Riverdeep Parent Information Guide
Riverdeep Parent Information Guide
Exploring Destination Math Courses I and II 1. Click on a Module P Exploring Destination Reading Courses I and II 1. Click a unit to begin a reading lesson feeredd 2. Choose a Unit 2. Choose a lesson to begin exploring Parents’ Guide to Riverdeep 3. Choose a Session to begin exploring Parent Exploration You may explore Destination Success by just logging in using your child’s username and password Courses III through Algebra 1. Choose Module 2. Choose Unit 3. Choose Session T=Tutorial 1,2,3=Questions RVDP Tech Support: 888.327.2906 or schoolsupport@riverdeep.net http://riverdeep.broward.k12.fl.us http://riverdeep.broward.k12.fl.us Destination Reading Courses Pop-up Blockers Most computers will automatically block Riverdeep pop-ups, returning you to the log in screen again and again. To temporally allow pop-ups – hold down the Ctrl key before clicking on Log In. To always allow Riverdeep pop-ups, you will only need to do this once. 1. Open Internet Explorer, click on Tools on the top toolbar 2. Choose Pop-up Blocker 3. Select Pop-up Blocker Settings 4. In the Address of Web site to allow box, type riverdeep.broward.k12.fl.us 5. Click Add 6. Click Close Plug-Ins Your Child’s Log In Username – student’s 10 digit ID # Password – student’s 4-digit school # Your Child’s Log In User Name – student’s 10 digit ID # Password – student’s 4-digit lunch # Course I: K-1 Course II: 2-3 Course III: 4-6 Course IV: 6-8 Course V: Pre-Algebra Mastering Algebra I – Courses I and II Course I: K-1 Course III: 4-6 Logging In to Riverdeep First: Open your web browser, usually Internet Explorer Next: Type the Riverdeep URL Destination Math Courses First Things First! Exciting news! Your child has access to Riverdeep’s Destination Math and Destination Reading programs both at school and at home through the internet. Your child now has additional learning opportunities to practice or review math and reading skills taught at school, or learn and apply new skills aligned to national and state standards. Riverdeep requires Macromedia Flash Player and Shockwave Player. Most of these programs are already on your computer. But, if need to install them, you may download them from the Riverdeep log in screen. Click the first button on the top of the log in screen, Resources, then select Plugins Course II: 2-3 Course IV: 6-8 My Tasks Your child’s assignments – assigned to him/her by the teacher(s) Click on the name of the assignment then GO to begin an assignment Exploration 1. Click Exploration 2. Click Launch by the course you desire