2. Osiris Student


2. Osiris Student
Student Manual
ICTO Support Team FSW
Jurgen van Oostenrijk / Oscar Buma
@: elo.fsw@uu.nl
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... 2
List of addresses ................................................................................................................. 3
Osiris Student ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Accessing OSIRIS Student ................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Registering for a Course Module...................................................................................... 4
2.4 Other Options ................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Connection between OSIRIS and Blackboard................................................................... 6
3. Blackboard .............................................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 How to use Blackboard..................................................................................................... 7
4. Gmail for students ................................................................................................................ 10
5. U: drive ................................................................................................................................. 12
6. CANS ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Student Manual IT Facilities @ Faculty of Social Sciences 2015-2016 © van Oostenrijk/Buma
1. List of addresses
Here you can find
Study information Exchange students
information regarding the exchange courses you will be following.
Study Information Master students
information regarding your Master’s programme here at Social Sciences
Osiris Student
personal information, course registration, schedules, final grades, etc.
course information and Electronic Learning Environment
Gmail for students
your emails
Library website
electronic publications, catalogue for books and print publications, etc.
Affordable software and hardware
Available study spots at Utrecht University
What is my username and password?
Every student receives a letter containing their Solis-id (username) and
Solis-password at the beginning of their study. This will give you access to various
University facilities (for example Blackboard and Osiris). You can change your password
via uu.nl/password.
Forgot your password?
If you are unable to change your password via uu.nl/password, then you can change it
at the Studentenhelpdesk CLZ, Van Unnik building on the first floor. Please note that
you need to show your student card to be able to do this. You can also change it at the
UU for U Student Services.
Student Services
Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 6
Phone: 030 253 7000
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2. Osiris Student
2.1 Introduction
OSIRIS is the Student registration system at Utrecht University. OSIRIS Student is the web based counterpart of
Osiris, offering you information and allowing you to register for courses. In OSIRIS Student you can access and
change your personal information, check your course schedule and register for courses and exams. OSIRIS
Student can be accessed at https://www.osiris.universiteitutrecht.nl from any computer with an internet
What is ORISIS used for?
OSIRIS is used for registering the following information:
 Personal information (name, address, date of birth, etc.)
 Registration (Bachelor or Master Degree)
 Course modules on offer, the lecture and exam timetable
 Course module registration
 Grades
2.2 Accessing OSIRIS Student
OSIRIS Student can be accessed on any computer with an internet connection via
https://www.osiris.universiteitutrecht.nl. At the bottom of the page a link to the English version is available
(see screenshot)
1. Go to ‘Log in’ and enter your Solis-id and password.
2. Click the [Log in] button.
3. The buttons at the top of the screen will allow you to access the screens in which you can register, deregister, view your schedule, results or a complete list of your progress and descriptions of available
2.3 Registering for a Course Module
If you wish to attend a course module you must register for this course module first. There are
different rules for different students:
If you are an exchange student, please contact the International Office at the faculty of Social Sciences
(http://students.uu.nl/en/fss/exchange-programmes). They will arrange the registration for you.
If you are an international master student you will find that you have already been registered for a
number of modules. If you wish to register for a module please contact the Student Desk of Social
Sciences. They will arrange the registration for you.
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Please note! Only if you are required to register yourself, please follow the steps below:
1. Log in to OSIRIS Student
2. Choose the tab [Register].
3. In the screen (shown below) you can register for a course module, test, minor, or specialisation. Fill in
the course code of the course you wish to register for (you can find this in your study guide).
4. Select the [Next] button to move to the following screen.
5. Select the appropriate course.
6. Select the degree you are doing. For every course module you must select whether this will count for
your Bachelors or Masters degree
7. Register for all instructional modes in the module (even if you do not intend to attend them all).
8. In some modules you are asked to register in a group. Make sure you have selected a preferred group
within the module.
9. Select the ‘Register’ button.
Please note: You can register for a module until the deadline. During
the late registration period you can only register for modules which are not
You can view your course schedule four weeks before the course
module starts in OSIRIS Student.
2.4 Other Options
Below you will find a description of the other functions available in OSIRIS.
Personal details
This screen shows your personal details as they are registered in the University systems. Use the [Update
Address] button to change your address. All university post will be sent to your study address.
Here you will find information regarding your tutor.
On this screen you can deregister for course modules or exams you have registered for. You can deregister until
the last day of the late registration period.
You can view the schedule of all the course modules you are registered for.
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Here you will find your 15 latest final grades for the course modules you have registered for. If you need a
complete file please use the ‘Progress’ tab.
If you require a complete file listing all your grades you can use this screen. You can choose to produce a
detailed or just a brief listing.
This screen allows you to search in the full list of course modules on offer at Utrecht University. You can add
these course modules to your shopping basket.
Shopping Basket
Here you can view all the modules you have added to your shopping basket. You can check whether there is
any overlap in the schedules of the modules.
Log off
Do not forget to Log off when you are using a computer in a public space! Although the system will log off
automatically after five minutes, any other user could view and change your information in the meantime!
You can always use the Help button at the bottom of the screen if you
need help.
Still don’t know what to do?
Please contact:
Student Information Desk Social Sciences
in the Sjoerd Groenman building
The desk is open Monday to Friday 11.00 – 15.00
Phone: 030 – 253 4949 (Monday to Friday: 10.00 – 12.00 and 13.00 –
Email: stip.fsw@uu.nl
2.5 Connection between OSIRIS and Blackboard
When a student is enrolled for a course in Osiris, he/she will automatically be enrolled in the Blackboard
course. If you do not see the course in Blackboard, it means that your teacher did not make the course
available in Blackboard.
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3. Blackboard
3.1 Introduction
What is Blackboard?
Blackboard is the electronic learning environment that is used by Utrecht University. Every course in Osiris has
a counterpart in Blackboard, where you can find information about the courses and make us of tools such as
blogs, discussions boards, tests, etc.
What is my Blackboard username and password?
Your username is the same as your Solis ID (i.e., your student number).
Utrecht University will provide you with your password, which will also be
your password for OSIRIS Student.
Forgot your password?
If you have forgotten your username or password, go to www.qdesk.uu.nl
to find out how you can obtain new log-in details.
If you are experiencing technical problems, contact the Studentenhelpdesk
CLZ located on the first floor of the W.C. van Unnik building
phone: 030 253 4201; email: studesk@fss.uu.nl
3.2 How to use Blackboard
3.2.1 Log-in
Go to https://uu.blackboard.com and log in with your username and password.
3.2.2 Your personalized homepage
Once you have logged in, you will be directed to your personalized homepage. This page contains information
that only applies to you. On the right hand side of the page, you will see a list of the courses in which you are
enrolled (‘My Courses’). Announcements relating to these courses will appear in a box in the middle of the
page (‘Announcements: Blackboard’).
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Are you missing courses in your list?
Blackboard is linked to OSIRIS. If there are courses missing in your list, you should check
in OSIRIS if you are enrolled correctly.
Teachers are responsible for making their courses available in Blackboard. You may be
correctly enrolled, but if the teacher has not made the course available, you will not
see it in your list.
If you are correctly enrolled and the course should be available, but you still do not see
it in your list, e-mail elo.fsw@uu.nl
My Courses
This is probably the most-used section of the homepage. In the ‘My Courses’ window, under
‘Courses in which you are enrolled’, you will find a list of all courses in which you are enrolled. For
more information about a course, click on the name of the course.
My Communities
Besides offering support for courses, Blackboard is also used as a platform for exchanging
information in communities. These communities may be offered by student associations or clubs of
which you are a member or may be related to special sessions in which you will be participating.
These activities appear under the heading of ‘My Communities’.
Announcements: Blackboard
This window features all announcements that have been posted in the last seven days for your
courses. The course name is quoted in the heading of each announcement. These announcements
are posted on the relevant course page by the lecturer in question, and then automatically appear
on your personalised homepage. To view all messages, including messages posted in the past, click
on ‘more…’.
IMPORTANT: electronic mail has the same importance as paper mail. So you should check your e-mail and
Blackboard announcements regularly!
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Make a course invisible
The ‘Edit My Courses’ feature lets you make one or more courses on your personalised homepage
‘invisible’. You may wish to do this if you have completed a course module, for instance. In
general, courses continue to be listed in Blackboard for a year. Making completed courses invisible
may make your homepage easier to view.
1. Click on the wheel in the right corner of the ‘My Courses’ menu.
2. To make a course invisible, empty the checkbox under ‘Course name’.
3. Click on ‘Submit’.
Please note: Making a course ‘invisible’ does not deregister you from that course. You can only deregister a
course in OSIRIS Student.
By clicking on a course name in the ‘My Courses’ menu, you will be taken to the course page where you can
find specific information and tools regarding the selected course. Each course in Blackboard is created from a
specific template, so across different courses, the menu should be uniform.
Course template
Each Blackboard course has a uniform menu on the left side which is used for
information sharing and communcating.
This section is used for course announcements and notices. This is where students will find topical
information posted by their lecturer(s).
Staff Information
This section contains information about the staff of the course.
Course Information
This section contains general information about the course, such as the organisation of the course,
objectives, information about final assignments or examinations, course timetables, etc.
Course Content
This section contains online course content, such as study texts, summaries, PowerPoint presentations, handouts and recommended reading.
This section lists the tasks and assignments to be completed by students during the course. You can also access
tests and questionnaires here.
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Discussion Board
The discussion board can be used by students and teachers to engage in online discussions.
4. Gmail for students
All students at Utrecht University automatically receive a student email address. Since April 2010 Utrecht
University uses Gmail for students (http://gmail.students.uu.nl). Email addresses always have the same format.
They start with all initials followed by the surname. They end with: @students.uu.nl (for example:
Some advantages of Gmail for students:
• Large mailbox: unlimited storage size
• Enough space for large attachments: 25 MB
• Extra functions for organizing your email such as labels and filters
• Extra spam filter so less spam
• Can be used with all browsers
IMPORTANT: Make sure you check this email address regularly as all correspondence will be conducted using
this email address. This is also the email address used in Blackboard.
What is my username and password?
For Gmail for students, your username is the part before ‘@students.uu.nl’. You have
received your Solis password at the beginning of your study. This password will give
you access to various University facilities (for example Blackboard and OSIRIS Student).
You can change your password via https://uugmailpasswordreset.uu.nl.
Functionalities and other information
Gmail for students has a number of handy functionalities:
• IMAP: Importing email in another email client e.g. Outlook or Thunderbird
• Forward to another email address
• Labels and filters to organize your email
• Google Apps: online office applications (Google Drive, Docs, Sites)
• Gmail on your mobile phone
More information can be found on h http://students.uu.nl/en/practical-information/it-facilities/uu-gmail
Code of conduct for the use of e-mail facilities
The University has established a strict code of conduct for the use of e-mail facilities. In only some special cases
students and employees are permitted to send bulk (group) mail to students and employees. These cases are
confined to mailings of which the contents meet all of the following criteria:
• The topic must – without any exceptions – be relevant to all mailed persons;
• Topic must be highly relevant – in the short term – for following education, teaching, doing research,
implementation of maintenance work and all mails concerning personal safety issues.
Mail Forwarding
If you want to forward your mail to another address, go to settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP (see
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Click on Settings > Fowarding and POP/IMAP
Add a forwarding address and click on ‘Save Changes’.
Do not forget to regularly check your Gmail to make sure that you do not miss any emails!
If you have questions concerning the code of conduct, please contact studion@fss.uu.nl.
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5. U: drive
The U drive is your personal storage drive. It can be accessed from the computer rooms at the university, but
you can also connect to it online. For more information on how to use it on your own device, go to:
CANS (complaints of arm, neck, and should) or RSI (repetitive strain injury) is caused by repetitive movements
with little or no variation in (working) posture, such as mouse clicking or fast typing. CANS (RSI) mainly arises by
long term computer usage.
Prevention Tips
Watch your Posture!
• Sit up straight in front of the screen.
• Adjust your chair in such a way that you can put your feet evenly on the floor.
• The lower part of your back should be supported by the back of the chair. Adjust the height of the back of the
chair when needed.
• Make sure the height of the armrests is the same as the height of the desk surface. (if your upper arm is in a
relaxed position, the upper arm and the lower arm should be in a 90 degree angle).
• The top of the screen should be positioned at eye level.
• Use a document holder.
• Relax your shoulders during computer work.
Take a Break!
• Make sure you take regular breaks: 1 hour of computer work = a 10 minute break.
• Switch regularly from computer work to other work.
Take Complaints seriously
Initial complaints (pain, tingle, stiffness) can soon become serious! If you experience complaints, contact your
Study Adviser immediately.
Student Manual IT Facilities @ Faculty of Social Sciences 2015-2016 © van Oostenrijk/Buma