August 28, 2016 - Saint Andrew Parish


August 28, 2016 - Saint Andrew Parish
Saint Andrew Parish
a vibrant and caring Catholic community
Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 28, 2016
3546 N. Paulina St.
Fax: 773-525-4124
School Office
1710 W, Addison St.
Fax: 773-248-2709
Weekend Masses
in Church
Saturday (Vigil) 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am
11:30 am and 5:30 pm
Daily Mass in the Chapel
Monday-Friday 9:00am
Saturday 8:00 am
Holy Day Masses:
9:00 am and
7:00 pm in the Church
There are no Vigil Masses for
Holy Days
3:00 pm to 3:45 pm
or by appointment
Marriage: By appointment with the Pastor 6 to 9 months in advance
Baptism: 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 12:30 pm.
Call the Rectory office to schedule
Baptism Prep Class: The last Sunday of each month at
11:15 am in the Chapel.
Call Rectory office to schedule
Labor Day Is Coming – Why You Should Care
Ah, Labor Day! The last blowout of summer. Another chance to light up the grill and gather with friends and neighbors.
The beginning of school for children. The startup of football as a new way of passing the time. And most importantly, a
day off! Who doesn’t love a three-day weekend?
I’m sure that the aforementioned motives are the reason we often revel in the thought of Labor Day, but for me there is
a pretty significant irony to uncover. I’m used to news campaigns that bemoan putting “Christ” back into Christmas and
I might even throw a fit once in a while that Halloween has become a festival about costumes and candy rather than
what the name implies. (“All Hallow’s Eve” (Hallwoween) is an ancient English voicing
of “All Saint’s Eve” – the night before All Saints Day which is the more imperative
celebration for Catholics). But I don’t often hear month-long campaigns beseeching
us to “Put ‘Labor’ back in Labor Day.”
Maybe there should be.
A number of issues face our city and our country right now that effect workers
– laborers (and if I hadn’t implicitly made the connection yet, Labor Day is a day
that honors the work of “Labor,” stemming from the 19th century labor union
movements when the holiday was actually started.) Today, while grateful that the
unemployment rate has dropped to 4.9%, there are strong concerns that wages are stagnant and millions of people
who want jobs aren’t even looking because of disappointment. Pension systems are in crisis for thousands of workers
who had a contract with society for their work. Women are paid only 79% of wages in the workplace that men are paid.
Children are left wanting during newborn development because our economy has increased the need for both partners
to work, while not providing for appropriate time for family leave. Millions of workers do not have a living wage, while
we debate whether a minimum wage should be $15 per hour or less… or should it be more?
And most of the reason these conditions persist is because there are decisions made by good-meaning people who tip
the balance in favor of one singular goal - profit. But like a prophet standing on the street corner, the Church stands up
and cries out “Enough! This has to change!”
I’ll admit that when the Church does this, it is easy to think that the Church is just interfering with politics. Some say
the Church should just sit in the corner and pray and not concern itself with the decisions about the remuneration of
nurses, janitors, police officers, and teachers nor the philosophies of lawmakers who enable or disable policies that effect
worker’s lives.
But by praying in the corner and reading the Bible, especially the words of Jesus Christ, the Church has realized that it
cannot stay silent. For 1891 years, the Church was steadfast in its instruction for good moral behavior within society –
do charity. However, in the mid to late 1800s something shifted. The Industrial Revolution changed society which thereby
prompted a change in moral response. The means of production, the dominant engine of economic health, became the
human person now labeled “Labor” – the worker. Starting in 1891, and repeated ever since, Pope Leo XIII courageously
instructed the world in his landmark encyclical Rerum Novarum that charity was not enough, we must also concentrate
to alleviate the injustice caused by the new societal order. We must seek justice - social justice.
And we can start that work in the week ahead by bringing to our consciousness the important role of Labor.
Sure! Plan the BBQ! Have some fun! Enjoy the weekend! But don’t forget the men and women who have enabled us
to celebrate this day through their labor and the rights that should be afforded to them. Put “Labor” back in Labor Day
by our collective mindfulness of Labor’s importance and our collective actions, decisions, discussion, and votes on their
behalf in the weeks and months ahead.
For more information about Catholic teaching in regard to social inequality, labor, and social justice, I recommend doing
a Google Search for “USCCB Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching.” The search will lead you to articles sponsored by
the United States Bishops about the Dignity of Work and other important themes.
-David Heimann, Pastoral Associate
August 28,2016
Time Mass Intentions
+Gerhardt Fabionkovits
All Deceased of the Parish
10:00 +Yolanda Corradetti
11:30 All Deceased of the Parish
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29
Ps 68:4-5, 6-7, 10-11
Heb 12:18-19, 22-24
Mt 11:29
Lk 14:1, 7-14
All Deceased of the Parish
All Deceased of the Parish
1 Cor 2:1-5; Ps 119:97-102; Mt 5:10; Mk 6:17-29
All Deceased of the Parish
1 Cor 2:10-16; Ps 145:8-14; Lk 4:31-37
Wednesday 9:00
All Deceased of the Parish
1 Cor 3:1-9; Ps 33:12-15, 20-21; Lk 4:38-44
All Deceased of the Parish
1 Cor 3:18-23; Ps 24:1bc-2-6; Lk 5:1-11
All Deceased of the Parish
1 Cor 4:1-5; Ps 37:3-6, 27-28, 39-40; Lk 5:33-39
All Deceased of the Parish
1 Cor 4:6-15; Ps 145:17- 21; Lk 6:1-5
Intentions for Next Weekend: Saturday, September 3 4pm +John Victorine an d+Mary Janet Williams Sunday
September 4th 8:00 am + William Walsh 10:00 am +William Simpson 11:30 am All Deceased of the Parish 5:30 pm
+Kathleen Palmer
Please pray for World Peace, Military Service Members and their
Joey Brown
Michael Rosales
Jerome Zwick
Alex Wilscke
Charles Wilson
Jon Miller
Joshua Cordoba
John Hotek
Tim Brown
Tim Chambers
Casey McDonald
Eric Herrera
Louis Martinez
Victor Torres
Michael Haney
Logan Spung
E-mail Chris O’Malley at the Parish Office to have the
name of your friend or loved one serving in the military
Parish Prayer Line
If you would like to ask for prayers from
the Prayer Line please e-mail prayerline@ or call 872-588-1016
(local call) to leave your intention. To join as a
person who prays for the needs of the Parish call or
e-mail as well!
August 28, 2016
Liturgical Ministries for September 3-4, 2016
Jennifer Smith
Matt Hynes
Kevin Nedved
Toby Andersen
Karen Siciliano
Nikki Loomos
Danny Auro
Julia Newman
Marie Wojdelski
Pat Lynch
Weekly Sunday Budget
Maria Perello
Livia Ledesma
Jennifer Smith
Gwen Totaro
Godwin Javan
Raisa Javan
Jennifer Smith
Denise Roth
Rosemary Sarkisian
Ali Donnelly
Emily Matus
Vida Vinzons
Karen Siciliano
Bonnie Villar
Shanna Eley
Pedro Medero
C2 Chase Loomos
H1a Henry Boyer
Jose Medero
Renee Lugo
Dan Tucci
Ava Lugo
Ani Lugo
George Lewis
Dan Tucci
Jill Lewis
Marie Wojdelski
Tim Moynihan
Sarah Gallagher
Katie Barnard
Peter Barnard
Sydney Richards
Dan Tucci
Financials August 20-21, 2016
Envelope, Check , EFT
Altar Servers
Parish Staff:
Pastor: Rev. Sergio Romo
Pastor Emeritus; Rev. John Farry
Associate Pastor: Rev. Pawel Barwikoski
Resident: Rev. Arlin Jean Louis
Resident: Rev. Augustin Vondou
Pastoral Associate: David Heimann
Deacon: Eric Sorensen
Business Manager: Esperanza Benavides
Events/Drews Dollars: Julie Richards
Secretary: Christina O’Malley,
Receptionists Amanda Dougherty, Veronica Salazar
Volunteer Ministry Coordinator: Dan Tucci
School Administration:
Principal: Allen Ackermann
Assistant Principal: Sarah Casavechia
Admissions: Anne Japsen
Secretary: Trini Mahadeo
Athletic Director: Matthew Pope
Curriculum Coordinators:
Michelle Roberts & Maribeth Lynch
Engineer: Alfred Benkiser
Your weekly contribution to Saint Andrew is vital to keeping our ministries funded and our Parish in good
financial standing. Please consider setting up your gift using our electronic vendor, to
ensure that even when you are away the Parish, your financial support is not. Please contact the Parish Office
with any questions.
August 28,2016
August 28, 2016
Birthday Celebrations
Abigail Riesmeyer
Alana Kohli
Andrea Scardina
Andrew Fialkowski
Angela Krietz
Bart Guzzardo
Cecilia Roth
Charles Gallagher
Debra Doyle
Emmett Cooney
Frank Marik, Jr.
Gil A. Javan
Hannah Seremetis
Holloway Crampton
Jacqueline M Alvarez
Jason Baine
Jessica Hynes
Kelly Glascott
Kyler Born
Kyra Hudson
Luke Karl
Madeline King
Monica McCarthy
Nora Cowlin
Patty Lawlor
Peter Donaghue
Quinten McCarthy
Regan Cooney
Rossana Reformado
Russell Martinez
Samuel Madura
Sandra Iorio-Power
Sarah Burke
Sydney Richards
Thomas Perkins
Tom Pliffner
William Loomos
Zachary Larrea
Zachary Tan
Patrick Jude O’Brien
Rory P. and Mary C. O’Brien
John Joseph Coffey
Thomas C. and Deborah E. Coffecy
William Lincoln Leppert
William and Holly Leppert
Eleanor Grace Wagenschutz
Jonathan C. and Nicole M. Wagenschutz
Fundraising while you shop!
Thank you for your participation in the Drew’s Dollars gift
card program! Orders are due on Monday mornings. You
can drop them off at the RECTORY or SCHOOL offices.
You can pick up your orders on Thursday mornings at the
RECTORY or SCHOOL office. We will continue to have a
few of each gift card on hand for Amazon, Maruabis Jewel,
Target, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and iTunes at the rectory for
purchase. Please email Julie Richards at if you have any
questions. Thanks for making this program so successful!
Job Outreach Ministry
The Job Outreach Ministry seeks to help
those looking for work or seeking a change
in employment. For assistance please contact
Jennifer Smith at to
get help looking for work or to assist others in
August 28,2016
August 28, 2016
August 28,2016
Join us for the 3rd Annual
Back to School Breakfast
At Finley Dunne’s!
Monday, August 29th
8:15am – 11am
Full hot breakfast buffet, child friendly options
$10/per adult
$15/per family with one adult
$20/per family with two adults
• Finley Dunne’s – 3458 N. Lincoln Ave.
Help us kick off this year’s Community Events! After school
drop-off, come to Finley Dunne’s to connect with school
parents and welcome new school families.
Younger age siblings welcome.
Finley Dunne’s will donate a percentage of the breakfast sales to
Saint Andrew School.
August 28, 2016
Religious Education
Registration Now Open
Religious Education at Saint Andrew is offered or children from
Kindergarten through 8th grade.
The program has been restructured to include greater flexibility
and family involvement. If you haven’t had your child in Religious
Education for some time, take another look at our program offering!
More information and registration can be found at or come to the rectory to pick
up a registration form and tentative schedule. Please register by
September 1, 2016.
Contact David Heimann at 773-525-3016 with questions or email at
Are you on a journey of discovery….
Are you thinking about becoming Catholic or are you a Catholic who
feels you could benefit by a program of renewal to better know and
understand the truths that God has written in your heart?
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program at Saint
Andrew Parish may be for you.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is for:
An adult who has not been Baptized.
An adult who has not received Confirmation or Holy Communion.
An adult who would like to renew their understanding of the Catholic
Faith and relationship with Jesus.
Set up an appointment with our Pastoral Associate David Heimann to
discover how this program might serve you.
Fr. Sergio baptizes a neophyte (new Catholic)
at the Easter Vigil. Often this is the culminating
event for those in the RCIA program.
The tentative meeting time for RCIA will be Wednesday nights from 7:30-8:45 pm.
General Information meetings are scheduled for:
Wednesday, August 17 at 7:00 pm and Monday, August 29 at 7:00 pm.
August 28,2016
Volunteer Opportunities for The Greater Chicago
Food Depository
Saturday, September 10, 2016 8am until 10 am. Volunteers are needed to help sort and repackage
food for eventual distribution to shelters and food pantries throughout Cook County. Children
14-16 years old must be accompanied by an adult
The Greater Chicago Food Depository is located at 4100 W. Ann Lurie Place in Chicago.
Please contact Jeannie Hopf at
812-639-0554 or with any questions or to volunteer.
Position Name: Evening Office Coordinator
St. Josaphat Parish Office
2311 N. Southport, Chicago, IL
Mon - Fri 4:30 - 8:30, 20 Hours / Week
Based on performance after 3 months, possible increase to 26 Hours/Week and Benefits
Reports to: Christine Frech, Parish Administrator
Presents a professional appearance
Excellent written communication, including spelling and grammar
· Competency with the Microsoft Office Suite, including Mail Merge and Excel sorting and filtering
· Familiarity with InDesign and Constant Contact a plus
Starting Pay: $15 /hr
Email a brief introductory paragraph and your resume to
You will receive a receipt confirmation with more information within 24 hours. Please no phone calls.
Target start date is Tuesday, September 6.
August 28, 2016
Smile for the camera
Part 3: 2016 Uganda Trip Series
One of the greatest aspects of our trip is delivering care packages from
our U.S. sponsors to the One Heart Uganda scholars. Thoughtful letters, photos
and small gifts bring to life an abstract idea half way across the world. To see the
students’ faces light up with recognition reading a note or seeing a family photo is
magic. My niece, Sophie, likened it to being Santa Clause for hours on end.
“Handing out care packages was one of my favorite parts of the trip,” Ellie
Arndt said. “When the kids open up their packages they have a huge smile on their
face and they’re so happy for a pack of gum, a new toothbrush or a book. These are
things I take for granted every day. It’s the best to see the kids proudly wearing their
new shirts or hats – it feels good when they have so little to give to them something
that brings them joy.”
During our trip, we visited with most of our 90+ scholarship recipients. In
addition to gift giving and progress reports, we captured it all on film. This is where
the challenging part came in. To begin, we looked strange and very different from
the people the kids regularly come in contact with – but now we’re pointing cameras
in their faces and asking them to smile. We turned on the video, and asked them to
speak up - above the whisper that more naturally comes out.
When I said, “Okay” to signal the start of our talk, one little boy jumped up
to get away so ready to get out of the hot seat and end the torture – somehow we
wooed him back reluctantly.
Giving messages directly to the camera was difficult for the kids – but most of
them got the hang of it. However, where you really started to see their personalities
emerge was in responses to questions. We started with the easy ones – age,
school, siblings. Then moved to the more telling – favorite school subjects, sports
and future dreams. Future professions of doctors and nurses, teachers, priests and
nuns, and engineers were frequently cited.
One of my favorite questions asked this trip was, “What is your favorite food?” I
thought this would be interesting to families or students back home as it’s something
we can all relate to.
The most popular answers were rice and potatoes. But the answer that struck
me most was “portia.” This is the cornmeal porridge the kids are fed at school and is
by far the most basic and common food for students. Food simply being food made
it their favorite. Once again, we were reminded how very different our worlds are and
all that we take for granted.
To learn more about our scholarship program, visit:
August 28,2016
August 28, 2016
Please support our
Enrich, Expand, Grow
A Campaign for Our Church, Our School, Our Faith
Campaign UPDATE
We have raised $1,529,050 towards our $2.25 million goal! Here’s a breakdown of
our progress:
of goal
parish participation
average gift
Thank you to the families that have already made a gift to this campaign! Enrich,
Expand, Grow benefits our entire community and we will need everyone’s help in
order to make these projects a reality. Make your pledge today!
Blank pledge cards are located on the campaign table in the back of church.
Case Spotlight:
School Addition and Green Space
The biggest project in the Enrich, Expand, Grow campaign is the school addition
and green space. Currently, our school lacks the necessary space it needs to
grow. As the school approaches its maximum capacity after several years of
enrollment growth, it is important that we maintain the high educational standard
that has defined this institution for over 100 years. Our vision for the school is to
add four classrooms to the main school building and to introduce a green space
next to the school.
Here’s what Principal Ackermann says about this project:
“We have created a middle school that has done an outstanding job of preparing
our preteens and young teens for high school. This school addition will allow for
Saint Andrew's continued growth. Additionally, the demolition of the Annex (on
Paulina) will allow for much needed campus green space and a playground are for
our youngest students.”
• For campaign questions, please call Annie Sullivan or Julie Richards at the Parish Office,
• If you are interested in volunteering for the campaign, please contact Campaign Director
Annie Sullivan at Thank you!
Saint Andrew #000543
3546 N. Paulina
Chicago, Il 60657
773 525-3016
Chris O’Malley
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August 28, 2016
500 bulletins