Registration Form - Content Malaysia Pitching Centre
Registration Form - Content Malaysia Pitching Centre
P 2 P 3 6 0 I N F O S H E E T P A G E T O - 2 0 1 6 P I T C H Brought to you by: Adapting Books and Ideas into Digital Media 7 - 8 May 2016 Hall D, MAEPS, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. Page to Pitch (P2P) competition will be held in conjunction with the 9th edition of the Kuala Lumpur Trade & Copyright Centre (KLTCC), in concurrent with the Kuala Lumpur International Book Fairs from 7th to 9th May 2016. Being the world’s first publishing to media pitch competition, it aims to open up opportunities and provides a platform for budding writers to publish their ideas and develop established writers and entrepreneurs’ IP into diverse digital media content. IDEA TO PUBLISHING CATEGORY 1 IDEA TO PUBLISHING BOOK TO DEVELOPMENT CATEGORY 2 BOOK TO DEVELOPMENT Animation, TV Series, Feature Film, Games PRIZES GETTING THERE IDEA TO PUBLISHING 2 CATEGORIES Register and Submit by: 15 APRIL 2016 Publishing Opportunity with Karangkraf Up to RM 50,000 in Value Prizes by Kota Buku RM 5000 - 1st Place RM 2000 - 2nd Place RM 1000 - 3rd Place International Marketing Opportunity P2P360 BOOK TO DEVELOPMENT Development Grant Opportunity with FINAS Up to RM 500,000 in Value Prizes by Kota Buku RM 5000 - 1st Place RM 2000 - 2nd Place RM 1000 - 3rd Place International Marketing Opportunity 1 R U L E S P2P360 A N D R E G U L A T I O N S 2 R U L E S P2P360 A N D R E G U L A T I O N S 3 R U L E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S ELIGIBLE CATEGORIES THE FINE DETAILS Drama Horror Realistic Saga Graphic Novel Humor Short Story Lifestyle Comics Magical Realism Thriller Detective Fable Mystery Music Kids Fantasy Science Fiction Adventure Others* ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Age 18 and above P2P360 WHAT QUALIFIES IDEA / BOOK summary (100 words Synopsis) Category 1 - Open to ASEAN Category 2 - Open to Malaysian Register before 15 April 2016 4 C A T E G O R Y 1 F O R M PAGE TO PITCH 360 - REGISTRATION FORM IDEA TO PUBLISHING CATEGORY Part 1 : Personal Details First name : Last name : Email Address : Mobile Phone : Company : Part 2 : Pitching Details Tell us briefly about yourself. What is your book idea? (In 100 words or less) What is the category or genre of your pitch? (Pick 1 or more) Drama Horror Realistic Saga Graphic Novel Humor Short Story Lifestyle Comics Magical Realism Thriller Detective Fable Mystery Music Kids Fantasy Science Fiction Adventure Others* *Others - Please Specify : What have you achieved in the past in regards to book publishing Please provide links to online contents featuring your idea (where applicable) P2P360 5 C A T E G O R Y 2 F O R M PAGE TO PITCH 360 - REGISTRATION FORM BOOK TO DEVELOPMENT CATEGORY Part 1 : Personal Details First name : Last name : Email Address : Mobile Phone : Company : Part 2 : Pitching Details Tell us briefly about yourself. Book Synopsis (In 100 words or less) What is the category or genre of your pitch? (Pick 1 or more) Drama Horror Realistic Saga Graphic Novel Humor Short Story Lifestyle Comics Magical Realism Thriller Detective Fable Mystery Music Kids Fantasy Science Fiction Adventure Others* *Others - Please Specify : Where did you publish your book? What is your achievement in regards to the published book? Please provide links to online contents featuring your idea (where applicable) P2P360 Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut C O L L A T E R A L S P A G E T O P I T C H 7 - 8 May 2016 Adapting Books and Ideas into Digital Media IDEA TO PUBLISHING BOOK TO DEVELOPMENT 2 CATEGORIES Register and Submit by: 15 APRIL 2016 Publishing Opportunity with Karangkraf Animation, TV Series, Feature Film, Games Development Grant Opportunity with FINAS Up to RM 50,000 in Value Up to RM 500,000 in Value Prizes by Kota Buku Prizes by Kota Buku RM 5000 - 1st Place RM 5000 - 1st Place RM 2000 - 2nd Place RM 1000 - 3rd Place International Marketing Opportunity RM 2000 - 2nd Place RM 1000 - 3rd Place International Marketing Opportunity Partners P2P360 Co-organizer Official Media 7