بيئة البرنامج


بيئة البرنامج
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم‬
Salman Bin Abdul Aziz University
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جامعة سلمان بن عبدالعزيز‬
College of Computer
Engineering and sciences
Department of Computer Science
Course Name
Course No
Home Work No
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫كلية هندسة وعلوم الحاسب‬
‫قسم علوم الحاسب‬
Dr. Ahmed El Hussein Naghamish
Ethical and Professional Practices
CS 3001
Choose the word(s) that best complete the following sentences:
1. Although end users often get the blame when it comes to using illegal copies of
commercial software, software piracy in a corporate setting is sometimes directly
traceable to members of the ……………………… organization.
2. Whistle-blowing is an effort by an employee to attract attention to a negligent,
illegal, unethical, abusive, or dangerous act by a company that threatens the public
interest. True or False?
3. …………………………..…… means to be in accordance with established policies, guidelines,
specifications, or legislation.
4. Most organizations have a(n) ……………………………………………… team with primary
responsibilities to determine that internal systems and controls are adequate and
5. Senior management (including members of the audit committee) has the option of
ignoring or suppressing recommendations of the internal audit committee. True or
6. A(n) ……………………………………………… states the principles and core values that are
essential to the work of a particular occupational group.