January - February - rroc


January - February - rroc
January - February 2011
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Volume 39 Issue 1
Greetings for the New Year. We look forward to seeing you at the various meets that
are coming up during this year. Be careful to note the dates of events as they are varied.
Valerie & Lou Suter
We have several new members and hope to see them take an active role in the club.
In addition, there are three new members on our Board. Greg Millard is heading PreWar; Tyrone Flower, Technical and Dan Pattee, Judging. We welcome both new Region
members and new Board members.
Our January meet was held at the Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum in Vista. We had an enthusiastic guide who
explained all about the mostly farm equipment as we rode in a large, open truck around their facility. He imparted so much
information in an exuberant manner that you wanted to start up each item and go for a test spin. Then we caravanned to
the Pit Stop Diner in Oceanside for lunch. The restaurant’s theme was car oriented with lots of automobile memorabilia to
ogle, and the food was tasty. Thanks to Klaus Reichart for organizing this fun and informative event.
I hope you all received the “Spirit of the Sierra” magazine with your last Flying Lady. It shows all the events and activities
that will be going on at the National Meet. The meet will be held August 13 – 18 in Lake Tahoe. Mark your calendars as
this promises to be an exciting week in “our backyard.”
We had a delightful meet in La Quinta at the end of February. Our club participated in the “Desert Classic Concours
d’Elegance” held there. This consisted of a driving tour, visit to the Palm Springs Museum of Art, a reception for all
participants and the Concours itself. We had members enter their vehicles in the Concours and garner several trophies.
We also had a car corral where many members displayed their cars. Sunday brought beautiful weather and camaraderie for
this memorable event.
I look forward to seeing you at the Salk Institute in March.
January - February 2011
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Valerie Suter
Volume 39 Issue 1
Silver Coast News
Newsletter of the San Diego Region of the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club
Chair - Valerie Suter
Chair’s Rumination
Page 2
Vice Chair - Rob Webb
Calendar of Events
Page 3
January 22, 2011 Meet
Page 4
Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum in Vista
Treasurer - Terry Luallin
Secretary - Al Whitley
January Meet - Page 4
Activities - Klaus Reichardt
Judging - Dan Pattee
Pre War - Greg Millard
Public Relations - Tom Wright
Technical - Tyrone Flower
SCN Editor - Ted Struck
Past Chair - Dennis Eickhoff
Page 7
An Informal Midwest San Diego Region Meet
Page 8
February 27, 2011 Meet
Page 10
The Desert Classic Concours at La Quinta
Awards - Tom Scheil
Membership - Larry Davis
Region Business Matters
Technical Topix - Repairing Windshield Seals
Page 12
The 2011 San Diego Region Mascot Competition
Page 13
Travelling with my Grey Poupon
Page 14
Share Your Story
Page 15
February Meet - Page 10
March 20, 2011
April 17
May 7
June 18
July 16
Salk Institute
Rolling British Car Day
Mascot Competition and Picnic
USS Midway Museum
Private Automobile Collection
Harry Clark
Klaus Reichardt
Rob & Ivonne Webb
Larry Davis & Joan Bowes
Tom & Renee Scheil
August 12-19
September 11
October 2
November 13
December 11
RROC National Meet
Coastline Car Classic
British Car Day
Borrego Tour & Overnight
Awards Banquet
Barbara Kilburn & Helen Heath
Marilyn Mulloy & Dan Pattee
Tom Wright
Sig Hofland & George Howard
Valerie & Lou Suter
January 14, 2012
Symbolic Motors
Frank & Sana Hamad
Our monthly meets are often scheduled for days other than the second Sunday of the month.
Cover Photo: Rob & Ivonne Webb’s
1938 Bentley 4¼L Pillarless Saloon
Photographer: Ted Struck
Tom Nelson
San Diego, CA 92101
1951 Bentley MK VI
1954 RR Silver Wraith
For the Record: All trademarks are suject to the trademark rights of Rolls Royce PLC, Rolls Royce Motor Cards Ltd., an affiliate of BMW AG or Bentley Motors, Ltd., an affiliate of Volkswagen AG, including mark, model, names
logos and emblems. All are used by the RROC and the Silver Coast News under license.
Legal: The Silver Coast News is published by and for the San Diego Region of the Rolls Royce Owners’ Club, Inc., a non-profit corporationn. All information furnished is provided by the membership of the Club for use by the
members only. Articles reflect the opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the Region policies, not do the editors or publishers, who assume no liability for any information contained, imply authentication or approval.
The San Diego Region and its editors seek to publish accurate materials, but neither assumes responsiblity in the event of a claim of loss or damage resulting from publication. Other regions may reproduce material, provided that
credit is given. The editor reserver the right to dit for length or quality.
Private Party Advertising Policy: Advertisements for Rolls-Royce/Bentley vehicles, want ads, parts, lost and found, or information will be published for members at no charge, typically in a business card-sized format. For car
sales include chassis number and asking price. Photos will be published free if supplied in digital JPG, TIFF or Print Quality PDF formats. Film photos will be scanned and published at a nominal charge. Non-member advertising will
be accepted at published rates. Display advertising is accepted, at the discretion of the Editor, for business card, quarter-page, half-page, and full-page insertions in increments of one, three or six insertions. Please contact the SCN
Editor for additional information.
Submitting Infomation to the Editor: The Silver Coast News (SCN) is published bi-monthly during the last half of the even-numbered months. Meet write-ups and meet photos should be submitted nomore than one week
after an event. Other articles and information should be submitted no later than the tenth of every month. Please check with the Editor for specific publication dates. Please submit photos (JPG, TIF at 300 dpi or higher). Please
identify any people shown in the photograph. and also the year, make and model of any car(s) shown.
January - February 2011
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Volume 39 Issue 1
While the word museum implies an indoor series of static display
cases, one of the most unique aspects of the Antique Gas & Steam
Engine Museum is its dedication to the continued operation and
preservation of early technology. The group saw huge antique
tractors dating from the very early 1900s (and even earlier) which
were still in working order. The museum houses the very first
pavement steam roller, early oil drilling rigs, and other steam,
gasoline and diesel engines, all maintained in operating condition.
Our guide,Virgil White, associated with the museum for more than
35 years was a fount of knowledge regarding previous owners and
uses of the various tractors, combines and other farm equipment.
As he towed us around the property in a large wagon, he gave
us chapter and verse on the more colorful histories of some of
In addition to the working
equipment, the museum is also
a living history example of early
agriculture. Our tour guide showed
us the portion of the 55 acres
occupied by the museum which
is set aside for farming. Dry-land
crops typical of the Vista area
around the turn of the last century
such as wheat and oats are still
grown today on the museum
After our tour of the Antique Gas
& Steam Engine Museum the group
gathered at a fun restaurant called
the Pit Stop Diner in Oceanside.
The eatery had an automotive
theme with license plates and
hubcaps decorating the walls. The
food was tasty and the company was
lively. A good time was had by all.
January - February 2011
Meet Host
Klaus Reichardt
Written by
Meryl Luallin
Page 4
Photos by: Klaus Reichardt, Ted Struck, Lou Suter and Al Whitley
approximately twenty members of the Rolls Royce Owners Club
met at the Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum in Vista, CA.
Founded in 1976 by a group of collectors and enthusiasts from
the California Early Days Gas Engine and Tractor Association to
celebrate their love of the history behind the early days of farm
equipment, today the museum now boasts more than 20,000 items,
ranging from a Corliss Steam Engine with a 19,000-pound flywheel
to a room dedicated to the preservation of rare manuals and
TL: Jodie Arnold
TR: Valerie Suter
ML: Vivian Biely
MR: Renee Scheil
Volume 39 Issue 1
January - February 2011
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Volume 39 Issue 1
Members attending the event included: Howard & Jodie Arnold, 1992 RR Silver Spur II; Tom & Renee Scheil, 1968 RR
Silver Shadow; Terry & Meryl Luallin, 1979 RR Silver Shadow II; Lou & Valerie Suter, 1988 RR Silver Spur; Bob Nost & Mark
Christiansen, 2005 Bentley Arnage R; Rob & Ivonne Webb, 1938 Derby Bentley 4½ litre; Ted Struck & Al Whitley, 1997 Bentley
Turbo RL; John Ellison, Jr., 2005 Bentley Arnage R; Bill & Vivian Biely, 1997 RR Silver Spur; and meet host Klaus Reichardt.
January - February 2011
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Volume 39 Issue 1
The Region Lady is distributed via email to all members
having an email address on file at the headquarters office.
Each issue includes information received from the Club’s 28
regions and seven societies for inclusion in the newsletter.
You will be rewarded if you take the opportunity to
review your copy of the Region Lady, and find out what’s
happening elsewhere in our Club. You may even find some
useful technical tips that are being passed around among
other regions. Check it out!
The RROC San Diego Region Board of Directors meets
approximately four times each year to discuss Region
business and to plan future Region activities.
All region members in good standing are welcome to attend
meetings of the Board of Directors. If you wish to be
noticed of the meeting times and locations, please provide
your email address to the Region Secretary, whose contact
information can be found on page 3.
Published Advertising Rates
Display Ad Dimensions
Display Ad Size
One Year (6 Issues)
Single Issue
30 Word Ad Interior
Business Card Interior
3.5 Inches
2.0 Inches
Quarter Page Interior
3.5 Inches
4.5 Inches
Half Page Interior
7.5 Inches
4.5 Inches
Full Page Interior
7.5 Inches
9.5 Inches
Half Page Back Cover
$500.00 *
7.5 Inches
4.5 Inches
Full Page Back Cover
$750.00 *
7.0 Inches
9.5 Inches
* Limited Availability - First Come, First Served
January - February 2011
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Volume 39 Issue 1
The RROC National Headquarters office has inaugurated a
new online digital newsletter named the Region Lady.
Since Des Moines is also the home of RROC-SDR
members Jean and Dave Ely and the Rolls-Royce
and Bentley marques were being featured at the
Concours, Janice and Dennis Eickhoff, now residing in
Indianapolis, Indiana moseyed on over to Des Moines
and together with the Elys organized an unofficial,
informal RROC-SDR meet of Midwest members.
They began enjoying the Salisbury festivities in proper
style starting with the Gatsby Gala Dinner Dance on
Friday evening. All events were held at the Salisbury
House & Gardens in Des Moines.
Salisbury House was built from 1923 – 1928 on
10 acres by Carl Weeks and was patterned after
the 15th century manor house “Kings House” in
Salisbury, England. The modest 42-room 28,000
square foot Tudor-style mansion houses a collection
of 10,000 works of art, rare books, antique
furnishings and tapestries from around the world.
Carl Weeks was an entrepreneur and a pioneer in
the women’s cosmetic industry with his company
Armand Cosmetics. (Author’s Note: the women’s
cosmetic industry seems to be a profitable business,
duh. Remember the past official RROC-SDR meet at
the Nethercutt – of Merle Norman Cosmetics Fame
– Museums in Sylmar, CA housing more that 250
magnificently restored classic vehicles and other fine
works of art?)
Earth to author – back to reality in Des Moines! The
Elys very kindly hosted the Eickhoffs for this unofficial
meet. Let it be known that in modest style the Elys
live in a much larger ‘home’ than the Salisbury House,
unfortunately they just do not own most of it. Nonethe-less their spacious facilities, gracious hospitality
and tour guide instincts made for a very enjoyable
long weekend. The Salisbury Concours began with
the Gatsby Gala Dinner Dance on Friday evening for
Big Shots & Dandy Dames in their proper glad rags.
The Elys and the Eickhoffs were not to be left out
and were properly decked out in their 1920’s finest
and fit in well as “seasoned” flappers and guys – kind
of like Peter Paul and Mary in 2005 instead of 1965.
Food and drink were aplenty as were the sights
and sounds of the 20’s era. The hit of the evening
for Dave and Dennis was the bottomless bottle of
Templeton Rye, a prohibition era rye whiskey made
in Templeton, IA and extremely difficult to acquire
due to its limited production. If you can find it, try it,
you will like it. From the small world club: seated
at our Gala dinner table was Byron Matson and
his lovely wife Judy, both dressed to the nines in
period clothing. Byron was a long time curator at
January - February 2011
Photos by: Dennis Eickhoff and Dave Ely
AFTERNOON of September 12th the Salisbury
Concours d’Elegance – An Annual Celebration of the
Fine Art & Design of the Automobile – was held in
Des Moines, Iowa.
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Volume 39 Issue 1
the Nethercutt Museum’s “San Sylmar”. Byron
has retired and relocated to Sedalia, MO. Isn’t it
mysterious how six wayward Californian’s can end
up at the same dinner table in Des Moines, IA?
Sunday brought a sunny day and the Concours
d’Elegance on the grounds of the Salisbury House.
It was a relaxing afternoon of strolling around
beautiful gardens and enjoying the art of classic car
design. The only disappointment came from the small
contingent of Rolls-Royces and Bentleys present
at the Concours despite being one of the featured
marques. The most intriguing of the half dozen
examples of our marque was a late 1940s RollsRoyce Silver Wraith. The limited turnout is probably
a by-product of the nearest RR dealership being
more than 300 miles away in Chicago. The most
interesting class was the Mitchell Class, a make made
in Racine, WI from 1904 to 1923. There were about
10 Mitchell cars present – not bad for a marque
with only 150 known survivors. As this wonderful
day began to fade so did the excitement of three
whirlwind days of touring, sight-seeing, dining,
partying and enjoying automotive art. The unofficial
RROC-SDR Midwest meet ended and the Eickhoffs
were glad to get home in order to rest.
-- 1954 Packard Caribbean Convertible
-- 1935 Auburn 851 Supercharged Phaeton
-- 1960 AMC Metropolitan 561 Convertible
-- 1931 Duesenberg Model J
-- 1940s Rolls Royce Silver Wraith
-- 1937 Cord 812 Phaeton
Written by
Dennis Eickhoff
January - February 2011
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Volume 39 Issue 1
Photos by: Dennis Eickhoff and Ron Ely
MEET was the Desert Classic Concours d’Elegance at
La Quinta Resort. This destination resort was established
in 1926. My grandparents used to stay there when they
visited us from Minneapolis.
On Saturday the Classic included an automobile display in
“old town” La Quinta, followed by a morning driving tour
which included a visit to the restored North Shore Yacht
Club. Guy Lombardo used to run his hydroplane out of
the club. The views of the white pelicans on the sand bars
of the Salton Sea surrounded by sculptural mountains
were remarkable. The tour ended with lunch at Cuistot
Restaurant in Palm Desert, followed by a Palm Springs Art
Museum tour; and a hosted reception in the evening, with
music by the Boys and Girls Club Band, at La Quinta Resort
in the court yard where Greta Garbo used to entertain her
On Sunday there was a judged Concours, and an E.G.
auction. The spectacular La Quinta Golf Course enclosed
by mountains was the venue for the Club Corral, the
Concours, and the E.G. Auction. Unfortunately the weather
forecast deterred many from bringing their cars to the
The forecasted rain and wind was spotty, with snow in the
Santa Rosa Mountains. The heavy rain caught a few enroute
on Friday and Saturday. There was some rain in the desert
on Saturday, and absolutely gorgeous and sunny on Sunday,
Concours day. One of the highlights of the Concours was
a display of Indianapolis racecars from 1914 to present, in
celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Indianapolis 500
race. Their automobiles’ racing history and drivers was
impressive. A 1916 car requalified in modern times, in the
60’s, to try to beat the 1917 record qualifying speed of 101
and did so at 103 mph, driven by the owner. The car runs
well, does not stop well, and has cable steering! None of
the current racecar drivers wanted to drive it!
Most of our member’s cars were in the Car Club Corral,
except for John Ellison’s cars, Ron Shoen’s Bentley Mk VI,
Ken & Ann Smith’s Phantom V, Andy Linsky’s Facel Vega, and
Harry Clark’s Packard, which were all being judged in the
The E.G Auction included Cary Grant’s Silver Cloud, a
Corniche that was purchased by our friend Roy Sayles from
“VIP Classics” which used to be at 5th Avenue and E Street
in San Diego, but is now in Jamul, selling classic cars on the
Internet. He used to own the “Maharini” Phantom I which
he brought to a couple of our meets. He has since traded
it to the Houston Collector, John Quinn, Esquire, for nine
Photos by: John Ellison, Klaus and Manu Reichardt, Ted Struck, Lou Suter,
Rob Webb and Al Whitley
January - February 2011
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Volume 39 Issue 1
Our region attendees included John Ellison with his meticulously turned out 1930 RR Phantom II, 1965
Silver Cloud II, the 1960 Cadillac six-window sedan, and a dark blue Pontiac Bonneville, all entered in the
Concours, and John drove his 2005 Continental GT to the meet. Ann & Ken Smith brought their 1961
RR Phantom V Sedanca de Ville to the Concours, and Ron Shoen entered his 1951 Bentley Mk VI. Other
attendees were: Lou and Valerie Suter, 1988 RR Silver Spur; Dan Pattee and Marilyn Mulloy; Klaus and
Manuela Reichardt, 1981 RR Corniche Drophead; Garry Peters, 1994 RR Corniche IV; Ted Struck and Al
Whitley, 2006 Bentley Arnage Blue Train; Rob and Ivonne Webb, 1988 Bentley Mulsanne S; Harry Clark
& Karen Farina; Kevin & Hana Beatty; desert dwellers Bill and Janis Clarke, 2006 RR Phantom; Daryl and
Lisa Kiebler. Chuck LaRocco and Joel Cutler were unable to attend the meet, but had dinner Friday
night with part of our group. The Southern California Region was represented at the Concours by Paul
Christy and Gerald Phillips with their mint condition “butterscotch and coffee” 1961 RR Silver Cloud II.
January - February 2011
Page 11
Written by
Rob Webb
Volume 39 Issue 1
The Concours judges recognized the efforts and dedication of several of our Region’s membership. John Ellison’s 1930 Phantom II
took first place in the Pre-War European class. Ken Smith’s Phantom V Sedanca de Ville took first place in the Post-War European
class, while John’s 1965 Silver Cloud took second place. And John’s “pink champagne” Cadillac took first place in the Post-War
American (1957 and later) class. Andy Linsky’s 1957 Facel Vega was also awarded a first place in its class. Congratulations, and
“well done” are extended to all winners!
Which brings me to a typical older car problem – dried out, leaky front
windshield seal. Take the case of a gorgeous 1981 Rolls Royce Corniche Drop
Head Coupe owned by a client of mine with a slight unnoticed problem. The
thirty year old car is otherwise in superb working order. From experience, no
one really looks at or notices the deterioration of the windshield seal, unless you
look closely at it or drive in the rain. It just so happened coming back from a car
show in Orange County last year, a somewhat sunny day turned into first clouds,
then rain. That is when the old and dried out front window seal started to leak.
A little at first, so we grabbed what we had, and tried to stop the leaks, with of all
things, Kleenex. As the rain continued, more and more leaks developed. It turned
into a race to stop all leaks with more and more Kleenex. Halfway back home
the front window was plastered from the inside with white Kleenex everywhere,
so we just kept changing the soaked ones out for new ones. A Rolls Royce with
“uncontrolled seepage” - how embarrassing! Obviously, it was time to replace the
front windshield seal.
A complete front Corniche windshield gasket runs around $400.00 and the labor
usually runs about 3 hours for trim removal and refitting. In some cases with
older vehicles, depending on the state of the seal, there could be an additional
charge of 3 hours to remove all old rubber and baked on glue from the windshield
seal gutter and treatment with a rust protector. We recommend money be
spent on a professional windshield replacement specialist to avoid additional and
unnecessary damage or breakage to the windshield. This will generally run around
Preparing to remove the windshield and seal involves removing upper windshield
inner trim and upper dash in order to access the windshield’s outer chrome trim
locking tabs. The next step is to seal all the outlines around the window seal area
with a masking tape to avoid any sharp tool scratches, especially if old gasket and
glue needs to be gently scraped away.
Written by
With 30 years of the baking sun on this particular Corniche, the seal was so
hard and brittle that it took 3 hours of diligent and careful scraping to remove all
residues for a smooth and bondable surface.
Our recommendation is, while the windshield is out, take advantage of the
opportunity to clean up all dash surfaces and pillar trims from previous staining
and dirt (another sign of leakage). It is also a great time, since the dash has been
removed to clean up any electrical work.
Don’t be caught off guard! Remember, “It does rain in Southern California!”
Tyrone Flower
January - February 2011
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Volume 39 Issue 1
Photos by: Rob Webb and Ivonne Ortiz Webb
1949 Mark VI
January - February 2011
Page 13
1989 Corniche MPW
Volume 39 Issue 1
1960 Silver Cloud II
January - February 2011
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Volume 39 Issue 1
1931 Chrysler Rumble Seat Coupe, from the original owner in 1962, a year after completing college as an engineer — I still
own the car. I married Renee in 1966: In 1968, we purchased a 1934 Packard Phaeton in pieces, which occupied my time
restoring it for 11 years, not to mention the arrival of four children during that time period.
I had always admired Rolls Royce motor cars but felt they were out of my price range and never really pursued acquiring such
a prestigious vehicle.
My rationale was as follows: I’d turn in my leased
vehicle and use the Rolls as my daily driver. So
we purchased the car and soon thereafter joined
the RROC just in time to attend the Santa Anita
Concours, where we won 1st place in the touring
division! So much for my idea of a daily driver.
Result: we bought the leased vehicle and designated
the Rolls just for use with the club and other special
functions. Since purchasing the Rolls, we have added
30,000+ miles to its odometer.
Our 1968 Silver Shadow SRH-4013
In the summer of 2000 Renee was looking at the
local section of our Sunday paper (a section we
usually never look at) and reviewed autos for sale in
light of the fact that one of our daughters was about
to attend college in Santa Barbara and might need a
good used car. One of the ads was for a 1968 Rolls
Royce Silver Shadow, low mileage, good condition,
etc. I was surprised at the low asking price, although
I must admit I had never priced such a vehicle. Being
intrigued by the ad I called the owner and made
an appointment to see the car located in central
Orange County. The car was beautiful, good paint,
great interior, and had only 57,000 original miles.
The owner from whom we bought the Rolls was a
self made man who immigrated here from Hungary
years ago as a young man. Adept at repairing
earthwork equipment, he became quite successful,
started his own construction company, apparently
became quite wealthy, and purchased the Rolls.
However, reluctant to use it to go to his business for
fear it would cause ill feelings amongst his employees,
he only used it on rare occasions to go to dinner
with his wife. As a result, he owned the car for 12
years and only drove it 1500 miles! After purchase,
somewhat concerned by the cars lack of use, I
decided to check it out by going on a 200 mile round
trip. The Rolls ran fine.
Figuring it would be a good idea to change the oil after such a trip I discovered that I didn’t have the correct
wrench to remove the drain plug. So I called the former owner to purchase the tool. I figured he must
still have it. I was flabbergasted when he said that he only put on 1500 miles since he got the car 12 years
before! And he saw no reason to ever change the oil! The oil, though black, flowed out readily. After a few
hundred miles I changed the oil again and shortly thereafter had all the fluids and hoses replaced. The Rolls
runs fine, doesn’t burn any oil, and is a joy to drive. The right hand drive is unique and requires that I pay
attention when driving. Our Rolls also won a 2nd place Touring Division award at the 100th Anniversary
National Meet in Monterey in 2004, and continues to draw attention wherever we go. Although its early
history is mostly unknown, the build sheets obtained from Rolls Royce Corporation indicated that SRH4013 was sent to dealer F.J. Evans Limited on January 26, 1968 and was sold to a principal in a law firm in
Birmingham, England on May 11, 1968.
January - February 2011
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Written by
Tom Scheil
Volume 39 Issue 1
January - February 2011
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Volume 39 Issue 1