vipnewspremium > volume 183 > october 2015 - VIP


vipnewspremium > volume 183 > october 2015 - VIP
I took a train up from the coast to attend the
the Music Venues Trust and others is really
but it’s interesting that in this issue we
second edition of Venues Day at Ministry of
producing positive returns.
mention two Mayors that have taken a
Sound in London yesterday (October 19th),
and a fine and well-attended event it was,
The week before I was in Paris for the 6th
the live industry in their Cities. In London
with small venue owners and managers
edition of the MaMA, Event, (See reports
the flamboyant Boris Johnson on being
from all over the country coming together
in this issue). In the same week I could have
informed and convinced of the disastrous
to address the many problems besetting the
attended, if I could have cloned myself (a
decline of live venues over the past few
sector. A good attendance by politicians and
dreadful idea I hear you say!), CMJ in New
years in the UK Capital, commissioned a
others too, showing that the hard work of
York, Music and Media in Tampere, Finland,
report and activated the Music Venues Task
and The Amsterdam Dance Event. More
Force. In Hamburg, a City that takes its music
and more conference and showcase events
industry very seriously, Lord Mayor Olaf
and still the same time as we ever had!
Scholz regularly speaks at the Reeperbahn
And, you can bet, there will be more, the
event and addresses the congress of the
first International Festival Forum took place
German promoters Association, the BDV.
last month in London, and Yourope kick off
This welcome (if properly advised and
another event in Austria in December (see
directed by the music industry.) involvement
this issue), like festivals, there seems to be
of City authorities in the cultural, touristic
an insatiable appetite for these conventions.
and economic opportunities offered by
Some people go to quite exhausting lengths
live music is growing fast, and will be
to attend as many events as possible; at
highlighted at the second Music Cities
MaMA I ran into Neil Dixon, founder and
Convention in Washington DC on Sunday
organiser of Canadian Music Week, he had
October 25, which will feature 35 speakers
just flown in from Toronto, it was his first
from 8 countries and 23 cities.
VIP-News is published by:
20-22 Wenlock Road
London N1 7GU
United Kingdom
+44 870 755 0092
Managing Director:
Ronni Didriksen
General Manager:
Peter Briggs
Writer and editorial:
Allan McGowan
Manfred Tari
For advertising enquiries
please contact:
Peter Briggs
+44 870 755 0092
more than active interest in the activities of
time at the Paris event, although there are
few that he has not visited. Realising that the
So, next time you see your local mayor grasp
UK Music Awards also clashed with MaMA
him or her firmly by their gold chain of office
he took the Eurostar to London, took in
(I presume that’s pretty much the same in
the Awards, then got up at 5.00 to catch a
most Cities?), making sure you haven’t
Eurostar back to Paris for the rest of MaMA –
confused them with a bling wearing rapper,
makes me tired just thinking about it!
invite them for a pie and a pint, or whatever,
and ask what they intend to do to support
There was a time when, in the UK at least,
the live industry in your town. You never
the Mayor of a town or a City was not an
know what might come out of it!
official that you associated with live music,
well, not the genres that we all deal with,
So – following that call to action, Ladies and
brass bands perhaps, or school concerts,
Gentlemen – The News!
Way Out West
A Record Year for
Sweden’s Way Out West
From VIP-Daily News
This year’s Way Out West which took
lineup included an array of international
classic WOW bookings, along with a whole
place on 13-15 August in Gothenburg
headliners such as Florence & The Machine,
bunch of interesting new stuff. We believe
saw the festival’s record year with 30.000
Beck, Belle & Sebastian, Emmylou Harris &
that the strong female angle is important.
visitors per day and a unique number of
Rodney Crowell and Patti Smith combined
We had a new, great, marketing team in
approximately 40.000 visitors over all 3
with Swedish headliners and an abundance
place. We are environmentally friendly,
days. Arranged by promoter Luger, the main
of upcoming acts.
being all vegetarian among other things.
There are many factors. Perhaps luck..haha.
festival takes place in the Slottsskogen Park
in central Gothenburg but also comprises
The success of this year paves the way for
of a Stay Out West evening program at
the festival’s 10th Anniversary next year and
VIP-News: In recent years there have
some of city’s clubs and a Music Conference
plans are already under way to expand the
been several casualties on the Swedish
attracting key speakers and delegates from
festival further.
Festival market as competition comes in
from the FKP Scorpio run festivals such
the Music Industry. This year’s impressive
VIP-News asked Luger’s co-founder, Ola
as Bråvalla. How has Way Out West
Broquist, about the plans for next year,
survived this wave of competition?
competition in the Swedish market, the
agent/promoter role and the festival’s
Ola Broquist: The festival audience over
all is still increasing in Sweden, so in that
sense the market is healthy. Sure, there is
VIP-News: This year’s festival saw your
competition to get some of the acts, but we
record attendance. What made this year
don´t really experience that we target the
so special and how do you plan to beat
same audience. We feel that all our festivals
that for the festival’s 10th anniversary?
are really strong brands with a dedicated
Ola Broquist co-founder
Way Out West
Ola Broquist: We got a nice line up together
that we like to think was well composed,
VIP-News: The introduction of the
containing some names you could call real
new festival Tinderbox in neighboring
Denmark caused quite a stir, not the
VIP-News: Have you seen a change
But that doesn’t mean the camping festivals
least because one of the biggest
in the ticket buyer demography in
are out. There is still a young audience for
Booking Agencies in the country was
Sweden over the last decade and do
that. We believe there is room for a big
the promoter. Luger is both a Booking
you see a better future for festivals
diversity of festivals now, both in style,
Agency and the promoter of one of
with more comfortable conditions for
location and size.
Sweden’s biggest festivals. Is there a
festival goers as opposed to the more
conflict of interests in one company
traditional festivals with camping?
sitting on both seats?
VIP-News: Have you confirmed any acts
for 2016 yet and what would be your
Ola Broquist: If anything we see a bigger
dream booking to celebrate your 10th
Ola Broquist: I didn´t really get that the fuss
festival audience now. There is a slightly
on Tinderbox was about that. But to answer
older crowd that has at this point been going
the question, no, we don´t face much
to festivals all their life, and they might be
Ola Broquist: Only a few acts confirmed so
problems relating to this. I believe it´s down
looking for something else than a traditional
far. We will tell you about the dream when
to relations and common sense.
camping festival with a teenage audience.
it comes through!
Mayor’s Venue Taskforce Report
Calls for Urgent Action
Allan McGowan
Following the release of London Mayor Boris
Johnson’s Music Venue Task Force an urgent
city-wide campaign has been launched to
save London’s live music venues. The report
shows that the number of live music venues
has declined by 35% in eight years.
50 venues have closed for good since 2007,
leaving the capital with just 88. Historic venues such as the Marquee Club, the Astoria,
the 12 Bar Club, Water Rats and Madame
Jojo’s have disappeared from the map, due
to high costs, complaints from residents and
pressures from developers. Many more are
on the brink of closure.
“An increasing population means that
residential development is taking place
cheek-by-jowl with night-time activity,”the
report says. “This pressure, coupled with
rising property prices and increasing costs
for grassroots music venues, is proving too
much and venues are closing.
The report makes six major recommendations to be implemented over the next few
years to stop the rot.
Boris Johnson Mayor of London
They includes the creation of a “night mayor”
among some of the most expensive real
to champion the night-time economy, and
estate in the world.
adopting the “agent of change” principle,(as
successfully adopted in Australia) which
The 100 Club pays £180,000 a year in
makes residential developers responsible for
rent and service charges, and about
the costs of soundproofing if they build near
£50,000 in business rates. It is one of only
an existing venue.
six live music venues left in the West End
and only avoided closure in 2011 thanks to
The musician Frank Turner said, “I’ve
Thanks to the pressures of gentrifica-
a commercial partnership with Converse.
seen a lot of the venues that gave me the
tion and increased demand for accommo-
Horton said: “As someone who has run a
chance to experiment and grow as an artist
dation, many music venue landlords have
live music venue for 35 years, I can tell you
disappear,” he said.
chosen to sell their properties to developers,
that this report is hugely important. This
with some turned into flats.
gives us a chance to change the live music
“Without the spaces for new talent to
landscape of London back to where it was
discover itself and its audience, music in
a few years ago.
London will die a slow death, and the UK
authorities to offer urgent relief on business
will lose a huge part of its culture.”
rates for grassroots venues, and to change
“There used to be over a 100 live music
highly restrictive and outdated planning
venues in the West End and now we’re
The task force report also envisages the
and licensing laws. Venues that have been
down to four or five. I’ve seen my industry
establishment of a music development
there for decades but have new residential
decimated and it really upsets me. If all the
board, which will set a goal for the number
grassroots venue close, where are the big
of venues needed to sustain a healthy
festival headliners going to come from?”
ecosystem of live music in London.
complaints, and local authorities have been
quick to withdraw licences at the first sign
of grievance by residents.
The mayor’s office has vowed to work
with councils to demonstrate how live
music venues, far from bringing trouble
and increased police costs, are actually
economically and culturally beneficial.
The report has the backing of both
musicians and venue owners, who said it
was vital something was done before it was
too late.
Jeff Horton, who runs the 100 Club in
the West End, said the live music scene
in London had been decimated over the
past decade. His own running costs were
extortionate, he said, because the venue,
which has been running since 1942, sits
Jeff Horton
General Manager 100club
Need to know who is touring Europe?
Go online -
Venues Day 2015
Allan McGowan
This second Venues Day event held at
to help keep their doors open, stating that,
London’s Ministry of Sound sold out,
“A vibrant music venue which is breaking new
attracting 354 delegates from all over the
acts has just as much right to be considered a
UK. The London Venues Report referred to
cultural venue as a local or regional theatre”.
above was of course mentioned but it was
Joyce Wilson agreed, telling venue owners in
stressed that venues throughout the rest of
the room: “Not many of you do apply to the
the country face the same problems.
Arts Council. It’s really hard to support you if
Lord Tim Clement-Jones opened
Venues Day 2015
you don’t come and talk to us”.
The day kicked of with a welcome from the
Liberal peer, Lord Tim Clement –Jones, one of
Music Venues Trust Mark Davyd pointed out
three high level politicians in attendance, and
that as he saw it the reasons venues weren’t
the instigator of the Private Members Bill that
applying for funding went beyond simply
introduced reforms to the Licensing laws in
being “shy”, as Vaizey had suggested. He
the area of live entertainment some a couple
said, “What you’re proposing isn’t actually
of years ago. He was followed by the CEO
any help to us”, he said. “We don’t have time
of the host venue Ministry of Sound, Lohan
to fill in hours and hours of very rigorous
them tour were probably not going to the
Presencer and Bev Whitrick of the founders
paperwork. And if I did it, you wouldn’t
right peopleand would be better used to
of Venues Day, the Music Venues Trust.
understand anyway. I want to put on a guy
support and maintain the actual touring
who’s playing white noise through a trumpet
circuit, which could help all acts, not just
The first panel featured a heavy weight
for no apparent reason, other than the fact
a few.
line up, indicating how seriously the small
that it might annoy someone and it’s just
venues situation is being taken. Hosted by
brilliant. It doesn’t fit in what you’ve got”.
Joe Dipple CEO of UK Music, the Minister
The politicians seemed sincere in realizing
that the sector needs help, but as his party
of Culture, Ed Vaizey MP and the Shadow
He added that many of the problems facing
is in power Ed Vaizey is the only one that
Minister of Culture Michael Dugher MP,
venues were not just about funding actual
can offer positive assistance in economic
had their say alongside the CEO of the BPI
events, but in maintaining the buildings
help, such as a reduction in business rates,
(British Phonographic Institute) Geoff Taylor,
and equipment that made them possible.
but even that requires discussions with local
London Area Director of The Arts Council,
“People are walking into these venues and
councils. The Shadow Labour Minister of
Joyce Wilson, DJ Steve Lamacq of BBC Radio
they’re thinking, ‘Wow, live music smells a
Culture Michael Dugher advocated a national
6 Music, and Mark Davyd CEO of the Music
bit funny’. We need money to be put into
strategy, but of course these things take
venues Trust.
infrastructure”. At a later point he stated
time. However it is obvious that the cries for
that the recent availability of funds, such
help from the small venues have at least been
Culture Minister Ed Vaizey urged smaller
as the Arts Council and PRS Foundation
heard, and there may well be some response.
music venues to apply for more arts funding
Momentum Fund awarded to artiststo help
The fact that, as could be seen at this event,
they are now working together gives more
strength in numbers.
The rest of the day offered more seminars
and workshops aimed at encouraging and
advising venue operators in their day to day
business. It is obvious that the live music
industry cannot do without the grass roots
Venues Day was held at
Ministry Of Sound in London
circuit, so initiatives like Venues Day are vital
and need all the support and encouragement
that they can get - Watch this Space!
Business in process at
MaMa Event Paris
6th MaMA
Event a Success
Allan McGowan
The sixth edition of the MaMA Event again took place in Paris, in
(chaired by yours truly..) looked at the business set up of the Sziget
the theatres, bars and venues of Pigalle and Montmartre from 14-16
Festival to analyse the methods the event employs to successfully and
October. Attendance figures were up again, indicating that this French
regularly sell the bulk of its tickets outside of Hungary.
event has joined established events like Eurosonic and Reeperbahn
as another mainstay in the European Conference calendar. 4625
A further touch of typical old style Parisian style was added with
professionals attended, with 1820 companies represented from
the addition of a new venue, the Theatre d’Atelier, a very charming
58 countries, taking part in 71 panels, workshops and networking
old style theatre. As with many of these events there seemed to
sessions. 450 journalists covered the event.
be more national and Company parties. The FKP Scorpio party was
particularly well attended, as was the Dutch Export event. Two acts
Panel topics included the effects of corporatisation on the music
stood out for me from the Showcases (not that I saw them all!) these
industry, artist rights, big data, promoting artists in multiple territories
were, Duth rock and roll band The Deaf, and the very stylish French
and the development of the international festival market. One panel
act, Papooze.
French Live Industry Growth
Reported at MaMA
Live music trade body the CNV. Presented figures at MaMA that
showing “dynamism and diversity” with over 55,000 shows during
indicate that France`s live industry has experienced a growth in both
the year 2014, 3% of which attracted over 3,000 people (accounting
attendance and revenues for the second year in a row. Over 25.3
for 35% of total attendance and 45% of the box office. The average
million people attended concerts in 2014, up 8% compared to the
ticket price was 32, slightly down (-4%) from the previous year.
previous year, while box office revenues reached 746m, up 3%.
Concerts attracting less than 200 people represented 60% of the
CNV director Philippe Nicolas talked of the live music scene in France
total attendance. 7
The top 20 main concerts or tours represented less than 5% of the
total number of concerts, but accounted for 23% of the attendance
CNV director Philippe Nicolas
and 39% of the box office. The top 20 live events included tours by
international acts such as Beyonce and Jay-Z, as well as the Rolling
Stones and One Direction who played at the Stade de France. Leading
French acts included the Vieilles Canailles bill, starring Eddy Mitchell,
Jacques Dutronc et Johnny Hallyday at Bercy, Stromae, Christophe
Mae, Patrick Bruel, Florent Pagny, Tal and Indochine. The city of Paris suffered a slight drop in attendance (1%) and in
revenues, mostly due to the closing of the capital`s main arena, the
Palais Omnisport de Paris Bercy, closed for renovation. The 17-venue Zénith network reported a 28% increase in revenues,
reflecting the success of tours attracting 3,000 to 6,000 people per
concert. Overall, the network accounts for 13% of total attendance
and 18% of the box office in France. Festivals also posted growth in
attendance and represented in 2014 about 20% of total attendance
and 17% of the box-office.
20th Anniversary And New
Records for ADE
Manfred Tari
The one and only Amsterdam Dance Event again turned out to be a
huge success. The 20th edition of this top notch industry gathering
was even able to increase visitor figures for its festivals and the
Richard Zijlma,
director of ADE
number of participating industry delegates.
For the record,
the official facts & figure
Richard Zijlma, director of ADE, has set the agenda of the event “for
Artists 2,289
Speakers 510
Events 1,001
itors 365,000
Festival & Playground vis
Conference visitors 5,500
Journalists & media 500
the next twenty years” already. In the press release Zijlma states:
“Over the last twenty years we have widened the scope of ADE step
by step - and we want to keep developing. This year, for example,
we had the first ADE Beats, a hip-hop program, and ADE Sound Lab
about the technological evolution of sound. We will always look for
ways to keep things fresh and ways to move forward and add to the
Very well done and looking forward to visiting ADE sooner or later
again. For further information please check
German Concert Promoters
Association Celebrates 30th
Anniversary -Elects New Board
Manfred Tari
In Hamburg on the 28th of September more than 170 members
chairman Klaus-Peter Schulenberg and DEAG chairman Prof. Peter
and guests of the Federal German Association for the Promoters
and Event Business (bdv) celebrated its 30th anniversary with a
congress and a Gala Dinner. The agenda included panels with top
Prof. Jens Michow was re-elected as President and executive
speakers such as the managing directors of Facebook and Google
Manager for the next three years, and the elections for the bdv
and the presentation of Germany’s first research of the economic
board led to the following result (alphabetical order): Christian
value of all sectors of the music industry edited by eight of the
Doll (C2-Concerts), Felix Hansen (Landstreicher Booking), Daniel
most important music associations.
Rothammer (DEAG), Ulrike Schirrmacher (Berliner KabarettTheater „Die Wühlmäuse“), Stephan Thanscheidt (FKP Scorpio),
Another main agenda item was the election of a new bdv-board.
Klaus Wollny (Hanseatische Konzertdirektion).
The day ended with the traditional bdv-Dinner and a speech by
the Lord Mayor of Hamburg, Mr. Olaf Scholz, well thought of
Photo from left to right: Klaus Wollny, Christian Doll, Stephan
the music business due to Hamburg’s outstanding activities in
Thanscheidt, Prof. Jens Michow, Ulrike Schirrmacher, Daniel
support of the music industry. Amongst the many guests were CTS
Rothammer, Felix Hansen.
The new board of BVD
Jens Michow Reviews 30 Years
of the BDV
VIP-News spoke with Dr. Jens Michow
pop, and jazz in Germany, the bdv has
in the years to come. On the panel amongst
following his re-election as President of the
represented its supervisory board.
others was Joel Berger, Industry Leader
Media & entertainment of Google Germany
In 2006 the bdv initiated and has since
VIP-News: 30 Years of the BDV - What
produced the German Live Entertainment
Northern Central and Eastern Europe of
do you consider to be the association’s
Award Gala. The LEA is considered to be
most remarkable achievements?
one of the most impressive cultural Award
Galas in the country.
has also considered
moving its office to Berlin. How closely
Jens Michow: The central task of associations
is to better and evaluate the legal and
We were the first to publish market research
is the Association already connected
commercial outline conditions of a market.
on the German Event Market and recently we
with institutional bodies in the City and
This is what the bdv has continuously been
were again one of the leading associations
in particular, which ones are the most
pursuing for 30 years in various tax and
to work on the first research of the
relevant for BDV?
levy fields like withholding taxation, VAT,
economic value of all the various branches
trade taxation, social security contribution
of the German music industry, published on
Jens Michow: First of all we don’t have a final
and of course the GEMA. We started out
the occasion of the Reeperbahn Festival.
decision from our members on this topic.
in the 80’s fighting successfully against
And at this moment – facing Hamburg’s
the official understanding, that agents
continuous outstanding activities for music
and managers needed a permission from
and the music industry I would consider it
the Federal Employment office to run their
as a mistake to move to Berlin. I’m in Berlin
business. As they thought at that time, that
more or less every week. It’s just a 1:40h
around 75 of these permissions would be
train ride away from Hamburg – many
sufficient for Germany, no further licenses
people need about the same time to drive
were granted. The German music business
by car from home to their office in any City.
would have developed in a totally different
Another remarkable milestone of our work
In the past 30years we established a most
direction, if the bdv had not won this
has been the development of standard
efficient network for all politicians that are
fight at that time. Nobody needs official
contracts for promoters, managers and
of importance for our branch in Berlin. So
permission to be an agent or manager
agents – being used not only by our
there is no imperative to reside in Berlin
since. This brought the essential legal basis
members but by about every company
as one association amongst thousands of
for the now more than 1.500 managers
acting in the industry- as well as hundreds of
and agents to operate.
consultancy services with our more than 300
members. Last but not least the foundation
VIP-News: In the invitation for the
of a collection agency for the utilization of
annual meeting, you mention that
apprenticeship for event merchants and
promoter rights – an essential change in the
members are concerned about increased
consulted to the state authorities on the
income structure of promoters.
competition and corporatisation. Can
you please elaborate on what this is
content of an according curriculum and
examination rules. More than 30.000
all about and how these developments
young people passed the necessary 3 years
meeting on September 28 in Hamburg.
you expect are likely to affect the
dual training (practical work in companies
What were the main topics on the
German market situation in general?
combined with attending a business school)
agenda for this meeting?
successfully in the past 14 years. Since the
Jens Michow: First of all, competition is good
founding of ‘Initiative Musik’ the federal
Jens Michow: It was full day congress
for every industry. However, up to now the
government’s funding agency supporting
program. One of the main topics discussed
structure of the German Promoters Market
the music industry in the fields of rock,
was the digital opportunities for Promoters
is most versatile. There are more than 500
smaller companies coexisting with the two
sector. In 2014, the music industry’s gross
industry, distributes support for performing
big stock corporations, i.e. the Medusa
value added (GVA) was roughly €3.9 billion,
artists, e.g. for productions, tours etc.,
Group of CTS and the DEAG. However,
which is even higher than that of the film,
from a budget of around only 2 million.
already in the past couple of years smaller
radio and book and magazine publishing
The Initiative has to decide on more than
companies have realized, that competition
400 applications per year. With regard to
with the big group companies gets harder.
this number and the return of investment,
Money makes the world go around –
VIP-News: Are there any topics on
which is generated with such funding, it’s
especially in the entertainment business.
your political agenda, which from your
very hard to understand why music funding
The fact that bigger international acts are
point of view deserve better support
is so low.
difficult for a small company to pay for
may be self-evident. However, the success
administrative sources?
within the live music community the
of promoter-companies mostly depends
on single persons. If they leave a company
Jens Michow: We are still working on
understanding and the willingness for
for a better job somewhere else, this may
some very special but particularly sensitive
the implementation of joint measures
mean the end of the company because
tax problems for our branch. We are
and activities has increased over the
it has lost the head of the team. Besides
discussing with politicians the realization of
that, in many companies we face a change
rules like the British Consumer Rights Act
of generation. But not every successor of
2015, which I personally consider to be a
Jens Michow: Definitely! The cooperation of
a successful father is able to keep up his
clever step against unwanted secondary
around 10 trade associations by preparing
standard. All this makes the foundation
this actual study on all sectors of the music
of smaller companies very vulnerable.
definitely don’t need and desire any official
branch was not only effective but it showed
Live Nation Germany now will be a third
funding. However we fight for financial
us which important results we are finally able
big player on the German market and it’s
support in the career development of new
to achieve once we cooperate on an issue.
not difficult to predict that it will not make
talent. Film in Germany gets supported with
The bdv will immediately take the initiative
competition amongst German promoters
60 million Euros per year. The previously
to invite all relevant trade associations of the
mentioned Initiative Musik (see above),
music branch in order to discuss an umbrella
the funding agency supporting the music
association for the whole industry.
VIP-News: When it comes to lobbying
efforts, how much would you say
German official bodies and institutions
are aware of the needs of the live
entertainment business?
Jens Michow: Before bdv started to provide
them continuously with facts and figures in
the nineties and was able to point out the
financial impact of our industry, we were
handled as a complete niche market. In
the mean time, the whole creative industry
was, and is, seen with different eyes.
The biggest surprise by politicians will be
generated by the results of the actual study
on the economic value of the whole music
industry: Last year, the various sub-sectors
of Germany’s music industry generated
revenues totaling €11 billion. With a total
of 127,000 salaried employees and selfemployed individuals currently active in
the industry, these sub-sectors surpass the
employment numbers of every other media
Jens Michow President of the BDV
FKP Scorpio
Announces Rammstein
for Hurricane & Southside
Manfred Tari
One more anniversary in sight for FKP
in Eichenring Scheeßel on June 25-26
also played the first edition of Hurricane. So,
Scorpio: The company, which celebrates its
simultaneously with sister event Southside
FKP Scorpio is busy planning how best to
25th anniversary in November, will celebrate
in Neuhausen ob Eck.
celebrate these festival anniversary dates. By
another anniversary when it promotes
the 20th edition of the Hurricane festival
the way, spokespersons of FKP denied being
By sheer coincidence it appears, Rammstein
on a shopping visit, when executives were
spotted at the recent edition of the MaMA
music convention in Paris.
Anyhow, besides Rammstein FKP Scorpio
has also confirmed the booking of K.I.Z,
Dropkick Murphys,
Two Door Cinema Club, Trailerpark, Editors,
The Hives, Flogging Molly, Bosse, Royal
Republic , Genetikk, Die Orsons, Boysetsfire,
Feine Sahne Fischfilet and Digitalism for the
two festivals.
Just for the record, the Hurricane Festival is
a co-production by FKP Scorpio, MCT and
Koopmann Concerts, while Southside is
a co-production of FKP Scorpio, MCT and
KOKO & DTK Entertainment.
“The German Live Industry Is
Like A Soap Opera These Days!”
Manfred Tari
Statements as headlines usually work well if they hit the point
Manuel Schottmüller and Linus Munz have left the SSC Group and
and this one could be read as a slogan, referring to the ongoing
set up their own company, calledEmerged Agency, with offices in
moves and transfers of live music professionals within the circle
Düsseldorf and Zurich. The above mentioned statement actually
of German concert companies. Ralf Diemert left Landstreicher
came from a Northern European observer, remarking on the overall
Booking and moves on to Selective Artists to join Thomas Köster
situation involving the many recent changes in the business.
who moved there earlier this year from MLK, following Jacob
Philipp Pahl who left the Company in December 2014 to join
For further information please check:
Landstreicher Booking. and
Dave Kaplan moves to Paradigm
Reed Midem UK
names MD
From VIP-Daily News
From VIP-Daily News
Agent Dave Kaplan has switched from United Talent Agency to Paradigm Talent Agency as
an agent in their music division.
announced that Simon Rhodes has joined
the company as UK managing director.
Kaplan, who will be based in the firm`s New York office, brings with him artists including
The Black Keys, Father John Misty, Bombay Bicycle Club and The Kills.
In his new position, Rhodes will oversee
Reed MIDEM’s British-based business and
“I`ve known Marty Diamond and Tom Windish for many years and admired what they`ve
take the UK sales lead on the company’s
accomplished as agents,” said Kaplan. “Paradigm should be a great home for me and for
real estate portfolio. Prior to joining the
the artists I represent and I`m really looking forward to this next phase of my career.”
firm, Rhodes was EMEA marketing and
business development director at CBRE.
A figure in the industry for more than 20 years, Kaplan began his music career as a
promoter in San Francisco and then founded his own booking agency in 1997, Easy Action
Industries, which merged with The Agency Group in 2002.
development and management to Reed
Paradigm’s head of East Coast music Marty Diamond said: “I am honored to have Dave
MIDEM’s UK team as they work on our
as a part of our Paradigm team. He is an incredible agent and has impeccable taste and
television, music and property events,”
great A&R instincts.”
said Reed MIDEM CEO Paul Zilk. “His
knowledge of the real estate industry
Head of the Paradigm Music Division, Chip Hooper added: “We`re delighted to have an
makes him ideally placed to lead our
agent of Dave`s caliber join our family. Whenever we consider the addition of an agent or a
sales strategy in the UK for our property
partner, we`re very conscious of the character and quality of the people involved. We think
portfolio and will be particularly beneficial
Dave fits perfectly.”
as we grow MIPIM UK.”
The Black Keys move with Dave Kaplan to Paradigm
Simon Rhodes
In Shares
Manfred Tari
CTS Eventim
The TV-Report still can be seen in German
“penny stock”. NASDAQ regulations require
- 30 Minutes TV Spotlight
language at:
a minimum share price of at least $1 and
on October 16 sent SFX Entertainment a
No, since the last issue of VIP-News, CTS
“Notice of Delisting”.
Eventim has not officially released any major
However, within the financial community
news that might attract the attention of
such stories about moral issues don’t seem
On the same day Robert F.X. Sillerman
its investors or the live music community.
to cause any concerns at all; since the last
released an offer paying $3.25 per share
However, the company has gained some
issue the share price of CTS Eventim went
in cash, the offer is non-binding and is the
public awareness due to a TV-report
up from 33.08 Euro to 34.55 Euro on
second offer by Sillerman this year, who
screened on the nationwide public TV-
October 22.
previously offered to buy shares for $5.25 in
Station ZDF.
May but withdrew this offer later.
Most of the broadcast material is not really
new to most of those industry people who
- The Pressure Succeeds
Entertainment is still not in sight, so the
follow CTS Eventim on regular basis, except
saga of EDM on the stock market might last
for the fact that the TV-crew undertook
No, there have been no further equity
a little bit longer. The share since last time
proper research and revealed how Klaus
stories in the meantime that reveal anything
went up from $0.45 to $1.00...
Peter Schulenberg, the CEO of the company
manages his financial wealth and assets in
resulting from its festival activities earlier
tax heavens the British Virgin Islands and
on this summer causing DEAG to suffer
Jersey, using trusts and other tax-saving
financial losses. Nevertheless, the share price
measures that currently are questionable
is slightly under pressure, from a previously
with many super rich people not contributing
reported 4.51 Euro down to 4.20 Euro.
about ongoing legal claims
towards society in the same way as average
tax payers.
Live Nation
The TV-Report also featured extensively
- The Roller Coaster Experience
on the investigations by the prosecution
Amazing, the share price of Live Nation in
regarding tickets sold on the black market
the last three months went up and down.
for the World Cup 2006. This case as VIP-
On July 23 the share price was $26.19, on
News previously reported has been settled
September 1st $23.99, on September 29
with Schulenberg paying a fine, but not
$23.58 and now it is up again to $26.01.
being given a criminal record. In reference to
recent news concerning reports of bribery
involving FIFA and the German football
SFX Entertainment
association DFB for the tender of the World
- Warning Letter from NASDAQ
Cup 2006, the closed case may cause
concerns but certainly no big surprises for
In the recent weeks the shares of SFX
the public.
Entertainment performed as so called
Nick (Loris) Loridas established DIDI Music in 1984
Territory: World incl. USA
Period: March 2016 onwards
Agency: Value Added Talent
Agent: Dan Silver
Phone: +44 20 7704 9720
as a record label. In 1987, with the cooperation of
NANA TRANDOU, Big Star Promotion was created as
a department of DIDI Music, specializing in concert
promotion. Gradually, the record release department
of the company has been surpassed by the growing
agency sector.
the breakthrough in the local market, organising events and hosting artists of
international importance. The company is also the exclusive booking agent for two
of our nation’s best selling pop/rock bands arranging for both bands to tour abroad,
Territory: Europe
Period: 2016
Agency: The Damager
Agent: Toni Törrönen
Phone: +358 400 592 152
something that local groups rarely have a chance to do. Since 1997, we successfully
organise the ROCKWAVE Festival attracting thousands of people, featuring great acts
and a plethora of other activities. Our festival has always been devoted to promoting
social awareness, having stands on site giving out brochures and information leaflets
concerning AIDS and the HIV virus, Greenpeace and Amnesty International.
ROCKWAVE Festival, no doubt, contributed in the last few years to change our
country’s image, making it an equal member of the global music entertainment scene.
BIG STAR PROMOTION is a member of YOUROPE, the most important union of
European festival promoters. Ms Nana Trandou, our managing director, has been
elected in the Board of Directors of YOUROPE, as well as, leader of the workgroup
on the Performance Royalties Society (PRS). We are also represented in ILMC, the
International Live Music Conference.
DIDI MUSIC is established in the Greek market as the provider of high quality services
Basement Jaxx
Territory: Europe
Period: 2015
Agency: Primary Talent International
Agent: Peter Eilliot
Phone: +44 20 7400 4500
Chris Thompson
(Ex-Manfred Mann¥s Earth Band)
Territory: World
Period: Available all year on request
Agency: Live Concept Entertainment GmbH
Agent: Michael Widmann
Phone: +49 7203 9219180
that guarantee safety and top the most demanding performing requirements,
through our efforts, commitment and high investments in exclusive technical and
stage equipment. We are currently developing our company image to strengthen our
identity as the leading service providers in Greece for organising outdoor and indoor
Meanwhile, we have expanded in the ticket distribution market through TICKET
HOUSE, a national network of ticket outlets with growing dynamics.
About Our Company
VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and largest­
database­for the European Live Entertainment Industry­developed as a tool for industry
professionals­. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very best in database services and
now boast subscribers­in over 30 countries.
The”Original”Blues Brothers Band
Territory: Europe
Period: On request, May - August 2016
Agency: Basitours
Agent: Peter Basler
Phone: +41 79 7692393
Territory: All International
Period: Spring - Summer 2016
Agency: Cheyenne Productions
Agent: Patrick rocher
Phone: +1 928 852 00 32​​
Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the industry­
– including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book and VIP-Contract.
Please visit for further information­.
Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated­.
Blind Channel (FIN)