a Copy of our 2010 Annual Report


a Copy of our 2010 Annual Report
for brighter futures
Annual Report 2010
Partnering Power!
Family Service of Rhode Island is a statewide leader in harnessing the power of
partnering to effect monumental change for children and families. Our newly
updated Mission Statement underscores our commitment.
A most recent example of our partnering leadership is the Providence Children’s
Initiative – based on the nationally celebrated Harlem Children’s Zone, which since
the 1990s has been positively transforming the lives of youngsters and their families
despite exceptionally daunting challenges. Thanks to grants from The Rhode Island
Foundation, Hasbro and Textron – and the support of city leadership and the state’s
congressional delegation – we’ve commenced the partnering to turn concept into
reality. It’s a lofty dream that will take years to realize; yet if it means breaking the
poverty cycle for children and families, it will be more than worth it!
Other examples of our partnering leadership are the Partnership for Families, Inc.,
streamlining across four communities a range of human services from six collaborating non-profits; Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing, for Providence and
Aquidneck Island, fighting homelessness through two multi-agency partnerships;
Solutions CEDARR, a project we helped create and now manage involving more
than a half-dozen non-profits, helping families with youngsters who have special
health care needs; and the Ocean State Network for Children and Families, Inc.,
our mission
To build social service partnerships
that respond creatively to the unmet
with nearly twenty member organizations, dedicated to creating a comprehensive continuum for children and families with Department of
Children, Youth and Families involvement.
needs of individuals, families and the
As we harness the power of partnering, we’re making it easier for families
community so that people are able to live
with multiple needs – food, shelter, training, mental health and substance
independently, advocate for themselves,
and better their own lives.
abuse treatment, and more – to access services without having to tell
their story over and over again to providers working independently, not
knowing what the other is doing. We’re also reducing costs and heightening
efficiency, providing donors and foundation, corporate and government
funders more value for their investment.
Thank you for your support and generosity – both of which we’ll need
more than ever as we work on these and other ambitious initiatives
to improve the lives of the Ocean State’s neediest children and families,
whether in Providence, Aquidneck Island, South County, Blackstone
Valley, the West Bay, Northern Rhode Island or the East Bay. Join us and
help us harness the power of partnering!
Margaret Holland McDuff
Chief Executive Officer
Family Service of RI has begun working to replicate in Providence the
celebrated Harlem Children’s Zone, called by the New York Times “one of
the most ambitious social service experiments of our time.” The initiative,
known as the Providence Children’s Initiative, has received start-up funding
from The Rhode Island Foundation, Hasbro and Textron and involves
training at the Harlem Children’s Zone.
Family Service of RI began leading the Family Care Community Partnership
“I am so pleased to see the leadership of
Family Service of RI in bringing partners together for better results for kids in
Providence,” said Providence Mayor David
Cicilline. “They are exemplifying the vision
for Providence, Cranston, Central Falls and Pawtucket. A multi-agency
collaboration under a new corporation, Partnership for Families, Inc., the
initiative re-aligns and streamlines a range of services for children and
families in crisis. Family Service of RI is a member of a similar collaboration serving the West Bay.
and strategies laid out in my Children and
Lucy’s Hearth, a Family Service of RI affiliate, celebrated 25 years of
Youth Cabinet. Providence Children’s
helping Aquidneck Island’s homeless women and children with a gala
Initiative builds upon the lessons of
fundraiser at Newport’s Castle Hill Inn.
the Harlem Children’s Zone, reflecting the
realities here in Providence.”
The federal Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration has
accepted Family Service of RI into the prestigious National Child Traumatic
Stress Network and awarded the agency a nearly $400,000 grant. Family
Service of RI is the first Ocean State organization to belong to this
network, which was established by Congress in 2000 to raise the standard
of care and increase access to services for traumatized children and
their families.
The City of Providence, utilizing federal stimulus dollars, has awarded
Family Service of RI a nearly million dollar grant to prevent homelessness
in the community. Lucy’s Hearth, a Family Service of RI affiliate, received
over a half million in stimulus dollars to lead a similar effort on Aquidneck Island.
AIDS Project RI, a division of Family
Service of RI, moved its annual Walk
for Life back into downtown Providence
after several years in less visible locations, and held the event in the fall for
the first time. The move was designed
to increase awareness of HIV/AIDS and
to heighten involvement of the city’s
college students.
Certificates were presented to the 34 graduates of the first RI State Victim
Assistance Academy by Attorney General Patrick C. Lynch. The Academy,
a collaboration between Family Service of RI and Roger Williams University, is based on a national model and funded by a grant from the U.S.
Justice Department. The graduates were victim service providers from
across Rhode Island.
Congressman Patrick Kennedy received the 2009 Brighter Futures Award
for his championing of children’s mental health issues. The award is given
annually by Family Service of RI to salute those improving the lives of the
Ocean State’s children.
The Providence Housing Authority recognized Family Service of RI’s years
of extending substance abuse prevention programming and life skills
training to the Authority’s residents, bestowing on the agency a Partnership Award.
Brighter Futures Award
A range of prevention and social services for people living with HIV/AIDS.
General number: 831-5522. Intake: 519-2280. Drop-in center (Afia Center)
331-1350 ext. 3268. Volunteering: 331-1350 ext. 3364 or hernandezgi@
familyserviceri.org. website: www.aidsprojectri.org
AIDS Project RI is celebrating its 25th anniversary of providing compassionate, non-judgmental and collaborative response to the needs of people
infected, affected and at risk of HIV/AIDS. Over the years, it became a
recognized statewide leader on HIV/AIDS issues. In 2008, AIDS Project
RI merged with Family Service of RI, linking its continuum of services to
that of Family Service of RI, streamlining the delivery of services.
Apartments for adults living with HIV/AIDS Contact partnering agency
AIDS Care Ocean State for admission information: 521-3603.
Child Development / Youth
Early Intervention (EI) For children birth to age 3 with or at risk of developmental delays. 331-1350 ext. 3395.
First Connections An evaluation and referral service for families with children
(0-3 years) at risk for poor outcomes, in collaboration with Children’s Friend
and Service. 331-1350 ext. 3486.
Head Start Consultation Mental health consultation and referrals for children and families served by Head Start programs in Providence. 519-2280.
Parent Aide Parent education and case management for parents referred by
Department of Children, Youth and Families. 519-2280.
Providence Children’s Initiative A comprehensive initiative to improve
educational and social development outcomes for children and families in
a Providence neighborhood. 331-1350 ext. 3243.
Solutions CEDARR For families with children with special health care needs
including behavioral, emotional, developmental, and physical health problems.
Up to age 21 in some circumstances. 461-4351. 1-800-640-7283. email:
solutionscedarr@familyserviceri.org. website: www.solutionscedarr.org.
Youth Success Services for pregnant and parenting teens in Providence.
Counseling & Related
Children’s Treatment and Recovery Center Part of the National Child
Traumatic Stress Network, this is a clinical program for children who have
been the victim of abuse and/or neglect. 519-2280.
Family Care Community Partnerships (FCCP) A range of social services,
including “high fidelity wraparound” for families with children/youth at
risk of involvement with the Department of Children, Youth and Families
and/or have a serious emotional disturbance. Urban Core Region (Providence/Cranston/Pawtucket/Central Falls): 519-2280. West Bay Region:
Outreach to Newport Area Families in Crisis Counseling and referrals provided
in partnership with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center. 294-3168
or 519-2280.
Outpatient Mental Health/Substance Abuse Counseling & Psychiatric Services
For adults and children. Office-based in Providence, North Kingstown, Newport
(Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center), and Westerly (Westerly High
School’s WISSP Center). For Medicaid, Medicare, and most commercial
insurances. 519-2280.
United Way 2-1-1 in Rhode Island (administered by Family Service of RI) 24/7
information resource line for children, youth, adults and families in crisis.
Dial 211 or 1-800-367-2700. Website: www.211ri.org.
See also Schools and Mental Health/Intensive Treatment
Crime Prevention/ Victims/ Reentry
After Hours Emergency Response Program for Elders in Crisis Emergency
social services. Call the Department of Elderly Affairs, 462-0555 for information.
Breaking the Link Substance abuse prevention – utilizing two national,
evidence-based models – for children and families residing in Providence
Housing Authority complexes. 519-2280.
Children’s Crisis Assessment Team Provides 24/7 response for children
in crisis when called by Department of Children, Youth and Families.
For information only: 519-2280.
Community Reentry Program for Women at the Adult Correctional Institution
Providing case management and employment services. Referrals are made
by the state Department of Corrections. Information: 519-2280.
Critical Incident Stress Management Team Responding 24/7 to community
emergencies. For information only: 519-2280.
Drug Market Initiative A partnership with the Providence Police to reduce
open air drug trafficking in the area of the Chad Brown Providence Housing
Authority complex. It involves community building, walking the neighborhood
with police, crisis intervention and more. For information: 519-2280.
East Providence Police Liaison Staff rides with East Providence police officers to
intervene in family crises and to follow up on domestic violence calls. 519-2280.
Providence Police Go-Team Responding to calls from Providence Police in
response to violent incidents when children and families have been involved.
For information only: 519-2280.
Providence Police Liaison Staff rides with Providence Police on patrol to prevent
family crises. For information only: 519-2280.
Providence Safe Start Counseling and other services for Providence area children
and families exposed to violence. 519-2280.
Station Fire Family Resource Center For survivors of the Station Night Club
illustration by melissa ferreira
fire. Case management, resource referral and financial assistance.
Trauma and Loss Center Specialized counseling and support for children,
youth and families who have suffered trauma and loss. 519-2280.
Victim Advocate Services for the Department of Corrections Parole Board
Support, advocacy and resources provided to crime victims. 519-2280.
Victim Assistance Academy Training for new victim services professionals
and volunteers.519-2280.
Victim Impact Classes Classes helping inmates recognize their impact on
their victims. For more information: 519-2280.
Youth Diversion Program (YDP) Individual and family support and case
management services for youth in East Providence, Barrington, Warren
and Bristol. Providence Latino families also. 519-2280.
Elderly Services
Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Educating senior
citizens and their families about Medicare and assisting with enrollment.
Dial 2-1-1 or 1-800-367-2700.
Senior Health Insurance Program Assisting senior citizens with health
insurance-related issues. Dial 2-1-1 or 1-800-367-2700.
Senior Citizens Raising Children is the focus of a new Family Service
of RI initiative to address service gaps for this unique population.
For more information: 519-2276.
Senior Medicare Patrol One-to one counseling and assistance to seniors
regarding Medicare, and Medicare fraud. Looking for volunteers to assist in
this effort. Dial 2-1-1 or 1-800-367-2700.
The Point A United Way of Rhode Island project administered by Family
Rhode Island’s
Resource Place for
Seniors and Adults
with Disabilities
462-4444, or 1-800-367-2700. http://adrc.ohhs.ri.gov/.
See also Crime Prevention/Victims/Reentry
Homeless/Housing Related
Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing A program to prevent homelessness and rapidly re-house homeless persons. Please note: under federal
guidelines this program is targeted for persons not considered chronically
homeless. Dial 2-1-1 or 1-800-367-2700 for programs in all Rhode Island
communities. Providence (homeless prevention only): 331-1350 ext. 3185;
email: hprp@familyserviceri.org. Aquidneck Island (homeless prevention
Service of RI. Assisting senior citizens in linking with resources. Dial 2-1-1,
and rapid rehousing): 846-4896.
Shelter for women and their children. Located in Middletown, RI.
A Family Service of Rhode Island affiliate agency. 847-2021.
website: www.lucyshearth.org.
See next page
Lucy’s Hearth was incorporated in 1984 and opened its doors as an overnight
shelter with one staff person, a budget of only $20,000, and a dedicated
group of volunteers. As the need for shelter increased and more funding
became available, it became a 24-hour shelter and expanded programs and
services to address the many issues faced by homeless women with children.
In 2007, Lucy’s Hearth became an affiliate of Family Service of RI, and
celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2009.
Providence Housing Authority Programming Social services for children, youth
and their families living in Providence Housing Authority complexes. 519-2277.
See also HIV/ AIDS
Mental Health/Intensive Treatment
Child and Adolescent Intensive Treatment Services (CAITS) For Medicaideligible children up to age 18 (or 21 in some instances) with serious emotional/
behavioral crises requiring more than traditional outpatient counseling. A
similar program for children with commercial insurance is Child and Family
Intensive Treatment (CFIT) For both: 519-2280.
Community Support Program / Community Psychiatric Support Treatment
Intensive, community-based mental health treatment and case management
for adults (18+). For both: 519-2280.
Enhanced Outpatient Services An intensive home/community-based treatment
program for children and adults at risk of out-of-home placement due to
behavior and skill issues. 519-2280.
Family Stabilization Team To help stabilize children and adolescents in their
homes during an episode of acute mental illness or substance abuse, or after
out-of-home treatment or placement. 519-2280.
Home-based Clinical Services A partnership with Tides Family Service,
this program provides home-based clinical and case management services
for youth involved with the juvenile justice and child welfare systems.
331-1350 ext. 3834.
In-Home Outpatient Program For children and adults needing psychotherapy
and case management in a home setting. 519-2280.
Residential Services. Group homes for children and youth in the custody of
the Department of Children, Youth and Families. Information: 519-2272.
Treatment Foster Care. To become a foster parent for a child between birth
and 17, please call 331-1350 ext. 3305.
See also Mount Pleasant Academy under Schools
Central Falls Schools Providing crisis intervention and counseling; also
staff and training to create therapeutic classrooms for children with emotional, behavioral and learning issues. 331-1350 ext. 3865.
Mount Pleasant Academy Owned and operated by Family Service of RI.
A year-round psychiatric day treatment program for children pre-K (3-5
years old) through 8th grade. Licensed by the state for special and regular
elementary education. Services for children with psychiatric, emotional,
behavioral disorders; high functioning autism; Pervasive Developmental
Disorder; Asperger’s Disorder. Services include: 45-60 day diagnostic
placement; consultation services; individual, group and family counseling;
case management; occupational therapy; speech and language therapy;
behavior management; medication management; interim alternate placement; step-down day treatment; psychiatry; nursing. Comprehensive
evaluations. After school care. 521-4335.
North Kingstown Schools For students and their families. Individual,
group and family therapy as well as outreach and referral. 519-2280.
Providence Schools Psychiatric evaluations for students with diagnosed
disabilities and / or potentially disabled students, as well as mental health
services. Consultations to special education administrators. For children
in designated classrooms at Hope High School, Central High School, Providence Career and Technical Academy, and Gilbert Stuart Middle School,
providing consultation and after-school wraparound services for students
and their families. 519-2280 or contact school social workers.
Westerly High School
Mental health services for students and families. 519-2280 or 294-6138
ext. 3162 or 3863.
See also Counseling & Related
our clients
Family Service of Rhode Island
In calendar 2009 services were provided to 6,197 individuals impacting about
13,541 individuals throughout the state.
Young: At least 6 out of 10 are children, ages 18 or younger.
Poor: More than 87% are low income.
Minorities: Over half of our clients belong to minority communities.
Language: One in 7 speaks another language at home.
See numbers next page
United Way 2-1-1 in Rhode Island (managed by Family Service of RI)
Information and referral specialists received 122,218 phone calls from persons
needing help or information. Some of these calls resulted in referrals to appropriate
social service agencies throughout RI, including Family Service of Rhode Island.
united way 2-1-1 in rhode island numbers
Phone Calls
Related programs for Adults with Disabilities and Seniors
Discount Medical Card Sign Ups
*individuals served
family service of rhode island numbers
Families or individual clients served
Home-based counseling and case management
Solutions CEDARR
Early Intervention (infants and toddlers)
Residential/Foster Care
HIV/ AIDS Services (AIDS Project RI)
Mount Pleasant Academy
Elderly Emergency Response
Providence police partnership
Trauma and Loss Center
East Providence police partnership
Prison re-entry
Lucy’s Hearth (Family Service of RI affiliate)
Station Family Resource Center
* Family Care Community Partnership – Providence area
* Family Care Community Partnership – West Bay
Outpatient/Psychiatric Counseling
*Family Service of RI services
financial report
Year ended June 30, 2009
Public Support
Contract Revenue
Program Fees
Children’s Services
Community Services
Educational Services
Public Support & Revenue
Other Revenue
Total Support & Revenue
Total Support Program Expenses
Ending Net Assets
Program Expenses Fiscal Year 2009
Children’s Services includes Residential Treatment, Therapeutic
Foster/ Care Adoption and Family Care
Community Services includes Home-based Services, Outpatient
Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Psychiatric Treatment, School
Based Services, Prevention, Early Intervention, Station Fire Family
Resource Center, Trauma and Loss Center, 211, APRI, Emergency
Response for Elders, Solutions CEDARR, Lucy’s Hearth, FCCP Urban
and West Bay, Providence and East Providence Police Partnerships,
Victim Services for the Department of Corrections, Re-entry Program
for Women at ACI, First Connections, Youth Success, Safestart, and
Youth Diversion Program
Educational Services includes Mount Pleasant Academy, School
Based Consultation
A.F. Lusi Construction
AAA Southern New England
Abbott Laboratories
Abrams Agency Inc.
Adelaid Dawson Lynch Memorial
Adler’s Design and Hardware
Aid Maintenance Co., Inc.
AIDS Care Ocean State
Al Forno, Inc.
Alliance for Children and Families
Alperin/Hirsch Family Foundation
Alternative Body Day Spa
Amica Companies Foundation
Amica Mutual Insurance Company
Angell Pension Group, Inc.
Arlen Corporation
Astro-Med, Inc.
Atelier Boris Bally Studio
B.A. Ballou & Company Incorporated
B.B. Lederer Sons Foundation
Bank of America
Bank Rhode Island
Batchelor, Frechette, McCrory,
Michael, and Co.
Beacon Health Strategies
Beacon Mutual Insurance Co.
Blaze East Side
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode
Blue Grotto
BNY Mellon/Wealth Management
Bristol Female Charitable Society
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights
AIDS, Inc.
Brown University
Brown University Queer Alliance
Bruzzese Law Group
Burns & Levinson LLP
Butler & Messier, Inc.
Butler Hospital
Cactus Grille
Capitol City Group, Ltd.
Carousel Industries of North
America Inc.
Central Falls School Department
Central Congregation Church
Champlin Foundations
Children’s Friend and Service
Citadel Broadcasting Corporation
Citizens Bank
Citizens Bank Foundation
Citizens Bank Investment
Management Strategies
Falvey Linen Supply, Inc.
Feinstein Foundation
Ferrucci Russo P.C.
Fidelity Investments
FirstComp Insurance
FM Global Foundation
Foodsource Plus National, Inc.
Frank B. Hazard General Charity
Freedom National Bank
Fund for Community Progress
GALA Bowling League
Gary S. Mason Trust
Gateway Healthcare, Inc.
Gertrude N. Goldowsky and Seebert
J. Goldowsky Foundation
Gilbane Building Company
Gould Charitable Lead Trust
GPS Investment Advisors, LLC
Grant Sherburne
Greater Providence Chamber of
H. Carr & Sons Inc.
Haffenreffer Family Fund
Harrington & Rhodes, Ltd.
Harry M., Miriam C., and William C.
Horton Fund
Hasbro Children’s Fund
Herbert E. & Daisy A. Stride Memorial
Hinckley, Allen & Snyder LLP
Hose Company No. 6
Housing Works Rhode Island
Hudson Companies
International Institute of Boston
Ira S. & Anna Galkin Charitable Trust
Johnson & Wales University
June Rockwell Levy Founation
Kahn Litwin Renza & Co. Ltd.
Kent R. Hofmann Foundation, Inc.
Knight Gallery
Lefkowitz Garfinkel Champi &
DeRienzo PC
Mapping and Planning Services
Mary Catherine Chute LIV Trust
Mary Dexter Chafee Fund
Mass Mutual Finance Group
McLaughlin & Moran, Inc.
MetLife Home & Auto
Minerva’s Pizza / H & H Pizza
Mitkem Corp.
Murray Wallpaper & Paint
National Education Association RI
National Grid
Navigant Credit Union
NBC 10
NEA RI Political Action Committee
Neighborhood Health Plan of
Rhode Island
New England Laborers’ Tri-Funds
New England Pest Control
New England Tae Kwon Do Center, Inc.
Nixon Peabody LLP
Norman & Rosalie Fain Fund Trust
Nortek, Inc.
North Family Trust
North Kingstown Community
Development Block Grant
Ocean State Action Fund
O’Neill and Associates
Orchard House Cafe
Osceola Foundation, Inc.
Otto H. York Foundation
Pakarang Restaurant
Park Row Associates
Pawtucket Credit Union
Pawtucket Red Sox Baseball Club, Inc.
Peabody Resident Services, Inc.
Citizens Give as You Earn
City of Providence
Claflin Company
Club Gallery / RLT Associates, LLC
Coastway Community Bank
Coffee Exchange
Community Health Charities of
New England
Cooley Group Companies
Cornish Associates, L.P.
CVS Charity Classic
CVS Corporation
Delta Dental of Rhode Island
Depetrillo Agency, Inc.
Dexter Donation
Dimeo Construction Company
Domestic Bank
DownCity at 50 Weybossett
Doyle Realtors
DTCS Endeavors, Inc.
East Providence Community
Development Block Grant
Eddie C’s Salon
Edmund F. Capozzi, Jr. Rev. Trust
Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP
Emma C. Harris Foundation
Endurance Wealth Management
Entertainment AIDS Alliance
Phoenix Houses of New England, Inc.
Phoenix Investment Management
Piccerelli, Gilstein & Co., LLP
Picerne Real Estate
Providence Center
Providence Community Development
Block Grant
Providence Gay Men’s Chorus
Providence Mutual Fire Insurance
Providence Performing Arts Center
Providence School Department
Purvis Systems, Inc.
R.I. Colorectal Clinic, LLC
R.I. Federation of Teachers and
Health Professionals
R.I. Federation of Teachers, Local 2012
Residential Properties Ltd.
Rhode Island Community Food Bank
Rhode Island Council of Resource
Rhode Island Department of
Children Youth and Families
Rhode Island Department of
Rhode Island Department of Elderly
Rhode Island Department of
Health Laboratories
Rhode Island Emergency Food &
Shelter Board
Rhode Island Federation of Teachers
Rhode Island Foundation
Rhode Island Housing
Rhode Island Justice Commission/
Victims of Crime Act Victim
Assistance Grant Program
Rhode Island Kids Count
Rhode Island Novelty
Rhode Island Office of Housing
and Community Development
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhode Island USBC BA Inc.
Richard Katzoff Fund
Rilassamento Massage, LLC
Ristorante Pizzico
Robinson Green Beretta Corporation
Roger Williams Hospital
Roger Williams University
Rotary Club of Providence
Rue De L’Espoir Restaurant
Rustigian Rugs Inc.
Salve Regina University
Sansiveri, Kimball & McNamee, L.L.P.
Sasco Foundation
Seaview Transportation Company
Sharpe Family Foundation
Small Pleasures
Smiths Detection
Soho Business Enterprises
Sovereign Bank
Stop and Shop
Stride Memorial
Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration
T & T Hairclips
Taste of India
Temple Beth-El
Textron Foundation
The Curatorium
The Miriam Hospital
The Providence Journal Company
Tides Family Services, Inc.
Town Hall Lanes
Tri-Town Community Action Program
Tropical Liquors
United Food and Commercial
Workers Union
United Healthcare of New England
United Way of Rhode Island
United Way of the National
Capital Area
University Medicine Foundation, Inc.
Until There’s A Cure Foundation
Verizon Communications
Vertex Distribution
VFIS of Southern New England
Vigneron Memorial Fund and
John and Katherine Johnston
Visiting Nurse Services of Newport
and Bristol
Wal-Mart Foundation
Washing Trust Company
Wellspring Physical Therapy
Winkler Group, Ltd.
Woods Heating Service
Woonsocket Teachers’ Guild
York Foundation
Zooma Bar Ristorante
Christine Angell
Donna and Peter Antonacci
Rosa and Agostinho Antunes
Jonathan April
Marie Aquarone
Michael and Kristen Aragao
Susan Areson
Ingrid Armada
Carol Armour
James P. Arnold
Paul and Margaret Arpin
Jose Arvizel
Stella Aslibekyan
Jeffrey Audley
Sarah Avera
Catherine Avila
Thomas Ayotte
Jo-Anne Azevedo
Jon Azevedo
Samuel and Natalie M. Babbitt
Clare Bailey
Priscilla Ballou
Sandy Ballou
Michael Balogh
Antonio Barajas
Dan Barbena
Sandra Barber
Brian Barbieri
Barbara Bardsley
Deborah Barnes
Lucia Barran
Zenaida Barran
Andrew Barsada
Beverly Basiliere
Irene and Irvin Basiliere
Robert Bates
Daniel Baudouin
Sara Baumgartel
Gale Bay
Bernard Beaudreau
John Beaudreau
Mildred and Daniel J. Beaulieu
Nikki Beaulieu-Santos
Rosemary Beausejour
Curt and Susanna Beckwith
Jonathan Beebe
Christy Belisle
Roger Belisle and Robert J. Cataldo
Susan Ballaire and John L. Massey, Jr.
Jo-Anne Bellemer
Carolyn Benedict-Drew
Richard and Waltraut M. Benjamin
Patricia and Michael H. Bennett
Melvoid Benson
Dana and Deborah Bent
Kenneth and Leigh A. Bento
Joseph Beretta
Geoffrey and Diane Berg
Maurice and Louise H. Bermon
Susan and Armand F. Bessette
Barbara Beyer and Stephen Turino
Peeyush Bhatnagar
Ana Bibeault
Anne Bickel
Richard Bicki
Bernard Bieder
Julie Bilbert
Judith Blake
Andrew and Deborah L. Blakeney
Judi Blau
Anthony H. and Lisa Bliss
Thomas Bliss
Bernice Blitz
Deborah Blitz
Ara and Patricia Boghigian
Lynn Boghosian
Adrianne Borges-Diworth
Jane Borrelli
Tammy Bouchard
Jessica Boucher
Roger Boudreau
Chris Boutin
Elizabeth Bova
James and Kathleen Bower
Laurel Bowerman
Walter and Janet S. Boyle
David Abbott
Guy Abelson
Mark Abelsson
John Abernathy
Grace and Joseph W. Accetta
Fred Acciardo
Michael Achey
Eric Adams
Mitchell Adams and Kevin M. Smith
Jennifer Adler
Linda Adler
John and Donna M. Ahearn
Renee and Brian J. Ahlquist
Edith Ajello
Robin and David K. Alcott
Charles Alexandre
Jason Alexandre
Danielle and William Alger
Patricia Allen
Richard Allen
Susan Almeide
Kelly Alston
Brian Alverson
Charles Alves and Jorge M. Fernandes
John Alves
Krystal Alves
Cristina Alves
Anna Brand
Nelly Branez
Kimberly Brauer
Deborah Brayton
Heather Brennan
Marjorie Brennan
Christine Brewster
Robert Brewster and Mary Dorsey
Deborah Bright
Alice Brigidi
Cheryl Brill
Richard Brillante
Carol and Edwin G. Brooklyn
Joyce Brousseau
Amy Brown
Jeffrey Brusini
Rodney Brusini
Ruth Buben
Sheri Buchman
Mary Buckely
Susan Buckley
Mary Jane Burgess
Chris Burke
John Burke
Karen Burke
Dan Bryant and Elizabeth Burke
David and Anne W. Burnham
Phyllis and Edward R. Burnim
Mary Burns
Maryellen Butke
Sharon Caine
Eric Calcagni
Thomas Caldwell
Lee Ann Callahan
Steven Camara
Alan Campo
Steven Capaldi
Dan and Jess Caparco
Tony Caparco
Kimberly Capirchio
Joseph Cardello
P. Cardillo
Jay Cardosi
Danielle Cares
Diane Caroselli
Charles Carpenter
Patricia Carrara and Patiricia Mynarski
David Carroll
Drew Carson
Karen Carter and Chistene L. Easterday
Patricia Carter
Marylillian Cartwright
Karen Casale
Stephen Casale
Derise Cassisi
Kenneth Castellucci
Melissa Castore
Raymond Cataldo
Robert Cataldo and Roger F. Belisle
Robert and Marjorie Catanzaro
Suzanne Catraio
Lucas and Erin Cavanagh
Stacy Celani
Michael Cerullo
Lincoln and Stephanie Chafee
Richard Champagne
Frank Champi
Theodore Chaplin
Louise Chapman
Mary Charlonne
Carol Charpentier
Debra Charzewski
Henen Cheuk
Neil Chionchio
Victoria Chisholm
Elizabeth Chmielewski
Christine Christy
Mary Chute
Mary Clark
Sara Clark
William Clarkin
Reza Clifton
Mary and Darren M. Cline
Linda and Thomas Cloonen
Linda Cloutier
Melanie and David Cluley
Sean Coffey
Janet Coit and Peter J. Regan
Michael Collins
Nancy Conca
Tammy Conn
Liz Connor
Mary Connors
Amy Conrardy
David Cooley
Frederick Cooney
Susan Cooney
David Coop
Darrell Cooper
Elaine and William R. Cooper
Katie Corcoran
Sandy Cordeiro
Neil Corkery
Tracy Correll
Mary and John M. Costa
Kelly Cote
Thomas Cousineau
Sherri Creta
Christopher and Heather Crosby
Inez and Patricia Crowley
James and Carol Crowley
Tave Cunha
Jeff Devin
Sandra Devine
John Devlin
George Dib
Guy and Marie C. DiBiasio
Andrea Difilippo
John DiGiacomo
Anthony Dilorenzo
Jennifer Dionie
Edward Diorio
Julie-Ann Dipiro
Maria Disandro
Annette and Joseph DiTraglia
Jason Divito
Dan Dombrowski
Kayla Donnelly
Goerge Dooley
Heidi Douglass
David Dove
Gretchen Dow Simpson
Mike and Leslie Downing
Barbara Dreyer
Micheal Ducharme
Robert Duffy
Rebecca Dugan
Lisa Duhaime
Linda Durand
Allyson Dwyer
Shirley and Paul Dyer
Marilyn Eanet
William Earnshaw
Jane Eastman
Myra Edens
Jean and Knight Edwards
Carol and Stuart Einhorn
Stacey Eliades
David and Colm Eliet
Kristin Elizabeth
Charlotte Ely
Mariah Ely
Susan Emond
Elizabeth and John D. Engelhorn
Kae Ellen Englander
James and Robin G. Engle
Susan and Christopher Erstling
Dean Esserman
Barry Eyre
Carol Fabbri and Cara M. Banspach
Claudette Fage
Rosalie Fain
William and Grace D. Falk
Frank Faltus
Elizabeth and John T. Faria
John and Deborah Farley
Malcolm and Susan Farmer
Joseph Farpelha
Joel Favreau
Sidney and Esther B. Feldman
Elizabeth Fenik
EP Fenkin
Christine Ferguson and Frederick
W. Glomb
Janice Ferguson
Adam Fernandes
Erica Ferreira
Mark Ferreira
Richard Ferreira
H. James and Janet I. Field
Raymond Filippone
Raymond Finelli
Loriann Fisele
Kenneth Fish
Robert Fish
Lisa Fisher
Pamela Fisher
Laura Fiske
Timothy Flanigan and Luba Dumenco
Muriel Flood
Kathleen Flynn
Edward Fogarty and Mrs. Gail Higgins
Ed Fontaine
Kenn Fontaine
Christopher Forbes
Jacqueline and Leonard W. Forrest
Christine Cunneen
A. Cunningham
Joel Curran
Ralph Curti
Paul Czachur
Lisa Dady
Gen Dallaire
Mary and Robert W. Daly
Ann Danforth
Arthur Davey
Emily Davis
Joe and Arline Davis
Rosemary Day
Marisa De Macedo
William and Denise K. De Magistris
Susan Dean
Melissa DeAngelis
Charles DeBevoise
Ani Dedeyan
Carey DeFelice
Peter Deffet
Cheryl DelPadre
Charles and Sarah Denby
Anthony Derose
Paul and Joan Derrick
Manish Desai
Kelly Desmarais
Donald Devaney
Melissa Fournier
Gordon Fox
Kristina Fox
Kate Frank
Dagny Frates
Shirley Fraticelli
Tim Freiermuth
John French
Russell Friedman
Peter Fuller and Amy Perron Fuller
Melissa Gaitanis and John Nicholas
Susan Galinelli
Arnold Galkin
Rita Gallagher
Michael Gallogly
Anne Gannon
Elizabeth Garcia
Graham Gardner
Joan and Stephen Garfinkel
Mary-Beth Garofalo
Erin Gaul
Stacy Gauthier
R. G. Gendion
Karen Geremia
Michael Gerhardt and Doree
Alicia Germani
Kristen Germani
Dolores Germano
Lisa Giacchi
Charles Gibbons
Vamessa Gilbert
Sonia Gilewicz
Alexandra Gilo
Pamela Gilpin
Michael Gilson and Joan McPhee
Lawrence Ginsberg
Kevin Glanrill
Abbott and Sarah C. Gleason
Richard Goldberg
Clavde Goldstein
David and Sharon Goldstein
Cindy Gonzalez
Neil Gonsalves
Ron Gonscak
Linda Gonzenbach
Nellie Gorbea
Catherine Gorman
Cheryl Gormley
Arianna Gosetti
Pam Goulet
Jean Gouveia
Curtis Gower
Donna and Herman Grabert
George and Lois Graboys
Kathy Grant
Jayne Grayhurst
Gail Green
Bradford Greer
Michele Gregoire
Kathleen Griffiths
Brian and Kathleen Grimes
Fern Groebe
Sharon Grom-Mintz
Catherine Grossi
Traci Grow
Hubert and Joseph Guerin
Deborah and Mark A. Guertin
Diane Guillemette
Lauren Gulick
David and Susan Haffenreffer
Bryce and Gloria Hall
Ryan Hall
Richard Hallee and Larry Griffin
Elizabeth Hamel
Bruce Hamilton
Sandra Hamolsky
Krista Handfield
Erin Hannon
Nancy Hansen
Ed and Kathy Hardie
Sheila Harrington and Christopher
P. Rhodes
Ali Harris
Nancy Harris
Daniel Harrop
Bruce and Mary P. Hart
Tracy Haswell
William and Susan Hatfield
Kevin Hathaway
Sally Ann Hay
Ellen Healy and Jospeh Konikowski
Arnold Herman & Sandra J.
Gilda Hernandez
Lawrence Hershoff
Joan and William F. Hertel
Mary Hettinger
Corrine Hill
Audrey Hirsch
Caryn Hirsch
Marilyn Hochman
Peter Hocking
Matthew Hodge and Kare Lund
Deb Hogan and Lee Poirier
Martha Holt
Ann and Donald Hourahan
Stephen Hourahan
Walter Hourahan and Colleen Maher
Carmen Howard
Scott Howard
Robert Howes
Michael and M. Elizabeth Karolewski
Ellen and Jeffrey Kasle
Alexis Katkevich
Kenneth Katzoff
Jennifer Kaufman
John Keddy
Ellen Keeler
Winifred Kelley
Nancy Kellner
Neal Kelly
Sarah Kelly
Jayne Kemp
Steven Kempner and Linda Kelly
John Kersting
Mary Kesson
N. L. Khan
Lorice Khoury
Gloria Kilmartin
John Kilmartin
Cyndi and Jae H. Kim
Jennifer Kirk
Neil Klein
Alex Knolt
Bradford Kopp
Selma and Carl Koppelman
Robert Kozora
Joanne and Kirkland J. Karemer
Catherine Krause
Elliot Krieger
Kristen Krowski
Stefanie Kubbe
Corinne Kulesh
Nitesh Kumar
JoAnn Kuns
Marcia Kurda
Kathy Kushnir
Bernard Kwan
Allen La Liberty
J. Edward La Velle and Raffaello L.
Margaret Laflamme
Jacquelyn and John F. Lamoureux
Tracie and Buddy E. Lamphere
Robert Landau and Lesley Beckman
William Lane and Robert S. Whitney
Ian Lang and Melissa Anne Malone
Kari Lang
Marie Langlois
Susan Langmack
Nancy Langton
Raymond Lannon
Steven Lantagne
Eugene Lapierre
James and Elizabeth LaRowe
Brianna Larsen
Reynold and Marlene A. Larsen
Jacques Larue
Tracie Laupa
Michael Lazar
Constance Leasca and Melanie H.
Michelle Lebrun
Maria Ledesma
David Ledo
Eugene and Brooke Lee
Grace Lee
Ronald Lee
Saul Leeman
Timothy Lehnert
Susan Leite
Edwin Lennon
Cynthia Leonard and G. Paul Damon
Danielle Leone
Dana Leslie
Peter Lessard
Ben and Lenette Lessing
Tiffany Letendre
Noah Levin
Robert and Mona Levin
Ruth Levin
Debby Levine
David and Eleanor L. Lewis
Georgeana Lewis
Raphaella Lewis
Katherine Howland
Stephen Hug
Beppie Huidekoper
Peter and Betsy Hunt
Patricia Huntington
Marilyn and Jeffrey Huntsman
James Huseman
A.M. Hutchins
P. William Hutchinson and Jeri-Ann
Kathleen Jackson
Kimberly Jackson
Sheila and Paul Jacobs
Ciara Jaramillo
Rich Jarrett
Nadia Jensen and Richard Gillerman
Jennifer Joaquim
Richard Jocelyn
Douglas and Meredith Johnson
Katherine and Edward T. Johnson
Robert and Janet E. Johnson
Susan and Glen D. Johnson
Christine Johnston
Lew Jones
Dorothy Jonson
Diana Kahn
Richard Kaitz
J. Kane
Saul and Susan Kaplan
Curtis and Patricia Ley
Dorothy and Frank Licht
James Lilley
Jeffrey Lima
John Lingley and Allison H. Roulston
Cristina Lluisa
Jane Logemann
George Lonergan
Patricia Lonergan
Shelley Lonergan
Marie Longo
Jane Loomis
Cindy Lopez
Wayne Lopez
Peem Lorvidhaya
Steven Low
Brooke Lowery
Robert Lubin
Johnelle Luciani
Kara Lund and Matthew P. Hodge
Brenda and Richard Lupino
Timothy Lutz
Griselda Lyman
James and Kathleen Lynch
William Macaux
Kathleen Maccarone
David MacDonald
Robert Machado
Kati Machtley
Sandra Maclennan
Lisa Madden
Darlene and Jennifer Magaw
William and Denise Magistris
Charlene Maguire
Paula Maguire
Steven Majeika
Cathy Malathong
Mark Malia
Alex Malin
M.J. Malina
Kevin Molloy
Leo Mansi and Kathleen E. Sousa
Matthew and Paula Marcello
Joanne Marchetti
Stephen Marchetti
William Marcotte
Ana Marinelli
Ernest Marotta
Janet Marquez
Elaine Marcero
Andrew Massey
Joseph and Cathy A. Matarese
Vincent Matarese
Becky and James Matuszek
Betsy Maxon
Bill Maxon
Kenneth Mayer
Rebecca Mayer
Stephanie Mayer
Russ Mayhew
Nancy McBride
David and Nancy F. McCahan
Katharine McCarten
Robin McCaughey
Sharon McCaughey
Barbara McClure and Candace D.
Jack and Sara McConnell
Norman McCulloch
Judith McDonnell and Wendy Baker
Frank McDowell
Frederick McDuff
Margaret Holland McDuff and
Michael McDuff
Maureen McGarry
Mary and Warren McGoldrick
James McGwin
Cheryl and William H. McKinnon
Philip and Elizabeth W. McMaster
Kyle McPherson
Audrey McQuade
Carol McQuade
Kaydi McQuade
Sean McQuade
John and Jo-Anne Mctighe
Peter McWalters
Allison Meardon
Rosemary Mede and Thomas D.
Jeffrey Medeiros
Marjorie Medeiros
Timothy Melia
James Mello
Carole Melucci
Lisa Menard
Barbara Menhart
Osto Mercer
Roland Merchant
Anthony and Doreen E. Mercurio
Katie Merithew
Bob Messinger
Theresa Metz
Catherine Meunier
Edward Miccolis
Dennis Michaud
Diane Micheroni
Vinny Micheroni
Russel and Beth Paul Milham
Don Miller
Ellen Miller
Mike and Linda Miller
Virginia Miller
Jonathan Milliran
Pleshette Mitchell
Jean Mollicone
James Musgrave and Lisa Mickley
Pauline and Andrew S. Namerow
Bethany Napolillo
Eileen Naughton
George Nee and Ann Marie Sliney
Joseph Neil
Amanda and Stephen J. Nelson
Janet Nelson
Ronald Nelson
Joshua Neto
David Neves
Alcina Nickson
Domenic Nicolella
Meena Niranjan
Jane Nirschel
Paula Nirschel
Geraldine Noferi
Stephanie Norin
Cynthia Notarianni
Bogdan and Rita Nowak
Karen Nunes
Paul Nunes
Carol Ann O’Connell
Joseph O’Connell
Craig O’Connor
Sabra and William B. O’Hanley
James and Patricia O’Hara
Eleanor O’Neill
Katherine O’Neill
Richard and Barbara Kane O’Neill
Eileen O’Reilly
Lorraine O’Rourke
Nicklas Oldenburg
Kathy Oldrid
Bruce O’Reilly
Christopher O’Reilly
Patricia Orr
Eric Oulette
Charles Owens
Edwin Pacheco
Marie Palumbo-Hayes
Cathleen Paniccia
Alfred Pannone
Frank Pannozzi
Anthony and Louise Paolucci
Robert and Roger Parent
Michael Parenteau
Robert Parisi
Michelle Park
Robert Paulhus
Fred and Samra Pease
Althea Pedro
Stacy Pelissier
Sheila Pellegrini
Phyllis and Robert Pelletier
Constance Pemmerl
Alex Pendergrass
Geraldine Pereira
Jennifer Pereira
Valeska Perez
Elliot and Deborah Perlman
Richard and Deborah Perrotta
Lewis Perrotti
Judith Perry
Rhoda Perry
April Peters
David Peterson
Susan Peterson
Brian Petty
Donna Piasczyk
Stacy Piccolo
Ronald Picerne
Richard Pierce
Joann and Lawrence Pietraallo
Tom and Cathy Pietraszek
Kate Piette
Maria Pina
Renato Pinheiro
Patti Piva
Jane Planka
Kimberly Ploettner
Linda Plouffe
Lorraine Plourde
Sandra Poirier
Elizabeth Monahan
Gale Moniz
Janice Montanaro
Anthony Montecalvo
James Monti
F. Paul Mooney and Ms. Nancy Rogers
Jamie Moore
Mae Moore
Patricia Moran
Terrence Moran
Sofia Morel
Michael Moretti and Mel Baker
Janice and Dennis Morgan
Roberta and Jeffrey D. Morgenstern
Richard Morin
Ainsley Morisseau
Greg Morrison
Jone Morrison
Paula Morrison
Scott Mueller
Brandon Mugerian and Jonathan
Michael Mullane
Brian Mulligan
Mary Monroe
Mark and Carol Muradian
Brenda Murphy
Richard Murphy
Terrence Murray
Jennifer Polan
Jonathan Pollack
John Ponte
Katie Porter and Michael Esposito
Barbara Portney
Ann Porto
Ralph and Maria Posner
Richard Potenza
M. Potthoff
Laura Pouliot
Martha Powers
Jason Preciphs
Maria Pree
Rose Preston
Philip Price
Bryan and Sheryl A. Principe
Yoram Puius
Marcia and Edward J. Quigley
Kristin Quinn
Mary Quinn-Goldstein
Joshua Quintin
Sharon Quirk
Kevin and Lee Rabbitt
Lynne Radiches
Debra Radigan
Steve Rainone
Aditya Raju
Henry and Katherine S. Randall
Margaret Rankin
Barbara Raposa
Donald Rapoza
Sara Rapport
Nirandone Ratsonbath
Freeda Rawson
Daniel and Elizabeth Reardon
Lisa Reid
Jacquiline Reilli
James and Madeline Reilly
Diana and George Reis
Lisa Remington
Jenny Remka
Marc Rene
Sharon and Richard Reniere
Jacqueline Reyes
Elizabeth Reynolds
Brenden Rheaume
Jeanne and Ernest Rheaume
Linda and John S. Ribezzo
Libby Ricci
Josiah Rich and Patricia C. Henry
Charlotte Richard
Craig Richardson and Sarah
Beinecke Richardson
Michaele Richter
Ray Rickman
James Ritzus
Carmen Rivera
Carol Rivers
Philip Rivers
Arthur Robbins
Adam Robitaille and Kimberly
A. Quental
John Roccabello
Micheal Rocchio
Therese Rochon
Diane Rodriguez
Luis Rodriguez
Waldy Rodriguez
Wilfredo Rodriquez
Felix Rodriquiz
Joseph Rogers
Margaret Rogers
Matthew and Heather Roman
Michael and E.B. Romano
Ben Rooks
Kenneth Rose
Samantha Rosental
Heather Ross and Ndumba
J. Kamwanyah
Malvern and Eleanor M. Ross
Christopher Rossi
David Roy
Doreen Roy
Gary Roy
Heidi Roynestad
Marilyn Rubin
Mathilda Rudnicki
Janice Ruggieri
Deborah Ruggiero
John Rumery
Mary and Robert D. Rupert
Kelly Ryan
Robert Ryan
William Ryan
Joseph Sabetta
Linda Sable
Barbara and Paul R. Saccoccio
Alicia Sacilotto
Herbert Sackett
Jane Sackett
Julie Sacks
Alanna Sadoff
Erica Saladino
June Sale Massey
Joseph Salvatore
Christine Samek
Anne Mimi Sammis
Ray Sander
Daniel Sanpietro
Carmen Santiago
Nikki Santos
Kathleen Santurri
Craig Sardinha
Kristen Sardinna
Jeanne Sherman
Christina Shoppell
Christine Sieberg
Joseph Siegel
Laura Silberferb
Joseph Silver and Kayla Boss
Michael Silver
Paul Silver and Katherine C. Haspel
Berthold Silverberg
Fredric Silverblatt
Michael Silva
Scott Simmons
Karen and Glen Simpson
Stephen Skoly
Gail Skowron
Dameian Slocum
Elaine Slom
A. Michael Slosberg
Charles Smith and Maria J. Casimiro
Courtney Smith
Eric and Margaret H. Smith
Jean Smith
Joyia Smith
Matthew Smith
Natasha Smith
Richard Smith and Kathryn D.
Susan Smith
Suzanne and Richard Smith
William Smith
Judy Smith Deperla
Jayne Soares
Andrea Soares-Hirst
Rafael Solis
Donald and Etta Solomon
Frank Sorel
Erica Soscia
Michael Sousa
Dianna Southiseng
Joanna Southiseng
Cynthia Spakes
Brenda Spaziano
Bill Spicer
Sandra St. Jean
Erica and Tony Stackhouse
Richard and Mary K. Staples
Dennis Stark and Robert F. Amarantes
Audrey Stein
Myriam Stettler
Harriet Stitch
Norma Stone
Anson and Marilyn Stookey
Jesse Stout
Connie Strychasz
Nguyen Stump
Jose Suazo
Elizabeth Suever
Charles Sullivan and Paul M. Brooks
Karen Sullivan
Murali Sundaram
Irene Supinski
Donald Sweitzer
Mary Swift
Joseph Sylvia
Susan Symonds
William Tabor and Susan Swain
Brian Tarbox
Karen Tashima and Evan Kaiser
Kenneth Tasho
Jessica Tate
Paul and Norma D. Taubman
Eunice Tavares
Zelimna Tavares
Lynne Taylor
Maura and Jeffrey J. Taylor
Bud Tessier
Phyllis Teton
Robert Tetreault
Robert Tevyaw
Jeremy Thayer
Elaine Thomas
Wilfred Thomas
Frederick and Susan C. Thorne
Barbara Thurman
Debbie Tiberi
Diane Sarro
Joyce and Dale E. Sasse
Timothy Savoie
Lucille and Kenneth N. Scanlan
Sandra Schaffer
Deborah Scheel
Marguerite Schnepel and
Mr. Paul R. Evans
Matthew and Jane M. Schondek
Douglas Schultheis
Walter Scorobogaty
Allen Scott
Nancy Seale
Mary Searle
Cathy Sears
Michael Seebeck
Lynn Sexton
Robert and Kitty Shadd
Milid Shah
Jonathan Shank
Denise Shapiro and Martin C. Nager
Henry and Julia Sharpe
Judith Shaw
Myra Shays
Brenton Sheehan
Aviron Shemtov
Diane Shemtov
R. Sheridan and Constance Howes
Steve Tingle
David Tinsley
Debbie Tobias
Ryan Todd
Allan Tomaselli
Christine Tompkins
Kate Tompkins
Joann Torem
Alison Townsend
Christine Townsend
Joan Tracey
Harriet and Charles L. Traugott
Thomas Trimble
Diane Troiani
Nicole Troxell
Timothy Turner
Joan Tusino
Susan Twidle
Christopher Utter
Jessica Vadenais
Deborah Valletta
Susan Van Horne
Mark and Julie Van Noppen
Elsbeth Vandertogt
Martha Vanzuiden
Americo Vargas
Elise Varkonyi
Jennifer Vaudrain
Barbara and Jeffrey S. Vecoli
Katherine and Gregory Velander
Stephanie Vendetti
Alfred and Geraldine Verrecchia
Barbara Verros
Shannyn Viceutc
Caroline Viera
Jonathan Vincent
Henry Violet
Anne Marie Vittoria
Robert and Jacqueline Waddington
Iris Waite
D. Wald
Michael Waldeck
Ellis and Deborah Waldman
Lisa Walker
John and Mary S. Wall
Mary Wall Coe Daly
Sean Walsh
Kilah Walters
Marianne and Francis Warren
Rhoda and Jerome M. Wasserman
Karen Weavill
Paul Weigle
Alexander Weintraub
Joseph Weisberger
Matthew Weldon
Stephen Wellmeier and Anne T.
Melvin Ray and Lynne F. Wertz, Jr.
Latoya Wheeler
Christopher Whirlow
Cliff White
Laura Wild
Wendell and Dianne Wilkie
Karen Williams
Maryann Williams
Nancy Williams
Mary Williamson
Lucinda Wilmot
J. Robert Wilson
Loretta Winde
Kevin Wollschlager
Elena Wong
Elizabeth and Brian D. Woodhead
James Worrell
Richard Worrell
Erin Wright
Gregary Wright
Shirley Wright
Al Wroblewski and Maria L. Loring
Robert Wroblewski
Patricia Ybarra
John Yep
Luke Yeransian
Myrth York and David B. Green
Richard York
Bonnye Young
Crystal Young
Donald Young
Gerald Young
Martha Young
Mimi Young
Neil Young
Michael Zamojski
Rene Ziegler
Nancy and Lawrence L. Zeppa
Linda Zoglio
Paul Zompa and David Mancini
Joan Zuerner
Family Service of Rhode Island
Main Administrative Office:
134 Thurbers Avenue
telephone: 401 331-1350
Mailing address:
PO Box 6688
Providence, RI 02940-6688
AIDS Project RI
(a division of Family Service of RI)
404 Wickenden Street
Providence, RI 02903
telephone: 401-831-5522
Mount Pleasant Academy
(a division of Family Service of RI)
1246 Chalkstone Ave.
Providence, RI 02908
telephone: 401-521-4335
Outpatient Services:
55 Hope Street
Lafayette Mills Unit 13
650 Ten Rod Road
North Kingstown
Westerly High School
Additional facilities in
Smithfield, North Smithfield,
Bristol, and East Providence.
James M. Bower
Malcolm Farmer, III
Jon Duffy
Christine Ferguson
CEO Advisory Committee
All members are volunteers
William F. Hatfield
Vice President
Susan Johnson
William Allen
Mary McGoldrick
Elizabeth Dennigan
Robert S. Waddington
Edwin Pacheco
Jill Goldstein
Constance Pemmerl
Nellie Gorbea
Jason Preciphs
Elizabeth B. MacGillivray
Joan J.Hertel
Family Service of Rhode Island
PO Box 6688
Providence, RI 02940-6688
telephone 401 331-1350
Margaret Holland McDuff
Chief Executive Officer
Board of Directors
All members are volunteers
Christopher J. Crosby
Josh Rosenthal
Jay Orson
Marisa Albanese
William E. Smith
Philip Rivers
James Arnold
Julia Steiny
Marguerite Schnepel
Allan (Sandy) Ballou
Anson G.P. Stookey
Maxine Shavers
Gale Bay
Robert Vincent
Stephen Zito
Curt G. Beckwith
Raymond Watson
Melvoid J. Benson
Jeffery Williams
William Wray