Saint John Lutheran Church September 2016
Saint John Lutheran Church September 2016
Saint John Lutheran Church Bellevue, Iowa A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Growing and responding Every Day as disciples of Jesus November 2016 Weekly Worship Saturday - 5:00 pm Sunday - 10:00 am ~ ARK ~ Education with Children (Preschool—age 4 Through 5th grade) Friday 3:20—5:00 pm ~ Confirmation ~ 6th - 8th Grade Wednesday 6:00-8:00 pm Country Store Bake Sale & Luncheon Saturday—November 5 11:00—1:00 At our church Community Thanksgiving Worship ~ Email~ Sunday– November 20 6:30 pm at First Presbyterian Church ~ Website ~ Community Thanksgiving Dinner Office Pastor Thursday—November 24 Noon—at our church Saint John Lutheran church - Bellevue, Iowa Church Phone: 563-872-5849 To view all the pictures in color within this newsletter, go to our website: and click on newsletter. How to be thankful in tough Times This article was written by Rick Warren in 2014. When the Apostle Paul says, “Always be full of joy in the Lord,” he doesn’t say to only be joyful in good times. Even when times are tough, the Bible teaches we can be joyful if we follow this simple strategy: Don’t worry about anything. Worrying doesn’t change anything. It’s stewing without doing. There are no such things as born-worriers. Worry is a learned response. You learned it from your parents. You learned it from your peers. You learned it from experience. That’s good news: The fact that worry is learned means it can also be unlearned. How do you unlearn it? Jesus says in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (NIV). He’s saying don’t open your umbrella until it starts raining. Live one day at a time. Pray about everything. Instead of worrying, use your time for praying. If you prayed as much as you worried, you’d have a lot less to worry about. Is God interested in car payments? Yes. God is interested in every detail of your life. That means you can take any problem you face to God. Thank God in all things. When you pray, pray with thanksgiving. The healthiest human emotion is not love but gratitude. It actually increases your immunities. It makes you more resistant to stress and less susceptible to illness. People who are grateful are happy. But people who are ungrateful are miserable because nothing makes them happy. They’re never satisfied. It’s never good enough. So if you cultivate the attitude of gratitude, of being thankful in everything, it reduces stress in your life. 2 Observing All Saints’ Sunday November 5th & 6th On November 4 and 5, we will be observing All Saint’s Weekend. At the beginning of our worship we will be remembering and lighting a candle for the following individuals who have died since November 1, 2015. Ron Johnson Robert Davids Dorothy Ohlendorf Faith LaCoursiere Arlyn Still Cora Still Margaret Friels Helen Griebel KevinHaagenson Eilene Busch For all the saints who from their labors rest All who by faith before the world confessed Your name O Jesus We will also be recalling our newest sisters and brothers in Christ who were baptized since November 1, 2015. Those baptized this past year were: Bently GlenRic Budde-Heiar Jordyn Rose Mohr Brycen Scott Putman Karssen Rose Hirst Kellen Joseph Herrig Braxton Lee Carstens Carter Justin Higgins Alexis Marie Weis Eivin Eldren Medinger Amelia Josephine Ernst Kayla Marie Claussen Izabella Joy Claussen Van Patrick Weis Max Eldon Weis Kali Ann Knake Kora Lynn Knake Tinley Rae Felderman Sadie Yvonne Kutsch Ella Elann Even Bode Allen Scheckel Myla Edith Haan I was there to hear your borning cry I’ll be there when you are old I rejoiced the day you were baptized 3 LOOK WHO’S HAVING A BIRTHDAY... Rayna Kilburg ................ 11/3 Amy Kucera ................... 11/3 Bill Meyer ....................... 11/3 Cash Kirk ....................... 11/4 Kathy Johnson ............... 11/5 Juliana Penniston .......... 11/5 Jeremiah Sauser ............ 11/5 Christine Murphy ............ 11/6 Hayley Norpel ................ 11/6 Kali Knake ..................... 11/7 Ricky Booker.................. 11/9 Sara Johnson............... 11/10 Kayla Claussen ............ 11/12 John Pataska ............... 11/12 Ashley Kieffer............... 11/13 Tia Tennant.................. 11/14 Daniel Martin................ 11/15 Mike Back .................... 11/17 Ryan Dempewolf ......... 11/17 Cambree Jess.............. 11/17 Tiffany Michels ............. 11/17 Trista Ries ................... 11/17 Alex Iosbaker ............... 11/18 Corbin Ploessl.............. 11/18 Gloria Sagers ............... 11/19 Emma Sieverding......... 11/20 Cody Usa ..................... 11/20 Jane Weinschenk ........ 11/20 Dylan Portz .................. 11/21 Benry Ries ................... 11/21 Josh Edwards, Jr. ........ 11/22 Sue Bevan ................... 11/24 Bill Sieverding .............. 11/24 Kellen Herrig ................ 11/25 Dannis Valtr ................. 11/25 Chris Kellogg ............... 11/27 Kyle Rausch................. 11/28 Brendon Booker ........... 11/29 Beth Gleason ............... 11/29 4 Celebrating 80+ Years!!! Verrena Dagitz-Stein November 10 Greta Dagitz November 18 JoElla Roling November 24 We apologize for any errors or omissions. If you notice any mistakes, please contact the church office. Pastoral Acts Wedding—October 1 Josh Baker & Alissa Schon Wedding—October 15 Keisha Schroeder & Dustin Ploeger Baptized—October 22 Myla Edith Haan Parents: Seth & Angela (Reistroffer) Haan Daylight Savings Time Ends NOVEMBER 6 2:00 am DON’T FORGET TO TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK ON SATURDAY EVENING! 5 Celebrating the Rite of Confirmation On Reformation Sunday, October 30 - we will celebrating the Rite of Confirmation at the 10:00 worship service for the following youth: Marcus Anderson, Nicole Dempewolf, Lisa Dixon, Paxton Felderman, Luke Giesemann, Alex Putman, Zach Roeder, and Jamison Spann. On Sunday, October 23, we had the Confirmation Banquet at the Retreat Center to honor those who will be confirmed. L-R: Paxton Felderman, Luke Giesemann, Zach Roeder, Marcus Anderson, Nicole Dempewolf, and Jamison Spann. Not pictured: Lisa Dixon, and Alex Putman. 6 Confirmation Anniversaries Seventy Years-April 14, 1946 Vaneta Marie Griebel Eunice Elaine Ernst Helen Mary Budde Elinor Mae Beaman Norma Jean Brown Lorraine Marie Mangler Virginia Mae Valant Vivian Pauleen Schoop Minni Irene Knake Joan Marie Stuart Dorothy Louise Blitgen Richard Dale Eggers Norbert George Keil Donald Alvin Brooks Robert Henry Felderman Sixty Years - March 25, 1956 Phylis Ann Achen Ardis Carol Brown Norine Ann Felderman Shirley Ann Felderman Sharon Kay Griebel Norma Jean Keil Margi Livamaa David Kendall Wallace Leslie Albert Yeager Fifty Years - April 3, 1966 Judith Kay Dagitz Jeanne Marie Eganhouse Marie Jean Grable Kenneth Charles Griebel Kathy Lee Griebel Cindy Lou Guenther Stuart Leu Hachmann Dennis Lee Keil Gerald Allen Kuhl Gene Allen Morett Thomas Charles Rieckesn Lynn Allan Sanders Gale Albert Smith Barbara Kay Sommer Sandra Sue Seiler Joan Berneice Stanek Anna Margaret Stender Forty Years - April 25, 1976 Kathy Marie Blitgen Patricia Ann Deppe Jill Elann Keil Keith Alan Keil Charles Joe Michaelson Ruth Marie Michaelson John Paul Pataska Kendra Ann Rockwell James Allen Sorenson Scott Anthony Thielen Thirty Years - June 29, 1986 Steven Thomas Carter Jennifer Mae Keil Marcelline Jeanette Keil Sara Anne Livermore Lynn Marie Rieckens Twenty Years - May 12, 1996 Ryan James Elkins Brittni Lynn Ernst Christopher Robert Ernst Brooke Renee Griebel Michael James Kilburg Chloe Ann Norpel Amanda Sue Wagner Ten Years - May 7, 2006 Rebecca Marie Anderson Benjamin John Giesemann Chelsea Ann Kozelka Hayley Jo Norpel Jonathon Michael Purvis Tyrel Ryan Schroeder Rachel Anne Wilbers 7 COUNTRY STORE BAKE SALE & LUNCHEON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2015 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at SAINT JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH BELLEVUE, IOWA Serving Spaetzle with Turkey Salad Bar Dessert & Beverage Adults $7.00 Ages 5-12 $3.00 8 Community Thanksgiving Worship Sunday evening, November 20 at 6:30 At First Presbyterian Church Come You Thankful People Come; Raise the song of harvest home, For years, the three parishes in Bellevue have gathered together for a Community Thanksgiving Service. This year we will be worshiping together on Sunday evening, November 20 at 6:30 at the First Presbyterian Church. The Community Choir will be singing. Following the worship, there will be a time of fellowship. Let us join together in giving thanks to God for all that God has done. Community Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday, November 24– Noon at Saint John Lutheran Saint John will again be hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner for those people in the Bellevue area who will be alone or unable to prepare a Thanksgiving meal. We will be serving this Thanksgiving dinner at 12:00 in our Fellowship Hall. Home Meal Delivery Meals will be available for those who are elderly or who have physical limitations that will keep them from coming to the church to eat this dinner. Deliveries will be made on that day between 11:15 and 11:45. If you would like to have a meal delivered, call Greta Dagitz at 872-3917 by November 20. Donations for the meal will be accepted, but not necessary. 9 3 R’s Stewardship Response Weekend “Stewardship Response Weekend” has been set for November 19 and 20. At our worship services, the members and participating partners will be returning their stewardship response and renewing their commitment to live as God’s faithful stewards through the year of 2017. Our 2017 stewardship focus is “3 R’s — Recall, Return, and Rejoice.” As faithful stewards, we recall that all we have—our life (time), our talents (abilities), and our financial resources were entrusted by God to us for the purpose of accomplishing God’s will. As faithful stewards, we return to God a portion (tithe) of God’s money so that God’s work can be accomplished through the ministries of the Church. As faithful stewards, we rejoice that God has blessed us. With our fall stewardship response, we are asking all of God’s stewards to renew their commitment to live as God’s people who share their time, talents, and financial resources so that God’s work is done here in Bellevue and throughout the world. Prior to Stewardship Response Weekend a mailing will be sent to each household. In this mailing you will find an “Estimate of Giving—2017” card and a “Time and Talent” inventory sheet. We are asking you to return them on Stewardship Response Weekend. The leadership of Saint John is hoping that all confirmed members and participating partners in ministry will recall, return, and rejoice together. 10 In October, ten (10) of our participating partners indicated their desire to become a participating member of Saint John. We give thanks to God for bringing these people into our fellowship. New members that are not pictured below are Dale and Marilyn Junk. Mary Ann Clasen Theresa, Tamera, Richard, & Brennen Booker, and Rick Wieseler Julie & Randy Kirk Lorin Medinger 11 The Christian Flag Within our church there are two flags displayed—the United States of America flag and the Christian flag. Do you know the history of the Christian flag? According to an article in “Christian Today” written by Elesha Coffman: “The Christian flag dates back to an impromptu speech given by Charles C. Overton, a Sunday school superintendent in New York, on September 26, 1897. The guest speaker for the Sunday school kick-off didn't show up, so Overton had to wing it. Spying an American flag near the podium, he started talking about flags and their symbolism. Along the way he proposed that Christians should have their own flag—an idea that stayed on his mind long after the speech. In 1907 Overton teamed up with Ralph Diffendorfer, secretary to the Methodist Young People's Missionary Movement, to produce and promote the flag.” The colors on the Christian flag match those on the American flag—red, white, and blue. The design of flag has a majority of white as the background which represents peace, purity, and innocence. In the upper left corner is a blue square, the color of a symbol of faith and trust. Within the blue is a red cross that reminds of Christ’s sacrifice. During World War II both the American flag and the Christian flag were placed in many Lutheran churches, especially those whose heritage was German. This display of the American flag was to show their solidarity with the United States during the war with Germany. The Christian flag reminded the members of their ultimate solidarity and loyalty is to God. The ‘pledge of allegiance; or ‘affirmation of loyalty to the Christian flag was written by Lynn Harold Hough, Methodist minister. He wrote the following pledge: “I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands; one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and in love.” 12 Are You Interested? It has been a number of years since we have had adult Christian education opportunities. There has been some members and participating partners who have expressed an interested in participating in a Bible study. If you are interested in participating, please let Pastor Paul know or simply show you interest by signing up in the back of the church. We are looking at beginning in December or January. Christmas Star Ministry For over two decades the “Christmas Star” ministry has been providing gifts and joy to children within our community. On November 12, the Christmas Star tree will be put up with two stars for each child—one for a toy and the other for clothing. Each star will indicate the gender, age, size, and some suggestions for the gifts. We ask that you would wrap your gift and tie the star back on the package. Please TIE rather that tape the stars to the packages because the ‘elves’ take the star off and put the child’s name on the package. The suggested cost for each gift is between $15 and $20. Please do not put your name or the name of the church inside the package. Return your gift to the church by December 4. If you would rather donate non-perishable food items that will be included in a holiday meal box. If you know of a family in the Bellevue area that has children (12 years old or younger) and are financially struggling, contact Gloria Sagers (872-4418) or Donna Felderman (872-4613). 13 Christian Women’s Fellowship Saturday—October 22, 2016 Fifty-one women gathered together on a beautiful fall day at Saint John Retreat Center to participate in the annual Christian Women’s Fellowship. This year’s bible study leader was Reverend Shannon Witt of First Presbyterian Church and the theme was “Praying in Color.” The women were engaged in several other activities. The gathering concluded with a noon salad luncheon. Shannon Witt with the song leader Carol Feller 14 WELCA Circles We invite all women to participate In one of our circles and benefit from our REBECCA CIRCLE: Tuesday, November 15 @ 7:00 pm Bible Study: Connie Koehn Hostess: Karen Osar ELIZABETH CIRCLE: Thursday, November 17 at 7:00 pm Bible Study: Janice Keil Hostesses: Marilyn Caldwell & Bea Hansen RACHEL CIRCLE: Wednesday, November 16 @ 6:30 pm Hostess: Kathy Ohlert WELCA News November 20, 2016 is "Thank Offering Sunday". As we give our Thankofferings today, we share in a tradition that goes back at least to the 1800s, when Christian women formed “mite” or “cent” societies to support the mission of the church. When others said there was not enough money to carry out the church’s work, the women believed otherwise and acted together. In these societies, each woman collected offerings at home. On occasion, they would gather as we do today to worship and make their offerings with thanks and praise. When Women of the ELCA was formed 30 years ago, we committed to continue this tradition of giving in gratitude for blessings. Each year, in thousands of congregations, Thankofferings are given to support the life-changing ministries of Women of the ELCA. Together, we do more than we could ever do apart. In gratitude for all God has given to us, and with hope for all that is to come, let us now give our Thankoffering. We will be supporting the Chaplaincy Program at the University of Iowa this year. To learn about their mission you can go to their website: Special offering envelopes will be handed out by ushers for your offering. Please return by November 20. 15 WORSHIP ATTENDANCE OFFERINGS Saturday, October 1 .................... 44 Sunday, October 2 ...................... 96 Saturday, October 8 .................... 65 Sunday, October 9 .................... 106 Saturday, October 15 .................. 51 Sunday, October 16 .................... 88 Saturday, October 22 .................. 70 Sunday, October 23 .................... 98 $3,963.00 $2,405.35 $2,904.00 $1,540.00 TREASURER’S REPORT General Fund Balance—9/27/16 Income: General Offerings Emergency Fund Transfer Building Use Gifts & Misc. Wedding Non-budgeted Income Expenses: Budgeted Expenses Non-budgeted Expenses General Fund Balance—10/26/16 16 $143.76 10,812.35 1,000.00 85.00 19.10 150.00 686.00 (11,717.49) ( 505.00) 673.72 Saint John Council Members February 2016—January 2017 Gary Feuerbach, President Judy Graham, Vice President Chris Iosbaker Treasurer Gary Penniston Karen Brown Craig Sieverding Pastor Paul Gammelin Do you have a concern about what is happening or not happening within our church? In order to have a congregation that functions in a healthy manner, the council recommends the following steps be taken when you have a concern regarding the ministries of our church. 1. Go to the person or committee and share your concern with them. Hopefully a satisfactory resolution will come forth. 2. If you have contacted the appropriate person or committee and you don’t feel that a satisfactory resolution has been achieved, you can bring your concern to the council in person, or by sending an email: The council will review your concern. 3. Remember, it is the policy of our church, not to deal with an anonymous concern, or with a statement “a lot of people feel the same.” We need a name or names attached to the concern. 17 Saint John Council Minutes October 18, 2016 Present - Gary Feuerbach, Pastor Paul, Gary Penniston, Ann Skoff, Chris Iosbaker Absent - Karen Brown, Craig Sieverding Called to order by President Gary Feuerbach at 6:23 pm. Opening Prayer led by Pastor Paul. Agenda - MSC to approve. Council Minutes - MSC to approve council minutes of 9/27/16. Reports - MSC to accept the Financial Reports for September, 2016, and the Worship Ministry Team Minutes of October 11, 2016. Correspondence a. The Master Gardener’s group sent a note thanking Saint John for allowing them to have their September meeting in the church basement. They included a $25 gift to the church. b. The family of Helen Griebel sent a note thanking the council for the memorial gift. OLD BUSINESS a. Farmland Rental Contract - The council approved the final contract by e-mail vote in September; and Virgil Kilburg has signed it. b. Church Constitution - Will be discussed at the next council meeting. NEW BUSINESS a. Nominating Committee - Pastor Paul will touch base with the council members whose terms end at the end of 2016 to see if they are interested in submitting their names for a second term. 18 b. Snow Removal - The Building & Property Committee will be asked to look into various options. c. Pastoral Health Insurance - MSC to renew the current health insurance plan for 2017. d. New Members - MSC to approve the following people become voting members of Saint John: Dale & Marilyn Junk, Loren Medinger, Mary Ann Clasen, Julie & Randy Kirk, Ricky Wieseler, and Theresa Booker; and to approve the following people as baptized members of Saint John: Tamera, Ricky & Brennan Booker. e. Confirmands - MSC to approve the following youth be confirmed on October 30, 2016: Marcus Anderson, Nicole Dempewolf, Lisa Dixon, Paxton Felderman, Luke Giesemann, Alex Putman, Zachary Roeder, and Jamison Spann Next Meeting - November 15 at 6:00 pm. MSC adjourned at 6:45 pm. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Highlights of Ministry Team Meetings Worship Ministry Team—October 11, 2016 The Worship Enhancement Committee reported that there will be slight delay in receiving the new banner because the woman who is making it has injured her hand. The recent Contemporary Worship service was discussed. We had a good attendance. There will be another service in November. The green hymnals have been recycled and are no longer in the church. 19 20