Ilan Ramon Day School Shalom Bayit
Ilan Ramon Day School Shalom Bayit
3 0 A u g u s t 2 0 1 6 / 2 6 o F A v , 5776!Parshat Re’eh ! Ilan Ramon Day School Shalom Bayit N E W S L E T T E R WELCOME BACK! The first day of school is one of the greatest days in the entire School year. Everyone is filled with so much enthusiasm and joy for the year ahead and for the opportunities it presents. Walking around today only confirmed my belief – the students were excited and engaged, the classrooms were so vibrant and ready for student work, and the teachers were eager to get to know their new classes. What a magical day at Ilan Ramon Day School. This year we are also so fortunate to welcome over 19 new families to our School and over 30 new students, who each bring their unique talents to our Schools tapestry. I look forward to seeing everyone this Friday at Shabbat Under the Stars. Shana Tova and may it truly be a sweet and wonderful year. Yuri Linda Elliot and her 3rd Grade class WHAT’S INSIDE •Community News •Upcoming Events •Shabbat Under Stars •Back to School Night •Car Set Safety •Hot Lunch Volunteers •Art Docent •Speech Screening •Scrip • Follow Ilan Ramon on Twitter Account: Ilan Ramon Day School Please note this is a restricted account and only our current families and alumni will be allowed to follow. Beneficiary of the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles Back to School Nights COMMUNITY NEWS Ilan Ramon Calendar Wednesday, September 7th ECE, Gesher/Kinder & 1st Grade September 2: Shabbat Under The Stars, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 14th 2nd - 5th Grade September 5: Labor Day, School Closed September 6: Shofar blowing begins (through 9/30) September 7: Back to School Night, E2, E3, E4, Gesher/Kinder, 1st grade, 6:00 p.m. September 14: Back to School Night, 2nd - 5th grade, 6:00 p.m. September 21: Parent Org Meeting, 8:30 a.m. Speech Screening, Gesher-5th Grade 6:00 PM (we will begin in the Mercaz) Please note that this is an adult evening only Hot Lunch Volunteers September 25 Hot lunch orders due on line It’s just one hour! Our fabulous hot lunch program is in need of volunteers Lunch service requires very little time and is a great way to get involved in our school. See your kids in action! Students love seeing their parents helping out too! September 26 E2 Parent Coffee, 9:15 a.m. September 27 Gesher/Kindergarten Parent Coffee, 8:15 a.m. E3A Parent Coffee, 9:15 a.m. September 28 E3B Parent Coffee, 9:15 a.m. Lunch volunteers are needed from 11:45 a.m.- 12:45 p.m. September 29: 1st Grade Parent Coffee, 8:15 a.m. E4 Parent Coffee, 9:15 a.m. September 30: Rosh Hashanah Service - E2, E3 & E4 10:00 a.m. Rosh Hashanah Services - G/K-5th, 10:45 a.m. Two volunteers are needed daily to serve lunch lunch to our children. You can volunteer weekly or monthly - the choice is yours! If you'd like to participate or have any questions please email Melissa Swinney Services Join us Friday for Shabbat Services in the Mercaz: E2, E3 & E4 10:15 - 10:35** G/K, 1st & 2nd 10:50 - 11:25 3rd, 4th & 5th 11:30-12:10 **This week, the Preschool will have Shabbat in their classrooms Welcome new IRDS Families The Almog Family (Maya-E4) The Assedou Family (Noam-E3 & Arielle-E2) The Bader Family (Zoey-E3) The Brami Family (Maya-E4) The Filmus Family (Aidan-E3) The Freeman Family (David-3rd & Isaac-K) The Guetta Family-E3 The Katz Family (Orly-E3) The Krumholtz Family (Sasha-E2) The Kauffman/Ledgley Family - Ethan (E3) The Levi Family (Eyla-E3) The Lieberthal Family (Jordan-E4 & Lily-E2) The Maor Family (Ran-E3) The Murciano Family (Elan-E3) The Oren Family (Ari-E3) The Peck Family (E3) The Regev Family (E3) The Reitman Family (Gesher) The Vener Family (E2) We are thrilled to have you as a part of our community! Mazel Tov to the Gabay/ Dolf Family (big brother Yotam and big sister Mika) on the birth of baby boy Yarden June 30, 2016 Mazel Tov to the Bernstein/Yeschin Family (big sisters Samantha and Lily, and big brother Jack) on the birth of baby boy Brayden July 21, 2016 Simple ways to earn money for Ilan Ramon Day School Clip Box Tops and turn them in to the office. Find Box Tops on hundreds of your favorite products. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents to Ilan Ramon. Remember to Recycle Empty Printer/ Ink Cartridges. The more you turn in to the office the more Ilan Ramon earns! When your car is dirty, get it washed at The Agoura Hills Car Wash at 30245 Canwood Street (at Reyes Adobe, just North of the Fwy) OR The Calabasas Auto Spa at 24115 Calabasas Road. Go shopping while you wait for your car! At the Vme of purchase JUST ASK for WASHBUCKS. For every $10.00 spent (not including gas) you will receive one WASHBUCK! (Actually worth $1.00 for IRDS). This works for Auto Detailing also!(Big bucks for IRDS!!) ! ! Did you know that when shopping on, they will donate a percentage of your sale to IRDS? All you have to do is go to and select Ilan Ramon Day School as your designated charity. Art Docent !"#$%&'%('%)*%)*+,"-*%% !"#$$#%&'(%"&)*!(+,&!-./,& !"#$#!"%&'$$ ! !"#$%&'()"&(*$&+,"-.-/&0,#"'& !"#$"#%&"$$'() ! !""#$%&"'(!)#*""+#'",#$-*&.&"! !"#$%&'&()*+&$,-)$./)0+ !"#$$#%&'(&%")&*)#+&%',)%")+ !"#!$#%&!$#'!()$#*!+#",-))&# !"##$%&'() 100% volunteer-run, this program brings art to the classrooms through hands-on lessons. The program includes a variety of different artists from different cultures and time periods; each lesson brings the children closer to the artist. The children are encouraged to replicate the work of the artist they view through different mediums – pastels, watercolor, and pencil to name a few. This program culminates with an Art Show in May. NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. All materials are provided. This is a perfect opportunity for parents and grandparents to volunteer for your children and be in the classroom! To join this team, contact MIRIAM KIRSCH at Hello Ilan Ramon Family and Friends, Perhaps you have heard about our SCRIP program and have wondered what it is all about. Many of you have ordered regularly, and we thank you for your support of our program! We would LOVE to see more families take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to raise money for our school. This year, Ilan Ramon Day School is introducing Intergenerational Shabbat Services. Students in each elementary class will participate by inviting grandparents, an aunt, uncle, special friend, or other adult to join them for a unique program and Kabbalat Shabbat in the classroom, and to attend our school's communal Shabbat service. Please complete and return the attached form with the mailing and email addresses of your child's Granparent/Special Friend so, that when school resumes, invitations will be mailed to them by your child. Grade level Intergenerational Shabbat Services are scheduled as follows. Please be sure to save the date: Grade 5 - November 4, 2016 Grade 4 - December 2, 2016 Grade 3 - January 20, 2017 Grade 2 - February 24, 2017 Grade 1 - March 17, 2017 Gesher/Kindergarten - March 24, 2017 IRDS is involved in a Scrip program in which we sell gift cards from a wide range of retailers, restaurants, entertainment companies and so much more, and we earn a percentage on every card we sell! The best part is, participating in this program costs you nothing more than what you would be spending at these retailers! Do you shop at Sprouts Market? Why not buy a Sprouts Scrip card? IRDS will earn 5%! Need school clothes? Why not buy a Children’s Place Card? IRDS will earn 12%!! Need a caffeine kick? Get your Starbucks card! IRDS will earn 7%!!! And you pay only the value of the card! It couldn’t be easier! Attached is an order form with a complete list of the cards we sell. I will be placing a Scrip order the 1st week of school. Please fill out the forms, (on the IRDS website and drop them off or mail them with payment to the IRDS office. Once I place the order, turn around is very fast! You may pay by cash, check or credit card (Please note that credit card payments must add a 3% additional surcharge.) Many scrip cards are available year round for a quick gift or night out. Please check in the office to see what is available and to make your purchase. All the Best to you and yours! Erin Eichberg aka Riley K’s (4th grade) Mommy Feel free to contact me with any questions: ORDER YOUR CHALLAH FROM ILAN RAMON DAY SCHOOL ENJOY A FRESH CHALLAH FOR SHABBAT DELICIOUS AND CONVENIENT DELIVERED TO YOUR CHILD'S CLASSROOM ON FRIDAYS WHEN SCHOOL IS IN SESSION TWO SIZES REGULAR AND KIDDUSH SEVEN VARIETIES *PLAIN *SESAME *RAISIN *CHOCOLATE *WATER *MULTI-GRAIN *SAN DIEGO Yummy desserts now available including Apple Cinnamon Coffee Cake and Honey Cake ! You can also support IRDS and the parent org by purchasing class challot ORDER ARE DUE • Weekly orders due Friday for the following Friday delivery. Fill out the attached form and mail or drop your order off at Ilan Ramon Day School Attn: Challah Order 27400 Canwood Street Agoura, California 91301 ORDER FORM ON REVERSE SIDE Speech and Language Screening By Jody Gould, M.A. C.C.C. Provided by Ilan Ramon Wednesday, September 21, 2016 TH GESHER – 5 GRADE The Speech & Language Screening usually takes place by teacher request, with parental permission. As a parent, you may also directly request screening. Students are screened for speech and language, through the use of an elicited screening instrument. They are asked to repeat questions and statements that are said to them. Students typically use their own habitual articulation and language patterns when repeating back the questions and statements. The clinician determines whether the articulation and language structures are within normal limits for the student’s age. Parents will be notified of the screening results on a standardized form and are invited to discuss the results with the clinician by telephone. There is no charge for this consultation. Should further therapy be required, Jody Gould M.A. ,C.C.C. will provide therapy at school on a weekly basis for articulation and language problems. Therapy times are set by the teacher and therapist, and fees will be discussed at this time. Parents can enroll their children in therapy by contacting Jody Gould by phone (818)597-1019 or Sign & Return Bottom Portion of Form ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARENTS PERMISSION TO ASSESS ASSESSMENT CANNOT PROCEED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT In order for children’s speech and language to develop correctly, assistance is sometimes needed. As a professional Speech and Language Specialist, I am able to determine if any problems exist. Your child will be screened on Wednesday, September 21, 2016. You will be informed of the results. Student Name: _____________________________ DOB: __________ Gr: ______ Rm: ______ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Home (___)__________________ Work: (___)_________________ Cell (___)_____________ Parent Name: __________________________ Email: _________________________________ _________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian _____________________________ Date PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO THE SCHOOL PRIOR TO THE DAY OF SCREENING