Taiwan Trade Center, Singapore
Taiwan Trade Center, Singapore
Organized by / 主辦單位 經濟部國際貿易局 Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA 1 Hu Kou Street, Taipei 10066, Taiwan 10066 台灣臺北市湖口街1號 T +886-2-2351-0271 F +886-2-2351-7080 E boft@trade.gov.tw W www.trade.gov.tw Implemented by / 執行單位 中華民國對外貿易發展協會 Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 5-7 Fl., 333 Keelung Road, Sec. 1, Taipei 11012, Taiwan 11012 台灣臺北市基隆路一段333號5~7樓 T +886-2-2725-5200 F +886-2-2757-6998 E taitra@taitra.org.tw W www.taiwantrade.com.tw 新加坡台灣貿易中心 Taiwan Trade Center, Singapore 6 Temasek Boulevard, #09-03 Suntec Tower Four, Singapore 038986 T +65-62350369 F +65-62350315 E singapore@taitra.org.tw W singapore.taiwantrade.com.tw Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 2015 Ballroom 3 @ Orchard Hotel Singapore April 6th, 2015 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. About TAITRA The Taiwan Development Council, orCouncil, TAITRA, or is the foremost The External Taiwan Trade External Trade Development TAITRA, is non-profit the trade and investment promotion founded in 1970 to help promote foremost non-profit tradeorganization and investment promotion organization foundedforeign in 1970 to helpbypromote foreign and trade.various Jointlycommercial sponsored and by industrial the trade. Jointly sponsored the government government and various commercial and industrial associations, TAITRA associations, TAITRA offers comprehensive services to assist foreign businesses in assists Taiwan businesses and manufacturers with reinforcing their establishing a wide presence in Taiwan. international competitiveness and in coping with the challenges they face in foreign markets. In addition, TAITRA offersincomprehensive serviceseconomy. to Tremendous business opportunities can be found Taiwan's dynamic assist foreignlocation, business in establishing aand wider presence in Taiwan. Taiwan's strategic infrastructure capital make the island an ideal springboard for business operations throughout Asia and the Pacific Rim. TAITRA, Since its establishment, TAITRA has developed a well-coordinated trade togetherpromotion with its experienced specialists, all stand ready of to help do business and information network composed over you 1,200 trained with Taiwan. specialists stationed at its headquarters in Taipei, in four local branch offices, as well in 60trade representative around theprovide world. better services, To further strengthen its as global promotionoffices network and to TAITRA In hasassociation set up more than 60 Taiwan Trade Centers around theCenter, world.Inc. Together with its sister organizations, the Taiwan Trade with the (TTC) overseas offices of the MOEA, developed a continues comprehensive and the Taipei World TradeTAITRA Centerhas (TWTC), TAITRA to do trade adapt promotion strategies the changing network everything serving as possible the eyes to and earsits oftrade Taiwan companies keen totoexplore international markets.international trends and conditions. TAITRA’s major functionsOffices include Market Development, Strategic Major Functions of Overseas Marketing, Service Trade TradeCenters Promotion, Market Research Services,inTaiwan The mission of the Taiwan is wide-ranging. Instrumental carrying out International Trade Shows, Exhibition Venues and Convention Services, numerous and various trade activities, example of their operations are: Trade Education, and TaiwanTrade (an e-Trading Hub service). - Assisted TAITRA Head Office in carrying out trade missions and exhibitions. - InitiatedTremendous and facilitated procurement cases for firms in Taiwan. business opportunities caninternational be found in Taiwan’s dynamic economy. Taiwan’s strategic location, infrastructure - Collected and reported business snippets to local traders. and capital make the island an ideal spring for business operations throughout Asia and - Recruited foreign members forboard the Taiwantrade.com.tw website. the Pacific Rim. TAITRA, together with its experienced trade specialists, all - Invited stand buyersready to visit Taipei international exhibitions. to help you do business with Taiwan. 11012 台灣臺北市基隆路一段333號5-7樓 Tel : +886-2-2725-5200 ∣ Fax : +886-2-2757-6998 E-mail : taitra@taitra.org.tw http://www.taitra.org.tw http://www.taiwantrade.com.tw 1 Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 5-7th Fl., 333 Keelung Road, Sec. 1th, Taipei 11012, Taiwan Tel : +886-2-2725-5200 ∣ Fax : +886-2-2757-6998 ∣ E-mail : taitra@taitra.org.tw http://www.taitra.org.tw http://www.taiwantrade.com.tw ∣Trade Taiwan External Development Council 5-7 Fl., 333 Keelung Road, Sec. 1, Taipei 11012, Taiwan Taiwan Trade Center, Singapore T +886-2-2725-5200 F +886-2-2757-6998 E taitra@taitra.org.tw 6 Temasek Boulevard, #09-03 Suntec Tower Four, Singapore 038986 W www.taitra.org.tw www.taiwantrade.com.tw Tel : +65-62350369 ∣ Fax : +65-62350315 ∣ E-mail : singapore@taitra.org.tw http://singapore.taiwantrade.com.tw 2 SPECIAL REPORT 台灣清真HALAL食(用)品認證廠商分類 台灣清真產業異軍突起 主辦單位: 執行單位: 經濟部國際貿易局 中華民國對外貿易發展協會 根據美國的獨立性民調機構皮尤研究中心(PEW)的調查指出,2010年信仰伊斯蘭教的 穆斯林人口已達16億人。如果以目前每年穆斯林人口的增長速率來看,預期在2020 年可成長至19億的人口,達到全球人口之25%,即每4人即有1位是穆斯林。清真市 場商機之大,可謂是繼中國人及印度人兩個市場後的「第三個10億等級」的龐大市 場。 「HALAL清真」在可蘭經中定義為「合法」。傳統的定義僅為符合伊斯蘭教 律法的食品、肉品,但鑒於現代加工製程繁複與生活需求的增加,現在的 「HALAL清真」已經更廣義地含跨了各種加工產品、化妝品、食用級或親膚 性醫療用品、成衣、財經服務、物流、旅遊等各種產業,此外透過發展清真 認證,就算不了解產品原料、來源及製程,也能夠滿足且保障虔誠穆斯林符 合伊斯蘭律法的各項生活價值。 事實上,「HALAL清真」產品所定義的價值,在某種程度上亦符合當前消 費者及市場趨勢─健康、衛生、安全,比如說:人道屠宰活體動物後方可 合法食用、產品無添加酒精等等。這些信念也廣被越來越重視養生之道的 歐美人士視為安心、可靠的產品,甚至延伸發展成等同有機產品等地養生概 念。姑且不論這些認知是否正確,但可以確認的是,越來越多其他宗教或沒 有信教的非穆斯林這幾年也開始認同清真價值,並開始在貨架上尋找有標示 「HALAL清真」的商品線進行消費,讓全球清真市場商機的規模遠遠大於既 有穆斯林社群。 台灣產業經濟活力充沛,向來以出口為導向。台 灣廠商多年來以其獨特的敏捷度及適應力著稱, 可以針對不同的市場特性及需求,外銷各種高附 加價值、品質穩定之優良產品。其中的台灣美 食,就是馳名中外、廣受國際採購商好評與喜愛 的優質加工外銷產業。台灣食品製造廠家可依據 海外市場的口味與需求,提供符合健康、安全、 衛生、且風味絕佳的傳統及現代中華風味小吃。 近年來,台灣食品加工產業者如農漁畜產肉品、農產加工品、調理速食、休閒食品、 沖泡飲品、調味醬料、健康生技、美妝保養、醫療膠囊、甚至食品加工設備等產業, 紛紛向台灣政府單位及各地清真寺洽詢清真認證輔導事宜。除了台灣業者嗅到了市場 商機,似乎也有越來越多的海外業者將台灣視為採購高品質清真商品的新興來源。 3 台灣清真產業赴新加坡貿訪團 製表:2015年1月 出處: 外貿協會 5% 廠商數目:430家 1% 3% 2% 0% 18% 12% 28% 生鮮蔬果暨調理農特產品 10 五穀雜糧/米/麵類/麵食 80 調理食材/食品 (真空長溫/冷凍) 2 19% 11% 冷凍暨調理禽類/肉品/海鮮/蛋品 6 糖果餅乾及休閒點心類 52 保健生技食品暨藥品/膠囊等 120 飲料/沖泡飲品/醋飲 76 調味粉/醬料/食品添加物 48 化妝品及其原料 13 其他非食品 23 由於清真認證產品係依據伊斯蘭教法訂出之食用品原料成份、加工製造、清潔衛生管 理及包裝儲運等規範而產製,過程中非常嚴謹地排除使用不合乎教法,或受其污染、 不適合穆斯林使用之成份。為此,台灣清真產業品質保證推廣協會(THIDA)於2012年 底整合了台灣各地的清真驗證服務團隊,統一驗證標準與系統,著手負責台灣外銷清 真食(用)品之認證服務。 THIDA年來積極參與國際清真認證事務,為全台灣唯一獲得馬來西亞 政府伊斯蘭事務發展部(JAKIM)、新加坡伊斯蘭理事會(MUIS)及印尼全 國宗教學者會議(MUI) 、以及阿拉伯聯合大公國環境水利部(Ministry of Environment and Water--MOEW) 等單位書面認可。該協會亦是國際清 真品保聯盟(IHI)及世界清真食品理事會(WHFC)的會員。 台灣雖非穆斯林國家,2015年1月初台灣清真食(用)品已認證合格的廠商 已快速成長到430家的規模,大部分均有外銷實力,為台灣發展清真產 業奠定了良好基礎。台灣將持續透過內部資源整合,分工合作,擴大推 廣宣導,採用國際級的技術規範、教育訓練及輔導整合之標準,逐步踏 實地建立起台灣清真產業。對台灣生產之清真產品有興趣之業者,歡迎 前往「台灣清真產業專區 Halal Taiwan」http://halal.taiwantrade.com. tw/ 參考選購。 面對全球穆斯林市場之蓬勃發展,台灣經濟部國際貿易局及中華民國對外貿易發展協 會亦成立專案小組,積極開發全球各地穆斯林市場商機,並於該些目標市場中大力推 廣台灣生產之合格清真認證廠家及商品。同時,台灣政府也同步鼓勵台灣優質食(用) 品廠商取得清真認證,確保台灣產業透過既有品管技術及科學製程之優勢,入列國際 清真產業供應鏈。 Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 4 SPECIAL REPORT Taiwan: A Surging Provider of Halal Products Organized by: Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA Implemented by: Taiwan External Trade Development Council Category Chart of Halal Certificates in Taiwan Prepared: Jan. 2015 Source: TAITRA 5% Halal suppliers in Taiwan: 430 companies 1% 3% 2% Vegetarian and Air Catering 2 19% 0% decades, Taiwan has always been well known for its distinctive speed and flexibility in producing a value-added supply of all kinds of products with assuring and consistent quality that meets the world's most tedious expectations. Among all, the Taiwanese food industry is adored for its ability to deliver safe, hygienic, and mouth-watering processed food, often tailored for the different markets it serves. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, and Agricultural Produce 10 Processed or Non-Processed Rice, Noodles, Grains, etc. 80 11% Taiwan is an export-oriented, vigorous industrial economy. Over the last several Poultry, Meat, Seafood, Eggs 6 18% 12% 28% Cofectionery, Sweets, Cookies, Crackers, Snacks, Deserts, etc. 52 Healthy & Biotech food items, medicines, capsules 120 Beverages/ Instant Drinks 76 Seasonings, Condiments & Additives 48 Cosmetics & Materials 13 Other Non-Food Items 23 In recent years, Taiwanese vendors from the various fields of meats, agricultural produce, processed fast food, confectionery, beverages, sauces & fermented products, health food, bio-tech, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and even food machinery, have approached the Taiwanese government and Mosques for halal certification and consultation. It appears that, more and more global buyers are identifying Taiwan as a new quality source for halal products. The term ‘halal’ is defined and driven by values and trust based on the Islamic Quran. Traditionally leaning more towards food and consumption items, ‘halal’ now encompasses a wide variety of sectors including cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, clothing, financial services, logistics, and even hospitality. While many of the values have an universal appeal, e.g. animal cruelty free, no harmful additives or chemicals, and alcohol free, halal certified products have a strong potential to grow and serve Muslim as well as non-Muslim consumers who are conscious but unclear about a product's nature and source. The point to note here is that halal certified products secure a firm position in the global marketplace due to its assurance of quality and appeal to a wide range of consumers regardless of their religious backgrounds. 5 台灣清真產業赴新加坡貿訪團 To deliver authentic halal products, meticulous care must be taken during the halal certification process to exclude any ingredients that are not compliant to Islamic Law or ‘Shariah’, or have been contaminated by any incompliant material. The Taiwan Halal Integrity Development Association (THIDA) was then founded to unify the island-wide standards and certify halal products made in Taiwan for export After years of commitment, THIDA's scrutiny over halal standards has won cross-border approvals and mutual recognition from the Malaysian JAKIM, Singaporean MUIS, Indonesian MUI, and the U.A.E. Ministry of Environment and Water. Furthermore, THIDA is one of the honorary members of the International Halal Integrity Alliance (IHI) and the World Halal Food Council (WHFC). By January 2015, 430 Taiwanese manufacturers have obtained halal certification for their products from THIDA and the Taipei Mosque, while most of them have already been successfully exporting and have laid a good foundation for Taiwan to be considered as a surging provider in the global market. In a further attempt to bolster the global awareness of made-in-Taiwan, halal-certified products, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) also addressed this goal by joining forces to encourage more quality Taiwanese vendors to secure halal certification and to create marketing platforms to facilitate their exposure and trading opportunities. Interested overseas buyers may visit the website “Halal Taiwan” at http://halal.taiwantrade.com.tw/ to view over 2,000 quality halal certified food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical suppliers in Taiwan. Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 6 Find more HALAL certified suppliers on 7 8 9 ROYAL FAMILY 家會香 1 FURNG FUR 鴻福食品 2 3 FU FANN 福泛企業 JIA TIEN 家田企業 GRAPE KING BIO LTD...........................................................................................................28 葡萄王生技股份有限公司 4 18 O HEALTH 有幾園 COSMOX BIOMEDICAL CO., LTD........................................................................................27 遠雄生物科技股份有限公司 5 17 SWEET GARDEN 薌園 YUNLIN YUANCHANG POULTRY PRODUCT COOP............................................................26 保證責任雲林縣元長家禽生產合作社 6 16 YUAN LONG 元龍生技 HI-Q MARINE BIOTECH INTERNATIONAL LTD......................................................................25 中華海洋生技股份有限公司 7 15 GRAPE KING BIO 葡萄王生技 SYNGEN BIOTECH CO., LTD...............................................................................................24 生展生物科技股份有限公司 18 14 HUEIYOUNG 匯永 A. T. P. CO., LTD....................................................................................................................23 會昌實業股份有限公司 8 13 COSMOX BIOMEDICAL 遠雄生物 WEL-BLOOM BIO-TECH CORPORATION..............................................................................22 逢興生物科技股份有限公司 TAIWAN SHIN-JIEU-AU 台灣新茭傲 12 17 LEE'S BIOTECHNIQUES CO., LTD.........................................................................................21 智祥生技股份有限公司 9 11 16 ANGELFUN ENTERPRISES CO., LTD.....................................................................................20 安芳美容科技股份有限公司 YUANCHANG POULTRY 元長家禽 10 ANGELFUN ENTERPRISE 安芳美容 TAIWAN SHIN-JIEU-AU, LLC..................................................................................................19 台灣新茭傲農產有限公司 HI-Q MARINE 中華海洋 9 SYNGEN BIOTECH 生展生物 HUEI-YOUNG ENTERPRISE CO., LTD....................................................................................18 匯永實業股份有限公司 A. T. P. CO., LTD. 會昌實業 8 WEL-BLOOM BIO-TECH 逢興生物 YUAN LONG BIOTECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION..................................17 元龍生技國際股份有限公司 LEE'S BIOTECHNIQUES 智祥生技 7 10 SWEET GARDEN FOOD CO., LTD.......................................................................................16 薌園生技股份有限公司 保健生技 / Biotech & Health Care 6 15 O HEALTH BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD..............................................................................15 有幾園生物科技股份有限公司 14 5 13 JIA TIEN INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD..............................................................................................14 家田企業有限公司 12 4 11 FU FANN ENTERPRISE CO., LTD...........................................................................................13 福汎企業股份有限公司 美妝保養 / Cosmetics & Materials 3 冷凍調理 / Frozen Processed Food HURNG FUR FOODS FACTORY CO., LTD............................................................................12 鴻福食品工廠有限公司 Floor Plan 2 台灣清真產業赴新加坡貿訪團 飲料沖泡 / Instant Drink 1 Orchard Hotel, Singapore Ballroom 3, Level 3 442 Orchard Road, Singapore 238879 PAGE ROYAL FAMILY FOOD CO., LTD............................................................................................11 家會香食品股份有限公司 Taiwan Halal Trade Meeting COMPANY 休閒食品 / Confectionery Snack Index Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 10 休閒食品 / Confectionery Snack 1 ROYAL FAMILY FOOD CO., LTD. 家會香食品股份有限公司 No.3, Zih-Ciang 3rd Rd., Nantou City 54065, Taiwan 54065 台灣南投縣南投市自強三路3號 T +886-49-2255991 F +886-49-2257644 E royal.family@msa.hinet.net W www.royal-family.com.tw Delegates 魏江發 貿易部經理 John F. WEI/ Trade Dept., Manager 黃俊樺 特助 Alvin HUANG/ Executive Assistant to CEO Products Mochi, Marshmallow, Rolly Crepe, Holy Crepe, Golden Rusk Company Profile In the 27 years since it was founded, Royal Family Foods single-mindedly dedicates itself to making the most delicious mochi and pastries with the highest quality. It produces souvenir products, supermarket products, frozen food products and sugar-free products for people with blood sugar and weight management concerns. Not only has Royal Family Foods won all kinds of awards and is being constantly interviewed by the media, the entire product line has even won the international certification of ISO22000 and HACCP. 11 台灣清真產業赴新加坡貿訪團 休閒食品 / Confectionery Snack 2 HURNG FUR FOODS FACTORY CO., LTD. 鴻福食品工廠有限公司 No.65, Lane 369, Jinmen St., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City 22072, Taiwan 22072 台灣新北市板橋區金門街369巷65號 T +886-3-4965799 F +886-3-4965123 E hurngfur@ms34.hinet.net W www.taiwantrade.com.tw/nicechoice Delegates 鄭弘明 外貿部經理 Tony CHENG/ Business Manager 鄭淑鈴 業務助理 Lynn CHENG/ Sales Assistant Products Nut Crunch, Peanut & Sesame Cake, Fruit Cake, Soft Flour Cake(Sachima), Pancake, Soy Cracker, Cookies & Snack Company Profile Hurng Fur Foods Company is one of the leading companies in Taiwan specialized in manufacturing and selling traditional Chinese confectionary. We have our own “九福-Nice Choice”® trade mark for both domestic and export markets. “Creation of Top Quality Products” is our main company policy. We aspire to maintain the consistency of our product's quality. Thanks to this good faith, our products are now popular and well-known in both domestic and international markets. We have always pursued the notion of making “Healthy and Delicious Foods” in an effort to make life better for all, so that consumers can use our products safely and confidently. In 2006, we received the HACCP & ISO 22000 certification for our plant. In 2012, our plant was also certified with FSSC22000 certification. Henceforth, the consistent quality of our products is guaranteed. Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 12 休閒食品 / Confectionery Snack 3 FU FANN ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. 福汎企業股份有限公司 No.15, Lane 279, Jhongjheng Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 71043, Taiwan 71043 台灣臺南市永康區中正路279巷15號 T +886-6-2330736 F +886-6-2330742 E shumin_yang@fufann.com.tw W www.fufann.com.tw Delegates 楊舒閔 副理 Shu-Min YANG/ Assistant Manager 劉威廷 銷售人員 Wei-Ting LIU/ Sales Rep. Products Paste and Spread Company Profile FuFann is established in 1989 and located in Taiwan. We have manufactured and sold sweet paste and spread for more than two decades. Especially to our coconut paste, FuFann is the leading-brand in Taiwan market. For food safety, we pay much attention to the food quality and food security. Our producing process has been certificated by ISO 22000 and HACCP since 2006, and by HALAL, the Arabic food certification since 2007. The quality and food security of our products are definitely guaranteed. Further, for enhance the good taste of our paste and spread, we have sent our products to international authority of food quality such as, iTQi, Brussels(International Taste and Quality Institute), Monde Selection, Brussels and DLG, Germany. Till now, our sweet paste and spread have awarded 5 Golden Prize, 3 Silver Medals, 6 two-star superior awards and 7 one-star superior awards. Therefore, the taste of FuFann paste is as well worth your trust. 13 台灣清真產業赴新加坡貿訪團 休閒食品 / Confectionery Snack 4 JIA TIEN INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 家田企業有限公司 No. 33-1, Zhonghe Rd., Zhonghe Vil., Ligang Township, Pingtung County 90545, Taiwan 90545 台灣屏東縣里港鄉中和村中和路33-1號 T +886-8-7733558 F +886-8-7733573 E dah.tien@msa.hinet.net W www.dahtien.com Delegates 李娟娟 總經理 Chuan-Chuan LEE/ General Manager 田雨露 外貿專員 Yu-Lu TIEN/ Foreign Sales Specialist 江詠鈴 外貿助理 Yong-Ling CHIANG/ Foreign Sales Assistant Products Fish Roll, Crispy fish Snack, Sandwiched Fish Jerky, Codfish Silk Jerky Company Profile Jia Tien Industrial Group was established in1973, and is now a leading fish processing company in Taiwan. For over forty years, it has upheld the founder's four major management concepts of freshness, purity, diligence and trust. Our company is known as the "King of Fish Jerky”, and we produce more than 60 items of dried fish jerky. The R&D team continuously creates new flavors and actively invents new, healthy and tasty food products. We are intent in focusing on quality and creating new food products. We have been awarded with Haccp, ISO9001 and ISO22000 certifications. With the multiple international certifications, Jia Tien Industrial Group has become a trustworthy brand for snacks and has won recognition and satisfaction among industries and consumers. Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 14 飲料沖泡 / Instant Drink 5 O HEALTH BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 有幾園生物科技股份有限公司 No.537, Sec. 1, Gangbu Rd., Wuqi, Taichung 43546, Taiwan 43546 台灣臺中市梧棲區港埠路一段537號 T +886-4-26399993 F +886-4-26399953 E sales@oght.com.tw W www.ohealth.tw Delegates 王香莉 協理 Sunny WANG/ Director 許巧琪 國貿專員 Geogina HSU/ Specialist Products Instant Powder, Seasoning Product, Snacks Company Profile O Health Biotechnology was founded in 1983 and focused on tea in its early stages. In 1991, guided by the Tea Research and Extension Station, COA, O Health entered the organic field. O Health was granted with the ISO 22000, HACCP, HALAL and Tse-Xin Organic certifications. O Health manufactures a series of natural, organic, non-toxic and healthy products. We build the private brand “O Health” and have complete marketing channels. We respect life and pursue health. We have developed a diverse range of products and sell internationally. Our company's mission is, “We always provide high quality foods to help our customers become beautiful and have a happy life.” We expect to be the best supplier of high quality, natural and healthy products in the world. We sincerely welcome anyone who is interested in our products to be our sales agent in your respective market. 15 台灣清真產業赴新加坡貿訪團 飲料沖泡 / Instant Drink 6 SWEET GARDEN FOOD CO., LTD. 薌園生技股份有限公司 9F, No.101, Sec. 2, Taiwan Blvd., Taichung City 40354, Taiwan 40354 台灣臺中市西區臺灣大道二段101號9樓 T +886-4-2302-3333 F +886-4-2302-6588 E sweet@herbfood.com.tw W www.herbfood.com.tw Delegates 黃振祥 總經理 Jen-Shiang HUANG/ General Manager Products Instant Grain Powders, Instant Beverage Powders, Puffed Rice Cakes, Brown Rice Porridge, Brown Rice Cereals, Instant Meals Company Profile Sweet Garden was established in 1990. Our spirit is “Our brand guarantees quality, and our quality is the backing of our brand”. With an industry-leading policy on quality, Sweet Garden was granted with the ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, HALAL and Taiwan Organic certificates. Products include instant grain powders, instant beverage powders, puffed rice cakes, brown rice porridges, brown rice cereals, instant meals, and more. Sweet Garden focuses on the concept of “Active Innovation and Practical Sustainability”. With constant innovation, Sweet Garden offers cereal products with new looks and patterns to satisfy healthy diet needs of all our customers. Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 16 飲料沖泡 / Instant Drink 7 YUAN LONG BIOTECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 元龍生技國際股份有限公司 7F., No.103, Ruihu St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11494, Taiwan 11494 台灣臺北市內湖區瑞湖街103號7樓 T +886-2-26270787 F +886-2-26270663 E erinsu@livemail.tw W www.yuanlongmit.com.tw Delegates 蘇貽稜 董事長 Erin SU/ Chairman 王正元 教授 Sam WANG/ Professor Products Royal One Drip Coffe, Extreme Black Drip Coffee, Health Kenya Drip Coffee, Slimming Africa Drip Coffee, Peppermint Coffee, Lavender Coffee, Citronella Coffee, Broken Paecilomyces Farinosus, Antrodia Camphorata, Nano Pearl Powder, Ultimate Rejuvenating Creamm, Ultmate Rejuvenating Serum, Ultimate Intensive Treatment Mask Company Profile Yuan Long Bio. is a visionary company dedicated to creating a better life for all of humanity. We focus on innovation in new drug development, health care products and beauty products. 冷凍調理 / Frozen Processed Food 8 HUEI-YOUNG ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. 匯永實業股份有限公司 No.1-1, Ln. 296, Xinya Rd., Qianzhen Dist., Kaohsiung 86073, Taiwan 80673 台灣高雄市前鎮區新衙路296巷1之1號 T +886-7-8618686 F +886-7-8610770 E tychu@searichtaiwan.com W www.searichtaiwan.com Delegate 朱挺玗 執行長 Ting-Yu CHU/ CEO Products Fish Floss, Frozen Marlin Steak, Salted Mackerel Fish Finger, etc. Company Profile Huei-Young Enterprise was founded in 1987 and located in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. In order to enhance our efficiency and improve food safety standards, we built our new factory and started operations in 2012. Huei-Young's goal is to provide fresh products to our clients. "Eat fresh, Eat healthy" is our core value. Therefore, we have gained a great reputation in the seafood market over the years. Our clients include airline kitchens, food processors, franchised restaurants and hospital kitchens. Yuan Long Bio. can assist your company with ODM and OEM opportunities, and brand distribution. 17 台灣清真產業赴新加坡貿訪團 Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 18 c90y100b40 冷凍調理 / Frozen Processed Food 9 TAIWAN SHIN-JIEU-AU, LLC. 台灣新茭傲農產有限公司 No.27-6, San Hsieh Rd, Fang Li Li, Puli Township, Nantou Hsien 54545, Taiwan 54545 台灣南投縣埔里鎮三勰路27-6號1樓 T +886-49-2919186 F +886-49-2914714 E Puli.bamboo@msa.hinet.net W www.pulifarm.com.tw Delegates 潘雅群 業務專員 Ya-Chun PAN/ Account Officer 饒唐豪 業務專員 Tang-Hao JIAO/ Account Officer Products Processed Water Bamboo Company Profile Taiwan Shin-Jieu-Au started out as a retailer of fresh food and has been selling for ten years. At present, we deliver approximately 3,000 tons of fresh food per year. Our overseas markets have extended to America, Canada, Japan and Singapore. Products are also sold in Taiwanese supermarkets. In 2011, our company transformed into a processing plant, producing cooked "water bamboo". Our bamboo is healthy and safe. It can be sautéed, boiled with soup or roasted. 19 台灣清真產業赴新加坡貿訪團 美妝保養 / Cosmetics & Materials c47m37y35 10 ANGELFUN ENTERPRISES CO., LTD. 安芳美容科技股份有限公司 7F, No.2, Lane 270, Sec. 3, Beishen Rd., Shenkeng Dist., New Taipei City 22205, Taiwan 22205 台灣新北市深坑區北深路3段270巷2號7樓 T +886-2-26629015 F +886-2-26643553 E service@angelfun.com.tw W www.angelfun.com.tw Delegates 郭蒼木 董事長 Tsan-Mu KUO/ CEO 郭懿萱 業務經理 Yi-Hsuan KUO/ Sales Manager Products Serum, Essence Lotion, Massage Cream, Skin Moituriser, Tonic Lotion, Amino Acid Washing Liquid, Hydro-Nourishing Softener, Night Repair Gel, Polish & Concealer BB Complex, Sunscreen Cream, and a variety of facial masks Company Profile Angelfun Enterprises was formed in 1994 and is one of the leading private label cosmetics manufacturers and exporters in Taiwan. In December 2009, a GMP factory was built and certified with a cosmetic GMP certificate in 2011 and 2014. We became HALAL certified in 2013 and 2015. We have more than 20 years of experience in skin care manufacturing, which give us a great reputation for our professional and excellent OEM and ODM production services and design capabilities. Our raw materials include herbs, peptide, plant stem cells, acetate vitamin C, biochemistry ingredients for medical cosmetology, Tranexamic Acid, masks, ethereal oil, and more. We can produce different products that can address the following needs of skin whitening, moisturizing, anti-wrinkles, pore tightening, acne removal, anti-sensitivity, and sunscreen to name a few. Now we focus on R&D, especially HALAL certificated products. We have our own laboratory and are able to test every kind of product as well as contract SGS inspections. With strict quality control, we assure our products are of superior quality. We can apply for a HALAL Certificate for the customers who need. With our rich experience and innovative formulas, we are confident in meeting and satisfying your requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or inquiries. Let us provide you a total solution with excellent services, products and on time delivery. Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 20 美妝保養 / Cosmetics & Materials 11 LEE'S BIOTECHNIQUES CO., LTD. 智祥生技股份有限公司 6F., No.700, Zhongzheng Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 23552, Taiwan 23552 台灣新北市中和區中正路700號6樓 T +886-2-82278987 F +886-2-82278756 E amy@leesbiol.com.tw W www.leesbiol.com.tw Delegate 李建曄 總經理 Lunny LEE/ General Manager Products Botanical Extract, Essence Company Profile LEESBIOL was established in 1989, which are creating, developing and promoting innovative special nature actives and biological products designed to meet the requirements of a wide range of markets including cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries. 21 台灣清真產業赴新加坡貿訪團 保健生技 / Biotech & Health Care 12 WEL-BLOOM BIO-TECH CORPORATION 逢興生物科技股份有限公司 4F., No.11, Sec. 2, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei City 10093, Taiwan 10093 台灣臺北市中正區羅斯福路二段11號4樓 T +886-2-33225555 F +886-2-33225966 E emily@welbloom.com.tw W www.welbloom.com.tw Delegates 廖天倫 總經理 Alex LIAO/ General Manager 方雅津 經理 Emily FANG/ Sales & Marketing Manager Products Health Food--Functional Jellies/Functional Powder/Berries Drink/Monascus Q10 Capsule Company Profile We are the specialist in the ODM/OEM of healthy food and dietary supplements! Wel‐Bloom Bio‐Tech Corporation puts tremendous effort on providing professional service and healthy products. Products include functional jellies. Wel‐Bloom Bio‐Tech Corporation has obtained ISO9001, ISO22000 and HACCP certificates. Our factory has also obtained Food GMP & Halal Certificates. Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 22 保健生技 / Biotech & Health Care 13 A. T. P. CO., LTD. 會昌實業股份有限公司 9F., No.59, Tianxiang Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei 10452, Taiwan 10452 台灣臺北市中山區天祥路59號9樓 T +882-2-2585-5777 F +886-2-2599-5000 E eservice@atp-bio.com W www.atp-bio.com Delegates 孫翕泰 總經理 Henry SUN/ Managing Director 左如君 國外業務專員 Carol TSO/ Regional Sales Manager Products CRYSTALPURE® Collagen Series, enge® Health Series Company Profile ATP has been in the health foods and ingredients business since 1973, and have marketed several leading brands in Taiwan for decades. Our factory is located in the tariff-free zone at PingTung Agricultural Biotechnology Park. Certified with GMP, HACCP, and ISO22000, our factory is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. ATP is capable of supplying high quality and cost-effective products. ATP commits itself to supplying clients with high quality ingredients and consumer products for healthy lifestyles. Our 40 years’ of experience in the health food business makes ATP a good partner for exploring business opportunities around the world. 23 台灣清真產業赴新加坡貿訪團 保健生技 / Biotech & Health Care 14 SYNGEN BIOTECH CO., LTD. 生展生物科技股份有限公司 Building A, No.154, Kai-Yuan Rd., Hsin-Ying Dist., Tainan 70355, Taiwan 70355 台灣臺南市新營區開元路154號A棟 T +886-6-6323588 F +886-6-6361964 E wu.jesse@syngen.com.tw W www.syngen.com.tw Delegate 吳介尊 特別助理 Jesse WU/ Executive Assistant to GM Products Functional Drinks Company Profile Founded in April 1999, Syngen Biotech is a fast-growing biotech company which specializes in strain identification, micro-organism fermentation, recovery and purification to improve people’s lives by providing the best quality products, such as active pharmaceutical ingredients, nutritional ingredients, biological fermentation products, and dietary supplement. We develop high quality and unique dosage forms for drugs and dietary supplements, integrating our pharmaceutical background and bio-engineering technology (fermentative production) to provide high quality, safe, and advanced products. We also co-develop research or import with clients for the branding of functional dietary supplements, such as powder, granules, custom tablets, capsules, and or special dosages, which could lower the R&D cost and shorten lead time. We are also dedicated to increasing the product pipeline. Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 24 保健生技 / Biotech & Health Care 15 HI-Q MARINE BIOTECH INTERNATIONAL LTD. 中華海洋生技股份有限公司 12F.-3, No.81, Sec. 1, Sintai 5th Rd., Sijhih Dist., New Taipei City 22101, Taiwan 22101 新北市汐止區新台五路1段81號12樓之3 T +886-2-26980069 F +886-2-26980036 E dannyli@hiqbio.com W www.hiqbio.com Delegates 楊中瀚 產品行銷協理 Ivor YANG/ Product & Marketing Director 黎慶祥 業務經理 Danny LI/ Sales Manager 張瀞 行銷主任 Gin CHANG/ Marketing Supervisor Products Oligo Fucoidan Health Product, Oligo Fucoidan Raw Material for Health and Skin Care Company Profile Hi-Q Marine Biotech is in a technology cooperation agreement with the Taiwan's Fishery Research Institute (FRI), under the Council of Agriculture (COA), Executive Yuan. This has helped develop strong relationships and successful joint cooperation projects across the health science industry, the government, and research institutes. Hi-Q goal is to develop high purity, high concentration of “Taiwan Fucoidan”, by using advanced biotechnology to extract the essence of small molecules of Fucoidan from natural brown seaweed. Positive scientific results have been released to create a superstar health product named, "Hi-Q Oligo Fucoidan". The product has won the 2013 Taipei Biotech Award. 25 台灣清真產業赴新加坡貿訪團 保健生技 / Biotech & Health Care 16 YUNLIN YUANCHANG POULTRY PRODUCT COOP. 保證責任雲林縣元長家禽生產合作社 No.143-3, Long Yan Rd., Long Yan Village, Yuanchang Township, Yunlin County 65541, Taiwan 65541 台灣雲林縣元長鄉龍岩村龍岩路143-3號 T +886-5-788-3803 F +886-5-788-6303 E yjcfood@gmail.com W www.yjc888333.com.tw Delegate 林孟慧 營運部經理 Christina LIN/ Operations Dept. Manager Products Concentrated Chicken Essence, Ach Magnac concentrated duck essence Company Profile Yunlin Yuanchang Poultry Products Corporation was established in 1992 and is the first refrigerating and seasoning food process factory specializing in poultry products. The brand of "Yuan Jim Chuang" (YJC) was founded in 1996. In order to provide consumers with good poultry products and to expand the industry in Taiwan, in 1994, Yunlin Yuanchang Poultry imported advanced production equipment from Germany, and has since then aggressively advanced our processing technology while diversifying our range of poultry products. Our products are welcomed and supported by the consumers. Producing safe, healthy and good tasting products are our main objectives. With Our strict production procedures and quality control, in 2005, we passed the certification for HACCP. In 2013, YJC obtained HALAL certification. YJC also represented the domestic livestock industry of Taiwan to discuss cooperative agreements with China in 2010. Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 26 保健生技 / Biotech & Health Care 17 COSMOX BIOMEDICAL CO., LTD. 遠雄生物科技股份有限公司 No.179-15, 8th Neighborhood, Zhongyi, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County 36341, Taiwan 36341 台灣苗栗縣公館鄉中義村8鄰中義179之15號 T +886-37-239818 F +886-37-239895 E cosmox.ac@msa.hinet.net W www.taiwan-ac.com Delegates 游佃旺 執行長 Steven YIU/ CEO 李秀銀 行銷部經理 Grace LEE/ Marketing Manager Products Antrodia Cinnamomea Company Profile Cosmox Biomedical is the biggest hi-tech Antrodia Cinnamomea incubating base in Taiwan. Antrodia Cinnamomea is a endemic fungi species only found in Taiwan. It is used in Taiwanese medicine as a remedy for hepatitis and cancer patients, hypertension, and hangover. Cosmox know-how comes from the Institute of Botany at Taiwan's Academia Sinica. Cosmox's Antrodia Cinnamomea based products effectively repels lung adenocarcinoma and Hepatitis B. 27 台灣清真產業赴新加坡貿訪團 保健生技 / Biotech & Health Care 18 GRAPE KING BIO LTD. 葡萄王生技股份有限公司 No.60, Sec. 3, Lung-Kang Rd., Chung-Li District, Taoyuan City 32096, Taiwan 32096 台灣桃園市中壢區龍岡路3段60號 T +886-3-4572121 F +886-3-4572128 E mc.lin@grapeking.com.tw W www.grapeking.com.tw Delegate 林洺呈 專案經理人 Ming-Cheng LIN/ Project Manager Products Mycelium freeze-dried powder series and Lactobacillus series Company Profile For 45 years, Grape King Bio. has strived to be one of the top manufacturers in the health food biotechnology industry. We established our foothold in Taiwan with cutting-edge innovations and continue to maintain leadership in the health food industry. Being a PIC/s GMP certified pharmaceutical, we are able to guarantee the quality of our products. Our company is specialized in developing and manufacturing biologic raw materials and finished products in the health care and beauty industry and also provides OEM/ODM service worldwide. Our modern facility holds a fermentation production capacity of 281 tons, the biggest in Taiwan. All our key raw materials are Halal certified. Throughout the years, we have developed numerous successful products including functional drinks, health supplements and beauty drinks, many of them have attained national awards and health certified with solid scientific evidence. We provide a full range of production lines including glass bottles, PKLs, sachets and capsules, which have all recently attained ISO 22000 and HACCP certification. We are here to ensure that your needs and requirements are met. Together with our visionary and valuable staff at Grape King Bio., we aim to provide the public with products that will enable them to live a healthy and prosperous life now, and in the future. Taiwan Halal Trade Mission to Singapore 28