The Hl silicon tracker data acquisition system
The Hl silicon tracker data acquisition system
ELSEYIER Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 403 1199X1313-375 NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS 8 METHODS IN PMVSICS RESEARCH SectionA The Hl silicon tracker data acquisition system W.J. Hayne?*, P. Burchb, R. Halsallb, W. Melottib* ‘, G. Noyes’, M. Kauschc, P. Kostkad, D. Pitzl” Received 7 August 1997 Abstract The H 1 experiment consists of some half million electronics channels in an environment of 96 ns bunch crossings at the HERA e-p collider at DESY, Hamburg. The data acquisition system built to read out the silicon tracking devices is described. Several technologies are employed in integrating ASK devices, large numbers of FADCs, fibre-optic interconnections and the latest commercial microprocessor architectures in modular bus standards such as VMEbus and the recent PC1 definition. The experiences gained in system development are highlighted, which provide significant pointers to the problems posed by the next generation of hadron colliders. ‘cm 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction HI is one of the experiments operating at the Hadron-Elektron Ring Anlage (HERA), the large particle physics proton-electron storage complex buried beneath the suburbs of Hamburg at DESY. A total of nearly one-half million analogue electronic channels are read out and digitised in tune with successive electron-proton bunch crossings of 96.064 ns. The early implementation of the data acquisition system has been described elsewhere [l,?]. Various levels of hardware triggering, soft- ware filtering and digital compression are employed in a real-time data acquisition environment consisting of several hundred processing elements embedded within the IEEE VMEbus standard [3]. The recent addition of silicon tracking devices [4] has prompted significant upgrades to its modular architecture, taking advantage of the technological trends since the system’s first inception [S]. Some key parameters of the H 1 data acquisition system are summarised in Table 1. 2. Overview of the HI silicon trackers * C‘orrespondmg author. Tel.: + 44 1235 44 6864; e-mail: ’ Present address: Cognito Ltd. Newbury. UK. 016X-9007.98i$19.00 (‘ 199XElsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved PII SOl6H-9002(97)01 125-X Solid state devices are now commonly integrated into particle physics detectors to measure charged particle trajectories with the highest spatial resolution 314 Table 1 Breakdown of the Hl Data W.J. Hqmes et al. lNuc1. Ins@. and M&h. in Ph.vs. Res. A 403 (1998) 313-3.?5 Acquisition System already been achieved ment of 1996. Parameter Hl 1996 HERA e-p bunch crossing interval Level-l trigger rate (2.2 us) Level-2 trigger rate ( < 20 us) Total number of electronics channels (1996) Total number of Si channels (1996) Total number of Si channels (1998 prov) Raw data size per event Raw data from Si trackers per event (I 996) Raw data from Si trackers per event (1998 prov) Average total event size (formatted) Average event size from all tracking detectors Average event size from Si trackers (1996) Number of readout branch units Event builder bandwidth Event filter computing power Data production Total number of readout/DAQ crates Number of electronics boards Total cost DAQ + readout electronics 96 ns c: 300 Hz SO-IOOHz = 400 000 122880 P 250 000 z 4 Mbytes 0.2 Mbytes 0.4 Mbytes 100 kbytes 60-80 kbytes 4 kbytes 12 25 Mbytes/s 1500 MIPS z 10 Gbytes/d Z 150 h 2000 =$15M achievable [6,7]. At Hl, silicon detectors are located inside the innermost jet chamber of the Hl central drift chamber tracking device within a 1.2 T magnetic field. The Central Silicon Tracker (CST) provides high resolution tracking and vertex reconstruction in the central region, and the Backward Silicon Tracker (BST) extends this coverage to small backward angles, The beam pipe radius of 45 mm is determined by the need to shield the detectors against synchrotron radiation. 2. I. Hl central silicon tracker The CST consists of two layers of double sided silicon strip detectors [8]. The inner layer (radius 57.5 mm) is a regular prism with 12 faces; the outer layer (radius 97 mm) is similar with 20 faces (Fig. 1). Each face consists of six silicon detectors, of total length 360 mm, with readout at both ends. The strip pitch in r-o is 25 urn and in z is 88 urn, offering an intrinsic resolution of 10 urn in r-0 and 20 pm in z. Resolutions of 15 and 25 urn, respectively, have with the preliminary align- 2.2. HI backward silicon tracker The BST consists of 8 planes of silicon detector discs (four in phase 1) mounted perpendicular to the beam line at distances between 280 and 860 mm from the nominal interaction point in the electron direction [9]. The discs have an inner hole of 55 mm radius and are segmented into 16 wedgeshaped, azimuthal sectors of four inch wafers with an outer radius of 125 mm (Fig. 2). Each disc is built as a composite of different silicon layers. One has a pad segmentation for triggering on deep inelastic electrons down to 1 GeV. The second layer has circular strips at constant radii (r-strips with a pitch of 48 urn) to measure the polar angle of backward scattered charged particles. The angular resolution of the rstrips is 0.5 mrad. A third layer, with strips at constant azimuthal angles (o-strips with a pitch between 58 and 133 pm depending on the radius) to determine the transverse momentum of charged particles (resolution of 10% at 1 GeV/c) is also catered for. As of publication, four planes are actively used in the detector with the remaining planes due in 1998. The possibility of a similar device in the forward region is also under discussion. The CST is fully commissioned, with complete track reconstruction matched to the rest of the detector. 3. HZ silicon tracker readout electronics The CST and the full BST have 230 000 channels which are read out by custom-built chips and circuit VMEbus boards. A purpose-built “pipelined” triggering system (22 bunch-crossings long, deadtime free) is used to select initial candidates for data processing from the background of lo4 events/s. A requirement on HI is that, after an early level hardware triggering decision, all analogue signals should be read out within 800 us. The complete readout chain breaks down into the following 6 basic elements: l the custom on-detector fulfill the requirement front-end chip (APC) to of a pipeline buffer to 315 CST : Double-sided Si strip detector 192 si detectors. 640 chips, 81920 channels Inner radius (beam pipe) = 45 mm Radius of first silicon layer = 57.5 mm Radius of second silicon layer = 97 mm Fig. I. H 1 central silicon tracker HYBRID WATER N iPEATER - SICICON SENSOR Fig. 2. HI backward accommodate the HERA bunch repetition rate of 10.4 MHz. l a decoder chip. l a line-driver. for conventional copper cable or fibre-optics, o a control module (OnSiRoC), silicon tracker a readout and processor module (PowerPCADC PMC) l a master data acquisition controller (VMEtaxi). The master controller supervises the readout and merges the data-stream into the VMEbus-base H1 data acquisition system via fibre-optic links. l 316 W.J. Hoynes rr al. JNucl. Instr’. and Meth. in Phw. Rrs. A 403 (IYYK) 313 -325 3. I. HI anzpl~fer pipeline chip, APC The 230 000 electronic channels (122 880 in phase 1) are read out by purpose-built front-end amplifier chips which contain switched capacitor analoguepipeline buffers [l&12]. A single chip has 128 low-noise channels storing 32 consecutive bunch crossings. Pipeline control is synchronised to the 96 ns bunch crossing period. Thus the pipeline depth is well matched to the first level trigger decision time of 2.5 ps. The schematics of the front-end readout chip are shown in Fig. 3. Each chip is fabricated in a 1 pm SACMOS (self-aligned CMOS) process and is capable of a 12.5 MHz switching rate and a readout speed of up to 4 MHz. This allows a 2000 : 1 multiplexing The total within the 800 ps readout time. power consumption of a single chip, including the pipeline running at 10 MHz, is less than 40 mW, whilst functionality with 2 pm CMOS prototypes has been maintained up to 100 krad (1 kGy) integrated dose from a Co6’ source. the equivalent to 10 y of operation at Hl; the SACMOS process further improves the radiation hardness and gives larger gain and improved stability. A signal-to-noise ratio of 18 has been achieved for a load capacitance of 27 pF. A total of 14 signals are necessary to control the pipeline and the shift register of the sequential read- out. These signals are generated by a “Decoder” chip which needs just 4 input lines. In both the “sample” mode, when the information per 96 ns bunch crossing is stored into the pipeline capacitors, and in the “readout” mode, when the information of a given time slice is read out sequentially at the readout speed, the two phases of the clock are directly passed to the APC. 3.2. On-line rradout controller For APC control an external, custom-designed, VMEbus unit (OnSiRoC) is used [13,14]. Each module has a programmable sequencer unit for communication with the decoder chip and four independent sets each of three power supplies (strip detector bias voltage together with APC analogue and digital voltage). The sequencer is used to store the intricate command sequences for controlling the APC. Sequences are arranged so that each instruction has a unique successor. with the possibility of endless loop command sequences interrupted by a trigger. e.g. when sampling. Thus, once the sequencer is loaded, a single command issued over the VMEbus can instigate the functional mode of operation on the APC. 4. The implementation of the Hl silicon tracker data acquisition system In order to realise fully the integration of the silicon tracker readout electronics into the Hl data acquisition, a coherent architecture has been established consistent with the rest of the system. 4.1. Overview, of‘ the HI data acquisition Fig. 3. Hl amplifier-pipeline readout chip. system The Hl data acquisition system consists of a modular multiprocessing environment designed around the IEEE VMEbus standard in the late eighties [l]. Several subdetector assemblies are read out in parallel by arrays of FADCs. DSPs and microprocessors before being merged into a central coordinating framework. Altogether there are over 150 electronics crates. To avoid saturation on global VMEbusses, extensive use is made of the local VSB specification [IS]. To minimise any further potential dead-time losses. memory buffering is introduced at all key processing stages. Currently events of size 100 kbyte can be coordinated with 12 branch-partitions at rates in excess of 100 Hz via a VMEtaxi dual optical fibre ring [ 161. A parallel-filter farm of around 40 RISC processors (R3000 [17] and PowerPC [18]), with a performance equivalent of 70 IBM-3090 units in just 3 VMEbus crates, performs online reconstruction as well as providing a final level of full-event triggering [19]. The complete experiment is archilectured so that graphics-orientated Macintosh stations provide a platform for both system operation and software development. As such. the Hl system is capable of running entirely in VMEbus; dedicated processors executing dedicated tasks in real-time so that the net result is one of a conventional multi-tasking system. A well-defined. but essentially simple, framework is defined to enable external control and monitoring from commercially available computers and workstations. The graphics-based philosophy of these devices ensure that the operator is presented with, arguably, one of the most human interactive interfaces to a complex real-time system. The architecture of the silicon tracker readout follows that of the central data acquisition system by using fibre-optics and fast integer processing within a modular framework. Parasitic monitoring and reconstruction tasks can be executed in parallel using commercially available VMEbus RISC boards. Graphics-oriented workstations then cater for software development and operator intervention. However it soon became apparent, during the first evaluation of the silicon devices, that a large amount of additional real-time processing capability would be required at the very front-end in order to deal with the intricate problem of hit-finding and pedestal adjustment on an event by event basis. Due to the huge strides consistently made in the microprocessor industry in recent years, in mid- 1995 it became financially viable to develop a concept of large-scale ADC integration coupled closely with commercial processor cards to satisfy our requirements. In order to blend in homogeneously with the VMEbus environment. yet still provide enough bandwidth and buffering capacity to cater for the digital flow, the final ingredient was suitably provided by the PC1 specification [20]. The advantages of adaptation are now well versed; PC1 is now a popular standard within workstations, there is a defined PMC (PC1 mezzanine) form facto1 adopted by all the major VMEbus producers, a planned evolution towards 66 MHz 64-bit and even an internal chassis definition of its own in Compact PCI. As a consequence, it was decided to develop an ADC mezzanine in the double-sized PMC form factor and plug directly into the latest commercially available PowerPC [21] VMEbus cards, which also come equipped with up to 96 MBytes system memory [22]. The photograph, of Fig. 4. shows a 100 MHz PowerPC 604 VMEbus card equipped with the RAL developed mezzanine for the Hl silicon readout. Each mezzanine contains 8 x 12bit, 20 MHz ADCs [23]. Each ADC converts the analogue information from up to 16 amplifier pipeline chips. under management of the Xilinx FPGA. The output data from the ADCs are buffered into the local system memory of the PowerPC via PCI. The PowerPC executes data processing, hit- and cluster-finding and pedestal monitoring together with the external system i-o communication to the rest of the DAQ. The data are then Iread out over the 25 Mbyte/s fibre-optic links of the VMEtaxi. Thus each PowerPC VMEbus board can handle 16 384 detector channels, allowing I :4 million H 1 silicon tracker channels to be read out and processed within one single 6U VMEbus crutc (Fig. 5). The complete mezzanine readout system was designed. built and commissioned. with a full complement of system software, within less than a year. The initial idea was gelled during the summer of 1995, with approval and serious design work commencing that autumn. Already early in 1996 the first boards were fully tested in Hl yielding an effective resolution of 1l-bits for the CST readout. By summer 1996 the full system was installed and W.J. Huytws et al. /Nd. Instr. and Meth. it1Phj,s. REX A 4113 (IYYK) 31% 325 Fig. 4. (a) PowerPC HI Silicon Tracker Data Acquisiton (SiDAQ) Readouf Crate VMEbus board: (b). ADC PMC card CST + BST Readout VMEtaxi l 12-16 units PowerPC + ADC PMC boards t I t central control room area. /I$ MacVEE E Subsystem Trigger Card Battery-backup constants store SiDAQ VMEtaxi front-end VMEbus crate Fig. 5. HI silicon tracker front-end readout crate 1 operational. Half-way through the project the initial Chief Engineer departed for pastures new and yet. owing to the adoption of IS09000 principles. his replacement was able to continue and still keep to schedule. The PMC module itself is a double height PC1 Mezzanine Card conforming to the IEEE P1386.2 specification [23]. It can digitise 8 input channels in parallel at up to 20 MHz with 12-bit Comlinear CLC949 ADCs. Each channel is buffered with 4/i x 24-bits of true dual-ported memory, enabling signals to be digitised and input into the memory whilst buffered data are transferred to the PC1 bus via DMA (Fig. 6). The depth of buffering behind each channel is then determined by the system memory of the host processor board. which on some commercial VMEbus boards today can be up to 256 Mbytes. Two 20-way input connectors are available on the front-panel, providing inputs to the eight lowpower ADCs with differential signals in the range i. I V (IOOSZ. 2 V peak to peak). A LEMO-00 connector is also made available to receive NIM signals to synchronise data capture with external signals. A third 64-way PMC connector is used to route ECL control signals to the on-board Xilinx 4006E, with an open-collector output to the backplane. On Hl this was actually routed to the 64 i/o of the VMEbus P2 connector, in accordance with the IEEE P1382.2 specification. The Xilinx itself is booted from EPROM and is therefore easily reconfigured. 4.4. Integration VMEbUS PZ A0 32.bit Each OPRAM effectwely double buffers the AOC mput The system memory of the PCI host mulfkbulfers rhe oufpul dafa Fig. 6. Functional s\:stm The core of the silicon tracker readout is embedded into one VMEbus crate thanks to the compactness of the PMC solution and the benefits of modern IC integration. A VMEtaxi system then provides the overall coordination and interconnectivity. VMEtaxi modules can connect VMEbus crates over several kilometres with multimode 1001140 pm. graded index. optic fibres [ 16,241. Fig. 7 illustrates the basic philosophy. The software protocol is purpose-written and optimised for speed and efficiency in a data acquisition environment [25]. There are many interesting analogies with the future international standard SC1 [26]. During the early operation of Hl. 25 MHz 68020 based boards were used with 125 MHz taxi chips. The upgraded “Mark-?” 1960 Signalshorn into the HI data acyuisitkw block diagram of the PMC card 320 W.J. Huynus et al.~Nucl. Instr. and Mrth. in Phtts. Rrs. A 403 (1998) 313-3-75 VME The dual optic-hbre rings loop around all VMEfaxr crates LL Data sent out by one tax, IransmUter are received at the next VMEtawr receiver ,n the r,ng Direct connecllons can be enabled between any frvo dewces usng By-pass reg!srers VSB Mark-2 boards are equipped w/h 50 MHz 68030 muoprocessors and can exp/oU 2550 MHz fax! chips worku?g !n parallel wfh double /Inks. X/i/NX gate arrays are used for VMEM and VSB block transfers. Separate program memory and up lo 2 MByies of dual-ported extension cam IS also prowded. The exfens~on ram ensures fhaf the dafa Iransferpedormance IS mcreased ,n lfne w/h fhe ch/p bequenoes (50 MBylesisec w/h 250 MHz lax! ch1p.s). Fig. 7. VMEtaxi modules (VMExi2) are able to exploit 50 MHz 68030 processors and 250 MHz taxi chips so that, by using double fibre-optic links in parallel, transfer rates of over 50 Mbyte/s are possible. The link reliability has been tested to a bit error rate of less than 1 in 1013. Program memory is provided for by 128 kbyte of on-board dual-ported static ram, whereas EPROM and EEPROM cater for firmware storage and configuration parameters. In addition the on-board extension ram provides 2 Mbyte of data memory. As a result the VMExi2 can be regarded as “3 boards in one” providing processing power, optic-fibre interconnectivity and data memory on a single-width VMEbus card. The VMExi2 was commissioned into the Hl data acquisition system during the Spring of 1993, using 175 MHz taxi chips to achieve 33 Mbyte/s peak transfer rates. Further readout and reconstruction monitoring is carried out in a master monitoring crate (Fig. 8) by RISC-based cards similar to the filter-farm [27]. Memory boards provide the necessary buffers for readout and monitoring purposes [28]. In addition some 16 Mbyte are required for the fast access of stored pedestal and sequencer RAM values to- overview. gether with readout configurations. Macintosh stations are employed to remain compatible with the rest of the Hl system for software development and operator control. One device is primarily responsible for the global operation of the data acquisition. a second provides event displays and histogram monitoring and a third takes care of the monitoring of slow control information using LabVIEW [29-311. Macintosh personal computer access is through MacVEE [32-341 or. if 32-bit access is required, through MAC 7212 [35]. Existing software development tools [36] and techniques [37] as used in the rest of the data acquisition system are exploited. Data quality can be monitored via event displays and histograms of, for example, pedestal and noise values, signal to noise ratios, clusters. radiation ageing (via the APC), etc.. all with purpose-written programs layered on top of the existing base software packages of the HI data acquisition system. Much of the binning and monitoring is carried out in dedicated tasks which execute permanently within the cost-effective VMEbus processors, thereby leaving the Macintosh as the graphical user interface. Such a solution has the added advantage that the VMEbus part SiDAQ VMEtaxi crate number 0 VMEtaxi Hl DAQ VMEtaxi branch number 12 ,vMEtaxi Fibre-optic VMEtaxi ring connected to front-end SiDAQ readout crates Fibre-optic VMEtaxi ring connected to HI Central Data Acquisiton System MacVEE VSB I Pedestal DPM, I 16 MB Master SiDAO and data monitoring crates located in control room = IOOm from front-end readout crates MONlTORlNG CRATE VME64 $7 f” Mac7212lVlC NC 6230 f” %ow Ctrls D/W Slow Controls MacVEf ?interface RAID 8239 or PowerPC Data Monitoring Processors runs as a self-contained entity. according to the protocol of the complete experiment_ and is able to update the monitoring data sent to the rest of the acquisition system independent of the functionality of a local interface station. Finally a Subsystem Trigger Control Crate handles the HI triggering protocol [3S]. 5. HI silicon tracker data acquisition software There is a well-ordered structure defined by the modular architecture of the hardware which defines how the software is written and developed. Dedicated tasks run on dedicated processors throughout the VMEbus system with operator intervention provided for via graphics-orientated workstations [39.40]. Devices such as the Macintosh provide a convenient integral component in both software development and operator-control. In order to embrace the framework of VMEbus, extra tools have been developed to ease the integration into the VMEbus [36] and exhaustive software libraries cater for external control by providing a full set of routines for system configuration, testing. systemstatus and monitoring [35,37.41.43]. These are based on relatively simple memory-mapped mailbox concepts for inter-processor communication (command blocks with arguments as illustrated in Fig. 9) and a well layered modularity which clearly separates the different levels, such as the dedicated package (assembler) written for the VMEtaxi (Fig. 10). The object-orientated world of the workstation thus becomes disentangled from the complex firmware code executing on the hardware except at clean and well-defined boundaries. For the development of flexible algorithms which need to be embedded into the firmware task, external hooks are provided for within the tirmware code itself. e.g. for hit detection. These algorithms (as with the object-orientated workstation modules) can be developed platform independent in the high-level environment of choice. The resulting object modules can then bc loaded and stored in 322 W.J. Haynes et al.lNucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Rex A 403 (1998) 313-325 battery backed-up memory. Upon the next system reset, the firmware task automatically re-loads and links the module into its system memory and calls appropriately [41,43]. The firmware task on the PowerPC itself, once developed, debugged and established, remains fairly static over the lifetime of the system. As such it can either be developed in C or even in Assembler SimpS memory-mapped mailboxes Pass input & output arguments via Command Blocks SIMPLE RULES The Command Block is defined at the The Command Address Each Command has a unique Command Code Identifier (I.D.) Parameters are returned by re-settmg the Command I.D. The Command identifier is always written last Fig. 9. Inter-processor communication mailbox structure. since its role is to remain a tight kernel managing the data throughput protocol between front-end readout and later data merging with the rest of the DAQ. In turn, this dispenses with the need for a potentially performance depriving operating system executing on the VMEbus processors at the heart of the system. Within each Hl silicon readout task, 0.5 Mbyte of the on-board system memory is reserved for 16 event buffers of raw front-end data input from a maximum of 16 384 channels, 0.5 Mbyte for the hit data (after execution of the search algorithm described in the following section), 1 Mbyte for the pedestals and up to 4 Mbyte for further calibration management. The communication protocol itself, between each PowerPC and its VMEtaxi readout coordinator, demands little memory resources for an event indicator area passing event number, size, pipeline counter and any possible error in 16 byte blocks. Once the VMEtaxi has taken a particular event, its indicator number is cleared over the VMEbus port of the PowerPC’s system memory so freeing the corresponding buffer for subsequent data. The PowerPC processor then communicates free input buffers to the front-end ADCs via the Xilinx fifo communication table. Such a relatively simple protocol mechanism still leaves ample space for program storage and any additional features, such as test patterns and simulation data. VMExi & SiPPCvmexi Software Package comprises several layers of protocol Basic firmware driver primitives for VMEtaxt & PowerPC control Communication protocol for VAlEtaxi-VMEtaxlfibre-optic ring XIDAQ data acquisition & SiDAQ readout protocols Standalone menues for direct user intervention External control via “Inter-Processor Communication” mailbox protocol X/USER & S/USER libraries existing as separate object finkable modules l l l l l l Fig. 10. Software structure of the SiPPCvmexi package. W.J. Havnes et al.lNucl. 5.2. Hl silicon tracker hit detection processing in real-time 323 Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Rex A 403 (1998) 313-325 and data It is imperative to reduce the massive flow of raw data volume as early as possible in the readout chain of any data acquisition system, which in the case of silicon trackers means the correct coding of hits and cluster searches. Thus an important consideration for the silicon tracker system is the ability to marry flexible physics-based algorithms directly into the fixed core of systems firmware executing on the PowerPC microprocessors. As discussed in the previous subsection, the acquisition task is essentially split between the main readout routine executing the data transport according to well-defined protocol mechanisms and the specific hit detection algorithm which processes the digitised output. By allocating dedicated memory blocks in calling separated object code modules. these latter algorithms can then be developed independently by the detector physicists, on the platforms of choice. Communication between the two processes is established via input and return arguments, as with standard subroutine conventions, and prudent memory mapping within the physical address spaces. For the Hl silicon trackers, these specific algorithms must update pedestals and continually provide calibration monitoring in order to perform reliable hit searching and cluster searching. It is due to the capability of modern microprocessors that such a task can indeed be performed at rates of 100 Hz in real-time without adding to the burden on dead-time during readout and acquisition. Nevertheless, for performance reasons, these algorithms have been implemented in 32-bit integer arithmetic. The processor architecture, itself, permits pipelined instruction processing with three integer units, with the code written in C and the use of appropriate PowerPC optimising compilers. Math library functions, such as sqrt, are avoided and divisions implemented as bit shift operations whenever possible. As an example, we consider here the code for the CST. The hit detection algorithm is a two-pass approach relying on correctly determined pedestals (PED) and variances (VAR), as follows: (i) The first loop over the raw data calculates the common mode per readout chip as the mean of the raw data values. Outliers and noisy strips are masked out. (ii) The second loop determines the pulse-height for each strip as: PH = RAW - CommonMode - PED. (1) It then applies a single strip noise cut: PH’ > VAR x StripCut (2) where StripCut = 1. A cluster is defined as a contiguous group of strips for which condition given by Eq. (2) holds. The cluster is completed with the first strip below the cut. It is accepted if the summed pulse-height is larger than the cluster cut: Z(PH)2 x ClusterWidth > ZVAR x ClusterCut (3) where ClusterCut = 16. If the cluster passes condition given by Eq. (3) one 32-bit word containing the pulse-height, the address and the variance is written out for each strip belonging to it. Optionally a few strips to the left and right of the cluster can also be transferred. The time needed for processing the data from all strips (with the 100 MHz PowerPC board) is currently around 8 ms, permitting deadtime free operation at Hl at rates below 100 Hz. After a system reset, new pedestals and variances have to be determined first. For the former an individual value for each strip and each of the 32 front-end pipeline buffers is stored giving 327680 pedestals per readout board (presently only 1280 channels are multiplexed per ADC). The variances are, however, not pipeline buffer dependent. Pedestals are calculated as RAW - CommonMode and averaged over 64 events per pipeline buffer. Variances are initialised by accumulating the sum and the sum of squares of the pulse-heights (Eq. (1)) over 1024 events and then taking the difference of the mean squared quantities: VAR = ave (CPH’) - (aveCPH)‘. (4) During data taking, the pedestals are updated with a weighted value from the current event: PED,,, = (1 - weight)PEDOld + weight(RAW - CM). curre\ent (5) 324 W.J. Haynes et al./Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Rex A 403 (1998) 313-325 where weight = l/64. For the variances, the above introduced pulse-height sums are averaged over a multiple of 1024 events enabling fresh variances to be applied at that frequency. During the accumulation, strips which have been marked by the hit detection routine are excluded except for “hot” strips that have shown an increased occupancy. 6. Observations and conclusion The impact of the mid-nineties style technological approach is immediately visual when one sees the existing Hl system in action. A quarter of a million silicon tracker channels can be read out into one double-height Euro-sized (6U) VMEbus crate, compared to over a hundred crates reading out a comparable number of channels from the rest of the detector, as designed in the eighties. With the advent of faster modular-based busses such as PCI, and the increasing trend of ever more transistorised componentry at the chip level, we can now build our modularity around interchangeable PMC-like form factors. The continuing price-performance improvements of microprocessor technology, together with increasing memory chip densities, are likely to result in even more PMC flexibility. In the shorter term, consideration is being given to the adoption of PMC principles in other areas of the Hl system to add more flexibility for planned HERA luminosity increases from the year 2000, including PCIbased interconnectivity between front-end crates and workstations [44,45]. Expansion of the silicon system is already foreseen for the 1998 data-taking period when the BST will be extended to 8 detector planes as well as incorporating the readout of the GaAs strip detectors of the Very Low Q2 detector C4f-d. Tracking devices have long been a major factor to the problem of data acquisition in large particle physics experiments. The experiences gained from implementing the Hl silicon tracking system show that by using modern, Aexible, bus-based architectural concepts, the demands placed on data throughput, and the powerful computing required in real-time, can indeed be met with the latest technology. Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the members of our collaboration who helped in the system integration, notably A. Campbell and S. Bourov of DESY and D. Clarke of RAL and the encouragement given us by R. Eichler of ETH, Zurich and M. Klein of IfH-DESY, Zeuthen. The whole readout chain is indebted to R. Horisberger of PSI who designed and implemented the APC. We also wish to acknowledge the excellent cooperation of the companies involved in the development and implementation phases of the Hl system, notably Micro-Research of Helsinki and C.E.S. of Geneva and the support given by the various funding agencies of the Hl collaboration. References [l] W.J. Haynes. Bus-based architectures in the Hl Data Acquisition System, in: Proc. VITA Int. Conf. Open Bus Systems 1992, Zurich, CH, October 1992, ISBN 90-725771l-6, 1992. pp. 27-36. RAL-92-048, August 1992. [2] W.J. Haynes. Experiences at HERA with the Hl Data Acquisition System, in: Proc. Int. Conf. Computing in High Energy Physics ‘92, Annecy. France, September 1992. CERN 92-07, ISBN 92-9083-049-2, 1992, pp. 151-161. [3] The VMEbus specification, IEEE standard 1014. 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[46] Hl Collaboration, Technical proposal to build a spectrometer covering very small momentum transfers, DESY Internal Report, May 1996.