Program - facet - Academia Sinica


Program - facet - Academia Sinica
May 28 - Jun 2 2015 | Taipei, Taiwan
Feedbacks and coupling Among
Climate, Erosion and Tectonics
during mountain building
US-Taiwan Geoscience workshop
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
FACET 2015 Workshop
Da-An Field Trip
May 28
Reception Banquet
May 28 (18:30)
Opening Ceremony
May 29 (9:00)
Da-An Gorge
Howard Civil Service International
House (14F) 福華國際文教會館
Astronomy Mathematics Building,
(NTU campus)
May 29-31
Astronomy Mathematics Building
(NTU campus)
Conference Dinner
May 29 (18:30)
Taroko Field Trip
May 31 – June 2
The Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei
Taroko, Hualien
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
- Information -
[ Address ]
Reception Banquet(迎賓酒會):
Howard Civil Service International House (14F) 福華國際文教會館 迎賓廳
臺北市新生南路三段 30 號
No. 30,Sec. 3,Shin-Sheng South Road. Taipei, 106,Taiwan,R.O.C.
Tel No.:886-2-7712-2323
Conference Dinner(大會晚宴)
The Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei (B2) 台北福華大飯店 宴會廳
臺北市仁愛路三段 160 號
160, Ren Ai Road, Sec. 3, Taipei, Taiwan 10657, R.O.C
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
– Thursday, May 28th –
8:00 to 17:30
Da-An Gorge field trip:
Meet at lobby of the Howard Civil Service International House at 7:50 to take bus
Pifeng Bridge: waterfall on Chi-Chi surface rupture (Stop 1)
Shihkang Dam (Stop 2)
Da-An Gorge (Stop 3)
18:30 to 20:30
Reception/Ice breaker:
Howard Civil Service International House
14F Conference Room
No. 30,Sec. 3,Shin-Sheng South Road. Taipei, 106,Taiwan,R.O.C.
福華國際文教會館 迎賓廳
臺北市新生南路三段 30 號
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
– Friday, May 29th –
09:00 to 09:40
Joint opening ceremony & Group photo
Auditorium hall
Astronomy Mathematics Building
(NTU campus)
09:40 to 10:00
Coffee break
Introduction of the workshop
10:00 to 10:15
(Tim Byrne and Jian-Cheng Lee)
10:15 to 11:55
I) FACET keynote session I – Feedbacks and coupling in the Himalaya, Andes and
(Chairs: Tim Byrne and Jian-Cheng Lee)
Auditorium hall
Emerging Perspctives on Himalayan Neotectonics
Climate, Topography, Lithology, Erosion Rate and
Tectonics: New Insights from the Himalaya and the Kelin Whipple
The linkage between non-adiabatic cooling, isotopic
Nadja Insel
lapse rates and paleoelevation estimates
15 years after Chi-Chi: What we have learned about
Bruce Shyu
tectonic and surface processes in Taiwan
11:55 to 12:25
Group discussion: Goals and structure of working groups
(Chairs: Eric Kirby and Bruce Shyu)
Lunch: lunch box
Kip Hodges
Auditorium hall
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
13:30 to 15:10
II) FACET keynote session II – Understanding mountain building in Taiwan through
US-Taiwan collaborations
(Chairs: Mary Hubbard and Kuo-En Ching)
Auditorium hall
Simultaneous Mountain Building in the Taiwan
Yuan-His Lee
Orogenic Belt.
Subsurface imaging of the Taiwan orogen: TAIGER
Hao Kuo-Chen
Not so fast: Slow Erosion, Increasing Relief and Extreme
Will Ouimet
Landscape Disequilibrium in Taiwan
Climate and topography in East Asia and Taiwan
Huang-Hsiung Hsu
15:10 to 16:30
Group discussion: (Chairs: Eric Kirby and Bruce Shyu)(Coffee served in each group room)
Preliminary working groups:
 Structure, tectonics and lithospheric processes
 Surface processes, climate and landscape evolution
 Geodesy and active tectonics
Each group should consider:
1) Outstanding questions or grand challenges
2) Critical barriers that are limiting progress
16:30 to 17:50
Posters (Beer at 17:00)
Outside of auditorium hall
Meet at poster area at 17:50 and walk 3-4 minutes to the shuttle bus for dinner (bus will
meet us near the gate to NTU campus on Xinhai Road and the NTU Sports Center – the “big
18:30 to 20:30
Dinner: Conference dinner hosted by MOST; Howard Plaza Hotel
(No. 160, Ren Ai Road, Sec. 3, Taipei)
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
– Saturday, May 30th –
8:30 to 9:00
Group discussion: Brief working group reports and discussion (10 min presentation for
each group):
(Chairs: Eric Kirby and Bruce Shyu)
Auditorium hall
9:00 to 9:50
III) State of the Science: Atmospheric Processes and Applications to Taiwan
(Chair: Chris Poulsen)
Auditorium hall
Orographic precipitation: An atmospheric dynamics
Joe Galewsky
Tropical Pacific response to continental ice sheet
Shih-Yu Lee
09:50 to 10:10
Coffee break
10:10 to 11:20
IV) State of the Science: Geomorphic processes and applications to Taiwan
(Chair: Elizabeth Schermer and Mary Yeh)
Auditorium hall
Climate’s elusive control on chemical weathering:
Jean Dixon
Reevaluating climate-weathering-erosion feedbacks
Hillslope controls on channel geometry in a developing
Brian Yanites
Lunch: lunch box
Does the megathrust earthquake cycle influence longterm uplift and incision in the Cascadia forearc of Colin Stark
The impact of glacial/interglacial climate changes on
fluvial and mass-wasting processes in the Taiwan’s Meng-Lung Hsieh
11:20 to 12:30
12:30 to 13:30
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
13:30 to 14:00
Group discussion: Evaluation of working group themes
Auditorium hall
14:00 to 15:30
Working groups: brainstorming and outlining challenges
Group rooms
15:30 to 18:30
Coffee break and posters: (Beer at 17:00)
Outside of auditorium hall
Dinner: on your own (please mix cultures and disciplines and explore the Wenzhou Park
neighborhood and/or the area around the Shida (NTNU) Night Market)
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
– Sunday, May 31st –
8:30 to 9:30
V) State of the Science: Geochemical processes and indicators of climate-tectonic
interactions and applications to Taiwan
(Chairs: Matthew Rossi and Shao-Yi Huang)
Auditorium hall
The geomorphic aftermath of the 2008 Wenchuan
earthquake and implications from tectonics and
mountain building to hazards and geochemical cycles
Carbon cycling in this landslide-dominated region and
the relationship between PE and CW for assessing the
climate change effect
Hydrated Volcanic Glass Durability and Isotope
Composition Stability on Geologic Timescales
Organic molecular proxies for the climatic and
topographic evolution of a landscape
9:30 to 10:15
VI) Emerging tools and technologies
(Chair: Kaj Johnson)
Josh West
Jr-Chuan Huang
Elizabeth Cassel
Michael Hren
Auditorium hall
Seasonal, long-term, and short-term deformation in the
Yu-Ju Hsu
Central Range of Taiwan induced by landslides
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Technology for
Kuo-Jen Chang
Geological Applications and Prospects
2D/3D numerical models of orogenic systems, including Eh Tan
erosion and sedimentation
10:15 to 10:30
Group discussion: Evaluation of working group themes
(Chairs: Eric Kirby and Bruce Shyu)
Auditorium hall
10:30 to 12:00
Working groups: write reports (coffee and snacks served in each group room)
Lunch: lunch box
Poster needs to be removed before lunch!
Travel to Taroko
Meet at lobby of the Howard Civil Service International House at 13:15 to take shuttle
bus to Main Taipei train station.
Train from Taipei to Hualien (14:30 ~ 16:43), bus from Hualien to Taroko (Leader Village)
Dinner: Leader Village
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
– Monday, June 1st –
9:00 to 18:00
Taroko field trip
Taroko National Park Visitor Center (Stop 1)
Shakadang Trail/Mysterious Valley (Stop 2)
Cimu Bridge (Stop 3)
Lunch: Lunch box in the field
Tianxiang (Stop 4)
Baiyang Trail (Stop 5)
Dinner: Leader Village
18:30 to 20:30
– Tuesday, June 2nd –
8:00 to 12:00
Group discussion: Remaining challenges, funding, necessary tools
(Chairs: Eric Kirby and Bruce Shyu)
Working groups: write reports (coffee and snacks served in each group room)
12 to 14:30
Lunch: Chef Ming’s restaurant in Hualien
14:30 to 17:00
Travel to Taipei…
Dinner: on your own
18:30 to 20:30
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
Does the megathrust earthquake cycle influence long-term uplift
and incision in the Cascadia forearc of Washington?
Investigating Landslides and Fluvial Processes in Taiwan using
Remote Sensing and Field Studies
Active Dehydration, Delamination and Deformation of
Transitional Continental Crust in an Arc-Continent Collision,
Holocene Deposition History of the Backarc-Opening Lanyang
Basin, northern Taiwan
A preliminary study of the inhomogeneous noise source from the
non-linear interaction of the ocean current with the continental
Evolution of the Holocene uplifted terraces along the Chihshang
Fault, Eastern Taiwan: Interactions between tectonic vertical
movement and fluvial sedimentation
Evidence for stable Sr isotope fractionation by silicate weathering
in a small sedimentary watershed in southwestern Taiwan
Transition from mature to collapsed orogen: Perspectives from
northern Taiwan
High-resolution 3-D Shear Wave Upper-crust Structures in Ilan
Plain using Ambient Noise Tomography
Surficial Geological Processes Affecting the Shallow Crustal
ThermalStructures: Results from 2D and 3D Seismic Reflection
Data Offshore SW Taiwan
Exhumation of Metamorphic rocks during the Taiwan Orogeny: A
Study of the Daguan Fault between Tailuko and Yuli Belts
Inferring geometry of Taiwan orogenic belt from recent
Rapid slip of the Gyaring Co fault in Central Tibet
Perched, Post-Glacial Landscapes in the Tropics: Buzzcut or
The role of waterfalls and knickzones in controlling the style and
pace of landscape adjustment in the western San Gabriel
Mountains, California
The deformation path partitioning within the multiply deformation
area, Tananao complex, Taiwan
Feedbacks Among Rifting, Erosion, Lithospheric Rupture, and
Crustal Recycling: From the Colorado River to the Salton Trough
and Gulf of California
Sea-level responses to massive sediment redistribution in and
around Taiwan
Orogenic stress, Cleavage patterns, Kinematics and Topography
in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision
Orographic precipitation: An atmospheric dynamics perspective
Luminescence in river sediment as a means to quantify sediment
transport rates: theoretical background, model framework, and
future testing.
Colin Amos
Lindsey Belliveau
Tim Byrne
Yu-Chang Chan
Emmy Chang
Queenie Chang
Hung-chun Chao
Chih-Tung Chen
Kai-Xun Chen
Wu-Cheng Chi
De-Cheng Yi
Ray Chuang
Chung, Ling-Ho
Maxwell Cunningham
Roman DiBiase
Gong-Ruei Ho
Rebecca Dorsey
Ken Ferrier
Donald Fisher
Joseph Galewsky
Harrison Gray
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
Physical property, textural, and compositional contrasts across the
unconformity and major seismic reflectors in the upper plate of
the Costa Rica subduction zone
An implication of the seismic sequences of the Chimei CanyonFan system in relation to arc- continent collision
Tectonic foliation and the distribution of landslides in the southern
Central Range, Taiwan
Climate Impact on Chemical Weathering Intensity in Taiwan
River Catchments: Insights from the Lithium Isotope
Unroofing patterns detected by multiple thermochronometers on
modern detritus of Yarlung- Tsangpo River, southeast Tibet
Layered deformation in the Taiwan orogen
An Empirical Model for Hillslope Sediment Production in
Extreme Rainfall Event Series
Impacts of Extreme Precipitation on the Sedimentation in Taiwan
Structural evolution and landscape development adjacent to the
alpine fault system, north canterbury, new zealand
The linkage between non-adiabatic cooling, isotopic lapse rates
and paleoelevation estimates
Models of Present-day Surface Uplift and Shortening in Taiwan
A Lithologic Control on Active Meandering in Bedrock Channels
Understanding the dynamic channel evolution to help guide
sediment management
Stratigraphic Architecture and Depositional Evolution of the
Plio-Pleistocene Tai-Yuan Collisional Basin, Coastal Range of
Eastern Taiwan
Spatial variability in the degree of climate, tectonic, and erosion
coupling in the eastern Himalaya
Active tectonics at the front of the Taiwan fold-and-thrust belt –
Results from the Chelungpu fault and Tainan anticline
Late Quaternary uplifted terraces around the Longitudinal Valley
in eastern Taiwan: Interaction among active faulting, regional
uplifting, fluvial sedimentation and their implications on
recurring extreme events at hundred-year scale
A Role for Oblique Stretching in Exhumation of the Southern
Central Range?
Hydraulic and geomorphic controls on evacuation of sediment
from seismically induced landslides and implications for
prolonged geohazards and tectonic topography
Development of a Real-time Earthquake Research Information
System in Taiwan
Assessing active faulting by hydrogeological modeling and
superconducting gravimetry: A case study for Hsinchu Fault,
Earthquake-induced crustal gravitational potential energy change
in the Philippine area
Mountain building in eastern Tibet: insights from foreland basin
development in western Sichuan
Flux and Fate of Taiwan River-derived Sediments to the Sea:
case studies of Lanyang, Choshui, and Kaoping
Mari Hamahashi
Yu-Huan Hsieh
Chung Huang
Kuo-Fang Huang
Shao-Yi Huang
Tzu-Ying Huang,
Yung-Feng Huang,
Yung-Ling Huang
Mary Hubbard
Nadja Insel
Kaj Johnson
Kerri Johnson
Wei-Cheng Kuo
Syu-Heng Lai
Isaac Larsen
Maryline Le Beon
Jian-Cheng Lee
Jonathan Lewis
Gen Li
Wen-Tzong Liang
Tzuyi Lien
Jing-Yi Lin
Mian Liu
Paul Liu
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
Extrusional Tectonics in Northern Taiwan
Tectonic Evolution of Chingshui Geothermal Field Inferred from
Evidence of Quartz and Calcite Veins
Erosion in the NW Himalaya: controlled by tectonics rather than
Active Fault as a barrier of hydraulic conducts in shallow
aquifers: insights from hydraulic experiments at the Chihshang
fault in eastern Taiwan
Climate-dependent chemical weathering as a control on bedrock
river incision
Seismic evidence of contrasting styles of typhoon-induced
landslides: examples in southwest Japan and implications for
quantification of mass budgets
Possible interaction of typhoon and earthquakes/tremor in Taiwan
Present-day crustal deformation in the central segment of the
Longitudinal Valley Fault zone, eastern Taiwan
Hydroclimatic controls on erosional efficiency: A comparative
study between desert and tropical tectonically active mountain
Landscape Response to Changes in Dynamic topography
Geomorphology and topography of relict surfaces: the influence
of inherited crustal structure in the northern Scandinavian
Differential Unroofing Across Southeastern Tibet: Geodynamic
Links Between Plateau-Scale Tectonics and Landscape Evolution
The Heat Source of Geothermal Energy in the Northeast Taiwan
Inversion of High Resolution 3-D Velocity Structures in the Ilan
Plain Using Local Dense Texan Network
The role of hillslope diffusion in landscape evolution: an
experimental approach
Isotopic memory of clays reveals sources and timing of geofluids,
illustrated by clay gouge from Northern Turkey
P- and S-wave attenuation structures investigated in Taiwan, for
orogenic structure and shallow sediment
The geomorphic aftermath of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and
implications from tectonics and mountain building to hazards and
geochemical cycles
Modeling the Influence of the Last Glacial Maximum Ice Load
on the Tectonics of southeast Alaska
Climate, Topography, Lithology, Erosion Rate and Tectonics:
New Insights from the Himalaya and the Andes
Exhumation of Metamorphic rocks during the Taiwan Orogeny:
A Study of the Daguan Fault between Tailuko and Yuli Belts
Philippine Sea plate reconstructions using subducted slab
constraints: implications for Taiwan tectonics
Understanding the Dynamic Channel Evolution to Help Guide
Sediment Management
Deformation and Exhumation of the Northern Hsueshan Range,
High strain rate means high seismic hazard in SW Taiwan?
The geochronological timing and alluvium of the tablelands in the
Chia-Yu Lu
Yi-Chia Lu
Kristin Morell
Chung-Hsiang Mu
Brendan Murphy
David Okaya
Zhigang Peng
Ruey-Juin Rau
Matthew Rossi
Gregory Ruetenik
Elizabeth Schermer
Jennifer Schmidt
Sheng-Rong Song
Po-Li Su
Kristin Sweeney
Ben van der Pluijm
Yu-Ju Wang
A. Joshua West
Lauren Wheeler
Kelin Whipple
Robert Wintsch
Jonny Wu
Chun-Yao Yang
En-Chao Yen
Kuo-En Ching
Chia-Han Tseng
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
Puli Basin, Taiwan
High transient deformation induced by triggered slip and faultrelated folding in SW Taiwan revealed by SAR interferometry and
geodetic measurements
The spatial pattern of weathering under an actively eroding
argillite landscape in Northern California
Cenozoic Reconstruction of Magmatism and Basin Development
within the South China Sea and Their Implications to Regional
Tectonic evolution
Jyr-Ching Hu
Daniella Rempe
Meng-Wan Yeh
Amos, Colin
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Geology Department
Western Washington University
Does the megathrust earthquake cycle influence long-term uplift and incision in the
Cascadia forearc of Washington?
Colin Amos – Western Washington University John Loveless – Smith College
The Olympic Mountains (OM) of Washington State represent the highest subaerial topography of the actively
deforming Cascadia subduction zone (CSZ) forearc. Despite some evidence that fluvial incision in the OM
balances rock uplift over millions of years, we know comparatively little about the influence of the subduction
zone earthquake cycle on long-term vertical deformation and the consequent generation of the OM topography.
We present a preliminary comparison between modern, geodetically observed strain across the CSZ with patterns
of vertical deformation recorded by uplifted and incised landforms flanking the OM. This study takes advantage
of high-quality GPS data spanning the CSZ forearc to model the distribution of interplate coupling and to predict
resultant interseismic uplift above the megathrust. These models are compared directly with an emerging
three-dimensional framework of longer-term deformation patterns constrained by lidar analysis, field mapping,
and geochronology of uplifted fluvial and glacial landforms. A match between model-predicted patterns of
interseismic uplift and longer-term geomorphic patterns of uplift and incision would imply temporal stability in
subduction zone coupling, as well as an overall imbalance in the Cascadia earthquake cycle. In contrast, a
mismatch in uplift over these short and long-term intervals would suggest a largely balanced earthquake cycle
and/or spatial variation in megathrust earthquake locations over time. Preliminary results from this comparison
indicate that interseismic vertical deformation and long-term incision are largely decoupled. This pattern
suggests that non-earthquake cycle processes (such as underplating of crustal material or aseismic folding)
contribute substantially to spatial heterogeneity in long-term vertical deformation and the overall growth of the
OM topography.
Belliveau, Lindsey
M.S. Student
Center for Integrative Geosciences
University of Connecticut
Investigating Landslides and Fluvial Processes in Taiwan using Remote Sensing and Field
Lindsey C. Belliveau, William B. Ouimet, Timothy Byrne, Heidi Dierssen
Landslides are a widespread erosional feature in Taiwan, connecting to both climatic and tectonic processes. Large
landslides can form dams in river valleys beneath them, producing knickpoints on river profiles, segmenting
valleys into mixed bedrock–alluvial rivers and affecting river incision for tens to thousands of years. Our research
is aimed at investigating modern and paleo-landslide dams in Taiwan using Digital Elevation Models (DEMs),
satellite imagery and field studies. Ongoing research consists of mapping river profiles, variations in sediment
deposition and channel width, and significant depositional features (terraces, alluvial fans, and landslide deposits
preserved within river valleys), and offshore suspended sediment loads using remote sensing and DEMs. Field
studies will be performed to confirm the findings from the imagery as well as to sample and date landslide related
deposits along rivers. Overall, this project aims to gain a better understanding of landslide dams in Taiwan and
how they alter landscape behavior. Specific tasks that will be addressed include: building a dataset of
paleo-landslides dams in Taiwan; analyzing the spatial and temporal variation of landslides dams in relation to
active faults and large earthquakes, typhoons, and lithology; and investigating if landslide events have signatures
in offshore suspended sediment load. Better understanding of landslide dam failure can assist in preparing for such
catastrophic dam releases. Few studies have addressed longer-term geomorphic record of past landslides or have
investigated the specific role that landslide dams play in Taiwan. This study provides a stepping stone for
culminating these data to further explore the long-term implications that landslides have in direct relevance to
landscape behavior in Taiwan.
Byrne, Tim
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Center for Integrative Geosciences
University of Connecticut
and Deformation of Transitional
Arc- Continent Collision, Taiwan
Timothy B Byrne1, Ruey-Juin Rau2, Kate Huihsuan Chen3, Hsin-Hua Huang4, Yu-ju Wang5, William B Ouimet1
1 Univ Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States,
2 NCKU National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan,
3 Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, TaipeTaiwan,
4 4 Institute of Earth Sciences Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan,
5 National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan
A new study of the 3-D velocity structure of Taiwan, using a new tomographic model (Vp and Vs; Huang et al.,
2014), suggests that subducted continental crust is progressively detached from the subducting mantle of the
Eurasia plate and deformed by the subducting Philippine Sea plate. In southern Taiwan, vertical sections show an
east-dipping, asymmetric lobe of low velocity that projects down dip to a band of seismicity interpreted as the
Wadati-Benioff zone of the subducting Eurasian plate. Seismic tremors in the mid-crust also suggest dehydration
(Chuang et al., 2014), consistent with prograde metamorphism of crustal materials. In central Taiwan, however,
the seismicity of the W-B zone progressively disappears and the low velocity lobe shallows and broadens. The
velocity structure of the lower and middle crust (represented by the 7.5 and 6.5 km/sec isovelocity surfaces,
respectively) also appear distinctly out-of-phase with the lower crust forming a broad, smooth synformal structure
that contrasts with the higher amplitude undulations of the middle crust. These mid- crust structures appear as
irregular lobes separated by areas of higher velocity, yielding a dome-and-keel structure. In northern Taiwan, the
velocity structure of the lower and middle crust again appear “in phase” and form a symmetrical crustal root
centered beneath the Central Range. Seismicity patterns and 3-D analysis of the velocity structure also show the
western edge of the PSP subducting beneath the eastern Central Range. We interpret these south-to-north changes
to reflect the partial subduction (southern Taiwan), detachment (central Taiwan) and deformation (northern
Taiwan) of continental-like crust. Support for these interpretation comes from: 1) unusually high rates of surface
uplift (up to 10 mm/yr; Ching et al., 2011); 2) Vp and Vs attenuation studies that suggest anomalously high
temperatures; 3) evidence for NE-SW extension; and 4) anomalous areas of low topographic relief.
Cassel, Elizabeth
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Geological Sciences
University of Idaho
Hydrated Volcanic Glass Durability and Isotope Composition Stability on Geologic Timescales
Elizabeth J. Cassel and Daniel O. Breecker
Tectonic reconstructions depend not only on the magnitude, but also on the spatial distribution and stability of
past high elevations, necessitating quantitative, orogen-scale paleoelevation data. Felsic volcanic glasses record
the hydrogen isotope compositions (dD) of meteoric water shortly after deposition, providing a proxy for ancient
precipitation and thus past elevations. As with any stable isotope proxy, glasses must resist alteration on geologic
timescales to be useful. Here we present experimental and empirical data that supports the long-term durability
of glass and preservation of ancient hydrogen isotope compositions. Precipitation percolating through tephra
deposits replaces mobile cations in the glass, followed by the development of an impermeable, high- density
silicate gel layer near the glass surface that resists subsequent hydrogen exchange. To test this, we subjected
natural glass samples to long-term DHO solution treatments, which did not effect glass dD values in comparison
to untreated samples for all units >1 Mya. Samples of the 7.7 ky Mazama ash, however, show deuterium
enrichment, suggesting that more time is necessary to completely hydrate glass and form a gel layer. Additionally,
45-23 Mya glasses record dD values that directly reflect their depositional environments as determined by
stratigraphy: lacustrine-deposited glasses reflect D-enriched evaporative waters while fluvial- deposited glasses
reflect highly depleted precipitation. Glass is especially well suited for paleoaltimetry, as gel layers remain
impermeable on geologic timescales, allowing glass to faithfully record ancient water dD values. The natural
glasses studied provide an excellent model for nuclear waste glass that can maintain long-term stability and thus
ensure safe disposal.
Chan, Yu-Chang
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Institute of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
Holocene Deposition History of the Backarc-Opening Lanyang Basin, northern Taiwan
Yu-Chang Chan1 and Yu-Chung Hsieh2
(1) Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (,
(2) Central Geological Survey, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taipei, Taiwan (
The triangular Lanyang Basin in northern Taiwan has well-preserved sedimentary records which provide
opportunities for understanding the subsidence and sedimentary processes at the tip of the Okinawa Trough. To
better examine the deposition and tectonic history of the Lanyang Basin, we analyzed data from 13 boreholes and
used C14 dates to reconstruct basin sedimentary layers during the Holocene time. The borehole depths and their
correspondent C14 ages are used to reconstruct the overall age models in the Lanyang Basin. The sedimentation
rates from the borehole locations vary significantly from 0.5 to 2.0 cm/yr. Age models were fitted using quadratic
equations instead of linear equations. The linear age models, although commonly used by previous studies,
may not be desirable because most age distributions show decreasing sedimentation rates, particularly after 6
ky BP. Six boreholes show very good fit using quadratic equations in the age models and five boreholes, mostly
located along the coastal areas, show relatively linear relations. Two other boreholes do not have enough C14
dates and the reconstructed age models are less reliable in the two locations. Contour maps of sedimentation
rates, including 3, 6, 9 and 12 ky BP, are derived from the interpolated sedimentation rates. Based on our 3D
reconstruction of age models, the pattern of sedimentary layers in the Lanyang Basin can be explained by the basin
shape and the propagation of sediment fronts during the Holocene time. It avoids unwarranted inference of local
faults or inaccurate estimates of subsidence rates in the backarc-opening environment.
Chang, Emmy
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Institute of Oceanography
National Taiwan University
A preliminary study of the inhomogeneous noise source from the non-linear interaction of the ocean current
with the continental slope
Chang, E. T.-Y. (, and C.-S. Liu (
Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
We study the origin of the background seismic noise by cross-correlating of the continuous seismograms
recorded at two ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) arrays which were deployed across the continental slope in the
northern South China Sea where water depth ranges from 1000 to 3500 meters. Both the vertical and hydrophone
components are adopted to form the correlation time functions for all available station pairs to determine the
normalized background energy flow through the arrays. Our result shows that the noise energy mainly emerges
at two spectral bands corresponding to the primary (0.2~0.5 Hz) and secondary (0.8~1.5 Hz) microseisms. The
primary spectral peaks can be detected at correlation time functions formed by both vertical and hydrophone
components; however, the high frequency spectral peaks are better revealed by the hydrophone correlation
functions. This leads us to speculate that the high-frequency energy is the noises from ocean water column. The
group velocity of the high-frequency peaks is measured at 1.5 km/sec, supporting this inference. On the other
hand, the primary microseisms exhibit an extremely slow group velocity of ~ 0.4 km/sec, far below the
well-known surface wave velocity. It may reflect the interface property along the boundary of a fluid in contact
with an elastic solid.
Chang, Kuo-Jen
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Civil Engineering
National Taipei University of Technology
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Technology for Geological Applications and Prospects
Kuo-Jen Chang
In recent years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) become a popular technology, and is very useful for natural
disaster assessment and hazard mitigation study. With good UAV equipment and resources, this study is thus
focus on the feasibility and adaptability analysis of the UAV techniques and its’ applications. Digital terrain
model (DTM) is the one of the most essential data set for hazard analysis. In this study we try to find what the
data and the quality that UAV-associated equipment may produce, and the relationship related with the ground
control points (GCPs), and what is the most efficient way to improve the quality, and how to achieve this goals.
There are two kinds of UAVs, the fixed wing and the rotor wings, depending on different role of classification.
In this study, we compare the quality evaluation of DTM from these two kinds of UAV. Different factors are also
evaluated in this study, including different kinds of digital cameras, different UAVs, and different sets of GCP
groups, by comparing the DTM quality that applying in the same area. The result indicates that the quality
of images affects the DTM, and the quality of image relates with, and only with the mission fly high. However,
different UAV platform is not important for data resolution. In this study, we analyzed how does GCP affects
DTM, compared with the airborne LiDAR data, and with ground leveling. Even caused of the field situations,
time costs. . . etc. we could not set GCP homogeneously and ideally. The result finds the distribution and the
amount of the ground control points are the dominant factors affecting DTM quality. The current result shows that
the precision of the DTM could be better than 20cm, compared with airborne LiDAR data. Based on the objective
of this study, some suggests and results related with different platforms and equipment selection, and the mission
planning is thus discussed.
Chang, Queenie
Research Scientist
Department of Geosciences
National Taiwan University
Evolution of the Holocene uplifted terraces along the Chihshang Fault, Eastern Taiwan:
Interactions between tectonic vertical movement and fluvial sedimentation
Queenie Chang1, Jian-Cheng Lee2, Shing-Lin Wang1, Rou-Fei Chen2,3 and Yue-Gau Chen1
1Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
3Department of Geology, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan
The Chihshang terrace group is located on the hanging wall of the Chihshang Fault, one of the most active
segments of the Longitudinal Valley Fault in eastern Taiwan. Being different from common river terraces
developed on two sides of river channel, the Chihshang terrace group is located on the toe area of the large
alluvial fan of east-flowing Xinwulyu River, which derived from the Central Range, and has been cut through by
the west-thrusting Chihshang Fault. The Chihshang terrace group can be divided into ten levels of various height
differences. The spatial distribution of terraces is uneven: higher levels (T5-T10) and lower levels (T1- T2)
distribute on the northern part of alluvial fan, medium levels (T3-T4) on the middle part, and no terraces on the
southern part. Field investigations and the observations from six trenches on terraces surface show that main
terraces deposits are composed of sediments derived from Central Range. For each level of terraces they were
deposited independently. We concluded that the Chihshang terrace group was formed under influences of the
continuous thrusting movement of the Chihshang Fault and the episodic lateral erosion and sedimentation of
Xinwulyu River on to the hanging wall area. The uneven geographic distribution of terraces reveals the channel
migration history of the Xinwulyu River, which might be due to short-term climate fluctuation. Through the 14C
dating result we also estimated that the maximum long-term vertical rate of faulting for the past seven thousand
years is 1.4-1.7 cm/yr, which is a factor of two lower than the present geodetic data (2.5-3.0 cm/yr).
Chao, Hung-chun
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
National Chung Cheng University
Evidence for stable Sr isotope fractionation by silicate weathering in a small sedimentary watershed in
southwestern Taiwan
Hung-Chun Chao1, Chen-Feng You2,3, Hou-Chun Liu2,3, Chuan-Hsiung Chung2,3
1Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan
2Earth Dynamic System Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
3Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
River water was collected on a weekly to monthly basis throughout dry and wet seasons. Furthermore, to study the
variations of radiogenic and stable Sr isotopes during intense weathering, a major flooding event (2000 mm
precipitation in three days, Typhoon Morakot), water was captured within in a small drainage catchment system
(161 km2) along the Hou-ku River in southwestern Taiwan. Dissolved major elements indicate that the watersheds
were predominated by silicate weathering, but more carbonate contributions were evident after the flooding event.
Stable Sr isotopes show no significant variation (?88Sr = 0.24 – 0.31 ‰) temporally and spatially with an
average of 0.28 ‰. Conversely, all solids showed lower ?88Sr values than the river water while the host rocks
had higher ?88Sr values (?88Sr = 0.20 – 0.26 ‰) than the residual weathering products (?88Sr = 0.08 – 0.22 ‰),
indicating preferential leaching of heavy Sr into the hydrosphere and leaving light Sr in the residual solids. Results
of laboratory acid leaching experiments reveal that dissolution of high ?88Sr value minerals occurred at an early
stage of weathering. The variation of weathering intensity does not alter stable Sr isotopes in silicate weathering
dominated river water, which contains higher stable Sr isotopes than the associated sediments. The silicatic
sedimentary rocks preferentially released higher stable Sr isotopes into the hydrosphere during chemical
weathering, thus leaving lower stable Sr isotopes in the residual solids.
CHEN, Chih-Tung
Postdoctoral Scholar
Institute of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
Transition from mature to collapsed orogen: Perspectives from northern Taiwan
Chih-Tung Chen, Jian-Cheng Lee, Yu-Chang Chan, Chia-Yu Lu, Louis Teng, Yue-Gau Chen
Taiwan has served as a classical example of mountain building with a complete while rather short evolution from
initiation to demise. In northern Taiwan we witness a mature orogen gradually dissected to collapse, but little
efforts have been placed in this region. Here a thorough anatomy of orogen structure on northern Taiwan mountain
belt is presented with structural data, thermal metamorphism records, and thermochronological results, and an
evolution proposed emphasizing the role of basal accretion in Taiwanese orogen wedge growth. Further north in
the Taipei region, the Taiwan orogen is bysected by the active Shanchiao Fault. Multi- discipline study on its
earthquake geology has been carried out, and the fault is found to be constantly active during late Quaternary,
possessing a broad rupture zone, and closely associated with pre-existing syn- and pre- orogen structures.
Chen, Kai-Xun
M.S. Student
Earth Science
National Central University
High-resolution 3-D Shear Wave Upper-crust Structures in Ilan Plain using Ambient Noise Tomography
Kai-Xun Chen1 Po-Fei Chen1, Wen-Tzong Liang2, Po-Li Su1
(2) Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University
(3) Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
The Ilan Plain (IP) in NE Taiwan locates on the western end of the Okinawa trough and exhibits high geothermal
gradients with abundant hot springs, likely resulting from magmatism associated with the back-arc spreading as
manifested by the offshore volcanic island (Kueishantao) [Lin et al., 2004]. North and south sides of IP are
divided by Lan-Yang river with distinctive characteristics. Comparing to the northern part, the southern part
exhibits, relatively, thin unconsolidated Quaternary alluvium layer with depths ranging from 0 to 1 km (Chiang.,
1976), high on-land seismicity and significant SE movements relative to Penghu island. Purposes of this study are
two folds. By obtaining a high-resolution 3-D shear wave upper-crust structures, we aim at (1) assessing the extent
of underground geothermal sources as revealed by low velocity anomalies, (2) mapping 3-D sedimentary
structures as revealed by the structures of very low velocity zones at surface.
To fulfill this goal, we deployed 89 Texan instruments (~2.5 km station interval) between Aug. 2014 and Jan.
2015, covering most of the IP and its vicinity. We conduct methods of ambient noise tomography for inversion of
high-resolution 3-D shear wave upper-crust velocity structures. Firstly, we estimate empirical Green’s functions
(EGF) of Rayleigh wave between station pairs by ambient noise cross-correlation. Secondly, dispersion curves
of group and phase velocities are measured at the frequency range between 0.25 and 1.67 Hz from each EGFs.
Frequency-time analysis [Levshin et al., 1989] and Image transformation technique [Yao et al., 2006] are used
to measured group and phase velocities at each period, respectively. Finally, we apply a fast marching method for
inhomogeneous-medium ray tracing and for calculations of travel times between station pairs. We also adopt a
wavelet-based sparsity-constrained tomography method for the direct inversion of 3-D shear wave velocity
structures [Fang et al., 2015].
Results show that the lowest shear wave velocity can be as low as 0.4 km/s. mostly at depths shallower than 500
meters. Having examined the vertical cross-sections of each profiles, the spatial distributions of low velocity
zones well match to those of sedimentary structures as shown by seismic reflection survey (Chiang, 1976).
Furthermore, the velocity discontinuities roughly correspond to existing fault patterns. Results in west IP show
that local low velocity anomalies with depth shallower than 1 km display in regions of known geothermal wells.
Key words: ambient seismic noises, Ilan Plain, fast marching method, wavelet-based sparsity-constrained
tomographic inversion
Chiang, S. C. (1976). A seismic refraction prospecting of the Ilan plain, Minging Tech. 185 14, 215–221.
Fang, H., H. Yao, H. Zhang, Y.-C. Huang, and Van Der Hilst, R. D., (2015), Direct inversion of surface wave
dispersion for 3-D shallow crustal structure based on ray tracing: methodology and application, Geophys. J. Int.,
Levshin, A.L., Lander, A,V., (1989), Recording, identification and measurement of surface wave parameters. In:
Keilis-Borok, V.I. (Ed.), Seismic Surface Waves in a Laterally Inhomogeneous Earth. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 131-182.
Lin, J.-Y., S.-K. Hsu, and J.-C. Sibuet., (2004), Melting features along the western Ryukyu slab edge (northeast
Taiwan): Tomographic evidence, J. Geophys. Res., 109, B12402, doi:10.1029/2004JB003260.
Yao, H., van der Hilst R.D., and de Hoop, M.V., (2006). Surface-wave array tomography in SE Tibet from
ambient seismic noise and two-station analysis : I - Phase velocity maps. Geophys.J. Int., Vol. 166, 732-744, doi:
Chi, Wu-Cheng
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Institute of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
Surficial Geological Processes Affecting the Shallow Crustal Thermal Structures: Results from 2D and 3D
Seismic Reflection Data Offshore SW Taiwan
Wu-Cheng Chi1, Liwen Chen1, Char-Shine Liu2, Yunshuen Wang3, Christian Berndt4, Wei-Chung Han2 and
Saulwood Lin2,
(1)Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan,
(2)National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,
(3)Central Geological Survey, Taipei, Taiwan,
(4)GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Seafloor and onland heat flow measurements provide fundamental geophysical information that can be used to
better understand tectonic and surficial processes. Regional heat flow patterns have been successfully used to
tectonics. However, sometimes there are variations of heat flows within a small area, making the interpretation of
the heat flows difficult. Here we study surficial processes that can cause such variations. We have collected dense
2D and 3D seismic reflection data offshore SW Taiwan where there is a wide-spread bottom-simulating reflector
(BSR). The BSR is interpreted as associated with the base of the gas hydrate stability zone, and can be used to infer
the temperature fields at shallow crust. Such a dense and wide-spread dataset provides an unprecedented
opportunity to study processes that affect temperature fields. We show evidence of surficial processes-induced
temperature perturbations at shallow oceanic crust by comparing the BSR-based temperature data with the
temperature derived from steady-state 3D finite element modeling. We also found seismic evidence of abnormal
high heat flows caused by rapid erosion. Our results demonstrate that sometimes it is necessary to correct those
effects before the heat flow data can be used for regional studies or for low-grade P-T- t paths studies using
metamorphic petrology techniques. Our study is among the first to provide observational data to study surficial
geological processes affecting shallow crustal thermal structures. We plan to extend similar study to onland
Taiwan where the arc-continent collision process is active.
Ching, Kuo-En
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Department of Geomatics
National Cheng Kung University
High strain rate means high seismic hazard in SW Taiwan?
Kuo-En Ching
Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Kaj M. Johnson
Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, USA
Yuan-Hsi Lee
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
A high shortening rate of 0.7-1.4 ?strain/yr from the previous GPS observations across the frontal thrust belt in SW
Taiwan has implied higher probability of future earthquakes than in other areas of Taiwan. However, no
significant earthquake has occurred since 1964 M6.3 Baihe earthquake. In this study, we therefore adopted the
geodetic data from 109 campaign-mode GPS stations, 61 continuous GPS stations and 388 leveling benchmarks
from 2002 to 2011 to comprehend the characteristics of modern crustal deformation in SW Taiwan. Horizontal and
vertical velocities inferred from GPS and leveling data are relative to the Chinese continental margin. Horizontal
velocities decrease, from SE to NW, from ~54 mm/yr to ~1 mm/yr. A significant shortening of ~15 mm/yr has
been noticed between the Liuchia (west) and Chukou (East) faults. The vertical velocity field represents ~10
mm/yr east of the Liuchia fault with the maximum rate of ~12.5 mm/yr. To estimate the slip rates on faults, we
inverted the geodetic data using a 2D elastic kinematic fault model. The fault slip rates are estimated by least
squares, while the optimized fault geometries and locking depths are searched by the Monte- Carlo inversion.
Based on our optimal model, the probability to generate the next large earthquake on the surface active faults
in SW Taiwan is low. However, this high strain accumulation may be released by the future earthquakes on the
deep buried faults or by the transient slip events on the décollement.
Chuang, Ray
Postdoctoral Scholar
National Taiwan University
Inferring geometry of Taiwan orogenic belt from recent earthquakes
Ray Y. Chuang and Kaj M Johnson
The Taiwan orogenic belt, which consists of the backbone mountainous Central Range, the Hsueshan Range, and
the active fold-and-thrust western foothills, is a spotlight for orogenic studies. Based on thermochronologic and
geodetic data, the Central Range has very rapid exhumation and uplift rates during the latest orogenic event.
Several studies have proposed different models for the geometry of the Taiwan orogenic belt and varied
explanations for the rapid rates of the Central Range. However, the geometry and the processes of the Taiwan
orogenic belt are still under debate. Here we present results of recent seismic activities that the current Taiwan
orogenic belt shows the geometry of a doubly-vergent wedge. Numerical models with the doubly-vergent
geometry also fit present-day surface velocities derived from geodetic observations.
Chung, Ling-Ho
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Earth and Environmental Science
National Chung Cheng University
Rapid slip of the Gyaring Co fault in Central Tibet
Lingho Chung1,2 , Yue-Gau Chen1, Zhongquan Cao3, Gongming Yin4, Anchuan Fan1, Tzu-Shuan
Wu1, and XiWei Xu4
(1) Dept. of Geos., NTU,Taipei, Taiwan ROC (,
(2) Dept. of Earth and Environ. Sci., NCCU, Chiayi, Taiwan ROC,
(3) Seismol. Bur. of Tibet Autonomous Region, Lasha, RPC,
(4) State Key Lab. of Earthquake Dynamics, Inst. of Geol., China Earthquake Adm., Beijing, RPC
The Gyaring Co fault (GCF) is one of a series of active en echelon faults of the Karakoram-Jiali fault zone (KJFZ)
in the Central Tibetan Plateau. It has been reported as a dextral fault, striking N50°-60°W at a rate of ca. 10 to 20
mm/yr (Armijo et al. 1989). Another en echelon fault, Beng Co fault (BCF), was located on the 1951 M8 event
also implies the possibility of earthquake hazard at GCF. By interpreting high resolution satellite imageries, we
are able to remap ~140 fault traces along the GCF. Combining optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages with
the offset obtained from satellite imagery analysis and field survey, the slip rate along the GCF can be estimated as
12-17 mm/yr since ca. 80 ka. This study also focuses on a section of the western segment of the GCF, where the
slip has been recognized to have occurred at 3.0 ± 1.6 m more than 7 times. This ~3 m slip implies MW 7.2-7.4
earthquakes recurring to the western segment in every 200 yrs, while reaching about MW
7.7 if both segments could break at the same time.
Cunningham, Maxwell
Ph.D. Student
Earth and Environmental Science
Columbia University
Perched, Post-Glacial Landscapes in the Tropics: Buzzcut or Relict?
Max Cunningham and Colin Stark
The power of climatically modulated erosion to control topographic evolution is nicely illustrated in the glacial
buzzsaw hypothesis, which says that ice-driven erosion at high elevations outpaces tectonic uplift and limits
mountain heights to the cold-phase ELA (equilibrium-line altitude). This argument is easy to make in heavily
glaciated orogens at mid-latitudes, where ice-driven erosion is persistent and hypsometric maxima correlate
clearly with the LGM ELA. It is tougher to make in the subtropics/tropics, where only the highest ranges are
intermittently glaciated during cold phases. Signs of a buzzsaw mechanism are nevertheless present, with evidence
of glacial erosion across low-relief landscapes that are perched at elevations close to the LGM ELA. So the
question is: does the glacial buzzsaw act to limit mountain height even in such marginal environments?
We focus on Taiwan and Costa Rica, where many perched landscapes show signs of ice erosion. Little discussion
has been aimed at whether ice erosion shaped these landscapes, and instead, the prevailing explanation for their
origin is rooted in tectonics. In the tectonic model, a low relief, slowly eroding orogen underwent a big increase
in the regional uplift rate (several million years ago) and forced the landscape into a high erosion rate mode.
Remnants of the low-relief landscape that survived this have subsequently been driven to high elevations. We
instead hypothesize that perched landscapes in the tropics are primarily a product of surface processes. Recent
numerical modeling shows that low-relief landscapes form via drainage capture, and that tectonic uplift can push
shrinking, low-relief catchments to high elevations. We plan to test whether glacial erosion can preserve these
perched landscapes. We will present 10Be surface exposure dates of glacial landforms from a perched landscape
in Costa Rica as well as regional analyses of 30m SRTM data to support this hypothesis.
DiBiase, Roman
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Penn State
The role of waterfalls and knickzones in controlling the style and pace of landscape adjustment in the
western San Gabriel Mountains, California
Roman A. DiBiase¹, Kelin X Whipple², Michael P. Lamb³, and Arjun M. Heimsath²
¹Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA
²School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281, USA
³Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125,
Bedrock river incision is typically characterized by a monotonic function of bed shear stress or stream power,
modulated by sediment tools and cover effects, but these models do not apply in channels with steep or vertical
bedrock reaches due to changes in flow dynamics, hydraulic geometry, and bed cover. Here, we investigate how
such knickzones (oversteepened channel reaches often containing waterfalls) influence the propagation of slopebreak knickpoints that separate relict from adjusting topography, and thus the response times of landscapes to
external forcing. We use a conceptual long-profile model to explore the consequences of waterfalls and
knickzones on channel response and compare predictions to light detection and ranging (LiDAR) topography,
field observations, and cosmogenic radionuclide data from Big Tujunga Creek, a 300 km² watershed in the San
Gabriel Mountains, California. Three prominent knickzones along Big Tujunga Creek, characterized by
numerous waterfalls, show contrasting behavior. For the upper knickzone, we find that waterfalls stall the
propagation of slope-break knickpoints, enhancing the preservation of an upstream relict landscape. The lower
knickzone is characterized by a waterfall and knickzone within an incised inner gorge that provide evidence of
rapid retreat relative to background channel incision. Overall, we find a pattern of decreasing knickzone and
waterfall retreat rate with distance upstream of the range front, beyond decreases predicted by simple areadependent celerity models. Our results highlight that waterfalls and knickzones can both enhance and inhibit
landscape adjustment, leading to divergent controls on the pace of landscape evolution.
Dixon, Jean
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Earth Sciences
Montana State University
Climate’s elusive control on chemical weathering: Reevaluating climate-weathering-erosion feedbacks
Chemical weathering in soils alters minerals, mobilizes metals, liberates nutrients to ecosystems, and may
modulate Earth’s climate over geologic timescales. Climate-weathering-erosion feedbacks are often included as
fundamental controls on the evolution of Earth’s surface and biogeochemical cycles. But, surprisingly little
consensus has emerged regarding if and how climate controls chemical weathering. Published models and data
often give contrasting correlations and predictions for how weathering rates and climate variables such as
temperature or moisture are related. How do we reconcile these disparate predictions and findings for how
climate controls weathering? Here, we combine insights gained from different approaches, methods and theory of
the geomorphology, soil-science, and biogeochemistry communities to tackle the fundamental question of how
climate, and rainfall specifically, influences soil weathering. We review previously published research on
climate-erosion-weathering relationships, and present new soil elemental and cosmogenic isotope (10Be) data
from young, post-glacial soils of New Zealand. Our work shows that a climate imprint on weathering is
discernable in young soils, consistent with numerical models that consider competing influences of climate and
mineral residence time in mineral dissolution. However, this climate control is strongly nonlinear, and is
evidenced primarily in the redistribution of metals and the bioavailability of nutrients, and less significantly in the
form of elemental losses and chemical weathering rates. These strong pedogenic thresholds provide significant
insight into climate’s elusive control on weathering across diverse landscapes, and have significant implications
for landscape evolution, the release of rock-derived nutrients to ecosystems, and climate- weathering-erosion
Dorsey, Rebecca
Full Professor/
Dept. of Geological Sciences
University of Oregon
Feedbacks Among Rifting, Erosion, Lithospheric Rupture, and Crustal Recycling: From the Colorado River to the
Salton Trough and Gulf of California
Rebecca Dorsey (Univ. of Oregon)
Greg Lazear (Grand Junction Geological Society,)
Many studies examine the influence of climate and erosion on the dynamics and growth of convergent orogens. In
convergent settings, crustal shortening and thickening drive regional uplift that produces steeper river gradients and enhanced
erosion due to orographic precipitation, redirecting pathways of lower crustal flow and creating strong feedback among
exhumation, rock uplift, and erosion (the “tectonic aneurism” model). Similar feedbacks (but with opposite sign) appear to
operate at extensional and transtensional margins. In these settings, crustal thinning causes dramatic lowering of
topography and creation of deep basins that redirect regional drainage systems and capture large rivers, which funnel
sediment into basins where subsidence is enhanced by sediment loading. Rapidly deposited sediment creates a thermal
blanket that warms and weakens the crust, favoring localization of strain that leads to enhanced subsidence and sediment
accumulation. The nature of these feedbacks is debated, providing motivation for future modeling and field studies.
The Gulf of California and Salton Trough offer a superb natural laboratory with which to study the influence of
sedimentation on rift architecture and lithospheric rupture at an evolving rift margin. Oblique rifting, rupture, and rapid
subsidence drive a newly recognized style of crustal recycling in which sediment is funneled out of the continental interior by
a large river and delivered to subsiding basins where it is rapidly converted to a new generation of crust at a rifted continental
margin. The Colorado River has delivered a huge volume of sediment to rapidly subsiding transtensional basins along the
Pacific - North America plate boundary over the past ~5.5 Ma. Transfer of crust can be tracked because the eroding source
(Colorado Plateau) and depositional sinks (Salton Trough and northern Gulf of California) are intact and well preserved.
Using distribution of late Miocene basalt flows and thermochronologic data, we calculate that ~3.4 ± 1.2 x 105 km3 of rock
has been eroded from the Colorado Plateau since 10 Ma. Most of this erosion occurred starting 5.5-6.0 Ma when the river
drainage became integrated and incision rates increased dramatically. The volume of sediment stored in basinal sinks is
similar to the volume of crust eroded from the Colorado Plateau, but only if we assume that crust between 5 and 10-12 km
depth in the plate-boundary basins is young metasedimentary rock and intrusions.
The total mass of crust that has been transferred from source to sink is roughly 5.1-11.5 x 1014 metric tons, representing an
average annual flux of ~156-172 Mt/yr since 4.8-5.3 Ma. The calculated long-term flux is similar to historical pre-dam
sediment discharge measured at Yuma in the early 1900’s (172 ± 64 Mt/yr). The similarity of flux estimates suggests that
rates of erosion and sediment discharge in this system have been consistent over geologic to modern timescales, contrary to
predictions of most landscape evolution models. This result suggests that positive feedback between Late Cenozoic erosion
and flexural rebound on the Colorado Plateau may help to sustain steady relatively rates of regional erosion and sediment
discharge for millions of years after integration of the Colorado River at ~5.5 Ma.
Ferrier, Ken
Assistant Professor/Researcher
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Georgia
Institute of Technology
Sea-level responses to massive sediment redistribution in and around Taiwan
Ken L. Ferrier
Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Atlanta, GA, USA
Sea level is a critical link in feedbacks among topography, tectonics, and climate. Over millennial and longer
timescales, changes in sea level reshape river networks, regulate organic carbon burial, influence sediment
deposition, and set the boundary condition for landscape evolution. Sea-level changes influence tectonics by
regulating rates and patterns of erosion and deposition, which produce changes in the surface loads that drive
geodynamic processes at depth. These interactions are complex because sea-level changes are influenced by the
geomorphic processes that they themselves modify, since sediment redistribution perturbs the gravitational and
crustal elevation fields that define sea level.
A recent advance in understanding the coupling between sea level, tectonics, and topography was the
incorporation of sediment redistribution into a gravitationally self-consistent sea-level model, which permits the
computation of sea-level responses to erosion and deposition (Dalca et al., 2013, Geophysical Journal
International). Here I use this model to quantify changes in sea level resulting from the erosion of Taiwan’s
interior – one of the most rapidly eroding sites on Earth – and the deposition of sediment offshore. These model
results show that the sea-level fingerprint of sediment redistribution around Taiwan is strongly variable in space,
and that it represents a significant component of the total sea level change since the last interglacial (~120 ka).
This work provides a basis for understanding a fundamental driver of landscape evolution at one of Earth’s most
geomorphically dynamic sites, and thus provides critical constraints on the coupling among tectonics, climate,
and topography.
Fisher, Donald
Full Professor/ Researche
Department of Geosciences
Penn State University
Orogenic stress, Cleavage patterns, Kinematics and Topography in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision
D. Fisher, Penn State University, S. Willett, ETH, Yeh, E.-C., Normal University, and Lu, C-Y., National
Taiwan University
Recent observations of cleavage patterns, strain histories, and kinematics across the Taiwan mountain belt depict
systematic orogen-scale variations with respect to the synorogenic divide and suggest that the pattern of cleavage
development is a predictable consequence of orogen stresses and kinematics. South of Taiwan,
transitional continental crust related to the onset of collision is accreted in the prowedge facing Asia, but is
advected eastward into the east-verging retrowedge where the most deeply exhumed rocks are ultimately exposed
in the Eastern Central Range. Wedge mechanics predicts a reversal in the direction of plunge of s1 at the
topographic or bathymetric divide between the opposing wedges—a feature that provides a link between
topography and orientations of deformation fabrics. There are two cleavage fronts in Taiwan, one related to a
slaty cleavage in western Taiwan and another related to a second, crenulation cleavage that records an abrupt
change in stress orientation and unstable buckling of pre-existing prowedge fabrics. The cleavage front associated
with this overprinting fabric parallels the topographic divide. Advection of a fabric beneath a topographic or
bathymetric divide in a doubly-vergent wedge provides an explanation for the occurrence of cleavage fronts
and fans in Taiwan. There is one fundamental feature of the Eastern Central Range not explained by the 2-D
evolution of a doubly vergent wedge—the stretching lineation within the Eastern Central Range plunges gently
to the northeast. Strain histories in the Eastern Central Range and regional finite strain patterns are consistent with
strike slip shearing and eastward advection of Asian crust relative to the Philippine Plate.
Galewsky, Joseph
Associate Professor/ Researcher Department
of Earth and Planetary Sciences
University of New Mexico
Orographic precipitation: An atmospheric dynamics perspective
Joseph Galewsky
University of New Mexico
The correlation between rainfall and topography is one of the most robust relationships linking climate and
tectonics. While the first-order processes governing orographic precipitation can be well understood in terms of
terrain forcing of moisture-laden flows, the processes that govern individual events and the geomorphicallyeffective extreme events require a more nuanced understanding. An understanding of the upstream stratification of
temperature and water vapor provides a useful framework for understanding a wide variety of orographic
precipitation processes, including lateral flow deflection around 3D topography and topographically induced
convection. In this talk, I will provide an overview of these physical processes and link them to some of our recent
research on West Pacific tropical cyclones during the LGM and the October 2014 Cyclone Hudhud blizzard in
the Annapurna Himalaya.
Gray, Harrison
Ph.D. Student
Earth Sciences
University of Colorado, Boulder
Luminescence in river sediment as a means to quantify sediment transport rates: theoretical background,
model framework, and future testing.
Gregory E. Tucker, and Shannon S. Mahan.
The relationship between tectonics and sediment transport rates remains as a tantalizing problem for the geomorphic
community. Sediment transport rates are necessary for understanding landscape evolution, fluvial sedimentation,
and river engineering, yet little short-timescale (>10 years) data exists and next to none for longer timescales.
Long-term rates such as those derived from cosmogenic inventories last on the order of thousands of years,
whereas short term rates, such as tracer experiments and sediment traps, are applicable (and feasible) only over tens
of years at most. Furthermore, tracer and sediment trap experiments are difficult to implement and require
significant investment of time and equipment. An intrinsic method to measure medium- term rates of sediment
transport (~10-1000 years) would be invaluable. Luminescence methods may provide an answer to this problem.
We present modeling and theoretical work on the use of luminescence in quartz as a means to quantify sunlight
exposure and solve for transport time as a proxy for sediment transport rates. We use a random-walk particle
model to simulate a grain of sand in a turbulent flow and implement luminescence equations for the expected
changes in signal under given flow regimes. Initial results of the modeling suggest that luminescence
measurements follow an exponential decay with transport distance which agrees well with field observations.
Furthermore, we outline proposed tests of this method in a controlled natural experiment in the Rio Puerco and
using flume experiments in light controlled conditions. We demonstrate that luminescence has significant potential
as a sediment transport indicator.
Ho, Gong-ruei
Ph.D. Student
Institute of Mineral Resources Engineering
The deformation path partitioning within the multiply deformation area, Tananao complex, Taiwan.
Gong-Ruei Ho, and Wei Lo
The subduction and collision boundaries of the Eurasia and Philippine Sea Plates in the Taiwan mountain belt
expose a northeast-trending coherent crustal section in the Tananao Complex. For understanding the mountain
building processes of the Taiwan orogen, this study investigates the structures in three dimensions on the Hopin,
Wanrung and Southern Cross-Island Highway area. Detailed geological mapping and structural analyses show the
eastward shortening associated with metamorphism which indicative of three deformation events. 3 sets of axial
plane foliation S1, S2 and S3 can be recognized by fold interference patterns of type-1, and type-3. Based on
domain analysis, different structural characteristics can be further revealed in five domains. Each domain shows
the characteristics of superposed process. Synthetic analyses of structural mapping and microstructure
examination on the Shoufengsi area show that northeast-trending isoclinal folds and axial plane foliation of D1
and D2 events represent shortening deformation and northwest-trending crenulation cleavage and normal faults
of D3 event display the gravity collapse deformation. These observations are consistent with predictions of
shortening to extension stage during the collisions of the Eurasia and Philippine Sea Plates.
Hodges, Kip
Full Professor/ Researcher
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University
Emerging Perspctives on Himalayan Neotectonics
Continental plateaus are reservoirs of excess gravitational energy that can influence the late-stage geodynamic
evolution of adjacent orogenic wedges. In the central Himalaya (80-88?E), most late Cenozoic deformation has
involved roughly N-S shortening within the Himalayan orogenic wedge. Within this region, all 1976-2014 Mw 5
and larger earthquakes had thrust mechanisms associated with slip along major arc-parallel structures within or
at the base of the orogenic wedge. In contrast, the modern deformation of Tibet is dominated by normal and
strike-slip faulting that enables flow of overthickened crust toward the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The
southern margin of the plateau, adjacent to the hinterland of the active Himalayan orogenic wedge, is marked
by a ‘plateau margin deformation zone’ or PMDZ. Such structures are common, but underappreciated, features
of orogenic plateau margins. Acting to maintain compatibility between the different strain fields of plateaus and
adjacent orogenic wedges, PMDZs can have complex kinematic histories; in the case of the Himalayan-Tibetan
PMDZ in the central Himalaya, deformation occurs principally on active oblique-slip faults with variable amounts
of normal and dextral strike-slip. At around 88?E, the Himalayan-Tibetan PMDZ changes strike from
arc-parallel to NW-SE and cuts directly across the Himalayan orogenic wedge toward the western margin of the
Shillong Plateau, an elevated topographical feature over 100 km south of the Himalayan rangefront across the
Brahmaputra Valley. We interpret this segment of the PMDZ •– no longer coincident with the plateau margin – as
a tear fault that separates two distinctive segments of the Himalayan orogenic wedge. Deformation in the eastern
Himalayan orogenic wedge is characterized by both thrusting on arc-parallel wedge structures and also
transcurrent faulting at high angles to the Himalayan arc. In fact, over the 1976-2014 period, all but one of the
Mw 5 and larger earthquakes in this region had transcurrent fault mechanisms, mostly consistent with dextral
strike-slip along NW-striking faults. We hypothesize that the broadening of the zone of Neogene-Quaternary
convergent deformation by a factor of two or more between the central Himalaya and eastern Himalaya-Shillong
region is a signature of south-southeastward flow of Tibet.
Hren, Michael
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Integrative Geosciences
University of Connecticut
Organic molecular proxies for the climatic and topographic evolution of a landscape
Records of the long-term evolution of topography are critical for understanding how processes that operate deep in
the crust are linked to changes at the earth surface. Two of the key challenges of reconstructing past elevation are
the difficulty of separating the effects of climatic and topographic change in the sedimentary record and the lack
of proxies for change in landscape elevation in warm and wet environments. Organic molecular proxies provide
a powerful tool for understanding past changes to a landscape because they provide a potential record of long-term
landscape change at the mountain and mountain-belt scale through reconstruction of paleotemperature and
paleoprecipitation isotopes.
This work presents new plant wax hydrogen isotope and soil tetraether temperature data from modern soils from
China’s Yunnan province and across Taiwan to evaluate the potential of these organic markers as a
paleoelevation proxy. These data are coupled with biomarker hydrogen isotope and soil tetraether temperature
data from Paleogene and Neogene terrestrial sediments in the Yunnan Province to reconstruct temporal change in
the elevation of the southeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau. These data address fundamental questions related
to long-term controls of mountain-building in this region. Results provide new insight into paleotopographic
and paleoenvironmental change in this landscape and support carbonate oxygen isotope paleoelevation
reconstructions that show high elevations in the early Cenozoic. Furthermore, these data show the potential power
of organic molecular proxies as a tool for linking crustal processes with evolution of the earth surface in warm
and wet environments such as Taiwan.
Hsieh, Meng-Long
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Earth and Environmental Sciences
National Chung Cheng University
The impact of glacial/interglacial climate changes on fluvial and mass-wasting processes in the
Taiwan's mountains
The Taiwan orogenic belt, located in Southeastern Asia, is under monsoon climate, frequently attacked by
tropical typhoons, and characterized by rapid tectonic uplift with high seismicity. Researchers have been linking
the Taiwan’s landscapes to active tectonic uplift. In this study, we show the significance of glacial/interglacial
climate changes in shaping the landscapes. We focus on the mountain areas that have never been glaciated. Based
on >400 radiocarbon dates (70 of which >12 ka), we find that both the slope and fluvial activities were generally
low during the glacial time. Still, extensive alluviation had occurred at certain time periods, forming large debris
slopes or alluvial fans (typically along mountain fronts), and causing significant aggradation along some major
rivers. In contrast, with numerous landslides and debris flows, river incision has dominated during the postglacial
time. Episodic river aggradation with alluvial-terrace development (typically at tributary mouths) also occurred
during this time period, but was less extensive than previously. Some huge postglacial alluvial terraces have been
proved sourced from the colluviums deposited in the glacial time. We attribute the low landscape activities of
the glacial period to the dryness during the period. However, even in this time rare but severe rainfall events must
have occurred to trigger some extensive alluviation. In contrast, the increase in both rainfall and typhoon
frequency during the postglacial time drastically increased the slope instability and sediment yield. The great
stream power, along with the sufficient coarse debris acting as erosion tools, ensured the rapid river incision
during this time.
Hsieh, Yu-Huan
Department of Geosciences
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
An implication of the seismic sequences of the Chimei Canyon-Fan system in relation to arc-continent
Yu-Huan Hsieh1 and Char-Shine Liu2
1. Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2. Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
The Chimei submarine canyon is located on the Luzon arc offshore east Taiwan and delivers sediments from
Taiwan orogen to deep-sea basin behind the arc to form the Chimei submarine canyon and fan during Taiwan
arc-continent collision. The Chimei submarine canyon shows a very distinct morphology and has a wide (9 km
on the average) and very smooth bottom. A large submarine fan-valley system was formed at its foot, with a
maximum area of 2087 km2 and a maximum thickness of 1.4 km. It has been forms as a direct result of Taiwan
arc-continent collision.
Before arc-continent collision the Huatung Basin was filled by deep-marine pelagic deposits, while orogenic
sediments were delivered through submarine canyons and covered the deep-marine pelagic deposits during arccontinent collision.
The Chimei submarine canyon starts from the Hsiukuluan River mouth, which is the only river cuts across the
Coastal Range perpendicularly and merges both tributary rivers of the Central Range and the Coastal Range.
Larger erosions and uplift rates, frequent earthquakes and storms also trigger sediments swept into the Chimei
submarine canyons.
During arc-continent collision, sediments were delivered along the topographic low of the Luzon arc. The
Chimei submarine canyon formed and submarine fan prograded seaward continually; meanwhile, a series of
NNE-SSW trending and east-vergent thrusts ran across the Chimei submarine canyon. A larger east-vergent
thrust fault lies at the foot of the eastern flank of the Luzon arc, which not only separates the canyon (over-lying
the deformation zone) from the fan-valley (over-lying the undeformed zone), but also uplifts an older submarine
fan. The northern part of the submarine fan has been eroded present and forms an asymmetrical fan.
Keywords: Submarine canyon, submarine fan, seismic sequences, seismic reflection profiles, arc-continent
collision, eastern Taiwan
Hsu, Huang-Hsiung Full Professor/ Researche
Research Center for Environmental Changes
Academia Sinica
Developing a Global-to-Urban Climate Modeling System for mountainous Taiwan
Huang-Hsiung Hsu
Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica
To establish the capability of simulating and projecting the climate impact in fine scale, a global-to-urban climate
model system is being developed. The system includes an earth system model, a high-resolution atmospheric
general circulation model, and a regional-urban canopy model. This modeling system will be useful for studying
the environmental impact of climate variability and change in mountainous Taiwan.
Taiwan Earth System Model (TaiESM) is being developed based on Community Earth System Model (CESM)
from NCAR. Several physical parameterization schemes have been modified to better simulate the observed
climate characteristics. The completion of TaiESM is expected in early 2016.
The GFDL high-resolution (23-km and 50-km) AGCM HiRAM was used for SST-driven time-slice simulations for
the present (1979-2008) and the end of century (2074-2100). HiRAM well simulates mean climatology, Asian
Monsoon seasonal evolution, frontal activity, and tropical cyclone-intraseasonal oscillation relationship. Strength
of simulated extreme precipitation is compatible with TRMM precipitation. The ensemble-mean SST increase
projected by CMIP5 CGCMs under RCP8.5 was superimposed on the present SST to force the end-of- century
simulation. The results are being used to study the future climate changes and related physical processes.
The projected circulation changes by HiRAM are being used to drive the NCAR WRF regional model to conduct
5-km long-term regional climate simulations. Results are analyzed to project future changes in heavy rainfall,
impacts of tropical cyclone, and climate change impacts on flooding and landslide. The NCAR WRF model is
also coupled to a revised urban canopy model. The WRF-UCM system is being used to study the impact of
urbanization and land use on local climate at 500m-1km resolution. Implementation of detailed land use,
vegetation, and anthropogenic heat is found important to realistically simulate the observed variation in urban
Hsu, YaJu
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Institue of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
Seasonal, long-term, and short-term deformation in the Central Range of Taiwan induced by landslides
Ya-Ju Hsu1, Rou-Fei Chen2, Ching-Weei Lin3, Horng-Yue Chen1, Shui-Beih Yu1
1. Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2. Department of Geology, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
3. Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Seasonal GPS motions are often attributed to hydrological loading and other environmental factors. For the first
time we observe GPS seasonal motions associated with slow-moving landslides. Eight out of 26 cGPS sites in the
Central Range of Taiwan show long-term landslide-induced motions at rates of 3~15 mm/yr, about 20%~60% of
their tectonic interseismic velocities. The directions of GPS movements after heavy rains and in the wet season
are consistent with the slope directions derived from a high-resolution elevation model constructed by airborne
Light detection and Ranging (LiDAR). Long-term and seasonal interseismic motions are modulated by
slow-moving landslides. Seasonal motions of landslides at Lushan show peak-to-peak amplitude of 3~19 mm.
Estimates of interseismic crustal strain can be biased without taking account surface processes. Preliminary
analyses indicate rainfall and topography play strong roles on the occurrence of landslides. Discrimination
between surface processes and tectonic-origin motions is the key to natural hazard assessments.
Hu, Jyr-Ching
Full Professor/ Researcher
Department of Geosciences
National Taiwan University
High transient deformation induced by triggered slip and fault-related folding in SW Taiwan revealed by
SAR interferometry and geodetic measurements
Jyr-Ching Hu, Erwan Pathier, Bénédicte Fruneau, Marie-Pierre Doin, Yu-Tsu Liao, Hsin Tung
We use InSAR technique with ALOS image to characterize the interseismic velocity along the satellite line-ofsight covering all southwestern Taiwan with a spatial resolution of about 100 m. This velocity map allow us
identifying several localized zones of interseismic deformation that can be correlated to tectonic structures in SW
Taiwan. Notably, it reveals deformation of several en echelon anticlines located further east in the Foothills during
the observation period. Among them, is the 15km-long Lungchuan anticline, showing relative surface
displacement toward satellite by several cm/year which are related to the transient deformation of triggered slip
from the earthquakes and the active fault-related folding. The displacement time-series analysis shows that the
2010 Mw 6.3 Jia-Shian Earthquake has triggered faster surface displacements on that structure. Another striking
feature is a NE-SW striking ~20-km-long interseismic velocity discontinuity from Mont Jinan to Shaoshan
(North of Kaoshiung city). This deformation feature reveals a clear spatial continuity among some of the short
NE-SW striking right-lateral faults mapped by geomorphological features. GPS displacements and evidences of
right-lateral offset on small scarps, favors aseismic displacement on a right-lateral fault to explain the observed
Huang, Chung
Postdoctoral Scholar
National Taiwan University
Tectonic foliation and the distribution of landslides in the southern Central Range, Taiwan
Chung Huang, Timothy B. Byrne, William B. Ouimet, Li-Yuan Fei, Ching-Weei Lin, Jyr-Ching Hu, and Yu-Bo
Geometry of planner geological structures can interact with topographic slope and cause different types of slope
failure (e.g. wedge failure, dip slope failure, and toppling etc.). This study focus on how the tectonic foliation
influences the landslide pattern in the southern Central Range of Taiwan. The tectonic foliations in this area range
from pencil cleavage to schistosity depending on the increasing of metamorphic grade, and different foliations
have different influences on the landslide behaviors. To describe the relation between foliation and topographic
slope, we create the ?D value as the angle between the foliation dip direction azimuth and the topographic
downslope direction azimuth at a given location. The location of landslides in the area with pencil cleavage has
no preferential ?D value, and it suggests the landslide distribution has no correlation with foliation. The location of
landslides in the area with well-developed slaty cleavage is mostly in the lower ?D value, which suggests the
landslides are more likely located in the area where the foliation dip direction is parallel to the topographic
downslope direction. The location of landslide in the area with schistosity is mostly in the high ?D value area,
which suggests the landslides are more likely located in the area where the foliation dip direction is opposite to the
topographic downslope direction.
Huang, Jr-Chuan
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Department of Geography
National Taiwan University
Carbon cycling in this landslide-dominated region and the relationship between PE and CW for assessing
the climate change effect
Jr-Chuan Huang1, Tsung-Yu Lee, Teng-Chiu Lin3, Zeng-Yei Hseu4
1. Department of Geography, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2. Department of Geography, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
3. Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
4. Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, National PingTung University
Science and Technology, Taiwan
Physical erosion (PE) and chemical weathering (CW) both of which are regarded as important carbon sinks
attracts much attentions. Taiwan due to the specific environmental setting is characterized by rapid
hydrogeomorphic processes and thus becomes a proper experimental site for improving the understanding of PE
and CW. Here, we collected the islandwide landslide inventories and riverine dissolved solids to investigate the
characteristics of PE and CW in this region. The results showed that the earthquake-induced landslides are
relatively small, round-shaped and prone to occur primarily in elevation >1000m due to seismic wave
amplification. In contrast, the rainstorm-induced landslides are larger, horseshoe-shaped and
preferentially occurring in lower elevations (between 500-2000m) due to runoff accumulation. The
earthquake-induced landslides, particularly large landslides, are usually found at steeper gradients, whereas
rainstorm-induced landslides aggregate at gradients between 25 and 40?, preferentially on concave slopes.
Although the vegetation recovered rapidly, the soil organic carbon and litter still need 4-5 decades for restoration.
For chemical weathering, the average silicate and carbonate weathering rate in Taiwan are 68.67 and 296.69
ton/km2/yr, which correspond to 18.81 and 77.07 105mol/km2/yr of CO2 consumption. Specifically, the
carbonate weathering dominates the CW and controlled by lithological class, runoff and surface deformation rate
whereas silicate weathering is relatively homogeneous. Further study is suggested to propose a framework to
investigate the carbon cycling in this landslide-dominated region and the relationship between PE and CW for
assessing the climate change effect.
Huang, Kuo-Fang
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Institute of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
Climate Impact on Chemical Weathering Intensity in Taiwan River Catchments:
Insights from the Lithium Isotope Geochemistry
Kuo-Fang Huang*, Ruo-Mei Wang* and Yung-Hsin Liu
Institute ot Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Chuan-Hsiung Chung and Chen-Feng You
Earth Dynamic System Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Department of Earth Sciences,
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Riverine lithium (Li) isotopes have recently become a powerful tracer of weathering processes, and may be the
only tarcers available whose behavior is solely dominated by silicate weathering processes. However, as yet no
quantitative study has been attempted that links the Li isotope ratios directly to weathering rates. Furthermore, the
lack of systematic studies of the Li isotope geochemistry on the tropical mountainous rivers, where chemical
weathering intensity is more intense and dominant, limits our understanding of the Li isotope fractionation in the
tropical mountainous river catchments.
Here we report the first systematic dataset of the Li isotopes in the dissolved loads along two major tributaries of
the Kao-ping River (KPR), southwestern Taiwan, at both wet and dry seasons. High dissolved ?7Li values can
be observed at the wet season relative to the dry season. By combining the Li-Sr isotopes and river chemistry
in the dissolved loads, our results suggest that in this high-relief and tectonically active terrain, the high ?7Li
values at the wet season are most likely controlled by more intense chemcical weathering, particularly by the
greater extent of uptake of Li into secondary minierals, which preferentially remove 6Li. More thorough
investigations of multi-tracers (e.g. Li-Mg-B-Sr-U isotopes) on river waters, suspended and bed loads, as well as
surrounding rocks are required to better understand how these weathering processes influence the Li isotope ratios
in the mountainous river catchments of Taiwan.
Huang, Shao-Yi
Postdoctoral Scholar
Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
National Dong Hwa University
Unroofing patterns detected by multiple thermochronometers on modern detritus of Yarlung-Tsangpo
River, southeast Tibet
Shao-Yi Huang1, Yue-Gau Chen1, Tsung-Kwei Liu1, Ching-Hua Lo1, Gongming Yin2, and
Zhongquan Cao3
1.Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University;
2.Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration;
3.Seismological Bureau of Tibet Autonomous Region
With appropriate strategies and targets, we can establish a comprehensive understanding toward the aimed
tributaries and distinguish the governing forces. In this study, we used multiple thermochronometers to detect the
provenance of modern sediments from two tributaries of Yarlung-Tsangpo River, southeast Tibet. Results from
zircon fission track (ZFT), apatite fissiontrack, Ar-Ar single grain analysis on K-feldspar and U/Pb-ZFT double
dating all indicate the occurrence of grains with young thermal ages prevailing in the Lhasa River. This remarkable
young population is not significantly detected in the Nyang River, another tributary east of Lhasa River. The
discrepancy of age population between the two catchments suggests that the fundamental surface process must
be different. Comparisons between downstream, upstream sediments and insitu rock samples inside Lhasa River
explicate that the provenance of the young grains is related to the major structure, Yardong- Gulu Rifting belt. The
high percentage of these young grains suggests a focused denudation in a restricted area of the Lhasa River, mostly
along the Nyainqentanglha range.
Huang, Tzu-Ying
Ph.D. Student
National Taiwan University
Layered deformation in the Taiwan orogeny
Tzu-Ying Huang1, Yuancheng Gung1, Ban-Yuan Kuo2, Ling-Yun Chiao3, and Ying-Nien Chen3
(1) Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
(2) Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
(3) Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
The subduction of a plate not only brings about continental or arc-continent collision but also participates in
mountain building in a complex way during the collision. Due to the lack of detailed mapping of the deformation
fabrics, how the subducted Eurasian plate is engaged in the Taiwan orogeny is highly debated over endmember
models from thin-skinned to thick-skinned tectonics. Here we show evidence from seismic anisotropic
tomography of Taiwan that anisotropic fabrics rotate by nearly 90o across 10-20 km depth consistent with the
presence of two layers of deformation. The upper crust is dominated by collision-related compressional
deformation, whereas the lower crust, or the crust of the subducted Eurasian plate, is dominated by
convergence-parallel shear deformation. The shearing in the lower crust may be driven by the continuous sinking
of the Eurasian mantle lithosphere when the surface of the plate is coupled with the orogen. The two- layer
deformation, although in favour of thick-skinned tectonics, redefines the role of subduction in the formation of the
Taiwan mountain belt.
Huang, Yung-Feng
Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Center for Environmental Changes
Academia Sinica
An Empirical Model for Hillslope Sediment Production in Extreme Rainfall Event Series
Michelle Y.-F. Huang, David R. Montgomery, Pao K. Wang
Understanding where and how quickly hillslope sediment is produced and transported has
important implications for land management, agriculture, and understanding the pace and
process of landform development.
The dominant source of sediments in Taiwan’s hillslope
region is landslides, and weather- induced extreme rainfall acts as the primary erosion, transport, and
deposition agent. Given the challenges facing climate change detection and identifying changes in tropical
cyclone activity, a proper model is required to evaluate the influence of short-term weather-induced mass-wasting
processes. Here we propose a simple catchment-unit scale empirical lumped model to evaluate the contributions
of both shallow and deep landslides. We tested this model for 23 catchments of Tachia basin in central Taiwan.
Because we focus on extreme typhoon events, we hypothesize that the extreme rainfall-related erosion rate (Ei)
and background average erosion rate (Eb) was related to storm accumulate rainfall intensity (Ii, with weighting
factor k1) and catchment- unit material property (?). The spatial distribution of background material component
(?) is similar to Ei and Eb, but extreme rainfall component (k1Ii) is highly disparate. The ratio Ei /Eb was
up to 2.7 due to the contribution of extreme storm rainfall. Over half of these catchments’ erosion rates are
dominated by extreme rainfall factor, but the erosion rate was not always proportion to rainfall intensity due to
earlier stronger erosion events.
Huang, Yung-Ling
Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Center for Environmental Changes
Academia Sinica
Impacts of Extreme Precipitation on the Sedimentation in Taiwan Reservoirs
Alice Y.-L. Huang, Shaw-Chen Liu, Huang-Hsiung Hsu
More than 70% of the Taiwan’s topography is characterized by hillslope areas, and therefore, in comparison with
rivers around the world, the rivers in Taiwan have the steepest slope, the largest discharge per unit drainage area,
and the shortest flood peaking time. The precipitation distribution in Taiwan is also extreme because more than
78% of the annual precipitation concentrates in the period from May to October. In addition, with increasing
population, industry and commerce development, fresh water supply is continued in crisis in Taiwan. Early 1960,
series large reservoirs were built in succession to release those crises, but also trap the majority of the
sedimentation formerly transported by rivers. In this study, four frequently survey reservoirs were selected,
including Feitsui, Shimen, Shihgang and Zengwen Reservoirs. Historic reservoir deposits records provide good
evidence to reveal the connections between sediment loads and extreme precipitation when it occurs, contribute
the majority of water storage and sediment loads into reservoirs due to high and accelerating upstream erosion rate.
This research examine total rainfall threshold of extreme events to fit the temporal pattern of reservoir deposits
records which also provide the relationship between short-term erosions and climates in upland catchments of
these four reservoir regimes.
Hubbard, Mary
Full Professor/ Researche
Utah State University
Structural evolution and landscape development adjacent to the alpine fault system, north canterbury,
New Zealand
Mary Hubbard1, Tammy Rittenour1, and Pragnyadipta Sen2
(1)Utah State University; (2)State University of New York, Oneonta
New Zealand and Taiwan are uniquely situated on plate boundaries with opposing subduction zones. While
subduction zone geometries are different, the landscapes of these islands are both the product of active convergent
and transpressive deformation. In the northeastern quadrant of the South Island of New Zealand there are three
zones that exhibit different stages of topographic development. The Marlborough region is characterized by
mountains that reach elevations of 2500m. To the south, North Canterbury consists of hilly terrain only reaching
500m. Further south, mid-Canterbury is marked by flat topography. All three zones are active tectonically, with
notable recent seismic activity in the mid-Canterbury region as demonstrated by the 2010 and 2011 Christchurch
earthquakes. This study investigates the relationship between faulting and folding and landscape development
of the Blythe Valley of North Canterbury. This area largely consists of faulted and folded Oligocene and younger
units resulting in hills (100m-500m) surrounding the river valley and an associated set of stream terraces.
Mapping suggests a step-over pattern in a dextral fault system that has produced local folding and thrust faulting
of the bounding hills. Other faulting may have resulted in increased river sinuosity and enhanced terrace
development. OSL samples from terraces have been collected to help determine the timing of stream incision.
While field observations suggest tectonic processes, we will also test for climatic and sea-level forcing of incision.
The Blythe River region provides an excellent location to study these early stages of landscape development that
may reflect the initial processes of the Marlborough region or the future of the mid-Canterbury plains.
Insel, Nadja
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Earth Science
Northeastern Illinois University
The linkage between non-adiabatic cooling, isotopic lapse rates and paleoelevation estimates
Nadja Insel, David Rowley
We present new paleoelevation estimates from previously published D47-temperatures and d18O estimates
based on the modern (20 year mean) relationship between temperature / d18O and elevation in the northern and
southern Bolivian Andes. We present model results that highlight regional and global cooling and associated
effects on paleoelevation reconstructions. In addition, we analyze the nonlinear response of d18O to Andean
surface uplift to show the influence of threshold elevations on stable isotope compositions. In particular, we will
focus on how to apply climate simulation results to “correct” for past climate change and how to interpret
uncertainties in elevation estimates.
Our results highlight the importance of a thoughtful interpretation of climate and climate change when inferring
paleoelevations from isotopes: (1) D47-derived temperatures in the southern Bolivian Andes
reflect peak summer air temperatures (PSAT). (2) Regional general circulation models indicate a
non-adiabatic PSAT change of 2.1°C/1000m. (3) The middle Miocene Climatic Optimum may
have caused a global mean temperature increase of 3°C. By taking these factors into account, we can
demonstrate that middle to late Miocene carbonate clumped isotope and d18O data from the Bolivian Altiplano
show synchronous, steady surface uplift. Estimated surface uplift from ~2300m to ~3200m to ~4050m from 16Ma
to 13Ma to 8Ma in the southern Altiplano is consistent with estimated paleoelevations of ~3100m at 11Ma and
4100m at >8Ma in the northern Altiplano. Our estimates are consistent with studies suggesting Andean
paleoelevations of 2000-2500m prior to 12-15Ma, but contradict studies claiming rapid, substantial pulses of
diachronous surface uplift.
Johnson, Kaj
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Geological Sciences
Indiana University
Models of Present-day Surface Uplift and Shortening in Taiwan
Kaj M. Johnson1, Yi-Rong Yang1, Kuo-En Ching2, Ray Chuang3
(1) Indiana University
(2) National Cheng-Kung University
(3) ERI, Tokyo
We use geodetic measurements of present-day deformation rates in central and southern Taiwan along with
geologic observations and stress state to develop a model for crustal shortening and surface uplift. Geodetic data
show high shortening rates in the western fold and thrust belt and in the eastern Coastal Range. E/W horizontal
extension is observed in the Central Range and correlates with very rapid vertical surface uplift rates reaching
10-15 mm/yr and exhumation rates of about 3-6 mm/yr. We ask, How can the very high present-day surface uplift
rates be reconciled with exhumation rates? How can the present-day extension and near-vertical maximum
compressive stress in the high central Range be reconciled with long-term shortening of the Taiwan wedge and
the inferred exhumation rates and patterns? What is the mechanism of exhumation and surface uplift of the central
Range, and is there a signature of this in the geodetic measurements? Our approach is to build mechanical models
of present-day stress, deformation, and surface uplift. We model a long-term deformation field in a viscoelastic
plate floating on an inviscid substrate. The plate is loaded by topography, buoyancy forces, surface response
to erosion and deposition, and plate-driving forces. Interseismic deformation (for comparison with geodetic data)
is computed by sliding faults backwards to cancel the long-term slip rates in an elastic half space. We find that the
only way to produce the very rapid present-day surface uplift in the Central Range is to impose underplating
beneath a mid-crustal detachment surface, consistent with ideas from previously published geodynamic models.
Johnson, Kerri
Ph.D. Student
Earth and Planetary Science
U. C. Santa Cruz
A Lithologic Control on Active Meandering in Bedrock Channels
Kerri N. Johnson & Noah J. Finnegan
Though it has long been debated whether bedrock river valleys can increase their sinuosity by actively meandering,
topographic evidence requires that some rivers must. Lateral channel migration, and especially the lateral channel
migration due to active bedrock meandering, is commonly responsible for the preservation of unpaired strath
terraces. We present a process-level understanding of lateral channel migration and active meandering via field
exploration, field experimentation, and laboratory rock mechanics testing for two similar, adjacent bedrock
channels in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA, one which actively meanders within mudstone, the other which is
straight despite incising a sandstone of similar tensile strength. Our observations suggest that slaking (fracturing
due to wetting and drying) allows for bedrock meandering in the mudstone lithology in two fundamental ways.
First, by rapidly disintegrating coarse hillslope-derived sediment that is deposited in the channel, slaking
suppresses the negative feedback on lateral channel migration that would otherwise result from the buildup of
talus along a retreating bedrock valley wall on the outside of a meander bend. Second, at cut banks where
scour exposes bare bedrock to drying, slaking weakens a layer of bank rock to the point where it can be eroded
by clearwater flows. In these ways, slaking enables erosion into bedrock banks in response to curvature-driven
fluid shear stress perturbations, as in alluvial rivers. I generalize these findings to other bedrock rivers and
explore the implications for active bedrock meandering on strath terrace interpretation, climate control on
geomorphic processes and landscape evolution.
Kuo, Wei-Cheng
Ph.D. Student
Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering
National Cheng Kung University
Understanding the dynamic channel evolution to help guide sediment management
Hsiao-Wen, Wang, Wei-Cheng, Kuo, Chun-Yao, Yang
The fragile geology, subtropical climate together with frequent typhoons and earthquakes cause high sediment
yields in Taiwan. Among different strategies, building check dams is one of the popular measures to reduce
downstream reservoir sedimentation in Taiwan. The Water Resource Agency and Forestry Bureau built over 120
dams over the past fifty years, with a total construction cost of NT$2 billion. By 2007, 38% of Shihmen
Reservoir’s initial capacity of 290 Mm3 had been lost to sedimentation, and virtually all of the check dams’
cumulative capacity of 35.7 Mm3 (equivalent to about 12% of the reservoir’s initial capacity) had filled with
sediment. In 2004, the deposition of about 28Mm3 of sediment was documented during only a single typhoon. All
these point out the limited service time of check dams and the traditional mentality by building one after one
structure to try to ease the sediment problem is no longer appropriate. Rates of surface uplift and erosion in
Taiwan are among the highest in the world as a result of ongoing collision and frequent annual typhoons. The
dynamic landscape highlights the need to address appropriate sediment management strategies, as well as the
challenges of the maintenance of the sediment-filled and aging check dams. We thus identify gaps in our current
understanding and articulate strategies for research efforts that will plug those gaps.
Kuo-Chen, Hao
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Department of Earth Sciences
National Central University
Subsurface imaging of the Taiwan orogen: TAIGER experiments
Hao Kuo-Chen, Kirk McIntosh, Francis Wu, Harm van Avendonk, David Okaya
The Taiwan Integrated Geodynamic Research project (TAIGER) has provided a framework of the Taiwan
orogeny as truly 3-D geological processes. One important unanswered question is what are all the changes in
lithospheric dynamics that accompany the transition from subduction to collision in southern Taiwan. Taiwan is
young, and by imaging the subsurface structures of the orogen in detail, we can provide fundamental data toward
testing hypothesis and thereby advance the science of orogeny. There are several lessons from TAIGER that can
be used as starting points to advance the study of Taiwan orogeny to the next level. 1) Results clearly show that
the Central Range is the driver of many sub-processes, and the Central Range extends more than 50 km at its
deepest point. More detailed images of the Central Range from Vp and Vs tomography and MT may allow us to
decipher the composition and ambient conditions. 2) By tracking the changes along strike, we can map how
subduction dynamics switch to orogeny. Therefore, we propose onshore and offshore seismic surveys from the
Manila trench to the Hengchun peninsula (from subduction to collision) to construct detailed seismic images in
this region. The proposed experiments will involve two to three MCS for the studies of high- resolution of
crustal structures, as well as ocean bottom and land seismometers for recording earthquakes and for the studies
of 2D and 3D high-resolution tomography, ambient noise tomography, and joint inversion of the gravity and
velocity structures.
Lai, Syu-Heng
M.S. Student
Department of Geosciences National Taiwan
Stratigraphic Architecture and Depositional Evolution of the Plio-Pleistocene Tai-Yuan Collisional Basin,
Coastal Range of Eastern Taiwan
Larry Syu-Heng Lai
Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
The Tai-Yuan Basin, located in southern Coastal Range of eastern Taiwan, is one of the arc-continent collisional
basins in the Luzon Arc between the Eurasian and the Philippine Sea plates. This basin is composed of Miocene
arc volcanic basement (Tuluanshan Formation) sharply overlain by over 5 km thick Plio-Pleistocene siliciclastic
deep sea sedimentary rocks (Fanshuliao Formation and Paliwan Formation). These sedimentary rocks contain
mainly sand-to-mud turbidites with several widespread reexplored marker beds, including 5 pebbly mudstones
and 12 tuffaceous layers. According to the paleocurrent analysis, the turbidites were mainly derived from northern
Taiwan Orogeny. The pebbly mudstones are originated by considerable submarine slumping and related debris
flow processes. The results of paleocurrent, paleoslope, and clast composition analysis imply that all pebbly
mudstones were derived from northern instable slopes at both sides of arc and orogenic wedge. The tuffaceous
layers are considered to be derived from south-eastern side source in accordance with the thickness variations and
paleocurrent analysis. By integrating the above-mentioned and the previously published magneto-biostratigraphic
data, a reformed evolution model of the ancient Tai-Yuan forearc basin is proposed. At around 4.0-1.4 Ma, lots of
clasts eroded from the rapid uplift orogeny were transported southward into the basin and formed turbidites and
5 pebbly mudstones. Furthermore, several tuffaceous layers produced by south-eastern volcanic eruptions around
2.13 to 1.4 Ma are recorded within the sequence.
Larsen, Isaac
Postdoctoral Scholar
Geological and Planetary Sciences
California Institute of Technology
Spatial variability in the degree of climate, tectonic, and erosion coupling in the eastern Himalaya
Isaac J. Larsen, David R. Montgomery, John O. Stone
Landslide erosion governs the flux of material from mountains, hence spatial patterns in landslide erosion can
reveal how these landscapes respond to climatic and tectonic forcing. Across strong spatial gradients in
precipitation and exhumation rates in the eastern Himalaya, we mapped 27,611 landslides and measured 10Be in
sediment to assess the degree of coupling among climate, erosion, and tectonics. Local maxima in landslide
erosion rates occur in three areas: the Tsangpo Gorge, Siang Valley, and Himalayan Range Front. High rates of
landslide erosion in the Tsangpo Gorge are focused within a zone with high exhumation rates and low (< 1 m yr1) mean annual precipitation. Landslide erosion rates increase with increasing rates of exhumation and stream
power and increase non-linearly as hillslope angles increase, which is diagnostic of tectonic-driven landslide
erosion on threshold hillslopes. Precipitation rates are 4 m yr-1 in the Siang Valley, yet landslide erosion and
10Be-based erosion rates are lower, which is consistent with exhumation rates that are an order of magnitude
lower than those in the Tsangpo Gorge. Erosion rates in the Siang Valley increase non-linearly with slope, but are
spatially-decoupled from exhumation rates, revealing a disequilibrium that can be explained by out-of- sequence
thrusting. At the Range Front, high landslide erosion rates are co-located with both active thrusting and the
resultant orographic precipitation. These results indicate the degree of coupling among climate, tectonics, and
erosion varies considerably within an orogen. Climate likely plays a modulating role, but tectonics appears to be
the main control on spatial patterns of erosion in the eastern Himalaya.
Le Beon, Maryline
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Geosciences
National Taiwan University
Active tectonics at the front of the Taiwan fold-and-thrust belt – Results from the Chelungpu fault and
Tainan anticline
Maryline LE BEON, Odin MARC, John SUPPE, Mong-Han HUANG, Shiuh-Tsann HUANG, Manoj JAISWAL,
Yue-Gau CHEN, Rou-Fei CHEN
We present two multidisciplinary studies that integrate surface deformation and subsurface structure from
different structural settings in the Western Foothills of Taiwan: the Chelungpu fault, an E-dipping thrust located
in central Taiwan, activated during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, and the rapidly growing Tainan anticline, in
the hanging-wall of the creeping W-dipping Houchiali fault at the deformation front in southwestern Taiwan.
Along the northern Chelungpu fault, alluvial terraces are progressively uplifted and folded in relation to the fault
subsurface geometry, which shows a bedding-parallel ramp of varying dip and strike. Fold scarps allow
determining cumulative fault slip for 3 OSL-dated terraces based on fault-bend folding theory. We retrieved
from the 3D deformation of the top terrace both azimuth and amplitude of the 30-ka slip vector, found to be
parallel to Chi-Chi coseismic displacements. We determine a fault slip rate of 17.7±2.2 mm/a oriented N338±6?.
Lateral variations in Late Quaternary shortening rate along the fault could be explained by repeating Chi-Chi
earthquakes every ~440 years.
Interpretation of a seismic line north of Tainan tableland revealed a pure-shear wedge fault-bend fold growing
above a 40? west-dipping thrust, that corresponds to the Houchiali fault and ramps from a 3.6-km-deep flat
detachment. The total shortening is ~750 m, dominated by pure shear and horizontal compaction. The uppermost
strata are syntectonic growth strata. The beginning of growth is estimated to ~240 ka. Axial surface mapping
using InSAR displacement field and topography suggest that the structure observed to the north also applies to
the Tableland itself.
Lee, Jian-Cheng
Full Professor/ Researche
Institute of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
Late Quaternary uplifted terraces around the Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan: Interaction
among active faulting, regional uplifting, fluvial sedimentation and their implications on recurring
extreme events at hundred-year scale
Jian-Cheng Lee1, Queenie Chang1,2, Rou-Fei Chen1,3 , Yu-Chang Chan1, and Lionel Siame1,4
1. Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2. Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
3. Department of Geology, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan 4CEREGE, France
Different groups of river (and marine) terraces with different heights and seemingly different ages, mostly late
Quaternary and Holocene, can be observed within and on both sides of the Longitudinal Valley in eastern
Taiwan. This study is trying to compile the available data and information, in order to provide a summary of
geological evolution of these terraces groups and to give insights on the interactions among active faulting,
regional uplifting, fluvial sedimentation and possible implications on recurring extreme events, both tectonics and
The oldest fluvial terraces remain in this area are the Peinanshan massif, which dated from about 1 Ma up to
Present, with several levels of flat terraces, a few tilted terraces and even being folded into overturn strata for it
oldest ones, located within the Longitudinal Valley. Also in the Longitudinal Valley, the Wuhe tableland shows an
uplift fluvial terraces group with the age about 30 Ka.
On the Central Range side, the preliminary study on the terraces along the Xinwulyu River (the eastern part of the
southern cross island highway) indicated that there are at least 5-8 levels with the ages estimated up to about 30
On the Coastal Range side, terraces along the Xiuguoluan River reveal ages up to about 30 Ka; terraces along the
Beih River and along the Chihshang fault hanging wall show 7-8 levels with the ages of Holocene. Furthermore,
recurrent large terrace deposits of about 500-900 years of the Chihshang terraces group seemingly imply a
possible correlation of extreme events (climate or tectonics) with the deposition of each terrace.
Keywords: Active Fault, river terraces, cosmogenic nuclides dating, 14C dating, extreme event
Lee, Shih-Yu
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Academia Sinica
Tropical Pacific response to continental ice sheet topography
Shih-Yu Lee, John C. H. Chiang, Ping Chang
The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) was marked by maximum land ice extent and lowest greenhouse gases
concentration during the last ice age. We explore the impact of glacial continental ice sheet topography on the
large-scale tropical ocean-atmosphere climate, in particular the tropical Pacific, in an intermediate complexity
coupled model. Increasing the thickness of continental ice sheets causes a southward displaced Pacific
Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and a strengthening (weakening) of northern (southern) hemisphere
winter Hadley cell. The equatorial zonal sea surface temperature (SST) gradient weakened with an increased
continental ice sheets thickness, the reduction being caused by cooling in the western equatorial Pacific and
warming in the eastern equatorial Pacific. The evolution of the tropical climate with changing ice thickness has
distinct quasi-linear and nonlinear parts. While the linear part is a direct response to the ice topographic
changes, the nonlinear part was a result of the tropical thermocline adjustment.
Our analysis of a fully-coupled transient deglacial simulation strongly indicates the dominant role of ice sheet
topography in determining the deglacial evolution of the simulated Pacific climate. The thickness of continental
ice sheet, separate from ice albedo effect, has significant impact on the tropical ocean-atmosphere climate in
particular with the meridional displacement in the Pacific ITCZ. The altered circulation states seen in the model
may aid understanding of the relationship between tropical and high-latitude climate records in glacialinterglacial cycles.
Lee, Yuan-Hsi
Full Professor/ Researche
Earth and Environmental Sciences
National Chung-Cheng University
Simultaneous mountain building in the Taiwan orogenic belt
Yuan-Hsi Lee, Tim Byrne, Wei-Hau Wang, Wei Lo, Ruey-Juin Rau, and Hsueh-Yu Lu
The obliquity of the arc-continent collision in Taiwan is thought to have produced a southward-propagating
orogenic system starting as early as 8 Ma. We combine 62 new zircon fissiontrack ages with timing of rapid subsidence in the foreland basin to identify the timing of the onset of exhumation
and orogenesis. The oldest completely reset zircon fission-track ages and the onset of rapid tectonic subsidence in
both the northern and southern parts of the foreland basin are ca. 5–6 Ma. We propose that north-south rifting in
the South China Sea created a north-trending continental margin before the collision rather
than the commonly assumed northeast-trending margin. Consequently, both this north-trending continental
margin and the Luzon arc of the Philippine Sea plate were subparallel, resulting in an initial collision that was
simultaneous along strike.
Lewis, Jonathan
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
A Role for Oblique Stretching in Exhumation of the Southern Central Range?
Jonathan C. Lewis, Charles J. Cavallotti & Allison R. Berry, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Ruey-Juin Rau, National Cheng Kung University
The evolution of the southern Central Range of Taiwan has be described using profiles normal to the NNEtrending topographic and lithologic grain of the orogen. This is appropriate for the ductile strain in metamorphic
rocks, especially where plane strain is apparent. Neotectonic deformation, however, appears to reflect maximum
stretching that is subhorizontal and NE-trending, suggesting a change in kinematics. We compare the kinematics
of outcrop-scale brittle faults with strain tensors inverted from earthquake focal mechanisms in the area of Lidao
and show that the maximum principal stretching direction is oriented at a moderate angle to the trend of the
orogen. Most of the faults we observe in the field dip moderately to steeply NE and record normal motion. Less
common but still abundant are sinistral strike slip faults that strike NNW. The volume of crust below these
faults hosts earthquakes for which strain inversions reveal similar kinematics. Below Lidao and to the E,
preferred nodal planes from our inversions dip steeply WSW or moderately NE, and record normal motion. West
and SW of Lidao the earthquakes record a similar stretching direction accommodated by strike slip motion on
WSW-dipping faults. In total, permanent neotectonic and active strain appear to be accommodated on brittle
structures that are ~20-40° oblique to the trend of the orogen. If these structures reflect deformation in the
upper 10 km of the orogen, they may be responsible for rock exhumation and we should not necessarily expect the
exhumation patterns to parallel the older ductile strain histories that can be described in profiles normal to the
Li, Gen
Ph.D. Student
Earth Sciences
University of Southern California
Hydraulic and geomorphic controls on evacuation of sediment from seismically induced landslides and
implications for prolonged geohazards and tectonic topography
Gen Li1, A. Joshua West1, Alex L. Densmore2, Doug E. Hammond1, Zhangdong Jin3 and Robert G. Hilton2,
1 Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
2 Department of Geography, Durham University, UK
3 Institute of Earth Environ-ment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710075, China
Landslides triggered by large earthquakes not only cause immediate devastation but also lead to prolonged
“secondary” geohazards including aggradation of river channels and reservoirs. Evaluating these prolonged
geohazards requires understanding landslide-river interactions, and particularly the erosion and transport of
landslide debris by river systems. These processes still remain poorly constrained. Fluvial removal of landslide
debris also represents net reduction of the surface topography, making landslide-river interactions central to
evaluating crustal mass budgets. The 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake induced over 57,000 landslides (Li et al.,
2014) in the Longmen Shan mountain range of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. We have observed enhanced
suspended load transport from hydrometric gauging (Wang et al., 2014) and enhanced bed load transport from
10Be measurements (West et al., 2014) after the earthquake due to landslide input, but a comprehensive
understanding of landslide-river interactions is still missing. In this work, we study the spatial relations between
Wenchuan-triggered landslides and the region’s mountainous topography as a primary constraint on the
evacuation potential of landslide sediment. Using our landslide inventory map and a DEM-based hydrographic
frame, we have characterized fluvial and hillslope landscapes and identified landslide locations within this
framework. We have quantified the landslide volume accessible to fluvial transport and assessed the potential
controls (e.g., landslide size, geology and topography) on landslide-fluvial connectivity. These results help to
characterize those landslides that are sources of prolonged geohazards and also highlight the role of the coupling
between landslides and fluvial erosion in the topographic evolution of Longmen Shan range.
Liang, Wen-Tzong
Research Scientist Institute
of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
Development of a Real-time Earthquake Research Information System in Taiwan
Wen-Tzong Liang1, Jian-Cheng Lee1, Nai-Chi Hsiao2, Chien-Hsin Chang2, Alexander Cheng1, Sheng-Fu Lai1
1. Academia Sinica Institute of Earth Sciences
2. Central Weather Bureau Seismological
By integrating all available scientific information and quick results obtained from seconds to a few minutes
after the occurrence of felt earthquakes around the Taiwan area, we have established a real-time earthquake
research information system in Taiwan. The associated research information includes the earthquake’s location,
magnitude, focal mechanism, surface GPS deformation, shake maps and scientists comments. We retrieve rapid
earthquake information issued by the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) to trigger automated earthquake source
inversions to determine the focal mechanism, which presents the faulting behavior of the corresponding earthquake.
A PGV (peak ground velocity) shake map is then generated by simulating the wave propagation based on the
determined focal mechanism. To compare with the simulated shake map, we also retrieve the near real-time PGA
(peak ground acceleration) information from the Palert seismic network to form the intensity map in Taiwan. Both
co- and inter-seismic GPS crust deformation vectors, which are calculated following the earthquake or stored in
databases, are provided in this system as well. The background information of regional tectonics and seismicity
is also shown in the system. This enables not only scientists, but also individuals to access earthquake reference
materials all in one place on one device. With the creation of this new tool, it will hopefully impact various target
audiences in a positive manner. Researchers as well as hazard management groups can quickly access necessary
data on the go, while students and other interested parties can choose between overlays to better learn and
understand Taiwan’s earthquakes and tectonic environment.
Lien, Tzuyi
Postdoctoral Scholar
Institute of oceanography
National Taiwan University
Assessing active faulting by hydrogeological modeling and superconducting gravimetry: A case study for
Hsinchu Fault, Taiwan
Tzuyi Lien, Ching-Chung Cheng, Cheinway Hwang, and David Crossley
We develop a hydrology and gravimetry-based method to assess the status of a fault. We take advantage of an
existing SG station and a comprehensive groundwater network in Hsinchu to apply the method to the Hsinchu
Fault (HF) across the Hsinchu Science Park. The HF is suspected to pose seismic hazards to the park, but its
existence and structure are not clear. The a priori geometry of the HF is translated into boundary conditions
imposed in the hydrodynamic model MODFLOW. By varying the fault’s location, depth and including a wrench
fault, we construct five hydrodynamic models to estimate groundwater variations, which are evaluated by
groundwater and superconducting gravity observations. The model results reveal that the HF contains a lowconductivity core and significantly impacts groundwater flows in the aquifers. Imposing the fault boundary
conditions leads to about 63-77% reductions in the differences between modeled and observed values (both water
level and gravity). A portable SG can be a virtual borehole well collecting gravity data for model assessment
at critical locations of a suspected active fault.
Lin, Jing-Yi
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Department of Earth Sciences
National Central University
Earthquake-induced crustal gravitational potential energy change in the Philippine area
Jing-Yi Lin; Chung-Liang Lo
Abstract: The crustal gravitational potential energy change (DGPE) caused by earthquakes in the Philippine area
from January 1976 to November 2011 was estimated in this study. The active convergence
between the Philippine Sea Plate and the Sundaland–Eurasian margin is reflected by the greatest gains in GPE
along the Philippine, Negros and Cotabato trenches, whereas the Manila Trench is covered by a GPE loss pattern.
Although the Philippine Mobile Belt (PMB) itself is actually affected by the ongoing collision and subduction
processes, almost the entire Philippine Fault Zone is dominated by GPE loss, revealing a slightly extensional
environment along the fault. The time evolution of the cumulated DGPE for different segments along the
Philippine archipelago shows distinct patterns. Due to the numerous large underthrusting events that have
occurred along the Philippine Trench, the cumulated DGPE is regularly increasing in its most southern segment.
However, in the middle segments, where the Palawan Block enters into collision with the PMB, the increase in
cumulated DGPE is relatively small. In the most northern segment, where the North Luzon is located, a decrease
of cumulated DGPE demonstrates that the seismic characteristic of the Manila Trench is dissimilar from other
subduction systems in the world. We suggest that the collision of both the Palawan Block and the Benham Rise
with the PMB promotes the rotation of the PMB and facilitates the northward escape of the northeastern Luzon,
resulting in a decrease of cumulated DGPE in the northern Philippines.
Liu, Mian
Full Professor/ Researche
Dept. of Geological Sci.
Univ. of Missouri
Mountain building in eastern Tibet: insights from foreland basin development in western Sichuan
Mian Liu, Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 USA
Foreland basins develop in front of orogens, in response to sedimentary and tectonic loading. Hence sedimentary
records in these basins can be used to infer the history of mountain building and erosion in the adjacent orogens.
We have analyzed the sedimentary records in western Sichuan Basin to constrain the history of tectonic loading,
hence mountain building in eastern Tibet, since the Mesozoic. Our results indicate that both deep down-cutting of
the Longmen Shan faults and a shift of climate conditions may have contributed to the lack of foreland sediments
in western Sichuan Basin during late Cenozoic.
Liu, Paul
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Marine, Earth & Atomspheric Sci
NC State University
Flux and Fate of Taiwan River-derived Sediments to the Sea: case studies of Lanyang, Choshui, and
Paul Liu
Dept. of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University, USA.
Co-authors: Char-shine Liu, Saulwood Lin (National Taiwan University)
Rivers are the major carriers for delivering large amounts of land-derived freshwater, sediment, and natural
elements to the global ocean. Field studies show nearly 50% of Asian large river-derived sediment has been
deposited in the lower reach of the river mouth, forming many extensively distributed subaerial delta plain, and
rest of them discharges into the adjacent ocean, usually with a several-hundred-km longshore-transported inner
shelf mud belt.
In contrast, sediment from small river has a very different fate. Some major small mountainous rivers in active
margins (e.g. Kaoping, Choshui, Lanyang, etc), usually do not form deltas and are mainly controlled by episodic
events. Instead, more than 80% of their sediment discharges are transported directly to the shelves or deep
canyons mainly via gravity/turbidity or hyperpycnal flows, which are distinctly different from the above large
rivers that discharge to passive margins or shallow marginal seas.
High-resolution CHIRP sonar profiles across the Taiwan Strait reveal a large silt-sand-dominated deltaic
clinoform, up to 50-m thick, overlying the postglacial transgressive sea floor across the southeastern, central, and
northern strait. Delta-like configuration and internal depositional sequences indicate a northwestward
progradation from western Taiwan, primarily and mainly from the Choshui River. Grain-size and mineral data
confirm the sediment’s Taiwanese derivation. CHIRP surveys off the Lanyang also reveal a predominated , up to
100-m thick subaqueous deltaic deposit around the Turtle Island and towards to the Southern Okinawa Trough.
C-14 dating indicates they have been accumulated there since 10 ka BP. Extensive studies off the Kaoping
indicate the riverine sediments could escape and be transported into the deep sea through the Kaoping Canyon.
More information:
Lu, Chia-Yu
Full Professor/ Researche
Geosciences Dept.
National Taiwan University
Extrusional Tectonics in Northern Taiwan
Lu Chia-Yu1, Lee Jian-Cheng 2, Li Zhi-Nuo1, Yeh Chia-Hong1 and Lee Ching-An1
1. Geosciences Department, National Taiwan University,
2. Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Contraction, transcurrent faulting, block rotation and extension are four essential tectonic mechanisms involved in
the progressive deformation of arcuate collision belts. The neotectonic evolution of the Taiwan mountain belt is
mainly controlled by the oblique convergence between the Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea plate as well as
the corner shape of the plate boundary. Based on field observations and tectonic analysis, and taking geophysical
data and experimental modelling into account, we interpret the curved belt of northern Taiwan in terms of
contractional deformation (with compression, thrust-sheet stacking, folding,back thrust duplex, back folding which
induced vertical extrusion and transcurrent faulting) combined with increasing block rotation, bookshelf-type
strike-slip faulting which induced rotational extrusion and extension which in term induced extensional extrusion .
As a consequence, the formation of the extrusional tectonics which reflect a single, albeit complicated, regional
pattern of deformation. Our study demonstrates that in Taiwan, contractional, extensional and transcurrent
tectonics as well as rotations combine together and interact within a single complex framework. The
crescent-shaped mountain belt of Northeastern Taiwan develops in response to oblique indentation by an
asymmetric wedge indenter and opening of Okinawa trough.
Lu, Yi-Chia
M.S. Student
National Taiwan University
Tectonic Evolution of Chingshui Geothermal Field Inferred from Evidence of Quartz and Calcite Veins
Yi-Chia Lu1, Sheng-Rong Song1, Pei-Ling Wang2, Chia-Mei Liu3 and En-Chao Yeh4
Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
nstitute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Department of Geology, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan
Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
The Chingshui geothermal field is located in the valley of Chingshui stream, where is about 27 km SW of Ilan,
northern Taiwan. It is a tectonically complex area occurred by Due to the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate
subducting beneath the Eurasian plate with the Okinawa Trough opening southwestward to the Ilan Plain, here is
a tectonically complex area and . Owing to complicated geological structure, the tectonic in Chingshui
geothermal field is still controversial. For understanding tectonic evolution, this study focuses on field survey of
veins and scaling in the Chingshui geothermal field, and the results inferred from the data of SEM, XRD, carbon
and oxygen isotope, and Uranium-thorium dating.
Morell, Kristin
Assistant Professor/Researcher
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of Victoria
Erosion in the NW Himalaya: controlled by tectonics rather than precipitation
K. Morell, M. Sandiford, C.P. Rajendran, D. Fink, B. Kohn
New results from low temperature thermochronology, basin-wide erosion rates from Beryllium-10 concentrations,
and topographic and longitudinal profile analyses define a prominent, 400-km-long physiographic transition (PT2)
at the base of the high Himalaya of northwestern India that coincides spatially with an abrupt northward increase
in mean annual rainfall. The data indicate dramatic northward increases in hillslope morphology, channel
steepness and erosion rates across the PT2, including an order of magnitude increase in basin-wide erosion rates,
and a corresponding increase in exhumation derived from apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He cooling ages. Because
the PT2 coincides exactly with both heightened seismicity and the geophysically-imaged ramp-flat transition
in the underlying Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT), we interpret the pronounced gradient in erosion rates across
the PT2 to reflect a landscape response to heightened rock uplift above the ramp in the Main Himalayan Thrust,
rather than a climatically-driven response to increased precipitation. These results imply that the transition from
moderate (~1 mm/yr) to monsoonal rainfall (~2-3 mm/yr) observed across the PT2, which extends for a length
of ~400 km, reflects orographic precipitation effects driven to a first order by tectonics.
Mu, Chung-Hsiang
Postdoctoral Scholar
Institue of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
Active Fault as a barrier of hydraulic conducts in shallow aquifers: insights from hydraulic experiments at
the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan
Chung-Hsiang Mu, Jian-Cheng Lee
Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
The discontinuous zones of the crust, fractures, and fault zones, may act as conduits, barriers, or combined
conduit-barrier systems that enhance or impede fluid through porous medium. Hydraulic conductivity is a
property to describe how water is moving in the medium. And it is related to the intrinsic permeability of the
geological materials. In this study, we obtained the hydraulic conductivity and its variation in the unconsolidated
alluviums around the Chihshang active fault zone.
In our work, the injection tests are conducted with tiltmeter array to measure the surface tilt
during the experiment. The results of hydraulic experiments exhibited a high heterogeneity
of the aquifer hydro- mechanical response. And it also showed a low permeable hanging wall and a higher
permeable footwall. In addition, the surface tilt signal displayed a hydraulic gradient increasing toward the
injection well particularly in the hanging wall. On other hand, no significant signal in the footwall, which means
that the water flows slowly parallel through the fault zone and infiltrated quickly in the relative higher permeable
footwall. We conclude that the fault plane, which dips at 40-50 degrees toward the hanging-wall side, plays a
critical role as a barrier of water conduits. The fault zone also presents the heterogeneity of hydraulic
conductivity exists even in the unconsolidated alluviums.
Murphy, Brendan
Ph.D. Student
Jackson School of Geoscience
University of Texas at Austin
Climate-dependent chemical weathering as a control on bedrock river incision
Brendan P. Murphy, Joel P. L. Johnson, Nicole M. Gasparini, Leonard S. Sklar
Exhumation rates, sedimentary records, and metamorphism have all been provided as evidence for the coupling of
tectonics and climate in mountain ranges. It is hypothesized that this feedback is controlled by climate- dependent
erosional unloading in these active orogens. In particular, climate is often assumed to control river incision into
bedrock. However, specific mechanisms that can explain this link remain unclear. The influence of precipitation
gradients on river discharge—the focus of many previous studies— predicts relatively weak coupling between
local climate and local incision. Across a steep orographic precipitation gradient on the Big Island of Hawai‘i,
we demonstrate that climate-dependent chemical weathering of bedrock is a key process influencing the rates
and patterns of channel downcutting. Field and laboratory measurements on bedrock exposed in the bed of
channels shows that the mechanical strength decreases with the degree of near-surface chemical weathering,
which increases systematically with local precipitation rate. Rock strength is also found to increase with local
incision rate, because fluvial abrasion efficiently removes weaker, surficially weathered rock and exposes fresher
surfaces. Further, we demonstrate that the traditional stream power model cannot explain the patterns of incision
in our study area. Using independently-constrained relationships derived from the rock mechanics data, we find
that incorporating the effect of local precipitation on bedrock erodibility into the stream power model is necessary
to explain the patterns and rates of incision across this landscape.
Okaya, David
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Earth Sciences
University of Southern California
Seismic evidence of contrasting styles of typhoon-induced landslides: examples in southwest Japan and
implications for quantification of mass budgets.
Okaya. D. (Univ. Southern California, USA); M. Matsubara, T. Yano, T. Takeda (NIED, Japan); J. West, G. Li,
(Univ. Southern California); H. Sato (Univ. Tokyo/ERI, Japan).
Western Pacific typhoons annually dump copious amounts of precipitation in Japan, triggering landslides.
Among many that cross southern Honshu, three recent typhoons in 2011 and 2014 created landslides/debris flows
that were destructive to property and caused casualties. We examined continuous seismic data from the Hi-NET
permanent seismic network in the days containing these typhoons. We identified seismic signals from these
landslide events. Their time series characteristics differ. Integration with available published and online
geomorphologic and meteorologic papers and reports indicate the contrasting seismic signals are related to
different types of sliding history in the context of landscape geometry and geology. We present and interpret the
seismic evidence of three episodes of typhoon-induced landslides. We also describe the potential advantages
arising from the cross-disciplinary application of seismology to landscape evolution, and we provide
recommendations for specific collaborative projects.
Ouimet, William
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Geography/ Center for Integrative Geosciences
University of Connecticut
Extreme landscape disequilibrium and slow erosion during rapid mountain building
Will Ouimet1,2, Tim Byrne2, Paul Bierman3 and Meng-Long Hsieh4
1 Department of Geography, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT USA
2 Center for Integrative Geosciences, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT USA
3 Department of Geology, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT USA
4 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Rapidly uplifting mountain belts around the world are consistently characterized by steep hillslopes that
experience frequent landslides and exhibit high rates of erosion measured at both short (10^2-10^4) and long
(10^5-10^6) timescales. Spatial variation in erosion rate within mountain belts is expected in transient conditions,
such as when relict topography preserving a slower erosional regime sits perched in the upper portions of
adjusting watersheds, in the presence of spatial gradients in rock uplift, or due to landscape dynamics such as
spatial distribution of landslides and river capture. Here, we examine topography and erosion in Taiwan, where
high rates of tectonic convergence, easily erodible bedrock, and a highly erosive climate have produced some of
the steepest landscapes and highest erosion rates in the world. Through a combined analysis of topography
throughout the Central Range and cosmogenic radionulcide 10Be erosion rates from quartz, we show that Taiwan
preserves broad (up to 10-20 km^2) areas of anomalous, low slope, low relief terrain and exhibits a wide range
of short-term (10^2-10^4) 10Be erosion rates (0.1 to ~10 mm/yr) within topography that has been exhuming at
3-5 mm/yr for at least the past 1.5 Ma. Low slope, low erosion areas are consistently found near the main
topographic divide of the Central Range, are lower in elevation than modern and LGM ELA elevations associated
with glaciation, and do not correspond to significant variations in lithology or annual rainfall. The difference in
erosion between low slope, low relief terrain and adjacent steep, rapidly exhuming topography implies that these
areas are uplifting rapidly, and relief is increasing. Given current elevations of this terrain (2000-3000 m), our
results imply: (1) that Taiwan was low-slope and low elevation less than 600-800 ka ago, having since
experienced rapid uplift, erosion and dissection; (2) topography surrounding the drainage divide of the Central
Range has a relatively lower rock uplift rate than adjacent areas; or (3) that patches of low slope, low erosion
terrain can form at mid-to-high elevations within rapidly uplifting mountains due to evolution of surface elevation
and climate or river capture, but their lifespan is short (<300 ka).
Peng, Zhigang
Associate Professor/ Researcher
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Georgia Institute of Technology
Possible interaction of typhoon and earthquakes/tremor in Taiwan
Zhigang Peng
Recent studies also show that extreme weather events such as tropical cyclones are capable of triggering slow
earthquakes (Liu et al., 2009; Hsu et al., 2015), triggering aftershock activities (Meng et al., 2015), or affecting
large earthquake occurrence (Wdowinski, 2011). However, it is not clear these scattered observations are purely
caused by coincidence, associated rainfall/landslides, or reflect genuine triggering relationship. Locating at the
plate boundary in East Asia, the Island of Taiwan is an ideal natural observatory to study interactions between
tectonic and extreme weather eventsIn particular, Typhoon Morakot landed Taiwan on August 8th, 2009, and
triggered numerous landslides, including the devastating Xiaolin landslide that killed more than 600 people (Lin et
al., 2010). In March 4th 2010, the magnitude 6.4 Jiashian earthquake occurred nearby. Wdowinski (2011)
hypothesized that wet tropical cyclones like Typhoon Morakot may trigger rapid erosion (i.e., landslides),
resulting in surface unloading and possible stress perturbations at the subsequent mainshock epicenter. If this
were the case, we would expect to observe some forms of seismic/aseismic processes right after the occurrence of
extreme weather events. To further examining possible changes in seismic activity between Typhoon Morakot and
the Jiashian earthquakes, we plan to conduct a systematic detection of missing shallow earthquakes and deep
tectonic tremor, using a recently developed matched filter technique. In addition, we will examine continuous
GPS data around the target regions for possible geodetic signals, as well as tremor and earthquake catalogs during
recent typhoon events. Updated results will be presented at the workshop.
Rau, Ruey-Juin
Full Professor/ Researche
Earth Sciences
National Cheng Kung University
Present-day crustal deformation in the central segment of the Longitudinal Valley Fault zone, eastern
Tzu-Yi Wang1, Ruey-Juin Rau1, Kuo-En Ching2, Huang-Kai Hung1
1Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
2Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
The Longitudinal Valley Fault Zone (LVFZ) comprises four tectonic units from east to west, the Coastal Range,
Longitudinal Valley Fault (LVF), Longitudinal Valley (LV), and the Central Range Fault, accommodates nearly
one third of the oblique convergence between the colliding Luzon volcanic arc and the passive Eurasian continental
margin in Taiwan. Based on seismological and geodetic studies, the LVF is characterized by interconnected
creeping segment in the south and locked segment in the north, where the Yuli area is located at the transition zone.
Our study focuses on the following two questions: (1) what is the fault behavior of the Yuli segment? (2) How does
the strain partition across the LVFZ? We collected dual-frequency GPS data including 50 continuous stations and
139 campaign-mode stations during 2006-2014 in the LVFZ, and 7 dense single- frequency CGPS stations in the
Yuli area during 2011-2014. GPS data were processed with the Bernese software v.5.0. The interseismic
horizontal and vertical rates relative to S01R station of the Penghu islands were estimated by removing the co- and
post-seismic effects of significant earthquakes. The results show that: (1) from east to west, the velocity changes
from 62.2 mm/yr in direction 322° to 65.9 mm/yr in direction 313° with the vertical rate decreases by 4.0 mm/yr
across the Yuenfoong Fault, the eastern boundary of the Lichi Mélange, within the Coastal Range. (2) Across the
Longitudinal Valley Fault, the horizontal velocity decreases by 25.7 mm/yr and the vertical velocity decreases by
18.9 mm/yr, indicating that the Longitudinal Valley Fault is a left- lateral reverse fault. (3) Across the Yuli Fault
within LV, the horizontal velocity changes by 3.6 mm/yr from 41.5 mm/yr in direction 320° to 38.1 mm/yr in
direction 317° and the vertical velocity change is less than 1 mm/yr, indicating that the Yuli Fault is a left-lateral
strike-slip fault. Our results show that the deformation in the central segment of the LVFZ predominantly
concentrated along the LVF (approximately 87%). The other 13% are separately partitioned by the Yuli Fault in
LV and the Yuenfoong Fault in the Coastal Range. We use the two-dimensional elastic dislocation model to
investigate the fault geometries and mechanics.
Rempe, Daniella
Ph.D. Student
Earth and Planetary Science
University of California, Berkeley
The spatial pattern of weathering under an actively eroding argillite landscape in Northern California
Daniella Rempe and William E. Dietrich
The bottom boundary of the of the critical zone may be defined as the three dimensional surface below which
bedrock is unweathered. This boundary, which we call Zb, the elevation of bedrock, influences geomorphic,
hydrologic, geochemical, ecological and atmospheric processes yet, despite its importance, is unmapped and its
controls are poorly known. Current models that describe the evolution of Zb across a landscape emphasize topdown processes (e.g. infiltration of water and gases) and strong interactions between surface and subsurface
processes. An alternative bottom-up model assumes that the chronic saturation of fresh bedrock of low
permeability poses a vertical limitation to top-down weathering processes. Here, we present the results of a
collaborative field campaign with the Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics (WyCEHG)
aimed at mapping Zb within the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory to evaluate models that describe the
evolution of Zb. Mapping was accomplished via non-invasive geophysical imaging on 4 hillslopes along the South
Fork Eel River or its tributary, Elder Creek. One of the sites is an intensively instrumented 4000 m2 hillslope
named Rivendell where 12 wells that penetrate Zb have been drilled and climatic and hydrologic variables have
been monitored since 2007. Direct observations of Zb from Rivendell as well as data from geophysical surveys
conducted on outcrops of fresh and weathered rock are used to aid in the interpretation of the hillslope geophysical
surveys. We performed seismic refraction and electrical resistivity surveys on longitudinal profiles down hillslope
axes as well as along ridge lines to determine the spatial pattern of weathering within this steep landscape. The
surveyed sites are all underlain by slightly metamorphosed Franciscan marine mudstones and sandstones and
vegetated by a mixed canopy of conifers and hardwoods. However, hillslope geometries and orientations vary thus
allowing us to evaluate models for Zb and the interaction between the surface and subsurface processes that
controls weathering on hillslopes. Systematic mapping of the weathered rock zone underlying ridge and valley
topography via drilling and geophysical imaging is expected to advance our understanding of the controls on the
evolution of the critical zone.
Rossi, Matthew
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Program in Environmental Science
Northwestern University
Hydroclimatic controls on erosional efficiency: A comparative study between desert and tropical
tectonically active mountain ranges
Rossi, M.W., Whipple, K.X., DiBiase, R.A., and Heimsath, A.M.
Understanding how hydroclimate controls long-term erosion rates is a fundamental question in geomorphology
that has substantial implications on flood and erosion hazard, the evolution of mountain belts, and global
biogeochemical cycles. Yet simple relationships between mean annual precipitation (MAP) and erosion rates in
fluvial settings have failed to emerge from either historic sediment yield or millennial-scale erosion rate studies
based on cosmogenic radionuclides (CRN). In this work, we partially address key confounding variables to prior
studies by collecting alluvial CRN samples from landscapes underlain by similar rock types (granitoids) across
large gradients in topographic relief, but in settings that lie in dramatically different climate regimes. Specifically,
we present an analysis of CRN-data from some of the driest (Baja, Mexico and southern California) and some of
the wettest (northern Honduras), tectonically active landscapes in the published literature. We find that by first
accounting for topography, differences in erosional efficiency, or the steady-state relief required to balance rock
uplift rates, are observed across an order of magnitude in MAP (ranging from <300 mm to > 3,000 mm). A 1-D
detachment-limited model of fluvial erosion that also accounts for stochastic flooding does a reasonable job
explaining differences in erosional efficiency observed at these sites. The same modeling also shows how easily
relatively small differences in rock erodibility and incision thresholds can confound direct comparisons of
hydroclimate. These results highlight the need for field quantification of these important variables in settings
where hydroclimatic controls on erosional efficiency are well-understood.
Ruetenik, Gregory
Ph.D. Student
Earth Sciences
Syracuse University
Landscape Response to Changes in Dynamic topography
Gregory A. Ruetenik, Robert Moucha, Gregory D. Hoke
Department of Earth Sciences, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 13244-1070
Earth’s topography is an aggregate of both dynamically and isostatically supported topography that is modulated
by surface processes. Changes in Earth’s topography and climate can be recorded in the offshore sedimentary
record. However, it is difficult to deconvolve this record into contributions from changes in climate, tectonics,
and dynamic topography. Herein, we use a landscape evolution model capable of producing simulations at the
necessary scale and resolution for quantifying landscape response to moderate changes in dynamic topography
in the presence of flexural isostatic unloading and loading due to erosion and deposition. We demonstrate that
moderate changes in dynamic topography imposed on a landscape with preexisting relief results in increased
sediment flux to the margins great enough to be identifiable in the sedimentary record. This response persists long
after dynamic topography changes have passed and is controlled by the interplay of uplift rate, rock erodibility,
and lithospheric effective elastic thickness.
Schermer, Elizabeth
Full Professor/ Researche
Western Washington University
Geomorphology and topography of relict surfaces: the influence of inherited crustal structure in the
northern Scandinavian mountains.
Schermer, E.R., Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, USA, and Redfield, T.F., Norwegian
Geological Survey ,Trondheim, Norway.
Although the Scandinavian mountains were deeply incised during Pleistocene ice ages, the presence of smooth,
subhorizontal erosional surfaces at high elevations has long been postulated as evidence for Cenozoic uplift of
old erosional surfaces. The age and origin of these surfaces is controversial. Because some surfaces coincide with
deeply weathered zones, many workers have concluded that they are pre-Pleistocene, perhaps Mesozoic, and
that their morphology has been largely preserved beneath cold-based glaciers and ice sheets. Others have
concluded that the surfaces were formed by erosion near the ELA (the glacial buzz-saw). Here we analyze the
distribution of relict surfaces in north Norway with respect to the margin-scale crustal architecture, defined by the
continent-ocean boundary, the taper break (TB; where crustal thickness is <10 km) and the onset of "unstretched"
crust (defined as 37-41 km thick), an architecture developed during latest Jurassic-Early Cretaceous
Elevation contours on the surfaces, a smoothed fit to mean elevations, and histograms of elevation distribution
show three distinct, coast-parallel belts. The sharp transition from higher, continuous surfaces to lower, stepped,
and discontinuous surfaces occurs at the boundary between the central and eastern belts and is located where the
crust begins to thin rapidly to the northwest from >38 km to <25 km. From the coast to the crest of the range, relief
is roughly correlated with elevation. From the crest inboard, relief decreases dramatically but surface elevations
remain high. A step in both relief and elevation perpendicular to the margin coincides closely with the location of
the 39-km crustal thickness contour.
The along- and across-strike pattern and the correlation with extension-related structures such as faults and the
TB suggest Scandinavia's present-day topographic envelope reflects a crustal strength profile set up during
extension and is not dominantly a result of the glacial buzz-saw.
Schmidt, Jennifer
Ph.D. Student
Earth and Environmental Science Lehigh
Differential Unroofing Across Southeastern Tibet: Geodynamic Links Between Plateau-Scale Tectonics and
Landscape Evolution
Jennifer L Schmidt1*, Marissa M Tremblay2,3, Peter K Zeitler1, Frank J Pazzaglia1, David L Shuster2,3
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University, 1 W. Packer Ave.,
Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, 307 McCone Hall
#4767, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA
Berkeley Geochronology Center, 2455 Ridge Road, Berkeley, CA 94709, USA
Detailed documentation of the exhumation history of southeastern Tibet is important for understanding the
coupling of tectonic and geomorphic processes shaping this landscape. We present K-feldspar and biotite
40Ar/39Ar and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology along both horizontal and vertical traverses within Gangdese
batholith to constrain the spatial and temporal pattern of exhumation in the region. We use these data to interrogate
patterns of regional erosion and test mechanical models of plateau evolution. K-feldspar multi-diffusional domain
modeling combined with biotite, and zircon data from the region indicate near isothermal or reheating conditions
prior to rapid cooling from temperatures upwards of 300°C at ~50 Ma. K-feldspar and zircon data from younger
plutons in the eastern and western portions of the region indicate another period of rapid cooling occurred
beginning at ~20 Ma. However, the magnitude of cooling is significantly greater in the east. Apparent zircon
(U-Th)/He ages vary by ~40 Ma E-W across the region and display a distinct difference across the Nari Yun Chu
Rift. Evidence for an ~10 Ma pulse of rapid cooling near the Yarlung-Nyang confluence in the east is absent west
of the rift. These differences in exhumation correlate with a documented increase in the depth of the Moho and
general decrease in relief from E to W. These spatial and temporal correlations suggest linkages between deep
geodynamic processes and the development of mountain topography. Variability in km-scale exhumation despite
accordant mountain summit elevations throughout southeastern Tibet indicates that this region underwent a
complex and protracted unroofing history.
Shyu, J. Bruce H.
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Department of Geosciences
National Taiwan University
15 years after Chi-Chi: What we have learned about tectonic and surface processes in Taiwan
J. Bruce H. Shyu
Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
The island of Taiwan is the result of the collision between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates. Rapid rates of horizontal
and vertical deformation and an abundance of seismic activity amply demonstrate the current vigor of the orogeny. The
1999 Chi-Chi earthquake and its unanticipated effects on population and infrastructure focused much scientific and public
attention on Taiwan and provided an opportunity for numerous new research efforts to better understand the island’s tectonic
and surface processes, as well as the interactions between them.
After 15 years, abundant new data have been obtained by these efforts. For example, tectonic activities of the island in
various timescales have been quantified by different methods, including thermochronologic, geomorphic, and geodetic
analyses. Geomorphic processes at the surface of the island have also been characterized by several different approaches,
such as sedimentology, fluvial geomorphology, geochronology, and remote sensing. The wealth of new datasets from these
efforts not only has made the island one of the most researched mountain belts of the world, but has also provided the
foundations to propose new hypotheses for the interactions between tectonic and surface processes in various timescales.
Whereas much has been achieved, many still remain poorly understood. Detailed information of geomorphic developments
in various areas of the island, for example, is yet to be characterized. Whether large erosion and sedimentation episodes in
Taiwan are controlled more by tectonic activities or climatic changes is still under debate. Furthermore, information of
erosional processes and sediment transport in annual or event timescales is still very limited. Finally, Taiwan may not only
provide excellent opportunity to understand the interactions between tectonic and surface processes, but the interactions
between these processes and human activities as well. The proposed future collaborations between Taiwan and US
scientists therefore may very well mark the beginning of yet another 15 years of fruitful efforts toward better understandings
of these important issues.
Song, Sheng-Rong
Full Professor/ Researche
National Taiwan University
The Heat Source of Geothermal Energy in the Northeast Taiwan
Sheng-Rong Song, Yi-Chia Lu, Chia-Mei Liu Tsanyao F. Yang and Yih-Min Wu
The Ilan Plain, Taiwan is located at the southwest-most part of Okinawu trough which is a back arc basin
spreading due to the Philippine Sea plate subducted into the Asian continent margin. There are many hot springs
occurred in and around the Plain indicate that it has high geothermal gradient underneath this area. Recent
measurements on the heat flows using direct bolehole and geothermometry methods also show the same results.
The Ilan area, therefore, has the most potential geothermal energy in Taiwan, and has been assigned as the major
national energy program by NSC on exploring and developing geothermal power in the future. Why does the Ilan
area have so high geothermal gradient? Based on the profiles of magnetotellurics (MT) to the depth 10 km, it
shows the thermal reservoir underneath the Plain can be reached over 10 km deep. Meanwhile, the seismic
tomographic images also infer that the thermal fluids can be traced up to very deep which may come from the
subducted Philippine Sea plate. This result is the same as Lin et al., (2004) proposed. Geochemical data including
helium, carbon and sulfur isotopic ratio of gases and precipitated minerals phases of hot springs also support the
mantle origin of thermal fluids in the Ilan area. Yu and Tsai (1979) and Tong et al., (2008) have proposed that a
dike intruded underneath the Plain in terms of geomagnetic anomalies. This study, thus, combines the data got
from our researches and previous results to propose that the high heat flow in the Ilan area is due to the magma
generated from the subducted Philippine Sea plate, and intruded underneath the Plain.
Stark, Colin
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Columbia University
Landsliding and its role in shaping landscapes
Colin P. Stark
Of all geomorphic processes, landsliding is perhaps the most compelling illustration of how climate and tectonics
can conspire to make and break mountains and put people at risk. Taiwan is no stranger to this phenomenon,
with tens of thousands of slope failures triggered over recent decades by both earthquake strong motion and heavy
rainfall. During this time, important advances have been made in our understanding of landslide processes,
and this presentation will highlight some of them. I will pay particular attention to the developing field of
landslide seismology, discussing some formative work carried out in Taiwan following Typhoon Morakot, and
its evolution into a tool for characterizing landslide dynamics. I will also discuss the triggering of large landslides
and its likely relationship to long-term river incision and a progressive damage process in rock slopes, as well
as the issue of erosion budgets and magnitude-frequency distributions.
Su, Po-Li
Ph.D. Student
Earth Science
National Central University
Inversion of High Resolution 3-D Velocity Structures in the Ilan Plain Using Local Dense Texan
Po-Li SU1#, Po-Fei CHEN1, Hao KUO-CHEN1, Chien-Ying WANG1, Chien-Hsin CHANG2, Wen-Tzong
1National Central University, Taiwan,
2Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan,
3Academia Sinica, Taiwan
#Corresponding author:
The Ilan Plain (IP) in NE Taiwan locates on the western tip of the Okinawa Trough exhibiting high geothermal
activities with exploration potentials. To better understand the extent of geothermal resources as characterized by
low temperature and/or fluid inclusions, we invert a high resolution 3-D P-wave velocity structure of crust and
uppermost mantle of the IP. A dense seismic network (~2 km station interval) consist of 109 1-component Texan
instruments was deployed in between Aug. 2014 and Jan. 2015?covering the IP and its surrounding foothills.
Earthquakes recorded by the Texan network were relocated with the addition of P and S arrival readings of
the Central Weather Bureau Seismic Network (CWBSN) real-time stations. Those with at least ten Texan
readings and in the vicinity of IP (< 70 km, 121.37°E~122.13°E, 24.17°N~25.01°N) are kept (mostly with ML
1~3) for inversion of the 3-D velocity structure, using P readings of the Texan network and 25 CWBSN
real-time stations in the area. The FMTOMO package (Rawlinson et al., 2006) was applied and the optimal
resolution is estimated to be ~2 km at depth around 4 km. In the shallow depth ( < 3 km), alluvial deposits
of IP are characterized by low-P anomalies while Central Range in the south shows high-P anomalies. Two
patches of extremely low-P anomalies in the SW corner of IP may correspond to the geothermal area in Sanxing.
Below 5 km depth, low-P anomalies in IP start to retreat northeastward with depth, which may suggest a
relationship between the evolution of IP and the undergoing extension of Okinawa Trough.
Sweeney, Kristin
Ph.D. Student
Department of Geological Sciences
University of Oregon
The role of hillslope diffusion in landscape evolution: an experimental approach
Kristin Sweeney, Joshua J. Roering, Christopher Ellis
Text: Inferring climatic and tectonic forcing from topography depends on understanding how different
mechanisms of sediment transport dictate landscape form and response time. Though significant advances have
been made in inverting channel profiles for tectonic signals, the response of soil-mantled hillslopes to external
forcing and the interaction between hillslopes and channels is comparatively unconstrained.
Laboratory experiments allow us to observe complex sediment dynamics in a controlled setting, but past work
on erosive landscapes does not include diffusive hillslopes and hence cannot provide insight into
channel-hillslope interactions. Here, we present results from a laboratory experiment combining hillslope
diffusion and valley advection. Our experimental apparatus, the St. Anthony Falls eXperimental Landscape
Model, consists of a 0.5 m x 0.5 m test flume filled with crystalline silica (D50 = 30?) mixed with water, a
high-resolution laser scanner to measure topography, and load cells to measure sediment flux. Baselevel lowering
is simulated by dropping two motorized. During each run, we alternated between: (1) advective transport induced
by a series of misting nozzles, where drops are not large enough to disturb sediment on impact, and (2) diffusive
rainsplash transport driven by a constant head drip tray. We report a series of experiments where the strength of
hillslope diffusion relative to channel advection is varied between runs, and demonstrate the fundamental control
of hillslope transport efficiency on setting the scale of landscape dissection. Our work provides an invaluable
dataset for testing numerical models of landscape evolution and guiding field investigations of channel-hillslope
interactions in soil-mantled landscapes.
Tan, Eh
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Institue of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
DynEarthSol3D: An Efficient and Flexible Unstructured Finite Element Method to Study Long-Term
Tectonic Deformation
We present a flexible methodology to address the complex visco-elasto-plastic material response arised from
tectonics. This robust, adaptive, multidimensional, finite element method solves the momentum balance and the
heat equation in Lagrangian form with unstructured simplicial mesh (triangles in 2D and tetrahedra in 3D).
Erosion and sedimentation processes are modeled as well. Applications on subduction, continental rifting, and
normal faults development will be presented.
Tseng, Chia-Han
Postdoctoral Scholar
Institute of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
The geochronological timing and alluvium of the tablelands in the Puli Basin, Taiwan
Chia-Han Tseng 1,2, Christopher Lüthgens 3, Sumiko Tsukamoto 4, Tony Reimann 5, Manfred Frechen 4, and
Margot Böse 2
(1) Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (,
(2) Institute of Geographical Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany,
(3) Institute of Applied Geology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria,
(4) Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Section 3: Geochronology and Isotope Hydrology, Hannover,
(5) Soil Geography and Landscape group & Netherlands Centre for Luminescence Dating, Environmental Sciences,
Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands
Tablelands are prominent geomorphic features in the Puli Basin in central Taiwan. Being composed of sediments,
they provide clues to understand links between past climatic evolution and tectonic events resulting in the
formation of the present-day landforms. To establish a geochronological framework of the tablelands, optically
stimulated luminescence dating was applied to obtain burial ages of the tableland deposits. The numerical dating
indicate an accumulation phase in the Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene transition. By integrating data from
previous studies on topography, sediment characteristics in the study and adjacent areas, huge amounts of
alluvium were deposited as alluvial fans in 5?6 thousand years into the Puli Basin based on the results of the
luminescence dating. The study area in the Taomi River catchment, an obviously longer precursor of the Taomi
River, originating from west of the Yuchih Basin, transported the sediments forming the present- day southern
tablelands. During the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, the climate changed to more wet and warmer conditions,
so that slope processes might have changed and an increasing transport in the fluvial system was stimulated.
Fluvial and fan terraces in other river catchments in Taiwan also indicate a period of increased erosion and fluvial
transport at that time. After the deposition of the alluvial fan, an estimated mean incision rate of at least 15 mm/a
of the Taomi River reflects local tectonic activities. Fluvial processes controlled by climatic change and
accompanied by tectonic activities have created the diverse topography in the Puli Basin.
van der Pluijm, Ben Full Professor/
Earth & Environmental Sciences
Univ of Michigan
Isotopic memory of clays reveals sources and timing of geofluids, illustrated by clay gouge from Northern
Austin Boles and Ben van der Pluijm
We present a new approach to identifying the source and age of paleofluids associated with low-temperature
deformation in the brittle crust, using hydrogen isotopic compositions (δD) and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of
authigenic illite in clay gouge-bearing fault zones. The procedure involves grain size separation, polytype modeling,
and isotopic analysis, creating a mixing line that is used to extrapolate to δD and age of pure authigenic (and
detrital) material. We use this method on a suite of samples collected along the surface trace of today’s North
Anatolian Fault (NAF). δD values (relative VSMOW) of the authigenic illite population, obtained by extrapolation,
are -89±3‰, -90±2‰, and -97±2‰ for samples KSL, RES4-1, and G1G2, respectively. These correspond to δD
fluid values of -62 to -85‰ for the temperature range of 125°C ±25°, which are indistinguishable from present-day
precipitation values. δD values of the detrital illite population are -45±13‰, -60±6‰, and -64±6‰ for samples
KSL, G1G2, and RES4-1, respectively. Corresponding δD fluid values at 300°C are -26 to -45‰ and match values
from metamorphic terranes adjacent the fault. Corresponding 40Ar/39Ar clay gouge ages are 41.4 ±3.4 Ma
(authigenic) and 95.8±7.7 Ma (detrital) for sample G2 in western Turkey and 24.6 ±1.6 Ma (authigenic) and
96.5±3.8 Ma (detrital) for sample RES4-1 in eastern Turkey, demonstrating the long-lived presence of meteoric
fluid infiltration in the area. We conclude that today’s NAF incorporated pre-existing clay-rich rocks that preserve
earlier mineralizing fluid events. The samples record at least three fluid flow pulses since the Eocene and that
meteoric fluid, of similar composition to modern precipitation, has been circulating in the upper crust in the North
Anatolian Keirogen since that time.
West, A. Joshua
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Department of Earth Sciences University
of Southern California
aftermath of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and implications
tectonics and mountain building to hazards and geochemical cycles
A. Joshua West, Gen Li, Zhangdong Jin, Robert G. Hilton, Jin Wang, Alexander L. Densmore, Robert
N. Parker, Fei Zhang, Ralf Hetzel
The very large number of landslides triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake provides a rare opportunity to
study the erosional processes associated with large seismic events and to explore their implications. This poster
will survey a wide-ranging research project we have been running for the past several years on the aftermath of the
Wenchuan earthquake. We hope that this poster will stimulate useful comparative discussion on the role of
infrequent events in tectonic erosion. The first piece of the Wenchuan work is a reconsideration of the volume of
co-seismic landslide material. Our volume estimates can be placed in the context of a new global model for
coseismic “volume balance” that may help shed light on processes that build mountain topography. The poster
will also show new results on rates of evacuation of Wenchuan landslide debris by river systems and will
consider the “fluvial memory” of earthquake events. Additional work will be presented that includes observations
of changes in 10Be concentrations in river sediment after the earthquake, complicating the interpretation of
denudation rates using 10Be in tectonically active locations, but also providing an opportunity to trace landslide
contributions to river sediment. Finally, the poster will show intriguing data pointing to a role of earthquakes in
altering fluxes of dissolved elements in major river systems, and will briefly summarize some of the related
research currently in progress and planned for the future.
Wheeler, Lauren
Ph.D. Student
Earth and Planetary Sciences
University of New Mexico
Modeling the Influence of the Last Glacial Maximum Ice Load on the Tectonics of southeast Alaska
Wheeler, Lauren; Koons, Peter O.; Upton, Phaedra; Birkel, Sean D.
The tectonically-active coast of southeast Alaska is defined by a subduction boundary to the north, a strike-slip
fault to the east (Fairweather fault), and the Transition fault to the southwest. The Transition fault separates the
thin (10-12 km) Pacific oceanic crust from the thickened continental/oceanic crust of the Yakutat block (~30 km).
Seismic profiles and kinematic models imply that the Transition fault is currently active, however, a relative
lack of data makes it difficult to constrain the style of deformation taken up along the Transition fault. Using
three-dimensional mechanical modeling of the tectonics and dynamic ice sheet modeling of the LGM (Last
Glacial Maximum) ice extent, we test the sensitivity of the Transition fault to the LGM ice load. We propose
two scenarios that could partition strain across the fault; (1) a Yakutat block underlain by weak lower crust or (2)
LGM glacial loading. Based on interpretations of the velocity structure within the Yakutat block we incorporate a
high porosity layer from 4 to 8 km depth. Our results show that the strain after glacial unloading matches well with
the epicentres of the 1899 earthquakes, a partial response to Little Ice Age unloading. These models suggest that
the spatial and temporal distribution of glaciers and ice sheets influences the distribution of strain in a tectonically
active margin and that observations of the tectonic response to these loads can be used to constrain the rheology of
a region.
Whipple, Kelin
Full Professor/ Researcher
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University
Climate, Topography, Lithology, Erosion Rate and Tectonics: New Insights from the Himalaya and the
K. Whipple, B. Adams, M. Rossi, and N. Gasparini
In the last decade much data has demonstrated the power of cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in river
sediment collected in carefully chosen locations to elucidate the relationships among climate, topography,
lithology, and erosion rate and their capacity to contribute to understanding of longer-term exhumation
patterns and tectonic deformation. The rate of new data collection – both published and as yet
unpublished – has increased exponentially over time, with an incredible wealth of new data in just the last
few years. In the Himalaya-Tibet orogenic system alone more than 200 erosion rate estimates have been
determined by us and others for catchments spanning a wide range in mean annual precipitation (0.3 – 4.5
m/yr), topographic characteristics (gentle rolling hills to extremely rugged), and lithology (flysch to
crystalline rocks). These data document consistent, robust, monotonic but non-linear relationships
between erosion rate and mean channel steepness, mean slope, and mean local relief (measured over a 2.5
km or 5 km radius). Importantly the dependence of erosion rate on mean annual rainfall for a given
topography (or the “erosional efficiency”) is less sensitive to climate than expected. Recently developed
theory highlights that runoff variability can be as important to erosional efficiency as mean annual runoff
may help explain some of the observed lack of sensitivity. Still it is remarkable that in much of the
Himalaya (from Garhwal to central Nepal) within the scatter of available data there is no detectable
influence of mean annual precipitation on erosional efficiency over a range from 1.2 to 4.5 m/yr. In drier
areas such as the interior of Bhutan (< 0.5 m/yr), however, the difference in erosional efficiency is clear.
The largest (and significant) difference is recorded between the Himalaya and the eastern margin of the
Tibetan Plateau where both mean annual precipitation (0.3 – 0.5 m/yr) and runoff variability are low.
Similarly, whereas some data from the Andes records a dependence on mean annual precipitation, other
data show minimal climatic sensitivity. In this talk we explore these relationships and their tectonic
implications for both the Andes of Bolivia and the Himalaya.
Wu, Francis Full
Professor/ Researche
Geol. Sciences.
SUNY Binghamton
The “orogenic wedge(s)” of Taiwan are assumed to be cohesionless and overlie a shallow (<10 km) detachment
across the island. Similar interpretation has been made for other ranges. However, seismic tomography, seismicity
and focal mechanisms indicate that the orogenic deformation is lithosphere-wide, with crustal thickening from the
<30 km thick Eurasian shelf to 55 km under the Central Range. Being young and active, processes of Taiwan
orogeny can be deciphered with earthquakes, geodetically measurable displacements and the geometry of the
orogen, as well as surface geology. Before Chi-Chi, seismicity in the Foothills of northwestern Taiwan, which sits
on the continental shelf, forms a two-layered structure, a typical brittle-ductile- brittle rheological sandwich for
continental crust. Following the 1999.9.20 M7.6 Chi-Chi event a large number of aftershocks fill the
pre-earthquake aseismic zone in response to the higher post earthquake strain rate. The GPS measured ground
motion in and out of the earthquake source zone showed a long (~4 years) decay after the initial co-seismic jump.
The seismicity generally stops near the boundary between the Foothills and the Central Range. The Central Range
seismicity has been relatively low, especially below ~10 km. A zone of very low Vp/Vs ratio under the Central
Range has been mapped in recent tomography; lab results show such low (~1.5) values may be associated with a-b
quartz transition. The temperature at 25 km is about 750OC, using the T-P curve for the transition; both the
temperature and the transition may contribute to ductility. In the Coastal Range seismicity permeates the crust ~45
km. In summary, the Taiwan orogen has a complex crustal rheology that must be considered in modeling.
Wu, Jonny
Postdoctoral Scholar
National Taiwan University
Philippine Sea plate reconstructions using subducted slab constraints: implications for Taiwan tectonics
Jonny Wu, John Suppe
National Taiwan University
Plate tectonic reconstructions provide estimates of Philippine Sea-Eurasia convergence histories and total
shortening, which are key inputs for Taiwan tectonic models. However, Philippine Sea motion histories are not
well-constrained and highly variable plate reconstructions have been proposed. In addition, portions of both the
Philippine Sea and Eurasian plates have been lost due to subduction.
In this study we have mapped and unfolded slabs from the Philippine Sea plate, Eurasia, and surrounding East
Asian plates. We present a plate tectonic model that includes these slab constraints and show their implications for
Taiwan tectonics. In particular, we show from regional slab constraints that current Philippine Sea plate motions,
which today are northwestward at a very rapid 80-90 mm/yr rate relative to Eurasia, probably reflect only the last
2 +/- 1 Ma of Philippine Sea history. Philippine Sea motions prior to 2 Ma were likely NW and had a smaller
westward component. This implies Taiwan convergence rates increased around ~2 Ma.
Yang, Chun-Yao
Research Scientist
Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering
National Cheng Kung University
Understanding the Dynamic Channel Evolution to Help Guide Sediment Management
Hsiao-Wen Wang, Wei-Cheng Kuo, Chun-Yao Yang
The fragile geology, subtropical climate together with frequent typhoons and earthquakes cause high sediment
yields in Taiwan. Among different strategies, building check dams is one of the popular measures to reduce
downstream reservoir sedimentation in Taiwan. The Water Resource Agency and Forestry Bureau built over 120
dams over the past fifty years, with a total construction cost of NT$2 billion. By 2007, 38% of Shihmen
Reservoir’s initial capacity of 290 Mm3 had been lost to sedimentation, and virtually all of the check dams’
cumulative capacity of 35.7 Mm3 (equivalent to about 12% of the reservoir’s initial capacity) had filled with
sediment. In 2004, the deposition of about 28Mm3 of sediment was documented during only a single typhoon. All
these point out the limited service time of check dams and the traditional mentality by building one after one
structure to try to ease the sediment problem is no longer appropriate. Rates of surface uplift and erosion in
Taiwan are among the highest in the world as a result of ongoing collision and frequent annual typhoons. The
dynamic landscape highlights the need to address appropriate sediment management strategies, as well as the
challenges of the maintenance of the sediment-filled and aging check dams.
We thus identify gaps in our current understanding and articulate strategies for research efforts that will plug
those gaps.
Yanites, Brian
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Geological Sciences
University of Idaho
Hillslope controls on channel geometry in a developing orogen
Brian J. Yanites and Brigid Lynch University of Idaho
The height of mountains is a result of the competition between the tectonic rock-uplift and climate driven erosion
processes. As rivers control the relief structure of mountains, topography in these regions elevation is ultimately
controlled by fluvial erosion processes and efficiency. Therefore understanding what controls fluvial erosion and
morphology in orogenic settings is vital to quantifying the interactions of climate and tectonics. It is commonly
thought that mountain topography grows because rock-uplift outpaces the ability for the stream to detach intact
bedrock. As the stream becomes steeper, the processes of bedrock attrition becomes more efficient and an
equilibrium (or quasi-equilibrium is eventually reached). In such a model, the hillslopes passively respond to
the river incision by steepening to a threshold condition and then act as a ‘slave’ to river incision processes.
Alternatively, recent work suggests a significant role for sediment supply in controlling river morphology, where
the dynamics of sediment cover and the exposure of bedrock to turbulent, sediment laden flows dictate the river
morphological response. In this model, hillslope and river processes are coupled and river morphology reflects
the magnitude and caliber of sediment supplied to the river system. Here, we use the river systems in Hengchun
Peninsula and east of the Pingtung plain in southern Taiwan as a laboratory to test these competing models. We
find that channel steepness changes little from south to north until the hillslopes in the drainage basins reach
~1.5km local valley relief. The steepening of the rivers occurs in the headwaters first and progressively steepens
downstream further to the north (e.g. older river systems). This steepening pattern, in general, follows patterns of
hillslope relief development, suggesting a strong coupling between sediment supply and river morphology. We
further explore variations in channel width from the south to the north. We find that for a given drainage area,
rivers in the northern part of the peninsula are wider (and steeper) than rivers in the south. This pattern of channel
width corroborates the hypothesis that fluvial relief in Taiwan is primarily influenced by the sediment supply
and characteristic delivered by hillslope processes. This has important implications for predicting how
topography and tectonics may respond to a change in climate.
Yeh, En-Chao
Assistant Professor/Researcher
Earth Sciences
National Taiwan Normal University
Deformation and Exhumation of the Northern Hsueshan Range, Taiwan
En-Chao Yeh1, Xiao-Jun Peng1, Yu-Min Chou2, Teh-Quei Lee3, Charles Aubourg4, Chuh-Chih Chen3, and
Shih-Ting Lin5
1 Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
2 Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
3 Institute of Earth Sciences, Acdemdia Sinica, Taiwan
4 Laboratoire des Fluides Complexes et Réservoirs, Université de Pau, France
5 Graduate Institute of Applied Geology, National Central University, Taiwan
Various tectonic models of mountain building processes for Taiwan orogen, which is located at the junction of
on-going oblique convergence between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea Plates, have been proposed and are still
under investigation. Recently, relative timing of deformation and maximum metamorphism in the Hsueshan
Range has become an essential issue regarding to the feedback between tectonic accretion and erosion.
In order to decipher the variation of finite strain pattern and to evaluate the interrelationship between maximum
metamorphic temperature and deformation during mountain building, oriented samples of low-grade metamorphic
rocks from the northern Hsueshan Range to the western Backbone Range are analyzed via experiments of
anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), temperature-function magnetic susceptibility, hysteresis loop, natural
remnant magnetization and thermal demagnetization.
AMS results show that although K3 orientation is influenced by the development of slaty cleavage, K3 orientation
generally indicates northwest-southeast shortening, which is consistent with plate convergence direction. Both
deformation intensity and anisotropy increase eastwards with abnormally strong intensity and oblate deformation
next to major faults. Magnetic ellipsoid becomes strong constriction at the flanks of major anticline. Most samples
contain certain amount of non-ferromagnetic and 70-100% of magnetic content are contributed from paramagnetic
minerals, except few magnetites and pyrrhotites, indicating that AMS ellipsoid is representative of deformation.
Paleomagnetic directions of pyrrhotite remanence reflect a Late Tertiary overprint after the major folding event,
suggesting the post-folding exhumation due to basal underplating. Our results illustrate Hsuehshan Range
shortened from the east, accreted by underplating, and uplifted with erosion.
Yeh, Meng Wan (Mary)
Associate Professor/ Researcher
Earth Sciences
National Taiwan Normal University
Cenozoic Reconstruction of Magmatism and Basin Development within the South China Sea and Their
Implications to Regional Tectonic evolution
Meng Wan Yeha*, Tong Yi Leeb, Yu Lu Chanb, Chin Da Huangb, Mai Hue Anhb
a Center for General Education National Taiwan Normal University
b Department of Earth Sciences National Taiwan Normal University
The South China Sea (SCS) is one of the most active exploration regions for oil and gas over the past decades.
This marginal sea situated within three major tectonic plates of the Eurasian, Indo-Australian and Philippine plate
that exhibited various types of plate boundaries (divergent, convergent and transcurrent) and complex tectonic
evolutions due to subsequent subduction and convergences of numerous micro blocks and accretionary prisms
during the Cenozoic time. In order to decipher the evolution and their tectonic framework, correlation between
the temporal and geographical distribution of Cenozoic magmatism, and the development histories of major
basins within and surrounding the SCS were conducted. Four major tectonic episodes can be recognized.
(1) The SE ward younging trend of A type granite and high-K calc-alkaline magmatic rock in SE Asia during
Paleogen indicated the initiation of continent extension by eastward retreating of subduction of the Pacific plate to
Asia. This also induced episodic rifting within the basins along the Asia continental shelf NW of SCS marked by
rift onset unconformities. (2) The SCS begin to spread in N-S direction from the NE region along the E-W trending
ridge (C11-7) around 34-33 Ma possibly response to southward slab pull during the subduction of proto-South
China Sea oceanic crust, which is also marked by the beak up unconformity within surrounding basins. (3) The
left lateral shearing activity of the Red River Shear zone (27~16 Ma) due to collision of India into Eurasia trigger
a southward ridge jump event (C6b~5c) and the development of the SW sub-region of SCS. The clockwise rotation
of Indochina accompanying the left-lateral shearing event induced asymmetric graben and half graben
development within the basins west of the SCS. (4) The SCS seized spreading around 15.5 Ma as the Pacific sea
plate continued subducted westward. However, this compressional setting reinforced the subsidence of basins
to the maximum depth till Pliocene.
Yi, De-Cheng
Ph.D. Student
Earth Sciences
National Cheng Kung University
Exhumation of Metamorphic rocks during the Taiwan Orogeny: A Study of the Daguan Fault between
Tailuko and Yuli Belts
De-Cheng Yi1,2, Ching-Weei Lin1, Ryan McAleer2,3, Michael J. Kunk3 and Robert P. Wintsch2
1 Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
2 Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA
3 U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Part of the exhumation history of eastern Taiwan is stored in the fault zone between the Yuli and Tailuko belts, the
Daguan fault zone. Our detailed fieldwork across this fault shows that it is marked by a sharp contact between
the Yuli forearc metasediments and the Tailuko belt marbles and schists. As the boundary is approached from the
eastern Yuli belt a moderate to strong slaty cleavage becomes phyllitic, with anastomosing S-C fabrics and local
boudinage of stronger quartzites, subarkoses and graywackes. These fault rocks are characterized by abundant
stretched lenticular quartz veins, locally intercalated with thin elongated meta- conglomerates. Across the fault to
the west are massive marbles, layered quartz mica schists, chlorite schists, and meta-chert.
Regional Ar dating of fine fraction of white micas in these rocks yields ages of ~1 to 16 Ma (Tsao, 1996). Ar ages
of biotite in mylonitic Tananao schists range from 3.0-4.1 Ma (Wang, 1998). We separated and dated very
fine-grained phyllitic folia of the phyllites and phyllonites approaching the fault zone, and find ages even
younger than this. Our preliminary step heating experiments show age spectra with reproducible age steps less
than 1 Ma. These spectra climb to ages as old as found by others, 12 to 14 Ma, demonstrating multiple age
populations. However, our separates concentrating the youngest fabric-forming micas demonstrate that
recrystallization during faulting persisted to the Middle Pleistocene! Thus differential movement between these
belts probably played a critical role in driving the uplift and exhumation of these rocks.
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
- Iist of FACET 2015 participation Name
Amos, Colin
Belliveau, Lindsey
Byrne, Tim
Cassel, Elizabeth
Chan, Yu-Chang
Chang, Kuo-Jen
Western Washington University
University of Connecticut
University of Connecticut
University of Idaho
Academia Sinica
National Taiwan University
National Taipei University of
Chang, Queenie
National Taiwan University
Chao, Hung-chun
National Chung Cheng University
CHEN, Chih-Tung
Academia Sinica
Chen, Kai-Xun
National Central University
Chi, Wu-Cheng
Academia Sinica
Ching, Kuo-En
National Cheng Kung University
Chiu, Han-Yi
National Taiwan Normal University
Chuang, Ray
National Taiwan University
Chung, Ling-Ho
National Chung Cheng University
Cook, Kristen
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
Cunningham, Maxwell Columbia University
DiBiase, Roman
Penn State
Dixon, Jean
Montana State University
Dorsey, Rebecca
University of Oregon
Ferrier, Ken
Georgia Institute of Technology
Fisher, Donald
Penn State University
Fountain, David
National Science Foundation
Galewsky, Joseph
University of New Mexico
Gray, Harrison
University of Colorado, Boulder
Harlan, Stephen
National Science Foundation
HAMAHASHI, Mari The University of Tokyo
Ho, Gong-ruei
Hodges, Kip
Arizona State University
Hren, Michael
University of Connecticut
Hsieh, Meng-Long
National Chung Cheng University
Hsieh, Yu-Huan
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Hsu, Huang-Hsiung
Academia Sinica
Hsu, YaJu
Academia Sinica
Hu, Jyr-Ching
National Taiwan University
Huang, Chung
National Taiwan University
Huang, Jr-Chuan
National Taiwan University
Huang, Kuo-Fang
Academia Sinica
Huang, Shao-Yi
National Dong Hwa University
Huang, Tzu-Ying
National Taiwan University
Huang, Yung-Feng
Academia Sinica
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
Huang, Yung-Ling
Hubbard, Mary
Insel, Nadja
Johnson, Kaj
Johnson, Kerri
Kirby, Eric
Kuo, Wei-Cheng
Kuo-Chen, Hao
Lai, Syu-Heng
Larsen, Isaac
Le Beon, Maryline
Lee, Chyi-Tyi
Lee, Jian-Cheng
Lee, Shih-Yu
Lee, Yuan-Hsi
Lewis, Jonathan
Li, Gen
Liang, Wen-Tzong
Lien, Tzuyi
Lin, Jing-Yi
Lionel, Siame
Liu, Mian
Liu, Paul
Lo, Wei
Lu, Chia-Yu
LU, Yi-Chia
Morell, Kristin
Mu, Chung-Hsiang
Murphy, Brendan
Okaya, David
Ouimet, William
Peng, Zhigang
Poulsen, Chris
Rau, Ruey-Juin
Rempe, Daniella
Rossi, Matthew
Ruetenik, Gregory
Schermer, Elizabeth
Schmidt, Jennifer
Shyu, J. Bruce H.
Song, Sheng-Rong
Stark, Colin
Su, Po-Li
Suppe, John
Sweeney, Kristin
Tan, Eh
Tseng, Chia-Han
Academia Sinica
Utah State University
Northeastern Illinois University
Indiana University
U. C. Santa Cruz
Oregon State University
National Cheng Kung University
National Central University
National Taiwan University
California Institute of Technology
National Taiwan University
National Central University
Academia Sinica
Academia Sinica
National Chung-Cheng University
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
University of Southern California
Academia Sinica
National Taiwan University
National Central University
Academia Sinica
Univ. of Missouri
NC State University
National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University
University of Victoria
Academia Sinica
University of Texas at Austin
University of Southern California
University of Connecticut
Georgia Institute of Technology
University of Michigan
National Cheng Kung University
University of California, Berkeley
Northwestern University
Syracuse University
Western Washington University
Lehigh University
National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University
Columbia University
National Central University
National Taiwan University
University of Oregon
Academia Sinica
Academia Sinica
Feedbacks and coupling among climate, erosion and tectonics during mountain building
Tseng, Tai-Lin
Tseng, Thomas
van der Pluijm, Ben
Wang, Ruo-Mei
Wang, Yu-Ju
West, A. Joshua
Wheeler, Lauren
Whipple, Kelin
Wintsch, Robert
Wu, Francis
Wu, Jonny
Wu, Yih-Min
Yang, Chun-Yao
Yanites, Brian
Yeh, Meng Wan (Mary)
Yi, De-Cheng
Yuretich, Richard
National Taiwan University
Univ of Michigan
Institute of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
National Chung Cheng University
University of Southern California
University of New Mexico
Arizona State University
Indiana University
SUNY Binghamton
National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University
National Cheng Kung University
University of Idaho
National Taiwan Normal University
National Taiwan Normal University
National Cheng Kung University
National Science Foundation