the user can focus embedded cutscene editing tool events is easy, allowing the user to information on where the engine Statoscope, or log the information intuitive interface to create and their energy on iterating and for making interactive movie sequence objects, animations and performance is being spent. to file and read later. Additionally, control game logic and events. improving gameplay. sequences with time-dependent sounds in the scene. Through the addition of data users can overlay two capture groups into Statoscope, the user sessions on top of each other to With the added workflow can expose CRYENGINE features run a comparison of any changes improvements of real-time to logically display the statistics on made between the two runs. control over objects and events. a per-frame basis. 28 STATOSCOPE FLOW GRAPH TRACK VIEW 29 poppermost Filip Lundgren [Technical Director, Poppermost productions] CRYENGINE gave us the individualized support and engine toolset we needed to rapidly prototype and iterate SNOW to where it is today. The engine’s scalability allows us to Shi Hai [CEO of Snail Games] By taking advantage of the powerful CRYENGINE, King of Wushu will feature an immersive 3D world with vivid graphics and stunning visuals, and will set the benchmark for Chinese create vast dynamic environments—a must for an open-world skiing and snowboarding in-house games in many respects—such as high-end real-time rendering, realistic lighting, game, coupled with a powerful terrain editor that allows for the landscapes one would cutting edge physics and contact collision, realistic vegetation, dynamic water and more! expect in an alpine winter environment. What we have accomplished is a testament to its Thanks to CRYENGINE’s easy-to-use tools, and its award-winning visuals, King of Wushu will power and flexibility, and for such a small team we know for sure that we could not have bring a whole new level of intensity and exciting gameplay to the battle arena. achieved any of this without CRYENGINE. 30 31 Dan Pinchbeck [Creative Director, The Chinese Room] We’ve been working in CRYENGINE for a few years now, through pre and main production of the PS4 game, ‘Everybody’s gone to the rapture’. It’s an amazing tool—powerful and easy to Martin Klima [Executive Producer, Warhorse] We looked at every major technology out there and CRYENGINE suits our needs perfectly. We are confident it will allow us to make the vision for our game come true. use. It’s ideal for a smaller team as you can drive up the quality of what you do really quickly, iterating on ideas efficiently and easily. That makes a big difference and I don’t think we’d be able to reach the ambitious levels of production quality that we’re aiming for with any other engine. 32 33 Turtle Rock Studios It’s safe to say we literally could not have done this game with any other engine without a drastic reduction in the scope of our project; the size of our maps, the level of detail. We set Weishi Tao [Producer, Monster Hunter Online] Monster Hunter Online is the first action MMORPG game powered by CRYENGINE. In this game we have a realistic environment and climate system, extremely high-polygon out to make a world that was breathtaking to look at, and that’s what you see in-game. It’s characters and monsters, rich detail models and textures, Time of Day system, real-time a relationship we hope to grow in the future with more games! light sources, dynamic soft shadows, etc., all achieved with an efficient technology and pipeline, and also all achieved with real next-gen quality. 34 35 €/$ 9.90 / m ont h CRYENGINE SUBSCRIPTION CRYENGINE FULL LICENSE As part of our Engine-as-a- for PC, and ensures developers Crytek offers commercial [NORTH AMERICA] Service program, we have made never have to pay royalties for the developers full source licensing CHRISTOPHER H. ZILIOTTO CRYENGINE available to the Steam games they create. for larger and longer term projects chrisz@crytek.com community of developers and Subscribe for access to that benefit from a close gamers for a low monthly payment CRYENGINE today and find out partnership with our engine [EUROPE] of 9.90 USD/EUR. The subscription more about all Crytek’s technology experts. Platinum Support ERLA ARNADOTTIR includes full use of the engine at www.cryengine.com. packages are also available, with erla@crytek.com dedicated support staff, increased 36 on-site presence and even co- [APAC] development of features that WAYNE CHOI interest our licensees. wayne@crytek.com For more information, please [CHINA] contact our CRYENGINE licensing JIMMY KANG team: jimmyk@crytek.com 38 © 2015 Crytek GmbH. Crytek, CRYENGINE, CRYENGINE Sandbox, Ryse and Crysis are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Crytek group of companies in the EU, the USA and other territories. © Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. “PlayStation” is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License. Xbox One and the respective logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.