2012 Annual Report - Women in Need Society


2012 Annual Report - Women in Need Society
Moving Forward
ED/Chair Report
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes. – Marcel Proust.
In 2012, the Women In Need Society celebrated its 20th anniversary. It was a year of growth as a new dedicated senior
management team came together and saw the organization with new eyes. The team is focused on ensuring that no woman,
family or child goes without basic needs and we are motivated every day by a “thank you” from individuals in our programs.
This year we expanded our service to the community by opening two more Family Resource Centres. We revamped the
Free Goods Referral Program to make it more accessible to clients and created a new Referral office at the Dover store
so we can better assist our clients in accessing the goods they need, whether it is clothing, housewares or furniture.
All of our clients deserve VIP treatment and we are committed to delivering it.
We also worked hard to maximize operational efficiencies and create a more positive experience for donors and shopping
customers. A new dock was installed at the Dover Donation Centre, Social Venture Partners supported us in purchasing
a baler to effectively increase our ability to recycle, and all of our stores have been refreshed thanks to numerous United
Way “Days of Caring” by generous corporations and their employee volunteers.
We want to extend our sincere appreciation to our valued donors, partnering agencies and shoppers. It is through
their support that we are able to make a difference in the lives of Calgarians. We would also like to thank our Board
of Directors, staff, and volunteers whose dedication cannot be overstated. We are so proud to work with such a great
team of compassionate individuals, committed to our mission.
We believe the potential of the Women In Need Society is only limited by the boundaries of our creativity and resources.
We look forward to continued discovery for growth and expansion in 2013, in order to help women and their families
help themselves.
Angela Mak,
Chair, Women In Need Society Board of Directors
Cathy Coutts
Executive Director
Board of Directors
Angela Mak, Chair – RBC Royal Bank
•Operate donation driven thrift stores to provide goods
to women in need and contribute to the financial
sustainability of the society.
Sarah Murphy, Vice Chair – Enbridge
Jeff Kearl, Treasurer – Waldron Energy Ltd.
Chrysten Perry, Secretary – Norton Rose LLP
Brian Bastien, Director – Premiere Executive Suites Calgary
Diane Graves, Director – Stepping Stones Transitions
Greg Ripley, Director – RBC Royal Bank
Kevin Le, Director – Gibson Energy
Mark Stables, Director – AMJ Campbell
Michelle Stroo, Director – Absolute Tracking Solutions
Mike Suzuki, Director – BMO
Nicole Springer, Director – Axia NetMedia Corporation
•Operate resource centres to promote lifelong learning
opportunities for women in need and their families.
•Collaborate with agencies, organizations, and individuals
to respond to the needs of women in Calgary and area.
•Women and their families gain access to basic needs
items such as clothing, household goods and furniture.
•Women and their families gain knowledge and access
to available community resources.
Petrina Driscoll, Director – Riata Partners Calgary
•Women and their families learn foundational skills such
as life and family skills.
Veronica Hunt, Director – Grant Thornton LLP
•Women gain employment skills through on-the-job training.
•People with limited incomes have an affordable place
to buy clothing, household goods and furniture.
•WINS Thrift Stores are net revenue positive and support
the organization and community programs.
WINS Volunteer Program
The Women In Need Society began with a vision and volunteers. Twenty years later we operate in
much the same way. From our Sort Facility to our offices, and every area in between, volunteers
brought to WINS a wealth of talent and enthusiasm in 2012.
The United Way Days of Caring Program gifted us with hundreds of corporate volunteers who did
everything from painting to sorting. Several companies covered the costs of their projects as well.
We are also grateful for many individual supporters who commit their time to us on a regular
basis, as part of our teams in the stores, Sort Facility and Family Resource Centres.
They say many hands make light work. At WINS, we thank the thousands of volunteers who
have “lightened our load” over the past twenty years.
WINS Volunteer Program Quick Stats 2012
Number of volunteers: 1054
Number of volunteer hours contributed: 9369
WINS department that used the most volunteers: Sort Facility
Family Resource Centres
In 2012 WINS Family Resource Centre (FRC) program grew by leaps and bounds. The Team, which
included the Community Programs Manager, two FRC Facilitators, and a new FRC Coordinator,
added continuity, consistency and quality programming to our three Centres: Bridgeland,
Shaganappi, and Hillhurst.
At the invitation of program partner Calgary Housing Company, we moved the FRC program
forward opening two more Centres in deep subsidy housing complexes — 10 St. NW and
Temple — for a total of five in the city. Programming at all sites focused on building skills,
self-confidence, and social support for women and families. This included ESL classes, a Writing
Circle, Kids Club programs, and Digital Literacy, in partnership with other community agencies.
WINS also hosted monthly potlucks and holiday gatherings. New partnerships include the
Electronic Recycling Association, Wheels for Kids, and the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile.
This year WINS reviewed and updated our FRC Program Design thanks to a one-time grant
from our FRC funding partner, the United Way. This will ensure we continue to meet the needs
of the women and families we serve.
FRC Quick Stats 2012
Number of times our FRC’s were accessed: 5770
Number of adults served: 435
Number of children served: 382
Number of families served: 347
Number of volunteer hours given: 347.5
WINS Thrift Stores
Each purchase made at a WINS Thrift Store carries a great weight. When Calgarians shop at
our stores they help us help women move out of poverty and into self-sufficiency. They also
honour the generosity of those who donate their goods to us while at the same time diverting
items from the landfill.
The Women In Need Society began with one thrift store back in 1992. Our four stores are now
the proud face of a thriving social enterprise which channels its revenues back to our Community
Programs and the thousands of women and families we serve each year.
We saw significant changes in our stores this year as we rejuvenated all of our premises. Each
store was repainted thanks to a partnership with Talisman Energy and their employees. Three of
our stores received new dressing rooms thanks to ATCO Structures & Logistics Ltd. All stores saw
updated signage as well.
WINS took its thrift store model on the road this year, setting up mini stores at the King Edward
School in September as part of Doors Open YYC, and then again in October at the Calgary Women’s
Show. We had great response to both and they were an excellent way to highlight the high
quality merchandise we sell.
These changes all served to improve the shopping experience for the thousands of valued customers
that walk through our doors on an annual basis. We are grateful for their patronage.
WINS Thrift Stores Quick Stats 2012
Number of transactions: 792,300 or 193,590 customers
Most popular product: Clothing
Number of items diverted from the landfill: Millions
Number of pick-ups we made: 5,658
Free Goods Referral Program
Over 60 community agencies referred women to WINS Free Goods Referral Program (FGRP) in
2012. These Calgarians needed access to goods — beds, clothes for their kids, dishes, a pair of
shoes for themselves — basic needs items they were not able to afford for a variety of reasons.
Through free vouchers WINS provided, these women could shop in our stores for what they
needed without the worry of having to sacrifice another basic need to pay for it.
Our focus in 2012 was to refine the process through which women access the service and
strengthen our partnerships with community agencies through improved communication.
We implemented free delivery on FGRP purchases, a great benefit to our clients as the majority
come to us needing furniture with no means to move it. We also increased the dollar value of
our vouchers in order to accommodate the greater need for furniture.
We were thrilled to open the Free Goods Referral Office at our Dover location. Originally a
cubicle on the store floor, the new walled office ensures a greater degree of privacy and a more
positive client experience. Our Community Programs Manager, FGRP Coordinator, and FGRP
Facilitator love the new space and the professionalism and service it provides to our clients.
FGRP Quick Stats 2012
Number of referrals issued: 4331
Total dollar value of referrals issued: $320,915
Number of deliveries made to Free Goods Clients: 852
Greatest referral need: furniture (54% of items)
A Letter of Appreciation
Kim Koyama
Community Programs Manager, Women In Need Society
Dear Kim,
On behalf of my family and humble self, we sincerely want to
use this medium to express our appreciation and gratitude in
response to the support you and your team (The Women In
Need Society, South East) rendered us during our referral to your
premises. Words would not be enough to express how we felt.
We were completely surprised and overwhelmed by the warm
welcome, hospitality, the household items, gifts, and free
transportation support, it was a wonderful experience and we
will never forget it.
Kim, I want to thank you most especially for taking me around
the store, showing me possible items, it was so nice of you that
morning and I would have not been able to do it without you
by my side directing, encouraging and supporting me.
Our general thanks to your team for the level of benevolence and
love they exhibited. After our visit to your organization we as a family
have learnt that it pays to extend a helping hand to the needy and
have promised to use our spare time volunteering, don’t be surprised
when I call you one of these days to tell you that I want to help.
Thank you so much and have a blossoming New Year to the
entire team.
Yours Sincerely
Favour + Vivian + Anthony
Putting Pen to Paper
Builds Confidence
Betty was nervous at first but she knew she had to start practicing
her English as she was now a single mom in Canada.
She was new in the building and had moved in with her 2
daughters after going through an abusive relationship and a very
emotional divorce. Her ex-husband had not allowed her to learn
or practice her English so when she left him she felt as though
she could not be independent and care for her daughters. She
didn’t feel confident.
Betty heard about a Writing Circle program that WINS offers
at their Family Resource Centre in partnership with the Further
Education Society of Alberta. She decided to sign up. As she
participated more and more in the group she began to be more
confident with her answers and was more comfortable giving
answers in a class-room setting. Her confidence also increased in
discussing what she had went through. Usually she would avoid
the topic as it was very painful for her.
Betty stated that as a person the most important thing WINS
and the Writing Circle Program has given her is confidence.
Betty stated that “This program, especially for single moms,
has helped people so much, especially me since I went through
a divorce and was abused. It helps make you feel better and
supported. My ex-husband made me lose all my confidence
and it will take a long time to re-build but this program
helped a lot”
A Volunteer Story
Georgia didn’t know anything about WINS before coming to the
Family Resource Centre but she decided to come see what it was
about. She had lost her brother and was losing contact with other
family members as they are getting up in age. She was feeling
“down” and “low”.
Georgia suffered from social isolation, as well as health issues.
She really seemed like she needed someone to talk to. She started
coming to WINS Coffee Time program and would also come in
for compassionate listening.
WINS Community Programs Manager heard about Georgia
and suggested that she volunteer. Georgia loved the idea and
started volunteering soon after. Georgia had been volunteering
in Calgary for another club for over 30years. “It’s my life. I love
volunteering!” she said.
Both WINS and Georgia quickly realized what a great idea this
was. The FRC Facilitator loves having Georgia around. She can
leave the room for a few minutes and then come back and all
the work is done. She also appreciates the extra set of eyes
and hands to help assist clients for short times and to help
with duties.
Georgia enjoys the sense of community WINS offers. Making
a roast for the monthly potluck is one of her favourite things to
do and she loves teaching others how to do things and working
together on projects. No matter what is going on in her day, she
can always find the energy to volunteer at the WINS FRC”.
“Best thing I ever did coming [to the WINS FRC]”, says Georgia.
“I could help everyday [at WINS].”
Women in Need Society of Calgary
Statement of Financial Position
As At December 31, 2011 and April 30, 2011
December 31, 2012
December 31, 2011
May 1, 2011
Current Cash Restricted Cash Short term investments Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses and security deposits $365,579 $
$38,400 $
733,146 827,328
106,415 52,941
34,123 42,220
1,277,663 1,124,882
Property and equipment
188,770 $1,466,433
$ 1,340,053
Current Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $33,235
$53,540 $ 76,179
Wages and benefits payable 117,056 97,555
150,291151,095 163,165
Deferred Contributions
Related to operations
Related to property and equipment
65,883 66,957
71,546 94,393
137,429 161,350 140,083
Invested in property and equipment Internally restricted
Unrestricted 117,224 113,812
400,000 400,000 400,000
661,489 490,332 517,352
1,178,713 1,004,144 1,036,805
$ 1,340,053
Note: The Society changed its financial year from April 30 to December 31 annually effective from the prior financial period ended December 31,
2011. The financial statements for the current financial period are from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. Accordingly, the comparative
figures for the statement of financial position and statement of operations are for the eight months from May 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011.
Approved on behalf of the Board:
__________________________________ Treasurer
__________________________________ Director
For a more detailed look at the financial position of Women In Need Society, view the full documents online at
www.womeninneed.net or obtain a copy from WINS’ Head Office.
Women in Need Society of Calgary
Statement of Operations
For the Periods Ended December 31, 2011 and 2012
Thrift stores Donations United Way Grants
Casino Recognition of deferred contributions related
to property and equipment Interest income
Twelve months ended
December 31, 2012
Eight months ended
December 31, 2011
459,567 105,521 16,871 48,915
28,102 11,831 $3,215,943 $
Wages and subcontractors Rent and utilities Thrift store Professional fees Office Amortization Staff and volunteer recognition and development
Repair and maintenance
Advertising and promotion
Goods and services tax
$2,011,168 $
560,153 295,746
164,046 113,895
31,705 47,375
93,892 43,389
66,186 37,686
23,569 22,381
44,545 15,024
22,878 14,069
1,290 –
174,569 $
Note: The Society changed its financial year from April 30 to December 31 annually effective from the prior financial period ended December 31,
2011. The financial statements for the current financial period are from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. Accordingly, the comparative
figures for the statement of financial position and statement of operations are for the eight months from May 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011.
For a more detailed look at the operational position of Women In Need Society, view the full documents online at
www.womeninneed.net or obtain a copy from WINS’ Head Office.
Financial Partners
$10,000 and up
Calgary Metis Centre Society
Hunter Family Foundation
KS 618 5 Avenue SW
Niagara Calgary South Central LP
Nexen Inc.
Realstar Management
Renegade Petroleum Ltd.
Social Venture Partners
Talisman Energy
Tong, C
Tong, T
Tong, P
United Way of Calgary & Area
$5000 and up
AMJ Campbell
Canaccord Genuity Corp.
Canadian Insurance Accountants
Cenovus Employee Foundation
ConocoPhillips Canada
Coolen, T
Cristall, D
Hamilton, B
Henry, D
Meier, D
Secure Energy Services Inc.
Shaw Communications Inc.
SIL Industrial Minerals
United Way of Calgary and Area –
Donor Choice
Westcor Construction Ltd.
$2500 and up
Bank of Montreal
BDP Office Services L.P.
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd
CBE Staff Association
Dandee Securities Ltd.
Desjardins Securities
Erickson, M & L
Fusion Technologies Inc.
GMP Securities
Heaps, J
Husky Energy Scott, R
Invico Investments Inc.
Loria Capital Corporation
Macquarie North America Ltd.
Paradigm Capital
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Shell Canada
Wylie, A & C
$1000 and up
Altacorp Capital Inc.
Arcurve Inc.
ATCO Power Canada Ltd.
Beaton, J
Benix And Co
Bertram, G
Buytels, S
Canadian Trucks Stops Limited
Caylee Trucking Inc.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Community Futures Network of Alberta
D’Arcy, P
Daunheimer, G
Dhesi, M
Felesky, W
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Global Steel Ltd.
House Brand Construction LTD
Imperial Oil
Leonard, K
Mrs. Calgary Pageant
Norton Rose LLP
Okeke, C
Original Joe’s
Reed, K
Springbank Links Golf Course
Starchuck, J
Tempco Drilling Company
The Plumber Ltd.
The Wedding Pavillion
United Way of Greater Toronto
Wagenaar, E & C
Ward, B
Westcott, R
WMC Management Services
ScotiaCentre (Cominar)
$500 and up
Ambrose, W
Benchmark Engineering Inc.
Big Jake’s Oil & Gas Ltd.
Bonavista Energy Corporation
Brenner, C
Brown, Leslie
Brown, A
Campbell, A & W
Canadian Energy Services LP
Castillo, V
Christie, G
Corona Supplies
Coutts, C
CWS Fiberglass Technology LTD
Diversity Technologies Corp.
Doucette, R
Elmhurst Consulting Ltd.
Fekete Associates Inc.
First Energy Capital Corp.
Fluor United Way Campaign
Fries Trucking Ltd.
Graves, D
Greenslade, W
Johnson, N
Kevol, J
Knox United Church
Land Solutions
MacDonald, T
McDonald, J
McKillop, K
Moller, T
Mollie, D
Monaco Construction Group Limited
Moore, P
NU Ventures Recovery
Reid, J
SB Navitas Turbular Inc.
Scott Land & Lease Ltd.
Scrivens, B & D
Seajay Consulting Ltd.
Skinner, H
Sue’s Bridal Salon
Tallman Geological Consulting Ltd.
TD Securities Inc.
The Canoils Database Limited
The Placement Group
TKO Oilfield Services Ltd.
Trocan, D
Turner, V
UPS Canada
Van Cauwenberghe, S
Vantriet, P
Walz, R
Zunich, T
Goods & Services Partners
20 Vic Management Inc. (Westbrook Mall)
Auburn Bay Community Association
BEBE (Chinook Mall)
Bibles for Missions Thrift Stores
Bodhi Tree Yoga Centre
Bondars Fine Furniture
Calgary Clothes Horse
Canadian Investor Relations
Institute (CIRI)
Canadian Property
Chateau Renoir – Ladies Knit
& Stitch Group
Chinook Mall
CNW Group
Coco Rouge
Crate and Barrell (Southcentre)
Danielle’s Consignment Boutique
Drumheller Pioneer Trail Society
Eccoci (Northland Mall)
Fairview Community Association
Feisty Consignment
Fluor Canada Ltd.
Guess (Market Mall)
Guess by Marciano (Chinook Mall)
Habitat for Humanity
Hounsfield Heights Community
Huckleberry Kids
Katy’s Consignment Boutique (Strathmore)
Kincora Community Association
Lullaby Lane
Marlborough Community Association
Marlborough Mall
Medical Mercy Canada
MOCA Family Resource Centre
Montgomery Community Association
Mt. Pleasant Community Association
My Sewing Room Inc.
Nexen Inc.
Northern Hills Community Association
Northhill Centre
Olive Garden
Once Upon A Child
Optimist Club of Calgary
Patterson Heights Coach Hill
Community Association
Peacock Boutique Dress Agency Ltd.
Project Warmth Society
Redwood Meadows Community
Reitman’s (Marlborough Mall)
Reitman’s (Market Mall)
Reitman’s (Deerfoot Mall)
Rhoda’s Elegance Again
Richmond Knob Hill Community
Riddell Kurczaba Architecture
Interior Design
Rocky Mountain Church of Christ
Rutland Park Community Association
SASS Consignment Boutique
Scenic Acres Community Association
Second To None Thrift Store
Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary
Silly Toes Kids & Maternity
Smart Set
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
St. Giles Presbyterian Church
STAPLES Business Depot
Step Out of Poverty
Sunridge Mall
TD Waterhouse
Three Streams Engineering Ltd.
TREND Fashions Ltd.
Tuscany Residents Association
Vespucci Ladies Consignment
Warehouse One Jeans Store (Prestwick)
Warehouse One Jeans Store
(Deerfoot Mall)
Watson Gloves
West Hillhurst Community Association
Whitehorn Community Association
Winners (Shawnessy)
Women’s Foodservice Forum
Wycliff Bible Translators of Canada Inc
Community Program
AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Alberta Children’s Hospital
Alberta Health Services
Alexandra Community Health Centre
Aspen Family and Community
Network Society
Aventa Addiction Treatment for Women
Awo Taan Healing Lodge Society
BowWest Community Resource Centre
Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary
Calgary Association of Self Help
Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth
Calgary Catholic Immigration Society
Calgary Family Services
Calgary Housing Company
Calgary Immigrant Women’s
Association (CIWA)
Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society
Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre
Calgary Public Library
Calgary SCOPE Society
Calgary Urban Project Society (CUPS)
Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter
Canadian Mental Health Association –
Calgary Region
Canadian Red Cross Society
Cardinal Buses
Care Connect Christian Society
Catholic Family Service of Calgary
City of Calgary
Centre for Newcomers
Children’s Cottage Society –
Brenda’s House
Community Kitchen Program of Calgary
Community Neighborhood Services
Connections Counselling & Consulting
Discovery House Family Violence
Prevention Society
Electronic Recycling Association
Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary
Elizabeth House
Families Matter
Francophone Newcomers Centre
Further Education Society of Alberta
H&R Block Canada Inc.
Heart of the Northeast Community
Solutions Resource Centre
Hillhurst Sunnyside Community
Hull Child and Family Services
Inn From the Cold Society
Jewish Family Service Calgary
Kerby Rotary Shelter
McMan Youth, Family and Community
Services Association
Metis Calgary Family Services Society
Millican Ogden Community Association
NeighbourLink Calgary
North Central Community
Resource Centre
North of McKnight Community
Resource Centre
Our Lady Queen of Peace Ranch
(Southern Alberta) Ltd.
Oxford House Foundation of Canada
Potential Place: The Clubhouse
Society of Calgary
Riel Institute
Ronald McDonald Care Mobile
Seniors Secret Service
Servants Anonymous Society
of Calgary (SAS)
Sleep Country Canada
Sonshine Community Services
Southern Alberta Brain Injury
Society (SABIS)
SouthWest Communities
Resource Centre
St. Giles Presbyterian Church
Sunrise Community Link Resource Centre
The Brenda Strafford Foundation
The City of Calgary – Community
Neighborhood Services
The Mustard Seed Street Ministry
The Salvation Army
The Women’s Centre of Calgary
Tibet Canada Women’s Foundation
United Way of Calgary and Area
Vermillion YMCA
West Central Community and
Family Resource Centre
Wheels for Kids
Wheatland Community Crisis Society
Youville Women’s Residence Society
of Alberta
YWCA of Calgary
The Women In Need Society is very thankful for the over 4500 individuals and families who
donated clothing, housewares, and furniture to our stores over the past year. Your support means
we can continue to provide gently used items of good quality to those who receive them through
our Free Goods Referral Program, as well as the valuable customers who shop at WINS Thrift
Stores in support of women in need.
Women have the resources, knowledge, skills and confidence to achieve self-sufficiency.
Women In Need Society (WINS) helps women and their families to help themselves.
WINS provides compassion and support. We encourage life-long learning.
We operate with integrity and honesty. We demonstrate respect for each other.
We promote teamwork in a fun environment.
Help women and their families help themselves.
Donate your gently used clothing, household goods and furniture.
For Donation Pick-up, phone 403-252-3826
Organize a clothing/small housewares/furniture drive in your community.
Shop at WINS Thrift Stores
6432 Bowness Rd. NW 403-288-4825
3525-26 Ave. SE 403-235-6448
134-71 Ave. SE 403-255-7514
2907 Richmond Rd. SW 403-242-4969
Make a financial donation.
Women In Need Society of Calgary
Charitable #135 185 411 RR0001
Head Office
#1, 3525-26 Ave. SE, Calgary, Alberta T2B 2M9
Phone: 403-255-5102 Fax: 403-255-0807 Email: info@womeninneed.net