Australian Oromo Community Newsletter


Australian Oromo Community Newsletter
Australian Oromo Community Newsletter
Issue 1 | September 2009
Welcome to the first edition of Oromo Community Newsletter
The Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria (AOCAV)
news update is a quarterly newsletter intended to make hundreds of
community members aware of upcoming events and opportunities.
If you would like to receive this newsletter via email, please send
your details to the AOCAV’s email address:
Members elect youth for leadership
The Australian Oromo community election was
held on 26th of July 2009. It was fantastic to
witness a big turn out of more than 150 Oromos
as they elected a new management committee in
such a democratic manner.
Oromo Community Election Day (26/07/2009)
Lead by the charismatic Aliye Geleto, who will
continue as the President, the new management
committee consists of Karim Degal, Awal Adem,
Aisha Ali and Toltu Tufa.
Karim has taken over from Abdusalam Ali in
the Public Relations role, where our community
will benefit from his communication skills as a
marketing graduate from Deakin University.
Awal will play the role of Secretary utilizing his
business analysis and consulting expertise to
enable a systematic information flow to members.
Aisha will be responsible for the role of
Treasurer taking charge of our financial matters
and safeguarding our assets.
Toltu is well-known to most from the critically
acclaimed SBS TV show Salam Cafe who is
completing graduate studies in Psychology and
Education. She will be coordinating all community
events and services provided to members.
Aisha and Toltu are both university students
born and raised here in Melbourne. In short, the
Association of Victoria looks bright.
In this Edition
About the newsletter
Community Election
Walk for harmony
MOYA Snow Trip
Oromo Role Models Dinner
Calendar of Events
Australian Oromos marched with thousands
on Harmony Day
A large group of Oromos joined thousands of
Victorians on Harmony day (12 July 2009) to
celebrate multiculturalism, oppose racism and
support diversity in Victoria, Australia. The
Premier of Victoria Mr. John Brumby was at the
forefront of the march. He delivered an
unwavering speech in reaffirming shared values
as a community and celebrating Australia's
advancements as a multicultural society.
Harmony Day provided a unique occasion for
community groups to celebrate cultural diversity
and shows that everyone belongs. The Oromo
community members were the largest contingent
among other communities that took part in the
march. Dressed in the colorful traditional attire,
chanting and dancing the Oromo traditional dance
made the Oromo contingent more conspicuous in
the crowd. They carried a distinct blue banner
that read “Oromo Community from Oromia”.
Oromo Community at walk for harmony (12/07/2009)
Taking part in such Joyce event helps to
promote the Oromo Community profile and attract
media coverage. For further details visit the
Important Notice: Our new office address is Level 1, 101/144-148 Nicholson Street Footscray
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
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Sponsor Announcements
Australian Oromo Community Association of Victoria
MOYA Snow Trip
The Melbourne Oromo Youth Association
(MOYA) members have once again hit the
roads to have a fun fiesta day at Mt Buller.
The trip was made by a 57 seater coach
equipped with TV, Video, DVD, rest room and
Oromo Role Models Awards Night
Initiated by Umer Aba-Umer, the Oromo Awards
Night was organised to appreciate the voluntary
service our role models have provided for our
community since its establishment in 1984. These
volunteers have recently received a certificate of
recognition from the Australian Government.
Oromo Youth on their way to Mt Buller (09/08/2009)
Last year, 48 young enthusiastic Oromos
went to Mt Buller for the first time. This year
plenty of people who missed the trip last
year waited in anticipation. There were lots
of new faces this time around including
young children and their families.
Oromo Youth having fun at the snow (09/08/2009)
It was a memorable day of fun and
frivolity. Everyone had a great time laughing
and joking on the way there, at the mountain
and on the way back. We had volunteers
telling us jokes, singing their favourite
Oromo songs, playing hibbo hibib, watching
Oromo videos and listening to new Oromo
tunes all the way back to Melbourne.
Calendar of Events
Community Discussions Day
Education & Employment Workshop
Oromo Role Models Awards Night (15/08/2009)
Hosted by Mr Kedir Milki, the event was run by
the MOYA Leadership Team who awarded their
role models with unique gifts and a heartfelt thank
you. Recipients of the awards were Abdusalam Ali,
Mohamed Harun, Shangale Ali, Sura Ettafa and the
current president of our community Mr Aliye
Special awards were given to individuals that
stood above and beyond the rest in organising last
year’s community events. These were; Toltu Tufa
for her extraordinary management of Oromo
Festival at Federation Square and Mohamed Husen
for his dedication to Australian Oromo Soccer.
Shiek Usman received recognition for his years
of voluntary service and Milki Hamza for being a
great example for our juniors and broadcasting
sport news on Oromo radio.
The event organisers would like to earnestly
thank Negassa & Associates, Kuusa Training
Centre, Mesnoy Injera Bakery and Gibe African
Restaurant for their financial support and making
this night possible.
Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth St, City
Monash University (Caulfield campus)
Oromo Graduation Ceremony
Flemington Community Centre
Oromo Festival
Federation Square
Oromo Soccer Tournament
Yarra Blv Richmond
* Please note the above event dates and locations are tentative only.
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
Page 2
Australian Oromo Community Newsletter
Issue 2 | December 2009
Welcome to the second edition of our community Newsletter
The Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria (AOCAV)
news update is a quarterly newsletter intended to make hundreds of
community members aware of upcoming events and opportunities.
If you would like to receive this newsletter via email, please send
your details to the AOCAV’s email address:
AOCAV produce a three-year strategic plan
Plan, plan, plan and more plan is what the
AOCAV’s management committee had on their
mind during October 2009. The new management
committee of the Oromo Community publicly
launched a community strategic planning process
to identify key issues and possible solutions as
well as clarify expectations to develop a common
vision and objectives to guide the work of the
AOCAV and its community partners over the next
three years.
A planning day session 9AM – 8PM on the 3rd
of October 2009 was followed by community
consultation sessions, where attending members
were asked to assess the community’s strengths
and weaknesses by responding to questions such
as what will happen if there is no Oromo
Community; what should be done to attract more
people and increase participation; where they see
the Oromo Community in five years time; what
they would do if they were in the management
committee; to identify the key issues which
should be addressed through the Community
Strategic Plan.
In this Edition
Community Strategic Plan
Pilot Project at RWH
MOYA General Meeting
Eid Festival Celebration
Irreechaa Celebration
Calendar of Events
Afaan Oromo at the Royal Women’s Hospital
A Pilot Project has been started to implement
a trial program that incorporates Oromo literature
as a part of the Royal Women’s Hospital (RWH)
experience for Oromo women. A proposal for the
project was presented to the RWH by AOCAV’s
management committee in August 2009. The
proposal was signed off in early September, which
is now fully underway.
AOCAV developing partnership with the RWH (02/09/2009)
Members Discussing Community Issues (24/10/2009)
Individuals were also provided with an
opportunity to provide their input via the
community’s website and email group. This
information was then summarized and shared
with members on November 21, 2009.
A copy of the plan can be obtained by all
current members and partners of the association.
In November 2009, the AOCAV facilitated a
meeting between Australian Oromo Women and
the RWH to discuss the direction of using Afaan
Oromo in the hospital services. The Oromo
women met with Maureen Johnson and Jacinta
Waters, managers of Health Information at the
RWH and together discussed various issues
affecting Oromo women’s health and wellbeing.
Ideas such as employing Oromo interpreters,
navigating health services in addition to
translating health information from English to
Afaan Oromo were the main focuses of the day.
The partnership established with the RWH will
serve to promote choice, empowerment and self
determination for both Oromo women and the
wider Oromo Community. A BIG thank you goes
to the Oromo women who participated thus far
and to the RWH’s Health Information managers;
Jacinta Waters and Maureen Johnson for
welcoming our community and facilitating the Pilot
Project. Without you there would be no project!
AOCAV is committed to facilitating community development and growth whilst maintaining the rich cultural heritage of the Oromo people
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
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Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria (AOCAV)
Oromos celebrate eid with many others
Eid festival was celebrated in style at
Flemington the African hub of Melbourne. It
turned out to be a great success, with
prominent guests such as Lindsay Tanner
making appearances. The Oromo people had
their own tent in conjunction with Greentown
MOYA Annual General Meeting
The 2009 MOYA Annual General Meeting (AGM)
was held at Multicultural hub on 18th of October
2009. It was a great success as the MOYA board
members (Aliye Geleto and Toltu Tufa) facilitated
the election process after a short presentation
about the past year by the executive committee
(Karim Degal & Awal Adem). Following a fair and
democratic election procedure, Dula Adem, Safia
Shabo, Zeynaba Maro Mohammed, Amane Kassim
and Gameda Adem were elected to take MOYA into
its next phase of growth.
Oromo Youth at community eid festival (26/09/2009)
The Kaayoo Oromo Women's group were
Multicultural Eid festival. A couple of the Oromo
girls and younger children showcased beautiful
Oromo cultural clothing (uffataa aadaa). A big
thank-you to Tehiya Umer, Karima Mohamed,
Macco Ganamo, Safia Ali Shabbo, Damitu
Edao, Saliha Mohammed, Abdul Wedai and
Greentown Victoria team and everybody else
who contributed to making this a memorable
Oromo people celebrate Irecha worldwide
On October 4, 2009 Oromo people
celebrated one of the most ancient rituals,
Irreechaa (thanksgiving) at Footscray Park,
Melbourne. On this day, the faithful observe a
day of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty god
who created us and provided us with
everything, especially water.
Oromo community celebrate Irreechaa (04/10/2009)
Calendar of Events
Graduation Ceremony
Oromo Festival
Soccer Tournament
Federation Square
Clifton Hill
Young and vibrant new MOYA leadership team (18/10/2009)
Oromia returns to the Federation Square
After successfully presenting Oromo music,
traditional dances, artifacts, traditional dress,
spicy food, coffee ceremony and various other
activities in December 2008, the members of the
Oromo community in Melbourne are coming back
to the Federation Square on Sunday, December
20, 2009 with bigger and better events for the
Melbournians will have a great opportunity to
experience something new and unforgettable.
The Oromo people are one of the largest ethnic
groups in Africa with a population estimated at
about 40 million. They have a rich tradition and a
distinct culture in the Horn of Africa. The 3.5
million-year-old fossilized human skeleton known
as "Lucy" or “Caaltu" in Oromo language, and her
older (or oldest) sister, “Ardi” at 4.4 million years
old were found not far from Finfine (named Addis
Ababa by Ethiopians) in central Oromia. Although
the Oromo nation is one of the largest in Africa, it
is forgotten by or still unknown to the majority of
the world today as a result of the Ethiopian
colonial rule over its territory and people over the
last 100 years.
Starting Sunday afternoon, people visiting or
passing by the Federation Square in Melbourne
feel as though they've landed in another country
in a different continent – Oromia, in the Horn of
Africa. Oromia is the most beautiful part of that
world with rich cultural heritage, wild animals,
forestry, mountains, lakes and 12 months of
sunshine. Artifacts exhibition will be on display
from 2:00pm to 6:00pm, and the cultural show
will start at 3:00pm. Hope to see you there!
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
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Australian Oromo Community Newsletter
Issue 3 | March 2010
Welcome to the first edition of our Newsletter for 2010
The Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria (AOCAV)
news update is a quarterly newsletter intended to make hundreds of
community members aware of upcoming events and opportunities.
If you would like to receive this newsletter via email, please send
your details to the AOCAV’s email address:
Oromos celebrate at the Federation Square
congregated on Sunday 20 December 2009 at
Federation Square at a festival to celebrate and
commemorate the beauty of Oromo culture.
Organised by the Australian Oromo Community
Association in Victoria in conjunction with
Melbourne Oromo Youth Association, Oromia @
Federation Square was a jam-packed cultural
extravaganza that delighted the energetic crowd.
From 2pm, there was a cultural exhibition and
Oromo food on offer. The performances began
with a dove being released in a ceremony to
celebrate freedom and independence. Traditional
dance medleys, wedding re-enactments, hip hop
performances, a live band, and children’s
entertainment all provided the crowd with a taste
of Oromo culture and helped celebrate 25 years
since the establishment of the Australian Oromo
In this Edition
Oromia @ fed square
Oromo Graduation
Cultural Diversity Week
MOYA Sport/Activity day
Calendar of Events
Oromo students graduate in style
For the third year in a row, the Australian
(AOCAV) organised a graduation ceremony at
Flemington Community centre on 13 December
2009 for Oromo students graduating from colleges
and universities across Victoria. The Melbourne
Oromo Youth Association (MOYA) executive
committee and recent graduates from the past
two years were the volunteer organisers
contributing to the success of the Oromo
graduation ceremony.
Oromo community Graduation Ceremony (13/12/2009)
Celebration of Oromia @ Federation Square (20/12/2009)
Victorian Multicultural Commissioner Marcia
Pinskier was a distinguished guest and Oromo
community members Karim Degal and Sinke
Wesho who elegantly encouraged participation
from the energetic crowd throughout the day
fabulously hosted the entire show.
The celebration of Oromia at Federation
Square marks the beginning of yet another
exciting year of events that aim to bring the case
of the Oromo cause. All the best to the Australian
Oromos who will continue making contributions to
the global Oromo cause in 2010 and beyond.
The Oromo community members who
attended the ceremony in sheer numbers to pay
recognition and celebrate the achievements of
Oromo students indicates that Oromo people
young and old, seem to have understood that
education is the key to success.
The benefits of organizing graduation
ceremonies is being realised as it creates an
atmosphere for appreciating achievements. Such
recognition has a potential for inspiring our young
students to achieve excellence in their education.
Above all, graduation ceremony brings people
together and creates a joyous moment for all.
Warmest congratulations go out to the
2009 graduates. We hope the strongest bonds
that have been created over the years among our
graduates will continue to be stronger and more
AOCAV is committed to facilitating community development and growth whilst maintaining the rich cultural heritage of the Oromo people
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
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Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria (AOCAV)
Oromos contribute to Cultural Diversity week
Victoria has been enriched by people from all
over the world and diversity has strengthened our
state socially, culturally and economically. Many
Oromos also contribute to these successes. In the
2010 Cultural Diversity week, the Oromo
volunteers showcased a musical performance at
the City of Greater Dandenong, City of
Maribyrnong as well as attending the new &
emerging communities’ reception organised by the
City of Yarra and the Victoria Police.
Plenty of fun at MOYA sport/ Activity day
On the 28th of March 2010, 30 Oromo
youth participated in the Melbourne Oromo
Youth Association (MOYA)’s sport day activity.
The sport day was organised by the MOYA
executive committee to bring the Oromo youth
together and to share common goal and
purpose. The event was held at Roxburgh Park
‘life fitness Centre’, where attending youth
enjoyed playing soccer and volleyball.
MOYA members preparing for action (28/03/2010)
AOCAV taking part in Cultural Diversity Week (15/03/2010)
The Australian Oromo Community Association
in Victoria (AOCAV) was invited to the new &
emerging communities reception by Victoria
Police commander Ashley Dickinson.
discussing youth matter and future events. It
was a successful event that many will want it
to continue; it was fun day for the youth and
good for their health and fitness as sport
makes life fun and enjoyable.
MOYA members in action at Roxburgh Park (28/03/2010)
AOCAV celebrating Cultural Diversity with Police (15/03/2010)
The event was held at Collingwood Town Hall
on 15 March 2010. AOCAV committee (Aliye,
Aisha, Awal, Karim & Toltu) were all there
representing the Oromo community as part of the
greater than 250 guests, providing Victoria Police
with an opportunity to celebrate diversity with a
wide range of cultural community representatives.
The AOCAV will continue to develop closer
relationship with the Victoria Police.
Calendar of Events
Meeting with
Foreign Affairs
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
Page 2
Australian Oromo Community Newsletter
Issue 4 | June 2010
Welcome to the June edition of our community’s Newsletter
The Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria’s (AOCAV)
news update is a quarterly newsletter intended to make hundreds of
community members aware of upcoming events and opportunities.
If you would like to receive this newsletter via email, please send
your details to the AOCAV’s email address:
Oromo delegates convene in Canberra
Oromo community delegates from Melbourne,
Sydney and Brisbane met in Canberra with
representatives from the Department of Foreign
Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to further discuss the
vast number of issues regarding the current level
of persecution towards the Oromo people. The
meeting was very fruitful and a number of issues
relating to human rights violations and abuse by
the current regime was tabled and discussed.
In this Edition
AOCAV leaders meet DFAT
Community peace rally
Oromia farewell Socceroos
Identity and Culture
Community Consultation
Calendar of Events
Oromo people rally worldwide
The AOCAV, Oromo citizens and human right
activists took part in a rally walking through the
busy streets of Melbourne’s CBD to highlight the
continuing violation of basic human rights of the
Oromos to the Australian government and
Australian people.
DFAT representatives acknowledged that they
were very aware of the plight and history of the
Oromo people. Key statements made by DFAT
representatives was a promise to inquire about
the current level of inhumane treatment inflicted
upon Oromo refugees in refugee camps, especially
in Kenya where the Australian embassy is based.
The inquiry will be made available to the Oromo
community in Australia upon completion.
Oromo Community Peace Rally (21/05/2010)
Oromo community leaders @ Canberra (15/04/2010)
Due to approaches made from Oromo
representatives in Melbourne, Sydney and
Brisbane, the AOCAV has recently received a
letter from Laurie Ferguson (Federal member for
Reid) stating that he would argue for a review of
Australia’s Oromo people refugee intake with a
view to enhancing the Oromo’s case.
The delegates were very satisfied with the
outcome of the meeting and look forward to a
long term relationship with the department.
Hundreds of Australian citizens expressed their
right to inform fellow citizens of the shameful acts
that are committed to innocent people in Ethiopia.
With many people fleeing the country due to
wars, famine and persecution, Ethiopia has a very
grim past. During the many regimes’ that have
come and gone the Oromo People have suffered
enormously under the colonial empire. Worldwide
Peaceful Rallies also took place in many cities in
Europe and the USA to condemn the brutal
atrocities committed against the Oromo and other
oppressed nations in Ethiopia by the tyrant Meles
Zenawi regime. These atrocities are very well
documented and reported by the international
humanitarian organizations including Amnesty
International and Human Rights Watch, State
Department (US) and Oromia Support Group in
their annual reports.
The AOCAV urges the Australian government
and the international community to exert all the
necessary pressure on the government of Ethiopia
to stop crimes against humanity and respect
human rights and exercise a fair and democratic
AOCAV is committed to facilitating community development and growth whilst maintaining the rich cultural heritage of the Oromo people
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
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Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria (AOCAV)
Oromo Youth farewell the Socceroos in style
The Oromo youth were part of the 55,000 fans
at the big World Cup farewell night organised for
the Socceroos. Ranked more than 50 places ahead
of the Kiwis in the FIFA standings, Australia looked
disjointed and shocked to find itself behind as New
Zealand's competitive spirit, organisation and
aerial prowess up front often threatened to
unhinge its higher ranked opponent.
The Kiwis felt like they were the victims of a
late night mugging, while the Socceroos will hope
they have not used up all their luck after a Brett
Holman goal in the fourth minute of stoppage time
gave Australia a fortunate 2-1 victory in the Trans
Tasman meeting at the MCG.
Oromo youth representing @ the MCG (24/05/2010)
The Oromia boys stood out from the huge
crowd dressed in their red, blue and white
“OROMIA” t-shirts and chanting “hin dabalamaa
hin dabalamaa” (there will be more goals) even
after the last whistle was blown.
Community Consultation
The executive committee of the Australian
Oromo Community Association in Victoria Inc held
a consultation meeting with members and nonmembers on the 12th of June 2010. The objective
of the meeting was to discuss the various issues
that currently face the Oromo community. The
consultation was very successful as it allowed the
executive committee to better understand the
issues and needs faced by the community.
Attendees were also reminded to renew/obtain
financial membership of our community. Moving
forward, only financial members will be entitled to
certain services. The annual membership fee is
only $50.00 and you are encouraged to get in
early and claim the total amount on tax return for
the financial year 2009/2010.
A major achievement of the consultation was
the need for improvement in communication. The
executive committee will take this request
onboard and aim to deliver exceptional service to
members whilst maintaining the rich cultural
heritage of the Oromo nation.
Identity and Culture
Identity and culture are words thrown
around these days, but what does this really
mean to the Oromo people and the Oromo
cause. It is very important for individuals to
understand where they hail from and what
their culture entails. We can sometimes forget
how important culture means to us and can
take it for granted. I recently discovered how
impressive the Oromo culture was during a
visit by a young individual who had a massive
Oromo spirit. Our language is broad and our
culture is strong and growing in strength every
day. What we would like to introduce is
IDENTITY SPIRIT, as Oromo the way in which
we portray our culture ultimately sets the
image for Oromo people. There are two factors
that one needs to utilize when trying to
position one’s culture and identity to the rest
of the community. Creating fear and hope into
people’s minds one can achieve many
outcomes. Politicians are very well known for
utilizing the above two factors to gain votes
and win elections. As Oromo’s by using the
two factors we can portray a positive or
negative image for the community and
ourselves. It is human nature to identify with
winners and idolise role models or heroes that
have achieved great things.
As an Oromo we need to be the positive
heroes and role models for our children’s and
young. The effects of positive role models are
vast and unmeasurable as they create hope to
better oneself. Role models don’t often need to
climb Mt. Everest or travel to the arctic and
set new records in extreme conditions. The
survival of community members during
adverse treatments in concentration camps
and escaping death is what the Jewish
community utilize to inspire themselves. As
Oromo’s we have faced similar treatments at
the hands of various regimes that have raged
relentless efforts to wipe out our culture,
people, language and history. Regardless of
their efforts we are stronger than ever and our
identity both in our homeland and in Diaspora
is at its highest. In order to further highlight to
the western world we need to constantly
elaborate to people within our social circle
about whom we are and that we are from
In conclusion, we would like to leave you
with a quote from Nelson Mandela “I learned
that courage was not the absence of fear, but the
triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does
not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear”.
Being an Oromo is not something to be afraid
of but something to be very loud and proud
Calendar of Events
Annual General Meeting
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
Page 2
Australian Oromo Community Newsletter
Issue 5 | September 2010
Welcome to the September edition of our Newsletter
The Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria’s (AOCAV)
news update is a quarterly newsletter intended to make hundreds of
community members aware of upcoming events and opportunities.
If you would like to receive this newsletter via email, please send
your details to the AOCAV’s email address:
Annual General Meeting
The Oromo Community successfully held an
Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Springvale on
the 1st of August 2010. The management
committee presented on the challenges the
community have been facing, the communication
tools currently in use, the current financial status,
the upcoming census and it’s impact on the Oromo
people, services and recently held events and their
benefits as well as outlook and plans for the future.
In this Edition
Annual General Meeting
Boonaa in Melbourne
Media conference
Health advice
Oromo muslims aim high
Calendar of Events
Boonaa Mohamed performs in Melbourne
performance held at Melbourne University on July
8th 2010. Boonaa is an Oromo born and raised in
Toronto, Canada. The not-for-profit organisation
RISE (Refugees, Survivors and Ex-Detainees)
association based in Melbourne organised a
successful poetry and expressions night and
invited Boonaa Mohammed as the special guest
for the night. RISE provides mutual aid, support
and services for refugees and asylum seekers.
The attending members thanked the current
committee and shared their ideas and experiences
on promoting Oromia and the Oromo people.
Members were vocal about the high standard set
by the current management committee and
expressed their desire for this to be maintained.
Some of the major key points discussed were
building strong relationships with key people and
the media, obtaining an Oromo resource centre,
developing young Oromo leaders for the future and
undertaking projects that will develop awareness
about Oromia and the Oromo people.
Boonaa Mohamed in Melbourne (21/07/2010)
Oromo community AGM @ Springvale (01/08/2010)
The current committee and the attending
members unanimously agreed that only financial
members ought to receive community services
going forward. The current management committee
will aim to increase the number of financial
members and update the association’s constitution.
Members requested that a handover process must
be implemented before the next election in
readiness for future.
Boonaa is widely known in North America and
is a rising performer who is catching the attention
of everyone worldwide. His clever ability to
express his point of views and his experiences
attract all people from various backgrounds.
Dubbed the ‘voice of a generation’ he continues to
be just that. Boonaaa is a critically acclaimed
award winning writer and performer. He has won
various Poetry competitions such as the 2007 CBC
Poetry Face-Off “Best New Artist” award. As an
Artist, he has toured and travelled across the
globe and frequently conducts writing workshops
and seminars, sharing his experience and
expertise in social justice based story telling with
mainly youth from all walks of life. He is currently
working on his first play entitled “Purple Don’t
We are proud to have talented people such as
Boonaa. He also has a poem called ‘No such thing
as a ‘Galla’ that talk about the struggles of the
Oromo people and the hope and future that the
Oromo people will not let their horrific history hold
them back.
AOCAV is committed to facilitating community development and growth whilst maintaining the rich cultural heritage of the Oromo people
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
Page 1
Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria (AOCAV)
Radioactive Media conference
Radioactive Media conference was organised
Broadcasters Council (NEMBC) on August 14 and
15th in Canberra. The themes of language,
intercultural dialogue, heritage and identity were
explored in presentations and workshops, the
representation in the media as a way to build
community strength, encourage dialogue and work
discussed. One of the multicultural presenters was
an Oromo local from Melbourne, Aisha Ali.
Health advice by Mr Marama Kufi
Bullying: It can have a distressing and
devastating effect on a person’s life. Do you
understand what bullying is and how it affects
people? We hope it was very much appreciated
by all who have listened to it on the Oromo
radio Public Health Program.
Eating tips for children: Young age is the
perfect and wonderful time for children to learn
about healthy food, bodies and activity. Bear in
mind, this is the time they start a busy social
life, have pocket money and begin to help
choose their own lifestyle. Children of this age
learn quickly and are also influenced by their
friends and popular trends.
Cutting your phone bill: We cannot be
without them, but bills from mobile phones can
cause mess on the family budget. Long work
calls, parents and children catch ups, teen
enjoyment and dramas can really add up the
bill. If your bill is out of control as the result of
phone bills, it is time for you to review your
budget and make limitations.
Aisha Ali representing Oromo in Canberra (14/08/2010)
Aisha talked about identity, culture, heritage,
and representations of various multicultural
groups in the media and the impact the media has
on people as a whole.
Oromo translations of documents
Translations of documents in the Oromo
language are re-occurring issues that are being
tended to by the Australian Oromo Community
Association in Victoria (AOCAV). However, in
recent times a project Officer at Doutta Galla
Community Centre in Kensington had been misinformed about Oromo translations and was told
that Oromo and Tigrinya were the same. This is an
absolute outrage and upon hearing this, many of
the Oromo community members as well as
committee members from the AOCAV cleared the
misconception with the project officer. She has
apologised for the misunderstanding and has
translated some Oromo documents in relation to
her project about teeth. Oromo translations are
based on demand, our people must request to
have documents translated to Afaan Oromo in
order to avoid such events taking place again.
Otherwise, misconceptions like these will become
a regular fashion; therefore, it is up to us to have
a voice. The Australian Oromo Community
Association in Victoria encourages members to
request services in the Oromo language. We hold
our own destiny. Stand up Oromo be heard…!!!
Saving water indoors: there are many ways
to save water in the bathroom, laundry, kitchen
and other parts of your home. Many are quick
and low in cost. Some will even save you time
and money. Take
online tour at to see how you can
save water indoors every day
Health checks for men: Men should have
particularly important if there is a family history
of disease. Do you have regular check-ups? Are
you putting your health at risk by not looking
after yourself? Don’t give a time, test your
health today!
No Tobacco Day: Is smoking cigarettes an
addiction or a habit? Whatever the case are you
mentally equipped to quiet? Take smart steps
today which helps to maintain your health
during today’s busy life style.
Oromo Muslims aim to purchase a facility
The Oromo Muslims of Melbourne held a
successful meeting on 25 September 2010.
Ideas and strategies about purchasing a facility
were discussed in detail. A follow up meeting
has been scheduled to be held on Sunday
October 10, 2010.
Calendar of Events
Education Workshop
Monash Caulfield
Graduation Ceremony
Oromo Festival
Community Centre
Federation Square
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
Page 2
Australian Oromo Community Newsletter
Issue 6 | December 2010
Welcome to the six edition of our community newsletter
The Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria (AOCAV)
news update is a quarterly newsletter intended to make hundreds of
community members aware of upcoming events and opportunities.
If you would like to receive this newsletter via email, please send
your details to the AOCAV’s email address:
Annual Planning Day 2010
An all day planning/review session was held in
Melbourne’s CBD on the 10th of October 2010.
This was a follow up process on the publicly
launched Community Strategic Plan that identified
key issues and possible solutions as well as
clarifying expectations that helped develop a
common vision and objectives to guide the work
of the AOCAV and its community partners over
the 2009 – 2012 period.
In this Edition
Annual Planning Day
Oromo Awareness Day
Broadcaster of the year
Irreechaa Celebrations
Traditional Mediators
Oromo Soccer 2010
Calendar of Events
Oromo Awareness Day in Melbourne’s CBD
On 1st November, 2010 Australian-Oromo
families and youth joined forces in yet another
exciting community initiative. Scores of Oromo
people united in Melbourne’s Central Business
District (CBD) to teach the wider Australian public
about the Oromo cultural heritage and the overall
task was simple: to hand out pamphlets about
Oromia to commuters in the afternoon rush hour.
We believe it is truly a gift when communities can
make the time in their busy schedules to unite on
shared values, and enjoy themselves at the same
time. The two hours spent together was a joyous
time as daily commuters took pamphlets from our
hands, engaged in conversations, gazed at our
costumes and took away our message into their
homes. We struggled to keep up with our people
as scores of boisterous youth, smiling mothers
and proud fathers distributed thousands of fliers
in a matter of minutes during the afternoon rush
hour of Melbourne’s busiest train stations.
AOCAV Management Committee Reviewing Plans (10/10/2010)
The review session began by undertaking a
performance review
to identify areas
improvement. The main objectives of the current
community image, provide relevant services and
improve community communication and finance
as well as consolidating ties amongst various
interactions within the community.
In order to realise the above objectives, the
management committee unanimously agreed to
run an education and employment workshop ,
hold a graduation ceremony to recognise the
educational achievements of Oromo people in
Australia, organise an Oromo festival know as
Oromia @ federation square to show-case the
Oromo people’s culture and traditions as well as
Tournament to provide young people with an
opportunity to improve their health and fitness
while interacting with other members of the
Oromo Awareness Day at Federation Square (01/11/2010)
We were proud to stand with the local
community as everyone engaged so positively
with our multi-faceted Australian-Oromo identity.
Our Oromo awareness day in the heart of
Melbourne created a perfect backdrop to all of our
upcoming events that will keep our community
busy throughout the summer of 2010. We look
forward to seeing you all then!
Watch a sample of Australian-Oromo awareness day at:
AOCAV is committed to facilitating community development and growth whilst maintaining the rich cultural heritage of the Oromo people
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
Page 1
Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria (AOCAV)
Oromo Youth Named Broadcaster of 2010
A young Oromo youth Milky Hamza Wario
has been awarded the youth broadcaster of the
year for his contribution on the Oromo program
broadcasting on 3ZZZ. Milky was all smiles
when his name was announced and celebrated
his win with his father Hamza Wario and fellow
broadcaster Karim Degal. The event was
organised by the National Ethnic and
Multicultural Broadcasters Councils (NEMBC).
The event was held in Canberra and was
attended by broadcasters from all over
Australia. Milky broadcasts his sport segment
every Sunday delivering the weeks sports
results in 5-10 mins. Milky thanked his father
during his acceptance speech and explained
how he became involved in community
Broadcaster of the year Milky in Canberra (07/11/2010)
The Oromo Community should be proud to
have such a vibrant and active youth who can
one day lead a nation and bring pride to our
identity. Well done and congratulations to
Oromo people celebrate Irreechaa in style
On October 3, 2010 Oromo people
celebrated one of the most ancient rituals,
Irreechaa (thanksgiving) at Footscray Park,
Melbourne. Irreechaa is one of the major
traditional Oromo festivities observed annually
with colour and great splendour to Waqa
(Supreme Being or Creator) for the end of the
rainy season and the dawning of birra (spring).
Long before the Christians or the Muslims, the
Oromo had their own practices and religion.
Supporting Traditional African Mediators
A committee made up of 7 community
representatives and 7 agency representatives (The
STAMP Committee) met over a period of a year in
2008/09 with the object of developing a
sustainable, culturally appropriate strategy for
supporting traditional African mediators in their
work within their communities. They examined
many ideas, and decided that a Training package
was the most realistic and helpful objective.
The STAMP Committee asked Foundation
House, The Immigrant Woman’s Domestic
Violence Service and The Western Region Health
Centre to develop the training package that was
based around the topics recommended by the
STAMP Committee. The first training ran late last
year (over 4 Saturdays), and it was very
successful with 20 people attending, both male
and female from Ethiopian, Somali, Eritrean and
Sudanese communities. As the organisers seek to
improve the package each time it runs, this time
two Oromo community representatives (Aliye
Geleto & Awal Adem) took part in the program
over five Saturday mornings and there were 15
participants (instead of 20) to allow for more
intensive learning and discussion.
The training was provided by qualified and
experienced training professionals covering the
Australian Legal System as it relates to family law,
the impact of refugee experiences on family
relationships and family wellbeing, skills for
strengthening family relationships and skills for
responding to family violence. Feel free to contact
us if you wish to attend future training sessions.
Exciting times ahead for Oromo Soccer fans
Tournament is going to be one of the most
competitive tournaments since the tournament
began in 2003. All matches will be played in the
newly developed world class synthetic pitch at the
JJ Holland Park, Kensington, where 8 senior teams
will be competing for the title of the Australian
Oromo Soccer Champions. The event will be
organised by volunteers of the Oromo community,
lead by Abdulhamid Hassen, Arse Abdurahman,
Gameda Adem, Mohamed Hussen and Shabo Ali
Shabo. There are lots of fun activities planned for
juniors, ladies and elders. Everyone is invited to
take part in all the fun beginning on boxing-day
and running until Sunday the 2nd of January 2011.
Calendar of Events
Education & Employment Workshop
Monash University (Caulfield campus)
Oromo Graduation Ceremony
Flemington Community Centre
Oromo Festival
Federation Square
Oromo Soccer Tournament
JJ Holland Park, Kensington
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
Page 2
Australian Oromo Community Newsletter
Issue 7 | March 2011
Welcome to the first edition of 2011 community Newsletter
The Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria (AOCAV)
news update is a quarterly newsletter intended to make hundreds of
community members aware of upcoming events and opportunities.
If you would like to receive this newsletter via email, please send
your details to the AOCAV’s email address:
Oromia returns to the Federation Square
2010 marks the third annual opportunity for
the Australian Oromo Community Association in
Victoria (AOCAV) to spread awareness of
Oromumma to the local community and the wider
global village. Federation Square represents the
central heart of Melbourne and also one of the
select locations Oprah Winfery chose to make a
public speech during her visit to Australia.
However on the day of December 19, Federation
Square belonged to one community: the
Australian Oromo Community Association in
Victoria (AOCAV).
In this Edition
Oromia @ Fed Square
2010 Oromo Graduation
2011 Australian Census
Oromo Soccer Tournament
MOYA visits the Ice House
Oromo Radio turns 15
Calendar of Events
Annual Oromo Graduation Ceremony
The 4th Oromo graduation ceremony was an
energy-filled night. The night encompassed
Oromo traditional dances by the hawwisoo Oromo
youth of Melbourne, drama role plays, cake
cutting ceremonies, and various elders of the
community spreading words of wisdom.
Oromo Graduation Ceremony (12/12/2010)
Oromia @ Federation Square (19/12/2010)
For the first time, AOCAV extended an invitation
to the indigenous Aboriginal people of Australia,
the Wurunjeri tribe, to conduct an indigenous
welcoming ceremony as a mark of respect.
Afterall, Aboriginal Australians and Australian
Oromos can unite after having suffered a mutually
painful past and what better way to celebrate
than to invite our hosts to perform a ritual so
close to the Oromo heart. Australian Oromo men
and women both young and old banded together
to showcase superb performances of dance, art,
spoken word, traditional clothing and blessings
that touched the anticipating hearts and festive
souls of eager crowds. People from all walks of life
were entrenched with Oromo tradition as
Oromomumma spirit truly came alive.
Oromia at Federation Square has continued to
experience a huge momentum since the festival’s
inception in 2008 and this year is no exception. A
DVD of the entire festival is now available.
The graduates and the onlookers alike were
amazed and pleased at the increasing number of
Oromo graduates. The Oromo graduation builds
moral and high hopes for the future of our
growing community in Melbourne and Australia. In
December 2011, we hope to see the increasing
number of graduates grow, including graduates
from interstate.
Be counted as an Oromo in 2011 Census
The North, South, West and East of
Melbourne, Oromos from every corner of Australia
we invite you to be identified as an Oromo from
Oromia. This is your chance Oromo to be
recognised amongst this multicultural society. It is
about making the most of the opportunity that our
people strived and continue to strive for, which is
to preserve their ‘Oromumma’.
This year is census year for Australia and we
hope Oromos will be counted as a larger number
than previous censuses. Tuesday August 9, 2011
is our recognition day. Each one of you can make
a difference - do it Oromo we know you can!!!
AOCAV is committed to facilitating community development and growth whilst maintaining the rich cultural heritage of the Oromo people
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
Page 1
Australian Oromo Community Association of Victoria (AOCAV)
Australian Oromo Soccer Tournament
Organized for the 8th year running, the
Australian Oromo Soccer Tournament is held
annually during the Christmas/New Year
holiday break in the Australian sporting capital
city of Melbourne. The 2010 tournament was
better than ever before as it signifies one of
volunteerism and sustained effort to reach a
MOYA experience something different
Melbourne Oromo Youth Association (MOYA)
members enjoyed a fun day ice skating at the
Medibank Ice House Docklands before returning to
school for the year 2011. Medibank Ice House is
Melbourne’s’ premier, world-class ice sports and
entertainment venue conveniently located in
Waterfront City, Docklands.
Oromo Youth learn ice skating at the Ice House (30/01/2011)
Gadaa Youth celebrate championship (02/01/2011)
In total 8 teams participated in the
tournament, majority of the teams are from
the Oromo community in Victoria. One Sydney
team made the long trip from New South
Wales, which indicates how successful the
Australian Oromo Soccer Tournament has
become. Competitions between this year’s
teams were intense indicating a year of
transition as majority of the players were from
within the Oromo community. The tournament
was organized by youth from the Australian
Oromo Community Association in Victoria. The
success of the tournament has amazed the
African communities and set a new level of
standards. City of Melbourne, Victoria Police
and the soccer enthusiasts of the Oromo
community followed the tournament with great
interest. The tournament provides a great
opportunity for young people to realize their
potential. Everyone who takes part enjoys the
event, and it does not matter who wins the
competition. With good orgainisation and
tournaments will be even better success.
Calendar of Events
While the rest of Melbournians swet from the
42 degrees summers day on 30th of January,
Oromo youth enjoyed a cool day rocking out to the
latest tunes, while learning to ice skate for the
first time. As expected a number of youth found it
difficult, but under the guidance of expert
teachers, it didn’t take long before the challenge
turned into fun a wonderful time. The youth
learned skills such as jumps, spins and footworks
mastering the basics of Ice Skating.
Oromo Radio broadcasts for 15 years
Oromo people in Melbourne gathered at
Collingwood Town Hall to celebrate the 15th
anniversary of the Oromo radio program on 19
March 2011. The Oromo radio program at 3zzz
was established in August 1995. The program is
one of the four Oromo community radio stations
operating in the world and the only Oromo radio
program in the Asia-pacific region. The Oromo
program broadcasts on 92.3 FM every Sunday
from 1:00 - 2:00PM. It broadcasts a diverse range
of news from around the globe, youth program,
health program, opinions and analysis of current
(festivals) and provides entertainment to our
listeners that would otherwise not be available to
them. The program provides enormous benefits
to the Oromo community in Australia and beyond.
Viva Victoria, Oromo performance @12noon
Federation Square
Oromo delegates meeting with DFAT
The R. G. Casey Building, Canberra
Oromo Community Forum
40 Grattan Street, Prahran
Flemington Community Centre
Gov. Departments and Agencies meeting
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
Page 2
Australian Oromo Community Newsletter
Issue 8 | June 2011
Welcome to the 8th edition of our Community Newsletter
The Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria (AOCAV)
news update is a quarterly newsletter intended to make hundreds of
community members aware of upcoming events and opportunities.
If you would like to receive this newsletter via email, please send
your details to the AOCAV’s email address:
Viva Victoria Festival and Vision in Action
Federation Square in Melbourne is yet again
the place where Oromo culture was showcased to
many Victorians. Ever since this landmark cultural
and entertainment destination was opened to the
public, Oromo people have been gathering here.
In March 2011, a program titled 'Vision in Action'
was held to inform members of the corporate
world about the human rights occurring in various
countries namely Oromia, Ogadenia, Afghanistan,
Palestine and others alike. The AOCAV had a stall
decorated with cultural Oromo artefacts, the map
of Oromia, the Oromo flag and documents stating
human rights abuses. AOCAV will continue to
work with other human rights and community
organisations and raise awareness about human
rights and other relevant issues.
In this Edition
Viva Victoria Festival
Vision in Action program
Gov. Agencies meet Oromo
Mr Bandt speaks about us
Upcoming Event (AGM)
AOCAV leads the way in presenting the case
of the Oromo people to Federal Government
On Thursday 21st April, 2011 National
Members from Australian Oromo communities in
the states of Victoria and New South Wales joined
forces and presented to the highest level of
government in Canberra. For the third year in a
row, AOCAV lead the way in presenting the case
of the Oromo people to government. The Oromo
committees met with the Department of Foreign
Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and with the Department
of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).
Oromo delegates meet with DFAT & DIAC (21/04/2011)
Vision in Action @ BMW Edge – Fed Square (03/03/2011)
Cultural Diversity Week is held annually
between 14 - 21 March. The Week provides an
opportunity for all Victorians to celebrate our
cultural, linguistic and religious diversity. It also
marks the United Nations Day for the Elimination
of Racism on 21 March and affirms our belief in
the right for all Victorians to live without fear of
racial and religious discrimination. The AOCAV
presented a dance medley at the annual Viva
Victoria Festival. The festival is the major event of
Government's celebration of our state's wonderful
Watch the Australian Oromos present a
knockout show! Videos are available at:
Both departments were very receptive to what
has now turned into relationship building between
our community and the government. During the
meeting with DFAT, the collective Oromo
committees addressed follow up from previous
meetings regarding Oromo people detained in
Refugee camps who have ‘disappeared’, the
current federal government’s decision to open an
Addis Ababa and
furthermore, discussing new ways to ignite how
the Australian government can raise the profile of
the Oromo identity and human rights abuses at
the level of United Nations. Meeting with the DIAC
for the first time was also a delightful experience.
AOCAV leads the way in presenting the case of
the Oromo people to the Australian government.
Overall, both departments agreed to support
the Oromo community in our efforts of integration
and harmony, congratulations to the national
team of Australian Oromo people once again!!!
AOCAV is committed to facilitating community development and growth whilst maintaining the rich cultural heritage of the Oromo people
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
Page 1
Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria (AOCAV)
Government Agencies meet Oromo people
Saturday the 7th of May, 2011 marked the
most exciting political event for Australian
Oromo people. The AOCAV created an event
for politicians at a national level, and national
government services to meet with the Oromo
people to learn of the Oromo people’s message
and to facilitate a face-to-face consultation.
Adam Bandt, MP for Melbourne represents one
of the highest levels of government in the
Melbourne, accompanied by representatives of
(Centrelink), Australian Migrant Education
Resource Service (AMES), Department of
Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and local
Mayor sat down to listen to the community
present the story of the community. Over 600
Oromo people came to this event, so
successful, there was no room to sit and people
sat outside the jam-packed hallway, eagerly
waiting to hear the words of our people being
taught to the highest political representatives
of the Australian community.
Government Agencies meet Oromo people (07/05/2011)
community is currently achieving and what
tools we need to maintain a successful lifestyle
as Australian Oromo people. MP Adam Bandt
recognized and supported the need for Oromo
self-determination, recognized our request for
importance of assisting educated Oromo people
with meaningful jobs, and ensuring that Oromo
is a recognized language among government
translation services. The representatives from
the other government departments also
recognized work that needed to be done and
stayed behind after the event to speak with
Oromo’s personally about their concerns, some
of them actually speaking words of Afaan
Oromo they have learnt after years of
interacting with our people.
Our issues are no longer some hypothetical
construct; they are now a reality in which
Oromo people overcome every day with
Mr Bandt speaks about Oromos in Parliament
MP Adam Bandt speaking about Oromian Australians in the
House of Representatives - Parliament (26/05/2011)
Greens MP Adam Bandt made the following
statement in the House of Representatives on May
26, 2011 on Oromo Australians; Mr BANDT
(Melbourne) (13:52): On Saturday 7 May this
year, I was privileged to meet with Australians
from Oromia. We met in Flemington in my
electorate of Melbourne. Many members of this
place may not be aware of the Oromian
community and have limited knowledge of the
plight of the Oromo people. I have subsequently
learnt that the Oromia region stretches across
most of Ethiopia. Members of the Oromo
community in Melbourne spoke to me about their
Australians as well as their desire for government
services to recognise and support their identity.
Cross-cultural women’s forum
This month on the 16th of June 2011 a
gathering was held for women from diverse
backgrounds to discuss obstacles and variances in
women leadership both in the western world and
ethnically diverse communities. Joan Kirner, the
first female premier of Victoria was the honorary
key note speaker. She emphasised on the
importance of women being confident and
progressing to leadership positions. The forum
consisted of three panels the first session was
representing your community, the second was
working with the government and the third was
newly arrived community’s women as bearers of
culture: The Way Forward.
Aisha Ali represented the Oromo community on
the third panel discussing the emergence of
Oromo women as leaders with in various
community services such as Radio and Australian
Oromo community and expressed her ideas on
how the community will continue to develop
outstanding women leaders.
Overall the forum completed its goal of
bringing women from different backgrounds into
one arena to share and empathise experiences.
Upcoming Event
The Church Hall
10A, Hyde Street
Footscray VIC 3011
Visit our website at for more information, news, photos and videos
Page 2