Lunch Meet at the 94th Aero Squadron – April 23rd Lunch Meet at
Lunch Meet at the 94th Aero Squadron – April 23rd Lunch Meet at
Winner: 2015 La Rocco Award Owners: Gary and Diane Cerveny 1954 Bentley R-Type (B245LYA) Lunch Meet at the 94th Aero Squadron – April 23rd VOLUME 52 ISSUE 4 APRIL 2016 April Please see page 4 for the article on the 94th Aero Squadron lunch meet. 43rd Annual Concours d’Elegance Our celebrated Concours d’Elegance will be held on May 14th at the famous Santa Anita Park. This year we invited the RROC San Diego Region and the Bentley Drivers Club to join us. Our renowned Concours is the premiere event of the spring. The diverse representation of cars on display spans the entire century of Rolls-Royce and Bentley production. Magnificent Pre-War to current sleek and high-powered motor cars will be on display. Several long-term, award winning restorations will be on display for the first time. All members are welcome to attend this spectacular event. Members wishing only to display their vehicles are more then welcome to do so. Your car does not have to be judged or be in show condition to participate in this funfilled day. Each exhibited car will receive a fantastic goody bag, participation ribbon and vintage Concours badge, along with many other marvelous things. We are offering special pricing for people bringing an additional car with all of the perks of the first car. Please fill out the enclosed vehicle information card and send it with your remittance. Vehicle judging will be conducted as in the past. Exceptional traditional trophies will be presented to all 1st Place, 2nd Place, and 1st Place Touring winners. Trophies will also be given for Best of Show Pre-War and Post-War Motor Cars, and the Jim Toole Brace Award for the member bringing both the finest Pre-War and early Post-War car (after 1960). We will be presenting the Winners’ Circle Senior Award for the most outstanding car in the Winners’ Circle. The Winners’ Circle is comprised of all the exquisite 1st Place Concours winners from last year’s Concours. The People’s Choice Award allows everyone to vote on their favorite car. We are adding a new judging class called Show & Shine to encourage people to bring out their daily drivers. This category will be judged on cleanliness, presentation, and safety issues. This class is designed especially for those members who have not made substantial improvements on their PMCs. If you wish to have your car judged in this class you must note it on your check or vehicle registration card; if not, you will be placed in the car’s customary class. All 1st Place Concours winners and special award winners will receive a 5-gallon bucket filled with Mothers® Car Care Products. In addition, they are donating items for our goody bags. Mothers® continues to be a generous sponsor to our club, and please support them by buying their superb products. After announcing the award winners, we will have a raffle with sensational gifts where everyone has a chance to win something. Our judges will be meticulously inspecting cars for safety, authenticity, condition, and cleanliness. Judges are still needed! If you would like to be part of this gratifying experience, join a judging team and you will receive a special gift. Members with all levels of judging experience are encouraged to help. This is a great way to learn about these superb automobiles. If you are interested, please contact our Chief Judge Dave Dwoskin at (310) 739-9776 or email him at All cars must be equipped with a working fire extinguisher to be judged. People will enjoy the Sport of Kings while they eat like a king at the lavish buffet lunch that is certain to please their discriminating palates. Tables, umbrellas, and chairs will be set-up on the grassy infield so that we can enjoy our sumptuous lunch while watching the exquisite Thoroughbreds run swiftly past us. There will be cold soft drinks and bottled water during lunch from 12:00 – 2:00. We will be providing shade tents for your comfort during the awards presentation. People should also bring a chair to relax on while basking in the warm California sunshine during the day. Space is extremely limited so please get your registration in early. Prepare your rolling pride and joy for a delightful and fun day at the races. DIRECTIONS CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 APRIL 2016 2016 Regional Officers Chairperson Vice Chairperson Treasurer Secretary Karen Perrault Larry Ewaska Howard Green Carolyn Quadt 562 598-7028 Appointed Positions Chief Judge Technical Chairperson Membership Chairperson Awards Chairperson Newsletter Editor Hospitality Chairperson Marketing/Advertising Directory Editor Webmaster Archivist Bylaws, Policies, Procedures Dave Dwoskin Ronny Shaver Pierre Lemieux Gary Cerveny Dori Oisen Joan Hugron Cell: (949) 439-0465 Gene TowIe Karen Perrault Steve Power-Fardy Diane Cerveny 2016 Board of Directors Charles Bivens Fulton Haight Dori Olsen Willy Hugron Anne Vogel Paul Dailey Betty Green Bill Sundin Ronny Shaver Editorial Staff Editor: Dori Olsen Cell Phone: (424) 644-5987 Please reference RROC in the subject line when sending an email to the editor. Do not send any material or photos that carry a copyright. It is our policy not to publish copyrighted material. The Spirit of Ecstasy is published monthly, approximately two weeks after the meet. Articles and notices should be received no later than the 15th of the month prior. Please identify cars (with chassis numbers) and individuals in all photographs. Private party advertisements for Rolls-Royce/Bentley sales, wanted items, parts, lost and found, or information will be published for members at no charge. For car sales, include chassis number and asking price. Photos will be published at a nominal charge. Non-member advertising will be accepted at published rates. Display advertising is accepted, at the discretion of the Editor, for business card, 1/4, 1/2, or full page insertions in increments of three, six or twelve months. Advertisements are published as a courtesy to the membership. The Southern California Region and its Editor(s) do not assume responsibility in the event of a claim of loss or damage resulting from publication. Members are responsible for investigating any advertising claims prior to entering into an agreement with an advertiser. Please contact the Editor(s) for information or published rates. Articles reflect the opinion of the authors and do not necessarily reflect national or regional policy. The Southern California Region and its Editor(s) seek to publish accurate material but neither assumes responsibility in the event of a claim of loss or damage resulting from publication. The organization is under the control of the National RROC. 2016 April 10 La Jolla Concour d’Elegance This is a non RROC-sponsored event 16 Board Meeting Hosts: Paul and Evvie Dailey 23 Lunch Meet at the 94th Aero Squadron No-Host Hosts: Fulton and Sonia Haight May 14 43rd Concours d’Elegance at Santa Anita Park 2 Chairlady’s Corner Dear Fellow RROC Members, This picture is from Barcelona, Spain, where bull fighting is very common. But here we are in sunny Southern California and I hope you are all enjoying driving your PMCs. Yes, El Nino came to visit very ferociously on more than one occasion, but you know we desperately needed that rain and hopefully you all survived each storm without any leaks or damage to your PMC or your home. In March we had two wonderful events. The first was hosted by John and Caryl Levy and we had the rare opportunity to visit the Greystone Mansion in beautiful Beverly Hills. Construction was originally started in 1927 and it is a MERE 46,000 square feet with 55 livable rooms. Wow - it was quite a spectacular sight to see and our nearly-full capacity of members had the chance to wander the halls, see the “murder room”, the enormous kitchen, the master suite with its own massage room and the hidden bar in the Billiard Room, which was necessary because there was “Prohibition”. Then, barely a week later, we nearly sold out again with our visit to the Mike Malamut’s Vintage Car Museum in Westlake Village. This very entertaining event was hosted by Robert and Kathleen Wulf and to my delight, they were able to arrange lunch at Brent’s Deli, which allowed each and every one of us to order our heart’s desire from their vast menu. The number of choices was huge and the food fantastic. March was a very good month for Southern California. May 14th is the 43rd Annual Southern California Concours d’Elegance, so April is our time to prepare our PMCs for this wonderful event. We have scheduled a judging seminar for April 2nd and not only will this be the time that we prepare our judges for their tasks at the concours, this will also be the opportunity for you to talk with the Chief Judge and our Technical Chairman about any issues you have with your PMC and get their advice on how you should proceed. Be sure and review the sample judging sheet that is enclosed with this newsletter. These are the components on which your car will be judged. Later in April we have a special lunch planned for the 23rd at the 94th Aero Squadron at the Van Nuys Airport. I remember when there used to be one of these restaurants at the Torrance Airport and I have missed it greatly, so you know I will be there. I don’t know if you were aware of it or not, but we are the only RROC region in the United States that can claim that they have had a concours for its members for forty three years in a row. That is amazing and I truly want that tradition to continue for when my grandchildren start to bring my PMCs, which will belong to them before long, to our annual Concours d’Elegance. The only way we can make sure that will happen is to have each and every one of you bring your pride and joy out on the 14th of May. Now remember, this year we have a special “Show & Shine” class, which means your vehicle doesn’t have to be Pebble Beach quality. It just has to be in the best condition as far as safety, cleanliness, and appearance as you can make it. I am so very proud of all our members that have volunteered to host events and help with others. Again, if there is some activity or event that you want us to include in our schedule of events, please contact me personally because I really want to know. I know that some of you would like to see some more formal events, maybe even black tie, so let me know your thoughts and we will try and work them out. Drive safely and enjoy these lovely spring months. Karen RROC-SOCAL.COM 7 Judging Seminar Hosts: Ronny Shaver and Dave Dwoskin Tech Meet Host: Ronny Shaver Host: Nancy Ratinoff 23 – 30 Show Me Missouri Tour Host: Mid America Region June 12 San Marino Motor Classic This is a non RROC-sponsored event Hosts: Dennis and Liz Kneir July 9 Tech Meet Host: Ronny Shaver 4 Tech Meet Host: Ronny Shaver 31–Aug.4 RROC 65th National Meet August 6 Tech Meet Host: Ronny Shaver TBA Board Meeting September 1 October Tech Meet Host: Ronny Shaver 5 November Tech Meet Host: Ronny Shaver 3 Tech Meet Host: Ronny Shaver APRIL 2016 April Lunch Meet at the 94th Aero Squadron CONCOURS DIRECTIONS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 Host: Date: Time: Nancy Ratinoff (818) 601-2277 May 14, 2016 Cars can begin arriving at 8:30 a.m. DEADLINE TO ENTER IS 10:00 A.M. NO EXCEPTIONS Location: Santa Anita Park 285 W. Huntington Drive (Gate 6) Arcadia, CA 91007 (just east of Pasadena) Cost: $70.00 for each car and 1 person (includes a goody bag, participation ribbon, vintage Concours badge and lunch.) $63.00 for each additional car and 1 person (includes all of the above.) $49.00 for each additional adult (includes lunch.) $33.00 (For teens 13-17; includes lunch.) $20.00 (For children 4-12; includes lunch.) Deadline: May 9, 2016 Directions: From the west: The 134 will become the I-210 Freeway East. Proceed on the I-210 Freeway East. Exit at the Santa Anita Ave. off ramp and turn right. Proceed to Huntington Drive and turn right. Bear right at the “Y” onto Colorado Place and enter Gate 6 on the left. From the east: Take the San Bernardino Freeway (I-10) west to the I-210 Freeway West. Exit at the Santa Anita Ave. off ramp and turn left. Proceed to Huntington Drive and turn right. Bear right at the “Y” onto Colorado Place and enter Gate 6 on the left. 44 DAYS UNTIL THE CONCOURS Don’t forget to look for the hidden Happy Face. The first member to call or email the editor will receive a prize! The email address is and the phone is (424) 644-5987. The winner of the March prize is Steve Power-Fardy. Congratulations to Steve and his prize is on the way! The Happy Face in the March issue was located on the back cover in the bottom blue banner for the Classic Motor ad. Happy Hunting! APRIL 2016 Planes Trains & Automobiles…Tucked away next to the Van Nuys Airport, the 94th Aero Squadron is a quiet retreat and a salute to classic Americana in the heart of bustling Southern California. Join us for a mid-morning meal at the charming French chateau complete with ivy covered walls, stone paths, plush gardens and a dark, but warm, inviting interior adorned with relics. It offers a unique and memorable dining experience. Feel like you’re on the front lines as you pass the war planes and armed forces vehicles parked on the lawn. Hear the buzz of the planes flying from Van Nuys Airport where there are more than 700 take-offs and landing every day. Inside this unique restaurant there are uniforms and wartime artifacts displayed in the lobby and restaurant. The Condor Squadron is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to honoring America’s veterans and the president of the group is joining us for lunch. He will give a short, informal talk on the airport, what his group does and the historic planes that they own and maintain. The Condor Squadron has an area adjacent to the airport displaying a North American AT-6/SNJ Texan — a sturdy twoseater that helped train tens of thousands of military pilots during World War II and the Korean War. The group and its members own eight of the planes, making the Van Nuys Airport the site of one of the largest collections of such aircraft in the nation. After lunch, we have the opportunity to take a 5 to10 minute drive as a group to the other side of the airport to see the planes. We will have part of the parking lot secured for your vehicle protection. This is a no- host event. Lunch entrees are under $20 and for those members who prefer a late breakfast, you have your choice of Classic Benedict, French Toast or Chicken and Waffles, all of which are under $15. Please email Fulton at if you are interested in joining us for lunch at this unique venue. Please put “Rolls-Royce” or “Bentley” in the subject line of your RSVP. Date: Time: Place: Hosts: Cost: April 23, 2016 10:45 a.m. 94th Aero Squadron 16320 Raymer St. Van Nuys, CA. 91406 Fulton and Sonia Haight No-Host - Lunch entrees are under $20 Breakfast entrees are under $15 RSVP To: Please put “Rolls-Royce” or “Bentley” in the subject line. Directions: Take the 405 Fwy. to Roscoe Blvd. Exit onto Roscoe Blvd going west to Woodley Ave. Turn left going south onto Woodley Ave. Continue 1/3 mile to Raymer Street. Turn right going west on Raymer. The restaurant is at the end of the cul-de-sac on the left. The Cover Story The RROC So Cal has a second generation of Cervenys with the membership of their son Michael and his wife Amy. Perhaps there will be a third generation when their granddaughter Sarah gets a little older. Congratulations and many thanks to Gary and Diane, two indispensable members of our Region. Gary and Diane Cerveny are the owners of this absolutely beautiful 1954 Bentley R-Type (B245LYA). They take this beauty out and about regularly and as a result, won the 2015 Jacqueline La Rocco Award for driving this 6 cylinder PMC to the most events during 2015. The Jacqueline La Rocco Award is a perpetual trophy that was established by our recently deceased member past chairman Chuck La Rocco in honor of his wife Jacqueline. It is a huge perpetual trophy that is inscribed with the name of every winner of the award. Members of the Month Diane and Gary have been active members of the RROC So Cal for 27 years and own a number of other beautiful Rolls-Royce and Bentley PMCs including a 1920 Silver Ghost, boat-tail tourer, Barker (102EE) , 1922 Silver Ghost, limousine, Hooper (30RG), 1927 Twenty H.P.,Sedanca de Ville, Hooper (GUJ57) in addition to their 1954 Bentley R Type, saloon, (B245LYA). They are also avid collectors of other types of cars and have a fabulous garage at their home where a number of their cars are displayed. Throughout the years, they have held numerous positions within the region including Region Chairperson, members of the Board of Directors, Chief Judge, Technical chairperson, H o s p i t a l i t y chairperson and currently as the Awards chairperson (Gary) and Archivist (Diane). Diane also co-hosted the Dana Point National RROC meet, and both regional members and national members still talk about that National Meet as one of the most successful meets they have ever had. They have also hosted many successful regional events throughout the years, most recently the fabulously successful Petersen Museum event in February that was followed by a scrumptious lunch at The Stinking Rose restaurant. Sheldon and Arlene Reiss are the Members of the Month for the February Petersen Museum event. They have been members of the RROC So Cal for a few months and have attended several events, all of which they have enjoyed. They purchased their 1962 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud II from the estate of a local physician in 1978. It was in fine condition mechanically but the interior was a bit worn. It underwent a yearlong restoration in the mid-80s and since then they have enjoyed driving their beauty on weekends and on special occasions. The current mileage is about 82,000 miles. Sheldon grew up in Chicago and Arlene is a native New Yorker and they both moved to Southern California in the 1970s. Sheldon retired after 35 years from medical practice and he and Arlene hope to spend their retirement with friends and family (especially their 5 grandchildren) and travel. They have met many wonderful members in the So Cal region and enjoy the camaraderie and the sharing of stories and tips about maintenance and travel opportunities in our PMCs. They look forward to future club events with their new RROC friends Welcome to Sheldon and Arlene! APRIL 2016 5 The Annual Awards Event By Diane Cerveny, Nancy Ratinoff and Karen Perrault We gathered at the Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club on January 23rd for an extra special awards event with a luau theme. Joy and Karen planned an absolutely FUN event and we were feeling slightly guilty that we could stand on the patio in light sweaters looking at all of the boats while thinking of all the folks on the East Coast with 3+ feet of snow!! The guilt didn’t last long however, because we were having too much fun to dwell on negatives. Award for the non-Board member that has done the most for the club in 2015. Gene Towle was awarded the Marji Simon Award for his outstanding participation as a board member. Congratulations to all of the winners! The Members of the Month for January were introduced by Karen and received a gift. John and Caryl Levy are the members of the month for January 2015 and we welcome them. The sun had set by the time we left, thoroughly satiated, the club dancers beginning to feel the slightest twinges and everyone ecstatic about the wonderful time they had. Huge thanks to Karen Perrault and Joy Jacot for planning this wonderful event. During the cocktail hour, we enjoyed Vietnamese eggrolls and mini crab cakes as hors d’ouevres. Everyone chatted and mingled before the entertainment began. And what entertainment it was - unbelievable! There were dancers that put on a fabulous show, performing dances from different islands, accompanied by drums and the typical music for that island. You should have seen the way they moved their hips! It would be difficult to move like that on a very good day! Ronny Shaver, Dancer, John Green, Willy Hugron and Tom Warden Elegance in Motion Dave Dwoskin was selected to do a dance alone with one of the dancers, mimicking what she was doing, which was a Poi Ball dance and demo native to New Zealand. He did a great job and deserves kudos for his willingness to get up in front of our crowd! At one point, seven or eight of our members were on the dance floor, wiggling away, trying to emulate the dance that the dancer was doing. They were captured on film and are displayed with this article for your pleasure, and from the smiles on their faces were enjoying themselves as much as we enjoyed watching their dance skills. We enjoyed a lovely repast of food with an island theme that included an amazing fruit platter, a delicious salad similar to Chinese chicken salad without the chicken, rice with pineapple, pulled pork, chicken and rolls. Dessert was trays of miniature desserts that were excellent. Then to the awards. We celebrated our members who did such a great job during 2015 beautifying and restoring their PMCs, thanked all of the 2015 event hosts and announced the board member and non-board member who made outstanding contributions throughout the year. Finally, the Cervenys were awarded the huge perpetual trophy, the Jacqueline La Rocco award, for driving their six-cylinder PMC to the most events during 2015. John Green won the Most Improved Bentley and Steve Power-Fardy won the Most Improved Rolls-Royce. Dr. David Morrison won the prestigious Sam Levin 6 APRIL 2016 Bob and Kathy Wulf and Bill Sundin More member dancers RROC-SOCAL.COM Awards Event Photos The Awards Ronny Shaver, John Green, Joy Jacot, Willy Hugron, Dancer and Charlotte Morrison Dave Dwoskin and Ronny Shaver Director Charles Bivens’ sister Joy Jacot Donald Culver Palm Springs Newport Beach Brian Brooks David Johnston Las Vegas, Nevada Were we having fun!!! Charlotte Morrison, Dancer, Tom Warden Canyon Lake FOR SALE 1991 Rolls Royce Silver Spur, LWB, Saloon, $ 28,500. Magnolia white with vinyl roof. Interior with original white leather seats with blue piping. Blue deep pile lamb’s wool rugs. Wood trim and folding tray tables in burled walnut, no cracks. Original RR engine running perfectly, has 76,000 miles. Contact Paul Krikorian (second owner) at 310/701-6799 or email VIN # SCAZN02D7MCX34204 Connie and Dave Dwoskin APRIL 2016 7 The Remodeled Petersen Museum by Joy Jacot I like to search for a word or sometimes a phrase - that accurately summarizes a person, place or event. In thinking about the recent outing with the club to the Petersen Museum, the word that comes to mind is “flawless”. From the fabulous cars seen, the design and layout of the new museum, the tours and tour guides, to a great lunch at The Stinking Rose, to the overall logistics of the entire event - so well organized by Diane and Gary Cerveny - the day was flawless, and very enjoyable. stainless steel that is shaped into more than 300 individual sections of metal ribbon constructed into a single design with amazing precision. The ribbons feature over 100,000 rivets, a reflection of the rare riveted 1936 type 57SC Bugatti Atlantic, housed inside that is said to be the most valuable car in the world. 1925 Round Door Rolls identifier Of course when you walk through the doors of the Petersen, the first car that you encounter is the now famous, 1925 round door Rolls Royce Phantom I Aerodynamic Coupe. And while it may be one of the most uncomfortable, impractical cars ever built, it will certainly always garner the attention - and of course, it shows great taste on the part of the Petersen to lead with a Rolls Royce! In a museum filled with magnificent automobiles, this is no small honor. There were a few other Rolls and Bentleys on display as well. The 1930 Phantom I Coupe with the Rearward leaning lines - nicknamed “Windblown” - was part of the Rolling Sculpture exhibit, while the 1938 aluminum bodied Bentley race car by French builder Pourtout Carrossier was also worthy of note as part of the Precious Metals exhibit. The three floors have been beautifully divided into eras and interests, including movie cars, hot rods, historic originals, and this writer’s favorites - the precious metals. And while I remain a lover of the Rolls Royce and Bentley motor cars, who can question the incredible beauty of the amazing Duesenberg and Horch that are displayed in that same area side by side. There is also a design area where young working designers are at work, both by hand and computer, developing our cars of tomorrow. We also learned from our very well informed architectural tour guide of the new plans for the Miracle Mile district. These include the conversion of the old May Co building, across from the Petersen, to become the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures and the upcoming addition to the Petersen of the elegant Il Pastaio Italian Restaurant by the Drago Brothers by the end of this year. And speaking of foodLunch! While many of us were concerned that the garlicy reputation of The Stinking Rose restaurant might take us out of Joy Jacot and Joan Hugron public commission for a day or two, we found that not to be the case. The food was delicious, not overpowering with garlic, but just flavorful, and quickly and efficiently served. The camaraderie as always, was wonderful. All in all - a great day at the Petersen! Many, many thanks to Gary and Diane Cerveny for hosting this wonderful event. HELP! Round Door Rolls side view You could go on forever about the cars in this museum - and I personally cannot wait to go back for a tour of the vault. But suffice it to say, it was a great and fascinating display of vehicles in a wonderful new setting. Our tour began with an architectural tour. The new museum, following its $125 million renovation, offers 95,000 square feet of exhibit space, and will soon include the addition of an elegant new Italian restaurant, Il Pastaio, by the Drago Brothers. The building’s new and somewhat controversial design is wrapped in 100 tons of 8 APRIL 2016 I’m planning on painting our 1976 Corniche Coupe. I have a suggested source from Ronny Shaver, though he said painting can be hit-or-miss. Has anyone had a relatively recent PMC “hit”?!? With hope – Garret and Harmeet Capune Please contact us at (Fullerton) 714.447.8146 or by email at RROC-SOCAL.COM Petersen Museum Photos Many thanks to Joy Jacot, Bob Ratinoff, Eric Baltzar and Karen Perrault for their many photos! APRIL 2016 9 Support Western North America Candidates It is time to vote for seven people (and no fewer than 5) to represent us on our 2016 RROC National Board. Your ballot must be received by Friday, May 13th by 4:00 pm Eastern Time. You can either vote electronically by going to the RROC National website or you can submit your ballot via mail. A copy of the ballot will be included in your March/April Issue of the Flying Lady. THOMAS H. WARDEN Attorney At Law YOUR VOTE MATTERS! When you vote this year, please remember: (1) Vote for AT LEAST FIVE people (2) Vote for NO MORE THAN SEVEN people If you vote for fewer than five or more than seven, your vote will not be counted. Tel: (818) 710-8131 Fax: (818) 710-8130 THOMAS H. WARDEN LAW CORPORAION 5850 CANOGA AVENUE SUITE 204 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91367 Serving Ventura and Los Angeles Counties One of the current five “Western” Board Members, Tom Wright, is not seeking re-election. Two are seeking re-election. There are four EXCELLENT CANDIDATES from Western North America: Al Briseno – Al is seeking re-election. Al is from the Texas Region. He is currently the President of RROC National. It would be great for us to re-elect Al, so he can continue his term as President. Barbara Kilburn – Barbara is seeking re-election. Barbara is from the Northern California Region. She and her husband, Austin, co-hosted the 2011 National Meet at Lake Tahoe. She will also be co-hosting the 2018 National Meet. Barbara has done an amazing job as the Chair of the National Membership Committee. Tom Purcell – Tom co-founded and chairs the Aloha Region. Tom is actively involved in many Regions and numerous Societies. He also has a place in Florida in order to attend more Tours, Events, Concours and Rallies. He is an avid enthusiast and organized the highly-acclaimed 2010 Medford Oregon Tour. Kim Spencer – Kim is from the British Columbia Region. Kim is amazingly organized, exceptionally conscientious, extremely thorough and a likeable team player. Kim chairs the British Columbia Region. He and his wife, Cathie, co-hosted the incredible Sea-ToSky-Tour in Vancouver in September, 2015. All of these candidates are terrific leaders and they have each made AMAZING CONTRIBUTIONS to RROC at both the Region and at the National level. PLEASE consider these candidates when you vote. It’s a changing world, and we, in the Western portion of North America, need to continue being an active part of the continued growth, development and improvement at RROC. If you have a spouse/partner member registered with RROC National, please ask them to vote too. The results will be announced at the Annual Member Meeting on Monday, August 01, 2016. Madera Concepts Automotive Woodwork Restoration Specialists Since 1982 REFINISHING REVENEERING REPAIR Call 805-962-1579 55 - B Depot Road Goleta, CA 93117 10 APRIL 2016 RROC-SOCAL.COM Rolls-Royce Bentley Exclusive Expert Service Repair-Inspection-Restoration 1111 West 1st St Santa Ana, CA 92703 714-953-0896 Ronny Shaver By appointment only please FRONT Dr. Donald W. Wise Co-Founder and Senior Managing Director Turnbull Capital Group Dr. Donald W. Wise Co-Founder and Senior Managing Director Turnbull Capital Group TCG Founder, CEO and Chairman Turnbull Group Turnbull GlobalCapital Energy Solutions Real Estate Investment 2118 Wilshire Blvd., Banking Suite 702 1024 Bayside Cabin 324 SantaDrive, Monica, CA 90403 Newport Beach, CA 92660 T: 310.425.3471 949.283.9706: Mobile F: 310.496.1440 M: 949.283.9706 Electronic Mail Website BACK Litigation Support and Expert Witness Testimony Hospitality and Leisure Industry Transactional Services Corporate and Real Estate Investment Banking Financial and Business Advisory Management Litigation Support and Expert WitnessInvestment Testimony Principal Investments Hospitality and Leisure Industry Debt Placement Main Offices in Los Angeles, California; with offices in Washington, DC; Dallas, Texas; London, United Kingdom; and Nassau, The Bahamas; with satellite offices in Santa Monica and Newport Beach, California Real Estate Asset and Wealth Management Family Office Advisory "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The U.S. Marines don't have that problem.” President Ronald Reagan Member Member of the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club on and on a periodic basis since 1973 and ownerowner of sixofRolls-Royce motor since cars since six Rolls-Royce’s 1975 1975 APRIL 2016 11 Rolls Royce 0614_Layout 1 6/29/14 1:19 PM Page 1 Premium Car Covers for Bentley & Rolls-Royce WITH GREAT CARS COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY (AND SERIOUS BRAGGING RIGHTS) PROTECTING THE WORLD’S FINEST COLLECTIONS FLOOR MATS • SEAT COVERS • COLLECTIBLES • GARAGE ITEMS 800 423-5525 12 USE CODE "RROC" WHEN PLACING AN ORDER EST. 1989 APRIL 2016 800. 922. 4050 | H AGERT Y. CO M 877. 922. 9701 | H AGERT Y. CA 0333 323 0989 | H AGERT Y I N SURAN CE. CO.UK
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The Spirit of Ecstasy is published monthly, approximately
two weeks after the meet. Articles and notices should be
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