The Ernest Bradbury Archive 1960
The Ernest Bradbury Archive 1960
G U ID E T O T H E E R N E S T B R A D B U R Y A R C H IV E 1960 In this year the Y o rk sh ire Post made no distinction between what later became Music and Musicians and R ec en t reviews, so everything here is gro u p e d together. R eco rds columns and everyday This is the last year that the titles M r o r Miss p rec e d e a p e rfo rm e r's name; it was also a regular occurrence to use the w o r d "gay" when finding music bright and cheerful. A m o n g some special quotes the mind lingers on "Sir John [Barbirolli] "s care., belongs to the Keatsian philosophy that truth and beauty are one". pieces o f music: A n o t h e r com pares two "T h e one, the music reflecting the spirit and great e n d eavou r o f man; the o th e r in which abides faith, hope and technique., and the greatest o f these is technique". Bradbury T h o u gh he continually wrestled with much c o n tem p o rary music, Ernest continually advocates the need to hear it played. A decade later, incidentally he is still d oin g so, supported by L o r d H a rew o o d . w h o points out the most obvious but most easily forgotten fact that all music was on ce new. T h e w o rk o f o th e r writers, though included is not listed nor are the several excellent reviews Ernest Bradbury contributed on drama and art from Leeds, Edinburgh and York. I have carbons only f o r 4 &25.10 and 1 & 1 5 .1 1.60 but the original should be available if necessary as the Brotherton keeps the Y o rk sh ire Post. these articles has been listed. unless otherwise stated. T h e contents o f A ll listings, by the way, are fro m the Y o rk sh ire Post O f the follo w in g I have neither original nor carbon. Brotherton has not yet p h o to c o p ie d these please ask. I f the T h e ir contents are not listed:- 5.2.60 Music o f three periods 1.3.60 C h opin is re m e m b e re d today 13.6.60 Music not to the fo r e but well planned 5.7.60 M u rd e r and M agic in the O p e r a H ouse (re c o rd s ) 22.7.60 Radiant C o n ce rt by Barbirolli & Hallé @ H a rro ga te R ecogn isin g the worth o f Vivaldi 10.9.60-------------------- R evised Messiah ends [3 Choirs] Festival l-QrUXóO------------------ A - n ew music season in-B ra d fo rd I would mention that my husband's writings, which o ften ap p ea red on the leader page, e n g e n d e re d possible to include. a good deal o f corresp on d en ce which it has not always been T h o s e studying the actual newspaper should bear in mind that items qu oted above and missing from this archive are apt to appear on a date to eith er side and not always on the usual pages 4-5; this is because o f editioning, not just betw een the north and south o f England but betw een m o re than o n e place in the north. Susan B ra d b u r y C O N D U C T O R S & C H O R U S D IR EC TO R S A C K E R M A N N . O tto 4.10.60 Ansermet. I; 19.4; 4.10: 15.11.60 BALKWILL. Bryan 23.9.60 Barbirolli, Sir John 9 &18.4: 19 ¿¿25.7; 24 &29.10: 10.12.60 Ba rüget I. Herbert 24.3; 10 & 12.11: 12 & 15.12.60 Barker. John 18.11.60 Beecham. Sir Thomas 16.2; 15.3; 26.4: 24.5.60 Blech. Harry 29.2: 24.6; 12.12.60;7--viRon v Boult. Sir Adrian 19.4; 6.10: 1.11.60 Britten. Benjamin 13.6; to. 11.60 C A M E R O N . Basil BBC "From" concert programme n o Ted, 10.9.60 Care we. John 12 & 25.7.60 R ollins, Anthony 15.11.60 ^ R o k . Dr.Melville Musical l imes 11.60 ............................................................................................................................8.. 9.60 D A RLIN G TO N . Keith 1.7.60 Davies. Meredith 9.9.60 Musical 1imes 11.60 Davis. Colin 26.9; 26.10; 13.12.60 Del Mar. Norman 20.5 & 17.6.60 Denny. Frot. James 10.3; 8.12.60 Doorman. Ludwig 1.11.60 Dorati. A " 16.2: 24.5: 4.10.60 LARIS. Alexander 3.5; 15.11.60 Fasano. Ren a to 4.10.60 Ferencsik. Janos 7.11.60 Frankel. Benjamin 16.7.60 GAM BA, Fieri no 16.1.60 V*bson. Alexander 30.8: 27.9.60 Sfulm i. C-M 17.5; 23.8.60 G oehr. Walter 25.6: 4.7.60 Goldschmidt, Berthokl 20.12.60 Goodall. Reginald 21.9.60 ( ireenberg. Noah 7.6.60 Griiner-Hcgge. Odd 16.2.60 Guest, Doualas 7, 2¿¿9.9.60 Gui. Vittorio 25 &26.S.60 11ANN1KAINEN, I 5.12.60 1lollingsworth. John 15.11.60 Hunt. Donald 8 cV: 12.4; 25.5.60 JACKSON, Dr.Francis 11.4.60 Jacques. Dr.Reginald 26.7.60 KARAJAN. Herbert von 15.3: 15.11.60 Keil be- ft h 16.2.60 C O N D U C T O R S & C H O R U S D IR E C T O R S Kempe, Rudolf Kleiber Klemperer, Otto Kletzki Konwitschny Kl ips, J LE IN SD O R F, Erich Lemare, Iris M AAG, Peter Markevitch, Igor McCarthy, John Menges Miles, Maurice Molinari-Pradelli Monteux, Pierre Moore-Bridger, John Moores, Michael Mum by, Frank Munch, C O R M A N D Y , Eugene PAWSON, Leslie" Priestman, Brian Pritchard, John R A PER , Gerald Redshaw, Alec Robertson, Jam es Rowicki, Witold SA R G EN T, Sir Malcolm Sawallisch, W Schmidt-Isserstedt, Hans Schwarz, Rudolf Serafin, Tullio Silvestri, C Steinberg, W Stravinsky, Igor Sumsion, D r.H erbert " " " Susskind, W TAUSKY, Vilem Tzipine, G eorges VAN Kempen W A IN E, Frederick Walter, Bruno Weldon, George W e s-tv u ^ J . W < X L c-c? b k-i,, I a / /O L **- T\ , A /> .. f n 31.5; 17 &22.9; 1.10.60 26.7; 13.12.60 13.12.60 26.7; 13.12.60 26 &28.3; 19.4.60 26.7.60 13.12.60 13.10.60 4.10.60 26.7.60 26.4.60 15.11.60 10 &14.11.60 16.2.60 v 26.1; 15.3; 19.4.60 25.2.60 20.9; 19.11.60 22.6; 8.12.60 16.2; 15.3; 26.7; 13.12.60 26.1; 15.3; 19.4; 26.7.60 9.5.60 20.5; 6.6; 26.10.60 25.1; 2 &13.4; 2.5; 21.7; 1 &5.9; 9.11.60 9.11.60 22.4.60 23 &25.3.60 18.1.60 24.3; 22.12.60 16.2.60 15.3; 19.4.60 14 & 16.7.60 22.10; 1.11.60 27.2.60 15.3.60 22.11; 13.12.60 9.9.60 Musical lim es 11.60 1 & 15.11.60 15.2.60 11.1; 26.11.60 19.4.60 7.4.60 15.3; 1.11.60 21.3; 25.5; 11.7.60 x jz,(o o |; 5 % 3 o,( I. is o . . . , * * * * m , y A ^ "fa* O R C H E ST R A S & C H O R U S E S A C C A D E M IA di Santa Cecilia, Rome 16.2.60 Aeolian String Q uartet - ^ - -* 18.2; 12.10.60 Allegri " " 4.2.60 Amadeus Q uartet 13, 15 &17.6.60«t^mÁ.'te>f< Ambrosian Singers 27.6.60 BACH Choir 26.7.60 BBC Concert Orchestra 15.2.60 BBC Northern Singers 13.4.60 BBC Symphony Orchestra 14 & 16.7.60 Berlin Philharmonic 15.3.60 Boston Concert Band 26.1.60 Symphony Orchestra 16.2; 15.3; 26.7; 13.12.60 ^ ^ r a d f o r d Festival Choral Society 2.4.60 ^ " Old " " " 7.4; 10.11.60 C A M B R ID G E University Choir & Orchestra 30.11.60 CBSO (City of Birmingham Symphony " 7 &9.9.60 " " " " " " Musical Times 11.60 Church o f the Transfiguration children's choir, New York 7.6.60 Collegium Musicum Londinii 24.5.60 Columbia Symphony Orchestra 15.3; 22.11.60 Concertgebouw 19.4.60 DE P E Y E R Trio 20.10.60 Dolmetsch Trio 10.11.60 Dowland Singers 22.6.60 Douglas Hall Orchestra 10.3.60 D'Oyly Carte 13.12.60 ENG LISH O P E R A G roup 13.6.60 FA IR E Y Aviation Works Brass Band 13.4.60 © iL Y N D E B O U R N E OPERA 21.7; 25 &26.8; 1.9.60 G óttinger Stadtkantorei '• — 1.11.60 Grange G ram m ar School boys choir 2.4.60 H A LIFA X Choral Society 8.4.60 Hallé 11 & 16.1; 21.3; 9 & 18.4; 27.5; 11, 19 &25.7; 24 &29.10; 26.11; 5 &10.12.60 Hamburg Philharmonic 16.2.60 Horsforth New Choral Society 9.11.60 Fluddersfield " " 12.11; 22.12.60 Hull Choral Union 22.4.60 Hungarian State Symphony 7.11.60 I M U S IO 1.7.60; Israel Philharmonic 26.7.60 Juilliard Q uartet 27.8.60 KING S C O L L E G E . Cambridge 24.5; 1.11.60 L A U R A N C E T urner String Q uartet 9.3.60 Leeds C ham ber Music Society 17.11.60 ORCHESTRAS & CHORUSES Leeds Girls' C hoir 25.5.60 Guild of Singers 22.6.60 Oratorio ( hoir 25.5.60 Parish Church Choir 25.2; 22.12.60 Philharmonic Choir 15.2; 24.3; 10.11; 12 & 15.12.60 University Music Society (/ 8.12.60 Leipzig Broadcasting Chorus ¡^,^-.60 G ewandhaus 26 &28.3; 19.4.60 Le ma re O rchestra 7 &22.4; 13.10; 10.11.60 Liverpool Philharmonic Choir 13.4.60 Loewenguth Q uartet 20.10.60 London Mozart Players 29.2; 24.25 &27.6; 12.12.60^ 7-ruk.fcjFvd- Philharmonic 6.10; 1 & 9.11.60 String Q uartet 25.7.60 LSO ( London Svmphony)26.1; 19.4; 20 &24.5; 4 & 11.7; 8 &9.9; 4.10; 15.11.60 ..........................." " Musical Times 11.60 BBC "Prom" concert program m e notes 10.9.60 Los Angeles Festival Symphony O rchestra 22.11.60 MARTIN String Q uartet ' 17.11.60 Metropolitan O p era 13.12.60 Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 16.2; 4.10.60 N E W E N G L A N D Conservatory C ho rus 13.12.60 i New Music Ensemble 12 &25.7.60 New O pera C o m p a n y 1.7; 26.10.60 ! New Sheffield Symphony 9.5.60 i New York Philharmonic 15.3.60 Pro Música 7.6.60 j Northern C onsort 18.11.60 O R C H E S T R E de la Suisse Rom ande 19.4; 4.10; 15.11.60 O rom onte String Trio 21.1.60 Oslo Philharmonic 16.2.60 Oxford University O pera Club 2.12.60 PH IL A D E L P H IA Orchestra 26.1; 15.3; 19.4; 26.7.60 I Philharmonia 16.2; 26.7; 23.8; 4.10; 13 &20.12.60 Hungarica 24.5.60 : Philharmonic Prom enade Orchestra 19.4.60 i Philomusica of London 1.11.60 Pittsburgh Symphony 15.3.60 j R A D IO D IFFU S IO N Française O rchestra 16.2.60 j Rome O pera 1.11.60 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic 25.1; 24.3; 2, 8 & 13.4; 2.5; 5.9; 5, 10. 12 ¿¿14.11; 15 & 2 Z . ( 2 , (?C Royal O pera House, Covent G arden 26.1; 17 &3I.5; 17 &22.9; 1 &22.10; 13.12.60 Royal Philharmonic 16.2; 15.3; 26.4; 24.5; 21.7; 25 &26.8.60 SADLERS Wells O pera 23.3; 3.5; 20. 21 &26.9; 18 & 19.11.60 -n a ti^ n a -L 7 c u t h B ^ g a.S',6o -(fV ^h L o ^ rftisn ( O R C H E ST R A S & C H O R U S E S St.Joseph's College, Bradford girls' choir 7.4.60 Scottish National Orchestra 30.8.60 Sheffield Philharmonic 4.7.60 Sinfonia o f London 15.11; 13.12.60 I I IO R N E S 1A N Guild of Singers 4.4.60 Three Choirs 6-9.9.60 V IE N N A Boys Choir 19.2.60 O ctet 15.3.60 O pera 4.10.60 Philharmonic 15.3; 19.4; 26.7; 1 &15.11; 13.12.60 Virtuosi di R oma 4.10.60 W A RSA W Philharmonic 18.1.60 ^ ^ e s t Riding O pera Circle 9.11.60 Y O R K Musical Society 27.6.60 Young Philharmonic. Leeds 7.4.60 C O M PO SER S & COM POSITIO NS A IC H IN G E R , G regor Arnold, Malcolm (Jubilate Deo) 22.6.60 (Tam O 'Shanter overture) 15.2.60 (1st Set o f English Dances) 7.11.60 BACH, J.S. (Violin Concerto No.2 in E)BBC "Prom" programme note 10.9.60 (Sei Lob &Ehr; W er nur den lieben Gott lässt walten) 1.11.60 (6th Cello Suite) 13.1.60 (C minor Partita) 20.1.60 " (Toccata. Adagio & Fugue in C; Chor/ale Preludes; Prelude & Fugue in G) 3 , 2 -(oO (Prelude & Fugue in A major) 23.11.60 (Passacaglia & Fugue) 9.2.60 (Air on the G string) 15.11.60 (Sheep May Safely Graze: arr.W alton) 21.3.60 " " (Jesu Priceless Treasure) 2.4; 24.5.60 (St.Matthew Passion) 7,11 &12.4; 1.11.60 " (E flat Fugue; G minor Fantasia & Fugue) 23.5.60 " (A minor Fantasie; E minor Toccata) 24.5.60 " " (Ascension Oratorio; Piano Concerto in D minor) 25.5.60 " (Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue; Italian Concerto; Goldberg Variations) 18.6.60/ " (1st 16 of 48 Preludes & Fugues) <■ * * 24.6.60, (B minor Mass) 27.6; 1.11.60 ;; ; ; ------------------------------------ — * (St.John Passion) 1.11.60 11.60 (......................... ) Musical Times " (3 Chorales from St.John Passion arr. Bliss) 8.9.60 " " (6th Partita) 15.12.60 (Dorian Toccata & Fugue) 7.12.60 " (2 Preludes on Allein, G ott in der Hoh" sei ehr) 7.12.60 Bairstow, Sir Edward (Canticles in D; Toccata-Prelude on Pange Lingua) 23.5.60 Barber, Samuel (Overture, School for Scandal) 2.5.60 Bartók (Suite Op. 14) ... ^ L i 20.1.60 (1st Q uartet) 18.2.60 (2nd Piano Concerto) 9.11.60 (5th Q uartet) 9.3; 17.11.60 (Divertimento for Strings) 12.12.60 (Concerto for O rchestra) 18.4; 7.11.60 (6th String Q uartet) 17.6.60 Beethoven, L van (5th Symphony) 11.1; 13.12.60 (4th Piano Concerto) 7.9; 26.11.60 (Violin Concerto) 13.12.60 (1st Leonore overture) 16.1.60 " " (C minor Trio O p.9) 21.1.60 (Prom etheus overture) 9.5.60 ........................... (E flat Quintet) 6.6.60 ........................... (Q uartet Op. 18 N o.l'T fu? Op lH 20.10.60 * " « / I O p 3c- NC S o r v - i - d / * . fy y / ) O pZoU c/j V » v t t f-e & h V < tj£ . - b f o ' a ^ 10 4 / l j 7 lb ö f * *■ C O M PO SE R S & COM POSITIO NS Beethoven, L van (Trio Op. 1 No.3; Cello Sonata Op. 17; Archduke Trio; Cello Sonatas in G minor O p.5 No.2 & D major Op. 102 No.2; Geister Trio O p.7 0 No.l; all the piano concertos; Waldstein & E major Op. 109 Sonatas) 26.1.60 Beethoven, L van (7 Variations on British National A nthem tune; 32 Variations in C minor; 12 Variations on a Russian theme; Rage Over a Lost Penny Rondo; F major Sonata O p.54)..................................................................................................... 16.2.60 Beethoven, L Van (Septet O p.20; Triple Concerto in C O p.56; Pastoral Symphony; \&l & 2nd Piano C oncertos)..................ud...... ui............................................. ...... 15.3.60 Beethoven, L van (Eroica [3rd] Symphony) 26.3; 15.11.60 " (4th & 7th Symphonies; 3rd Leonore & Coriolan overtures) 19.7.60 ........................... (Mass in D) 7.4; 12.11.60 ........................... (7th Symphony) 15.11.60 ^ " " (B Hat Piano Concerto) 12.12.60 " (lst,6th,7th &9th Symphonies; Prom etheus overture; Em peror Concert^ (¿>0 ........................... (Q uartets Op. 18 No.l & E flat Op. 127) i'5~. b .b O " (1st Sonata Op. 12; F major Sonata O p.24; C minor O p.30)1.7.60 " " " (Kreutzer Sonata) 4.7.60«/ } ^ îæ*wv«-a< (3rd Rasoumovsky Quartet) 12.10.60 (Variations on Tyrolean Folk Song Op. 107) 16.11.60 " " " (Quartet O p.95 in F minor) 17.11.60 " " " (King Stephen overture) 13.12.60 (G minor Cello Sonata Op.5 No.2) 1.11.60 Bellini (I Puritani)k i ■ 26.8; 13.12.60 (Norma) 13.12.60 " (La Sonnambula) 26.10; 13.12.60 Berg, A (March from Wozzeck) 26.1.60 (Lyric Suite) 27.8.60 " " (Violin Concerto; Suite from Lulu) 5.9.60 £?.erkeley, Lennox (4 Poems o f St.Teresa of Avila; Let mine eyes see Thee; 3 G reek songs; 5 Auden poem s)...................... ...............................................................24.5.60 B erkeley,L (Stabat M ater) Musical Times 11.60 Berlioz, H (all the overtures) 19.4.60 " " (Hungarian March) 7.11.60 Besozzi (O boe Sonata) 20.10.60 Bizet (C arm en excerpts) 15.2.60 Blacher, Boris (Sonata O p.39) 16.11.60 Bliss, Sir A rthur (Tobias & the Angel) 20.5.60 (Requiem ) 13.12.60 " " (Ballads of the 4 Seasons) 13.7.60 Bloch, E (3 Landscapes) 12.10.60 Blow (M otet) 8.12.60 Boccherini (M inuet) 15.11.60 Bonporti (Concerto)Cpil Boulez, Pierre (Le M arteau Sans Maître) 12 &25.7.60 C O M PO SER S & C O M PO S IT IO N S Brahms ( Liebesliedcr Waltzes) 4.10.60 (2nd Symphony ) 29.10.60 (F major Sonata for Cello & Piano) 13.1.60 (4th Symphony) 16.2; 9.4.60 (Violin C o n ce rto ) 14 & 15.11.60 (Clarinet Q uintet) 18.2.60 (C minor Q uartet Op.51 N o.I) 9.3; 17.6.60 (Piano Concerto No.2; Double Concerto; St.Antoni Variations) 15.3.60 (Alto Rhapsody) Radio Times 25.3.60 (D minor Piano C o n ce rto ) 2.5.60 (Academic Festival Overture) 2.4; 14.11.60 (A Song of Destiny) 4.4.60 (Symphony No. 1 in C minor) 18.4: 15.11.60 (Trio Op. 114) 20.10.60 (1st Piano C oncerto) 19.4.60 ( Requiem) Musical Times 11.60 (How Lovely is thy Dwelling Place) 26.7.60 (B flat Piano Concerto) 13.10.60 Bridge, Frank (There is a Willow) 30.11.60 Britten. B (Cantata Academica) 30.11.60 (St.Nicolas Cantata) 25.5.60 ( A M idsummer Night's D ream ) 13.6.60 (Sinfonia da Requiem) 11.7.60 (Young Person's G uide to the O rchestra Variations) 2.5.60 J3ruch. Max (Scottish Fantasia) 26.1.60 •'Bull. Dr.John ( Dorique Musique; Revenant) 3.2.60 Burt. Francis ( Espressione Orchestrale) 11.7.60 ; Bush. Alan ( Men of Black moor) 2.12.60 Busoni (Arlecchino) 1.9.60 Butterworth (Shropshire Lad Rhapsody) Musical limes iKfeo Byrd (5-part Mass; Magnificat; Nunc Dimittis; Ave V erum Corpus) 24.5.60 L ... (5-part M a s s ) ___ _ _________22.6.60 Bruckner (L minor Mass) 7.9.60 i___ " (" " ") Musical Times J 160 . C A G E . John (Music for Piano) 11.11.60 (\tinpian (Shall I Come Sweet Love to i lice ?; It fell on a Sum m er’s Dav; Have vou seen hut the White Lily Grow ?) 8.11.60 Campian ( Never W eather-Beaten Sail) 18.11.60 C ardew. ( ’ ( F ebruary Pieces) 11.11.60 N asals ( Les Rois Mages) 26.1.60 Chopin (2nd Sonata) 26.l.oO (E major E tu d e ) 15.3.60 (4 Ballades; Berceuse; F # minor Nocturne) 19.4.60 (4 Ballades) 26.7.00 > | C O M PO SER S & C O M PO SIT IO N S Chopin (Scherzos) 15.11.60 (2nd Piano Concerto; F Minor Fantaisie) 15.11.60 (Sonata No.3 in B minor) 16.11; 5.12.60 (1st Piano Concerto) 13.12.60 (9 Preludes from O p.28) 15.12.60 ( E minor Piano Concerto) 30.8.60 (E minor Waltz) 30.8.60 Cim arosa (II Maestro di Cappella) 13.12.60 Corelli (La Follia Variations) 4.7.60 Cornelius. Peter (The Three Kings) 10.12.60 C ouperin (Recit de tierce) 23.11.60 Czabelski (Toccata) 18.1.60 l'>AVIES, Peter Maxwell (Ricerear & Doubles on a Mediaeval Engl/ish carol) 12.7.60 S la v ic s . W alford (Solemn Melody) 25.4.60 (O Little Town of Bethlehem) 28.12.60 Debussy (Voiles; L’lle Joyeuse) 20.1.60 (Prelude to L’Apres-Midi d'un Faune) 18.4.60 " " (L'Apres-M idi d'un Faune) 10.12.60 Delibes (Lakme) 13.12.60 Delius, F (Florida Suite; 2nd Dance Rhapsody; Over the Hills & Far Away) 16.2.60 Distler (Would that I had reached my home) 1.11.60 Dohnanyi (C major & F # minor Rhapsodies) 19.11.60 Donizetti (Lucia di Lam m erm oor sextet) 26.7.60 Dowland (madrigals) 22.6.60 " (Flow My Tears; Fantasy & Galliard of the Earl o f Essex) 8.11.60 Drake ford, Richard (O boe Q uartet) 11.7.60 D upre, Marcel (G minor Prelude & Fugue Op.7; lriptvque O p .5 1) 26.1.60 " " (G minor Prelude & Fugue) 23.11.60 iK " " (Variations sur un Noel) 13.12.60 D v o ra k (New World Symphony) 16.1; 15.3; 13.10.60 (New World Symphony; Carnaval overture; Cello C oncerto) 16.2.60 (Requiem ) Radio Times 25.3.60 (" ") 10.11.60 (Carnaval overture) 27.5.60 (E major Q uartet 0 p .8 0 ) 12.10.60 (G olden Spinning Wheel) 2.5.60 E L G A R , Sir Edward (1st Symphony) 21.3.60 (D ream o f Gerontius) Radio Times 25.3.60 ........................... (" " " )Musical Times 11.60 (" " " ) 8.9.60 FAURE (G minor Sonata) 13.1.60 (Ballade Op. 19) 20.1.60 (Elegy) 26.1.60 (R equiem ) 24.3; 8.12.60 <• II ^ iX-^-LXI -2-5T 3 . it"1 C O M PO SE R S & COM POSITIO NS Fan re (Pelleas & Melisande) 9.4.60 (Pavane) * • * . * * » * . . ». » * 9.5.60 (3 Songs) 19.11.60 Finke, Fidelio (Fugato & Fanfare) 28.3.60 Franck, C (Symphonic Variations) 15 & 16.2.60 Frankel, B (Symphony O p.33) 16.7.60 Fricker, Peter Racine (The- Vision of Judgem ent) 24.3; 13.4.606: ? bi^H ajv (3rd Symphony) ir 9:1-1.60 GAMBA (Serenade for Strings & Celeste Op.2) 16.1.60 Germ an, Edward (M errie England) 18.11.60 Gillis, Don (Symphony for Fun No.5^) 15.2.60 Giordani (Larghetto from Concerto in C) L 7 .6 0 ;tfci>ivke8h^fct^4^vi^«^0»; Glinka (Russian & Ludmilla overture) 13.10.60 Grainger, P (M ock Morris) 25.4.60 Grieg (Piano (Sortcerto) 46.2.60 (P eer Gynt Suites 1 & 2) 15.3.60 HANDEL (O m bra mai fu) 19.2.60 (Messiah) 8 &10.3; 13 &26.4; 1.11; 15.12.60 U f a (" ") Musical Times 11.60 (Z ad ok the Priest) 2.4.60 (M inuet from Berenice) 15.11.60 (Let the Bright Seraphim) 13.12.60 Haydn, J (G major Q uartet O p .76) lS^.öOJ^miihzit/vU fnijr&Mnn \aG. (Symphony in G major No.27) 27.2.60 (D rum Roll Symphony) 29.2.60 (D major Q uartet O p .76 No.5) 9.3.60 (Te Deum) 25.5.60 (G major Q uartet O p.54) 17.6.60 (E flat T ru m pet Conct-vto; Miracle Symphony No.96 in D)24.6.60;f<rt4fef'iv<l (Lark Q uartet) V 20.10.60 (The Creation) 10.11.60 (London Symphony N o .104 in D) 15.11.60 ("Great" E flat Sonata) 16.11.60 ("Bird" Q uartet in C Op.33 No.3) 17.11.60 (Symphony No.98 in B flat) 10.12.60 " (Sonata in E flat major No.52) 22.1.60 Hindemith (Concert Music for Strings & Brass) 11.1.60 (Sonata No. 1) 9.2.60 (Mathis der Maler) 15.3; 9.9.60 Hoddinott, Alun (Sonata O p .17) 21.10.60 H onegger (3rd Symphony) 26.11.60 Howells, H erbert (A Spotless Rose) 22.12.60 Hunt, Donald (arr. of Away in a Manger) 22 & 28.12.60 " (arr. of The Joys of Christmas) 28.12.60 ^ * u£ 1 C O M PO SE R S & COM POSITIO NS IR ELA N D, John JA N A C E K K O D A LY (Sarnia) (The E te rn a l Gospel)M usical Times (Going to M arket) (Budavari Te D eum) (" " " ) Musical Times (2nd String Ouartet; Cello Sonata O p.8) (The Peacock) " " (Hary Janos Suite) ■- Tin Korngold (Much Ado A bout Nothing) K renek (Three Merry Marches) LAL.O (Symphonie Espagnole) Lambert, Constant (Rio G rande) ^asso (Madrigals) ^L instead, George (In Nomine) Liszt (Faust Symphony; O rpheus) " (Au bord d'une source; La Legerezza) Li to Iff (Scherzo) M A H L E R (Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen; Kindertotenlieder) " " (Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen) " " (Adagietto from 5th Symphony; 4th Symphony) " " (1st Symphony) (7th Symphony) " " (Song of the Earth) fSnh<> . " " (10th Symphony) Marenzio (madrigals) Martin, Frank (In Terra Pax) " " (" " ") Musical Times Martinu (Sonatina for Clarinet & Piano) " (Sonat^fa No.2 1941) Maw, Nicholas (6 Chinese Songs 1959; Nocturne) Mendelssohn (Violin Concerto) " (A M idsummer Night's D ream ) " " (H ebrides overture) (Elijah) " " (H e ar My Prayer) " (Lord G od of Abraham, from Elijah) " " (C major Sonata) (Italian Symphony) " " (Reform ation Symphony) Messiaen ^L" Ascension) Micheelsen (setting o f Nunc Dimittis) Milhaud (4th Q uartet) " " (D 'A près C orrette) M onteverdi (Angelus ad Pastores ait) 5.12.60 11.60 23.5.60 7.9.60 11.60 20.10.60 29.10.60 7.11.60 26.1.60 26.1.60 19.4.60 15.2.60 22.6.60 9.5.60 15.3.60 22.1.60 16.2.60 26.1.60 23.5.60 26.7.60 30.8; 6.10.60 18 & 24.10.60 1.11.60 20.12.60 22.6.60 9.9.60 11.60 20.10.60 1.11.60 14.7.60 26.1; 15.3.60 15.3; 4.10.60 21 &28.3.60 7.4.60 26.7.60 18.11.60 7.12.60 12.12.60 13.12.60 9.2.60 1.11.60 4.2.60 6.6.60 22.6.60 C O M PO SER S & C O M PO SIT IO N S Monteverdi Mozart. VV.A. ( Vespers) 4.7.60 (E flat Piano Concerto K482) 16.1.60 (E flat Divertimento K563) 21.1.60 (Magic Mute overture) 25.1.60 " ", (Q uartet in D K499) ■, 4 . 2 . 6 0 , p..,, " ...................................|T he"lnM igio£y'T »S li5 )' ™" (Overture in G K318) 29.2; 26.11.60 (3rd Horn Concerto) 29.2.60 (Don Giovanni) 25.3.60 (B flat Piano Concerto K450) 28.3.60 (G minor Symphony No.40 K550) 8.4: 15.11.60 (G major Violin Concerto) 9.5.60 (F minor Fantasia K608) 23.5.60 > (Concertos for Clarinet in A K622 & Bassoon in B flat K 191) 24.5.60 ( B flat Divertimento K270) 24.5.60 ( E flat Quintet) 6.6.60 (Linz Symphony) 24.6: 9.9.60¡‘foUiFt-ih'vzL pi (C Minor Adagio & Fugue K546) 24.6.60 '* (E flat Piano Concerto K449) 16.7.60 (39th Symphony in F flat) 25.7.60 (Jupiter & Haffner Symphonies) 26.7.60 ( Ave Verum Corpus) 26.7.60 (Clarinet Concerto) 9.9.60 (Overture. Marriage of Figaro) BBC "Prom" programme note 10.9.60 (......................... " " " ) " 6.10.60 (hilites) 13.12.60 (N otturno for Orchestra K286; Serenata N otturna; Magic Flute; 4 interludes from Thom as King o f Egypt K345; overture. Lucio Silla K 135) 4.10.60 Mozart. VV.A. (Coronation Mass in C) 30.1 1.60 | (Overture. Idom eneo) 12.12.60 (Per Questa hella M ano K612) 13.12.60 (Oboe Concerto; C Major Symphony K338) 13.12.60 Mu flat, G eorge (Toccata) 22.6.60 Mum by. Frank (Danses Concertantes) 8.12.60 Musgrave, l’hea (Colloquy for V'iolin & Piano) 13.7.60 (Quartet) 27.8.60 N IELSEN . C (5th Symphony) 10.12.60 OCKEGHEM (Missa Sine Nomine) 22.6.60 Offenbach (Orpheus in the U nderw orld) 3.5.60 Orff. C (G u m m a Burana) 2.4.60 P/XCH. Walter (Partita on O Heiland, reiss die Himmel aut" chorale) 3.2.60 Palestrina ( Motet) 8.12.60 Parry (Jerusalem) 26.7.60 Pergolesi (Concertino) 1.7.60^ Yo'Uv tv-iuKvivw K)-- Z v.t q I ‘J \ ^ C O M PO SE R S & C O M PO SITIO NS Petrassi (Magnificat) 9.9.60 f " ) Musical Times 11.60 Piston, William (Q uartet) 27.8.60 Poulenc (Mass in G) 22.6.60 " (La Voix H um aine) 1.9.60 (Toccata) 22.1.60 Prokofiev (Classical Symphony) 11.1; 7.11.60 (2nd Violin Concerto) 15.3.60 " " (3rd Piano Concerto) 21.3.60 Puccini (To sea) 16.2.60 (M adam Butterfly) ^ 1 11.60 Purcell (Sonata for Trum pet & Strings; G minor Chaconny) 2 4 . 6 . 6 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t* (G olden Sonata; Fantasia) Z4.10.60 (Music for a While) 8.11.60 (In Guilty Night) 18.11.60 (G minor C h a c o n n e y ff 30.11.60 R A C H M A N IN O V (C minor Concerto) 25.1.60 (Paganini Variations) 6.10; 5.12.60 ........................... (18th Variation o f " " ) 6.12.60 Ravel (Daphnis & Chloe Suite) 18.1.60 (.......................... complete) 26.1.60 (Introduction & Allegro for H arp & Strings) 26.1.60 (G aspard de la Nuit) 12.2.60 (La Valse) 9.4.60 " (Tzigane) 19.4.60 " (Vaises Nobles et Sentimentales) 22.1.60 (" ........................... )BBC "Prom" programme note 10.9.60 Rawsthorne, Alan (Violin Sonata) 13.7.60 " " " (Them e & Variations for 2 violins) 19.11.60 ^ R e a d i n g , John (Voluntary; Trum pet Tune) 3.2.60 Reger (Hiller Variations Op. 100) 28.3.60 (Variations & Fugue O p .73) 7.12.60 Respighi (The Pines of Rome; The Fountains o f Rome) 19.4.60 (3 Suites o f Ancient Airs & Dances) 24.5.60 Roger-Ducasse, Jean (Pastorale) 22.6.60 Rossini (The Barber of Seville) 10.2; 17.5; 13.12.60 (La C enerentola) 21.7; 26.9.60 " (Overture, Semiramide) 29.10.60 Rubbra, E (2nd Q uartet in E flat) 4.2.60 (Dormi. Jesu) 18.11; 10.12.60 SAINT-SAËNS (G minor Piano Concerto) 11.1.60 Scarlatti (20 Sonatas) 20.6.60 " (3 Sonatas including Burlesca in G minor) 16.11.60 Schmelli (7 Sacred part-songs) 24.5.60 C O M PO SER S & C O M PO SIT IO N S Schoenberg ( Fantasy Op.47) 11.7.60 (Pierrot Lunaire) 12.7.60 (O p .33 A) 11.11.60 (Variations on a Recitative O p.40) 23.11.60 Schubert (B flat Sonata) 20.1.60 (4th Symphony) 29.2.60 (6th Symphony) 9.5.60 (Quartets)*vulu</^2 I] m in t* C p 2 ei 2 7 . 8 . 6 0 , ^ -v t (Symphonies 5 in B flat & 3 in D) 24.5.60 (Symphony No.5 in B flat) BBC "Prom" programme note 10.9.60 (W an derer Fantasia) 26.7.60 ( Rosamunde) 4.10.60 (G re a t is Jehovah) 18.11.60 Schumann (Piano Concerto) 26.3.60 (Carnaval; Etudes Svmphoniques) 19.4.60 (Carnaval) 26.7.60 (M anfred overture) 30.8.60 Schütz (Jubilate Deo; Hütet euch) 24.5.60 (Kleine Geistliche Konzerte) 22.6; 1.11.60 (M otet) 8.12.60 Searle, H um phrey (3rd Symphony) 5.9.60 Seiber (Violin Sonata) 11.7.60 Shostakovich (5th Symphony) 18.1.60 (Cello Concerto in E flat; 1st Symphony) 26.7.60 Sibelius (Violin Concerto) 27.2.60 (Violin Sonatina) 20.10.60 (4th Symphony; Nightrise & Sunrise) 5.12.60 Skalkottas, Nikos (String Trio) 21.1.60 (15 Little Variations) 21.10.60 Smith-Brindle, R (Cosmos) 15.7.60 Stanford, C.V. ( B flat Te Deum) 26.7.60 (Canticles in G) 10.11.60 Strauss. J (Die Fledermaus) 20.9; 4.10.60 R (Thus Spoke Zarathustra) 25.1.60 (Ein Heldenleben) 16.2.60 (D on Juan) 27.5.60 (Elektra) 31.5.60 ( fill Eulenspiegel) 26.11.60 Stravinsky (Firebird) 24.5.60 (T he Soldier's l'ale) 1.7.60 (Symphony in C) 11.7; 13.12.60 (Pulcinella Suite) 16.7.60 (The Rite of Spring) 26.7.60 ( Polka for a Circus Elephant) 5.9.60 h , ( C O M PO SE R S & COM POSITIO NS Stravinsky (Petruchka) 4.10.60 (Serenade in A) 21.10.60 (Oedipus Rex; The Nightingale) 26.10.60 (Threni; Agon) 22.11; 13.12.60 (Symphony in 3 Movements) 13.12.60 Sullivan. A (Iolanthe) 13.12.60 Svendsen, J.S.S (Carnival in Paris) BBC "Prom" programme note 10.9.60 Sweelinck (Echo Fantasia) 3.2.60 Szymanowski (1st Violin Concerto) 18.1.60 TALLIS (canon) 18.11.60 Taverner, John (Credo from Western Wynde Mass) 22.6.60 Telemann (Cantatas 19 &72) 24.5.60 Tippett, Michael (A Child of our Time) 22.4.60 ^ T o c h , Ernst (3rd Symphony) 15.3.60 Tschaikovsky (5th Symphony) 16.2; 27.5.60 (Pathétique Symphony) 27.2; 19.4.60 (Violin Concerto) 26.7; 27.9.60 (Marche Slave) BBC "Prom" programme note 10.9.60 (Swan Lake; Serenade for Strings) 15.11.60 V A U G H A N -W IL LIA M S, R (In Windsor Forest) " 26.7.60 ........................... " " (Tallis Fantasia; Hodie) 9.9.60 ..................................................... (...................................... )Musical Times 11.60 ..................................................... (Dives & Lazarus) 29.10.60 ..................................................... (arr. of The Sussex Carol) 28.12.60 Verdi (Rigoletto quartet) 26.7.60 " (R equiem ) 23.8; 1.11.60 " (La Traviata) 26.9.60 (Nabucco) 9.11.60 " (Otello) 13.12.60 W (Falstaff) 25.8.60 (Q uattro Pezzi Sacri) 9.9.60 (" " " ) Musical Times 11.60 Vivaldi (Gloria) 4.4.60 (L'Estro Armonico-12 Concertos O p.3) 25.6.60 v E stiv i (" " 2 Concertos from) 1.7.60 (The Contest between Harmony & Invention O p.8) 4.10.60 W AGNER (Tannhäuser) 23.3; 21.9.60 (" " overture) 26 &28.3.60 (M astersingers overture) 9 &25.4; 16.7.60 (Prelude & Liebestod from Tristan) 27.5.60 (Rheingold) 17.9.60 " (G ötterdäm m erung; Die Walküre) 1.10.60 " (Scenes from Lohengrin, Parsifal, Tannhäuser & Mastersingers) 5.11.60 (Lohengrin: preludes to Acts 1 &3) 10.12.60 COM POSERS & C OM POSITIO NS Walton, William Warlock, Peter W eber W ebern Wee Ikes W erner, Fritz Wesley, S.S W idor W iederm ann Wolf, Hugo W olf-Ferrari ("Spitfire" Prelude & Fugue 15.2.60 (Portsmouth Point overture) 16.7.60 (Cello Concerto) 9.9.60 (" " ") Musical Times 11.60 (Symphony No.2) 5.9; 14.11.60 ( Facade suite) 2.5.60 (" " ) BBC "Prom" program m e note 10.9.60 (Tyrley. Tyrlow) 22.12.60 (Concertino for Horn) 25.1.60 (Overture. O beron) 26.3.60 (Variations O p.27) 11.11.60 (The Nightingale) 19.2.60 (Easter choral music) 24.5.60 (numerous works quoted) 25.2.60 (Symphony No.6 Op.42) 26.1.60 ( Berceuse) 23.11.60 (lieder) 4.10.60 (Spanisches Liederbuch) 13.12.60 (Susanna's Secret) 18.4; 1.9.60 < i SOLOISTS A DANI, Mariella (singer) Alan, Hervey (bass-baritone) Allam, Dr.Edward (piano/lecturer) Allister, Jean (contralto) Alva, Luigi (tenor) A nderson. Jean (piano) Anthony, Trevor (bass) Arieli, Celia (piano) Auger, Leslie (baritone) BABIN, Victor (piano) Backhaus, Wilhelm (piano) Baker, Janet (mezzo) ^ B a r k e r , Noelle (soprano) Beckram, Peter (treble) • -- r c *Bell, Donald (baritone) Berganza, Teresa (mezzo) Bevan, Maurice (baritone) Blackburn, Harold (bass-baritone) Blanc, Ernest (bass) Blankenburg, Heinz (singer) Booth, William (piano) Bose, Ursula (coaffolS) Bowden, Pamela (contralto) Brain, Dennis (horn) Brannigan, Owen (bass) Bream, Julian (lute) B rej^fer^T u ne (soprano) -^Bressier, Charles (singer) ^ rB ro n h ill, June (soprano) Brooke, Gwydion (bassoon) Brown, James (organ) Brown, Lawrence (piano) Brown, Wilfred (tenor) Bruscantini, Sesto (baritone) Bryans, Sydney (piano) Brymer, Jack (clarinet) C A M PO LI, Alfredo (violin) Cantelo, April (soprano) Cardew, Cornelius (piano) Carlin, Mario (singer) Carlyle, Joan (singer) Caruso, Enrico (tenor) Casadesus, Robert (piano) 25.8; 1.9.60 Musical Times , « 11.60«, .. 8 &9.9; 1, 5 &9.11.60 12.2.60 9.9.60 17.5.60 19.11.60 17.6; 10.11.60 20.1; 1.11.60 18.11.60 4.10.60 15.3; 19.4.60 27.6.60 12.4; 4.7.60 10.11.60 4.10.60 17.5.60 8.4.60 26.10.60 26.8.60 1.9.60 19.11.60 i 17 &22.9; 1.10.60 22.4; 24.5; 22.12.60 24.5.60 13 & 17.6.60 4.4*, 5”, &o 9.11.60 7.6.60 3.5.60 24.5.60 10.3.60 29.4.60 11.4; 4.7; 8.9; 1.11.60 21.7; 25.8; 1.9.60 20.6.60 24.5.60 26.1.60 2.4; 13.6; 1.11.60 11.11.60 25.8.60 17.9.60 26.7.60 19.4.60 SOLOISTS Casals, Pablo (cello) Case, John Carol ( bass) Christoff, Boris (bass) Clarkson, Stanley (bass) Clinton, G ordon (baritone) Coldwell, Anthony (organ) Cook, Dr.Melvillc (piano) Coombs, Williams (baritone) C'orena, Fernando (bass) Corigliano (violin) Cossotto, Fiorenzo (m ezzo) Craig, Charles (tenor) Crinall, Robert (organ) Crofoot, Alan (singer) Crowson, Lamar (piano) Cue nod, Hugues (teno r) Cunningham, H crm ione (bassoon) Curzon, Clifford (piano) Cziffra, Gydrgy (piano) DANCO, Suzanne (soprano) Darke, H arold (organ) Darre, Jeanne-M arie (piano) Davies, G erald (singer) Dawson, Myrtle (soprano) V era (soprano) Della Casa, Lisa (soprano) Deller, Alfred (counter-tenor) Delman, Jacqueline (so pran o) Del Monaco, Mario (te n o r) De Los Angeles, Victoria (soprano) De Peyer, Gervase (clarinet) De Saram, Rohan (cello) De Vito. Gioconda (violin) Dickie, Murray (ten or) Dobree. G eorgina (clarinet) Dobson, John (tenor) Dominguez, Oralia (mezzo) Dowd, Ronald (tenor) Dowling, Denis (singer) Downes, Ralph (organ) Doyen, Jean (piano) Drake, Bryan (bass) Dupre, D esmond (viola da gamba) ...........................(lute) " 26.1.00 8 &9.9.60 1.11.60 8.2; 21 &23.9: 26.10.60 11.4.60 24.3: 12.12.60 9.9.60 9.11.60 17.5; 26.7; 13.12.60 15.3.60 23.S; 1.11.60 8.2; 19.11.60 7.4.60 3.5.60 13.7.60 25.8.60 6.6.60 16.2.60 16.2.60 26.7; 13.12.60 1.11.60 11.1.60 23.9.60 19.11.60 8.12.60 2 6 .1 3 .1 2 .6 0 13.6; 4.7; 8 & 9.11.60 12.12.60 16.2.60 16.2.60 9.9.60 13.1; 9.9.60 4.7.60 26.“ .60 18.2.60 13.4; 31.5.60 25.8.60 23.3; 21.9; 26.10.60 23.9; 26.10.60 7.12.60 26.11.60 7.4.00 4.7.O0 8 &9.11.60 I SOLOISTS Dupre, Marcel (organ) Duval. Denise (soprano) EA R N SH A W , Margaret (singer) Edwards, A nne (singer) Elliott, Victoria (singer) English, Gerald (tenor) Erskine, Thomas (clarinet) Evans, Edgar (tenor) Evans, Geraint (baritone) FE R N A N D I, Eugenio (singer) Ferrier, Kathleen (contralto) Filacuridi, N (tenor) Firkusny, Rudolf (piano) © F isch er-D ieskau, D (baritone) Ford, John (singer) Fretwell, Elizabeth (soprano) Freudenthal, Otto (piano) Frick, Gottlob (bass) G A L L IV E R , David (tenor) Garatti, Maria Teresa (harpsichord) Gedda, Nicolai (tenor) Gitlis, Ivry (violin) Gledhill, Jack (side-drum) Glossop, Peter (baritone) G oddard, Jeannette (soprano) Godfrey, Roy (singer) Golding, Richard (singer) Goldsbrough, Arnold (harpsichord) y43oossens, Leon (oboe) ^ ^ i o y , Grace (contralto) ' Graffman, Gary (piano) Grandjany. Marcel (harp) Grayston, Jean (contralto) G reene, Eric (tenor) " " " Grey, Bob (horn) G ueden, Hilde (soprano) Guest, Douglas (organ) HAAS, Monique (piano) H ammond, Joan (soprano) Flandt, H erbert (tenor) Hankin, George (continuo) Hargreaves, John (singer) Harper, H eather (soprano) 26.1; 13.12.60 1.9.60 7.4.60 18.11.60 21.9.60 8 &22.4.60 6.6.60 31.5.60 25.8.60 1.11.60 1.11.60 26.8.60 26.1.60 26.7; 4.10; 13.12.60 20.5.60 26.9.60 1.7.60* 1.10.60 25.5; 8 &9.9.60 1.7.60 16.2.60 27.2.60 10.12.60 21.9.60 10.3; 11.11.60 1.7.60 20.5.60 22.6.60 13.12.60 12.4.60 25.1.60 26.1.60 8.4.60 8.9.60 Musical Times 11.60 6.6.60 26.7; 13.12.60 Musical Times 11.60 ^ ^1° 22.1; 16.7.60 8.2.60 27.6; 4.7.60 7.4.60 25.3; 18 & 19.11.60 27.6; 4.7; 9.9; 10.11.60 ^ . 6>o SOLOISTS Harrison. Lric (piano) 15.2.60 Harshavv. Margaret (singer) 22.9; 1.10.60 Harwood, Elizabeth (soprano) 4.4; 1.11.60 Hauxveil, John (baritone) 2.4.60 Heifetz, J (violin) 15.3.60 Hemsley. Thomas (baritone) 24.5; 13.6.60 Hendl (piano) 15.3.60 Herbert. William (f' e n c D 24.3; 7.4.60 Herincx. Raimund (bass) picture on 20.9; 26.9; 26.10.60 Heylings. Margaret (singer) 4.4.60 Hoelscher. L.udwig (cello) 16.2.60 Hoengen, Llizabeth (mezzo) 31.5.60 FIdffgen. Marga (contralto) 17.9.60 Holm. Richard (singer) 17.9.60 Holmes. Donald (bass-baritone) 10.11; 8.12.60 Holmes. John (bass) 25.3; 10.12 & 18.11; 15.12.60 Horsley. Colin (piano) 6.6.60 Horszowski (piano) 26.1.60 Hotter. Hans (bass-baritone) 22.9.60 Hunt. Donald (organ) 25.2; 22.6.60 Hunter. Christine (singer) 2.12.60 INGATE. David (organ) 25.2.60 JACKSON. Dr.Francis (organ) 23.5; 4.7.60 " (harpsichord & chamber organ) 27.6.60 James. 1for ( h o r n ) 2 5.1.60 Jarvis, Caleb (organ) 22.12.60 Jeans. Susi (organ) 3.2.60 Jenkins. Florence Foster (soprano) 9.1.60 John. Llewellyn (singer) 10.11.60 Johnson. Patricia (singer) 26.10.60 Jones. Fred (bass) 11.4.60 Joyce, Kathleen (mezzo) 15.12.60 June. Ava (soprano) 25.3.60 KALLIR. Lilian (piano) 26.3.60 Katchen. Julius (piano) 21.3; 19.4; 26.7; 13.10.60 Katin. Peter (piano) 2.5.60 Katz. Mindru (piano) 26.1.60 Kell, Iris (singer) 23.3.60 Kentish. John (singer) 26.8.60 Kimber. Beryl (violin) BBC "Prom" programme note 10.9.60 Kirkpatrick, Ralph (harpsichord) 1 8 . 6 . Knight, Alice (continuo) 11.4.60 Kraus. O takar (baritone) 31.5; 17.9.60 Krebs. Helmut (tenor) 24.5.60 i ( 6 0 » , SOLOISTS Kuchta, Gladys (singer) LAM M ERS, G erd a (s^fifv^ Langdon, Michael (bass-baritone) Lanza, Mario (tenor) Lavelle, Eunice (soprano) Lawrenson, John (singer) Lazzari, Agostino (singer) Lechner, Irmgard (harpsichord) Lewis, Bray ton (singer) Lewis, Richard (tenor) Lewis, Ronald (singer) Lidka, Maria (violin) Ligabue, Ilva (singer) C -L on d on , George (baritone) Loose, Emmy (soprano) Ludwig, Christa (mezzo) Lush, Ernest (piano) M A C D O N A LD , Kenneth (tenor) Maddcks, James (violin & piano) Malbin, Elaine (singer) Malcolm, George (harpsichord) __ Malcuzynski (piano) Mandikian, A rda (soprano) Manton, Stephen (tenor & elder brother of EB) Maran, George (singer) Marchai, André (organ) Marschner, Wolfgang (violin) Marshall, Gillian (singer) —»Mason, David (trumpet) ^ivlatth ew s, Denis (piano) Maud, leonard (tenor) McMoon,, Cosme (piano) Menuhin, Hephzibah (violin) " , Yehudi (violin) Merrill, Robert (baritone) Michelow, Sybil (contralto) Miller, Kevin ( f è n ^ r ) Milligan, James (bhstfotty .Martin (piano) Mills, June (oboe & piano) Mitchell, Ena (sobr-uvc) Modesti, Giuseppe (singer) M oore, Gerald (piano) M oore-Bridger, John (organ) " " " £ p -i c im û ) 2 31.5.60 31.5.60 31.5; 17.9.60 26.7.60 18.11.60 23.3.60 22.10.60 24.5.60 7.6.60 4.10.60 20.5.60 1.7.60-* 25.8.60 16.2.60 26.7.60 26.1.60 24.5.60 26.9.60 20.10.60 20.5.60 1.11.60 15.11.60 20.6.60 12.4.60 13.6.60 23.5.60 25.6.60 7.4.60 4 . 6 . 6 0 16.1; 8.2; 7.9.60 9.11.60 9.1.60 9.11.60 13.12.60 13.12.60 7.4; 10.11.60 3.5.60 22.12.60 11.11.60 20.10.60 24.3.60 26.8.60 13.7; 4.10; 13.12.60 8.4.60 Z 'o .S .U ) <ul SOLOISTS Morey, C ynthia (singer) Morison. Elsie (soprano) Mountain. Peter (violin) Mumby. Prank (vontinuo) "(h arpsicho rd ) Murphy. Celine (singer) Maurice (trum pet NAGEL, Robert (trum pet) Nash, John Meddle (tenor) Naylor. Elsie (contralto) Naylor. Pamela (singer) Neaman. Yfrah (violin) Newton. Ivor (piano) Nisbett, Margaret (scpro/vi} O G D O N . John (piano) Oncina, Juan (tenor) Ottolini (tenor) Owen. Robert (singer) PACE, Mito Truccato (singer) Panerai, Rolando (baritone) Parikian. M anoug (violin) Parkinson, Edgar (bass) Parsons, Geoffrey (piano) Patzak, Julius (tenor) Pearmain, Andrew (counter-tenor) Pears, Peter (tenor) Penner. Terry (singer) Perrin, Ronald (organ) Peters, Roberta (singer) Phillips, Rosemary (contralto) Pierce, Judith (singer) Pilarczyk, Helga (soprano) Pini. Anthony (cello) Poell, Alfred ( b a s s ) Poliak. A nna (mezzo) Pollini, Maurizio (piano) Poulter. Eileen (soprano) Powell. Joseph (singer) Procter, Norma (contralto) Puddv, Keith (clarinet) R A E B U R N , A ndrew (singer) Raisbeck, Rosina (soprano) Redshaw, Alec (piano) Rehfuss, Heinz (bass-baritone) 3.5.60 4.10; 22.12.60 8.4; 12.11.60 10.3.60 12.4.60 25.3.60 10.3.60 7.6.60 24.3.60 9.3.60 7.4.60 25.6.60 8.2.60 (picture) 20.9.60 6.10.60 21.7; 25.8.60 23.8.60 7.4.60 21.7.60 17.5.60 13.7.60 18.11.60 13.1.60 1.11.60 2.4.60 24.5; 13.6; 1.11; 22.12.60 2.12.60 11.4; 27.6.60 13.12.60 12 &25.7.60 25.3.60 5.9.60 1.11.60 26.7; 13.12.60 18.11.60 13.12.60 10.3; 7.9; 15.12.60 20.9.60 23.5; 12.11.60 10.12.60 1.11.60 5.11.60 23.5.60 27.6.60 ( ( SOLOISTS Remedies, Alberto (tenor) Rex, Sheila (s3p/‘£,«'w?) Reynolds, Peter (singer) Rhodes, Keith (organ) Ricci, Ruggiero (violin) Richards, Geroge (piano) Richardson, Arnold (organ) Richter, Sviatoslav (piano) Richter-Haase (piano) Robertson, Duncan (tenor) Robeson, Paul (bass) Robson, Ann (singer) Rose, Leonard (cello) ^ Rostropovich (cello) Rota, A nna-M aria (singer) Rouleau, Joseph (bass) Rowlands, Alan (piano) Rubinstein, A rtur (piano) SCARPINI, Pietro (harpsichord) Schiller, Allan (piano) Schmidt, Annerose (piano) Seed, A rthur (piano) Serkin, Rudolf (piano) Shacklock, Constance (mezzo) Shaw, Watkins (harpsichord C ontinuo) Sheppard, H onor (soprano) Shilling, Eric (baritone) Shuard, Amy (soprano) Siepi, C (bass) ^ S i m o n , Elizabeth (soprano) Simoneau, Leopold (tenor) Sinclair, Jeannette (soprani?) " Monica (contralto) Smith, Keith (singer) Michael (singer) Spencer, Sylvia (oboe) Spinks, Charles (harpsichord) Stalman, Roger (bass) Standen, Richard (bass) Steel, Suzanne (singer) Steffanone, Marco (singer) Stern, Isaac (violin) Stewart, Job (singer) Stolze, G erhard (tenor) S l 'V k d / 25.3.60 17.6.60 2.12.60 7.4.60 19.4.60 12.12.60 23.11.60 15.3.60 15.3.60 10.3; 15.12.60 29.4.60 18&19.11.60 15.3.60 26.7.60 21.7; 25.8.60 22.10.60 5.12.60 26.7; 15.11.60 24.6.60 30.8.60 28.3.60 9.11.60 26.1.60 1.10.60 8.9.60 7 & 11.4.60 3.5; 23.9.60 22.9; 1.10.60 13.12.60 22.4; 13.7.60 13.12.60 22.10.60 26.4; 26.8.60 19.11.60 19.11.60 11.4.60 4.7.60 10.3; 1.11.60 22.4; 4.7.60 18.11.60 25.8.60 15.3; 5.9.60 1.7.60 17.9.60 . rueQo2 \k SOLOISTS Stuart, Joan (singer) Studholme, Marion (soprano) Sumsion, D r.H erbert (piano) Sutherland, Joan (soprano) Szeryng, Henryk (violin) Szigeti (violin) TA T TER SA L L. Norman (baritone) Tebaldi, Renata (soprano) Thomas. Marjorie (contralto) Nancy (contralto) Robert (singer) Tozzi, Giorgio (bass) Tschaikovsky, André (piano) Ts'O ng Fou (piano) Tuckwell, Barry (horn) Tunnell, John (violin) U H D E , H erm ann (bass-baritone VA LLETTI, C'esare (singer) Vartenissian, S (singer) Vaughan. Elizabeth (soprano) Veasev, Jospehine (mezzo) Vegh, Sandor (violin) Vickers. Jon (tenor) Vinco, lvo (bass) Vogel. Margalit (piano) Vronsky, Vitya (piano) Vyvyan. Jennifer (soprano) W A K E FIE LD , John (tenor) Wallace, Ian (bass-baritone) Ward. David (bass) Paul (cello) W aterman. Ruth (violin) Watson. G o rdon (piano) W'atts, Helen (contralto) Weaving, John (tenor) Weisz. R obert (piano) Westcott. Fredrick (bass) W heeler, John (bass) Whittaker. Alec (oboe) Whitworth, John (counter-tenor) Wicks. Allan (organ) Wilkomirska, W anda (violin) Wilson. Betty (singer) C atherine (soprano) 'Vli\ci \aJ //¿n£ï) WMf,V=A*K. ( « g q 1 Z WccdlOAd, Ktuz. 23.3: 21.9.60 26.10.60 9.9.60 23 &26.8; 22.10; 13.12.60 26.7.60 15.11.60 12.4.60 16.2.60 13.6; 8 &17.9; 4.10.60 13.4.60 5.11.60 26.4; 13.12.60 5.12.60 19.4.60 29.2.60 11.4.60 17.9; 1.10.60 13.12.60 1.11.60 9.11.60 17.5; 14.7; 17.9.60 26.1.60 26.4.60 17.5; 23.8.60 15.12.60 4.10.60 8, 13 &26.4: 1 0 & 12.11.60 10 & 12.11.60 21.7.60 23.3; 26.8; 17 &22.9; 1.11.60 12.4.60 9.5.60 21.10.60 15.2: 11.4; 1.11.60 3.5; 18.11.60 12.12.60 7.4.60 12.4: 25.5.60 6.6.60 10.3.60 9.2.60 18.1.60 7.6.60 23.9.60 2 2 9 <I lO. Uo “ ¿ '¿ .„ .t e 2.3 j <c,e i VENUES ALDEBURGH: Jubilee Hall 13.6.60 B R A D F O R D : St.George's Hall 11 &16.1; 27.2; 21 &26.3; 2,7,9 * 2 5 .4 ; 29.10; 5,10 10.12 Midland Hotel 13.1; 9.3; 16.11; 12.10.60 Alhambra 20, 21, 23 &26.9.60 C A M B R ID G E : Guildhall 30.11.60 CHELTENHAM: Town Hall 11,12,13,14,15,16.7.60 E D IN B U R G H : Freemasons' Hall 27.8.60 King's Theatre 25 &26.8; 1.9.60 Reid School of Music 30.8.60 U sher Hall 23 &30.8; 5.9.60 GLYNDEBOURNE: O pera House 21.7.60 HARROGATE: Royal Hall 19.7.60 H U D D E R S F IE L D : Town Hall 6.10; 12.11; 22.12.60 C h ULL: City Hall 22.4.60 ILKLEY: King's Hall 20.10.60 K EIG H LEY : Temperance Hall 20.1; 10.2.60 LEEDS: Harewood House 4.7.60 Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane 18.11.60 Temple Newsam 23.5; 25.7.60 City A rt Gallery 20.10; 10 & 11.11; 15 & 22.12.60 Hostel o f the Resurrection 10.12.60 G rand Theatre ^ 23 &25.3; 3.5; 18 &19.11.60 University/4,9,12 &18.2; 10.3; 7.4; 20 &21.10;(8,17,19 &23.11; 8.12.60 * Parish Church 3 &25.2; 25.5; 22.6; 9 &10.11; 7 &28.12.60 Town Hall 18 &25.1; 8,15,19 &29.2; 24 &28.3; 12,18 &29.4; 2.5; 24.10; 7,10,12 &14.11; 5, 12 & 15.12.60 LEEDS: St.Margaret's Hall, Horsforth 9.11.60 LIV ER PO O L: Philharmonic Hall 13.4.60 — LONDON: Sadlers Wells Theatre 26.10.60 W estminster Abbey » «-7.6.60 Royal Albert Hall 10.9.60 Royal Festival Hall 9.11.60 Royal O pera House, Covent G arden 17 &31.5; 17 &22.9; 1 &22.10.60 N EW YORK: St.Thomas* Church 26.1.60 OXFORD: Town Hall 2.12.60 PARIS: St.Sulpice 13.12.60 ST R A T FO R D : Memorial Theatre 6.6.60 W A K E FIE LD : T hornes HoUse Hall 4.4.60 Cathedral 9.5.60 W ORCESTER: Cathedral 6 &7.9.60 " Musical Times 11.60 YORK: Theatre Royal 1.7.60 Minster 11.4; 23.5; 17,24,25 &27.6; 1 & 4 . 7 . 6 0 j ^ ^ 4 | y y ^ A < ^ 2 3 | t K Church o f St.Michael-le-Belfry 15, 17,18,20 &24.6; 1.7.60<iY?iAff2(7(/«£ RicUtc? G"n-e<w«v 2 -S:,S; i S. 10.60 i M ercW s' «20$ -i? .. (?, t?c l <2 H-ctutu-ii S lo flc Rs&hi \jd l vveQ, (5 l M IS C E L L A N E O U S ** H ALLE prospectus 1959-60; EB has article in and reflects o n ............... **LEEDS Philharmonic Concert Prospectus 1959-60............................ **M USICAL predictions: a squabble o f music critics 2.1.60 **AI SO Sprach Zarathustra; program m e notes., retlections on 19.1.60 **CRI I ICS & Criticism, more on 2.2.60 * * E B compères Leeds Town Hall concert (reviewed by L.H eber Bruce )8.2.60 **LETTER S re review 10.2; (on 12,20 &24.2 all attached) **ALLAM. Dr.Edward: lecture on Ravel 12.2.60 ** WES LEY. S.S. 23.2.60 ::* H A R E W O O D , Lord: Edinburgh Festival artistic director designate 16.3.60 **E D IN B U R G H Festival 1960 preview ~ 17.3.60 **S1NGERS" training, especially Rossini singers 22.3.60 ""M O M EN TS Musicaux: unexpected thrill o f the familiar 12.4.60 **S1BELIUS: Riddle o f 8th Symphony; H arold Johnson's book 3.5.60 **LE TTER S re EB review 9.5 on applause in church; attached to review 11-14.5.60 ** M O M EN TS Musicaux 10.5.60 **B A RB IR O LLl, Lady writes fulsome appreciative note to EB 12.5.60 **CO M EDY in music 17.5.60 ** P R IN T E R S ' Howlers 31.5.60 ** BO ULEZ, Schoenberg, A.Goehr, Stravinsky, Giulini: biographical notes 1.6.60 **M O Z A R T : Dr.Eric Schenk's book on 7.6.60 **L IT U R G IC A L dram a & mystery plays 14.6.60 M A U D E . Edward suggests Leeds Festival perform Delius' Appalachia Variations 15' ¿>0 **" " " attached to EB on Leeds Festival suggestions 21.6.60 **A PPA LA CH IA : further letter, attached to the above 24.6.60 **Y O U N G , Kenneth: appointed as YP editor (biography) 24.6.60 ** M O Z A R T . Mahler.Bruckner, Schoenberg, late Renaissance & Baroque music & Amsoc*.* " : DIV IN E melodious truth: the nightingale's song 16.7.60 **BA RD G ETT. Herbert Musical Times 7.60 ** M A U D E , Edward: 80th birthday tribute 7 or 8.60 ii!*11A RE W O O D . Lord: profile in G erm an in Englische Rundschau by EB 29.7.60 **ED IN G TO N Festival^serxNce book (£cloxÆm f i V a i Ci-^-cA 30.8-4.9.60 **TH R EE Choirs preview ^ 6.9.60 :*MUS1C seasons ahead nationally: preview 27.9.60 : SE I BE R. Matvas: obituary 27.9.60 **NEW' Oxford History of Music Vol.3 1300-1540 6.10.60 *'“CAR DU S' essays, impending publication of; EB's working life in letter 8.10.60 "B EET H O V E N : the riddle of. o ther interpolators, 11.10.60 **EB joins Committee of Institute of Journalists 20.10.60 ' SAMPSON, Chris: vicar of Leeds resignation; friend of EB 24.10.60 **O PERA production 25.10.60 * *CO N T E M PO R A R Y music: the need to hear it played 8.11.60 **BETJEM A N speaks on Leeds architecture, EB attends 11.11.60 "’ DELIUS: Bradford's need to know (L ea d e r page) 12.11.60 ,m ( M ISC E L L A N E O U S **MUMBY, Frank: lecture-recital on Satie 12.11.60 **BOOKS: Roman Vlad's Stravinsky; Memories & Commentaries 22.11.60 **Reader's Letter 22.11.60 **B ERN STEIN , L: Book on The Joy of Music incl.TV scripts on Betthoven 5, Jazz & modern music; also The G reat Masters series & books on Nutcracker & Swan Lake 2H-. ll,bO **SIBELIUS symphonies particularly 4th & oth er works & T.Hannikainen 29.11.60 **G O EH R , Walter; obituary 5.12.60 **20th C E N T U R Y music; evolution of 20th century harmony; Oxford School Harmony Course., books on 20.12.60 e c . . . . » - . . . . . . . . CONDUCTORS Barbirolli, Sir John 10.10.60 Barker, John 22.3.60 O R C H E S T R A S & C H O R U S E S Sadlers Wells 22.3.60 Hallé 10.10,60 COM POSERS BARTÓK (Q uartet No.6)programme note 16.6.60 Beethoven (Overture, Fidelio) " " " 24.11.60 Beethoven (Overtures, Egmont; & Coriolanus; Symphonies 4 &7) 10.10.60 ^Brahms (Quartet in C minor O p.51 N o.l)program m e note 16.6.60 Britten (Nocturne) " " " 24.11.60 D V O R A K (Requiem ) program m e note with review 10.11 60 F R IC K E R (The Vision of Judgem ent) program m e note 12.4.60 H A N D E L (Messiah) programme note with review 15.12 15.12.60 Haydn ( Q u a r t e t in G major Op.54 N o.l)program m e note 1^76.60 M A H L E R (Symphony No.7)programm e note with review 18 10.60 M U S SO R G SK Y -R A V E L (Pictures from an Exhibition)prograrnme note 24.11.60 ROSSINI (Cinderella) 22.3.60 SC A R LA TTI (20 Sonatas) program m e note 18.6.60 Schubert (Symphony No.9 in C) " " 29.9.60 Sibelius (" *" No.7 in C) " " 24.11.60 Strauss (Also Sprach Zaráthustra) " " 26.1.60 — Beethoven (Quartets in F O p .18 No.l & E flat O p.l27)program me notes 14.6.60 S O L O IS T S CLARKSON, Stanley (bass) 22.3.60 Creighton, Nancy (singer) 22.3.60 DAVIES, Gerald (tenor) 22.3.60 Dowling, Denis (singer) 22.3.60 H O W ELL, Gwynne (bass) 22.3.60 KERN, Patricia (contralto) 22.3.60 POLLAK, A nna (mezzo) 22.3.60 VENUES B R A D FO R D : St.G eorge’s Hall 10.10.60 LEEDS: G ran d Theatre 22.3.60 M IS C E L L A N E O U S Note from YP editor re not altering EB‘s work 18.1.60 Britten's Rape o f Lucretia: preview Radio Times 21-27.2.60 "New I_x3ok" Prorgs previewed Radi') Times 12.8.60 Post Card from 1x-eds) re & attachd to EB article 8.3 8.3.60 Letter from Alfred Deller (counter-tenor) 8.11.60 Letter from Vicar o f Leeds, Rev.Chris Sampson 10.11.60 EB introduces Leeds Town Hall concert 6.2,60 Doris A nderton (singer) requests professional advice 26.5.60 C orrespondence re F B ’s contribution to Penauin Books' Choral Music 6.59-20.12.. Letter from Musical Times editor Robin Hull asking EB to write on Bardgett; CV of H erbert Bardgett attached 2.5.60 EB's article for the Music Teacher on National Youth Brass Band of GB)8.5.60 (Ccfítlén on 4 readers’ suggestions (in c l.^ f^ -B gnrv^ o f Leeds University) on favourite music to accompany & attachd to ñ f i ’s feature M om ents Musicaux 12.4.60 f* j i c r o-^wrvv-i. |x c w \ R j x J-' u : luttviZol \ c\(oC