May 12, 2013
May 12, 2013
CELEBRATING THE MOMENTS! COLONY NEWS A Weekly Newsletter for Members and Staff of Meredith Bay Colony Club #135 May 12, 2013 KENTUCKY DERBY 2013! In the photo to the right on the left we have the Winners: Harold and June Noreen ----- and on the right we have …… Ted & Barbara Conner. (We know that Ted is a winner because of Barbara!) We understand that the Noreens walked away with the entire pot! From all reports a great time was had by all and judging from the photos it looks as though all the women bought their hats and the gentlemen brought their bottles! Page 1 A MESSAGE FROM DAVE de SOUSA… Each of us may react very differently to the same surgery when it comes to post surgical pain. Generally speaking, our bodies do not like to be invaded by surgical tools, no matter how small. It seems that the better physical shape we are in, the less pain and recovery time is experienced. This is not always the case though. As a natural reaction, muscles around the area invaded by the procedure try to help stabilize and compensate. They can become painful and tighten. This restricts normal blood flow. If the surgery forces you to walk, sleep, sit etc. differently than normal, other areas of your body can become painful because they are compensating too. SLM Bodywork and physical therapy quickly after surgery helps lessen this impact. SLM bodywork enhances physical therapy and shortens your recovery time by: Maximizing blood flow to the to the invaded area which will help tissues heal faster. Addressing the entire muscle system to locate compensating muscles no matter where they are and help them function as normal as possible. If left alone, they may become tight and take a longer time returning to normal after surgery. This facilitates a quicker recovery time. Resetting the nervous system to keep body movement as normal as possible. This too facilitates a quicker recovery time. If you have surgery, your best course of action to minimize your pain and shorten recover time is SLM Body work coupled with physical therapy. (Note: Dave de Sousa of Relief Bodyworks & Massage will be at MBCC every other Friday from noon to 5p to provide 25 minute therapeutic massages. His next visit will be Friday May 17th and appointments can be made by contacting Naella ) Page 2 QUOTE OF THE WEEK………… “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” ---- Confucius FROM THE SUGGESTION BOX A Member who shall remain nameless reminded me that his birthday is the 30th and not the 31st. It’s about time Max noticed! And a reminder to Staff was received asking them to please take your key card with you when exiting the building to the courtyard and not to prop the door open which lets in bugs, critters and compromises security. AGING WELL IS ALSO A NEWSPAPER COLUMN! Every other Saturday the Laconia Citizen publishes our Newspaper Column that usually has something to do with aging issues --- But you can also find it on our Facebook Page, on our Website or just by asking for copy. I can also add you to an Email list if you would like a copy sent to you automatically. The most recent column is entitled ‘Honor Flight’ and is about a wonderful program that takes WWII Veterans to Washington D.C.. Page 3 JOKE OF THE WEEK……… Not your usual kind of joke --- but interesting all the same. Read the following fairly quickly without pausing to note misspellings………… It surprised me…. “Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Pettry amzanig huh? “ SOME SERIOUS MORNING EXERCISE……………… All of us benefit from exercise – and while what we do and how we do it will and should vary from individual --- it is important for each of us to make it a part of each and every day! Not only is it good for the body – but it can be good for the soul and for sociability as well. Serious exercise can still be a lot of fun. I know it is not much – but each and every day (since Jan 1st) I have spent 30 minutes each morning on the elliptical machine in an effort to help keep all my joints moving as they should. We only have to look at these photos to see some great Role Models! Page 4 ‘AGING WELL’ ON THE RADIO Each Wednesday at 8:35 on WEZS 1350 AM MBCC Sponsors ‘Aging Well’ a talk show that invites a special guest to talk about issues of special interest to Seniors or that showcases the special of work of Seniors. Be sure to check in to see who Jim will have on this week! Most all of the shows are available via podcast by logging onto DINING WITH CHEF BRAD…………. “I Hope everyone enjoyed the Mothers Day brunch. Memorial Day is the next event , Monday May 27th. The BBQ menus were sent out so please make reservations for Independent Members and all Guests. I will be Cooking a Clam bake sometime in June and again in August ----------Bradley Southwick, Executive Chef DON’T FORGET THE ANNIVERSARIES! May 10th May 20th May 27th Marjorie Maher Bill Keaton Ted & Barbara Conner 3 yrs. 2 yr. 3 yrs. Page 5 Page 6 UPCOMING BIRTHDAYS May 9th May 20th May 21st. May 25th May 28th May 30st Betty Hill Floyd Humphrey Ed Driscoll Flo Laporte Steve Riley Max Jenness MOVIE THIS WEEK: REGARDING HENRY Combining elements of A Christmas Carol and Rain Man (1988), this modern-day parable of greed and redemption was crafted with generous helpings of sentimentality by director Mike Nicholas. Harrison Ford stars as Henry Turner, a slick, ruthless corporate attorney willing to spin any falsehood to win a case. A bully to his teenage daughter Rachel (Mikki Allen), Henry also cheats on his wife Sarah (Annette Bening) and treats everyone from the maid to his assistant with cruel selfishness. Stepping out to a local mini-market for a pack of cigarettes late one night, Henry accidentally interrupts a burglary and is shot in the head by a stick-up artist. After a long coma, Henry survives only to find that he has no memory and must re-learn everything from reading to tying his shoes. Reborn as a friendly, childlike innocent, Henry charms his therapist (Bill Nunn) and reconnects with his wife and daughter, only to uncover some secrets about how truly appalling he once was. This 1991 Film will be shown this Friday at the MBCC Theatre! Come on Down! Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 WORD OF THE WEEK………… Fustigate \FUSS-tuh-gayt\ - to beat with or as if with a short heavy club - to criticize severely verb EXAMPLES "Hernandez missed most of the preseason practices because of an ankle sprain, and he fustigated himself for committing seven turnovers." — From an article by Jorge L. Ortiz in The San Francisco Chronicle, November 20, 2004 "Coulter is known widely for her propensity to fustigate the likes of environmentalists, atheists and Bush-bashers." — Rachel Davis, Florida TimesUnion (Jacksonville), March 10, 2007 DID YOU KNOW? Though it won't leave a bump on your head, severe criticism can be a blow to your self-esteem. It's no wonder that "fustigate," when it first appeared in the 17th century, originally meant "to cudgel or beat with a short heavy stick," a sense that reflects the word's derivation from the Latin noun "fustis," which means "club" or "staff." The "criticize" sense is more common these days, but the violent use of "fustigate" was a hit with earlier writers like George Huddesford, who in 1801 told of an angry Jove who "cudgell'd all the constellations, ... / Swore he'd eject the man i' the moon ... / And fustigate him round his orbit." Read more at Page 11 CLOSING NOTES……………. THIS AND THAT…………… HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! A special wish to All Mothers out there that today was somehow a little extra special for you! More News Needed…….. Suggestions, stories and comments are always welcome --- Why, we could even have ‘Letters to the Editor’. I don’t always hear about what goes on – and need you be my eyes and ears and share that information with me. The best way is via email at I know I have been neglectful in capturing photos of your entryway decorations of late --- but that is no reason to hold back on your decorating! As space and time allows I will continue get as many of the images in the newsletter and onto Facebook. Maybe we need to suggest ‘Themes’ for a given period? It could be hats, flowers, patriotic, a particular color, an era, automotive, locomotive, air, space or bird or maybe a favorite book…… I know that you will come up with something! Have a great week! ----- Howie Page 12 to to