Beaumont news - Beaumont School


Beaumont news - Beaumont School
Beaumont News
New Addition
page 4
on campus
Christmas on Campus is one of
Beaumont’s favorite days of the year.
The school halls were filled with more
than 140 students from Archbishop Lyke
and Urban Community Schools here to
celebrate the holiday season. Each child
was matched up with a “Beaumont
Buddy” that accompanied them
throughout the school to play games,
visit Santa Claus, decorate cookies, and
participate in fun Christmas crafts.
This is such a fun day for students and
teachers alike to spread Christmas cheer
to a group of happy boys and girls.
We already can’t wait for next year!
2 / WINTER 2015
December 9, 2014
Our Board Members
Board of Directors 2014 – 2015
Lisa Andreani
Nickolas Beyer
Gregory Cira
Roseanne Deucher ’88
Sister Virginia DeVinne, OSU ’67
Barbara DiTurno
Sister Susan Durkin, OSU
Thomas Fanning
Danielle Gisondo
Marc Haag
Robert Horton
June Howland ’81
Megan Kacvinsky ’96
Kristin Lux
Sister Mercia Madigan, OSU ’54
Sister Linda Martin, OSU
Simon Masters
Sister Maureen
McCarthy, OSU ’55
Sister Joan Peine, OSU
Sister Gretchen
Rodenfels, OSU ’65
Thomas Rudibaugh
Donald Schuele
Brien Shanahan
Sister Carol Anne Smith, HM
Mary Jo Toumert ’75
Amy Vegh
Mary Whelan
Kimberly Winters
On the cover
The exterior of Beaumont’s new building addition, which
opened on January 5, 2015.
4Beaumont’s New Addition
6 Alumna Spotlight
7 Student Achievements
9 Around School
10 Athletics
11 Annual Fund Campaign
12 Advancing Excellence Campaign
13 Sip and Shop & Wine Pull
14 The Beaumont Gala
15 Alumnae Events
18 Class Notes
23 Breakfast with Santa
Published for Alumnae, Parents and Friends of Beaumont School
Sister Gretchen Rodenfels, OSU ’65, President
Anna Beyerle, Public Relations and Marketing Manager
Anne Jarrad, Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Barbara DiTurno, Director of Development
Mary Kelley Ebner ’79, Manager of Alumnae Relations
Mary Lynn Haldi, Administrative Assistant to the President
Eileen McCann, Administrative Assistant to the Development Office
Veronica Selby, Beaumont Gala Coordinator
Academy Graphic Communication, Design & Print Production
Dear Alumnae, Parents,
and Friends,
The year 2015 opened with a
banner experience for the entire
Beaumont Community; we
moved into the new addition!
The decision to construct this
addition, made by the Board of
Sister Gretchen Rodenfels, OSU ’65
Directors, was primarily made to
replace science facilities built in the 1950s. Besides eight
STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) classrooms
and four prep rooms, the building houses a new front
entrance, reception area, administration and guidance suites,
clinic and a student commons. We are anticipating LEED
Silver Certification from the US Green Building Council for
this new STEM Building. Our ADA accessibility has also
been upgraded in the art room and the Lennon House. We
are truly proud to say that our architect for this enhancement
is a Beaumont alumna, Jill Van Auken Akins ’78!
This additional 25,000 feet truly changes the face of Beaumont
and how information is exchanged in the classroom. It expands
the access our students have to technology as a tool to analyze
and solve problems. It will provide more hands-on learning
opportunities, increase collaboration between students and
teachers and foster “live” classrooms which is so essential in
today’s educational climate.
This expansion will enhance the educational experience of all
Beaumont students, present and future. It will greatly improve
our campus. It will strengthen the Ursuline legacy and
tradition that has been formed over the past 165 years. It is a
clear sign that Beaumont, the only single-sex Catholic high
school on the east side of Cleveland, is here to continue to be
“the leader,” providing an excellent education allowing us to
transform today’s women for tomorrow’s world. Finally, it will
contribute to the strength and growth of the Cleveland
Heights community of which we are a significant asset.
All of this progress became a reality only through the support
and generosity of our donors, alumnae, parents, faculty and
staff, and student body. I thank and congratulate each of you
for your part in the realization of this “banner” achievement.
Sincerely in St. Angela,
Sister Gretchen Rodenfels, OSU
President WINTER 2015 / 3
Beaumont’s New Addition
Beaumont School held a ribbon cutting
ceremony for its $9.5 million building addition
on Monday, January 5 – the first day classes were
held in the building. The $9.5 million building
investment houses eight new STEM (science,
technology, engineering, math) classroom labs,
four lab prep rooms, a new Student Commons,
guidance suite, clinic and administrative offices.
Even though there was plenty of snow for the
January 5 ribbon cutting, no amount of bad
weather could stop students’ excitement. After
a short indoor ceremony, the girls were able to
tour the building for the first time, and classes
started being held in the building the same day.
An official dedication will be held in May with
Bishop Richard Lennon.
Sister Susan Durkin, OSU, president of the Ursuline Sisters; Mary Whelan, Beaumont principal;
Mary Jo Toumert ’75, chair of the Board of Directors; and Sister Gretchen Rodenfels, OSU ’65,
Beaumont president cut the ribbon to open the building January 5.
Guidance Classroom
Science Prep Room
4 / WINTER 2015
Student Commons
group guidance classrooms
One of Beaumont’s unique programs
is Group Guidance. Every Beaumont
student experiences Group Guidance as
part of their curriculum each year. This
developmental program allows students
to receive academic, college and career
information, interact with peers, and
shape their attitudes and values.
The new Guidance Suite will provide a
classroom for Group Guidance classes
to meet, computer stations for college
research and testing, as well as new
offices for all guidance staff.
The hallmark of our new construction
is eight new STEM-focused classrooms.
Each of the classrooms has the ability
to be converted from a traditional
classroom to a lab, depending on what
curriculum is being taught that day.
The classrooms will be connected by
lab prep rooms, where teachers and
students can prepare materials for
laboratory experiments.
The addition includes a new main
entrance and administrative offices.
All building visitors will be required to
enter through the addition, where they
will be welcomed into a new reception
area and lobby. New offices for the
principal, dean of students, and office
staff, are located in the addition. A
conference room and department offices
for mathematics and science faculty are
also included in the new building.
A look back on Beaumont investments:
Over the past 10 years, Beaumont has invested nearly $18 million into its campus, showing its dedication to the
future of its students and its campus in Cleveland Heights, where the school has been located for more than 70 years.
In addition to the $9.5 million STEM addition, Beaumont has also invested in:
The construction of the Spiritual Life Center, which includes a chapel and theater, in 2004 ($5 million);
The renovation of athletic and science facilities in 2006 (1.6 million);
The purchase of 21 acres of land and the Painter Mansion in 2009 from the Ursuline Sisters, which sits adjacent
to the current school building and serves as administrative offices ($1.4 million);
The construction of a new courtyard in 2012 ($216,000);
and the renovation of music facilities in 2012 ($141,000). WINTER 2015 / 5
spot light
During the recent Ebola health crisis
in the world, one of Beaumont’s own
was working on the ground with
those affected by the disease. It was
while she was a student at Beaumont
that Olivia Elee ’98 experienced the
importance of service that led her to
her career today working in donor
relations with the World Health
Organization (WHO) in Nigeria.
Olivia Elee ’98 with Campus Minister Sue Reily
Class of ’98
Olivia Elee
Taking her spirit of
service to the far ends
of the world.
After graduating from Beaumont in
1998, Olivia received her undergraduate
and graduate degrees from Johns
Hopkins University in Baltimore. Olivia
noted that when she was receiving her
Bachelor of Science degree in Public
Health, a professor
said that he
could tell which
females attended
a single-sex high
school because
they would sit in
the front rows of
the class and ask
more questions.
She thinks
that attending
Beaumont gave
her a confidence
she doesn’t think she would have found
without attending an all-girl’s school.
In her position, Olivia updates the
countries on how programs are being
through writing
donor reports and
going to bat for the
programs that need
more funding. Her
position gives Olivia
an opportunity
to give back, and
improve the country
she works in
through health and
service. Without
a Beaumont
education, Olivia doesn’t think she
would be in the field she is today.
“I was grounded
from the start
because of
Beaumont. I was
very fortunate to
have such a great
education here.”
“It affects the level of confidence you
project,” Olivia said. “I was grounded
from the start because of Beaumont. I
was very fortunate to have such a great
education here.”
Olivia began her career with the World
Bank focusing on global health, and then
worked in strategy and development
in the private healthcare sector in
Washington, DC. After moving to
London to look for job opportunities,
Olivia serendipitously happened upon
an opening with the World Health
Organization in Abuja, Nigeria.
6 / WINTER 2015
Olivia currently works in donor
relations, serving as a liaison between
the WHO and governments that
fund the organization. Initially,
she was brought on to work with
raising funds to fight polio, a disease
that currently exists in only three
countries after being eradicated in
more developed countries beginning
in the 1950s. When the epidemic of
Ebola virus broke out in several West
Africa countries, including Nigeria,
the WHO’s priorities shifted to work
against this aggressive disease.
“In most of the work I’ve done [in
my career] there’s been a focus on
service,” Olivia said. “Having service
highlighted at Beaumont has made me
want to continue that – it’s something
that is embedded in my soul. That
spirit of service has stayed with me.”
And if Olivia could give three pieces of
advice to today’s Beaumont students,
what would they be?
“Always believe in yourself, dream
big, and don’t forget where you came
from,” she said.
National Merit Scholars
Four Beaumont seniors
were recognized
by the National
Merit Scholarship
Corporation for their
academic success.
Ana Maria Vargas was
named a National
Merit Semifinalist, and
Catherine Aumiller,
Christina Kerner and
Julie Schiffer were
named Commended
Students. Semifinalists
National Merit Scholars Julie Schiffer ’15, Christina Kerner ’15,
Catherine Aumiller ’15 and Ana Maria Vargas ’15
have the opportunity
to continue in the
competition for National Merit Scholarships worth $35 million that will be
offered in the spring. Although Commended Students do not quality for
National Merit Award, these academically talented students placed among
the top five percent of the more than 1.5 million students that took the
Preliminary SAT in 2013.
Our talented musical students had a
very exciting first half of the school
year. Seven Beaumont students – Erin
Burton ’15, Courtney Hall ’15, Emma
Robinson ’16, Alex Wuertz ’17, Mia
Saracusa ’15, Kathryn Zorman ’15 and
Morgan McGarry ’17– were chosen to
participate in the District Honors Choir
Festival. Beaumont was the only all girl’s
school to have this many young ladies
participating. This year, seven Beaumont
students were chosen to be inducted into
the Tri-M Music Honor Society.
During the Christmas season, our music Beaumont students at the District Honors Choir Festival
students performed a Christmas concert
on campus with both soloists and the Voices of Harmony choir, as well as a concert
at Benedictine’s Abbey and the Cleveland Botanical Garden. Voices of Harmony
also sang an outreach concert at St. Francis in Mayfield.
During second semester, Beaumont students are scheduled to compete in 10 music
events at the District Solo/Ensemble Festival in late January.
Cast of Radium Girls
The Beaumont Drama Club
presented Radium Girls as the fall
play this season. Radium Girls
centers on a group of female
factory workers in the early 1900s
that fall ill with radium poisoning
after working with paint made
with the chemical. Based on a
true story, this female-centric
performance gave our students
a great chance to shine on stage.
Congratulations on a great
In January, six talented Beaumont
students directed a collection of
one act plays in Brace for Impact.
Mentored by Beaumont teacher
and Drama Program Director Kate
Bernardo, the performances were a
true expression of these Beaumont
students’ creativity.
Don’t forget to save
the date for our
spring play: The Arabian
Nights by Gay Monteverde. The
performances will be March
5 through 7 at 7:30 p.m. and
March 8 at 2:30 p.m. Both
“mainstage” shows this year
encompass the theme of the
power of women’s voices. WINTER 2015 / 7
Robobot Team
Our robotics team traveled to Chicago
in October to display and demonstrate
their robotics skills at the International
Manufacturing Technology Summit
(IMTS) and SmartForce Student Summit.
Alyssa Mutillo ’15, Julie Schiffer ’15 and
Ana Maria Vargas ’15 were accompanied
by moderator Gretchen Santo on the trip,
where they were one of the few all-girl’s
groups represented. We are proud of these
young ladies for bringing “girl power” to a
largely male dominated field.
Beet, India Harrison ’17, Gold Key
The Seasons of Life, Christina Kerner ’15,
Gold Key
Art and LanguageS
Beaumont students excel in many creative mediums. This school year,
four Beaumont students had work accepted into the Cleveland Clinic
eXpressions Art and Writing Competition. A sculpture created by Nicole
Cramer ’17 was awarded an honorable mention, and a sculpture by Sophia
Long ’15 received a white ribbon. Both works of art were displayed at the
Global Center for Health Innovation in Downtown Cleveland throughout
January. Eman Bechara ’18 and Sydney Marie Smith ’18 were awarded
honorable mentions in the language competition for their creative literary
poems and essays. Eman and Sydney were recognized for their ability to
convey health science and medicine through creative writing.
Several Beaumont students were recognized by the annual Cuyahoga
County Regional Scholastic Art and Writing Competition, hosted
by the Cleveland Institute of Art. Gold Keys were awarded to India
Harrison ’17 and Christina Kerner ‘15; Silver Keys were awarded to
Abby Bova ’16, Nicole Cramer ’15, Christina Kerner ’15, Gianna
Gasper ’17, and Genevieve Wagner ’17; and honorable mentions were
awarded to Grace Mascha ’15 and Elizabeth Poland ’16.
Julie Schiffer ’15, Alyssa Mutillo ’15 and Ana Maria Vargas ’15
at the National Robotics League Conference in Chicago
Tessa Langa ’15 was awarded first place in the National French Week Essay
Contest sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French
(AATF). This is the fourth year in a row that a Beaumont student has won
a top national prize from the AATF, which has more than 10,000 members
from across the United States.
Academic Challenge
This October, our girls competed in WEWS Channel 5’s
Academic Challenge, which shines a spotlight on the
academic excellence represented in the Cleveland area.
The show was broadcast on Channel 5 in January. Our
students competed valiantly and finished in second place
among three teams. Congratulations to our Beaumont
team members, Allison Kulbago ’16, Holly Sirk ’16 and
Rachel Fink ’16.
8 / WINTER 2015
Service Day
Each year, students, faculty and staff participate in a day of service during
Beaumont’s Spirit Week as a way to give back to the community. During
this year’s Service Day, the Beaumont community dedicated time to more
than 20 organizations in Greater Cleveland, completing tasks ranging
from cleaning up the beach on the shores of Lake Erie to refitting toys for
children with disabilities.
Marie Engstrom; Sister John Mary Blaser, OSU; Sister
Gretchen Rodenfels, OSU; Marge Krupansky; and Julie
Ketterer at the Krupansky Library and Media Center
dedication in May 2014.
RePlay volunteers with the toys they worked to refit. RePlay for Kids is a nonprofit that refits toys for
children with disabilities.
Kimberly Sweeney ’18, Sarah Kikel ’18 and Alana
Armenti ’18 at the Cleveland Cultural Gardens.
In May of 2014 the Beaumont library
was named the Marjorie B. Krupansky
Library and Media Center in honor of
Marjorie B. Krupansky. Marge is the sister
of former Beaumont math teacher and
principal, Sister John Mary, OSU. Marge
spent many of her volunteer hours in
several libraries in the Cleveland area. We
appreciate her generosity and are honored
to remember her in this way. Students will
be reminded of her each and every time
they enter the media center when they see
the special signage on the doors.
Deja Baker ’17 working at Ten Thousand Villages.
Another new addition to
the main school building
is the Trenkamp Gallery,
named after Henry and
Charlotte Trenkamp and
their four daughters,
all Beaumont alumnae:
Elizabeth ’48, Charlotte ’50,
Mary ’52, and Margaret ’54.
The family is full of gifted
artists and the new gallery proudly displays the art of current students
on a rotating basis. Located in the school Foyer, visitors can easily view
the works created by our talented Beaumont artists.
Marie Engstrom, longtime librarian, makes a grand exit on
her last day at Beaumont.
At the end of the 2013-2014 school year,
longtime Librarian Marie Engstrom retired
after 26 years of service at Beaumont. The
mother of three Beaumont alumnae (Beth
’93, Amy ’95 and Julie ’97), Marie has been
a true supporter of the school and we wish
her luck and happiness in the next chapter
of her life! WINTER 2015 / 9
Fall Sports Roundup
Our five fall sports teams competed valiantly during the regular season and playoffs.
Cross Country: The cross country team finished strong in fourth place at the North
Coast League Meet to round out the season. Sophomore Gabby Iademarco was
named Blue Division MVP at that meet, and Gabby moved on to the Division
II Regional Cross Country Meet, where she placed 25th among runners from
throughout the area.
Volleyball: Varsity volleyball finished the season as Division II District Runners Up.
Soccer: Our varsity soccer team competed well this season, making it to the district
semi-finals before falling to Bay Village High School.
Golf: Beaumont’s golf team finished the season strong at the Division II Sectional
Tournament, finishing the day shooting 404.
Brittany Lee Davis ’15 spikes a ball during a varsity
volleyball match.
Tennis: Singles and doubles tennis played highly competitive matches this year,
with Olivia Leone ’17, Alex Wuertz ’17 and Holly Sirk ’16 (singles), and Mackenzie
Allen ’17 and Kylie Lynch ’15, and Rachel Fink ’16 and Daisy Sirk ’15 (doubles)
advancing to the Division II Sectional Tennis Tournament. Congratulations to
these girls on a great year!
Members of the varsity soccer team before a game vs. Aurora.
Elizabath Corrado ’16 takes a swing with the
Beaumont Golf Team.
10 / WINTER 2015
Members of the varsity cross country team before the VASJ
McDonough Invitational.
Meleha Bethley ’18, Lauren Andrewjewski ’16, Margaret
Schiffer ’17 and Rachel Bauman ’16 pose after a tennis match.
Annual Fund Campaign
Since 1850, Beaumont has prepared the
young women of today for the world of
tomorrow. The deep-rooted Ursuline
traditions of life, leadership and service
have been instilled in the thousands of
girls who have graduated from
Beaumont School. These traditions that
Beaumont women carry close to their
hearts are similar to the ones the students
of today are creating and looking to carry
with them throughout their lives.
The Beaumont Annual Fund is a critical
part of the operating budget at
Beaumont School. Donations to this
fund ensure that the excellence of a
Beaumont education will be available to
the young women of today, as well as the
next generation of Beaumont students.
The Annual Fund helps to bridge the gap
between tuition and the actual cost of
educating a Beaumont student, which is
more than $3,000 per student.
Gifts of any size will allow Beaumont to
maintain its current levels of excellence
and continue to support the school’s rich
legacy and history in our community.
These donations are an investment not
only in our current students, but in
Beaumont’s faculty, staff, infrastructure,
and programming. Your gift will be felt
throughout the school and will prepare
our young women for a future of life,
leadership and service.
Students and alumnae will be calling
Beaumont Alumnae during the school’s
Phonathon event in the spring. If you
have not already made a donation to this
year’s campaign you may be called by
one of our volunteers who will be asking
On Tuesday, December 2nd, Beaumont
launched its first online day of giving campaign,
GIVING TUESDAY to support the wonderful
students, faculty and staff of Beaumont School.
Our students and alumnae had a great time
creating videos and giving testimonials to share
on social media. We were not sure what to
expect, but are so proud of the Beaumont
Community and their outstanding support.
Beaumont raised over $18,000 – proving that
we have amazing supporters! We appreciate everyone who participated in this fun
addition to our Annual Fund Campaign and for showing your “Beaumont Pride”
again and again through contributions of time, talent and treasure.
you to support Beaumont and the
Annual Fund Campaign. We hope you
will take the time to talk when they call!
All donations received by June 30,
2015 will be acknowledged in the
Beaumont Annual Report, which will
be mailed in the fall of 2015. Add your
name to the list of your classmates,
fellow parents, past parents or
grandparents who continue to support
Beaumont School. Remember, every
gift counts for every girl!
Donations can be sent to: Beaumont
School, ATTN: Development Office,
3301 North Park Boulevard, Cleveland
Heights, Ohio 44118 and can also can be
made online. Visit the Beaumont School
website at
and select “Give Your Gift Now” under
the “Giving” tab. If you would like to
make a donation over the phone, please
2013-2014 Annual
The 2013-2014 Beau
mont School
Annual Report is no
w available online.
Thank you to the hu
ndreds of donors
whose names appear
in this annual
publication. We ho
pe you enjoy reading
about our students’
activities and award
s and reviewing the
lists of our generous
contact the Development Office at
216-321-6265. Thank you for your
continual support of Beaumont School! WINTER 2015 / 11
transforming today’s women for tomorrow’s world
On January 5, 2015, Beaumont officially opened its new
building addition. A year and two months after breaking
ground, a state-of-the-art STEM building now stands where a
parking lot once did. Certainly this addition changes the face
of Beaumont School, but more importantly, it changes the
way in which these subjects are taught. Today’s students will
be better prepared for tomorrow’s world.
While the building itself is a huge milestone for Beaumont,
the Advancing Excellence Capital Campaign has also been
a milestone for the school. To date, the campaign has raised
$8.2 million toward the $9.5 million goal through the
generosity of our alumnae, parents and friends. It has been
critical that we raise the funds to build this addition without
passing the costs on to our students and families through
increases in tuition. Currently nearly half of our students
receive some kind of tuition assistance and we remain
committed to keeping a Beaumont education accessible to all
qualified young women.
We are so grateful for everyone who has supported this
campaign and who continues to support this tremendous leap
toward our future. It is exciting to see Beaumont continuing
to flourish as it prepares to educate young women for life,
leadership and service well into the future.
$2,000 by Friday, February 27, 2015 =
Donor Wall Recognition
Calling all alumnae!! We want to include you on the Donor
Recognition Wall in the new STEM building. If your total gift
to the Advancing Excellence Campaign is $2,000 or above, by
Friday, February 27, 2015, your name will be added to our
donor wall to be displayed in the school building into
perpetuity. We would love to include your name. Please
consider making a gift or a second gift to the Advancing
Excellence Campaign to be part of Beaumont’s future.
12 / WINTER 2015
sip and shop
& Wine Pull
Wine Pull
Get into the “SPIRIT” of the
Beaumont Gala! Whether you
can attend or not, participate in
our Wine Pull.
Alumna vendor Margaret Ginther Case ’59
chatting with current Beaumont students.
There were a variety of vendors at this year’s Sip and Shop,
including those with handmade scarves and necklaces.
The Goal: Collect 100 bottles of
wine and champagne valued $20
or higher.
The Pull: Guests at the Gala pay
$20 for a chance to “pull” one of
the mystery bottles.
Attendees browsing books from alumna vendor
Suzanne DeGaetano ’75.
Looking at Longaberger products at their table in the
Dining Room
Our 5th annual Sip and Shop was held on December 4, drawing its biggest crowd
yet and solidifying itself as a Beaumont tradition. Benefiting the Beaumont Gala,
Sip and Shop drew more than 80 local vendors (with more than 30 who were
alumnae – see below for the full list!) and hundreds of attendees. It’s a wonderful
occasion to gather with Beaumont friends and support local artists. We can’t wait to
see you at next year’s Sip and Shop!
To Donate: The experts at The
Wine Spot will guide you through
the process—mention Beaumont
and an associate will help with
your purchase and will even
deliver the bottle to Beaumont!
Call The Wine Spot at 216-3423623 or visit the shop at 2271
Lee Road in Cleveland Heights.
alumnae vendors – businesses
Michelle Byce Schenker ’02 – b.Lux Boutique
Karen Bartko Reming ’72 – Baskets by Karen
Phoebe Koelsch ’08 – BeautiControl
Joanne Deutsch Filocco ’59 – Bella Biscotti,etc
Laurie Klopper ’88 – Blush Boutique
Susan Lanza Vitale ’93 – Cleveland
Consignment Shoppe
Kerry Hawkins ’07 – Crazy Bead Lady
Karen Bongorno ’07 – Edgewater Marketplace
Katy Zaller Murphy ’83 – Healthy Elements/
Shakelee Health & Wellness
Laura Ivec ’05 – Laura’s Speciality Jams & Jellies
Suzanne DeGaetano ’75 – Mac’s Backs-Books on
Mary Norris-Pack ’84 – Mary Kay Cosmetics
Micki Krupitzer Mackin ’67 – MickiWordArt
Tyler Williams ’14 – Music in the Mist
Katie Mackin Havel ’99 – Origami Owl
Kelly Peppard ’03 – Ormond Road Designs
Mother Magdalena (Patricia Rowe ’68) –
Orthodox Monastery Transfiguration
Katie Kondrat Parisi ’95 – Party Matters Ltd.
Victoria Zalar Zalik ’02 – Rodan & Fields
Carla Salvador Fioretta ’02 – Ron Salvador &
Sons Diamond Specialists
Jessica Gay Hennings ’90 – Royal Couture
Gina Huffman ’84 and Britney Huffman ’04 –
ShoulderBrag Purses & More
Amy Harrison Kassigkeit ’06 – Simply Scarves
Mary Bertsch Roscoe ’84 – Sports Apparel
Marti Geraci Spoth ’66 – The Art Box People
Cindy Merkel Daugherty ’78 – Thirty One
Chevon Naylor ’09 – Traci Lynn Fashion
Margaret Ginther Case ’59 – Watercolors by
Erica Peck Klopp ’91 – Westminster Technologies
Becky Guidos Rinaldi ’89 – Wine Gift Bags
Janet Tillie ’05 – Younique Products WINTER 2015 / 13
P lease join with us as we celebrate
The Beaumont Gala
Saturday M arch 28, 2015
C h a i r s : M a r k a n d S ta c e y M a z z u r c o ( M a r i a ’ 1 7 )
We s t e r n R e s e r v e H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y, C r aw f o r d A u t o M u s e u m
C at e r e d b y A Ta s t e o f E x c e l l e n c e
Honoring Beaumont Alumnae’s
“Legacy of Service”
With Special R eco gnition of
this year’s Distinguished Alumnae:
Mary Lou Deucher Fuerst ‘57 / Sharon Latkovich Valente ‘75
Ericka Ames Owens ‘89
5:30 pm
P rivate Patron R eception
6:30 pm
C o cktail R eception and
Silent Auction
8:00 pm
Dinner, L ive Auction,
S chol arship Drive and
Blue and G old R affle
P lease consider becoming an event sp onsor! All Sp onsorship L evels Include
The P rivate Patron R eception 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Where Sp onsors will enjoy
Riding the newly restored Euclid Beach Park Grand Carousel / Dining on specially prepared Hors D’ Oeuvres and
Sipping Champagne Cocktails / Previewing Auction Items and Museum Car Collection
Sp onsorship L evels
The P ierce-Arrow Sp onsor $10,000
The Rolls Royce Sp onsor $10,000
Presenting Sponsor of the
Presenting Sponsor of the
Euclid Beach Park Grand Carousel
Private Patron Reception
$8,200 of this contribution is tax deductible
Includes: Premier recognition as presenting sponsor of the Grand
Carousel / Two reserved tables at the event (20 Tickets) in premier
location / 20 Tickets to The Private Patron Reception / Premier logo
placement on all materials as a Presenting Sponsor / Yearlong website
linkage to business / Four bottles of Dom Perignon Champagne / Full
Page Ad in Event program / Prominent Invitation and Event Recognition
/ Acknowledgement in Beaumont News / Prominent Recognition in
Lobby and Carousel Signage as a Presenting Sponsor / 20 Raffle Tickets
for $5,000 Grand Prize
$8,200 of this contribution is tax deductible
Includes: Premier recognition as presenting sponsor of the
Private Patron Reception / Two reserved tables at the event
(20 Tickets) in premier location / 20 Tickets to Private Patron
Reception / Premier logo placement on all materials as a Presenting
Sponsor / Yearlong website linkage to business / Four bottles of Dom
Perignon Champagne / Full Page Ad in Event program /
Prominent Invitation and Event Recognition / Acknowledgement in
Beaumont News / Prominent Recognition in Lobby and Reception Signage as a Presenting Sponsor / 20 Raffle Tickets for $5,000 Grand Prize
The D uesenberg Sp onsor $5,000
The Mercedes Benz Sp onsor $3,000
$4,100 of this contribution is tax deductible
Includes: One Reserved Table at the event (10 Tickets) in premier
location / 10 Tickets to Private Patron Reception / Invitation and Event
Recognition / Two Bottles of Don Perignon Champagne / Full Page Ad
in Event Program / Acknowledgement in Beaumont News / Logo on
Beaumont Website / Prominent Recognition on Lobby Signage /
10 Raffle Tickets for $5,000 Grand Prize
The Bugat ti Sp onsor $1,800
$1,260 of this contribution is tax deductible
Includes: 6 event tickets / 6 Tickets to Private Patron Reception /
Invitation and Event Recognition / Acknowledgment in Beaumont News
and Auction Program / Half-page Ad in Event Program
$2,100 of this contribution is tax deductible
Includes: One Reserved Table at the event (10 Tickets) in premier
location / 10 Tickets to Private Patron Reception / Invitation and Event
Recognition / Two Bottles of Don Perignon Champagne / Full Page Ad
in Event Program / Acknowledgement in Beaumont News / Logo on
Beaumont Website / Prominent Recognition on Lobby Signage /
10 Raffle Tickets for $5,000 Grand Prize
The Bentley Sp onsor $500
$320 of this contribution is tax deductible
Includes: 2 event tickets / 2 Tickets to Private Patron Reception /
Invitation and Event Recognition / Acknowledgment in Beaumont News
and Auction Program / Half-page Ad in Event Program
To Become a Beaumont Gal a Sp onsor Please go to to donate online.
For questions, please call Veronica Selby, 216-325-7316 or
Sister Gretchen Rodenfels with members of the class of 1956.
Members of the class of 1955 gathered at the Fabulous 50s Luncheon.
The class of 1948
Each year, Beaumont alumnae host gettogethers for their classmates throughout
the region and country. This fall, Beaumont
President Sister Gretchen Rodenfels ’65 and
Alumnae Manager Mary Kelley Ebner ’79 took
trips to Toledo and Columbus to visit with
alumnae at gatherings hosted at the homes
of Anne Marie Ford Blank ’74 (Toledo) and
Peggy O’Brien Galli ’67 (Columbus).
After last year’s inaugural Fabulous 50s luncheon for the
classes of 1950 through 1959, Beaumont decided to bring
back the tradition for another year! Due to such a great
turnout last year, we split the luncheon over two days, hosting
the classes of 1950-1954 and 1955-1959 on two afternoons.
The classes of 1948 and 1949 also hosted luncheons in the
Lennon House this year. The alumnae appreciated rekindling
memories from their years in the Junior Senior building. If
you are interested in hosting a luncheon for your class at the
Lennon House, contact Mary Kelley Ebner ’79, Manager of
Alumnae Relations, at (216) 325-7326.
gathered at
the home of
Peggy O’Brien
Galli ’67 in
Columbus. WINTER 2015 / 15
“I shall be in
your midst praying
with you.”
– St. Angela Merici
Eating lunch before heading out for a round of golf.
Candles lit in memory of alumnae who have passed.
George Marlowe and Tim Marlowe
Sister Susan Bremer, Sister Susan Durkin and
Sister Joan Penne
Our 17th annual Beaumont Golf Classic was held at The Country Club in
Pepper Pike on September 8, 2014. This annual event raises funds for the
Alumnae Scholarship Fund. Through the generous contributions raised at
this annual event, Beaumont continues to educate young women for life,
leadership and service by providing scholarships to those in need.
Practice your swing and mark your calendars for September 7, 2015
for next year’s outing – we’ll see you on the links!
Beaumont hosts a Mass each November
to honor the members of the Beaumont
community who died in the preceding
year. The Catholic Church sets aside
November to celebrate the Communion
of Saints, during which we remember
and pray for deceased loved ones. This
year’s liturgy was held on Sunday,
November 2, 2014, and celebrated the
lives of Beaumont alumnae and their
family members.
Send your email to our Manager of Alumnae Relations, Mary Kelley Ebner ’79 at, to receive
emails about upcoming events and important information for Beaumont Alumnae. Visit our website and check out the
Alumnae section for event updates and photos, alumnae profiles and testimonials, class representatives and so much more.
Do you follow Beaumont on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest? Like us, tweet us, and tag us in your Instagram
photos and we will keep you up to date on the happenings at Beaumont School!
Facebook/Pinterest: Beaumont School
Twitter/Instagram: @BeaumontSchool1
16 / WINTER 2015
AWARDS and Alumnae
Christmas Party
The Distinguished Alumnae Awards have been held annually since
2001 to honor Beaumont alumnae who embody the Ursuline
traditions of life, leadership and service and pursue a Christian life
of leadership and service to society.
This year’s award ceremony was held on December 10 in the
St. Angela Merici Chapel, and was followed by the Alumnae
Christmas Party in the Foyer.
Mary Lou Deucher Fuerst ’57
“She has been the most influential model of Christ that I
have known throughout my life.”
Mary Lou is a Christian leader who serves as an inspiration to
others. She volunteers with local hospitals, families and Christian
organizations to spread the word of Christ to others. Along with
her fellow alumnae from the class of 1957, she always looks to
bring inspiration to others.
Distinguished Alumnae honorees Mary Lou Deucher Fuerst ’57,
Ericka Ames Owens ’89 and Sharon Latkovich Valente ’75.
Sharon Latkovich Valente ’75
“Sharon is a woman of value to our world and an
inspiration to all of us.”
According to her classmates, Sharon epitomizes love, leadership
and service in her community, truly embodying the Beaumont
spirit. Sharon is a veteran teacher and professor, working in
academics for more than 30 years and is currently the associate
provost for educational effectiveness at Marymount California
University. She also works with the Special Olympics as a
volunteer, and keeps up with and encourages fellow alumnae via
social media.
Enjoying the company of Beaumont friends at the Alumnae
Christmas Party.
Ericka Ames Owens ’89
“She is an example of the excellence of a Beaumont woman,
as she lives each day to make the world a better place.”
After the death of her husband, Derek Owens, a Cleveland
police officer killed in the line of duty, Ericka established a
memorial scholarship with the Cleveland Foundation in his
memory. She is the graduate adviser of the Omega chapter
of Alpha Kappa Alpha, providing leadership to a younger
generation, and she also serves as the sergeant of arms for Jack
and Jill of America’s Cleveland chapter, working to provide
community programming for children.
Karen Ritt Grealis ’85, Therese Reardon Rose ’87 and Michelle
Walczak Johnson ’87 at the Alumnae Christmas Party. WINTER 2015 / 17
Check out Trina Paulus’s website http://www. Her book Hope for the
Flowers has been around for 40 years and now it
is available as an eBook.
Marge McDonough was in Cleveland from
Cincinnati and visited with Doris Dawson
Cirillo, Anne Marie Keegan Coneglio,
Carolyn Seifert Quilter, and Sue Wittenbrook
Harff. Marge is doing well and they had a
wonderful visit. Anne Marie Keegan
Coneglio’s granddaughter, Bridget, is the 5th
generation Keegan to attend Beaumont. Jean
McPolin Rudmann, Kay Horton Thomas,
Judy Kish Amundson, Anne Marie Keegan
Congelio, Doris Dawson Cirillo and Sister
Maureen McCarthy met for lunch to discuss
plans for the class of ’55s 60th reunion. Save
the date of June 12-14 for Reunion Weekend
and June 12 for a special class of 1955
luncheon. Kay Horton Thomas’ pilot reading
program for the Cleveland Metropolitan School
district has expanded to a second school. Great
work, Kay! Sister Maureen McCarthy
preached a six-day retreat for 40 Marianist
priests and brothers in Dayton.
Patty McIntyre Westropp writes: Our summer
courtyard party was a great evening. Diane
Junglas Richardson, Dolores McDonnell
Ritt, Mary Anne Corlett Rotatori, and I
attended. It was fun seeing our pavers for our
class of 1956. Our deepest sympathy to Janet
Neff Newsome on the death of her daughter,
Kathy. Several of Janet’s classmates attended the
funeral at St. Dominic. We extend our deepest
sympathy to the family upon the loss of our
classmate Lynn Samartini Busch. Judy
Patterson Nieser and I had a joint get together
for the classes of 1956 and 1957 in the party
room at the Hamilton House. It was well
attended and a great time. We will have it
again. A group of us had an exciting day on the
Rapid going downtown. We walked down East
4th Street for lunch at the Greenhouse Tavern.
Our day included visiting The 9 Hotel and the
new chandelier at Playhouse Square. We had a
memorable day ending at Johnny’s Downtown.
As infrequent Rapid travelers we took the
wrong Rapid home. Very funny!!! I saw Ann
Meehan Schmidlin one morning at breakfast.
18 / WINTER 2015
It was fun catching up! Judy Bopp Loach,
Carol Egan Grady, Lynn Wolfram, Janet Woll
Brunnett, Dolores McDonnell Ritt, Diane
Junglas Richardson, Peggy Conway, Janet
Neff Newsome, Mary Anne Corlett Rotatori,
Rosa Schembri, Sue Baird Fitzgerald, Sheila
Parks Dunn, attended the Fabulous Fifties
Luncheon at the Lennon House. Judy and
Carol went on an Eastern Caribbean Cruise.
Lynn Wolfram had a wonderful vacation in
Maine. Janet Woll Brunnett has a new
great-granddaughter. Gretchen Vandemotter
Lauro has her sixth great-grandchild due in
February. There was a memorial mass for all
deceased alumnae in November in the St.
Angela Merici Chapel. Our class prayed for
Lynn Samartini Busch and Marcia Burnett
Mileti. Barbara Post, Marianne Rocco Walton
Mary Kay Gallagher Maxson, Dolores
McDonnell Ritt, and I enjoyed a wonderful
concert seeing Martina McBride at the
Rocksino. Annamarie Tomaro, Dolores
McDonnell Ritt, Diane Junglas Richardson,
Peggy Conway and I attended the Alumnae
Christmas Party at Beaumont. We were
fortunate to tour the new science wing.
Amazing!!! Classes will start in the new building
on Jan 5, 2015. Your continued support of our
class of 1956 scholarship is most appreciated.
Our scholarship has helped a student receive a
Beaumont education.
Pat Lynch Richards collected the following
notes. Classmates were present at all Alumnae
events since last report. Judy Patterson Nieser,
Marsha Corlett Sarakaitis, and Pat Lynch
Richards spent a pleasant evening in the
Beaumont Courtyard at the Celebrate Summer
event in late July. “Let’s Celebrate Graduating”
in early August was a potluck organized by
Judy Patterson Nieser at the Hamilton House
Apartment party room. The large group
included several members of the Class of 1956
and many classmates. Mary Kay Gallagher
Maxson, Carole Margareth Marciano, Jane
Cunningham, Pat Monich (in town from
Costa Rica), Kay Winters O’Malley, Sue
Schutt Grohol, Mary Lou Deucher Fuerst,
Monica Bolek Rini, Marianne Rocco Walton,
Joanne Mazza Ryan, Kitty Callinan Busher,
Marsha Corlett Sarakaitis, Angela Sospirato
Salvatore, Joyce Raviotta, Dianne Golubski
Toronski, Sister Janet Wakefield, Carolyn
McAuley Mann, and Joanne Gerity celebrated
an unofficial 57th Reunion. The Fabulous
Fifties luncheon for classes 1955 - 1959 was
held in the Lennon House at Beaumont School
in October. Marsha Corlett Sarakaitis, Joanne
Mazza Ryan, Sister Janet Wakefield, Carole
Margareth Marciano,Dianne Golubski
Toronski, Mary Lou Deucher Fuerst, Judy
Patterson Nieser, Barbara Scheule Schubert
and Pat Lynch Richards filled the Class of
1957 table. Judy Patterson Nieser reported
that the Sip and Shop was merrily attended and
included 80 vendors in early December. Mary
Lou Deucher Fuerst was honored for her
accomplishments at the Beaumont School 2014
Distinguished Alumnae Award Presentation
which preceded the Christmas Party. She is the
third member of our class to receive this award.
Mary Lou Deucher Fuerst so graciously
dedicated her award to the class of ’57. She is a
shining example... in the way she serves others
with a genuine kindness of spirit. Sister Janet
Wakefield, Judy Patterson Nieser, Kay
Winters O’Malley, Pat Lynch Richards, and
Carole Margareth Marciano were there in
support with her Alumnae daughters and
granddaughter, Abbey Fuerst ’17, current
student. Peggy Murtaugh Durkin has moved
from Northfield to North Royalton. Mary Kay
Gallagher Maxon is living in Solon. Joanne
Mazza Ryan bought Kathy Entrup’s former
house on Colby Road. Sue Schutt cruised the
Mediterranean and Pat Lynch Richards cruised
Scandinavia and Russia. Anne Pavlish Dini
toured Middle Europe. We extend our deepest
Sympathy to Pat Monich who lost her son, Ray
Leonardi, and Sally Moir Weisenberg on the
death of husband David. Irene Palmieri South
and Mary Grace Palmieri Amato lost their
mother, Frances, at the age of 100.
Lynn Dore Priemer wishes everyone a Happy
2015. Lynn sent the following updates. Nell
Cantillon Nockles checked in from her home
in England. Nell has been researching and
contributing to the website
for seventeen years and has fascinating
information to share. Diane Mehling still loves
her work as a research nurse at Wright State
University, but finds time for bridge, gardening
and the piano. Diane has a son and daughter in
NYC. Her son is an orthopedic surgeon and
launching stem cell research using umbilical
cord cells, and her daughter is an attorney.
Another son lives in Houston, has his own
flooring company and the youngest is in a PhD
program at OSU focusing on autism. Connie
Passalaqua Brandt sent a text on her way home
from the golf course where she had just played
with Elaine Pottinger Kripmick and Kari Day
MacDonald, making us northerners a tad
jealous! Janet Davenport Hammerickson lives
in Concord, California. After she retired from
nursing she returned to work as a nurse advisor
at Kaiser. Her three children and grandchildren
live in the area
Chris Collura Embrescia compiled the
following updates. We are still reeling from the
passing of our beloved classmate, Teresa
DeFino Mannen. Darling Terry passed away
on October 28 of complications of her diabetes.
She had this disease for 57 years and wore the
first developed insulin pump for over 30 years.
In addition, 20 years ago, she had a kidney
transplant, whose donor was her sister, Betsy
DeFino Wilson. She never complained about
her plight with this disease and took
magnificent care of herself; however, the disease
finally overtook her. In fact, one would never
know that Terry suffered greatly, over many
years with diabetes. She was always cheery and
laughing. She never let the disease and the
horrors of it, slow her down. She gave of herself
freely, raising many dollars for Juvenile Diabetes
and the Sts. Mary and Joseph Home (Little
Sisters of the Poor). There were 16 of us who
gathered on October 15 at Bravo Restaurant for
our usual and casual Beaumont dinner, Terry
among us. Little did any of us know that night
would be the last time that we would see her
again or hear that marvelous laugh of hers, for
13 days later she was gone. She was a joy to
know and a wonderful example of quiet
acceptance, kindness, a staunch believer in her
Catholic faith and a lover of God, who gave her
immeasurable strength to live her life. She
leaves behind her wonderful and devoted
husband of 47 years, John; three loving
children, Peter (Jennifer Reis), Delia and Teresa,
along with her mother and many sisters and
brothers. Terry may you rest in God’s arms.
Susan Kenny Fiori writes that she and her
husband, Thomas, are so excited to be moving
from San Rafael, California to San Miguelde
Allende, Mexico, in early spring. Also, this past
Save the date for Reunion Weekend 2015!
June 12-14, 2015. We will be welcoming
alumnae from class years ending in “0” and “5.”
Look out for a formal invitation coming in April!
year, Sharon Gang Schiller and her husband,
Tom, moved from Chagrin Falls, Ohio to Alta
Boqueti, Panama. Another of us, Andrea Vadas
Ashburn, picked up her long time roots in
North Carolina and moved to be near her
daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter to the
Woodlands, a suburb of Houston, Texas. She
and Kathy Machol Zimmerman live within
walking distance of each other. Carol Senda
Damaso retired in August as Director of the
Scottsdale, Arizona Library System. No grass is
growing under her feet, though. She her
husband Don and her children have traveled to
Dubai; and, in late December, they all travelled
to Tanzania to go on Safari. In addition, Judith
Sheehan has let us know that her daughter,
Grace Mullin, is a Peace Corps Volunteer and
serving in Rwanda for two years in the health
care field. Whew…we sure are a globetrotting
bunch! Also, the dear mothers of Charla
Roediger Bernstein and Susan Hoenigman
Castor passed away some months ago. We
extend our sympathies to our classmates. And
on a lighter note, something to which we can
all relate…Marcia Beljan Catalano writes, “I
laughingly submit that I am frustrated and
aggravated by my having to learn a new
computer and new programs. I am grumpy and
complaining about what my brain stumbles
over at the age of 70. I know this new stuff will
eventually become second nature, but in the
meantime, I am gnashing my teeth.” We can
sympathize, Marcia, we can sympathize.
Pat O’Malley Hagan reports looking forward
to a family Florida get together with her sisters
Rene Salupo ’65 and Kathy Ross ’68. They
have a total of 23 grandchildren! Regina Fana
Ryan went to Alaska in August and soared over
the Mt. McKinley in a very small plane. She
said it was awesome. She has also changed
companies and is an Investment Advisor with
Summit Capital, Inc., located in Beachwood,
Ohio. Gerry Hall Urbanic will be using her
frequent flier miles to visit her son, Jim. He is
now Medical Director, Department of
Radiation Oncology UC San Diego, and
Encinitas. Their older daughter and family are
in Portland, Oregon so it is “double the
pleasure” on the west coast. Mary Jo Rini and
Paulette Passalaqua Ballas spent two weeks
traveling by train through Italy enjoying the
charming countryside and towns. They also
spent a lovely day being wined and dined in
Florence by Janet Zeleznik Rinaldi and her
husband, Alberto. The girls were thankful for
Alberto’s patience as he listened to more than
50 years of reminiscences! Linda Barucky and
Barb Selden Wicker spent a week visiting
Paulette Passalqua Ballas in California. Three
of the days were spent enjoying all the fun
Santa Barbara has to offer. You need extra catch
up time when your friendships go all the way
back to St. Dominic’s and Beaumont! Kati
Callahan Crawford and her husband, Vince,
hit the 50th anniversary mark on September
19. The weekend included a lovely dinner with
their children, a dinner out with their original
wedding party – Denise O’Hearn Byrne and
Pete Titas. But the BIG surprise came October
12 when their daughter invited them to a
special dinner at her home (they thought it
would be her engagement)....but it was a huge
surprise party for Kati and Vince with all
manner of family and friends. They were
wonderfully flabbergasted!! Hope 2015 brings
health and happiness as we round into a new
set of birthday numerals!!!
Calling all members of the Class of ’65! Save
the Date: Weekend of June 12-14, 2015. As we
continue to prepare for our 50th reunion in
June we want to remind you to save the date
and contact friends. We are hoping to have our
largest turnout yet for what is sure to be our
most fun-filled and memorable reunion. Please WINTER 2015 / 19
contact your close friends and those dear old
friends you haven’t been in contact with for
years and make plans to attend. You’ll receive
an invitation in the spring with more details.
We’ll gather at Beaumont on Friday evening for
our traditional girls’ night. Saturday afternoon
there will be a mass at Beaumont and cocktails
and dinner just down the road at Nighttown in
Cleveland Heights. Husbands and significant
others are invited to join us for all Saturday
events. If you have any questions or need to be
coaxed into coming, please don’t hesitate to
contact one of us. We’ll do our best to get you
to join us.
Robin Harvey:
Betsy DeFino Wilson:
Kathy Gang Rini:
Rosemary Leone Nemeth ran into Marie
Laurie Nicholas and her lovely daughter,
Torrie. Marie was the only one to email an
answer to our question about grandchildren.
Marie said that she has one grand”dog”ter – a
Jack Russell Terrier. Thanks Marie! Tim and
Molly Lynch Hopkins have been busy
traveling the country with their daughter,
Kathryn. Kathryn is a star lacrosse player and
has been in tournaments across the country.
Their son, Christopher, graduated from Miami
University. He is currently working for a sports
network in Chicago. Dave and Mary Brett
Christensen are living in New Jersey. They have
four children, Brandon (23) graduated from
Ramapo College, Rachel (21) is a senior at
Washington and Lee University, Kirsten (19) is
a junior at Trenton State College, and Sarah
(13) is in eighth grade. Mary has been teaching
in East Windsor, NJ for 27 years. She is
currently teaching second grade but has also
taught kindergarten. Rosemary Leone Nemeth
spotted several classmates at Beaumont’s Sip
and Shop event on December 4. There were 80
vendors selling unique and beautiful gifts. It’s
an event not to miss! There is so much
excitement at Beaumont over the new
25,000-square-foot science building. The
building will hold eight new Science,
Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
classrooms. The architects for this building are
Van Auken Akins Architects LLC–owned by
our classmate Jill Van Auken Akins.
Congratulations Jill. What is your favorite
vacation spot? Send us a response and share
20 / WINTER 2015
Members of the classes of 1994 through 1997 at the wedding of Susan Ancheta and Paul Gordon in
September 2014
your answers with your classmates. Rosemary
Leone Nemeth and Maidie Volpe McGarry
wish you peace, love and happiness in this New
Heather Fowler Nacke writes: Has it really
been 28 years since we “jumped the wall”?
My husband and I will be celebrating our 23rd
anniversary in November. We have 2 beautiful
daughters (16 and 13) that I wish we were able
to send to Beaumont. The commute from
Indiana would be really long. I am currently the
Industrial Engineering Manager for all
Production Support activities at five facilities in
Kokomo and Tipton, Indiana. We have four
transmission plants and one casting plant for
which I have responsibility. I have been with
Chrysler for almost 18 years! I continue to sing
with All Saints Parish in Logansport, Indiana as
both a member of two choirs and as a cantor.
God bless you all! If anyone is ever in Indiana,
please stop by!
Liz Gazley Ferrante opened an exercise studio
at Legacy Village in Lyndhurst. Barre3
Cleveland teaches classes that combine yoga
and Pilates while using a ballet barre for
balance. Classes are designed to make everyone
successful and no experience is necessary to try
them out! Several ladies from the Class of ’91
and other years have tried her classes out,
including me! They are fun, and we all agree we
feel amazing afterwards! Visit Liz’s Facebook
page ( and
the website ( for details.
Bridget Cavanaugh Thibeault and her
husband, Marc, welcomed their daughter
Cecelia on September 28, 2014. Their son,
Cavan, is enjoying being a big brother!
Johanna Keenan Henz, Lake County Free
Clinic Executive Director, played an integral
part in having a bill signed by Governor John
Kasich. Representative Ron Young introduced
House Bill 320 after visiting Lake County Free
Clinic and seeking out ways to assist free clinics
statewide. Johanna offered testimony to the
Senate in support of the bill and it was passed
in December 2014. The bill has four main
components, each of which lead to more
awareness about free clinics, increased
volunteerism, etc. Johanna was thrilled to
attend the signing ceremony in Columbus!
Amy Schulte’s father, Jack Charles Schulte, Jr.,
died on November 8, 2014 at the age of 62.
Condolences and heartfelt wishes are extended
to the entire Schulte family.
Catherine Swartz D’Cruz and her husband,
Mark D’Cruz welcomed their daughter Isabel
Asha Lucy. Isabel’s proud big brothers, Jack and
Luke, completely adore their sister.
Kelley Kaminski-West has been working for a
marketing company in Mentor for the past
three years. She continues to work on quilting
and jewelry making. Kelley and her husband
celebrated their 13th wedding anniversary this
Hello Class of ’96. Please email me, Helen
Curak, at or message
me on Facebook with any updates you have.
Feel free to pass my contact information along
to our classmates. A big thank you to everyone
who has sent me updates – I love keeping our
column filled! After spending 12 years in
marketing and public relations at Cleveland
Clinic, I am now a freelance writer and editor.
My projects run the gamut – from feature
stories and advertorials to newsletters and
résumés. I’m still addicted to traveling and am
constantly mentally planning my next trip!
Congratulations to Jennifer Barth Armstrong
and husband, Rod, on the May 2014 birth of
their first child – Ruby Mae. The Armstrongs
live near Columbus. Jenny wrote, “One of my
client contacts through work is a former
Beaumonster. Shout out to Ally at Anchor
Hocking! She called it out from my Cleveland
accent!” Alyson DiFranco lives in New York
and is a producer on the The Meredith Viera
Show. She was featured in a segment on staff
style secrets, and let us in on a few of her
fashion finds. Alyson looked absolutely
fabulous! Maggie Keenan finished her first
semester of law school at Cleveland State
University’s Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
in December 2014. Maggie loves being back in
school and is interested in pursuing
international criminal work when she graduates.
Susan Krupa McCune received her California
real estate license. Lindsay Kunz and her
husband, Scott Gunn, are TV royalty! A few
years ago Scott was on Wipe Out!, and recently
the couple bought their first house while being
filmed for an episode of House Hunters on
HGTV. Keep your eyes peeled and stay-tuned
for an air date. Bridgette Meredith Wilson is
expecting her second baby girl in May 2015.
Jaci Schulte began nursing school in 2014. And
on a sad note, her father, Jack Charles Schulte,
Jr,. died on November 8, 2014 at the age of 62.
Condolences and heartfelt wishes are extended
to the entire Schulte family. Antonella Slone
received her master’s degree in Nurse Anesthesia
from Case Western Reserve University in
December 2015. Katy Walter Millman and her
husband, Neal, welcomed Miles Walter
Millman into the world on August 12, 2014
weighing 8 lb. 6.5 oz. Miles joins sister Eva.
Kelly Gehrs Engstrom and her husband Seth
welcomed their first child, a daughter, Nora
Harvest, born on Valentine’s Day – February
14, 2014.
comedy with an ensemble. Also, Sarah is a
stand-up comedian and does sets regularly
across the city, hoping to go nationwide in the
future! Christina Hannon lives in Cleveland
Heights and is pursuing her MBA at John
Carroll University. Christina also works with
Coalition with Young Adults (
to grow Catholic young adult ministry in
Cleveland. Between undergrad at the University
of Notre Dame and grad school, she worked for
three years in Philadelphia for the Catholic
Leadership Institute.
Colleen Skerl married Andrew Henry on
December 31, 2014.
Rebecca Ussai is headed to South by Southwest
Interactive in Austin, TX. She is partnering
with Glen Keane, Disney Legend and animator
behind The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast
and many more. We’re giving a talk called “UX
Choreography” and it’s all about how Disney’s
12 Principles of Animation influence key
moments of user experience design.
Mimi Harrison McKenna had her second boy
this past November, Edward Joseph McKenna,
Kaitlin Daly married Kevin Heisler on June 28,
2014. Three of her Beaumont girlfriends were
bridesmaids in their wedding, Rachel
Bedinghaus Nord, Molly St. John, and Sarah
Repasy. Sarah Snow relocated to Santa Ynez,
CA earlier this year. She was recently promoted
to CPT and is currently preparing to deploy
with the 324th Military Police Battalion as their
Human Resource Officer. She will be in
Guantanamo Bay for nine months and when
she returns at the end of 2015, hopes to finally
plan her wedding with fiancé, Bill, whom she
met at Xavier University. Grace Rufo Powell
and her husband, Andrew, are living in
Cleveland. They, along with soon-to-be-big
sister, Lillian (who turned 2 in October) are
excited to welcome baby boy Powell. Grace is
due on Christmas Eve! Sarah Manning is living
in Chicago, where she moved to pursue a career
in comedy. Sarah made it into Second City’s
Music Improv Conservatory, in which she
performs improvised and sketch musical
Katie McCrystal recently graduated with a
master’s in Education from Baldwin Wallace
University’s Leadership in Higher Education
program (2014). She is the Director of The
Heidelberg Fund & Alumni Engagement at
Heidelberg University in Tiffin, OH.
Allie Primisch has joined the amazing
Beaumont staff as the Recruitment and
Admissions Associate. She has been doing a
great job in recruiting many more girls to come
to Beaumont. Kate Pifer is spending a year of
service on the Island of Yap in Micronesia.
Ashley Grimes is going into the Peace Corps.
Want to get involved with the Beaumont Alumnae Association?
We are always accepting interested alumnae into the group!
Contact Mary Kelley Ebner ’79, Alumnae Manager, to find out more
information at or (216) 325-7326. WINTER 2015 / 21
In Memoriam
We commend to your prayers the following alumnae and relatives who have died
Beaumont Alumnae:
Eugenia Wilhelm Kerr ’45
Nancy McKenna Martin ’46
Terry Pfeiffer Rossiter ’46
Anne Kovach Burke ’47
Sister Rose Huelsman, IHM ’52
Geraldine Botos Masterson ’52
Margaret Norton McCarthy ’52
Dorothy Walsh Halcik ’54
Mary Medsker Papay ’55
Lynn Samartini Busch ’56
Constance Ferreri Gehringer ’57
Susan Philbin Walsh ’57
Joan Mishler Reifman ’61
Terry DeFino Mannen ’62
Marianne Gruber ’67
Renee Todd Sidley ’83
Husband of:
Christine Pekoc Eichhorn ’47
Jacqueline Sweeney Gundling ’52
Grace McKenna Nagy ’52
Betty Brennan Killeen ’55
Charla Roediger Bernstein ’62
Eileen Gibbons Dillon ’64
Patricia Gorris Stoneman ’65
Gayle Fleischman Montalto ’74
Father of:
Geraldine Jarzembowski Hadley ’63
Joanne Jarzembowski Habe ’64
Winnie Jarzembowski Stroman ’64
Beverly Jarzembowski Goodman ’71
Marianne Kerr ’71
Ann Fissinger Manning ’73
Patricia McMahon Cates ’74
Mary Fissinger Walsh ’75
Joyce McMahon O’Hare ’76
Karen Eichhorn Straub ’76
Karen Killeen Dittoe ’78
Mary Stevenson ’78
Molly Stevenson Pifer ’79
Ellen Fissinger Barrett ’80
Margaret Burkhart Daehn ’80
Katie Killeen Foust ’80
Ann Stevenson ’82
Eileen Burkhart ’83
Julie Fissinger Mulcahy ’83
Ellen Stevenson Lucey ’84
Molly McMahon Yohann ’84
Eileen Killeen Jensen ’85
Laura Crotty ’86
Tricia Stevenson Khayat ’87
Brooke Delaney ’94
Bridget Ludwig Ewald ’95
Greer Delaney Fitzgerald ’00
Taylor A. Smith ’09
Bridget Barrett Vendetti ’09
Mother of:
Trina Paulus ’49
Merici Paulus Kramer ’55
Anne Ritchie ’59
Barbara Roediger Notash ’60
Mary Karen Killeen O’Neil ’60
Kathy Killeen Roberts ’61
Charla Roediger Sheehan Bernstein ’62
Paulette Passalacqua Ballas ’63
Connie Passalacqua Brandt ’65
Nancy Cull Lavey ’66
Kathleen Cull Collins ’68
Marilyn Gyuricza Dorner ’68
Barbara Grenwis House ’69
Katie Mullally Murphy ’69
Cathy Grenwis Woolnough ’69
Joan Cull Kolb ’70
Geri Grenwis McMyler ’70
Gayle Gyuricza Klements ’71
Caroline Rees Fazio ’73
Judith Grant Bertschinger ’74
Gayle Fleischman Montalto ’74
Mary Beth Walsh Chapman ’75
Eileen Cull Valdez ’75
Teri Grenwis Woodcraft ’75
Margaret Cull Filippi ’77
Kimberly Fleischman ’77
Cynthia Grant ’77
Beth Gyuricza Kecskemety ’78
Carolyn Cull ’79
Ann Fleischman Doles ’81
Mary Anne Cull Machado ’83
Pamela Muldoon Farber ’85
Gretchen Hentemann ’90
Delia Mannen ’93
Teresa Mannen ’95
Clare Drotar ’07
Rachel Drotar ’09
Sister of:
Mary Norton Niklaus ’50
Catherine Pfeiffer Miklos ’51
Grace McKenna Nagy ’52
Ann mishler Hutzel ’56
Mary Ferreri Holland ’58
Mary Jo Pfeiffer Steltmann ’59
Ann DeFino Hart ’60
Mary DeFino Kleinert ’61
Delia DeFino Gaul ’63
Martha Mishler Reiss ’63
Elizabeth DeFino Wilson ’65
Kathryn Fox Nelson ’66
Laura Albanese Gielink ’88
Brother of:
Judith Spoeneman Banon ’66
Susan Fehrenbach Fabe ’66
Kathleen Lamb Mears ’68
Kathleen DePompei Santabarbara ’68
Kathleen Fehrenbach Werner ’69
Mel Fehrenbach Thompson ’72
Maureen Lamb ’73
Marylou Barrett Bongorno ’74
Wendy Spoeneman Lally ’74
Maria Carbone Coyne ’78
Anne Fehrenbach Klasmeier ’78
Daughter of:
Joan Parman Todd ’53
Janet Neff Newsome ’56
Marcia Werner Heitz ’63
Son of:
Patricia Monich Leonardi ’57
Grandmother of:
Megan Roberts Gabriel ’83
Killeen Roberts Opalich 87
Amy Fistek Spochacz ’93
Patricia Rallo Millman ’95
Jessie McCullough ’96
Elizabeth Roberts Toghill ’97
Karen Mastrangelo ’98
Katie McCullough ’98
Stacy Rallo ’98
Ginny Kolb Weber ’98
Laura Monroe Hanna ’99
Molly Rallo ’01
Caitlin Monroe ’06
Stacey Woodcraft ’06
Katherine McMyler ’07
Mary Monroe ’07
Ann Klements Cooper ’08
Mary Kate McCann ’09
Maggie McCann ’10
Colleen McMyler ’10
Aimee Woodcraft ’10
Carli Mercurio ’11
Megan Monroe ’11
Katherine Dobscha ’12
Nicole Woodcraft ’12
Alexa Lembach ’13
Grandfather of:
Leigh Bornhorst ’06
Mary Durkalski ’07
Carrie Killeen Blumenthal ’09
Ellen Pifer ’09
Kate Pifer ’10
Alyssa Dureiko ’11
Nicole Bondy ’12
Carly Dureiko ’12
Nell Bornhorst ’14
Macie Pifer ’14
Visit our website for a list of deceased alumnae.
22 / WINTER 2015
with Santa
This annual event is one of our
favorites at Beaumont. Children
fill the halls for a morning of
crafts, a delicious breakfast and
of course, meeting Santa Claus
himself! This morning truly is fun
for the whole family. Breakfast with
Santa is sponsored by the Alumnae
Association, and Beaumont alumnae
pitch in to help make breakfast in the
cafeteria, while current students work
on crafts with the young children.
Enjoying creating crafts in the Beaumont Foyer.
Children and their families hard at work at the craft table.
Sharing Christmas wishes with Santa Claus is always a highlight of
the event.
Students were on hand to face paint.
Alumnae and their families prepare to make breakfast in the cafeteria. WINTER 2015 / 23
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Ash Wednesday Mass
Beaumont Gym,
1:55 to 3 p.m.
The Beaumont Gala
Western Reserve
Historical Society,
5:30 p.m.
St. Angela Merici
Society Luncheon
The Lennon House,
Sophomore Legacy
The Lennon House,
8:30 a.m.
3/5 – 3/8
Spring Show –
The Arabian Nights
Grandparent Day
St. Angela Merici
Chapel & Theater,
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Easter Egg Hunt
Courtyard, Foyer and
Dining Room,
9 to 11 a.m.
Open House for
Prospective Students
5:30 to 7 p.m.
Mother Daughter
Mass & Breakfast
St. Angela Merici Chapel,
10 a.m.
Academic Scholars
Project Showcase
Lennon House, 5 p.m.
Fine Arts Review
Foyer, 6 p.m.
Baccalaureate Mass
and Awards
Ursuline Motherhouse
Chapel, 7 p.m.
Closing School Liturgy
and Award Ceremony
Gym, 9:30 a.m.
Tri-M Senior
Spotlight Concert
Theater, 7 p.m.
Gesu Church, 3 p.m.
Dedication of the
STEM Addition by
Bishop Lennon
4 p.m.
Theater, 7 to 9 p.m.
Class Day at
Gym, 9:30 a.m.
Follow us!
Facebook and Pinterest: Beaumont School
Instagram and Twitter: @BeaumontSchool1
Class Reunion
Beaumont Foyer,
7 to 11 p.m.
Class Reunion –
Mass and Picnic
St. Angela Merici Chapel,
Courtyard and the
Lennon House,
4:30 to 7 p.m.
It is not too
early to start
about summer
at Beaumont!
at Beaumont School
Summer Camp
Monday, June 22 –
Thursday, July 2
Fashion, Studio Art,
Culinary Creations
and more!
Contact Beaumont School
Admissions @ 216.321.1661
for more information