Surgical News - Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Surgical News - Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
THE ROYAL AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS SURGICAL NEWS Vol:7 No:1 Januar y/Februar y 2006 New On-line Library Resources pages 18-19 JANUARY/FEBRUARY HIGHLIGHTS: PAGE 9 PAGES 10-11 PAGES 14 -15 PAGES 26-27 USING EMAIL EDUCATION REPORT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS “The appropriate use of email can greatly enhance surgeonpatient interaction.” John Collins explains the assessment of International Medical Graduates. Perry Burstin talks about volunteer humanitarian work in Vanuatu. The 75th ASC is coming up and will be having a broad appeal to Fellows and Trainees. SURGICAL NEWS 02 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Russell Stitz, President “We need able, committed surgeons at representative level if we are to be effective.” Welcome to the first Surgical News for 2006 W e are keen for this to become a more entertaining, informative bulletin in keeping with our desire to improve communication between the College, its Fellows and Trainees and vice versa. At the risk of being repetitive, I need to emphasise that the College is its Fellows and the Community badly needs the support of a robust, standardsbased College in partnership with its Speciality Organisations. A bloated, inefficient bureaucracy has lost sight of the goal of cost effective surgical care. Solutions to the health care problems will only eventuate if clinicians are re-engaged in a meaningful way. I am pleased to say that the Trainees, at a workshop in November, have forged ahead with the formation of a Trainee Association and have already appointed an interim Executive to introduce more detailed processes. The Association will be facilitated by the College but will remain an autonomous body within the whole fraternity. In an editorial in The Australian on 12 January 2006, it was again claimed that selection of surgical trainees was a “closed shop” despite the ACCC authorisation and the review process. I have responded strongly in a letter to the editor but to date this has not been published. We have to use every avenue possible to inform the community that surgical training is pro bono. That is, we train free of charge our eventual competitors in the interests of perpetuating high standard surgical care in Australia and New Zealand. At the recent meetings with John Horvath and Andrew Simpson (policy advisor to the Health Minister) we voiced our concerns about the limitations of the Productivity Commission study into Workforce. These concerns were highlighted with the release of the final report on 19 January, 2006. Unfortunately, the study is a superficial, bureaucratic examination of a complex problem and fails to seriously address the problems with the workforce. Certainly, it does not address productivity in any way and by virtue of its Terms of Reference it was unable to examine the problems of resourcing and poor utilization of those resources within the public hospital system. Instead, predictably, it concentrated on the need to be “more flexible” with transfer of tasks away from doctors to other health professionals. This is despite the fact that there is a National/International shortage of doctors and nurses. Publicly, I have emphasised our view that we support task delegation within a team environment where the leader is the highest trained clinician, which in our case is the appropriate surgeon. In the College media release, we emphasised the absolute requirement for the maintenance of surgical standards, training and the Productivity Commission did not seem to have learnt the lessons outlined in the recent Queensland Inquiry and Royal Commission. The Report will be presented to COAG next month and our future strategy will depend on their approach at that time. It is a pleasure to announce that Justice Geoff Davies, the recent Royal Commissioner in the Bundaberg Inquiry, has agreed to become our first expert Community Advisor on Council. He is enthusiastic to contribute using his accumulated knowledge of the health care problems in Queensland and we are looking forward to his wise counsel. February Council week will be intellectually stimulating and important in mapping strategic changes to College activities. February is the time of elections both to Council, to the National Board in New Zealand and to Regional Committees. I strongly urge Fellows to consider standing for appropriate positions. We need able, committed surgeons at representative level if we are to be effective. On the Wednesday, the College Council meets with the Speciality Presidents to discuss future directions I am keen to more formally structure these meetings as an influential part of College policy development. At the meeting, the initial development of the integrated (seamless) training process will be presented for discussion. I need to reassure Fellows that it is our intention to build on the current proven success of our training programmes and to augment these using modern educational processes and experience in sister colleges overseas. Radical change is not going to occur but educationally and politically, we need to follow a policy where there is a holistic surgical training programme designed to produce high quality surgeons without segregating it into Basic Surgical Training and Specialty Surgical Training. The educational components of the current programmes will be incorporated into this new process. Based on the concept that surgical education is a continuum from selection as a trainee to retirement, Council has asked the CEO to develop a structure which incorporates this principle. As a result, we are exploring the proposal that we should develop Boards of Training and Standards which can apply both to pre-fellowship training and throughout our surgical career. This approach will facilitate the development of sub speciality groups without denigrating the absolute requirement for the ongoing need for generalists. SURGICAL NEWS P03 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Russell Stitz, President I remain greatly concerned about the state of our public hospital system in Australia and New Zealand and the inability of government to address the issues. We must continue to agitate for change in the Federal/State funding mechanism in Australia. This is wasteful with duplication and an excessive bureaucracy which is insensitive to clinical outcomes. The Federal Government funds over half the budget of public hospitals and yet has little influence over the way the hospitals deliver care. Administration has become more remote from clinicians as exemplified in the Queensland Inquiries. There is little evidence that substantial change has occurred in Queensland despite the Government “throwing money” at Queensland Health. This situation is similar in other states. There are widespread claims that NSW has budgetary problems and New Zealand health care is chronically under funded. Because of the on-costs related to surgery, surgical matters will always be at the forefront in hospital funding. The College has available to it the expertise to influence the direction of surgical care and we must use this influence for the benefit of our patients. After being given an assurance that training standards, selection and assessment are the province of the College and its Speciality groups, the College is working collaboratively with The Institute of Medical Education and Training (IMET) in NSW to improve the delivery of Basic Surgical Training in that State. IMET is currently in dialogue with general surgeons, and otolaryngologists to examine methodologies for facilitating training in these specialty areas. IMET is an autonomous body but is funded by NSW Health so we must be vigilant that the College remains the professional body responsible for surgical training standards and that short term political expediency does not denigrate these standards. In addition, we have stressed that RACS Intellectual Property related to training is owned by the College and its Specialty organisations. The Australian & New Zealand Audit of Surgical Mortality (ANZASM), based on the successful Western Australian model, continues to gain momentum. South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland have commenced the audit process which is predicated on de-identified data and voluntary reporting by Fellows. However, for credibility in the community, nothing short of 100 per cent compliance in reporting will be sustainable. Although the models vary slightly in each State, in essence, the State Health Departments fund the project which is run by the College. The College is currently in dialogue with the Clinical Excellence Commission in NSW and we are hopeful that we will have a benchmarked system throughout Australia and New Zealand over the next 12 months. The College and its Speciality groups have considerable experience now in the audit process. When Governments fund these audit initiaSURGICAL NEWS P04 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 tives, there is an increasing demand for the College to address under performance. Currently, Ian Dickinson is chairing a working party to address the latter. From the College point of view, we are keen to identify under performance at an early stage and institute measures to correct this in a collegiate rather than a punitive manner. The reality is that if we are to remain a self regulating body, we require processes which address this issue. Although audit is the only component of our current professional development programme which assesses performance, I am firmly convinced that we need to promote the concept of small group learning particularly in the operating theatre environment where surgeons can not only visualise procedures but can discuss management in an informal environment. ASERNIPs continues to provide a valuable service to the Australian community. It has been a major initiative of the College and has prospered under the guidance of Guy Maddern and his team. In this age of technology, it is vital that it continues to receive adequate long term funding from the Commonwealth Government. Another area which does not receive enough publicity, is that of the International Projects in which Fellows continue to do an enormous amount of good work. The Vice-President, Stephen Deane, has responsibility for the Relationships portfolio and we are both keen to obtain as much feedback as possible from Fellows and Trainees. I am most grateful for all the hard work performed by Fellows in voluntary representative and educational roles and I look forward to seeing personally as much of this endeavour as possible in 2006. Congratulations to Anne Kolbe former President of the College for winning the Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the New Zealand New Years Honours, for services to medicine. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH John Mitchell Crouch Fellowship John Mitchell Crouch Professor Chris Christophi’s research into the uses of laser hyperthermia ablation and new drug delivery systems targeting the tumour vasculature for the treatment of liver cancer has won him the Colleges’ most prestigious research endowment – the John Mitchell Crouch Fellowship. P rofessor Christophi is Head and Professor of the Department of Surgery at the Austin Hospital and the University of Melbourne. “The other experimental aspect of our work is looking at the laser ablation of tumours, and in particular the exact amount of heat required. The Fellowship is awarded by the College Council each year for outstanding contributions to the advancement of surgery or to fundamental scientific research in the field. “These techniques may be applied by percutaneous means, with minimal morbidity, hospital stay and treatment costs. Professor Christophi said the majority of his research work involved the treatment of colorectal liver metastases which remain the most important predictor of outcome for the 14,000 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer in Australia each year. The spread of the cancer to the liver accounts for almost 70 per cent of such deaths. Until now the treatment of the majority of patients with colorectal liver metastases has been palliative, usually involving chemotherapy, with liver resection and focal ablative techniques playing an important role in a small subgroup of patients. “Colorectal cancer is the most common cancer in both genders and 50 per cent of cases will develop liver metastases,” Professor Christophi said. “Only 10-15 per cent of those can be successfully resected so it is imperative that we find different ways of mechanically treating these tumours.” As such, the major focus of his work is investigating vascular targeting agents to attack tumour vessels and laser ablation. “Unlike conventional chemotherapy that attacks the cells, we are looking at new drug delivery systems that can attack the tumour vessels that feed it,” he said. “Tumour vessels are extremely permeable so we can get a much higher dosage of the necessary drugs into the tumour itself by this method. “At the same time, the development of novel agents such as antivascular agents and the refinement of more effective and selective chemotherapy may be used in combination with these techniques to enhance patient survival.” Professor Christophi’s team at the Austin and the University of Melbourne is also collaborating on this research with the Department of Pharmacology in Kumamoto, Japan, and pharmaceutical researchers in the US. Most of his team’s laboratory experimentation is being conducted at the University of Melbourne with the clinical work undertaken at the Austin Hospital. He said he was greatly honoured to win the $55,000 Fellowship, funding that had been spent on consumables, laboratory animals and the salaries of research assistants. “The John Mitchell Crouch Fellowship is one of the icons of the College and because of that status, it acts as a stimulus for other funding,” Professor Christophi said. “This in turn means it is a great way to get projects off the ground which then attracts both wider support and greater expertise. ‘This type of funding is extremely valuable in such a competitive environment. “To be in a position to show other funding organisations that the College Council is supportive of various projects is immensely helpful.” Correspondence to Surgical News should be sent to: Surgical News Authorised by Dr David Hillis © 2006 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Letters to the editor should be sent to: The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the publisher cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of information contained in this newsletter. Publication of advertisements does not constitute any endorsement by the publisher or the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons of the products advertised. or The Editor, Surgical News, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Spring Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000. Tel:+61 3 9249 1200; fax: +61 3 9249 1219; Internet: Published by Metropolis Media Pty Ltd ACN 094 587 72 SURGICAL NEWS P05 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 RELATIONSHIPS REPORT Stephen Deane, Vice President Surgical Workforce Census 2005 Episode 1: The Ageing of the Surgical Workforce A s you are all aware the survey of the Australian College Surgical Workforce was undertaken by the College from October to December 2005. As reported in the newsletter from the New Zealand National Board, New Zealand is undertaking a separate survey of its workforce. Results of both surveys will be integrated when the results of the New Zealand survey are available. Table 1: 2005 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons ‘Active’ Fellowship by Work Status, Australia. The Australian census was sent to all Fellows in Australia classified as ‘active’ on the College database. A response rate of 80 per cent was achieved. Several Speciality Societies including the Australian Orthopaedic Association, the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia, the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Australian and New Zealand Society for Vascular Surgery contacted their members directly as did the Regional Chairs with the assistance of the regional managers and offices. Their support is acknowledged and appreciated. The survey results therefore represent the most robust collection of information relating to surgical work practises and patterns, current gaps, and future supply issues currently available in Australia. Ongoing analysis of the data will provide the College with a comprehensive understanding of complex workforce dynamics in play today within the surgical sector and will enable the College to strengthen its capacity to support and respond to the information needs of external bodies. Stated Workforce Status No. % Active 2935 86.3% Semi-retired 291 8.6% Retired 109 3.2% Temporarily not in practice 66 1.9% Total 100.0% 3401 Source: RACS (2005) RACS iMIS Database; RACS (2005) Surgical Workforce Survey The age breakdown of the Australian Active Fellowship is shown in Table 2. The table shows a considerably aged workforce, with 43 per cent of the Active Fellowship aged 55 years or over and only 16.1 per cent aged under 40 years. Overall, the average age of the Active College Fellowship in Australia is 55.6 years. The average age of new Fellows has also increased 4 per cent from 2000 to 2005, with the average age of new Fellows now at 36.6 years. Across specialties Paediatric surgeons (average age = 61.4 years) and General surgeons (average age = 59.2 years) are the most aged group of surgeons (Refer to Table 2). Analysis of the census includes all Fellows engaged in consulting and operating sessions as well as involvement in other non-direct patient care activities such as administration, professional development, management and committee-related activities, medico-legal and education. Figure 1 further demonstrates that the College workforce is aged by comparing it to the wider health sector workforce and the general workforce across Australia. Ageing Table 2: 2005 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Active Fellowship by Age, Australia. Population ageing is having a two-fold effect on the provision of surgical services in Australia. Firstly, the surgical workforce is ageing and this trend will continue. On the other side, demand for surgical services is also affected as a result of the increased number and mix of older patients requiring specialist surgical services Table 1 considers the number of surgeons who are registered with on the College database as Active Fellows, by their current working status in relation to operating and/or consulting practice. The table shows that approximately 466 (or 13.7 per cent) of the ‘Active’ Fellowship on the database subsequently classified themselves as either semi-retired, retired or temporarily not in practice. This means that nearly 1 in 7 ‘Active’ Fellows are not participating in the surgical workforce or have reduced participation due to semi-retirement. Age Group No. % <39 545 16.1% 40-44 525 15.4% 45-49 486 14.3% 50-54 399 11.7% 55-59 435 12.8% 60-64 455 13.4% 65-69 280 8.2% 70+ 276 8.2% Total 3401 100.0% Source: RACS (2005) RACS iMIS Database; RACS (2005) Surgical Workforce Survey SURGICAL NEWS P06 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 Figure 1: RACS Active Australian Surgical Workforce by the Health Workforce and Australian Workforce. RACS Surgical Workforce By Age By Sector Comparisons 45% 40% 40% 35% 31% 30% 29% 29% 28% 25% 25% 26% 26% 23% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 5% 10% 3% 2% <34 35-44 45-54 55-64 2% 65+ Age Group (Years) RACS Surgical Workforce Health Workforce Australian Workforce Source: RACS (2005) RACS iMIS Database; ABS (2001) Census of Population and Housing As an aged workforce, the surgical service sector requires uniquely designed strategies to support retention, create longer-term sustainability and manage succession. Episode 2 next month will provide information on retirement intentions and views of their workload. ACCREDITATION OF HOSPITALS AND POSTS FOR SURGICAL TRAINING The College in collaboration with its Boards, the various Specialist Surgical Societies/Associations and the Jurisdictions has developed a revised set of criteria, and process for the accreditation of hospitals and posts for surgical training. Council approved these in October 2005 and they are currently being implemented. Revision will occur during 2006 based on feedback from those using the document. For complete details of the new criteria and processes, please refer to the College website at Accreditation documentation will be mailed in February to the Chief Executive Officers of surgical hospitals and to surgical supervisors. SURGICAL NEWS P07 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 SURGICAL SKILLS Janty Taylor New Australian and New Zealand Surgical Skills and Education Training course (ASSET) Beginning in March a new DVD will be viewed which is part of the ASSET course. A new Australian and New Zealand Surgical Skills Education and Training (ASSET) course has been developed for Basic Surgical Trainees (BSTs) by the Basic Surgical Skills Committee. The ASSET course was first piloted in August 2005 and will be fully introduced in 2006 for all BSTs. It is the first such course developed solely by the College and available to all regions as part of the structured basic surgical trainee programme. The newly developed course replaces the previous UK-based course and provides an educational package of agreed generic surgical skills required by BSTs in the Australian and New Zealand context. The modular format gives a flexible program which easily accommodates updates and changes and the insertion of new segments. It is a practical three day course with demonstration by surgeons and hands on practice by trainees as the main teaching methods. Courses are conducted in Skills Centres in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Auckland and Christchurch. Development of a DVD. In December 2005 the Basic Surgical Skills (BSS) Committee developed a DVD as a component of the ASSET course materials for trainees. Filming took place over a week in the RACS Skills Centre in Melbourne. CMEE4 Productions was contracted to develop the DVD. The BSS Committee members developed scripts and demonstrated the surgical techniques in the DVD with assistance from staff in the Skills Training Department and Skills Centre of RACS. The members included: Mr Iain Skinner Chair Mr Richard Perry Mr Matthew Carmody Mr Rob Davies Mr Matt Lawrence Mr Matt Clark Mr David Bainbridge The DVD follows the course curriculum in its modular format covering topics including, – surgical instruments, suturing, wound management, electrosurgery and bone handling. Trainees will be able to view demonstrations of the modular components of the curriculum on the DVD. ASSET course materials will also include a course manual to be printed with sponsorship assistance from the primary sponsor of Applied Medical. Future editions of the manual will include illustrations images from the DVD. ASSET cards being developed will contain information about the qualities and features of different suture material and brands. Cards will be used during the course and retained by trainees for reference and a quiz situation. SURGICAL NEWS P08 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 Robert Davies suturing Printing of the manual would not be possible without the generous financial donation from Applied Medical. The BSS Committee and the College would like to acknowledge and thank Applied Medical for their contribution. Also the materials and equipment used during the filming of the DVD were supplied by the other sponsors – Stryker, Ansell Healthcare, Johnson and Johnson, Kimberley Clark, Conmed Linvatec, Olympus, Smith and Nephew, Tyco and Synthes who support the ASSET course. The sponsors are an integral component of the course. The BSS Committee extends its sincere thanks to surgeons who instruct on the ASSET course. The valuable experience and expertise they bring ensures a quality educational programme for the BSTs. Without the continued interest and generous commitment of time and energy by Fellows of the College who instruct on the programme, it would not have achieved its success. Instructing on the ASSET courses is a rewarding experience providing a chance to interact with each year’s intake of new trainees. The Committee invites Fellows to join the dynamic and enthusiastic ASSET faculty especially at such an exciting time. Fellows interested in coming on board are encouraged to contact Janty Taylor who is responsible for the ASSET program in the Skills Training Department of the College on 61 3 9276 7450. USING EMAIL Leigh Delbridge Using email to enhance communication The fundamental basis of the doctor-patient relationship has always been face-to-face communication. H owever advances in communications technology have, from time to time, challenged that assumption. When the telephone was introduced more than 100 years ago, it was regarded by many as the death-knell for the doctor-patient relationship but how many of us nowadays could survive in practice without a mobile phone to assist with patient care. Many current critics have, likewise, decried the use of computer-based technology as potentially interfering with doctor-patient interaction. However, there are many positive examples of the use of such technology. Remote care using internet technology significantly increases access to medical expertise, tele-rounding using robots to complement formal post-operative care has been shown to augment patient satisfaction, and text-messaging has been successfully employed as a reliable means of patient contact. E-mail is another technology which has transformed general communication worldwide, however little has been published about its effect on doctor-patient relationships despite the widespread and dire warnings about the potential minefield of legal disasters and litigation that might accompany its use. Whilst some caution should accompany the utilisation of any such form of communication, I firmly believe that the appropriate use of e-mail can greatly enhance surgeon-patient interaction in the peri-operative setting. In a recent study published in the ANZ Journal of Surgery (Ketteridge et al. 2005;75:680-3) we demonstrated that making e-mail access available to patients after their initial pre-operative consultation significantly increased the level of patient communication without any detectable downside. In a further, as yet unpublished, prospective randomised controlled trial of patients who were, or who were not directed to use e-mail for any questions or queries that might arise following their initial consultation, we found that e-mail access significantly increased the level of pre-operation interaction, without any reduction in measured satisfaction outcomes. communication and often ask questions or raise personal issues that they may have felt inhibited about in a face-to-face consultation. Clearly there is the potential for intrusion on the surgeon’s time and space, as e-mails tend to be answered after the day’s work, often at home. This intrusion is, of course, balanced by the time freed up not having to return or answer phone calls at the office, or see patients for a further consultation and, for most surgeons, such time spent is clearly going to be cost-effective. There remain a number of important issues in relationship to the use of e-mail by surgeons. Unsolicited e-mails should never be answered, as this may create unwittingly a patient doctor-relationship, a potentially dangerous situation from the point of view of litigation. In our studies we have emphasised that e-mail communication should be confined to patients who have already been seen in consultation and who have been specifically requested to use that source of information for asking questions. Urgent messages must never be sent by e-mail as the time of receipt of the e-mail information can never be guaranteed. Likewise it is clearly inappropriate to tell patients bad news or important test by e-mail. Despite these concerns I believe that the use of e-mail provides a very effective means of communication for patients undergoing elective surgery. Leigh Delbridge using email to enhance patient communications There are clearly major advantages associated with the use of e-mail as a means of communication between surgeon and patient. It avoids interruptions to office routine by avoiding the need to answer phone calls from patients at all times of the day, or having to engage in “phonetag” if calls are answered at the end of the day’s work. E-mail responses can also be written undisturbed with appropriate thought being given to the reply, ensuring that it is composed and accurate, something not readily achieved with a hurried phone conversation. Copies of e-mails kept in the file provide clear and indisputable evidence of the responses provided, an invaluable resource should litigation ensue. Our study also demonstrated that many patients “open up” when using e-mail SURGICAL NEWS P09 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 EDUCATION REPORT John Collins, Dean of Education The Assessment of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) I n 2005, 118 IMGs applied to the College for assessment of their training. The purpose of assessment is “to determine whether an IMG has the capacity to practice surgery independently, safely and effectively to the same standard as an Australian or New Zealand trained surgeon”. The College is responsible for this assessment and is required to report to the Australian Medical Council (AMC) on the process and outcome of individual and overall assessments. It is also required to report to the Australian Competition & Consumer Council (ACCC) on overall outcomes. It is important that Fellows, Trainees and IMG’s have an informed understanding of the current process, the challenges being experienced by those intimately involved and the efforts being made to achieve an outcome which best meets the needs of society and the applicants. THE CURRENT PROCESS Medical Council Involvement IMGs apply to the Australian Medical Council (AMC) or the Medical Council of New Zealand for specialist assessment which then requests specific information. The initial assessment by the AMC is to establish Bono Fide qualifications, occupational English test result (or exemption) and completed supporting documents. If the documents are in order the application is referred to the College for in depth assessment. The Medical Council of New Zealand assesses an IMG’s eligibility for registration within a vocational scope of practice and “takes into account” advice from the appropriate vocational body e.g. the College. The Council has the discretion to determine whether the applicant’s qualifications, training and experience are appropriate for registration within the vocational scope in which they have applied. A major review of the methodology used by the Medical Council of New Zealand to assess IMG’s is currently underway. Paper-based Assessment The College process commences with a paper-based assessment by the Dean of Education and the appropriate Board Chair. A proforma has been developed which lists each of the requirements to train as a surgeon developed by the College and its various Boards. The paper-based assessment then focuses on the challenge of establishing whether or not an applicant has undertaken substantially comparable education, training, experience and assessment. Referee’s reports, which must include at least one relating to recent practice, are reviewed and a current certificate of good standing sighted. Based on this, one of five recommendations is made which may vary from requiring the individual to undertake complete surgical training to those who are considered to be comparable under all requirements. For those who are seeking an Area of Need position SURGICAL NEWS P10 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 their assessment involves establishing whether they have the competencies required to undertake the roles listed in the job description. The job description is also reviewed to ensure that the position is appropriate and viable for a surgical specialist. Semi-structured Interview An interview follows for all except those who need to undertake Basic Surgical Training. The purpose of this interview is to pursue any issues raised through the paper-based assessment and to explore with the applicant a range of aspects relating to surgical practice, e.g. recency of clinical experience, and ability in terms of professional performance, ethics, insight, teamwork, approach to patients and communication skills, through a standardised list of questions. It is not an assessment of surgical knowledge. This interview which is chaired by the relevant Board Chair includes a surgeon from another specialty, a jurisdictional representative and a College staff member. A second surgeon from the same specialty as the applicant is also frequently present. Recommendations Following the interview a final recommendation is made which may vary from a requirement to undertake full specialist training and/or the Fellowship Examination, to Admission to Fellowship pursuant to the Articles of Association Number 21. A period of “oversight” varying between 12 and 24 months is recommended for those who are required to take the Fellowship Examination or 12 months for those being considered for Article 21. CHALLENGES PRESENTED BY THE CURRENT PROCESS These surround the attempts to assess the system under which the applicant has trained, rather than assessing the individual, and, that the only authentication of the individual’s competence as a surgeon is by way of a paper-based assessment. 1. Is the IMG’s training, experience and assessment substantially comparable? In order to undertake an assessment of the system under which an applicant has trained a lengthy, labour-intensive and expensive exercise takes place involving a request for documentation from various universities, colleges, employers and medical registration boards. Lack of documentation or at times cooperation by some of these groups can be frustrating both to the College and to the IMG being assessed. Uncertainty regarding the reliability of documentation, incomplete important information and concerns relating to the dependability of its translation into English can each be a major challenge, and all have accompanying risks. These problems are not of course universal and many IMGs do provide complete, certified and up-to-date information. Practice environments, curriculum and assessment may be very different in the country of origin and in some European countries surgical training may not have an exit examination using instead a mentoring approach. A further issue relates to whether a “training program” does in fact focus on training and whether it has regular external assessment as occurs with this College through the AMC. It is of relevance that evidence of external assessment of all university degree programs is now one of the necessary requirements before such degrees will be recognised across international boundaries. independent practice is appropriate for those with eight or more years of specialist practice or those whose practice is confined to a subspecialty area. However members of each of the nine Court’s of Examiners believe they have the combined expertise and experience to assess candidates from various backgrounds and ensure a uniform standard. While a porfolio of experience does recognise a person’s learning, demonstration that they have the up-to-date factual knowledge necessary to practise in their specialty is required in many countries although there is no uniformity as to how this should be assessed. 3. Should every IMG take the Fellowship examination? Some principles and points for discussion 1. The College has a moral, ethical and professional obligation to the public to ensure that each surgeon obtaining the FRACS has met the standards required. 2. There must be a uniform standard required for all who obtain the FRACS. 3. There must be no compromise of the current pathway to Fellowship required of those who train in Australia or New Zealand. 4. Consideration should be given to assessing the surgical competencies of individual IMGs rather than relying on an assessment of their training system and experience. 5. IMGs should be required to undertake six to 12 months of clinical assessment in Australia or New Zealand and only in exceptional circumstances should this assessment be replaced by oversight. 6. The majority of IMGs should take the Fellowship Examination after the satisfactory completion of a period of clinical assessment. 7. Appropriate locations and funding are required to provide IMGs who wish to practise in Australia or New Zealand with the opportunity to experience local healthcare systems and have their performance assessed over time. Those responsible for the funding and administration of healthcare which includes Governments and the jurisdictions must take the major responsibility for solving the logistical problems involved in finding suitable placements. The College is very willing to support such endevours. There are already inadequate numbers of posts to accommodate specialist trainees and the placing of IMGs must not jeopardize this any further. 8. The current process for providing oversight/supervision is experiencing numerous problems particularly with those in Area of Need positions or who are professionally isolated. It is not possible to undertake this at a distance nor can it be the responsibility of one surgeon. The alternative of spending six–12 months in an appropriate unit, where a clinical assessment can be guaranteed in the same way as for our trainees would seem a more valid option. Most would agree that exemption should be given to those who have an eminent academic career in established, new or emerging specialties. The second group which needs further discussion are those who have been in active specialist or sub-specialist practice for many years. The Medical Council of New Zealand recently raised for discussion whether an examination developed to assess trainees before they enter International Medical Graduates are an important part of the surgical workforce and make a substantial contribution to the healthcare of Australians and New Zealanders. The College is committed to ensuring that they are assessed in an appropriate, objective, fair and transparent manner while at the same time being able to reassure the public that all who provide surgical care meet the required standards. 2. Should there be automatic recognition of overseas surgical qualifications? One of the recommendations in the ACCC Review was that the College “should complete and publish a list of recognised overseas qualifications within six months of the release of the Review’s final report,” that is, by the end of 2005. From our experience to date in assessing overseas training programmes this would seem to be an near impossible task not just because of the difficulties faced in obtaining up-to-date, appropriate and reliable information but also because of the ongoing changes in training around the world, the most recent of which is associated with Modernising Medical Careers in the United Kingdom. Allegations of bias have been voiced by some IMGs when one program is regarded as substantially comparable and another is not. The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) has made a determined effort to review overseas qualifications across the many specialties it is responsible for, and although some were considered acceptable at the time they were reviewed, the majority were either unacceptable or unable to be properly assessed. The Canadian College has had similar problems to those experienced by this College with obtaining adequate, credible, and up-to-date information and has decided to discontinue its previous practice of assessing international postgraduate medical education systems in favour of individual competency assessment. Historically those who wished to obtain a Fellowship from the Canadian College have been required to present for examination after one year of clinical assessment in Canada, and only in rare circumstances has an exemption to this requirement been granted. SURGICAL NEWS P11 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY Les Bokey Queen’s Birthday honours for services to colorectal surgery The Australian honours system recognises the outstanding achievements and contributions made by individuals to their community, their country or at an international level. S urgical News was pleased to note that in the 2005 Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Professor Les Bokey was one such individual singled out for his services to medicine as a colorectal surgeon, and for the establishment of surgical educational programs, research, and medical administration. Les is a busy and indefatigable clinician, committed academic surgeon and medical administrator who has achieved an international reputation in his chosen discipline of colorectal surgery. Les was born in Alexandria, a city renowned as a birthplace of Hellenistic civilisation and the centre of a large Jewish community who speak both Greek and French. When the Suez Canal crisis erupted in 1956 Les and his family became refugees initially in France and later migrated to Australia. Les graduated from the University of Sydney in 1969 and obtained his Fellowship in 1975. He then steadfastly pursued a career in colorectal surgery encouraged by the members of the Colorectal Unit at Sydney Hospital, then the cornerstone of the discipline in this country. Like many, Les travelled overseas to continue his training, first to London working with Ian Todd at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, and then to Goteborg in Sweden with Nils Kock and subsequently as an international scholar to the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in the USA. He returned to Sydney in 1979 and joined Professor Murray Pheils at Concord Hospital as his Senior Surgical Registrar where today, he occupies the inaugural Chair of Colorectal Surgery at Sydney University. Les is Head of Department of the Concord Hospital Colorectal Unit. He was made Head of Surgery in the Faculty of Medicine in 1993 and subsequently Associate Dean of Surgical Sciences in 1999. Currently, he is Director of Gastroenterology and Liver Services for the Sydney Southwest Area Health Services. Such a rapid ascent through the academic hierarchy is testimony to his abilities as a capable and astute administrator with exceptional organisational skills; as a distinguished academic and teacher; and to the respect that he enjoys from his peers. His expertise and technical innovations, especially in rectal cancer surgery, are recognised in the international peer-reviewed literature. He has been a generous and effective teacher of many young surgeons from both Australia and overseas and a constant contributor to important activities within the community beyond his immediate clinical and academic commitments. Les Bokey remains a private person devoted to his family. He is touched to be honoured in this way and recognises the support of his colleagues in the creation of the colorectal unit at Concord Hospital; “this is good for Concord Hospital and for colorectal surgery”. Pierre Chapuis, Concord Hospital PROVINCIAL SURGEONS OF AUSTRALIA ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Kalgoorlie 22 – 25 November 2006 * Please note date change This year’s Provincial Surgeons of Australia (PSA) Annual Scientific Conference will now be held in Kalgoorlie from 22 – 25 November 2006. The theme of this year’s PSA Conference is ‘Rural Trauma’ which will complement the Mining Regions of Kalgoorlie. The Convener is Mr Mike McGushin who is planning a significant scientific programme accompanied by an exciting social programme which will showcase many famous Kalgoorlie attractions. Please mark these new dates in your diary and look out for more information about the 2006 Kalgoorlie PSA, in the next issue of Surgical News. If you require further information please contact Kymberley Walta from the College Conferences and Events Department on +61 3 9276 7406 or email SURGICAL NEWS P12 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 Training opportunities in the Top End The Royal Darwin hospital is a 350 bed teaching hospital and is perhaps one of the last bastions of true General Surgery in the country. Its isolation and size mean that to be a general surgeon in Darwin, you cannot restrict yourself to Gastro-intestinal surgery. General surgeons in Darwin handle neurosurgical trauma, thoracics, burns, plastics, hands, urology, vascular and paediatrics, often with support from visiting subspecialists. Consequently, the training opportunities are huge at all levels and vastly different from large southern centres. Trainees frequently mention the great variety and the large numbers of cases they have exposure to. This is definitely a ‘cutting job’. David Read & Lou Lemch fishing for Barramundi We have four posts for basic surgical trainees, who are employed at a junior registrar level. Three advanced trainees rotate from North Queensland, Sydney and South Australia. Finally, there is a college-accredited one year fellowship in Rural Surgery. Research opportunities abound in the Menzies Institute, a worldrenowned centre with emphasis on Aboriginal Health and tropical diseases. I would expect that after a year in Darwin, a trainee should be comfortable repairing a tendon, grafting a burn, placing a ureteric stent and, placing an intracranial pressure monitor.There is also a high trauma load, and we have now developed considerable expertise in disaster management. Borroloola Community Health Centre Registrars are expected to accompany surgeons on ‘specialist outreach’ visits to isolated rural communities. These visits offer insight into issues facing the providers of indigenous health care. They frequently involve a light aircraft trip into Arnhem land, and offer opportunities for the purchase of indigenous art or a spot of barra fishing once the day’s work is done. The Darwin lifestyle is another reason that virtually all trainees enjoy their rotations here. No traffic, great weather, sailing, fishing, subsidised accommodation adjacent the hospital, only five minutes walk from the beach. Mr Darren Foreman was a BST 3 when he worked for a year in Darwin to gain general surgical experience prior to entering advanced training for urology.” Crossing the MacAthur River “The surgical opportunities for a Resident were far greater than I had experienced elsewhere, and my logbook showed 2 years worth of operative experience at the end of 12 months.” Australian and New Zealand Head and Neck Society (ANZHNS ) Annual Scientific Conference The 7th Annual Scientific Conference of the ANZHNS was held at the Hilton Sydney from the 24 – 27 November 2005. This conference provided a valuable opportunity for over 200 Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeons, Medical Oncologists, Surgical Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Registrars, Speech Therapists, Nurses and other health professionals to come together and share their combined knowledge in a collective scientific environment. Four international guests contributed to the Conference including Professor Jean Bourhis from France, Dr Ralph Gilbert from Canada, Dr Robert Amdur from America and Professor Mark McGurk, from the United Kingdom. Delegates thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity to listen to international opinions which was thought provoking and inspiring. A major highlight of the meeting was a presentation by The Hon Tony Abbott MHR, Minister for Health and Ageing on the topic of ‘Inequality in Cancer Care Delivery’ and delegates appreciated the opportunity to address the Minister in an open forum. Associate Professor Chris Milross, Director of the Radiation Oncology Department at the Sydney Cancer Centre should be congratulated on convening a successful Conference. The outcome of this Conference would not have been possible without the dedication of the Convener and his Committee comprising of Dr Bob Smee, Dr Gary Morgan and Dr Carsten Palme. The Convener and the Committee would like to thank the College Conferences and Events Department for their management of the Conference and support of the Society. Membership of the ANZHNS gives multiple opportunities to keep up with the latest clinical and research developments in the field of head and neck oncology as well as access to local and international leading oncological surgeons for specific clinical case questions and issues. For further information visit SURGICAL NEWS P13 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Perry Burstin Progressing From Provision to Training “Give a person a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach him to fish and he’ll have food for a lifetime” W hen I commenced the inaugural Vanuatu National Ears, Nose, Throat (ENT) workshop with these words, my team members later jokingly said they thought I was going to be handing out rods and bait! In four previous AusAID funded ‘Pacific Islands Project’ trips to the country, it felt like we were only ever really scratching the surface of the medical and surgical problems. My concern in general with the overall program effectiveness was of treating relatively small numbers of patients, often with severe pathology at the end of the disease spectrum. There was also the issue of many people in outlying island villages never really getting the chance to avail themselves of primary, let alone tertiary care. Given education is the means to sustainable independence, the concept of organizing a training conference slowly developed momentum. The idea was that not only would patients be more competently triaged, assessed at an earlier stage, intensively worked-up and better managed post-operatively with improved outcomes, but basic treatment would be possible on an all-year-round basis. It was hoped this model would exponentially expand the options available to the population at large, so as to make a major impact on health care in the country. Remuneration is poor within the medical sector and retention of doctors particularly difficult; they often seem to move around between various Pacific Island countries looking for better opportunities and giving them exportable qualifications invariably leads to the desire for emigration. For these reasons, a locally sustainable ENT surgical service in Vanuatu is a long way off becoming a reality. The training project took shape after several months of consultation with AusAid, the PIP and the Vanuatu Director General of Health. In addition to significant AusAID funding, generous private benefactors as well as donations in lieu of presents for my wife’s birthday party (exact number withheld!) helped raise over $12,000. Five nurses from the Islands of Santo, Tanna, Mallekula, Epi and Banks were flown in, with a further seven attending from the main island of Efate. The workshop was held over seven full days, including a lecture program on all facets of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. History taking and examination techniques were highlighted, in particular, minor otologic outpatient procedures. I invited a friend and colleague, Mr. Roger Grigg to participate in the trip and we alternated operating sessions, formal tutorials and clinics to give the trainees broad exposure. This was complemented by two audiologists who taught air and bone conduction testing, the principles of masking and hearing assessment techniques in younger children. The basics of amplification were covered and a number of worthy candidates identified and some fitted with hearing aids. Ear mould production was reactivated using resourceful local techniques. Previously donated second hand analogue-type aids have a very limited lifespan, especially in tropical climates. We were fortunate to have a Melbourne based company offer to provide new digital aids at below cost price and this promises to make an enormous contribution in the area of aural rehabilitation. Nurses tend to be the stable population within the hospital system and have close links with the community at large. I felt it was at least initially better to commence a grass-roots program with nurse practitioners, hopefully expanding it in due course. This model has been previously applied successfully in developing countries and completes the link to reach out to people at the village level and hence make the program a truly national and inclusive one. Whilst training and education are essential, nurse practitioners need to have appropriate examination equipment to undertake this type of care. When one considers the vast expenditure on prosthetic devices, disposable single use items and general wastage in our own health system, it was heartening that a relatively small outlay for basic instrumentation could make such a significant and positive impact. Comprehensive ENT examination sets were purchased and included: hand held otoscopes with battery supplies; ear specula; wax curettes; ear suckers; angled hooks; cotton broaches; micro-crocodile grasping forceps; thudicum nasal specula; large bore suckers; nasal packing forceps; tongue depressors; angled laryngeal mirrors; cautery sticks; topical ear and nasal medications. I knew this was feasible given the high level of skill and diagnostic ability exhibited by the principal ENT nurse at Port Vila General Hospital, Andorine Aki, who had been well coached several years earlier by the current PIP ENT Specialty Director, Mr. Malcolm Baxter. When I asked her a while back at our first clinic together how she knew the first three patients coming in had an attic cholesteatoma, fungal otitis externa and a dry posterior retraction pocket respectively, she produced an old atlas, pointed to representative pictures and said, ‘because they look exactly like this’ – and she was spot on! The trainees were individually shown how to use the equipment. They were provided with laminated anatomical diagrams for reference and patient education as well as a resident level ENT textbook. The six principal nurses representing the main island regions were each given sets ; these contain a log book and diligent recording of patient numbers and diagnoses should help with planning, as well as creating a database for determining pressing operative requirements on future trips. It’s also hoped that responsibility for maintenance and safe-keeping of the equipment will be empowering and strengthen their commitment to continue in this field. SURGICAL NEWS P14 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 Team members from last visit – before the running session! Course participants and P.I.P team. We still need to carry with us a large number of bags and suitcases filled with equipment. Disposables and medicines are taken so as not to tax the local supplies. Parents are forced to raise money to send their kids to school given no government subsidies exist. This is rather tragic when one considers expatriate businessmen earn vast amounts of money and pay no tax, leaving the government bereft in terms of social infrastructure spending, apart from what they raise on V.AT. for goods. Addressing inequities of this system in a fundamental manner (AusAid and advisory agencies would be of invaluable assistance) seem a logical way to obtain funding to improve health and education in the long term. The devastating effects of complicated ear disease was highlighted by the fact that a 20 year-old patient a fortnight before our visit had slumped into a coma and died after developed a brain abscess from a recently diagnosed cholesteatoma. It’s hoped these consequences can be largely avoided by earlier detection and treatment of the disease. A lecture to the local medical staff was also given and the Consultant General Surgeon shown how to perform potentially life-saving bony mastoid trephination and myringotomies. . A vast array of ENT pathology has been encountered, with most being the consequences of acute and chronic otitis media and rhino-sinusitis; among the more interesting have included; a large vagal schwannoma extending to the skull base, plunging cervical ranulas, a petrous apex choesteatoma with labyrinthine erosion, Bezold’s sternomastoid abscess secondary to suppurative mastoiditis, massive lobular keloids, mid-facial destruction probably secondary to yaws and nasal bony widening from huge allergic polyps extruding from the nares. There seems to be very little head and neck cancer which is fortunate, given the lack of facilities for overall management. There have been many enjoyable diversions over the years which include marlin fishing, jungle treks, climbing an active volcano, swimming around secluded island beaches, bustling market days, witnessing traditional custom-village life and attending the running of the Vanuatu Cup as guests of the High Commissioner. Refreshing morning team jogs have developed a tradition, but most have declined the warm down yoga session. Melanesian feasts including local dishes of yam, lap-lap, taro and manyok, consumed to the sounds of an accompanying ‘string band’ are a highlight; there’s always the ongoing quest for the perfect pina-colada served in a coconut shell. I chose to do aid work in Vanuatu because it was an idyllic location (with lovely French-inspired cuisine) and hoped the problems would be on a smaller scale than in many third world countries. It’s always struck me that whilst most patients are relatively poor, they’re friendly, generous and particularly happy people. There’s a strong sense of community spirit, respect for their elders and a very rich culture. Despite this rosier assessment, there are still some fairly major endemic problems which need addressing. Unemployment is high, domestic violence is far from unknown and primary education is not compulsory. Whilst the magnitude of starvation, poor sanitation and ravages of infectious diseases in parts of Africa and Asia seem beyond our comprehension, the scale of problems in these smaller Pacific Island Countries are manageable. I believe Australia has a responsibility and obligation as neighbours to provide assistance, both in monetary terms as well as manpower. Foreign Aid expenditure as a percentage expression of our Gross National Income (GNI) fell under the Keating administration, and has plummeted to embarrassingly low levels in recent years. Australia’s contribution will be lifted from 0.28 per cent to 0.36 per cent of GNI by a September 2005 1.5 billion dollar pledge. This is still well short of the goal of 0.7 per cent of GNI which has been signed by the Prime Minister as part of Australia’s commitment to the UN Millennium Development Goals.[1] It’s my hope this pilot program will be successful and provide sustainable overall results; the nurses have already expressed a willingness to have another workshop organized next year to consolidate their knowledge. Expanding training to other countries in the region is the next phase. Volunteer humanitarian work has certainly constituted the highlight of my professional working life. They say “no one ever gets dizzy from doing too many good turns”; as has also been previously said, “no one person can change the world, but you can change the world for one person”. Acknowledgments: Dr. Mathew Hayhoe: Anaesthetist Nurses: Terry Tiong, Judy Dehnert and Hayley Martin Audiologists: John Hill and Dino Hodge Generous benefactors – ‘Anonymous’ and Peter Sandars of Adapt Engineering Widex Australia for providing hearing aids and facilitating mould production Australian Hearing for donating spare audiometers Como Pharmacy in South Yarra for supplying medicines. My wife and family for their continuing support SURGICAL NEWS P15 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Ian Dickinson, Chair, Professional Development & Standards Board Professional Development Continuing Professional Development Program Verification All active Fellows of the College (engaged in medicine, surgery and medico legal services) are required to participate in the CPD Program. The program aims to advance the individual surgeon’s surgical knowledge and skills for the benefit of patients and provide surgeons with tangible evidence of participation in and compliance with the program by the award of a certificate. Each year 2.5 per cent of Fellows are randomly selected to verify the information contained in their annual recertification data form/online diary. If you have been selected for 2005, you will have been notified accordingly. 2005 CPD recertification data forms Fellows should by now have received a Recertification Data Form for 2005. This data form is to record details of your continuing professional development activities during 2005, and should be returned to the College by 31 March, 2006. Please contact Sarah Lawrence, Department of Professional Standards, on +61 3 9249 1282 or email sarah. if you require assistance completing your data form. CPD Online Data collection for the 2006 CPD Program is available online via the College website ( Fellows are able to access a personal CPD Online Diary using usernames and passwords to maintain CPD records in a real time format. Fellows using the CPD Online Diary for 2006 will no longer be required to complete the hard copy recertification data form issued at the conclusion of 2006, however Fellows are encouraged to continue keeping evidence of CPD activities for verification purposes. CPD Online training and telephone assistance is available through the Department of Professional Standards on +61 3 9249 1282. Professional Development Professional Development at the Annual Scientific Congress (ASC) Sydney Coming soon to Queensland... SURGEONS AS MANAGERS WORKSHOP WORK-LIFE BALANCE - NEW! Saturday 13 May 2006 Cost: $360 (Members) 1 CPD POINT PER HOUR Helps individuals to identify their values and addresses the principles of work/life balance, including a model to help achieve balance. WRITING REPORTS FOR COURT Sunday 14 May 2006 (half-day) Cost: $540 (Members) 7 CPD POINTS Offers skills-based training in drafting medical reports for use in legal matters. Involves small-group practical exercises. MENTORING IN THE WORKPLACE - NEW! Sunday 14 May 2006 (half-day) Cost: $100 (Members) 1 CPD POINT PER HOUR Enhances skills of surgeons who act as mentors in the workplace, not only with surgical trainees. Topics include dealing with difficult situations in mentoring relationships. SURGICAL TEACHERS COURSE Friday- Saturday 19- 20 May 2006 Cost: $200 (Members) 60 CPD POINTS Develops educational skills of surgeons responsible for the teaching and assessment of trainees. Includes leadership and change. Contact the Department of Professional Development Ph: +61 3 9249 1106 Fax: +61 3 9276 7432 Email: SURGICAL NEWS P16 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 This three day workshop covers a range of practical business and management skills. The course is conducted as a weekend retreat; partners and families are welcome. The workshop can also be taken as a core module of the Graduate Certificate in Business Administration. 7- 9 July 2006, Sofitel Gold Coast 15 - 17 September 2006, Noosa COST: $815 (Members) Price includes two nights accommodation, meals and conference attendance for one delegate. For partner or family rates, please contact the department. 1 CPD POINT PER HOUR Contact the Department of Professional Development Ph: +61 3 9249 1212 Fax: +61 3 9276 7432 Email: Sydney Upper Gastrointestinal Surgical Society and the Australasian Pancreatic Club Present a full day symposium on PANCREATIC CANCER On Saturday 11 March, 2006 at the Novotel, Olympic Boulevard, Homebush Bay, Sydney Faculty: Guest Speaker: Prof. Douglas B. Evans, Hamill Foundation Distinguished Professor of Surgery University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center A.Prof Minoti Apte Dr Doug Fenton-Lee Dr Davendra Segara Dr Andrew Biankin A.Prof David Goldstein Dr Garett Smith Dr Maxwell Coleman A.Prof. James Kench Dr Michael Talbot Dr Saxon Connor A.Prof Reginald Lord Prof. James Toouli Dr Amanda Dawson Dr Neil Merrett Prof. John Windsor Dr Richard Eek A.Prof. Ian Norton Prof. Jeremy Wilson Topics: Early Diagnosis - Pancreatic Cancer and Chronic Pancreatitis, Precursor lesions. Familial Pancreatic Cancer: Managing asymptomatic relatives. Staging for Pancreatic Cancer: the role of new technologies and laparoscopy. Current treatment and patient selection. Advances in systemic treatment and Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Quality of Life and Palliation for patients with advanced disease. Proudly sponsored by: Roche Pharmaceuticals where ‘actions speak louder than molecules’ A conference Dinner open to all delegates on the night of the conference will be held at The Malaya, 39 Lime Street, King Street Wharf, Sydney Ph: +61 2 9279 1170 REGISTRATION FORM Name:...................................... Address:......................................................................………………………………………………………..... Phone:................………........... Name on Badge:...…………...............……................………………………………………………………....... Members (APC/SUGSS): $ 170 $ .................. Fellow: $ 220 $ .................. Trainee: $ 90 $ .................. Senior Fellow: $ 50 $ .................. Scientist: $ 50 $ .................. University Student: $ 30 $ .................. Conference Dinner: $ 50 $ .................. Membership Dues $ 50 $ .................. TOTAL CHEQUE: $ .................. Registration on day of Meeting $ 220 - Registration at 0800 PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO SYDNEY UPPER GASTRO INTESTINAL SURGICAL SOCIETY Please return registration forms to: Ms Andrea Green, Suite 7, Level 3 North Shore Private Hospital ST LEONARDS NSW 2065 Ph: 02 9926 6897, Fax: 02 9926 8930 SURGICAL NEWS P17 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 FELLOWSHIPS & STANDARDS Ross Blair, Fellowship Sevices New Online Library Resources N ew online library resources, these include the latest edition of many of the leading surgery reference books, now available in full text, as well as the complete Clinics of North America journal series, and many new journals. The Online Library can be accessed from any computer through the College website (, after entering your user name and password in the login box. Any Fellow or Trainee who’d like assistance with using the Online Library should contact the Library on +61 3 9249 1271 or email Keep your Online Library page bookmarked and stay tuned for new titles which will continue to be added throughout the year. Surgical Clinics of North America World Journal of Surgery Institute Journal of Trauma Obesity Surgery Surgical Endoscopy Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America- Trauma Grapevine Cardiothoracic Surgery Basic Surgical Training Prescribed Reading Modern operative techniques in liver surgery (pdf chapter) Robbins and Cotran: Pathologic basis of disease Review of medical physiology (Ganong) Supplementary Reading Sabiston textbook of surgery Oxford textbook of surgery Harrison’s principles of internal medicine Operative surgery manual (Khatri) Hoffman’s Hematology: basic principles and practice Ford: Clinical toxicology Murray and Nadel: Textbook of respiratory medicine Journals Annals of Surgery ANZ Journal of Surgery Lancet Mayo Clinic Proceedings New England Journal of Medicine SURGICAL NEWS P18 Books Braunwald’s heart disease : a textbook of cardiovascular medicine Pediatric cardiology for practitioners Sabiston & Spencer Surgery of the chest Journals American Heart Journal American Journal of Cardiology Annals of Thoracic Surgery Cardiology Clinics CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology Cardiovascular Research Chest European Heart Journal European Journal of CardioThoracic Surgery Heart and Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Journal of the American College of Cardiology Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery Thoracic Surgery Clinics formerly Clinics in Chest Surgery / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 General Surgery Books Bland: The breast Clinical oncology (Abeloff) Current surgical therapy (Cameron) Operative surgery manual (Khatri) Sabiston textbook of surgery: the biological basis of modern surgical practice Shackelford’s surgery of the alimentary tract Sleisenger & Fordtran’s Gastrointestinal and liver disease Williams textbook of endocrinology Journals Annals of Surgical Oncology Digestive Surgery Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Gastroenterology Clinics of North America Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America Journal of Gastroenterology Journal of Hepato-Biliary- Pancreatic Surgery Journal of Hepatology Journal of the National Cancer Neurosurgery Books Textbook of clinical neurology (Goetz) Journals Acta Neurochirurgica Child’s Nervous System Journal of Clinical Neuroscience Journal of Neuro-Oncology Journal of Neurosurgery Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases Lancet Neurology Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Clinics of North America Neurosurgical Focus Pediatric Neurology Pediatric Neurosurgery Spine Surgical Neurology Orthopaedic Surgery Books Campbell’s operative orthopaedics DeLee & Drez’s orthopaedic sports medicine; principles and practice Skeletal trauma: basic science, management and reconstruction (Browner) Skeletal trauma in children (Green) Journals Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Arthroscopy Clinical Orthopedics & Related Research Clinics in Sports Medicine Foot and Ankle Clinics Foot & Ankle International Foot and Ankle Surgery Gait and Posture JAAOS: Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Journal of Arthroplasty Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (UK) Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (USA) Journal of Knee Surgery Journal of Orthopaedic Research Journal of Orthopaedic Science Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery Orthopedic Clinics of North America Orthopedics Skeletal Radiology Spine Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Books Otolaryngology—head & neck surgery (Cummings) Journals Acta Otolaryngologica Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery Ear, Nose and Throat Journal Journal of Laryngology and Otology Laryngoscope Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Books Grabb & Smith’s Plastic Surgery (coming soon) Journals Annals of Plastic Surgery Atlas of the Hand Clinics Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics Breast British Journal of Plastic Surgery Burns Clinics in Plastic Surgery European Journal of Plastic Surgery Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America Hand Clinics Journal of Hand Surgery (British Volume) Journal of Hand Surgery (USA) JPRAS: an international journal of surgical reconstruction (previously British Journal of Plastic Surgery) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Journals Child’s Nervous System European Journal of Pediatrics Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Journal of Pediatric Surgery Journal of Pediatrics Pediatric Cardiology Pediatric Nephrology Pediatric Neurology Pediatric Neurosurgery Pediatric Radiology Pediatric Surgery International Books Vascular surgery (Rutherford) Current surgical therapy (Cameron) Journals Annals of Vascular Surgery CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology Cardiovascular Research European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery Journal of Vascular Research Journal of Vascular Surgery JVIR Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Additional Surgery Resources Paediatric Surgery Books Pediatric surgery (O’Neill) The Harriet Lane handbook: a manual for pediatric house officers Krugman’s infectious diseases of children Pediatric cardiology for practitioners Principles and practice of pediatric infectious diseases (Long) Skeletal trauma in children (Green) Adult and pediatric urology (Gillenwater) Vascular Surgery Books Current surgical therapy (Cameron) Operative surgery manual (Khatri) Oxford Textbook of Surgery Sabiston textbook of surgery : the biological basis of modern surgical practice Urology Books Adult and pediatric urology (Gillenwater) Campbell’s Urology Brenner and Rector’s The kidney Journals American Journal of Nephrology BJU International and Supplement International Urogynecology Journal International Urology and Nephrology Journal of Urology Urologic Clinics of North America Urology World Journal of Urology Journals Ambulatory Surgery American Journal of Surgery American Surgeon Annals of Surgery ANZ Journal of Surgery BMC Surgery Canadian Journal of Surgery Contemporary Surgery European Journal of Surgery Journal of the American College of Surgeons Surgery Surgical Clinics of North America Surgical Endoscopy Surgical Laparoscopy & Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques World Journal of Surgery SURGICAL NEWS P19 Anne Casey, Library and Web Manager / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 IMPROVING HEALTH Louise Lawler Louise Lawler discusses her research made possible through the Rowan Nicks / Russell Drysdale Fellowship. W ith the aim of improving Indigenous community health I have traced causative factors of chronic ill health to family, parenting and school. My goal is to subvert the decline of youth into unemployment and the inherent implications of stunted life-long learning, undeveloped communication and social skills, risk-taking behaviour, poor lifestyle choices, substance abuse, violence and crime. Thus the ideation behind the title “Cutting out Bad Apples”, relates to preventing the creation of ‘bad apples’ and diverting potential ‘bad apples’ into productive pursuits while simultaneously begging the question of what happens to ‘bad apples’ that are ‘cut out’ of school and/or society? What are the life courses that remain available to these young people? The premise is that the next time we meet them after school has ‘cut them out’, they are coming through our windows sporting balaclavas or lying cold and damaged on a morticians slab long before they should, costs in terms of life, social and emotional well-being and public funding we can ill afford. An initial cohort of nine male students formed a separate Year 11 class with whom I worked. The curriculum comprised three mainstream subjects, English, Maths and Sport, Leisure and Recreation and three special classes with me, designed to provide students with communication and social skills, a broad understanding of society, culture and communities, personal development, job seeking skills, CV development and practical work experience. This curriculum, a major outcome of the Fellowship endeavour, has been developed throughout the year and is now being melded into a transferable and sustainable program any school could conduct. Cutting out “Bad Apples” The Fellowship has enabled me to play an active role in the lives of 21 youth during the course of the 2005 school year. Students were initially nominated by the Principal of Dubbo College Senior Campus and consisted of those students who returned to Year 11 because they had not attained employment post Year 10 and who had no motivation to work towards the Higher School Certificate (HSC). These students are notoriously disruptive to classes who are intent on improving scholarly efforts of HSC candidates. During the year previous school leavers who had not gained or sustained employment and current Year 10 students who were at risk of leaving school prior to gaining the School Certificate swelled the numbers. SURGICAL NEWS P20 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 The success of a venture such as this depends on making connections with the students over the full range of their life experiences. This involves getting to know the ‘person’ the student is, meeting their family, knowing their peer group, sporting preferences and social activities. The literature attests that resilience and productivity in adolescents are artefacts of positive interaction with as few as one significant adult in this developmental period. Sadly, many of these children lack a significant adult in their family life! This is not generally due to an absence of parents or adult supervisors, indeed Indigenous households often swarm with them, it is due mostly to a dearth of quality interaction and support offered by the adults surrounding these young people. Unfortunately, school and teachers are the only other pool from which these significant adults can be drawn and in today’s hectic society teachers are struggling to keep up. It is becoming the exception that one may have the personal or professional resources to become a ‘significant other’ for the numbers of students who require additional attention. Some of the boys playing basketball What is missing? To quote a particularly philanthropic businessman who employs students in the Fellowship program, “it takes a village to raise a child, and we are remiss in our duties”! While families and schools struggle to manage our youth, too many others - individuals, the media, businesses and government agencies maintain a running commentary on the “problems associated with youth”. Where in this, does one find the village and support that is required to rear the children? For many Indigenous families dysfunction is the norm and yet these are the very families that find the village even harder to elicit support from, due to the generalisations arising from negative media coverage that simultaneously gives scant regard to reporting positive but less news-worthy stories. This works against all Indigenous families. A case study that exemplifies this is that of a young man living with an older sibling and his birth parents. Both parents are employed in blue-collar positions and enjoy a reasonable level of financial flexibility and own their home. This boy has a mobile phone, mp3 player, stereo equipment, TV, DVD and computer with Internet access in his bedroom. Materially he lacks for nothing. Conversely this lad suffers from severe lack of intimate ‘care’ and the resultant social isolation. The family reaction to a diagnosis of ADHD at age 11 years has been to treat the lad as though he has some incurable and debilitating mental illness. No one in the family harbours expectations of him, considering him incapable of controlling his behaviour, performing academically, completing tasks and ultimately of obtaining gainful employment. The family attitude to this young man is that he is mentally retarded, where in actuality he is highly intelligent and possibly is much more academically endowed than other family members. This family sociology has stymied his personal and professional development and by his 15th birthday had leached away all traces of self-belief, self-esteem and motivation to attempt anything available to him including continuing at school, undertaking training or gaining employment. Taking its lead from the family attitude and lack of understanding and support, the school community has adopted a similar attitude to this young man. From Year 7 through to Year 11 teachers speak negatively about him and some have even excluded him for particular classes e.g. technical classes that use power tools on OH & S grounds. However, this is largely the result of previous teachers’ verbal reports and informal discussion about the occasional wilder antic. In truth this young person is tried, judged and found lacking well before he meets prospective teachers, the result is that he has learned that he cannot win and so does not try, he cannot be successful so he does not compete, he is only acknowledged when he is misbehaving and so he craves and seeks consideration using the lessons he has learned. Ultimately he has become a ‘designer delinquent’, slowly but surely constructed over his formative school years. At the age of 15 years he recognises this yet is unable to control or change it, he should be angry but he is not – yet. “The success of a venture such as this depends on making connections with the students over the full range of their life experiences.” Enter - one significant adult. Someone who did not heed the horror stories circulating and the certainty of the destruction this young man has yet to orchestrate if he is not expelled from school. Someone who ignored the loudness and the obscenities issuing from him and overlooked the absence of school uniform, bag and the chronic tardiness in attending class. Simultaneously, however, there were brief encounters of quiet one-on-one conversation, acknowledgement of the ‘person’ as opposed to the student, someone who laughed at occasional antics – that, let’s face it, were funny! Someone who enquired if he had had breakfast and arranged something from the breakfast club when he had not. Someone enquired as to how he felt today, Someone who discovered his passion and aptitude for a sport and attended a game or two. Someone who always followed through on what they said they would do or arrange and someone who explored with him the sort of things he might be interested in or wanted to know. SURGICAL NEWS P21 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 IMPROVING HEALTH Louise Lawler “In the words of another of the program’s graduates they now have a better chance of “growing up to be wealthy (sic), healthy and wise, instead of filthy, stinkin’ and a wise-arse crook!” Cutting out “Bad Apples” This was a gradual process and at times seemed a doomed exercise. Yet over a period of just under eight months a transformation occurred. Trust was established, a tentative relationship developed, ideas of selfworth took root and started to grow and the wild and disruptive behaviour toned down to a lesser frequency and intensity. So subtly did this transformation occur that it was almost missed by teachers and the student himself. The result: the student has gained the courage to leave school and move into the world beyond and while not yet employed has had a series of casual jobs and has the implanted idea of working in the future in something that takes his interest. He has a much improved self-esteem and now respects himself for who he is and who he can become and demands the same from others through discerningly bestowing respect on those he comes into contact with who earn it, a relatively simple accomplishment described as “they smile at me”. This program, made possible by the wonderful concept of Rowan Nicks’ support has overseen similar transformations in no less than 21 young people this year. Twenty-one no longer ‘bad apples’ but young people at the beginning of a life in which they will be better positioned to create a life more fulfilling, productive and enjoyable than would be experienced without involvement in the program. In the words of another of the program’s graduates they now have a better chance of “growing up to be wealthy (sic), healthy and wise, instead of filthy, stinkin’ and a wise-arse crook!” The work now is to extend this program and to challenge more businesses and government agencies to aid the process by making positions available for part-time work for more troubled youth and to assist them to learn and practice the skills to become ‘work ready’. Dubbo College has made a commitment to continue the program and to build upon it to ensure it is sustainable and transferable. A community committee has been established to ‘awaken the village’ to their responsibilities and to provide support for this role through a mentor program to assist staff of business and school to construct a nurturing environment for disengaged youth. Perhaps we have coined a new proverb “It takes a village to grow good apples.” ORTHOPAEDICS CURRICULUM WORKSHOP Orthopaedics Curriculum Group On Saturday 25 November 2005, the Chair of the Board of Orthopaedics held a 1 day curriculum workshop at RACS headquarters to develop a strategy for production of modules for the Orthopaedics specialist training program. The group comprised Elton Edwards, John Batten, Ian Farey, Robyn Westcott, Des Soares, Gordon Morrison, John North, Wendy Crebbin, Mellick Chahade and Max Esser (not in photo). The workshop also provided an opportunity to introduce newly appointed Orthopaedics Education Officer, Robyn Westcott, who will liaise closely with Wendy Crebbin, who for the last 2 years has been working with all specialty groups to ensure that training programs meet the requirements for AMC accreditation. SURGICAL NEWS P22 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 Update your library with 20% off on all Blackwell Publishing books Simply visit the RACS website at, login as a Member and follow the links. Browse the Blackwell Publishing website ( for all your book choices, and enter the discount code listed on the RACS website for Members, when finalising your purchase. 2006 INAUGURAL & Younger Fellows Trainees GALA DINNER Date: Venue: Cost: Dress: Don’t forget, all RACS Fellows also have full and complete online access to the College’s official journal, ANZ Journal of Surgery. It’s FREE for Fellows and available through the RACS Member website. Log on today for more information. Monday, 15 May 2006 The Museum of Contemporary Art on Circular Quay - a spectacular waterfront location with cityscape and harbour views. $100 per person Ladies - Cocktail Gentlemen - Lounge Suit The Younger Fellows Committee invites all Younger Fellows, College Trainees and their partners to attend the inaugural Younger Fellows and Trainees Gala Dinner on Monday, 15 May 2006 (the first evening of the College Congress). Guests will be delighted with an evening of fine dining, music and fabulous entertainment but we can’t give all our secrets away… just yet. As this is the Congress opening night, pre-Congress bookings are essential. For more information or to register please contact the Younger Fellows Secretariat: Phone +61 3 9249 1212 Facsimile +61 3 9276 7432 Email Proud Sponsors: SURGICAL NEWS P23 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 ASERNIPS Professor Guy Maddern, Surgical Director, ASERNIPS ASERNIP-S is evolving and is being seen at the forefront of the assessment and evaluation of new technologies in surgery throughout Australia and New Zealand. I would like to introduce Kerin Williams as the new Manager of ASERNIP-S. Kerin has a longestablished background in a variety of health positions, with qualifications in Psychology, Business Management and Nursing; she has managed State and National projects for the Department of Health and Ageing over the past 10 years and has widespread experience working with General Practitioners. Kerin is keen to further develop the work of ASERNIP-S across ASERNIP-S is rapidly expanding, and increasingly being seen at the forefront of the assessment and evaluation of new technologies in surgery across Australia and New Zealand and collaborative work with similar organizations overseas is developing the ASERNIP-S profile internationally. With the exponential rise in the use of new technologies in surgery, the work of ASERNIPS helps ensure that new procedures are introduced in an appropriate and safe manner. As a result of our direct involvement with the Australian surgical community through the College, ASERNIP-S is made aware of emerging trends in surgical practice and uncertainty around new techniques or technologies. Over the past seven years, ASERNIP-S has come to be regarded as an important independent authority for the assessment of evidence in surgery and has been responsible for a significant cultural change in the approach of surgeons to evidencebased practice. SURGICAL NEWS P24 What do we do? • Evidence-based surgical evaluations • Early warning of new technologies and techniques • Timely reporting to hospitals credentialing committees • Consumer involvement and information • Quality improvement focus 1. Systematic reviews Since its establishment, ASERNIP-S has produced more than 40 systematic reviews of surgical techniques and technologies. All reports undergo internal and external peer review and from these reports publications are prepared for international and local peer reviewed journals. All hospitals in Australia are provided with summaries of our completed reviews. In 2001 we produced a booklet providing guidance on how procedures should be introduced into the health system. We have also developed other re- / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 the nine specialist surgical areas and would welcome enquiries from individual surgeons, hospital or practice-based groups with regard to the assessment and review of new technologies in surgery. The Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures – Surgical (ASERNIP-S) is a health technology assessment agency established in 1998 by the Minister for Health and Ageing to evaluate new surgical view products to meet the particular needs of our stakeholders: Accelerated systematic reviews Accelerated systematic reviews are produced more rapidly than systematic reviews. They are prepared in response to a pressing need for a systematic summary and appraisal of the available literature on a new or emerging surgical procedure. Accelerated systematic reviews involve the same methodology as full systematic reviews, but the types of studies considered may be restricted (for example, by only including comparative studies and not case series). Technology overviews The technology overview follows a systematic process but is not as expansive as a full systematic review. The overview does not attempt to compare a new intervention with a standard intervention or provide a recommendation for use. The aim is to provide information to assist decision-makers to make their own evidence-based recommendations (one example is robotic surgery techniques and technologies. In addition to providing assessments for the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) for the purpose of listing on the Medicare Benefits Schedule, ASERNIP-S assesses other procedures that have a high impact in surgery in terms of morbidity, mortality and health system challenges. ASERNIP-S advises hospitals and health services on significant safety and quality issues affecting the Australian healthcare system. with the da Vinci system). ASERNIP-S can also provide economic assessments and diagnostic evaluations. 2. Horizon scanning Since 2000 our horizon scanning program New and Emerging Procedures – Surgical (NET-S) has led the way in assessing techniques and technologies that are ‘on the horizon’ of impacting on the Australian healthcare system. This dovetails into our systematic review work as procedures move closer to gaining wider acceptance and sufficient evidence is available. In the past 18 months we have continued this work for HealthPACT, a committee guiding the process at a national level. Prioritising summaries These summaries provide information on a new or emerging technique or technology. They can be used as a basis of deciding whether the procedure should be further assessed, monitored in a further 12 months or archived. Horizon scanning reports These reports use more grey literature sources than a systematic review and are generally shorter in length. The areas covered in this type of report are: background, treatment alternatives, clinical outcomes, potential cost impact, ethical considerations, training and accreditation, limitations of the assessment, sources of further information, impact summary, conclusions and references. 3. Consumer summaries For each ASERNIP-S systematic review we produce a summary for consumers in easy-to-read language. We have strong links with a number of consumer organisations and have two consumer representatives on our Management Committee. We have had discussions with the College of General Practitioners on possible collaboration as well as the Heart Foundation. 4. National clinical audits ASERNIP-S manages a number of research audits which have resulted from recommendations in system- atic reviews to collect additional evidence on a new procedure. ASERNIP-S manages a secure web-based clinical audit of surgical practice in early breast cancer management (the National Breast Cancer Audit) which is currently funded by the Australian Council for Safety and Quality in Healthcare. This has been the first national clinical audit of its kind, enabling users (surgeons, governments and health services) to assess individual or local aggregate practices and compare this with the national aggregate and some key performance indicators. The Royal Australian College of Surgeons Research and Audit Division also manages the Australian and New Zealand mortality audit rollout out of the ASERNIP-S office. Further national morbidity audits will soon be added to our system. 5. Methodological and review consultation ASERNIP-S is a contractor for the NHMRC Health Advisory Committee and has been active in two working parties to improve the production of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in Australia. We have also worked closely with the National Institute of Clinical Studies on a number of reviews fo- cused on closing the gap between evidence and practice. Additionally, we provided a number of overviews for the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom to support the establishment of their Interventional Procedures Program for assessment of new interventional techniques and technologies. We have been substantially involved with two systematic reviews for the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment. Future directions for ASERNIP-S I believe that with long-term financial support ASERNIP-S can continue to expand and provide high quality outputs. We intend to focus our efforts on: • consolidating existing links between our systematic review, horizon scanning and audit activities to optimize our resources • refining our rapid publication products to better meet the needs of our stakeholders, help reduce uncertainty and improve decision-making • providing a library of evidence for surgery that can be accessed by specialty • looking for obsolescence in current surgical practice • building on links with interna- tional health technology agencies to collaborate on assessment and research (We play a leading role in the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA), of which our Surgical Director is a current Director. In 2006 we will co-host the HTA International conference and INAHTA meeting in Adelaide.) • further expanding our efforts to provide quality information directly to consumers • continuing our methodological research on new techniques and technologies and the use of evidence by practitioners in clinical decision-making. Over the last seven years ASERNIPS has expanded its remit from an initial focus on systematic reviews to providing services and outputs that meet the evolving needs of the Australian healthcare system. Our reviews are valuable decision-making tools which provide evidence in a format that can be used by hospitals and health departments. Continued links with the Australian surgical community will ensure that ASERNIP-S maintains its relevance to those most likely to influence the quality and safety of healthcare for Australian consumers - the practitioners. AstraZeneca Upper GI Research Grant Recipient- 2006 The College would like to congratulate Dr Ahmad Aly, who is the 2006 recipient of the AstraZeneca Upper GI Research Grant. Dr Aly is a Consultant surgeon at the Austin Hospital and a Lecturer for the University of Melbourne. This grant will be used by Dr Aly to undertake a randomised trial of “Barretts ablation: YAG laser versus Argon Plasma Coagulation”. The College wishes to thank AstraZeneca for its continued support of medical research in the field of Upper GI/HPB Surgery. SURGICAL NEWS P25 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS 75th Annual Scientific Congress, Sydney, Sunday 14 – Friday 19 May By now, all Fellows and registered trainees should have received the Provisional Programme for the exciting Annual Scientific Congress to be held in Sydney. T his important week of College activities has been designed by Convener, Michael Hollands and Scientific Convener, Phil Truskett, with members of the Sydney executive and the scientific committee to have the broadest possible appeal to Fellows and trainees. Updates to the Provisional Programme since it was printed are detailed in the adjacent box. If you wish to better orientate yourself to Sydney and the immediate surrounds for the Congress, an excellent map is available on www. mapsydney.asp. In particular, please note that several Congress hotels were incorrectly plotted on the Provisional Programme map. The confusion arises because there are several hotels with very similar names in the Darling Harbour precinct. Be careful if you are making your own bookings on the internet. The corrected map is now in the Provisional Programme on the College website. The week has its official commencement with the Ecumenical Service on Sunday, 14 May at 2:00pm. The service will be held in the beautiful and inspiring St Mary’s Cathedral located adjacent to the northeast corner of Hyde Park in the heart of Sydney and a short walk from the Archibald Fountain, built to commemorate the fallen in World War 1. The Gothic-style cathedral was started in 1868 and completed in 1999. By special arrangement, delegates will be able to visit the crypt following the service. Bus transport has been arranged to return delegates to the Convention Centre immediately after the service but there will be a later bus for those wishing to visit the crypt. Both the buses will have delegates back in good time for the Convocation. The Convocation will be held at the Congress venue, the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre (SCEC) sited on Cockle Bay, Darling Harbour. It will begin at 6:30pm and delegates attending are asked to be seated by 6:15pm. The College is honoured that the President of East Timor has accepted our invitation to deliver the Syme Oration. In addition to new Fellows receiving their diplomas, surgeons who have contributed to the College and its programmes over many years will be honoured by specific awards such as Honorary Fellowships, Excellence in Surgery, the Barnett, Hughes and SURGICAL NEWS P26 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 Prince Henry’s medals and awards for Service to the College and International medals. The scientific programme starts on Monday and the theme is aptly pertinent in “Safe Surgery”, a topic of paramount importance to all practicing surgeons. Whilst the theme is reflected in all the programmes, it finds particular relevance in the Plenary session that commences each day’s programme. Each day a different aspect of Safe Surgery is addressed – Safety and Education, the Workforce, the College, and the Patient. On Friday, “Safety and the Community” is the topic. How often do surgeons ask what the community expects of us? Moreover, do we listen? We have invited two non-surgeons, but certainly not lay people, to address this issue – ABC media commentator Julie McCrossin and Craig Knowles, a past NSW Health Minister. Mr Knowles will give us his views in a talk titled “Doctors and governments: reflection without portfolio”, but also reflections without the constraints of office! The session will be completed, firstly with Michael Fearnside, convener of the Medico-legal programme and a member of the NSW Medical Board, discussing the assessment of surgical performance from the perspective of a Board. Then the past vice-president of our College, Mr Peter Woodruff who has been assisting the Bundaberg Royal Commission, will outline the lessons for us from the inquiry now that time has added perspective. In a new initiative Richard Hanney, chair of the Younger Fellows Committee has arranged a dinner on Monday night for Younger Fellows (and their partners) who may not have a section dinner to attend and also for Trainees who are attending the Congress. Information regarding this event is included in the flyer that was included in copies of the Provisional Programme which were posted to Younger Fellows and trainees and full details regarding the venue, cost and booking are included in the notice on page 23. Tyco Healthcare and Johnson & Johnson Medical are thanked for their important support which has made this event possible. Please book for this event with Tanya Wilding whose contact details are included in the notice. We expect a Younger Fellows and Trainees dinner will become a regular feature of the Congress. In Sydney we embark by ferry at Darling Harbour (do not miss either of the two boats or you will have to swim) and with champagne accompaniment, we cross to Luna Park at the foot of the Harbour Bridge. The Congress Banquet has become an increasingly impressive feature of the Congress and this has been reflected in the rising attendance over the last three years. The Sydney executive have pulled out all the stops to make this year’s event one to remember and certainly the standard will be right up there with the catering at the Perth Banquet last year and “The Three Waiters” performance at the 2004 Congress. The sight of 800 delegates in Melbourne waving blue serviettes in time to Rossini provided limitless opportunities for registrar blackmail and “Who wants to be a colo-rectal surgeon” in Perth is already folklore and may explain the increase in trainees in that specialty. In Sydney we embark by ferry at Darling Harbour (do not miss either of the two boats or you will have to swim) and with champagne accompaniment, we cross to Luna Park at the foot of the Harbour Bridge. A superb menu has been compiled by the Sydney gastronomic subcommittee and an ensemble from Opera Australia will present “Opera on the High Cs” with suitably naughtical themes. There will be no continuing respite however and Thursday’s scientific programme will still start at 8:30am. If you have misplaced your programme and require another, please email or alternatively the Provisional Programme with all the updates is available on the College website where you may also register for the Congress. Campbell Miles and Lindy Moffat Alterations to the Provisional Programme Cardiothoracic Surgery programme: the visit of Dr David Spielvogel MD from New York is made possible by an unrestricted educational grant from Johnson and Johnson Medical. Hepatobiliary and Upper GI Surgery programme: due to commitments in France, Professor Bernard Norlinger will not arrive until early Monday morning. Hence, Session 2 on Monday has been moved to Session 2 on Tuesday including his keynote lecture at 12noon. The original session on Tuesday Session 2, “Pancreatic tumours” will swap to the Monday slot. Military Surgery programme: the title of the RACS Visitor Lecture to be delivered by Colonel Peter Byrne on Thursday 18 May at 12noon will be “Military medical command – an Australian perspective”. Monday 15 May – Plenary session. This will be co-chaired by Arthur Richardson (Sydney) and Stephen Deane (Newcastle). Professor Anthony Gallagher, who will talk on the role of simulation, training and CPD, is Professor of Human Factors at the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. Mr Patrick Cregan (Sydney) will address the issue of simulation and surgical education. Monday 15 May – Dinner for Younger Fellows and registered trainees. See all the details on page 23. Monday 15 May - “Interplast” cocktail party: held at 6:30pm at the Sydney Convention Centre. All Plastic and Reconstructive surgeons who have been involved with Interplast are invited to attend. There have been changes to a number of invited presenters in several programmes and these appear in the Provisional Programme on the College website. SURGICAL NEWS P27 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 SYDNEY OBESITY SURGERY CENTRE – VICTORIAN OBESITY SURGERY CENTRE 2006 – WORKSHOPS IN LAPAROSCOPIC ADJUSTABLE GASTRIC BANDING Course Director Dr. Paul Dumbrell M.B.,B.S., F.R.C.S. (Ed.), F.R.A.C.S. COURSE OBJECTIVES • Demonstrate the surgical technique of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB). • Advise and discuss patient selection for the procedure. • Discuss the post operative management of LAGB patients. • Discuss identification and management of common complications specific to LAGB surgery. How to prevent them, and how to manage them. • Advise how to set up a multi-disciplinary obesity surgery practice. • Post course mentoring The workshops are designed for surgeons with advanced laparoscopic skills or experienced advanced surgical trainees SYDNEY MELBOURNE Thursday, 1st & Friday 2nd June 2006 Friday, 3rd & Saturday 4th March 2006 Thursday, 16th & Friday 17th November 2006 Friday, 15th & Saturday 16th September 2006 VENUE VENUE The Hills Private Hospital, Baulkham Hills, Sydney The Hills Lodge Hotel, Castle Hill, Sydney Warringal Private Hospital, Heidelberg, Melbourne Rydges on Bell, Preston, Melbourne An optional all inclusive course/accommodation package is offered. CONTACT INFORMATION Programme Co-ordinator – Janice Vicary SYDNEY MELBOURNE Level 39 Citigroup Building 2 Park Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone: 02 9004 7827 Facsimile: 02 9004 7727 5 Burgundy Street Heidelberg Victoria 3084 Telephone: 03 9450 6800 Facsimile: 03 9457 3295 Email: Workshops sponsored by: Helioscopie, Matrix Surgical Company, Tyco Healthcare, The Hills Private Hospital, Warringal Private Hospital. SURGICAL NEWS P28 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 HERITAGE REPORT Geoff Down, College Curator “The College is in a unique position to recount the story of surgery in the Asia-Pacific region.” Towards a museum of surgery A significant step forward was made in late 2005, when the College Curator moved into an office in the lower ground floor of the south wing. This part of the building had been designated as a museum during the course of the year, but the refurbishment program delayed the move, as the space was occupied by a succession of other sections as their respective work areas were upgraded. Most of the museum space is still being used as a general storage area. In the coming months however it will be cleared out and refurbished, and the exhibition cases presently scattered throughout the building will be moved in. Releasing the Collections from their captivity in storage will also be assisted by rolling out material to the regional offices. This program is scheduled to begin in 2006, and is part of the overall plan to expand the exhibition activities of the College. The ultimate objective is a co-ordinated series of exhibits across Australia and New Zealand, with the Museum in Melbourne as the centrepiece. The College is in a unique position to recount the story of surgery in the Asia-Pacific region. There are many museums and collections in the region covering various aspects of medicine, from individual hospital collections to the Royal Flying Doctor Service. None however deals specifically with surgery, so there is a niche to fill. The Heritage and Archives Policy Group (HAPG) has decided that the Museum should concentrate on the history of surgery in this part of the world, rather than try to present the entire world history of surgery from the days of the Egyptians. This means that the main focus will be on surgery since Europeans came into contact with the Australasian region (ie from the 17th century on). However, the ancient traditions of the indigenous peoples should also be recognized and explained, while at the same time being respectful of cultural sensitivities. be used for the museum This space will eventually This area has had a chequered history. For many years it was used simply as a basement for storage. In the 1960s, after drainage problems were solved, it housed the Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anæsthesia. In the 1970s it became the Faculty Education Centre, and the Geoffrey Kaye Museum was relocated to the attic. In more recent years it was home for the Finance Department and Information Services. The refurbishment program will include upgrading the small area presently fitted out as a kitchen, to convert it to a conservation work area. The room formerly occupied by Information Services will become the Collections workroom. The larger of the two offices on the south side will be removed in order to increase the display space, and the smaller office will be retained for the Curator. The Museum will provide an opportunity to exhibit a great deal more material than is now on display. Most of the Collections objects are in storage, and this is especially true of the surgical instruments. Bringing the exhibitions together in one place will allow for more logical and expansive presentation, in fact converting what is now a series of scattered and unrelated displays into a truly co-ordinated exhibition of surgical history and technology. Establishing a museum infrastructure for the Collections also enhances the opportunities for grants and funding, as well as giving the Collections better support by way of cataloguing and ability to loan. A new catalogue database has been installed for the Collections, and already a request has been received for an exhibition of instruments in conjunction with the Brisbane conference of the Urological Society of Australasia in March. There is a large amount of interest in the College’s heritage material, and the Museum will enable that interest to be engaged and satisfied, for the benefit of Fellows and the public alike. Top Right: Basic Conservation Lab SURGICAL NEWS P29 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 Surgeons – Orthopaedic and General SURGICAL NEWS P30 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 Participants in the meeting Welcome to the Trainees’ Association! The TA (or more accurately, the interim committee charged with setting it up) has been recently established within the College to represent trainees’ interests within the institution. This is a response to both the internal and external perception that the current structure is unable to fully understand trainees’ perspectives on our involvement in the surgical profession, and to make us a true part of the fellowship. We are in a unique position to set up this group with the blessing and financial assistance of the College, which will hopefully fast track our ability to represent ourselves effectively within it. As with any organisation, there is a lot of work to be done in the near future in establishing this group. Its structure is still a work in progress – those working on this structure can be reached on RACSTA@surgeons. org if you want to get involved. In addition to the bi-national committee that will be the main lead-in to the College, we are also setting up regional groups to make sure that all of you have a local ear to listen to you, and mouth to pass on your input. If you have a specific issue that you want to take forward, these will be the initial groups to contact. Although a little patience will be needed in seeing results from these, the more of us that get involved early, the faster we will see results. At this stage we need two things – ideas and energy. We want to hear from you if you have either… especially if you have both. Drop me a line on I’m looking forward to hearing from you, and to working with you! Cheers, Deborah Amott of Cancer Services St. Vincent’s Health has a long and distinguished record of providing cancer care services to the people of Victoria. It is affiliated with The University of Melbourne and employs 5,000 staff, dedicated to the provision of high-quality integrated adult health care. The delivery of a comprehensive cancer care service is a key strategic imperative of St. Vincent’s Health and the Professor/Director will provide pivotal leadership of a cancer executive comprising key oncological service heads, including medical imaging and pathology. The development of effective partnerships with consumers, carers, community based providers, professional groups, government and the private sector is vital to the successful delivery of an innovative model of cancer care within the framework of the Mission and Values of the Sisters of Charity. • Newly created position The Professor/Director will be a leader in his/her field of cancer with postgraduate qualifications and an impressive record in oncology research, possessing extensive experience and a demonstrated commitment to a multi-disciplinary team approach to cancer services delivery. Please send a CV (Word format) or ring Jeremy Wurm on 03 9602 1666, in confidence. 185BRO RACS ................................. ... Professor/Director BROOKER ............................................. C o n s u l t i n g SURGICAL NEWS P31 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 DEFINING & ASSESSING W. Crebbin, PhD, M. Ed. Admin. (Manager Education Development and Research Department) Defining and assessing ‘satisfactory’ performance One of the difficulties in designing assessment for medical trainees has been defining what is meant by ‘satisfactory’. W hilst a list of ‘unsatisfactory’ and ‘outstanding’ characteristics can be easily identified, it is the middle-ground that holds the challenge. This is especially true since the concept of competence, based on CanMEDS 2000, has gained prominence. As part of that change, questions about what is meant by ‘satisfactory’ and by ‘standards’ have been brought into sharper focus. Additional questions arise about whether competence must necessarily be equated with minimum expectations or if a standard can be set to define ‘satisfactory’ performance at a level significantly above the minimum. In seeking answers to these questions, a complex mix of assumptions and ideas intersecting and informing different ideas about knowledge, learning, assessment and competence were identified. Not only do ideas about each of those domains differ, there is also, within and across the domains, a great deal of potential confusion and contradiction. From that complexity, five areas have been selected to be addressed in this paper: a. Definitions of satisfactory and standards b. Approaches to competence c. Approaches to assessment d. Approaches to knowledge e. Approaches to knowledge and skills – transferability Definitions of Satisfactory and Standards In seeking clarification of the meanings of ‘satisfactory’ and ‘standards’ it became apparent that each of these words can be interpreted quite differently. ‘Satisfactory’ is defined as meaning both “adequate”, and “satisfying expectations…leaving no room for complaint”. The first of these meanings suggests a quite minimal level of performance, whilst the second indicates significantly higher criterion. A ‘standard’ is defined as meaning a “measure serving as a basis”, as “the degree of excellence…required for a particular purpose”, and also as “the average quality”. These three meanings provide such a range of possible interpretations that it is clear that simply drawing together the intersection between the meanings of ‘satisfactory’ and ‘standards’ cannot be used to establish criterion for assessment. That process is dependent upon other variables. SURGICAL NEWS P32 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 Approaches to Competence Throughout the introduction of competence many advocates have assumed that the meaning of the term was unproblematic. Little recognition was given to different approaches to competence, or the difference between competence and performance. In education there are two opposing paradigms of competence. The ‘Behaviourist’ approach draws from the efficiency movement of the 1920s as well as the behaviourist psychology approach which flourished in the 1960s. A central tenet of that approach is faith that the defining specific, discrete, observable behaviours or skills will lead to improvements in training and the workplace. In the current interpretation of competence this approach has lead to the development of very precise statements of performance requirements, often in the form of checklists. The ‘Holistic’ or ‘Integrated’ approach is founded on the work of Dewey (early 20th century) and also on cognitive psychology. From this perspective competence is understood to be complex combinations of personal attributes (knowledge, capabilities, attitudes, and skills) formed into coherent structures which facilitate the performance of a variety of tasks. The demonstration of competence is understood to be dependent upon the individual’s attributes (including insight and judgement) plus the demands of the environment in which the attributes are being demonstrated and/or assessed. Adding to the complexity of definition in this area, in medical education, the distinction between competence and performance-based assessment has recently been argued. Within this framework, competence-based assessment refers to what doctors do in testing situations (Miller’s third level of ‘shows-how’) while performance-based assessment is claimed to measure what doctors do in practice (‘does’) (Fig. 1). Supporters of this approach also argue that it is important to recognise and assess for differences between what medical professionals do in controlled high-stakes situations and what they do in their day-to-day practice. This medical education view of competence is closer to the Holistic/ Integrated approach than the Behaviourist because it attempts to address the complexity of medical professional expectations, and it takes into account the uncontrolled nature of the working environment. Does Shows how Performance Competence Knows how Knows Fig. 1. Miller’s Triangle. Approaches to Assessment The assessment approach is another area which impacts on the definition of ‘satisfactory’ and the establishment of standards. By analysing underlying assumptions that inform each approach this area becomes less confusing because, whilst there are multiple approaches to assessment, they can all be classified according to whether they are based on the traditional scientific-measurement paradigm, or the more recently developed judgement paradigm. Assessment in the scientific-mathematical paradigm is easy to recognise by the emphasis on numerical scores, maximising objectivity, and reproducibility. This approach also emphasises well founded certain knowledge and closed problems with definite answers. The judgement paradigm owes its growth, at least in part, to the need to assess clinical competence in the final stages of medical training. This approach also draws from the law and other professions where there is no clear guidance leading to ‘right answers’. Rather, assessment focuses on open-ended (holistic) problems, the integration of theory and practice, the provisional nature of decisions, and the need to consider personal and contextual variables. Such a complex mix of knowledge and judgement cannot be directly observed and needs to be inferred from observation or other sources of information. Approaches to Knowledge A body of research in education has identified that different kinds of knowledge are amenable to different kinds of criteria and can be appropriately assessed in different ways. What is termed ‘hard knowledge’ (exemplified by anatomy) is considered to have a substantive body of knowledge that is shared by that knowledge community. In such disciplines, answers to assessment tasks tend to be right or wrong and the criteria can be specific, requiring little inference. By contrast, ‘soft knowledge’ (such as history) requires the capacity to recognise and analyse complex situations. This capacity is based on familiarity with conventions, values, and diverse influences as much as knowledge of a specific body of knowledge. In an applied environ- ment, there is a focus on protocols and procedures demonstrating the capacity to interpret and integrate knowledge in relation to the context. Assessment of this kind of knowledge requires criteria that encourage interpretation and therefore involve high levels of inference. Approaches to Knowledge and Skills – Transfer ability The significant growth in the assessment of technical skills is evidenced in the development of increasing sophisticated simulation or virtual-reality equipment; in defining precise checklists; and in motion analysis systems that electromagnetically track movement. All of these approaches have the assessment advantage that they can be standardised and are claimed to be objective. However, research has demonstrated that technical skills, whilst performed effectively and efficiently in an assessment environment, can lack transferability into the real-life situation. This is particularly significant in surgery, where even the so-called ‘basic’ technical skills, in practice, require the integration of expert knowledge, complex decision making, and dexterity. Surgeons are working on a real patient, with tight time constraints, and are required to make a series of important decisions as they go along. Because competent performance is dependent upon specific patient and context constraints, assessment is more difficult to standardise. Connecting the Four Approaches In each of the four approaches, at least two quite different perspectives have been identified. However there are significant areas of concordance across the four approaches. The unifying ideas of one grouping — Behaviourist views of competence; the traditional scientific-mathematical approach to assessment; ‘hard’ knowledge; and the assessment of technical skills — are specificity, observability and objectivity. The second grouping — Holistic/Integrated views of competence; the judgement approach to assessment; ‘soft’ knowledge; and real-world practice —are unified through a recognition of complexity, contingency and inference. Using such groupings it becomes clear that the meaning of ‘satisfactory’ and the setting of ‘standards’ is dependent upon which grouping is favoured. The Behaviourist-scientific approach establishes their standard and their definition of ‘satisfactory’ mathematically, sometimes with the aid of tests that have been developed to establish validity and reliability. The Holistic-judgement approach sets their standard and meaning of ‘satisfactory’ against multiple assessments and workplace requirements. In medical disciplines both groupings have legitimacy because whilst much of the basic knowledge is considered ‘hard’, in the applied context it becomes more like ‘soft’ knowledge because it requires judgements which frequently include ill-defined parameters. To facilitate decision making about assessment the groupings have been mapped with definitions of ‘satisfactory’ and ‘standards’ on axis one and the two identified groupings of paradigms and approaches on the other (Fig. Two). Within the ‘satisfactory zone’ it is possible to identify where any specific assessment task is situated in relation to the varying definitions. For example, an MCQ on anatomy or a basic skills test could be located on the left side of the ‘satisfactory zone’ with the standard being possibly towards the lower end of the frame. By contrast a viva in an exit examination would most likely be located on the right hand side in the upper quadrant of the zone. ...continued page 34 SURGICAL NEWS P33 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 OBITUARY Anne Kolbe Peter Michael Christie Obituary O ne of New Zealand’s pre-eminent liver and hepato-biliary surgeons Peter Michael Christie, died in Auckland recently – aged 48. Born in Auckland, Peter attended Auckland Boys Grammar School and was a graduate of the University of Auckland School of Medicine. He obtained his FRACS in General Surgery in 1986 and then embarked on a career as an academic transplant and hepato-biliary surgeon. help in raising the $2.3 million required for the Transplant Unit. He described Peter Christie as “an inspirational, talented and great man who was also a great husband and father”. Stephen Lynch, FRACS, Director Queensland Liver Transplant Service said Peter had worked “tirelessly and selflessly” for transplant services in Australasia. Deborah Verran, FRACS, Chair, Section of Transplant Surgery, the College also paid tribute to Peter’s commitment and dedication. After completing his training Peter spent two years as a lecturer in surgery, in the Department of Surgery at Auckland Hospital. His research centred on the assessment and management of patients with complex fluid, electrolyte and nutritional problems and culminated in the award of an M.D. Professor Graham Hill described Peter as: “the most teachable, reliable and faithful” student he had ever had. Peter Christie also made a very significant contribution to hepatobiliary, pancreatic and upper GI surgery. He was a member of the first dedicated HBP and Upper GI Unit in New Zealand. He worked simultaneously on the demanding transplant and general surgical rosters at Auckland Hospital for 12 years. He had a private general and laparoscopic surgical practice. Then followed a two-year Fellowship (1990 – 1992) in transplantation surgery under Professor Thomas Starzl at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. He returned to Auckland in 1992 to take up the position of Senior Lecturer in Surgery and Transplantation at the University of Auckland. Colleagues, patients and friends described Peter as “a talented, kind and caring surgeon who was always available for his patients. He treated people with respect and compassion and was held in high regard by patients and his colleagues.” Colleagues, friends and patients describe Peter’s contribution to transplant surgery in New Zealand over the last 12 years as “enormous”. He was a skilled and committed member of the Auckland renal transplant team, earning the respect of colleagues and the heartfelt thanks of patients. He spent many long hours caring for patients in end stage liver disease and single-handedly procured organs for the Australian-based transplant programme that provided care for New Zealand patients. He was also a strong advocate for a New Zealand-based service and became a foundation member of the New Zealand Liver Transplant Unit. Kevin Wall of the Lions Clubs NZ paid tribute to Peter’s support and A close colleague said: “Peter had a profound influence for the good on many generations of students, young doctors and registrars”, they learned not just about the science and art of surgery – but also about humility, gentleness and a respect for others from him. In April this year Peter was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma – he had given so much to medicine and now medicine was unable to help him, except in a palliative sense. Yet friends say Peter approached his illness with inspirational determination, bravery and concern for others. Peter Michael Christie died on 15 July 2005. He is survived by his beloved wife Nicky and three sons John, Adam and Charles. expert simple skills/ specific criteria complex skills/ interpretation Satisfying expectations a degree of excellence ...from page 33 Left: Fig. Two. The ‘satisfactory zone’. Holistic/Integrated Behaviourist measurement judgement observed inferred ‘hard’ knowledge ‘soft’ knowledge transferable context limited adequate inadequate SURGICAL NEWS P34 The ‘satisfactory zone’ can assist in the selection of the most appropriate assessment task(s) for the required outcome. At the same time criteria can be defined to more closely match the desired points within the zone according to the most appropriate grouping, the required level of complexity, and the required standard. a basis Key: the ‘satisfactory’ zone / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 Assessing what doctors do in practice is said to be the international challenge of this century. Ways to assess competency as it is defined in its broadest terms to include attitudes, knowledge and skills, as well as the doctor’s responses to the challenges of clinical uncertainty, are being developed. The identification of the ‘satisfactory zone’ suggested in this model is a small step in that process. Care of the Critically ill Surgical Patient Course CALL FOR INSTRUCTORS THE COLLEGE NEEDS YOU! Do you have an active interest in acute surgical care? Do you have an interest in teaching trainees? Instructor Training Process You can combine these interests by becoming a CCrISP faculty member. 2. Attend a CCrISP instructor course. However, if you have previously completed a recognised Instructors Course such as EMST or Surgeons as Educators you are not required to complete a CCrISP instructor course. “ Becoming an instructor in the CCrISP program is a valuable contribution to the training of junior doctors and provides a medical and educational learning experience for the instructor. Ian Civil Chair BBST Board ” 1. Attend CCrISP course workshop as an instructor candidate. 3. Instruct on CCrISP course as an instructor candidate. 4. Once successfully critiqued, instruct on a course as a fully qualified CCrISP instructor. What is CCrISP? • Two and half day course designed to advance the practical, theoretical and personal skills necessary for the care of the critically ill surgical patient Benefits of involvement are: Who is it for? • Mandatory for Basic Surgical Trainees within the first 2 years of training • Medical Officers working and training across the range of surgical and related disciplines • Airfares, accommodation and meals incurred during formal training process covered by the College. • Networking with peers and other specialty colleagues. • College Professional Development points- 1 point per hour plus 4 points preparation. • Accommodation and travel when instructing interstate covered by the College. For further information and an application form please contact: Antoinette Moar Skills Training Department Royal Australasian College of Surgeons College of Surgeons’ Gardens, Spring Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Tel: 03 9276 7421 Fax: 03 9249 1298 Email: Or visit the college website Surgical_ Patient_CCrISP_&Template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=8133 SURGICAL NEWS P35 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 AUSTRALIA DAY Australia Day Honours – Congratulations AC Companion of the Order of Australia – for eminent achievement and merit of the highest degree in service to Australia or to humanity at large. Professor Villis Raymond Marshall - service to medicine, particularly urology and research into kidney disease, to the development of improved health care services in the Defence forces, and to the community through distinguished contributions to the development of pre-hospital first aid care provided by St John Ambulance Australia. AO Officer in the Order of Australia – For distinguished service of a high degree to Australia or humanity. Dr John Brian North RFD - service to medicine as a clinician, surgeon and teacher, and as a significant contributor to research in the fields of neurological diseases and treatment of severe head injuries. AM Member in the Order of Australia – for service in a particular locatliy or field of activity or to a particular group Dr John Gratten Baker - service to medicine as a neurosurgeon, particularly through the provision of neurosurgical services in Central Queensland. Mr Geoffrey Ian Bird - service to medicine in the field of reconstructive and plastic surgery, and to international relations through the provision of medical services and training for surgical staff in developing countries. Dr Frances Marjorie Booth - service to ophthalmology and to international relations, particularly through the development of an eye health care project to assist people in remote areas of Papua New Guinea. Professor Bernard John Einoder - service to medicine, particularly in the field of orthopaedic surgery including teaching and administrative roles and through a range of professional associations. Clinical Professor Kingsley Walton Faulkner - service to medicine as a surgeon and in surgical skills training, and to the medical profession through the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Mr John E Frawley - service to medicine in the fields of vascular and transplantation surgery and as a pioneer in paediatric kidney transplants. Dr Francis George Smyth - service to medicine through the development and provision of general oncology and reconstructive surgical services in Papua New Guinea; and to the community of Port Moresby. SURGICAL NEWS P36 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 Dr David Whitman Vickers - service to medicine in the area of paediatric microsurgery through the development of surgical procedures to treat congenital deformities, to the design of specialised operating instruments, and to professional organisations. Associate Professor Daryl Robert Wall - service in the field of transplant surgery, to specialist training and support for transplant recipients to resume normal lifestyles. OAM Medal of the Order of Australia – For service worthy of particular recognition. Dr Ralph Allan Higgins - service to medicine in the field of ophthalmology, particularly as a contributor to the development of the Sydney Eye Hospital and through a range of medical organisations. Dr Leslie Clyde Rae - service to medicine, particularly through the National Bowelscan Committee, and to aged persons. Dr Peter Zelas - service to medicine and to the community of western Sydney, particularly through roles at the Blacktown Hospital and in the field of colorectal surgery. Dr Peter Hardy-Smith - service to medicine in the field of ophthalmology and through support for professional organisations. Dr Rodney A Kirkwood - service to medicine as an ophthalmologist and to the community of Mackay. PROJECT CHINA Gordon Low So you are going to China for a couple of weeks? Let me give you a few words of advice. You will need a visa, usually a single entry. Multiple entry visas are only issued if you have special reasons. You will need some Chinese dollars ¥, which is called Ren Min Bei (RMB). Australian and New Zealand dollars can be exchanged them for ¥ . Of course there is always the ATM and credit cards! Most hotels and larger restaurants and emporia will happily accept credit cards like VISA, AMEX. Diner’s Club Cards are not welcome. So you don’t want to get sick! Neither do the locals. Always eat cooked foods. Fruits are okay provided they look clean and fresh. I think eating game or raw fish is a little risky because you may pick up a parasites! Drink bottled water. pretty good!!! An excellent example is the medication for the prevention of altitude sickness. They are as good as, if not better than Diamox. This is a must if you are going to Tibet or scenic spots at the foothills of the Himalayas. Just in case you are thinking of insurance, the College has an accident and sickness policy for everyone travelling overseas on official College business. It pays to let someone in the College know the purpose of your visit! If you are going to work in a hospital, make sure you have contact with the chief of the unit to which you were attached or assigned. Do not rely only on word of mouth recommendation. What about a vaccination? I would suggest a Hepatitis A antibody test before you go. If you are a/b negative or below par, have a Hep A vaccination. Malaria is something you should watch out if you stray from the larger coastal cities. Finally for those who go to China under the auspices of Project China beware of drug hoses or instrument makers who rush to provide you with airfare, the best hotel and who take you sight-seeing if you will only display the logo of their company! Such offers can very easily upset the programme planned by your host institution. Ask your host before making promises. There is some Chinese medicine which the locals swear and these are Good Hunting. LOANS FOR TRAVELLING FELLOWS The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons provides a number of interest-free loans to Fellows who plan to undertake approved studies outside Australia and New Zealand. To be eligible to apply for a loan, an applicant must: • • • • Be a financial member of the College. Demonstrate financial need. Be assessed as undertaking appropriate research and/or training. Not have an application pending, nor have received, a RACS Scholarship or Fellowship co-incidental with this loan. • Not receive more than one loan every five years. Essential Business Knowledge for Specialist Practice THREE DAY BUSINESS COURSE COVERING: • Practice Management & Systems • Legal Issues • Industrial Relations • A Secure Financial Future • Marketing • IT • Accounting Melbourne: August 18, 19, 20 2006 Applications can be submitted at any time with assessment being undertaken upon receipt. Loans will not exceed A$20,000 each and will be subject to the availability of funding. These loans are interest free for a period of up to two years. For further information on applying for a loan, please contact: Andrea Warr Tel: +61 3 9249 1220 Email: THE THIRD PART 03 9830 7299 Proudly sponsored by ANZ Private Bank and ANZ Personal Mortgage Managers SURGICAL NEWS P37 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 MEMBER BENEFITS A Credit Card Offer that Sells Itself The RACS American Express Gold Credit Card is so good, we won’t even bother with the hard sell. We’ll just give you the facts instead. • • • • • • • No Annual Card Fee – Save $70 every year Free and Automatic enrolment in the leading Membership Rewards Ascent program – Save $80 every year Earn 1 Rewards point for every dollar spent on the Card Transfer points to any one of five leading frequent flyer programs, including Qantas* Low 9.99% p.a. introductory interest rate on purchases for the first six months, with a competitive 16.74% p.a. thereafter Low 9.99% p.a. Balance Transfer Rate for the first six months** Up to 55 days interest free on purchases^ • Only Credit Card endorsed by the College Visit or call 1300 853 324 for more details or to apply. American Express credit approval criteria applies. Subject to terms and conditions. Fees and charges apply. All interest rates are quoted as an Annual Percentage Rate. Fees, charges and interest rates are correct at 10 January 2006 and are subject to change. *Subject to the terms and conditions of the American Express Membership Rewards program and Ascent partner frequent flyer programs. Frequent flyer program fee may apply. **If you transfer your balance from another credit card to your RACS Gold Credit Card you will pay 9.99% p.a. on the approved transfer amount for up to six months (your monthly payments will first repay the balance you have transferred before reducing other amounts, such as new purchases). Minimum payment requirements of the card account apply to balance transfers. There are no interest free days on balance transfers. After 6 months, the rate will change to the interest rate for purchases at that time. ^The Credit Card gives you up to 55 days interest free on purchases, depending on when your statement is issued, whether you have obtained a balance transfer and whether or not you are carrying forward a balance on your account from the previous statement period. There are no interest free days for cash advances or balance transfers. With savings like these, you’ll feel right at home. The College offers an exclusive home loan package for members looking to buy, refinance or invest in property. Developed specifically for you, the RACS Home Loan package provides exceptional savings with significant interest rate discounts and fee waivers including: • Up to 0.75% p.a. off AMP Banking’s standard variable, fixed and line of credit interest rates* • No Annual Package fee – Save $330 every year • No establishment fee – Save $350** • No monthly account fees – Save $120 every year To find out more, visit or call an AMP Affinity Home Loan Specialist on 1300 360 525 and mention RACS Member Advantage. Package benefits, including fee waivers and interest rate discounts, which are taken from AMP Banking’s standard interest rates are current as at 22 August 2005. They are subject to change at any time by AMP Banking and only available for new customers, no switching from existing affinity package available. Only available for loans over $100,000. Other fees and charges apply. Approval is subject to AMP Banking guidelines. The credit provider is AMP Bank Limited ABN 15 081 596 009, AFSL No. 234517, trading as AMP Banking *Discount applies to AMP Banking borrowings of $1 million and above. A 0.65% p.a. discount applies for loans between $100,000 and $499,999 and a 0.70% p.a. discount applies for loans between $500,000 - $999,999. 0.15% p.a. discount applies to fixed rate loans where total AMP Banking borrowings exceed $250,000. **Settlement fee of $350 applies. RACS Member Advantage Services Ph:1300 853 324 Web: SURGICAL NEWS P38 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 DONATIONS TO THE COLLEGE FOUNDATION THANK YOU NEW SOUTH WALES Mr G M Fogarty A/Prof P R Macneil A/Prof A J Holland Mr W P Lennon Mr G C Burfitt-Williams Mr J M Grant Mr H J McEwen Mr J R Gillies Mr J D Ritchie Dr T W O’Connor Mr N Samaraweera Mr J E Lorang Mr M J McNamara Mr J W Brennan Mr S Sakker Mr P J O’Keeffe Ms M A Beevors Mr N Jayachandran Mr J D McKee Ms G Kourt Mr S P Sen Gupta Mr R D Smith Mr D Youkhanis Dr R H Pillemer VICTORIA Mr A J Day Mr J H Rush Mr B J Dooley Mr W G Doig A/Prof A G Royse Mr M D Richardson Mr R J Bartlett Mr W M Wearne Mr T T Pitt Mr M C Thorne Mr T H Pham Mr P F Burke Prof H K Graham Miss J Kesari Mr D C Burke A/Prof J G Meara Mr S F Wickramasinghe Mr M C Douglas A/Prof G C Fabinyi Dr V Kertsman Mr J W Upjohn Mr N Kosanovic QUEENSLAND Mr N D Fox Mr J F Leditschke Mr P Y Scarlett A/Prof G A Gole Mr F A Bartholomeusz Mr K W Zabell NEW ZEALAND Mr T F Clements Mr M Mahadevan HONG KONG Mr P Y Lau SINGAPORE Mr S L Cheah United Kingdom Mr A J Millar SOUTH AUSTRALIA Mr B G Cohen Mr C M Lee Mr N A McIntosh Mr N L Minnis Mr T M Stevenson Mr J Miller A/Prof P G Devitt WESTERN AUSTRALIA Mr C K Hendry Mr B G Lykke Mr A H Beeley Mr D M Collopy Mr H L Coates Mr J AHodge Mr S Sakker Total $11,511.50 Yes, I also want to help fund the RACS Foundation Research, Scholarships and Fellowships NAME: SPECIALTY ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: FACSIMILE My cheque or Bank Draft (payable to Royal Australasian College of Surgeons) for $ is enclosed, or please debit my credit card account for $ AMEX Diners Club Aust Bankcard NZ Bankcard Mastercard Visa Credit Card No: Card Holder’s Name – Block letters Expiry Card Holder’s Signature / Date I would like my donation to go to the following specific cause/project: I do not give permission for acknowledgement of my gift in any College Publication Please send your donation to: Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, AUSTRALIA AND OTHER COUNTRIES NEW ZEALAND Spring Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia. Tel: +61 3 9249 1200 Fax: +61 3 9249 1219 PO Box 7451,Wellington South New Zealand Tel: +64 4 385 8247 Fax: +64 4 385 8873 SURGICAL NEWS P39 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 SURGICAL NEWS P40 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 ROYAL HOBART HOSPITAL Surgery in the News A new $180,000 microscope has dramatically improved the working lives of plastic surgeons at the Royal Hobart Hospital. T he new machine, delivered to the hospital last October under the Tasmanian Government’s Better Hospital’s funding programme, replaced the unit’s old foot-pedal controlled microscope that was both prone to malfunction and difficult to manoeuvre. Head of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Royal Hobart Hospital, Associate Professor Frank Kimble, said the new microscope had been eagerly awaited. “Most major tertiary teaching hospitals around Australia have this newer technology so we were delighted when it arrived. “The older microscope was driven by foot pedals that were at times difficult to manage accurately which increased stress and complications particularly when performing the often long procedures associated with delicate microsurgery. “It also tended to break down a lot which caused delays and great frustration.” Associate Professor Kimble said the new German-designed machine was controlled by buttons that managed zoom and focus and had friction-free movement in three dimensions and a magnification of 40. He said it allowed the team to repair nerves and blood vessels less than a millimeter in diameter and was proving particularly valuable for hand surgery, facial reconstruction and in transferring large blocks of tissue. Already it has been used to reconstruct the face of a patient who developed a cavity in his chin after the tissue died following radiotherapy for inoperable tongue cancer. Associate Professor Kimble and his team used skin from the patient’s leg, part of his fibula and healthy tissue to rebuild the patient’s face in a grueling but successful 10-hour operation. If not for the operation, the patient would have required the removal of his jawbone, resulting in severe deformity. The microscope is now being used to assist in the treatment of 20 patients each month, assisting surgeons to re-attach nerves and vessels unable to be repaired with the naked eye. Associate Professor Kimble said that as the major tertiary teaching hospital in Tasmania, the Plastic Surgery and Burns Units treated the most complex reconstruction cases, caused by disease or trauma, and that having the best available equipment would have flow-on effects to patient care. He said that the microscope could also be linked to screens making it an invaluable aid in teaching the next generation of plastic surgeons. “Many of the micro-surgical procedures take a very long time and over such a long period, members of the surgical team can get tired which is when mistakes can happen,” Associate Professor Kimble said. “Therefore any equipment that makes our work easier – while helping to teach young surgeons - must necessarily have a flow-on effect in regard to patient care and surgical outcomes.” Associate Professor Frank Kimble trained as a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon in the United Kingdom and South Africa. He immigrated to Hobart in 1998 and took up his position at the Royal Hobart Hospital. He also holds the post of Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Tasmania. His main areas of interest are hand surgery, facial surgery, hand infections and genital reconstruction. SURGICAL NEWS P41 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 Shopping for a new car? Australasian Vehicle Buying Services LMCT 9828 Telephone: Fax: Website: Email: 1300 76 49 49 1300 76 49 47 Adelaide Brisbane Hobart Melbourne Perth Sydney we make it easy! • • • • • Professional Development Workshops Professional Development NEW in 2006... Coming Up... Saturday 8 April Melbourne - Mentoring in the Workplace NEW GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Coming Soon... (ASC) Saturday 13 May - Work Life Balance NEW (ASC) Sunday 14 May - Writing Reports for Court (ASC) Sunday 14 May - Mentoring in the Workplace NEW (ASC) Friday 19 May - 20 May - Surgical Teachers Course 27 May Brisbane - Practice Management for Practice Managers 5 June Brisbane - Mentoring in the Workplace NEW 24 June Sydney - Risk Management Masterclass (General Surgery) 24 June Adelaide - Winding Down from Surgical Practice 7 July - 9 July Gold Coast - Surgeons as Managers To register or for more information: Phone +61 3 9249 1106 Facsimile +61 3 9276 7432 Email Test drive Trade-in Finance Purchase Delivery Developed with the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Graduate School of Business, the eight-module program is offered via intensive three day sessions, online distance and/or on campus in Brisbane. Enquiries are welcome. Contact: The Department of Professional Development Ph: +61 3 9276 7473 Fax: +61 3 9276 7432 Email: Please note attendance at the Surgeons as Managers workshop counts as a core module of the qualification. We want you! If you are a Fellow and have an interesting and fascinating story or idea please feel free to contact the College, the address details can be found on page 5. SURGICAL NEWS P42 / Vol:7 No:1 January/Febraury 2006 r e p Ma c n e i e x e d . n a ce e g ren n a iffe h c d e h the t ke Don't be one of the crowd. Our financial solutions are independent and tailored for your cash flow and practice needs. Give us a call and be surprised by our flexibility. Finance for: • Equipment, Fitout & Motor Vehicles • 100% Commercial Property Finance • Professional OverDraft (e-POD) without ongoing fees • Goodwill & Practice Purchase Loans • Home Loans • Income Protection / Life Insurance Experien Medical Finance – experience in independent finance for health professionals. Contact 1300 131 141 SURGICAL NEWS P43 / Vol:7 No:1 January/February 2006 With our moisturising surgical gloves, you’ll resist the harshest conditions. Be Ansell sure. Gammex® PF HydraSoft® moisturises your dried skin whilst providing premium barrier protection Gammex® PF HydraSoft® delivers new standards of protection by caring for your skin whilst you operate. Surgical scrubs are drying and abrasive so we have added a moisturiser to the polymer lining of our leading surgical glove, Gammex® PF. Your skin is your primary barrier and now your secondary barrier, the surgical glove, moisturises your dried skin whilst providing premium barrier protection. Feel the difference with Gammex® PF HydraSoft®. Ansell and Gammex® PF HydraSoft® are trademarks owned by Ansell Limited, or one of its affiliates. © 2005 All Rights Reserved.