aluMni nEWs - MidAmerica Nazarene University


aluMni nEWs - MidAmerica Nazarene University
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Fall 2013
Celebrating Pioneer Excellence
MNU Experience
Making the Grade
Scholar Athletes
It Takes a
Behind the Scenes at MNU
Photo Gallery
From the President
Table of Contents
Defining Moments
Most of us are able to identify events, decisions or individuals that influenced us
at defining moments in our personal lives. When we share our life experiences
with others, a very personal story emerges that reminds us of those significant
moments in time that somehow changed everything.
The story of MidAmerica Nazarene University cannot be told without including the
names of faculty and staff who lived out their commitment to its values, ideals
and purpose. The familiar stories of these pioneers of faith continue to inspire
and challenge us today. When circumstances confronted them and impossible
obstacles blocked their way, it was their unshakable faith in God and a contagious
spirit of unity and common purpose that carried them and MNU through the most
difficult of days.
When I ask graduates about their MNU experiences, they almost always share a
story of a favorite faculty or staff member whose life intersected with theirs in a
very meaningful way. These moments are forever preserved and imprinted deep in
their hearts. Whether a brief conversation or encouraging word, godly counsel or
a special time of prayer, God used these defining moments to bring about change deep within.
Our commitment to be a Christ-centered university is at the very heart of our mission and is being fulfilled each day through
the influence of our dedicated faculty and staff who share their gifts and talents and live their faith before their students.
Through high standards of academic excellence, we are committed to prepare students for a life of purpose. It’s often in these
defining moments when the lives of students, faculty and staff intersect that they experience the love of Jesus Christ together
and a life transformation occurs.
We celebrate the influence of our faculty and staff as they continue to fulfill our mission and respond to the challenge of
Psalm 145:4: “One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.” Their stories become our
defining moments and His story continues to transform theirs.
The MNU Experience
Making the grade
MNU's New Website
MNU Story Goes Viral
82-year-old Frances Wood
captures the nation's heart
It Takes a Pioneer
Behind the scenes at MNU
Homecoming Photos
Weekend festivities at a glance
International Student
MNU's unique offering
Alumni Awards
Eight win special accolades
from MNU
On The Cover
Pioneer Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees:
Adam Hepker, James Perry, Jenna Matson Swinger and Rick Fields.
Dr. David J. Spittal
Managing Editor
Art and Design
Carol (Knight '81, MA '08) Best
Daniel Hawkins ('06)
Kelly (Lawler, '11) Chesley
April (Loomis, '92) Hansen
Jeremy Hoffpauir
Contributing Editor
Kim (Suderman, '05) Campbell
Kelsey (Luffman, '13) Beck
Katy Ward (CS '14)
Chad Jenkins
Rachel Phelps ('09)
02 Accent Magazine / Fall 2013
Find even more online at
Volume 37, Number 3
Daniel Hawkins ('06)
Dan Videtich
Accent is published by MidAmerica
Nazarene University and mailed free to
alumni, friends and supporters of MNU. It
is produced for University Advancement by
the MNU Marketing and Communications
Office. Postage is paid at Olathe, Kan., and
additional mailing offices.
Helpful Links
Stay Connected
Campus News
Faculty News
27Advancing MNU
28Alumni News
Making the Grade
Going Viral
It Takes a Pioneer
Photo Gallery
Teaching in Costa Rica
News or comments:
03 Accent Magazine / Fall 2013
The MNU Experience
By Carol (Knight '81, MA '08) Best
04 Accent Magazine / FALL 2013
Blake Robberson
Kassidy Ritchel
Linjun Ji
Hometown: Edmond, Okla.
Hometown: Independence, Mo.
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Height: 6-feet-1-inch
Height: 6-feet-2-inches
Height: 6-feet
Sport: baseballPosition: relief pitcher/infielder
Sport: basketball Position: center
Sport: volleyball
Greatest inspiration at MNU: “Coach Thompson is
phenomenal. Some people idolize their sport, but Coach T
loves God in everything he does. He’s a great role model.”
Lesson learned at MNU: “Last year I got less play on the court
than ever before. It took a lot of conversations with teammates and
coaches to get through it. But I’m glad for the highs and lows. It
molded my character. Basketball has more to offer than the game.”
Best Thing About MNU: “You’ll know the professors. You can
have close relationships here.”
Coach Ryan Thompson: “Blake always brings a positive
attitude to practice and he is a great competitor. He strives
to improve on a daily basis and he consistently models
character on and off the field.”
Coach Jon Lewis: “Kassidy is an invaluable member to our Pioneer
family. She is not only a leader on the court, but also within the MNU
community. Kassidy takes on enormous challenges in her athletic
and academic endeavors and conquers these challenges with energy,
precision and class. She truly defines what it means to be a Pioneer.“
Position: outside hitter
Coach Kristin Steele: “Ji is irreplaceable. She began her
volleyball training at a very young age and played with and
against some of the world’s best athletes. She is an incredible
example of discipline and hard work. All of her education was
with personal tutors, squeezed in between training sessions,
travel and competition. This way of learning has helped Ji,
who knew very little English when she came to the US.”
05 Accent Magazine / FALL 2013
Kassidy Ritchel
English language arts major Kassidy Ritchel is MNU’s top academic
competitor. Achieving high marks in the classroom and contributing
points on the basketball court, the senior center carries a 3.99 GPA.
Always an achiever, Ritchel was ranked second academically in the class
of 2010 at Truman High School in Independence, Mo. In competitive
basketball since fifth grade, she played both basketball and volleyball for
“I think my academics parallel my athletics,” Ritchel
says. “I’m competitive on the court and in my studies. If
I’m not giving my all, I feel uneasy.”
Linjun Ji
Watching Linjun Ji on the volleyball court, it’s easy to see why she played
on China's national team. The 6-foot Shanghai native is strong, focused
and her serve lands where she intends. So how did MNU score a nationally
recognized Chinese volleyball star? Connections.
During a trip to the U.S. with her Chinese team, Ji met coaches from
California Baptist University. Desperately wanting to attend college—
opportunities are limited in China—Ji let them know she was open to
coming to the U.S. But would the Chinese let her leave their team? After
several months she was finally allowed to enroll at CBU for English as a
second language. Through networking she met MNU coaches and after one
semester transferred to MNU three years ago.
Ritchel wasn’t even considering MNU when she met
Pioneer women’s basketball head coach Jon Lewis
through The Eclipse, an area basketball league he also
coaches. Lewis finally convinced her to visit the campus
and everything changed.
Studying in her second language has been a challenge, but Ji keeps her
grades high. Her advisor Lynne Erikson and other professors are helpful.
“It was the feeling on campus,” Ritchel remembers.
“Something tugged at me.”
Reaching out for assistance is unusual in Ji’s culture. In China few people
admit to needing help, she says.
Her second day in British literature as a freshman,
Ritchel wondered if she could handle the coursework.
After admitting this to her professor, she got
reassurance and the offer of help whenever needed.
“Sometimes professors would ask if I needed help,” she says. “I was
surprised because I found out they really meant it.”
Speaking about the genuine nature of the MNU
community, Ritchel remembers thinking, “This can’t be
how people and professors really are.” But she found
they were.
“They look after you as an individual,” Ritchel says.
“They look at each person. Even your peers are genuine.
I feel like we’re all in it together.”
Ritchel says multiple field experiences, or practica, in
her major make her feel ready for classroom teaching.
Serving at Ozanam—a multi-service treatment center
for adolescents—at Olathe East High School and
at Spring Hill Middle School gave her a diversity of
experiences that should help her succeed in student
“I feel really prepared,” she says. “I had to get out of my
comfort zone and adjust to different teaching situations
and types of students.”
Ritchel is gearing up to play basketball and fulfill her
student teaching assignment in the spring. It wouldn’t
be possible, she says, without the strong cooperation
between athletics, the School of Education and the school district.
Strong academics, a genuine community and career preparation make
Ritchel glad she chose MNU.
06 Accent Magazine / FALL 2013
“All the professors have been good,” she says. “When I don’t understand
something I have learned to say, ‘I’m struggling.’”
Majoring in accounting, Ji already has a U.S. job she plans to continue after
graduation, working in product development for a Shanghai company.
Blake Robberson
Teammates call the right-handed relief pitcher Blake Robberson “Robo.”
The sophomore biology major was second on the Pioneers’ baseball staff
last season, and his 2.68 ERA in 43.2 innings led MNU. He also excels in
the classroom. Voted biology student of the year in his freshman year,
Robberson’s goal is to be a veterinarian.
It wasn’t always that way, though. Robberson had difficulty reading as a
child, and he characterizes his years in middle school as unmotivated.
However, once he had a goal, he realized how important good grades were
and began to excel.
“I started seeing how others studied and I took it in,” he says. “I was shocked
last year when I learned I got biology student of the year. I was just doing my
best. I’m very grateful for the scholarship.”
Like many others, Robberson says the best thing about MNU is the people.
“Coming here it’s like you are working together with your professors,”
he says. “It’s you and them versus the material. No matter how hard the
material is and how you are doing, they work for you.”
He also brags on MNU’s high-tech labs, saying the equipment helps him
learn science more effectively.
07 Accent Magazine / Fall 2013
Campus News
Accelerated Elementary Education
Great option for career changers
A new option for adults who want to
change careers to become elementary
school teachers begins in January 2014.
MNU’s 18-month accelerated elementary
education program in elementary
education has a virtual attendance option
for students who live at least 45 miles
from the Olathe campus.
MNU launched a completely new website
August 1, 2013. Designed with the end
user in mind, the site has new content,
design, structure and navigation.
The nearly year-long project was
completed in-house by the marketing
communications staff, who conducted
research on award-winning higher
education websites, attended training
on site design and function, and held
focus groups with end users during the
The new content includes a microsite
for all content related to traditional
undergraduate students, social media
integration, an expanded and integrated
newsroom and more video content. The
team’s goal is to engage the user in the
true MNU experience.
“We want to give visitors to our site an
authentic taste of what it is like to be a
student at MNU,” says Kim Campbell,
marketing director.
The team researched data from higher
education enrollment experts that
detailed the importance of the web in
college search and how a website can
support activities that lead to student
application and enrollment.
“To be successful, any website must
be focused and it must tell your story,”
Campbell says. “Being focused on our
external audience makes the website
easy to navigate for our most important
customers—the prospective student
and their parents, the professional or
graduate student, alumni and MNU
Nancy Damron, PhD, dean of the school
of education, says MNU alumni and
friends who want to become teachers
should consider this program.
“Students in this program will experience
teaching and learning through methods
designed for adult learners,” Damron
says. “These methods emphasize
collaboration and real-time experiential
learning whether one is in the virtual or
physical classroom.”
MNU has awarded scholarships to 40
students in the past five years through
For the fifth year in a row, the MNU
School of Nursing and Health Science
was selected as a grant recipient of
the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
New Careers in Nursing Scholarship
08 Accent Magazine / Fall 2013
Program (NCIN). MNU received $100,000
to support scholarships for students in
the accelerated Bachelor of Science in
nursing program who are considered
underrepresented in the field of nursing.
“These are next-century tools, designed
to prepare teacher candidates for nextcentury teaching and learning,” Damron
says. “Our technology-rich classrooms
were provided through a $6.6 million
teacher quality grant.”
To qualify for admission students should
have an AA or AS degree, a bachelor’s
degree or a minimum of 60 transferrable
The 30-credit-hour graduate program
trains students in the art and science of
managing people and strategic change.
Focusing on effective leadership of the
human side of an organization makes the
program especially practical, according to
Graydon Dawson, EdD, chair of Graduate
Studies in Management at MNU. Dawson
says research shows that insufficient
people skills derail more executives’
careers than lack of business acumen or
technical skills.
The NCIN Scholarship Program was
launched in 2008 by the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the
American Association of Colleges of
Nursing to address the national nursing
shortage, develop a diverse professional
nursing workforce, and fuel the pipeline
of nurse faculty and leaders.
The MNU School of Nursing and Health
Science joins 52 other schools of nursing,
including Duke, Yale and Marquette,
receiving this year’s grants. The
university’s ABSN program is one of only
six to receive five consecutive rounds of
The curriculum emphasizes high-tech
resources in every course.
semester hours with all general
education requirements fulfilled.
For more information, visit .
Master of Science in Management to Launch
School of Nursing Awarded Another Year of Funding
L to R: Allison Mitchell, Ryan Rochford, Jonathan Knipker, Justin Johng and Lauren Goh, 2013 NCIN Recipients.
The program leads to either a bachelor’s
degree or licensure if the student already
has a degree. Students will be able to
continue working for the first year of their
program, only needing to change their
work schedule when it is time to student
The 20-month Master of Science in
Management (MSM) program is slated
to start its first class in January 2014.
One-night-a-week classes will allow
professionals to continue working and
fulfilling family and personal obligations
while obtaining career-advancing
“If everyone in business had to complete
a business plan, we’d have better
professionals,” Myrtle says. “It’s a great
way to see how all the areas of a business
fit together.”
Myrtle says that MSM students will
benefit from MNU’s partnership with
the Kauffman Foundation’s FastTrac®
program to develop entrepreneurs
because the materials and theories
taught in FastTrac® are available to MSM
students, too.
“To be a successful leader it’s important
to be able to identify complex problems,
implement solutions and make
sound decisions,” Dawson explains.
“Management seems like it should be
common sense, but it’s actually very hard
to do it well."
MNU has offered an accelerated MBA
for more than 20 years. Dawson says the
primary difference in the accelerated
MSM curriculum is the greater focus on
developing people skills for managers.
Jamie Myrtle, dean of MNU’s School of
Business, adds that a unique aspect of
the MSM program is that every student
completes a business plan.
For more information about the MSM
program and other accelerated options,
09 Accent Magazine / FALL 2013
Article News
MNU Students Lead Service Project for Underserved
is a well-known mindset in Haiti where
people have learned to live with few
material goods or modern conveniences.
The remote mountain village of Cascade
Pichon, Haiti, is the beneficiary of the
This year’s student-led Passion to Serve
project has a goal of $70,000 to help build
a school in Haiti where more than 350
students meet in what could be called a
The project is called Dégagé ­­­­­\dā-gäzhā\ which is a Creole word meaning to
"make do with what you have." Dégagé
Partnering with Heart to Heart
International, the organization that will
supervise construction of the school,
MNU students are raising money through
several means. Two Dollar Tuesdays
seek $2 donations at MNU’s community
chapel service. Students are holding
fundraisers throughout the year and
anyone can donate online at www.mnu.
edu/passion. Donors should check with
their employers to see if they have gift
matching programs that essentially
double what the donor gives.
Previous Passion to Serve projects helped
build a health clinic in Guatemala, make
improvements to an orphanage in Kenya
and provide a van and other materials for
Kansas City Urban Youth Center.
The MNU students traveling to Cascade
Pichon in January 2014 will start
building the school’s foundation with
funding and assistance from the Find Us
Faithful Foundation, another Heart to
Heart partner in the project. Additional
partners include Nazarene universities
Mount Vernon, Southern and Point
Loma, as well as the Government of Haiti
(GOH), which will pay the salaries of five
teachers and the school principal. The
project will cost more than $250,000,
according to Heart to Heart official Steve
Updates on the progress of MNU’s
Passion to Serve project are posted at
Created Equal: America’s Civil Rights Struggle Film Series
MNU is one of only 473 institutions across
the country awarded a set of four films
chronicling the history of the civil rights
movement. Created Equal: America’s
Civil Rights Struggle is an initiative of the
National Endowment for the Humanities
that uses the power of documentary films
to encourage community discussion of
America’s civil rights history.
The university will hold a series of
screenings and scholarly discussions
surrounding the films in January and
February 2014 at various locations
throughout the Kansas City metro.
The powerful documentaries—The
Abolitionists, Slavery by Another Name,
Freedom Riders and The Loving Story—
include dramatic scenes of incidents in
the 150-year effort to achieve equal rights
for all. Freedom Riders received an Emmy
in 2012, and The Loving Story and The
Abolitionists were nominated for Emmys
in 2013.
Bruce Flanders, project director and
director of Mabee Library and Learning
Commons, said the university received
a grant along with the four films. The
university partnered with the American
Jazz Museum, Kansas City, Mo., in
seeking this grant.
“These films chronicle the long and
sometimes violent effort to achieve the
rights enumerated in the Declaration
of Independence—life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness—for all Americans,”
Flanders said. “We are pleased to
receive a grant from NEH to provide
programming around these films. We
hope the screening of these films will
result in constructive dialog and learning
about the civil rights struggle.”
Each of the films was produced with
NEH support and tells remarkable
stories of individuals who challenged
the social and legal status quo of deeply
rooted institutions, from slavery to
segregation. Created Equal programs
bring communities together to revisit
our shared history and help bridge deep
racial and cultural divides in American
civic life.
Visit for
more information.
MNU Production of "Annie Get Your Gun"
Student Story Goes Viral
Google “Granny Franny MidAmerica” and you’ll find nearly five pages of links to media
sharing our story on Frances Wood’s return to college at 82, and her honorary “Granny
Homecoming Queen” award. This feel-good human interest story has truly gone viral. In
fact, on Oct. 29 she appeared on "The Queen Latifah Show."
that age. Finally, people love to hear that
the younger and older generations can get
along, and that Wood has been genuinely
welcomed on campus with open arms.
From California, to Georgia, to New York and Seattle, people are tweeting and sharing the
story on Facebook and other social media. Why is this story resonating with so many? One
reason is it is good news and that’s hard to find in our world. Another reason is Frances
Wood’s love for life and activity at age 82 is inspiring. We would all like to be just like her at
All we can say is yes, this story is
authentically MNU.
10 Accent Magazine / Fall 2013
Garrete Stalder, a freshman from Pittsburg, Kan., as Frank Butler with a cast of 45
students and community members in MNU’s production of “Annie Get Your Gun,”
October 31-November 2.
Rebekah Bruton, a junior from Olathe,
Kan., as Annie Oakley. 11 Accent Magazine / Fall 2013
The University Fund
Why I teach
by Mandy Hubbard (MAC '13)
and Katy Ward (CS '14)
Claudia McVicker’s passion is teaching
elementary reading and literature
courses to future educators. Her goal is
for students to experience what learning
feels like to young children. Whether
she’s holding a vocabulary parade where
each student comes to class dressed as
a word, or having students make pointer
sticks to use with oversized books, each
of her assignments requires a direct
application to teaching.
In addition to teaching traditional
undergraduate classes, McVicker also
helped develop MNU’s new graduate
reading curriculum.
So our students can prepare to change the world.
Meet Claudia McVicker
Teacher Education and Graduate Studies
in Education
First Year At MNU: 2009
Education: PhD Curriculum &
Kansas State University
Make a difference.
Give today.
MNU students are working actively to transform the world
through service and Christ-centered career preparation.
Be part of the transformation by giving to
the University Fund. Your dollars go directly to equip
students to change the world, both now and in the future.
Be part of the change. Support the University Fund.
Taught previously at: Cloud County
Community College; Garden City
Community College; Fort Hays State
University; Ball State University;
Southern Illinois University; Hope
University, Liverpool, England.
Accomplishments: Sought-after
conference speaker for international
reading conferences.
A member of the International Reading
Conference, the UK Literacy Association,
and the Reading Association of Ireland,
McVicker has observed more than 90
children abroad and analyzed their
responses to literature. She says the
research has been well received in
Europe and New Zealand.
Having taught at six other universities
and colleges, McVicker enjoys MNU
where the small classes allow her to
offer more value-added experiences such
as field trips and personal discussion.
memorable,” she says.
The overarching focus of McVicker's work
is to model a Christian perspective for
prospective teachers.
“That means they should be childcentered thinkers who always consider
the child first in all decisions,” she
says. “Yes, you will be teaching in public
schools, but you can still model Christian
values. Be Christ’s light in every school
you enter!”
“I like to make learning pleasant and
Q Why do you enjoy teaching at MNU?
A I like the students and am always amazed at the rich campus life they enjoy
here at MNU. No one can deny what a close-knit group of students we have. I also
love all of the MidAmerica traditions: chapel, Harvest Prayer and especially our
graduation traditions.
Q Give us a favorite memory at MNU.
A After a field trip to The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, we went to dinner. As we
received our food, one of my students asked if we could hold hands and pray. I’d
never had that feeling where I have been friends with my students, as well as a
professor. I felt connected to my students and blessed that I could pray with them.
Q What is your favorite travel/teaching experience?
A I started taking students to Liverpool in 2005. For five to six weeks we embed
the students in local elementary schools. We stay at Hope University, a small,
faith-based school on the edge of Liverpool. Four days a week, the students
immerse themselves in the classrooms. On their three-day weekends the
students travel and experience Europe.
I love this trip because I watch my students become transformed, resourceful
Take the next step.
Faculty News
Todd Bowman, PhD, associate professor
of counseling, published
“Angry Birds and Killer
Bees,” a book by Beacon Hill
Press, to help parents turn
"the talk" into an ongoing
conversation that counters
the myriad sources of bad
information children are
exposed to on a daily basis.
From left to right: Susannah Hart, Sarah Miller, Tyler Blake, Kata Conde, Chris Crawford, Mary Murphy,
Donna Bohn, Brenda Austin, Jamie Hatchette, Marcelle Cooper, Lauren Loyd.
Thinking about continuing your education?
MNU Professor May Help
Unlock Mammoth Mystery
Our newest degree programs prepare you for the next step in you career. Online
or on-campus classes allow you to complete programs in as little as 18 months.
Elementary Education
Master of Science in
Post Master’s Nursing
→ Earn a degree or licensure in
18 months
→ Learn effective leadership
Complete online certificates in:
→ Complete student teaching in
your area
→ Complete your degree in 20
months, one class a week
→ Public Health
→ Web-based or on-campus
→ Benefit from an
entrepreneurship class
partnership with Kauffman
→ Healthcare Administration
→ Healthcare Quality
→ Nursing Education
Did a comet impact 13,000 years ago trigger
the so-called “Big Freeze” that killed the
North American mammoths and other large
mammals, changing life forever on Earth?
This idea, referred to as the Younger Dryas
impact hypothesis, is still very controversial.
Now MNU assistant professor Drew
Overholt, PhD, and University of Kansas
professor Adrian Melott, PhD, have found a
definitive way to test this hypothesis.
Part of Overholt’s doctoral dissertation
examined rare isotopes that are hard
to create on Earth. These cosmogenic
nuclides are produced more abundantly from cosmic rays deep in space. For this
reason, comets and other extraterrestrial objects tend to contain these nuclides.
Therefore, Overholt theorized, ice core samples can be tested for these nuclides,
providing evidence of past impacts.
“Scientists have never had a before-the-fact test for the Younger Dryas impact
hypothesis,” Overholt says. “We have found such a test and it will work for other large
impacts as well.”
The ramifications of such tests are of great interest to scientists. While they cannot
predict future events, the test could tell researchers how often these impacts have
occurred, which could help scientists determine what threat these events pose.
Overholt’s paper was published in “Earth and Planetary Science Letters” in September.
Rebeca Chow, MA, LPC, LCPC, RPT/S,
play therapy program coordinator and
assistant professor, has published the
first interactive book for children on
play therapy. “The Play Therapy Book,”
available on the Apple App store, allows
children to answer questions on an iPad
and create a story about themselves to
help therapists introduce the idea of play
Neil Friesland, (’94) EdD, professor of
education, program coordinator, Master of
Education in Adaptive Special Education,
was published in The NADD (National
Association of Developmental Disabilities)
Bulletin, May/June, Vol. 16, called “A postsecondary education experience for a
student with Down Syndrome: a look into
the first semester.”
Erin Steinkamp, director of sports
medicine, was featured on KCTV5’s
“Beyond the Glass Ceiling” series by news
anchor Karen Fuller. Watch Steinkamp’s
video at Accent online and read how this
job is a dream come true and how her
faith is central to the position.
Doctorates Completed:
Don Dunn, PhD, instructor, Department
of Bible, Theology and Mission and
Professional Studies in Management;
earned at Capella University.
Mary Fry, PhD, associate professor
of counseling; earned at Regent
University, Virginia Beach, Va.
15 Accent Magazine / FALL 2013
It Takes a pioneer
By Kim (Suderman '05) Campbell
It happens hundreds of times each day. A professor flips on
a light switch at the beginning of a class. A student grabs a
quick bite to eat in Campus Center or Dewey’s Book & Bean.
A staff member sorts through a stack of mail in an office.
While these are moments that students, faculty and staff may
take for granted in the course of a busy day, they
are also the same moments that help keep
the MNU community operating.
While the answer varies, there are a few common themes: a
servant’s heart and a passion for Christian higher education.
Of course, it also doesn’t hurt if you happen to have
experience as a certified electrician, professional chef or U.S.
mail carrier.
Inset facts: Steven Richmond
· 11,500—meals served a week
· 300—rotisserie chickens cooked each week
· 540—racks of dishes washed each week
What does it really take to run a campus of nearly 2,100
students, faculty and staff?
Inset facts: Tom McNaney
· 48—lights in Bell Family Arena’s main gym
· (waiting on # of light bulbs stat from his vendor)
Inset facts: Charles Ablard
· 40,000—pieces of mail a year
· 570—students with on-campus mailboxes
· 34—offices receiving mail deliveries twice a day
Meet Charles
16 Accent Magazine / FALL 2013
A familiar face at MNU, Charles Ablard has served as MNU’s
postmaster for 21 years. From the full-service post office on the
main campus, Ablard manages the processing of all student,
faculty and staff mail, ensuring that packages, bills and letters
(yes, letters) are sent and received on a daily basis.
He’s also been a part of significant changes over the years. During
his tenure he has managed the automation of MNU’s mail. Twenty
years ago, most of the mail processed at MNU was delivered
on just one campus. Today, MNU’s post office coordinates two
daily deliveries between the main campus and Olathe’s Santa Fe
Commons office/classroom complex while also overseeing weekly
deliveries to MNU’s Liberty, Mo., location. The growth of online
ordering has also significantly increased the amount of packages
that the campus post office sends and receives.
Meet Steven
Meet Tom
Food Service Director Steven Richmond has one of
the busiest jobs on campus. Overseeing three meals a
day at Campus Center, along with four additional retail
locations—Dewey’s Book & Bean, Land Café, Cook
Center concessions and the Santa Fe Commons snack
bar—means no two days are the same.
You may have to look up to actually find Tom McNaney.
As MNU’s only licensed electrician, McNaney is
responsible for everything from resetting circuits in the
dorms—think a microwave, curling iron and computer
all plugged into the same power strip—to literally
keeping the street lights on. He has served in this role
for 10 years and has a big place in his heart for Christian
higher education.
Whether it’s arriving at 5 a.m. on Monday to do a
complete inventory for the week or serving 525
plated, three-course meals for President’s Honors,
Richmond’s experience helps him take it all in stride.
After completing chef’s school, he held roles at hotels,
restaurants, resorts, universities and in corporate food
service management.
In his three years at MNU, Richmond has already made
significant food service changes.
“Approximately 95-98 percent of what we serve is made
from scratch,” he shares.
The Campus Center dining hall is now open throughout
the day instead of only at specific times. Richmond sees
his role as an important part of creating community.
“We work with mostly the same audience each day,
which gives us the opportunity to really get to know
people and build sincere relationships,” he says.
“Most students are happy when they come by because they’re
getting mail,” Ablard shares, “and alumni come by and still
remember their original mailbox.”
How about the answer to everyone’s burning question:
the most popular item at Campus Center? “It’s definitely
still spicy chicken,” Richmond shares.
In the midst of overseeing four student workers and up to four
volunteers each day, Ablard says that it’s the Christian atmosphere
that means the most to him at MNU.
Richmond is quick to give credit to his entire food service
team. Many of his staff have been at MNU for more than
10 years because they love what they do. He’s quick to
note that, “It’s the work of these great employees who
make this happen every single day.”
“You really appreciate it when you’ve worked other places,” says
Ablard, who also served more than 20 years in the U.S. Navy
before coming to MNU.
“A Christian college made a difference in my life and
changed the direction of where I was headed,” McNaney
shares. “It’s about creating an environment that changes
lives—this is why I find my job fun.”
McNaney’s heart for students is evident. He prioritizes
any request that comes in from the dorms or affects
student life.
His skill set allows Facility Services to handle many
significant projects in house rather than spending funds
to pay an outside electrician. McNaney has assisted in
the complete remodel of dorm bathrooms in Stockton,
Rice, Lanpher and Snowbarger and has helped rewire
the nursing simulation lab in Cook Center during a prior
Charles, Steven and Tom are three of the dedicated
people who keep the lights on, stomachs full and
hearts connected at MNU. It really does take a village
of purposeful and passionate servants to help run our
Pioneer community.
Leave a Comment!
To leave a comment for Tom, Steven or Charles, visit
17 Accent Magazine / FALL 2013
Bob Humphrey (’93, MBA ’97) preps
his chicken for BBQ judges.
Kim (Marshall, '89) Stevenson and
Pam (Glaser, '88) Plummer enjoying
BBQ Competition.
Brad Yantis (’83), Roger Alexander
(’82) and Bob Salmons ('84), buddies
from way back.
Women's Soccer
Pioneers vs CMU 4-0
Pioneers vs Peru State 38-41
Shelli (Hatcher, FS ’83) Schramm
sampling BBQ.
Enjoying time with the president at
The Big Tent.
Shirish Jadhav, Dan Duncan (’12) and
Hadley Horak (’12) took the top prize
at the BBQ competition.
Homecoming Dinner Celebration
enjoyed by Dr. Larry and Donna
McIntire, Donna and Dr. David Spittal,
Dr. Paul and Connie Cunningham,
Margaret Gilliland, Jim and Bev Smith.
Kids Zone at The Big Tent.
Haley & Hanson (Brian Hanson '81),
perform at Homecoming dinner.
Homecoming King Luke Letsinger
(’14), Marshfield, Mo., and Queen
Caitlin Wienck (’14), Topeka, Kan.
Football fans cheer on the Pioneers.
18 Accent Magazine / Fall 2013
19 Accent Magazine / Summer 2013
Homecoming Chapel worship team
sings at chapel service.
Alumni Class of 1988 Reunion held at
The Big Tent.
Isaac, Micah, and Jalen Jenkins, made
MNU pennants at the Kid's Zone.
Athletics Hall of Fame inductees:
James Perry (’08), football; Adam
Hepker (’10), basketball; Jenna
(Matson ’08) Swinger, basketball;
Rick Fields (’77, MEd ’03), athletics
facilities manager, meritorious service.
Drs. Frank ('73) and Brent ('00)
Moore discuss their book after
Alumnus of the Year, Rick Armstrong
(’89) with Dr. David Spittal.
Alumni/student softball game.
Alums enjoy reliving the memories.
Homecoming Chapel.
Pioneer Pete and MNU cheerleaders.
Stephen ('07), Anne (Bryant, '06) and
Micah Sickel could not attend from
the mission field to accept the Young
Alumni Award, but appeared by video
chat at the Homecoming Dinner and
Guests enjoyed MNU’s band during Big
Tent activities.
20 Accent Magazine / SUmmer 2013
21 Accent Magazine / Summer 2013
program, says cross-cultural experience
is increasingly important for aspiring
“As our teacher candidates transition into
their first teaching positions, they will be
walking into classrooms that may have a
very diverse student population,” Stowe
Dana John (’12), who participated in the
program in fall 2012, is now working
as a special education paraeducator at
Junction Elementary School in Kansas
City, Kan. As she applies the skills she
gained at MNU to her new career, Dana
says the language training she received in
Costa Rica was invaluable.
“Even though I understood how students
learn a new language, I was able to see it
in action better than I would have in the
States,” John says.
Another fall 2012 participant, Chelsea
Bebermeyer (’12), adds that teaching
in a Spanish-speaking country will help
her relate to ELL students in her own
“I truly understand what it feels like to
be an ELL student,” Bebermeyer says.
“It helped me to empathize with these
students, and I gained insight that will be
beneficial for years to come.”
By Kelsey (Luffman, '13) Beck
The School of Education at MNU does more than teach about teaching—they push aspiring educators to
get in the classroom, learn experientially and make a difference in the lives of students.
But ELL teaching methods aren’t the only
thing participants gain from international
student teaching. As Professor of
Education Linda (Kirby, ’84) Alexander,
PhD, explains, the experience also
prompts student teachers to develop as
schools seek candidates who have
taught abroad.
“Employers who come to our job
fair love our students’ international
experience,” Alexander says. “Our
employers see it as an asset to have
worked in those diverse settings.”
Although ELL teaching experience,
personal growth and added résumé
appeal are great reasons to student
teach abroad, the program’s
ultimate purpose is the same as
MNU’s purpose—to serve God and
others with passion and purpose.
Summer 2012 participant Ashford
Collins-Johnson (’12) now works as
a sixth grade language arts teacher
at Santa Fe Trail Middle School in
Olathe, Kan. He says teaching in
Costa Rica taught him how to live
out his God-given calling.
“Even though I
understood how
students learn a
new language, I
was able to see it
in action better
than I would have
in the States.”
One opportunity for teacher candidates to do just that is MNU’s student teaching experience in Costa Rica.
In this program, participants complete five weeks of student teaching at an international school, earn
additional academic credit by taking a Spanish course and explore the breathtaking beauty of the Costa
Rican landscape.
“Being on your own in a foreign country
makes you personally grow,” Alexander
says. “Our student teachers put to good
use the things they’re learning in our
“It's allowed me to become not just a
better teacher, but someone that sees
these opportunities to not just preach
about how Christ wants us to live,"
Collins-Johnson says.
MNU is one of only two universities in the state of Kansas to offer an international student teaching
opportunity. One key reason why MNU does so is to equip teacher candidates for the ongoing shift in
student demographic. From 1998 to 2008, the number of English Language Learner (ELL) students in
the U.S. grew by more than 50 percent. That’s why Ramona Stowe, PhD, coordinator for MNU’s ESOL
Such cultural understanding is beneficial
as teacher candidates move into the
workforce. According to Alexander,
MNU’s Costa Rica program is offered every semester to student teachers. To learn more
about innovative education at MNU, visit our education program page.
22 Accent Magazine / FALL 2013
To discover more global opportunities at MNU, visit our student life page.
23 Accent Magazine / FALL 2013
MNU Athletics
MNU Athletics
Pioneer Basketball Ready to Take the Court
by Chad Jenkins
Women's basketball returns most of last year's 30-3 squad as the
two-time defending HAAC and HAAC Tournament champs. HAAC
coaches voted the team #1 for this season. After losing post player
Kiley Herold to graduation, MNU is still loaded. Defending HAAC
Player of the Year and second-team All-America Kelsey Balcom
(12.8 ppg) is rejoined by three-year starting guards Navia Palu and
Rachel Boan (9.0 ppg) and two-year starter Daria Sprew (9.3 ppg).
Key reserve Megan Balcom (8.6 ppg) returns after a great freshman
season, and Kendra Flemming (9.0 ppg) is trying to recover from a
leg injury in time for the stretch run. Seniors Marlianne Louzeiro,
Kassidy Ritchel, Brooke Rinehart and CJ Wesemann return with
junior Shadequa Longus. Transfers Kyleesha Weston (Colorado) and
Martyna Kudziela (Western Illinois) should see heavy minutes as
Last season the Pioneers were the model of consistency. The
starting five did not change except on Senior Night, and MNU rattled
off a school-record 20-straight wins from mid-December to early
March. Climbing as high as #9 in the national ranking after winning
their second straight HAAC tournament title, a first-round knockout
at nationals has motivated the Pioneers.
Men's Basketball is in a season of transition after a 2610 record and a run to the Elite 8 at last year's national
tournament. While the team was voted #2 in the HAAC this
season, gone are starters Rustin Dowd (Third-team AllAmerica), Jacob French, Lukas Weigel, and Justin Collard.
Key returners include seniors Luke Thomas (14.3 ppg),
David Clark (6.5 ppg), Conner Langrehr (11.7 ppg), Brandon
Newton (6.5 ppg) and junior Nick Syrie (9.1 ppg).
"We have senior leadership combined with talented depth this year,"
says head coach Jon Lewis. "The additions of the transfers has only
made us better, and everyone is hungry to improve even more."
After seven games, Pioneer football is 2-5 in a brutal firsthalf schedule. With five of the first six games against ranked
opponents and just one home game to date, the Pioneers
will miss the playoffs for the first time since 2006. Greg
Gates (91.5 rushing yards per game) and Joe Camacho
(HAAC leader in tackles) have been bright spots, and kicker
Michael Brewer is a two-time HAAC Special Teams Player
of the Week.
MNU volleyball clinched its second-straight HAAC title and thirdstraight appearance at the NAIA national championship in December
with a #6 ranking and 21-2 record (7-0 HAAC). Taryn Salum is a
four-time HAAC Setter of the Week, and Vladi Kopanarova is a twotime HAAC Hitter/Player of the Week. Zoradia Heredia is leading the
team with 245 kills, 241 digs, and 23 aces. Britney Grittman leads
MNU with 91 blocks. Two-time All-America honoree Linjun Ji is
having another great all-around season, and the Pioneers are riding
a 19-match winning streak in the HAAC dating back to 2011.
Want to learn more? Visit
men's Soccer
Men's soccer (12-3-2) has clinched a conference tournament home
game as the #1 seed and co-champions with Baker and Benedictine.
Defender Aurelien Norest was named HAAC Defensive Player of the
Year and HAAC MVP. Head coach Kevin Wardlaw was named HAAC
Co-Coach of the Year. Senior keeper Chris Ericksson has 10 shutouts,
good for second in the nation. Lucas Machado, Eddie Morales and
Jonathan Babcock have been named HAAC Players of the Week.
Last season the Pioneers struggled to find consistency
as nine players started at least seven games. Despite
injuries and lineup shuffling, MNU still finished third in the
HAAC and advanced to the conference tourney title game.
While MNU knocked off #7 Cal State-San Marcos and #10
Oklahoma Baptist to advance to the Elite 8, a loss to #2
Lindsey Wilson ended the season.
Coach Rocky Lamar is excited about the new season.
"We have a great nucleus returning," he says. "Five
returning players who all got plenty of starts last season is
a reason for optimism. Luke Thomas in the post and Nick
Syrie in the back court are as talented as anyone in the
country, and with the rest of the talent on our squad, we
should pose a tough night for anyone."
24 Accent Magazine / FALL 2013
Women's Soccer
Women's soccer (13-3-3) is having its best season in program history.
The team recorded its twelfth victory of the season over previouslyundefeated Avila, and secured a fourth-seed in the HAAC tourney.
Kalyn Pfaff leads the offense with 12 goals, while Ellaisa Marquis has
seven goals and eight assists. Midfielders Kelli Reid (10 assists) and
Misty Olsen (six goals, six assists) have been strong in the middle.
Senior keeper Breanna Oddo and senior defender Kara Quinn have
anchored a defense which has eight shutouts on the season.
25 Accent Magazine / Fall 2013
Alumni Awards
Advancing MNU
Couple Makes Largest School of Education Endowment Possible
By Rachel Phelps ('09)
Receiving a gift of more than $50,000 from an estate is a blessing
for MNU. Seeing that donation doubled through the generosity of a
family tie is a moment to treasure.
More than 20 years ago, Harold Brown suggested that his
aunt, Dorothy Fisher, include MNU in her estate plans. He and
his wife, Betty, relocated to Courtland, Kan., to assist Fisher
with the family farm following the passing of her brother. The
Browns had ties to the university, as three of their five sons were
students in the 1970s. With no children of her own, Fisher took
her nephew’s advice, setting up a revocable trust naming MNU.
L to R: Drs. Frank and Sue Moore, Kindra Bible, Rick Armstrong, Madeline and Allen Tollefson. Not pictured: Stephen and Anne Sickel.
Six alumni and two supporters won Alumni & Friends awards at Homecoming 2013. t
Rick Armstrong ('89)
Rick is chief of police for Kansas City,
Kan. The 1998 alumnus of the FBI
National Academy completed the
agency’s prestigious Leadership and
Development School in 2012. During
his tenure with the KCKPD, Armstrong
earned a BA in management and human
resources from MNU and a Master of
Public Administration from the University
of Kansas. He has received numerous
KCKPD awards and commendations,
including the Meritorious Service Valor
Award and two Purple Hearts.
Kindra Bible ('99)
Kindra is education manager for Extreme
South America, and a missionary in
Quito, Ecuador. After earning a degree
in computer science, Bible served with
Youth in Mission in Brooklyn, N.Y., and
taught computer classes to urban youth.
Earning an M.A. in intercultural studies
from Nazarene Theological Seminary
in 2006, she began mission work in
2007. Serving in IT and communications
for more than four years, Bible joined
Extreme South America in Quito, Ecuador,
in February 2013. She coordinates
Spanish and theology/missions classes
for all of Extreme's missionaries.
26 Accent Magazine / FAll 2013
Stephen ('07) and Anne
(Bryant, '06) Sickel
Stephen and Anne organize and lead
mission trips full time as missionaries
in Panama and Central America. The
couple travel by foot, car, boat, airplane
and motorcycle across lower Central
America matching work and witness
groups with the best work sites. Stephen
holds a degree from MNU in international
business, and Anne was a graduate of
the English program. They have a oneyear-old son, Micah. The Sickels have
a ministry blog at: http://sickelstory.
Frank ('73) and Sue (Potter,
'75) Moore
Frank is professor of theology and
director of the Center for Faith and
Culture at Olivet Nazarene University, and
he was recently elected general editor of
the Church of the Nazarene. Sue Moore,
EdD, is professor of education at Olivet.
The Moores served more than 20 years at
MNU as professors and administrators.
During that time the couple led 20 years
of CAUSE mission trips at MNU. Frank
holds a Master of Divinity in religion
from Nazarene Theological Seminary,
and an MA and PhD in religion from
Vanderbilt University. Sue earned an
MA in education from Tennessee State
University, an EdS degree from the
University of Missouri, and an EdD from
Nova Southeastern University. Frank
has authored 13 books. His most recent,
“Jesus is Lord,” is co-written with his son,
Brent (’00), PhD, now assistant professor
of counseling at MNU.
Allen and Madeline Tollefson
When Fisher passed away in April 2012, MNU received a gift
of $53,540 from her estate. In accordance with the wishes of
her family, the Fisher-Brown Family Scholarship Fund, an
endowment providing scholarships to juniors and seniors
majoring in teacher education, was established.
When MNU development staff visited the Browns to thank them
for their involvement in the donation, they received a pleasant
surprise. The Browns, having prayed about their own inheritance
from Fisher, said they felt led to match her donation. Betty
Brown then handed Jon North ('92, MBA '95), vice president for
university advancement, a check for $53,541.
L to R: VP Jon North, Harold and Betty Brown, and son Sam Brown (FS ’76)
lives to give generously, even when their finances were limited.
“Both Harold and Betty are people of strong faith,” Keeton adds.
“The matching gift they provided to MNU represented a ‘tithe’
and the pattern of their lives.”
“Seeing the tears of joy expressed by this wonderful couple –
who have lived on Social Security for 20 years – is something I
will never forget,” says Tim Keeton, associate vice president for
university advancement. “They gave out of obedience to what the
Lord made possible. We were truly humbled by their generosity.”
The endowment is the largest one-time donation the School
of Education has ever received. Dr. Nancy Damron, dean, says
education is a field under increasing scrutiny and demands, and
the endowment will help counter rising costs to students.
As members of the Church of the Nazarene in Kingston and later
in Burr Oak, Kan., the Browns made a commitment early in their
“This kind of support is inspiring,” Damron says. “They have left
a legacy mark on our program. Their Christ-like example has
also left one on our hearts.”
Allen and Madeline are influencial
supporters of MNU. With Frank and
Sue Moore, they provided leadership for
MNU student mission trips from 1985 to
2005. Their involvement and significant
financial support helped impact an
entire generation of university students.
Actively involved in supporting Nazarene
Compassionate Ministries for more than
40 years, they have spent significant time
in the mission field as volunteers. The
Tollefsons’ son Dr. Cary Murphy (’89), is
a physician in Clay Center, Kan., and is
married to alumna Dawn (Bornsen ’91).
Go to Accent online for more information.
877-496-8668 (toll free)
Alumni and Friends
Alumni News
Volunteers Operate
The Kenney family—Corey (’99), Jill
(Bachman, ’98), Asher, and Amelia
(pictured right) —is one of many families
volunteering as concession workers
for MNU sporting events. The Office of
Alumni Relations operates concessions at
all home games. Outdoor concessions on
the new mobile cart include soda, chips,
candy and other snacks. Fans in Cook
Center can purchase hot dogs, nachos,
hot and cold drinks and other food
items, including ice cream. Beginning
with this year’s basketball season, a
refillable MNU mug will be available with
discounted refills.
Many individuals volunteer for a game
or more, throughout the season. Alumni
director Kevin Garber ('89), whose
wife Shawna (Gafford, '95), and sons
Matthew, 11, and Michael, 9, are frequent
volunteers, says, “There’s no better way
David Garrett (’75) recently retired
from AT&T as product management
director. He is a nine-time recipient of
the company's Marketing Achievement
Award. He and his wife, Diane (Holden,
’75), live in San Antonio, Texas.
to expose my children to MNU athletics
than through a service opportunity like
concessions. They love it.”
Want to volunteer? Visit
Pioneer Adventures Visits
Rocky Lamar (’76), Pioneer men's
basketball coach since 1986, will be
inducted into the NAIA Hall of Fame in
the 2013-14 season. Coach Lamar has
achieved 629 victories.
Sheila (Vandervoort, ’79) Bird is now
director of planned giving at Sterling
College in Sterling, Kan.
Lisa (Smith, ’80) Clements, PhD,
was elected secretary of the board of
directors of the National Association of
State Mental Health Program Directors
(NASMHPD). She has been director of the
Colorado Department of Human Services
Office of Behavioral Health since 2011.
Houston Thompson (’80) is dean of
the School of Professional Studies and
administrative dean for the School of
Graduate and Professional Studies at
Olivet Nazarene University. Houston is
also program director of the Doctor of
Education program in Ethical Leadership.
Great Wolf Lodge Family Weekend
Great Wolf Lodge, 10401 Cabela Drive, Kansas City, KS
An Evening at the Southmoreland
MNU Tuesdays: Featuring Chad Williams
Friday, Feb. 7 Saturday Feb. 8,
per couple
Southmoreland Bed & Breakfast on the Plaza
Bell Cultural Events Center, MNU Campus
Young Alumni Ski Trip
Winter Park, Colorado
MNU Tuesdays: Colorado
MNU Tuesdays: Featuring Gerald Smith
Maggiano’s - 7401 S Clinton St, Englewood, CO
MAY 16-18, 2014
Bell Cultural Events Center, MNU Campus
Bell Cultural Events Center, MNU Campus
Pioneer Adventures: Scottsdale, AZ
CAUSE Mission Trip: Haiti
Pioneer Adventures Alaskan Cruise
Hosted by Chuck & Kathy Nunamaker and Rocky & Jo Lamar
May 24-30, 2014 • Port-au-prince, Haiti
Hosted by Frank & Sue Moore
Hosted by David & Donna Spittal and Larry & Donna McIntire
JUNE 20-27, 2014
Durango, Colorado. August 2013.
28 Accent Magazine / fall 2013
For more event details, visit
29 Accent Magazine / Fall 2013
Alumni And Friends
Additional News
Judy (Lytle ’83) Naramore is the coauthor of “From our Heart, Devotions for
Daily Living,” an upbeat and emotional
view of life in a daily devotional format.
Carolyn (Cooper ’84) Doolittle, EdD,
is director of educational programs in
the School of Graduate Studies at the
University of Saint Mary, Overland Park,
Sherri Chittum (’85) was inducted into
the Kansas Teachers’ Hall of Fame
on June 1, 2013. She is the previous
recipient of the Coffeyville Elementary
Educator of the Year (1995), Wal-Mart
Teacher of the Year (2003) and Coffeyville
Teacher of the Year (2007).
Bryan Carrier (’89), EdD, serves
as the acting dean of students at
Union University. He earned an EdD
in educational leadership with a
specialization in higher education from
Union University this year.
Kevin Garber (’89) was awarded the
Timothy Award from the Kansas City
District Nazarene Youth International
(NYI) for 22 years of service.
Michael Milton (’89), PhD, was invited by
Michael Reagan and The Reagan Center,
to speak and hold a book signing for his
latest book, "Silent No More: Why the
Church Must Speak Biblically to State
and Culture," at the Reagan Ranch and
Center in Santa Barbara, Calif.
Olathe Fire Chief Jeff Degraffenreid (’90,
MEd ’99), EdD, was inducted into the
Olathe Public Schools Wall of Honor.
Keith A. Brown
(’92), Bay City,
Texas, Independent
School District
superintendent, was
named Texas state
Superintendent of the
Year (SOTY). See story at Accent Online.
Robin (Grob, ’97) Hammann coaches the
Pella High School, Iowa, cross country
team. Pella’s teams have won three state
titles. Robin also teaches chemistry,
physics and intro to engineering.
Patti Baumgartner (’98) was elected as
a Fellow for ASET: The Neurodiagnostic
Ryan Butler (’99), DO, graduated from
Kansas City University of Medicine and
Biosciences in June 2013. He also
earned an MBA in healthcare leadership
from Rockhurst University in May 2013.
Ryan is now a first-year family medicine
resident at UPMC Horizon in Farrell,
Josh (’00) and Sarah (Messamer, ’01)
Broward are back in the U.S. after nearly
nine years in Korea where Josh served as
lead pastor of Korea Nazarene University
International English Church and Sarah
was an English professor at KNU. Josh
is now associate pastor at Duneland
Community Church of the Nazarene in
Chesterton, Ind., and Sarah started a
small business hosting international
Dr. Tanner Auch (’04) joined Oklahoma
Baptist University’s faculty as assistant
professor of mathematics.
Heather (Bolte ’04) Bloesser, DO,
completed her residency at the University
of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita
Family Medicine Residency Program at
Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Kan.
Dr. Kevin Compton (’05) accepted a new
position as district administrator for the
Colorado District Church of the Nazarene.
John Ream (’05) recently completed
an MBA with concentrations in finance
and entrepreneurship & innovation from
the Kellogg School of Management at
Northwestern University.
Billie Taylor (’07) is teaching ninth grade
physical science at Center High School in
Kansas City, Mo.
So Choi (’09), art
teacher at Leawood
Middle School in the
Blue Valley (Kan.)
School District,
has been named
Outstanding Middle
Level Art Educator of the Year 2013-2014.
Amy Holmquist (’09)
graduated with a
master's degree in
nonfiction writing &
publications and took
a communications
coordinator position at
Pella Cooperative Electric in Pella, Iowa.
Stephen Netherton (’09) graduated
from Baylor Law School in May 2013.
Stephen is an attorney for Hite, Fanning
& Honeyman, LLP in Wichita, Kan.
Amber Rhoades (’09) was named
administrative assistant for the School of
Business at the University of Kansas.
Kevin Liddle (’12) is the youth pastor/
executive director of BRIDGES at Living
Hope Church of the Nazarene.
Eric Newlin (’12) is teaching choral
music at Pioneer Trail Middle School in
Olathe, Kan.
Brianna (Davis, ’13) Morrison is the
children’s pastor at Carthage First
Church of the Nazarene, Carthage, Mo.
Michael Morrison (’13) is teaching eighth
grade math at East Middle School in
Joplin, Mo.
1) Brenton (’10) and JoNel (Henning,
’09) Bell, a daughter: Nora Lorraine,
born May 26, 2013.
2) Jeremy (’12) and Stephanie (Hoeck,
’06) Brenneman adopted a daughter:
Everly Juliet, born Feb. 14 and
adopted Feb. 27, 2013.
3) David (’99) and Sarah (Higgins, ’01)
Caldwell, a son: Henry Davis, born
Aug. 20, 2013.
4) Brandon (‘00) and Stephanie
(Pardue, ’01) Classen, a son: Isaac
Alan, born May 31, 2013.
5) Edward (’94) and Coral
(VanderBurgh, ’98) Couchenour, a
son: Jonathan Edward, born April 13,
6) Nathanael (’01) and Carol Dungan, a
daughter: Jenna Rose, born Dec. 14,
2012. She joins brother Grant.
7) Josh and Courtney (Conant, ’02)
Gill, a son: Colton Roy, born Aug. 27,
8) Kyle (’01) and Shana Henne, a son:
Sawyer Levi, born June 20, 2013.
Brianna (Davis, ‘13) and Michael
Morrison (’13), July 13, 2013.
9) Taylor (’03) and Kimberly (Talley,
’03) Johnson, a son: Rowan Taylor,
born on June 7, 2013.
Alicia (Ellis, ‘07) and Brooks Marsh,
June 15, 2013.
10) Matt and Donna (Hollandsworth,
’96, MBA ’02) McAllister, a daughter:
Zoey Paige, born May 13, 2013. She
joins big brother Cooper.
Alicia (Godwin, ‘05) and Jonathan
Parker, June 14, 2013.
Taylor (Howell, ’12) and Nathan Curtis
(’11), March 9, 2013.
Claire (McCoy, ’13) and David Ward, May
25, 2013.
Alyssa (Gilmore, ‘12) and Jacob Rhoades
(fs ‘12), July 6, 2013.
11) Brett and Lori (O’Bryan, ’01) McFall,
a daughter: Emerson Lucille, born
on May 23, 2013.
12) Dustin (’05) and Krystal (Kenton,
’05) Pence, twin girls: Delaney and
Kelsey, born July 29, 2013.
13) Luis Felipe (’10) and Lineth
(Contreras, ’10) Posada, a son:
Dylan Alessandro, born July 29, 2013.
14) Joseph and Alisha (Pluff, ’04)
Roberts, a son: Ethan Wesley, born
July 13, 2013.
15) Joshua (’12) and Deborah (Rose,
’10) Robinson, a son: Isaac
Robinson, born Aug. 4, 2013. Isaac
joins sister Esther.
16) Arodi (’11) and Chrystalynn Sanchez,
a son: Soren, born Sept. 9, 2013.
17) Kevin (’03) and Staci (Miller, ’05)
Schafer, a daughter: Caroline Nicole,
born June 17, 2013. Caroline joins
older sister Audrey Christine, born
Dec. 9, 2011.
18) C.J. (’00) and Nicole Sears adopted
a son: Gabriel Shihui, born Sept. 20,
2011, and adopted May 21, 2013. He
joins siblings Carter, Ava and Vivian.
19) Casey (’06) and Nicole Thrasher, a
daughter: Briella Grace, born July
16, 2013.
Connect Online
Daniel Eaton (’74), May 18, 2013.
James Hubert King (’76), August 17, 2013.
Dana Jeanne (McCollam, ’09) Allison,
July 6, 2013.
Have news?
Want to share births, marriages, and accomplishments with Accent? Please send to
30 Accent Magazine / FALL 2013
31 Accent Magazine / Fall 2013
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Olathe KS 66062-1899
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Friday, April 11 | 6:30 p.m.
MNU Cook Center
Join honorary chairs Allen (’72) and Saralyn (’72) Brown
for a magical evening of exquisite food, thrilling auctions
and inspiring entertainment. Last year’s event raised
over $450,000 for student scholarships!
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Online Sneak Preview Auction
December 1 - 13, 2014
To learn about sponsorship opportunities,
contact Todd Garrett at 913.971.3605.
This special two-week online auction features a handful of unique items for bid. It’s like a sneak peek
at the full online auction coming in mid March, and all proceeds benefit scholarships!
Visit by December 13 to place your bid!