Beyond the Horizon - MidAmerica Nazarene University
Beyond the Horizon - MidAmerica Nazarene University
Accent MidAmerica Nazarene University Beyond the Horizon MNU’s global influence lights the world. 17 Global Impact 14 Homecoming 2011 18 Can a small, Christian university in the Revisit the fun and flavor of the Midwest have a global impact? MNU celebration from barbecue to banquets, points of light span the globe. rock to big band, and football to fine arts. Fall 2011 From the President Table of Contents Dr. James H. Diehl While reading a book written by Dr. Donald S. Metz, MidAmerica Nazarene College — The Pioneer Years, I was intrigued with the chapter title, “Circling the Wagons.” Dr. Metz told of financial stress, student enrollment decline, and an apparent decline in morale on both the campus and the educational zone occurring in the early 1980s. The MNU Experience MNU student Steffani Burks conducts unique research I put the book down and asked out loud, “How current does that sound? Like 2011?” We have faced our current challenges before. The question is, “What do we do now to rise above them?” God has led me to several scriptural truths for MidAmerica Nazarene University for these specific days. One of those scriptures is from Isaiah 43:16-19, “Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea and a path through the mighty waters. Who brings forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power . . . Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” There are many powerful truths in this scriptural account, but allow me to share just two: 1) Don’t live life looking backward (or, don’t live your life looking in the rear view mirror!). Isaiah had just recounted the greatest miracle in Jewish history (the crossing of the Red Sea). Then his next words were “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.” Concerning our past at MNU, Isaiah would say, “Remember . . . rejoice . . . respect . . . then look forward!” 2) God has something fresh, something new ready to spring forth! “Behold, I will do a new thing (for you) . . . I will even make a road in the wilderness (for you), and rivers in the desert (for you).” I totally believe God is creating something fresh, something new for MNU and it is “A DAY OF NEW BEGINNINGS.” 2012 Passion to Serve →→ Many new spiritual victories will be won →→ A fresh, new vision will spring forth →→ Many more returning students have come and God has something fresh and new for them as well →→ New students have come to campus whose lives will be changed forever →→ In other words, our future is brighter than our past! I have attended five constituent forums in which everyone was given an opportunity to add input to the presidential search process. One question asked by our facilitator was, “What is good about MidAmerica Nazarene University?” For the sake of space, I have condensed the many answers down to eight. 1) Our Christian values 5) Quality relationships are formed here that last a lifetime 2) Servant Christian leadership is taught and modeled here 6) Our athletic teams are winners 3) The location (at the crossroads of America) 7) Our alumni have become national and international leaders 4) Our attractive campus 8) Our faculty, administrators, and staff are the best Because of these truths (and dozens more), I have become a believer. It is A DAY OF NEW BEGINNINGS! God is bringing forth something fresh and new at MNU. It is already happening! Become a believer with me! James H. Diehl Interim President Archives 2.0 04 Contributing Editor Kim (Suderman '05) Campbell Contributors April (Loomis '92) Hansen Rachel Phelps ('09) 02 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 Art and Design Josh Klekamp ('10) Kelly Lawler ('11) Photographers McKenzi Foster ('12) Jen Christenson ('07) Jim Smith Accent is published by MidAmerica Nazarene University and mailed free to alumni, friends and supporters of MNU. It is produced for University Advancement by the MNU Marketing and Communications Office. Postage is paid at Olathe, Kan., and additional mailing offices. News or comments: 08 The Marge Smith Archives modernized with Johnson County Grant 16 Why I Teach 10 Profile on marketing professor Lisa Wallentine Global Impact 14 MNU influences international organizations through its widespread alumni and students. We're Not [Just] in Kansas Anymore 21 17 Can a small Midwestern university have Global Impact? 25 Homecoming Photos 18 Pioneer Volleyball 21 Enjoying their best season ever Pioneers are No. 2 seed for tournament On The Cover MNU chaplain and vice president for community formation Dr. Randy Beckum, with current MNU students on the campus mall at night. Their lights represent the lives of MNU alumni and students across the globe. Of Note 24 Alumni receive accolades Find us online at Volume 35, Number 2 Managing Editor Carol (Knight '81, MA '08) Best 07 MNU students raise funds to assist Kansas City Urban Youth Center A Day of New Beginnings →→ A new president is being prepared by God for MNU 04 Helpful Links Stay Connected Articles (Undergrad) (Grad & Adult) 02 06 13 20 22 24 04 10 14 17 18 President’s Message Campus News Faculty News Athletics Advancing MNU Alumni News The MNU Experience Why I Teach Global Impact We're Not In (Just) Kansas Anymore Homecoming 03 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 Article Title The MNU Experience the control group. The work takes 15 to 20 hours a week. “It takes a certain caliber of student. They have to be dedicated,” Taylor says. “This isn’t as simple as me telling Steffani to go to the lab and do steps A, B and C. She is responsible for coming up with steps A, B and C, and D and E, if needed.” All MNU students take a course in research, but those who choose can conduct individual projects. Burks, who took the MCAT in the spring and hopes to become a pediatrician, says she has been looking forward to the experience of specialized research since her freshman year. “It’s exciting to realize how much research there is left to do in this field,” she says. Her research has already yielded new insights. “When exposed to red light Myxo changes color almost as remarkably as with the blue light,” Burks says. “At this point it seems that it might be causing the Myxo to grow and move faster.” biology major’s senior year is an intense learning experience, but MNU’s Steffani Burks is voluntarily adding hours to her weekly work load. The senior from Marshfield, Mo., is conducting innovative research on Myxococcus xanthus, a bacteria found in soil, under the direction of biology professor Dr. Rion Taylor. “This project is a part of a new direction for our department,” says Taylor. “One of the administration’s goals is to offer students the opportunity to see science in action.” “This project is a part of a new direction for our department,” says Taylor. “One of the administration’s goals is to offer students the opportunity to see science in action.” Myxo, as the bacteria is called, is nonpathogenic (not harmful to humans). 04 Accent Magazine / fall 2011 According to Taylor, it’s considered a “model organism” because of its similarities to other bacteria. Findings about Myxo can be applied to harmful bacteria. In reviewing existing research, Burks found that researchers proved the bacteria slows its growth and changes color when exposed to blue light wavelengths. She could not however, find any research on what Myxo does when exposed to other wavelengths. Interested in this gap, she proposed the research idea to Taylor. This observation runs opposite to the bacteria’s reaction to blue light, presenting opportunities for new hypotheses and possible applications. Myxo is already known to consume E. Coli and is being tested as a natural fungicide. Improved understanding of Myxo may also apply to anti-cancer medications. Research like Burks’ uncovers the basic mechanisms that impact Myxo’s behavior. Taylor says medical schools look for this type of “pure science” work in undergraduates. “Physicians not only need to know how to conduct research, but also know how to identify and interpret what other researchers have done for the public,” Taylor says. Burks’ research will continue until she graduates, and probably beyond that, Taylor says, who expects another student to take up the project when Burks leaves MNU. For now, though, Burks is focused on her senior year. After confirming previous research, Burks conducted experiments to discover what happened to Myxo with red, black and ambient (white) light; using darkness for 05 Accent Magazine / fall 2011 Article Campus Title News Campus News MSN Goes Online Joining the ranks of eight other online programs at MNU, the Master of Science in Nursing program will begin offering online courses in January 2012, allowing students to complete an MSN degree in one to two years. Chair of Graduate Studies in Nursing Dr. Karen Wiegman says adding the online format is a response to the number of top-level nursing positions that require master’s-prepared nurses. CSI and House Science Camps Each summer MNU athletic coaches offer sports camps for elementary through high school age students on the MNU campus. This summer the department of math and science jumped into the fun with their own version of summer camp. More than 20 area high school teachers from Olathe, Spring Hill, and Osawatomie, Kan., brought over 120 science students to the science camp. The six, one-day camps provided students full access to MNU’s biology, chemistry and forensic lab facilities as they solved mysteries like the ones seen on major TV dramas like House and CSI. The Science of House: Solving Medical Mysteries and The Science of CSI: Solving Chemical Mysteries were offered at no cost due to a five-year Teacher Quality Preparation grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Kris Kennedy, RN, an Olathe North teacher in the CMS First Responder Program, says her students loved the camp. On-site MSN classes will continue and students can mix the two formats of courses in their program. Some of the 50 Team MNU members at the Jared Coones Memorial Pumpkin Run on Oct. 13, 2011. MNU Sponsors Area Events Partnering with quality local organizations to reach like-minded constituents, MNU engaged in several strategic sponsorships this summer and fall. events provided promotional opportunities commensurate with the sponsorship investment, according to MNU marketing strategist Kim Campbell. Rock the Light, a three-day Christian music festival near Kansas City, the Johnson County NAACP Freedom Fund Gala, a scholarship benefit, and the Jared Coones Memorial Pumpkin Run to benefit cancer research were chosen based on the potential to reach a large number of participants, the individual cause, and their fit with MNU’s mission. In each case, these “This is another way we live out our passion to serve,” says Campbell. “In each case members of the MNU community assist with the event and help the community. In turn this promotes MNU as a great community partner and in the process increases awareness about our university and its programs.” “The kids have been mesmerized,” she states. “They’ve been into it since 8 a.m. this morning and now its 3 p.m. and they haven’t lost interest. They love seeing the four-year university experience, too,” she added. Numbers Show 5% Increase MNU total headcount for fall 2011 is 1,848, representing an increase of nearly 5% over last fall. Graduate and adult studies enrollment is also up by 30%. 06 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 “We’re striving to meet that need,” Wiegman says. “Online courses are more convenient for a number of students.” Warren Rogers, MNU director of admissions, has coined the mantra “Own the Backyard” in his effort to increase awareness about MNU among high school students and parents. The idea is simple. Rogers says to make a bigger impact in the MNU region, the university should first seek to own its backyard, meaning to get involved with nearby programs to raise MNU's visibility. Beginning with Olathe, promotional efforts then extend to the Kansas City Metro and eventually beyond. KCUYC offers after-school academic tutoring, literacy training, daily physical fitness classes and other healthy activities for youth at three sites in Kansas City, Mo., and Kansas City, Kan. “We’ve had a long relationship with them,” says Raelyn Koop of the MNU ServiceCorps. “We know they’re well-run and make a difference in the community.” From left, Graduate and Adult Studies personnel: Julie Hiett, assistant admissions coordinator, Steve Longley, Liberty site director and Chaplain, and Nicole Hodge, admissions coordinator at the Liberty campus. Liberty Classes Move to New Site MNU’s site for graduate and adult programs in Liberty, Mo., is moving to a new location in Liberty in January. The new site is in a highly visible, well-traveled and accessible location at I-35 and 152 highway. The new office and classroom space occupies the second floor of the M&I Bank building. Passion to Serve MNU's third annual Passion to Serve project is for the Kansas City Urban Youth Center. The financial goal this year is to raise $40,000 to be divided between space renovation, transportation, and staff development needs. The Rosedale Ridge KCUYC site currently has space and staff to serve around 30 students, but the site has 300 students needing services. The funds will go toward renovating the center and paying for extra staff, as well as playground equipment and vans for field trips. MNU ServiceCorps also plans to donate 2,000 – 2,500 volunteer hours, 240 books and at least 75 uniforms to the organization. “Rock the Light is a great example,” Rogers says. “We gained nearly 300 new names of people who want more information about MNU. Not only were we supporting an event that provides quality Christian worship and entertainment, but as a result we have a new audience for the story of the MNU Experience." The idea of organizations partnering to provide mutual benefits is not new. The Cone Cause Evolution Study, a 17year study of cause branding, explores consumer attitudes and expectations. Cone’s 2010 results show that 83 percent of Americans want more of the products, services and retailers they use to support causes. About 30 MNU students go to the KCUYC weekly to work as mentors. Koop says she also hopes more students will become involved through Passion to Serve. “That was a big reason to choose a local project, so students can do more than fundraise,” Koop says. MNU students and friends raised more than $50,000 in 2009-2010 for a health clinic in Guatemala, and more than $35,000 in 2010-2011 for an orphan care center in Kenya. The students continue to use $2 Twosdays, in which students bring $2 each week to Tuesday chapel services, as one of their main fundraisers for the project. To donate to Passion to Serve, call the ServiceCorps office at 913.971.3542, or visit and specify Urban Youth Ministry. 07 Accent Magazine / fall 2011 Campus News Campus News School of Nursing and Health Science Seeks Accreditation by CCNE Library Archives Modernized and Renovated The nursing program at MidAmerica Nazarene University was granted approval by the Kansas State Board of Nursing in 1979, accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission from April 1981 through 2003, and accreditation by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), the accrediting arm of the Association of Colleges of Nursing, began in 2002. As part of the process of receiving continued accreditation by CCNE, a survey visit will be conducted April 2 to 4, 2012. Janet Halvorson, Lon Dagley, Marge Smith and Blake Smith at the Archives Ribbon Cutting. Thanks to a 2009 grant of $10,271 awarded to the Marge Smith Archives at MNU by the Johnson County Heritage Trust Fund and the Board of County Commissioners, renovation of the archives was celebrated during a grand re-opening event at Homecoming. same source. The new grant will be used to digitize the holdings of the paper documents in the archives. The 18-month Marge Smith Archives Collection Preservation and Enhancement Project brought the collection up to archival-quality standards for the longterm preservation of materials deemed historically significant to MNU, Olathe and the Johnson County community. Much of the collection had not been displayed due to lack of space and lack of conservation quality materials. Now the archives have the capacity and organization to host scholars working on research projects because materials are sorted, catalogued, preserved, and stored for longevity; as well as to provide public access to this historically significant resource. The Dobson Bible Collection includes 40 Bibles, some in foreign languages and Braille. The MNU collection consists of items documenting the early years of the university through the present. The Donald S. Metz Rare Book Room contains nearly 8,000 volumes, and the Vennard College Collection documents a now closed Iowa college. As a whole, the Marge Smith Archives give insight to the Midwestern values that spawned two small, private universities as well as the associated growth of the communities surrounding them. Recently the university learned it will receive an additional $11,000 from the 08 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 Named for the wife of the university’s first president, the archives hold four primary collections. Marge Smith, 92, is thrilled with the makeover and thinks project director, Lon Dagley, computer services librarian and a trained archivist, has achieved what she always hoped for the collection. The idea for the archives came as advice to Smith from her brother in 1966 after her husband was appointed president of the yet-to-bebuilt college. “He said you better get started collecting everything, because if you put it off you can’t catch up,” she says. “We did it the hard way then, just stacking papers and [items].” Three times over 40 years Smith fundraised for the archives to add shelving and display cases. She is grateful to the Johnson County Heritage Trust Fund and Board of County Commissioners for this latest infusion of funding to help preserve the collection. “It’s so nice of them to acknowledge that this collection is precious [to the community] and should be preserved.” CCNE invites the public to submit, in writing, signed comments concerning the program’s qualifications for accreditation status. Signed comments must be received by CCNE no later than Feb. 1, 2012, for consideration of the evaluation process. CCNE shares comments with members of the evaluation team prior to the April visit, but at no time during the review process are these comments shared with the program. Comments may be sent to: Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036-1120. MNU Receives International Collection of Texts MNU is one of only 150 institutions worldwide to receive an in-kind grant of 224 volumes from the International Society of Science and Religion Library Project (ISSR) at St. Edmunds College, Cambridge, United Kingdom. According to the ISSR, the collection is a remarkable ‘core’ group of books on science and spirituality from many Vs. MNU met sister school Southern Nazarene University for battle on the gridiron in Wichita, Kan, Oct 15. MNU won the match up 41-17. PERK Grant Results The School of Education & Counseling hosted a Summer Literacy Institute this summer in Garden City, Kan., featuring nationally known literacy consultant Dr. Steven Layne. Attended by more than 80 Kansas educators and covering content from grades K-12, the workshop included topics in classroom technology, literacy, and special topics in mathematics and science. Funding for the event came from the PERK Program (Preparing Educators for Rural Kansas). Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, this five-year Teacher Quality Preparation (TQP) grant awarded to MNU in 2009, affords MNU faculty the opportunity to research, perspectives. They include the sciences, social sciences, history, philosophy and the environment. The ISSR reviewed MNU’s grant application under a competitive judging process. ISSR executive editor and project manager Pranab Das called MNU an “interesting and productive center of learning.” MNU approaches the study of religion and science as complementary disciplines making this collection particularly useful to a diverse group of scholars. create and implement new and innovative processes that support the advancement of education in rural Kansas. The PERK Grant has also provided an increase in technology integration for faculty and students at MNU, including iPads in the Research and Differentiated Learning class and ongoing Smartboard and web resource training for faculty. The grant also made possible a new distance learning course in higher-level math. The on-campus course will also be available through online lecture to students at Dodge City, Garden City and Seward County Community Colleges. For updates on the PERK Grant, visit MNU recently revised its undergraduate studies general core curriculum and is considering the development of a worldview signature course, providing greater opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and scholarship making this grant particularly timely. The collection is expected to have a significant impact in the graduate culture and interdisciplinary nature of instruction at MNU. 09 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 Faculty News Why I teach Whether it’s creating a marketing campaign for a non-profit start up or teaching a class on research, marketing expert Lisa Wallentine loves her job. “I work with the greatest people – my students,” says Lisa (Leslie '94) Wallentine, associate professor of business. “I love helping them learn that marketing is an extremely powerful tool and showing them how to use it for good – to help people and organizations.” Wallentine, who came to MNU as an adjunct professor in 2000 and became a full-time faculty member in 2003, says her job can be difficult because marketing is constantly changing. She enjoys the challenge, however, because it drives her to stay current with the latest trends and convey them to her students. “I feel a definite calling to Christian higher education. I feel the Lord has given me the gift of being able to take complex material and present it in a way that relates to college students,” Wallentine says. Wallentine’s talents have not been isolated to the undergraduate classroom. She has taught in the Master of Arts program at MNU, served on the accreditation committee and conducted internal and external marketing research. Leading a re-branding campaign and serving as the interim associate vice president of marketing, Wallentine says she is glad to use her talents to help the university as needed, but her passion is for her students. “I remember what a pivotal time college was for me, and how much my professors 10 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 impacted me. I want to do that for my students,” she says. “I also learn from them.” Students have high praise for Wallentine. Senior marketing major McKenzi Foster says she is one of her all-time favorite professors. “She is an extremely effective teacher who is incredibly knowledgeable and seems to of the semester with completed projects and presentations. “It always feels good to get to that end point,” says Wallentine. Also important is the depth of the relationships Wallentine builds with her students over the course of their academic careers. “I work with the greatest people – my students,” says Lisa Wallentine, associate professor of business. “I love helping them learn that marketing is an extremely powerful tool and showing them how to use it for good – to help people and organizations.” know just about everything in every subject,” Foster says. “Her classes gave me a sense of direction for my major and career path, as well as purpose for continuing my education. She is a huge asset to MNU.” “When they are here, they are my students. But, after they graduate, they are my friends. I love watching them take on exciting new careers, raise families and more,” Wallentine says. Part of Wallentine’s pleasure in teaching comes from experiencing the entire academic journey with her students. She loves the variation of the academic schedule through the year. Though each day presents its own unique experience, she outlines the semester in three stages: excitement and expectation at the beginning, increased depth of learning through the middle, and the culmination of the classwork at the end The most fulfilling aspect of the job for her is watching students achieve their best. “I love having a student as a freshman or sophomore and watching the changes that occur while they are here all the way through graduation,” says Wallentine. “The maturity and growth and learning is amazing. I am blessed to be a part of that transformation.” What Kind of a Legacy Will You Leave? A little planning can make a difference. A well-designed estate plan expresses your values and your vision. It provides the easiest and most tangible way to leave a legacy by addressing the needs of your loved ones and investing in the lives of MNU students for years to come. Consider the following ways of making a bequest and expressing your faith in the future of MNU: → → → → Name MNU as a beneficiary in your will or trust after gifts to others Name MNU as full or partial beneficiary of a life insurance policy Name MNU as a full or partial beneficiary of your IRA, 401(K), or other retirement plans Name MNU as a full or partial beneficiary on your bank or investment account If you already have included MNU in your estate plan, please contact us so we can welcome you to the Cornerstone Society. For more information on creating a lasting legacy at MNU: 877.496.8668 DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAMS Accelerated Associate of Arts B.A. in Business Administration B.A. in Management and Human Relations B.A. in Public Administration RN to BSN Accelerated BSN GRADUATE PROGRAMS Master of Arts M.A. in Business Administration M.A. in Counseling Master of Education Master of Science in Nursing WHERE LIFE MEETS PURPOSE. MNU. POST-GRADUATE CERTIFICATIONS Play Therapy Sexual Addictions Treatment Provider Faculty News Presented Mark Hayse, PhD ('83), professor of Christian education, gave presentations on a variety of topics, including youth culture and diversity at three conferences this summer. He was also tapped by Nazarene Youth International to design a board game playing space at Nazarene Youth Congress this summer in Louisville, Ky. The goal was to provide opportunities for cooperation, problem-solving, and imagination by playing board and card games. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Accounting Art* Athletic Training Bible & Theology Biology Biology Education Broadcasting* Business Administration Business Psychology Chemistry Coaching* Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Elementary Education English English Language Arts Education Forensic Biology Forensic Chemistry Graphic Design History History & Government Education Information Systems* Intercultural Studies Kinesiology Legal Studies* Marketing Mathematics Mathematics Education Ministry Multimedia Music- Applied Pedagogy Music- Ministry Music- Performance Music Education Nursing Organizational Leadership Physical Education Political Science* Psychology Social Justice* Sociology Speech/Theatre Education Sports Management Theatre* Urban Ministry* Youth & Family Ministry *Denotes minor only Published Todd Frye, PhD, professor of counseling, and Todd Bowman, PhD, associate professor of counseling, are becoming expert media resources. Both have recently been interviewed by several media outlets, including two national magazines, about MNU’s new Sexual Addictions Treatment Provider Certification program. Subscribers to Holiness Today can read an article by Frye and Bowman on the subject in the Jan. /Feb. 2012 issue. Bowman is also quoted in an August 2011 article in the Kansas City Star about the issues involved in pornography addiction which featured MNU alum Justen Wack (’06), founder of Saavi Accountability. Saavi software tracks media usage and alerts Accomplished Rebeca Chow, LCPC, LPC, RPT-S, assistant professor of play therapy, is the 2011 recipient of the Association for Play Therapy Key Award for Professional Education & Training. Mary Fry, LCPC, RPT-S, associate professor of counseling, is now chairman of the Board of Directors for the Association for Play Therapy, a national professional society promoting the value of play, play therapy, and credentialed play therapists. PRE-PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS Chiropractic Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Occupational Therapy Pharmacy Physical Therapy WEB PHONE 913.782.3750 ADDRESS 2030 East College Way Olathe KS 66062 “In today’s world of digitally-mediated relationships, it’s more important than ever before that we sit together, talk together, and play together,” Hayse says. John Leavitt, DMA, professor of music, conducted an interdenominational choir workshop for church musicians at MNU this fall. The workshop was sponsored by the St. John’s College Alumni Association, Winfield, Kan., and Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Olathe, Kan. accountability partners who help those with addictions. The article mentioned MNU’s new program, the first of its kind at a faith-based university. Verla Powers, EdD, professor emeritus of education, authored a novel recently published by Tate Publishing Company & Enterprises. Child of Desire was inspired by stories about the strength and courage of people who not only survived the Great Depression, but did so while maintaining Jo Lamar, EdD, professor of education, received the 2010-2011 Junior Achievement Teacher of the Year Award from Junior Achievement of Middle America. Lamar requires her teacher candidates to volunteer as J.A. teachers and says, “My students' reflection papers and course evaluations are always full of positive feedback about the great J.A. teaching experience and the excellent J.A. curriculum.” Johne Richardson, adjunct instructor in art, had a showing of his latest works Jim Edlin, PhD ('72), professor of Biblical literature and languages, presented a workshop at the Kansas City District Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries Convention on August 3 entitled, "How We Got Our Bible." Edlin is also published in the 2011 September-November quarterly Adult Faith Connections published by Nazarene Publishing House. Want more? Visit a strong, independent spirit. The novel is available at and on David Smart, adjunct instructor in guitar, has published “Return to the River,” his latest CD featuring contemporary worship and praise songs as well as two selfcomposed titles: “Praise, Praise, Praise” and “The River.” His CDs are available through CDBaby, iTunes and Barnes & Noble. at the Coutts Museum of Art in El Dorado, Kan. this fall. See his work at Yorton Clark, EdD, professor of business, was one of four project managers for ABC’s Extreme Home Makeover in Ottawa, Kan. this summer. His story was picked up by several media outlets. Visit the following URL to read about it in the Johnson County Sun: www.kccommunitynews. com/johnson-county-sun-communityliving/28740187/detail.html. 13 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 Belgium Seven MNU students and professor Yorton Clark, EdD, traveled to Veritas Sighisoara, a non-profit family center in the Transylvania region of Romania last summer for cross-cultural study and assistance to the underserved of that region. The Romanian staff at Veritas partners with Christian volunteers from across the globe to provide a kid’s club for Roma (Gypsy) children, elderly clubs and home visits, special needs programs, and a domestic violence program, among other services. MNU senior accounting major Stephen Wessels will never forget the experience. Held at Mons University in Mons, Belgium, the conference brought together international researchers, teachers and professors. McVicker will begin collaborating with a Swedish professor who conducts similar research as a result of giving her presentation. Haiti Two years ago Mac Gouin (’10) led an effort to send aid to the people of Haiti. Now alumnus Josh Jakobitz (’06) works in Haiti as the field director for Heart to Heart International. Philippines Romania Claudia McVicker, PhD, associate professor of language & literacy, presented her research on reading at two international conferences this summer. At the International Reading Association’s 17th European Conference on Reading Literacy and Diversity, McVicker presented the findings of 10 years of research regarding young children’s universal response to literature. “I will have the friendships I made there for the rest of my life,” Wessels states. Arizona Sun Valley Indian School, a Navajo boarding school, partners with MNU for mission trips and allows their students to visit MNU. South Korea More than 20 MNU alumni and current students are living and working in South Korea as English teachers. Josh (’00) and Sarah (Messamer ’01) Broward pastor an international church there. South America Dr. Christian Sarmiento (’80) serves as the regional director for South America for the Church of the Nazarene. Ecuador Rev. Dwight ('75) and Carolyn (Fraizer '81) Rich, Quito, Ecuador. Dwight is the field strategy coordinator for the South American North Andean Field which comprises the countries of Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. Bulgaria Jay (’90) and Teanna (Matz ’91) Sunberg are long-time missionaries in Eastern Europe. WHERE DO YOU SERVE? 150 countries and counting… The alumni, students and professors mentioned in this article are just some of the individuals living, working and interacting with others around the globe. Let’s keep it going! Update us at Accent so we can have an accurate list of where MNU alumni and friends are serving, working and living. The latest count is 150 countries that MNU has touched. Email us at to share your story! Mark Hayse, PhD (’83), professor of Christian education and Todd Frye, PhD, professor of counseling, presented several workshops on the impact of sexual addictions on personal and spiritual matters at the 2011 Missional Leaders' Conference for the Asia Pacific region Church of the Nazarene in Manila, Philippines, in October 2011. MNU has become a recognized leader in training treatment providers for those with sexual addictions, by starting the nation’s first faith-based training program at a university. Frye is one of the program’s creators. Having identified increases in the populations’ addiction to pornography, even in extremely remote areas, regional church leaders invited Frye and Hayse to share strategies for ministering to those entrapped by the addiction. Harmon Schmelzenbach, Field Strategy Coordinator of the South Pacific and Melanesia Fields for the Church of the Nazarene, related an amazing story about the pervasiveness of the problem. While traveling the remote Sepik River Delta, Schmelzenbach, encountered men in a reed hut who had traded animals for a generator and projector on which to show pornographic films. The “businessmen” were charging admission of two sweet potatoes each to watch the films, and had grown a booming business among villagers. Frye and Hayse hope their strategies will assist ministers and counselors in the U.S. and abroad. Africa Johannes Kanis (’92) is a services architect for Microsoft Services Middle East and Africa. Uganda MNU students will travel to Jinja, Uganda, in May 2012 in partnership with AOET-USA, the Aids Orphan Education Trust. Middle East Mike Kruse (’81), recently met with church leaders in Lebanon and Egypt as chairman of the board for the General Assembly Mission Council of the Presbyterian Church, USA. New Zealand Alum and former staffer Alison Weinstock (’03) recently moved to New Zealand where she will teach and co-pastor a church. Article Title MNU Europe ost issues of Accent are replete with stories of servant leaders. After all, MNU’s mission statement is “to educate and inspire servant leaders.” This issue explores MNU’s vision statement, “To be a premier Christian university with global impact.” M MNU has an opportunity to further expand its worldwide influence by partnering with European Nazarene College in Büsingen, Germany. Question: Is it possible for a small Christian university in the middle of the country to truly have a global impact? According to MNU director of global studies Lorie Beckum, EuNC has closed its residential campus, and MNU is in the process of partnering with EuNC to utilize its facilities. Answer: We already do. Each year teams of students are trained and sent from MNU on 10 to 12 mission trips around the world. Students raise more than $175,000 each year to support these trips. “Several economic and cultural changes have opened a door for MNU to have a European campus offering intercultural experience for our students,” says Beckum. Those with highly specialized skills and those with nothing more than a willing heart learn leadership and a multicultural worldview through the experience. In addition to these hands-on global ministries, the campus community adopts a Passion to Serve project each year. These projects are student-initiated and led. In the past two years MNU students have raised more than $85,000 to build a clinic in Patanatic, Guatemala, and an Orphan Care facility in Siaya, Kenya. EuNC continues to operate from satellite campuses and online, but MNU will have full access to the Büsingen campus year-round, starting in June 2012. According to Beckum, this will allow MNU to provide semesters abroad as well as short-term and winter term academic offerings. The Eurasia region of the Church of the Nazarene will still manage the campus and continue to use it as needed. “This opens the door to global input into our curriculum and increased cultural competency for our students and faculty,” says Beckum. Courses at the Büsingen campus will be available both to USA/ Canada region students and Eurasian students who wish to study on campus. “This will eventually be a revenueproducing program competitive with other opportunities to study abroad. Other Nazarene schools and students from other Council for Christian Colleges and Universities institutions can participate through MNU,” adds Beckum. We’re not [just] in Kansas anymore By Dr. Randy Beckum (’76) MNU chaplain and vice president for community formation 16 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 This year’s Passion to Serve project is $40,000 for the Kansas City Urban Youth Center. These projects and mission opportunities are only the beginning. A spark is ignited in the hearts of students when they experience the joy of selfless service and giving. Students also see the global influence of MNU when faculty members teach courses abroad. Drs. Todd Frye, Mark Hayse, Earl Bland, Cindy Peterson, Jim Edlin, Dean Flemming, and Linda Alexander taught courses this year in the Philippines, Austria, Germany, Ukraine and the Caribbean. Whether leading an international trip for MNU students or teaching as a guest of the host country, MNU faculty members are literally educating across the globe. The impact grows as the network of MNU alumni expands around the world. MNU alumni find places of service on nearly every continent. Fifteen alumni are now teaching English in Cheonan City, Korea. Alumni are serving in missions as regional directors, field strategists, pastors, missionaries, doctors, nurses, engineers and jungle pilots. Some alumni impact global markets, international and multinational businesses. MNU has had a global impact on every continent in the world in the past five years alone, including Antartica where former MNU professor Dr. Matthew Sattley performed research on bacteria growing in frigid regions. In Soddo, Ethiopia, Dr. Stephanie Hail (’01) works as a physician. In a recent blog (, she describes how, aside from her hospital and clinic duties, she opens her home to 10 street children every week, lets them shower, washes their clothes and feeds them a hot meal. Soon all MNU students will have the opportunity to learn and serve abroad at the MNU Europe campus in Büsingen, Germany. (See sidebar on page 16.) On the following pages some of the hundreds of MNU alumni who serve in businesses, churches and mission fields are highlighted. It is exciting to think of what our global service map (page 14-15) will look like in the future. On opening night of New Student Orientation this August, I stood by the Harvest Prayer sculpture in the center of our campus mall looking out at the class of 2015. Each student held a white glow stick creating a ring of light in the dark around Legacy Circle. There we were in a small circle of light on a small hill in Kansas. At the close of the ceremony the sound system played Bruce Springsteen’s version of “This Little Light of Mine.” The question hit me, “Where will these lights end up shining over the next four years and beyond?” At the close of the first night of their college career we reminded the students that settlers see the horizon and no further, but Pioneers explore the world beyond the horizon. Then they joined their voices and shouted with us in unison, “We are not settlers, we are PIONEERS.” 17 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 H O N O R I N G T H E R . C U R T I S S M I T H FA M I LY MNU HOMECOMING 2011 Homecoming 2011 was a beautiful weekend jam-packed with family, friends and football. The weekend began with a breakfast in honor of the alumni award winners Dr. Carla Jill Stein (’77), Alumna of the Year; Dr. Randall Stephens (’91), Alumnus of the Year; Gary Bustin (’01), Carry the Torch Award; and Quinn Carr (’07), Young Alumni Award. performance by Heritage Choir, a cookie reception and late-night alumni basketball. Special to Homecoming this year were events honoring the family of founding President Dr. R. Curtis Smith, Marge Smith and their family. Enjoy a video on the influence of Dr. R. Curtis Smith that was unveiled for the weekend at Other activities included Homecoming chapel, Athletics Hall of Fame banquet, Communiversity, an annual Homecoming Celebration Dinner featuring the Dave Stephens Band and a late-night event with alumni band, Samestate. Highlights of the weekend were a grand re-opening of the newly renovated Marge Smith Archives in Mabee Library and a reception in honor of the Steve Cole Scholarship endowment fund. Saturday’s all-day celebration under the Big Tent was filled with pancakes, BBQ, and more. The Pioneers defeated Benedictine on the football field and the evening concluded with a stellar For more photos of Homecoming visit our gallery at 5 6 4 1 1 2 In recognition of her years of service to MNU, Marge Smith (center) received “MNU Morning,” a print of a specially-commissioned painting by alumnus Ray Craighead (’77), at the Homecoming Celebration Dinner. Pictured from left: Kathleen and Blake Smith, Marge Smith, Kathy and Dr. Barth Smith. 2 Carla Jill (Mullins ’77) Stein, EdD, received the Alumna of the Year Award from Craig Doane (’81), Alumni Council president. 3 4 5 Winners pose at the 2nd Annual BBQ Cookoff. Thrilling the fans, the Pioneers won 49 to 39 vs. Benedictine College. Randall Stephens, PhD (’95), with MNU interim president Dr. Jim Diehl. Stephens received the Alumnus of the Year Award. 6 From left: Kevin Wardlaw with newly inducted MNU Hall of Famer, former soccer player, Mike Dye (’06, MAC ’08) and athletic director Kevin Steele. 3 7 Students enjoy the annual Homecoming Banquet at the President’s Hilton in Kansas City, Mo. 7 MNU Athletics Article Title Soccer The NFL At MNU A Super Bowl ring. The NFL’s Fastest Man. First round draft picks. Bears, Broncos, Packers, Chiefs. If you cheered for Pioneer football this season, you would have seen all these things represented on the sidelines. Pioneer football benefits from a team of experts leading them to victory, with an astounding six former NFL players on the coaching staff. have the 1996 NFL Fastest Man running their sprint drills every afternoon. “Former NFL players coach because they love the game, not for the recognition or the money,” explains head coach and World Bowl MVP Jonathan Quinn. “Coaching is so natural, but it’s a different beast,” Kimble says about his career, which also included time as head coach Returning to MNU after a short break is running backs coach Kimble Anders, also the athletic director for a local school district. Anders played for the Chiefs for nine years and went to the Pro-Bowl three years in a row. at Northeast High School in Kansas City. “Players here have a great attitude; they give it their best. We always say it’s about making it big time where you’re at.” Adding to the impressive lineup on the sidelines is Minnesota Viking’s first round draft pick Duane Clemons, Super Bowl XXXV Champion Ravens player Anthony Davis, and former player and strength coach of the Seattle Seahawks Frank Raines. Quinn, a quarterback for six years in the NFL, started the trend of former pro players coaching at MNU. “I never thought about coaching before, but I’m glad Coach Quinn called me,” says Kennison. “What’s great is when I’m teaching young guys, I’m giving them all my experience from the NFL. Once they get it, and I can see it in their faces, that’s really rewarding for me.” 20 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 The Pioneer men's soccer team is fighting to compete in an eight-team conference where half the squads are in the Top 25, but junior forward Trent Remmich has enjoyed an incredible season. Ranking 2nd in the nation [at the time of this publication], Remmich had 21 goals in 16 games. He was named HAAC Offensive Player of the Week for three weeks straight, including an NAIA National Offensive Player of the Week honor. Football Volleyball The Pioneers started the football season as the #3-ranked team in the nation. A weektwo road loss to then #11 Missouri Valley has been the team’s only slip-up at the time of this publication. Wins over Baker, #15 Southern Nazarene, and #7 Benedictine have propelled the Pioneers back to the top five as they look to claim their fifth conference title in the last 10 years. Led by two-time HAAC Offensive Player of the Week Sean Ransburg, the offense is in the Top 10 in total yards. And two-time Heart of America Athletic Conference Player of the Week (including an NAIA National Player of the Week honor) Dantren Anderson leads the Pioneer’s defense ranked in the Top 20. The 2011 volleyball team is enjoying its finest season ever. The Pioneers are contending for a conference title and have already locked up the best winning percentage in program history. Linjun Ji has been a three-time HAAC Player of the Week. Laura Hamblin has twice been honored as HAAC Libero of the Week, and Kimmie Kreeger received a Setter of the Week nod. The Pioneers are the #2 seed going into the HAAC Conference Tournament. Want to learn more? Visit MNU Coach Trains the Olympic Way Head strength and conditioning coach Whitney Rodden (’01) trained with current USA Weightlifting coach Zygmunt Smalcerz, the 1972 Flyweight Olympic Champion, this summer. Rodden attended the 2011 USA Weightlifting Summer Developmental Camp at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs as the coach of athlete Jaslyn McGraw of Olathe. Newest to the Pioneer’s coaching staff is Eddie Kennison, a former Los Angeles Rams and Kansas City Chiefs receiver with 8,345 yards to his name. As for his days in the NFL, Kennison says walking in the locker room and seeing his childhood heroes was unreal. To Pioneer receivers, it’s undoubtedly the same to The 2011 women's soccer team has been on the verge of breaking through all season. With 4 overtime losses, the Pioneers' record should have been much better than the .500 mark they currently hold. Ashton Bergh and Becca Skillman have earned HAAC Player of the Week honors, and MNU hopes to make noise in the conference tournament at the end of the season. The group of fifteen athletes and four coaches from around the country spent their days lifting twice a day and practicing drills and lifting techniques. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT (Back Row) Whitney Rodden (Trainer), Duane Clemons, Paul Hubbard, Jonathan Quinn, Anthony Davis, Scott Campbell, Rick Fields. (Front Row) Frank Raines, Paul Meinke, Kimble Anders, Eddie Kennison, Todd Peterson, Matt Ashley, “It was reassuring to learn that I’m teaching the same things as a coach at the Olympic level,” Rodden remarked about the similarity between Olympic weightlifting training and what she teaches MNU athletes on a daily basis. A former MNU softball player, Rodden earned her undergraduate degree in athletic training at MNU, and an MA in education administration from Kansas State University. She coached strength and conditioning at KSU and the University of Kansas before becoming a coach at MNU in 2005. 21 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 Advancing MNU Advancing MNU of Trustees and is currently on the MNU Foundation Board of Directors. “From the beginning, he has stood in the gap for MNU as the university and its alumni established themselves,” says April (Loomis '92) Hansen, director of development for annual giving at MNU. “Dr. Theel’s generous challenge match offers more alumni an opportunity to follow in his footsteps.” Through the challenge match, all first-time alumni donations will be matched dollarfor-dollar, doubling the impact of a new donor’s generosity. pioneering the future With the goal of providing more scholarship support to students from the MNU educational region, the Pioneering the Future campaign was launched in October 2011. the Future, the endowment will grow and each district will benefit directly from its own funds. Money donated from the Iowa District, for example, will only go to students from that district. “We’ve been working closely with Nazarene pastors, district superintendents and lay leaders to prepare for a bright future through scholarship endowments,” says Jon North (’92, MBA ’94), vice president for University Advancement. “It’s crucial that MNU remain affordable for our region’s Nazarene students. By supporting a scholarship endowment on each district, individuals are ensuring a lasting legacy of support for students from these areas,” says North. The Pioneering the Future campaign places gifts to this initiative from each Nazarene church district into a restricted endowment account to fund scholarships to students only from that district. The campaign will be annual and will culminate in a special offering each October, but North states donations and pledges are accepted and encouraged year round. Individual donations can come in the form of a current or an estate gift. Because MNU is a relatively young institution, much of the funds given to the university thus far have been used for campus development. With Pioneering Pioneering the Future has big goals. According to North, each district has a goal of $1 million in the first three years. Combined, this would double the size of the MNU endowment and provide a strong foundation for scholarship distribution. As funds in the endowment grow annually, so will the amount of the scholarships available to students. “It’s a compelling vision for what the future could look like,” says North. Endowment scholarships will be awarded to Nazarene students from each district based on financial needs as determined by the director of Student Financial Services in accordance with established University guidelines. Want to learn more about giving? Visit The match also applies to increased giving from previous donors. If an alumnus has been giving $100 a year and chooses to give $200 this year, the $100 increase will be matched. The gifts must be received by December 31 of this year. Alumni Challenged to Raise More With Special Gift MNU is reaching for a new alumni giving record this year. It started with a competition among all Nazarene universities to see which can improve alumni giving the most by 2012. “This competition is good for all of the schools because giving will increase for all of us,” says Jon North (’92, MBA ’94), vice president for University Advancement. To kick things off, MNU has already received a generous challenge match gift. Dr. Otto Theel and his wife, Beulah, have pledged to match new and increased alumni giving up to $50,000. The Theels have played a pivotal role in the university since its inception. Dr. Theel was the founder of the Honorary Alumni Association, has served on the MNU Board Included in this issue of Accent is a special donation envelope for the matching challenge for the convenience of those who would like to participate. Getting your will done has never been easier. The recently launched Planned Giving website now includes a number of new tools to assist families in identifying their goals, dreams, and aspirations for the future. The new resource includes an online Will Planner that guides individuals through a simple, step-by-step process of identifying assets and determining how they should be handled in the future. After using the Will Planner, donors can choose to share the information with their attorney. Other online resources include a gift calculator, sample bequest language, up-to-date financial news and tips for personal financial planning. Also included in the website is information about the Cornerstone Society, a program that honors individuals who have taken the significant step of including MNU in their estate plans. Resources are available for individuals and financial advisors alike. To take advantage of these new tools, visit 22 Accent Magazine / fall 2011 23 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 Alumni & Friends Alumni & Friends Alumni News Larissa Klinger (’04), an actress and musician in New York City, performed over the summer with the Liberty Bells and the USO. She also appeared in 42nd Street and BUDDY: The Buddy Holly Show last spring. Greg Sheffer (’93), owner of Inversion, an Olathe, Kan., video and film production company, can add several more awards to his mantle. On October 22, 2011, Sheffer was awarded three Mid-America Emmy® Awards from The Mid-America Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) for Olathe – The City Beautiful, a series of films on the history of Olathe. The first film of the series – The Bricklayer – also won best heartland documentary at the 2011 AMC Theaters Kansas City Film Fest. Sheffer also won a 2011 Telly Award for one of five films he produced for Grace and Peace magazine. The awardwinning Resurrection Story presented the testimony of Larry, a former general of a white supremacist group who had spent time in prison. As a result of his contact with Adsideo Church of the Nazarene in Portland, Ore., Larry became a Christian. The Telly Awards honor the best local, regional, and cable television commercials and programs, as well as non-broadcast video and film productions. in New Jersey now through April 2012. After that, the piece will be part of the year-long International Sculpture Center's traveling exhibition with the locations to be determined. The International Sculpture Center established the Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award program in 1994 to recognize deserving sculpture students and to encourage their continued commitment to the field of sculpture. The sculpture, “Charting the Self,” weighs 700 pounds and is 8 feet tall. Platter says his work “attempts to understand the nature of physical being in relation to the void — our uncertain capacity for something beyond the verifiable. Questioning the power of the mind and seeking evidence of something greater than oneself are at the core of my process. Through metaphors of time, like falling through space and the mind as a vessel, I address the essence of ‘what it is to be.’” A sculpture created by David Platter (’06) is considered among the best contemporary student works in North America, according to the International Sculpture Center. Platter, who received a master of fine arts degree from the University of Kansas last spring, was one of 15 students chosen from a pool of 485 for the center’s Outstanding Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award. His sculpture, a massive bust that is suspended upside-down, will be exhibited at the Grounds for Sculpture DF I think it may be due to at least two factors: fear and misunderstanding. Some Christians are afraid that if you change the way the Gospel is expressed, you are also changing the heart of the Gospel itself. In other words, they think if you change the form, you are necessarily compromising the message. Cody Fuqua (’11) played shortstop this summer for the Roswell, N.M., Invaders of the professional, independent Pecos baseball league with a .344 batting average. Visit for stats and more. Continued on page 26... Contextualization in the New Testament "Contextualization: to think about or provide information about the situation in which something happens." Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online. MNU professor of New Testament and missions Dean Flemming, PhD (’75) [above right], is a recognized New Testament scholar and authority in the field of contextualization of the Gospel. His book Contextualization in the New Testament: Patterns for Theology and Mission, received a 2006 Christianity Today book award. Having served as a missionary and educator for 25 years in Asia and Europe, Flemming has first-hand experience with communicating the Gospel to various cultures, making him an effective professor on the subject. Rick Power (’78) [above left], is senior pastor of Olathe College Church of the Nazarene. Power also brings a global view to the table from living in China for 16 years and serving as a pastor in Hawaii for four years. In an interview with Accent, the two discussed contextualization of the Gospel, the need to understand its origin, purpose, and practical application for ministry students and the church at large. Accent Dr. Flemming, what is contextualization of the Gospel? DF Contextualization is how the Gospel comes to life in the diversity of human cultures and circumstances. We can talk about it from two perspectives. First, it means expressing the Gospel by speaking and living in ways that make sense in a given setting. Second, the Gospel will at times challenge and transform that context. Accent Why have some Christians found contextualization controversial? But Christians have been engaged in contextualization from the time of Jesus and the apostles. It’s something missionaries have always done. When we enter a different culture, we need to find ways of telling and living the Gospel that make sense to people. Contextualization should happen whenever the Christian message encounters a new audience. Every time I preach, or teach, or share my faith, the message needs to be shaped in such a way that it connects with that particular group of people. Accent So contextualization does not change the Gospel, but changes how it is presented? DF That’s right. There’s no “one-sizefits-all” way of presenting the Christian message. When I first taught New Testament in the Philippines, I talked to my students about issues like the assurance of personal salvation and how we can demonstrate that the resurrection of Jesus was a historical event. But as I listened to my students, I realized they had burning issues on their minds that I hadn’t thought much about—like, “What does the New Testament say about poverty and oppression,” and "How does Scripture equip us for responding to spiritual powers?” So I needed to rethink how I taught. Continued on page 26. Calendar of Events Make plans now to reconnect with friends from far and wide at our slate of Alumni and Friends events. Want more information? Visit 12.13 MNU Tuesdays Business and Professionals Luncheon Location: Granite City - Olathe, Kan. Speaker: Dr. James Diehl 01.10 MNU Tuesdays Business and Professionals Luncheon Location: Granite City - Olathe, Kan. Speaker: Alicia Hooks (MA '76) 24 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 01.16 01.20 Martin Luther King Jr. Community Prayer Breakfast 02.04 Alumni Day at Pioneer Basketball Games Location: Bell Cultural Events Center Speaker: Dr. Elmer L. Gillett Location: Bell Family Arena Cook Center Alumni and Friends Night at the Great Wolf Lodge (01.20 - 01.21) 2:00 p.m. Women’s Game 4:00 p.m. Men’s Game Free to all alumni and families Location: Great Wolf Lodge Kansas City, Kansas 02.14 MNU Tuesdays Business and Professionals Luncheon 02.21 Location: Granite City - Olathe Speaker: Todd Frye 02.17 Young Alumni Ski Trip February 02.17 - 02.20 Location: Winter Park, Colo Open to first 20 to register Denver MNU Tuesdays Business and Professionals Luncheon Location: Maggiano’s South Englewood, Colo 03.06 MNU Tuesdays Business and Professionals Luncheon Location: Granite City - Olathe Speaker: Rick Armstrong (’90) 25 Accent Magazine / Fall 2011 Alumni & Friends Continued from page 25. Accent Have some Christians gone too far in their efforts to contextualize the Gospel? RP History is full of examples of people going too far with contextualization. There was a famous controversy in China called the “Rites Controversy.” In the 17th Century, Jesuit missionaries decided it was okay to allow Christian believers to participate in certain Buddhist rituals in addition to their Catholic beliefs. The exclusivity of the Gospel is sometimes offensive—but if we try to accommodate the desire to combine religions, we’ve Alumni & Friends crossed a line. Jesus is not one of the ways to God. He is “The Way.” Accent Dr. Flemming, how do you handle teaching today’s ministry students the art of contextualization while ensuring they understand its potential pitfalls? DF I use Biblical examples and ground what I teach in Scripture. I try to show how the missionaries and writers in the New Testament had great balance between being flexible in expression and firm in their commitment to the one Gospel. But let’s not pretend this is easy. It’s challenging. We need the guidance of the Spirit and the accountability of the Christian community. RP Remember that the New Testament was full of contextualization [because it used references to which the readers of its time could relate]. The expression of worship you feel comfortable in, whether traditional or contemporary, is still a contextualization. There was a time when a choir, pulpit and altars were all radical new innovations. People working to find effective tools for ministry were inspired with these ideas. To read the rest of the article, please visit Additional News Tim Murray (’87) is pursuing a Doctor of Education in educational leadership at Baker University. Melinda Ablard Smith (’90) is the community relations director for Rock The Light, a three-day Christian music festival in LaCygne, Kan. Smith is also an adjunct faculty member at MNU. Bryan Porter (’96) is co-founding partner of Arsalon Technologies of Lenexa, Kan. The company made Ingram’s Magazine’s Corporate Report 100 list, coming in at number 10 among the 100 fastest growing companies in Kansas City. Boasting more than 198% growth, Arsalon offers colocation, dedicated servers and managed services to companies with its fully redundant infrastructures and highperformance networks. Kathy Walter (’96) is co-founder of Consider It Done, LLC, “Your On-Call Concierge,” specializing in assisting those who care for aging parents. Co-owner Sharon Clair is a former MNU nursing instructor. Visit their blog site at: 26 Accent Magazine / fall 2011 Sidney Dement (’01) graduated from the University of Kansas with a PhD in Slavic Literature and Languages in May 2011. He is a visiting lecturer in the Russian and German department at Binghamton University in Vestal, New York. Blake Leoni (’09), Darren Harms (’10), Dalton Diehl (FS ’11), Ryan Lytle (FS ’12) and Ray Wyatt of the band Samestate released their first single “Hurricane” this summer. The single went to number 13 on the iTunes chart. Lacole Hook, PhD (’04) is an instructor in sport and recreation at the University of Minnesota. Nate Howard (’10) is working for Youthfront Christian Ministries in Kansas City, Kan., in community outreach and development. Howard is Youthfront’s director of the School of Formation, which trains college students in urban ministries. Aaron K. Bennett (’05) graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a Master of Science in college counseling and student development. Bennett is currently serving as assistant director of campus and career transitions at Friends University in Wichita, Kan. Andrew Secor (’05) was elected to the Kansas Association for Play Therapy's Board of Directors on July 23, 2011. Matt Gow (’11) spent the summer in California playing on a faith-based, semiprofessional soccer team. He is now serving on a five-month mission trip in southern Mexico. Want more? Visit Mark Wieczorek (’07) represented Team USA in the 800 meters in the Pan Am games in Guadalajara, Mexico, on October 28, placing 5th. He is head coach for the No. 2 state-ranked Gig Harbor High School cross-country team in Gig Harbor, Wash. Births James Reid May 30, 2011. Son of Ryan ('03) and Kimberly (Suderman '06) Campbell. Rylan Grace and Brylee Jean June 1, 2011. Twin daughters of Vince ('10) and Lisen (Curry,’00) Wonderlich. Lillian Marie Ethan Matthias March 5, 2011. Daughter of Andrew and Nicole (Hemmingson ’05) Kerr. April 16, 2011. Son of James (‘04) and Tiffany (Boese '04) Strickland. Easton Eugene Charlotte Kay May 6, 2011. Son of Brandon (’06) and Mindy (McIntyre ’06) Mauler. May 23, 2011. Daughter of Billie (‘08) and Emily (O'Neal '11) Taylor. Samuel Levi Tanner Kayden April 8, 2011. Son of Daniel (’03, MBA '08) and Melissa (Schapeler ’02) Mehlhaff. He joins a sister, Sadie. June 7, 2011. Son of Greg ('99) and Sharon (Ravenscraft ’98, '00) Wright. Collin Matthew Zimri Fischer June 15, 2011. Son of Matthew ('07) and Diana Schneider. February 22, 2011. Son of David ('00) and Devonne Schlepp. Canan Garth | July 12, 2011. Son of Davis (’03) and Stephanie Hodam. He joins a sister, Jael Maree. Announcements for babies born before February, 2011 are available at Condolences Tiblez Berhe (’92) of Cedar Hill, Texas, passed away December 12, 2010. She is survived by her husband, Fasil, and four children. Jean McCally, EdD, (’90) passed away October 29, 2011. Jean was the assistant superintendent and curriculum coordinator of the Ottawa, Kan. school district. She is survived by her husband Rob (’91) and two sons. Marriages Jordan (Hobson ’11) to Josh Klekamp (’10) on May 30, 2011. Amanda Larson and Nate Howard ('10) on June 4, 2011. Courtney (Owens '08) and Erik Gaede ('09) on June 25, 2011. Shanna Walton and Kyle Henne ('01) on June 18, 2011. Have news? Want to share births, marriages, and accomplishments with Accent? Please send to 27 27 Accent Accent Magazine Magazine / Summer / fall 2011 Non-Profit US Postage University Advancement 2030 East College Way Olathe KS 66062-1899 Change Service Requested Paid Olathe KS Permit No. 49