27th March 2015 - Longbeach School


27th March 2015 - Longbeach School
Longbeach School
27th March 2015
Reach for the STARS to be the
best we can in all we do.
Dates to Remember
Week 9: 30th March-3rd April
Monday 30th
Technology Year 7/8
B.O.T. Meeting 7.30pm
Thursday 2nd
Last day of Term 1!!
Week 1: 20th-24th April
Monday 20th
Start of Term 2!!
Friday 24th
Week 2: 27th April-1st May
Monday 27th
Anzac Day Holiday!!
Friday 1st
Assembly 2.15pm– Art Centre
Room Huntingdon
Week 3: 4th-8th May
Monday 4th
B.O.T. Meeting 7.30pm
Tuesday 5th
Hinds Cluster Cross Country– to be
held at the Ashburton Showgrounds
Thursday 7th
P.P. Hinds Cluster Cross Country
Friday 8th
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2nd February—Thursday 2nd April
20th April—Friday 3rd July
20th July—Friday 25th September
12th October– Friday 18th December
From the Principal
LB Stars/Academic Awards
Room Flemington Self Portraits & Cinquain Poems
School Notices/Community Notices
Community Notices
Newsletter Sponsors
A warm Longbeach welcome to our latest
new entrant.
We hope you enjoy your time with us and share our
passion for learning!
Happy school days to you!!
To all our families and friends,
enjoy your holidays!!!!
From the staff of
Longbeach School
Neil, Sarah, Kelly, Jess,
Kirsty, Susanne, Suzie,
Debbie, Elizabeth, Jacqui,
Sarah, Hayley,
Karyn, Mel, Rachel A,
Sophia, Rachael B, Judith,
Elaine & Anne.
For terms 2 & 3 we will once
again have our pie warmer
available for children to heat
their food. Food must be
wrapped in
tinfoil and clearly named with a permanent
pen. It is to be placed in their
classroom trays in the morning before
The pie warmer is available everyday except
Boundary Road, R D 3, Ashburton. Email office@longbeach.school.nz Ph 3026643 Fax 3026871
From the Principal…
Welcome to the last newsletter of Term 1 2015 and my last newsletter for a wee while as I am away next term on
sabbatical leave. I have been working with Sarah Patrick to support her in taking over the reins for Term 2 so I
feel confident that Sarah will keep SS Longbeach steady as we travel on this learning journey.
This week I have spent many an hour in front of the computer collating and analysing the results from the start of
the 2015 year student assessment. It has been satisfying to see the great results. The results were pleasing
because not only was there a sense that we are starting stronger this year as we work towards to the end of year
targets but also because gaps that were identified last year have been addressed really well. Last year with the
implementation of new assessment tools in Numeracy, designed to give more detailed information, we
discovered some important gaps in the students’ mathematical knowledge. At the start of 2014 we found that
only 12% of our students were At or Above the expected knowledge level for Place Value (we expect that this
number will be low as each student is measured against an end of year expectation and then we set sail towards
the target). At the start of 2015 we found 58% of our students were At or Above the expected level for Place
Value. This is excellent because the start of the year heralded a new set of higher expectations, 2 steps further
on from the start of 2014. This shows how much more knowledge has been learnt and retained. The same is
true for Fraction Knowledge. At the start of 2014 were at 2.7% and now we are at 47% ready to launch off
towards the end of year targets.
Why the improvement?
Better diagnostic information
Improved teaching and learning methods
Targeted intervention
‘Booster’ maths groups for students finding maths a challenge
Improved support from home with targeted homework
Enhanced learning opportunities using computers
Recently we were contacted by a parent who had stumbled upon some concerning internet searches undertaken
at home by their child. The searches were motivated by curiosity as the child discovers and wonders more about
the world around us. Of course this is nothing new. Generations of parents have had to have these types of
conversations with their children to address their curiosity. And it’s not just images. There is a raft of ‘adult’
concepts, actions and substances that will need to be carefully parented through. This is nothing new. However
today we are grappling with even more challenges as the adult stuff is easier to access and ‘out there to be seen’.
Liquor outlets next door to the corner store, a click here and there on the computer and all the innuendo (and
more) on TV. Couple this with the fact that today’s children are much much more knowledgeable. .
My advice – as practically possible, know what your children are doing on the internet, know where they are and
who they are with and keep chipping away at instilling positive values. Challenging times ahead undoubtedly.
This reminds me that we do have a considerable range of ‘parenting’ books available for issue from our school
We welcome Kate Gallagher to Longbeach School as she will be teaching Room Waterton Monday to Thursday
for the term. Kate joins us after recently teaching in Temuka and Timaru. We have been fortunate to have Kate
here for a couple of days already as she works to get her head around the new role. I feel very confident Kate will
be great and will fit into Longbeach extremely well.
All the best for Term 2. See you in Term 3.
Longbeach Stars…
ROOM WILLOWBY Holly & Sophie
ROOM ASHTON Mariska & George
ROOM HUNTINGDON Taylah & Georgia
Academic Awards…
Room Willowby
Sophie Hart
For trying hard in all learning areas
Room Ashton
Theo Vannini
For excellent results in his maths and
reading tests
Room Waterton
Korin Chambers
Freya Jemmett
For excellent effort in our PAT listening
Room Eiffelton
Henry Gray
For good descriptive writing
Room Flemington
Laura Winchester
For fantastic ideas for our inquiry topic
Room Huntingdon
Ella Arnold
For fantastic effort on adding and
subtracting decimals
School Notices …
2015 House Captains
RED HOUSE- Rosie Gray and Sean Scott
BLUE HOUSE- Ben Simons and Edward Keating
YELLOW HOUSE- Taylah Burrowes and Ella Arnold
GREEN HOUSE- Liam Huddleston and Mia Pearson
2015 Student Council
These will be available fortnightly on a Thursday.
Our next order will be next week (2nd April).
Please have your orders into the school office
before 1.00pm on the Wednesday.These will start
again next term in week 2.
There is a salad option for those who are gluten
free. These come in a bowl and you have the
same choices as on the bags. $5.00 each. You
will just need to write salad on the bag. There are
no gluten free cookies available but you could have
the apple alternative.
Lost Property
Back Row: Eddie Keating, Liam Huddleston (Vice
President), Georgia Winchester,
Hugh Cameron. Ben Simons
Front Row: Mia Pearson (President), Ethan Walsh
(Treasurer), Caitlyn Barwell (Secretary), Annabel Dolan.
Longbeach Literacy Quiz Team
who travelled to Christchurch last Monday.
Our team finished 28th out of 65 teams. It was very
satisfying to see we were not only 15pts behind the
eventual winners but also finishing ahead of
teams from very big Christchurch schools.
Well done an awesome effort!
Left to right: Rosie Gray, Mia Pearson,
Ben Simons & Dante Vannini.
Please check the lost property bin located in the
Junior block before the end of Term 1. I have
had a near new polar fleece sweatshirt, size 8
handed into the office with no name in it, if
you think it may belong to you call into the
office to collect.
Please make sure all clothing is clearly named.
Any unclaimed items will be donated to
Home & School to sell, or otherwise thrown out.
Room Flemington Self Portraits & Cinquain Poems…
Machine, Important
Pumping, Beating, Thudding
Very important body part
Helpful, smart
Thinking, controlling, operating
Living in your skull
By Will Wilson
Bone, small
Listening, hearing, drumming
Small and annoying
Large, strong
Thumping, pumping, circulating
Keeps you alive.
Room Flemington has been making self portraits and here are three of our
lego portraits.
First we had to draw the out line of our lego person then we put detail on
our clothes and face such as hair and eyes. We went to Mrs Mac and was
told to colour. Next we had to out line it with black vivid.
Here is our finished product!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Olivia Studholme
Big, Thumping
Running, Pumping, beating
Keeping us alive
By Tayla Abernethy
Big, muscle
Pumping, glumping, bumping
Working hard
Strong, jaw
Munching, crunching, eating
Munching food
By Amelia Chambers
Room Flemington has been doing more self portraits. For these portraits we took a picture of ourselves and cut it in
half so we could attempt to draw the other half of our face. After we had sketched the other half of our face we had
to add a warm or dark coloured background with oil pastel. Here are three of our finished products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
School Notices …
Home & School Report
With all of our fundraising activities from last year, we are happy to report that your fundraising efforts have
been well spent. Home & School contributed towards the Volley Wall, the Reading Eggs programme, the
swimming pool shade sail, the Year 8 Wellington Trip and the Year 4 Camp, as well as all those important
school consumables like tissues, hand sanitiser and sunscreen. Great effort by everyone involved!
This year, after we have taken out the funds for the school consumables, we had come up with the idea to
support the Student Council with their plans of finding a replacement for space where the boat once was.
Miss Holden has spoken with Mr Simons and the Student Council and the ideas have been flowing.
Can’t wait to see what they come up with.
This year, our fundraising activities will include helping out at the gates at the Ashburton A&P Show, selling the
Entertainment Books, and the Sims Bakery orders. We look forward to all your help, whether it is helping out
for a couple of hours at the A&P or purchasing delicious baked goods for hot lunches, all help is appreciated.
Remember, as parents of Longbeach School kids, you are all a part of the Longbeach Home & School and are
more than welcome to our meetings.
Nicole, Louise & Deanna
Community Notices…
SUNGLASSES We have had two pairs
handed into the school office. One pair
was left on one of the picnic tables in the
playground and the other pair was left at
Lake Hood at the end of last year. If you think these
could belong to you call into the office to have a look.
April Holiday surfing programme.
Learn the skills of Surfing in a fun, safe
environment. All equipment provided and
professional instruction from Aaron Lock and team.
For kids 8 -14 years.
April 7-10 and April 13-17, 10am -12pm
Cost $30 per day or $135 for five.
Venue :Scarborough Beach, Sumner, cnr Stoke St
and Esplanade.
Bookings essential. Register online.
Call Aaron on 0800 80 SURF (7873) or
Ashburton Junior Squash
Registration night for this was last week, but if you
have missed and are interested please
contact Lisa Clarke on
lisa-tony@xtra.co.nz or 308 1889.
Coaching is available each week at no extra cost.
Squash season is Term 2 & Term 3. (approx 15
weeks in total) on Fridays from 6-8pm.
Coaching is from 5.30pm on Fridays. Cost $50.00
Primary/Intermediate students.
Hansel and Gretel - In the Attic
7 - 10 April 2015 | Ages: 7 - 12
Building on the concept behind our Easter Kids
show Alice in Wonderland in the Attic children will get
a chance to devise a way to re tell the traditional tale
of Hansel and Gretel using the things you might find in
an attic to help them. This will be a fun and creative
process encouraging and developing creative thinking,
performance skills, confidence and team work.
This holiday programme will include a chance to go
and see Alice in Wonderland in the Attic and meet the
actors and the writer to find out more about what
goes into making a professional performance.
This programme is suitable for creative and
imaginative children, no specific level of reading or
writing is required and will include a performance to
family and friends at The Court Theatre on the final
day of the programme.
Price: $220 for the week (inclusive of GST)
Visit http://www.courttheatre.org.nz/training/schoolholiday-programme for more information and to book
or contact the Education Manager,
Rachel on 03 963 0901.
Community Notices…
Custom made to fit your child,you supply the
fabric only.
The cost for making is as follows:
Girls Skort
Girls Kilt
Boys Shirt
I also do alterations, replacing zips, taking up
hems etc.
Just give me a call on the numbers
below to discuss your needs, Pauline Anderson.
Ph:307-6110 or 021 272-9582
Kids Cooking Classes – Easter
& April School Holidays
Fun, nutritious and delicious cooking classes
for kids are running in Methven and
Ashburton these school holidays. Check out
www.lifenenergy.com, email
catherine@lifenenergy.com or call 022 425-7187
Calf Rearer Wanted
Starting end of July, rearing 180 heifers in the
Hinds area. Experience preferred.
Phone Julia 027 428-2103
Ashburton District Aprons
Longbeach Playcentre Fundraiser
The aprons have all the areas within the Ashburton District printed on them in a river design. They are made of
heavyweight polycotton twill for durability and easy care. A sliding neck adjustment ensures a perfect fit. They have a
large front pocket and are machine washable in cold water.
These aprons make fabulous gifts especially for family and friends overseas and Mother’s Day. They are $25.00 each.
Please complete your order form and return with money to school by April 2. Delivery will be during the first week of
Term 2 in time for Mother’s Day.
Child’s Name ______________________
No of Aprons ______________________
Amount Paid ______________
Alastair Scott
027 324 9647
Ph/Fax 03 302 6966
522 Boundary Rd
Servicing and repairs to Cars, 4WD & Farm Utilities
Ph Pete
3026142 or 027 628 7799
McMurdo St
Mike Griffith
0274 332 114
Kerry O’Neill
308 6222
HUGE thank
you to our
sponsors for
supporting our
support enables
delivery to RD3 & 4