Tennis Central Annual Report
Tennis Central Annual Report
TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPORT 2016 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPORT 2016 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 CONTENTS Our Mission, Our Vision, Our Values ................................................................................................... 4 Strategic Plan 2016–2021 ..................................................................................................................... 5 Officers 2015/16 ...................................................................................................................................6 Chairman’s Report .............................................................................................................................. 7 Chief Executive Officer’s Report..........................................................................................................8 Hutt Valley Tennis .............................................................................................................................12 Tennis Manawatu ...............................................................................................................................16 Taranaki Tennis ................................................................................................................................. 20 Wairarapa Tennis............................................................................................................................... 24 Tennis Wanganui ............................................................................................................................... 28 Wellington Tennis Clubs .....................................................................................................................31 Kapi Mana Tennis Clubs .................................................................................................................... 33 Wellington Tennis Chairman’s Report ............................................................................................... 34 Game Development & Participation ................................................................................................. 35 Membership Numbers .......................................................................................................................37 National Participation Numbers ....................................................................................................... 38 Marketing, Sponsorship & Promotion .............................................................................................. 40 Our Partners ..................................................................................................................................... 42 Tennis Central Awards ....................................................................................................................... 43 Events & Tournaments...................................................................................................................... 45 Premier Interclub .............................................................................................................................. 48 Tecnifibre Interclub ............................................................................................................................51 EMP Midweek .................................................................................................................................... 54 Business House ................................................................................................................................ 58 Frampton Winter ............................................................................................................................... 59 Veterans ............................................................................................................................................ 60 Regional Performance Centre ............................................................................................................61 MinterEllisonRuddWatts Wellington Open 2016 ................................................................................ 62 Championship Honours Board .......................................................................................................... 64 Financial Report for 2015/16 ............................................................................................................. 66 Independent Auditor’s Report .......................................................................................................... 68 Financial Statements ........................................................................................................................ 70 Statement of Service Performance ................................................................................................... 76 3 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 OUR MISSION OUR VISION OUR VALUES To MORE PEOPLE DEDICATED, PROMOTE IN TENNIS IN THE COMMUNITY-FOCUSED, AND CENTRAL REGION EFFECTIVE SUPPORT – participating, TRUSTWORTHY. TENNIS succeeding, in the enjoying Central region. 4 – FOR LIFE. TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 STRATEGIC PLAN 2016–2021 GOAL 1 GOAL 2 PARTICIPATION AND DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE SUCCESSFULLY SUPPORT CLUBS TO GROW THE GAME; AND GUIDE PLAYERS AND COACHES THROUGH THE PARTICIPATION PATHWAY. BASELINE MEASURES (AS AT 30 APRIL 2016) SUCCESSFULLY DELIVER A RANGE OF EVENTS AND TOURNAMENTS FOR PERFORMANCE-FOCUSED PARTICIPANTS; AND SUPPORT PERFORMANCE ACHIEVEMENT. • Regional membership – 6,531 BASELINE MEASURES (AS AT 30 APRIL 2016) • Regional casual participants – 2,092 • Tournaments – 28 • Qualified and registered coaches – 26 • Tournament entrants – 2,148 • National teams events – 2nd in 2016 DELIVERABLES • Facilitate the delivery of participation programmes, including Tennis New Zealand branded programmes; • Facilitate the delivery of the Tennis New Zealand coach education programme and supporting forums; • Facilitate the delivery of the New Zealand Tennis Umpires Association umpire education programme; • Support the on-going development and enhancement of clubs and associations; and • Deliver participation competitions (e.g. business house) at the Renouf Tennis Centre. DELIVERABLES • Deliver annually the Wellington Open – Tennis Central’s flagship event; • Deliver annually a schedule of quality tournaments across the region; • Deliver the Wellington/Kapi Mana interclub competitions; • Implement and coordinate a regional performance programme; and • Tennis Central players achieve success on the national stage. GOAL 3 GOAL 4 ORGANISATIONAL EXCELLENCE SUSTAINABILITY CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT IN OUR ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE. OPERATE A SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS UNDERPINNED BY SECURE REVENUES AND PRUDENT RESERVES. BASELINE MEASURES (AS AT 30 APRIL 2016) BASELINE MEASURES (AS AT 30 APRIL 2016) • ODT Report (November 2015) • Cash reserves – $352,018 DELIVERABLES (excluding $186,724 infrastructure reserve) • Have clarity of purpose; DELIVERABLES • Operate in a manner consistent with best practice; • Achieve a cash surplus, after depreciation, on an annual basis; • Have a culture that supports success and fosters partnership; • Meet all statutory requirements; • Identify areas for improvement and implement; • Utilise technology to enhance capability; and • Maintain cash reserves in excess of six months’ operations ($400,000); and • Maintain the Wellington Renouf Tennis Centre. • Maintain beneficial relationships and communications with key stakeholders. 5 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 OFFICERS 2015/16 Officers Tennis Central staff Contact details MANAGEMENT BOARD CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ADDRESS Philip Seemann (Chairman) Tim Shannahan Renouf Tennis Centre Linda Bain Glen Butler (co-opted from September 2015) Guy Callender (to August 2015) Leonie Dobbs Brian Francis Brett Hibbert Steve Joss (co-opted from February 2016) Graeme Liddell Dr Dale Nelson HONORARY SOLICITORS John Langford Law AUDITOR Crowe Horwarth EVENTS & OPERATIONS MANAGER Florent Perret REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Reilly Logue (to August 2015) MARKETING & PROMOTIONS MANAGER Melissa Jansen 60 Brooklyn Road Wellington 6011 WEBSITE E-MAIL HONORARY CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Ian Miller PARTICIPATION & DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Amelia Harris SENIOR EVENTS CO-ORDINATOR Sandra Calder VOLUNTEER ADMINISTRATOR Robyn Dry LIFE MEMBERS MAINTENANCE MANAGER Rodney Callender John Kane Colin Frampton John Roach Kevin Wilson We farewelled Peter Simpson this year as he moved to Australia with his family, after an incredible contribution to tennis in Wellington. 6 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT With another successful year of tennis behind us, the Annual Report is my opportunity to look back at our progress and achievements as an organisation in 2015/16. It is also an opportunity to look ahead and share some of our priorities and plans for the forthcoming year. Underpinning everything is our financial performance. There was a good result again this year. This result is based on another year of successful financial management based on carefully balancing revenues versus expenditures – whilst always trying to achieve the greatest level of service and benefits to the wider tennis communities. Tennis Central Region (TCR) continues to act prudently to be sustainable – any surplus is added to reserves – since the gratefully received and vital funding from supporting organisations can vary from time to time. Honorary Chief Financial Officer Ian Miller and CEO Tim Shannahan, as well as the TCR management team, deserve special mention here. We have had more notable successes on the court than ever before – with key personal bests for some marquee players – Marcus Daniell’s amazing results on the doubles tour, culminating in his selection for the Rio Olympic Games; Finn Tearney – NZ Men’s number 1; Ajeet Rai – number 1 junior male, to name a few. The many TCR players at US colleges have acquitted themselves well, and there has also been some fantastic results from the juniors – with a continuation of the excellent performances from players who are still working on their development – with of course the huge contributions from their coaches, parents and supporters. The Wellington Open was a great success again – and there were many other notable events – including the ITF junior international grade 4 event held in policies – both from central and local government – to enable capital expenditure to renew and update ageing facilities. There is a gap in funding models enabling sustainable sport organisation operations for the good of the wider community – including increased contributions to facilities, operations, administration and governance costs. The Board’s 2016/17 strategic priorities for Tennis Central Region will focus on continuing to provide player pathways and events and supporting clubs and associations and others in areas of January amongst many others. common interest. The Board has worked hard this year to On a personal note, I am always impressed maintain momentum in a number of key strategic areas – including developing a new Strategic Plan for the next five years – with gratefully received assistance by the wonderful efforts made by the employees and volunteers in all areas of the game to provide a warm, welcoming culture for tennis participants both here from Sport Wellington. in New Zealand and overseas. The next year will see the Board continue I wish to thank our committed staff, to work on key initiatives (e.g. Renouf Tennis Centre (RTC) asset management plan with the support and assistance of sponsors and volunteers – ALL of whom are so important to making tennis successful in the Tennis Central Region. Wellington Tennis Inc. and Wellington City Council), as well as a key piece of work on a new Regional Performance Programme to cover the competitive playing group. In the bigger picture, Tennis Central Region, like all other sporting bodies, needs to lobby for constructive changes to the Phil Seemann Chairman New Zealand sport funding 7 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT The 2015/16 year marked my first full year in the role of Chief Executive Officer with Tennis Central Region, having only been involved for a few months towards the end of the previous financial year. On that basis, I now have a far greater understanding as to what Tennis Central Region is and does to facilitate and support tennis across the region. I continue to be impressed by the dedication and desire to succeed demonstrated by those involved with Tennis Central Region. The contributions of Sandra Calder, Robyn Dry, Amelia Harris, Mel Jansen, John Kane, Reilly Logue (to August 2015), Ian Miller and Flo Perret as the staff of Tennis Central Region is greatly appreciated, not only by myself but also by the wider tennis community, based on the regular emails voicing appreciation. The Board has also been very active in the past year, engaging in various strategic projects, including the Regional Performance Programme review, the Organisational Development Tool process and the development of a new Strategic Plan for the period 2016 to 2021. Numerous volunteers continue to make substantial and valued contributions to the outcomes achieved by Tennis Central Region. Thank you to every one of you for giving of your time for the benefit of the sport of tennis. Tennis Central Region has been working to a three-year Strategic Plan (2013–2016) that concluded at the end of this financial year. In assessing the performance of Tennis Central Region over the past three years, it is notable that desired outcomes were achieved, acknowledging the subjective nature of the concept of achievement for some items, in the following areas: • Increase in the number of participants in tournaments delivered. • Increase in the number of qualified coaches. • Increase in the number of clubs utilising Promato. • Finn Tearney and Leela Beattie achieving semi-final or better placings at the New Zealand residential tournament (and congratulations to Finn on becoming New Zealand’s number 1 ranked singles player during the year). • Ajeet Rai is New Zealand’s highest ranked ITF junior male player. • The number of players progressing to United States college scholarships is believed to be the highest of any region. • Enhanced engagement with Tennis New Zealand at all levels. • Enhanced relationships with various non-tennis stakeholders (e.g. Sport Wellington, Wellington City Council). 8 • Prudent financial management with surpluses achieved all three years. • The establishment and growth of an infrastructure reserve to meet future facility capital costs. However, it is also appropriate to acknowledge the following items were not achieved to the desired levels: • Central was not the leading region at the national junior teams event. • The Regional Performance Programme was not supported as widely as desired. • Total club membership decreased by 578 members (7,109 in 2012/13; 6,531 in 2015/16). • The number of interclub teams, both senior and junior, decreased. These outcomes in themselves highlight where greater focus needs to be put in the future. Tennis Central Region commenced the process of addressing these areas in the past year through the following initiatives: • The Regional Performance Programme review. • Altering the focus of the Regional Development Manager’s role, signified by the change in title to Participation & Development Manager, so that the role is no longer about delivering participation programmes but instead facilitating the delivery of participation programmes by enabling and developing the capacity of clubs and coaches. TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 Looking ahead to the coming year, Tennis Central Region has utilised both a review of performance against the 2013–2016 Strategic Plan and information gathered in undertaking Sport New Zealand’s Organisational Development Tool as the platform for establishing a new 2016–2021 Strategic Plan. The extended five-year period is to align with Tennis New Zealand’s Strategic Plan review in 2020 to allow greater strategic synergies with the national body in the future. Management of the Renouf Tennis Centre in Wellington remains a core responsibility of Tennis Central Region. The main facility at the Centre is now more than 30 years old, and with any building of that age, due diligence is required to ensure it remains fit for purpose, not only now but in the future. The desire to develop an Asset Management Plan that includes a condition assessment and on-going maintenance plan, has been a focus of engagement with Wellington City Council. Subsequent to the end of the financial year, the Council committed to providing the bulk of the funding for an Asset Management Plan and it is hoped in future years the Council will provide an annual maintenance grant to assist with maintaining a major sports facility in the city. It is appropriate to recognise Wellington Tennis Inc., and in particular David Patterson, for supporting the efforts of Tennis Central Region in managing this facility. Changes to health and safety requirements with the introduction of the Health and Safety at Work Act legislation are being addressed by a Health & Safety Committee. The initial focus of the Committee is ensuring Tennis Central meets its obligations, but as content is developed to achieve that outcome, it will be shared with clubs and associations for wider use across the region. Another positive financial year, with a surplus achieved, is once again a reflection on the prudent financial management of Ian Miller and the Tennis Central Region board. However, there are concerning trends emerging in the gaming sector that provide less certainty moving forward that similar financial results can be achieved by simply continuing to operate in the same way. The number of trusts Tennis Central Region obtained finds from increased in the past year, and thank you to the New Fairmont Estate, Frampton Signs, Gazley Nissan, Grill Meats Beer, ID Applications, Langford Law, Light House Cinema, Logan Brown, MatchPint Bar, MinterEllisonRuddWatts, Scooter Design, Tecnifibre and Willis Wellington Hotel. Thank you to PlanitPro, MatchPint Bar and the Sugar Sisters for their continued presence as service deliverers at the Renouf Tennis Centre. The challenge for any regional sport organisation is delivering a vast number of outcomes with insufficient resources. Clearly, there is so much more that everyone would like to see being done to elevate the profile, participation and performance levels of tennis across the region. I trust that, in the coming year, Tennis Central Region will achieve further notable outcomes that deliver benefits for the greater tennis community. Zealand Community Trust, The Lion Foundation, Pelorus Trust, Pub Charity, Infinity Foundation, Mainland Foundation and Four Winds Foundation for their support. However, indications are evident Tim Shannahan Chief Executive Officer that the amount of funding available is on the decline, and other revenue sources must be developed. This situation further highlights the importance of sponsors to Tennis Central Region. Thank you to all of the current sponsors – aibGROUP, Apex Print, Capital Coaching, Crowe Horwath, EMP, 9 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 TEAM HUTT VALLEY, CAPITAL COACHING TENNIS CENTRAL TEAMS EVENT 10 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 11 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 HUTT VALLEY TENNIS PERFORMANCE OFF THE COURT Greater satisfaction comes from achieving congratulated for gaining national titles plus other achievements that are outlined something that you have planned for a long in the Junior Report. time. The upgrade to courts 1 and 2 has meant that players have enjoyed competing on a top-grade surface. Thank you to John Horrocks and Shane Jackson for leading this project to fruition and to the Infinity Foundation and Pub Charity for grants. Another accomplishment was gaining support from Hutt City Council to upgrade These achievements take place against a back drop of devoted assistance from parents. Thanks to Anna Brownlie and the club junior convenors for working so well together and improving how things are done. Thanks to Kim Massam, Mel Jansen and helpers for their superb effort with fundraising and schools tournaments. and downsize the Mitchell Park building Thank you also to Audrey Daly and Joe This provides certainty of direction and successful and enjoyable junior when the Squash Club moves to Fraser Park. Glover for coordinating two large, some financial support. There remains a huge fundraising task ahead of approximately $450K, half of which we hope to secure from grants. I would especially like to thank members who wrote submissions in support of Hutt Valley Tennis (HVT) and the large group of juniors who raised their racquets and voices when HVT presented our submission to councillors. The HVT Committee has a detailed plan for growing tennis locally, and although we have not achieved all that we would like to this year, we have made strides in the right direction. Our nine member tennis clubs have been very supportive by endorsing the work of the Committee and continuing to provide great opportunities in their communities for people to play tennis close to where they live. PERFORMANCE ON THE COURT Junior: The Hutt Valley Tennis Academy led by Andy Wheeler and Marc Paulik has provided great development opportunities for around 60 up and coming juniors. The programmes are very effective because they are individualised and holistic. Marc was awarded Tennis Central Coach of the Senior: Trevor Dine continues to oversee the Senior Interclub Competition and has enjoyed the assistance of Kirsty Alexander and Mark Hurley. They have developed a popular new doubles competition for provide friendly, expert, on-site services for players, which is much appreciated. MORE THANKS In addition to those already mentioned, I would like to thank people who have provided time and valuable input into the building project: Mike Mercer (HCC), Malcolm Neilson (engineering), Chris Bazalo (property), Grahame Boyd (architecture), Ian Miller and John Donaghy. This project has provided HVT with good information about future maintenance requirements and useful financial models. Thank you also to the Mitchell Park Trustees Barrie Shute, Warwick Wyatt, David Bassett and Warwick Stoupe for their guidance through this time of change. Thanks to loyal Committee members not yet mentioned: Ross Bisley, Craig Eves, Toni Kane, Eddy Kane and women and send out seasonal newsletters. Dave Yorston. Jackie Clarke has provided outstanding LOOKING AHEAD management of the Midweek Competition for many years. She has handed over the role to Brenda Hood and is to be thanked for building up the competition and Hutt Valley Tennis to champion tennis in the Hutt Valley is what members want. The plan for 2016/17 is based around introducing the very popular end of season increasing participation and court utilisation through running quality events tournament. Paddy Wells and Dick Werry have surpassed expectations by continually and competitions for all ages. The annual inventing and administering the Presidents club forum will provide direction as to what Grade Competition. For his efforts, Paddy is a priority from the HVT strategy. What is received the Tennis Central Volunteer of achievable is dependent on the people in the Hexangular Tournament. They also around a busy calendar of events. the Year Award. The Senior Representatives resources that are available. An upgrade must not be overlooked for coming second to courts 3 and 4 is being scheduled played a tight match against a touring Otago team. Thank you to Jason Kane for Fundraising is a top priority both for the facilities and to secure a game his organisation. development manager. HVT would FACILITIES OPERATIONS volunteers, who gain much satisfaction The Mitchell Park Squash Club and HVT are in firm agreement and are very thankful to welcome any member to our team of from working alongside others and contributing to the sport that they love. Year with three of his players winning four Shane Jackson from Thump Sports for his national titles. For the third year in a row, that, this time next year, we can look Shane is proactive in solving the day-to-day back with great satisfaction at what issues that arise from the aged facilities. has been achieved. Hutt Valley won the Central Region Junior Teams Event and contributed players for the successful Tennis Central teams that competed in the national event. George Stoupe and William Brownlie are to be 12 tournaments. grow and develop. Thump Sports staff outstanding management of the complex. He is very generous with his time and has a genuine interest in assisting both sports to Keep up the fantastic work everyone so JAN MILNE President TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 Upper Hutt Tennis Club Pinehaven Tennis Club Club Tennis Hot Shots Community Play Club Tennis Hot Shots Community Play & Tennis Hot Shots Coaching Club Stokes Valley Tennis Club Avalon Tennis Club Tennis Hot Shots Coaching Club Mitchell Park Tennis Centre Maungaraki Tennis Club Petone Tennis Club Lower Hutt Tennis Club Wainuiomata Tennis Club Muritai Tennis Club HUTT VALLEY CLUB NUMBERS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Avalon Tennis Club 110 126 136 Lower Hutt Tennis Club 280 339 280 Maungaraki Tennis Club 130 128 140 Muritai Tennis Club 90 94 87 Petone Tennis Club 192 198 201 Pinehaven Tennis Club 92 96 120 Stokes Valley Tennis Club 101 110 98 Upper Hutt Tennis Club 37 34 32 Wainuiomata Tennis Club 80 96 92 1,112 1,221 1,186 TOTAL 13 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 14 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 15 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 TENNIS MANAWATU This is my first year here as the Executive INTERCLUB SEASON FINAL WRAP-UP Officer at Tennis Manawatu. While the past We have had another competitive interclub We are really looking forward to making 12 months have been a huge learning curve season here in the Manawatu with 53 some successful strides this year here at for me, from just being out on the court to junior teams competing in eight different Tennis Manawatu. We have built a great seeing what goes on behind the scenes at grades and 16 senior teams competing in foundation over the past 12 months and Tennis Manawatu really has been an eye three grades and with five of our top have really started to create a real ‘Tennis opener. I would firstly like to thank all the juniors also going down to play Wellington Hub’ here since moving our office to the staff members at Tennis Central, other Interclub on a Saturday. All grades were new indoor courts at 24 Indoor. We can’t Executive Officers in the Tennis Central toughly fought this year, but stand-outs wait to see what the next 12 months has in Region and of course Tennis New Zealand were Primary A grade winners College store, and we hope to see you around the for the extra help that they have given me Street who, in just their second year in the Manawatu some time playing some tennis. while I try and get my feet firmly on the competition, really stood up. All senior Finally, huge thanks to all our volunteers ground. grade matches were close and tough, with and coaches who have made the last 12 Feilding taking out Premier and Senior A in months so fantastic, and we look to build the past season. We wrapped up the on that this year. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES Tennis Manawatu gained the services of a Youth Development Officer late last year in Andrea Studholme. Andrea is helping to develop a new schools programme, which is now starting to roll out in our local schools, increase tournament players from within our region and also getting more travelling players. Over the next year, we really expect to see the results of all of Andrea’s hard work. 16 Interclub and representative seasons with a prizegiving at the newly opened 24 Indoor centre with over 150 players and family members attending to celebrate the achievements of our local stars in the 2015/16 season. Bridget Dickins Executive Officer TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 Nga Tawa School Halcombe Tennis Club Huntley School Club Tennis Hot Shots Community Play Club Dannevirke Tennis Club Feilding Tennis Club Tennis Hot Shots Community Play & Tennis Hot Shots Coaching Club Tennis Hot Shots Coaching Club Te Kawau Tennis Club School Marist Tennis Club Manawatu Lawn Tennis Club College Street Normal School Manawatu Vets Tennis Club Bush Tennis Club Levin Tennis Club MANAWATU CLUB NUMBERS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 14 12 5 0 11 15 45 37 27 218 181 82 8 9 0 Huntley School 40 47 22 Levin Tennis Club 54 46 9 284 242 226 16 9 15 129 107 85 Nga Tawa School 13 11 12 Te Kawau Tennis Club 15 19 18 0 3 0 836 734 516 Bush Tennis Club College Street Normal School Dannevirke Tennis Club Feilding Tennis Club Halcombe Tennis Club Manawatu Lawn Tennis Club Manawatu Vets Tennis Club Marist Tennis Club Tu Toa Tennis Club TOTAL 17 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 GIRLS ON COURT PROMOTION FOR BREAST CANCER 18 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 19 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 TARANAKI TENNIS A difficult year with another drop in overall TTA were excited to obtain a $50,000 grant affiliated player numbers, although from TSB Community Trust, which went increases were documented in the junior towards coaching units delivered in levels and a large increase in Hot Shots schools/clubs, Hot Shots tennis gear to players. Taranaki’s development strategies those schools/clubs and the hosting of over the past three years are starting to the NZ Lawn Tennis Championships. see benefits to clubs in the numbers of Nine schools were provided Hot Shots new junior members coming into the coaching/gear, with a further three booked sport. for term 3. The NZ Lawn Tennis Champs/ AFFILIATED PLAYER NUMBERS Affiliated player numbers were down this season from 774 to 701 across Taranaki’s 23 active clubs. The 12–18 age group held constant, and the under-12 age group showed an increase, which left the adult age group where the downturn has occurred. In addition, there are a good number of under-12s not recorded as affiliated members that are playing in Hot Shots competitions and attending Hot Shots coaching. Whilst not affiliated, these additional numbers have been captured for Tennis NZ statistics. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES Taranaki Tennis Association (TTA) in conjunction with Sport Taranaki and with funding from NZ Community Trust have continued operating a Community Sports entries in 2015. A Girls on Court programme was held in Taranaki, which brought in excess of 200 players onto the courts and developed a lot of interest from non-players to join a club. Other programmes of work were hosting a parent/child tournament, primary schools tournament, secondary school championships, junior coaching programmes and Community Play coaching courses. A GRADE INTERCLUB Interclub remained strong throughout Taranaki with 19 A grade teams divided into three divisions. In addition, there were 41 midweek ladies’ teams and 53 junior teams in competition throughout Taranaki. Huatoki defeated Pukekura 9-7 to retain Advisor – Tennis. The funding model for the Soffe Cup. this role has come to an end due to Sport Pukekura beat Matapu in a games NZ’s new strategy and focus through local Regional Sports Trusts. The challenge will be to find alternative funding mechanisms to continue this role. 20 Taranaki Open received a 22% increase in countback to win the Wilson Trophy. Pukekura defeated Oakura 9-7 to win the Sumpter Trophy. 2015 TSB COMMUNITY TRUST TARANAKI OPEN/NZ LAWN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS Ajeet Rai defeated Olly Sadler 6-7 6-4 6-4 in the men’s singles at the NZ Lawn Tennis Championships/Taranaki Open. Rai became the first person to win the Taranaki Open men’s title in three successive years in a tournament that dates back to 1902 and has been won previously by two grand slam tournament winners – Anthony Wilding (multiple Wimbledon champion and multiple Australian Open champion) and H.A. Parker (doubles champion and three-time Australian Open singles runner-up). The women’s singles title went to Paige Hourigan when she defeated Saravinder Pannu 6-3 6-0. Entries were up 22% on the previous year. Andrew Baylis Chairman TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 Waitara Lawn Tennis Club Pukekura Park Tennis Club Rotokare Tennis Club Waiwaka Tennis Club Oakura Tennis Club Lepperton Tennis Club Huatoki Tennis Club Inglewood Tennis Club Okato Tennis Club Warea Tennis Club Rahotu Tennis Club Stratford Tennis Club Midhirst Tennis Club Toko Tennis Club Kaponga Tennis Club Opunake Tennis Club Pihama Tennis Club Club Manaia Tennis Club Tennis Hot Shots Community Play Club Matapu Tennis Club Okaiawa Tennis Club Hawera Tennis & Squash Club Tennis Hot Shots Community Play & Tennis Hot Shots Coaching Club St Joseph’s Hawera Tennis Club Tennis Hot Shots Coaching Club Patea Tennis Club TARANAKI CLUB NUMBERS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Hawera Tennis & Squash Club 29 34 25 Patea Tennis Club 6 6 5 Huatoki Tennis Club 75 127 133 Pihama Tennis Club 6 11 12 Inglewood Tennis Club 19 31 25 Pukekura Park Tennis Club Kaponga Tennis Club 13 15 14 Rahotu Tennis Club 239 192 157 5 4 4 4 6 5 Rotokare Tennis Club 75 87 89 Manaia Tennis Club 39 38 27 St Joseph’s Hawera Tennis Club 27 16 10 Matapu Tennis Club 20 22 21 Stratford Tennis Club 42 42 53 Midhirst Tennis Club 15 14 15 Toko Tennis Club 10 9 4 Oakura Tennis Club 79 61 63 Waitara Lawn Tennis Club 25 27 24 Okaiawa Tennis Club 25 14 12 Waiwaka Tennis Club 55 41 41 Okato Tennis Club 21 20 16 Warea Tennis Club 16 11 9 9 10 9 854 838 773 Lepperton Tennis Club Opunake Tennis Club TARANAKI CLUB NUMBERS TOTAL 21 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 THE WAIRARAPA CREW: JACK LOVELL, HENRY ISAACS AND SHANE COTTON 22 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 23 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 WAIRARAPA TENNIS Wairarapa Tennis can boast a great number of juniors coming through the ranks. Over 150 junior boys and over 100 junior girls were affilated to Wairarapa Tennis this season. We have over 20 teams in our junior (12&U) interclub competition from teams across the whole region. A special mention to some of our juniors who have competed succesfully in regional and national events – Shane Colton, Chichi Beck, Patrick Wall, Patrick Nicholson and William Day. HIGHLIGHTS FOR 2015/16 JUNIOR REPS This season, we have been fortunate to have the suport of Chad Parson to coach and train some of our top junior players. I would like to thank Chad for his on-going support. Our junior reps played their first match against Manawatu in October 2015, which resulted in a fairly close overall loss. It was a great start to the season, and we look forward to hosting Bridget and her team in Masterton this coming November. We followed up that first fixture with a convincing home win against Wanganui, played in a great spirit. This coming season, we will be travelling to Wanganui to play against Gene and his awesome team. Thanks also to Francis Glover and his support crew for helping organise our final rep match against Kapi Mana at the Tawa-Lyndurst Tennis Club in March. Although we were outclassed by a much better team, we look forward to hosting the Kapi Mana junior rep team in Masterton next season. SENIOR INTERCLUB – BIG WELCOME TO GREYTOWN CLUB Our post-Christmas Regional 2 Senior Interclub competition was boosted with the inclusion of Greytown. This team 24 featured former New Zealand tennis star Belinda Cordwell and her son Henry Isaacs. It was great to see them compete well this season, and we look forward to working with this proactive and succesful club in the coming years. RESURFACING AND LIGHTS The home of Wairarapa Tennis is the Masterton Tennis Club, which has 11 astro-turf courts. This season, with the support of the local council and local trusts, the Masterton Tennis Club received funding to erect lights for courts 6, 7 and 8. Five of its courts have also been resurfaced with new turf after over 30 years of play. Lighting is also being erected at the Martinborough Tennis Club for its two astro-turf courts and will be completed by the start of the 2016/17 Rugby and Wellington Squash. We also welcome Matt Spooner to the WTA Board. Matt brings with him a rich family history of tennis with strong links to the Carterton Tennis Club. Matt has been involved with Wairarapa Tennis in many ways and is currently our senior men's champion. Marco de Groot has been a long-serving member of the Board and is based at the Martinborough Club. As a player and a coach, he has made a huge contribution to our game over here in the Wairarapa. Thanks so much Marco. Wairarapa Tennis is not short of challenges. We are a large region with only a handful of affiliated clubs. Our challenge is to work closely with schools and clubs and build on what we have already achieved. Key to our future success will be season. increasing participation among female BIG THANK YOU in the game after they head off to Junior tennis in the Wairarapa is well supported by a great group of parents who have shown their support in many ways. Personally, I would like to thank Joanna Hawkes, Aroha Beck, Alex Wall, Rhona Lovell, Jon and Sandy McNab, Reidun Nicholson and Jill Day (among others) for their on-going support throughout the 2015/16 season. players at all levels and keeping our juniors secondary school. This coming season, I look forward to working with committed Board members, parents, families and clubs to provide the best tennis experiences possible. As far as women’s tennis goes, we will be running a new mid-week Women’s League and working with clubs to provide the right experiences for females of all ages and WAIRARAPA TENNIS ASSOCIATION (WTA) BOARD abilities. Wairarapa Tennis would also like to thank our tennis community, especially at a club Chris Davidson, our graphics/IT guru, for all his valuable contributions to the WTA Board over the past few years. Hopefully when Chris returns this summer from a six-month excursion to France, he and his children will be back playing tennis! John Kirkup has been newly appointed to the role of Chairman on the WTA Board and brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience from his work with NZ There are tonnes of people that support level. I would like to thank all the people behind the scenes who keep fronting up for their clubs and for their kids. Thanks also to the team at Tennis Central for their advice and support and showing me what best practice looks like. Kelby Courtney Executive Secretary TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 Opaki Tennis Club Opaki School St Matthew’s Collegiate School Masterton Tennis Centre Masterton Intermediate School Hadlow School Club Carterton Tennis Club Tennis Hot Shots Community Play Club School Gladstone Tennis Club Greytown Tennis Club Martinborough Lawn Tennis Club WAIRARAPA CLUB NUMBERS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Carterton Tennis Club 31 31 29 Gladstone Tennis Club 21 21 18 Greytown Tennis Club 34 35 37 Hadlow School 22 22 20 Martinborough Lawn Tennis Club 70 126 173 Masterton Intermediate School 21 21 15 Masterton Tennis Centre 111 123 142 Opaki School 10 10 17 Opaki Tennis Club 55 79 69 St Matthew’s Collegiate School 11 11 30 386 479 550 TOTAL 25 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 26 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 27 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 TENNIS WANGANUI The Wanganui Christie Cup team pulled off a miracle in retaining the Christie Cup for another season. The team really stepped up to the plate without former professional players Victor Romero and Emma Hayman, and with Kyle Butters and Paige Hourigan being on scholarships in America (although Paige was available for one tie), the team was heavily depleted. However, team manager Dave Butters pulled together a group of fighters led by captains Simon O’Leary and Karen Cranston that somehow, against the odds, gained enough wins on the day to retain the Christie Cup for another season. The Wanganui Tennis Club continues to have excellent numbers in the senior categories with social doubles played on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons and night competitions on Monday and Tuesday evenings. This season saw the introduction of a competitive league for the more competitive seniors and the top juniors on Thursday evenings. This was very well supported and well administered by Sean Edmonds, who is the new senior rep team manager for the upcoming season. Margot Walden and a team of energetic volunteers revived a Seniors’ Doubles tournament that included two days of round robin play, a dinner on the Saturday evening at the Grand Hotel and prizes sourced from local artists. This very competitive but still very social event, held in spectacular weather, was a big success and is scheduled to continue annually from now on. The club has contracted Promac Coaching as the new coaching business at the club for the upcoming season and is looking 28 forward to exciting opportunities for all club members – and the members of the wider community – to enhance their was supported by about 30 players in total. It also ensured courts were used regularly to promote a busy atmosphere tennis. at the club for passing traffic. Undoubtedly, the highlight of the season Two family-oriented activities promoted for juniors was the very successful Slazenger Wanganui Junior Open, which provided much positive feedback from parents of visiting players as well as funds to cater for a range of activities organised by the Junior Committee. With Development Officer Gene Ridgeway at the helm, the tournament was extremely well organised, helped by four days of fine weather and a great team of helpers, including those providing the tasty kitchen treats. Regular club days were provided after school for primary school players on Wednesdays and secondary school players on Fridays. The Hot Shots segment attracted about 30 youngsters new to the game, while the Friday sessions were boosted by a large contingent of Collegiate players. Thanks to all those parents (and other relations) as well as Gene and teachers who helped make this a successful club activity. There were two organised competitions on Saturday mornings, one for younger players and the other for secondary school players. While we would always like to see more numbers competing, these competitions provided valuable match play opportunities for young players. Coaching was provided for a raft of groups, including rep squads through to the daily coaching that was offered during term 1 this year. This was a new initiative to provide oppportunities for players to play on as many days as they liked while improving their tennis and were Parent-Child and Family Fun Days, and it is the intention to continue with these as regular club activities (at least one per month throughout the year). Unfortunately, the rep teams struggled to be competitive in their four matches, which demonstrated the importance of developing greater depth of numbers at the club. This is being addressed by Tennis Wanganui developing the Tennis in Schools programme as well as the club attracting a new coach. We look forward to the new season with renewed energy and confidence. The club thanks the commitment of the small group of parents on the committee for their dedication and support throughout the season. Gene Ridgway Development Contractor Neville Hopkins President TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 VI CT OR I A HI LL ST RE ET ST R EE T Tennis Hot Shots Community Play & Tennis Hot Shots Coaching Club GU YT ON ST R EE T IN GE ST R ES TR EE T Wanganui Tennis Club PURNELL ST WANGANUI CLUB NUMBERS REET 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Wanganui Tennis Club 353 363 271 TOTAL 353 363 271 29 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 30 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 Churton Park Tennis Club Johnsonville Tennis Club Newlands Paparangi Tennis Club Club Khandallah Tennis & Squash Club Tennis Hot Shots Community Play Club Ngaio Lawn Tennis Club Tennis Hot Shots Community Play & Tennis Hot Shots Coaching Club Tennis Hot Shots Coaching Club Wadestown Tennis Club Thorndon Tennis & Squash Club Karori Lawn Tennis Club Salamanca Tennis Club Karori United Tennis Club Talavera Municipal Tennis Club Wellington Veterans Tennis Club Renouf Tennis Centre Wellington Tennis Club Vogelmorn Tennis Club Miramar Tennis Club Kilbirnie Tennis Club Island Bay Tennis Club WELLINGTON CLUB NUMBERS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Churton Park Tennis Club 149 107 85 Island Bay Tennis Club 183 245 246 91 101 82 Johnsonville Tennis Club Karori Lawn Tennis Club 74 87 61 Karori United Tennis Club 352 295 294 Khandallah Tennis & Squash Club 338 264 231 Kilbirnie Tennis Club 148 153 166 Miramar Tennis Club 256 252 215 51 49 49 Ngaio Lawn Tennis Club Newlands Paparangi Tennis Club 184 197 206 Salamanca Tennis Club 57 52 47 Talavera Municipal Tennis Club 122 109 122 Thorndon Tennis & Squash Club 100 100 100 Vogelmorn Tennis Club 228 224 202 Wadestown Tennis Club 145 112 109 Wellington Tennis Club 199 199 216 Wellington Veterans Tennis Club TOTAL 5 9 2,682 2,555 7* 2,438 * A further 43 members are affiliated through other Wellington clubs. 31 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 32 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 Otaki Sports Club Waikanae Beach Tennis Club Club Paraparaumu Beach Tennis Club Tennis Hot Shots Community Play Club Tennis Hot Shots Coaching Club Paekakariki Tennis Club Pukerua Bay Tennis Club Plimmerton Tennis Club Ngatitoa Tennis Club Titahi Bay Tennis Club Whitby Tennis Club Tawa-Lyndhurst Tennis Club KAPI MANA CLUB NUMBERS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Linden Tennis Club 20 20 0 Ngatitoa Tennis Club 101 113 109 Otaki Sports Club 26 12 3 Paekakariki Tennis Club 28 25 23 Paraparaumu Beach Tennis Club 174 162 142 Plimmerton Tennis Club 32 27 27 Pukerua Bay Tennis Club 41 38 40 Tawa-Lyndhurst Tennis Club 216 109 119 Titahi Bay Tennis Club 163 153 191 Waikanae Beach Tennis Club 75 80 83 Whitby Tennis Club 82 66 60 958 805 797 TOTAL 33 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 WELLINGTON TENNIS CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Wellington Tennis Inc. (WTI) acts as owner and effectively Thanks to Mareta Randall and Richard Laurenson, my fellow Board guardian of the Renouf Tennis Centre, with the Centre being members, for their contributions, patience and senses of humour. managed by Tennis Central Region Inc. (TCRI). As a Board, we Thanks also to Phil Seemann, Tim Shannahan and the whole TCRI meet five to six times per year. We also attend approximately team for their positivity and great teamwork. three TCRI Board meetings per year. I serve as a member on the TCRI Facilities Subcommittee and report to the WTI Board on developments there. In the last year, in addition to the above, we have assisted in development of relationships with Wellington City Council (WCC), culminating through the great work of Tim Shannahan in WCC agreeing to fund a professionally prepared asset management study/plan for the Centre, concluded the MOU with TCRI and started exploration of the future development possibilities for the Centre. 34 David Patterson For Wellington Tennis Inc. Board TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 GAME DEVELOPMENT & PARTICIPATION This has been a year of changes in the game development and participation space. With Tennis NZ launching a new coach education framework in the past year and the delivery of quarterly club forums, there has been something for everyone to get involved in. Tennis Hot Shots and Cardio Tennis, which are Tennis NZ’s participation programmes, are in full swing around the region, but there is always room for more clubs to get involved! PARTICIPATION PROGRAMMES Hot Shots is a huge part of the early Cardio Tennis is a fun and social way to Secondary schools tennis had another growth of a young tennis player. Using get your workout in. During the class, strong year over the region, especially in modified equipment such as smaller participants wear heart rate monitors Wellington as, alongside College Sport, courts, lighter racquets and balls that that inform the player how many calories we implemented a new premier grade bounce lower, this makes the experience they are burning, their average heart rate that targeted the top tennis players a lot easier for children who are wanting and how hard they have been working. who would not normally participate in to give tennis a go. We currently have The classes are structured in having a the competition. We altered the length 34 clubs signed up to the Hot Shots warm-up, drill-based activities, game- of matches, number of players and time programme, and we are always looking to based activities and finally a cool-down. of fixture to try and entice the public to grow this number. Unfortunately, this year, In one class only, men can burn up to also come along and watch. we tried to pilot Hot Shots leagues (which 1,000 calories and women up to 500 is a pillar under the Hot Shots programme), calories. During the year, we had seven but we were not successful in getting these clubs in the region delivering Cardio up and running with the main reason Tennis, but there will be a big emphasis being children already had their terms’ on growing this programme next year sports all planned so did not have extra – so watch this space! days to put into these leagues. There will be another big push for this programme. From the strong schools around the Central region, we had seven qualify for the Secondary School Nationals held in Auckland in April. There was very stiff competition for everyone involved, but we still managed some good showings from central schools. 35 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 COACH EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT year as part of the Tennis NZ Coach the process, was launched for the first Last year, we were lucky enough to host Development Framework. These replace time in Wellington – it was run by Adam a Club Professional course here at the the old Community Coach and Assistant Gardner and Mat Garnham. Mat has been Renouf Tennis Centre. The course was Junior Coach courses. The Coaching trained to be the Coach Developer in the 23 days and covered both on-court and Fundamentals online short course is a free Central region which entails facilitating the off-court areas in relation to owning your course for anyone interested in getting coaching courses throughout the region. own coaching business. From then, Tennis into coaching or wanting to gain a better We will look to host as many courses as we NZ have taken the reins off all things understanding of the tennis coaching can to increase the number of qualified coaching in the regions. Two new coach environment in New Zealand. The Coach coaches in the region – currently, we have development courses were launched last Assistant course, which is the next step in 26 registered coaches. CLUB DEVELOPMENT This season, we introduced four club Tennis Central clubs have had a slight forums for clubs to address any issues decrease in affiliated membership they may have. Matters that have arisen numbers, but this is at a time where there from these club forums include club are different options for players to development, Interclub issues, marketing, participate in user-pays competitions and Promato, health and safety, open day and classes such as Cardio, Tennis Hot Shots participation programmes. and Business House. Amelia Harris Participation & Development Manager 36 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS 2015/16 REGIONAL CLUB MEMBERSHIP TOTAL NUMBER OF CLUBS ADULT (35+) ADULT (19-34) JUNIOR (12+) JUNIOR (U12) TOTAL Wellington 17 913 179 771 575 2,438 Hutt Valley 9 520 26 368 272 1,186 Manawatu 13 162 26 184 144 516 Kapi Mana 11 325 65 196 211 797 Wairarapa 10 199 44 93 214 550 Taranaki 23 355 88 182 148 773 Wanganui 1 177 6 43 45 271 84 2,651 434 1,837 1,609 6,531 Total TOTAL AFFILIATED MEMBERS TARANAKI HUTT VALLEY MANAWATU WAIRARAPA WELLINGTON KAPI MANA WANGANUI GRAND TOTAL 2015/16 773 1,186 516 550 2,438 797 271 6,531 2014/15 838 1,221 734 479 2,555 805 363 6,775 2013/14 854 1,112 836 386 2,682 958 353 7,181 2012/13 846 1,188 784 384 2,823 874 210 7,109 2011/12 919 1,134 744 336 2,708 961 245 7,047 2010/11 926 1,239 759 389 2,751 1,006 283 7,353 2009/10 982 1,286 823 362 2,972 1,086 408 7,919 CARDIO TENNIS SECONDARY SCHOOLS PARTICIPANTS BUSINESS HOUSE PARTICIPANTS 2015/16: 67 2015/16: 758 2015/16: 867 2014/15: 107 2014/15: 950 2014/15: 1,161 2013/14: 1,419 2013/14: 874 2012/13: 1,170 2012/13: 1,067 37 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 NATIONAL PARTICIPATION NUMBERS OVERALL PARTICIPATION 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13 DIFFERENCE % DIFFERENCE 106,782 131,316 126,381 124,372 -23,429 -18.0% Total club members 36,219 37,740 39,003 38,629 -1,521 -4.2% Total casual participants 17,402 21,555 14,586 14,814 -3,084 -14.9% Total Tennis Hot Shots participants 52,681 71,511 72,792 70,929 -18,830 -26.3% 385 383 395 392 2 0.5% Total recorded tennis participants Total affiliated tennis clubs REGIONAL MEMBERSHIP TRENDS 2011–2015 12,000 10,000 Auckland Canterbury 8,000 Central 6,000 Northern Waikato-Bays 4,000 Southern 2,000 0 38 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 REGIONAL PARTICIPATION BY TYPE 2016 20,000 15,000 Casuals 10,000 Members 5,000 0 2016 2015 2014 NORTHERN REGIONS 2016 2015 2014 AUCKLAND NORTHERN 2016 2015 2014 WAIKATO-BAYS AUCKLAND 2016 2015 2014 CENTRAL WAIKATO- CENTRAL 2016 2015 2014 CANTERBURY CANTERBURY 2016 2015 2014 SOUTHERN SOUTHERN 15/16 TOTAL 14/15 TOTAL VARIATION BAYS CLUBS CLUB 58 M 1,446 F 1,402 Adult (19–34) M 89 F 51 218 54 177 35 49 584 509 75 14.7% Junior M 824 1,293 630 998 955 263 4,963 5,128 -165 -3.2% F 645 909 428 844 829 207 3,862 3,879 -17 -0.4% M 542 1,154 581 882 1,417 268 4,844 5,390 -546 -10.1% F 374 1,041 402 722 1,334 192 4,065 4,296 -231 -5.4% 5,373 9,588 5,275 6,531 7,752 1,700 36,219 37,740 -1,521 -4.0% 0 170 156 10 20 150 506 517 -11 -2.1% Senior (35+) 12U Total members PARTICIPANTS NATIONAL PROGRAMMES Easi Tennis Sec. school 50 82 103 50 385 383 2 0.5% 2,526 1,612 1,332 1,687 354 8,957 9,250 -293 -3.2% 2,031 1,469 1,319 1,412 315 7,948 8,456 -508 -6.0% 416 99 257 83 52 996 832 164 19.7% 24 2,093 1,090 758 1,200 360 5,525 6,131 -606 -9.9% Business house 144 931 1,032 867 1,313 88 4,375 5,023 -648 -12.9% Casual club 602 4,491 758 457 649 39 6,996 8,779 -1,783 -20.3% Total casuals 770 7,685 3,036 2,092 3,182 637 17,402 20,450 -3,048 -14.9% 41,406 61,241 -19,835 -47.9% Tennis Hot Shots Coaching Tennis Hot Shots Schools 7,714 7,700 14 0.2% Tennis Hot Shots Community Play 3,311 2,367 944 28.5% Tennis Hot Shots Competitions Total Tennis Hot Shots Cardio Tennis GRAND TOTAL % 42 MEMBERSHIP CASUAL VARIATION 250 203 N/A N/A 52,681 71,511 -18,830 -35.7% 480 510 -30 -6.3% 106,782 130,211 -23,429 -18.0% 39 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 MARKETING, SPONSORSHIP AND PROMOTION Another successful season for Tennis Central filled with some memorable experiences, sprinkled with hard work. This year, it was about continuing the good work put in over the last few years, grow this event has been phenomenal. have a way to go before tennis is Great to have Gazley Nissan on board too, mentioned alongside rugby on our with a great promotion giving spectators nightly news, we remain committed to the chance to win a car! ensuring we get the best coverage we The Tennis Central Annual Awards were and it was important that we delivered our key events to the desired standard to maintain interest and exceed expectations – or keeping the ‘vibe’, so to speak. Finding creative and cost-efficient ways to of grand slam proportions, as winners A superb partnership evolved between and supporters squeezed into the long-time sponsor and supporter of Rodney Callender Lounge to recognise tennis Steve Logan and his new venture the contribution of many throughout Grill Meats Beer. It is a brilliant example the season. of a win/win and how, with a little creative Now in its fourth year, Tennis Central’s promote our game is always a challenge, online newsletter No Strings Attached but our plan was to first inspire those boasts a record number of subscribers and within the tennis community – who will continues to be the main communication ultimately be our voice to grow and tool for all things tennis. Last count at promote – by providing and rewarding 4,600 subscribers, it could well be them with exciting opportunities. With considered New Zealand’s most popular some big events now cemented on the Tennis Central calendar, we believe this thinking, sponsors can get real value out of a partnership. Conceived over a couple of beers and sample burgers, Grill Meats Beer agreed to come on board as a new sponsor of Wellington/Kapi Mana’s Junior Regional Interclub Competition, offering Player of tennis news, with more subscribers than the Day vouchers for kids out there giving Shots. Both newsletters provide excellent efforts. Proving so successful for Grill Tennis New Zealand’s equivalent, Passing it their all – and a free burger for their What better way to promote tennis than communications to continue the Meats Beer, they are looking to introduce with Tennis Central’s big tournament, the promotion of tennis. If you are not already MinterEllisonRuddWatts Wellington Open, signed up to both, I urge you to do so. was achieved. which was, without doubt, the pinnacle Every story published or broadcasted on of the season. We were encouraged by tennis, I believe, is a good one. Whether the high demand for hospitality, and you wake up to a sports news headline on spectators were treated to some incredible Sharapova’s demise or – on the same tennis from our top New Zealand players channel – listen to commentary promoting on Finals Day – we are grateful for a local fixture between Thorndon and their support of this local tournament. Tawa-Lyndhurst clubs, we must be To MinterEllisonRuddWatts, your support delighted with the profile our sport is now and belief in assisting us to enjoying in the media. Of course, it will continue to do so with our top 1Free Congratulations Junior Interclub Player “ Junior Foodie Meal chips Beef or Chicken burger with Ice Cream Sundae or h Gelato and Cookie Sandwic Vaued at $15 Rules of the Day Maximum of two vouchers per table. Expiry 29/5/16 Interclub tennis. ed to be supporting Junior a part of Grill Meats Beer is delight Logan Brown, we love being like big bro restaurant, New Zealand’s next we may be supporting our community and to think Belinda Cordwell is exciting! or Onny Parun T all the family. s please that Renouf healthy grilled food or vice versa, We serve super tasty and wine and dad a cold beer And if mum wants a cheeky r! everyones a happy campe Katie Oman Just Regional Development Manager 40 can across the region. STEVE LOGAN ” GrillMeatsBeer Phone/Address (04) 801 8787 227 Cuba St Te Aro national players performing well on the international circuit. While we the concept to other Wellington sporting codes, further extending their community support. So after a big season, a big thanks to those who strive to grow tennis in the many positive ways they do and to all those who don’t settle for second best. No downtime in the off season, there’s a lot of planning going on to ensure we deliver some exciting projects this coming season. So don’t be shy, if you have a bright idea, are keen to get involved or just LOVE tennis, give us a call. Melissa Jansen Marketing & Promotions Manager TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 41 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 OUR PARTNERS 42 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 TENNIS CENTRAL AWARDS It is important for Tennis Central to recognise success from the have Belinda Cordwell of Greytown Tennis Club (who was many individuals, teams and clubs who contribute to tennis. a finalist for Volunteer of the Year) share some thoughts. Now revived, the aim is to grow this unique event year on year Congratulations also to Belinda who was inducted as a Sports and make it a special night – an opportunity for everyone to Legend of Wellington at the Wellington Sportsperson of the glam up and celebrate the end of the season, whether they Year Awards this season. are a finalist or a winner or they just want a night out! Thank you to MC Luke Jansen who announced winners from This year was well supported with record attendance (over Frampton, Tecnifibre and Premier Interclub competitions, 130 people), and guests enjoyed an evening of grand slam followed by the prestigious Tennis Central Awards – decided proportions. From Wimbledon to the USA, to France and across by a panel of representatives from across all associations. the Tasman, culinary delights from each were on the menu. Finalists and winners were recognised for their contributions and Congratulations to all 2016 winners and finalists in what was a wonderful evening of celebration. achievements throughout the season, and it was wonderful to Wellington vs Hutt Valley Bob Brown Rose Bowl 2015 Hutt Valley Capital Coaching Teams Events Trophy Capital Coaching Trophy 2016 Hutt Valley Tennis Hexangular Senior Teams Event Jacobs Creek Quadrangular 2016 Kapi Mana 43 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 CLUB OF THE YEAR Pukekura Park (Winner) MALE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Taranaki F IN AL ISTS Finn Tearney (Winner) Wellington F IN AL ISTS Tawa-Lyndhurst Kapi Mana Marcel Glover Kapi Mana Titahi Bay Tennis Club Kapi Mana Kyle Butters Wanganui Karori United Tennis Club Wellington FEMALE PLAYER OF THE YEAR VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR Paddy Wells (Winner) Leela Beattie (Winner) Hutt Valley F IN AL ISTS Peter McArthur Wellington Cheryl McDonald Wellington Anna Brownlie Hutt Valley Belinda Cordwell Wairarapa Wanganui F IN AL ISTS Amelia Harris Hutt Valley Paige Hourigan Wanganui JUNIOR MALE PLAYER OF THE YEAR George Stoupe (Joint winner) Hutt Valley Ajeet Rai (Joint winner) Taranaki COACH OF THE YEAR Marc Paulik (Winner) Hutt Valley RU N N ER- U P Jono Spring Manawatu TEAM OF THE YEAR Tawa-Lyndhurst Mens Premier 1 (Winner) Kapi Mana F IN AL ISTS Hutt Valley Capital Coaching Representative Team Hutt Valley Kapi Mana 45+ Red Team to NZ National Seniors Teams Events Kapi Mana Paraparaumu Beach Women's Premier 1 Kapi Mana JUNIOR FEMALE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Tamara Anderson (Winner) Wellington F IN AL ISTS Louise Waite Taranaki Christy Robinson Wellington Antonia Lawson Kapi Mana Ivy McLean Wellington BELINDA CORDWELL SPORTS LEGEND OF WELLINGTON WELLINGTON SPORTSPERSON OF THE YEAR AWARDS 2016 Belinda with long-time sponsor Colin Frampton of Frampton Signs. 44 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 EVENTS & TOURNAMENTS The 2015/16 Tennis Central events proud and thrilled to have five players community. The hexangular rep fixture calendar had a lot on offer to tennis selected for the New Zealand teams to (seniors), the Tennis Central junior teams players of all abilities, from first-time represent their country on the events and all the junior representative tournament players at the primary international stage (Marcus Daniell, Finn matches played across the region have schools open to performance tennis at Tearney, George Stoupe, Ajeet Rai and been a perfect reflection of all the the Wellington Junior ITF and the Tamara Anderson). enthusiasm, passion and fun that such Wellington Open at the top end of the ladder. With around 40 events on the At the lower level, we have seen a growing events can generate! interest from participants in social events We are very excited about the season such as the veterans’ tournaments, jumbo ahead and will collectively continue to try tennis or club nights at the Renouf Tennis everything we can to increase the quality Centre. It was also great to see more and of the events we deliver and improve the more clubs and coaches organising players tennis experience. With that One of the highlights was obviously the tournaments and contributing to growing objective in mind, 2016/17 will see a few second place won by Tennis Central at the the number of competitions within the changes being trialled, especially on the National Junior Teams events, alongside region. junior tennis scene (such as new interclub calendar (excluding national events and events organised by clubs), opportunities to play competitively or just at a social level were many. the great win by Ajeet Rai on home territory at the Wellington Junior ITF and Tamara Anderson’s selection in the NZ Junior Federation Cup team. With a handful of national champions, the region was also Association representative fixtures were very popular too, with a lot of effort put into these events to make them even more attractive than in the past – not only to the players but also to the whole tennis grades, a new selection process to the national teams events and a new regional performance programme). Florent Perret Events & Operations Manager 14U Central team – gold medal winners National Junior Teams event. 45 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENTS TENNIS NEW ZEALAND REPRESENTATIVES 2016 NATIONAL JUNIOR TEAMS EVENTS Finn Tearney NZ Davis Cup player AGE GROUP CENTRAL TEAM PLAYERS Marcus Daniell NZ Davis Cup player NZ Olympics team player 12s 4 Ajeet Rai NZ Junior Davis Cup player George Stoupe NZ Junior World Youth Cup T. Dai, S. Colton, T. Massam, Z. Varouhas-Poole, N. Barnard, E. Rogers, C. Brownlie, A. Hodder. Coach: Mat Garnham Tamara Anderson NZ Junior Federation Cup 14s G. Stoupe, K. Amey, T. Young, P. Joss, I. McLean, A. Lawson, A. Burnett, J. Craig. Coach: Marc Paulik 1 16s J. Snowdon-Poole, M. Benn, T. Purchas, T. Massam, C. Robinson, J. Chuah, L. Waite, T. Anderson. Coach: Andy Wheeler 2 NATIONAL TITLES Diana d’Audney Mixed Doubles 35-40 Karen Cranston Mixed Doubles 55+ Jillian Roberts National Champion Women’s Singles 75–80 George Stoupe TNZ Masters Champion (14s) National Champion Women’s Singles 35–45 National Champion Women’s Singles 50–55 14U Singles National Champion FINAL POSITION OVERALL PLACING OF THE CENTRAL REGION NATIONALLY 2016: 2 2015: 4 2014: 1 2013: 2 2012: 2 2011: 1 14U Doubles National Champion 2016 TNZ NATIONAL SENIOR TEAMS EVENT William Brownlie 14U Doubles National Champion Tamara Anderson 16U Singles National Champion Kapi Mana won the Women 45+ national teams title (Leonie Campbell, Belinda Jane, Kerry Noble, Mareta Randall, Julie Scott) Finley Hall 16U Doubles National Champion ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVE FIXTURES ITF JUNIORS Ajeet Rai (number 1 junior in NZ, 168 ITF) Berlin Doubles winner (Grade 2) Christchurch Singles runner-up (Grade 4) Christchurch Doubles winner (Grade 4) Wellington Singles winner (Grade 4) Wellington Doubles winner (Grade 4) Hamilton Singles winner (Grade 5) Ryo Minakata (Japan 726 ITF) Wanganui 13 Taranaki 11 OTAGO SENIOR REP MATCHES Otago 8 Auckland Indoors Doubles winner (Grade 4) Hutt Valley 3 Otago 9 Lautoka Doubles semi-finalist (Grade 5) Kapi Mana 10 Otago 2 Noumea Singles semi-finalist (Grade 5) Noumea Doubles runner-up (Grade 5) Joshua Snowdon-Poole (993 ITF) CHRISTIE CUP (SENIORS) Wellington 4 Hamilton Doubles winner (Grade 5) Noumea Doubles winner (Grade 5) TENNIS CENTRAL HEXANGULAR SENIOR REP MATCH 1st Kapi Mana 4th Manawatu Caloundra Doubles semi-finalist (Grade 4) 2nd Hutt Valley 5th Taranaki Finley Hall (1,130 ITF) Noumea Doubles winner (Grade 5) 3rd Wellington 6th Wanganui Louise Waite (1,138 ITF) Caloundra Doubles semi-finalist (Grade 4) Tamara Anderson (1,292 ITF) Doha Singles semi-finalist (Grade 4) Auckland Doubles semi-finalist (Grade 4) CAPITAL COACHING TENNIS CENTRAL JUNIOR TEAMS EVENT Christy Robinson (1,432 ITF) 1st Hutt Valley 5th Combined Team Felix Humphries (1,450 ITF) 2nd Wellington 6th Manawatu Milo Benn (1,725 ITF) 3rd Kapi Mana 7th Wairarapa 4th Taranaki 8th Wanganui Ivy McLean (1,733 ITF) Isaac Becroft (1,773 ITF) Patrick Mitchell (2,121 ITF) Amy Galloway (2,211 ITF) 46 TEAM ACHIEVEMENTS Lautoka Doubles runner-up (Grade 5) TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 TOURNAMENT PARTICIPATION IN THE CENTRAL REGION Tournaments that Tennis Central have organised, administrated and delivered are in bold. Please note that the tournaments not run on Tournament Planner and/or not recorded on Configure Rankings are not shown on the table below. TOURNAMENTS GRILL MEATS BEER WELLINGTON/KAPI MANA JUNIOR INTERCLUB COMPETITION Last year, a new junior regional elite grade was introduced. The purpose for this was that many juniors were moving to play in the senior grades too early – however, there JULY 2014 TO JULY 2015 TO Hutt Valley Winter Junior Open 88 114 Manawatu Winter Junior Open 69 81 may not have enough higher-calibre players to enter teams into RPC Tournament 73 78 the elite grade. We also allowed teams to be made up of players Wellington Primary School Tournament 143 133 (rained off, no play)* Kapi Mana Primary School Tournament 54 32 Hutt Valley Primary School Tournament 101 119 Taranaki Primary School Tournament 67 38 Manawatu Primary School Tournament 46 26 Following high demand from the clubs, next season already looks Wairarapa Primary School Tournament - - promising with the introduction of a new mixed grade. Wanganui Primary School Tournament 28 18 Wanganui Spring Junior Open 107 131 Manawatu Spring Junior Open 80 77 Tecnifibre Wellington Junior Open 120 150 Taranaki Junior Open (Labour weekend) 82 45 Tennis Central Masters 45 48 TCR Primary Schools Regional Finals 64 64 Hutt Valley Christmas Tournament 183 158 Taranaki Junior Open (late December) 78 107 Manawatu Summer Junior Open 61 47 Kapi Mana Junior Open 104 100 Wellington ITF 156 132 MERW Wellington Open 63 61 Taranaki ANZAC/Easter Junior Open 59 61 Hutt Valley Champions Tournament - 63 Veterans Tournament 46 77 Central Region Junior Championships 230 224 Tawa ANZAC Tournament 69 N/A Tawa Queen’s Birthday Tournament 109 97 2,279 2,148 TOTAL JUNE 2015 JUNE 2016 was no clear pathway between junior and senior interclub. By reducing the size of the teams (2 or 3 players) and setting up ranking eligibility criteria, we enabled clubs that from different clubs. Overall, we have had 190 teams entering the pre-Christmas competition in the different grades (Regional, Wellington and Kapi Mana) and 199 teams entering the post-Christmas competition, including 25 novice grade teams (first-time interclub players), which shows that grassroots tennis is flourishing. * Not counted in total. 47 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 PREMIER INTERCLUB Kia ora and greetings everyone. The Premier Interclub competition started on 10 October 2015 and ran as smoothly as usual with all guns blazing from clubs at the top level. The loss of good young top players to US colleges showed that the experienced players had to step up and confidently lead the competition for the season. This was amicably demonstrated and recognised. The pre-Christmas competition was contested very highly between clubs in all grades with the dominant clubs Thorndon and Tawa-Lyndhurst in the Men’s Premier 1 grade and Paraparaumu and Lower Hutt in the Women’s Premier 1 grade. After the pre-Christmas draw, the same format used for the 2014/15 season was applied for the post-Christmas draw. The top six teams in Premier 1 played for the ultimate prizes, with men playing for the Jack Taylor Shield and women playing for the Eva Travers Cup in the grand final. The competition promoted and relegated teams within the premier grades, including the post-Christmas Premier 4 draw, which the Tennis Central Board and staff for Wellington Tecnifibre and Hutt Valley making the prizegiving a glamorous and Division 1 interclub. The rules were implemented in such a way that the competition maintained its professional standard while being nationally recognised by a number of players coming from around the country. Tennis Central staff along with the Premier Interclub Committee worked hard to present this competition. Without the discipline of all involved to ensure that this competition was administered professionally, effectively and with a smile, rewarding night. Also a warm thank you to the many others who have helped this season. Finally, congratulations to all winners in the Premier competition, and we hope others will be inspired to and play again next season. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Tennis Central Board Tennis Central staff it would not have brought about such a Tecnifibre sponsorship great result in the sport that we all love. Tennis Central Premier Interclub Thank you to Jackie Clarke, Audrey Daly and Committee Nick White (PIC) and Flo and Sandra (TCR). Jackie Clarke Speaking on behalf of the Committee, this Nick White was a good season, and we appreciated Tennis Central’s assistance with rule changes as well as overall assistance concerning the competition. We have certainly benefited from Tennis Central’s overall assistance and input, from chairmanship and administration through to the promotion, driving and betterment Premier Club of the Year Audrey Daly Flo Perret (TCR) Sandra Calder (TCR) Yours to serve, Mareta Randall TCPIC Chair Tawa-Lyndhurst Premier Male Rookie Player of the Year Jake Naylor Premier Female Rookie Player of the Year Kate Bolton Premier 1 Male Player of the Year – Slazenger Trophy Marcel Glover Premier 1 Female Player of the Year – Slazenger Trophy Leela Beattie Overall Premier Male Player of the Year – TCRI Player of the Year trophy Overall Premier Female Player of the Year – TCRI Player of the Year trophy 48 of tennis in the region. Thank you also to included the top teams promoted from Jake Naylor Leela Beattie TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 PREMIER INTERCLUB PRE-CHRISTMAS 2015/16 PREMIER MEN’S 1 PREMIER MEN’S 2 PREMIER MEN’S 3 Tawa-Lyndhurst Tommy’s 46 Waikanae Beach 43 Wainuiomata 43 Thorndon 33 Tawa-Lyndhurst 38 Whitby 37 Khandallah 22 Karori United 35 Maungaraki 36 Miramar 22 Wellington 33 Thorndon 35 Wellington Wakefield 20 Miramar 22 Miramar 27 Maungaraki 19 Maungaraki 21 Khandallah 17 Salamanca 6 Titahi Bay 19 Lower Hutt 16 Kilbirnie/Wellington 13 Upper Hutt 13 PREMIER WOMEN’S 1 PREMIER WOMEN’S 2 PREMIER WOMEN’S 3 Paraparaumu Beach Tommy’s 48 Miramar 39 Pinehaven 38 Lower Hutt 37 Lower Hutt Green 39 Wellington 35 Wellington Wakefield 33 Lower Hutt White 36 Karori United B 32 Maungaraki 26 Pukerua Bay 35 Maungaraki 18 Thorndon 26 Khandallah 25 Salamanca 17 Khandallah 23 Waikanae Beach 24 Vogelmorn 15 Tawa-Lyndhurst Tommy’s 16 Ngatitoa 13 Karori United A 13 Titahi Bay Ground Up Cafe 15 Vogelmorn 13 49 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 PREMIER INTERCLUB POST-CHRISTMAS 2015/16 PREMIER MEN’S 1 PREMIER MEN’S 2 PREMIER MEN’S 3 Tawa-Lyndhurst Tommy’s 31 Karori United 45 Maungaraki 49 Thorndon 30 Waikanae Beach 43 Wainuiomata 38 Wellington Wakefield 20 Salamanca 36 Whitby 33 Miramar 19 Wellington 32 Kilbirnie/Wellington 31 Maungaraki 13 Tawa-Lyndhurst 26 Thorndon 25 Khandallah 7 Maungaraki 24 Lower Hutt 19 Miramar 13 Miramar 19 Khandallah 13 Titahi Bay 5 PREMIER MEN’S 4 Vogelmorn 43 Wainuiomata 41 Karori United 39 Pinehaven 24 Wellington 21 Upper Hutt 20 Salamanca 18 Stokes Valley 18 PREMIER WOMEN’S 1 PREMIER WOMEN’S 2 Paraparaumu Beach Tommy’s 33 Tawa-Lyndhurst Tommy’s 52 Ngatitoa 43 Lower Hutt 32 Titahi Bay Ground Up Cafe 36 Vogelmorn A 41 Wellington Wakefield 23 Lower Hutt A 33 Karori United 38 Khandallah 19 Lower Hutt B 29 Salamanca 32 Maungaraki 9 Pukerua Bay 26 Wellington 32 Thorndon 4 Miramar 22 Vogelmorn B 18 Waikanae Beach 15 Pinehaven 14 Khandallah 11 Maungaraki 6 PREMIER INTERCLUB AWARDS 50 PREMIER WOMEN’S 3 PREMIER 1 MEN ANTHONY ADAMS CUP PREMIER 1 WOMEN KATRINA MIHAERE CUP Tawa-Lyndhurst Paraparaumu Beach POST-CHRISTMAS MEN TENNIS CENTRAL PLATE 2015/16 POST-CHRISTMAS WOMEN TENNIS CENTRAL PLATE 2015/16 Tawa-Lyndhurst Paraparaumu Beach GRAND FINAL MEN JACK TAYLOR SHIELD 2015/16 GRAND FINAL WOMEN EVA TRAVERS CUP 2015/16 Tawa-Lyndhurst Paraparaumu Beach TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 TECNIFIBRE INTERCLUB The Tecnifibre summer competition went women’s grade. We did not get as many very smoothly this season, and all the entries as we would have liked but hope feedback we received suggested that we’ll get more interest for the coming everyone had an enjoyable time with a season. As always, the committee high standard of competition. welcomes any feedback on these new initiatives and any other issues. The good weather certainly added to people’s enjoyment, and there were very In terms of promotion/relegation, all few issues for the committee to settle. It teams in the Saturday men’s, women’s was the first season of a new format for and mixed grades and the Monday men’s the Saturday morning competition, which grades will be placed in grades on a involved making the men’s and women’s ranked list for next season according to doubles consistent with the Monday and their positions on the interclub list. Tuesday night grades (i.e. a sudden-death deuce on the second deuce and a super tiebreak to decide the third set). The change certainly reduced the number of ties overrunning while still giving everyone a reasonable game. We also trialled a new weekday night men’s doubles grade to complement the existing Tuesday night TECNIFIBRE INTERCLUB PRE-CHRISTMAS 2015/16 MEN’S 1ST GRADE MEN’S 2ND GRADE MEN’S 3RD GRADE Karori United 48 Island Bay 55 Karori Lawn 41 Vogelmorn 35 Paraparaumu Beach 36 Kilbirnie 40 Salamanca 33 Wellington 29 Thorndon 38 Wellington B 33 Whitby 27 Island Bay 28 Tawa-Lyndhurst 25 Pukerua Bay 25 Miramar 26 Wellington A 19 Ngatitoa 20 Churton Park Slicers 23 Whitby 19 Khandallah 16 Khandallah 18 Karori United B 12 Titahi Bay 16 Vogelmorn 10 MEN’S 4TH GRADE MEN’S 5TH GRADE MEN’S 6TH GRADE Thorndon 45 Ngatitoa 54 Tawa-Lyndhurst 61 Tawa-Lyndhurst 35 Paekakariki 44 Johnsonville 43 Island Bay 30 Thorndon 32 Island Bay 41 Karori United 27 Paraparaumu Beach 30 Wellington 37 Kilbirnie 27 Vogelmorn 21 Churton Park 32 Wellington 19 Titahi Bay 17 Kilbirnie 24 Titahi Bay 15 Kilbirnie 14 Whitby 22 Whitby 10 Khandallah 12 Newlands-Paparangi 16 Ngatitoa 4 51 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 MEN’S A GRADE MEN’S B GRADE MEN’S DOUBLES GRADE Maungaraki A 38 Wellington A 52 Khandallah 25 Maungaraki B 33 Wellington B 42 Karori United 21 Waikanae Beach 29 Ngaio A 41 Ngaio Wellington 23 Vogelmorn 26 Khandallah 21 Ngaio C 24 Karori United 15 Khandallah 22 Ngaio B 11 Pukerua Bay 6 Miramar 9 MIXED A GRADE MIXED B GRADE 2 MIXED C GRADE Tawa-Lyndhurst 38 Churton Park Mixers 45 Johnsonville A 43 Waikanae Beach A 35 Vogelmorn 34 Kilbirnie 40 Newlands-Paparangi 31 Pukerua Bay 30 Plimmerton 27 Otaki Sports 24 Johnsonville 20 Johnsonville B 21 Waikanae Beach B 23 Karori United 19 Tawa-Lyndhurst 20 Whitby 13 Waikanae Beach 16 Ngatitoa 17 Linden 4 WOMEN’S 1ST GRADE Ngaio 4 WOMEN’S 2ND GRADE WOMEN’S A GRADE Ngaio 45 Otaki Sports 46 Thorndon 44 Tawa-Lyndhurst 39 Karori United 28 Khandallah Moonlight 42 Khandallah 33 Kilbirnie 27 Khandallah Starlight 41 Kilbirnie 28 Titahi Bay A 25 Ngaio A 33 Pukerua Bay 27 Miramar 22 Newlands-Paparangi 25 Thorndon 24 Whitby 18 Ngaio B 22 Vogelmorn 10 Titahi Bay B 2 Linden 21 Wellington A 10 Ngatitoa 21 Karori United 16 Ngaio C 5 POST-CHRISTMAS 2015/16 MEN’S 1ST GRADE 52 MEN’S 2ND GRADE MEN’S 3RD GRADE Whitby A 42 Pukerua Bay 37 Ngatitoa 40 Island Bay 40 Karori Lawn 36 Miramar 38 Paraparaumu Beach 34 Khandallah 34 Thorndon 37 Wellington A 30 Thorndon 30 Vogelmorn 30 Wellington B 25 Kilbirnie 23 Churton Park 25 Whitby B 22 Ngatitoa 22 Khandallah 20 Tawa-Lyndhurst 18 Titahi Bay 22 Tawa-Lyndhurst 18 Karori United 13 Island Bay 17 Island Bay 16 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 MEN’S 4TH GRADE MEN’S 5TH GRADE MEN’S 6TH GRADE Kilbirnie 32 Tawa-Lyndhurst 45 Churton Park 43 Titahi Bay 32 Johnsonville 32 Wellington A 33 Paekakariki 29 Titahi Bay 28 Wellington B 26 Wellington 27 Vogelmorn 27 Kilbirnie 23 Thorndon 23 Kilbirnie 24 Whitby 22 Karori United 19 Khandallah 11 Newlands-Paparangi 12 Paraparaumu Beach 0 Ngatitoa Whitby 6 MEN’S A GRADE MEN’S B GRADE 9 MEN’S DOUBLES GRADE Wellington A 41 Miramar 49 Wellington 25 Maungaraki B 40 Ngaio A 45 Khandallah 23 Maungaraki A 37 Tawa-Lyndhurst 40 Karori United 12 Waikanae Beach 36 Khandallah 28 Ngaio 8 Karori United 23 Ngaio B 18 Khandallah 23 Ngaio C 17 Wellington B 13 Pukerua Bay 14 Wellington C 11 Vogelmorn 13 MIXED A GRADE MIXED B GRADE MIXED C GRADE Waikanae Beach B 37 Whitby 37 Waikanae Beach 40 Newlands-Paparangi 25 Linden 33 Ngaio 36 Waikanae Beach A 25 Pukerua Bay 32 Tawa-Lyndhurst 25 Churton Park 24 Johnsonville A 21 Plimmerton 22 Vogelmorn 20 Karori United 21 Johnsonville C 20 Otaki Sports 19 Kilbirnie 19 Ngatitoa 20 Tawa-Lyndhurst 18 Johnsonville B WOMEN’S 1ST GRADE 5 WOMEN’S 2ND GRADE Vogelmorn 5 WOMEN’S A GRADE Tawa-Lyndhurst 33 Miramar 32 Khandallah Starlight 46 Ngaio 33 Wellington 32 Linden 39 Karori United 29 Titahi Bay A 31 Ngaio A 38 Khandallah 23 Whitby 31 Thorndon 35 Kilbirnie 22 Karori United 23 Khandallah Moonlight 31 Pukerua Bay 19 Vogelmorn 13 Ngaio B 25 9 Titahi Bay B 6 Ngatitoa 22 Newlands-Paparangi 17 Karori United 12 Thorndon Ngaio C 5 53 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 EMP MIDWEEK Grade 2: Miramar 2, captained by MIDWEEK EXECUTIVE I have pleasure in presenting the Mesdames: Annual Report of the Tennis Central Stephanie Walker, showed their dominance Midweek Section for the year ended winning with 48 points, with Ngaio 2 Chairperson Robyn Dry (Khandallah) Vice Chairperson 30th April 2016. INTERCLUB Carol Carr (Karori Lawn) The weather for our Interclub Competition Secretary this season was one out of the bag – Jocelyn Reyners (Miramar) Recording Secretary Vacant position Meredith Cole (Vogelmorn), Donna Low (Churton Park), Diana Maunder (Kilbirnie), Susan Laurenson (Talavera), Anne de Geus (Island Bay), Janet Lockett (Karori United), Sandy Williamson (Ngaio), perfect. Thank-you team captains and players for your promptness in getting results into us. This meant we could spend one day putting in the results and sent out to all within twenty-four hours. I have to give a very very big thank you to Angela Chan who gave up her time on a Tuesday to help enter the results and Jocelyn Reyners, who over the season got the feel of the programme and we hope we can run with it next season. Thirteen second on 37 points. Grade 3: This grade was very closely contested with two teams chasing the eventual winners Ngaio 3 captained by Anne Truebridge. Kilbirnie 1 and Ngaio 4 kept the heat on until the sixth round, when Ngaio 3 finally got ahead. Ngaio 3 finished on 48 points and Kilbirnie 1 second on 39 points. Grade 4: This grade also had a number of teams hotly contesting the No1 slot. It wasn’t until the final round Kilbirnie 2 captained by Sandy Jeffs won the grade on 47 points, second was Miramar 5 with 42 and Miramar 6 on 41 points. Well done to clubs participated again in the Interclub all teams. Match Committee: Competition. Mixed Grade: Another tightly contested Robyn Dry, The winners of the Championship grade. No1 slot has been held for a number no rep from Wellington. Carol Carr, Susan Laurenson, Diana Maunder, Donna Low. Back up: Sandy Williamson and Anne de Geus. Round were: Grade 1: Churton Park 1, captained by Corinna Joe, were again the winners. This year two teams tried to keep up with of years by Churton Park M1, and again came out the winner with 47 points captained by Donna Low but closely followed by K.L/Wellington on 42 points. Churton Park but they got away winning The Post Championship Round winners: with 47 points, Khandallah 1 came second Invitation Grade: We had three teams in on 42 and Lower Hutt third with 39 points. contention for the winners of this grade, those being Churton Park 1 Khandallah 1 and Lower Hutt. The last round was the crucial one where Khandallah 1 and Lower Hutt fought it out with Khandallah taking first place with 31 points and Lower Hutt one point back on 30. Khandallah was captained by Bridgette Catherwood. Grade1/2: Miramar 1 captained by Sue Haberfield were the winners. This was a very well balanced team. From round 1 till the last game on 4th April they stayed in front, winning with 40 points and Karori Barbara Hogan Club Winners – Miramar. Lawn 1 back in second place on 32 points. Grade 2/3: Again, three teams Miramar 3, Ngaio 3 and Johnsonville 1 all kept in touch with each other on the points table and it wasn’t until round 6 when Johnsonville, lying third, took off and won the grade 54 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 Barbara Hogan Trophy: Obituary This prestigious award is contested by all We pay a special tribute to Dianna Wishart Clubs. This year we can say it is going home to the club where Barbara Hogan played and that is the Miramar Club. Miramar were the first place getters in the Championship round and held onto that position through the Post Championship winning with 81.3% and Lower Hutt in second place with 70.8%. Awards: All winners of the Championship and Post Championship rounds will receive a silver Grade 4/5 winners – Post-Championship – Vogelmorn 3. with 32 points, Miramar 3 second on 30 tray, a certificate, and gifts from our Midweek Sponsor EMP. Also FAIRMONT ESTATE WINES, will be presented as spot points and Ngaio third on 26 points. prizes, one of Tennis Central sponsors. Johnsonville was captained by Ann Acknowledgements Honeyfield. Grade 3/4: This grade was won by Karori United 4 captained by Shayne Kale with 31 points. They only had one round when they did not win by 5-1 and this was against the second place getters Vogelmorn 2. It was a draw. Vogelmorn 2 finished second on 25 points. Grade 4/5: The last round in this grade was the decider for two teams Miramar 6 and Vogelmorn 3. Both had been winning their rounds each week and vying for that number one position. They played each other in the last round which was a draw and Vogelmorn got the bonus point, so the final was Vogelmorn first with 34 points captained by Jan Rosie, and Miramar 6 second on 32 points captained by Di Williams. Well done to both teams. Mixed Grade: The second half of this grade was a reversal of the positions held last • The Executive of the Midweek Section – Thank you ladies for another great season you have given us supporting the Midweek Section of Tennis Central. • To our Secretary, Jocelyn Reyners – her first year in this position. Your support and commitment to the Secretary’s position is much appreciated. • Thank you to the Match Committee who sadly passed away on the 2nd January 2016. Dianna was involved in tennis for 35 years. In those years Di played interclub in the summer for Khandallah and the winter indoors until sadly she was forced to stand down from playing in 2010. Dianna took over the Recording Secretary’s position when Marg Hewitt stood down, that was in the season of 1998/99 till the end of 2014/15. She loved figures so the recording secretary’s position was spot on for her. She enjoyed that contact with captains and players from all clubs and even this last season Di would ask how everyone was doing when I would visit her each week to report in. The Midweek and Tennis Central are truly grateful for her contribution to tennis over so many years. A familiar face and spirit within the tennis community who will be sorely missed. Robyn Dry Chairperson Tennis Central – Midweek Section – Carol Carr, Susan Laurenson, Diana Maunder, Donna Low and Sandy Williamson for the support and time that you gave over the season – this was very much appreciated. • To Sandra Calder, Senior Events Co-ordinator, Tennis Central, who has helped us out on a number of occasions, thank you also to Mel Jansen for her contribution in organising our guest speaker. season. Churton Park M1 came out the winners this year with 41 points and Vogelmorn M1 who won it last year came in second with 38 points. Have to mention also the closeness of the third and fourth position, with Kilbirnie Swingers 35 and K.L/Wellington with 34 points. Well done teams. 55 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 EMP MIDWEEK INTERCLUB CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS OF CHAMPIONSHIP 2015/16 GRADE 1 GRADE 2 Churton Park 1 GRADE 3 GRADE 4 47 Miramar 2 48 Ngaio 3 48 Kilbirnie 2 47 Khandallah 1 42 Ngaio 2 37 Kilbirnie 1 39 Miramar 5 42 Lower Hutt 1 39 Karori United 2 27 Karori United 3 32 Miramar 6 41 Ngaio 1 27 Churton Park 2 27 Ngaio 4 32 Vogelmorn 3 38 Karori United 1 22 Talavera 1 27 Vogelmorn 2 26 Talavera 2 22 Karori Lawn 1 19 Vogelmorn 1 23 Island Bay 1 23 Island Bay 2 17 Miramar 1 18 Johnsonville 1 18 Miramar 4 12 Karori United 5 12 Miramar 3 14 Karori United 4 Khandallah 2 7 MIXED 9 Ngaio 5 3 TIED RESULTS Churton Park M1 47 Team For Against K.L/Wellington M1 42 Karori United 2 228 214 Vogelmorn M1 32 Churton Park 2 220 231 Kilbirnie Swingers 30 Talavera 1 213 218 Karori United M1 25 Karori United 3 222 205 Wellington M1 25 Ngaio 4 215 222 Kilbirnie Slammers 1 11 Karori United M1 220 221 Wellington M1 219 216 Vets 1 7 Mixed Grade BARBARA HOGAN TROPHY Miramar 81.0% Karori United 52.4% Ngaio 75.0% Khandallah 46.4% Kilbirnie 73.8% Talavera 45.2% Lower Hutt 69.0% Karori Lawn 38.1% Churton Park 64.3% Island Bay 36.9% Johnsonville 33.3% Vogelmorn 57.1% RESULTS OF POST-CHAMPIONSHIP 2015/16 INVITATION GRADE GRADE 1/2 Khandallah 1 31 40 GRADE 3/4 Johnsonville 1 32 Karori United 4 31 Lower Hutt 1 30 Karori Lawn 1 32 Miramar 3 30 Vogelmorn 2 25 Churton Park 1 26 Khandallah 2 31 Ngaio 3 26 Kilbirnie 2 19 Ngaio 1 11 Ngaio 2 28 Karori United 3 24 Island Bay 1 18 Karori United 1 11 Churton Park 2 17 Kilbirnie 1 23 Miramar 5 13 Miramar 2 10 Karori United 2 10 Vogelmorn 1 18 Miramar 4 12 Ngaio 4 12 Talavera 1 56 GRADE 2/3 Miramar 1 7 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 RESULTS OF POST-CHAMPIONSHIP 2015/16 CONTINUED GRADE 4/5 TIED RESULTS MIXED GRADE Vogelmorn 3 34 Churton Park M1 41 Team For Against Miramar 6 32 Vogelmorn M1 38 Ngaio 1 140 181 Karori United 1 115 182 Talavera 2 139 171 Karori United 5 131 167 Island Bay 2 19 Kilbirnie Swingers 1 35 Talavera 2 15 K. L/Wellington M1 34 Karori United 5 15 Wellington M1 31 Karori United M1 27 Kilbirnie Slammers 1 13 Ngaio 5 4 Vets 1 3 BARBARA HOGAN TROPHY Miramar 81.3% Vogelmorn 54.0% Lower Hutt 70.8% Karori Lawn 50.0% Ngaio 66.6% Johnsonville 47.4% Kilbirnie 63.3% Karori United 45.5% Churton Park 58.0% Island Bay 41.0% Khandallah 55.3% Talavera 37.3% PLANITPRO WINTER MIDWEEK COMPETITION A GRADE MONDAY Footfault Let’s Go Girls Kiss My Ace Hutt Girls Part Timers Super Troupers B GRADE TUESDAY C GRADE WEDNESDAY 54 All Sorts 64 49.5 Top Spin 61.5 C GRADE FRIDAY Five Forty 48 Take Two Free on Wednesdays 44 What A Racket 45 The Slice Girls 58 Drop Shot Divas 42 Divergents 36 Missing Federer 55 The Divas Grand Slammers 52 Dream Team Ladies Kilburners 46 Welly Wallopers 43 28.5 12 Hutt Hitters 41.5 Serves You Right 40.5 ABCs Sets in The City L.O.L Balls Up String Quartet Mixed Slice Hit and Miss A Little Bit Random 53 46.5 45 35.5 String Courtets 41 23 Secret Swingers 33.5 Good Sports 10 Double Four Play 23.5 Fair Game 7.5 Fizzy Friday Girls 21 Just For Fun 14.5 38 33.5 31 30.5 30 28.5 20 7 57 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 BUSINESS HOUSE Played at the Renouf Tennis Centre weekday evenings at 6pm and Some teams are new, and some have been playing for close to 8pm, these competitions are therapeutic after a hard day in the 20 years, but finals night is every team’s goal with catered office. The fun doesn’t stop on court, with many staying for a nibbles, drinks and great prizes up for grabs. Thanks go to our drink afterwards at the MatchPint Bar in the upstairs lounge. fantastic sponsors Logan Brown Restaurant and Bar, Light House Weekly matches are assured on the indoor courts in the often Cinema and MatchPint Café/Bar. unpredictable weather of the autumn, winter and spring competitions. In the summer, the competition is enjoyed outdoors. LOGAN BROWN WINTER BUSINESS HOUSE 2015 (JUL-SEP) TENNIS CENTRAL SUMMER BUSINESS HOUSE 2016 (FEB-MAR) AB Grade B Grade Winner: Island Bay Honeybadgers Winner: Different Strokes Runner-up: Soundline – Amped Up Runner-up: Surf the Net C Grade C Grade (Tues) Winner: The Little Federers Winner: Aces Runner-up: Aces Runner-up: Double Denims C1 Grade C Grade (Wed) Winner: The Scramblers Winner: Faulty Doublers Runner-up: The Hasselhoff Experience Runner-up: Casual Sets C2 Grade D Grade Winner: Tennis Balls Deep Winner: The Serviettes Runner-up: Sets Addicts Runner-up: No Faults LIGHT HOUSE CINEMA SPRING BUSINESS HOUSE 2015 (SEP-DEC) MATCHPINT AUTUMN BUSINESS HOUSE 2016 (APR-JUN) B Grade AB Grade Winner: Killer Watts Winner: Killer Watts Runner-up: Weight of Shot Runner-up: Different Strokes C Grade C1 Grade (Mon) Winner: Aces Winner: Aces Runner-up: Kilbirnies Kingfishers Runner-up: Abstel Engineers CD Grade C2 Grade (Wed) Winner: Ball Parkers Winner: Cervezas Runner-up: Young Masters Runner-up: Grip N Rip D Grade Winner: You Have Just Been Served Runner-up: Mixed Trouble 58 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 FRAMPTON WINTER Frampton Signs Winter Regional Interclub 2015 A GRADE B GRADE Maungaraki 52 Khandallah 54 Ngatitoa 39 Stokes Valley 48 Vogelmorn 39 Kilbirnie 37 Khandallah 31 Linden 35 Petone 22 Wainuiomata 35 Newlands-Paparangi 20 Pukerua Bay 26 Karori United 14 Maungaraki 19 Karori United 18 Petone 16 Lower Hutt 7 C GRADE D GRADE Karori Lawn 58 Titahi Bay 61 Whitby 41 Kilbirnie B 45 Wainuiomata 2 39 Ngaio C 39 Wellington 39 Whitby 38 Karori United 30 Karori United 36 Ngaio A 28 Wellington 29 Ngaio B 18 Kilbirnie C 17 Wainuiomata 3 18 Khandallah 13 Ngatitoa 17 Ngatitoa 8 59 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 VETERANS While the total number of Wellington Vet Many thanks to the committee: Frank Blackwell (Secretary), Jenny Stove addition of six new members during the Winners: Steve Billing and Kevin Wilson Miles Rogers and Richard Yuschik for their first half of 2016 and an increase in the Runners-up: Steve Joss and Lane Lawson contribution to the committee work during MEN’S B GRADE arranging the club night games, to Joy now 50 members. Winners: Raymond Joe and Aiyaz Ali Kahn contribution to social events and to The committee meetings were held from Runners-up: Peyman Momenan and before, we are pleased to report the number of members attending club nights, now being held every two weeks on Fridays from 6 to 8pm. The total is (Treasurer), Don Crump, Alan Moore, the year. Thanks also to Hans Zeitler for Luhman and Loene Betteridge for their Gay Monk who helps in many ways, Daniel Price including with raffles. Foundation grant this year in order to WOMEN’S GRADE A Rhonda Pritchard enable our subscription to be minimal. Winners: Kerry Noble and Mareta Randall One team was entered in the Wellington Runners-up: Gretchen Elliot and 5.30 to 6.00pm on some Friday club nights. The club will be applying for another Lion Friday summer mixed competition. The team comprised Doug Law, Peter Moon, Frank Blackwell, Gillian Cross and Pam Morris. On several occasions, including on our pre-Christmas club night, Friday evenings finished with supper and social time and proved popular. This was especially the case on one Friday when we organised a Annabelle Schmid WOMEN’S DOUBLES B Winners: Wendy Mackevics and Diana Maunder Runners-up: Deb Mickell and Mandy Stewart mini-tournament based on decade age MIXED DOUBLES A groups, which attracted a record number Winners: Andrew Pascoe and including guests from other clubs. By far the largest number played in the 70+ age group section! The Wellington Veterans Tournament was held at the Renouf Tennis Centre on 2 and 3 April and was a round robin event. Leonie Campbell Runners-up: Kevin Wilson and Mareta Randall MIXED DOUBLES B Thanks to Tennis Central, Hutt Valley Winners: Tim Gudsell and Gretchen Elliot Veterans and all the sponsors for their Runners-up: Mitchell Forbes and contributions to this event. 60 The winners were: MEN’S A GRADE Club members was down from the year Mel Jansen President TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 REGIONAL PERFORMANCE CENTRE Tennis Central is progressing into a new phase following an incredible era for the Regional Performance Centre (RPC) and Tennis Central. Firstly, I want to thank the Renouf staff and the Tennis Central Board for their on-going support and ability to help create what I believe is the best tennis region in New Zealand. It’s been a fantastic era of tennis: RPC player success at all levels ranging from national titles, ITF titles, New Zealand teams, Australian titles, European titles, junior grand slam competitors, US college conversions and even professional tour titles. It would be a challenge to find one single training environment anywhere else in New Zealand that has produced these types of results on this scale across the board. This year has been all about transitioning our juniors into ITF competitors and US college players whilst at the same time offering support and a viable coaching base for New Zealand’s number 1 junior boy (Ajeet Rai) and New Zealand’s number 1 professional male player (Finn Tearney). This year, we experienced some new successes with players involved in our structures. • Finn Tearney became New Zealand’s number 1 male player this past year, climbing from a ranking of 1,650 to be ranked 361 in the world. Finn made his Davis Cup debut against Korea and his professional ATP singles ASB Classic debut against Donald Young. I have personally spent much of the year working with Finn based here in Wellington and on the professional circuits overseas. Finn has defeated numerous top 200 players this year, and I hope to see him win more titles in the near future. Finn is an important part of Tennis Central, our RPC training systems and a leader for the next generation of players to come. • Ajeet Rai has spent much of his year on the road with his father and Central-based coach, Rakesh Rai. Ajeet is New Zealand’s number 1 boy who this year won a New Zealand ITF singles title and is the first Kiwi junior boy in three years to win a grade 1 ITF event with his doubles victory in Berlin. Ajeet has recently won victories over world top-50 juniors and, given his ranking, will soon climb to be in the top 100. He will be looking at competing in the junior grand slams over the next 12 months. • On our talent radar is Ivy McLean who is now New Zealand’s • Our current RPC squad consists of eight ITF-ranked juniors and two more ITF winners in Finley Hall and Joshua Snowdon-Poole who teamed up to win an ITF title in the Pacific. Ryo Minakata was a doubles finalist who also made the ITF singles semifinals. • This past year, our RPC has transitioned five more college players to the USA college system (Dom Miller, Zach Whaanga, KP Pannu, Kyle Butters and Maddie Young), and a further four players will be ready and seeking scholarships in 2017. I also want to congratulate Marcus Daniel who has recently won two ATP doubles titles and has been selected for the New Zealand Olympic team. I have witnessed Marcus’s work ethic here and his sacrifices on the tour – his support of Wairarapa and Central makes him an incredible asset to our region. I would also personally like to congratulate the following players – and their training environments – on their successes in 2016. • George Stoupe (New Zealand 14s team) and Tamara Anderson (New Zealand 16s team). • US college scholarship players – Pratt Keerasuntonpong and Charlie Hudson. Finally, again thank you to the Tennis Central staff and Board for their relentless support over the years – especially our Chairman Phil Seemann who has been instrumental in the success of the region and development of many players. Together, we all initially set out to build a stronger region with inclusive policies to ensure coaches and players are able to flourish in their environments. It made us unique. However, the results speak for themselves. As a supporter of Tennis Central, we must evolve even further now given the current positive junior landscape. However, we shouldn’t forget the results and energy required to get to this point. REGIONAL PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME – BY THE NUMBERS NATIONAL TITLES ITF TITLES PRO TOUR TITLES US COLLEGE PLAYERS 50+ 30+ 7 30+ Clint Packer Tennis Central Performance Coach new number 1 ranked 14s girl. Ivy (along with fellow RPC member Finley Hall) won the inaugural Kiwi singles title, beating the current New Zealand champion and very recently reached a doubles ITF final in Fiji, achieving her first ITF points. 61 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 WELLINGTON OPEN 2016 Another fantastic MinterEllisonRuddWatts Wellington Open was We’ve worked hard to ensure this tournament’s growth, and we held in March, this time with some new faces, including Rubin are immensely proud of what it provides our tennis community. Statham and Rosie Cheng, battling it out against home town It would simply not be possible without the continued support favourites. The weather was perfect, the tennis excellent and from our generous sponsors, the players who play in it, the the atmosphere buzzing. volunteers who help run it and the supporters who support it. Steve Logan and Shaun Clouston of Logan Brown fired up some paua fritters on the BBQ, impressing sponsors and invited guests Watch this space for next year. We’re excited already, and you’ll definitely want to get on board. – and the early rounds through to Finals Day at this year’s Open The action on court was superb. Rubin Statham overcame the had all the trimmings. current Kiwi number 1, hometown favourite and two-time Sold-out corporate boxes lined the indoor courts on Sunday, and spectators were treated to not only a great day of entertainment but spectacular showdowns on court. Gazley Nissan offered a brand new Nissan Qashqai for three lucky punters who tried their luck at serving a tennis ball through a target, but luck was not on their side this year. Wellington schools welcomed top seeds with an inspiring haka followed by the national anthem. For the third consecutive year, a special thank you to MinterEllisonRuddWatts who provided the financial backing to enable us to attract top players (a key ingredient), and we are ever grateful for their support in helping to grow this tournament for Central’s tennis fans from the beginning. Thanks to supporting sponsors in Tecnifibre, Willis Wellington Hotel, Logan Brown, Fairmont Estate, Gazley Nissan, Grill Meats Beer, Scooter Design and MatchPint Bar. Of course, we hope to attract more sponsors next year, giving them an opportunity to showcase their products during the tournament, enjoy the hospitality of Finals Day and be part of defending champion Finn Tearney in a two-hour 2-6 6-4 6-4 hard-hitting match. Both players are within one ATP ranking spot of each other, but with no ranking points on offer in Wellington, the tournament key was prize money: $2,000 for the winner and an opportunity to get ready for hitting the international circuit again after the tough Davis Cup loss to Korea. “It was a tough match. Finn is a great mover on the court, and I had to really fight to get the match. There were just a couple of points near the end of the match which I managed to get, and that got me the win,” said Statham. The women’s final had New Zealand national senior and junior tennis champion, teenager Rosie Cheng from North Harbour coming from a set down to defeat defending champion and Central player Leela Beattie 2-6 6-3 6-2. The North Harbour teen was relieved to win the contest after being a little erratic on the way to the title. “She’s (Leela) a really good player, and we always have good battles. She blew me away in the first set, I couldn’t do anything,” said Cheng. “I was able to find my form a bit more later in the match, which helped me get the win.” the Wellington Open rebuild team! RESULTS MEN’S SINGLES Rubin Statham (Auckland) beat Finn Tearney (Wellington) 2-6 6-4 6-4 WOMEN’S SINGLES Rosie Cheng (North Harbour) beat Leela Beattie (Wanganui) 2-6 6-3 6-3 MEN’S DOUBLES Finn Reynolds (Hawke’s Bay)/Oliver Statham (Auckland) beat Amrit Rai (Wellington)/Tristan Stayt (Wellington) 6-2 7-5 WOMEN’S DOUBLES Leela Beattie (Wanganui)/Amelia Harris (Hutt Valley) beat Ashleigh Harvey (Bay of Plenty)/Stella Cliffe (North Harbour) 6-3 6-2 62 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 63 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 CHAMPIONSHIP HONOURS BOARD MEN’S SINGLES 64 1899 1900 F Laishley 1900 1901 F Laishley 1901 1902 C C Cox 1902 1903 C C Cox 1903 1904 C C Cox 1904 1905 C J Dickie 1905 1906 H H Gore 1906 1907 C C Cox 1907 1908 R N K Swanston 1908 1909 H Rice 1909 1910 R N K Swanston 1910 1911 H A Parker 1911 1912 J C Peacock 1912 1913 G Ollivier 1913 1914 G Ollivier 1914 1915 R N K Swanston 1915 1919 Not held 1919 1920 E Allison 1920 1921 K J Walker 1921 1922 E D Andrews 1922 1923 L G France 1923 1924 E D Andrews 1924 1925 E D Andrews 1925 1926 E B W Smyth 1926 1927 N R C Wilson 1927 1928 D G France 1928 1929 D G France 1929 1930 I A Seay 1930 1931 D G France 1931 1932 N R C Wilson 1932 1933 C E Malfroy 1933 1934 C E Malfroy 1934 1935 N Smith 1935 1936 D G France 1936 1937 N F N Bedford 1937 1938 N C Stuart 1938 1939 N V Edwards 1939 1940 D G France 1940 1945 Not held 1945 1946 J Y Taylor 1946 1947 R V Robb 1947 1948 J Hamilton 1948 1949 Not held 1949 1950 S Painter 1950 1951 P G Nichols 1951 1952 J A Barry 1952 1953 P G Nichols 1953 1954 J A Barry 1954 1955 B R Boon 1955 1956 R S McKenzie 1956 1957 J A Barry 1957 1958 J A Barry 1958 1959 J A Barry 1959 1960 L A Gerrard 1960 1961 L A Gerrard 1961 1962 L A Gerrard 1962 1963 L A Gerrard 1963 1964 J B Souter 1964 1965 L A Gerrard 1965 1966 L A Gerrard 1966 1967 M Cox 1967 1968 R N Hawkes 1968 1969 B E Fairlie 1969 1970 O Parun 1970 1971 O Parun 1971 1972 O Parun 1972 1973 O Parun 1973 1974 R Simpson 1974 1975 C Lewis 1975 1976 B Fairlie 1976 1977 R Simpson 1977 1978 D Gibson 1978 1979 P Smith 1979 1980 S Harley 1952 1953 Miss N Andrews 1980 1981 S Temple 1953 1954 Miss D King 1981 1982 D Patterson 1954 1955 Miss EM Meyer 1982 1983 D Patterson 1955 1956 Miss S Cox 1983 1984 D Patterson 1956 1957 Miss S Cox 1984 1985 N Carter 1957 1958 Miss S Cox 1985 1986 J Dunphy 1958 1959 Mrs J Tinnock 1986 1987 G Long 1959 1960 Miss J Davidson 1987 1988 A Lobb 1960 1961 Miss R Morrison 1988 1989 N Carter 1961 1962 Mrs B Grey 1989 1990 S Guy 1962 1963 Miss S Cox 1990 1991 B Steven 1963 1964 Mrs M Law 1991 1992 J McKenzie 1964 1965 Miss R Bentley 1992 1993 S Guy 1965 1966 Miss B Vercoe 1993 1994 A Hunt 1966 1967 Miss P Rogan 1994 1995 P Seeman 1967 1968 Mrs M Law 1995 1996 T Susnjak 1968 1969 Miss M Pryde 1996 1997 M Nielsen 1969 1970 Mrs A Tym 1997 1998 J Gutierrez 1970 1971 Miss K Harter 1998 1999 S Downs 1971 1972 Mrs J Fraser 1999 2000 M Nielsen 1972 1973 Miss M Pryde 2000 2001 M Nielsen 1973 1974 Miss M Pryde 2001 2002 A Hunt 1974 1975 Miss J Conner 2002 2003 A Hunt 1975 1976 Miss J Conner 2003 2004 M Nielsen 1976 1977 Miss J Conner 2004 2005 R Junaid 1977 1978 Miss M Guerrant 2005 2006 M Nielsen 1978 1979 Mrs C Beasley 2006 2007 J Bodle 1979 1980 Miss S Chapman 2007 2008 M Daniell 1980 1981 Miss C Newton 2008 2009 M Nielsen 1981 1982 Miss B Derry 2009 2010 M Nielsen 1982 1983 Miss B Cordwell 2010 2011 N White 1983 1984 Miss M Parun 2011 2012 A Thompson 1984 1985 Miss B Cordwell 2012 2013 O Sadler 1985 1986 Miss R Gunnion 2013 2014 F Tearney 1986 1987 Miss B Cordwell 2014 2015 F Tearney 1987 1988 Miss R Seeman 2015 2016 R Statham 1988 1989 Miss A Trail 1989 1990 Miss R Seeman 1990 1991 Miss R Seeman 1991 1992 Miss J Richardson 1992 1993 Mrs H Guy 1993 1994 Miss R Seeman 1994 1995 Miss R Seeman 1995 1996 Miss C Bodart 1996 1997 Miss S Stephens 1997 1998 Miss S Stephens 1998 1999 Miss G Biggs 1999 2000 Miss M Dittman 2000 2001 Miss T O’Connor 2001 2002 Miss R Rosenfield 2002 2003 Miss C-J Chuang 2003 2004 Miss T J Welford 2004 2005 Miss M Dittmann 2005 2006 Miss L D’Amelio 2006 2007 Miss D Hollands 2007 2008 Miss K Vano 2008 2009 Miss D Hollands 2009 2010 Miss K Vano 2010 2011 K Bradnam 2011 2012 B Liddell 2012 2013 B Liddell 2013 2014 S Atkinson 2014 2015 L Beattie 2015 2016 R Cheng WOMEN’S SINGLES 1910 1911 Miss K Nunnerley 1911 1912 Miss E Travers 1912 1913 Miss N Hargill 1913 1914 Miss R Hughes 1914 1915 Miss R Hughes 1915 1919 Not held 1919 1920 Miss R Hughes 1920 1921 Miss N Curtis 1921 1922 Miss D Fenwick 1922 1923 Miss A Howe 1923 1924 Miss M MacFarlane 1924 1925 Miss N Lloyd 1925 1926 Miss M Tracey 1926 1927 Miss M Tracey 1927 1928 Miss M East 1928 1929 Miss D Nicholls 1929 1930 Miss D Nicholls 1930 1931 Miss D Nicholls 1931 1932 Miss D Nicholls 1932 1933 Mrs H M Dykes 1933 1934 Miss D Nicholls 1934 1935 Miss D Howe 1935 1936 Miss D Nicholls 1936 1937 Miss M Howe 1937 1938 Miss J Douthett 1938 1939 Miss M Hardcastle 1939 1940 Mrs J Robb MEN’S DOUBLES 1940 1945 Not held 1925 1926 A L France/N R C Wilson 1945 1946 Miss N Fleming 1926 1927 A L France/N R C Wilson 1946 1947 Mrs J Robb 1927 1928 D G France/R Donovan 1947 1948 Mrs J Robb 1948 1949 Not held 1928 1929 N R C Wilson/R Donovan 1949 1950 Mrs T E McGregor 1929 1930 A L France/A L Lampe 1950 1951 Miss E M Meyer 1930 1931 A L France/D G France 1951 1952 Miss B Nelson 1931 1932 N R C Wilson/A E Sandral 1932 1933 R McL Ferkins/N R C Wilson 1933 1934 C E Malfroy/D G France TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 1934 1935 R McL Ferkins/E A Roussell 2013 2014 M Paulik/O Sadler 1997 1998 Misses S Stephens/N Tippins 1935 1936 D G France/N W Smith 2014 2015 K Butters/F Tearney 1998 1999 Misses V Caddick/N Koves 1936 1937 J C Charters/D C Coombe 2015 2016 O Statham/F Reynolds 1999 2000 Misses B Calderwood/D McIntyre 1937 1938 D G France/N G Sturt 2000 2001 Misses T O’Connor/I Gers 1938 1939 D G France/N G Sturt 2001 2002 Misses T O’Connor/M Suer 1939 1940 N V Edwards/D G France 2002 2003 Misses C-J Chuang/I Gers 1940 1945 Not held 2003 2004 Misses C-J Chuang/I Gers 1945 1946 J Delmonte/J Hamilton 2004 2005 Misses L Baker/N Tippins 1946 1947 R V Robb/R McL Ferkins 2005 2006 Not held 1947 1948 Not held 2006 2007 Misses L D’Amelio/A Harris 1948 1949 Not held 2007 2008 Not held 1949 1950 P G Nichols/A Wetherell 2008 2009 Misses B Teei/K Vano 1950 1951 P G Nichols/R A H Howe 2009 2010 Misses B Teei/K Vano 1951 1952 J E Robson/R S McKenzie 2010 2011 Misses B Liddell/K Bradnam 1952 1953 R Arbuckle/J Hamilton 2011 2012 Misses B Liddell/S Atkinson 1953 1954 J A Barry/R S McKenzie 2012 2013 B Liddell/S Atkinson 1954 1955 P G Nicholls/B R Boon 2013 2014 E Hayman/K Southwood 1955 1956 P G Nicholls/R S McKenzie 2014 2015 I Golder/A Guthrie 1956 1957 J A Barry/M L Dunn 2015 2016 A Harris/L Beattie 1957 1958 R S McKenzie/J R McDonald 1958 1959 J A Barry/J R McDonald 1959 1960 L A Gerrard/M A Otway 1960 1961 L A Gerrard/B Woolf 1961 1962 L A Gerrard/I Crookenden 1962 1963 L A Gerrard/I Crookenden 1963 1964 A S Burns/J E Robson 1964 1965 L A Gerrard/R N Hawkes 1965 1966 R G Clarke/J B Souter 1966 1967 Not held 1967 1968 R G Clarke/J B Souter 1968 1969 B E Fairlie/O Parun 1969 1970 T Bardsley/J Simpson 1970 1971 O Parun/K Woolcott 1971 1972 R Knight/W Brown 1972 1973 A Parun/H Fickenscher 1973 1974 P Langsford/R Simpson 1974 1975 C Lewis/R Simpson 1975 1976 B Lofgren/G Amoya 1976 1977 C Lewis/R Simpson 1977 1978 P Langsford/D Simmonds 1978 1979 P Smith/S Norman 1979 1980 P Smith/S Norman 1980 1981 G Liddell/R Ryder 1981 1982 D Patterson/J Dunphy 1982 1983 M Elley/J Dunphy 1983 1984 M Elley/J Dunphy 1984 1985 Not held 1985 1986 J Dunphy/D Anderson 1986 1987 G Long/M Maiden 1987 1988 G Long/M Maiden 1988 1989 A Hunt/M Belcher 1989 1990 S Guy/J Grubi 1990 1991 M Belcher/G Wilson 1991 1992 J McKenzie/C Hansford 1992 1993 G Wilson/A Hunt 1993 1994 M Fleming/J Kane 1994 1995 M Fleming/J Kane 1995 1996 M Fleming/J Kane 1996 1997 M Nielsen/T Susnjak 1997 1998 A Turner/N Turner 1998 1999 D Burden/A McNeil 1999 2000 J Kane/D Parun 2000 2001 M Nielsen/J Greenhalgh 2001 2002 M Nielsen/A Hunt 2002 2003 M Nielsen/A Hunt 2003 2004 M Nielsen/M Prentice 2004 2005 M Nielsen/M Prentice 2005 2006 M Nielsen/R Cheyne 2006 2007 W August/R Cheyne 2007 2008 J Bodle/M Paulik 2008 2009 S Downs/N White 2009 2010 Mark Paulik/Nick White 2010 2011 M Grant/M McDonald 2011 2012 P Methamp/K Butters 2012 2013 M Paulik/O Sadler WOMEN’S DOUBLES 1925 1926 Misses M East/M Mountier 1926 1927 Misses M East/M Tracey 1927 1928 Misses E Bradey/D Howe 1928 1929 Misses E Travers/D Nicholls 1929 1930 Misses D Howe/D Nicholls 1930 1931 Misses D Howe/D Nicholls 1931 1932 Misses D Howe/D Nicholls 1932 1933 Misses D Howe/D Nicholls 1933 1934 Misses D Howe/D Nicholls 1934 1935 Miss D Nicholls/Mrs N Dickson 1935 1936 Miss D Howe/Mrs N Dickson 1936 1937 Misses D Nicholls/J Douthett 1937 1938 Misses J Douthett/E Plummer 1938 1939 Misses M Hardcastle/T Rice 1939 1940 Mesdames France/Dykes 1940 1945 Not held 1945 1946 Misses D Cross/E Smith 1946 1947 Mesdames J Robb/I Gyles 1947 1948 Not held 1948 1949 Not held 1949 1950 Mesdames T McGregor/H Green 1950 1951 1951 MIXED DOUBLES 1925 1926 A J France/Miss M Tracey 1926 1927 R C Wilson/Miss E Travers 1927 1928 D G France/Miss E Travers 1928 1929 D G France/Miss E Travers 1929 1930 A E Sandral/Mrs Sturman Not held 1930 1931 A L France/Miss D Nicholls 1952 Not held 1931 1932 N R C Wilson/Miss S Todd 1952 1953 Misses G Parons/I Stuart 1932 1933 E D Andrews/Miss D Nicholls 1953 1954 Misses D King/E Myer 1933 1934 C E Malfroy/Miss D Nicholls 1954 1955 Misses N Hope/H Dykes 1934 1935 D C Coombe/Miss D Nicholls 1955 1956 Misses H Dykes/R Bullied 1935 1936 D C Coombe/Miss D Nicholls 1956 1957 Misses S Cox/B Nelson 1936 1937 D C Coombe/Miss D Nicholls 1957 1958 Misses S Cox/G Tompkins 1937 1938 Mr/Mrs D G France 1958 1959 Misses S Cox/B Nelson 1938 1939 R V Robb/Miss J Douthett 1959 1960 Misses M Johnston/J Davidson 1939 1940 Mr/Mrs R V Robb 1960 1961 Misses J Glennie/E Green 1940 1945 Not held 1961 1962 Mesdames M Painter/B Grey 1945 1946 J Taylor/Miss N Fleming 1962 1963 Misses J Davidson/M Johnston 1946 1947 Mr/Mrs R V Robb 1963 1964 Misses J Davidson/E Green 1947 1948 Mr/Mrs R V Robb 1964 1965 Mesdames R Davy/E Stephen 1948 1949 Not held 1965 1966 Mesdames I Vause/T McGregor 1949 1950 P G Nicholls/Miss D McGregor 1966 1967 Not held 1950 1951 J W Neale/Miss E M Myer 1967 1968 Misses R Legge/J Bishop 1951 1952 J Robson/Mrs D I M Anderson 1968 1969 Misses R Legge/M Pryde 1952 1953 P G Nicholls/Mrs D McGregor 1969 1970 Mrs A Tym/Miss M Pryde 1953 1954 J A Barry/Miss D King 1970 1971 Misses K Harter/S Blakely 1971 1972 Misses M Struthers/Ching Ling Chan 1972 1973 Misses P Bostrum/M Pryde 1973 1974 Mrs A Lee/Miss J Connor 1974 1975 Misses J Connor/B Vercoe 1975 1976 Misses J Connor/J Philips 1976 1977 Misses S Chapman/B Perry 1977 1978 Misses M Guerrent/C Newton 1978 1979 Mrs J Taiaroa/Miss K Waddell 1979 1980 Misses S Chapman/J Howe 1980 1981 Miss C Newton/Mrs R Hunt 1981 1982 Misses J Perkinson/R Seeman 1982 1983 Misses L Meachen/L Ferkins 1983 1984 Misses M Parun/L Meachen 1984 1985 Misses B Cordwell/L Meachen 1985 1986 Misses J Callender/A Callender 1986 1987 Misses B Cordwell/C Toleafoa 1987 1988 Misses R Seeman/L Daly 1988 1989 Misses A Trail/F McLeod 1989 1990 Misses M Parun/A Callender 1990 1991 Misses A Callender/L Meachen 1991 1992 Misses J Richardson/A Trail 1992 1993 Misses R Seeman/L Meachen 1993 1994 Misses R Seeman/A Callender 1994 1995 Miss K Keldova/Mrs L Wilkinson 1995 1996 Miss M Parun/Mrs J Scott 1996 1997 Misses S Stephens/J Leong DISCONTINUED 65 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 2015/16 As for last year, this year has been a culture of spending money replacements, amounted to $7k. Many general small jobs were where effective to support the agreed Board strategies. carried out mainly by John Kane. Significant volunteer help from many levels has assisted to Sponsorship and grants were $8k higher than last year. These maintain the cost reductions achieved in many areas. supported a range of expenses, notably the continued generous Repairs and maintenance were $25k more than 2015, which was less than 2014, when roof repairs were carried out for the main indoor complex and the lounge. In 2015/16, the floor of the lounge and bar were renovated ($11k), the video screen and sound system were installed ($16k), courts 5 and 6 were resurfaced and the other courts were cleaned and sprayed ($20k). Plumbing repairs were also carried out ($12k). The Board has identified the bathroom renovations as a priority for 2016/17, after the usual two courts for resurfacing. Electrical costs, including lighting support by MinterEllisonRuddWatts of the Wellington Open. As in previous years, New Zealand Community Trust was our largest grant supporter, along with Pelorus Trust, Infinity Foundation, The Lion Foundation, Four Winds Foundation and Pub Charity. No Tennis NZ grants were received, and none are planned for the future. Sponsors in kind are not reflected in these figures. A significant new sponsor in kind is Fairmont Estate, and Steve Logan continues sponsorship (previously Logan Brown Restaurant) under his new venture Grill Meats Beer. TENNIS CENTRAL REGION INCOME Affiliation fees 22% Court hire 33% Interclub 6% Interest 1% Rental 5% Sponsorship and grants Tournaments, development and other 25% 8% t Court hire, affiliation fees, and sponsorship and grants continue A lot of work has gone into the renegotiation with all our to provide the bulk of the income. Our Renouf Tennis Centre partners. Please support PlanitPro, Sugar Sisters and MatchPint. partners are important to the success of our income streams. BREAKDOWN OF AFFILIATION FEES (22%) 66 Paid to Tennis NZ 11% Asset levy 2% Wellington and Kapi Mana fees 6% Association fees 3% TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 Affiliation fees retained were similar to last year ($51k) and We encourage the Kapi Mana and Wellington clubs who represent 6% of our total income. The infrastructure levy was contribute to this levy to make full use of the contra court hire an additional $33k. The reserve has been boosted by $30k from and business house entry. the 2016 year’s reserves to $187k. Thanks to the clubs’ support of this levy, a number of longer-term projects can be considered. Wellington City Council is expected to support an engineering review of the Renouf Tennis Centre, which will determine Association fees, whilst relatively small, are an important part of the recognition of services provided to those associations in the wider region. priorities for consideration. TENNIS CENTRAL REGION EXPENSES Salaries, wages and contracts 45% Tournament and development expenses 15% Repairs and maintenance 11% Insurance and ACC 9% Power, gas and water 6% Cleaning 4% Depreciation 1% Other 9% As can be seen above, salaries and contracts, tournament Tournament income and costs, although similar to last year, have expenses, repairs, insurance and power make up 86% of the further reduced for Hot Shots and coaching courses, now mostly expenditure (excluding affiliation fees paid to TNZ). managed by TNZ. Salaries and contracts include 3.5 FTE plus contract costs for Total costs increased by $8k compared to last year. After maintenance, accounting, court bookings and the new part-time accounting for the increased repairs and maintenance costs of CEO costs (circa 2.5 days per month). $25k, all other costs show a net reduction of $17k. 2016/17 OUTLOOK The Board has approved a small budget surplus for the year We must not lose sight of the value provided by Tennis NZ before depreciation, before reserving the infrastructure levy of systems and programmes. Value can be gained by clubs through $30k paid by Kapi Mana and Wellington clubs. This conservative using Configure Rankings, Tournament Planner, Promato, Club view is mainly through a realistic budget for grants and Toolkit, Tennis Hot Shots, Cardio Tennis and Coach Registration sponsorship of $204k. and by participants through high-performance programmes, TNZ grants are replaced by TCR applying locally due to a policy of The Lion Foundation. national tournaments, coach and umpire education and information provided through the Tennis NZ newsletters and website. Ian Miller Honorary CFO 67 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 Crowe Horwath New Zealand Audit Partnership Member Crowe Horwath International Level 1, Crowe Horwath House 57 Willis Street Wellington 6011 New Zealand PO Box 11976 Manners Street Wellington 6142 New Zealand INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT To the Members of Tennis Central Region Incorporated Tel +64 4 471 0006 Fax +64 4 566 6077 Report on the Performance Report We have audited the accompanying performance report of Tennis Central Region Incorporated on pages 70 to 73, which comprises the entity information, statement of service performance, the statement of financial performance and statement of cash flows for the year ended 30 April 2016, the statement of financial position as at 30 April 2016, and the statement of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. The Responsibility of the Board for the Performance Report The Board is responsible on behalf of the entity for: (a) Identifying outcomes and outputs, and quantifying the outputs to the extent practicable, that are relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable, to report in the statement of service performance; (b) the preparation and fair presentation of the performance report which comprises: • the entity information; • the statement of service performance; and • the statement of financial performance, statement of financial position, statement of cash flows, statement of accounting policies and notes to the performance report in accordance with Public Benefit Entity Simple Format Reporting – Accrual (Not-For-Profit) issued in New Zealand by the New Zealand Accounting Standards Board, and (c) for such internal control as the Board determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the performance report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the performance report based on our audit. We conducted our audit of the statement of financial performance, statement of financial position, statement of cash flows, statement of accounting policies and notes to the performance report in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (New Zealand) (ISAs (NZ)), and the audit of the entity information and statement of service performance in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (New Zealand) ISAE (NZ) 3000 (Revised). Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the performance report is free from material misstatement. Crowe Horwath New Zealand Audit Partnership is a member of Crowe Horwath International, a Swiss verein. Each member firm of Crowe Horwath is a separate and independent legal entity. 68 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the performance report, including performing procedures to obtain evidence about and evaluating whether the reported outcomes and outputs and quantification of the outputs to the extent practicable, are relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial performance report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the performance report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the performance report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Other than in our capacity as auditor we have no relationship with, or interests in, the Society. Opinion In our opinion: a) the reported outcomes and outputs, and quantification of the outputs to the extent practicable, in the statement of service performance are suitable; b) the performance report on pages 76 to 77 presents fairly, in all material respects; • the entity information for the year then ended; • the service performance for the year then ended; and • the financial position of Tennis Central Region Incorporated as at 30 April 2016 and its financial performance, and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Public Benefit Entity Simple Format Reporting – Accrual (Not-For-Profit). Crowe Horwath New Zealand Audit Partnership CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 27 July 2016 Crowe Horwath New Zealand Audit Partnership is a member of Crowe Horwath International, a Swiss verein. Each member firm of Crowe Horwath is a separate and independent legal entity. 69 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 APRIL 2016 NOTE 2016 $000 2015 $000 595,014 533,722 1,244 - 12,793 18,632 30,804 36,481 639,855 588,835 37,894 46,358 677,749 635,193 63,825 73,707 5,842 2,785 34,665 35,676 34,674 62,674 Total current liabilities 139,006 174,842 NET ASSETS 538,743 460,351 Infrastructure reserve 186,724 124,441 General reserve 352,018 335,910 EQUITY 538,743 460,351 Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Bar stock Trade and other receivables Prepayment of insurance Total current assets Non-current assets Fixed assets 6 TOTAL ASSETS Less current liabilities Trade and other payables GST payable Income in advance Grants received in advance 4 For and on behalf of Tennis Central Region Incorporated 26 July 2016 CFO DATE 26 July 2016 CHAIR 70 DATE TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2016 NOTE 2016 $ 2015 $ Affiliation fees and association fees 182,806 187,046 Court hire 281,755 283,993 Interclub 48,839 49,783 9,799 11,147 42,333 32,972 208,527 200,615 67,983 72,934 842,043 838,490 Affiliation fees 90,171 91,536 Annual report 4,234 6,318 Audit fees 3,000 6,100 Cleaning 27,690 25,822 Depreciation 8,464 13,884 General expenses 20,441 18,895 Insurance and ACC 58,741 61,637 Land rent – Wellington City Council 4,577 4,577 Marketing, public relations and sponsorship 6,031 5,167 Motor vehicle expenses 5,513 7,314 Office supplies and equipment 4,506 4,274 39,503 35,907 1,909 1,333 75,867 51,203 299,463 274,669 4,177 7,381 6,609 6,782 101,524 112,414 1,624 2,648 REVENUE Interest Rental Sponsorship and grants Tournament and development income TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURE Power, gas and water Printing, postage and stationery Repairs and maintenance Salaries, wages and contracts Security Telephone and tolls Tournament and development expenses Travel and entertainment Valuation fees Project costs – facilities review and covered court costs TOTAL EXPENDITURE NET OPERATING SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (391) 3,000 0 14,830 763,652 755,691 78,391 82,799 71 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 STATEMENT OF MOVEMENTS IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2016 2016 $ 2015 $ 335,910 316,759 16,108 19,151 352,018 335,910 2016 $ 2015 $ Transfer from prior year reserves 124,441 60,793 Transfer from 2015/16 levies collected 32,283 33,648 Transfer from 2015/16 surplus 30,000 30,000 CLOSING INFRASTRUCTURE RESERVE 186,724 124,441 OPENING EQUITY Plus net surplus Less transfer to infrastructure reserve 78,391 -62,283 Less transfer to infrastructure reserve from prior year CLOSING EQUITY INFRASTRUCTURE RESERVE 72 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2016 2016 $ 2015 $ Cash flows from operating activites Net income 78,391 82,800 Trade debtors 4,460 8,218 Prepayments and receipts in advance 5,677 (40,095) 135 (1,379) RTC Ltd bar stock for resale Depreciation 8,464 13,884 Trade creditors 921 (2,396) ASB credit card 122 (3,622) Accruals (12,016) 54,835 Net GST 3,057 (6,538) Deposits held – to reconcile Grants in advance 79 (28,000) 0 (4,070) Net cash flow from operating activities 61,292 101,637 Net cash flow from investing activities 0 0 Net cash flow from financing activities 0 0 61,292 101,637 Cash at the beginning of the period 533,722 432,085 CASH AT THE END OF THE PERIOD 595,014 533,722 Net increase/decrease for the period 73 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2016 1) Statement of accounting policies STATUTORY BASE MEASUREMENT BASE The financial statements presented here are for Tennis Central The measurement base adopted is that of historical cost, Region Incorporated, which is an incorporated society registered adjusted by the revaluation of certain assets. under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908. ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING BASIS OF PREPARATION Accrual accounting is used to match expenses and revenue. Tennis Central Region Incorporated has elected to apply PBE SFR-A (NFP) Public Benefit Entity Simple Format Reporting – Accrual (Not-For-Profit) on the basis that it does not have public accountability and has total annual expenses of equal TAXATION The Society is exempt from tax due to its status as an amateur sports promoter under section CW46 of the Income Tax Act 2007. to or less than $2,000,000. All transactions in the Performance Report are reported using the accrual basis of accounting. The Performance Report is prepared under the assumption that the entity will continue to operate in the foreseeable future. 2) Depreciation Depreciation has been provided as follows: Leasehold improvement 14 years (SL) Bar and café equipment 7 years (SL) Lighting 20 years (SL) Motor vehicle 5 years (SL) Office furniture and equipment 2–13 years (SL) Gym equipment 5 years (SL) 3) Accounts receivable Accounts receivable are stated at expected realisable value. 4) Grants received in advance 74 PAYEE PURPOSE 2016 $ 2015 $ New Zealand Community Trust Salaries and contracts 16,000 50,000 Pub Charity Trophies and medals 2,000 0 Kiwisport Hot Shots 4,000 0 Tennis NZ Projects 12,674 12,674 34,674 62,674 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 5) Rental The 2015/16 rental income includes PlanitPro, Kaizen Karate Club and Sugar Sisters. 6) Fixed assets Fixed assets are on leasehold land and consist of: COST/ REVALUATION $ DEPRECIATION MONTH DEPRECIATION EXPENSES $ ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION $ NET BOOK VALUE $ 63,275 12 4,439 26,598 36,677 371 12 - 371 - 42,238 12 1,665 42,238 - 870 12 - 870 - Motor vehicle 15,329 12 2,360 14,112 1,217 Gym equipment 13,280 12 - 13,280 - 8,464 97,469 37,894 2016 Leasehold improvement Lighting Office furniture and equipment Bar and café equipment 135,363 2015 Leasehold improvement 63,275 12 4,439 22,159 41,116 371 12 277 137 - 42,238 12 5,628 40,573 1,665 870 12 218 870 - Motor vehicle 15,329 12 2,360 11,752 3,577 Gym equipment 13,280 12 962 13,280 - 13,884 89,005 46,358 2016 $ 2015 $ Payable no later than one year 4,577 4,577 Payable later than one year, not later than two years 4,577 4,577 Payable later than two years, not later than five years 4,577 9,154 13,731 18,308 Lighting Office furniture and equipment Bar and café equipment 135,363 7) Lease commitments 75 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 STATEMENT OF SERVICE PERFORMANCE PURPOSE The purpose of this statement is to identify the desired service performance to be achieved by Tennis Central Region Inc. in its activities pertaining to its role in promoting and supporting tennis in the Central region. OBJECTS OF TENNIS CENTRAL STATUS OF OBJECTS a. Be the body in the Central region (‘the region’) to promote, Tennis Central Region is currently undertaking activities that are develop, enhance and protect the sport of tennis mainly as an amateur sport for the recreation and entertainment of the general public in the region; The decision of five of the associations in the region (Hutt Valley, Manawatu, Taranaki, Wairarapa and Wanganui) to be autonomous b. Develop opportunities, programmes and facilities to enable, and seek only support as required from Tennis Central Region encourage and enhance the participation, enjoyment and does mean Tennis Central Region is not ultimately in control of performance in tennis in the region and in Tennis Central Region’s activities; c. Establish, promote and stage regional and other tennis competitions and events in the region, including determining the rules for such competitions and events; d. Seek and promote the membership of Tennis Central Region; e. Be the representative of the members in the region for Tennis NZ and to liaise with other regional centres in New Zealand; f. Encourage and promote tennis as an activity in the region that promotes the health and safety of all participants and that respects the principles of fair play and is free from doping; g. Give and seek recognition for members to obtain awards or public recognition for their services to tennis in the region; h. Act in good faith and loyalty with its members to ensure the maintenance and enhancement of tennis in New Zealand including its standards, quality and its reputation for the collective and mutual benefit of Tennis NZ, Tennis Central Region and other regional centres and its members; i. Seek, maintain and enhance the reputation of tennis through the development of rules, standards and practices that fulfil these objects; j. Promote mutual trust and confidence among Tennis NZ, Tennis Central Region, the other regional centres and its members and at all times to act on behalf and in the interests of the members and tennis in New Zealand; k. Undertake and implement the objects of Tennis Central Region in a manner that is consistent with the objects of Tennis NZ and compliant with the Tennis NZ Constitution. 76 consistent with the stated objects. the outcomes being achieved in those geographical areas, but the status quo is considered the most effective option to achieve the stated objects across the region. Tennis Central is less focused on the development of opportunities, programmes and facilities and more focused on facilitating and supporting opportunities, programmes and facilities, in particular, Tennis NZ programmes. That, however, does not lessen Tennis Central Region’s capacity to enable, encourage and enhance the participation, enjoyment and performance in tennis in the region. The current strategic priorities of Participation and Development, Performance, Organisational Excellence and Sustainability demonstrate Tennis Central Region is focused on achieving outcomes that are consistent with the overall theme of the objects. TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 PERFORMANCE OUTCOMES IN 2016–2021 RESOURCING The targeted performance outcomes of Tennis Central in the To achieve the identified performance outcomes, Tennis Central five year period 2016–2021 are: will apply financial resources totalling not less than $800,000 Goal 1: Participation and Development Successfully support clubs to grow the game; and guide players each year, including: • $300,000 of this amount will be applied to salaries and wages and coaches through the participation pathway. • $90,000 to affiliation fees payable to Tennis NZ • Facilitate the delivery of participation programmes, including • $60,000 to repairs and maintenance Tennis New Zealand branded programmes; • Facilitate the delivery of the Tennis New Zealand coach education programme and supporting forums; • Facilitate the delivery of the New Zealand Tennis Umpires Association umpire education programme; • Support the on-going development and enhancement of clubs and associations; and • Deliver participation competitions (e.g. business house) at the Renouf Tennis Centre. Goal 2: Performance Successfully deliver a range of events and tournaments for performance-focused participants; and support performance achievement. • Deliver annually the Wellington Open – Tennis Central’s flagship event; • Deliver annually a schedule of quality tournaments across the region; • Deliver the Wellington/Kapi Mana interclub competitions; • $55,000 to insurances. SUSTAINABILITY To meet its per-year budgeted expenditure, Tennis Central will obtain revenue from the following or like sources: • $220,000 from Renouf Tennis Centre income • $175,000 from grants • $145,000 from affiliation fees • $140,000 from tournament and competition revenue • $40,000 from sponsorship • $30,000 from development levy revenue • $50,000 from other sources. ASSESSMENT OF PERFORMANCE In May of each year, Tennis Central will assess its performance for the year against the performance objectives listed for the previous 12 months (May to April inclusive). This assessment will be used to identify specific and appropriate performance objectives for the next 12 months. • Implement and coordinate a regional performance programme; and • Tennis Central players achieve success on the national stage. Goal 3: Organisational Excellence Continuous improvement in our organisational performance. • Have clarity of purpose; • Operate in a manner consistent with best practice; • Have a culture that supports success and fosters partnership; • Meet all statutory requirements; • Identify areas for improvement and implement; • Utilise technology to enhance capability; and • Maintain beneficial relationships and communications with key stakeholders. Goal 4: Sustainability Operate a sustainable business underpinned by secure revenues and prudent reserves. • Achieve a cash surplus, after depreciation, on an annual basis; • Maintain cash reserves in excess of six months’ operations ($400,000); and • Maintain the Wellington Renouf Tennis Centre. 77 TENNIS CENTRAL ANNUAL REPOR T 2016 78