GTCC Graduation Packet Instructions - Support


GTCC Graduation Packet Instructions - Support
GTCC Graduation Packet Instructions
The pages of this packet provide information you need to prepare for graduation.
Please follow these instructions:
Print all of the pages of the Graduation Packet.
Schedule a meeting with your Assigned Faculty Coach or Student Success Specialist for
your Graduation Audit. If unable to meet with your Assigned Faculty Coach, contact your
Program Director or Department Chair.
o Take your Application for Graduation to your Graduation Audit meeting.
 Your Faculty Coach, Program Director, Department Chair or Student Success Specialist
 Print/review/audit your degree program plan (Academic Evaluation/EVAL)
 Make sure you have met all of the requirements and criteria for graduation
 Sign your Application for Graduation
After completion of your Graduation Audit go to the Cashier's Office to pay your $35.00
Graduation Fee.
o Second Award (Degree/Diploma) fee is $10.00
*Additional Application Required
o Duplicate Award (Degree/Diploma) fee is $10.00
o Reapplication fee for Graduation is $10.00 after one year.
o Be sure to keep your receipt. (You will need it when you turn in your Application for
Graduation and to pick up your cap and gown.)
Complete the online GTCC Graduate Survey.
o Go to Student Voice and Complete the Survey.
If you had a Federal Stafford Loan(s) at any point while attending GTCC, you are required
to complete an online Financial Aid Federal Stafford Loan Exit Counseling Session.
o Information about this Stafford Loan requirement is included on Page 6 of this packet.
Turn in your Application for Graduation and all the required paperwork to the Records Office
on the Jamestown Campus (Medlin Campus Center, 2nd Floor, Enrollment Services front counter)
or to the Student Success Center on the Greensboro, High Point, Aviation, or Cameron Campus.
Turn in all of the following:
o Application for Graduation, signed by you and your Faculty Coach, Program Director,
Department Chair or Student Success Specialist
o Program Evaluation/EVAL
o Show your Payment Receipt for the $35 Graduation Fee
 Your Graduation Application will be marked paid
 Your Graduation Fee Receipt will be given back to you to be used to pick up your cap and
Included in this Graduation Packet:
 Application for Graduation
 Graduation Checklist; Q & A for Graduating Students
 Federal Stafford Loan Exit Counseling information
 Cap & Gown ordering information, Grad Fair details; Graduation Photography information
 Graduate Survey information
 Commencement Instructions (including dates, times and map)
If you have any questions about graduation, please contact the Jamestown Campus Records Office
or the Greensboro, High Point, Aviation, or Cameron Campus Student Success Center.
Thank You & Congratulations!
PO Box 309 • Jamestown, NC 27282 • 336/334-4822 or 336/454-1126 • TTY 336/841-2158
Application for Graduation
Please print. Complete entire form.
Legal name only. No nicknames, etc. Name must match school records.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Maiden Name (if applicable)
Address: ___________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: ________
Zip: ________________ GTCC Email: ______________________________________________
Personal Email: _________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________
If you wish your Permanent Record to be updated in accordance with the name and address on this application, please submit a
“Change of Address/Telephone Number Form” and/or a “Name Change Form” if your name is different than what is in the system.
These forms are available from the GTCC website, the Jamestown Campus Enrollment Services front counter, 2nd Floor, Medlin
Campus Center, or the Student Success Center at other GTCC campuses.
Student ID #: ______________________
Telephone(s): Home: (
Are you a PTK* Honors Member? _____Yes _____ No
) _________________ Business: (
) _________________ Cell: (
) __________________
If you received a Federal Stafford Loan while attending GTCC, you MUST complete the online Exit
Counseling at For further information contact the Enrollment
Services Office.
Please check the appropriate response: Yes_____ I received a loan; No_____ I did not have a loan.
Please Check the Following
I am applying for:
( ) Degree (Two-Year)
( ) Diploma (One-Year)
2nd Award
( ) Degree
( ) Diploma
( ) Degree
( ) Degree
( ) Diploma
( ) Diploma
( ) Reapplication Degree/Diploma
After payment of the Graduation Fee at the Cashier’s Office, this form must be returned to the Jamestown Campus Enrollment
Services front counter or to the Student Success Center at another GTCC campus in order to graduate.
Are you participating in the graduation ceremony? ____Yes ____No I am obtaining my diploma in (program
name): _____________________________________________________. Indicate the anticipated semester and
year your program is to be completed: ( ) Fall _______ ( ) Spring _______ ( ) Summer _______
I hereby apply to graduate from Guilford Technical Community College in the Degree Program listed above. I understand that I must complete all
requirements pertaining to my Degree Program as specified by the catalog. I understand and have read all instructions and deadlines contained
within the GTCC Graduation Packet. Furthermore, I understand that I must complete a graduation audit with my Assigned Faculty Coach,
Program Director, Program Department Chair or Student Success Specialist.* I must pay a non-refundable graduation fee at the Cashier's Office
and return the receipt along with the Application for Graduation to the Records Office on the Jamestown Campus, or to the Student Success
Center on the Greensboro, High Point, Aviation, or Cameron Campus.
*If you are a Phi Theta Kappa (PTK-Honors Society) member please indicate by checking "yes" above.
Please check your Titan Live email account for graduation information and updates.
Signature of Applicant
*Signature of Assigned Faculty Coach, Program
Department Chair, Student Success Specialist or
Program Director
Printed Name of Assigned Faculty Coach, Program
Department Chair, Student Success Specialist or
Program Director
Your Graduation Application is not official until a final review has been completed by the Records Office.
You will be contacted by phone or email if there are any issues or concerns about your graduation status.
Graduation Payment Received
Staff Initials:
Val. No.:
IASU: (C) _____________________
(HS) _________________________
PERC: ________________________
Prog. Code: ____________________
DOD Entry: ___________________
Appl. Entry: ___________________
Deleted: ______________________
GPA: ________________________
Grad. Date: ____________________
Revised 8/19
GTCC Graduation Checklist
Fall 2016, Spring 2017 & Summer 2017 Graduates
(Grad application deadline 10/31/16) (Grad application deadline 3/31/17)
(Grad application deadline 7/13/17)
The deadline to apply for participation in the May 2017 GTCC Commencement Ceremony is March 31, 2017.
Are you ready to Graduate?
If so, you must complete the following steps to meet eligibility determination requirements for graduation.
___ 1.
Print a Graduation Packet
___ 2.
Verify your Active Program Plan. Please verify that your active program in WebAdvisor is the correct program that
you should be in.
___ 3.
Meet with your Assigned Faculty Coach, Program Director, Program Department Chair or Student Success
Specialist for your Graduation Audit to determine if you are eligible to graduate. The Graduation Audit and
Graduation Application deadline is October 31, 2016 (if a Fall graduate); March 31, 2017 (if a Spring graduate); July
13, 2017 (if a Summer graduate). Degree program plans (Academic Evaluation/EVAL) will be printed by your
Faculty Coach, Program Director, Program Department Chair or Student Success Specialist. Take your
Application for Graduation to your Graduation Audit. It must be signed by your Faculty Coach, Program Director,
Program Department Chair or Student Success Specialist.
___ 4.
After your Graduation Audit pay your $35.00 Graduation Fee ($10.00 if reapplying after one year) to one of the
following: Jamestown Campus Cashier (Medlin Campus Center, 2nd Floor), Greensboro Campus Cashier (CEC
Bldg, Rm 136), or High Point Campus Cashier (H2 Bldg). Keep your Graduation Fee payment receipt. You will
need to show proof of payment of the Graduation Fee when you turn in your Application for Graduation, and when you
pick up your Cap & Gown at the Bookstore. See the Bookstore Grad Flyer for further information.
___ 5.
Order your Cap and Gown online at:
___ 6.
Turn in your completed and signed Application for Graduation, EVAL & Graduation Fee Payment Receipt to the
Records Office on the Jamestown Campus, or the Student Success Center on the Greensboro, High Point, Aviation, or
Cameron Campus, after paying your Graduation Fee. March 31, 2017 is the Application Deadline for participation in
the May 2017 Commencement Ceremony.
 Turn in: Application for Graduation (signed by your Assigned Faculty Coach, Program Director, Program
Department Chair or Student Success Specialist), Academic Evaluation/EVAL; and Graduation Fee payment
___ 7.
Complete the Graduation Survey online at:
___ 8.
If you were given permission to take course(s) at another college to complete your graduation requirements, you
must notify the Records Office/Registrar, and all course work must be completed and final grades submitted to
the Records Office/Registrar no later than December 12, 2016, for Fall graduates; by May 8, 2017, for Spring
graduates; and by July 28, 2017, for Summer graduates.
___ 9.
If you had a Stafford Loan while attending GTCC you must complete a mandatory Financial Aid Federal
Stafford Loan Exit Counseling Session at
___10. You will be notified by Titan Live email if there are any questions pertaining to your Graduation Audit. Graduation
information updates and reminders will also be sent to your Titan Live email. Check your Titan Live email regularly!
___11. Plan to attend Graduation and bring your family and friends! The 2017 GTCC Commencement Ceremony is
scheduled for May 11, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., at the Greensboro Coliseum.
If you have an address change, please remember to request the GTCC Records Office
to update the information on your Graduation Application so your address can be updated.
Please contact the Records Office at (336) 334-4822 if you have questions or need assistance.
Q uestions & A nswers
for GTCC Students Graduating
in Fall 2016, Spring 2017 & Summer 2017
When do I apply for graduation?
The deadlines for filing are: Fall graduates: October 31, 2016; Spring graduates: March 31, 2017 (potential
Summer graduates may participate in the graduation ceremony [walk], if they apply by March 31); Summer
graduates not walking: July 13, 2017.
When is the GTCC 2017 Commencement Ceremony?
Date: May 11, 2017 Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Greensboro Coliseum
How do I get ready for graduation?
Begin by printing the online Graduation Packet
How can I be sure I am ready to graduate?
Print your Application for Graduation. Schedule a meeting with your Assigned Faculty Coach or Student Success
Specialist for your Graduation Audit. If unable to meet with your Assigned Faculty Coach, contact your Program
Director or Department Chair. To determine your eligibility to graduate:
Your Faculty Coach, Department Chair, Program Director or Student Success Specialist will print your Program
If you have taken courses for your program that are not listed in your Program Evaluation, a Course Substitution may
be allowed.
Your Program Evaluation (EVAL) must be reviewed and signed by your Assigned Faculty Coach, Program
Director, Department Chair, or Student Success Specialist and must be turned in with your Application for
Graduation to the Records Office on the Jamestown Campus (Medlin Campus Center, 2 nd Floor, Enrollment Services
front counter) or to the Student Success Center on the Greensboro, High Point, Aviation, or Cameron Campus.
What if I am taking a course at another college to complete my course work for graduation?
You must take your last semester of course work before graduation at GTCC. Courses taken at another college, with
prior approval from your Division Chair, may be used to meet graduation requirements. It is your responsibility
to make sure that your official transcripts are received at GTCC by December 12, 2016, for Fall graduates; by May 8,
2017, for Spring graduates; and by July 28, 2017, for Summer graduates.
Is there a fee for graduation? If I do not attend the commencement ceremony, do I still pay?
Yes. A $35.00 Graduation Fee is due when you apply to graduate. Second Award (Degree/Diploma) fee is $10.00.
*Additional Application Required. Duplicate Award (Degree/Diploma) fee is $10.00. This is a standard fee established
by the GTCC Board of Trustees and assessed to all graduating students (including those students who do not
participate in the ceremony). The fee includes processing costs, printing, and the cost of your cap and gown. You are
entitled to a cap and gown even if you are unable to attend commencement. Payments are to be made to the Cashier at
the Jamestown, High Point, or Greensboro campus. Please present your receipt for verification of payment when you
turn in your Application for Graduation.
Is there a fee to reapply for graduation?
Yes, there is a $10.00 reapplication fee after one year.
Where do I get a cap and gown?
Order your cap and gown online by March 31, 2017, at You may pick
up your cap and gown at the Bookstore Grad Fair, Thursday, April 27, 2017, and Friday, April 28, 2017, or any
time afterwards through May 10, 2017. See the GTCC Bookstore Grad Fair flyer for times. You must present your
paid graduation receipt when you claim your cap and gown.
How do I get my diploma?
Spring graduates may pick up their diploma at the Jamestown Campus Records Office beginning May 15, 2017.
Diplomas for Fall and Summer graduates may be picked up after grades are confirmed and graduation audits are
completed. Fall and Summer students will be notified by Titan Live Email when their diplomas are available for pick
What else should I know about graduation?
You will be notified by GTCC email if there are any questions about your graduation audit, as well as graduation
information updates and reminders.
Please contact the Records Office at (336) 334-4822 if you have any questions or concerns.
Attention all 2017 Graduates
Financial Aid
Federal Stafford Loan
Exit Counseling
All graduating students who have had a Federal Stafford Loan, at any
point while attending GTCC, are REQUIRED to complete an Online
Exit Counseling session.
If you received a Stafford Loan at GTCC go to:
to do your exit counseling.
You must have your Federal PIN (personal identification number) to
complete the session.
Failure to complete Stafford Loan Exit Counseling may prevent you
from participating in the graduation ceremony, getting your diploma
and/or receiving an official transcript .
Order Your Cap and Gown Online
from now through March 31, 2017
Provide your height and weight and all of the other information
requested on the Cap and Gown web-order page. Two-year degree and
one-year diploma graduates wear green.
Pay your Graduation Fee at the Cashier ’s Office on your campus.
Pick up your order at the J amestown Campus Bookstore. It will
be available for pick up April 27 through May 10, 2017.
 Bring your paid Graduation Fee receipt to pick up your
Cap and Gown.
Attend the
at the
April 27 or 28
Jamestown Campus Bookstore!
April 27 & 28, 2017
Jamestown Campus Bookstore
Location: Medlin Campus Center, 1 st Floor
Thursday, 4/27, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday, 4/28, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Pick up your Cap and Gown order at the Bookstore
April 27 to May 10
Cap and Gown orders are to be placed online at
Two-year degree graduates wear green.
One-year diploma graduates wear silver.
GTCC Graduation Announcements
may be purchased in the Bookstore
or online: beginning in October 2016
The GTCC Class Ring vendor, Balfour and Herff Jones,
will be on campus in the spring to assist with class ring selection
Diploma Frames & Alumni Gifts!
Be sure to see the Bookstore’s selection!
Graduation Photography
GradImages is the official GTCC graduation photographer. Grad Images
will take photographs of each graduate during the ceremony. Proofs of
the photos will be sent to your home address with several options for you
to purchase.
GradImages Customer Service:
Phone: 1-800-261-2576
GTCC Graduate Survey
Use the link below to complete the graduate survey online.
Please use the following browsers.
Click here for: “Graduate Survey”
or go to
If you use the Graduate Survey online link
you will see a print page option at the end of the survey,
so that you can keep a copy, if you want one.
Thank you for taking time to complete the Graduate Survey.
Your feedback will help us improve college-wide services.
Diploma and Degree Graduates
You are invited and encouraged to participate in this important Graduation Exercise,
which is held in honor of all 2017 graduates of GTCC.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Greensboro Coliseum
Commencement Rehearsal ................................ 1:30 p.m.
Commencement Line-Up ................................... 6:00 p.m.
Commencement............................................... 7:00 p.m.
Obtaining Caps and Gowns: (Please see cap and gown informational handout for ordering
information. ( Your cap and gown are yours to keep.
There will be a Grad Fair, Thursday, April 27 & Friday, April 28, 2017, at the Jamestown Campus Bookstore.
Representatives from the GTCC Campus Bookstore and Herff Jones will be available to help you with caps, gowns, rings,
invitations, and diploma frames. You must have your paid Graduation Fee receipt to pick up your cap and
gown. If you are unable to attend the Grad Fair you may pick up your cap and gown at the Jamestown Campus
Bookstore during regular business hours:
April 27 - May 10, 2017
Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. & Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Please open your regalia packet to see that it contains a cap, gown, and tassel. If your name is not on the graduate cap
and gown pick-up list, you will need to go to Jamestown Campus Enrollment Services (Medlin Campus Center, 2nd floor).
Note: To all graduates with a 3.5 GPA or higher program average. Diploma and degree graduates who have attained a 3.5 GPA or higher
program average will wear a GOLD tassel to designate their academic achievement. The gold tassels will be exchanged for your
green or gray tassels at the 6 p.m. lineup. A department representative from your program will have a definitive list of graduates who
are eligible for a gold tassel. They will distribute the gold tassels in exchange for the green or gray ones.
Students who do not meet the requirements for graduation and have paid the $35.00 non-refundable graduation fee
should pick-up their cap and gown to use when they meet their graduation requirements. All caps and gowns should be
picked-up by Wednesday, May 10, 2017.
Parking: Parking is free for you and any guests. A parking pass is not required but please have your guests tell the
parking staff that they are attending the GTCC graduation. Please advise your guests to arrive early enough to take
advantage of the free coliseum parking.
Rehearsal for Graduation: Rehearsal will begin promptly at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, May 11 at the
Greensboro Coliseum. Enter the coliseum building from the parking lot by either the main or side ramp. Proceed
through the lobby and enter the main coliseum arena through the doorway on the far right. Follow the concourse around
to section 117 and go down the stairs. Enter the lower arena through either set of doors and proceed down the hallway
to the coliseum arena floor. Please take a seat in front of stage. Rehearsal takes approximately one hour.
Graduation Line-Up: All graduates will report for line-up no later than 6:00 p.m. with full graduation attire. The
line-up is to be completed by 6:30 p.m. The formal processional will begin at 7:00 p.m. ALL GRADUATES AND
Please line up with the department that you choose to walk with.
Guests: Graduates may invite unlimited guests. Invitations are available for purchase in the bookstore. There will
be adequate seating at the Greensboro Coliseum. The formal program alone is approximately two hours in length;
therefore it may be inappropriate to bring small children. If you or any of your guests have a disability and need
accommodations, please notify Kent Cowan at 336/334-4822 extension 50113 as soon as possible.
Balloons: The Coliseum does not allow balloons in the arena. Please inform your guests that they will not be
allowed to bring balloons into the coliseum.
Dress: Women should wear a simple white or dark dress or dress slacks (no jeans, please) and dark or black
shoes with low or medium heels. Avoid wearing bright colored clothing, shoes, earrings or other costume jewelry. Men
should wear dark pants (no jeans, please) and dark shoes. If your gown is wrinkled, either hang it in a place where
steam is generated (e.g., a shower stall) or press it with an iron at a LUKE WARM setting.
Caps: Graduates will wear their caps in the academic procession and throughout the ceremony.
Tassels: Graduates are to wear the tassels on the right front side before degrees are conferred. Graduates will
reposition them to the left side in unison on cue from Dr. Parker after degrees are conferred.
Travel Time: To attend rehearsal at 1:30 p.m. and lineup at 6:00 p.m., graduates living some distance away should
allow enough travel time. The coliseum doors open for guests at 5:30 p.m.
Diplomas Pick-up: Graduates will receive a blank diploma cover when they cross the stage. Graduates may pickup their diploma at the Jamestown Campus Enrollment Services counter in the Medlin Campus Center building (2nd Floor)
beginning May 15, 2017.
Photos: Grad Images will take photographs of each graduate during the ceremony. Proofs of the photos will be sent
to your home address with several options for you to purchase.
Our very best wishes are with each and every graduate.
We congratulate you on your accomplishments! Thank you for attending GTCC.