October - EAA Chapter 25
October - EAA Chapter 25
EAA CHAPTER 25 MINNEAPOLIS / ST PAUL, MN OCTOBER 2004 Young Eagles Report by Jon Cumpton The last few weeks have been busy with Young Eagles activity. First, at our regular TSOM (third Saturday of the month) on September 18th, we flew 72 Young Eagles from the chapter hangar at Airlake. This group of kids consisted of Boy Scouts from Apple Valley and Cub Scouts from (Continued on page 4) So What is a Legal Eagle? Apparently the pictures included in last month’s update left a number of members wondering. These photos from Frank Hanish taken Sept 27 should help to answer this question. With a little imagination, you can see Frank’s project looking something like the photo at lower right, a Legal Eagle in the air over Oshkosh at AirVenture 2002. Photo at right from Paul Loghry’s website. Cleared for Takeoff Oct Meeting, 2004 MAHOF Inductees p2 p3 Gone West MAHOF/MATA Scholarships Available p6 p7 Cleared for Takeoff by Pat Halligan T he Sonex kit has been ordered and now Peter Denny and his Washburn students wait. How truly exciting for these youngsters to get “hands on education” building a flying airplane. By the end of October the project will start and Peter would love to have some of our chapter members mentor his students. If you are unable to be a mentor, Peter still wants you to come to Washburn when you can and help build the Sonex, side by side with his young, impressionable students. This would be a good opportunity for you to see what is involved in building a kit airplane and should give you an idea whether you would want to tackle a project like that on your own. Let Peter know if you can help. Another absolutely fantastic part of this project is that once the Sonex is finished, it will be kept in our chapter hangar for members to get checked out in and fly and Washburn students can go for rides in it. I can see it making the “fly-in” circuit here in Minnesota in summers to come. The Washburn alumni who made this possible has told Peter that when the Sonex is done, he can plan on another one. Peter is thinking it would be neat to have all girls build the next one. I told him maybe they should build the Sonex Zenos motor glider. How cool would that look in our hangar? Heck, how cool would that be to fly? I need to apologize for having a number of chapter activities all happening at the same time. Last years banquet was in November, but we decided to move it up to October to make it available to our snowbirds. When we worked out the details on the raffle we thought it would be fun to have the drawing during our banquet. Also membership dues are upon us. I couldn’t have packed all these events much closer together if I was trying. Trust me, I wasn’t! Speaking of the banquet, it is only a couple of days away as I write this column. Seventy five members and guests are in for what I hope is a very enjoyable evening. Where else can you get delicious food, a chance to win some door prizes, an opportunity to bid on silent auction items and a guest speaker for $17? Plus you get to watch Mutt and Jeff, I mean Pat and Jeff make fools of themselves. If you weren’t able to make it to this year’s banquet, ask someone who attended if they thought it was worth $17. I’m willing to bet the answer is yes. So tell yourself you’re going to attend next year’s banquet as Harrison Ford is going to be the guest speaker. And if you believe that, you probably believe the Vikings are going to win the Super Bowl too. With the new Sport Pilot, Light Sport Aircraft program starting, this might be a good time to bring a friend or neighbor who has expressed an interest in aviation to one of our monthly meetings. A lot of people get bit by the aviation bug when they are young, but along comes marriage and kids and out go the plans to fly. SP/LSA might be just the nudge they need to get them back into aviation. You’ll never know until you ask them. Plugging along at .80 Pat ON FINAL is published monthly by Chapter 25 of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) for the use, education and enjoyment of Chapter members and others to whom it is provided. No claim is made for the accuracy of materials presented. Editorial content is the opinion of the contributor and does not necessarily reflect the position of Chapter 25 nor EAA. Submissions for publication, questions or comments on articles, etc. are encouraged and should be addressed to: Pete Gavin, 6905 12th Ave So., Richfield, MN 55423, ph 612-866-6676, or email petegavin@mn.rr.com. Submission deadline: 1st Wednesday of the month. New or renewal memberships ($25/year) should be addressed to: Ron Hoyt, 10306 Blaisdell Ave S., Bloomington, MN 55420-5221, (952) 888-4380. Permission for other EAA Chapters to use the non-copyrighted portions of this publication is hereby given as long as the source is acknowledged. Any copyrighted material that appears in this newsletter is with the permission of the acknowledged copyright holder. Any further copying must obtain the permission of the original copyright holder. ON FINAL OCTOBER 2004 Minneapolis/St. Paul Visit our website at eaa25.com President Pat Halligan 651-452-7050 PKHFLYING@aol.com Vice President Jeff Coffey 612-327-1442 jeffcoffey@mn.rr.com Secretary Craig Nelson 952-949-0400 c.s.nelson@prodigy.net Treasurer Ron Oehler 952-894-2332 r.oehler@comcast.net Membership Coordinator Rich Monteleone 952-431-1029 rmonte46@yahoo.com 1403 Summit Oaks Drive Burnsville, MN 55337-4772 Newsletter Editor Pete Gavin 612-866-6676 petegavin@mn.rr.com Young Eagle Coordinators John Koser 952-831-5142 jkoser1@mn.rr.com Jon Cumpton 715-760-0203 jcbroke40@aol.com Technical Counselors Chris Bobka 952-432-7969 Dick Burns 952-473-1887 Bob Eckstein* 763-566-0577 Peter Denny 763-529-5325 * also flight advisor 2 This Month—Oct 20th—Chapter Hangar—6:00 pm Grill on at 6:00, Meeting starts at 7:00 Bring something to grill and something to share. Coffee is free, soda 50 cents donation. Speaker: Matt Ketcham of Aircraft Resource Center (postponed from September) Matt is a flight instructor at LVN and will talk about their Biennial Flight Review program. Annual Officer Nominations: Nominations open for all offices, esp. Vice President! Elec- tions will be held at the November meeting. Video: Legal Eagle Ultralight, courtesy of Frank H. (postponed from September) 2005 EAA Calendars—order yours from Ron Oehler this month! October is DUES MONTH—bring $25 and be in good standing for another year! Runway Saturday Oct 16th and Saturday Nov 20th are Young Eagles days (start 9 am) Directions to Meeting: South on I-35 to Hwy 70 (Megastop), then East to Hamburg Ave (3rd stop sign.) Right turn and South to airport perimeter road. Left on airport perimeter road then right on Hotel or India Lane. Please park on grass between hangars. EAA Chapter 25 Meeting Minutes September 15, 2004 Presiding Officer: Jeff Coffey Location: Chapter Hangar at Airlake Airport Business meeting discussions (See the Treasurers Report on p. 8) • New members and guests were introduced: o Jeremy Houston (building Rans S9 at MIC) o Kevin Tysmar (planning on Europa or Xenos) o Juanita (friend of Roger Anderson) • Rich Monteleone needs banquet reservations asap. • Raffle update from Jeff Coffey—drawing will be Oct 10th, send your tickets in beforehand. • Update from John Koser on Young Eagles and 3rd Saturday plans—60 some expected Sept 18th-come early. Another event planned for New Richmond Oct 2nd. • Update on the “Spirit of Washburn”—the nose-wheel Sonex to be built by Washburn students. Peter Denny is ordering the kit. The school emblem will be on the tail, but the Sonex will be owned by Chapter 25 and will be used to promote aviation. In the summer of 2006, the plan is to fly the Spirit of Washburn over the Louis and Clark trail to Washington. Volunteers mentors needed. • Update on the “Gusty”—ready for painting-will be moved to Roosevelt High. When finished, the Gusty will be displayed at the Univ. of N. Dakota. • Update on Peter’s position at Washburn—Peter will be working at Washburn 2 hours each day, with the remainder at Roosevelt. • Update on the next hangar improvement project—to insulate the hangar door—estimates range from around $400 for 2” foam with 1/2” cellotex to around $1,000 for 2” spray-on closed-cell urethane. Call Jeff if you can help out. Program Members viewed an EAA DVD on sport pilot. —Submitted by Pete Gavin for Craig Nelson Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame to Induct Six NEWS RELEASE September, 2004 The 2004 Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Inductees have been selected. The board of the Hall of Fame announced on September 1st that the following six persons will be inducted at the April 23, 2005 annual induction ceremony: Kenneth C. Butler, a Hector, Minnesota native, now deceased, will be honored for his lifelong work with the Minnesota and National Flying Farmers Association. His work included coaxing farmers to use small airplanes as a means of travel, setting aside farm airstrips and becoming more environmentally conON FINAL OCTOBER 2004 scious, lobbying the Minnesota legislature for farm issues and battling against rural tall towers. The late Joe Devorak, a Madison, Minnesota native, flew combat patrol missions over Italy in WWII and returned to Fergus Falls to help create and run West Central Airways, long a fixture among Minnesota FBOs. His career included forty years of agricultural crop dusting. Bohn Fawkes was a WWII B-17 pilot whose missions included the Schweinfurt raids and a ditching in the English Channel from which his entire crew survived. He was later a B-29 instructor. (Continued on page 7) 3 Young Eagles Report (Continued from page 1) Packs 8 and 371. Our pilots for this event included Pat Halligan, Harvey Havir, Pete Gavin, Frank Hanish and Mark Kolesar. These guys were really truckin! They each flew from 12 to 18 kids in the space of a few hours! With this big a crowd, the ground crew was also extremely important. Thanks to Bill Brown, Jeff Coffey, Lee Hurry, Ron Oehler, John Perry, and Dick Reinke. Ron’s computer printer was really smoking on that day! (Continued on page 5) ON FINAL OCTOBER 2004 4 Young Eagles Report (Continued from page 4) On October 2nd, we conducted the second annual Young Eagles rally at New Richmond Regional Airport. Once again Pat, Frank and Mark flew again, joined this time by Don Eide, who claimed that Pat only found the airport by following him over from Airlake. We were joined by two local pilots – Dave Nelson and Al Kupferschmidt – and flew 48 kids in about two and a half hours. It was another beautiful flying day, despite frost on the pumpkin in the morning and some wind. Response from the New Richmond community has been very positive in the past two years. We have flown 125 children in two events, and the parents and kids really appreciate our efforts. Next up is our TSOM event on October 16th at the chapter hangar. We hope to see you there. ON FINAL OCTOBER 2004 5 Gone West We learned with great sadness on September 11 th of the passing of one of our long-time members, Earl Adams. Earl was born September 24, 1930 in Hayward, Wisconsin. He moved to St. Paul for his freshman year at Central high school and joined the Air Guard in 1947. He had his first airplane ride in an AT-6 at Holman Field in October of 1947. He graduated high school in June of 1949 and then worked for General Air at the St. Paul airport until September. He then attended Air Force Mechanic School at Shepherd Field, Texas and graduated in May of 1950. He flew his first solo in a PT-19 in Wichita Falls, Texas on October 30, 1949, and received his Private Pilot’s license in 1950. Earl was activated in 1950 and shipped to the Far East. He was stationed in Japan as a flight engineer on a DC-3, and flew a few combat missions in a B-26 dropping propaganda material in North Korea. Earl returned home in August of 1952. He flew as a flight attendant for North Central until spring of 1954 when he became the fixed base operator at the Worthington Airport. He repaired aircraft, gave flight instruction, and sprayed crops until re-joining North Central Airlines as a pilot in 1956. He also did some barnstorming out of Worthington with Eldon Sorenson. Earl had a long and distinguished career with Northwest Airlines. A number of chapter members served at Northwest with Earl, and recount their memories of flying with him. He began flying as first officer in DC 3’s, and moved to the left seat in 1958. He later moved to Convair 340’s, 440’s, then 580’s, and subsequently to DC 9’s. He flew Republic Boeing 757’s for a time until they were sold by Northwest, and then returned to DC 9’s, this time DC 9-80’s until his retirement in September of 1990. This picture of Earl with his Mooney 201 was taken in May of 2002 at a Young Eagle rally at Airlake. Frank Hanish is on the right with Washburn High School students in the background. He was born Sept. 24, 1930, in Hayward, Wis. He had been employed as a pilot for Northwest Airlines and was a member of the Rosemount American Legion. He was preceded in death by his son, Craig, and his parents, Earl and Laura Adams. He is survived by his wife, Donna Adams, son Clay (Cindy), daughter Christine Evaska, daughter-in-law Lisa Adams and six grandchildren, Suzanne, Katie, Sam, Skye, Max and Gabe. Services were held at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Apple Valley and officiated by Rev. Duane Paetznick. Interment was at Fort Snelling National Cemetery. Earl flew over 100 different types of aircraft, including many warplanes (C-47, P-51, B-26) and virtually all Piper, Cessna, and Stinson models. Earl owned many airplanes, including a plans-built Casset and a Hatz open-cockpit biplane which he completely rebuilt. Among his other aircraft were a Pitts Special, and a J-3 Cub which he restored and first flew in 2001. Earl was a valued member of Chapter 25. He received the chapter’s highest service award, the Traveling Trophy, in 1991. Members will remember Earl flying his Mooney 201 on chapter fly-outs and for Young Eagle events. Earl flew his last Young Eagle mission for the chapter in May of 2002 (photo above right), when his battle with Lewy bodies disease began to curtail his flying activities. Earl continued to participate in chapter events as his health allowed. We extend our sympathies to Earl’s family. He will be missed. Obituary Posted: 9/24/04 Earl Frank Adams, 73, of Rosemount, died Sept. 11, 2004, at Ebenezer Ridges Care Center. ON FINAL OCTOBER 2004 AVIATOR’S QUICK REFERENCE MAPS USA, Europe, Latin America & more www.air-maps.com 1-800-852-1470 6 MAHOF to Induct Six (Continued from page 3) Arthur Hinke, now deceased, was a Naval flight instructor and later applied his skills as one of the first pilots for Wisconsin Central Airlines- later North Central Airlines. He became chief pilot and manager of flight operations and also helped develop flight standards for the new Bolivian National Airlines in 1963. Col. John Hed, began flying as an Air Corps Cadet in 1941 and joined the Minnesota Air Guard after the war. He served in Korea and then in many leadership roles with the Duluth 148th Fighter Wing. Major General Doyle Larson is one of Minnesota’s outstanding veteran’s ombudsmen. His Air Force career includes many leadership positions including Director of Strategic Air Command Intelligence Services and Commander of the Air Force Security Service. Ron Hansen 22100 Hamburg Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Office 952.469.4414 Cell 612.940.3570 In addition to the inductees, the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame will be honoring a Minnesota aviation writer and providing a youth air scholarship. The Hall of Fame Induction Banquet will occur on April 23, 2005 at the Thunderbird Hotel in Bloomington. Reservation materials will be available after January 1st. Anyone wishing to attend the ceremony and receive the reservation materials, please send your name and address to Ms. Nancy Olson, c/o Academy College, 1101 E. 78th Street, Bloomington, MN 55425. Noel Allard, Chairman, Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame MAHOF and MATA Announce Scholarships This Spring, the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame and the Minnesota Aviation Trades Association will be seeking to find two young persons interested in completing an aviation education. The MATA will be awarding a $1500 scholarship and in its first year, the Hall of Fame will be awarding a $500 scholarship at the April 12, 2003 Hall of Fame Induction Banquet. This will be done at the same time that seven outstanding Minnesota aviators are inducted into the Hall of Fame. The scholarships will be presented to two persons of minimum age 16 for the MATA scholarship and 15 for the HOF award, who have chosen aviation as a career and intend to learn to fly at one of the accredited MATA member flight schools in Minnesota. The scholarships will be given each year. For EAA chapters locally, the MATA and Hall of Fame encourage the members that when flyingYoung Eagles, they should make them aware of the opportunities and let them know the requirements and conditions. Requirements are that they must write a one-page, typewritten, doublespaced letter on the subject, “Why I want to learn to fly” and indicate their age. They must be a Minnesota resident and attend a MATA accredited flight school. The winners will be honored at the banquet and the scholarship award will be put into an account for them at their selected flight school. Questions can be answered by contacting Noel Allard, Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame at 952-448-5047 evenings. Application letters can be sent to MATA, P.O. Box 23164, Minneapolis, MN 55423. ON FINAL OCTOBER 2004 Experience a Virtual Tour at: www.airovation.com 7 Chapter Events and Fly-Ins William Crail 608-783-1191 Oct 16 Tea SD (Y14) Ch 289 Flight bkfst Scott Heim 605-368-2841 Oct 17 Portage Wi (C47) 10a-3p Fall colors chili fly-in, poker run Rebekah Taylor 608/429-3769 Oct 20 Aberdeen SD (ABR) 7pm Nws/Faa Safety Sem. Ramada Inn Nov 3-4 West Des Moines Ia Oct 13-17 Tullahoma Tn (THA) Annual Iowa Aviation Conf. Annual Beech Party 931-455-1974 Univ. Park Holiday Inn Oct 15-17 Rushford Mn (55Y) 525-239-1691 4pm Fri-noon Sun—PPC fall color Nov 4 Madison Wi (87Y) 11a-2p flyin. Russ Marsolek 507-452-6888 Blackhawk Airport Chili Fly-In. rmarsole@luminet.net zflier@aol.com. Oct 16 La Crosse Wi (LSE) Nov 20 Tea SD (Y14) (see Oct 16) Poker Run. EAA Ch. 307 poker run Apr 12-18 Sun N'Fun 2005 (LAL) with stops in Mn, Ia and Wi. Oct 16 Young Eagles at Airlake Oct 20 Chapter 25 Meeting Chapter Hangar at Airlake 6 pm Grill on, bring something 7 pm Meeting (see page 3) Nov 20 Young Eagles at Airlake Future meetings 11/17, 12/15, 1/19, 2/16, 3/16, 4/20, 5/18, 6/15 One Low Price. Plain and simple. Always! Apple Valley Ford Apple Ford of Shakopee (952) 431-5900 (952) 445-2420 Stuff for Sale/Wanted For Sale: Wittman Tailwind built 1972 by Wally "Pat" Carlberg, a Ch. 25 leading builder/restorer and welding instructor. Several improvements developed and approved by Steve Wittman incl. a roomier cockpit and upgrades for higher hp. <700 hours TT w/70 hours since major on a 160 hp Lyc. 0-320-B2B including new cyl. & crankshaft. New light wt. starter & alternator. King KX-155A w/KI-208 Head. KT76Y Xponder w/Encoder. Intercom with dual headsets. Dual shoulder harness. Includes many never used/needed spare parts. 100 lbs. lighter than most Lyc. powered Tailwinds. $28,500 OBO Forrest Lovley 952-492-6126 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For Sale: From Stan’s Skybolt—Lycoming HO360-B1B 180 hp engine, conical mounts, Ellison throttle body, 60 amp alt., oil sump heater, Christen inverted oil system, JPI engine analyzer, 15 hrs since Buldoc overhaul, $17,500 Also, McCauley 74-56 prop 15 hrs since overhaul incl. chrome spinner $1,500 Email Stanflys@aol.com or call Dave at 651-423-4912 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For Sale: 1/10th share in J-3 Cub & hangar at MIC. Low cost flying . Call Dan: 612/991-6392 for specifics. CONTINENTAL LYCOMING _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For Sale: Misc. welding stuff: torch, gauge, extra tips, hose & goggles, $40 or make offer. Ken Hanson 952-920-8031 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For Rent: Trailer for hauling cars etc. It is available for a $25 tax deductible donation to Chapter 25. Mike Dolan 952-652-2436, mdolan@tcq.net Bolduc Aviation Specialized Services, Inc. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 25 2004 Month-Yr Treasurer’s Report Begin-Balance Income January 7,414.07 1,988.55 February 7,679.20 640.00 March 5,780.29 1,202.00 April 5,146.62 522.75 May 4,503.93 58.78 June 3,223.64 17,295.15 July 3,781.39 399.24 August 4,004.32 633.12 September 4,233.02 2,297.40 Thru Oct 7th 5,293.58 75.00 Expenses Ending-Balance 1,723.42 7,679.20 2,538.91 5,780.29 1,835.67 5,146.62 1,165.44 4,503.93 1,339.07 3,223.64 16,737.40 3,781.39 176.31 4,004.32 404.42 4,233.02 1,236.84 5,293.58 487.33 4,881.25 ANOKA COUNTY AIRPORT 8891 AIRPORT ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55449 DARRELL E. BOLDUC PRESIDENT (763) 780-1185 “SPECIALIZING IN ENGINE REBUILDING AND REPAIR” Submitted by Ron Oehler, Chapter 25 Treasurer ON FINAL OCTOBER 2004 8