Backbone of the Company


Backbone of the Company
news | info | connect
EDITION 01/2013 | JAN - MAR 2013
210,532 13,021
Apr 2013
Jan 2013 Mar 2013
2,039 entrepreneurs
12,322 businesses
51,937 youth
2U School
786 schools
Operation Division:
Backbone of the Company
Chief Operation
In MYNIC, Operation Division acts as
a backbone to ensure stability of the
company. The division is divided into
two sections namely Registration &
Billing Department (RBD) and Outreach
Unit (OU) with specified objectives,
values of commitment and excellent
team work in delivering high quality
at the reasonable turn-around time. In
order to provide a high quality service,
the complaint management procedure
is designed to make sure any customer
complaint is dealt with efficiently,
fairly and effectively. The customer
satisfaction is a major competitive
advantage which can directly lead to
domain name growth.
Meanwhile, Outreach Unit (OU) is
mainly involved in the development
of .my communities’ online presence
through various outreach efforts such
as seminar and training workshop
throughout Malaysia.
For the year 2013, the OU is targeting
to surpass its’ 2012 achievements
in delivering Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) programs to the
entrepreneurs in SMEs, not only by
providing them with domain names
but assisting on their online presence
and business development.
The 2U-School Program will be
implemented on a bigger scale in the
year 2013. Apart from targeting more
schools to be equipped with edu.
my domain names, it is also planned
to incorporate new initiatives to be
included in the programme.
The new initiatives will concentrate on
MYNIC’s contribution to support the
national education blueprint which
emphasizes on the usage of ICT in
In addition to the specific 10th Malaysia
Plan programs mentioned above, the
OU is looking forward to add new
dimension to MYNIC’s CSR programs
and activities via engagement with
The focus will be primarily positioned
dynamic partners and collaborators to
and continuing the initiatives under the deliver sustainable results for the years
10th Malaysia Plan, namely the 1nita
to come.
and 2U-Schools programs.
All in, the 2013 outreach activities
For the 1nita initiative, the OU is
will reflect on the proposed
targeting a significant increase in terms outlined strategies which are aimed
of the participants’ turnout for 2013.
at positioning MYNIC’s brand,
As a first and second level support,
The Outreach team will continue carry encourages spirit of volunteerism and
RBD is responsible in handling
contributions to the needy.
customers’ enquiries with due care and on the efforts in empowering women
RBD is the department that running a
company core business by managing
the overall operations of the .my
domain name and give services that
used by millions of businesses and
customers every day. RBD is also
providing effective and efficient
services to all .my domain name
customers in .my registration and its
related services.
Now Known as
The new logo breathes a fresh spirit,
clean and easy to remember. The
casual typeface radiates youthfulness,
which will translate well into a wider
segment of the market.
MYNIC also please to announce
that .my DOMAIN REGISTRY will be
known simply as MYNIC, effective
In keeping up with the ever changing
market landscape and dynamics,
MYNIC Berhad recently unveiled its
new corporate image.
With the new vibrant image, MYNIC will
strive to provide world class and the
best services to the customers.
New logo (top)
and old (bottom)
.my events+activities
Resellers Meeting
MYNIC had organized few sessions of Reseller Regional
Meeting from February till March 2013 with the objective
to update Resellers on MYNIC 2013 Business Plan, 2012
achievements, marketing strategies, and collaborations
between MYNIC and Resellers. From this meeting the team
had gathered valuable ideas, comments and information
from Resellers to improve services to the public and
resellers as MYNIC partners in the domain name industry.
My Beautiful Malaysia
&1 Million Women 03 FEB
17 MAR
Purple Walk
On 3rd February 2013, the Ministry of Youth and Sports
Malaysia has embarked ‘My Beautiful Malaysia’ program
which involved over one million youth volunteers to carry
out voluntary activities in Malaysia.
MYNIC, as a government agency under the Ministry of
Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) participated
in the program which conducted at the Taman Botani
Perdana (Lake Garden), Kuala Lumpur.
Hackathon 2013
In conjunction with Inclusive Innovation for Transformation
organized by MOSTI, MYNIC is proud to conduct internal
MYNIC Hackathon 2013 on 5th February 2013. This
program is to encourage innovative and creative thinking
from all MYNIC employees. All the ideas has been
evaluated and presented to MYNIC Management on the
same day.
The objective of the event is to gather the best ideas and
proposals. In addition, the event managed to strengthen
the relationship and teamwork amongst employees.
There were seven groups formed to join the competition.
The management unanimously selected AppliLegal Unit as
a champion for the competition with their proposal titled
.my Content Bot.
On 17th March 2013, .my DOMAIN REGISTRY participated
in the 1Million Women Purple Walk in conjunction with
International Women’s Day held in Putrajaya, officiated
by Prime Minister YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. The
objective of the walk is to show solidarity towards the
Government’s commitment in empowering women in
Malaysia and to celebrate the success of Malaysian women
in various sectors.
EDITION 01/2013 | JAN - MAR 2013
MYNIC Town Hall
MYNIC had organized 1st Town Hall for 2013 on 25th
February 2013, in MYNIC Office. A few important agenda
have been discussed during the session such as the latest
update on the company’s KPI, budget and .my DOMAIN
REGISTRY’s Thrust 2013.
During the Town Hall, MYNIC Hackathon 2013 winners
received awards and compliments on the innovative ideas
contributed by the employees.
Ministerial Official Visit
CSR Program with
Yayasan Nur Karangkraf
As part of corporate social responsibility to the society,
MYNIC had donated RM50,000.00 to 4 different
organisations namely MERCY, MAKNA, PERNIM & Yayasan
Nur Karangkraf.
On 5th March 2013, MYNIC received a visit from Y.B.
Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili and
other MOSTI delegates, including YBhg. Dato’ Dr. Madinah
Mohamad, Secretary General; YBhg. Prof Datin Paduka Dr.
Khatijah Mohd Yusoff, Deputy Secretary General (Science),
and YBrs. Dr. Abdul Rahim Ahmad, Under Secretary of ICT
Policy Division.
The delegates are welcomed by MYNIC Board of Directors,
Senior Management Team and employees. During the
corporate visit, the delegates has been briefed on MYNIC
Key Performance Index, Business Plan 2013 and the
The YB Minister also highlighted to MYNIC that as a
MOSTI’s agency, it is vital to ensure the company’s
performance remains strong in the industry and that
the Ministry will give the full support to ensure MYNIC
The charity programs to MERCY Malaysia (The Malaysian
Medical Relief Society) & MAKNA (National Cancer Council)
was held on 4th & 7th January 2013 respectively. The
donation was represented by Chief Strategy Officer, YBrs.
Encik Talib Sabri Sulaiman to YBrs. Encik Ahmad Faezal
Mohammed, Executive Director of MERCY, while donation
to MAKNA was handed over by MYNIC Berhad’s Chief
Financial Officer, YBrs.Puan Norzaiton Senusi to YBrs. Puan
Farahida Mohd Farid, General Manager of MAKNA.
The charity program continues with donation to Pusat
Perlindungan PERNIM, a shelter which houses orphaned
children living with HIV and AIDS. The donation was
handed over by YBrs. Encik Talib Sabri Sulaiman to Mrs.
Norlina Alawi, founder of PERNIM.
Lastly MYNIC donated to Yayasan Nur Karangkraf Malaysia
a non-government organization established to protect the
interest of women, especially single mothers, women who
are abuse victims, women who faced problems to nurture
and provide education for their children. It also serves to
help women to get away from poverty.
The donation of RM50,000.00 was handed over by Chief
Operation Officer of MYNIC Berhad, YBrs. Puan Norsuzana
Harun to YBhg. Datuk Abd Jalil Ali, Deputy Chairman of
Yayasan Nur Karangkraf Malaysia.
MYNIC hopes that through this contribution, it will help
these organisations to better serve the society.
EDITION 01/2013 | JAN - MAR 2013
.my product
+603 8943 5510
+603 8943 0820
MYNIC Berhad
Youth Basic
.my package
26 years afer its inception as the sole
administrator for web addresses
ending with .my and it’s sub-levels
(,,,,, and, MYNIC
recently took the initiative to launch
Youth Basic.
Specially packaged for Malaysian youth
aged 18 to 45 years old, Youth Basic
offers a combination of website with
.my domain name for only RM50. .my
domain is consistently high in demand
due to it’s exclusivity compared to
other sub-levels and regularly priced at
RM120 per year.
Domain names for this package
must be registered under individual
registrant using their full name and
MyKad number. Through this product,
we are hopeful to get as many youth
in this country to be active in online
platform with various activities
including blogging, online business,
website development and others.
For interested youth, they
can visitwww.internet-web
order.php for registration.
.my announcement
.my updates
Appointment of New
MYNIC Board Member
Domain Name
Registration Progress
MYNIC Berhad officially appointed a
new BOD Member, YBrs. Dr. Mazalan
bin Kamis on 3rd January 2013. He
currently holds a position as Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) of Yayasan
Inovasi Malaysia (YIM). YBrs. Dr. Mazalan
received his PhD in Extension Education
specializing in Transformative Learning
from Universiti Putra Malaysia and a
M.Ed in Instructional Leadership from
University of Houston as well as a
Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics
from the University of Queensland,
In 2012 MYNIC had recorded a positive
growth for domain name with increase
to 208,936 a 44% improvement from
145,990 domain name sold in 2011. This
strong growth of domain names was
supported by efforts to improve and
provide diversify services to the public
such as launches of web mobile version,
new payment mode, domain name
payment status via SMS and website.
Promotions throughout 2012 also
contributed to the impressive and record
growth of the domain name sales.
MYNIC is ISO/IEC 27001:2005 ISMS certified company
EDITION 01/2013 | JAN - MAR 2013