Tidings - Niantic Community Church


Tidings - Niantic Community Church
May 2015
Monthly news for members & friends from Niantic Community Church
May 2015
From the Pastor and Teacher
Dear Friends,
Niantic Community Church
170 Pennsylvania Avenue
Niantic, CT 06357
Phone: (860) 739-6208
Pastor & Teacher:
The Rev. Dr. John A. Nelson
Community Minister:
Patty Chaffee
Christian Education/
Youth Minister:
Russ Kirby
Music Minister:
Richard Schenk
Choral Minister/
Bell Choir Director:
Lynne Floyd
Church Secretary:
Judy Snitkin
Parish Nurses:
Marie LaTourette, Donna Hathaway,
Edie Watrous
Lay Health Ministers:
Jill Johnson, and Judi David
On the last weekend of April, Angela and I had a special opportunity:
we spent several days in New York City, celebrating the 40th
ordination anniversary of a friend and colleague, the Rev. Dr. Donna
Schaper, at Judson Memorial Church. Friday night, a dinner for family
and friends; Saturday, a panel discussion with colleagues; Sunday, a
powerful worship service with one of today’s great preachers, the Rev.
Dr. Kenneth Samuel.
Some of it Donna loved, some of it made her squirm. I think the
squirm-inducing parts were mostly those that sang her praises without
also connecting us to a deeper sense of mission. I’ve learned this, over
years of mentoring from Donna: every moment is an opportunity for
renewed connection with God. It’s not that she’s always in motion —
she takes Sabbath seriously. But there’s little point in singing a
person’s praise, unless it is also connected with confronting the
world’s brokenness and daring to deliver God’s compassion.
Life’s too short for anything but extravagant hospitality, deep
solidarity with neighbors who are suffering, full-throated joy in God’s
gift of hope, and risk-taking to heal the world, one relationship at a
God’s richest blessings to you,
Pastor John A. Nelson
Children’s Center Director:
Kathy Tiller
Inside This Issue:
Pastor’s Message.……..
Going Home to God…..
Christian Education……
A Federated Church of the
United Church of Christ and
the United Methodist Church
Parish Nurse……………
Events …..…………….
An Open, Affirming,
Reconciling Congregation
Inspiring Generosity.….
Worship Schedule:
Sundays at
9:00 am and 11:15 am
Heather Larson
Nurturing Faith……….. 11-12
NCC Jr High Youth and Chaperones getting ready to
leave for Wanakee Mission Trip #17.
Calendar ………………
May 2015
A farmer had some puppies she needed to sell.
As she was posting a sign to that effect, she felt
the tug of a small boy beside him. “Miss,” he
said, “I want to buy one of your puppies.”
“These puppies come from fine parents and
cost a good deal of money,” cautioned the
The boy dropped his head for a moment, then
reached deep into his pocket, and pulled out a
handful of change. “I’ve got thirty-nine cents. Is
that enough to take a look?” “Sure,” said the
farmer. And with that she let out a whistle.
“Here, Dolly!” she called. Out from the
doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly
followed by four little balls of fur.
The little boy pressed his face against the chain
link fence. His eyes danced with delight. As the
dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy
noticed something else stirring inside the
Slowly another fur ball appeared, this one
noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid,
awkwardly doing its best to catch up.
“I want that one,” the little boy said, pointing to
the runt. The farmer knelt down at the boy’s
side and said, “Son, you don’t want that puppy.
He will never be able to run and play with you
like these other dogs would.” With that the
little boy reached down, began rolling up one
leg of his trousers, and showed a steel brace
running down both sides of his leg attaching
itself to a specially made shoe. “You see, miss,
the puppy will need someone who
Solemnly, the farmer reached down and picked
up the little pup. Holding it carefully she handed
it to the little boy. “How much?” asked the
little boy.
“No charge,” answered the farmer.” There’s no
charge for love.”
Page 2
Worship in May
Sunday Worship at 9:00 & 11:15am
May 3rd: Fifth Sunday of Easter
Lectionary readings: Acts 8:26-40;
Psalm 22:25-31; 1 John 4:7-21; John 15:1-8
Pastor John A. Nelson, preaching:
“Hocus Pocus: The Present Perfect”
May 10th: Sixth Sunday of Easter
Lectionary readings: Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98;
1 John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17
Pastor John A. Nelson, preaching:
“An Irresistible Commandment”
May 17th: Seventh Sunday of Easter
Confirmation Sunday
Lectionary readings: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26;
Psalm 1; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19
Pastor John A. Nelson, preaching:
“Speaking from the Heart”
May 24th: Pentecost Sunday
Lectionary readings: Ezekiel 37:1-14;
Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Acts 2:1-21;
John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
Pastor John A. Nelson, preaching:
“Holy Pneumatics”
Get Ready for Worship!
Follow the “Preparing for Sunday” link on our
website (NianticCommunityChurch.org). You
will find the scripture
readings for the current week,
a brief description to set them
in context, a reflection on the
passages, and a prayer starter.
Thank You
My deepest thank you to all my church family
for the caring and support my family and I
received these past weeks following Justin’s
death and memorial service.
Your cards, your words of comfort, your food
have made each day easier to bear.
Blessings to all of you,
Judy Layden and Family
May 2015
Page 3
Going Home to God
Clyde "Skip" L. Gilbert
Clyde "Skip" L. Gilbert, 71, of East
Lyme, died on January 14, 2015. He was
the beloved husband of Sherrel (Richards)
Gilbert for 50 years.
Skip served in the US Navy. He worked at Northeast
Utilities at Millstone for 33 years. Upon retirement, he
became a licensed insurance agent working for Smith
Insurance and his own business, Gilbert Insurance, LLC.
Skip had a passion for fishing and golfing. He was an
avid sports fan.
A funeral service was held at Niantic Community Church
on January 20, 2015. The full obituary appears at
Catherine G. (MacKenzie) Daboll
Sept. 12, 1927 - March 17, 2015
Catherine G. (MacKenzie) Daboll of
Niantic, died Tuesday, March 17, 2015, at
Bride Brook Rehabilitation Center.
She retired from the Town of East Lyme where she
worked for 41 years. She was the tax assessor for 25 of
those years. She was a past president of the CT Assessors
Association, past president of the New London Area
Assessors Association, and member of the Historian
Committee of the CT Assessors Association.
Barbara (Galganski) Barrett
Aug. 15, 1951 - Feb. 16, 2015
Barbara (Galganski) Barrett, 63, of Niantic
passed away Monday, Feb. 16, 2015. She
is survived by her husband of 42 years,
Barbara's artistic and creative endeavors included starting
a cake decorating business in Wisconsin and then The
Bridal Mall in Niantic. Afterward, she opened Raspberry
Junction, featuring handmade crafts and artisans. Those
who knew Barbara were inspired by her work ethic,
generosity, kindness and willingness to go the extra mile
for people. She was admired, respected and loved by all
her family and friends and will be deeply missed.
A funeral service was held at Niantic Community Church
on February 21, 2015.The full obituary appears at:
Justin Morgan Layden
Nov. 5, 1928 - April 7, 2015
Justin Morgan Layden, 86, of Niantic,
died Tuesday, April 7, 2015, in Lawrence
& Memorial Hospital. He is survived by
his loving wife, Judy Layden, and family.
She had been a member of the Niantic Community
Church since 1955 where she was an active member and
served on many committees and boards including WCSA.
Justin was a member of Local 478, Operating Engineers
working at Millstone Power Station as well as operating
his Mac Tools business. He was an active member of
Niantic Community Church, serving as a deacon and on
the maintenance committee. He was also the head of
maintenance for Old Lyme schools.
A memorial service was held at Niantic Community
Church on March 21st. The full obituary appears at
A funeral service was held at Niantic Community Church
on Saturday, April 11th. The full obituary appears at
We are a community of Christians:
learning God’s ways;
sharing God’s love;
extending God’s peace and healing grace to all.
Deadline for the June edition
of Tidings is May 15th.
Please e-mail submissions to
May 2015
Page 4
News from Christian Education and Youth Minister
Children's Sunday Changed
Children's Sunday, originally scheduled for June 7, has been moved to June 21. Because there were so many
snow days this year, school has been extended as a result, which is why we've moved Children's Sunday 2
weeks later in the calendar.
Sr. Youth Stock Sale
Invest in our youth! Support this summer's mission trip to New Orleans. Purchase stocks during coffee
hour May 3, 10 and 17, and receive a signed stock certificate and a summer stockholder's dinner where the
youth will share a presentation about the trip! Shares are going for $5 each, so be sure to take advantage of this
important investment!
Vacation Bible School & NCC
Put it on your calendar! Vacation Bible School for kids in Preschool through 4th grade will be held July 13-17,
9:00 AM-Noon each day here at NCC! Join us for some Beach Party fun as we surf through the scriptures,
sing with the sea creatures, play games, and laugh together for a week of happy mornings!
We are also looking for adult and youth volunteers to help make this year's VBS the best ever. For more
information, contact VBS co-directors Jennifer Munzer and Bob Castronova or Christian Education and Youth
Minister Russ Kirby.
Thank you so much for your support of this year's Junior
Youth Wanakee Mission Trip through your prayers,
assistance and donations! Because of your help, April
24-26 we took 15 youth and 12 adults for the 17th time
to work on a Heifer International farm in Meredith, New
Hampshire. We mended fences, put in new fence posts,
cleared brush and more, helping "Lady Farmer" Jennifer
Mayo of Arbutus Hill Farm prepare for the spring and
summer. We did a lot of useful work and had a great
time in the process! Once again, thank you so very
much for supporting this nearly 20-year-long
tradition of service and ministry!
Christian Education and Youth Ministry Calendar:
Sunday, May 3
Wanakee Mission Moment in 9 and 11:15 Worship Services
10:30am: Junior Youth Fellowship--Wanakee Celebration!
6:00pm: Shelter Meal at St. James
Monday, May 4
6:30pm: CE Meeting
Monday, June 1
6:30pm: CE Meeting
Sunday, June 7
6:00pm: Shelter Meal at St. James
Sunday, June 21
9:30am: Children's Sunday Service
Friday, June 26
11:00am: Senior Youth Mission Trip to New Orleans Begins
Monday, July 13-Friday, July 17
Vacation Bible School
Wanakee Thanks
May 2015
Page 5
(adapted from Worden, William. Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy:
a Handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner)
Grief is a normal, human reaction to significant loss and, in this brief message, we shall be talking specifically
about the loss of a person by death. Knowing that grief is a unique experience for all who are grieving, there
are some universal tasks which every griever encounters that enable us to understand the process more clearly.
Each episode of grief is made individual by the uniqueness of whom the deceased person was, what was the
nature of the attachment (spouse, sibling, relative, parent, friend, etc.), the reason for and the mode of death,
any prior experiences with death and grieving, the different personality traits of the griever, and social or
cultural differences, to name a few. Children grieve somewhat differently than adults and, in general, are able
to manage grief experiences in a healthy way as long as they have been included in the preparation for and the
rituals of death and dying, in age-appropriate ways.
The 4 tasks of mourning include (1)Accepting the reality of the loss; (2) Experiencing the pain of grief; (3)
Adjusting to the environment in which the deceased is missing; and (4) Withdrawing emotional energy from
the relationship and reinvesting in others. Normal grief reactions include feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, self
reproach, anxiety, loneliness, fatigue, helplessness, shock, yearning, emancipation, relief or numbness.
Physical sensations which accompany theses feelings may include hollowness in the stomach, tightness in the
chest or throat, oversensitivity to noise, a sense of depersonalization (I walk down the street and nothing seems
real, including myself), shortness of breath, muscle weakness, lack of energy or dry mouth. Other cognitions
such as disbelief, confusion, preoccupation, a sense of the presence of the deceased, and hallucinations may be
Certain behaviors such a sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, absent-mindedness, withdrawal, dreams of the
deceased, avoidances of memories of the deceased, searching and calling out, sighing, restless over activity,
crying, visiting places or carrying objects that remind the survivor of the deceased, or treasuring certain
objects may be present as well.
All of these may or may not happen, may be intermittent, or may not occur in any particular order. Many
people report that deep grieving may occur in waves over a prolonged period of time. A person will never
“recover” from a profound grief experience; however, most people, over time, will readjust to life without the
loved one and begin to re-establish a more usual pattern of life.
There are several things which those who are witness to the grief should remember: (1) grief may take a long
time; (2) all grievers are different; (3) grieving may require many re-tellings of the experience; do not be afraid
to mention the name of the deceased. This will not “awaken” grief reactions as they are already deeply
present; (4) your compassionate PRESENCE is the most important comfort you can offer.
We shall be following up with other articles concerning children and grief and helpful responses to grieving
Respectfully submitted,
Judi David
Reminder: Blood Pressure Clinic between services
every month on 2nd Sunday, next 5/10/15.
May 2015
Page 6
Connecticut State Troubadour Kristen
Graves with special guest
NCC's own Baird Welch-Collins
In Concert
At Niantic Community Church
May 2nd at 7pm
The Women's Fellowship Book Club has selected
The Road to Character by David Brooks as their
next book.
“I wrote this book not sure I could
follow the road to character, but I
wanted at least to know what the
road looks like and how other
people have trodden it.”—David
You're invited to this special,
intimate event. Kristen comes with
just her guitar, her voice and her
wonderful approach to life and
music in this family-friendly event.
Kristen Graves is a singer/songwriter and
humanitarian from Fairfield, CT, serving as the
current Connecticut State Troubadour. Recently
mentioned as ‘the new generation of folk’ by the
New York Times, Kristen performs approximately
175 shows a year throughout the country. Singing
for the first time at Niantic Community Church,
Kristen will be performing her own original songs as
well as some classic folk sing-alongs. The audience
will be invited to sing, laugh, cry, and enjoy each
other as Kristen shares the stories behind her music from sharing the Lincoln Center stage with Peter
Yarrow, to sharing lentil soup and conversation with
Pete Seeger - this is an evening of stories and songs
you won’t want to miss!
Tickets are available at the door ~ adults $15.00,
children 14 and under $5.00.
Any questions contact Cricket
Please join in a fun discussion on June 14, 2015 at
7:00 pm. Any questions, contact Carol Donovan at
Save the Dates
2015 Fundraising Schedule
and Co-Chairs
July 7
Traditional Summer Supper
Carole Glenn and Shannon Glenn
July 21
Lobstah Stew Dinner
Sonya Hoisington, Kim Birk, and
Heather Larson
August 12
Traditional Summer Supper
Ron Johnson and Rich Thomson
Fall 2015
Calendar Dinner
Holly Thomen and Sue Smith
Winter is finally over and the daffodils have
blossomed. The question this month is about those
beautiful bulbs, which most of you know we have a
few in our yard. Why do we so look forward to
seeing them blossom?
Contact the Event Chairs listed above to join in
the fun and fellowship.
Lots of ways to help...stayed tuned for more
information. No experience necessary.
Follow us on Twitter (@NianticChurch)
and like us on Facebook (facebook.com/NianticCommunityChurch).
May 2015
Page 7
Does this place look familiar???
Uniting Words & Images / Art & Spirit
Hands-on messy workshop
Explore collage process
Mindfulness meditation
Write poetry
Brown bag lunch
Dress comfortably
Join us for an
Saturday, May 16, 2015
9:45 am - 2:00 pm
Register in thchurch
office no later than
May 11
Afternoon Tea
at Fourteen Lincoln Street
(a B&B located at the former home of
Niantic Community Church)
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
1:30 p.m.
Facilitated by Community Minister, Patty Chaffee
This is a free, small group, Nurturing Faith program
sponsored by Parish Life Ministry
Niantic Community Church,
170 Pennsylvania Ave., Niantic, CT
Have an hour or two to spare?
Mini cupcakes
Chocolate cherry daisy tarts
Assorted teas & coffee
Mini scones with lemon curd, preserves, & clotted cream
Asparagus mini quiche
A newspaper reader/companion is needed for one hour,
once or twice a week on a regular basis for an aging
church member in Black Point who has lost her eyesight.
If you are a sports fan, all the better.
Want to help?
Call Community Minister, Patty Chaffee
at (860) 739-6208.
Upcoming COFFEE HOUR hosts are:
May 3, 10, 17 – Christian Ed
May 24, 31, June 7, 14 – OAR
$10 per person
All women of the church welcome
Space is limited : Reservations
required no later than 5/12/15
Call : Church office (860) 739-6208 or
Judy Layden (860) 739-6741
May 2015
The mystery of
mission shares revealed
Ever wonder what happens to those mission shares we
pay to the United Methodist Church? We received a letter
from the New England Conference recently that helped to
explain why we pay 100% of our mission shares each
“As United Methodists, we accept that the primary task of
our church is to make disciples for Jesus Christ, to
proclaim the Gospel and the good news; and to seek,
welcome and gather people of faith into the body of
Each congregation in the United Methodist system is
expected to pay mission shares and when you give to
your local church, a portion of your gift goes toward these
mission shares. Those mission shares help in a variety of
Develop and maintain church camps in the
New England conference
Underwrite a variety of youth ministries, camp
workshops and training events
Provide schools of Christian Mission and
spiritual growth for members
Provide health insurance premiums and partial
funding of pensions for retired pastors and
their survivors
Help with development of new congregations
Furnish salary and support for local churches
unable to afford pastoral support
Administrative and spiritual leadership through
the ministry or our Bishop and District
Professional counseling for pastors and/or their
families in need
Supply campus ministry and Christian
presence through United Methodists in Higher
Education at Boston University and other
colleges throughout the conference
You champion over 1,000 missionaries around
the world and in our own country
You endow more than 9,000 mission projects
Support 13 United Methodist seminaries
Strengthen the vital work of United Methodist
related hospitals, homes for the aged, and
community centers around the world and in our
own country
Distribute bibles throughout the world,
especially in developing nations
You support UMCOR which maintains a
network to channel relief aid in areas hit by
And much more….
Page 8
The men are back from a great weekend. Below is a
small sampling of photos from their trip to the
Adirondacks. Click on the link below to view more.
May 2015
Reminder for those that registered:
Page 9
Celebrate the seventh annual World Labyrinth Day
on Saturday, May 2, 2015!
The Labyrinth Society invites you to ‘Walk as One
at 1" in the afternoon, joining others around the
globe to create a wave of peaceful energy washing
across the time zones. If you are unable to ‘Walk as
One at 1’ other opportunities to participate include
tracing a finger labyrinth on paper or using a mobile
19th Annual NCC Women’s Retreat
May 1 - 3, 2015
Check out the Labyrinth Society’s website at https://
labyrinthsociety.org/world-labyrinth-day for more
Ellen and Erin Bodin, leaders
St. Edmund’s Retreat
Ender’s Island, Mystic, CT
Program begins with dinner at 5:30 Friday,
concluding Sunday after lunch.
For questions contact:
Carol Donovan (860) 857-7945 or
Patty Chaffee (860) 739-6208 or
Niantic Community Church Children’s Center
Kid’s Clubhouse
Summer School Age Program
Ages 5 – 12
June 15th – August 21st
6:30 AM – 5:30 PM
2 Field Trips per week
Sports, games, crafts, etc.
$185 per week if registered by May 30th
($205 per week after May 30th)
170 Pennsylvania Ave, Niantic, CT 06357,
See our brochure at: nccchildrenscenter.com
NOTE: The Easter Labyrinth is still set up at
McCook's Beach in Niantic. There is a box with
information about labyrinths located next to it.
The labyrinth is expected to remain there until the
town starts raking the beach for the season,
perhaps around Memorial Day.
Advertisement space is available. If your
business would like to appear on the NCC
Placemats used during our 2015 Fundraiser
Dinners, contact Juanita Durham at
JDurhamFNP@aol.com for size and pricing
Church Directory Update:
We have completed the photo sessions. Thank you
to all that participated. If you were unable to have
your photo taken and want to be part of the
directory, contact Beth Collinge at 860-691-9277 to
discuss various options. We are now on to the next
stage - designing the candid pages. If you have a
photo depicting Committees, Missions, Music
Ministries, Fellowship, or Christian Education and
Youth Ministry that you would like to share
please forward it to beth.collinge@yahoo.com by
May 10th.
Thank you, the Communications
May 2015
Page 10
Inspiring Generosity…
We are surrounded by those who inspire us to give, work, and live generously.
Honoring the Gifts of “An Electric Trio”
How many times have you wanted to plug something electrical in only to find there’s no outlet in the location you
need? What do you do? This was the situation for our sound system in the sanctuary until recently. There were so
few microphone and instrument connections that when the youth band played each month and when there were
concerts and productions in the past, Dick Robison would have to run hundreds of feet or more of cable each time to
make it happen.
That no longer needs to be done. Thanks to the efforts of Dick Robinson, Russ Kirby, and Jay Mirecki, the sound
system wiring received the first upgrade in about 30 years…bringing it into the current century and up to current
They ran over 1800 feet of new cable under the flooring between the sound board and the chancel. Jay Mirecki had
the added pleasure of fitting into the very confined space under the chancel where he spent at least 6-8 hours in a
horizontal position routing wires to all the new locations.
Another major infrastructure upgrade that you can hardly see was the tripling of the number of signal lines between
the sound control booth and the chancel area, going from 8 signal lines to 24. 4 of the new lines are "Returns,"
which allow a signal to be sent from the mixer to the chancel for floor speakers and other needs. They also
increased the number of microphone connections. Previously there were only 8 available and 6 were used every
week leaving only 2 free for microphones, guitars and such for special music and events (the youth band, for
example, uses 4-7 inputs). That number has increased to 20 total, leaving 12 free.
They added 6 new microphone plug-in locations. Previously, there were only 3 on the floor and one on the ceiling.
Now microphones and instruments can be plugged in near where they are used, instead of running wires all over the
chancel that could be tripped on or otherwise get in the way. And a new speaker line was added for floor monitors
that let the musicians hear themselves so they may perform better.
Also, some of the permanent connections into the sound system, like the electric piano and one of the hanging choir
microphones had been run underfoot across the chancel area, taped down for safety (even to the brand new
carpet.) That no longer needs to be done as it was rerouted under the flooring.
The church paid for the parts which were just under $700. But, the installation was strictly by volunteers, saving
about $5000 in labor and design costs.
Although the majority of the upgrades involved in this project happened behind the scenes, the reward is great.
Now a number of musical combinations can be accommodated in a variety of locations in the front of the sanctuary.
Thank you Dick, Russ, and Jay for sharing your time and talents!
Heather Larson,
Communications Committee
May 2015
Page 11
Nurturing Faith
Sacred Source Painting
Anything Goes
…minimize, simplify, organize
A universal creative process that returns you
to your natural state of oneness with the
divine Source….many have found this process
genuinely transformative. Awaken your
artist’s soul with painting in its most basic
How it works:
1. Bring unwanted items that you want to give away. If
you can carry it, you can bring it. Bring as much as
you want.
2. Bring one non-perishable food item for the NCC
Food Pantry and a brown bag lunch to enjoy
following the exchange.
3. Each participant offers their items in turn. See what
others have to give away and claim all you want.
Any unclaimed items will be donated to charity
immediately following our gathering.
Free your
creative spirit!
For every ability...even if you’ve never picked
up a paintbrush. Materials and inspiration
2nd Friday of each month
10:00 a.m. -1:30 p.m.
Bring a bag lunch.
$5 materials fee (if you are able)
Registration required.
Call church office.
Facilitated by Community Minister,
Patty Chaffee (860) 739-6208
The Healing Art of Photography
An interactive program that will require a
camera, and time outside of the group
session to respond to a monthly
assignment. Inspired by the book, God is at
Eye Level by Jan Phillips.
Discover God from behind the lens
No high tech skills needed
A fun/supportive group
Thought provoking & challenging
1st Thursday of each month
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Facilitated by Community Minister,
Patty Chaffee (860) 739-6208
1. Because it’s an opportunity to clean out, get
organized. Letting go of what we no longer want/
need, makes room for what IS important to us.
2. Discover the spirituality of being organized during
thoughtful reflections and discussion over lunch.
3. Break bread and enjoy fellowship with like minded
4. Support the NCC emergency food pantry.
10 a.m. on the 3rd Monday of each month
May 18
June 15
(Contact Community Minister,
Patty Chaffee with questions)
Fellowship Room, Niantic Community Church
170 Pennsylvania Ave., Niantic (860)739-6208
Visit the NCC Prayer Wall at
http://www.nianticcommunitychurch.org/prayers to
review prayers, indicate that you have prayed for the
concerns and joys submitted by others, and add your
own prayer requests. You may also send prayer
requests to prayers@nianticcommunitychurch.org.
All posts are automatically added to the ongoing
prayer chain.
May 2015
Page 12
Use your faith to create an active,
successful dating process for
casual dating and/or a life mate
Join Us !
Wednesdays, May 20/Jun 17
Time: 6-8pm
In the Parish Life Ministry office
It’s FREE – And all are welcome !
Facilitated by Carol Vara
Niantic Community Church
170 Pennsylvania Ave, Niantic, CT 06357
As Simple As A Blanket
Save the Date and join us on the 4th Tuesday of
The Outreach Committee will be selling Church
World Service Blankets during coffee hour on
Sunday, May 3rd and 10th. They come with a
beautiful card for Mother’s Day, for $5.00. This
is a quick simple way to help our friends in
Nepal. Please consider buying a blanket.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
To learn more, click on the following link:
Any questions, contact Laureen McCarthy at
laureenmccarthy@sbcglobal.net or 860-7051400.
each month for the Niantic Community Church
May 26
June 23
July 28
August 25
September 22
October 27
November 24
December 22
Don’t know how to knit? We’ll teach you !
Don’t have any yarn? We’ll provide it !
Need a pattern? We have em !
Prefer to crochet? That’s okay !
Bring a friend to the Fellowship Room at NCC located at
170 Pennsylvania Ave., Niantic, CT. (860)739-6208.
History Quiz
They are associated with spring and Easter symbolizing rebirth and new beginnings.
Recycle to curb
6:30 PM Music & Worship Arts
Comm. (O)
6:45 PM Christian Ed. Committee (TBA))
7:00 PM Open, Affirming, Reconciling Comm. (FR)
7:00 PM Toastmasters (DH)
5:45 PM NCC Children's Center
Board (M)
6:15 PM Church Officers
(Pastor's Study)
7:00 PM Communications Committee (PLO)
7:00 PM Finance Committee
7:00 PM Safe Church Comm. (O)
Recycle to curb
10:00 AM Anything Goes (FR)
7:00 PM Prudential Board (FR)
7:00 PM Toastmasters (DH)
7:00 PM Personnel (PLO)
7:00 PM PPRC (FR)
Music by Gospel Choir
9:00 AM Worship
11:15 AM Worship
6:00 PM High School Fellowship (Shelter)
Music by Children's Choir
9:00 AM Worship
11:15 AM Worship
Hymn Sing
9:00 AM Worship
11:15 AM Confirmation Service(SA)
11:15 AM Worship
6:00 PM Peace Walkers'
9:00 AM Worship
11:15 AM Worship
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's Pl)
5:45 PM Children's Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Gospel Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Youth Bells (M)
7:00 PM Adult Bells (M)
7:00 PM Men's Choir (SA)
7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Knitting (FR)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's Pl)
1:00 PM WCSA (FR/M)
5:45 PM Children's Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Gospel Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Youth Bells (M)
7:00 PM Adult Bells (M)
7:00 PM Men's Choir (SA)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's Pl)
9:30 AM A Sacred Place (FR)
5:45 PM Children's Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Gospel Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Youth Bells (M)
7:00 PM Adult Bells (M)
7:00 PM Maintenance (O)
7:00 PM Men's Choir (SA)
7:30 PM Stewardship Committee (FR)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's Pl)
5:45 PM Children's Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Gospel Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Youth Bells (M)
7:00 PM Adult Bells (M)
7:00 PM Men's Choir (SA)
7:00 PM ParishLifeMin. (FR)
7:00 PM Worship Team (PLO)
9:00 AM Disciple IV (Fellowship
6:30 PM Disciple II (FR)
7:30 PM NA (DH)
9:00 AM Disciple IV (Fellowship
6:00 PM Christian Singles &
Dating (PLM)(MPR)
6:30 PM Disciple II (FR)
7:30 PM NA (DH)
9:00 AM Disciple IV (Fellowship
6:30 PM Disciple II (FR)
7:30 PM NA (DH)
9:00 AM Disciple IV (Fellowship
6:30 PM Disciple II (FR)
7:30 PM NA (DH)
2:30 PM NL Soup Kitchen Meal
Prep (K)
7:00 PM Drum Circle (M)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
8:00 PM AA-Thurs (DH)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
8:00 PM AA-Thurs (DH)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's 6:30 PM Confirmation Dinner &
Rehearsal (DH/SA)
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
8:00 PM AA-Thurs (DH)
10:00 AM AA ("Family friendly") (M/FR)
7:30 PM AA (DH)
9:00 AM NL Soup Kitchen
Meal Prep (K)
10:00 AM AA ("Family friendly") (M/FR)
7:30 PM AA (DH)
10:00 AM AA ("Family friendly") (M/FR)
7:30 PM AA (DH)
10:00 AM AA ("Family friendly") (M/FR)
7:30 PM AA (DH)
10:00 AM AA ("Family friendly") (DH)
12:00 PM Confirmation LockIn Ends
7:00 PM Kristen Graves Concert (SA/M)
7:30 PM AA (DH)
5:00 PM Confirmation Lock-In
5:30 PM Women's Retreat 5/1-3
(Enders Island)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's 10:00 AM Sacred Source PaintPlace)
ing (FR/M)
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM The Healing Art of Photography-Take II (FR)
8:00 PM AA-Thurs (DH)
9:00 AM Worship
11:15 AM Worship
May 2015
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