May 2012 - LEADERship MC Alumni, Inc.
May 2012 - LEADERship MC Alumni, Inc.
LEADERlines May 2012 LUNCH SPEAKER Board members, Lisa Teetor (7) and Jon Milton(14) welcome Kathleen Kalck, the guest speaker, at the alumni April 13 luncheon. Kathleen shared with the group that people are born with the skills to be a leader but it is up to them to develop the qualities to achieve that role. LEADERship Alumni 2012- 2013 Slate of Officers President - Lisa Teetor Vice-President - Carl Newton IN THIS ISSUE • LUNCH SPEAKER 1 • SLATE OF OFFICERS 1 • RACE FOR YOUTH 2 • ALUMNI NETWORK 2 • CLEE WINS 3 • YOUTH CAREERS 3 • WOMEN HONORED 4 • LAURIE SERVES 4 • ALUMNI BOARD 5 • BULLETIN BOARD 5 • MISSION/ADDRESS 5 UPCOMING Chick-fil-A Leadercast Speakers Series May 4th 9 to 4 for tickets contact: 485-9505 or Treasurer Recording Secretary Greg Nuttall Jon Milton Past-President Janice Norman **** Corresponding Secretary Jamie Uteschill Annual Luncheon Director - Expires 2013 Director - Expires 2014 Jason Berger Tara Biek June 8 at noon at Sue Gaieski L.C. Campbell Willoughby County Club Sue Hedgepath Jeffery Clee Elect New Alumni Board Mary Palczer Mike Ewing Teresa Lamar-Sarno Ryan Grimsdale Page 1 of 5 F a m i l i e s Vo l u n t e e r f o r Yo u t h Sailfish Striders Running Club has chosen Leadership Marn County Alumni Foundaon for Youth, Inc as its charity partner for this year’s 21st Annual Run for the Pineapple 5k. For the past 20 years, the Sailfish Striders have donated some of its proceeds from the race to a Mar&n County charity. This year’s race will take place on Memorial Day, May 28th at 7 a.m. at Sewalls Point Commons Park. We would like to encourage our Alumni, families and friends to sign up for the race. This is a walker-friendly, family friendly event. There is no &me limit to finish and strollers are permi.ed. People can go to for informa&on and registra&on forms. Start your day off in a healthy way and also help raise money for our youth leadership program and scholarship fund. Be home in &me for holiday prepara&ons and fes&vi&es. Thank you Sailfish Striders Running Club! We also need Race Volunteers to help as course marshals and water sta&on helpers. Friends and family welcome. Please email Ryan Grimsdale as soon as possible at rgrimsda@sheriff.mar& with your phone number and t-shirt size. Hope you can join us! ENJOYING OUR LUNCHEON Representative Gayle Harrell (3) Leslie Haviland-Smith(21) and Carl Newton(21) Jennifer Ferrari(14) and Candiate David Dees(6) Representative Will Snyder(7) with grandson and Maria Wells (14) Thank You to: Glenna Parris (11) & Jennifer Ferrari (14) of Treasure Coast Hospice for hosting our April 13 luncheon May 2012 Our delicious lunch was catered by Jay Mahoney (11) owner of Manero’s. LEADERship Alumni Newsletter Page 2 Class 22 Elects LEADERship Commissioner Jeffery Clee receives a gavel as the winning candidate. On Government Day the class had to choose a candidate from their task force group to run for office. Candidates Justin Beard, Jeffrey Clee, Tony Loupe and Mike Sancho campaigned and made speeches during the day. The class voted at the Supervisor of Elections office with the most votes going for candidate Clee as LEADERship Commissioner for 2012. Planning Gives Students a Head Start on Career! Martin Youth LEADERship Planning Committee members who plan and coordinate the program sessions are front row: Jason Berger(21), Barbara Faehnle(20), Kim Kanter and Barbara Scharlau(4). Back row: Leslie Haviland Smith(21), Diana Bruton (16), Michelle Katzman, Audrey Allen, Alec Connolly(11), Darcy Flieri(20), Joe Catrambone(6), Nancy Sailer (Mom), Linda Jaskela(22), Jack Garman, Amanda Ralicki, Samantha Raynor and Lynne Barletta(21). Picture by Dick Hall Thirty students in the Martin Youth LEADERship Program participated in CAREER SHADOWING DAY. The Chair, Leslie Haviland-Smith, Associate Director of Student Services for Keiser University along with Attorney Jason Berger kicked-off the day with an orientation overview. Orientation was followed by morning long break-out sessions led by local experts in their field. Students gained real-world advice on “Public Speaking” from Leo Giogrande, Engineer at AECOM; “Dining Etiquette” presented by Christine Terezakis, owner of Dream Day Celebrations; “Dress For Success” tips from Jessica Layne, Firefly Group; and “Hands on Interviewing Skills” offered by Rich Kolleda, of Spherion Staffing. The students also presented a summary of their individual career shadowing experience, where each student spent a day with a professional in a career of choice gaining valuable insight as to both positive and negative aspects of that potential career path. The opportunity will no doubt be invaluable as they make both education and career decisions in the next few years. May 2012 LEADERship Alumni Newsletter Page 3 Alumni Women of Distinction Honored Women of Distinction, sponsored by the Soroptimist International of Stuart, held their Annual Awards Luncheon April 26 at Hutchinson Island Marriott Resort. LEADERship Alumni had six women honored as nominees. Crystal Stiles (21) Lisa Teetor (7) Nominee Jeanette Mueller (10) Winner of Volunteer Category Linda Weiksnar (17) Amber Ducote (20) Amy Pearlstine (16) Nominee Nominee Nominee Nominee Laurie Enjoys Serving Her Community LAURIE GAYLORD, LEADERship class 14, moved to Marn County in 1996 a er having resided in Boca Raton for 15 years. Laurie is a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Cerfied Auditory-Verbal Therapist in private pracce. She has worked for 31 years in Florida with families with deaf and hard of hearing children with cochlear implants and/or hearing aids. She has contributed two publicaons in the field of Speech and Hearing and has been acve in the Florida deaf and hard-of-hearing community since 1981. She was appointed by Governor Jeb Bush to serve on the Florida Coordinang Council for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing/Deaf and Blind in 2004 and served for four years. She is a past chair of the Florida state Chapter of the Alexander Graham Bell Associaon of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Laurie is frequently a guest lecturer at Florida Atlanc University and many groups throughout southeast Florida. Laurie has served on the Marn County School Board for 10 years and was the 2007 School Board Member of the Year presented by the Florida Consorum of Educaon Foundaons. Laurie is acve in the community and currently serves on the Stuart/Marn County Chamber Board, the BioLife Science and Broadband Commi<ees of the Economic Council. She has served on the Children’s Services Council, the Head Start Policy Council, and is a volunteer with Inside Hobe Sound through the Hobe Sound Chamber. She is a member of the Junior League of Marn County and LEADERSHIP alumni. She serves as a student mentor and advocate for children. Laurie has been married to a<orney Marc R. Gaylord for 30 years. They have two children, both of whom graduated from Marn County public schools. Laurie is also a candidate for the Superintendent of Schools in Marn County. She may be reached at or soon on her website May 2012 LEADERship Alumni Newsletter Page 4 Bulletin Board POST YOUR NOTES LEADERship Alumni Board 2011– 2012 President Janice Norman Lifestyle Realty Group ViceVice-President Lisa Teetor Forma Technology Treasurer Greg Nuttall Hill, Barth & King, LLC Recording Secretary Jon Milton Milton Engineering Consultants Corresponding Secretary Jayme Uteshill Pop Culture Past President Mike Ewing Martin Co. Sheriff’s Office Paula Richmond( 22) a chair of Cancer Relay for Life & su rvivor along with Rond a Wilburn(20) Martin He alth System Sp Paula onsor are cheering on cancer walkers for the 3 county events. They want yo ur su pp or t fo r American Cancer Society to fight cancer . Ronda Congratulations to our County Administrator, Taryn Kryzda (13) as the five County Commissioners voted unanimously for her to continue leading the county with 850 employees & a $329 million budget. Taryn is a leader and role model for alumni. Directors Jason Berger Law Office Jason berger L.C. Campbell Nettles Island Church Susan Gaieski Lifestyle Realty Group Ryan Grimsdale Martin Co. Sheriff’s Office rth to a hols(20) gave bi Krissy McNic baby boy on April 6 makTammy ing Si m on ea u( 15 ) PROUD one Grandmother. Sue Hedgepeth Stuart/Martin County Chamber Class 23 Applicat ions for the LEADERship Program are available , contact Mom 287-6692 or if you know of a candid ate that should apply. Peter Kemp Huston’s Office-Comm. Interiors Teresa Lamar-Sarno City of Stuart Carl Newton Seacoast Wealth Management Mary Palczer MC Convention & Bus Bureau Catherine Winters Prudential Florida Realty ExEx-Officio Adult Planning Chair Marsha Ewing Clerk of Court Youth Planning Chair Diana Bruton Treasure Coast Realty LEADERship “Mom” Nancy Sailer Stuart/Martin County Chamber May 2012 Alumni Purpose The purpose of LEADERship Martin County Alumni is to support the LEADERship Martin County Program; to provide education and networking opportunities for our members; and to enhance community awareness of our members by providing opportunities to evaluate and act on issues affecting the community. Note: Our monthly newsletter can now be viewed on our website LEADERship Alumni P.O. Box 794 Stuart, FL 34995-794 LEADERship Alumni Newsletter Page 5
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