Behnke`s Nursery Fundraiser
Behnke`s Nursery Fundraiser
S T. J O H N T H E E VA N G E L I S T S C H O O L B e h n ke ’s N u r s e r y F u n d ra i s e r S A T U R D AY, M AY 3 RD vegetable plants potting soils annuals in bloom trees and shrubs mulch gardening tools Behnke’s Nursery, with locations in Beltsville and Potomac, is giving SJE School a fundraising day on Saturday, May 3rd. Behnke’s in Beltsville 11300 Baltimore Avenue Beltsville, MD 20705 301-937-1100 Behnke’s in Potomac 9545 River Road Potomac, MD 20854 301-983-9200 w w w. b e h n k e s . c o m All you need to do is present the flyer (on the back of this page) at the time of purchase and they will donate 10% of the proceeds to our school. Cut out one flyer for yourself and invite ALL your friends and family to use the other! T h a n k yo u fo r s u p p o r t i n g S J E ! PS: Remember, this flyer must be presented at the time of purchase on Saturday, May 3rd in order to have our school qualify for donation. Questions? Contact Patti Lalley at