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compassion radio Post Office Box 2770, Orange, CA 92859 Participation and Prayer Line 1.800.868.2478 October 2011 Dear Partner in Ministry, In the midst of one of the most frustrating periods of my life as a proud citizen of the United States of America — a time of ineffectual government, of international chaos, of dangerously growing national debt, of rising unemployment and a decline in personal wealth and personal morality — I repeatedly hear the expressed desire among people I meet that they want to make a difference for good and for God in a deeply troubled world. A nurse I met in a local medical clinic I visited a few days ago said to me, after learning about the work of Compassion Radio, “How can I get involved in this? I want to do something to be of help!” I had no sense that this medical professional was a follower of Jesus Christ. But, even so, this native of India had skills that he wanted to use to make a difference among those who are poor and suffering. It’s an ambition I encounter every day and every where. Today, I want to make certain that YOU understand that as a prayer and financial partner in the ministry of Compassion Radio, YOU ARE A DIFFERNCE MAKER in a world of spiritual and material poverty! You are, what so many people wish they could be . . . A world changer! Let me give you these examples of the difference you’ve made. 1) Recently, we heard in our Compassion Radio office that the close to $100,000 of emergency and medical aid that we sent for distribution by those suffering from the massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan has been distributed in the name of Jesus by a network of Japanese churches to thousands of victims of that natural disaster. Consequently, the witness of the Japanese church has been strengthened and the name of Jesus has been glorified in that overwhelmingly non-Christian nation. Your contribution enabled that to happen. 2) We received notification, and word of deep gratefulness, from the “Acts of God School” in Damascus, Syria that resources contributed by Compassion Radio partners are providing an education, food, counseling and spiritual support for 130 Iraqi Christian refugee children in that deeply troubled city. This assistance is especially important right now because, as you know, Syria is being convulsed by a democratic revolution in the streets of Damascus, Homs and other cities which the despotic dictatorial regime is seeking to crush with military violence. Our gifts arrived at a critical moment just as the violence broke out and the country’s borders were sealed. 3) I am looking right now at an email that arrived September 12 from our dear and longtime friends, Magdy and (his wife) Amany Bassaly of the Good Samaritan Ministry and orphanage in Cairo, Egypt — particularly in the impoverished ‘garbage district’ of Moqattam. During this month they have organized a Christian retreat for 100 orphans and needy slum children at the orphanage. The retreat theme is “I am not Defeated,” an especially apt message during the political unrest taking place right now in Cairo. The plan is to transport the children from the difficulties in the slums to the orphanage by bus. The bus was a gift to Good Samaritan from Compassion Radio partners — perhaps you helped to fund the purchase of that very valuable bus. Once again, you, through your partnership with Compassion Radio, are a ‘difference maker’ in one of the world’s most difficult places! In addition, a provision from Compassion Radio early this year has helped greatly in providing material necessities in equipping the orphanage in its ministry to parentless children in Cairo. Lydia, Magdy, Amany and Shady Bassaly. Orphanage in the background Magdy and Amany Bassaly are among the most ‘Godly’ people I have even known and the orphanage they built and have maintained is as good a ministry to children in the Arab world as I’ve ever seen. That’s why the Good Samaritan Ministry and Orphanage are our project for this month of October. The Lord has put this familiar ministry on my heart because: 1) We have seen it succeed for so many years, and, 2) These are uncertain times in Egypt after the repressive Mubarak regime was driven from power a few months ago. The orphanage has received threats of violence against it, and Good Samaritan needs financial and prayer support. Your gift of $30 will provide for the essential needs of an orphan child of Good Samaritan for one month. Multiply that amount by 2 or 10 and you’ve covered two or ten children for one month. Multiply $30.00 by an even larger number like 100 and consider how much greater your impact can be! I know these bright children. I’ve held some of them in my arms in the slum streets of Cairo and played games with them in the beautiful orphanage facility. They’re wonderfully responsive to the love of Jesus. They’re learning about God’s love for them and of the Good News contained in God’s Word. As these kids embrace the hope that is in Jesus, they will impact the future of Egypt for the cause of Christ as that country re-constitutes itself as a new democratic nation. Norm with Moqattam street children These children can be difference-makers for Egypt, and you, through them will be a difference-maker, also. Isn’t that what you want to do? I believe it is. Children excited to eat fruit they have never tasted As you pray, and as you give, you will be a difference-maker for Egypt, for Egypt’s children, for the Kingdom of Christ and for our God who rules the nations and His world. Thank you for your partnership! Yours for others, Magdy and Amany with 2 of the orphans Norm Nelson P.S. Please see page 4 for my special gift to you this month for your gift to Compassion Radio! RECKLESS FAITH: Let Go and Let God is my gift to you this month, at your request, for your gift of $20 or more to the ministry of Compassion Radio. When Beth Guckenberger and her husband Todd took a missions trip to Mexico thirteen years ago, they just thought it was an opportunity to do a little good with their summer vacation. But they couldn't forget a chance encounter with a forgotten orphanage, couldn't forget that transcendent feeling of having participated in something truly profound and like addicts they wanted that feeling again. A year later, they moved to Monterrey, Mexico. Some might call that reckless. In the years that followed, Beth and Todd established a ministry that helps orphans--the poorest, most defenseless members of a needy populace. And while the stories here are drawn from those experiences, this book isn't a memoir. It's about living with faith, with the certainty that God will show up, exactly where and exactly when He's needed. Each short, gripping, poignant story is coupled with a reflection and an application useful to everyone. Beth's thoughts are inspiring, but also doable, whether you are caring for orphans in Mexico or sitting behind a desk in Cincinnati. Beth calls it a “reckless faith” -- a willingness to trust even when you don't understand. And her book -- an inspiring collection of true stories about real people who, when faced with real challenges, chose to trust God -- is a call to every reader to live with Reckless Faith. The Guckenberger's passion for children is coupled with a deep understanding of God's care for the least and the lost, and it has spilled over into a ministry much bigger than themselves, with over 30 staff in four countries. Really exciting stuff. This book will encourage you to quit avoiding ministry situations that seem beyond your grasp, instead to enter situations which will allow God to not only show up but also to “show off.” Beth shares God’s faithfulness and describes her own process of growing in the Lord through the times she's stepped outside of her own plans and her own comfort zone and into the reckless place of real faith, Request yours today when you call in your gift to 1.800.868.2478, or give securely on line at, or when you mail your gift to Post Office Box 2770, Orange, CA, 92859