Primary Classroom News June 2015 by Diane Cimorelli on 05/29/15


Primary Classroom News June 2015 by Diane Cimorelli on 05/29/15
Primary Classroom News June 2015
by Diane Cimorelli on 05/29/15
Class 2
Classroom 2 has enjoyed learning about the Solar System this month. We learned facts about each of
the 8 planets, including Pluto, the dwarf planet. We read books, sang songs and watched planet videos
on each planet. We are now astronomers! Ask your child to tell you all about the interesting facts they
learned. The Kindergarten class enjoyed visiting the Elementary school. They worked with the
Elementary students on many challenging works. All three of our Kindergarteners will be attending the
Elementary school, so it was very exciting for them to visit their future classroom, teachers, and
classmates. We are looking forward to the picnic on June 5th. The students cannot wait to receive their
magnet with their favorite challenging work on it. The students are also very excited to have their
fathers attend the Father's Day Celebration on June 8th. We will sing songs, read a fact sheet about
each Dad, and present the father's our special gifts. We hope all fathers can attend! The year will come
to a close with our Graduation Ceremony on June 11th. The students have been working very hard on
many special songs. We hope to see all of you there.
Class 3
The end of the year has been busy and fun for the kids of classroom 3. The kindergarteners are working
hard practicing their parts for the upcoming puppet show. It is amazing that they can remember the
lines and it is very entertaining to watch them take on the attitudes of their characters. The show will
take place during our Father’s Day celebration on June 8, but everyone is encouraged to come and
watch the performance! The older kids are also enjoying the class 3 school store. They have been
practicing money skills this year, and now have a chance to choose the best coins to buy the small
treasures in our “store.” We look forward to our field day at Cedar Beach Park. The kids love to play and
we look forward to honoring each child with a special award that represents a favorite classroom
exercise. As the song says, “The end is here, it’s been a good year…!”
Class 4
In the month of May, the children in Classroom 4 said good-bye to our painted lady butterflies and
studied life in the ocean. We examined the basic parts of a fish, their diets and their various habitats.
We also discussed the varying types of fish that live in the ocean and how their bodies are adapting to
living in their part of the ocean. The children were very excited to learn that fish in the deepest parts of
the ocean may have “lights” attached to their bodies and fish that live in caves do not have eyes! We
also discussed other life in the ocean such as sea turtles, dolphins and sea anemones. Let us take this
time to thank all of you for allowing us to get to know your children this school year. Each one teaches
us something new that we carry with us through our careers!
Primary Classroom News May 2015
by Diane Cimorelli on 04/29/15
Classroom 2
In classroom 2, April was a month full of growth and color! We enjoyed the beautiful (and sometimes
cold!) spring weather at recess time. We loved observing the flowers grow and the trees bloom in our
playground garden. We learned all about the growth of flowers, seeds, and trees. We also learned about
the life cycle of butterflies and frogs. Our classroom caterpillars have all turned into chrysalises. We are
patiently waiting for them to turn into butterflies, and the day we can release them. We loved
performing our Earth day songs and rainstorm with our hands. You can view the video on YouTube
at In May, we will learn about the solar system. The Kindergartners will
visit the Lower Elementary classroom where they will watch a play performed by the Elementary
students, and have a chance to work with the Elementary students. We also have our second semester
conferences where we look forward to talking to all the parents about the amazing things the students
are doing!
Classroom 3
We are so happy that the weather is finally acting like Spring! There is nothing more important for
children (and adults) to get outside to release energy. The children of classroom 3 have been delighted
to see the garden bloom. Previously planted bulbs have produced beautiful crocuses, daffodils, tulips,
irises, and our Dwarf Magnolia is full of fluffy white blossoms. The kids leaned a lot about the needs of a
flower, the life cycle of a seed, and continue to plant seeds in peat pots in the classroom. They were so
happy to re-pot plants with their special friends on Earth Day. Thank you for everyone who attended our
celebration. It was great fun for the kids, and, hopefully, you will have a sunflower, bean plant, or
marigold to remember the day long into the summer. Our next unit is Space. This is a favorite of the
children. We have already learned about several planets, and, if they choose, the children will make a
Solar System poster to take home. We have also just begun exploring the continent of Africa. We have
several children with ties to this continent, and our own Mrs. Attia lived in Egypt! Some children will
make maps of Africa. All of the children will enjoy working with materials in the Africa culture box!
Classroom 4
This month we learned about life cycles. Through books, songs, and classroom activities the students
learned how eggs become frogs, ladybugs and butterflies. We planted seeds and watched them grow
and learned about the parts of a flower. We watched as our own classroom caterpillars ate, molted, and
finally built their chrysalises. The students recorded this process in a special observation journal. We
read about how butterflies eat and how they smell with their feet. The most exciting thing was
celebrating Earth Day with our family or our special person. It will be fun to watch our sunflower
seedlings grow into large plants and maybe we can even roast the seeds in the fall. The kindergartners
worked on writing their own story book by illustrating their idea, creating a rough draft, and revising
until the final project was complete. Next month we will be studying ocean life.
Science Enrichment with Ms. Karen
by Diane Cimorelli on 04/24/15
Thank you Ms. Karen for sharing this update with us.
We had a great first day in science enrichment! There are so many possibilities and topics to explore; I
was thrilled to have such a large and enthusiastic group of budding scientists with me.
Week 1 – Science Rocks!
Today we started with the question “What is science?” Responses from the students were varied:
“Making Robots!”
“Using Technology,”
“Learning how to make things work and building stuff,”
“Learning how to make robots!”
“Learning how the world works.”
Tough crowd – I wasn't planning on making robots this spring! I loved this discussion because it reveals
the vast array of topics that kids consider when they think about science. I love that it poses a challenge
to me as a teacher as my plans were to talk about rocks and water and bugs, not robots – let’s see if I
get them on board….
Cookies and play-dough are great way to try….
On Friday, we started big with geology – the study of the earth’s physical structure. We introduced the
basic layers of the earth; the core, inner core, mantle, and crust. Understanding that the crust sits on top
of molten rock (like a raft on water), we discussed plate tectonics and plate boundaries. Using Oreo
cookies, we practiced creating divergent boundaries (plates moving away from each other), convergent
boundaries (plates crashing into each other, or one dipping under the other), and transform boundaries
(plates slipping sideways against each other). Ask your child what is happening in the Atlantic Ocean, or
how mountains are formed, or what causes earthquakes? They may not remember, but when they are
introduced to big concepts and delightfully long words, I hope they find a comfort level with the
language of science that they will carry throughout their lives.
We also used colored play-dough to model the layers of the earth.
Next week we’ll revisit plate tectonics, and discuss the rock cycle and how different rocks are formed.
The children were excited to learn that I made the play-dough myself. The recipe is incredibly easy and
takes less than 10 minutes.
In a sauce pan warm (until solids dissolve, no need to boil)
1 cup water
½ cup salt
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 tablespoon cream of tartar
food coloring
Add to 1 cup flour, mix and knead until smooth.
Primary Classroom News April 2015
by Diane Cimorelli on 04/06/15
Classroom 2
In March, class 2 learned about ocean animals. We learned lots of interesting facts
through reading many books about different ocean animals such as sea turtles, sharks, octopus and
seahorses. We used the iPads to watch videos such as a sea turtle laying eggs, hatching and making their
way back to the ocean. Some students also created an "ocean scene" using paper, glue and crayons to
create their very own ocean full of animals and plants. The Kindergarten students did an animal report
on an animal of their choice. After choosing the animal, they researched the life of the animal. They then
created a replica of the animal out of model magic. Finally, they presented their report to the class.? In
April we will begin our unit of growth. Students will learn about the growth of a seed, and plant their
own seed. We are excited for Earth day where we will sing songs and plant a seedling for each family to
take home. We hope to see everyone there!
The teachers of class 2 enjoyed the Montessori Conference that was held in Philadelphia. We learned a
lot of useful information, such as a creative writing ideas, behavior management techniques, and fun
songs. We look forward to what we will learn at next year's conference.
Classroom 3
March was a productive month for the children of classroom 3. They have learned all about the Animal
Kingdom groups - Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Birds, Fish and Insects. The kindergarteners have
become experts at matching the animals with their kingdom class. Everyone has enjoyed learning facts
about different animals. Ask your children about the tricky names of the Parts of the Horse or Penguins.
They have also learned some big words, such as Vertebrate, Invertebrate, and Exoskeleton. The
kindergarteners thoroughly enjoyed the Hansel and Gretel book study and play. April will be spent
discovering the joys of spring.
Classroom 4
Classroom 4 carried our study of the Solar System in March. The children continued to make booklets
and posters about the planets. Each day, we read about a new planet and compared and contrasted the
information to other planets we had discussed. The children were particularly excited to learn that many
planets have rings, but satellites cannot always take pictures of them due the constant change of
chemical levels. In mid-March, the children studied Ireland in honor of St. Patrick's Day. They made
maps of Ireland and "punched out" shamrocks. In April, we will be studying the growing of plants and
Come to the Auction
by Diane Cimorelli on 03/10/15
Sometimes it’s good to look beyond daily life at Grace Montessori School to where all this wonderful
nurturing and these great experiences lead. There are hundreds of success stories that have sprung from
the platforms built during the years children have spent with the dedicated and talented teachers in our
Montessori environment, learning how to cultivate a love for learning and how to thrive in this universe
as their lives unfold.
There was a little girl who completed three years of pre-school at GMS; 16 years later she graduated
from Vassar College. Another girl attended GMS until the third grade and is now studying in the Lehigh
Valley Charter High School for the Performing Arts. A boy who completed five years at GMS recently
won a full scholarship to attend Moravian Academy. A girl, having been enrolled at our school for six
years, upon leaving the school found she was 40th on the waiting list for the charter school of her
choice; but after taking the admissions exam, she moved to the top of the list due to her test scores.
All the children described here attended our school with scholarship assistance.
These are just a few examples of the hundreds of inspiring stories of children who have received
opportunities for leading lives filled with meaning and for contributing richly to our society because of
our scholarship program. Over the last eight years, Grace Montessori School has provided hundreds of
children with scholarships amounting to close to $600,000. That’s over half a million dollars’ worth of
educational assistance, which is shown, in study after study, to result in seven times its value in benefits
to society - to say nothing of the benefits to the children and their families.
A major portion of the funds we award each year come from our Scholarship Auction Benefit. Whether
your child receives assistance or has a little friend in class on scholarship is not the point. The point is
that we all benefit when children in our society have a chance at a better life. This is the foundation on
which this school was built, and we urge you to support our important mission.
Make a donation to the auction, buy tickets and bring family and friends, sell and purchase raffle tickets.
“Half of life,” it is said, “is just showing up.” You can play a part in building future success stories by
giving some of your time and treasure today. Join in making a difference. Come and support the auction.
Grace Montessori School 18th Annual Scholarship Auction Benefit
The Allentown Brew Works
812 Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA 18101
Friday, March 20th, 7 pm
Primary Classroom News March 2015
by Diane Cimorelli on 02/27/15
Classroom 2
In February, Class 2 learned about Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Barack Obama. We learned
about their life, what number president they were, and what currency they were on. The afternoon
group continued reading and discussing Hansel and Gretel. As a reminder the Kindergartens will see the
play on March 19th. We also enjoyed sharing Valentines with our classmates, and celebrating 100 days
of school. All of the students brought in very creative projects! We loved sharing our 100 objects with
everyone, and counting to 100 with a special dance. We started working on our very special auction
project. The students have been working very hard on the bookshelf that features our interpretations of
the famous art work of Warhol, Kandinsky, Kelly, Mondrian, Seurat, Monet, Pollock and Van Gogh. Make
sure to attend the Scholarship Auction on March 20th so you can bid and hopefully take home this one
of a kind project! In March we will learn about each animal category in the animal kingdom. We will
even have a surprise guest speaker to talk to us about sea animals! I wonder who it will be.
Classroom 3
February was a busy month for classroom 3. The children always enjoy making valentines and
decorating their bags, and they love the classroom celebration. President’s day provides us with a forum
to talk about our country and the presidents. We read a lot of books and the children were proud to
share some facts that they learned. Many of the children know that Barack Obama is our current (44th)
president and that George Washington was our first. We examined the life of our 16th president,
Abraham Lincoln, and that he was instrumental in freeing slaves in our country. We used this holiday to
segue into American currency. The kindergartners learned that Abraham Lincoln is on the penny,
Thomas Jefferson is on the nickel, FDR is on the dime, George Washington is on the quarter, and John F
Kennedy is on the half dollar coin. We are working on coin values to play the “money game.” We have
been working hard on our auction project and have made a cute craft for Special Person’s Day on March
6. March promises to give us SPRING! This is a perfect time to explore the animal kingdom and life
Classroom 4
This month we studied space. Through books, songs, and some classroom activities they learned the
names of the planets, as well as some interesting facts about comets, moons, asteroids, and
constellations. We even imagined being astronomers and came up with names like Magical Forest, Dino
the Dinosaur and Mermaid Princess for our own imaginary constellations. The kindergartners worked on
their book study and together came up with their own fairy tale. Some of our favorite things this month
were celebrating Valentine’s Day by sharing our cards with each other and getting outside to play in the
snow. Next month we will be learning about life cycles that will included both plants and animals. We
are also looking forward to inviting a special person to our class. It is sure to be lots of fun.
Our Exceptional Elementary Classroom
by Diane Cimorelli on 02/26/15
Thank you Libby House for this contribution.
We’d like to share a few words about the exceptional Elementary Program available at Grace
Montessori School. The program is appropriate for children ages 6 to 11. This coming year, as you know,
the classroom will be moved from its current location at 108 N. Fifth Street to the school headquarters
site, home of the primary program, at 814 West Linden Street.
If you have never done so, we encourage you to arrange for a tour of the elementary classroom. You will
observe our beautiful, state-of-the art Montessori materials and environment specifically intended for
children ages 6 to 11. They are designed to encourage children to explore and use their imaginations
and to stimulate them to continue their independent learning beyond the classroom. In the mornings
the teachers present group lessons or individual lessons on subjects in the curriculum, and children work
independently or in groups on work they select while others may be receiving instruction. They study
language, mathematics, geometry, geography, history and science. If children are interested in a
particular lesson that is intended for a grade higher than theirs, they may sit in and observe the
presentation. They master basic concepts and are encouraged to move towards more abstract thinking.
In addition to the more academic areas, we also expose the children to specialty classes each afternoon
during school hours, a different class each day of the week: Spanish, Art at the Baum School, Music,
Interfaith Chapel, Cooking and Yarn Work. The children love these classes and benefit from them in
developing skills and talents that will continue to enhance their lives for years to come. Next year we
may offer enrichment classes in yoga and mindfulness and in science and the environment. We also
offer additional after school enrichment classes, such as karate, gymnastics, and drama, which parents
may elect for their children to expose them to additional activities.
A highlight of our elementary program each year is the school play. The children sometimes write the
play and always learn all the lines and play all the parts, build the sets, help create the costumes, and
work hard to put on a wonderful performance. They perform the play for all the parents and also for the
kindergarten children, who are in awe of what they see.
For the last two years, we have asked our third grade children to take the Stanford Achievement Tests.
The tests are sent out to the testing service and graded, comparing the test results of our students with
all students, at all grade levels throughout the nation, who took the tests. The scores for our children
have been quite amazing and impressive. Both years the overall average scores for our third grade
students, when compared with all students who took the tests, placed the GMS students at a sixth grade
level of achievement. That means our third grade students’ scores are those of the average sixth grader
in the country. A number of students have received perfect scores in subjects such as comprehension,
thinking skills, science, and math procedures. Given the fact that Montessori education does not
normally feature testing, and, for these children, the SATs are most likely the first tests they have taken,
the results have been truly amazing. We are proud of our children and our program, and we invite you
to find out more about what our elementary classroom has to offer.
To arrange a tour, please contact Diane Cimorelli at 610-435-4060 in the school office or
Moving the Elementary Program
by Diane Cimorelli on 02/13/15
Thank you Libby House for this contribution.
There is an important and exciting change that will be taking place at our school starting with the next
academic year, 2015-2016. We have made the decision, in conjunction with our governing board, to
move our elementary classroom from its current location in the administrative wing of Grace Episcopal
Church at 5thand Linden Streets to our school headquarters building at 814 West Linden Street.
This move has been in the planning stages for the last year, with the main impetus being seeking
American Montessori Society accreditation for the school. We have conducted an informal accreditation
self-study with the assistance of an AMS staff member. The study has revealed that a major impediment
to winning accreditation is the fact that our elementary program does not have an attached outdoor
play space for the children to access. The Arts Park, where the elementary children go each day for
exercise, is not attached and will not meet the requirement. Our study seems to indicate that this may
be the only major impediment to our school for receiving AMS certification, which we have deemed to
be a worthwhile goal.
There are other benefits to moving the elementary classroom: the unity of having all our children in one
location, the ability of our program director to not only teach in the elementary classroom, but also to
be in the same building with the rest of the teachers and students for observation and supervisory
responsibilities; the convenience for parents with children In both programs; and the convenience of not
having to transport children between the two sites for enrichment and after care.
We hope you will agree that this move, which will take place physically over the summer, will benefit
Grace Montessori School and our entire school community.
Primary Classroom News February 2015
by Diane Cimorelli on 02/03/15
Classroom 2
In January, we enjoyed learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. Through books, crafts and songs we
learned how Martin Luther King, Jr. helped many see the importance of being peaceable with all people.
Many students wrote a sentence about how they feel about Martin Luther King, Jr. These sentences and
Martin Luther King, Jr. art work were displayed on our hallway bulletin board. We also enjoyed being
able to go on some walks taking in the sights of Allentown. The kindergartners did very well with reading
and writing their sight words, and sentence writing. In February we will learn about the Presidents. The
kindergartners will begin a book study of Hansel and Gretel. In March, they will have the special
privilege of seeing the Hansel and Gretel play at DeSales University.
Classroom 3
Class 3 enjoyed working with the Dinosaur theme. The children learned some new big words, such as,
“extinct,” “paleontologist,” “carnivore,” “herbivore,” and “omnivore.” My favorite book to read to kids
this age is My Visit to the Dinosaurs, by Aliki. It tells of a family’s visit to a dinosaur museum, and takes
away some of the apprehension small humans can feel around these giant creatures! It tells how
dinosaur bones are recovered and how the skeletons are reproduced like huge jigsaw puzzles. The kids
were introduced to many dinosaurs: Apatosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Iguanodon, Ankylosaurus, Diplodocus,
Triceratops, and, of course, the fierce Tyrannosaurus Rex. They enjoyed measuring the lengths of
dinosaurs, using string and rulers. We honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in several ways. We read his
biographies, then put our hands in a circle to show that everyone has a unique skin color. They were
able to make self-portraits by choosing silhouettes in different skin tone shades. The children are
genuinely moved by this heavy subject. We look forward to lightening the mood a little in February by
making valentines and celebrating friendship!
Classroom 4
In the month of January, the students of Classroom Four studied the Human Body. We believe that the
more that children understand their bodies, the more they will make choices to better care for
themselves. Each day we focused on a different organ or bodily function. The children seemed very
eager to learn the uses of each organ and were impressed to learn the brain is the control center of the
body. This topic lead to a very earnest conversation about the importance of helmets during physical
activities such as bike riding. Through the use of books, hands on lessons such as the child sized human
body and attachable organs, and the mini skeleton, and cut and paste type activities, the facts learned
during body discussions were reinforced. Next month, we will take a trip through the solar system, and
share valentines and thoughts of kindness with our friends.
Primary Classroom News January 2015
by Diane Cimorelli on 01/08/15
Classroom 2
In December, Class 2 continued our unit on celebrations by learning about winter celebrations. We
learned about the traditions of Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. We did this by reading about the
history and traditions of each holiday, making crafts, and doing works such as jingle bell and ornament
scooping. We also enjoyed decorating our very own mini Christmas tree. The children were very excited
to hand make a special gift to give to their families. We also learned about the temperature and
weather changes of the winter season. The Kindergarteners and afternoon group learned about the
names of the geometric solids, even making their own mobile. We also learned about the different land
forms and practiced reading our sight words. In January we will begin our theme of Presidents and
Martin Luther King, Jr. We look forward to the winter break, and cannot wait to hear about the exciting
things the children did when they return on January 5th.
Classroom 3
December was a very exciting month for classroom 3. There is nothing the children enjoy more than
preparing for a celebration that involves their family. The children loved scrubbing tables, arranging
flowers; cutting cheese, peeling vegetables, and making the room look beautiful! The celebration was a
great success. It fills us with joy when all the children sing and perform. And the kindergartners did a
wonderful job reading! Thank you so much for the amazing food!
It will be fun to make a new calendar in January and write a new year on it– 2015! We will continue
studying cold weather themes, and we always explore Martin Luther King Day. It is interesting to explore
“…the content of our character…(and) the color of our skin.” It is always an eye-opener to see how the
children perceive themselves when they make the self-portrait pin. We hope you enjoy them. They are
pretty heavy, so if you don’t want to wear them on your clothes, they make an interesting accent on
draperies at home.
Classroom 4
During December we were very busy working on special projects as we learned how winter holidays are
celebrated. We also studied dinosaurs. Some things we learned were that the shape of their teeth
determined what kind of things the different dinosaurs ate, how fossils are made, and what
paleontologists do. In class we worked with fossils, studied the different parts of a dinosaur and put
together dinosaur puzzles. We all really enjoyed our trip to the DaVinci Science Center where among
other things we walked and roared as the dinosaurs did.
In January we will learn about the human body and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Construction Update
by Diane Cimorelli on 12/09/14
The project that included the renovation of the parking deck above us, construction of the six-story
elevator, installation of lighting on Lumber Street, addition of a new park on 8th Street and planters on
Linden, and installation of our new fence and signage is all coming to completion. The scaffolding by the
elevator that had been in our outdoor space has been removed, and we now have access to the entire
playground once again through the double doors at the end of the school’s hallway.
The elevator has been built, and the only work that remains is the installation of some metal panels,
which is to be done over our winter break and, hopefully, will be completed by early in January. If any of
that work will have to be done while school is in session, we will not use the playground on those days.
A better quality and very attractive new fence and new gates have been installed around the play area.
New and improved signs for the school are up in both the front and back of the school. All the cleaning,
painting and repair work of the building has been accomplished. Some ceiling tiles and paint that needs
to be replaced in the hallway and classrooms will be taken care of very soon.
The project took much more time than had originally been forecasted to us, but the disruption, for the
most part, appears to be over, and we hope you will agree that the final improvements are quite
remarkable. We are sorry for the inconvenience the work on this project has caused during the past
several months. As you know, we had no choice in the matter. But we are sorry nonetheless, and we
sincerely thank you all for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.
Importance of a Healthy Lunch
by Diane Cimorelli on 12/02/14
Thank you Ms. Cleary for this contribution to the GMS blog.
Children need the same nutrients as adults just in different amounts. It is important for growing children
to eat a variety of foods from each food group to ensure optimal intake of all vitamins and minerals.
A well-nourished and fit child is better able to learn and has more energy, stamina, and self-esteem. A
healthy eating pattern along with regular exercise helps children get and stay fit.
When you help children build healthy eating habits early, they will approach eating with a positive
attitude. If a child practices proper nutrition now it will carry over into adulthood.
Watch how our students eat a family style lunch. The child learns not only the skill of place setting they
also contribute in a meaningful, caring way to the classroom and by doing so integrates himself into
social life.
Primary Classroom News, December 2014
by Diane Cimorelli on 11/25/14
Class 2
November was a busy month as we finished our studies of the human body. The children enjoyed
tracing their bodies and labeling their body parts. They also enjoyed the life-sized x-rays of a human
skeleton. As the month continued, we started our holiday study, the first holiday being Thanksgiving. It
is a great way to incorporate geography of where the pilgrims came from, the red continent of Europe
and how explorers thought they landed in India, in the yellow continent of Asia, when in reality they
landed on the orange continent of North America. We then dove into the study of Native
Americans. We finished the month with the classroom preparation of vegetable soup, feasting together
and sharing thanks for all the many blessings we have.
We welcomed both Ms. Leah and Ms. Leena to our loving classroom.
We look forward to continuing our holiday study through December as any more fun filled holidays are
approaching and look forward to our Holiday Feast before winter break.
Class 3
The children love everything about a Thanksgiving feast. We learn the names of familiar and
unique fruits and vegetables and enjoyed working with the fruits and vegetables of the classroom
cornucopia. It gives them a tangible experience to practice describing words like round, long, sweet,
sour, hot, leafy, yummy and yucky. It is also a reminder that colors are handy adjectives. The children
practice washing, peeling, chopping and snapping vegetables for our feast soup. The feast itself provides
an opportunity for the older students to set a big table with special, homemade necklaces and hats
that serve as name tags at each setting.
We look forward to the December feast with the parents. We are putting together a menu that will
make the celebration special. Feel free to bring a favorite snack to share with the group.
The children are also exploring the parts of the body, inside and out. Many thanks to Dr. Silver for
visiting and sharing his expertise with the children.
Class 4
Classroom Four learned so much about Native Americans in the month of November! We learned that
Christopher Columbus was wrong to call them “Indians”, as he did not come ashore in India, but
America. This makes the name “Native Americans” more appropriate. In our classroom, we had a
“Native American” habitat with manipulatives showing some major components of Native American life
in the 1600’s. Labels were made so the children could match them to the canoe, teepee, horse, Native
American, and totem pole. We also learned the uses for these items. We worked hard peeling and
chopping vegetables for soup that we enjoyed during our Thanksgiving feast.
During December, we will be learning about celebrations around the world and the dinosaurs we will
see on our field trip.
Announcing Important Changes in Classroom 2
by Diane Cimorelli on 11/17/14
As most of you know, over the past years, Ms. Wendy and Ms. Karen, both individually and as a team,
through their many gifts, have been great assets to Grace Montessori School. The feedback we have
received from parents of the students in the classroom over the years affirm our assessment as
fact. Coincidentally both teachers have recently encountered life changing opportunities that are
impacting their current positions at our school. Ms. Wendy is relocating with her family to North
Carolina. Her husband has taken a job there, and Ms. Wendy and the rest of their family will be joining
him soon. On the other hand, Ms. Karen has been offered an opportunity to teach as a fulltime faculty
member in the Environmental Science Program at Muhlenberg College. She has decided to accept this
exciting new position starting in January. While we are sad about their imminent departures, we are
happy for them and their new opportunities. We want to thank them publically for their outstanding
service and commitment, as we wish both teachers the best for all the possibilities that their new
situations may offer. Ms. Wendy will be leaving the classroom in early December, and Ms. Karen will
finish at the end of the semester.
We are very excited to be able to welcome two new, exceptional teachers to the classroom, Ms. Leah
and Ms. Leena, who are already in place. Ms. Leah completed her Montessori internship with us and has
been working with GMS since 2007, while Ms. Leena has worked with the Lehigh Valley Montessori
School for the past three years. To enable a seamless transition, both Ms. Leah & Ms. Leena are working
closely with Ms. Wendy and Ms. Karen to observe and slowly to take over the classroom. Upon Ms.
Wendy’s departure, Ms. Leah will serve as head teacher. And upon Ms. Karen’s leaving, Ms. Leena will
be co-teaching. Both teachers have impressive educational backgrounds and experience and have
earned Montessori certification in the area of Early Childhood Education.
Given, Ms. Leah's experience at GMS, and Ms. Leena's background and expertise, we are confident that
this will be a smooth transition. Class 2 parents have already had the opportunity to meet the new
teachers, and a farewell celebration in the classroom for parents, children and teachers has been
planned. If you see Ms. Wendy and Ms. Karen, please wish them well in their new endeavors. And we
hope you have an opportunity to meet Ms. Leah and Ms. Leena very soon.
Thank you Libby House for this article.
November Primary Classroom News
by Diane Cimorelli on 11/04/14
Classroom 2 will be continuing the study of the human body through November. The children are
enjoying learning about their muscles, bones and immune systems. They derive much pleasure from
using the classroom stethoscope and the giant toothbrush and teeth. We have enjoyed some
educational videos at which are informative and entertaining. During the month of
November, we will start our winter holiday study starting with the holiday of Thanksgiving. This unit will
feature new food works and crafts as well as the all-time favorite of "corn husking", "corn crunching"
and "cornmeal preparation". The three works combined show the children what it was like for Native
Americans to make cornmeal to cook with.
The children of Class 3 have been enjoying Fall activities in the environment. They like to search the
classroom and discover the theme changes in The Purse Work, The Treasure Box, and transfer works,
and stamping exercises. The Language area now has matching games and three-part-cards exploring
pumpkins, gourds, and harvest themes. The older children made Fall counting books, and everyone
loved exploring the inside of a pumpkin and carving a face. While we don’t celebrate Halloween in the
classroom, many of the children were very excited to share their costumes and celebration plans. A
favorite seasonal work is the shucking of corn kernels. This is an activity I learned two decades ago from
an occupational therapist who used it for finger and thumb strengthening. The kids just think it’s fun.
This year, the corn was donated by a local farmer, and the kindergartners wrote a collective letter to
him in thanks. They have been working hard on sentence structure and it was a chance to put their skills
to work. In November, we will be focusing on Native American/Thanksgiving themes, as well as The
Human Body. Remember to bundle up your kids as the weather gets colder. We love our outside play
Classroom 4 really enjoyed our trip to the pumpkin patch. The weather was picture perfect and there
were so many fun things to do there. In class, we matched the gourds our teachers brought back from
the farm. The kindergartners collaborated on a thank you note that we all signed and mailed to the
farmers. On Halloween, Mrs. Cleary let us watch as she carved a jack-o-lantern. During November we
will be studying about Native Americans and North America as well as dinosaurs in preparation for our
field trip in December to the DaVinci Science center.
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GMS Featured on Local TV
by Diane Cimorelli on 10/23/14
We are very excited to announce that Grace Montessori School will be featured on local TV this
weekend. Season 5 of The PEAK TV premiers this Sunday at 6:30 pm on WFMZ, Channel 69 (Service
Electric Channel 8 and 508; RCN Lehigh Valley Channel 7 and 1007). And one segment of the first
episode highlights our beautiful labyrinth, which was donated by CREW Lehigh Valley and dedicated last
Our own Diane Cimorelli and some of the children will be featured. The host of the show, Ashley Russo,
is a former GMS parent and enthusiastic supporter of our school. We are grateful for this opportunity to
showcase our school on this program.
Click on the link to watch a sneak peek of this week's episode: The PEAK TV
We encourage you to "share" this information about this weekend's show with family and friends. If
you miss the show, the episode is available at
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Primary Classroom News
by Diane Cimorelli on 10/02/14
Classroom 2
September was a fun and active month. We learned about dinosaurs and the difference between
herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. We did an experiment making dinosaur eggs with hard boiled
eggs and vinegar, as well as grow triops which are similar to sea monkeys in how they grow. We worked
with dinosaur puzzles, matching objects and extensions. The full day students made dinosaur books.
We also learned about volcanoes. The children worked with three part nomenclature cards and made
books. A favorite activity was the volcano work in the classroom! Nothing is quite as fun as making your
own volcano erupt!
The month of October is sure to be a busy month. We will be learning all about the fall harvest, and
study the life cycle of pumpkins and apples. We will also be learning all out the human body which is
always a favorite.
Classroom 3
We have wrapped up our Sea theme by reading about and discussing the attributes and differences
between fish, dolphins, whales, octopuses, and other sea life. The kindergartners have had their first
introduction to the oceans of the world. While we looked at many different seas, we focused on the four
major oceans - Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic. It was fun to think about where you would be if you
were dipping your toes in the individual oceans! Many children have been in the Atlantic Ocean, some in
the Pacific ocean, one or two in the Caribbean Sea, and Mrs. Attia put her feet in the Red Sea. I'm sure
there are more that did not share. If you or your child has been in an ocean or sea, send in a picture or
story, so we can point it in on the map. The map of the world is always a theme at Grace!
We are beginning our Fall Harvest theme. We will be exploring the Parts of a Tree, Parts of a Leaf, leaf
identification, pumpkin and gourd identification, as well as apple tasting!
Classroom 4
Our class learned about apples in the month of September. We focused on the life cycle of an apple,
which includes the transportation of a seed. The children were very interested to find out that animals
take part in the mobility of seeds! We also learned how apples end up in the grocery store via cold room
tractor trailers and tasted five different kinds of apples. As a final activity, the Kindergartners took the
"voting slips" (an apple drawing colored in as the child's favorite apple) and made a pictogram to
represent Class 4's favorite apples!
In the Month of October, our theme will be bats and spiders. For each of those topics, the children are
discussing the classification of the animal and characteristics about it, including its parts. We will also be
introducing the life cycle of a pumpkin, in anticipation of our field trip.
Elementary Students Contribute to Rise Together Sculpture
by Diane Cimorelli on 09/25/14
Thanks to Jessica Myers for sharing this story with us.
This month, the children of the elementary classroom had an opportunity to become a part of a
community art exhibit located in the Arts Park across from the Allentown Art Museum. Artist Charlie
Brouwer began installing the Rise Together Allentown sculpture on September 8. The sculpture consists
entirely of ladders and was immediately a mysterious attraction to the children. Following a
conversation with the artist, the children learned that anyone from the community was welcome to lend
a ladder to the project. Naturally, the children were eager to participate. After receiving a wooden
ladder from the primary site, the elementary children painted it with the colors of the Grace Montessori
School logo and name during afternoon work time. The following day, the children delivered the ladder
to Brouwer and watched him cable tie it to the existing sculpture. The Rise Together
Allentown installation will remain in the Arts Park until October 13. Please visit with your family and see
if you can spot the Grace Montessori ladder!
The “F” Word…Fundraising
by Diane Cimorelli on 09/18/14
How can you improve your child’s Grace Montessori Experience? The answer is easy, get
involved. Fundraising need not be the dreaded “F” word at school. It can be almost effortless, fun,
personally rewarding or all three! The proceeds allow students to take field trips, fund playground
maintenance, supplement classroom materials, enhance teacher training and support the scholarship
Free Money
Our preferences for fundraisers are “free money” opportunities. These are when an organization
donates based on the activity of a consumer. It doesn’t cost you any money, usually requires a onetime
sign up or minimal amount of effort and GMS reaps the rewards. We currently participate in Target’s
Take Charge of Education Program,, Giant A+ School Rewards and Box Tops for Education.
Target will donate up to 1% of your purchase to GMS every time you use your REDcard. You can
designate GMS (ID #125144) as the recipient at . is a collection of over 1500 on-line retailers that make a donation when you make an online
purchase. We’ve raised money for GMS from retailers such as Lands’ End, purchasing airline tickets and
income tax services. Sign up at
Giant Food Stores will make a donation every time you shop using your Giant bonuscard between
October 5, 2014 and March 21, 2015. This donation is in addition to any points you earn personally
from Giant. Register your Giant bonuscard (use ID #04460) at
Box Tops for Education donates money for each box top coupon we collect. This is a fundraiser that
lends itself easily to getting children involved. Look for Box Top Coupons on hundreds of products and
apparel. Let your child clip the coupons and bring them to school.
Catalog Sales
If we’re going to ask you to sell, we aim to let it be fun and unique items. This month, we are partnering
withFun Pasta Fundraising. Fun Pasta offers a variety of pasta kits and products; most have themed
shapes such as holidays, sports, seasons and animals. Let your child help you pick out favorites shapes
and prepare a meal. (You don’t have to be a kid to enjoy this fundraiser.) GMS receives at least 40% of
For Small Hands offers unique Montessori materials for you and your child to use at home. These items
are often the same ones used in the classroom and make great holiday gifts. GMS gets credit toward
classroom materials from each purchase through December, and there is free shipping on items ordered
before the group order due date. More information will be sent home in October.
Professional Development Fund
Every year the teachers hold a fundraiser to expand their opportunities at the Annual American
Montessori Society Conference. In the past the teachers have provided childcare for Parent’s Night out
and offered fair trade catalog items. All the money raised for the Professional Development Fund helps
to offset the cost of attending the conference (transportation, lodging) and allows the teachers to
attend additional seminars. At the conference the teachers gain valuable lessons, training and new ideas
that are incorporated into the classroom.
Scholarship Fund
The annual Scholarship Benefit Auction is our biggest fundraiser and event each year. Grace Montessori
School’s social justice mission to provide scholarship to approximately 1/3 of our students based on
financial need is central to our founding principles. Scholarship funds are acquired through fundraising
and do not come from tuition. All GMS families are asked to support this cause. The event is a fun and
exciting night for parents and community supporters. There are many ways you can get involved and
support the scholarship fund.
Don’t forget…small amounts add up! So however you chose to participate, when combined with the
efforts of the entire GMS community, you have the ability to make a big difference. Get family, friends,
and coworkers involved. Know that your participation and contributions improve the quality of the
Montessori Experience for your child.
Primary Classroom Themes
by Diane Cimorelli on 09/16/14
We've had a great start to the school year! The children are excited to be learning with their
friends. The primary classes have a theme of the month that the teachers use to incorporate and
enhance lessons in the learning environment. Here are the themes for September:
Classroom 2 is engaged with the world of Dinosaurs. The students are studying the different types of
carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. In the classroom, we are growing prehistoric triops, small
creatures that have been in existence for a very long time.
Under the Sea
Classroom 3 began the year with an Under the Sea theme. The room is full of beautiful shells, starfish,
sand dollars which the children will use to examine, sort, count, and identify. The children have been
introduced to sea creatures of all kinds, and the kindergartners have been working hard with ocean
animal facts and labeling parts of the fish.
Classroom 4 is learning about apples. The children will learn about the different types of apples, the life
cycle and how they grow from seeds, and what we can do with apples. The students will also take an
apple survey and the kindergartners will chart the results.
Downtown Construction
by Diane Cimorelli on 09/15/14
I’d like to start this post by saying thank you to our GMS families who have been so patient and
understanding while the construction and renovation work on the building wraps up. Although we
didn't have a say in the work to be done, we are excited and are anticipating seeing the finished
product. When finished, we’ll have a new exterior look, new lighting, new signage and flower boxes on
the sidewalk for additional gardening projects. Our new fence has already been installed. (add pic of
Also, thank you for being patient with the traffic patterns in the downtown area. There seems to be a
lot of construction going on in the area that causes delays. Again we’re excited about the growth and
development of our community, but understand your frustration when lanes are reduced for
improvements. If we get advance notice of future road closing and delays we’ll pass them along as
quickly as possible.
by Diane Cimorelli on 09/12/14
Greetings and welcome to the first GMS Blog post. We are excited about using the blog as a new
communication tool to replace the Grace Notes Newsletter. I hope you find the articles and information
we plan to post helpful and interesting. I’d be happy to hear your opinion and get your feedback and
suggestions to enhance our GMS community. Feel free to share your thoughts with me or you can reach me in the office at 610-435-4060.