Message from the Executive Director


Message from the Executive Director
November Newsletter 2010
Message from the Executive Director
by Richard Pearlman
“From one generation to the next”
Our Mission
Well into our third decade, I enjoy taking time to think about all the positive things
Family Resource Center is
that have happened at FRC and how much I appreciate the support we have
committed to helping
received over the years. On the evening of Friday, November 12th FRC held its first
children around the world
Appreciation Celebration in the historic rotunda of the Bridgeview Bank of Chicago
through adoption.
where FRC first opened its offices in 1988.
The evening, which included a wine and cheese reception, chocolate fondue
fountain, and hors d’ oeuvres, afforded FRC an opportunity to thank many friends
In this Edition
who have helped us through the years, and to provide an update on current programs and future plans.
Message from Director cover
Spring Gala 2010
FRC Family Picnic 2010
Note from Board President
Open House
Calendar of Events
Spring Gala 2011
FRC Welcomes
Auxiliary Board
Holiday Gifts
Holiday Toy Drive
More than 80 people including FRC staff and board, auxiliary board members, donors, friends, temporary
care providers, adoptive parents, birth parents, and young adoptees enjoyed casual conversations in a
relaxed and warm environment. Guests shared adoption experiences, how FRC had touched their lives,
and about what is currently happening in the field of adoption.
One of the most moving experiences of the evening was the presence of two very special individuals. We
were pleased to have with us, Cara, the first child FRC placed for adoption in 1989 and 11 day-old Evyn,
our most recent adoptee. To see the two of them with their loving parents touched everyone in the room
in a profound way. It highlighted how far we have come and how relevant our work still is today.
Over the years I have come to realize that
what has made FRC great is the collaboration
of our expanding circle of families and friends.
No single individual could have succeeded in
establishing FRC and now, as more and more
people find ways to support our efforts, we see
You can find this edition of Small
the tremendous contribution they are making.
Steps on our website
All of us at Family Resource Center appreciate
your continued support and look forward to
future generations of FRC families.
From left to right: Chris, Christine,
Cara, Evyn, Debbie and Jerry
Spring Gala 2010
FRC Board of Directors
Lawrence Rosenzweig
Debbie Frisch
Vice President
On Saturday, April 17, Family Resource Center held its 21st annual
Spring Gala and Dinner Dance at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare
in Rosemont. The Gala Chairs were Kevin and Diane Foote of
Chicago. Over 300 attendees were on hand to support FRC
including adoptive families, adoptees, birth parents, and others.
This year’s Gala recognized 15 years of FRC’s China Adoption
Program and honored FRC China Travelers: staff and volunteers
who, since 1995, have travelled with families to China to help
them through the process of adopting their children and bringing
them home. Popular WTTW host and producer Geoffrey Baer,
whose family has a daughter adopted from China, was the
Master of Ceremonies.
Gala Sponsors0
Thanks to our generous 2010 sponsors
Angel Sponsors:
David & Julie Flood
Lawrence Rosenzweig & Cynthia Wong
Diamond Sponsor:
Paul Partington
Kevin & Diane Foote
Martin Lindenberger
William & Kimberly Filan
Platinum Sponsors:
Michael Drelicharz
James Dorociak
Linda Eichorn
David Flood
Gary Gerber
Ronald E. Kimmons
Mark Mulert
Michael Plecki
Allison Shank
Kathy Wolf
FRC Staff
Richard Pearlman
Executive Director
Jane Turner
Associate Director
Angela Bartle
Susan Braithwaite
Pam Brown
Amy Emerzian
Jenelle Harden
Misty Jovanovich
Robin Kidd
Kyle Colerider-Krugh
Mary Larkin
Marilyn Lindeman
Linda Marder
Gail McGraw
Kathy Mosesian
Joan Reardon
Michelle Setka
Leslie Wright
Sydney & Debbie Frisch
Marty Lindenberger & Arlene Wallace
Mark & Lee Mulert
Paul & Joann Partington
Richard & Cathy Pearlman
The entertainment part of the evening’s program started with
a traditional Chinese Red Handkerchief dance performed by
dancers from the Chinese American Service League. Many of
the dancers were adopted from China including three through
FRC’s China Adoption Program. The program for the evening
continued with presentations by young women who were some
of the original babies adopted by FRC families. Several spoke
eloquently about what having been adopted internationally has
meant to them. Certificates of appreciation were presented to
FRC China Travelers.
Gold Sponsors:
Maury & Ora Aaron
Knudsen Construction, Inc.
Richard Porter & Lydia Marti
Weber-Stephen Products Co.
Emily Sachs Wong, Koenig & Strey
Arthur & Elaine Wong
Silver Sponsors:
Bridgeview Bank Group
The program concluded with a spirited live auction and raffle
drawing worth $5000! Over $113,000 was raised at this year’s
event bringing the total since 2005 to over $600,000. These funds
enable FRC to support children and families through adoption.
Theresa Costa from Precious Portraits by Theresa was on hand
to capture the event. She generously donated her time and
services. Visit Theresa’s website at
The 2011 Spring Gala will be held on Saturday, May 14th, 2011 at
the Hyatt Regency O’Hare.
Cornerstone National Bank & Trust Co.
James & Christine Dorociak
Farmers Insurance
Kroeschell, Inc.
Len & Debbie Mahler
Nick Savramis and Debra Klassman
TW Insurance Group
Bronze Sponsors:
Ballard, Desai & Miller
Jon Barth & Jane Turner
Paul & Amy Carbone
Linda L. Eichorn
First Nonprofit Insurance Agency
James R. Gillespie,
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Austin Hirsch & Beth Gomberg Hirsch
Kevin & Ann Van Eron
Warady & Davis LLP
FRC Family Picnic Recap!
On Saturday, September 11th, Family Resource Center (FRC) celebrated its 21st
Annual Family Picnic! More than 350 friends of FRC gathered at Busse Woods Forest
Preserve in Elk Grove Village to enjoy a day of great food, and fun activities for the
kids. Pony rides, petting zoo, bounce houses, giant slide, face and hand-painting
and a visit from Clifford, the Big Red Dog, were just some of the afternoon’s highlights. This year, kids enjoyed several new activities, including carnival games and Under the
Sea Moon Crawler.
The picnic continues to be a popular annual event for many in the FRC community,
and it is always wonderful to see people reconnect with each other and with FRC
staff. Kids large and small went home exhausted but happy, full of ice cream, cotton
candy and memories of a wonderful day.
In addition to our Spring Gala Sponsors, FRC gratefully acknowledges the
following that have supported us throughout this year:
AdLib Marketing
Kelly Scott & Madison
Rainforest Café
AirTran Airways
Flood Brothers Disposal
Klujian Carpets
Sam’s Club
Alithea Jewelers New York
Frito Lays
Marc Harris Photography
Theresa Costa Portraits
Children’s Research Triangle
Gethsemane Garden Center
Michael Rafayko
The Melting Pot
Cooper’s Hawk
Walt Disney World
JY Design
North American
Whole Foods
DiSitter Carpet and Flooring
Kathleen Hogan Morrison
Windy City Catering
Production Services
Notes from FRC’s Board President
by Larry Rosenzweig
FRC recently completed another productive
The Board of Directors, staff, and FRC community extend a warm
year of “Helping Children Around the World
welcome to our newest directors!
Through Adoption.”
We have been busy at
the board level monitoring current trends in
My favorite FRC event, the FRC Family Picnic, took place on my birthday
adoption and planning for FRC’s future. We
this year. The weather cleared just in time so we all had lots of fun. We
have several new directors who are already
had a great turnout. Some of you may have met my kids who were
making a positive impact to our board.
Molly (15) and Leah (13) were at the face-painting table using
would like to introduce you to Bill, Kathy, and
their artistic skills to create ever more interesting designs for the little faces.
Allison who were elected to the board of
Maybe they worked on one of your kids! And did anyone notice a “BIG
directors at our board meeting in June.
That was my other 13 year-old, Sofie.
Anna (17) missed
her first picnic in years due to a scheduling conflict with the SAT.
All of
Bill Filan and his wife Kimberly have a handsome son adopted through
my girls enjoyed entertaining the little kids who were having a great time.
the FRC domestic program. Bill’s background is in Public Policy both
Our FRC Family is developing a wonderful model at the picnic. We have
as a practitioner and as a professor. Bill advises public and private
families with new additions, families with growing kids, and families with
companies in strategic planning, crisis management and public affairs.
teens who are interested in giving something back to the community. In
Bill’s experience and extensive contacts make him a great addition to
addition to my kids, there were many other teens that helped with the fun
our board.
attractions like the Moon Walk and Tunnel Crawl and, no I didn’t go into
Several helped out manning games at our new “Arcade Row”
Kathy Wolf and her husband Charlie have a beautiful daughter who
which was a great hit with the kids. Everybody was a winner. We had
they adopted through the FRC domestic program. They also have a
some excellent cotton candy spinners, raffle ticket sellers, and game
son who enjoys being a big brother! Before taking time off to be a full-
organizers. Ideas for next year’s event are always welcome as are more
time parent, Kathy owned and operated a company that represented
photographers and support personnel in the fashion industry. She found
Angela Bartle in the FRC office.
If you or your teen would like to help next year contact
talent, negotiated contracts, and did total booking of everything that
went into a job. She has first-hand experience of everything it takes to
I love and appreciate seeing how many children we unite with forever
run a successful business and a keen eye for detail. Her ability to see the
families. Seeing happy babies and little kids with their families is the
big picture while still attending to detail will be a great help.
reward I get for being on the board.
Allison Shank, a recently retired corporate attorney, joins us on the board
There are several upcoming events you should be aware of. We will be
with lots of legal experience, energy, and a love for FRC. 12 Years ago
repeating our successful FRC Open House in January and hope to see
Allison adopted her daughter through FRC’s China Program. In addition
many of you there. And remember to join us for a fun time at the Spring
to her past life as a corporate attorney with experience in intellectual
Gala which will be on May 14, 2011.
property law, Allison has become an expert in attending gymnastic
events. You could say she is a “Gymnast Mom!” Does that sound familiar
Please consider FRC when you are making decisions on your charitable
to you; it sure does to me! Allison has already helped out as we move
giving this season. I encourage you to join me and my fellow directors
forward with branding FRC and making our services known to a wider
in our commitment to support Family Resource Center and its work on
variety of the public.
behalf of children and families.
January 30, 2011 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Family Resource Center – Open House | Stop by and meet FRC Staff, Board and Volunteers
Join us for great pizza, beverages and dessert. Once again, there will be a grab bag for children,
art activities, games, face painting and a chance to look around. This is an opportunity to introduce
your children to FRC, initiate a discussion about adoption, to hear about upcoming activities and
network with other FRC families. We are looking for some FRC young people (ages 13-18) who need
service credit hours for school to help that day.
To help us with ordering food and supplies an RSVP will be appreciated. Please call 773-334-2300 during working hours or, email, and place “Open House” in the subject line. We hope you can join us!
FRC Calendar December 2010 - March 2011
December 2010
n Toys for Tots - Donation Deadline
n Pre-Natal Substance Exposure
7:00 to 9:00pm
n Domestic Program Introduction Meeting
7:00 to 9:00pm
January 2011
n Strong Volunteers Needed @ FRC Office! Help move
furniture so we can replace the 18 yr. old carpet!
Friday, Jan. 7th & 14th 5:00 to 8:00pm
Saturday, Jan 8th & 15th 9:00 to 4:00pm
n Domestic Program Introduction Meeting
7:00 to 9:00pm
n Marketing 101: Adoptive Parent Outreach
1:30 to 3:30pm
n Understanding Adoption
7:00 to 9:00pm
n Open House at FRC
12:00 to 4:00pm
February 2011
n Family at its Best: Reflections on Optimal Family Functioning
7:00 to 9:00pm
n Race and Adoption
1:30 to 3:30pm
n Domestic Program Introduction Meeting 2/16/11
n Mature Young Adoptees Open House (age 15 and up)
n Talking to Children about Adoption
1:30 to 3:30pm
n Understanding Grief and Loss 3/09/11 7:00 to 9:00pm
n Domestic Program Introduction Meeting 3/16/11 7:00 to 9:00pm
7:00 to 9:00pm
4:00 to 8:00pm
March 2011
n Talking about Adoption - 3/19/11 A tandem course for parents and children (ages 8-12) 2:30 to 4:30pm
n Kite Flying Day – Weather Permitting Montrose Harbor
1:00 to 4:00pm
3/27/11 9
Save The Date!
FRC’s Annual Spring Gala
Saturday, May 14th, 2011
Spring Gala 2011
Plans for our 22nd are underway! We will be returning to the Hyatt Regency O’Hare.
Back by Special Demand!
The auction committee has begun working on creating another special video presentation for the Spring Gala.
You can participate by mailing or email updated photographs of your children to Angela’s attention at FRC.
Please be sure to include your name, your child’s name(s) and contact information. Contributed photos will not be returned.
It is not too late to help! Please participate – join a committee – your help will be appreciated!
For information please contact FRC’s Angela Bartle: (773) 334-2300 or by email at
FRC Welcomes these Children
and Families into our Community
Paul & Paula
Pagoundi & Akouavi
Paul & Paula
Joshua & Judith
Paul & Paula
Paul & Jennifer
Bruce & Esther
Craig & Maureen
Khaldoun & Luciana Anakaterina
Christopher & Christine
Dominique & Melissa Nicholas
Mark & April
Mark & April
Jeffrey & Jennifer
Michael & Dawn
Paul & Meaghan
Daniel & Rosanna
Jeffrey & Patricia
Jonathan & Helen
Raymond & Donna
Wilbert & Janet
Brian & Junko
Matthew & Nora
Kevin & Courtney
Rolf & Jennifer
Casey & Melissa
Rick & Megan
Anthony & Karen
Haukur & Jennifer
Donna Louisa
Robert & Michelle
Christopher & Prabha
Bryan & Rosemary
Paul & Lynn
Elizabeth Lee & Jill
Jon & Sonali
Daniel & Corrine
Amy & Wendy
Joseph & Theresa
David & Jessica Paul & Rebecca
Kenny & Gloria
Michael & Dana
Kenny & Gloria
Robert & Frederique
Christopher & Riva
Wendy Isaac
John & Margaret
John & Margaret
Edward & Jeanine
Alfred & Christine
Brent & Nancy
Kevin & Brandy
James & Sheila
Matthew & Timothy
Michael & Kristine
John & Elizabeth
Paul & Irena
Charlie & Fran
John & Molly
Erwin & Nancy
Alecia Matthew & Angela
Matthew & Tamara
Shawn & Cheryl Dominic & Patricia
Duane & Terry
Romeo & Rebecca
Alejandro & Emily
Evan & Robyn
Scott & Kelly
Pamela & Paul
Kyle & Renee
Matthew & Terri
Doug & Heather Tatiana
Doug & Heather Isabelle
Henry & Anika
Richard & Julie
Daniel & Cynthia
Chris & Christine
Dave & Patti
Bradley & Sara
Grant & Alan
Matthew & Amy
Daniel & Cynthia
Rollins & Ann-Marie Pagoundi & Akouavi
Sandy Anderson
Andi Blaylock
Colleen Buckley
Pamela Brown
Susan Braithwaite
Anita Cannella
Catherine Conley
Elizabeth Dietz
Katie Dougherty
Carrie & Dan Duran
Cheryl & Shawn Dunnett
Michelle Glick
Jenelle Harden
Adeline and Steve Henke
Joe Kent
Diana & Andy Lihosit
Tudy Magnuson
Linda Marder
Carolyn Mason
Kathy McCabe
Mark and Lee Mulert
Marianne & Steve Nemetz
Rob O’Brien
Richard & Cathy Pearlman
Julie & Gary Spangler
Jane Turner
Margaret & Mark Wasielewski
Leslie Wright
Dawn & Ted Zemper
Joshua & Judith
Angela Bartle
Phone Team Coordinator
Phone Team
Temporary Foster
Care Angel’s
Pamela Brown
Charles and Kathy Brown
Tom and Vita Donovan
Sidney and Debbie Frisch
Ed and Becky O’Connell
Bruce and Susan Osborne
Tom and Maripat Tropp
FRC Creates
Auxilary Board
On September 23, 2010, Family Resource Center
created its first Auxiliary Board, welcoming 16 charter
FRC continues to be a progressive and positive voice
in the field of adoption and the Auxiliary Board will
enhance FRC’s ability to achieve our mission of Helping
Children Around the World through Adoption. The men
and women who make up this new board have rich
and varied backgrounds and will play a central role in
FRC’s important work. Initial areas of focus for the new
board include fundraising support by assisting FRC staff
in planning events such as the Spring Gala and Holiday
Toy Drive, helping to develop new ventures using social
networking, and creating youth fellowship and family
educational programs.
We are grateful for these new volunteers whose
commitment of time and talent will enable FRC to
expand services to children and families in the future.
A variety of exciting opportunities await. If you are
interested in learning about how you can participate
on the Auxiliary Board, or know someone who might
have an interest, please contact Debbie Frisch, Auxiliary
Board Chair at
Debbie Frisch, Chair
Mary Evans, Vice Chair
Cate Maidlow, Secretary
Joann DiStefano
Marion Evans
Gerry Gzesh
Julie Flood
Linda Franchi
Jen Gooze
Debbie Hermes
Jean Milew
Betsy Steele
Nancy Frank-Thomas
Yianni Vardis
Tom Walsh
Justine Yarus
Auxiliary Board would
like to hear from you!
Are you interested in connecting with other adoptive
families? Would you like to be involved in a parent
discussion group, children’s play group, adoption related
book group, or other type of group centered on supporting
you and your adopted child(ren)? The new FRC Auxiliary
Board would love your input and involvement. Look
for an email in the near future seeking your interests,
needs and ideas. Please take the time to respond, all
feedback is appreciated. In the meantime, please email
Michelle Setka at if you are interested in
Perfect Holiday Gifts!
Family Resource Center has collaborated with Yianni Vardis, of Alithea
Design-New York to create beautiful custom jewelry made especially for
FRC. Each piece represents a child with two adults. We are excited to offer
our supporters the opportunity to order silver pendants, cuff links, key chains,
book marks, and charms
incorporating this image.
Orders can be taken by calling
FRC’s Angela Bartle at
(773) 334-2300.
Sterling Silver Pendant
w/ 16” sterling silver chain: $100
(please add $40 for engraving)
Sterling Silver Charm: $75
Sterling Silver Pin: $75
Sterling Silver Book marks: $75
Sterling Silver key chains: $90
Sterling Silver Cuff Links: $150 per set
FRC Holiday
Greeting Cards!
Share a joyful holiday greeting with
family and friends when you send
a FRC holiday card. Our holiday
card, created by well known
Chicago artist Tom Melvin, features
a beautiful winter scene of FRC’s
building complete with charming
mural of children from around the
world. Inside the card you will find
a holiday greeting suitable for all
recipients. There is also a message on the back of the card describing FRC
and telling of your support for adoption. Best of all, 100% of the proceeds
from this card benefit FRC!
Packs of 25 cards and envelopes, costing just $20.00 each can be picked
up at FRC during business hours. Add an additional $5.00 for priority shipping
by USPS. Package usually ships within 2 days of purchase. Free shipping on
orders over $60.00.
To order your cards today, please contact FRC’s Angela Bartle at
(773) 334-2300 or email her at
Family Resource Center
5828 North Clark Street
Chicago, Illinois 60660
(p) (773) 334.2300
(f) (773) 334.8228
Join FRC’s Annual Holiday Toy Drive
For the eighth consecutive year, Family Resource Center is holding its annual Holiday Toy Drive.
Birth mothers who have placed children for adoption, or who are considering a placement, are often raising other children. Many are
struggling to make ends meet, and do not have extra money for the holidays. When they call to say they have no money for toys, it is
deeply gratifying for us to say we can help. Your generous donation provides these families with
special gifts for their children. In many instances, this is the only gift a child will receive.
Please help us to bring holiday joy to more families this year by donating unwrapped new toys
suitable for an infant or child up to the age of fifteen. Toys should be sent or delivered to FRC
at 5828 North Clark Street in Chicago any time until December 9, 2010. Please label your
package “FRC Toy Drive”.
In previous years several Target gift cards were donated - and greatly appreciated! They were
used by our staff to purchase additional gifts when there were not enough gifts in certain age
groups. Please consider giving gift cards, check or cash again this year. Phone Angela Bartle
at FRC with any questions about this program: 773-334-2300.