Summer 2013 • Volume 26, Issue 2
Summer 2013 • Volume 26, Issue 2
SUMMER 2013 Volume 26 Issue 2 CHF OFFICIAL WEBSITE WWW.COLLIEHEALTH.ORG OFFICERS Gerrie Oliver President Cindi Bossart, VMD Vice President Krista Hansen "…TO FOSTER AND PROMOTE THE STUDY OF AND RESEARCH ON THE… PARTICULAR PROBLEMS OF COLLIES… Vice President Nancy McDonald Treasurer Mary Hunter Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Officers and William K. Brokken, MD Jane Clymer David Hansen, DVM Helga Kane Gayle Kaye Nancy Kelso, DVM Debbie Holland Robette Johns Pat Jung Nancy Van Note Membership Chair: Nancy Van Note From the President, Gerrie Oliver 60 Columbus Ave, Closter, NJ 07624-2455 Phone: 201-768-1282/Email: It was great to see everyone at the CHF events in LaCrosse. CCA Breed Education gave us the chance to show off our new website. With Nancy McDonald’s technical expertise to display the website on the big screen for everyone to see, Krista Hansen demonstrated all the great features of the site and a copy of Michele Brane's article on "Navigating the Collie Health Foundation Website" was in each participant's packet as a take-home guide. The packet also included the news about extension of the rebate programs and the benefits of membership, along with a new membership form. When your collie benefits, we all benefit! Mary Hunter, Rayleen Hendrix, Chandra & Francis Flaim and I loved visiting with shoppers at the CHF Promotions booth and scanning those credit cards through our new smart phone PayPal scanner! Pati Merrill did a great job setting up the daily auction tables and coordinating an extraordinary team of volunteers: Rayleen Hendrix, Robette Johns, Bill Brokken, Jane Clymer, Helga Kane, Gayle Kaye, Phyllis Autrey, Cindi Bossart, Barb Cleek, Roz Durham, Janet Hitt, Mary Hunter, Bob Kelly, & Lynn Myers I hope you were there to enjoy the fun at the annual CHF Dinner and Night Auction arranged by Laura LaBounty. Bada Bing goodie bags at each place were a nice surprise. On display was a selection of great items ranging from rare 19471949 CCA Bulletins, to original paintings, to beautiful G&G Studio jewelry, to brass door knockers! Auctioneer Bob Kelly did an outstanding job as always but I was still outbid on that gorgeous Royal Doulton. The evening also afforded me the pleasure of presenting the President’s Award for 2012 to Mary Hunter. Newsletter Editor: Mary Hunter While a President may be at the head of an organization, a good secretary is at its heart. As Secretary, Mary has kept things flowing smoothly throughout the year by creating an online filing system, publishing the newsletter, staying on top of continued on Page 2 President’s Message (continued from page 1) deadlines, maintaining meeting schedules and tracking Directors’ votes to take care of business. In addition Mary has published the beautiful Night Auction Catalog for twelve years. Mary joins a long list of remarkable honorees: 1987 - Dana Rodman 1988 - Collie Club of America 1989 - John Honig 1990 - Cynthia Alvarado 1991 - Helen K. Denton 2000 - Peggy Darington 2001 - Dr. Cindi Bossart 2002 - Steve & Robette Johns 2003 - Lori Montero 2004 - Gerrie Oliver & Sunnybank Gathering Committee 2005 - Laura LaBounty 2006 - Jeanne Marre 2007 - Norman Markese 2008 - Nancy Van Note 2009 - Brenda Walker Pat Rosenbaum Promos Chairs 2010 - Barbara Cleek Asst. Treasurer 2011 - Nancy Kelso, DVM 2012 - Mary Hunter 1992 - Nancy Morales 1993 - Hilda VH. Rickenbaugh 1994 - Helga Kane 1995 - Heidi M. Mendez 1996 - Pati Merrill 1997 - Nancy McDonald 1998 - Gayle Kaye 1999 - Krista Hansen - Gerrie News from Promotions - Jan Hedrick, Promotions Chair I'd like to thank everyone who helped with the sale of merchandise at the 2013 National, it was a very successful week because of them! I was not able to go to LaCrosse but Joanne Huff was willing to accept several boxes of items that I shipped, checked the merchandise for damage, then delivered the merchandise to the show site. Mary Hunter, Chandra Flaim and Francis Flaim manned the Promotions table and sold the merchandise. Gerrie Oliver not only worked the Promotions table but coordinated everything that was needed, inventoried the remaining merchandise and ferried the boxes back east to be available for Sunnybank. Thank you to everyone who supported the Collie Health Foundation by buying a brush or water bottle or garment bag or one of the other new items. I hope you are enjoying your purchase and proudly displaying the CHF logo! It's been hot and steamy in Virginia these last few days and hard to think that the holidays are less than six months away. But catalogs for cold weather wear have been arriving and I'm looking to add sweatshirts, jackets and fleece vests and perhaps gift items to the inventory. If there is something you'd like to see Promotions carry, please send me an e-mail ( with your suggestions! Grooming table covers are currently in production! The covers are made from anti-pill fleece, will be available in 8 colors and will have the CHF logo embroidered on. This will be a product with limited availability and under $50, don't lose your opportunity to get a quality, hand sewn product at a terrific price! 2 WOLF, THE HERO WITHIN CELEBRATING HIS 100TH ANNIVERSARY August 17-18, 2013 17th Annual Gathering at Sunnybank, 381 Terhune Drive, Wayne, NJ 07470 HELD BY AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COLLIE HEALTH FOUNDATION SUNNYBANK DAY – SATURDAY COLLIE DAY - SUNDAY Sunnybank Walking Tours BRAND NEW! 9:00a – Sunnybank Senior Match 9:00a - Judy Leathers & Donna McKoy 9:30a - Marilyn Horowitz & Kathy George w/Music by Susan Chandler Are you a “Spring Chicken” an “Old Geezer” Or… just “Alive & Kick’n”? See for complete details Microchip Clinic 10:00a to 2:00p - $25 AKC CAR Including lifetime enrollment; No annual fees 24/7 Recovery Support - Collar ID tags Candy Wisnieski Memorial Tribute Canine Good Citizen Certification 10:00a – $15 Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dog Test 10:00a - $25 Joanne Silver, Evaluator Entries Limited to 15 Dogs – Pre-registration Required Call Sue Chandler 973-696-2506 or WOLF, The Hero Within… 10:30a - Judy Leathers, Terhune Sunnybank Memorial Marilyn Horowitz, Terhune Stamp Project Diane Blazek Introducing Wolf, the Heroic Little Red-gold Dog Kristina Marshall on Wolf Kathy George with a Tribute to Bill Mastbrook and Presentation on Hero War Dogs 1:00p – Rescue Parade Karyn Hahn Presenting Today’s Real Heroes! Advance Registration Strongly Recommended – See Form Below NEW! 3:00p – Treibball Demo 6:30p - Banquet Dinner @ Portobello’s Downstairs Main Dining Room - 155 Ramapo Valley Road, Oakland $35 Check Payable to “CHF” to Gerrie by 8/13 Virtues Match *PROFILE * SKULL*MUZZLE*EXPRESSION* *OUTLINE * FRONT * REAR * SIDE GAIT * Moderated by Royal Rock's Leslie Canavan Judges: Nancy McDonald, Lori Montero & Kris Provenzano Lad of Sunnybank Memorial Match SANDY DRAPER MEMORIAL TROPHY - Best in Match & Hand Sculpted Veteran’s Trophy Judges: Mike Esch, Dogs Carmen Leonard, Bitches Sunnybank Day – FREE Virtues Match: $5/Virtue or $12 for 3 Rescue Parade & Lad Match Entry: $5 FMI: Gerrie Oliver, 60 Columbus Avenue, Closter, NJ 07624 (201) 768-1282 - Collie Expressions and $45 at the Door HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS, LA QUINTA INN & SUITES, Haskell, NJ 07420 CALL DIRECT 973-839-4405 & Ask for “The Gathering at Sunnybank” Block Special Rate Only $85+ Tax/$20 pet - Reserve Before 7/15! Wayne, NJ, CALL DIRECT 973-696-8050 & Ask for “The Gathering at Sunnybank” Special Rate Only $85+ Tax – Reserve Before 7/15! RESCUE PARADE AT SUNNYBANK – ENTRY FORM Dog’s Name____________________________ Their Journey: ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (25 words or less please – This will be your introduction to the parade) Your Name: ______________________________ Phone/e-mail:_______________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ $5.00 Per Entry - Total: $___________ To: Ms. Karyn Hahn, 119 Edward Drive, Ringwood, NJ 07456 Check payable to “CHF” before 8/10 FMI: Karyn at 201-370-4532 or 3 RESCUE PARADE AT SUNNYBANK – ENTRY FORM If you have a rescued purebred rough or smooth collie who is still with us but cannot make it to the parade this year he/she can still be honored by filling out this form and INCLUDING a photograph – the photo can be any size but the larger the better. Dog’s Name_________________________________________________ Dog’s Journey: (Please be thorough but brief - This will be your introduction to the parade): ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________ Your Name: ________________________________________ Phone/e-mail:_______________________________________ Address:___________________________________________ $5.00 Per Entry - Total: $________ Check payable to “CHF” before 8/10 To: Ms. Karyn Hahn 119 Edward Drive, Ringwood, NJ 07456 FMI: Karyn at 201-370-4532 or Sponsored by CRNNJ – Follow Us on Facebook! All Proceeds to CHF SUNNYBANK’S SENIOR SHOWMANSHIP MATCH The Senior Match is strictly a fun event to raise money for the Collie Health Foundation. Competition is based on the entrant's level of entertainment provided and the amount of money they can raise through bribes. Bribes can come from entrants and their promoters or fans who wish to endorse their favorites. Entries are made in the name of the exhibitor--not the dog. As a matter of fact you don't even need a dog! Live, stuffed or invisible for those who did not bring a dog and can’t borrow one. Spring Chicken – 50-59 Years of Age Alive & Kick’n – 60-65 Years of Age Not an Old Geezer Yet – 66-70 Years of Age Old Geezer – 70+ Years of Age No need to run to “gait” your dog. Walking, crawling, motorized wheel chairs & scooters allowed. Costumes welcome for dog and/or Senior. Judging Procedure: A panel of three very bribable judges will score each exhibitor on a listing of eventappropriate conditions. Judges names will not be announced until the start of the event. They can ask questions like in the old days so brush up on your Collie/Terhune knowledge. (Bribes help with overall scores.) Remember this is an entertainment and fundraising event so make sure you line up your supporters to help you win! Entry Fee: $5.00 (unless you want to pay more) $10.00 if you don’t want to show and want to be left alone Bribes encouraged; No pre-entry required. Awards: Rosettes for 1st Place in each Age Division Best in Match (Most likely to succeed) Worst in Match (Most likely NOT to succeed) BE A FAN! PROMOTE YOUR FAVORITE EXHIBITOR! ALL PROFITS GO TO COLLIE HEALTH FOUNDATION! 5 The Interceptor Shortage – Today… Interceptor seems to have disappeared from the market completely. Sentinel (Interceptor and Program, a flea growth regulator) is now available. The main ingredient in Interceptor (milbemycin) is also available in Comboguard and Trifexis, with a flea prevention product, too, but no one is currently manufacturing milbemycin alone. Interestingly, milbemycin (the active Interceptor ingredient) is also a p-glycoproteins substrate that can affect mdr1 mutant dogs adversely; however, like the vast majority of heartworm preventatives used AT THE HEARTWORM PREVENTION dose it is safe. With that being said, it is hard to leave your comfort zone when out of Interceptor. A reaction with any medication is possible and should not be ignored, but at heartworm preventative doses, even ivermectin, is safe. Many collie kennels and collies have made a transition to ivermectin, and are happy (especially at the reduced cost of this product). If you and your veterinarian choose to use ivermectin, it is suggested that you weigh your dogs and be precise about the dose. A reaction to heartworm prevention, including interceptor, is very rare, and fortunately mild and transient. In the mid-atlantic area hundreds of doses of Revolution (selamectin) have been used on collies, initially for the treatment of scabies, and now as primary heartworm prevention. Revolution is heartworm prevention, as well as a flea, tick and scabies mite treatment (common in the mid-atlantic region). Discuss with your veterinarian and use the heartworm prevention you are comfortable with, any heartworm prevention is far better than the alternative of getting heartworms. Interestingly, ivermectin is also part of the treatment of heartworms. All heartworm prevention products can be good alternatives but you need to partner with your veterinarian to decide what is best for your collie. Proper dosing is critical. MDR1 testing, it’s not just about heartworm prevention: Unfortunately, some vets are still unaware, and need educating. I recently spoke at a regional meeting on mdr1, and was amazed how many vets were still unaware, or who now understood why a dog in the past reacted or acted oddly after prescribing a drug listed on the Washington State University list (see For now it will continue to be the owner's job to inform their veterinarians. One good thing that CHF hopes will come from the interceptor dilemma is that more people do MDR1 testing. Rather than assuming and accepting that all collies are mutant/mutant, do the test! Statistics say 1/3 of collies are normal/normal, 1/3 mutant/normal, and 1/3 collies mutant/mutant. The significance of testing goes past heartworm prevention to include how to dose many other drugs. Nancy Kelso, D.V.M. Chairman Collie Health Foundation Grants Committee Medical Director VCA Columbia Animal Hospital 6 2013 CHF Auctions - Laura LaBounty The Collie Health Foundation held its annual auctions in conjunction with the CCA national specialty show in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Silent day auctions were held daily at ringside, offering a wide range of interesting and collectible items. Many thanks to Rayleen Hendrix and Pati Merrill for manning the day auction tables. Several very much appreciated CHF volunteers also pitched in daily to help set-up, collect money and clean-up after each auction. The CHF is very grateful to the many generous donors who dropped off boxes and boxes of goodies to be auctioned off. Thursday evening featured a live auction upstairs in the ballroom. The evening started with a cash bar and entertainment provided by Toni Bailey’s well-trained Collies, Prosper and James, who held a basket in their teeth and would come to the word “money” collecting cash donations. A Powerpoint presentation was given by Krista Hansen of the newly re-vamped CHF website. Please check out the site as a lot of hard work went into it to make it user friendly and full of useful information. Gerrie Oliver presented the CHF President’s Award, a gorgeous bronze perpetual trophy, to Mary Hunter for her dedicated service to CHF in many capacities over the years - as Secretary, Newsletter Editor, preparing the Auction Catalog, handling Membership Mailings, and maintaining CHF records. Congratulations Mary! The buffet dinner was delicious. We had a good crowd of well over 100 guests. Our auctioneer Bob Kelly kept the auction lively. The auction item runners this year included two Collie lovers from Japan, Naoko Inouye and Michiko Ezawa, and two juniors, Becca Flood and Molli Jason. Many thanks to Robette Johns, Nancy McDonald and Krista Hansen for managing the money and bids. The Night Auction had many exciting donations including original artwork, rare books and a pair of brass collie head door knockers. The Honig estate provided a very old CCA Loving Cup and the 1963 Best of Breed trophy and rosettes to the auction. Every year we count on the Night Auction donors, bidders and volunteers to make the night a success and this year was no different. After thirteen years managing the CHF auctions, I am stepping down to focus on my role as the 2014 national specialty host chair. We could use a volunteer (or two or three) to step in and help the CHF with its largest annual fundraiser. Please contact a CHF officer to volunteer. Contact information can be found on the website at photos by Laura DeLaurentis 7 Navigating the Collie Health Foundation Website The Collie Health Foundation Officers knew that the Foundation needed a new website. Links had been added to the previous one as they were needed, but it was clear that the site was confusing and the group felt that CHF’s website needed an updated and fresh look overall. And they wanted it to be designed so that its important information was easy to find. Krista Hansen offered to be the liaison to coordinate the update, Joan Johnson composed the various screens, and many CHF members contributed articles and photos and other information. The new web page premiered in mid-September 2012 - and the results are quite engaging! The first thing you’ll notice are the pictures of collies: collie puppies, older collies, herding collies, jumping collies, sleeping collies. The photos throughout the website show many aspects of the collie and were included to promote the Foundation’s goal to have collies that are healthy and active well into their senior years. Keep up-to-date with the activities of the Collie Health Foundation on the CHF Facebook page that you can access directly from the new website by clicking the Facebook icon. Although you may have seen the CHF logo, many do not know the bittersweet story behind it; you’ll find it under “Logo Story.” The CHF encourages everyone to do all the health tests available for collies, especially if you plan to use them in your breeding program. If you select “Announcements” you can find timely information like the list of tests for which CHF is currently offering rebates to help collie breeders be able to afford them. This list will be updated as needed so that you can always be “in the know” about what is happening with the CHF. Select “Articles” under “Health Issues” to view reports written by several Veterinary specialists and by collie breeder, Gayle Kaye, on some of the health problems afflicting collies, and an opinion piece about Dermatomysitis. Or select “Testing and Research” under the same tab to show a table that lists the tests and studies currently open to collies. This chart shows the name of the test/study, gives an overview and relevant information (such as cost), and provides a hyperlink to the study website or e-mail address so that you can easily find out the details that you need to know to participate. Want to know about the Grant process or see a list of grants that CHF has funded over the years? Select “Grants.” Who are the members of the Board, the Officers and the Corporators? Select “Officers and Corporators” under the “Organization” tab. Who are the people who manage the CHF and work to raise money for the research? Click “Contact Us” above the Facebook icon on the Officers and Corporators screen for a list of the various CHF jobs and who does them, or find a job that you can fill! You can also find out about the President’s Award and see the list of President’s Award winners, or see the CHF Bylaws by selecting those options. Have you been to “The Gathering” at Sunnybank yet? Click “Events,” read about this annual event, and view selected photos of Sunnybank, Albert and Anice Terhune, and, of course, the famous Sunnybank collies. You can also learn about the Collie Health Foundation Auctions that are held at the CCA National Specialty Show and The Gathering that raise thousands of dollars that are used to fund CHF Grants. 8 Do you want to help support CHF? You can find useful items, from brushes to bloat kits to earrings at the CHF online “Store,” or you can join the CHF or make a donation via the “Join-Donate-Volunteer” screen. This is made even easier because you can use the new PayPal option to pay for your purchases. Did you miss reading an issue of the CHF Newsletter? Select “Newsletters” and you’ll find links to PDF copies back to Summer 2007. “Links” has hyperlinks to collie-related websites, and “Gallery” is currently showing photos from Sunnybank. It is well worth taking the time to view the new website. As collie breeders and fanciers, we need to be aware of the health issues that we face with our breed. We should be eager to support the studies that will allow us to identify genetic markers and do the available health tests so we can breed collies who will, indeed, live many years and be healthy for their entire lives. In 1986, the Collie Club of America established the Collie Club of America Foundation (CCAF), Inc. as an IRS 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. On December 17, 2002, the organization changed its name to the Collie Health Foundation (CHF) to give it a unique, separate identity from the Collie Club of America, and more clearly represent its mission. The CHF receives its funding from CHF memberships, fundraising activities, and through individual donations and other contributions, including $1 from every CCA member’s dues. The CHF has recently updated its website to make it more user- friendly. Michele Brane CCA Bulletin December 2012 The Collie Health Foundation’s mission is to fund research medical projects that will benefit the future health of the Collie, and to educate the public and Collie breeders about health issues. 9 The Collie Health Foundation Welcomes the Following New Members Michele Bittorf Ponce Inlet, FL Mary Catoir Covington, LA Marian Darrow Citrus Heights, CA Val Geddes Welshpool Powys, Wales Rose Marie Hutches Springfield, IL Jana Lashmit Pittsburgh, PA Shirley & Jon McAlear South Yarmouth, MA Susanna Pathak Hales Corner, WI **Lynda Powers La Mesa, CA Melvin White Kinross, IA Corinne Boon Oak Harbor, WA Laura Collins Wingina, VA Laura DeLaurentis Elmhurst, IL Denice & Lonnie Gray Ramsey, MN Paul D. Lacy Skamokawa, WA Eileen Mason Almo, KY Kathy V. Moll Pittsboro, NC Barbara A. Peck Seattle, WA Grace Robelen Farmville, VA Monique & Robert Williams Hiram, GA Bethany Burke Shalimar, FL Sandy Cory Gainesville, FL Diane Gartung Lansing, MI Gayle, Debra & Katherine Guthman Kennesaw, GA Patricia Larkin W. Springfield, MA Martha Mayne Manchester, MA Isabel Ososki Troy, IL **Cdr. Thomas & Jeanette Poling Jamul, CA Sue E. Rosensteel Belleview, FL **Linda Wolleyhan Buckingham, PA Note: **indicates previous member…Welcome Back! New Members – February 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013 Planning a Specialty Show? Need a trophy for Best Junior Handler? The Collie Health Foundation is pleased to offer a Foundation membership as a trophy for Best Junior Handler to each member club, once a year, at (one of) the member club’s specialty show(s). Interested member clubs should request an application by contacting: Ginny White 161 Conejo Road Santa Barbara, CA 93103 Phone: (805) 966-7878 10 Membership 2013 Life Helen K. Denton Helga Kane Pati Merrill A. David Russell Collie Club of America, Inc. Indiana Collie Club Donna J. Walle Harold W. Sundstrom Benefactor Susan E. Berry, CRT Patron Leigh & Marc Cohen Christine K. Dungan Sustaining Kirt Adams Mary M. Allen Mary Jane & Timothy L. Anderson Karen & Jeff Anderson Tyrone & Kaelene R. Artz Mary Benedict Noreen A. Bennett Claudette & Cassandre Boelter Dr. William K. & Doris M. Brokken Theresa A. & Michael D. Brown Barbara Burns & Carol Erends Central Iowa Collie Club Central States Collie Club En Harriet Chang Collie Club of New England, Inc. Collie Club of Northern New Jersey Collie Club of Washington Collie Club of Western PA Orville & Becky Crowley Rebecca Davis & Blake A. Marr Rosemary Della Ventura Penny & Ronald Dionne Jane A. Dixon Roz Durham Russell W. Dyke Robette G. Ehrbar Michael Esch Diane Gartung Deborah Gates Kathryn & Louis George Krista F. Hansen David Hansen, DVM Thomas Hoadley & Cynthia A. Betty L. Hodgson Marie & Jay Hooper Phyllis Howard Phillip E. & Susanne M. Hubrig Doreen A. Ingrassia Barbara Ridder Irwin Svend E. Jensen Ronald L. Keller Nancy Kelso, DVM Elizabeth Klein Linda L. Kuribayashi Kathleen E. Landis Jacki & David Linstad Lisa A. Mahoney Nancy J. Marks Patricia & Kris Martin Carol Martin Midwest Collie Club Renee Millison Cyndy Minacapelli Robert A. Mondillo Alicia & Thomas Moore Hildegarde S. Morgan June E. Morris Ann O'Connor Diane Palumbo Panhandle Collie Club of W. Va. Susan Papa Russell & Catherine Petter Piedmont Collie Club, Inc. Cdr. Thomas & Jeanette Poling Nipon Pongprueksa Dorothea Preus John C. & Constance J. Quillinan Sally Richardson Mary & Rose Robischon A. David & Patricia A. Russell Dwaine & Jan Shields Sylvia G. Sippel Carol A. & Donato T. Soranno Debbie E. Taylor Terhune Sunnybank Memorial Laura Van Embden Harold & Patricia Warren Candace Wisnieski Ann T. Zimmerman Betty & Bob Abbott Patrick & Judith Adams Lyle & Lenora Alexander Richard Altvater Dena Barcellona Susan J. Barmby Alan & Jean Barrett Bernadette & Florence Beck Suzanne Benchoff & Dennis Cronin Kenneth M. & Erin Blaisure Corinne & William Boerth Ann & Jim Boles Dr. Cindi Bossart & James Effron Brian & Michele Brane Leslie & Tom Butler Patricia F. & Allyson Caldwell Mary M. & Capt. Thomas E. Callaham Maureen & John Camilli Ronald M. & Nancy E. Carter Ted & Jean Chamberlin Edward & Brinda Chavez Cleveland Collie Club Thomas & Jane H. Clymer Collie Club of Maine Donald & Susie Cooley Jane Cooley & Cynthia Childrey Terry & Mary Cox Neal & Frances Current Robert N. & Gail P. Currie Stuart Cypen & Susan Winn Paul & Donna Darland Roy, Susan & Cassandra DeLorenzo Kenneth & Helen Dombeck Mikki Dorsey Sharon & Scott Dowell Howard A. Dullnig Pam & Louis Durazzano Marilyn & Carter Eggers Dennis R. & Carol F. Elliott Cynthia & Kristin Elliott Vernon & Lora Esch Fred F. & Rita A. Figg Marcy & Mike Fine Steve & Lisa Finken Chandra & Michael Flaim Susan T. Floyd VMD & Scott E. Dr. Joseph & Pearl Friedman Robert H. & Sally Futh Linda Garrett & Kathy Hughes Dr. Robert & Janice Geller Joani & Sami Gennarelli Angela M. Gillespie & Anne Sinclair Deborah & Courtney Gipper & Marylyn Erin & Adam Gorney Denice & Lonnie Gray Gayle, Debra & Katherine Guthman Samuel J. & Beverly J. Hall Sandra R. & Margaret Haney Josh & Alisha Harbin Family Bibi & Richard Hand 11 Membership 2013 continued Donald G. & Suzanne E. Hardy Paul & Patricia Hee Deborah R. & F. A. Held Leslie & Al Hernandez Arthur & Marci Herrera Robert & Janet Hill Beverly & David Hirt William H.& Janet N. Holbrook Maurice & Barbara Holland Homer & Dorothy Hull Sharen & Michael Hunley Dr. Glenn & Susan Hurley Linda Hutchinson Gerald & Nancy Hvinden Terry & Michele Inman Daniel & Mary D. Jackson Janet & Edward Jeffries Donald & Leslie Jeszewski Karen & Gary Jordan Helen M. & Lane J. Kamhi Gayle & Don Kaye Robert W. Kelly & Ellen Miller Martin E. & Joan E. Kirkland Chris, Sheila & Marilyn Kolb James S. & Irene C. Lackman Judith, Jennifer & Rein Laik Gail A. & Richard LaMagdelaine John & Linda Lanham Stuart & Gayle Lease Robert J. & Peggy G. LeCount Cal & Mary Lemon Lawrence & Carmen Leonard Marjorie & James Liddle Dorcas & Cope MacClintock Stephen & Nancy Machinton Dr. Bonnie Maniaci & Aidan Shirley & Jon McAlear Maureen E. McGrath & Family Jeffrey A. & Catherine M. McWhirter Gail & Millie Meyer Stephen & Diane Mierz Robert A. & Lynn Y. Myers Dorothy & Jeffory Newkirk Anthony M. & Mary E. Olheiser John & Madeline Oliphant Deanne & Robert Olson Kathleen, Jeff & Tyler Orndorff Dr. Mark R. & Susan M. Orner Isabel Ososki Nancy & Larry Parsons Thomas & Sandy Pendro Terry & John Peters Kristina & Paul Pirro Michael & Judith Pitt John & Jane Powers Frances L. Preston Kathleen & Joey Price Maureen & Joe Prosniewski Clayton, Garrett. & Tammy Russell- Laura & Renee Rizzo Karl & Pat Rosenbaum John A. & Maria L. Russell Michael & Jennifer Rutkas Kathleen Scheutzow & Dean Collura Lisa E. Schmidt Dr. Peter & Lisa Schmidt Dr. Martin & Barbara Schwartz Debbie & Bob Sencenbaugh Robert & L. June Shuldes Debra, Scout, Joel & Dave Smith James R. & Judith H. Smotrel South Bay Collie Fanciers, Inc. Thomas H. & Jeanne R. Stancliff Southern California Collie Club St. Louis Collie Club Carole & Gary Stajer Richard L. & Mary G. StClair LLoyd & Suzanne Steiner Felicia Sternbach & the "Renaissance" Kandi & Daryl Stetler Janet Storm & Ashley Bryant Candace Stout & Domingo Galdos Cheryl, Ken, Jerry & Cody Sulewski Duane & Melinda Sunnarborg Doreen & John Thomas Gregory & Wanda Timme Robin & Greg Ungano Lawrence S. & Theresa M. Uzelac Diane & Art Vance Noel D. & Barbara N. Vanden Bosch Maurice & Lusanna Vaughan Linda & Mike Vena James C. & Margaret I. Vohr Ellen & Kenneth Wank Linda Marie & Tanya A. Ward Karen & Brian Weber Laurence Weltman Jamye & Rebecca Weseloh Virginia A. & John E. White Lawrence & Frances White Monique & Robert Williams Ashley Williams-Schnurer & Mike Darlene Wimbrow Yvonne Evans-Wynn & Mitch Wynn Kimiko Abematsu Melanie E. Adkins Loretta Allen Lilyan Allison Ruth Anderson Carole Andrews Jane Armatys Joan Armitage Connie Armitage Phyllis A. Autrey Ruth L. Ayres Pattrick W. Bahr Antoinette J. Bailey Deanne Balutis Stephanie Barber Janet Baynton Peggy E. Beattie June I. Becker Nadine Beckwith-Olson Karen Justine Bell Judith R. Belluomini Carol Belo Kathryn Bennett Joan Berfield Nancy J. Berg Suzanne Berggren Michelle Bergstraser Emily D. Berkley Rachel E. Berrend Sandra Bishop Karen Bishop Michele Bittorf Patricia Blakely Jeanine Blaner Beth Bloom Carl Bolon Corinne Boon Dorothy V. Boulin Patricia Breuer Kelley Broadfoot Darci Brown Wendy Brown Pamela Brown Catherine Brown Virdette L. Brumm William Bruner Wendy Bryant Bethany Burke Maralyn Busse Robyn Butcher Catrina Butke Tasha Byerly Wanda Cable Christine T. Camann Helen L. Campbell Leslie Canavan Susan S. Carbee Christine Carilli Mary Lou Carlson Mary Carrizalez Lori Caster Mary Catoir Leisa Chapple Sheela "Mike" Cheatham Denise Christou Cheryl L. Class-Erickson Barbara Cleek Jerrica Coady-Farrell Ruth Coates Pamela Cockrell Thomas W. Coen Linda Colelli Carol Ann Coleman Collie Club of Alabama Laura Collins Nanette Colwell Individual 12 Membership 2013 continued Ann M. Comfort Nancy Comparato Hannah H. Cook Helen M. Cornio Barbara Corriveau Sandy Cory Denise Costanten Kevin Covi Janice Cox Geraldine L. Cox Harry M. Crain William Crawford Lelah E. Crockett Charles Crone Barbara Cudzynowski Judith G. Cummings Peggy J. Darington Marian Darrow Mary Burnett Davis Betty Davis Denise Dean Susan Deatherage Jean P. DeGruchy Laura DeLaurentis Katherine DelGrosso Dorothy Dale Detzer Marie Deveso Leland Dibble Cindy Doleshek Jeanie Driscoll Audrey Drozek Pamela A. Eddy Jane Edel Patricia K. Edwards Denise Erger Joseph Esch George F.J. Estock Pearl Fabbro Carol Fabeck Bobbie Fairbanks Deborah A. Falk Diane Fanelli Lydia C. Filzen-Hawke Krista Lee Fleury Mara Beth Flood Nannette Forrest Diana L. Fors Helene Forthal Genee B. Foulkes Jacqueline B. Francesconi Mary Franden Deborah Franks Ly-Lee Funk Tim Garrison Barbara Gaster Amy J. Gau Jean Gauchat-Hargis Doris V. Gaume Kathy Gaume Val Geddes P. Elena Geldkop Kornelia Geldrich Rosemary George Ann Ghiorso Darlene C. Gilbert Patricia Gilbert, DVM Helen Naum Gill Therese Gilmore Ann Gobeski Douglas Gobeski Penelope Godfrey-McNitt Bernice J. Goldstein Patsy Gordon Sylvia Gorup Ana Goulet Dina M. Grady Julie R. Grantham Richard F. Greathouse, M.D. Nancy Greenwood Laurie Jeff Greer Phyllis Ann Griffith Linda LaForce Guzman Maret Halinen Edna M. Haller Christine Hamill Joan Hamilton Suanne Hardie Nancy J. Harding, Esq. Carolin Harris Anne Hartranft Linda Hash-Davis Thomas Heath Janet Hedrick Carol Heimbecker Rayleen A. Hendrix Sheryl Henry Jackie Ingram Henson Jackie Ingram Henson Cheryl Hess Gail A. Hetzel William H. Hewit Margaret Heywood Harriette S. Hickle Marjorie J. Higgins Ruth Hill Janet R. Hitt Sharon Hoenig Martha E. Hoffman Joan S. Hogan Debbie Holland Linda J. Holloway Renee Holtkamp Marilyn R. Horowitz Gayle Horrell Jayne Hoskin Margaret Louise (Peggy) Howard Jane Howells Joanne Huff Conlon Hukill Jennifer Hull Mary E. Hunter Candace Hunter Rose Marie Hutches Christine Inouye Tammy Jacobs Karen Jahnig Stephen M. Johns Karin L. Johnson-Page Diane Johnston Elisabeth Johnston Susan Joslin Nancy C. July Patricia A. Jung Lenore Juram Susan Kaelin Reiko Kanda Jeanne V. Kaufman Darlene Kerr Judith D. Kirkeby Junko Kiyuna Nancy A. Kluesner Vicky Kniss Carol A. Knock Audrey Koble Evelyn Kondash Eva-Maria Kraemer Gloria G. Krakow Barbara Kubichka Suzanne Kuechenmeister Judith M. Kuhn Theresa M. Kuhn Diane M. Kwiatkowski Laura LaBounty Laura M. LaCongo Paul D. Lacy Laura Lane Carol Lariviere Patricia Larkin Susan Larson Jana Lashmit Linda Latimer Gloria Laube Nancy R. Lawrence Vicky A. Lee Gordon Lee Linda A. Lee Kathryn H. Leenhouts Claire K. Leishman Mary Lenertz Barbara K. Lennie Sandra Leon Lisa Ann Lepera Libby Lewitt Carol A. Lieberman Barbara A. Linder Barbara K. Lindner Amber Lockwood Heather & Ron Luster Carol Mallicoat Cheryl A. Mantel Norman J. Markese Marie A. Markovich Theresa Marquardt Kristina Thomas Marshall 13 Membership 2013 continued Susan Larsen Martin Faith A. Martin Blaine A. Mason Eileen Mason Sharon L. Mayes Michael Mayhew Martha Mayne Barbara P. McCampbell Charlene F. McCauley Lynn McDermott Nancy McDonald Sheryl McDonald Juanita McGhee Joan McGrath Kevin McKeon Regina Mehr Heidi M. Mendez Todd Merchant Lidija Mere Eileen P. Middleton Joan Mikosh-Johnson Anthony P. Mileto, Sr. Steve Miller Elisabeth Miller Marsha Milroy Judith N. Mitchell Sally Mobraaten Kathy V. Moll Lori M. Montero Merry Moore Janet Morley Andrea Moss Marilyn Mothersell William N. Moyers, Sr. Kenneth Moyle Mary Mulhern Kyle Musselman Rebecca Myers-Barth Kelly Neeley Beth Nemoff Vincent F. Nichnadowicz Jill Nickerson-Smith Sherri Nicoletti Nancy J. Noble Stephanie Noelle Marjorie S. Norstrom Northern Wisconsin Collie Club Gerrie D. Oliver Patricia Ortiz Frank R. Ortolani Aytuna Oztas Christine Pan James Diane Parness Susanna Pathak Leonore Patten Barbara A. Peck Elizabeth Peplin Kathleen N. Peters Ann Petersen Linda Peterson-Goldfarb Phillip A. Pilgram Judith A. Porter Lynda Powers Robert J. Primiano Donald F. Queen Amanda Quijano Linda Quinton Mona Ragan Naomi Ragan Leslie Rappaport Janice Read Wendy Reekie Joe Reno Donna Jean S. Rewt Joyce K. Reynolds Joyce Richter Laura Rinard Judy Ritner Melanie Robbins Helene G. Robbins Grace Robelen Anne Robinson Barbara E. Robinson Rayne M. Rockwell Dana Rodman Jeffrey Roecker Deborah R. Rogstad Susanna Roland Laura JN Romano Joann Romero Carol Roodhouse Shelley C. Roos Lisa Root Sue E. Rosensteel Amy Ross Marguerite Roth Joan Rothfuss Alison Rubendall Loralee Runnels Marlene J. Russell Ellen K. Russell Regina Ryan Deborah Rymer Jack & Mary Sadler Sandra Sadley Theoni V. Salcedo Sharon Samuelson Mary L. Santarcangelo Susan M. Sarna, DVM Jenny Satyavelu Catherine Sayre Lily A. Sayre Helmut P. Schleith Lynn S. Schmaltz Patricia Schroder Sylvia M. Schultz Beverly Ann Schwab Suzanne Schwab Sandy Schwedler Virginia Shafer Laura M. Sherr Michelle Shoemaker Kristen Sims Susan K. Smith Margaret R. Smith Elizabeth M. Smith Juanita Smith Mary A. Snook Karen Soeder Mitzi Soldner Carole Stanley Diane P. Steele Carol Stone Barbara Stott Cynthia Stratton Elizabeth (Tracy) Strother Robin Borck Sturgis Mary E. Swierkos Sandra K. Symmes Trudy Taphorn Linda Tefelski Rebecca L. Tehon Cathy Telarico Theresa K. Thomas Linda Thompson John H. Thompson Audrey A. Tilden Susan J. Torkelson Bonnie Tovell Kathleen Trochelman Linda F. Trujillo Cynthia Turner Marlene M. Vachon Deborah Valenti Colleen L. Van Gelderen Nancy Van Note Jill Venturo Lia Verniel Diane Vinci Vickie VonSeggern Christine Vrooman Debra Waelde Brenda Walker Kathye Walker Janet Wall Cecelia A. Walter Jean A. Wasiak Tokuko Watanabe Larry Waterman Kathryn M. Weare Susan Webber Adria Weiner Carol Wells Patrick D. Wentworth Jean M. West Marti Wexlin Janice A. Wheeler Melvin White Joan White Sharon Wilder Vicki Wilder Patricia Wiles Gail J. Wilkes Larry Willeford 14 Membership 2013 continued Susan T. Williams Kenneth Williams Patsy Wilson Suzanne Wise Ericka A. Wojack Cathy J. Wolf, DVM Linda Wooleyhan Sandra L. Wrenn Susan M. Wyglendowski Joan M. Young Lily Young Louann Young Linda Zeswitz Maureen Zwirble Donations in Honor/Celebration/Memory General Donations February 1, 2013 – June 30, 2013 Donor In honor/celebration/memory of…. Sharon Wilder Joe Reno Donna J. Walle Marjorie & James Liddle Eileen Mason Kathy V. Moll In memory of Ember, UD General Fund Corporate Matching Gift In memory of Key In memory of Halcyon Days Reach For The Sky, PT and Ricky Honoring HTCh DC Deep River's Comfort and Joy ROM, CD, RE,HSAdsc, HSBs, HIAs, HXAds, HTDIs, HTADIIIds HRDIII, RLFIIIs, VX In memory of GCH Star Country Passion’s Legacy, ThD, CGC, “Danny Boy,” bred by Brenda & Todd Merchant In honor of CH Merrill's Baloo Boy General Fund In memory of Lisa Ale, Fairbanks Farms Collies In memory of Candace Wisnieski General Donation In memory of Candace Cushman Wisnieski In Memory of Candace Cushman Wisnieski In memory of Candace Wisnieski In memory of Bob Dixon In memory of Candy Wisnieski General Fund General Fund In memory of Iron Hill Nite Rider ""Brodie"", beloved companion of Nancy Van Note In remembrance of Candy Wisnieski In memory of Candace Cushman Wisnieski In memory of Candy Wisnieski In memory of Candy Wisnieski In memory of Bob Dixon In memory of Sylvie Lingenfelter In loving memory of Sylvie Lingenfelter In memory of Candy Wisnieski In memory of Bob Dixon Profits from Getting To Know You In memory of Bob Dixon In memory of Sylvie Lingenfelter In memory of Candy Wisnieski In memory of Sylvie Lingenfelter In memory of Sylvie Lingenfelter, Glenorka Collies In memory of Candy Wisnieski In memory of Bob Dixon Elisabeth Miller P. Elena Geldkop Carol A. Lieberman Cynthia Stratton Gail Deneszczuk Laurence Weltman Chrystyna Dattilo Chrystyna Garrigan Leslie Seguso Southern California Collie Club Linda Cantwell Collie Club of America, Inc. Lelah E. Crockett Orville & Becky Crowley Jean P. DeGruchy Richard Kopelman Marjorie & James Liddle Grant & Pati Merrill Santa Maria Kennel Club Grant & Pati Merrill Pamela Eddy Steve Barger & Paul Capobianco Dr. William K. & Doris M. Brokken Collie Club of Alabama Jane A. Dixon P. Elena Geldkop Daniel & Mary D. Jackson Judith D. Kirkeby William N. Moyers, Sr. Mary & Rose Robischon James & Ruth Wasylewski 15 COLLIE HEALTH FOUNDATION MEMBERSHIP REMITTANCE AND CONTRIBUTION FORM PLEASE INDICATE: new member OR Please check level of membership desired: Individual Membership Family Membership Sustaining Membership Patron Benefactor - $ 25 $ 40 $ 100 $ 500 $1,000 renewal membership I’m interested in volunteering: Promotions Auctions Sunnybank __Newsletter Other: Send your check (US funds only), payable to Collie Health Foundation or CHF to: Nancy Van Note – CHF Membership 827 Bowman Road Jackson, NJ 08527-3553 PAYPAL: Name (as you wish to be listed): Address: City: Phone: State: Zip: Kennel Name: Email: Please check if this is a new address. I have included CHF in my will. Please send me information about including CHF in my will. Do you or your spouse work for a matching gift company? Some companies will match gifts of employees and/or retirees. Please contact your personnel office for details and a matching gift form. Company Name: Yes No Form Enclosed: ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTION (circle one:) in Memory, Celebration, Honoring: _________________________________________________________________________________ Contributions are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.
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