Welcome to the M-class at Vadgård School
Welcome to the M-class at Vadgård School
gladsaxe.dk Welcome to the M-class at Vadgård School About us The M-class at Vadgård School is for pupils who need to learn Danish as a second language before they can attend an ordinary class on one of the schools in Gladsaxe Kommune. We have pupils from all over the world. Some pupils have been here for months, others have just arrived. The pupils will learn Danish at a basic level. Our focus is vocabulary acquisition, communication and literacy (reading/writing) whether the subject is Danish, Arts, Computer training, Cooking class or Maths. We are aware that the pupils have individual learning skills and needs so we strive to differentiate our teaching. For how long time will your child stay in the M-class? Your child will stay in the M-class for as long as needed. The length of time varies depending on each child’s ability to learn Danish, linguistic background and age upon arrival. From the beginning your child will be assigned to an ordinary class at Vadgård School. Your child will meet his/her classmates from the ordinary class at assemblies and during breaks. After a period your child will start participating in lessons in his/her ordinary class. Your child will typically participate in Sports and Arts at first. We call it ‘praktik’ (trainee period). When your child has learned Danish at a basic level and is able to communicate in Danish he/she will leave the M-class and participate full time in his/her ordinary class on one of the schools in Gladsaxe Kommune. Homework Your child will be assigned to do homework every day that must be handed in the following day. Please look for the word ‘lektier’ (homework) written in their books. Afterschool: SFO Vadgård or Club 222 SFO Vadgård is the place for children in Year 0-3 once lessons have finished for the day. The facility is structured to provide a safe and stimulating environment where children are nurtured and challenged. This is a place where children learn Danish through play and develop their social skills. SFO is open MondayFriday from 07.00 until lessons begin in the morning and SFO is open again in the afternoon when lessons have finished. SFO closes 17.00 (Friday 16.30). Club 222 is the place for the older children from Year 4 and up. In the club there are regular scheduled activities like cooking, Sports, ‘out of the house activities’, games, Arts etc. Attending the club is a good way to make friends, develop one’s Danish language and have a good time. Club 222 is open in the afternoon when lessons have finished for the day and until 17.00 (Monday-Friday). Health politics A healthy lifestyle affects your child’s ability to learn and thrive. In Gladsaxe Kommune we have a health policy. We recommend that the pupils only bring healthy food and snacks to school. The pupils eat twice a day, so please give your child a good lunch bag. At the canteen at Vadgård School your child has the possibility to buy a healthy snack or lunch. Pals At Vadgård School we are following the Pals model, which gives the pupils social tools and knowledge on how to interact with other children, be good role models and follow class rules. ste eH en ark ov ed de Kellersvej 8 og 9 Club 222 S nogegårds ve j Mølleåsen Hedevæ Porsevæn Lyngparken vej Vadgårdsvej Vadbro Buddinge St. en P Klausdalsbrovej Politi Nordvad Gladsaxe Ret Fremtid Bygmark rken ema Alsik debakk en Kon torv ej Ste n gå svej If you have any questions about M-class and school 03 in Denmark you can also contact: Kil j ave S oln Rosenkæret axe s d gladsaxe.dk/m-klasse a Gl Tinghøj Vandresservoir ed al Jobcenter Telefon: 39 57 50 00 vej skole@gladsaxe.dk usE-mail: b ej Poppelgårdsv lum ris By- og Miljøforvaltningen ns an lé l sm é sA é v E All ull All sta bB ks ec co Gu o a J B r ien he sst top ing dn dle Tinghøjvej n Va vej Ring HovedKild bibliotek Seniorcenter Kildegården Buddinge Centret Genoptræningscentret Buddi P sko llé A rs le l ø M rl a Karl Gjel C le P Ch Gladsaxe Kommune Skoleafdelingen vejen Tobaks Rådhus Allé 2860 Søborg Gladsaxe Gymnasium og HF nn Græsmarken Skolesti Maskinvej Gladsaxe skole dhus Allé P Ha en rk ma57 Ærte39 Phone: 53 59 E-mail: mirleh@gladsaxe.dk Anlægsvej Ærtekrogen en Buddinge Kildehuset Gladsaxekirke Mirjam Lehmkuhl, School Consultant for bilingual children seminariet P in Gladsaxe Kommune Rådhus Rå Kirsebærhøj Co Gammelmos Toftekærs ark km Kvi en ga rd s Tjørnevæn Kvikmarkens Privatskole AC Kellersvej Kellersvej 10 ej ersv Kell Automatikvej All é Kong Hans Allé Vadgårdsparken E55 School Office TinghøjTelefo nvej parken Udmarken ark en m em Hv ed Vadgård skole Esberns Allé ark om ing en rog Berendsen Alle Lupinmarken Espevangen n ke rm ar Bu k ars m lde Va E47 Buddingevej Klin tem Rolf Krakes Allé Harald Heins Allé en ark Stenmarken kroMar ge kn Bl 3 03 Hjørnehuset ValdemarsAllé Kålmarken nm Stengårdsparken Gladsaxe Tekniske skole to Mo Allé Svends dd g rrin d San Layout: Grafia • Tryk: Gladsaxe Kommune • Trykt på miljømærket papir • Oplag 40 • Februar 2014 5 15 k 39 57 6 dsaxe.d Phone: rd@gla a a g d a v Kn il: s Allé E-maud en toft Lillemosevej Gr æns e vej Allé Spergelmarken Kor Huldbergs Allé Christoffers Gammelmosevej Møllevænget Frithjofsvej Kramsvad Æblegården Stengårds Al Stenvad Mølletoften Buddingevej VadholmBorreparken Borremosen Ell Ellehjørnet (School) d Skole Vadgår llé 32 Hans A KongGladsaxe Privatskole øborg 2860 S Den lille skole melmosevej n dvad ård e Niels Lyhnes Allé æ rdsv llé es A b b ru eG Allé Tjele ngå Gl Sportshal rups Allé gs or b ld jo Sk e sv rn å t nd Va A Buddinge Batteri