newsletter - ISC Alumni


newsletter - ISC Alumni
g Generation
ISSUE NO.19 | JUNE 2014
60's and 70's reunion at the Alumni Club House
On November the 16th the alumni club house embraced
graduates from 60’s and 70’s who arrived in anticipation of
meeting their classmates. The reunion was very nostalgic
and heartwarming.
Dr. Toufic Eid ’76 member of the alumni board, gave the
welcoming speech, after which the Class of 1963 celebrated
their Golden anniversary and those present received
anniversary certificates to mark the occasion from Alumni
Mr. Keshli delivering certificate to Mr. Rouyheib
Board member Maître Hassan Keshli ‘98.
A five minute movie of old pictures was
screened where after a lavish buffet and tea
was served. For more pictures and for the
video you can log on to
The Butler Screening at Dunes - Verdun
Many thanks to all the Alumni who supported
the Scholarship program by attending the
movie premiere on December, 18th. Alumni
and their friends arrived to the Dunes Theater
Verdun to meet at the pre movie reception,
and attend THE BUTLER, a movie with
substance and wonderful acting.
Honoring Elias Metri Azar’48 at Unesco Palace
Under the auspices of H.E. Minister of Higher Education Dr.
Elias Bou Saab, family and friends of Mr. Elias Mitri Azar’54
came together at the UNESCO palace to honor a teacher,
poet and writer for his lifelong achievements.
Many speeches of friends, colleagues and his old Alma
Mr. Azar with his sons at the celebration
Right to left 1st row: Elias Azar, Adib Saliba, Chafic Abi Farraj,
Shehadeh Azar, Yassin Malas. 2nd row: Melhem Saheli, Naseh
Mirza, Suheil Rahal, Rushdi Shaheen
Mater, “The International School of Choueifat”
brought back memories and accolades for all
he had done. This honor bestowed on one
of our esteemed Alumni gives credit once
more to the quality of education obtained at
the Choueifat School, as it was known in the
The Student Life Organization at the International School of
Choueifat held a Mind- Body health awareness campaign that
targeted all levels. The campaign was held over a period of
two weeks and covered many topics: Hygiene, health and
nutrition, food safety,physical fitness, smoking and energy
drinks prevention, dental hygiene, fundamental principles of
the Red Cross , stress management, nonviolent communication
and road safety. The campaign ended with an “Open Day for
Awareness”. This event turned out to be a great success.
In addition to the many NGO’s that participated, alumni
from different fields supported the school campaign and
presented different lectures. We are very grateful for the
time and effort our graduates put in to make this event a
• Dr. Raafat Yahya’86 lectured on memory
and concentration.
• Mona Katerji’86 participated in the open
day where she answered questions of
students about maintaining healthy
eating habits.
• Ms. Reem Hamzeh’02 - Food Safety.
• Dr. Ahmad Kichli’04 - Dental Hygiene.
• Ms. Yassmine Tabbouch’04 - tips about
Muscle and Body care.
• Ms. Magie Tamraz’06 – Achieving a
healthy day.
• Ms. Leila Assi’08 and Mr. Ameer Saoud
’08 professional basketball players spoke
about how to stay fit and maintain a
healthy lifestyle.
• And Mr. Rami Mehio’11 and Ghanem
Hassan’12 - part of the Red Cross
“Awareness on how to act in accidents”.
Mind- Body Awareness campaign in campus
Dr. Raafat Yehya
Mrs. Mona Katerji
A group photo of Mr. Amir Saoud with grade 7
A group photo of Ms. Leila Assi with the students
Mr. Ghanem Hassan And Rami Mehio
Dr. Ahmad Kichli
Ms. Magie Tamraz
tion Linking Generation
‫‪Hassib Makarem’72‬‬
‫‪I truly miss the golden years of education and stability in‬‬
‫‪Lebanon as well as my class mates and friends.‬‬
‫‪After my Baccalaureate diploma I was privileged to enter‬‬
‫‪AUB for higher education in Business Administration. Then‬‬
‫‪I went to Nigeria in 1975 to join our family business in Kano‬‬
‫‪and Lagos. Due to the Civil War, I stayed on in Lagos. Since‬‬
‫‪then I remain an “expatriate”.‬‬
‫‪My stay in Nigeria for the last 39 years (happily married with‬‬
‫‪two children) made me a person of faith and perseverance‬‬
‫‪and I am always thankful to God, my parents and schools for‬‬
‫‪my skills and the person I am today. I never thought when‬‬
‫‪I was still a student back in the seventies that the stages‬‬
‫‪of life would be so short and when you add it all together,‬‬
‫‪another world of wide vision and serenity will open for you‬‬
‫‪as is happening to me right now. I wish all my friends in the school also reach this weird stage in life where‬‬
‫‪fullness becomes lord. I take this opportunity to express my best wishes and prayers to all. May we continue‬‬
‫‪the good life we worked hard for, and for the young to realize that life passes by in a flash.‬‬
‫‪Greetings to my teachers and comrades without mentioning names for fear of forgetting any of them .‬‬
‫‪Well done SABIS®, we are proud to have jumped on one of your wagons in the past and descended from it‬‬
‫‪with a trademark.‬‬
‫أفيدكم بأين كنت أحد طالب مدرسة الشويفات يف عام ‪1954‬‬
‫وكانت املرشفات علينا مس‪ /‬صغية ومس ‪ /‬دلل وكم كانت‬
‫هذه ‪ -‬األيام جميلة مازالت ترتسم يف مـخيلتي‪.‬‬
‫وجرت بنا األيام وتدرجت يف السلك الدبلومايس لوزارة الخارجية‬
‫السعودية حتى أصبحت قائم مقام سفري السعودية يف بلجيكا‬
‫وكينيا والحمد لله اآلن مستشاراً لسعادة الشيخ صالح عبدالله‬
‫كامل يف جدة‪ ،‬وأحببت أن أشارككم ذكريايت يف املدرسه بداية‬
‫لطرق الحياة‪ ،‬بداية ألصدقاء‪ ،‬بداية لغد أفضل ايام جميلة‬
‫احتضنتنا بأجمل ذكريات وأجمل أصدقاء كنا ندرس ىف ذلك‬
‫الفصل ‪ -‬أوالداً وفتيات مع بعضنا البعض ال فرق فيام بيننا‪،‬‬
‫نتحدث مع بعضنا البعض كأخوة ال يربط بيننا إال املحبة واألخوة‬
‫أنس أي صديق ىل أيام املدرسة الربامير‬
‫والصداقة الحقيقية مل َ‬
‫سواء ولد أو بنت ولكن األيام فرقت فيام بيننا منهم من سافر إىل‬
‫مدينة أخرى ومنهم من تزوج وأصبح لديه أرسة ومنزل وانشغل‬
‫ننس تلك األيام‬
‫ىف الحياة ومشاكلها ولكننى عىل يقني تام أننا مل َ‬
‫الجميلة التى قضيناها معاً ولكم تهتز نفيس طرباً وتنتيش رسوراً‬
‫حينام يجتاحني الحنني وما أعذبه من حنني اىل أيام الطفولة‬
‫تلك األيام الجميلة املفعمة بالرباءة والحيوية أغوص يف أعامق‬
‫تلك الذكريات فأجدين ألهو مع زماليئ األمري ‪ /‬زيد السديري‬
‫ومساعد السديري واألستاذ ‪ /‬خالد غوث (مدير عام وزارة‬
‫اإلعالم باململكة العربية السعودية) واألستاذ ‪ /‬عبد العزيز غوث‬
‫وعدنان غوث (ابن سفري السعودية يف إيران يف عام ‪ )1954‬ثم‬
‫األستاذ ‪ /‬وادي الجوهر وأخيه والد الجوهر واألستاذ ‪ /‬هاين ع ّقاد‬
‫(ابن مدير محطة الالسليك عام ‪ )1953‬واألستاذ ‪ /‬حسن سالمة‬
‫والدكتور ‪ /‬أسامة عبد املجيد شبكيش (وزير الصحة سابقا وسفري‬
‫السعودية حاليا يف‬
‫أملانيا) واألساتذة‬
‫‪ /‬محمد الفهد‬
‫وعبدالله السليامن‬
‫واألخوان إبراهيم‬
‫عويضة وعبدالجليل‬
‫عويضة واألستاذ ‪/‬‬
‫سامل يوسف شكري‬
‫وكنا نلعب وبرغم‬
‫أننا نتعارك ويبلغ‬
‫بنا الغضب أوجه‬
‫لكنه رسعان ما تعلو‬
‫االبتسامة الوجوه‬
‫الصغرية وكأن أمرا مل‬
‫يكن‪ .‬أيام جميلة بكل ما فيها من رسور وكدر أشعر بالحنني إىل املايض وال أنىس‬
‫الصديقة العزيزة روال ج ّبور وكانت يف املرتيكليشن تذكرين بالقراءة معها أرسني‬
‫لوبني للكاتب موريس لوبالن‪ :‬وكانوا أستاذنا يف الكلية الوطنية أو كام يطيب‬
‫لنا نداءها بـ(ناشونال كوليج) – الشويفات وعىل رأس الهرم مسرت شاريل سعد‬
‫وزوجته ذوو األيادي البيضاء عىل أبنائهم الطالب واملدرسني ‪ :‬مسرت أنور زع ّني‬
‫واألستاذ ‪ /‬وديع معلوف واألحباء مسز ‪ /‬دلل ومسز ‪ /‬صغية وال أنىس ذكر البواب‬
‫الجميل اللطيف عم ‪ /‬بديع كان ال يكف مبد يد العون إلبنائه بحنان وعطف‬
‫األبوة وال أنىس ذهابنا اىل مسجد رياض الصلح يف بريوت إلقامة صالة الجمعة‬
‫وأشكر العاملني باملدرسة إلتاحة أبنائهم املسلمني ألداء الصالة وأشكرهم للتنزه‬
‫يف بحر خلدة وكنا نسافر من جدة ايل بريوت ويف طريق العودة بطائرة السكاي‬
‫ماسرت كانت جديت تعطيني عطر الليمون وذلك أحتياطا من ان أصاب بالدوار‪.‬‬
‫‪Fawaz Hassan Jokhadar'54‬‬
I remain indebted to my high school
haven, which paved the way to where
I am now. I still yearn to meet with my
old friends and get acquainted with
new generations. I cannot forget the
efforts of all those who were behind
the preservation of the ties that bind
us after all these years!
I studied, proudly at A.U.B.
including my final specialization as a
Pediatrician. I am currently practicing in Saida; my clinic is in
Riyad Solh st. Maronite bldg. I also lecture in the Lebanese
University, School of Public Health, fifth branch.
graduated in 1973. She
is President and CEO of
the Bellevue University
Medical Center. Under
her direction the
center has won the
recognition of “Top
Hospital in Quality
Improvement and Patient Safety Award”
at the Med Health 2014 MENA Congress.
Congratulations to Dr. Dia Hassan; once again
another Choueifat graduate has excelled.
Adrea Darazi’05
I graduated from the International School of Choueifat- Koura in 2005. In 2012 I finished
my general M.D and am currently completing my masters degree in Public health at
AUB, expecting to graduate this year.
My area of interest at the present has extended into research and academia, where
I have noted through my humble experience so far, the significant impact of public
health. The distinctive curative aspect of medical practice and its more individualistic
approach complements the diverse prevention, promotion and control methods
implemented in all public health issues at a population level.
Striving for equitable optimal health with an efficient and effective approach at a
population level, is the essence of public health.
My current and long term goals are to develop my skills in the field of health at all levels (Research, Policy and
Community Health) in aim of becoming an instrumental key player in the battle for <Social Justice>.
Leila Natasha S. Assi '08
Choueifat, the bitter sweet memories that the School and I share have made me the person I am today.
Academic excellence delivered along with the nurturing of student hobbies (basketball) paved my way towards
success throughout my university years. I have earned my Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration at the
American University of Beirut. I am a proud member of the Lebanese national basketball team. My future
endeavor is to pursue a career in management, specifically developing well and enabling relations offices in
firms and industries.
Aziza Sbeity '09
It all started at The International School of Choueifat when I was 11 and coach
Kamel Zaarour recognized my talent and created an after school program for
track and field, while urging me to train with Alice Keyrouz (Lebanon's best
For 7 years, I won every race I competed in. I won all 5 regional championships
that our school attended and till this day my record has not been broken in the
regionals yet.
I graduated from school in 2009. During that year I decided to join CSJ and
train with Alice Keyrouz, who till this day is my coach. That same year I was
chosen to be part of the Lebanese national team thus enabling me to represent
Lebanon in the World Junior Championship in Canada. Since then I have won
many National and International competitions both in some Arab countries and in Europe.
Due to the fact that I had the highest number of points for a Lebanese athlete this year, I was chosen to
compete in the World Indoor Championship in Poland.
The World championships and the Olympics are usually an athlete's main aim and dream. So I am getting
closer to that dream now that I feel physically fit and healthy after an injury in 2011.
Dr. Dia Hassan ‘73
Dr. Hana Fayyad ‘72
Happy 10th Anniversary Class of 2004
Farah Ghazzawi Fakhran
Baby Jad and Souheil
Mrs. Farah just gave birth to a
baby boy, Jad.
Feras Arab
Let Feras Arab help you go
watch the World Cup through
his company Fly-Foot.
Husam and Kasem Abadi (2004)
Farah Yehia
Samir Salman
Intel Corporation
Software Engineer at Twitter
Both Graduates achieved their goals in having
great career opportunities in multi-national
Dr. Riad Saber’ 61
Dr. Saber recently published “Ellada – Phoenicia,
Eternal Love”
A book directly from the heart, it flows in a very
simple and forthcoming manner. It manifest strong
and true feelings. Feelings experienced by an
ordinary person who lived in and loved Greece. Read
more about the book on Kindle.
They provide the highest quality apartments in various
areas across the region. They take pride in keeping
their customers satisfied by treating their homes as
if they were theirs. Their award winning projects
are delivered at an exceptional value while achieving
quality and customers needs and expectations are
their top priority. That is why Thier customers choose
them over and over again and recommend them to
friends and family.
After my first Alumni exhibition at The International School
of Choueifat, I am happy and satisfied by the progress I
accomplished up till now. Every task I do I know my Mother
school is watching and pushing me to get bigger and better.
At present I am exhibiting my work in the new show room at
Kazar marble and granite, Zouk Mosbeh. I owe so much to
Choueifat Mother School.
Rida Rteil’98 got married to Dana El Hadi on
August 30, 2013. Rida is the Audit Manager at
Deloitte and Danah works at BLOM Bank. We
wish them all the best.
Rida Rteil’98
Dina Daridao Azar’ 76
Across The Grapevine … a blog 2012 graduates
Eight childhood friends grew up together in The
International School of Choueifat and left Lebanon to pursue
their university education after graduation in 2012.
To stay in touch they decided to maintain their friendship
through this blog
by not only sharing their thoughts and opinions of their lives
abroad but also expressing their perspectives of Lebanon.
Each one of them expresses his opinion freely and the
opinion of each does not reflect the opinion of the others.
The blog is run by:
- Heba Malaeb, currently doing Product Design, at Parsons,
the New School for Design in New York.
- Mohamad El Khatib, studying International Business
Administration at Hult International Business school in
- Samer Koneiber is moving to the University of Texas in
Arlington next semester to study Industrial Engineering.
- Mohammad Kassim, is at Rice University in
Houston Texas, majoring in Biochemistry and
aiming for medical school.
- Nabil Farhat who is at The State University of
New York in Buffalo, is studying Architecture
and minoring in theatre.
- Rani Panjarian, at Vanderbilt University in
Nashville, Tennessee, studying Physics and
Creative Writing with a potential focus on
Communication of Science and Technology.
- Sari Arab is in the International Management
Institute of Luzern in Switzerland studying
Sports, Tourism and Events Management.
- Tarek Hamdan is at The University of Toronto,
Majoring in Civil Engineering and Minoring
in Business.
We hope you enjoy the blog.
SABIS® Educational Summer Camp
Every Year, SABIS® organizes the SABIS® Educational Summer Camp at the SABIS International School in the UK.
SIS-UK is located approximately 8 miles from the World Heritage Site of the city of Bath in southwest England and
is within easy access of major airports. Housed on the stunning Ashwicke Hall Estate, SIS-UK is situated on 148
acres of beautiful English countryside, an idyllic setting for a summer camp like no other that includes academic
offerings, sports and activities, and cultural activities and trips. Non- SABIS® students are welcome to apply. For
more information visit or refer to your local SABIS® School Adminstration.
In Memory of my father Dr. Abbas Abu Saleh’61
«Happy is he who pursues Wisdom to the
exclusion of everything else, whose mind and
heart the light of wisdom has filled to over
flowing, who devotes himself with all his being to
mediation in the company of God's elect”. This was
the chosen endeavor of Dr. Abbas Abu Saleh’61
the Lebanese intellect who spent his life venturing
through the fields of knowledge, learning and
teaching, researching and publishing, lecturing at
conferences and supporting his community.
Dr. Saleh was born in 1943 in the Chouf region
of Mount Lebanon. After moving from the local
schools he earned a scholarship and eventually
graduated from the International School of Choeifat
in 1961. After graduation, Abu Saleh enrolled
at the Lebanese University and graduated with
distinction in 1965 with (B.A) in History. Due to his
strong will power, hard work and determination
to achieve, he received a scholarship to continue
his post graduate studies in the United States of
America, graduating in 1971 with distinction and
received a PhD in History from the University of
Texas, Austin.
Following his graduation,
Dr. Abu Saleh returned to
Lebanon to lecture at the
American University of
Beirut and at the Lebanese
University. In 1974, Abu Saleh
was appointed chairman
of the history division of
the Educational Council for
Research and Development.
He with a committee of other
scholars, was responsible
for the development of the
national history textbook and
curriculum, a topic that proved to be very controversial
and sensitive, especially during the Lebanese civil war.
He was noted by many of his colleagues as an objective
educator, removing himself from any political or religious
prejudice and manipulation. In 2011, Dr. Abu Saleh was
honored during a ceremony attended by the Minister of
Higher Education in Lebanon and other dignitaries.
Special Thanks
Annie Kteish'04
Senior Graphic Designer
Special thanks to Annie Kteish ’04 for designing this special edition of the newsletter.
Mission Statement
create and reinforce lifelong
intellectual, professional and personal
connections among the members.
To serve our community.
To strengthen the link between the
alumni and their alma mater.
Contact Us
Keep in touch and share your stories from the past as well
as your news today. We need you to help us make the
Alumni Association go forward, prosper and grow.
Mailing Address:
P.O Box: 5004 - 5611 / 5612
Tel: (961 5) 430430, 433253 Fax: (961 5) 433254
E-mail: Website: