Hangar Echoes april 2011 EAA Chapter 168 Big Bend State Park By David Buono The weekend of March 11 brought clear weather to the region that covered just about the whole state of Texas. And that was a good thing, because that was the weekend of the annual Big Bend Ranch State Park RV fly-in. This was at least the second year in a row the trip‟s been pulled together largely by posting in the VansAirForce.net forums. I tried to go last year, but I was still in phase I testing, and Big Bend was a little outside my 75 mile testing radius. planner. Chapter 168 was well represented among the 15 RV‟s that showed up. My wife and I and Jay Pratt were the only current 168 members there, but Don Christiansen and his wife Linda made the trip from Pecan Plantation al on g with Martin and Claudia Sutter. Those names should ring a bell to those that have been around 168 for a while! Our day started early, as we had to drop our dogs off at 7am then get to the hangar and off the ground in time to meet Jay Pratt and Danny King in the air over Hicks by 9am. And as I‟ve learned, when those guys say 9am, they really mean 8:45. Dropped the Jay Pratt was the original poster, so I‟ll call him the event April 2011 Dallas, Texas Volume 42 Issue 4 (Continued on page 4) 1 HANGAR ECHOES April 6th Chapter Meeting April 12th Board Meeting The April Chapter meeting will be on The BOD meeting will be held on Tuesday April 12th at the Farmers Branch Library at 7:00 PM. The minutes from the March BOD meeting recorded by Norm Biron are as follows: WEDNESDAY April 6th. Directors In Attendance: Ann Asberry, Bruce Fuller, Michael Stephan, Frank Prokop, Sam Cooper, Mel Asberry, Norm Biron, John Phillips, Pete Miller, and John Peyton. It will be held at the Farmers Branch Library, located on the northwest corner of Webb Chapel and Golfing Green Drive. The meeting will be held in the auditorium and will begin at 6:30 p.m. and finish by 9:00 p.m. Jan Collmer is our speaker this month. It‟s been a few years since Jan has talked at a 168 meeting, and we welcome him back! Jan is a local guy with many local aviation ties. He has over 30 years in the airshow business flying his Fina Extra 300L, and is still active on the airshow circuit. His current 2011 schedule has him flying 14 shows this year. He will be talking to us about aerobatics and air show flying. April 9th Chapter Fly In This month the chapter heads East to Tyler Pounds Regional Airport (KTYR). Located just off the field at Tyler Pounds is the Skyline Café, and we plan to meet there at 11am for lunch. They are known for their burgers, including a one pound burger! Another item that looks tasty is the Sonny’s Steak And Cheese, which looks like a Philly cheese steak. I haven‟t actually been there yet, but all reviews I‟ve read have been positive. If you don‟t have an airplane to fly, hitch a ride with another member! Just ask around at the meeting, because there‟s always extra seats to be had. Hope to see you in Tyler! April 2011 Notes: The board discussed future fly-in locations, meeting speakers, and newsletter folding hosts No Young Eagles events planned at this time, but Michael suggested giving kids expired charts at Young Eagle rallies. The board recommended he write something up for the next newsletter Putting together a program for the library was again discussed. The library has been contacted, and they suggested aiming the program at middle school aged kids. John Phillips and Norm B are going to look over EAA‟s online material and decide on a program. They will report back at the next board meeting. New board members were elected at the last meeting. Please welcome the 2011 board: David Buono, Michael Stephan, Ann Asberry, Mel Asberry, John Phillips, John Peyton, Glenn Snyder, and Pete Miller The board had a long discussion about what we could do to introduce others to the EAA and homebuilding. Things that were discussed were a spark plug caddy project similar to a chapter in Sulphur Springs and a “Intro to Homebuilding” seminar we could put on. Discussion will continue at the next meeting Michael will be sending the annual renewal letter to Hangar Echoes advertisers. He‟d like somebody else to take over this duty. Talk to him if you‟re interested. April 23rd Newsletter Folding And Social Hour We are gathering Saturday April 23 at the hangar of Marvin and Pat Brott at Aero Country Airport in McKinney. We‟ll meet there at 9am. Their hangar is on Rearwin Drive, which is on the North end of the airport. If you haven‟t been to T31 in a while, there have been a lot of changes. All the flyers will surely notice the new 60 foot wide runway. And take a peek on the East side where 2 new hangars are the start of Aero Country East, the new high-end hangar/condo development. Volume 42 Issue 4 2 HANGAR ECHOES Know Your Limitations - Part 4 ask how to do so. It also tells us that these placards and controls must be verified at each condition inspection. By Mel Asberry - DAR Last month we discovered that our aircraft must be flown under VFR, day only during phase I flight testing, that during phase II we may fly at night and/ or IFR if properly equipped, and that we can't carry passengers during flight testing. This month we will look deeper into phase II operations. “(11) No person may operate this aircraft for carrying persons or property for compensation or hire.” “(14) This aircraft must display the word “EXPERIMENTAL” on accordance with 45.23(b).” Paragraph 45.23(b) tells us that the word “EXPERIMENTAL” must be displayed near each entrance to the cabin, cockpit, or pilot station, in letters not less than 2 inches nor more than 6 inches high. There are some exceptions to this rule if the aircraft is over 30 years old or is a replica of an aircraft over 30 years old. These exceptions are covered under paragraph 45.22(b) which states that under these conditions, the “EXPERIMENTAL” placard may be replaced with an “X” preceding the registration number. But be careful here when using the “replica” rule. The FAA‟s interpretation of a replica is an aircraft of the same external configuration and same size as the original aircraft. Next month we'll get into aerobatic limitations and who can fly this thing we‟ve created. This means that we may not use the aircraft for commercial purposes. You might be tempted to “nit pick” this rule a bit and stretch it‟s limits, but I would remind you that in paragraph (1), we stated that this aircraft may only be flown for “recreation and education” after phase I. “(12) The pilot in command of this aircraft must advise each passenger of the experimental nature of this aircraft, and explain that it does not meet the certification requirements of a standard certificated aircraft.” Many a builder might argue here that his aircraft actually “exceeds” those requirements. However, keep in mind that a “standard” certificated aircraft must meet it‟s type certificate. Your amateur-built does not have a type certificate, therefore it cannot meet one. Just pointing to the “Passenger Warning” placard is not sufficient to meet this rule. You must inform your passenger vocally. “(13) This aircraft must contain the placards and markings, as required by 91.9. In addition, the placards and markings must be inspected for legibility and clarity, and the associated systems inspected for easy access and operation, to ensure they function as intended by the amateur-builder/owner during each condition inspection.” Alright, here we are informed that each switch, control, etc. must be labeled as to it‟s function. In other words, if I climb into your aircraft for the first time, I should be able to operate anything in the cockpit without having to April 2011 Volume 42 Issue 4 3 HANGAR ECHOES Big Bend (Continued from page 1) dogs on time, made it to the hangar on time, got the airplane ready in time, but oops… Forgot I needed to top off the tanks! We sped things up a little to give us time to taxi to the fuel pumps and add 7 gallons to top off. We had a little luck on our side, and our wheels were up around 8:30 just as we had originally planned. Flying to Hicks from Aero Country in a straight line requires Class B entry (and the associated radio calls) or flying below 2000 feet the whole way over there. I don‟t like either of those options, so I punch Northwest Regional (52F) in as an intermediated waypoint and fly the whole route at 2500 feet. Just as we were landing, a group of about 7 RV‟s were starting up. That group had left the DFW area around 8am, so the timing once again worked out perfectly. By the time they were done fueling up, we were landing. There was a good 25 knot wind in Alpine, but lucky for us, it was just about right down the runway. We filled the airplane‟s tanks and emptied ours, and we were on our way in no time. Shortly after starting up, we discovered that 2 out of the 3 of us did not have the Big Bend airport in our gps databases. Luckily Jay had it in his handheld, which was enough to navigate by. Off we went heading south trying to enjoy the scenery while getting bounced around a little. 30 minutes of that and we were on the ground in the State Park. I had 52F‟s CTAF tuned in and heard Danny‟s departure call just as I‟m approaching the airport. PERFECT TIMING!! I followed him to Hicks, where Jay was anxiously awaiting our call. He took off when we were about a mile out, and all 3 of us were joined up not more than a few miles west of Hicks. Jay took the lead, set his course for Alpine (E38), which was our planned fuel stop. The timing couldn‟t have worked out any better! Now that is a rare feat in aviation! Other than a little jockeying around for picture taking, it was a pretty smooth and uneventful flight. The morning sun was still low in the eastern sky, so it provided for some great picture taking light. Jay and Danny‟s airplanes have 2 of the best RV paint jobs out there, so it was fun to shoot them in near perfect light. After battling a stiff headwind the whole way, we landed in Alpine for fuel about 3 hours after lifting off from Aero Country. Long straight in for RW 23 in Alpine with the mountains in the background April 2011 Short final into the unmarked runway at Big Bend (3TE3) We filled up the entire ramp and the last few to land didn‟t get tie down spots. Good thing I brought my trusty tie downs, The Claw. I also got a chance to try out some new ropes my hangar mate acquired. The system is called Lever Knot, and it worked great. The ropes are lightweight, and really simple to use. As long as I‟ve been a pilot, I‟ve always hated tying down somewhere with ropes. I have always felt like the knots 98% of us use wouldn‟t hold up if it was really needed. These ropes, combined with The Claw as a base, really make a nice tie down system for places that don‟t have embedded tie down rings. The ropes have become part of my normal travel gear. More info: http://www.leverknot.com The park only has one truck to shuttle people around, and it only carries 7 people, so he had to make 3 trips to get everybody from the airport to the bunkhouse. It‟s only a mile or two but not something you‟d want to walk, especially carrying your stuff for a weekend. The check-in Volume 42 Issue 4 (Continued on page 5) 4 HANGAR ECHOES Big Bend (Continued from page 4) process was pretty painless, and before we knew it, groups were headed out the door for a short hike around the area. Even though the hike was short, it gave us a good idea of why being stranded in terrain like this is a very serious matter. From the air, the vegetation looks small and relatively harmless. But from the trail, it becomes obvious that‟s not the case. Most of the vegetation is 6 feet tall or higher, and just about everything has thorns of some kind, which makes it very hard to go anywhere without a trail. Add to that the number of wild animals and rattle snakes, and I would not want to spend a night out here. Dehydration hot during the day, and shivering cold at night would also be working against you in any kind of survival situation. Hopefully your ELT or PLB would get you rescued quickly if you ever found yourself stranded in this kind of landscape. Shortly after returning from the short hike, it was time for “happy hour”. This is the pre-dinner relaxation period where you can do whatever you want. Some people took short naps, but most people gathered on the front porch and had a drink or two of whatever they brought. This was some of the best story telling of the whole trip. Dinner was around 6pm, and it was delicious! Flour tortillas were served with a mix of meet and veggies, and it was help yourself, but it was also all-you-can-eat. Rice and beans were also provided, of course. I don‟t remember the dessert , but I didn‟t hear any complaints about it. By the time everybody finished up dinner, the camp fire was already started, so people slowly made their way outside. Once it got dark, you couldn‟t help but gaze upward at the beautiful night sky. It‟s unbelievable how many stars you can see and how gorgeous the sky looks when you are so far from civilization. If I lived down there, I‟d definitely invest in a good telescope. It was also nice to have Paul Dye there, who is the lead flight director at NASA. It was like having a personal tour of space! We soon retired to our men-on-one-side-women-on-the-other bunk house for a good night‟s sleep. Saturday we awoke to breakfast being prepared and it was yummy. We all ate our fill and prepared for the day‟s first hike, which would be Cinco Tinajas. Off we went for a 5-6 mile hike to a few small ponds, that with enough water, form small waterfalls into one another. On this day there were no waterfalls. We did get to see Jay take his shoes and socks off and wade through one of the ponds, though. I didn‟t get a picture! About 10 of us did this hike, but others did half of it, and some didn't do any hiking. It was very much a “do whatever you want” atmosphere. After lunch at the bunkhouse, Paul Dye left but Scott and Tanya Card joined us. A group soon formed to do a second hike, and off we went to hike Horsetrap Trail. The 5 mile loop was a pretty easy hike with very little elevation change. It was a good exercise, especially trying to keep up with Jay and Don, but other than that, I wouldn‟t recommend it. When we got back to the bunkhouse, we had just enough time to shower before “happy hour” started. Another great round of telling lies was in the books as we sat down for dinner. Much the same as the first night, the camp fire was started and soon was surrounded by pilots and normal people talking well into the night. This night would go a little longer with the last people not winding (Continued on page 6) April 2011 Volume 42 Issue 4 5 HANGAR ECHOES Big Bend Belated Thank You (Continued from page 5) By David Buono down until around midnight. The following companies contributed prizes to our Christmas party and were never properly thanked. Blame the editor! In addition to these 2, the Addison Pilot Shop and Glenn Snyder also donated prizes. We ask that you patronize these great businesses whenever possible! Sunday we woke up to another good breakfast and clear skies, just as forecasted. We decided at that point that we‟d fly back solo so we could be on our own time. We took our time eating and packing up, then hitched a ride back to the airstrip. After getting the plane uncovered and packed up, we said our good-bye‟s and off we went. We pointed the nose northeast and climbed to 7500 feet. With a tailwind that slowly picked up steam as we got closer to home, we arrived just 2hr 40min after takeoff. Great times all made possible by the RV! Next up on our big trip list… The Bahamas - June 2011! Our flight track - you can see the fuel stop in Alpine on the way there and direct T31 on the trip back April 2011 Volume 42 Issue 4 6 HANGAR ECHOES Air Tractor Founder Passes Away The Waddington Effect By Michael Stephan By Michael Stephan Air Tractor designer and founder, Leland Snow, passed away Sunday morning, February 20 while jogging near his home in Wichita Falls. While learning my way through the world of aviation, it seems every time a struggle with the next lesson, there is an article in Sport Aviation that explains it to me. This article, in the March edition written by Mike Busch, is titled The Waddington Effect and deals with maintenance. As I go through the yearly condition inspection, I find that some items have recommended replacement/ inspection/overhaul times. In other words, components in my aircraft have a predictable “useful life”, at which the parts need to be replaced to prevent failures. This was the accepted practice for years in the aviation industry, until United Airlines began using a system called reliability-centered maintenance (RCM). This shift in thinking centered around several concepts. When we took the tour of the Air Tractor Factory in Olney, the impact of Leland Snow was very apparent in the world of crop dusting. His is an interesting “rags-toriches” story. He started with a single plane of his own design, spraying fields in south Texas, then moved his one airplane operation to Onley with the help of a city incentive, and started production of his own designs. In 1958 he delivered the first plane produced in Olney. Not all failures are age related. A large number are early failures (infant mortality) or maintenance induced (especially if I am doing the work). Instead of trying to predict failures, find ways to manage the failure. For example, an alternator failure can be managed. Instead of fixed-interval maintenance, shift to oncondition maintenance. So the condition of the component is more important than a TBO recommendation. Some component system failures have acceptable consequences, and “run to failure” is often the best maintenance strategy. The number of aircraft has grown over the years, and it is an impressive line of planes. All of the parts for the plane are made there at the factory with very little out-sourcing of work. They are one of the biggest employers in the small Texas town. He remained as president of the company until his recent death. The workers there are like one big family that are now mourning the loss and celebrating the life of a remarkable man. This RCM based strategy was so much more efficient that all the airlines use it, as does the military and many other industries. Yet, GA has yet to adopt this new thinking (except very expensive jets that are now using it). But we in the Experimental world have some flexibility when it comes to maintenance. So I hope we can use this concept to improve our maintenance strategies. I learned an expensive one when I took my prop in for a manufacturer recommended overhaul. Mike Busch‟s article was very interesting, and he gives more of the history of how the shift in paradigm came about. Ironically, it was first discovered by British biologist Conrad Hal Waddington during WWII as detailed in his diary which remained classified until 1973. However, the same ideas were developed by Nowlan and Heap in the 1960‟s while doing research for United Air(Continued on page 8) April 2011 Volume 42 Issue 4 7 HANGAR ECHOES Waddington Effect (Continued from page 7) lines, which was before the un-classification of Waddington‟s work. It is a fascinating topic, and I recommend pulling out last month Sport Aviation and reading the article. It will change the way you think about maintenance. Might save us a few dollars and reduce maintenance-induced failures. The world of Experimental Aircraft has lead the way on many of today‟s aviation innovations. I think we can lead the charge for more efficient maintenance for General Aviation as well. Electric airplanes, Sun Seeker Both solar cell and battery technology has improved quite a bit since then. Eric is sure he could build a new plane that would sustain level flight and charge the batteries for most of the day. The cost of the cells is way beyond his means, and if he saves his money, he might be able to afford some new Lithium batteries. The battery technology is changing so fast, there is no hurry to pick something right now. There are other solar powered airplane projects in the works. The Germans appear to be more interested in doing this than anyone with money in the United States. It is interesting to note that Eric originally was not a conventional “home builder” or “soaring pilot”. He added those skills as needed, to complete his dream of a solar powered airplane. I will continue to watch this project with interest. By David Cheek The history of electric airplanes includes a solar powered glider that was flown from 1989 to 1990. The creation of this project is most interesting, because the project leader, Eric Raymond, had probably never built an airplane before. He did have a lifelong interest in building a solar powered airplane, inspired by Paul MacCreay‟s “Solar Challenger. The Sun Seeker was a glider with solar cells placed on the upper surface of the wings and horizontal stabilizer. The electric motor and feathering prop were located in the tail in a pusher configuration. The technology included early amorphous, thin-film solar cells and NiCad batteries. The power collected by the cells was just 250 watts, just enough to sustain level flight in ideal conditions. SunSeeker (photo from http://solar-flight.com/sunseeker/) The main reason that the airplane was built, was that the solar cell manufacturer was looking for a way get publicity for their new amorphous cells. Without that deep pocket support, it would not have happened because it was beyond the resources of most individuals. The plane flew across the US from California (where Eric lives), to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in 1990. This flight mostly used soaring techniques to cover the miles, but the solar cells could partly recharge the battery in flight, and were a big help in “connecting across some unsoarable spots”. The batteries were always recharged by the sun on this trip, never from a ground based power source. April 2011 Volume 42 Issue 4 8 HANGAR ECHOES Local Warbird News and Updates The hangar and Museum, located at the North end of the airport, is open to the public on Saturdays from 9 – 4 and Sundays 12 Noon - 4. The Colonels are always looking for new young volunteers to help with the grunt work, put in their time, and work their way up to flight duty. By: Glenn Snyder I‟m sure that on various flights to Cedar Mills or to get cheap fuel at Sherman Municipal, a lot of us have probably flown over a grass strip southwest of Sherman called TXAeroSport, designated XA65. Developed by Rooke Everill about five years ago, the air park facility has a mighty nice 3200 foot grass runway that is c o n ve n i e n t l y located about 20 miles North of McKinney between US 75 and Preston CAF’s Douglas R-4D Road (Hwy. 289) near the small town of Dorchester. Some Aero Country airport residents will remember Rooke when he kept some of his aircraft there. Check out their hangar the next time you‟re at Lancaster for lunch. It‟s still a small and quiet place with about five or six hangars completed and others on the drawing board. But that‟s likely to change with an improving economy. Most hangars have second level apartment living quarters and Rooke hopes to sell lots and build hangars for aviation related business and residential use. While recently exploring the place, I saw several aircraft including Rook‟s North American T-28 and Beech 18. In another hangar were a J3 Cub, Stinson, Navion, Staggerwing Beech D-17 project, and five T-28 projects. Right here in our own back yard at the Lancaster Airport is the CAF (politically correct) Commemorative Air Force, Dallas/Fort Worth Wing. Fellow EAA chapter member Bob Newton, another friend, and I toured the place awhile back. The WWII warbirds, maintained by a mostly elderly crew of mechanics and pilots attend most of the Texas air shows and the annual Lancaster air show. The pride of the fleet is their Douglas R-4D submarine hunter, along with a BT-15 Valiant, F4U Corsair, PT-17 Stearman and L-5 Sentinel. April 2011 Volume 42 Issue 4 9 HANGAR ECHOES Upcoming Events When: April 2 - 9am Where: McKinney Airport (TKI) What: EAA 1246 First Saturday Coffee & Donuts - Let's get together for fellowship and fun. Free coffee and donuts for everyone at Chuck Roberts Hangar 2520 in the McKinney Hangars Association area. Fly or Drive in. Everyone is welcome! You don't have to be a member to attend. More info: www.eaa1246.org When: April 16 - 10am-5pm Where: Coulter Field (KCFD) - Bryan, TX What: Flying Aggies Annual Fly-In - Come join the Flying Aggies at our annual Fly-In and Flower Bombing event. Will be having hotdogs and hamburgers, good times with friends, and flying to go around! More Info: http://www.flyingaggies.org When: April 30 - 8:30am-11:30am Where: Hidden Valley Airpark (5TX0) What: Hidden Valley Fly-In/Open House - Join the residents of Hidden Valley Airpark for a pancake breakfast and tour of the airpark. We will have food and drinks for breakfast. There will be plenty of time for hangar flying talk while you eat, and if you desire, we will give you a golf cart tour of the community so that you can see what Hidden Valley Airpark is all about. Hidden Valley Airpark 5TX0 has an asphalt 2,650 x 35 foot runway surrounded by beautiful homes and open space. If you are someone that has always wondered what it is like to live in a residential airpark community, April 30th is your chance to find out. Remember, our roads are shared taxiways, aircraft have the right-of-way at all times. All Aviation Enthusiasts are Welcome! More info: Steve Aughinbaugh 972-989-6770 or http://hiddenvalleyairpark.org When: April 16 - 7:30am-10:30am Where: Tenkiller Lake Airpark (44M) - Cookson, OK What: Wild Egg & Onion Fly-In Breakfast - Best breakfast in Oklahoma. Rain or Shine. Donations appreciated. Fuel available for cash or check. Sponsored by EAA Chapter 1040. More Info: veedster@aol.com When: April 23 - 11am Where: McKinney Airport (TKI) What: EAA 1246 Annual Fish Fry - It is time for our Annual Fish Fry! We are mixing up the tasty breading spices and sparking up the oil to fry up some 1st rate fish. So come on out, rain or sunshine, to this fun event and bring your family and friends. As always, our events are open to all. The fish will be ready for serving at 11 am at TKI (Collin County Regional Airport) in the MHOA located on the west/north side of the field behind the fire station. There will be signs set up to show you the way to where all the fun is. More info: www.eaa1246.org April 2011 Volume 42 Issue 4 10 HANGAR ECHOES Classifieds For Sale: Fiber Glass Cloth For Sale Bi directional 8H satin Weave Aeronautics/Aerospace grade, 13.3 mils thick, 50” wide, warp strength 562 lbf/in, fill strength 518 lbf/in, 14.43oz/sqyd, compatible with all resins, in original packaging 125 yard rolls. Comparable price at Aircraft Spruce, over $9/yard. $400 per roll, that‟s only $3.20 per yard to EAA members. Cut lengths $7/linear yard 50”wide with a $50 minimum. Call Jim Carney 214763-6784. For Sale: Factory built Earthstar Gull 2000, ELSA, 24 ft. wing, HKS-700E 4-cycle engine, 312 hrs. T.T. 3 blade IVO prop with ground adjustable pitch, BRS chute, backup electric fuel pump, Garmin GPS mount, internal mounted battery charger, always hangared, $19,900. Dale Medlin, 972-424-6802 For Sale: 1949 C-170A, 2880-TT, 370-SMOH. Gyros, KX-170B, 4PL ICS, xpdr./enc., shoulder harness, SkyTec, Slick mags, sealed battery. Many extras. Hangared DFW area. $42,900 OBO. Mike, (210) 326-8065. http://tappix.com/853244 For Sale: Rocky Mountain micro-encoder, Features: air- speed, true airspeed, altitude, vertical speed, OAT, altitude encoder. All in a single 3.125” instrument. Updated to the latest software and hardware. $500. Mel 972-7847544 PROP FOR SALE: McCauley 2A34C241/82PGC-6 two -blade variable pitch prop. It was bought new by the Mooney Airplane Company for their Ovation. It stayed in their warehouse and was never installed. It is still in the box. There is no serial number and no log book for this prop. $1000 OBO - Call Weldon Rowan 830-431-0367 For Sale - PITTS SPECIAL –PRICED TO SELL -$25,500 -- Pitts Special S1C completed in 1982 and recovered in 2004. It has a 180 HP Lycoming Engine and 500 Hours on the engine. The plane is to be sold „As is‟ „Where is.‟ For details call John Abitz at 817-491-9378. Hangared at Northwest Regional Airport Grand Rapids EFIS - Grand Rapids Horizon WS EFIS. I also have a GPS module that will fit most GRT equipment. Equipment has 6 hours on it, was in a minor accident, and has been “re-certified” by GRT. There is no AHRS included in this equipment. Make me an offer. New cost is combined $2400. Contact Dave at 214-9864497 or david.buono@yahoo.com To place an ad: Submit requests for aviation related For Sale or Want ads to the newsletter Editors. Ads are free to Chapter 168 members. Ads from nonmembers will be run on a space available basis. Ads will be run at the newsletter Editors discretion. EAA CHAPTER 168 OFFICERS President Bruce Fuller president@eaa168.org 214-693-3252 Vice President Frank Prokop vicepresident@eaa168.org 972-396-1168 Secretary Norm Biron secretary@eaa168.org 469-964-6801 Treasurer Brad Roberts treasurer@eaa168.org 214-912-0329 Flight Advisors Mel Asberry metro n168tx@flytx.net 972-784-7544 Michael Hoye 972-771-8162 sailntss@sbcglobal.net Technical Counselors Mel Asberry metro n168tx@flytx.net 972-784-7544 Don Christiansen 214-729-6187 Marvin Brott pmbrott@sbcglobal.net 214-726-9117 Michael Stephan 214-232-2405 Board of Directors Pete Miller Glenn Snyder John Phillips Ann Asberry John Peyton Sam Cooper Michael Stephan Mel Asberry David Buono Associate Newsletter Editors Michael Stephan mstephan@shr.net 214-232-2405 David Buono david.buono@yahoo.com 214-986-4497 Data Processing Michael Stephan mstephan@shr.net 214-232-2405 Advertising Michael Stephan mstephan@shr.net 214-232-2405 Young Eagles Coordinator Jim Quinn Jquinn3@gmail.com 972-788-2593 Brad Roberts Tool Custodian 214-351-0475 Meeting Refreshments ****** VOLUNTEER NEEDED ****** Safety Officer Mel Asberry metro n168tx@flytx.net 972-784-7544 Web Site Editors Michael Stephan 214-232-2405 Clay Romeiser Membership Michael Stephan mstephan@shr.net 214-232-2405 Clay Romeiser Web Site Address www.eaa168.org We would like to make you aware that as always, in past, present, and future, any communications issued by Experimental Aircraft Association, Chapter 168, Inc., regardless of the form, format, and/or media used, which includes, but is not limited to, Hangar Echoes and audio/ video recordings is presented only in the light of a clearing house of ideas, opinions, and personal experience accounts. Anyone using ideas, opinions, information, etc. does so at their own discretion and risk. Therefore, no responsibility or liability is expressed, or implied, and you are without recourse to anyone. Any event announced and/or listed herein is done so as a matter of information only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement, control or direction of any event (this includes Oshkosh). Bottom line, we are responsible for nothing. Please read, listen, enjoy, and be careful out there. April 2011 Volume 42 Issue 4 11 Experimental Aircraft Association Dallas Chapter 168 PO Box 168 Addison, TX 75001-168 DALLAS CHAPTER 168 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION/RENEWAL FORM New Member Renewal Info Change Membership dues for EAA Dallas Chapter 168 are $20/year. Make checks payable to EAA Chapter 168 Mail application to: EAA Dallas Chapter 168 PO Box 168 Addison, TX 75001-0168 Name: __________________________________________________________ Copilot (spouse, friend, other): _______________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: _____ Zip: ____________ Phone (Home): _____________________ (Work): ______________________ Email Address: ___________________________________________________ EAA#: _____________________________ Exp Date: ___________________ (Chapter 168 membership requires national EAA membership) Pilot/A&P Ratings: ________________________________________________ I am interested in helping with: National EAA offices: Experimental Aircraft Association EAA Aviation Center PO Box 3086 Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086 http://www.eaa.org National EAA Membership: 1-800-JOIN-EAA (564-6322) Phone (920) 426-4800 Fax: (920) 426-6761 http://www.eaa.org/membership/ Fly-Ins Programs Newsletter Young Eagles Officer Board Of Directors Plane, Projects (% complete), and other interests: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
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