Music Director Eve Queler to Conduct Her 100th Performance with
Music Director Eve Queler to Conduct Her 100th Performance with
THE OPERA ORCHESTRA OF NEWYORK For ImmediateRelease Contact:Cohn DutcherAssociates DanDutcher,9 17.339.7157, Lois I r, t ^---^ rr^1: Laura Malick. Music Director Eve Queler to ConductHer 100thPerformancewith The Opera Orchestraof New York, March 6o2008,8:00 p.m. Performanceto FeatureAll-Star Rosterof Singers Including SopranosRen6eFlemingoAprile Millo, and EgliseGutierrez; Mezzo-sopranoDolora Zajick; Tenor Marcello Giordani; BaritoneDanielMobbs"and manv others Renata Scotto to Host Who: Music Director Eve Queler and The Opera Orchestraof New York When: Thursday,March 6, 2008, 8:00 p.m. Where: CarnegieHall Tickets: Call The Opera Orchestraof New York Patron Services,212.799.1982;E-mail; Call Carnegie Charge,212.247.7800;or visit CarnegieHall box office (M-Sa. 11a.m.-6p.m.,Su. 12-6p.m.) PressTickets: Laura Malick, 9 17.339.7183, New York, NY- The OperaOrchestraof New York, led by Music Director Eve Queler,will hold a benefit galaconcertin honorof Ms. Queler's100'nperformance with the ensemble, Thursday. March 6. 2008at 8:00p.m. at Carneeie Hall. The eveningwill featurean all-starrosterof vocal soloists,many of whom have appearedwith The OperaOrchestraof New York over its37-yearhistory. Singerswill include sopranosRen6e Fleming,Aprile Millo, Latonia Moore, KrassimiraStoyanova,and Eglise Gutierrez;mezzo-sopranos Dolora Zajick and JenniferLarmore;tenorsMarcello Giordani,GiuseppeFilianoti, and Bryan Hymel; and baritone Daniel Mobbs. RenataScottowill host the event.Repertoirewill includeworks of Rossini,Donizetti, Meyerbeer,Ponchielli,Cilda,Verdi, Pucciniandothercomposers. Music Director Eve Quelersays,"I am honoredthat the orchestrais celebratingmy 100thperformance,and I look forward to continuingto sharemy lqve of operawith New York audienceswith a greatorchestra, exceptionalsoloists,andrepertoirefrbm world classcomposers." Artists Music Director Eve Oueler As Music Director of The OperaOrchestraof New York, Eve Quelerhasconductedover 90 operasin concert at CarnegieHall. Standingout amongher rnanysuqcesses are Wagner'sRienzi andTristan und Isolde, Berlioz'sBenvenutoCellini, Smetana's Dalibor, and Strauss'sDie Liebeder Danae. Shereceivedone of the highestawardspresentedby the Frenchgovernmentwhen shewas nameda Chevalierde I'Ordre desArts et desLettresby the FrenchMinister of Culture for her commitmentto Frenchoperas.MaestroQueleralso receivedthe prestigiousTouchstoneAward from WomenIn Music,Inc., in recognitionof her visionaryspirit as one of the "Women Who Make a Difference." r3 Ren6eFleming. soDrano Ren6eFleming hasa devotedinternationalfollowing whereversheappears,whetheron the operaticstage,in concertor recital,on television,radio,or on disc.In 1999,shewon a GrammyAward for her Deccarecording TheBeautiful Voice.Musical America namedMs. Flemingits 1997Vocalist of the Year, and L'Academiedu DisqueLyrique in 1996awardedher its inaugural(Sir Georg)Solti Prize. Sir Georgoncenoted,"Quite apart from the sheerlyrical beautyof voice, (Ms. Fleming)hasan innatemusicianshipwhich makesevery performancea greatjoy." Aprile Millo" soprano SopranoAprile Millo's operaticroleshaveincludedthe title role in Verdi's Aida with both the Utah (operatic debut)and Karlsruhe(Europeandebut)operacompanies,as well as Ernani in Elvira at La Scala.Her roles with The MetropolitanOperahaveincludedElizabettain Don Carlo, Desdemonain Otello, Leonorain 1/ Trovatore,the title role in Aida, andGiseldain I Lombardi. Krassimira Stoyanova.soprano Bulgarian sopranoKrassimiraStoyanovastudiedvoice at the Plodiv Music Academy.Shemadeher professionaldebutin 1995at the OperaNational de Sofiya,whereshesanga wide rangeof repertory, including Rigoletto (Gilda), Le Nozzedi Figaro (Susanna),Il Guarany(Cecilia),I Fosca (Delila), La Juive (Rachel),LaClemenzadiTito (Vitellia) andldomeneo(Ilia).Ms. StoyanovahasperformedYiolettainLa Traviata at The Metropolitan,Grdfin at National Oper Helsinki, Rachelin La Juive at New Israeli Operain Tel Aviv, and DonnaAnna in Don Giovanniat TeatroColon. BuenosAires. + Eqlise Gutierrez. soprano Eglise Gutierrezmakesher SeattleOperadebutin the 2007-2008Seasonas Elvira in Bellini's I Puritani. Recentroles in the United Statesincludethe title role of Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoorat Connecticut Opera,Delibes'sLaloneat CarnegieHall with The OperaOrchestraof New York, and the Fairy Godmotherin Massenet'sCendrillon at SantaFe Opera.The Cuban-Americansopranohasalso sungLucia di Lammermoor for Operade Colombiaand for TeatroCol6n in BuenosAires, Argentina. Dolora Zaiiclc mezzo-soprano Dolora Zajickis well-known for her interpretationsof Amneris and Eboli (in Verdi's Aida andDon Carlo, respectively).Other Verdi roles Ms. Zajicc.hasperformedincludeUlrica in Un Ballo in Mascheraand Lady Macbethrn Macbeth.Shehasalso ap$earedas the Princessin Cilea'sAdriana Lecouvreur,Marfa in in Mascagnl'sCavalleriaRusticana, in Dvorak'sRusalkn,Sant:uzza Moussorgsky'sKhovanshchina,Jezlbaba with Frbncisco Opera, shehas sungwith such San and Adalgisain Bellini's Norma. Sinceher debut companiesas The MetropolitanOpera,Lyric Operaof Chicago,HoustonGrandOpera,La Scala,and Covent Garden. Marcello Giordani. tenor i a wide and diverse Hailed as an extraordinarilyversatileartist, Marcello Giordani's repertoryencompasses rangeof roles,a list that spansthe Bel Cantoheroesof Donizetti and Bellini to the more dramaticroles of Verdi and Puccini.In demandby the world's major operahousesand symphonyorchestras,Giordani opened The MetropolitanOpera's2006-2007seasonsingingPinkertonin the company'snew productiopof Madama Butte(Iy, directedby Anthony Minghella. Giordaniwill openThe Met's 2007-2008Seasonas Edgardoin Donizetti'sLucia di Lammermoor.Hewill alsoappearin a revivalof Puccini'sManqt Lescautandmakehis debutin the title role in Verdi's Ernani. GiuseppeFilianoti. tenor Italian tenor GiuseppeFilianoti hasperformedon many of the world's greatstages,suchas Teatroalla Scala in Milan, Teatrodell'Opera in Rome,The MetropolitanOpera,Maggio Musicalein Florence,The Royal OperaHouse,CoventGarden,and at the RossiniOperaFestival.Among Mr. Filianoti's memorable performancesareLa Traviata at Wiener Staatsoper, TeatroReal,in Madrid, and StaatsoperZurich. He has performedFaust at DeutscheOper Berlin, L'Elisir d'amore in Barcelonaand Toulouse,La Favorita in Bolognaand Genoa,andLucia di Lammermoorin Turin, Barcelona,and Palermo. Bryan Hvmel. tenor Bryan Hymel hasappearedas Pollione in Norma with Union AvenueOpera;the Duke in Rigolettowith Opera GrandRapids;OperaBirminghamandthe AspenOperaTheaterCenter(underthe batonof MasetroJulius Rudel); and as Tamino in Die Zauberflritewith OperaGrandRapids.For the New OrleansOperaAssociation, Mr. Hymel hassungDon Ottavio in Don Giovanni,Froh in Das Rhinegold,andArturo in Lucia di Lammermoor.Atthe Kimmel Centerin Philadelphia,Mr. Hymel was the tenor soloistfor A Colonial Holiday last Decemberand sangHandel'sMessiahwith SingingCity in 2006. Daniel Mobbs. baritone Daniel Mobbs hasappearedwith New York City Operaas Douglasin La Donna del Lago and as Marcello in La Bohime. He sangthe role of Marcello in La Bohdmein the 2006-2007Seasonwith New OrleansOpera, and also appearedas Sharplessin MadamaButterfly with ConnecticutGrandOpera.He madehis Florida GrandOperadebutin 2007as Alfonso in Cosifan tutte.Inthe summerof 2007,Mr. Mobbs performedthe role of Togod in the American Premiereof PascalDusapin'sFaustus,the Last Night at the SpoletoFestivalin Charleston,SouthCarolina. Renata Scotto.Host RenataScotto'slong and successfuloperaticcareeris markedby a rare combinationof dramaticintensity and vocal flexibility that allows her to traversea wide variety of styles.In 1952,shemadeher debutas Violetta (La traviata) at the TeatroNuovo, followed by her La Scaladebutas Walter in La Wally. Shelater returnedto La Scala,and,in 1957,replacedMaria CallasasAmina in La Sonnambula.In1960,Ms. Scottodebutedat the ChicagoLyric Operaas Mimi (La bohdme),followed by her CoventGardendebutin 1962as Puccini's CioCio San(MadamaButterfly). Ms. Scotto'r MetropolitanOperadebutwas in 1965,also in Butte(Iy, and, duringthe nexttwo decades, shewasbne of the company'smajor stars. The Onera Orchestra of New York The OperaOrchestraof New York's missionis to presenthigh-qualityperformancesof seldom-heardoperatic masterworksfeaturinginternationallyacclaimedartistsas'dell as talentedyoung singersand promotethe careerdevelopmentof gifted young artists.To achievethesegoals,The OperaOrchestraof New York presents a three-concertseriesat CarnegieHall annually;m4intainsa Young Artists Program(which focuseson providing the specializedtraining and professionalskills essentialfor an operaticcareer);presentsYoung Artists Showcases(with full orchestra);broadcastsits CarnegieHall concertson NPR, and presentsan annual recital to introducenew artists. The Onera Orchestra of New York Thursday,March 6, 2008,8:00p.m. CarnegieHall I Ren,teFleming,soprano Aprile Millo, soprano Krassimira Stoyanova,soprano Eglise Gutierrez,soprano Dolora Zajick, mezzo-soprano Bryan Hymel, tenor Marcello Giordani, tenor GiuseppeF ilianoti, tenor Daniel Mobbs,baritone RenataScotto,Host Eve Queler,conductor Works of Rossini,Donizetti, Meyerbeer,Ponchielli,Cilda, Puccini,Verdi and others Contacts: The OperaOrchestraofNew York: DeborahSurdi,2 12.799. 1982, CohnDutcherAssociates: LauraMalick, 9 17.339.7183, J1 J+ J4 trtrtr
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