DTAIC`s Alumni Newsletter November 2010
DTAIC`s Alumni Newsletter November 2010
DTAIC’s Alumni Newsletter 屏東科技大學熱帶農業暨國際合作系 Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation National Pingtung University of Science and Technology July 2010 We have Web page! In this issue 2 A Word from DTAIC Alumni Association President: Dr. Jian-Chang Chen (陳建璋) 3 University News Our Alumni Web page Taiwan’s Vice-president Dr. Vincent Shiao (蕭萬長) visited NPUST DTAIC Students Taken to Taiwan International Orchid Show (TIOS2010) NPUST Soccer Team 4 Department News Winter Trip: DTAIC Students Visited Taitung County (臺東縣) Songkran Festival DTAIC Faculty Promotions Graduation 2010 Former DTAIC’s Director: Dr. Po-Yong Lai (賴博永) 10 Alumni News www.npustdtaic.co.cc 1 Getting Closer to You Obituary A Word from DTAIC Alumni Association President Dr. Jian-Chang Chen (陳建璋) Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation Editorial Team Andy Peng(彭宏盛) Wendy Huang(黃 識頻) Celimphilo Shakes Mavuso (馬梧壽) Edgardo Reyes Calderon (柯德隆) Collaborators Joanna Wang (王春妍) Sophia Huang (黃淑慧) Susan Kuo (郭凱雯) Greetings! It is a real honor to write this letter on behalf of the DTAIC’s Alumni Association. I would like to begin by mentioning how delighted I am to serve in this position, which I have held since 2009, at the time after I graduated 2 years from DTAIC. I am pleased to report that we are making good progress in a number of areas, not the least of which has been to develop outreach efforts to our many alumni, and it is in the spirit of communication and keeping you informed that I write to you today. I would like to begin by providing you with some information about myself, for although I have had the pleasure of meeting many of our alumni, there are also many more whom I have not yet had the opportunity to encounter. I have been at the school since 1998, the year I received my bachelor degree. In the 10 years that I’ve spent here and Taiwan University for Master’s degree and go back to got PhD in DTAIC. Now, I am teaching in Shih Chien University as a Chair of Recreation Dept. In sum, the study experience in DTAIC proved valuable to me, especially in that it allowed me to rethink my current status and to clarify future goals. I believe it was the same to all our alumni. Now, this is all well and good, and I am proud to take part in what I believe is a critical aspect to the work we do, that is, to spread the alumni contact, to work towards communicating more clearly what it is that we actually do as DTAIC’s Alumni Association. Let us respond too with our own voices, and with our work, clear and firm, innocent and sophisticated, full of possibility. Thank you. Jan-Chang Chen, Ph.D. SHIH CHIEN UNIVERSITY KaoHsiung Campus Director, Assistant Professor, Department of Recreation Management Tel:(07)667-8888 Ext. 4350 Cell:0935654262 zzz.john@msa.hinet.net 2 University News Taiwan’s Vicepresident, Mr. Vincent Visited NPUST Taiwan Vicepresident, Dr. Vincent Shiao (蕭萬長) visited National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. During his visit, faculties and students from the Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation (DTAIC) had the honor to talk with Mr. Shiao. He encouraged DTAIC students to study and take as much information from Taiwan to help their respective countries when they return. DTAIC Students Taken to Taiwan International Orchid Show 2010 (TIOS2010) Dr. Ho 何韻詩 from the Department of Plan Industry, NPUST, took DTAIC’s students to the TIOS-2010. During the visit the students had the opportunity to appreciate thousands of orchids species developed by Taiwanese collectors, businesses and universities. The trip also gave the opportunity to the students to appreciate the technology used in Taiwan for the production of orchids. 3 NPUST Soccer Team The inter-varsity soccer competition was held in Taichung on the 21st of March 2010. NCKU was the first team to face NPUST. The entire team comprised of Freddy (Panama), Marnus (St. Lucia), Shakes( Kingdom of Swaziland), Idrissa The Gambia), Seydou (Burkina Faso), Simon, Modou, Ansumana, Wahab (The Gambia), Harry (Belize) and Demba, Mustapha, Lamin, Philip , (The Gambia), Itchy, Hunter (Taiwan), and Joe Maliwong (Thailand). The second game was played against NCHU and it was a walk on the park. KUAS was the third team to play against NPUST on the 24th of March 2010 and that was a tough game. NTU nicknamed TAIDA was the fourth team and they proved to be much stronger than the third team but they could not stand the burning fire from NPUST. The quarter final stage of the competition was on the 26th of March 2010 and it was NPUST versus NATIONAL DONGHUA UNIVERSITY (NDHU). The quarter final stage of the competition was another tough encounter for NPUST. With their zeal and determination, however, they moved through winning the game a game to zero. The semifinal was a game against NCTU and in that game NPUST booked her place in the finals. Sunday 28th of March 2010 the finals between NPUST and NTUT were played and with all the determination and will of the coach the team did not finish it. Department News Winter Trip DTAIC Students Visited Taitung County (20 January 2010 – 22 January 2010) January 20th, 2010 Dr. Ching-Hsiang Hsieh, Dean of the Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation (DTAIC), NPUST, leaded about 50 foreign undergraduate and graduate students from several different countries to visit Taitung. are encouraged to treasure and respect the ecosystem and cultures on this land. Then, Mr. Chang-Yea Wang, our alumnus and also the leader of public relationship department of Taitung Irrigation Association, accompanied us to visit two irrigation spots and facilities of Taitung Irrigation Association. The third stop was at Kasavakan Irrigation Park which had won the Golden Quality Award from the Council of Agriculture (COA) in 2007. This visit was expected to help the course of Tropical Agricultural Resources Planning in land use, industrial development, agricultural extension, agricultural marketing planning, rural tourism planning, and green fields planning. At night, the troop stayed in Jhihben, a famous area for beautiful forest scenery and hot spring. It is also one major tourist spot in Taitung. January 21st, 2010 The first stop was at the Taitung Forest Park. It is the largest recreation forest park in Taitung City with an open green space and a rich ecosystem around the Pipa Lake. The shade of green trees and the shimmering ripples on the lake create a peaceful and relaxing moment for the students to enjoy. The next stop was at the Prehistory Museum with an area of 10 hectares on the south of Taitung City Kangle Station. Through research, collection, exhibition, education and recreation, this museum helps the public to learn more about the diversity and beauty of nature, ecology, prehistory, and aboriginal cultures in Taiwan. Moreover, people 4 With the advantage of climate, Chishang Township is producing organic rice with the best quality. It was once appointed to be offered to the great of Japan. Nowadays, Chishang meal boxes are popular nationwide due to the fantastic taste of rice. Later on, we spent about 2 hours to visit a flower garden and Chishang Farmers Association to learn how they improved the quality of the rice. Another alumnus, Mr. Di-Chuan Hseu, who works in Chishang Farm, came to had lunch with us in an old train. The following stop was at Guanshan Water Park which is located behind the Guanshan Station. It is mainly divided into three zones. The water activity zone (Water Park) is a gorgeous area with artificial paddling and fishing lakes, streams and fountains. Department News Winter trip and Sonkran It is integrated with environment and ecological education, bringing water close to the visitors. We took a bike there and enjoyed the beautiful view. That night we dwelled at the fabulous Lu-Ming Hotel. Songkran Festival January 22nd, 2010 On January 22nd, the first stop was a 67 ha ranch and also a biggest sloping ranch in Taiwan, Chu-Lu Ranch. Dairy cattle are the main ranching animals and the major objective of this spot is selling fresh milk and its adding value products such as ice cream and information about the feeds, breeding technologies, diseases revention, enterprise running, and human resources. Thank her and Dr. Hsieh’s translation very much. The next stop was a 5 ha herbal garden, Taitung Natural Applied Botanical Garden. A large number of pharmaceutical herbs were planted in the garden. We learn much in the herbs especially the use of them from the brief video and the tour guide. Then, we had lunch in there and all the dishes were traditional Chinese medicine herbs and some meats. Students from Thailand in DTAIC showed their rich culture and their organization capacity celebrating with us, on April 14, 2010, the Songkaran Festival. The celebration was held in front of our Department’s building. Even the drink was made from herbs and good to our liver. After having lunch, we went to BeiNan River Irrigation Park where had won The Best Agricultural Construction Engineering Award from the COA. The association assigned Mr. In-Jein Huang, the volunteer team leader of the association, as a tour guide and navigated in English. And here is the last stop of this trip. The Songkaran Festival is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year's Day from 13 to 15 April. Thai students in NPUST wore their traditional countries’ customs, did outstanding performance, bestow blessings, and finally we throw water on the street as is celebrated in Thailand. 5 Department News Faculty Promotions Dr. Kevin Yen 顏才博 His research interests are isolation of bioactive natural products and their mechanisms and applications in agriculture and biotechnology such as environmental-friendly agrochemicals, wood preservatives and anticancer properties. His research team has already published 8 SCI papers and 15 conference abstracts. Dr. Yen welcomes students who are interested in plant bioactivity, biotechnology and forestry products to join his team. Dr. Joy Lee 李嘉偉 Dr. Kevin Tsair-bor Yen jointed DTAIC since August 2005 and was promoted as associate professor. At 2008. He received his master and doctoral degrees in forestry from the Forestry School, University of Montana, Missoula from 1995 to 2003. After completing his PhD, Dr. Yen returned to Taiwan and worked for the Department of Forestry, National Taiwan University, as an postdoctoral researcher for an year before he jointed DTAIC. Dr. Yen not only has practical experiences in wood science technology and also specialized the isolation and utilization of bioactive natural products from plants. The courses he has taught include special topics of natural products, plant stress physiology, electron microscopy, biometry, agricultural research methods and experimental design, and biotechnology. Currently, He is the principle investigator of plant bioactivities laboratory. 6 This is the fifth year since I came to the Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology in 2005. I have no doubt that this is the best working environment in my career life so far. I have been enjoying the harmony and multiple cultures in this department. Without the support from all the staff and students in this department, I wouldn’t be able to be promoted to an associate professor in 4 years. I, hereby, would like to sincerely express my appreciation to all of you, and I will keep making contributions to this department in any way I can. Department News Graduation 2010 In 2010, seven Ph.D. were honored their degree, 35 Master , and 20 Bachelor. In June 18, two Commencements Ceremonies were held to honor their achievements. The first was the ceremony held by the University ceremony in the theather and the second wasa particular ceremony developed in the fourth floor of the library’s building Ph.D. 2010 Batch Standing (left to right): 張文宜 Chang, Wen-I, 參揚 Saikou Ebrima Sanyang, Dr. 顏才博 Dr. Kevin Tsair-bor Yen, 唐錫度 Seydou Traore, 朱利斯 Julius Lufeyo Chiwanga Chulu, 方正 Budi Nurtama, Dr. Rebecca Chung 鍾惠雯, Dr. Ho 何韻詩, Rafique Sunil Krishna, 卡洛斯 Carlos Eduardo Hernandez. Seated (left to right): Dr. Stella Fan 方中宜; Dr, Albert Liston Charles; Mr. Efrain Ravey Novelo, Belizean Ambassador; Dr. Mike Guu 古源光, NPUST President; Mr. Roberto Luzcando, Panama Representative; Dr. Henry Chen 陳和賢, Director of International Affairs; Dr. Ching Hsiang Hsieh 謝清祥, DTAIC Director DTAIC Director, Dr. Ching Hsiang Hsieh, lead the graduating students to the 2010 Commencement Ceremony (June 18, 2010). Dr Hsieh is accompanied by Sophia (黃淑慧) and Ph.D. graduates (From lef to right: Rafique Sunil Krishna, Budi Nurtama, Seydou Traore and his daughter, and Saikou Ebrima Sanyang 7 Department News MSc. 2010 Batch Graduation 2010 Standing (left to right): 周潤發 Narongrat Maliwong, 歐蘿 Oyungerel Orosoo, 阮圖洪 Nguyen, Huong Tra, 帕瑞察 Parichard Sangkumchaliang, 方圖岸 Phan Thi Tu Anh,盧可安 Luu, Ngoc Anh, 南西亞 Nanthiya Sangplao, 賈瓦力 Ali Jawo, 斐帝 Lamin K M, Dr. 顏才博 Dr. Kevin Tsair-bor Yen, Dr. Rebecca Chung, Dr. Ho, 裴尤德 Suraphan Panyod, 何艾迪 Eddie Enslie Holara, 杜蕾瑪 Duurimaa Ser-Od,高成中 Cao Thanh Trung, 莫瑞修 Javier Mauricio García Rodríguez, 葛金頓 Kemston Cato. Seated (left to right): Dr. Stella Fan 方中宜; Dr, Albert Liston Charles; Mr. Efrain Ravey Novelo, Belizean Ambassador; Dr. Mike Guu 古源光, NPUST President; Mr. Roberto Luzcando, Panama Representative; Dr. Henry Chen 陳和賢, Director of International Affairs; Dr. Ching Hsiang Hsieh 謝清祥, DTAIC Director Bachelor Degree 2010 Batch Standing from left to right: 林思晴 Bella, 方翊馨 Sheena, 何南斯 Luis C. Hernandez, 游雅雯 Awen, 葉欣紘 Karen, 黃識頻 Wendy, 歐密 爾 Omir A. Castañeda, 葉于慈 Natalie, 李坤霖 Ken, 莊馥榕 Fiona, 古伯特 Armando R. Cuthbert Moren, 亞緹拉 Yadira I. Maradiaga Dixon, 廖毓婷 Tina, 葉立傑 Jeffrey, 陳冠中 Lance, 蔡加恩 John, 姚柔亦 Joy, 施凱祥 Garnet, 楊舜伃 Ocean, 雷耶絲 Zayda K. Reyes Paz 8 Department News Former DTAIC Director: Dr. Po-Yong Lai We are glad to know that our former DTAIC Director, Dr. Po-Yong Lai 賴博永, is doing well in Hawaii, U.S. Here is an e-mail extract of his reply when we contacted and asked him about his current professional activities. May 13, 2010 Dear [Newsletter editors]: It has been a week since I received your email dated May 5th. I meant to reply to your email sooner, but I got bogged down by so many different things happened that required my attention. I thought I would be in a better shape, time wise, after the hectic schedule in February. But that has been proven to be not true. I have been so busy lately in managing 10 different special programs. On top of that, I am invited to be one of the members of a delegation from Hawaii to accompany Hawaii's Governor to visit China. The delegation is scheduled to leave Hawaii on June 4th and spend about a week in Shanghai for celebrating the Hawaii Day at the US Pavilion in The Shanghai Expo and discussing with Chinese officials of the Ministry of Commerce. The delegation will fly to Beijing on June 11th and again participate in a number of official functions, including the signing of an MOU by Hawaii's Governor. We will fly back to Hawaii on June 18th. This trip will be funded by a federal grant, for which the approval will be finalized sometime next week. Meantime, there are a lot of paper work and coordination required. I am spending quite a bit of my time to get those things done. To make the situation even more complicated, Mrs. Lai and I are planning visit my older daughter in Texas. Therefore, I literally have no time to do anything else. This is the reason why I am writing to you to ask for your forgiveness for not being able to come through with my contribution to the June issue of the newsletter as you have hoped. Best regards, Po-Yung Alumni’s Web page! What can you find in the Website? During this semester, we worked to set our Web page to get closer to you. This web page includes a brief introduction of our Alumni association; information about our Alumni; a series of photo albums with different activities carried out during the past and recent years; important news that might be of help or interest to our Alumni; as well as information about our newsletters, and lastly an open Forum whereby we can exchange our ideas. 9 Alumni News Getting Closer to You How to register and login to have access to the Web page? Step 1 Step 2 Here Here Enter DTAIC Web Page (http://agriculture13.npust.edu.tw), and click on the link highlighted Step 4 Login by typing your username (student ID #) and password (e-mail address before the @). Example: student ID #: B5522001, e-mail: DTAIC@hotmail.com Step 3 Here Here Click on the link highlighted above and follow instructions on how to change your password. Click on the link highlighted above. Obituary Mr. Mao Long 毛龍 (DTAIC 2009 Batch) died on Tuesday, February 10, 2010. In Pingtung City, Pingtung, Taiwan. Mr. Long, was a first year Ph.D. student in Agribusiness management in the Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation. His research interest was Agrotourism and Leisure Farm Tourism. He was working for Taiwan Power Campany (台電公司 ) 10 屏東科技大學熱帶農業暨國際合作系 Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation National Pingtung University of Science and Technology