Factsheet What`s Hot in Dorm Lighting
Factsheet What`s Hot in Dorm Lighting
Energy Efficiency FACTSHEET What’s Hot in Dorm Lighting? Whether you are retrofitting an incandescent fixture or purchasing a new compact fluorescent torchiere, you should be concerned with lumen output, color quality and power quality. Torchiere operator: A factsheet for facility operators Many students supplement the general lighting in their dormitory rooms with halogen torchieres. Since the mid-1980s, 40 million of these fixtures have been sold. Estimates of student-owned, halogen torchieres in the nation’s dorms range from 600,000 to 1 million. These fixtures are attractive, portable, dimmable, and inexpensive to purchase. They provide high quality, bright light, without the glare of standard ceiling mounted fixtures. And, they are often marketed as energy efficient. But many schools banned halogen lamps, and some give students incentives to choose alternatives. Why? The halogen torchieres cause three major problems: • Fire danger • Energy costs • Environmental costs Fire Danger The number one reason for banning halogen torchieres is fire danger. The Consumer Product Safety Commission documented at least 270 fires (some in dormitory rooms), 114 injuries, and 19 deaths related to halogen torchieres since 1992. Halogen lamps are hot. The lamps operate at 750˚F -1100˚F or higher, much higher than combustion temperatures of common household materials (350˚F-500˚F). In addition to accidental contact with items such as bedding and draperies, some fires have started from unintended uses of the heat produced by these lamps, such as drying clothes or even cooking. Exposure to high heat over time can reduce the combustion temperature of wall and ceiling components, allowing them to ignite at much lower temperatures than would be previously possible. The design of the torchiere fixture contributes to the danger of using halogen lamps. The upturned, bowl-shaped reflector easily catches objects and funnels them toward the lamp. The torchieres are also top-heavy and tip easily. A halogen lamp is a small, pressurized, gas-filled, quartz tube that can be easily damaged in handling. If contaminated by skin oils in handling, a lamp may prematurely fail, sometimes even explode. Tensor Corporation participated in a voluntary recall of their Chinese-made 500 watt lamps in December 1996 (U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Release #97-38), after becoming aware of 281 bulb-shattering incidents where molten quartz traveled many feet from the fixture, causing injuries and fires. Lamps most likely to suffer this problem Factsheet What’s Hot in Dorm Lighting Stanford University’s Experiment Concerned about alarming energy use, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory collaborated with Stanford University and lighting manufacturer Emess, Inc. on a program to remove and replace halogen torchieres from some dormitories. In 1997, the university purchased 500 torchiere fixtures that use specially designed compact fluorescent lamps (cfls). The lamps consume only 67 watts, yet produce light output equal to 300-watt halogen lamps. Not only do the cfl lamps consume less than 1/4 of the energy of the halogens that they replaced, their operating temperature is a cool 1000F, that is 9000 less than a 300-watt halogen! Although the fixtures were priced at $140 each, the university offered them free to students willing to trade in their halogen torchieres. According to David Frost, Stanford’s Energy Manager at the time, the university expected the energy savings to recoup their investment. “The estimate of $50/yr/lamp in energy costs with the halogens may even be low-the lamps were used a lot.” He reported that in the year of the trade-out “the university experienced a drop in their utility bill of $150,000, despite the fact that during that year they added a new building housing 250 additional students and experienced a utility rate increase.” Halogen torchiere lamps were subsequently banned from campus and fines imposed on violators. have been the unbranded lamps usually found in the least expensive lamp fixtures, or purchased for replacements. The electrical load of many high wattage lamps may be too much for the wiring of older buildings, causing overheating. The newest halogen fixtures are improved with switches that turn off if tipped over, and built-in protective cages to limit contact between the lamp and foreign objects. However, the lamps continue to burn at the same high temperatures and have high energy consumption. Energy Costs... Efficiency is a Myth Incandescent lamps, of which halogen is one type, are inefficient producers of light they produce about 90 percent heat and 10 percent light. Contrary to advertising claims, research found halogen torchieres to typically be less than 50 percent as efficient as standard incandescent lamps (Calwell, 1997).1 Each halogen lamp typically consumes 300-500 watts each. A single 500-watt halogen lamp uses as much energy as 15 fourfoot T8 fluorescent lamps – enough for 7.5 dorm rooms. One 300-watt halogen uses as much energy as 15-20 typical compact fluorescent lamps (cfl). Calculations of the operating cost of a 300- watt halogen lamp versus a 65-watt cfl model show that the cfl will save $16.92- $24.36 per year in the Pacific Northwest.2 Your electric bills may also include a “demand charge,” and the load of many high wattage lamps will contribute to higher demand charges. Students are isolated from the energy costs and often leave lamps on when they are not needed. One study (Marr and Abernathy, 1996) found halogen lamps operating an average of 39 hours/week, and other estimates place that even higher in dormitory use, consuming 300-500 watts each. This represents a large energy cost, and may comprise as much as 25 percent of the lighting load of the dormitory building. See the sidebar “Stanford University’s Experiment” for an example of one university’s savings from replacing halogen lamps in dormitories. Environmental Costs Replacing halogen lamps with compact fluorescent lamps (cfls) could substantially reduce the mercury and greenhouse gases produced in the generation of electricity from fossil fuels. One estimate calculated that if homeowners replaced one-third of their lighting with cfls, it would half the electricity used for lighting in the United States. In the Pacific Northwest most (but not all) of the electricity is produced from hydropower, not fossil fuels. However, the less electricity we use, the more available for sale to other regions that otherwise rely on fossil or nuclear powered generation. With hydropower, there is also the issue of salmon preservation/restoration to consider. Lamp efficiency is expressed as “efficacy”, which measures the light output in lumens (lm), against the energy consumed, in watts (w). In tests performed by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, the cheapest, unlabeled lamps dramatically under-performed in light output compared to brand name lamps. (Page, Siminovitch,1997) 1 2 Based on electricity cost of $0.050-0.058 kWh Page 2 What’s Hot in Dorm Lighting Solutions To eliminate halogen lamps from their campuses, some schools have taken the path of installing better dormitory lighting that is appealing to the occupants. Contact the EnergyIdeas Clearinghouse at info@energyideas.org for information on lighting upgrades. Large-scale upgrades should be considered in the school’s long-term plans, yet the need for better lighting is now. An alternative may be for the school to provide supplemental lighting that uses compact fluorescent technology. The Environmental Protection Agency’s EnergyStar label appears on a variety of models of compact fluorescent lamp torchieres. Some schools include them as part of the furnishings; some offer rebates or buy down cost of student-purchased lighting. The Energy Star torchiere floor lamp uses 82 percent less electricity than the standard halogen torchiere and operates at much cooler temperatures, eliminating the extreme fire hazard found in halogen units (Energy Star torchieres reach only 100˚F). In addition, Energy Star torchiere floor lamps typically last 10,000 hours, reducing costs associated with disposing of fixtures with burned out halogen lamps. Another solution is to ban the halogen torchiere lamps and suggest the standard incandescent versions, greatly reducing the fire hazard and cutting the energy use (and light output) in half, but this could potentially increase the number of lamps in use in each room. Enforcement associated with campus bans ranged from confiscation of lamps to fines, some quite substantial. One school requires violators to attend safety classes. Are Better Lamps Expensive? With energy consuming appliances, it is typical for the cost of operating the product (over its lifetime) to exceed the purchase price. Using life cycle costs rather than first cost is important when determining the actual cost of a product. Choosing an expensive, but more efficient, product can cost less in the long run. The embedded cost of products (the energy and resources used to produce and distribute them) is another cost not often considered by consumers, but an expense to our environment. Two somewhat hidden costs are also associated with halogen lamps. First, because the lamps can be difficult to change, Factsheet and expensive to replace, owners have been known to simply discard the entire torchiere fixture when the lamp fails, replacing it with a new fixture. This adds to solid waste disposal burdens and requires additional energy and resources to manufacture another fixture. Second, halogen lamps can cause harmonic distortion on the electrical circuits (especially when dimmed), that can damage sensitive equipment such as computers. When halogen lamps are dimmed, their already low efficacy of 9.9-14.4 lm/w plummets to 1.7-3.2 lm/w. The availability of torchiere fixtures using cfls is increasing while the cost is dropping. Some utility programs like the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance’s Residential Lighting program www.nwalliance.org/ projects/projectoverview.asp?PID=38 have bought down the price of cfl lamps and fixtures. EPA’s EnergyStar™ program is promoting energy efficient appliances including, but not limited to lamps, computers, televisions, and VCR’s. www.energystar.gov/ You can also check with your local utility company or the EnergyIdeas Clearinghouse to identify cfl promotional programs. A recent survey of stores in the Puget Sound region found “improved” 300-watt halogen torchieres priced at $59, while 30-55-watt cfl versions ranged from $27-$35. The “improvements” on the halogen fixtures were a wire cage installed over the lamp and an automatic cut-off switch (in case it tips over), but no energy improvements. Of course, more costly versions of each are available. Using the LightSite website’s energy calculation program www.lightsite.net www.lightsite.net, we calculated the payback in operating costs of switching from halogen torchieres to compact fluorescent torchieres3. Based on average energy costs,4 the cfls paid for themselves in as short as 17 months in Montana, and in 20 months in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. How do I Choose a Lamp? Whether you are retrofitting an incandescent fixture or purchasing a new compact fluorescent torchiere, you should be concerned with lumen output, color quality and power quality. Size becomes an issue Calculations are based on a halogen fixture costing $20, with replacement lamps costing $6 (to last as long as the 10,000-hour life of a cfl, five 2,000-hourlife halogen lamps are required). Cost of the cfl torchiere is estimated at $70. 3 Energy costs were averaged at $0.050 kWh in Idaho, Washington and Oregon, and $0.058 in Montana. 4 Page 3 Factsheet What’s Hot in Dorm Lighting with retrofits, although the new sub-compact fluorescents are quite close in size to standard incandescent lamps. Burn position is also a retrofit issue, as lamps intended for only base-down operation may suffer performance and lamp life degradation if used in another position. Other Lumen Output Where Can I Find Out More? All lamps now are labeled with their lumen output. A rough rule of thumb is to buy a compact fluorescent lamp with lumen output similar to the incandescent it is replacing. The wattage will be about 1/4 to 1/3 of an equivalent incandescent lamp. Until you are satisfied with the output, retain all packaging and receipts; some packaging is overly optimistic about output. The receipts and packaging are also good to keep should you need to exercise the warranty. Note the date of installation near, or on, the fixture; this is a good way to measure how long the lamps actually last. Remember that compact fluorescent lamps may take up to ten minutes to reach full brightness. They perform best in applications of long, continuous use, rather than infrequent, short operations. Color Quality The color rendering of fluorescent lamps has long been a complaint of those using them. The new technology made lamps with high color rendering index (CRI) possible. If CRI numbers are provided, look for those in the 1980s or 1990’s for the best color (standard incandescents are rated at 100), or one that says “high CRI.” Lower CRI lamps are on the market, generally for less cost, and can be used for less critical applications like porch lights; while they may be adequate to see by, they may have a bluish or greenish cast. Power Quality The ballasts in fluorescent lamps are actually transformers, and transformers (and motors) on electrical circuits affect power quality. In small numbers, such as a residence, this is generally not a problem, but in large numbers, like in dormitories, there can be a negative impact on power quality (halogen lamps also impact this), which if not remedied may cause problems for computers on the same circuits. Lamps that have “high power factor” can avoid this problem. Lamps with electronic ballasts eliminate a major complaint about standard fluorescent lamps noise and flicker. They also tend to be smaller and lighter than traditional magnetic ballasts, but both are on the market. The EnergyIdeas Clearinghouse is available to help answer specific questions on halogen torchieres or other energy-related questions. (800) 872-3568 or www.energyideas.org/ The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance www.nwalliance.org also sponsors the following programs in the Pacific Northwest: ENERGY STAR™ Residential Lighting, www.north westenergystar.com/index.php?cID=136. This program promotes ENERGY STAR-qualified lighting products to consumers in the Northwest. Products carrying the ENERGY STAR symbol, which use less energy than competing goods, save money on monthly energy bills and help protect the environment. The Lighting Design Lab, http://lightingdesignlab.com/ index.html brings useful lighting resources to commercial customers, like universities. This Lab in Seattle provides assistance to commercial lighting designers seeking the most efficient lighting technologies and strategies. Includes mock-up facility, daylighting lab, product demonstrations, and consultations: The Lighting Research Center at www.lrc.rpi.edu/ offers many useful resources including "Alternatives to Halogen Torchieres," www.lrc.rpi.edu/publicationdetails. asp?id=219. Other Related Links: The Brown University website: www.brown.edu/ Departments/Brown_Is_Green/energy/torchiere/ Halogen Torchieres and Their Alternatives, Ecos Consulting. Of particular interest, the survey of college and university residence halls: www.ecosconsulting.com/resources_torchiere.html Page 4 What’s Hot in Dorm Lighting Factsheet Luminaire: A complete lighting unit, consisting of a lamp or lamps together with the components required to distribute the light, position the lamps, and connect the lamps to a power supply. Lawrence Berkeley Labs is researching safe, energy efficient alternatives to the ubiquitous halogen torchiere: http://eetd.lbl.gov/. The following publications are available: • "Campus Lighting-Energy Efficiency-Safety-Loss Prevention" http://eetd.lbl.gov/ea/mills/EMills/PUBS/ PDF/arkwright.pdf • "New Energy Efficient Torchieres Ready for Hot Torchiere Market" http://eetd.lbl.gov/ea/mills/ EMills/PUBS/HotTorchiere.html References Calwell, Chris and Kurt Teichert. “The Campus Lighting Efficiency Project: The Halogen Torchiere Opportunity,” 1997. Page, Erik and Michael Siminovitch. Photometric Assessment of Energy Efficient Torchieres. Lighting Systems Research Group, Building Technologies Program, Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, June 1997. Marr, Linsey and Dr. Frederick Abernathy. “An Energy Efficient Lamp and Energy Savings at Harvard.” Engineering Sciences 100 Senior Design Project, Harvard-Radcliffe College, April 19, 1996. Glossary CCT: Correlated color temperature. Relates the color appearance of a lamp to that of a reference light source. CRI: Color rendering index. A measurement of the amount of color shift that objects undergo when lighted by a light source as compared with the color of those same objects when seen under a reference light source of comparable color temperature. CRI values generally range from 0 to 100. Luminaire Efficiency: The amount of lumens emitted by a source versus the amount that actually escape the fixture to be useful light, expressed as a percentage. Luminous Efficacy of a source of light: Measurement of the ratio of lumens output per watt of power consumed. Expressed as lumens per watt (lm/w). Power Factor: The ratio of active power (watts) to apparent power (rms volt-amperes). Ranges from 0-1. When power factor is less than 1, it draws non-work producing power from the electrical system. Low power factors require larger electrical supply equipment (circuit conductors, transformers, and switchgear) to carry the additional current. Many utilities charge a penalty for power factors below .8-.9. Above .9, a device is considered to have High power factor. 1 Lamp efficiency is expressed as “efficacy”, which measures the light output in lumens (lm), against the energy consumed, in watts (w). In tests performed by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, the cheapest, unlabeled lamps dramatically under-performed in light output compared to brand name lamps. (Page, Siminovitch, 1997) 2 Based on electricity cost of $0.0500.058 kWh 3 Calculations are based on a halogen fixture costing $20, with replacement lamps costing $6 (to last as long as the 10,000-hour life of a cfl, five 2,000-hour-life halogen lamps are required). Cost of the cfl torchiere is estimated at $70. 4 Energy costs were averaged at $0.050 kWh in Idaho, Washington and Oregon, and $0.058 in Montana. Color Temperature: The absolute temperature of a blackbody radiator having a chromaticity equal to that of the light source (see CCT). Lamp: An electrically energized source of light commonly called a bulb or tube. Lumen: A measure of the amount of light available from a light source equivalent to the light emitted by one candle. Page 5 Factsheet What’s Hot in Dorm Lighting Timeline Mid-80s Halogen torchiere lamp fixtures introduced, expensive at $100+. 1991 Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) starts tracking halogen torchiere fires. 1993 Brown University study confirmed student use of halogen torchiere lamps increased with dissatisfaction of installed lighting. 1994 First cfl prototype built by recent graduates of Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley. 1995 Price of cfl lamps drops below $15, and sales surge. 1995 Hendrix College, Resselaer Polytechnic, and numerous other colleges experience fires due to halogen torchiere lighting. 1995 Harvard and Stanford collaborate with Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Energy Federation, Inc., and lighting manufacturer Emess, Inc., to develop the first compact fluorescent torchiere lamp. May 1996 First on-campus research on torchiere usage and rigorous prototype design done by Leslie Marr and Dr. Frederick Abernathy, Harvard. 1996 Halogen torchiere lamps banned at Brown University. October 1996 First Energy Star torchiere is on the market. January 1997 Consumer Product Safety Commission, having received reports of 100 fires and 10 deaths, urges Underwriters Laboratories (UL) to rewrite testing procedures for halogen torchieres. January 1997 First systematic research on campus-wide torchiere use at Colby College. February 1997 New safety test required by UL, some torchieres feature thermal cut-off switches. April 1997 New England Fire Safety Officers Association issues recommendation that halogen torchieres be banned at all member campuses. April 1997 First forum of public demonstration of Energy Star torchieres at Brown University. May 1997 Stanford purchases 500 compact fluorescent torchieres for “swap out” with students. August 1997 CPSC issues largest recall ever. The recall results in recommendation that free bulb guards be supplied by manufacturers to reduce danger, but CPSC notes that the lamps remain “inherently dangerous.” Fall 1997 Brown University purchases 500 cfl torchiere fixtures for general dorm lighting where no overhead lighting is installed. University distributes fixtures to students through retail outlet on campus. 1997 Rice University purchases 1000 cfl lamps for direct installation in dormitories. 1997 EnergyStar torchieres introduced. January 1998 Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, DC, in collaboration with the Alliance to Save Energy, holds a “swap out” in military housing units. Data loggers are attached to the fixtures to collect data for one year. The EnergyIdeas Clearinghouse provides information on a broad range of energy technologies for customers of Pacific Northwest utilities. The EnergyIdeas Clearinghouse provides a searchable website and has a team of energy specialists ready to respond to technical information requests by phone or email. Funded by the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. Web: www.EnergyIdeas.org Regional Hotlline: 1-800-872-3568 Email: info@energyideas.org © 2002 Washington State University Extension Energy Program. This publication contains material written and produced for public distribution. You may reprint this written material, provided you do not use it to endorse a commercial product. Please reference by title and credit Washington State University Extension Energy Program and the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. WSUEEP02_147 December 2002, Updated October 2004 Page 6