Senior Edition - AFNORTH International School


Senior Edition - AFNORTH International School
AFNORTH International School
Ferd. Bolstraat 1
6445 EE Brunssum
031 (0)45 527 8201/8391
April 29 2016
Periodic Publication
Special Edition
With the month of May literally just around the corner we are definitely now on the homestretch of this
school year. In just a little more than one month from now our Grade 12 students will be celebrating their
graduation. The month of May promises to be an extremely busy and exciting one, with students working
hard to complete major summative assignments, finishing up their online courses and exams, and studying for final exams (which begin on May 30). On top of all that, we have several students who are playing
key roles on our school’s sports teams, including soccer, softball and baseball teams. As well, the Change
the World Film festival is coming up on May 12, Hockey for Hope, and the culmination of the school year,
Graduation on Friday, June 10.
It is important at this time of the school year, with the finish line is sight, to stay focused, pay attention to
deadlines, and do not let up on schoolwork. We need to encourage each other to stay positive and help
each other to finish as strongly as we can. I think it is safe to say that every one of our high school students
will have work to do outside of school hours, with most courses including some form of summative project
in the final weeks of the school year. If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of your son
or daughter’s academic progress or program, please contact their teacher or me. We want to make sure
that expectations are clear and that students are supported at school and at home during this crucial time
in the school year.
I would like to take this opportunity before the end of year activities begin to say how much I enjoy working with the students and families of our AFNorth Canadian High School. We should be proud of the supportive and inclusive community we have created together. And ultimately it is our students who make
this all happen. A vibrant international community has developed in our “Canadian” school because our
students have embraced the opportunity to befriend and support one another, as well as appreciate the
unique aspects of culture, language and background that each individual has to offer. AMAZING!
To our graduating class I simply say that though there is still much to accomplish and complete here in
high school - you are ready! This is a fine group of young adults who are literally heading in many directions after June. I feel very fortunate for this opportunity to work with you through this year, and in many
cases last year too. I am confident that you will do well. Thank you all for everything you have contributed to our school. It is safe to say that your teachers and your parents and guardians are proud of your accomplishments as you approach this milestone in your lives.
We have a bit more than a month left in our school year. At any point, if you have any questions or concerns about any matter related to school progress, planning for next year, activity or events don’t hesitate
to give me a call or send me an email.
Below is the Canadian High School final examination schedule. Please note that there is only one exam
each day. The examination time period for each class has been set to take one half of a school day (either
all morning or all afternoon). During the other half of those examination days students will attend either
their other two morning or afternoon classes. As always, if you have any questions about the exams or
exam timetable please get in touch.
Brian Quinn
Guidance Counsellor
Mon 30 May
Tue 31 May
Wed 1 Jun
Thu 2 Jun
Fri 3 June
Our high school students had a fabulous day in Den Haag earlier this week and even managed a surprise
visit with the Canadian Ambassador to the Netherlands. As much as we enjoyed learning about history,
art, and automobiles, I think I can safely say that the highlight was just being able to spend a day together
as a section. The weather and the traffic left a bit to be desired, but it was nevertheless, a pleasure to get
out and spend the day with your children.
Our staffing process for the 2016/2017 school year is now complete and I would like to share what our staff
roster for next year will look like. Ms Belanger, Ms Hammond, Mr. Kuehn and Mr. & Mrs. Pettypiece will
all be heading back to Canada this summer. While we thank them for their dedication to our students for
the past two years, we also wish them the very best on their return to Canada. Tot ziens! In August we will
be welcoming our newest teachers to AFNORTH; Ms Joan Jay, Mr. Luc Lafleur, Ms Rebecca Lodwick, Ms
Maria Lunney and Mr. Stephen Thomas. I am very confident that they will be a wonderful addition to our
CDN MHS team.
As our section confers the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, we are inspected every two years by the Ontario Ministry of Education to make sure that we meet all the requirements of an Ontario school. Our most
recent inspection took place several weeks ago and I am happy to report that the process went well. Although I have not received the official report yet, the inspector noted that she “was impressed with both:
the level of knowledge and experience of professional teachers and staff as well as the self-regulation of the
students“. That does not come as a surprise to me and I know I am very fortunate to be here at AFNORTH.
It’s hard to believe, but we are now getting in to the final busy stretch of the school year. We will make
sure to keep you informed of everything that is going on, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you
have any questions or concerns.
Senior Prom @ Castle Limbricht—19:00
14 May
Pentecost—No School
16 May
Senior Exams
30 May—3 June
Baccalaureate Ceremony
2 June
Clearance Day
6 June
Canadian Maple Leaf Ceremony—9:00
6 June
International Awards Ceremony
7 June
Graduation Rehearsal at the school
8 June @ 16:00
Senior Tea (awards ceremony)
8 June @ 17:00
Graduation Rehearsal on site
10 June @ 11:30 (bus
leaves school)
Graduation & Reception @ Castle Hoensbroek
10 June @ 18:00
Last chance to buy a yearbook!
They are $75/€75 until we run out. Don’t
wait until it’s too late!
Order now with Ms. Taylor in B1.18!
Hoensbroek Castle (Dutch: Kasteel Hoensbroek) or Gebrook Castle (Dutch: Gebrookhoes) is one of the largest castles in the Netherlands. This imposing castle, surrounded by a moat, is known as 'the most lordly stronghold between Rhine and Meuse'. The oldest part of the castle, notably the tall round tower,
dates from around 1360, when it was built by Herman Hoen, though a predecessor
to the castle had already existed in the swamp (or Gebrook) the castle was located
in. This so-called motte-and-bailey dated from around 1225. In 1250 a fortified
manor was built on the location of the present castle. Because of its important strategical location in the Duchy of Brabant, located along important trading routes
to Maastricht, Aachen and Cologne, the castle was expanded in several phases, becoming the largest stronghold between the Meuse and the Rhine rivers. It contains
at least 67 halls, rooms and living quarters.
Kasteel Hoensbroek
Graduation Room
Reception Room