4 . * . * . I I OPERATIC ANTHOLOGY i SERIES FIVE GOYESCAS. s. (1916) E. Grannda La Mala y el Rulsesor. The Msja and the Nlghtbgale. Tenor. .................... .50 HERMES. 1. (1906) Invoe~zlonea Venere. Invocation toVenus. High. .............. . ............s ,. .60 B. Smetann HUBICKA. g. (1876) Bohemian Cmdle-Song. Vendnlka's CradleSong. Hlgh or Medium.. .............. 3 I ... PAGtlADC1. (Cod'@ R. h n c a m l l o - ) R o t a u s : 91 pub? Baritone @nglirh lcxl A. & St rolal, B d f o ~ e[Engl~llrhlcrl by c~pprarmffl~.~. Serenade: 0 Columbina. Tenor. .......... 9. -. .............. i I i ... JEAN DE VIVELLE. f. (1880) L. Dellbe# Tant que le four dure. Memo-Soprano.. .. .50 THE JEW&LS OF THE MADONNA. I. (1911) E. Wolf-Fsrrari / Aprlla, o bell.. Rafhele'sSerenade. Tenor, Baritone.. ............................. .75 Bacio dI lama. Rafaele's Lme-Song .Tenor Baritone.. ............................. .75 Benedicimi tu. Gennaco'a Prayer. Tenor.. .SO KHOVANSWHINA. f. (18851 M. Moursorgky Chant de Marthe. Martha's Song. Medium or Lon............................ .75 La Divination pari'eau. Divination by Water. Low. ................ .... ... .75 . . . . . . . MARIA DI ROHAN. i. (1843) G. Donlzettl Mma wave e can. Tenor. ................ .SO DAS NACAIWGER IN G W A D A . g. (1839) C Kreutzer Ein &hUtz' bin lch. Tenor. .............. .SO NATOMA. (1911) V. Herbert Beanre of the Hawk, my Baby. A n Indian ~ u l h b y . Soprano. ..................... .50 I Ust the trill in golden throat. SoprSno, Me?m-Soprano. ............. ..... .75 I n my dreama. Tenor. Baritone. .......... .SO Serenade. When the Sunlight Dies. . Raritone., ................................. .54 OSTERIA. 1. (1840) G. Lillo Domani, o me fellce. Mezzo-Soprano or h r l t o n e ............................... -50 O'ITONE. i. (1723) G. FAria di Gimonda. Mezzo-Sopmno. ....... A0 PAGLIACCI. 1. (1892) R. Leoncav*lla Vesti h glubba. Artoso. Tenor In E minor, Tenor in D minor. ...................... .H Quai fismma avea nel guardo! Ballatella. . Soprano. ................................ .75 . . . PREQOSA. g. L (1821) C. M. v. Weber Elnuam bin ich, &ht.nneine. M~ZZO-SOprmno .................................. .30 PRINCE IGOR. f (1889) A. Borodlne Lentement baissa le four. Slowly the daylight departs. High. ................... -75 p$yc~Lf. (1857) A. Thomas 0 tol, qu'on dit plus belle. Soprano. ..... .35 -AMISTO. 1. (1720) G. F. Aandel Arla dl Poliasena. Invocation. Soprano, Me-Soprano ......................... REGINELLA. I. (1871) G. Brng Belle del tuo arrrbo. Recltarivo nod Roman=. Baritone.. .................... .SO LA REINE DE SAM. (1862) Ch. Gounod She alone chacmeth my ~ d n e a s . Baritone, am Bmw. ................................... .40 1. (1831) G. Meyer R O B ~ ' LE T DIABLE. "Va, VP, va!" dit elle. Sopmno.. #by BLAS. I. ........... (1869) Ai miei rivnii cedere. Baritone. ........... -60 SI J'~TAIs ROI. 1. (1852) .................. A. Adam J'ignore son nom. Low. .35 SNI~OUROTCHKA. (18E2) N. Rlmaky-Kormkok LlttIe Snowtl&a Arietta. High.. ......... -10 Song of the ShepherdLeU. High or Medium .50 SOSARME. 1. (1732) G. F. Handel Rendi'l aareno a1 cigllo. Sopmno, Alto.. .. .40 TOLOMEO. 1. (1728) G. F. Aandel Aria d'Eliaa. Soprano. .................... 50 TRISTAN AND ISOLDA. g. (1865) R. Wagner Inolda'a Love-Death. Soprano. ............ .7@ WILHELM VON ORAWN. g. (1846) K. A. F. Ecker Wenn Ich mit Mensehen und mit Engelazunpen redete. Soprano, Me--Soprano .5 All numben are published with English, In addition t o t h e original text. 1. g. f. 8. atnnd for itallan, G e r m , French, or Spanish text. The numersh In brackets indicate the year when the opern was firat performed. ( P c l e r w s w b trr U. 8. A.1 SCHIRMER, Inc. N E W YORK .: Pagliacci Drama i n Two Acts English v e ~ s i o n 6y Ifenry Gru,fton C h u p m a n Words and Music by I ! i Prlnted fnthe U.d. A. .. 1 Toni0 (uutting his head through the curtain) (bowing fromthe footlights) Largamente (advancine) Si - gno La T. - - re! ... dies Si and - ri!... Gen - tle men! gno - - Scn And the I to fore I san us <I - YOU; e j ~ he I - vo - i bids me di nuo - v a n once more ad I cot canto met-te I'aumask be cyms.s. - - h e , in par -tgei vuol ri so part -ly to re r - re; - ze, - age, au & -1 thorbring - pren - de - re vive for you- - - le the veo an - chit,- tique via - mi. dress you! II I R Un po'meno presto che nell' Introdn?cJ.= so) T. But not to ,>Le la - cri The tears we (1 a 0 I, r' non a1 tJ - lar - I I \ I - r1 - tell you, as of me che noi ver shall shed 'for vou m 0 J ,I ma - te - I vi!<< - - siam here I I I old, son are - fa1 - se! false ones! I I - 1 I I I I I 4- pin - ger - vi draw you a I Rssn. d -d- u bit - no of I - squar-cio life true sol ohe ar - tist l'ar - ti - sta,Bjn is first a scri - ve - rcei iUS:t8 de - I I di vi na to ,fen. L g i ~ per a mas- ki - ma 'Tis his cou -.vie - tion, the -. I , I 1 in - ve - ce ra - ther to I uom man, ve. - ta. ture! I zi bing il and tern - po sigh - ing 1 beat bat the - va - te time - for - no! him. I I So then, you'll see love show11- - ma - no gli.&seri,u - ma -ings do love each oth- I tri - sti frut-ti. dire - ful end-ing, I dre - te, reach you, -A; be you'll -eq Del do - lor 1 spa - si -mi, wit - nesswoe's sharp a - go-ny!, e ri - s a and scorn-ful . . . hu - man Cor a n ~ l . -- Vl. & Cl. s'a bc- as ci laugh - - - . - . d m -te de lb - dio i see,'too, of hat - red the - - li di rab - bi%u Howl-ings of rage will ur -ni - - che! - ter! , , . ..> . . . I . .., * " t I. 7 batu I let 10838 r -ne d'i - stri - o -mer-y of ao\ our hearts spea - - - - 'ni, -tors, no ra - ther . le r I I poi - - chi siam uo d'os blood. I - - st'or selves. fa we /Q/ - - - - sa, ni di e and, too. mon a r e breath - no - mi - do in^ a1 pa the air car - che di like you I ' que your I1 con-cet - to vi dis- si ... Now I've giv'n you the no-tion! > I e -. di uoi spi - r i a - mo of this world for- lorn and - ri Piu lento qyasi recitato l'ae - re! lone - ly! - ne ,. -,a .' . .,t .. '. , [I ' ' - :;.d . :' -'; $I ,,. ta plot - t& UII co - m'e- g1$ svol- to. - fold- it~g be-fore you. An - diam. Come on! In Let - co - nlin us be - cia gin, A - - 0 . 0 0 . OPERATIC ANTHOLOGY SERIES THREE ORFEO. I. (1762) C. W. v. Oluck . ,:. Che farb senzs Eurldice. Mezzo-Sopran?. Alto .................................... -75 ORFEO. I. (1607) C. Monleverde Tu sewmorta. Memo-Soprano or Baritone .30 G. Verdl LES PRCHEURS DE PERLES. f. (1863) G. Bizet D e mon amie, Reur endormb. Alto.. ...... .35 Je crois cntendre encore. Tenor.. .6(1 LA PERLE DU B R ~ S I L . f. (1851) F. David Charmant oiseau. Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano .5g PHILEMON ET BAUCIS. 1. (1860) Ch. G o u n d Au bruit des lourds marteaus. (Vulcan's Song.) Baritone. Bass.. ................ .50 PIQUE-DAME. e. (1890) P. Techalkonsky s evening. Duet. Soprano and Alto. . . . .SO 1 EUCTE. f. (1878) Ch. C o u d fi Vesta portez vos oflrandea. Soprano. Alto .35 LE PROPHETE. f. I. (1849) G. Meyerbecr Ah! m a n dln. Arioso. Mezzo-Soprmo.. ... .50 LA REINE DE SABA. f. (1862) Ch. Gounod Inspirez-moi. Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano. Alto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Soprano. Plus grand dens son obecurite. Mezzo-Soprano, ........................ .40 RIGOLETTO. i. e. (1851) C. Verdi Caro-nome che il mio cor. Soprano.. ...... 110 Ladonna & mobile. Tenor in B, Tenor in A, . ' ... .W Baritone in G.. .................. RINALDO. i. (1711) 12.F. HBndel Lascla ch"io planga. Soprano. Alto.. ...... .30 ROBERT LE DIABLE. f. (1831) G. Me erbeer Robert. to1 que j'aime. f. I. Soprano. d o .SO LE ROI DE LAHORE. f. 1. (1877) Y. Masaenet P r o m e w de mon avenlr. Baritone.. . : ..... .35 LE ROI L'A DIT. f . (1873) ' L. ,Delibea Dejh les hirondelles. Duet. Soprano and Mezzo-Soorano. ................... .40 ROMEO ET I. (1867) Ch. Gounod Ah! J e veux vlvre. f. I. Waltz Song. High Soprano, Soprano. Mezzo-Soprano.. ...... .SO Que fain-tu, hlanche tourterelle. f. i. Soorano. Mezzo-Soorano.. .............. - .a SAMSON ET DALILA. (1877) 0. Saint-SaBns Amour! viena alder. Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano.. ................................ Mon cocur s'ouvre 8. t a voix. Soprano. Mezzo-Soprano, Alto.. ................... .TO Printemoa Soorano. - oui . commence. ----. ~Mezzo~ ~ Soprano. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 SAPPHO. f. (1851) Ch. Gounod 0 m a lyre lmmortelle. Lioprano .?5 LA SEMIRAMIDE. I. (1748) C. W. V. Cluck Vieni che pol sereno. Soprano.. ........... .25 ........:... SEMIRAMIDE. i. (1823) Be1 raggio luninghier. Soprano. SIMON BOCCANEGRA. i. (1857) Il lacerato spirlto. Bsas or Baritone.. ........... .50 ...... .35 TANNHXUSER. 8. (184.5) ......... ~ i c Rtheure Halle. Soprano. .............. Y Baritone, 0 d u mein holder Abendstern. nass. Tenor.. ...........:............... :.k LA TRAVIATA. 1. Q.953) G. Verdi Ah. fora'e lui che l'anlma. Soprano.. ....... .a ~~~~. Di Provenza il mar, il suol. Baritone.. .50 ...... DER TROMPETER VON SXKKINGEN. g. (1884) V. Nessler Es h a t nicht wllen sein. Tenor or Soprano, MezzcrSoprano, Baritone. Baa8 . . . . . . . . . .40 IL TROVATORE. i. (18531 G. Verdi Ah! che la morte ognora. Tenor in Ab, Tenor T r a n l p d In F ................ .35 Si. la atanchezza m'opprlme. Duet. Alto and Tenor.. ............................ -? Stride la vampa! Mezzo-Soprano. ......... .35 I VESPRI SICILIAXI. 1. (1855) G. Verdi Merce. dilette amlche. Soprano, MezzoSoprano. ............................... .60 DIE WALKURE. g. e. (1870) R. Wagner Siegmunds Liebealied. Tenor i n B5. . . . . . . . ,40 XERXES. 1. e. (1738) G. F. H%ndel Ombra mai fu. Soprano in G, Mezzo-Soprano in E j . ............................ .35 DIE ZAUBERFL~TE. g. (1791) W. A. M e r t Ach. ~ c filhl's. h g. I. Soprano. . . . . -. ....... .S# . I n diesen heillgen Hallen. g. i. Bass.. . . . . . .30 0 Isls und Oslris. g. i. Bass.. .............. .25 ZEMIRE UND AZOR. 8. (1819) L. Spohr Tenor. BaiiRose, wie blst d u m reizend. tone.. .................................. 3 0 ... JULIEGE. i. ~ ~ ~ ~ . ill numbernare published wlth En@iah.in addition t o the original text. 1. g. f. stand for Itallan. German, or French text. The numerals in brackets indicate the year when the opera was .drat wrformed. ,, ,.r - --,:; :,? IM- ~DPIY to U. S. A:$>. . i I . . . SCHIRMER, Inc. ,. . t. 1' N E W YOR