Winter 2011 - Collie Health Foundation
Winter 2011 - Collie Health Foundation
CHF OFFICIAL WEBSITE WWW.COLLIEHEALTH.ORG WINTER 2011 Volume 24 Issue 1 OFFICERS Nancy McDonald President Helga Kane Vice President Gerrie Oliver "…TO FOSTER AND PROMOTE THE STUDY OF AND RESEARCH ON THE… PARTICULAR PROBLEMS OF COLLIES… Vice President Hildy Morgan Secretary Laura LaBounty Treasurer BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Officers and William K. Brokken, MD Jane Clymer Peggy Darington Robette Johns David Hansen, DVM Krista Hansen Gayle Kaye Nancy Kelso, DVM Pati Merrill Lori Montero Membership Chair: Nancy Van Note Newsletter Editor: Mary Hunter From the President, Nancy McDonald 2834 Cotton Road, Sanford, NC 27330 Phone: 919-718-9347/Email: The Collie Club of America’s 125th Anniversary Gala is bearing down on us like a powerful locomotive and will be here before we know it. The Collie Health Foundation also celebrates their Silver Anniversary milestone at this event, having fledged its chicks at the Collie Club of America’s Centennial event in Chicago in 1986. Thanks to the generosity of John and Evelyn Honig, Rick and Hilda Rickenbaugh, Jane Youngjohns and Hazel Ward, and Richard Norstrom, the first charter memberships sold at auction generated $7,000 in seed money. By the end of the year, the Foundation had raised almost $25,000. That year the Foundation awarded its first two grants - $1,500 to Dr. William P. Hammond and Dr. David C. Dale of the University of Washington in support of an ongoing Gray Collie project; an additional $500 went to Janet N. Holbrook to develop an audiovisual guide for training Collies. In the 25 years of the Foundation’s existence, over a million dollars has been raised, with nearly a million spent in support of a variety of institutional projects designed to improve Collie health and give breeders tools to produce healthier, longer-lived Collies that continue to enrich the lives of those of us who adore them. Thanks to the efforts and dedication of many volunteers whose talents have contributed to the groundwork of the Foundation, your current board was handed a rock to build upon, and build upon it, they have. In that quarter century since 1986, your contributions to the CHF have supported the discovery of DNA tests for the MDR-1 gene, Collie Eye Anomaly, Progressive Retinal Atrophy, and Gray Collie Syndrome. In the next quarter century, we hope to be able to report progress against bloat, epilepsy, autoimmune disorders, and cancer, which is being reported more often recently. In pursuit of our educational goals, we’ve funded thousands of educational club seminars, and created the milestone Gathering at Sunnybank in the summer. The CHF Committee Chairs are planning exciting commemorative activities for the National specialty this year - be sure to check out the website and our booth at the national to see what they’ve come up with! Volunteers will be there – be sure to introduce yourself and tell us about your Collies! 2 Bid on these items plus many more at the 25th Anniversary Collie Health Foundation Night Auction, Thursday, April 14, 2011! 3 Memorials and Donations November 1, 2010 – February 28, 2011 Donor In honor/memory of Marjorie S. Norstrom Jean E. Rolles Carol Martin Richard F. Norstrom Richard F. Norstrom My smooth collies Heather & Candi; In honor of my smooth collie Cayla. Evelyn L. Warhurst, CCNNJ Life Member All the Marlena Collies Connor Chip & Pat Atkins-Lodeark Collies; John Kavanagh-Kingsmark; Marion Otteraaen-RobMar; Marcia Keller-Marnus Winover Revelation; Lyric's Rockin Robin; Westwend's Legacy Lisara's Blue Belle - 12/8/09; It has been almost a year but I will never forget you my darling "Belle." Bo and Annie Nina Campbell In Loving Memory of the following very special women who are greatly missed: Alice Wharton, Pat Atkins, Marcia Keller, Marian Otteraaen Remembering our dear pets: Nadia Ash, dearly loved & missed, especially by our grandchildren, Ray & Emma; LaVerne Elliott, our cat who thought she was a collie.... the house just isn't the same without her; Winston Wilder, loved & owned by Vicki & Dave Wilder, he was always a gentleman & their grandchildren's best buddy. Honoring Dear Friends: In honor of Vern & Lora Esch's 60th wedding anniversary...a real milestone for two special people. Marcia Keller Claire K. Leishman Judith D. Kirkeby Sandra Bishop Donald & Leslie Jeszewski Helen Naum Gill Jean A. Wasiak Phillip A. Pilgram Sandra L. Wrenn Dennis R. & Carol F. Elliott Bernard J. & Phyllis Howard Susan Larson Elizabeth M. Smith Donald G. & Suzanne E. Hardy Rosemary George John A. & Maria L. Russell Deanne Balutis Rebecca Davis & Blake A. Marr Gail A. Hetzel Alison Rubendall Patricia K. Edwards Carol A. & Donato T. Soranno Nancy Comparato Duane & Melinda Sunnarborg Marianna West–She was a great friend and a great friend to my collies. John Kavanagh, Kingsmark Collies Ch Tango's Cosmopolitan Caper & Ch Tango's Carribean Dream Quincy & Duncan, forever in my heart "Kasey" Ch Apple Valley Heaven Sent In honor of Rosepoint Thoroughbred Fancy Our sweet boy Ch Sylvan Argent Perfect Timing. He left us way too soon - we miss you!! Ch Galatean Game Time HIC "Benjy" and Ch Burlywood Brand New Day HIC "Kristi" 4 Memorials and Donations November 1, 2010 – February 28, 2011 Donor In honor/memory of Helene Forthal Janet R. Hitt Terry & Michele Inman Jane Howells Robert W. & Ellen Kelly Michael Grepo Barbara P. McCampbell Naomi Ragan Tribute to Kathy Parker In honor of William C. Hitt, Jr-Champion Collie Nanny Marion Otteraaen Wesley and Merry Roz Durham Linda Colelli Carol Martin Debbie & Bob Sencenbaugh Deborah Franks Diane M. Kwiatkowski Bobbie Fairbanks Ashley Natoli Deborah Ann Waters Christine Inouye Dr. William K. & Doris M. Brokken Carole Andrews Pamela Cockrell Collie Club of America, Inc. Collie Club of America, Inc. Leslie Rappaport Frank R. Ortolani Michelle S. Broido Jane A. Dixon Erin Ackerman Ann M. Comfort Kathy Dunn My father, Ransom Purinton, who just passed away at 97. A wonderful friend and mentor, Jo McCloskey of Bonnybank Kennels. Sue Spiroff Duplicate dues & donation Dottie Lou Byrne Tartanside Wyndeswept (Samantha) Richmond J. Fairbanks, Azalea Hill Collies; Donna Rothenberger, Finley Vue Collies; Ch Azalea Hill's Chubasco, CD, PT, CCA Vers.; Ch Azalea Hill's Angela, CD, HT, CCA Vers.; Ch Azalea Hill's Allison, CD PT, CCA Vers.; Ch Azalea Hill's Dark Dreamer, CD, PT, CCA Vers. In Celebration of Brody In Celebration of Travler Collies - Becky Tehon, Candy, Bree& AJ Ardizzone, Alysha Burnham Richard Norstrom Marcia Keller and Bob Berfield In honor of Linda Zeswitz of Collie Rescue, Inc., Chantilly, VA For her tireless efforts to rescue our beloved Collie breed. We are extremely fortunate to have such a champion of the Collie sothat we may be owned and loved by them. Kudos to Linda's hard work and success. Thank you! For Rodney Cockrell and to honor those working behind the scenes. CCA Members who passed away in 2010 In honor of my mother..Eva Rappaport In honor of the birthdays and anniversary of Lynne & Gary Price 5 2010 Incident and Death Reports The Collie Health Foundation depends on you to help us prioritize our grant awards for disease that most affects our Collies. Please file health and death incident reports on our website at and All submissions are anonymous – or leave your e-mail and one of our volunteer vets will get back to you. Thank you to all who shared their Collies’ health histories in the past year. Of 37 Incidence Reports, there are 5 cases of Lymphoma, 4 cases of seizures, 2 cases of Demodectic Mange, and 2 cases of Lupus. In addition, there are 4 cases of varied skin issues, and 2 cases of reactions to medication/injection. The remainder of the reported Incidences include: OCD, Fiber Cartilaginous Embolism, Spinal Stenosis, (possible) Lyme Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Pigmented epidermal nevus, Pemphigus Vulgaris, Paralytic Gut , Bilateral perineal hernias, Overacting parathyroid, Faulty mitral valve of the heart, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and Fragmented coronoid process. Out of 24 reported Deaths in Collies, 3 cases have Lymphoma. The remaining reports detail colitis/Cushings Disease, Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia, Degenerative Myelopathy, Reaction to Rompun/Xylazine anesthesia, Sepsis secondary to tooth infection, Bloat, Stroke, End Stage Renal Disease, Addison's Disease and severe abdominal pain. Respectfully submitted, Krista Hansen Camloch Collies COLLIES, CITIZENS OF THE WORLD From Lad to Lassie Collies are known all around the world through books, movies, and television. Their sweet, protective, gentle, and courageous nature is easily recognized by millions across the globe. “Lassie” is universal in every language. While The Gathering at Sunnybank will always pay homage to “LAD” and all the magnificent collies of the famed Terhune era, this year we celebrate collies of every name. So, come on all you closet Lassie fans, this is your year! Come join us as we once again have the opportunity to celebrate our special dogs as “Citizens of the World”. THE GATHERING AT SUNNYBANK, AUGUST 20th & 21st, 2011 *Special Speakers *Tours of Sunnybank *Rescue Parade *Great Matches *Great Food/Auctions/Premiums *Much, Much More 6 Collie Health Foundation Balance Sheet December 31, 2010 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Bank Of America Operating Bank Of America Money Market Paypal Wachovia - Hilda Rickenbaugh Total Checking/Savings Other Current Assets UBS assets UBS Money Market UBS accts Total Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Other Assets Promo Items Inventory Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS 44,812.99 85,184.68 19,598.56 12,863.65 162,459.88 140,730.91 343,979.98 484,710.89 647,170.77 6,551.20 6,551.20 653,721.97 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Prepaid Memberships Total Liabilities Equity Opening Balance Equity Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 19,710.00 19,710.00 600,783.81 33,228.16 634,011.97 653,721.97 News from Promotions We are very busy in Promotions preparing for the National. The trip to Oklahoma will be very exciting and we are looking forward to seeing you all there. We are previewing several new items for consideration. Of course, we will be taking plenty of our brushes for you to groom away! Our kennel mats, hanging collies and tote bags continue to be some of our best sellers. The new Collie Health Foundation note cards are spectacular; you must stop by the CHF table to see them. We will have a special item for the 25th Anniversary of the Collie Health Foundation. Watch your email for this special offer. Please keep checking the website or contact us at for additional information. See you in Tulsa, Brenda and Pat 7 COLLIE HEALTH FOUNDATION MEMBERSHIP REMITTANCE AND CONTRIBUTION FORM PLEASE INDICATE: new member OR Please check level of membership desired: Individual Membership Family Membership Sustaining Membership Patron Benefactor - renewal membership I’m interested in volunteering: $ 25 $ 40 $ 100 $ 500 $1,000 Promotions Auctions Newsletter Other: Sunnybank Getting to Know You Send your check (US funds only), payable to Collie Health Foundation or CHF to: Nancy Van Note – CHF Membership 827 Bowman Road Jackson, NJ 08527-3553 Do you or your spouse work for a matching gift company? Some companies will match gifts of employees and/or retirees. Please contact your personnel office for details and a matching gift form. Company Name: Form Enclosed: Yes No Name (as you wish to be listed): Address: City: Phone: State: Zip: Kennel Name: Email: Please check if this is a new address. I have included CHF in my will. Please send me information about including CHF in my will. Contribution in Memory, Celebration, Honoring: Contributions are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.
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