Hard against the wind - BASF Polyurethanes North America


Hard against the wind - BASF Polyurethanes North America
16:47 Uhr
Seite 40
Often a good idea is
all that lies between
catastrophe and safety.
C u s t o m e r M a g a z i n e . E d i t i o n 1 / 2 0 0 8 . N o . 14
K/M 283-05-08
Hard against the wind
Sail battens with an Elastolit ® D core
Elastocoast ® opens up a whole new dimension
in coastal protection.
Ob Reparatur, Bau, Instandhaltung – das
SPS-Sandwich (Stahl-Polyur ethan-Stahl) hat sich
im Schif fs- und Ingenieurbau glänzend bewähr t.
The polyurethane system from Elastogran for fusing bank
protection construction in coastal areas holds its ground
against the strongest waves.
The new technology uses an extremely low proportion
of adhesive, thus giving Elastocoast a highly open-pored
structure. The result is less build-up of wave pressure and
thus reduced potential for damage.
Elastocoast over stops land going under.
More information from: Dr Marcus Leberfinger, tel.: +49 5443 1242 10,
e-mail: marcus.leberfinger@elastogran.de, www.elastogran.com
In seventh heaven
Living comfor t on PU foam
Extr e m s t a b i l , l a n g l e b i g u n d k o r r o s i o n s r e s i s t e n t
Gewichtserspar nis bei gleicher Tragfähigkeit bis zu 7 0 %
Kür z e s t e B a u - u n d R e p a r a t u r z e i t e n
Keine zeitintensiven V erkehrsumleitungen
Die wir t s c h a f t l i c h e L ö s u n g – s c h n e l l u n d s i c h e r
Hotly desired
Automobile acoustics solutions
– für
die Brücken ®
der W
Elastogran PUR 41
16:44 Uhr
Seite 2
News in brief
Dear readers,
To make a clean sweep and create something new, we have to leave our old ideas
and previous baggage behind.
Innovations that kick start progress make the future better for us all. Our researchers
and product developers also follow this maxim, by repeatedly questioning the way
things are in order to find new, hitherto unknown solutions. And very often, by
taking these roundabout routes, they come up with some amazing things that no
one else has thought of.
Storm-proof: Elastolit® D in sail battens
Cool: The Tornado-class sailing champions
Artistic: Riding the monster wave
Taking a leap: Show-jumping hurdles
with Elastocoat® C
A game clincher: TPU in football boots
Gleaming: Radiator hoods with a layer
of Elastoflex® E
Setting the tone: Elastoflex® W in car acoustics
Amplified: Sound-tuning on four wheels
Taking the strain: Heavy-load rollers made of
Elasturan® HP
Mechanical engineering
Building and construction
And it keeps happening... In automobile construction, coastal protection, and sport,
as well as the shoe, leisure, furniture or construction industries – new, fresh and
often surprising materials and product ideas from ELASTOGRAN have initiated quite
a few new developments. These bring our clients and partners success in their
particular sector. We’re delighted when this happens, because it shows that in our
search for ever better solutions, we aren’t just following a trend. But in many areas,
we can help shape our world and exert a positive influence. This in turn spurs our
researchers and developers on to even greater achievements.
From the mundane to the more outlandish, we’ve covered off the amazing and
innovative properties of ELASTOGRAN in this new PUR magazine. We hope the
next 40 pages will inspire some new ideas!
ELASTOGRAN and the PUR editorial board
2 Elastogran PUR
Insulating: New facades made of PU hard foam
Clicked on: ELASTOGRAN’s new e-business
Relaxing: himolla living comfort on PU foams
Economic: Injection-moulded parts of
Elastollan® X-Flex
16:44 Uhr
Seite 2
News in brief
Dear readers,
To make a clean sweep and create something new, we have to leave our old ideas
and previous baggage behind.
Innovations that kick start progress make the future better for us all. Our researchers
and product developers also follow this maxim, by repeatedly questioning the way
things are in order to find new, hitherto unknown solutions. And very often, by
taking these roundabout routes, they come up with some amazing things that no
one else has thought of.
Storm-proof: Elastolit® D in sail battens
Cool: The Tornado-class sailing champions
Artistic: Riding the monster wave
Taking a leap: Show-jumping hurdles
with Elastocoat® C
A game clincher: TPU in football boots
Gleaming: Radiator hoods with a layer
of Elastoflex® E
Setting the tone: Elastoflex® W in car acoustics
Amplified: Sound-tuning on four wheels
Taking the strain: Heavy-load rollers made of
Elasturan® HP
Mechanical engineering
Building and construction
And it keeps happening... In automobile construction, coastal protection, and sport,
as well as the shoe, leisure, furniture or construction industries – new, fresh and
often surprising materials and product ideas from ELASTOGRAN have initiated quite
a few new developments. These bring our clients and partners success in their
particular sector. We’re delighted when this happens, because it shows that in our
search for ever better solutions, we aren’t just following a trend. But in many areas,
we can help shape our world and exert a positive influence. This in turn spurs our
researchers and developers on to even greater achievements.
From the mundane to the more outlandish, we’ve covered off the amazing and
innovative properties of ELASTOGRAN in this new PUR magazine. We hope the
next 40 pages will inspire some new ideas!
ELASTOGRAN and the PUR editorial board
2 Elastogran PUR
Insulating: New facades made of PU hard foam
Clicked on: ELASTOGRAN’s new e-business
Relaxing: himolla living comfort on PU foams
Economic: Injection-moulded parts of
Elastollan® X-Flex
16:45 Uhr
Seite 4
S h o r t Ta k e s
On the move with GO!
New shoes, new fashions, new technologies – our new
magazine GO! has it all.
Things are moving forward fast with GO! – ELASTOGRAN’s
international shoe newsletter. And from May onwards, you
will be able to read all our latest developments.
Elastopan® Keep Walking is a new sole system with
excellent durability and maximum hydrolysis resistance for
all shoe types, from leisure shoes to safety shoes, sports
shoes and running shoes. And Elastopan® Climate Control
is state-of-the-art sole technology.
We’ll also bring you information about the ELASTOGRAN
design competition for young shoe designers, take a trip to
Istanbul to visit our colleagues at the Turkish system-house,
report on the Nanja Footwear Technology Center in China,
inspect preparations for international trade fairs such as the
SIMAC 2008 in Bologna, and tell you how ELASTOGRAN is
contributing to the forthcoming European football championship. So you can look forward to an expert run-down of
everything that is important to your industry.
Stronger than the storm:
Elastocoast during tests
in Holland
Lupranol BALANCE gets the
green light
Rheinland’s technical monitoring association (TÜV) has
given the green light to Lupranol BALANCE.
The flood breaker
Efficient, safe, economical – coastal protection with
Elastocoast is gaining ground in even more countries.
were reinforced at the end of 2007 with the polyurethane
system Elastocoast.
Here’s the most recent example: two projects
in Holland. You may remember that Elastocoast® is
a dual-component plastic consisting of 60 percent
sustainably produced raw materials. It can be processed
easily and applied quickly and simply. Gravel or ballast
is stirred together on site with the fluid polyurethane
components, so that the plastic forms a thin, transparent
film around the stones. The mixture can then immediately
be poured out and fixed in place. And there you are!
A coastal area in Oosterschelde, south of Rotterdam,
was stabilised with three layers of different thicknesses.
Even the thinnest layer of 10 cm kept the winter storms
effectively at bay. The second project was undertaken
in Petten. Here too, the PU coastal protection system
made full use of its advantages: quick, uncomplicated
processing, and stable and stress-resistant bank protection
The effect is astonishing – as can now be seen in
Holland. There, in collaboration with the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat (water authority) two stretches of the North Sea coast
4 Elastogran PUR
Elastocoast has shown, once again, that the right
idea is all you need to resist the highest tides.
Lupranol BALANCE is officially
a green product. The new soft foam
polyols from ELASTOGRAN not only
have outstanding product properties,
their main constituents can be made from sustainably
cultivated raw materials such as castor oil. Rheinland’s
technical monitoring association (TÜV) has now confirmed
their ecological viability. In a comprehensive analysis, the
sustainability of conventional polyols was compared with
polyols derived from sustainably cultivated raw materials.
For this purpose, the whole life of the product was analysed
in a detailed life-cycle inventory, impact assessment, and
evaluation of costs, energy and raw materials consumption
as well us toxicity and risk potential. The study results were
crystal clear: using Lupranol BALANCE for mattress foams
has definite advantages for the environment and the
climate. It’s the kind of endorsement that means you can
sleep soundly at night.
Elastogran PUR 5
16:45 Uhr
Seite 4
S h o r t Ta k e s
On the move with GO!
New shoes, new fashions, new technologies – our new
magazine GO! has it all.
Things are moving forward fast with GO! – ELASTOGRAN’s
international shoe newsletter. And from May onwards, you
will be able to read all our latest developments.
Elastopan® Keep Walking is a new sole system with
excellent durability and maximum hydrolysis resistance for
all shoe types, from leisure shoes to safety shoes, sports
shoes and running shoes. And Elastopan® Climate Control
is state-of-the-art sole technology.
We’ll also bring you information about the ELASTOGRAN
design competition for young shoe designers, take a trip to
Istanbul to visit our colleagues at the Turkish system-house,
report on the Nanja Footwear Technology Center in China,
inspect preparations for international trade fairs such as the
SIMAC 2008 in Bologna, and tell you how ELASTOGRAN is
contributing to the forthcoming European football championship. So you can look forward to an expert run-down of
everything that is important to your industry.
Stronger than the storm:
Elastocoast during tests
in Holland
Lupranol BALANCE gets the
green light
Rheinland’s technical monitoring association (TÜV) has
given the green light to Lupranol BALANCE.
The flood breaker
Efficient, safe, economical – coastal protection with
Elastocoast is gaining ground in even more countries.
were reinforced at the end of 2007 with the polyurethane
system Elastocoast.
Here’s the most recent example: two projects
in Holland. You may remember that Elastocoast® is
a dual-component plastic consisting of 60 percent
sustainably produced raw materials. It can be processed
easily and applied quickly and simply. Gravel or ballast
is stirred together on site with the fluid polyurethane
components, so that the plastic forms a thin, transparent
film around the stones. The mixture can then immediately
be poured out and fixed in place. And there you are!
A coastal area in Oosterschelde, south of Rotterdam,
was stabilised with three layers of different thicknesses.
Even the thinnest layer of 10 cm kept the winter storms
effectively at bay. The second project was undertaken
in Petten. Here too, the PU coastal protection system
made full use of its advantages: quick, uncomplicated
processing, and stable and stress-resistant bank protection
The effect is astonishing – as can now be seen in
Holland. There, in collaboration with the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat (water authority) two stretches of the North Sea coast
4 Elastogran PUR
Elastocoast has shown, once again, that the right
idea is all you need to resist the highest tides.
Lupranol BALANCE is officially
a green product. The new soft foam
polyols from ELASTOGRAN not only
have outstanding product properties,
their main constituents can be made from sustainably
cultivated raw materials such as castor oil. Rheinland’s
technical monitoring association (TÜV) has now confirmed
their ecological viability. In a comprehensive analysis, the
sustainability of conventional polyols was compared with
polyols derived from sustainably cultivated raw materials.
For this purpose, the whole life of the product was analysed
in a detailed life-cycle inventory, impact assessment, and
evaluation of costs, energy and raw materials consumption
as well us toxicity and risk potential. The study results were
crystal clear: using Lupranol BALANCE for mattress foams
has definite advantages for the environment and the
climate. It’s the kind of endorsement that means you can
sleep soundly at night.
Elastogran PUR 5
16:45 Uhr
Seite 6
S h o r t Ta k e s
With REACH on the label,
it’s safe inside
The success story
In 2007, ELASTOGRAN saw continuing growth again.
Karl-Wilhelm Kroesen, director of product safety and ecology at Elastogran GmbH [plc]
Questions, questions, questions – and an expert
answer to every one of them from ELASTOGRAN.
The aim is to give better pollutant protection to consumers
and the environment.
Numerous clients from all sectors of the polyurethane
processing industry are wondering about the new European
chemicals legislation – known as REACH for short
(Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of
Chemicals) – which came into effect from 1 June 2007.
It is understandable that many clients feel unclear about
such issues, or have questions relating to the classification
of, for instance, polyols. In order to
answer these questions quickly
and surely, every client can contact
a special client adviser, or get
information as of now direct from
the following e-mail address:
This new legislation regulates the registration, evaluation
and authorisation of a total of 30,000 substances marketed
in the EU.
Five floors of automobile
Think big. The new BASF Automotive Center in Shanghai
shows where the future’s heading.
Whether for exhibitions, workshops, seminars, conferences,
info discussions or an informal exchange of ideas between
visitors, clients and staff – the new Automotive Center in
Shanghai is the ideal platform for anyone who wants to
know more about BASF’s commitment to the automobile
industry. Or indeed about new solutions for comfort, safety
and sustainability.
The solutions range from modern car seats with polyurethane foam through to reduced pollutant emissions to
acoustic solutions and specialised exterior systems made
from multitalented polyurethane. The latter can substantially
reduce overall weight and is helpful in reducing emissions
and fuel consumption. Proving that the use of plastics in the
automobile industry is a valuable ecological contribution.
And here too, as in many other areas of industry, BASF has
a winning collection of solutions geared towards today’s fast
moving automobile construction.
BASF Automotive Solutions. Performance Passion
Success. www.automotive.basf.com
6 Elastogran PUR
Pleasing results have been recorded in all three
business areas: polyurethane systems, polyurethane basic
products and special elastomers. Each sector chalked
up record figures or high growth rates, consolidating
our market leadership in various industries. This success
helps us create a consistent company strategy. Following
the BASF principle of “Helping our clients to be even
more successful”, we’re developing individual solutions
via a European network of system companies. The aim is
to help clients at a local level create their own business
With staff numbers of 1,741, sales of the overall
ELASTOGRAN group increased in 2007 by around five
percent compared with the previous year. The group’s
consolidated turnover grew by close to seven percent,
to 2.2 billion euros, not forgetting the disproportionate
expenses for research and development compared with
the previous year. In view of the worldwide downturn
in the economy, turbulence in the financial markets
and continuing extremely high prices for raw materials,
ELASTOGRAN expects overall moderate growth for 2008.
The art of communication
Since April, Dr. Wolfram Frank, general secretary,
has been director of the European Diisocyanate and
Polyol Producers Association.
Wolfram Frank was previously director of the
ELASTOGRAN system company in Mitry-Mory, France.
His predecessor, Dr. Mike Jeffs, ran this international
organisation from 2002 with great commitment and
ISOPA represents the interests of around 23,500
companies in the European polyurethane industry,
with more than 800,000 employees. Besides a few
globally active companies, 80 percent are smaller or
medium-sized firms.
Along with ELASTOGRAN, the association’s members
include, Bayer MaterialScience, Huntsman, Dow, Lyondell/Basell, Repsol, Borsodchem and Shell Chemicals.
ISOPA’s primary task is communication of themes as
important as safety in the transport of isocyanates,
PU recycling and – of very topical interest – the impact
of the new REACH legislation.
The new general secretary Wolfram Frank is
particularly committed to issues such as sustainability,
climate protection and energy efficiency. He is also
keen to give the public a broader sense of the
benefits of polyurethane in all areas of daily life.
Elastogran PUR 7
16:45 Uhr
Seite 6
S h o r t Ta k e s
With REACH on the label,
it’s safe inside
The success story
In 2007, ELASTOGRAN saw continuing growth again.
Karl-Wilhelm Kroesen, director of product safety and ecology at Elastogran GmbH [plc]
Questions, questions, questions – and an expert
answer to every one of them from ELASTOGRAN.
The aim is to give better pollutant protection to consumers
and the environment.
Numerous clients from all sectors of the polyurethane
processing industry are wondering about the new European
chemicals legislation – known as REACH for short
(Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of
Chemicals) – which came into effect from 1 June 2007.
It is understandable that many clients feel unclear about
such issues, or have questions relating to the classification
of, for instance, polyols. In order to
answer these questions quickly
and surely, every client can contact
a special client adviser, or get
information as of now direct from
the following e-mail address:
This new legislation regulates the registration, evaluation
and authorisation of a total of 30,000 substances marketed
in the EU.
Five floors of automobile
Think big. The new BASF Automotive Center in Shanghai
shows where the future’s heading.
Whether for exhibitions, workshops, seminars, conferences,
info discussions or an informal exchange of ideas between
visitors, clients and staff – the new Automotive Center in
Shanghai is the ideal platform for anyone who wants to
know more about BASF’s commitment to the automobile
industry. Or indeed about new solutions for comfort, safety
and sustainability.
The solutions range from modern car seats with polyurethane foam through to reduced pollutant emissions to
acoustic solutions and specialised exterior systems made
from multitalented polyurethane. The latter can substantially
reduce overall weight and is helpful in reducing emissions
and fuel consumption. Proving that the use of plastics in the
automobile industry is a valuable ecological contribution.
And here too, as in many other areas of industry, BASF has
a winning collection of solutions geared towards today’s fast
moving automobile construction.
BASF Automotive Solutions. Performance Passion
Success. www.automotive.basf.com
6 Elastogran PUR
Pleasing results have been recorded in all three
business areas: polyurethane systems, polyurethane basic
products and special elastomers. Each sector chalked
up record figures or high growth rates, consolidating
our market leadership in various industries. This success
helps us create a consistent company strategy. Following
the BASF principle of “Helping our clients to be even
more successful”, we’re developing individual solutions
via a European network of system companies. The aim is
to help clients at a local level create their own business
With staff numbers of 1,741, sales of the overall
ELASTOGRAN group increased in 2007 by around five
percent compared with the previous year. The group’s
consolidated turnover grew by close to seven percent,
to 2.2 billion euros, not forgetting the disproportionate
expenses for research and development compared with
the previous year. In view of the worldwide downturn
in the economy, turbulence in the financial markets
and continuing extremely high prices for raw materials,
ELASTOGRAN expects overall moderate growth for 2008.
The art of communication
Since April, Dr. Wolfram Frank, general secretary,
has been director of the European Diisocyanate and
Polyol Producers Association.
Wolfram Frank was previously director of the
ELASTOGRAN system company in Mitry-Mory, France.
His predecessor, Dr. Mike Jeffs, ran this international
organisation from 2002 with great commitment and
ISOPA represents the interests of around 23,500
companies in the European polyurethane industry,
with more than 800,000 employees. Besides a few
globally active companies, 80 percent are smaller or
medium-sized firms.
Along with ELASTOGRAN, the association’s members
include, Bayer MaterialScience, Huntsman, Dow, Lyondell/Basell, Repsol, Borsodchem and Shell Chemicals.
ISOPA’s primary task is communication of themes as
important as safety in the transport of isocyanates,
PU recycling and – of very topical interest – the impact
of the new REACH legislation.
The new general secretary Wolfram Frank is
particularly committed to issues such as sustainability,
climate protection and energy efficiency. He is also
keen to give the public a broader sense of the
benefits of polyurethane in all areas of daily life.
Elastogran PUR 7
16:45 Uhr
Seite 8
or others that extend to the mast and thus give the
whole sail its ideal shape. The latter are mainly used
for windsurfers, catamarans and regatta boats, and help
enlarge smaller sail surfaces to give greater propulsion,
and greater speed.
The right trim is the difference between a pensioner’s
outing and a dash into the blue
Pensioner outing
or speed racing?
Anyone who has ever winged their way over the water with
perfectly trimmed sails knows why sail battens are the be-all
and end-all of speed
8 Elastogran PUR
Whether windsurfer, laser, skiff, racer or fat yacht
with saloon – a well-trimmed sail makes all the
difference. It all comes down to the fact that the white
and yellow canvases are wind-driven engines, whose
surfaces give propulsion and thus more or less speed,
depending on direction and wind strength. The sail
battens are an important part of these wind engines,
ensuring better trim (state) of the sail, and thus better
use of the available wind.
Sail battens are essentially sticks made of wood or
plastic. These are inserted into special pockets in the sail
to optimise its shape and to increase its size. This means
less fluttering, greater comfort and more speed. Sails come
in all types, shapes and sizes and so do battens. For
instance, short ones that stabilise the leach (rear sail part)
Just haul in the sail and it’s full speed ahead. This
is why, nowadays, sail battens are high-tech products for
which the best is only just good enough. For instance,
Fiberfoam battens with a foam core made of the PU
system Elastolit® D. And manufacturing them is a piece
of cake. Two glass-fibre elements are placed in an open
moulding press, and the fluid polyurethane system is
injected into the space between them. After a short curing
time, you have a superlight, rigid structural foam, which
gives every sail an optimum profile. It’s of little concern
if you like your sailing on the sedate side. But for wind,
wave and speed enthusiasts, it’s a small addition that
means big fun. www.fiberfoam.net
Sail battens – Facts
Elastolit® D – rigid integral foam
sail battens with a foam core of PU
elastic, good bending strength, superlight, increased
stability and better trim of the sail
Elastogran PUR 9
16:45 Uhr
Seite 8
or others that extend to the mast and thus give the
whole sail its ideal shape. The latter are mainly used
for windsurfers, catamarans and regatta boats, and help
enlarge smaller sail surfaces to give greater propulsion,
and greater speed.
The right trim is the difference between a pensioner’s
outing and a dash into the blue
Pensioner outing
or speed racing?
Anyone who has ever winged their way over the water with
perfectly trimmed sails knows why sail battens are the be-all
and end-all of speed
8 Elastogran PUR
Whether windsurfer, laser, skiff, racer or fat yacht
with saloon – a well-trimmed sail makes all the
difference. It all comes down to the fact that the white
and yellow canvases are wind-driven engines, whose
surfaces give propulsion and thus more or less speed,
depending on direction and wind strength. The sail
battens are an important part of these wind engines,
ensuring better trim (state) of the sail, and thus better
use of the available wind.
Sail battens are essentially sticks made of wood or
plastic. These are inserted into special pockets in the sail
to optimise its shape and to increase its size. This means
less fluttering, greater comfort and more speed. Sails come
in all types, shapes and sizes and so do battens. For
instance, short ones that stabilise the leach (rear sail part)
Just haul in the sail and it’s full speed ahead. This
is why, nowadays, sail battens are high-tech products for
which the best is only just good enough. For instance,
Fiberfoam battens with a foam core made of the PU
system Elastolit® D. And manufacturing them is a piece
of cake. Two glass-fibre elements are placed in an open
moulding press, and the fluid polyurethane system is
injected into the space between them. After a short curing
time, you have a superlight, rigid structural foam, which
gives every sail an optimum profile. It’s of little concern
if you like your sailing on the sedate side. But for wind,
wave and speed enthusiasts, it’s a small addition that
means big fun. www.fiberfoam.net
Sail battens – Facts
Elastolit® D – rigid integral foam
sail battens with a foam core of PU
elastic, good bending strength, superlight, increased
stability and better trim of the sail
Elastogran PUR 9
Hans-Peter Steinacher
16:45 Uhr
Seite 10
These two are
When Roman Hagara and Hans-Peter Steinacher
appear in their Tornado, competitors usually get a
good soaking
and a real feeling for wind and waves. You can compare it
with motor racing.
How many competitions do you take part in each year on
average, and how do you keep fit?
HPS: We are out sailing for around 200 days a year. In
between, we train in a whole range of different ways, and try
to keep our weight at a constant level.
With your teammate you have been European and world
champion and Olympic gold medallist. What’s the key to
your success?
HPS: We were the first team in which two former
helmsmen sailed together on a boat. I was well able to
project myself into Roman’s role, and more easily give
him the information he needed.
What are the biggest challenges once you’ve got to
the very top?
HPS: There are many challenges in sailing racing. A
major one, certainly, is to keep testing new materials and
then make use of the results. This means we never get
Is there a regatta that you feel particularly drawn to?
HPS: Yes, of course: the Olympic games every four
Tornados in figures: length: 6.10 m, breadth: 3.05 m, mast height: 9.80 m,
sail surface area: 23.8 m 2 (foresail and mainsail), speed: up to 60 km/h
How important are the materials in sailing sports?
HPS: A good sailor only wins with good materials.
I’d say 50 percent materials and 50 percent skill. Like I
said: as in motor racing.
Besides your sporting career, you have developed your
own company.
HPS: I’m a partner with Barbara Porkert and Scott
Anderson. Our firm Fiberfoam is small, perfectly formed
and very successful, since our product is unique.
The next big goal is no doubt the Olympics in China.
How are preparations for this going, and how do you
rate your chances of victory?
HPS: Our chances of being in the first three are very
good. From 18 May, we’ll be in China uninterruptedly,
training on the Olympic sailing course. The competition
itself starts on 16.8. and ends on 23.8. After that we’ll
know more.
Have you ever been “shipwrecked” in your career?
What are your future sporting plans after the Olympics?
HPS: We never go sailing without an accompanying
motorboat. And we keep our boat as light as possible. Of
course this means that materials break repeatedly.
HPS: My next plans are focused on the America’s Cup.
We’ll see how things develop there.
Hanging far out: Hans-Peter Steinacher and Roman Hagara
Two Olympic gold medals, world champions once,
vice-champions twice, European champions four times
and countless other titles – the Tornado duo, helmsman
Roman Hagara and his crewman Hans-Peter Steinacher,
have made a fairly clean sweep of the prizes on offer to
national and international yachtsmen. PUR caught up
with them and, unusually, found Hans-Peter Steinacher
on dry land.
Mr. Steinacher, how long have you been involved in
sailing sports?
HPS: I started in 1989 in the Tornado, with
Harald Vettermann as helmsman. Since 1997, I’ve
crewed with Roman Hagara.
What’s the most important quality to be really good
and, of course, to win?
HPS: You need highly developed technical insights
Hans-Peter Steinacher
16:45 Uhr
Seite 10
These two are
When Roman Hagara and Hans-Peter Steinacher
appear in their Tornado, competitors usually get a
good soaking
and a real feeling for wind and waves. You can compare it
with motor racing.
How many competitions do you take part in each year on
average, and how do you keep fit?
HPS: We are out sailing for around 200 days a year. In
between, we train in a whole range of different ways, and try
to keep our weight at a constant level.
With your teammate you have been European and world
champion and Olympic gold medallist. What’s the key to
your success?
HPS: We were the first team in which two former
helmsmen sailed together on a boat. I was well able to
project myself into Roman’s role, and more easily give
him the information he needed.
What are the biggest challenges once you’ve got to
the very top?
HPS: There are many challenges in sailing racing. A
major one, certainly, is to keep testing new materials and
then make use of the results. This means we never get
Is there a regatta that you feel particularly drawn to?
HPS: Yes, of course: the Olympic games every four
Tornados in figures: length: 6.10 m, breadth: 3.05 m, mast height: 9.80 m,
sail surface area: 23.8 m 2 (foresail and mainsail), speed: up to 60 km/h
How important are the materials in sailing sports?
HPS: A good sailor only wins with good materials.
I’d say 50 percent materials and 50 percent skill. Like I
said: as in motor racing.
Besides your sporting career, you have developed your
own company.
HPS: I’m a partner with Barbara Porkert and Scott
Anderson. Our firm Fiberfoam is small, perfectly formed
and very successful, since our product is unique.
The next big goal is no doubt the Olympics in China.
How are preparations for this going, and how do you
rate your chances of victory?
HPS: Our chances of being in the first three are very
good. From 18 May, we’ll be in China uninterruptedly,
training on the Olympic sailing course. The competition
itself starts on 16.8. and ends on 23.8. After that we’ll
know more.
Have you ever been “shipwrecked” in your career?
What are your future sporting plans after the Olympics?
HPS: We never go sailing without an accompanying
motorboat. And we keep our boat as light as possible. Of
course this means that materials break repeatedly.
HPS: My next plans are focused on the America’s Cup.
We’ll see how things develop there.
Hanging far out: Hans-Peter Steinacher and Roman Hagara
Two Olympic gold medals, world champions once,
vice-champions twice, European champions four times
and countless other titles – the Tornado duo, helmsman
Roman Hagara and his crewman Hans-Peter Steinacher,
have made a fairly clean sweep of the prizes on offer to
national and international yachtsmen. PUR caught up
with them and, unusually, found Hans-Peter Steinacher
on dry land.
Mr. Steinacher, how long have you been involved in
sailing sports?
HPS: I started in 1989 in the Tornado, with
Harald Vettermann as helmsman. Since 1997, I’ve
crewed with Roman Hagara.
What’s the most important quality to be really good
and, of course, to win?
HPS: You need highly developed technical insights
16:45 Uhr
Seite 12
Hang loose
No other sport is so closely associated with a positive, free and
easy attitude to life as windsurfing
Whether the worldwide boom started with the first
“sailboard” from Newman Darby in 1964, or the first
“windsurfer” from John Drake in 1967, or whether it
was due to ingenious marketing by Holye Schweitzer –
none of these pioneers could have predicted how much
sport, fun and adventure are possible with a board, a
sail, and a reasonable wind.
It all started with the idea of sparing surfers the
need to paddle against the waves, and to use the wind
instead. Then a breathtaking succession of new developments followed, bringing improvements to sailboards,
masts, booms, sails, and a great many small technical
details. Today’s superlight high-tech windsurf boards are
light years ahead of their partly wooden, heavy-footed
predecessors. So it’s hardly surprising that the whole
sailing technique has also developed from upright bobbing
and rolling to gripping speed, jump and manoeuvre
A major reason for this is that the metre-long boards
have transformed into short, lightning-quick racers. And
the most modern synthetics have found their way into
masts, mastfeet, booms, fins and sails. For a long time
now, there’s been no problem about carrying your board
plus rig – even if it’s a long way to the beach – and even
if the tide happens to be far out.
Speedjibe, duckjibe, loop or bottom turn – there’s
nothing that ace windsurfers can’t conjure from
With this newfound lightness and speed came
more contests, cups and events along with increased
performance that turned everything on its head. Speeds
on superfast “speedneedles” close to 100 km/h, metrehigh leaps over metre-high breakers, manoeuvres so fast
they make viewers break out in a sweat to think about it.
Classic windsurfing is in fierce competition with kitesurfing
and other new varieties of watersport. But anyone who
really gets the bug is gripped by a new dimension to life
which can only be described by: hang loose!
16:45 Uhr
Seite 12
Hang loose
No other sport is so closely associated with a positive, free and
easy attitude to life as windsurfing
Whether the worldwide boom started with the first
“sailboard” from Newman Darby in 1964, or the first
“windsurfer” from John Drake in 1967, or whether it
was due to ingenious marketing by Holye Schweitzer –
none of these pioneers could have predicted how much
sport, fun and adventure are possible with a board, a
sail, and a reasonable wind.
It all started with the idea of sparing surfers the
need to paddle against the waves, and to use the wind
instead. Then a breathtaking succession of new developments followed, bringing improvements to sailboards,
masts, booms, sails, and a great many small technical
details. Today’s superlight high-tech windsurf boards are
light years ahead of their partly wooden, heavy-footed
predecessors. So it’s hardly surprising that the whole
sailing technique has also developed from upright bobbing
and rolling to gripping speed, jump and manoeuvre
A major reason for this is that the metre-long boards
have transformed into short, lightning-quick racers. And
the most modern synthetics have found their way into
masts, mastfeet, booms, fins and sails. For a long time
now, there’s been no problem about carrying your board
plus rig – even if it’s a long way to the beach – and even
if the tide happens to be far out.
Speedjibe, duckjibe, loop or bottom turn – there’s
nothing that ace windsurfers can’t conjure from
With this newfound lightness and speed came
more contests, cups and events along with increased
performance that turned everything on its head. Speeds
on superfast “speedneedles” close to 100 km/h, metrehigh leaps over metre-high breakers, manoeuvres so fast
they make viewers break out in a sweat to think about it.
Classic windsurfing is in fierce competition with kitesurfing
and other new varieties of watersport. But anyone who
really gets the bug is gripped by a new dimension to life
which can only be described by: hang loose!
16:46 Uhr
Seite 14
Tough stuff for
tough jobs
With the hot-mould elastomer Elasturan HP ELASTOGRAN has succeeded in making
a material that doesn’t buckle – even under heavy loads
Elasturan® HP is versatile, flexible, and, in contrast to
other industry “hard stuffs”, needs no licence. It comes
into its own when used for heavy-load rollers, industry
track rollers, gaskets and insulation elements. Or in
other heavy-use moulded parts such as conveyor belt
production, electronic engineering, logistics, warehouse
storage, agriculture, road building or snow clearing. In
fact, anywhere where reliability and durability are vital.
The hot-mould elastomer Elasturan HP is the logical
further development of a whole series of successful
“dual-component polyurethane high-performance systems”
from ELASTOGRAN. The new PU system is an extremely
efficient material for manufacturing specialised parts in
especially high-load areas of industry. Elasturan HP offers
not just an incredible versatility of application, but also
guarantees the best dynamic resilience, highest mechanical
stability, outstandingly low friction levels, low distortion
and excellent flexibility. In other words, the properties
which, under all circumstances, guarantee a high degree
of efficiency and reliability.
ground surfaces and “round-the-clock” use are the norm.
In these and many other areas, Elasturan HP proves that
it’s tough enough for even the toughest job.
Elasturan HP – Facts
Elasturan® HP – hot-mould elastomer
wheels, rollers, high-load moulded parts on snow
ploughs, agricultural equipment, forklift trucks,
conveyor belts
high dynamic resilience, top mechanical stability,
low friction levels, extremely low deformation, high
When the going gets tough, Elasturan HP gets all sorts
of businesses rolling
This material comes up trumps, for instance, in
industrial conveyor-belt production, where even the
shortest interruption or hold-up can become a financial and
logistical headache. Thanks to its robustness, durability
and form stability, Elasturan HP is unbeatable in the
manufacture of specialised parts. It’s also ideal for roadbuilding and snow-clearing, where toughness and absolute
weather-resistance is vital. And in the agriculture, logistics
and transport industries, where high tonnage, rough
Elastogran PUR 15
16:46 Uhr
Seite 14
Tough stuff for
tough jobs
With the hot-mould elastomer Elasturan HP ELASTOGRAN has succeeded in making
a material that doesn’t buckle – even under heavy loads
Elasturan® HP is versatile, flexible, and, in contrast to
other industry “hard stuffs”, needs no licence. It comes
into its own when used for heavy-load rollers, industry
track rollers, gaskets and insulation elements. Or in
other heavy-use moulded parts such as conveyor belt
production, electronic engineering, logistics, warehouse
storage, agriculture, road building or snow clearing. In
fact, anywhere where reliability and durability are vital.
The hot-mould elastomer Elasturan HP is the logical
further development of a whole series of successful
“dual-component polyurethane high-performance systems”
from ELASTOGRAN. The new PU system is an extremely
efficient material for manufacturing specialised parts in
especially high-load areas of industry. Elasturan HP offers
not just an incredible versatility of application, but also
guarantees the best dynamic resilience, highest mechanical
stability, outstandingly low friction levels, low distortion
and excellent flexibility. In other words, the properties
which, under all circumstances, guarantee a high degree
of efficiency and reliability.
ground surfaces and “round-the-clock” use are the norm.
In these and many other areas, Elasturan HP proves that
it’s tough enough for even the toughest job.
Elasturan HP – Facts
Elasturan® HP – hot-mould elastomer
wheels, rollers, high-load moulded parts on snow
ploughs, agricultural equipment, forklift trucks,
conveyor belts
high dynamic resilience, top mechanical stability,
low friction levels, extremely low deformation, high
When the going gets tough, Elasturan HP gets all sorts
of businesses rolling
This material comes up trumps, for instance, in
industrial conveyor-belt production, where even the
shortest interruption or hold-up can become a financial and
logistical headache. Thanks to its robustness, durability
and form stability, Elasturan HP is unbeatable in the
manufacture of specialised parts. It’s also ideal for roadbuilding and snow-clearing, where toughness and absolute
weather-resistance is vital. And in the agriculture, logistics
and transport industries, where high tonnage, rough
Elastogran PUR 15
16:46 Uhr
Seite 16
Ornaments, coins, bicycles, windmills – when it
comes to show-jumping hurdles, the organiser’s designs
can be as outlandish as they like. And Beck + Heun
GmbH [plc] of Mengerskirchen in Lower Saxony make
it all possible. These show-jumping course specialists
are responsible for some spectacular hurdles at national
and international jumping events. After all, they can
draw on decades of experience with Elastocoat® C –
a material that effortlessly reproduces any and every
Just place three or four bars above each other –
and leap over! Well, that’s how it used to be. Nowadays,
show-jumping courses and their hurdles are a creative
arena, advertising forum and sporting challenge for
No hurdle for PUR
In the international riding sports arena, the
multi-talented PU captivates the crowds with a
weatherproof per formance
horse and rider all rolled into one. And the opportunities
for being unique are endless. But first, it’s important
to consider – what’s the occasion, the level of difficulty
and who are the sponsors? Once this has been decided,
each programme is sketched out in collaboration with
well-known jumping-course designers and experienced
riders, such as Jessica Kürten and Marcus Ehning.
Following this, the course is constructed, either in wood
or styrofoam, then separate parts are blanked and milled
by CAD procedure and a PU coating is applied.
ELASTOGRAN performs at many national and
international show-jumping competitions
No bounds to the imagination: hurdles with a coating made of Elastocoat C
The spray-coating Elastocoat C seals and protects
each treated, moulded part of the course. It can be
applied in a range of thicknesses, depending on use and
material: It’s thicker and more resilient for multiple use,
and thinner for one-off use such as the world championships or the Olympics. The PU spray-coating process with
Elastocoat C produces, in every case, seamless, waterresistant and guaranteed highly wear-proof decorative
coatings, in only one operation. The result is particularly
robust, smooth, anti-inflammable, lightweight, stable and
weatherproof. Ultimately the aim is to survive every kick
or shudder with as few marks as possible, so it stays in
the same pristine state for the next event.
Hurdles – Facts
Elastocoat® C – spray-coating
coatings for all branches of industry, floor coatings
and Class A surfaces in automobiles
scratch-resistant, wear-proof, heat and weatherproof;
especially smooth surfaces possible
16:46 Uhr
Seite 16
Ornaments, coins, bicycles, windmills – when it
comes to show-jumping hurdles, the organiser’s designs
can be as outlandish as they like. And Beck + Heun
GmbH [plc] of Mengerskirchen in Lower Saxony make
it all possible. These show-jumping course specialists
are responsible for some spectacular hurdles at national
and international jumping events. After all, they can
draw on decades of experience with Elastocoat® C –
a material that effortlessly reproduces any and every
Just place three or four bars above each other –
and leap over! Well, that’s how it used to be. Nowadays,
show-jumping courses and their hurdles are a creative
arena, advertising forum and sporting challenge for
No hurdle for PUR
In the international riding sports arena, the
multi-talented PU captivates the crowds with a
weatherproof per formance
horse and rider all rolled into one. And the opportunities
for being unique are endless. But first, it’s important
to consider – what’s the occasion, the level of difficulty
and who are the sponsors? Once this has been decided,
each programme is sketched out in collaboration with
well-known jumping-course designers and experienced
riders, such as Jessica Kürten and Marcus Ehning.
Following this, the course is constructed, either in wood
or styrofoam, then separate parts are blanked and milled
by CAD procedure and a PU coating is applied.
ELASTOGRAN performs at many national and
international show-jumping competitions
No bounds to the imagination: hurdles with a coating made of Elastocoat C
The spray-coating Elastocoat C seals and protects
each treated, moulded part of the course. It can be
applied in a range of thicknesses, depending on use and
material: It’s thicker and more resilient for multiple use,
and thinner for one-off use such as the world championships or the Olympics. The PU spray-coating process with
Elastocoat C produces, in every case, seamless, waterresistant and guaranteed highly wear-proof decorative
coatings, in only one operation. The result is particularly
robust, smooth, anti-inflammable, lightweight, stable and
weatherproof. Ultimately the aim is to survive every kick
or shudder with as few marks as possible, so it stays in
the same pristine state for the next event.
Hurdles – Facts
Elastocoat® C – spray-coating
coatings for all branches of industry, floor coatings
and Class A surfaces in automobiles
scratch-resistant, wear-proof, heat and weatherproof;
especially smooth surfaces possible
16:46 Uhr
Seite 18
The best
thing before
the shot…
16:46 Uhr
Seite 18
The best
thing before
the shot…
16:46 Uhr
Seite 21
…is the goal
16:46 Uhr
Seite 21
…is the goal
16:47 Uhr
Seite 42
Goalworthy: the new generation of football boots
PU individuality. Whether shape, colour,
chassis or sole – the player decides
If you want to score a goal, you’ll need a football boot with attitude.
Like the new F50 TUNIT from adidas, with the transparent “Allesklar ”
(All Clear) element made of TPU
Doing a bicycle shot at the goal like that looks superb.
But it needs to result in an actual goal, not just a bit of
showmanship. To help professionals and amateurs score
even more often in future, the adidas professionals have
now developed a new generation of football boots, which
really make the running – for instance with a TPU layer
in the sole’s “All Clear” element.
“The ball is round, the game lasts 90 minutes, after the
final whistle is before the next kick-off” or “You’ll need to
get eleven friends together”. These sporting insights – from,
among others, legendary trainer Sepp Herberger – have
in the past helped a team to win the world championship.
Nowadays winning is all about technology, tactics and
20 Elastogran PUR
high-tech right down to the cleats. So it’s understandable
that at ground level football boots and their development
are of immense importance. One of the real greats in this
business is adidas, the sportswear manufacturer from
Herzogenaurach in Germany. For many years, they’ve
concentrated on developing football boots which give their
wearers maximum flexibility, running grip and comfort.
One of their newest products is called F50 TUNIT, and it
embodies the absolute cutting edge of recent developments.
Nothing’s mass-produced: individuality is everything
Thanks to F50 TUNIT, players can have bespoke football boots made to their exact specifications. For example,
the shank can be tailored for colour, weather conditions,
upper material (supple leather or ultralight and air-permeable
ClimaCool®). The chassis can be a choice of a light
standard chassis for perfect stability and optimum cleat
distribution, or an ultralight competition chassis for
maximum forefoot flexibility and optimum air-permeability.
Every F50 TUNIT chassis has a heart of TPU
Alongside the modular system, adidas has incorporated
a transparent TPU element into its chassis, taking the boot
beyond just the aesthetic. For instance, by using TPU, it is
possible to reduce the weight of the boot or to substantially
improve its stability and flexibility through varying grades
of hardness. The heel area, where high stability is needed,
should be particularly strong and stable. Further forward
in the boot, the TPU in the “All Clear” element becomes
ever softer and more flexible. The result is unbeatable
playing and wearing comfort which no other manufacturer
can match.
The best judge of a new football boot is the player
Of course, the measure of a great footballer is their skill
in scoring goals, and clinching points and cups for their
team. However, wearing the right boots can make all the
difference when it comes to dribbles, passes and goals.
And this may point to the fact that it really does matter
what boot you’re wearing when you boot the ball.
F50 TUNIT – football boots – Facts
Elastollan® – thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers
transparent heel element
lightweight, high wearer comfort, adjustable hardness
grade for control of stability and flexibility; aesthetic
Elastogran PUR 23
16:47 Uhr
Seite 42
Goalworthy: the new generation of football boots
PU individuality. Whether shape, colour,
chassis or sole – the player decides
If you want to score a goal, you’ll need a football boot with attitude.
Like the new F50 TUNIT from adidas, with the transparent “Allesklar ”
(All Clear) element made of TPU
Doing a bicycle shot at the goal like that looks superb.
But it needs to result in an actual goal, not just a bit of
showmanship. To help professionals and amateurs score
even more often in future, the adidas professionals have
now developed a new generation of football boots, which
really make the running – for instance with a TPU layer
in the sole’s “All Clear” element.
“The ball is round, the game lasts 90 minutes, after the
final whistle is before the next kick-off” or “You’ll need to
get eleven friends together”. These sporting insights – from,
among others, legendary trainer Sepp Herberger – have
in the past helped a team to win the world championship.
Nowadays winning is all about technology, tactics and
20 Elastogran PUR
high-tech right down to the cleats. So it’s understandable
that at ground level football boots and their development
are of immense importance. One of the real greats in this
business is adidas, the sportswear manufacturer from
Herzogenaurach in Germany. For many years, they’ve
concentrated on developing football boots which give their
wearers maximum flexibility, running grip and comfort.
One of their newest products is called F50 TUNIT, and it
embodies the absolute cutting edge of recent developments.
Nothing’s mass-produced: individuality is everything
Thanks to F50 TUNIT, players can have bespoke football boots made to their exact specifications. For example,
the shank can be tailored for colour, weather conditions,
upper material (supple leather or ultralight and air-permeable
ClimaCool®). The chassis can be a choice of a light
standard chassis for perfect stability and optimum cleat
distribution, or an ultralight competition chassis for
maximum forefoot flexibility and optimum air-permeability.
Every F50 TUNIT chassis has a heart of TPU
Alongside the modular system, adidas has incorporated
a transparent TPU element into its chassis, taking the boot
beyond just the aesthetic. For instance, by using TPU, it is
possible to reduce the weight of the boot or to substantially
improve its stability and flexibility through varying grades
of hardness. The heel area, where high stability is needed,
should be particularly strong and stable. Further forward
in the boot, the TPU in the “All Clear” element becomes
ever softer and more flexible. The result is unbeatable
playing and wearing comfort which no other manufacturer
can match.
The best judge of a new football boot is the player
Of course, the measure of a great footballer is their skill
in scoring goals, and clinching points and cups for their
team. However, wearing the right boots can make all the
difference when it comes to dribbles, passes and goals.
And this may point to the fact that it really does matter
what boot you’re wearing when you boot the ball.
F50 TUNIT – football boots – Facts
Elastollan® – thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers
transparent heel element
lightweight, high wearer comfort, adjustable hardness
grade for control of stability and flexibility; aesthetic
Elastogran PUR 23
16:46 Uhr
Seite 24
Is that
wall clinker,
or could
it be PU?
It looks just like regular wall cladding, but
it’s insulated with polyurethane to retain heat
Energy is a hot topic and rising energy costs are
now the driver for really effective solutions. Energy
expenditure in the home and in industry is going
through the roof. But in many cases, heat is escaping
because walls are in a bad state of repair and don’t
have enough insulation. So what is the solution?
An energy check-up can highlight areas where you
can take action. But in many cases, the best way to cut
costs and help the environment is to focus on wall
cladding or clinker.
Without adequate insulation a great deal of heat escapes
through walls. But here’s the solution: With an internal
layer of Elastopor® H polyurethane in the internal insulation
panels of the cladding (clinker), you can already save up
to 50 percent of your heating costs. Not only that: The
insulation panels are only a few centimetres thick, have
very good insulating properties, and after fitting look just as
good as a regular cladded facade. This is because they’re
made of real clinker – for instance of fired clay in classic
red or white, or, depending on your preference, in a choice
of colours, tones and textures.
clinker facing bricks are placed in a mould with
spacers, then the gaps between them are filled
with silica sand. After this the PU foam is applied,
not just as insulating material but also to give the
necessary stability. You don’t need an additional base
for subsequent fitting, because the elements can
simply be fixed to the existing facade. This means
the technique is suitable chiefly for the renovation
of old buildings and for add-on insulation.
Take clinker facing bricks, silica sand and Elastopor H and
hey presto – you’ve got an energy-saving miracle
It’s just a matter of screwing an angle trim to the
house wall and placing the elements on this. Each
separate part is then fixed to the wall with screws. For
corners or embrasures round windows and doors, there
The process has to be done one step at a time. First the
are special corner elements, which can be mounted just
as easily. Such swift assembly also means that no thermal
bridges are formed, for the panel joints are subsequently
bonded with a single-component PU foam.
After mounting, the facade is grouted by hand. It takes
the minimum of work at a reasonable cost. So homeowners have a way to save energy that soon pays for itself
in cost savings, and at the same time creates a warmer
home and helps the environment.
www.isoklinker.com; www.kess-klinker.de;
www.boegerfassaden.de; www.isosystems.be
Clinker facade – Facts
Elastopor® H – rigid foam systems
under-foaming of facade elements
high insulation, good adhesion to other materials,
economical manufacture, quick mounting
Elastogran PUR 25
16:46 Uhr
Seite 24
Is that
wall clinker,
or could
it be PU?
It looks just like regular wall cladding, but
it’s insulated with polyurethane to retain heat
Energy is a hot topic and rising energy costs are
now the driver for really effective solutions. Energy
expenditure in the home and in industry is going
through the roof. But in many cases, heat is escaping
because walls are in a bad state of repair and don’t
have enough insulation. So what is the solution?
An energy check-up can highlight areas where you
can take action. But in many cases, the best way to cut
costs and help the environment is to focus on wall
cladding or clinker.
Without adequate insulation a great deal of heat escapes
through walls. But here’s the solution: With an internal
layer of Elastopor® H polyurethane in the internal insulation
panels of the cladding (clinker), you can already save up
to 50 percent of your heating costs. Not only that: The
insulation panels are only a few centimetres thick, have
very good insulating properties, and after fitting look just as
good as a regular cladded facade. This is because they’re
made of real clinker – for instance of fired clay in classic
red or white, or, depending on your preference, in a choice
of colours, tones and textures.
clinker facing bricks are placed in a mould with
spacers, then the gaps between them are filled
with silica sand. After this the PU foam is applied,
not just as insulating material but also to give the
necessary stability. You don’t need an additional base
for subsequent fitting, because the elements can
simply be fixed to the existing facade. This means
the technique is suitable chiefly for the renovation
of old buildings and for add-on insulation.
Take clinker facing bricks, silica sand and Elastopor H and
hey presto – you’ve got an energy-saving miracle
It’s just a matter of screwing an angle trim to the
house wall and placing the elements on this. Each
separate part is then fixed to the wall with screws. For
corners or embrasures round windows and doors, there
The process has to be done one step at a time. First the
are special corner elements, which can be mounted just
as easily. Such swift assembly also means that no thermal
bridges are formed, for the panel joints are subsequently
bonded with a single-component PU foam.
After mounting, the facade is grouted by hand. It takes
the minimum of work at a reasonable cost. So homeowners have a way to save energy that soon pays for itself
in cost savings, and at the same time creates a warmer
home and helps the environment.
www.isoklinker.com; www.kess-klinker.de;
www.boegerfassaden.de; www.isosystems.be
Clinker facade – Facts
Elastopor® H – rigid foam systems
under-foaming of facade elements
high insulation, good adhesion to other materials,
economical manufacture, quick mounting
Elastogran PUR 25
16:46 Uhr
Seite 26
Whoever sits on himolla is in seventh heaven. And this
has a good deal to do with Elastoflex W, the foam material
from ELASTOGRAN with heavenly flexibility
26 Elastogran PUR
himolla and comfortable, relaxed seating has a long
tradition. Back in the 19th century, in Taufkirchen,
Bavaria, the company started manufacturing upholstered
furniture. From 1948 onwards, it rose from being a
family business to one of Europe’s leading upholstered
furniture manufacturers – a success story achieved only
with the highest quality standards.
Today, every order is still individually produced.
“Customer wishes have top priority with us,” stresses
Albrecht Wetzel, himolla’s purchasing director. “We make
everything possible and we offer everything, but in a
targeted way,” he says, underlining the company philosophy.
The customer can choose between numerous product
ranges. The total programme offers 250 different basic
models in 800 different fabrics and 150 types of leather.
The one thing all “Made by himolla” upholstered furniture
has in common though, is foam. Here, in accordance
with company tradition, only proven and flexible material
is used – Elastoflex® W, the PU foam from Elastogran.
In the European furniture market, if you don’t offer top
quality you go under
The business relationship between the two companies
is as solid as the products. And himolla has been an
ELASTOGRAN client for around 35 years now. Director
Karl Sommermeyer is largely responsible for this, and ably
keeps the company on course for success with high quality
standards and a wide range of furniture. “You have to
create discerning products and show continuity,” says
Sommermeyer, “otherwise you’ll go under in the European
furniture market, which is increasingly dominated by cheap
producers.” And, in relation to the marketing strategy, this
furniture professional continues: “We engage in pro-active
marketing of our products, but we don’t have any brand
policy as such, which means we can sell everywhere and
reach a wide public.” In Germany, himolla products are
Elastogran PUR 27
16:46 Uhr
Seite 26
Whoever sits on himolla is in seventh heaven. And this
has a good deal to do with Elastoflex W, the foam material
from ELASTOGRAN with heavenly flexibility
26 Elastogran PUR
himolla and comfortable, relaxed seating has a long
tradition. Back in the 19th century, in Taufkirchen,
Bavaria, the company started manufacturing upholstered
furniture. From 1948 onwards, it rose from being a
family business to one of Europe’s leading upholstered
furniture manufacturers – a success story achieved only
with the highest quality standards.
Today, every order is still individually produced.
“Customer wishes have top priority with us,” stresses
Albrecht Wetzel, himolla’s purchasing director. “We make
everything possible and we offer everything, but in a
targeted way,” he says, underlining the company philosophy.
The customer can choose between numerous product
ranges. The total programme offers 250 different basic
models in 800 different fabrics and 150 types of leather.
The one thing all “Made by himolla” upholstered furniture
has in common though, is foam. Here, in accordance
with company tradition, only proven and flexible material
is used – Elastoflex® W, the PU foam from Elastogran.
In the European furniture market, if you don’t offer top
quality you go under
The business relationship between the two companies
is as solid as the products. And himolla has been an
ELASTOGRAN client for around 35 years now. Director
Karl Sommermeyer is largely responsible for this, and ably
keeps the company on course for success with high quality
standards and a wide range of furniture. “You have to
create discerning products and show continuity,” says
Sommermeyer, “otherwise you’ll go under in the European
furniture market, which is increasingly dominated by cheap
producers.” And, in relation to the marketing strategy, this
furniture professional continues: “We engage in pro-active
marketing of our products, but we don’t have any brand
policy as such, which means we can sell everywhere and
reach a wide public.” In Germany, himolla products are
Elastogran PUR 27
16:47 Uhr
Seite 28
Young and trendy, timeless elegance, or classic design –
whatever your style you’ll always stretch out comfortably
on himolla
Polyurethane foam is used in all upholstery systems
right across the range – from the younger, more modern
collection to the top end of the range, which is marketed
under the “Taufkirchen Workshops” label. “We offer a full
range of products,” explains Albrecht Wetzel, the company’s
purchasing director. “We supply everything, from funky,
extendable sofa beds through to the highest-class leather
sofa. Individual furniture ranges are tailored to specific
purchaser groups.” Modern, trendy and convertible
furniture pieces for young people in their first flat, a
premium collection with timeless and elegant design, or
the Maximilian range, with its classic, high-class lifestyle
The common feature of all these ranges is the great
versatility and convertibility of each upholstered furniture
piece. The customer can individually design and combine
them. For instance, an armchair can convert into a TV
corner with an integrated desk and footrest. And in a
few quick moves, a chic sofa turns into a comfortable
bed. Whether you want a swivel-mounted bed frame,
an electrically operated recamiere sofa or a sofa with
integrated massage function – it’s no problem for himolla!
Their motto, as expert furniture manufacturers, is to design
furniture that really improves quality of life and so is both
aesthetically pleasing and of practical benefit.
available in around 2,000 furniture stores. New markets
are opening up across the globe, especially in Europe and
in Asia, where there is increasing interest in “Made in Germany” products. The 30-percent export figures prove this
The sofa is usually the best – and most comfortable –
place to be
As the average consumer spends 111 minutes each
day sitting on the sofa, comfort is key. Comfort in sitting
or reclining depends on where the sofa is situated and
customer age. Which is why himolla offers upholstered
furniture in three different grades of hardness. It’s good,
therefore, that ELASTOGRAN’s PU foam can be adjusted to
accommodate any degree of hardness. But that is by no
28 Elastogran PUR
means its only advantage. The upholstered parts are
manufactured in closed moulds. “This makes for better
imaging of the different upholstery geometries,” explains
the foam production director Hansjörg von Wantoch, a
real professional who has kept a keen eye on upholstery
quality for more than 25 years. Elastoflex W is outstanding
for producing goods of high quality. And a client such as
himolla needs to be able to rely on this. PU soft foam
assures long-lasting, high-comfort seating. Different moulds
can be made depending on need – without much trimming
or costly after-processing.
3,600 moulded parts per day, 100 new designs per year
– this only works with partners as flexible as himolla
A wide design scope with diversity of shape and range
of seating hardness – whether for upholstery, backrests,
armrests or other moulded parts – has become a worldrenowned feature of the Taufkirchen company brand. Given
that 3,600 moulded parts must be produced daily, the
company has to be able to reply on its partners. “We need
especially flexible production procedures,” stresses von
Wantoch, “as we have around 1,000 different moulded
parts currently in use.”
An average 100 new designs are added every year.
ELASTOGRAN has introduced a new system streamlined to
himolla’s needs, to coincide with the next collection. This
is very advantageous for himolla, and is the result of
good collaboration between the Development, Application
Technology and Production departments. Production is
completed in response to each order that comes in, and
is tailored to customers’ requirements.
It’s amazing how much is hidden away in these
armchairs. Sometimes even a little masseur.
The range also includes special-function furniture –
from a convertible TV armchair to the relaxation chair with
all kinds of integrated functions, for wellness and relaxation
at home. himolla supplies Europe’s biggest range of easy
chairs: the Cumulus range, for instance, offers ergonomic
seating comfort combined with timeless design.
Relaxation is built into all these armchairs from the
comfort range, right through to the high-tech massage
range. And as soon as a customer has made their choice,
their new customised sofa will arrive in just 10 days.
It has to be said, himolla sofas and armchairs are so
incredibly comfortable, they’re bound to push up the
average 111 minutes a day spent on the sofa.
Elastogran PUR 29
16:47 Uhr
Seite 28
Young and trendy, timeless elegance, or classic design –
whatever your style you’ll always stretch out comfortably
on himolla
Polyurethane foam is used in all upholstery systems
right across the range – from the younger, more modern
collection to the top end of the range, which is marketed
under the “Taufkirchen Workshops” label. “We offer a full
range of products,” explains Albrecht Wetzel, the company’s
purchasing director. “We supply everything, from funky,
extendable sofa beds through to the highest-class leather
sofa. Individual furniture ranges are tailored to specific
purchaser groups.” Modern, trendy and convertible
furniture pieces for young people in their first flat, a
premium collection with timeless and elegant design, or
the Maximilian range, with its classic, high-class lifestyle
The common feature of all these ranges is the great
versatility and convertibility of each upholstered furniture
piece. The customer can individually design and combine
them. For instance, an armchair can convert into a TV
corner with an integrated desk and footrest. And in a
few quick moves, a chic sofa turns into a comfortable
bed. Whether you want a swivel-mounted bed frame,
an electrically operated recamiere sofa or a sofa with
integrated massage function – it’s no problem for himolla!
Their motto, as expert furniture manufacturers, is to design
furniture that really improves quality of life and so is both
aesthetically pleasing and of practical benefit.
available in around 2,000 furniture stores. New markets
are opening up across the globe, especially in Europe and
in Asia, where there is increasing interest in “Made in Germany” products. The 30-percent export figures prove this
The sofa is usually the best – and most comfortable –
place to be
As the average consumer spends 111 minutes each
day sitting on the sofa, comfort is key. Comfort in sitting
or reclining depends on where the sofa is situated and
customer age. Which is why himolla offers upholstered
furniture in three different grades of hardness. It’s good,
therefore, that ELASTOGRAN’s PU foam can be adjusted to
accommodate any degree of hardness. But that is by no
28 Elastogran PUR
means its only advantage. The upholstered parts are
manufactured in closed moulds. “This makes for better
imaging of the different upholstery geometries,” explains
the foam production director Hansjörg von Wantoch, a
real professional who has kept a keen eye on upholstery
quality for more than 25 years. Elastoflex W is outstanding
for producing goods of high quality. And a client such as
himolla needs to be able to rely on this. PU soft foam
assures long-lasting, high-comfort seating. Different moulds
can be made depending on need – without much trimming
or costly after-processing.
3,600 moulded parts per day, 100 new designs per year
– this only works with partners as flexible as himolla
A wide design scope with diversity of shape and range
of seating hardness – whether for upholstery, backrests,
armrests or other moulded parts – has become a worldrenowned feature of the Taufkirchen company brand. Given
that 3,600 moulded parts must be produced daily, the
company has to be able to reply on its partners. “We need
especially flexible production procedures,” stresses von
Wantoch, “as we have around 1,000 different moulded
parts currently in use.”
An average 100 new designs are added every year.
ELASTOGRAN has introduced a new system streamlined to
himolla’s needs, to coincide with the next collection. This
is very advantageous for himolla, and is the result of
good collaboration between the Development, Application
Technology and Production departments. Production is
completed in response to each order that comes in, and
is tailored to customers’ requirements.
It’s amazing how much is hidden away in these
armchairs. Sometimes even a little masseur.
The range also includes special-function furniture –
from a convertible TV armchair to the relaxation chair with
all kinds of integrated functions, for wellness and relaxation
at home. himolla supplies Europe’s biggest range of easy
chairs: the Cumulus range, for instance, offers ergonomic
seating comfort combined with timeless design.
Relaxation is built into all these armchairs from the
comfort range, right through to the high-tech massage
range. And as soon as a customer has made their choice,
their new customised sofa will arrive in just 10 days.
It has to be said, himolla sofas and armchairs are so
incredibly comfortable, they’re bound to push up the
average 111 minutes a day spent on the sofa.
Elastogran PUR 29
16:47 Uhr
Seite 30
Our business
With an ultramodern electronic order
processing system, EL ASTOGRAN can deliver
smooth business transactions worldwide
30 Elastogran PUR
Good customer relations result from being able to
deliver first-class products and service based on problemfree collaboration down to the tiniest detail. Also
important for customer loyalty is a perfect informationsharing system, for example in order processing. This
needs to be transparent, swift, reliable and devoid of
laborious bureaucracy. Ultimately, the ideal is paper-free
For example, how can punctual delivery be guaranteed
to a major client who orders different PU systems and raw
materials from ELASTOGRAN from quite different sites? How
can availability of goods and overview of processing status
be ensured? How can changes, short-notice follow-up
orders or cancellations be acted on swiftly and unbureaucratically? How transparent is the system and how
can one check where errors lie if there is a snag? We need
ingenious, modern solutions, which lead to quick, smooth
order management. This works best without paper, and is
better for the environment.
Whether via World Account or ELEMICA – at
ELASTOGRAN e-business every client gets information
quickly as a flash
For ELASTOGRAN clients, there are two ways of benefiting
from e-business. Via the World Account, clients can
activate their orders with fewer than 100 transactions a
year. All information relating to the current status of order
processing can be downloaded online from the World
Account, and further download information is also available
For major clients with over 100 transactions a year, an
option has existed since 2006 to order through the ELEMICA provider. For example, the system has been successfully used for almost two years now with the major client
Henkel. All order processing occurs electronically between
Henkel and ELEMICA. This means that Henkel inputs an
order into its system, which is automatically passed to
ELASTOGRAN. There it is processed and passed to the
nearest relevant sites. Any changes and confirmations are
subsequently sent back to Henkel. And when the goods
leave the site, a message is automatically generated and
sent to Henkel.
The advantages of e-business for producers and clients
are evident:
■ Swifter communication on both sides
■ Less laborious and costly order processing
■ Better overview and follow-up of orders
■ Internal processes optimised and made transparent
■ Considerable time savings
Two clicks – and you can find out more:
www.worldaccount.elastogran.com; www.elemica.com
Elastogran PUR 31
16:47 Uhr
Seite 30
Our business
With an ultramodern electronic order
processing system, EL ASTOGRAN can deliver
smooth business transactions worldwide
30 Elastogran PUR
Good customer relations result from being able to
deliver first-class products and service based on problemfree collaboration down to the tiniest detail. Also
important for customer loyalty is a perfect informationsharing system, for example in order processing. This
needs to be transparent, swift, reliable and devoid of
laborious bureaucracy. Ultimately, the ideal is paper-free
For example, how can punctual delivery be guaranteed
to a major client who orders different PU systems and raw
materials from ELASTOGRAN from quite different sites? How
can availability of goods and overview of processing status
be ensured? How can changes, short-notice follow-up
orders or cancellations be acted on swiftly and unbureaucratically? How transparent is the system and how
can one check where errors lie if there is a snag? We need
ingenious, modern solutions, which lead to quick, smooth
order management. This works best without paper, and is
better for the environment.
Whether via World Account or ELEMICA – at
ELASTOGRAN e-business every client gets information
quickly as a flash
For ELASTOGRAN clients, there are two ways of benefiting
from e-business. Via the World Account, clients can
activate their orders with fewer than 100 transactions a
year. All information relating to the current status of order
processing can be downloaded online from the World
Account, and further download information is also available
For major clients with over 100 transactions a year, an
option has existed since 2006 to order through the ELEMICA provider. For example, the system has been successfully used for almost two years now with the major client
Henkel. All order processing occurs electronically between
Henkel and ELEMICA. This means that Henkel inputs an
order into its system, which is automatically passed to
ELASTOGRAN. There it is processed and passed to the
nearest relevant sites. Any changes and confirmations are
subsequently sent back to Henkel. And when the goods
leave the site, a message is automatically generated and
sent to Henkel.
The advantages of e-business for producers and clients
are evident:
■ Swifter communication on both sides
■ Less laborious and costly order processing
■ Better overview and follow-up of orders
■ Internal processes optimised and made transparent
■ Considerable time savings
Two clicks – and you can find out more:
www.worldaccount.elastogran.com; www.elemica.com
Elastogran PUR 31
16:47 Uhr
Seite 32
Automotive Solutions. Performance Passion Success
One of the eye-catchers in the new MAN TGS and
TGX driving cabs are indisputably the high-gleam radiator
screens with a strengthening layer of Elastoflex® E. It
not only makes them look brilliant, but also improves
their protection against stone chipping, increases their
rigidity and gives a perfect surface to the much-stressed
exterior mounting on the chunky trucks from Munich.
How do you give a supermodern truck this kind of
radiator facelift? The answer is by collaborating with the
client. We worked closely with PARAT AUTOMOTIVE,
Neureichenau, Germany, to find the best materials and
the most suitable manufacturing technology to create this
level of detail. To achieve this high level of finish, we had
to consider three possible options: high-gloss injection
moulding, a high-gloss SMC solution, or LFI laminate
technology using the PU system Elastoflex E from
ELASTOGRAN. The injection moulding solution was rejected
for technical reasons. For one thing, there is almost no
curvature on the component, and for another, the sheer
dimension would have caused considerable difficulties,
since on a black gloss component in particular, every tiny
error can be seen – even the slightest surface corrugations
due to heat tensions. There were also problems with the
SMC solution: For example, stone chipping that penetrates
to the substrate would always be visible in the form of
white dots due to the filler material.
If two paths lead nowhere, why not take a third?
Cool radiators
for hot trucks
Visually striking and technically innovative: The radiator screens on
the new MAN TGS and TGX gleam with style and Elastoflex E
32 Elastogran PUR
The third option proved the most effective: LFI – or
Long Fibre Injection – is a laminate-compound technology
using the PU foam system Elastoflex E, and is a
technique that has proven its worth millionfold in automobile construction. For example, in engine bonnets for
utility vehicles, truck roof modules or instrument panel
frames – in fact for any components that need to be both
light and very rigid. So, in producing the MAN radiator
screens, there were advantages over and beyond the
other systems: cost-effective manufacture on the one
hand, and imaging of almost flat component geometry
on the other, as well as high surface rigidity in contrast
to conventional ABS grills. Plus improved stone chipping
protection and, not least, excellent heat expansion reaction
in relation to adjoining components. All in all, a few very
hot plus points for a really cool radiator.
Radiator screen in LFI laminate technology – Facts
Elastoflex® E – LFI process combined with a
PC/ABS-PMMA laminate
glass-fibre reinforced external parts for automobiles
and utility vehicles
high stability and heat-related dimensional stability,
excellent stone chip resistance, low wall thickness
possible, short ex-mould time, cost-effective manufacture
Elastogran PUR 33
16:47 Uhr
Seite 32
Automotive Solutions. Performance Passion Success
One of the eye-catchers in the new MAN TGS and
TGX driving cabs are indisputably the high-gleam radiator
screens with a strengthening layer of Elastoflex® E. It
not only makes them look brilliant, but also improves
their protection against stone chipping, increases their
rigidity and gives a perfect surface to the much-stressed
exterior mounting on the chunky trucks from Munich.
How do you give a supermodern truck this kind of
radiator facelift? The answer is by collaborating with the
client. We worked closely with PARAT AUTOMOTIVE,
Neureichenau, Germany, to find the best materials and
the most suitable manufacturing technology to create this
level of detail. To achieve this high level of finish, we had
to consider three possible options: high-gloss injection
moulding, a high-gloss SMC solution, or LFI laminate
technology using the PU system Elastoflex E from
ELASTOGRAN. The injection moulding solution was rejected
for technical reasons. For one thing, there is almost no
curvature on the component, and for another, the sheer
dimension would have caused considerable difficulties,
since on a black gloss component in particular, every tiny
error can be seen – even the slightest surface corrugations
due to heat tensions. There were also problems with the
SMC solution: For example, stone chipping that penetrates
to the substrate would always be visible in the form of
white dots due to the filler material.
If two paths lead nowhere, why not take a third?
Cool radiators
for hot trucks
Visually striking and technically innovative: The radiator screens on
the new MAN TGS and TGX gleam with style and Elastoflex E
32 Elastogran PUR
The third option proved the most effective: LFI – or
Long Fibre Injection – is a laminate-compound technology
using the PU foam system Elastoflex E, and is a
technique that has proven its worth millionfold in automobile construction. For example, in engine bonnets for
utility vehicles, truck roof modules or instrument panel
frames – in fact for any components that need to be both
light and very rigid. So, in producing the MAN radiator
screens, there were advantages over and beyond the
other systems: cost-effective manufacture on the one
hand, and imaging of almost flat component geometry
on the other, as well as high surface rigidity in contrast
to conventional ABS grills. Plus improved stone chipping
protection and, not least, excellent heat expansion reaction
in relation to adjoining components. All in all, a few very
hot plus points for a really cool radiator.
Radiator screen in LFI laminate technology – Facts
Elastoflex® E – LFI process combined with a
PC/ABS-PMMA laminate
glass-fibre reinforced external parts for automobiles
and utility vehicles
high stability and heat-related dimensional stability,
excellent stone chip resistance, low wall thickness
possible, short ex-mould time, cost-effective manufacture
Elastogran PUR 33
16:47 Uhr
Seite 34
It’s like being at a concert with many separate
instruments playing in perfect harmony
This is why ELASTOGRAN has developed a whole range
of advanced systems. Features such as weight-reducing
“lightweight body concepts” made of Elastoflex® W, insulate
against engine or external noise, and protect against cold,
heat or vibrations. These are found in all modern cars, as
floor mats in the interior, covers in the engine compartment
or as infilled cavities in the chassis. Polyurethane foam
ensures stress-free driving, is temperature-stable, and
prevents unpleasant vibrations. Together, all this means
not only that today’s drivers are on the road in highly
comfortable and safe conditions, but that they can also
sit back and enjoy an ultramodern quality of musical
entertainment, which makes many home players seem
Life in
Concer t
If you really want to enjoy sound on four wheels you’ll find the
ingenious PU acoustics solutions are like being there live
Today’s cars are more advanced than ever. Along
with ABS, ESP, airbags and hundreds of other little
electronic gadgets, car-interior acoustics and sound
insulation standards have also developed to a level
which, just a few years ago, was found only in concert
halls. From the Stones to Tchaikovsky – music geeks
can now enjoy amazing acoustics as a high-tech extra
of the new driving culture.
The interior roofliner is an important part of in-car
comfort. This usually has a multi-layered construction
with two main parts for polyurethane: Its core contains a
thermo-moulded polyurethane foam, and on either side,
34 Elastogran PUR
there is a glass-fibre reinforced polyurethane adhesive
layer for connecting surface and rear-side coating. The aim
is to achieve high rigidity, good malleability and effective
sound absorption. This, in turn, gives the additional acoustic quality in the car interior. Because of its large surface
area, a modern roofliner can greatly reduce airborne sound
across the whole frequency range. But to do so, it needs to
be as open-pored and air-permeable as possible. In this
way, airborne sound can properly penetrate the roofliner
and reduce the friction within the polyurethane foam cellwebs. And this – when you really put music players
through their paces – is what gives a sound experience
second to none.
Without good acoustics the sound’s no good.
Roofliner, engine cover and footwell
insulating mat made of Elastoflex W
Acoustics systems – Facts
Elastoflex® W – soft foam systems
acoustic insulation
increased comfort in car interiors, insulation against
sound, vibration and structure-borne noise, good
Elastogran PUR 35
16:47 Uhr
Seite 34
It’s like being at a concert with many separate
instruments playing in perfect harmony
This is why ELASTOGRAN has developed a whole range
of advanced systems. Features such as weight-reducing
“lightweight body concepts” made of Elastoflex® W, insulate
against engine or external noise, and protect against cold,
heat or vibrations. These are found in all modern cars, as
floor mats in the interior, covers in the engine compartment
or as infilled cavities in the chassis. Polyurethane foam
ensures stress-free driving, is temperature-stable, and
prevents unpleasant vibrations. Together, all this means
not only that today’s drivers are on the road in highly
comfortable and safe conditions, but that they can also
sit back and enjoy an ultramodern quality of musical
entertainment, which makes many home players seem
Life in
Concer t
If you really want to enjoy sound on four wheels you’ll find the
ingenious PU acoustics solutions are like being there live
Today’s cars are more advanced than ever. Along
with ABS, ESP, airbags and hundreds of other little
electronic gadgets, car-interior acoustics and sound
insulation standards have also developed to a level
which, just a few years ago, was found only in concert
halls. From the Stones to Tchaikovsky – music geeks
can now enjoy amazing acoustics as a high-tech extra
of the new driving culture.
The interior roofliner is an important part of in-car
comfort. This usually has a multi-layered construction
with two main parts for polyurethane: Its core contains a
thermo-moulded polyurethane foam, and on either side,
34 Elastogran PUR
there is a glass-fibre reinforced polyurethane adhesive
layer for connecting surface and rear-side coating. The aim
is to achieve high rigidity, good malleability and effective
sound absorption. This, in turn, gives the additional acoustic quality in the car interior. Because of its large surface
area, a modern roofliner can greatly reduce airborne sound
across the whole frequency range. But to do so, it needs to
be as open-pored and air-permeable as possible. In this
way, airborne sound can properly penetrate the roofliner
and reduce the friction within the polyurethane foam cellwebs. And this – when you really put music players
through their paces – is what gives a sound experience
second to none.
Without good acoustics the sound’s no good.
Roofliner, engine cover and footwell
insulating mat made of Elastoflex W
Acoustics systems – Facts
Elastoflex® W – soft foam systems
acoustic insulation
increased comfort in car interiors, insulation against
sound, vibration and structure-borne noise, good
Elastogran PUR 35
16:47 Uhr
Seite 36
How would you feel with 2 x 3,000 watts blasting at
Nowadays, live in concert is live in the car. Modern
amplifiers produce quite incredible sounds, and the
subwoofers are highly resilient. In other words, record
decibels for anyone who hasn’t yet completely lost their
hearing, and still has a bit of space left for just one last
acoustical gadget.
There are no bounds to either the imagination or the
costs. From a safety angle, everything’s fine as long
as the passengers have their headphones on and the
driver keeps their hands on the wheel, eyes on the
road and ears open for signals that don’t blast from the
But one thing that investors in such equipment
should definitely get hold of is an alarm facility with at
least 2 x 1,000 watts of sound. This will boom out a
dire warning if some other technophile tries to grab his
own entertainment system free of charge.
Pi m p m y s o u n d
Car radio is so yesterday. From the MP3 player through to the flat
screen – today ’s car sound systems are pure enter tainment
In-car sound and vision entertainment has come
on in leaps and bounds in recent years. Although
traditional car radios are still around, there’s a growing
trend for more power, more possibilities, more entertainment – and equipment most people don’t even
have at home.
For real sound freaks, ordinary dashboard radios are
positively Stone Age. Much in demand is audio-visual
equipment, which can easily overtake the price of a
mid-range car. But despite the cost, a growing number
of music and video lovers are bending over backwards
to get hold of such equipment, even if it means
plundering their bank accounts. In fact, there’s no end
to futuristic disco and entertainment-centre add-ons
on four wheels.
These include: tuners, woofers, MP3 and DVD
players, USB-stick connections with up to 1,000 tracks,
games consoles or phone and navigation equipment –
all using speech-recognition software. To make room for
all this high-tech gear, the car boot has to be cleared
out, and car interiors are packed with cables, speakers,
and fitted shelves. These futuristic entertainment
systems often leave even first-class airlines struggling
to keep up.
16:47 Uhr
Seite 36
How would you feel with 2 x 3,000 watts blasting at
Nowadays, live in concert is live in the car. Modern
amplifiers produce quite incredible sounds, and the
subwoofers are highly resilient. In other words, record
decibels for anyone who hasn’t yet completely lost their
hearing, and still has a bit of space left for just one last
acoustical gadget.
There are no bounds to either the imagination or the
costs. From a safety angle, everything’s fine as long
as the passengers have their headphones on and the
driver keeps their hands on the wheel, eyes on the
road and ears open for signals that don’t blast from the
But one thing that investors in such equipment
should definitely get hold of is an alarm facility with at
least 2 x 1,000 watts of sound. This will boom out a
dire warning if some other technophile tries to grab his
own entertainment system free of charge.
Pi m p m y s o u n d
Car radio is so yesterday. From the MP3 player through to the flat
screen – today ’s car sound systems are pure enter tainment
In-car sound and vision entertainment has come
on in leaps and bounds in recent years. Although
traditional car radios are still around, there’s a growing
trend for more power, more possibilities, more entertainment – and equipment most people don’t even
have at home.
For real sound freaks, ordinary dashboard radios are
positively Stone Age. Much in demand is audio-visual
equipment, which can easily overtake the price of a
mid-range car. But despite the cost, a growing number
of music and video lovers are bending over backwards
to get hold of such equipment, even if it means
plundering their bank accounts. In fact, there’s no end
to futuristic disco and entertainment-centre add-ons
on four wheels.
These include: tuners, woofers, MP3 and DVD
players, USB-stick connections with up to 1,000 tracks,
games consoles or phone and navigation equipment –
all using speech-recognition software. To make room for
all this high-tech gear, the car boot has to be cleared
out, and car interiors are packed with cables, speakers,
and fitted shelves. These futuristic entertainment
systems often leave even first-class airlines struggling
to keep up.
16:47 Uhr
Seite 38
Elastogran PUR, Edition 1/2008, No. 14
Elastogran GmbH
Elastogranstraße 60
49448 Lemförde
Editorial staff:
Dr. Sylvia Kaufmann
+49 5443 12- 2238
Christof Jelich
+49 5443 12- 2319
Concept and Design:
Alder Koenig, Hamburg, +49 40 286698-23
Photos : adidas AG, Alder Koenig, BASF SE, beck+heun GmbH,
Corbis, Elastogran GmbH, Getty Images, himolla Polstermöbel GmbH,
Image Source AG, ISOKLINKER Produktions GmbH, MAN AG, Picture
Press Bild- und Textagentur GmbH, www.hagara-steinacher.at
Litho graphy: medien.repro Bockermann, Bünde
Printing: Vogler Druck, Halle
We thank our customers and partners for their support.
® = registered trademark of Elastogran GmbH
The X-Flex- factor
EL ASTOGRAN makes shor t work of long production sequences when
manufacturing dual-component injection-moulded par ts
Elastollan ® is always one step ahead. X-Flex is
a cross-linked TPU for synthetic compound components,
which in future aim to replace complex and costly
metal-rubber elements. It is used in automobile
production, plus mechanical and plant engineering.
Traditional rubber-metal compounds play an important
part in many areas of technology, primarily for insulating
mechanical vibrations and oscillation in machine housings
and chassis. Nowadays though, they no longer meet the
increased need for efficiency, positive ecological attributes
38 Elastogran PUR
and economic viability. With new Elastollan X-Flex, manufacture of even complex injection-moulded parts is now a
good deal quicker, simpler and more cost-effective. In
combination with a polyamide such as Ultramid CR from
BASF, dual-component injection moulding is now able to
produce astonishingly light, elastic moulded parts in a
single production step. The cross-linked polyurethane
ensures elastic-rubber properties, and the glass-fibre
reinforced thermoplast (Ultramid) provides stability and
ensures high dynamic resilience. And all of this in a production time of just one minute.
Only one step is the secret and a one-minute production
time the result
The new type of Elastollan X-Flex also has a very
unusual combination of properties. Improved pressure
deformation and vibration reaction makes the cross-linked
TPU suitable for mechanical engineering and in automobiles. Without the addition of plasticisers, the material
achieves a low hardness measurement of 60 Shore A.
In long-term use, the material copes with temperatures
of up to 120 °C. The cross-linking of the material also has
another benefit: its improved resistance to chemicals.
This opens up whole new applications for which classic
rubber materials are simply out of the question.
Elastollan X-Flex is not just one step ahead, but a
whole leap forward. That’s because it has the following
Very good insulation of oscillation and vibrations
Extremely short, simple and precise production sequences
Can be used at continuous temperatures of up to 120 °C
Oil-, fat- and ozone-resistant, and absolutely odour-neutral
First-class adhesion to technical plastics
Elastic-rubber properties and high reset capacity
Constant high quality and durability
Wide scope for colour and shape of product design
In future, if you can’t afford to wait around for lengthy production processes, look to Elastollan X-Flex to speed things up.
Elastogran PUR 39
16:47 Uhr
Seite 38
Elastogran PUR, Edition 1/2008, No. 14
Elastogran GmbH
Elastogranstraße 60
49448 Lemförde
Editorial staff:
Dr. Sylvia Kaufmann
+49 5443 12- 2238
Christof Jelich
+49 5443 12- 2319
Concept and Design:
Alder Koenig, Hamburg, +49 40 286698-23
Photos : adidas AG, Alder Koenig, BASF SE, beck+heun GmbH,
Corbis, Elastogran GmbH, Getty Images, himolla Polstermöbel GmbH,
Image Source AG, ISOKLINKER Produktions GmbH, MAN AG, Picture
Press Bild- und Textagentur GmbH, www.hagara-steinacher.at
Litho graphy: medien.repro Bockermann, Bünde
Printing: Vogler Druck, Halle
We thank our customers and partners for their support.
® = registered trademark of Elastogran GmbH
The X-Flex- factor
EL ASTOGRAN makes shor t work of long production sequences when
manufacturing dual-component injection-moulded par ts
Elastollan ® is always one step ahead. X-Flex is
a cross-linked TPU for synthetic compound components,
which in future aim to replace complex and costly
metal-rubber elements. It is used in automobile
production, plus mechanical and plant engineering.
Traditional rubber-metal compounds play an important
part in many areas of technology, primarily for insulating
mechanical vibrations and oscillation in machine housings
and chassis. Nowadays though, they no longer meet the
increased need for efficiency, positive ecological attributes
38 Elastogran PUR
and economic viability. With new Elastollan X-Flex, manufacture of even complex injection-moulded parts is now a
good deal quicker, simpler and more cost-effective. In
combination with a polyamide such as Ultramid CR from
BASF, dual-component injection moulding is now able to
produce astonishingly light, elastic moulded parts in a
single production step. The cross-linked polyurethane
ensures elastic-rubber properties, and the glass-fibre
reinforced thermoplast (Ultramid) provides stability and
ensures high dynamic resilience. And all of this in a production time of just one minute.
Only one step is the secret and a one-minute production
time the result
The new type of Elastollan X-Flex also has a very
unusual combination of properties. Improved pressure
deformation and vibration reaction makes the cross-linked
TPU suitable for mechanical engineering and in automobiles. Without the addition of plasticisers, the material
achieves a low hardness measurement of 60 Shore A.
In long-term use, the material copes with temperatures
of up to 120 °C. The cross-linking of the material also has
another benefit: its improved resistance to chemicals.
This opens up whole new applications for which classic
rubber materials are simply out of the question.
Elastollan X-Flex is not just one step ahead, but a
whole leap forward. That’s because it has the following
Very good insulation of oscillation and vibrations
Extremely short, simple and precise production sequences
Can be used at continuous temperatures of up to 120 °C
Oil-, fat- and ozone-resistant, and absolutely odour-neutral
First-class adhesion to technical plastics
Elastic-rubber properties and high reset capacity
Constant high quality and durability
Wide scope for colour and shape of product design
In future, if you can’t afford to wait around for lengthy production processes, look to Elastollan X-Flex to speed things up.
Elastogran PUR 39
16:47 Uhr
Seite 40
Often a good idea is
all that lies between
catastrophe and safety.
C u s t o m e r M a g a z i n e . E d i t i o n 1 / 2 0 0 8 . N o . 14
K/M 283-05-08
Hard against the wind
Sail battens with an Elastolit ® D core
Elastocoast ® opens up a whole new dimension
in coastal protection.
Ob Reparatur, Bau, Instandhaltung – das
SPS-Sandwich (Stahl-Polyur ethan-Stahl) hat sich
im Schif fs- und Ingenieurbau glänzend bewähr t.
The polyurethane system from Elastogran for fusing bank
protection construction in coastal areas holds its ground
against the strongest waves.
The new technology uses an extremely low proportion
of adhesive, thus giving Elastocoast a highly open-pored
structure. The result is less build-up of wave pressure and
thus reduced potential for damage.
Elastocoast over stops land going under.
More information from: Dr Marcus Leberfinger, tel.: +49 5443 1242 10,
e-mail: marcus.leberfinger@elastogran.de, www.elastogran.com
In seventh heaven
Living comfor t on PU foam
Extr e m s t a b i l , l a n g l e b i g u n d k o r r o s i o n s r e s i s t e n t
Gewichtserspar nis bei gleicher Tragfähigkeit bis zu 7 0 %
Kür z e s t e B a u - u n d R e p a r a t u r z e i t e n
Keine zeitintensiven V erkehrsumleitungen
Die wir t s c h a f t l i c h e L ö s u n g – s c h n e l l u n d s i c h e r
Hotly desired
Automobile acoustics solutions
– für
die Brücken ®
der W
Elastogran PUR 41